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Vintage Story Thread! New thread is early because of the 1.20 update finally dropping.

What kind of town will you make in this version?

OG population is up. Xskills is being added to the OG server again.
OG has a new "vietnam" 2.0 spawn. The main spawn point has shifted to being here and the regular spawn has a tl to it. Most players moved here, so far 3 towns have sprung up in the new world. (See previous thread for pics of the new area). For those sticking to the old world or wanting to do a more hardcore city, Barm and some others have created a TL network to Antarctic and plan to create Hyborea. Take the tl to byz and ask in the thread or game if you wish to join them. No news from the Mazor server however it's still around.

>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Population went up with the new update. You can either go to the untainted land of "vietnam" or join Barm in the quest for/creation of Hyborea/BSE in some extreme cold. The largest town in the new world is set to be a desert one. New ruins are spawned in. You can also purchase mounts from traders.

>Mazor New Server
Server run by a vetted janny. Meant to last a while, is more modded/open to modding than OG.

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags but is dedicated to the mlp board. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post.

Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads. No servers will be added to the thread if they are associated with either.

Last thread >>1561760

Pic is from the vietnam spawntown.
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r

massive lotro ABC file dump
anoth ABC collection and decent info on making ABC files
terraria players don't settle for starbound and neither should you.
Celtic Bronze age bowls
Or Roma imperum
Forgor image
I think in the desert we could do limestone walls with bauxite rings if souf.
That looks like a good starter for people who will follow barm to hyborea
Aw i wanted to make a drawing for the new thread celebrating 1.20 but one of my grand-uncles died so i may take some time :(
post your seraphs so i could possibly add them to the picture celebration
I might have joined in on vietnam 2 but the mazor serber was so sub tropical it kinda put me off easy starts for a while. Anyway i'm not really looking forward to doing the resonance archives again so probably wont embark to the ice wall for a week or two.
make a giant southern plantation in honor of mazor enslaving tyrone
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New content when?
Oct 2025 tentative estimate
Tried connecting to both servers, seems like OG returning this bugged message server version 1.18.3 or older or something, and mazor server didn't updated to 1.20. Eh... no luck for me i guess, but i probably could not play anyway bc pirate client as someone mentioned in previous thread. Singleplayer it is, again...
mazor still salty his kamala vote was a wasted vote
Tyron, I know you read these posts.
Just update the lore.
Rust world.
Update it.
No more retarded-looking villages.
NeoVaginan people or whatever the fuck Tobias' village is called, is retarded.
Just end it.
Nuke it.
Make it vague, make it retarded.
But make it SOMETHING.
Rape, murder, kill. But do somerthing with the lore.
i really like this image, i think i shall take it for myself and review it later
>No more retarded-looking villages.
Fuck you the village looks great.
Fuck you
>Tyron: hurr durr you can't enter because the auth server is offline
nigger I just disconnected for a sec reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
its a shame wigger ruined pirate clients
its also a shame people cant just claimletize or reinforce dey shiet
You can go join barm in the antarctic
>its also a shame people cant just claimletize or reinforce dey shiet
because pirate accounts can spam claim and the alternative is only jannies can claim or janny has to manually allow claims for players.
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but i am barm and i chose the wrong fucking time to relog
Fixed the error
But also I think this is something with tyron's end since his auth server was fucking up my regular login
ya tyrone downed the auth serbs it looks like thats why i am lementing just being able to be a pirate :/
I took auth down so now pirates can join OG since the errors are on tyron's end. Server is in a place far from spawn so they can't really get to spawn. If someone wants to join barm now they'll have to ask. I will disable pirates if it leads to shitters. Also vara try joining again.
>I took auth down so now pirates can join OG
the end of an era
>launch big release
>go to sleep 10 minutes later and don't leave a single skeleton crew
why do devs keep doing this
small indie family pls understand
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nudev shitdevs like tyron do
actually good devs like Wube don't, who specifically release on a Monday so they can fix all the issues as they come
I wonder how riding an elk through virgin lands will be without the Total Bush Death mod, since all the trees have niggerliciously low branches in vanilla

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