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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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File: capsule_616x353.jpg (99 KB, 616x353)
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Hello, /vm/. I've hosted various game servers (PSOBB, WoW, Minecraft and more...) for the community in the past 20 years I've been here and now I want to start a /vm/ Valheim server.

Some of you might remember the Minecraft server where we had different boards fighting against each other. I want to do something like that but in Valheim. We could have different islands for each board and force PVP on so you can go raid each other.

We could also just do co-op if that sounds better.

I can make custom mods too if we want to do the board-vs-board thing or change something else.

Interested? I just need to set it up, will post info shortly.
if you're gonna host, make sure to do it through steam and disable playfab hosting, it kills performance in the long run and only serves to allow crossplay from people playing on consoles (i.e. literally nobody)

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