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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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The servers will leave maintenance 15 hours from now.
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Do I have to play Lobotomy and Ruina to enjoy this? Can it be played standalone?
You can, but since the story is the selling point of the game, if you played LC and Ruina you will have a better experience. If you're just playing because it's the newest gacha game, then you don't need to worry about playing LC and Ruina.
I got stuck in the final parts of Lobcorp since it's fucking LONG, unforgiving and there's absolutely no way I'll restart endless times for the full clear but was thinking of just powering through it. Is Ruina better or is it going to be an endless and awful grind to clear that too?
Ruina is mostly the same, ProjectMoon is like that. I haven't reached the endgame in Limbus yet so I can't tell if its the same with Limbus.
I'd say that you don't have to do it NOW, you can just jump in into Limbus. The story is mostly standalone and doesn't really spoil LC/LoR. But you'll want to do so eventually, we're bound to hit some callbacks in a few chapters.

Ruina is a bit better in this regard. It still has some tedium thanks to all the deckbuilding, but you won't run into any day 1 reset situations.
Also, while I don't really agree with it (LC is really fun for me), people seem to prefer Ruina's gameplay on average. I've seen 500+ hours accounts of people who love the combat so much that they play custom mods or do challenge runs.
this shit doesnt run on my phone. Is it really bad or did they fuck up the optimization? gonna have to play on emus
Optimization is bad like every gook gacha game.
It's on Steam btw.
The optimisation is shit, though they might fix it a bit this update
Just use Steam
holy shit thanks
i still need to finish LoR, but im gonna create an account now since its a gacha to save up currency
There's a mod called no_grind which makes Ruina far more palatable. You can just catch up with lobcorp on youtube; there's videos which explain the plot in clear terms too. You could do the same wth Ruina but it's overall a better game with a ton of workshop content.
You can start playing Limbus right away - it doesn't really spoil anything from Ruina, at least up till chapter 3. You'll want to finish at least chapter 2 to unlock the dungeon
Also note that if you want to reroll, you'll want to use an emulator or mobile. Steam doesn't allow you to reroll. Don't worry, you can later bind your mobile account to Steam

>Ruina but it's overall a better game
Hard disagree, I love LobCorp to death
dont care much for rerolling, id rather pay up than waste time nowadays. thanks for the heads up though. I also never finished LC, I stopped on the twins suppression since my game crashed on the end day screen after like 7 attempts and that was soul crushing. ended up watching the rest on youtube lol

also is limbus on maint rn? I'm getting a maint message on steam
Yeah, it'll be up in 1 hour
i used my free ticket and the 20 extractions on the welcome banner and got a the same ssr on both
I quickly remembered why I hate gachas
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both of them are really good together
same, got a dupe on both. kill me
it's specifically designed as an onboarding ramp to get more people interested in lobcorp/ruina
you don't need to play them first
is this the first banner? I started playing after maint so I dont know if there was another one before it
It's the first new identity banner, there was a character rateup banner before it for Gregor's IDs. Next up will be a Rodya character banner.
My guest account got delet
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wake me up when its the ish and sinclair banner
Nmv fixed it
Faust and Don doggo ego

Mobile app crashed when I was in the final wave of the baba yaga fight and I just gave up and downloaded the steam version. Really hope PM fixes this shit, there’s no reason for a game that’s barely 2 gigs crashing this often
The new N Corp identities are pretty cool, just got both Mittelhammer Rodya and Großhammer Meursault.
now uptie them and collect other 8
well first I gotta complete the 2nd chapter area, lost 2-7 so doing a little bit of leveling and stuff.
I wonder if Tomerry will eventually show up...
So far there's very little from Lobcorp or Ruina in Limbus. The Director kinda wants to be a 'get in' point. You'll just get some references here and there from the prior games and have a better guess/understanding of some things.
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So N corp Rodion mentions Faust being The One Who Grips, so imagine how amazing she must be at handling people's cocks.
Idk I'm not into CBT but I wouldn't mind N Faust exploding my balls with her pure hands all while she looks down on you or mentions how dumb you are. Bless Project Moon for giving us this
Ligma company
Was it stupid of me to spend 30 rolls on the new banner?
Should I have saved my lunacy?
I got bane and I do not regret it
>t. 300 lunacy left
Cool rateup
You can get the new meursalt through the newcomer summons and 3 star guarantee ticket
N Meur is only amazing if you have Pursuance and the Bleed core IDs. Otherwise it's just fine as a Chains spammer.
do you guys think we'll get new abno battles on the 16th for thread farming or do you think they'll just reuse the ones from story mode?
>Fake Apple
>Ebony Apple
>Doomsday Clock
>Baba Yaga
We already have 7 Abnos, we'll fight these. Even though Baba Yaga is just enemy spam, which sucks.
I hope we get new ones. Mob abnos like YOU WILL BECOME STRONG, Pink Shoes and Baba Yaga would be lame when exp farming is already regular wave combat.
Getting boss versions of some of the EGO abnos like Ardor Blossom could be cool.
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I want to fight this dapper man
I just got to the YOU WILL BECOME STRONG/Pink Shoes boss, what the fuck I just had N Corp Meursault get downed in one attack by it.
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These BP missions seem pretty dumb.
Also I'm sad that I can't see full art EGOs or their cinematics more than once, accidentally clicked on 4th Flame Yi Sang and it got skipped.
Why do you think they are dumb? BP levels past 60 still give rewards.
I dunno, the post rewards aren't exactly the selling point, and to me the point of missions is to do them to progress in the pass not past the pass.
the shards are the main reason why I want to max out the BP, it's guaranteed Egos, identities and threads, from this season and the following one
doing well in this season will make it even easier to get stuff later
>doing well in this season will make it even easier to get stuff later
how so?
half of your egoshards will get converted to S2 egoshards
when they'll release new identities, you'll already be halfway there to get them
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(shounen no abyss final arc spoilers)
>Doomsday Clock
Completely forgot about that guy, i guess you can fight him in MDs? I mostly only got the Clay pots

The lv 3 dungeon bosses always range from "joke" to "nightmare" if it's the fish
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>Bus Jannie
i don't get it
You clean up the bloody messy they can become, therefore, you are a bus jannie.
And you do it for free too!
>reach chapter 3
>hear what's to come (saw mili upload)
>hear kroner say good boy
I'm scared. who should I powerlevel

nice trips, consult chart
G Gregor and W Don
If N Faust doesn't have Gloom or Envy in her skills she's DOA.
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I did the maths, and it turns out that daily refills of Enkephalin are very much worth it if you have the battle pass
If you're at manager level 31 (115 max enkephalin) you can exchange 1292 lunacy for 400 shards of your choice. That's cheaper than a 10-roll, and it GUARANTEES you a 000/EGO of your choice. The only downside is that it requires a metric fuckton of grinding in the mirror dungeon
When is the double daily reset window for today?
I'm hanging on to that fucking ticket then.
How do you exchange lunacy for Shards. Not that I have enough enkephalin for it yet but it’s a good trick to know
You can convert lunacy to enkephalin, and then use that to run mirror dungeons, get pass exp and get shard boxes from going past 60 on the battle pass. It's far more currency efficient than rolling, but at the cost of time efficiency so you'd need to be prepared for an absurd amount of grind. I think something like 30 hours to a 000 or EGO and that's with the pass.
It's simple. You exchange your enkephalin for modules and run mirror dungeons
thanks boe
I can’t connect to the server on PC, it won’t let me pass the title screen
>play mirror dungeon
>get battery pack as first gift
>pick LCCB fishmael
>23 rupture for seven turns after 1 hit
holy shit, fishmael team is this why you chose your girl?
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>turn 7
>R Ish didn't even manage to hit charge 10 even once
It's a bummer. The only charge ID that works is W Don
Raping Charon
Whats the tierlist for this? And why are the rates so fucking bad? I've been trying to reroll for 3 max rarity units and holy shit
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Where does the new girl that's coming tomorrow or whatever land
We don't know yet. We don't know how high her rolls/damage numbers are. Likely at least A- tier, due to her high synergy with the rest of N Corp and multi-coin skills
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If her rolls are good, easy S tier with the premium BP but very team reliant, and I don't mean N Corp.
ill be teaming her with all N corp and then Warp janny Don, since don feeds into faust's blood sac ego
You can do much better than that. Kuro Rodya and Kuro Ryoshu plus N Meur are far better teammates for N Faust than full N Corp.
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im not really doing it for meta reasons outside of Don, i just like the inquisitor aesthetic, if they release Nail Sinclair, ill use him as my fifth
Fair then, as long as it makes you happy :D
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Base skill damage comparison (assuming all heads)
Kuro Ryoshu skill 3: 28
Clerk Faust skill 2: 30
Free Yi Sang skill 3: 30
LCCB Ish skill 2: 30
Kuro Hong Lu skill 3: 30
Clerk Faust skill 3: 32
Liu Meursault skill 3: 33
W Don skill 3: 35
Rodya skill 3: 36
Liu Gregor skill 3: 36
R Heathcliff skill 2: 36
W Don skill 2: 36
LCCB Ish skill 3: 36
Tingtang skill 3: 37
Clerk Faust skill 3 (no damage last turn): 41
Rodya skill 3 (fanatic): 41.4
Seven Ryoshu skill 3: 42
R Heathcliff skill 2 (6+ speed): 49
Tingtang skill 2: 54
R Ish skill 3: 58
R Heathcliff skill 3: 59.6
Kuro Hong Lu skill 2: 60
Tingtang skill 2 (enemy sub-25% HP): 88
W Don skill 3 (10+ charge): 95
R Heathcliff skill 3 (6+ speed): 100
hate don skill, too many times it just does 20 damage
>What if darkest dungeon but gacha?
All gacha scum should off themselves
>posted that at /vmg/ of all places
why be in the gacha board if you hate gacha
>limbus is the darkest dungeon of mobile games
Ligmu balls
I kneel the one who grips
I played the tutorial but I have no idea how to actually play this game
New to the game, what do people mean when they say a character has ammo?
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Some id's have a status called ammo which gets used during some attacks, it replenishes after a fight but if they run out they basically lose a bunch of hits and status application.
how many people think about faust gripping their dick while reading this i cannot be the only one
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You can't prove to me this isn't a shitpost made by someone from here. Especially with the "ironic" anime profile pic with kana username for an english account.
It just mean Dante is sexless clock with no bitches.
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NTA but in some sort ways, yes.
I like MD.
It's a good game but little content at the moment.
This game feels like an early access single player game with the gacha elements tacked on at the last minute by someone who doesn't know how to design one. Which isn't that bad, honestly, as the story is long and well-polished, and we're constantly getting gameplay updates. We're getting an endgame mode soon, too
I feel the same exact way with the tacked on part. Which is pretty good imo, I'd rather have a single player game with gacha elements by someone who didn't know how to optimally grind down the playerbase like adding duplication systems for power than someone who knows exactly what they're doing with this.
Only bad part is the bugs on release and glitches but that's a PM staple
The first 2 weeks were brutal, Thread and XP excavations should've been there from the beginning.

Now the current game is still those and nothing else really, the event is just additional rewards you get while doing the above.

Railway will allievate that and the event will too, I think they'll just keep adding stuff over time and make it more diverse and enjoyable. They need time
So should I not use the rabbit heathcliff guy for story progression stuff? I was told to reroll for him but apparently he can run out of ammo?
He can, but does it matter when everything's dead by the time he runs out? He's the best unit in the game
When it comes to story progression, note one thing - uptying identities with threads is very important. You'll want to use tier 3 identities once you hit chapter 3. Even base LCB sinners at tier 3 are stronger than SSR units at tier 2. And LCB sinners will be automatically uptied to tier 3 when you finish chapter 2
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How do I do that uptying thing? And does teamcomp matter? I've been using the five 000 dudes for my team since I assume higher rarity is better
Hold on the portrait, then look at the top right, there will be a button to uptie
Doing that is very important as it gives identities Passives, as well as upgrading existing abilities
Where do I get the thread required for it though? Does it unlock later? I only started chapter 2 right now
You have to click and hold left mouse button over an identity to see its details. There, you'll get an option to upgrade an identity's tier
>higher rarity is better
Yes, mostly. 00 N Corp Rodya is better than 000 Kurokumo Rodya, for instance. But they also cost more thread to upgrade. On your team, 00 Kurokumo Hong Lu is really good and I recommend upgrading him first

Teamcomp will eventually matter, as you'll want to use specific EGOs, but for now you can just run the highest damage identities
Also, convert your enkephalin (stamina) to modules whenever possible. You use modules for the farming stages, and having your enkephalin sitting at max value is a waste, when it could be regenerating
Melt shards in Dispense (Bad decision) or do MD that should be opened after Ch.2
>On your team, 00 Kurokumo Hong Lu is really good and I recommend upgrading him first
Who does he replace though? Since I can only run 5 people and i've been running the 5 000 guys
You get thread in the battlepass, but you can also get it by going to the Dispense tab in the main menu and go to the THREAD section
There you can craft shards you dont want into more thread
I'd remove R Ish
>R Heathcliff, G Gregor and NEET Faust are all top tier
>BL Yi Sang is solid
>R Ish a very situational unit
I think you unlock thread farm after beating chapter 2. You unlock EXP farm after 2-12, I think
No idea, I've been on the grind since Night 1
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They're gonna break passives now
anyone ever try use speedhack for faster mirror dungeon grind?
are they gonna ban you?
It's been fixed already
>N Rodya is better than Kuro Rodya
Jesus christ.
Team composition is much more important than just using high rarities, as long as the identities are still workable. Try to look for a team that lets you spam strong EGOs often. First target should be Kuro Hong or G Gregor.
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Seven Outis coming soon
Wait does paying for the Battle Pass give you extra shard boxes past 60?
>first Outis 000 ID is fockin bri'ish
Yes. You get 3 boxes per level, instead of just one
>Triple the rewards
Damn, talk about p2w
Yeah, it's p2w, but it's 10 bucks so it's ok unironically
I wonder if there's ever been such a thing as a non-garbage tierlist.
As a guy that really HATE spending money for live service game i agree.
This is a must have EGO lol,stupid effect.
Where did you get that idea?
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>base team comp around getting it to fire
>none of the w-corp ID's are useful for that
>Seven Association
Come on, anon, don't tell me that you didn't played LoR
I did but I don't recall either keypage being written in Manc.
>none of the IDs which all have gloom and envy are useful for an EGO which needs gloom and envy
If you've got suggestions for the tier list, I'm all ears
>get Gregor to -12 SP
>use legerdemain
>no corrosion
fucking hell, I'm purposefully trying to do it and it's still impossible
can't wait for overclocking next week
i think corrosion is force effect for now,if your SP is low and you have the resource it will automatically swap the bottom skill.
outis and hong lu animations
still no liu boss ID
i guess next week
Hopefully its ishmael or ryoshu since they both have pretty powerful burn support egos
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Happy April Fools Day

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I'm rethinking my initial impression that status effects are trivial.
Next week is Hell's Chicken. It comes out after Outis/Hong banner and Telepole Faust.
Is there any possibly to have one account on my pc and on my phone?
You mean having the same account linked on phone and steam? Yeah, it's pretty easy. Just use the Merge method fr the options.
Careful, it's really not as good as you think, because that "26x4" rupture is actually combined between all the different parts of an abnormality, so instead of doing 26 damage 4 times, you might be doing something like 10 damage once, 6 damage once and 5 damage twice or something like that. It's stupid and I don't know why PM thought to add up the status effects like that.

That said rupture is definitely the best status in the MD because it converts 1:1 into damage the easiest, battery is just fucking overpowered no matter what your build is and the thunder branch can cause rupture skills to build up exponentially which is way better than what the other status items tend to give.
I'm pretty sure damage that overkills a body part is still counted on the main health bar
It's not a problem about overkill damage, it's that by combining the total status effect + status effect count it will make you think you do a lot more damage.
Just to use my example:
26 rupture with 4 count gives 104 damage
10 rupture with 1 count, 6 with 1 and 5 with 2 only gives 26 damage.
First month revenue was abysmal which is surpiprising igven how much activity the threads have on /v/ and /vg/
it's fine revenue for an indie, that month of revenue alone keeps the lights on for an entire year for their whole team
PM does not have to answer to any investor, so they're fine as long as the revenue is enough to keep them afloat. If they can consistently maintain even half of this month's revenue, they'll earn enough
And with how cult-ish PM fans are, it might not be that difficult to maintain it, even with a small userbase
>1.5 milly
this is not genshit anon
>hear kromer no longer heals from bleed/burn if I collect Signs
>she still heals on phase 2 even if the passive says she shouldn't
I didn't want to clear chapter 3 yet anyway
>can't even clear 3-22 after the nerf
consider the rope
Ah yes, I also enjoy consooming quirky hell-related media such Hazbin Hotel and Hades (2020).
I thought 1st april bots were turned off yesterday.
You thought wrong.
Helltaker too, I knew I was forgetting a big one.
You do know what work of literature Limbus is based on, right?
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>based on
>"""based on"""
lmao, as if that means anything.
Don't compare renaissance poetry to gacha.
that game was a pretty decent take on hell overall tho, artistically speaking
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Is she a board or stacked? i can't tell
My headcanon is that she has big tiddy genes but in some worlds (like the main one) she grew up so malnourished they never got the chance to manifest.
I will once I understand why she still heals with Signs 3 and why I'm not seeing it. Would also like to know why my guys are getting staggered after they win clashes and without getting NAILED.
I don't think the heal nerf is in the game yet and I think it just weakens the heal not get rid of it, also were yo paying attention to when she uses the glare move
It is because the passive says Signs reduce healing down to 0 with max Signs. Also phase 1, human form Kromer does not heal but starts doing it after changing forms. Also the passive stays as it was for phase 2 with completely same wording so I'm just thinking this is another example of PM coding just like the immortal apple.
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>Would also like to know why my guys are getting staggered after they win clashes and without getting NAILED
have you tried READING
I bet this massive retard brought bleed back when signs didn't neuter kromer's passive
When should I use my guaranteed 000 tickets? I don't need the boost now but if I wait too long the pool will get more and more full of out-of-date ID's.
Wait few more hours.
>used the guranteed 3 000 ticket extraction
>only 000 was tingtang hong lu
I think i should ring up customer support...
You got guaranteed dupe, anon.
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This one, not the single one
No wait, i am stupid, why did i think it was 3 000's?
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Still yet to own grophammer, kromer faust, and seven oats, i do own every damn ego although
I'm pretty sure that Tingtang counts as a season 1 ID
First try
Finally something fun to do in the game
Atleast for a day
>Use guarantee 000 ticket when new outis dropped
>gold sheen
>it's my 3rd Reindeer Ish dupe
fuck me I already have her ego why does she have to be so clingy
So whats the gameplay loop for this like? about to head into work for a graveyard shift and I usually play Gachas for the coomer Jpegs but im kind of intrigued by the dreary bleakness of this style.
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Match up skills to deal damage, skill types have element type and damage type, enemies can be resistant or weak to both kinds but varies
Skills result in clashes, you can redirect bad clashes to more capable characters(Like if janny faust is struggling to someone who is blunt, you can redirect the dice to smack a different person)
clashes make EGO resource, EGO is your skills, noble phantasm or baka, special moves that can clash with normally unclashable moves, said EGO moves can corrode your dudes to make them smack each other
play in story, grind, or marathon mode
being a pmoon title you can expect a ton of bleakness, they aren't like most developers, if there is something disturbing to be pushed, they will do it
if you have shitter luck, don't worry as the base ID's can carry you throughout all chapters
Are any of the EGOs outside of the Battlepass considered season 1?
Guys, how are my odds? I'm on 72 total turns and about to start stage 10, snake arms and wolf inquisition. My resources are all fine apart from pride and gloom 2-3 each.
possible, keep it under 16 turns and you'll make it
How does one make the game run smoother on mobile?
>That said rupture is definitely the best status in the MD because it converts 1:1 into damage the easiest
only if you have multi-hit skills to use it up, since it loses 1 count at end of turn
bleed is more consistent, 1 point of bleed applied is always gonna do 1 damage since it doesn't time out.
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how's my pace?
>Needing to wait for the enemy to attack before getting your damage
>When your goal in the MD is to pummel enemies to death as fast as possible
Saying bleed is more consistent is just plain false. Enemies will generally either be dead or staggered before they even get the chance to bleed.
why would you even care about status effects in md, just pick good clashers and mash winrate and you win easily every time
>Original post was literally talking about MD
>"Why would you care about MD"
Anon you're retarded. Also you do realize there's a lot of value in trying to speed up something that people have been grinding for hundreds of hours right
keep it up anon, you arent slipping so far
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I crave death, Director
I can't go on
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Behold, Refraction Railway Line 1 madness.
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Can never do N corp in 6, even managed to get Bug men down to 6 and Mexicans to 4
Did manage to do robot in 5 though, nuking him during his first grab is actually VERY possible
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Ive actually done Guido in 5 and I'm pretty certain even 4 is possible , but you need carryover for Legerdemain, Rep Emitter and Faust Sac. How did you do KQE in 5? I prefer to do N Faust + W Don Duo and just dodge the grab so no captivation.
R Heath, W don, N faust and I think Kuro Ryoshu?
I'm fairly sure I used only 4 sinners and was banking on Don getting the extra skill slot
Basically, if you get lucky when he does the first grab, on the second turn he gets 4(?) fragile and his stagger is raised WAY up
After that you just nuke him
Wait, prostate desire isn't even that good.
What's the point?
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Retards Are Bitchless Idiots
Did they fix merging?
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The symbols for sinners are interesting
>Yi Sang, as a poet, has pages. With a symbol of broken wing on it, as he wrote a short story called 'Wings'
>Faust has a brown-ish vial, which in Goethe's drama represents a vial of poison used for suicide. And the rose/brain in it is reminiscent of lunacy, which is a symbol of Carmen, potentially indicating that Faust struck a Faustian bargain with her
>Don has a horse (Rocinante) and a star (a lofty, impossible goal). The horse is also the one used in amusement parks, indicating that Don is stuck in one place, going round and round without actually going anywhere. Or, you know, it just represents an amusement park (as in her EGO), where she likely experienced trauma
>Ryoshu has a burning moth (butterfly?) and kanji that says 森 (forest), probably 炎 (flame) and who knows what else, I'm an N5 shitter. In the short story, Ryoshu's daughter was burned in a chariot. No idea what moth/butterfly refers to
>Meursault has chains (he was in prison) and a sun (a recurring theme in the novel, a heat stroke might've caused him to kill a man)
>Hong Lu has clouds (representing his detachment from the Earthly matters) and his eye, which is apparently super special
>Heathcliff has a thunderstorm (he escaped from the Earnshaw estate during one), as well as an engraving which says Catherine Earnshaw <3 HeathCliff
>Ishmael has some naval symbol, as well as some kind of border around it. Seems the most basic
>Rodion has an axe embedded into a heart. Killing the pawnbroker also caused Rodion to have a mental breakdown - in a way, he killed his own heart
>Sinclair's symbol has both an egg (a recurring theme in the novel I don't feel like getting into) as well as Cain's Mark
>Outis has a watch with an inscription that goes something like "You have your family, I have mine" according to an anon at /vst/. The family here could refer to Penelope+Telemakhos, brothers-in-arms, or an organisation (Udjat?). It might indicate Outis' unwillingness to kill, as she realises that her enemies are also human and have their own families, but also her determination to do so, as she has her own family to look after
>There's also the spiky trojan horse, which represents her shrewdness and duplicity, but could also be a reversal on the trojan horse theme - it looks outwardly scary, but could contain something positive (loyalty?) inside
>The watch itself (she's also looking at it in her EGO art) is there because time plays a crucial role in the Odyssey - Odysseus spent 20 years away from home, when he didn't even want to go to war in the first place
>Gregor has a bug-like arm (he turned into a vermin in the novel, plus he has a bug-like arm in the game) and dogtags (exmilitary both in the novel and the game)
yi sang's wing fragments could be sin as pages but they are also mirror shards, tying into the mirror iconography in both his poems and the game itself
Meursault's chains are a bit of a deeper affair than just being in prison - like his ego name, the chains of others, they represent the inescapable expectations the individual is chained by in society. It's a negative representation of human bonds tying into the essentialist philosophy that man should be free but isn't, chained as he is by the past, history and others.
If you're talking about the issue at launch that was fixed within 4 days.
Unless you're talking about the 'problem' of needing to link it to google or that other thing which appears to be by design
Can someone explain the blue 3* ticket you get from railway? Does it have expiration date and why can't I use it? Do I have to use my yellow 3* tickets first?
Season 1 only 000 guaranteed ticket. Only gives you Season 1 000 IDs.
You use it on a different gacha banner. Check with IDs are in there.
I quite like how bleed, rupture and burn all have their own niche they excel in.

Rupture is instant returns, good for MD
Bleed is a decisive winmore against easy but spongy enemies
Burn is there for spongey enemies where you're struggling to win clashes or have to skip turns against them.
The more EGOs you have the easier it is to fit that ID into a different team comp.

I find it funny that her Roseate Desire is literally just Snagharpoon But Horny.
I'm a dumbass, the blue 3* extraction showed up after I restarted the game.
>No idea what moth/butterfly refers to
Moth to a flame? Butterflies are associated with death, too.
>Heathcliff has a thunderstorm
It's not kust a thunderstorm, it's lightning splitting a peak. This one reminds me a lot of the tarot The Tower.
>>Ishmael has some naval symbol, as well as some kind of border around it. Seems the most basic
The symbol is the classic compass drawn to indicate north on a map. The border is her hair braided, judging by the ribbons and colour.
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I made a few posts on /v/ about Hong Lu's book. Thought I'd share them here too, given the transient nature of /v/ threads
I should be finished with the entire novel in a few weeks, and I'll keep detailing how it all potentially relates to Limbus, as well as whether I think it's a good read or not
Content soon bros
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im not sorry!!!!!! (hell's chicken spoilers)
who is forcing my son to cook
Which emulator runs Limbussy currently?
Just verified that yesterday PC update indeed shipped rootkit anticheat(which is not active for some reason yet)
i just realize that 1 team is harem the other is reverse harem
>The motivation for dealing with the chicken distortion is a life time supply of fried chicken
>The party deals with the distortion
>But for some reason there's some sort of mysterious choice between the K corp chicken place and Eubong's, as if the party has to pick a side, even though our job was to just get rid of the distortion
>We don't get the life time supply of chicken because we chose Eubong's, even though there was no decision in the first place

Can someone please explain or is this just shitty writing? Were we supposed to kill him or something?
It's not explained. My reading is that the second they learned the other guy was so afraid of his competition he destroyed his recipe, they assumed that they wouldn't be getting paid by putting him back to work.
Besides, the whole thing was a scam anyway, Samjo never had any intention of paying them
My boi Sinclair is living the shota harem dream with tall onee-san, tanned married woman, redhead tsundere, pale haired silent chick, and a sadist mistress.
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Very true, more EGO on a Sinner makes them more flexible. And even a crap EGO is good for winning clashes. I'm currently trying to save up for Telepole Don.
Also, I wanted to thank any anons from a /v/ thread I started last week that are also on here. I learned quite a bit about how the game works thanks to the help I got beating doggo on the Railway.
>chef Gregor
Is it possible to use a Support Sinner for the chicken dungeons?
No, you cannot. Just tried it right now.
My girl Don is living the dream of getting fucked by Gregor AND Meursault. It's not fair bros.
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I'd enjoy an event where Don becomes an otome game heroine.
>the entire event is presented through Donvision
>we get a very brief perception filter drop moment before returning to the regular chivalrous and not at all chaotic dueling
Just finished Goethe's Faust (Part One)
>60~ year old professor bored with just reading books 24/7
>makes a deal with a demon
>seduces a pious 14 year old girl, Gretchen
>gives Gretchen a vial of deadly poison, tells her it's a sleeping potion that she should use on her mother
>kills Gretchen's brother
>skips town to avoid punishment
>takes part in an orgy with witches
>returns to see Gretchen in prison, awaiting execution for infanticide
>she killed their newborn child, probably out of madness
>Faust never even intended to marry her
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One more important thing - Faust is a tits man:

Faust: [dancing with the young one]
>In a fair dream that I once dreamed,
>An apple-tree appeared to me,
>On it two pretty apples gleamed,
>They beckoned me; I climbed the tree.
The Fair One:
>You've thought such apples very nice
>Since Adam's fall in Paradise.
>I'm happy to report to you,
>My little orchard bears them too.

And Mephistopheles is into hags:

Mephistopheles: [with the old one]
>In a wild dream that once I dreamed
>I saw a cloven tree, it seemed,
>It had a black almighty hole;
>Black as it was, it pleased my soul.
The Old One:
>I welcome to my leafy roof
>The baron with the cloven hoof!
>I hope he's brought a pistol tall
>To plug the mighty hole withal.

And in a different translation:

Mephisto (with the old one):
>A wanton dream once came to me
>In which I saw a cloven tree.
>It had the most tremendous hole;
>Though it was big, it pleased my soul.
The Old One:
>I greet you with profound delight,
>My gentle, cloven-footed knight!
>Provide the proper grafting-twig,
>If you don't mind the hole so big.
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they actually fucking did it
Bizarro Sinclair aka The One Who... Thrusts? Pounds? Fists? Tops?
So the bus is lusting after Outis?
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Its fucking over Yi Sang bros
My crazy fanatic legal loli can't be this cute
>it's really faustgrip with sinclair
it's over for faustfags
they are cucked beyond space and time
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Don is a hag. Alonso Quijada was an old man, and the director won't let this opportunity go
don (old man) used a singularity to turn into a girl (cute)
So tired of N. Corp. Glad the season's ending. The IDs are cool and all, but I'm burnt out on them.
>paleniggers dont reroll
And it's really badly optimized on Steam too lol
It's also weird that some Mirror Worlds get so much attention and others have just one ID to them. You'd think they balanced it more in the beginning.
Was hoping someone like Meursault, Don or Yi Sang would get an identity of the casino security. Those guys had some decent designs.
Yeah. In fairness N Corp/Nagel und Hammer is the most fleshed out of the villainous groups so far as opposed to being some jobbers.
Well? Progress? Might as well post your shit here since /v/ threads die so easily
I want Casino Slave identity for Yi Sang. Each skills has low base damage but lots of +1 coins. Settling gambling debt, 1 Ahn per each swing of his pick.
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I'm procrastinating
You won't be able to get an A on your book report, anon
Well, when you finish, keep us posted here
or /vst/ doesnt much matter
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well we got dante on the /vmg/ divegrass team
/vmg/ has a team?
just started one, its debut is this upcoming cup
I hope not against /vst/
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/vst/ just won the elite cup last time and this is the babby cup, /vmg/ needs to promote before that can happen.
/lcg/ was also just made for VGL
and if you havent seen silent orchestra help carry /vst/ to a win, here you go
why didn't you faggots tell me this game was in korean, i just downloaded 4gb for nothing
cute bwitch, they added her to eos
Whoever did the wiki page for /vmg/, you're cool
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It's in english dude
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dante... aren't you forgetting something, dante...?
EGO: https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1655867473542156295
Corrosion: https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1655872370161377280
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hong lu's not having a good time either.
EGO: https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1655932123197636609
Corrosion: https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1655935383748898819
I'd rather have W Corp ID for Yi Sang. That guy have been neglected hard and next season is all about his story.
Hopefully he does get one. Maybe the fact he's wearing a longcoat means he's working in a higher position in the w corp world
Imagine... Hana Yi Sang.........
I need it
That said I kinda hope they fix EGO Overclock, not being able to choose the clash with them thanks to random targeting sucks giant cock
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Lost Passenger aren't Season 1?
they aren't
Reindeer Ishmael taught me to enjoy soloing. Random targeting doesn't matter so much when it's just outgoing damage.
Gregor Electric Centipede EGO
Gubo's Monsoon EGO
Season 2 guide.

New Chapter 4 teaser.
I just wanted to congratulate /vmg/ for being the only decent Limbus thread.
because nothing happens in /vmg/ thread
>pity system
They really didn't need to.

I'll take it.
>They really didn't need to.
Yeah, having to do 200 extractions to get banner ID isn't needed since we have Dispenser and Egoshard Crates, especially when the banner ID can be exchanged as soon as it's released.
i played like a week of season 1 and got burnt out on dailies, hoping season 2 is better about it .-.
Isn't this game on the lighter side of gacha dailies? You only need to do each excavation mode once, depending on your system it could take less than 5 minutes. Unless you were playing it during the first few weeks of release.

Target Extraction for [000] Rosespanner Workshop Rep. Rodya & [00] Rosespanner Workshop Fixer Meursault
>Rosespanner Workshop
any relation to Yae's Leaflet Workshop? Are they known at all?
They're Limbus original, unless they also use Smoke as a mechanic then the similarity is just the steampunk weapons both Workshops use. My guess is that they're there to deal with the aftermath of rampaging Abnormality. Why the Sinners have to face them as enemy is up to anyone's guess, or because of Don.
You can sweep luxcavations and you only really need to do 3 MD's a week.
Whenever I beat Kromer's boss battle in the story, my pc shuts down and the game doesn't register my win. Then when I restart limbcomp it begins to download new files. What the fuck.
Try to do so on your phone, or an emulator
Finally the pc shutdown after it registered my win and the game started with the chapter's ending. Was it some memory leak?
Check how much memory Limbus consume on regular interval, restart the game if it could burn your system to crisp. Unity is a blight upon mankind and PM haven't learned a thing.
Thank you.
>3 month old thread
Holy kek.
It's so over. EOS soon.
comfy isn't it?
I want to fuck slime Ishmael so bad
But she's fat and slimy.
bloated and sloshing with my cun
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>multiple daily threads on /v/
>apart of the Project moon general on /vg/ too

Its because nobody fucking uses /vmg/ but dedicated gacha tards wheres limbus fags are PM fans first and foremost and as such continue using the other boards its active on.
We're safe here
>Nine (9) days since the last post
almost like all the discussion is happening elsewhere across three different boards and two generals crazy huh
>my pc can smoothly run fallout 4 on max settings with 50 mods
>however it overheats and shuts down only when I play limbus company
project moon, wtf are you doing?
what did you expect from the 2.5+ gb updates every week?
So uh... Fairy Long legs.
>small fairy
>fat fairy
>long fairy
wait a second
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When the fuck are we getting some more Dante's Notes™?
I hate how long MD2 takes goddman
You can tap out after floor 3 to get 80% of the rewards
This is my method. You get no starlight but you don't need the buffs to clear 3 floors easily.
Next time there's a content drought.
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New Don is fucking adorable
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don my beloved
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+2 don chibi count
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Are you ready for the crab mines?
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This aged well.
>138 day old thread
damn it really be like this in /vmg/?
Can someone explain what happened or tell me if it's a literally nothing and I can go back to daydreaming about sinners and ignoring the audience?
You can ignore them anyway.
Cheers king
Every time I open twitter the number of (PM) artists I'm following, as that's all I use it for, decreases
I've lost about 20 in the last 24 hours
Please make it stop. It took like two years to cultivate all these.

An artist got hired by PM, the contract said no politics
the artist went and deleted old political stuff that can be considered extreme in KR and elswhere
some dcinside Koreans found the old 'deleted' stuff and confronted her about it
she responded very publicly and very negatively which is a breach of contract as it impacts the company

Director wasn't home when the feedback occurred and it also coincides with the huge free thread thing from screwing up uptie 4
the false assertion by people looking for attention is that it has anything to do with Ishmael in a wetsuit (lol?) or N Faust stat changes or women character representation who knows what else. The politics of the artist in question have to do with korean feminism which can be pretty off the wall and obviously unbecoming, and westerners are trying to take it and make it about her opinions on some of those issues specifically
Korean giga-incels got mad at the sinclair showing more skin than ishmael, stalked a female artist that had nothing to do with the designs, found some tame pro-feminism tweets and lost their minds and went round to the PM HQ to get her fired.

All around it's embarrassing and I wont be playing it on steam any more for at least a while.
Didn't the manifesto they handed out complain about how Meursault's and Heathcliff's variants looked sexier than Ismael's? even if the artist didn't handle the situation the best saying it didn't have anything to do with that is pretty fallacious.
What's this discord post doing on my 4chan?
> found some tame pro-feminism tweets and lost
Eh megalia stuff is never ever tame. Sugarcoating it by a lot.
Nevertheless she should have kept quiet and hope it died down, she didn’t though and got axed
limboat company
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Monzoooo! You crapass programmer!!!!!! Go to study optimization right nowwwwwww
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New Gregor
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Is Soda Lu any good?
Cuckoldry aside, words cannot describe how much i fucking hate this id, both its content and implication
>haha, dude, le heckin busted recolor of vanila, haha and he's tots goona become that same thing that we already got, so fuarkin kewl, haha
and it followed canto 1.0000000000000000001 too, just what were they thinking?
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dante's really the big one without stepping too much on /lcg/'s toes, one good way to differentiate /vmg/ from the /vg/ dante would be to have a transparent glowing red eye'd vergil png behind Dante, sorta like what Greg had for /aog/
make vmg dante a small sobbing dante with a vergil png looming behind him
event with Molar IDs
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where can I find more of these dons
limbabs, do i miss too much if i start playing right now, or should i fuck off?
fucking off is then.
come back, railway 2 is about to start
>Soda Lu
Not really. If it was cheaper to use, maybe, but it's pretty meh.
sinply by virtue of know that term, you should know enough to make that decision yourself
I just started playing, I had finished LC and LOR quite a while ago.

LOR had a lot of things you could do with, not necessarily viable but it still worked.

I started the second chapter, but I just feel limited. My characters are just leveling up every now and then, but there's very little to no information in the game of what I can or cannot unlock.

I don't understand how I'm supposed to unlock the page's equivalent to use and I don't see the point in spending anything when it's apparently complete RNG what you get, so you may get something good or completely useless.

I think you can craft pages but I've no idea how to get the resources required, so far there was nothing.

Am I basically stuck with what I have? I was excited at the idea of using the Blade Lineage and Rusted Chains, but I can't seem to figure out what/how I'm supposed to get it, where to look etc
popular vote by korean
roachbros, we're slipping...
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Say goodbye to your big sis Outis
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as it is now the start of /v/ the musical i am requesting any anon who knows their way around ai to assist in generating ai voices for both mili and KIHOW for use in this song
>self insert
>big titty
>big titty

koreans are so silly
Rate my shit
Its alright, just tard wrangle Ishmael
the heck do i do for dongbeak in 4-48
tell meursault to win his clashes when the duel comes up
i forgot to do it when i was there too
alternatively use cinq don
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For futurity
May we prove to be sincere
In our Joyfulness
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same anon, i am so fucked once i have to fight her again cause i just bashed my head against her with win rate until a support n sinclair finally rolled good enough to nuke her and outis won during the dueling phase
Are you supposed to pass or fail the Steam Machine event? Some anons were saying a couple threads back that failing it makes the steam machine not get defensive buffs?
This game is terrifying and makes me afraid of going to Hell
so you were fine going to hell before? heathen
you already live there with us
howre you anons feeling about the event?
the free lunacy event? pretty generous of them help me with my stash
Walpurgis? It's a banner. I'm more interested in the new cutscenes.
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Is this guy the one who wants to disturb PM?
how the fuck is this thread still alive
All my doing.
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Here's your Farmwatch Outis, bro
We have had multiple banners in one release, but that's a standard ID and all the other candidates are Season 2 ID's, so probably not.
Started doing RR2 just now. I'm on cycle two and I just spent half an hour resetting the time warp encounter for decent skills when it dawned on me that I've gotten the exact same skill set and speed rolls every time. I tried both retrying the stage and giving up and going back in. I even changed my lineup and everyone always got the same skills and speed rolls.
Did PM actually remove resetting the game for a different skill roll or am I just doing it wrong?
how are you feeling about tonight, lads?
new don id so im pretty good
I hope whoever Ishmael is mad at turns out to be as epic as Kromer, Dongrang was cringe.
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Dongrang was literally me.
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>Undistorts after realizing distorting was gay and manifests EGO
GODrang was BASED and you know it.
How the fuck do I beat the big brother
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Beat the shit out of him until he dies (actual way is to just have higher speed so that you dome him with unopposed attacks, his stagger gets raised further so use smexmael mind whip)
Make sure you dont overdamage his 2nd stagger so you can have free stagger after
PEAKY canto
It’s over for Limbus…
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It's just as epic as Kromer.
why is the mobile version so shit?
Small indie company, please understand.
>Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
God fucking dammit it's almost a year since the first ID reveal
it used to be so much worse

i think it still crashes for some people when they use E.G.Os so maybe it's only improved for phones that aren't completely shit
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>Almost a year since release, and this thread is still up
Holy based
ah yes... before we still knew how dead the game was going to be..ded game.
What did you guys think of Ahab?
Technically off topic, but the vg and vst threads seem to have died. Anyone got an update for Starlight Reverie? The mod's discord is invite only, and a year ago it already looked close to complete.
In coma

You can check /vst/ for updated version AFAIK
where the fuck is the /vg/ limbus thread? It vanished like 12h ago
oh im retarded and somehow got 3 threads filtered in the external catalog despite being pinned
>"dead" game
>makes it into top 20 on steam on every update
>won awards on google play store and always going #1 in Korea on Steam
PM won.
So how about that new event huh?
idk still busying losing clashes to the final rr3 boss
Happy birthday Limbus company.
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happy birthday
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Happy Birthday Limbus /vmg/ thread.
all hail the magic of /vmg/ and letting us loaf around for a while year
Happy Birthday /vmg/ Limbus
do i need to play the other 2 games to play this one? tried lobotomy corp and played a few hours but i kinda lost interest
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So she is a canon sexhaver, right?
Like most of the sinners, yes.
BUILT for Big Burning Clock
Lol, lmao even.
She's a canon virgin wagecuck.
my phone only crashed during battles so I rerolled on phone, linked to steam later
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Ruina is very close to Limbus' focused encounters if you wanna try it out. Stellar soundtrack and story too. You can just watch that one LobCorp story recap and jump right into it to have better context.
did this thread really survive a whole year what the fuck
/vmg/ magic, baybee
I finally beat RR3 today!
ngl getting filtered hard by Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush
The spice build up is bush thing is fucking my shit up. I got the rabbit ear guy on my free pull and pretty much carried me all the way to that fight, and now she just fucks my shit up every time.
What IDs do you have?
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These are my best guys Pack Rabbit, Mentor, and Death Grips are by far my strongest guys.
What Faust IDs and EGOs do you have?
Faust LCB sinner and Representation Emitter
Can you screenshot your inventory? Knowing how many shards/crates/thread you have can help give me a better idea what we're working with.
Will Carmen ever get punished?
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Haha... no
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why though?
if I look around in this thread I can probably find my posts, I really didn't have much hopes that the game would get so popular with new players
What game?
You missed ~2k threads on /vg/ and ~500-800 on /v/ and i'm not even kidding
yeah, I know, just saying how this thread is still up and when I posted here I didn't believe enough in Limbus
Did you rike the canto
I thought it was pretty good
spent all my exp tickets so im scrounging up more to level the ids to beat yhe canto with
It was KINO
Holy shit this thread is old, how fucking dead is /vmg/?
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Fairies are friends.
100k online players resulting in a server crash despite the cries of doom from bad faith politically driven idiots, you love to see it, just hope PM turned a profit over the LoR port/long break between wn events
Damn this side of the board for PM is dead.
wwhy is there a thread here and on /vg/?
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More like this board is dead.
>mobile game board
>seperate mobile from non-mobile games
>don't allow generals
>mobile game discussions stay on /vg/
we governed by absolute retards
MY gacha general is only three months old
Because rules aren't enforced properly
the /vst/ thread is still up lmao, and there are still generals on /v/ from time to time. Its a fucking mess.
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You forgot /tg/ and drawboard.
>create board for vtumors
>still let them dominate /jp/ along with other fag crap
I miss the old early years jaypee
No dying now
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Limbus Bumpany.
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If pregnant T Don uses Time Moratorium on her belly and the baby's kicking stacks. Will it burst out of her like a chestburster?
She's also weak to pierce, would baby kicking be considered Blunt or Pierce?
New Railway pv.
...is this the main Limbus thread?
>>1502754 (Me)
Nevermind, I found >>>483967175
Meurtent tomorrow.
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What. The. Fuck. Did I just watch this is amazing

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