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Previous thread >>1047742
Recruitment guide: https://purindaisuki.github.io/tkfmtools/en/enlist/filter/
/vmg/ v2 guild code: 91853176 (feel free to share your own, too)
anon's recruitment code: 9QV8KT (again, all encouraged to share own)
No current promo codes, but we'll share when they appear!
Summer event is here again (or will be in a couple of days)
Who do you want? And who do you got?

>>1202460 #
The used to be one for the Demon Spire and a lot of levels overlapped but that hasn't been updated in ages. https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftkfm.wiki%2Fthe-demon-spire%2F
Who's giving you trouble?
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>She gives you this stare
What do you do?
Turn her off
Zap her tits. We know it works.
I heard you're supposed to nuke her on turn 7, but I can only get around 30% on her (although this team is rather univested due to me dropping resources on Jeanu & Emily just now, and I'm still saving some silver coins for the upcoming summer units, and want to save my orbs to get my Lib 3 Salucia to *5.
I used a similar team but look 31 turns lol. I really took my time because I couldn't work out what pissed her off, other than going too fast.
Forgot pic.
Evidently, going too fast can piss her off, but going too slow also triggers the one shot.
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Previews are up. All look pretty tame except for Fiora seemingly being an giant exhibitionist.
Ayane's veil is a nice little addition though.
Almost time. Really hope I can get hold of Summer Nana as well as the others. She's the only past one in missing.
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>Fucking 3 characters on a single banner and no spark
I don't know who they expect any non-whales to pull any specific one, neitherless all 3 units. I would say I got more than above average luck, but that still only landed me 2 Aikos and 2 Ba'als (a shame too because Fiora does seem to be the best of the batch).

First impressions gameplay, it seems that all 4 units are decently powerful at the very worst, but Ba'al's abilities actively play against her leaderskill for some reason, Aiko's would be interesting if we didn't get one defender a year (seriously the last one we got was cunny Leona, who is almost a year old now), and I really hate how much of a premium Light units have arbitrarily become due to how many leader skills require multiple of them nowadays.
Rushed Ayane stars and rooms. Disappointed theres no gangbang, guess that's for Fiora.
>5* Ayane gets a tan
>room 1 is her masturbation preview
>room 2 is handjob and nipple licking
>room 3 caeser is holding and fucking tanned ayane from behind
Servers are down again but I'll post some pictures later once it's up again.
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I'm gonna just use Ba'al in my Summer Iblis water team. And not only because I love me some denim short shorts.
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Fastest way to farm event points?
Anyone can make a rundown on the new summers?
Also, how are you even supposed to use the "on proc" bonus characters, if most "on proc" abilities are tied to leader skills, or characters that won't make a solid team together anyway.
>Get Fiora and Aiko within 50 draws
>only wanted Ba'al
Suffering from success..
I think all stages give the same field of 1 energy to 10 points. Seems like doing the 45 energy Ancient Ruins level is the most sensible for resources.
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>got 2 aikos within 30 rolls
>had to drop another 90 to get Baal
I mean, I know I should be happy but it seems like all my luck goes towards characters I'm not trying to get. I don't like Satan at all yet she steals most of my sparks.

I just wish I actually had enough mats to raise my favourite character.
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How dare you
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New code for demonite, fruit, and potions: jetskihowhowone
I finished Fiora’s rooms and there’s no gangbang. Her rooms are kinda disappointing actually
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PSA: There are only enough construction parts to upgrade everything perfectly. You don't have to worry about buying too many.
Has anyone finished Summer Aiko’s third room?
is it a good time to try this game? been interested for awhile. how time-respecting is it? i'd rather not spend hours upon hours grinding each and every single day. is it f2p-friendly?
It's not time hungry at all. Especially once you hit level 60. It's a standard energy recharge system that'll take 10 hours to refill completely. But you can use it up in minutes.
You can go through the main story at whatever pace you want. It gives you TONS of resources but you only get them once. Good for f2p in that sense but after than, you'll be taking it slow to unlock stuff.
game can take very little time if you join a guild early to stockpile skip tickets, the one in the OP has a free slot right now
only thing you really need to make it as f2p in this game is to roll for a character that can lead all of the decent 2* options that you get along the way. The freebie you get for buying some stamina refreshes in the current event is probably strong enough to do it so you should be set
Best time to start is during events like the current one where you can reroll for a strong character
sounds good. who should i be rerolling for?
i got these after a couple of rerolls. i'm gonna look around for a proper list to see what i should be looking out for.
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Someone posted this in the last thread
The shot before the scene starts is easily the best part.
Summer baal's second discipline room is giving me a headache or motion sickness or whatever
There should be more than one frame between the bottom and top of a thrust
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happens a lot to me on this patch
server lets you enter the stage multiple times because it lags and then it boots you back to login when the stage is done
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Is it just me or are the new stages tougher stat checks than usual? Only done 1/4 so far.
>Update Content, Wednesday, 06/28 at 11:20 (UTC+8):

>1. [Side Story: The Apocalypse] Returns

>- Availability: 06/28/2023 Post Update ~ 07/12/2023 10:00 (UTC+8)

>※Clearing the event stages will get you tons of Evolve items.

>※If you've already obtained the rewards for clearing the stages for the first time and the rewards based on the number of stars you've attained, you won't be able to obtain those rewards once again.

>2. Added [Selected Archdemon] Summon Banner

>- Event Content:

>This banner will be available for 14 days aftering completing the tutorial. Players can perform up to 120 summons. This banner will be closed after 14 days or performing 120 summons.

>※Those who've completed the tutorial before the 06/28/2023 update will be able to perform summons on this banner.

>HM Fiora, Xmas Evie, TM Minayomi, TM Ritsuki, Bride Baal, W Chizuru, W Lulu, Caesar, Kana, Xmas Shizuka

What a ridiculous fucking banner. People will die of old age before they are done rerolling. You want basically everything.
Haven't tried the next two, but Dream-2 seems to be balanced around Daphne Bloom, otherwise it just becomes a memory game of who to guard with before they get one-shotted. I think the devs forgot they promised to make the game easier a while back.
Dream-02 gets significantly easier when you have enough damage to take out any of the enemies before the "guard on 2, guard on 3, now guard on 4" phase ends for the first time, because then you can just ignore what they do and bash them down.
Dream-03 probably has a way to win by just stalling because its Ayane, but I have not found it yet and anyone who doesn't have Usagi is going to cry here.
In Dream 2 just block pos 2 on turn 2, 3 on 3, 4 on 4, 5 on 5, then 1, then 2, etc etc until you kill one of them
Then just attack as normal

Dream ex is a bit of trouble for me though
Ayane bailed on turn 15 for me (same on both accounts).
I'm on EX and can't work out why I'm getting wiped on turn 19. I get the squid down to about 50%, it heals, then it gets auto damaged down to 45%, then I'm ded.
holy fucking stat check
EX gets a stack every turn and when it gets to 12 or something it just wipes you no matter what you do
it loses 3 stacks when you do 5 ults in the same turn, but every time it gets hit by an ult it debuffs the attacker's ult damage by 20% :)
it also does a succ every 6 turns on a unit based on something that makes no sense, you need to shield or guard, at least it's always the same unit
it auto dies on turn 24 after denying you 3 stars because devs hate you
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I hate this stage so fucking much
So we need fast ults (4CD at most ) but high regular attack damage. Got it.
Nearly had him with this team. Down to 10% at turn 21 but then he healed himself back to 30%. Cheating cunt. I'm on the right track though.
Yes I spent 6m silver and an eye watering stack of potential upgrade items in exchange for 100 demonite, a key, and 50 discipline items. What of it?
Included the full team in pic if anyone cares.
Man fuck the stat checks for these dream maps, didn't they say they were supposed to be making the game easier a while back? The stat checks on this event are the worst I've seen in AGES.
They seem to have forgotten about PVP too but let's not remind them.
why the fuck would people want PvP in this game? I hope they forgot about that what a colossal waste of time.
From what I've seen, even the Chinese whales hated the idea of PvP, so the devs probably dropped it.
Hello fella coomers.
New player here, just reached lvl25.
Can't beat Irene yet.
How do I save on tissues from all the coomings?
3 months stock finished in just 2 days.
Shall I just coom in bare hand and wash it?
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Jesus Christ she looks good with those tanlines
Are there any strong characters in the step-up summon token? I already have the Alice Lulu in use so I'll probably take that for more ult power.
Caesar is objectively dope, most will agree.
Ritsuki and xmas shizuka are great for lowering enemy defences.
Minayomi is a badass if you have strong light support like valentine Iblis or Emily.
Chizuru is a dependable buffer with built in healing that circumvents some healing debuffs from awkward bosses.
Evie is similar with bonus healing but only at 5*.
People like bride Ba'al too but I haven't used her.
Damn. I used up too many rolls on the summer banner now I don't have enough to reach the selector in this step up one. Wanted a Minayomi dupe
Thanks for the rundown. I ended up picking Caesar since I more or less had every other type of character you listed.
Is this game actually good? Is it F2P friendly?
Thank you
I love Bride Baal, she hits like a fucking tank in 1st pos in my experience
Alright bros how the fuck do I beat milae in the story i feel like I must be doing something wrong
From memory, it's a mix of waiting for her timed bursts and guarding against them, and prioritising killing her backup (e.g. getting rid of the healer first).
I think her reaction to one of her allies dying can override her big attacks.
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How is everyone spending their downtime waiting for the next event?
I'm trying to clear my last few R/SR discipline rooms.
I haven't been playing that much (got kicked from the guild again due to inactivity). But I mainly been focusing on getting Light Crystals from the event. The new Fiora is crazy good, Cunny Lona is going to be great for new Aiko teams as soon as we get as soon as we get another Guardian just like her, and I'm only one bond away from being able to start liberating Milae, who seems to be just as crazy as Lib 3 Salucia (in all honesty, if there was another banner she was available for putty again, I would summon just for her due to how much of am premium good Light units are nowadays.)
Speaking of Lib 3 Salucia, I finally got her to 5*, and I think I can finally do the Bunny Satan fight with her, but now the problem comes to figuring out how to not die while also not going above the damage threshold, where she one-shots you.
New Nana and Lana coming next week, with the latter available from the new event.
I'm sad they keep repeating the same characters so often. These will be the 4th versions (at least) of both.
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I don't know how that fight works, but I just had 2-4 attacking while the remainder blocked on most turns
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New Lana looks very same-y again to me.
Sure would be nice if "Salty Sea Cat" Nana is really distinctive from previous versions. Like getting a bronze tan and going feral or something. Although at that point, might as well just make a different character.
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Ok she's pretty cute actually
I swear, Nana's tits grow bigger every time she gets a new unit.
Scene preview confirms this. As well as white/blue horizontal striped underwear.
Due to my disappointment in the same characters repeatedly getting alts, I fed some characters into one on those AI convertors to make my own.
My autism has deepened
I've gotten 4 Lana's so far and all I want is my sailor catgirl
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Wow. Four coin flips in a row is what, 6.25% chance?
I'm not feeling this banner so only want one of each for collection's same. Got Nana as my first SSR on the banner at pull 80 or so. I'm done.
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I just used the last of my demonite and got yet another lana
Hats off to Fiora at 5* just saying "No, I don't think I will wear a top of any kind."
Almost impressive. What have we learned?
I've learned how whales are born. On a completely unrelated note can you buy ecoins with a walmart prepaid visa?
Thankfully of the bosses this tower seem to be that much threatening. Didn't even bother to learn the gimmicks, as I was able to power right through them. I'm glad they're going back on the difficulty spikes now.
It's weird, because I think the Shrio fight not only appears on Floor 40, but I think she remains unchanged. So if you were getting filtered by her last month, you're now missing more rewards.

The main problem is that she not only shuts down any form of healing/shield, punishes comps that rely too much on using ults, but she also has both a minimum and a maximum damage threshold in which she'll one-shot you if her HP isn't between those two numbers before/after turn X. It's the most blunt stat check we had since that Elizabeth boss fight. It's just smashing your head against the wall, until you get the right team comp.
Wait, am I'm missing something, or is this just a legit mistranslation. I thought guarding was supposed to hurt you not heal you, know this makes the boss fight much easier than I thought.
Yep, guard to heal. Shields work against the auto damage too, if you have someone like Daphne.
Is it just me or is Nana getting bustier?
No they're definitely getting bigger
It's actually not as drastic as you might think.
Don't ever post again.
Do you guys play any other H gachas? I recently got into project qt but that's about it.
I've played pretty much every thing on Erolabs, and everything that looked worthwhile (and then some) on Nutaku. I even tried to get into a few of the Japanese ones on DMM, but I can't get into them, even if they have a sizable enough English community, that you can play without going in blind.

I don't play as much gacha as I used to, so I mainly play this, FGO, and some piece of shit western game that I honestly can't tell you why I still play, neitherless spend at least $15 a month on. I generally won't play games that I wouldn't recommend myself, but there is legitimately not a good thing I can say about it outside of the art. I played DBZ Dokkan Battle for about 3 and a half years, and put well over a thousand dollars on, and I was able to stop playing that cold turkey due to my frustrations with the direction of the game, so I don't think it's sunk cost, or maybe it's sunk cost plus coom, but I digress.

The Tenkafuma devs announced a new game in Star Lusts back in January, but I'm still waiting on the and Taimanin RPGX's English release, but both of those are coming soon™, with no news outside of their initial announcements.
Tried a couple others on erolabs but couldn't get into them. Had problems with gameplay or artstyle or they were straight up whale bait.

Got any suggestions? Preferably with animated h-scenes and gangbangs
New stages are far easier than the last ones.
1. Guard against Satan until her life hits 100% and you'll be able to damage her from the next round. It's just a normal fight with her counters after that.
2. Only use ults when Lana buffs someone, and don't use other ults at all. You might need to guard slot 3 when Mina does her charging forward attack (turn 4 or 5, not sure)
3. Take out the main Nana first since the rest will stop at 1% health and get healed. You might need to guard slots 2 and 4 when the main Nana does a double shot attack.
>Got any suggestions?
I know the "(un)Holy Trinity" is Tenkafuma, Magicami, and Kamihime, and all those are easy recommendations (although saying Kamihime has an outdated UI would be putting it lightly). Alliance Sages isn't on there, due to it not being all that well known, but I would put it up there too.
I'm pretty sure that Legeclo has a good reputation, but after their last game (Mist Train Girls) died in less than a year, it made me too weary about that game.
From what I remember, Heavy Metal Babes and Bang Chronicle is in the realm of "okay, but you're not really missing
>and gangbangs
That's pretty uncommon in H-Gacha. Most of them have the girls exclusively for (you). I think Magicami may have one or two, and Kamihime has a few (IIRC, the opening scene is one). But the only ones that I can think of where it's at least somewhat uncommon is Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena but that game sucks. (Nutaku ran out of content to translate, and evidently we're waiting for Johren to finish up before we move on to RPGX (I think due to the fact that while both games the same MC, he goes from a villainous protagonist to a heroic one, do while there still are plenty of scenes where the girl gets raped into submission, there's overall a less volume of it due to the fact that said main character is no longer trying to build a criminal empire and a sovereign nation/city state). But thankfully, you can find a viewer that most only had the CGs, but also all of the dialog in the Taimanin general over on /h/. Beat Wars Escalation Aldo has/had a high volume of gangbang scenes too, but the EN/Global servers came and went in about 3-4 months (The Japanese version is still up on DMM/Fanza, but I would also heavily not recommended it).
RPGX Taimanin and Eden Ritters one.
Might give this a try.
I tried kamihime a while back but then I got flashbacks to Granblue Fantasy grinding and I gave up on that game.
Got the viewer from /h/. Has some pretty good scenes, but I'm not a big fan of the artstyle. Something's off about it to me.
>beat wars
Shame what happened to the global server. Don't think I'll play the DMM version since I don't know runes. What's wrong with that version?

Looking forward to Edens Ritter once that releases in English.
She cute, especially when getting edged.
Can someone remind me of the requirements for liberation? Can't seem to find anything in game.
Is it 5* rarity, bond V, or both?
And can base Lulu be done yet?
You need all 5 bonds. The characters that can get it are Iblis, Satan, Ba'al, Lana, Lulu, Salucia, KS-VIII, Chizuru(?), and Milae.
Got it, thanks. My fault for not going into Info and spotting this little tab.
Side note, goddamn the upgrade is good.
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Anyone close to completing the collection? I'm at 127/136. Annoyingly missed some recent limited units so I guess it'll be a while before they come back around in step up banner.
Haven't had a leader tag in well over a month, which doesn't help.
Oh lord oh Jesus it's back as spire 50. Pray for me, lads.
It's not nearly as hard as the challenge event.
Indeed. It's some 5 target version. So much easier.
Any guesses for new event next week? More summer theme or something else?
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Uh oh, looks like we've got an edgelord up in here.
Bayliss is the event freebie. She looks a lot like Mumei. Just a hawk instead of an owl.
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Previews just went up and FUCK YES for Sasha
This is my shit. They can take all my money.
Once again, the farmable character Bayliss looks like a solid healer with decent leader skill that is worth at least having, with her value dropping proportionally to how many other strong healers you are already invested in.
Sasha functions like a bit slower Usagi in theory, and since you can run both, she can likely gets some funny numbers, but that kind of thing is inherently niche.
I hate point multiplier events.
I haven't gotten her yet, but I can't wait to try Bayliss out. All Mono Blue/Beast Lulu's team needed was a good healer (X-mas Lana was okayish when she was first out, but it was clear the devs held back on her as they were still afraid of Summer Lulu).

If you really want to cook, you could throw Sasha and Usagi with Summer Ks-VII, and a mixture Sakuya Yume/Lillane/Sailor Nana, but I unfortunately don't have the resources to tryout a gimmick team like that.
This event is really bumming me out. It's just so basic. Again. And they're always so stupidly long. If they keep going like this, I'm out.
Also, Sasha's first room has niche aspects that I really like, but they're just thrown away for a pretty vanilla second room. Disappointing.
Anyone got the strats for the new stages?
bring obs and defender for stars
attack when nothing is happening
defend when the angel gets gripped
ult when she's low on health
try to avoid healing her on round 5-10-etc cuz that's when she ults for damage
it's a freebie, just tedious

try to kill them both at once
focus on Sasha, but not too much cuz she guards up for tanking hits
Sasha telegraphs a really nasty attack, you can shield it if you want, but guarding on all is fine too
they traditionally get pissed if other dies, Sasha is worse and you will fucking die, but Bayliss also spams aoe like mad
2 and 4 get paralysed on turn 7, can just put immune units there or try to not have someone important lose a turn
blocking healing is a bonus

you really want to block the healing here
she gets stacks when attacked, when she gets to 10, she smacks you with aoe
every 4 turns does weak aoe
every 5 turns she tries to kill 3, debuffs their defense and dots 2 and 4
every 7 turns does strong aoe, but you can override it by stacking to 10 that turn
when you use 5 ults on the same turn, she blasts you
when she falls under 15%, she kills you, need to burst her down
it's a pretty mindless fight if you can tank the aoe, ideally you'd have some combo comp that doesn't need to attack every turn for damage and ult her to death bypassing both the punishment for ulting her too much and her hp treshold

it's a hard stat check with rng buff drops and rng boss resistance, just bring your strongest team and pray
How do I beat the little dwarf girl on stage seven
Beaten her just in time...
I lucked into getting the final copy of Milae in order to liberate her, which freed up Salucia for the Satan fight.

It's one of those straight up DPS checks, especially as she'll one shot you if her health is < 5%. I would just grind the event to raise your account level.
What does one need to beat spire 40? Is there any trick to it I'm not seeing or is it just some bullshit DPS check? Couldn't beat this bitch last season either and I didn't struggle on any fights before her at all both times.
previous thread has some tips from before it was sunk
I beat it with Caesar, Usagi, Tyrella, Daphne, Emily back then,
other anon beat it with Caesar, w.Chorizo, Loita, mg Britney, Usagi
It's just a horrible fight. You need to figure out how to heal and either bring enough dps or kill her healing completely to compensate (or do both because both Caesar and Usagi are really dumb).
If Caesar and Usagi are a must-have then I'm just fucked, I don't have either of them. Or any of the limited units you listed for that matter. Unless if by w. Chorizo you meant wonderland Chizuru, which I guess I do have.

Has there been any notable limited units past christmas that might be able to get the job done? I unlocked most of those my F2P ass could, plus a couple of lucky rolls here and there, but apart from MG Juneau I don't know if any of them are actually any good and I didn't want to waste my limited resources to find out.
Latest rift wasn't too bad, if anything it was quite easy. Hilarious that it's exactly like the current spire where the most difficult stuff is the 2nd to last one due to it being a copy of the previous one's lady rift.
And now a rerun event for two weeks. And it's been a month since my last leader tag. I think I'm done bros.
The guild I run is pretty dead, compared to earlier this year where it was almost constantly at 4 people and I had to kick people for 10 days of inactive. Now I'm sitting at 12 after kicking people who haven't played for 2-3 weeks. Pretty sure this game is abandoned and dying.
meant to say constantly at 40 people
Mine generally stays between 35-40. Generally kick after 4-5 days inactive. Longer grace period of they've been members a long time and contributed.
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More Usagi incoming. Nice.
Recently got back. What is this with liberation? Is it worth it to buy the "discounted" crystal in the shop/build someone just for that?
Definitely don't buy them. They're only usuable on a few old school SSRs, and even then only at bond V. They're given out from events often enough unless you happen to have specific stacked up characters.
From memory, they're only for Iblis, Ba'al, Satan, Lulu, Lana, Salucia, KS-VII, Chizuru, and one other I can't remember. Lotiya maybe?
Thanks, I guess no reason to bother building those old SSR for it either.
>and one other I can't remember. Lotiya maybe?
It's Milae you're thinking about.

It really depends. If you do somehow have a unit that can be liberated it can be worth it to grind them up (you get about one crystal a month via events), but I honestly don't know what the debs were thinking. To this day, it's tough to even get one non-limited SSR, as it's been more or less a year since the last banner that there had non-featured SSRs summonable, so the only time to really go for it is when they become featured right when they're able to be liberated. And the most baffling decision is that you have no idea how they get better, outside of going through the process of upgrading the unit yourself, or having someone tell you what the upgrade does.

From what I personally have:
>Ba'al is okayish, it does help modernize her a bit, but the fact that she always wants to ult as soon as it becomes available can lead to problems with synergy as her cool down is 3 turns, while most other units are 4, and there are several team comps and bosses where you'd want to ult on specific turns instead of any chance you get.
>Salucia is a complete game changer, and the amount of damage she enables is insane.
>Milae fixes a lot of her wonkyness, but she still has some due to the fact that her bonus damage sti happens after the enemy attacks, instead of going off as soon as she attacks like all the others do. And she's tied to a rainbow team (one of each element) if you fully want to capitalize on her leaderskill, and her second, which is still just a smaller version of her leaderskill (also, while the leaderskill can hold it's own on endgame content, I do wish that it would give max HP like a lot of the newer ones to help with squishiness).

From what I've been told and can remember: Satan and Lana are bad, Lulu helps, especially with mono-wind, and Iblis is amazing.
I forgot to add with Milae that her bonus damage is tuned so high up, it makes up for her a lot of the wonkyness, but not all off it due to the aforementioned problems.

Overall, you aren't missing "too" much, but I generally wouldn't worry about it unless you have a unit that can already liberate.
I have a few of them, since I started playing a long time ago and only checked back occassionally.
I got Milae and Lulu. Milae was the one I was considering, since I have her build a little and could put her into my Magical Girl Juneau team, instead of Usagihime.
Huh. Something actually different for the next event. Looks nice.
I was so sure she would have a futa scene with britney, what a massive disappointment. Tentacle shit is fucking horrible.
We are all sure. It's baffling.
I haven't had luck like this in ages (maybe ever).
Got Usagi in my 4th 10-pull.
Then got Nyoro AND Miru both on the very next 10-pull. Ludicrous.
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>5 SSRs
>4 Nayoros and 1 Dark Miru
Somewhat unfortunate, but she'd be a cheap 5* for you since you can get bond V from the event for another 10 essence, and another 25 essence from the event reward exchange. So you'd only need what, 115 from the essence shop?
how many rolls? I used 130 and got 2 nyoros, fucking pain
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I enthusiastically approve of twin mode. Especially since I've been asking for something like it since alt Asina and Asida were released.
About 30-ish multies.
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Johnny come lately here.

Any possibility they rerun the event where I can get normal Usagihime anytime soon? She seems hotter than the one on the banner.
Soon(tm), she's not going to have a banner this patch, so at least we'll have to wait for the next one. Unfortunately reruns seem to be marginally paid only/shouls banners, but last year they came with a "Choose any Limited SSR you want" bundle around late December/early January.
Best you can do now is hope that it's one of the few F2P reruns they give out.
idk, my guild is doing strong. 29 people have been here for at least a month (150+ vitality). We usually cap rewards on fridays or right after reset on Saturdays
I cant seems to be able to login anymore.
Anyone having the same issue?
The game has been more stable than ever for me lately. Where do you get to? And what device are you on?
What kind of bedroom scenes does Vanilla Nyoro get?
first one is completely vanilla doggy and judging by the name of the second, it's just going to be "im gonna defeat caesar, but actually I am here for the dick" all the way to the end
If using the red and blue twins who is the better leader between the two?
just started playing and spent like twenty bucks to finish out a box that gave you a selection ticket
i chose some minayomi chick or something because it seemed like she would do a lot of damage with the follow up attack on everything
i couldnt find character reviews so dont know if it is a good char
The SSR version of Minayomi? Yeah she can be good, plenty of light support and trigger support out there, there's some in the current event rate up.
The regular twins for the alts?
Uh yeah how does this even work? Should have just made her a magic futa to be honest
Star Lusts is out, bwos.
>weapon gacha
Soiled it
Time to be disappointed by another EroGatcha. I swear Tenkafuma isn't going to be dethroned any time soon.
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>Only have one character at max discipline
>It's Iyan
I started playing a little while ago. What's the most efficient way to level up in this game? Thanks to lucking into Bridal Ba'al I've been able to punch above my weight class, but it finally caught up to me and I'm getting walled by the chapter 6 boss.
Your player exp scales exactly with energy spent so no need to worry about efficiency. Just try not to let your energy overflow and you'll reach 60 pretty quickly.
Same with exp potions for characters. It isn't more efficient to use the big ones.
any gay sex or chicks with dicks?
Yes (Iyan) and yes (Juneau)
Who should I pick from the 3* selection? This is my current party
The one for your 10th day login? Daphne Bloom is the only one worth picking up.
For the exchange ticket from the banner. Is Caesar a good pick?
I forgot about this dumb banner or how ridiculous it is. You got BBall and TMRitsuki from it which are really good gets.
The best characters to consider there that you still don't have are HMFiora, xShizuka and Caesar.
I do not have Fiora so I can't speak for her too much, but her kit is fucking stacked, she is basically a buffer that happens to heal and healing over time has gained a lot of value lately
Shizuka is plainly the best debuffer in the game, also does it in an AOE. It's not even close.
Caesar is the most versatile damaged dealer and lead in the game. She cheats so many fights that devs are sometimes actively preventing you from using her if you want 3 star clears by banning Obstructers.

I honestly do not know what I'd pick. Caesar is definitely not bad here, but Fiora can probably serve as your catch-all healer and buffer package for however long you will stick with this game and Shizuka can get you some really funny numbers on TMMinayomi with the help of Baal. Following your dick might be for the best.
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Any tips for spire 50 sasha? I'm definitely missing a gimmick somewhere.
Never mind. I'm dumb. I couldn't withstand her 33% HP special because you basically have to party guard for two turns in a row. Which means I couldn't heal. So I brought Dark Irene to heal over time. Then it was no issue.
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I can't beat shiro in the spire
She's susceptible to trigger abilities.
I bruteforced it with Caesar, Emily, mgBritney, xShizuka and qAsida, probably mostly because Asida's ult gives triggers
If I were to make a team just to target her:
Lillane, tmMinayomi, [healer, hmFiora ideally], bBall qAsida, (generic trigger meme)
or mgJuneau with hLoyta, xShizuka on pos 5 + light and dark healbuffers like either Fiora, Kana, nIrene, maybe Bloom if her shield hate is not too hard to play around (very rigid team, barely get to replace anything because of elements)
point event and another welfare Ayane... ha ha...
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The update also mentions Disciplined Angel and White Bunny Lillane. Typos or new SR/R characters? Could just mean Lusty Bunny Lillane and Angel of Punishment.
New Shiro should be good.
I would love to get new Shiro but Usagi has drained me dry. I love her too much, even if I have no team to run her in.
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Has she been nerfed? De-aged?
why are we cursed with their epic donutsteel Ayane instead of this every fucking time
This may sound dumb but what are trigger abilities? I only see attacks and ultimates
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The bio in the tweet for this image made it sound like she enjoys Hallowe'en. Someone needs to tell her face.
I think they're really badly defined.you can only find them by talking though ability descriptions. TM Minayomi is the big one. Look for where it says something like "Trigger the following effect".
Previews are up. Looks like Shiro is taking a leaf from Britney's book, going for non-peneteative.
Any tips for new commers, current lineup for lvl 22
Get yourself into a guild asap, you get to contribute to some extra weekly rewards regardless of your level. You also gain access to another daily shop where you can buy coins, elemental materials and discipline toys.

Also do your daily recruitments with max duration and keep an eye out for the leader perk which allows you to recruit a SSR character. The link in the OP can help you recruit the SSR you want. The SSR characters you can recruit are mostly the same you get from the standard banner.
Hard to say with just the units you are showing.
Aiko in position 3 should be a better healer than every non SSR healer.
Pick Daphne Bloom from your 10 day selector.
Minayomi and Tyrella are really fucking good units to level and invest a bit in, even if you aren't going to go all the way with them, 3 stars and some potential unlocks can get you far.
Usagi and dark Miru will probably carry you for a while. You should be able to get a grasp on what's good in the game after that.
Don't miss out on the super omega stacked limited banner newbies get, grabbing a selector from it just to get a dumb healer that buffs like HMFiora or defense shredder like xShizuka will actually change your life.
Every time I see the event name Deer Gal Cometh, I'm reminded of that Twitch cringelord. I hate it.
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New promo code, playyoureggs
This is truly a Halloween event, because some of the shit people use is absolutely horrifying.

>Can't even do 200m dmg in 50 turns
I suspect that because the event has a test button, retreating still takes your attempt and submits shit score, but I won't be testing that, I am gonna be nr.1
Haven't seen anyone post this yet:
Seeing all of the Tenkafuma girls in such a realistic artstyle just looks off.
I now appreciate Tenka's variety of faces more.
This was nice though.
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Is Alex ever coming back? :(
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Anon, you are asserting an absolute dominance in your guild, aren't you?
there was also an announcement in game, but here is a 500 demos survey link:

make sure to tell them to fuck off with Ayane in every single open question, thanks
I'm trying my best but we've got some mad lads.
I've also expressed my Sasha disappointment from >>1254198
Man, if only I didn't miss a day because I got distracted by something IRL and rushed through my dailies without noticing the event was open.
Do we think Iblis is gonna sweep again in the popularity polls? Ba'al could do well since she was the summer archdemon. Or maybe Ayane will Biden it kek
Anyone got cheat codes for the mummy in time rift 8? Can't do any damage.
Her ATK debuffs doesn't apply to healers or supports. Summer Lulu can take her down easily if you have her.
Also, I haven't done much testing (I hate the Zombie's artwork, so I want to minimize the time I spend looking at it (yes, I do switch to Mommy's Comming mode when she does show up)), but Dot effects also seem to by pass any gimmicks, so a Iris/Milae/Idol Iblis meme team could also probably get the job done.
Mummy's coming lol. What don't you like about her?
Yes, I have Summer Lulu from her first run when I started played. Can't remember the last time I used her. Thanks for the steer.
why have leaderboard if you can't even see it when the event is over (I was first :)
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Prove it, nerd. Hehehehe

Does anyone else play Rise of Eros? I picked it up since it has a Tenka crossover event. Looks like it's coming back the other way now.
Any tips on getting 16 turns on this stage? The closest I can get is turn I can get is turn 18.
Do you have TM Mina, or other trigger characters? Those attacks seen to get around her resistances.
That's me, I'm in the army and we were out in the field for 16 days with 2 off in the middle. No phones allowed out there.
I'm back now though
Pretty good likeness for the collab coming up
Played it for a bit when it launched. I heard it was basically Raid Shadow Legends, but I never played Raid. IIRC, the closest I could say it was like was Magicami. It was alright, but nothing too special from what I played. I remember seeing that stamina could only be refilled via premium currency (our equilivant of Souls), and the sex senses being flavorless due to a lack of dialog, but it seemed fine otherwise.
Cool, can't wait to cuck myself.
Stamina can be refilled by potions, which can be bought using demonite equivalent. The scenes are pretty good with free moving camera, customizing accessories, and shot selection. I'm still enjoying it, 2 weeks in.
Now we can feel like those vtuber fans felt.
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Previews are up
Doesn't look like either character is available as an event reward.
>no Miriam or Eileen
one fucking job
ArkReCode is out
I gave it an honest try but after my 4th guest account got fucking softlocked in the tutorial, I think it's a pass unfortunately
What even is this?
Get it. It gives you a free summon choice of OG Baal, Satan, iblis, salucia, ayane, and loyita
It gives you a free summon choice of OG Baal, Satan, iblis, salucia, ayane, OR loyita. You only get one.
Quiz answers are 1-5-5-3-2 btw
>What don't you like about her?
It's the eyes, they freak me out hard.
Any advice?
Can you guys help me wtf trigger ability even is. They rarely tell you in descriptions.
killing red wins the fight
hitting red gives you and her a bad stack and a dot
bad stacks increases dot damage taken
hitting blue gives 4 good stacks, caps at 20
guarding removes bad stacks by the number of the good stacks you got for hitting blue
stacking red to 20 makes her take 200% damage
red and your team get 1 bad stack at the end of turn, you also get a dot
she clears stacks every 9 turns
at turn 6 I think you will get hit with 3 extra stacks for your whole team and you will probably need enough good stacks from hitting blue to clear it on that turn, unless you were playing really slow, she repeats that every 3 turns
it's kinda hard to give any more specific advice cuz the number of stacks that will kill you will vary a lot, but the general idea is to stack her to 20 before she clears to do your burst combo and try very hard not to die in the process
the team you are using is probably fine, sumer lulu and baylis over ichika and fox could improve it, but you are probably mostly missing stats from star count and potentials
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Yessss return of my queen
If its the fight I'm thinking of, you should try to finish them off in the same turn. You have to hit blue while she's charging to do now damage the next turn. If you don't hit her, you won't be able to stop her nuke.
You know as much as we do. All you can go on is the ability descriptions. The devs are bad at displaying it.
this was meant for you
Nah it's the drunk one
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Holy shit bois looks like a Christmas SSR selection as login bonus.
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Santa got me exactly what I wanted. A redhead ponytailed delinquent with a collar and a fang and painted nails and a gingerbread pompadour mascot.

next update is kinda massive, event farmable ssr is on separate solo banner so you can roll for other in peace, 50 free eternal summons and a bunch of system changes that sound pretty useful
Yeah, it's looking great. Just hope I can get them all. Anyone got a favourite already?
My album is so close to complete. I'm getting nurse caesar from the current step up. I'll get either Anjelica or Shiro from the upcoming paid selection. Then I'm only missing Summer Nana, original Milae, original Asina, Magical Brittney, Summer Aiko, and Shiro or Anjelica.
I was wondering why I can't get past Shiro in this spire when I had little issue in the last one and the answer is probably that I increased my character's bonds and potentials so I kill myself faster
thanks, whoever keeps making those fights, I hope your dick rots off
Unless youre a whale, give up on getting 180 stars.
Barely got that bitch a week ago
Unless you can make something like >>1311332

Bad new if you haven't already seen who's being added as a 0*
Well yeah only whales can make that many lv 60 ssr with 5 stars
I don't get it help me
I see they went back to the original christmas event style
Welp, time for me to finally use these bad boys
Start at the bottom left and use energy to uncover tiles.
I also saved up photo thingies. Very glad I did.
The Christmas delinquent seems fun. Whole team of tanks countering everything.
Im talking about the energy potions.
And those photo thingys are suppose to be contract papers on a clipboard
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Anyone else just watch their new YouTube vid? Couldn't understand a word of it but it looks like a new idol is coming.
Professor Poke is what Oak should have always been
Wrong thread buddy
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Holy shit. Iblis has acquired SQUISH
>The Christmas delinquent seems fun. Whole team of tanks countering everything.
All 3 of the summonable units seem to be more than decently powerful. Which is quite weird that they're basically just powercreep versions of units that came out this year (Summer Akio, Beast Lulu, and Magical Girl Jeanu to an extent). I would say that I would hope that the event would be generous with Silver Coins, but it already doesn't seem like it. Pretty much the last unit I put a considerable amount of resources into was Nyoro, and I'm still super low.
How to go w20? I cannot proceed on the map.
Pretty sure it's going to be made available with the new stages on the 17th.
Excuse me WTF. I thought Ayane was just the dev's favourite. Then Mrs. NTR and bland ass Kaede win their brackets?
I am displeased.
How the fuck is iblis 1st place?
She literally has nothing going for her?
Wheres satan? How can you guys do this to my wife
Asians love blondes I guess.
Tsundere anal queen
Iblis is the literal face of the game being the app logo and she probably has the most character development especially considering how many events she's been a part of.
Huh, i guess thats why ayane made it to the list despite being bland as fuck.
Really wish satan was involved in more stories
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The Satan stories we have are great/hilarious though.
>repelling Milae solo in the main story
>awful foreplay as a blushing bride
>actually trying hard to make chocolate and getting domesticated

At least she's the game icon.
Changed my mind about Britney after seeing how steep this is. Anyone else springing for it?
There will be a limited SSR selector for New Years, you will be able to pick her up then.
Got nearly a thousand memory essence burning a hole in my pocket. Do any of the new xmas girls look especially cool as 5*?
What are good units to go for in the SSR selector?
considering how the devs seem unwilling to give any of the main 3 event time except Iblis I'm not surprised she's winning. Satan gets remarkably little and it fucking sucks.

When you don't give anyone else development this tends to happen.
Which one?
I think they mean this one
How is everyone coping with completing 10 missions a day while also clearing out the non-battle map tiles?
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I'm just not. All energy goes to the tiles
Any tips for beating the Iblis and Aridya special stages, I'm getting walled on both and can't figure it out.
it costs me like 30 guild currency and 200-400 shop tickets that are kinda useless to ignore it, it's not that bad. it also doesn't even hurt the guild if I get all the other shit done
besides, the farming stage is 50 stam so it would be hard to get 10 wins every day anyway, easier to let go
I cheeses Aridya by running a sleep immune Caesar as lead and guarding with everyone else every turn outside of the ult turn
I don't remember what Iblis does
Lots of the special stages are just bringing a strong unit and guarding when you are told to. Event has a shitload of money in it, I am sure you can just invest a bit in your best team and win through stats
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>It's another figure out the gimmick, because we're not telling you why you're getting one shotted episode
Do people even like these kind of puzzle battles? It always seems to be there more to wast your time than be fun and engaging.
I saved up an insane amount of energy potion so im already way past over with the event.
Only problem is that i probably wont get the new delinquent Christmas girl character.
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This is the closest thing we're ever getting, isn't it?
The pirates are coming next week
Together with a shitty point event
I wonder if anyone actually likes them
The bitches in red? I liked them a year ago or whenever they first appeared. Don't care any more.
Also, didn't we just have a pirate event with Nana and Lana?
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I'm glad only 2 of the 4 new characters are SSR. Makes album maintenance much more manageable.
I just wish they would optimize the discipline selection screen more. It's getting way too cumbersome to find the specific unit you want.
I usually have a couple that I am working on pinned with the star thing on the Roster screen, which helps a bit, but I agree, the scrolling list is becoming grossly inadequate. I sometimes get so lost when just trying to put together a team.
Glad I held off on this. Just got obscenely lucky on the new premium banner. Done four ten-pulls and got one SSR each time (Irene/Irene/Britney/Britney). So now I have Brit and my Irene is bond V. So close to complete.
next update is looking pretty stacked again and no breaks between events
wonder if adjusting daily, weekly, and monthly missions means just the requirements to complete or rewards as well
All the girls featured for this years valentine are uggos so ill just use this time to grind silver and toys.
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You mean these? We haven't even seen Nanami, have we? Also I'll have you know Mes is my beautiful scaly plank.
Idk who nanami is but the snake woman is uggo and idol girls is fucking boooring
Btw does anyone know how to do loyita damage stacking?
I saw somewhere you can do insane damage with loyita.
Whats the set up and how do i do it?
The PC download version links to a chinese emulator program. Is there any way to avoid using installing and using it?
there is no standalone pc client. you can load it on any android emulator, but good luck finding one that isn't chineese
also if you decide to look for one, save yourself the hassle of trying to dodge bundleware, avoid both nox and bluestacks
How the hell do you win these extra event fights? I'm playing in Japanese so am missing the strat to win.
Take your best training dummy bullying team to fight Noma, you break shield, you win. I don't have a clue what's happening half the fight there cuz they keep buffing and debuffing for ages while letting you just punch her for 2 rotations for free, then did an aoe that didn't kill me and I kept punching. I think every 4 turns you get a buff that lets you delay this aoe if you hit a correct slime, but this fight is a mess and it's very hard to keep track of anything + you seem to get a lot of time before it happens and they don't really damage you before that, so race them.

Now for red green blue. I did it without Daphne Bloom because I have high dps, but it seemed like she would trivialise the fight as most of the moves are straight damage. Bonus points if your team is mostly light/dark cuz then you don't have to deal with elemental disadvantages, if you do have elements, make sure they are off the spots that would make them take bonus damage. I'd kill red first then green since they are actually threatening.
1. aoe + dot from red
2. pos1 nuke from blue
3. pos245 hit from green
4. pos3 nuke from red
5. aoe from blue
6 aoe from green
this loops forever
if you leave them with really low hp (10%ish), red will kill your pos3, others will blast you with aoe, so try to burst them down
again, shields or big HP bonus lead (or both) will help a lot
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The translation isn't really that accurate so you're on the same boat as ours
Nah, noel is fucking boring.
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Actually to be fair, this one does look boring. Hopefully her rooms aren't just more basic PIV.
I hate those pants so much. It looks so dumb.
I hate whoever designed them and whoever made them popular.
>muff window
>no muff
What a waste
Is there any way to combine these or sell them? I have way too many
I change my mind i want nanami. I dont give a fuck about the flat snake bitch or noel.
She looks like a suped up Daphne Bloom. Like she starts at CD1 at Bond I.
What is God's name does spire 60 Shiro want from us now?
I didn't expect to play Taiko with Noels butt. How i'm supposed to focus like this
Don't worry, you can just mash the drums and enjoy the view.
Anyone know about this? >>1401606
I don't mean this in a racist way or anything but I really wish ceasar wasn't so dark skinned. More than a few times when he's just a disembodied floating dick I've actually thought it was scat and it catches me off guard everytime.
In this event especially because I'm focusing on the notes, so I only see what's happening through my peripherals, and it just looks like nanami is openly taking a fat shit on stage. Is it just me?
Sounds like terminal case of /pol/brain. There is no known cure
Yeah it does. Anyone who says they can't see it is either lying, or thinks about it way too much.
Not even gonna start on this with you bro, you know I'm right
Especially when it's an anal scene, christ
The devs must be looking at my album specifically to decide these soul banners. Summer Aiko is one of the only four I'm missing.
Giddy up
Hey vaush i didnt know you played this hentai gatcha game
Because of her leader skill? I have her at bond II so I'm sure she'd be usable. Do you remember your team?
event rerun this time.
Finally some breathing room to grind for coins.
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Has anyone worked out the stupid Noel fight?
I think I'm supposed to guard with the characters she gives "Noels Call" status to, but what should the others do? Attack a specific rabbit? Whatever I do, she says something about me not looking her and attacks.
Check each rabbit for if they want basic or ult attacks. Over in 5 turns.
It's a reading check.
You need to guard with the units she picks, then hit the correct bunny with either basic attack or ult which is listed in their description, recommend just taking 5 N rarity attackers so you don't accidentally hit other bunnies with aoe or mess it up in other unpredictable ways.

Turn 1
Guard - 1, 2

Right - ULT
Center - BA
Left - BA

Turn 2
Guard - 4-5

Right - BA
Center - BA
Left - ULT

Turn 3
Guard - 1, 3, 5

Right - BA
Center - ignore
Left - BA

Turn 4
Guard - 2, 4

Right - BA
Center - ULT
Left - BA

Turn 5
Guard - 2, 3, 4

Right - ULT
Center - ignore
Left - ULT

Turn 6
Guard - 1, 5

Right - BA
Center - ULT
Left - BA

Turn 7
Guard - 3, 4

Right - BA
Center - BA
Left - ULT

Turn 8
Guard - 1, 2, 4, 5

Right - ignore
Center - ULT
Left - ignore

Turn 9
Guard - 2, 3

Right - ULT
Center - BA
Left - BA

Turn 10
Guard - ALL
I misread the preview and thought we were getting an alt Anjelica but it's a new girl Angelina. Looks squishy. I approve.
Definitely not looking even more like Pekora
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Saw this on Nutaku. Does it work for anyone?
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Been saving since the idol event, not sure if these girls are worth splashing out over
Not a bad 10 pull
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Yeah I get that too.
They both look good to be. Similar to Elizabeth where they attack additional attacks on. Could be good for getting round gimmick defences, or piling on hits to stop charging.
Mighty indeed

Side note, why the hell are we wasting time on Lillane when her mum is this level of virgin holocauster?
Halp. Still can't work out what Shiro wants at the top of this spire.
I did it quite easily with this team. I'm not fully sure of the gimmick, but I just had be aware to pace my healing before I attacked with Nyoro so I wasn't being attacked with partial health.
I have 0 fucking clue how she works too.
Just hit her with random shit until she dies. Never got 3 star with her
Smashed her with a maiden Juneau team. Guarded on turns 4 and 7, she was dead in two rounds of ults.
Tell us what your team was
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Just rolled usagihime feeling good now
I'd love a third copy to change the order her ult does things but I'm spent up since it took so many tries to get the new Lillane =(
I can't beat this, what's the gimmick?
Dunno. I brute forced it with Evie's amazing 5* taunt/heal skill.
Generally, I think those stages just need you to attack hits to bring down the enemy defence counter
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Is this another OP light unit incoming? My Juneau and Fiora teams are already badass.
making a tyrella that is a light attacker into a light attacker and calling her delusional without making her chuuni the other way is probably some kind of crime
Has everyone else lost the "Don't show again today" checkbox for offer purchases?
Quick question, there are differences between the erolabs and the nutaku versions?
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Nothing in-game. Just the currency you buy. I personally prefer Nutaku. They run offers pretty frequently, have decent subscriptions available, and have daily login for extra coins.
It sounds like guild contests are coming back, based on the preview they posted.
Streamlining synthesis for upgrade material will be nice too.
This game slaps, what should I roll for as a beginner?
from the ultra stacked banner you want
[one that makes your dick hard] > Bride Baal (important) > Harvest Fiora > xmas Shizuka > Caesar
From Eternal/Recruit you only really want Emily
Daphne Bloom from your 10 day selector

Best team you can possibly hope for from the start would be something like
BBall, Tyrella, HM Friora, Daphne, xShizuka
only Baal is hard to replace, exceptional leaders are rare, for everyone else, you can run any healer over Friora and Minayomi over Shizuka, which will be a bit weaker, but you have time
dunno who's your favourite so far, but you can probably easily work them into this shell
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since challenge stage 3 is fucking unfun to do trial and error on:
I recommend running lead Ritsuki cuz ulting reduces boss dmg output by like 24% and it gives you more breathing room than dancing through whole first phase with no ults, if you also use Aiko and Emily, you get to do 2 ults every turn which makes the stage much easier, if you have Shuten built for some reason, she ults every turn too
mgBritney can be about anyone cuz Aiko and Elizabeth will probably heal enough, it's also probably better if its not a green unit in hindsight
Daphne could be any shielder, she makes the stage easier if you don't kill yourself by having shield on turns 2,6
I guarded Ritsuki on every turn she wasn't ulting cuz she's green and I am not dumping more potentials into her just for hp buffer

turn 1, 5
hits positions 1,3,5, can be shielded and guarded but if you use 2+ ults you don't need to. Do NOT use Daphne ult on those turns.
turn 2, 6
aoe that turns your shields into damage, if you inspect her she is supposd to also hit guards harder, but if you use ults, guarding still works fine, guard your shielders or die
turn 3, 7
100% hp damage on positions 2,4, pierces shield have to guard those
turn 4,8
big damage on lowest max hp unit, just guard with it, save ults that don't instantly refresh for turn 10
turn 9
limp aoe, you should be fine by now, but it's still a bit of a stat check
turn 10
ult with everyone and you win
Thanks for the tips anon, I ended up beating it with a team similar to yours but with Geneva instead of Britney since she ults at pretty useful times for this stage and I don't have mgDaphne anyway.

Of note, direct attacks do slow down Caesar's power ramp a bit (-2.5% per hit), so I used Ritsuki and Geneva to attack her whenever I could get away with it, which helped me narrowly survive on turn 8 (my Emily was the weak point).

What a pain in the ass this was, even with a guide.
I don't know if I'm retarded or what but I hate this stage and can never figure it out
I scraped through with a Juneau team, sacrificing slot 5 at the end. I'll come back for 3 stars later if I care enough.
I'm stuck on Geneva. Haven't been able to work out how to damage her yet.
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Hello, I'm new, who should I reroll for here? I want Ba'al because I like her design, but got Fiora on my 7th attempt.
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Couldn't get Ba'al sadly, but got these three cuties instead, thanks for the answer.
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Farmed everything I could as a newfag, and got 6 SSRs, they're enough to make a decent formation, right?
some gimmick shits like past spire Shiro bosses might make you think, but you are basically set for life
Another evil bitch and another Nana variant. Think they might be low on ideas.
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Anyone know the solution for OVA-1? I guarded to heal the mascot on turn 1 but can't find the next step. I can't remember what we had to do last time, either.
>Guard against Bally to prompt transformation.
>Hit the Bally 5 times, then Britney becomes vulnerable. Get her down to the 40% mark.
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How the hell do you get spire 50 Geneva to take damage?
New nana
Any worth pulling?
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Who should I pick?
Follow your boner.
Alternatively, Daphne is the default choice. Lulu is a good healer if you don't already have one. Ba'al, Iblis, and Satan are dependable choices too.
Only one of your chars can do damage, I think on the first turn attacking or guarding will determine whether your girls will buff basic attack or ultimate skill attack, and on the second turn the first one to attack will get a 300% attack buff. So build a team based around ultimate dmg or basic attack dmg for one character
If I remember correctly
Why are we eating time with Nana and dark woman rehash #99 when they've also drawn the absolute banger than is Ezie? I can't even post her on a blue board.
I hope putting in summer banner reruns with no summer event doesn't mean they are skipping it entirely this year. The year Satan has to finally get her fucking turn.
Didn't they skip Valentines this year too?
I feel your pain as a fellow Stan appreciator.
Any "must roll" on these new rate ups?
qAsida is one of the most valuable debuffers because she gives you access to trigger attacks even if you have no units that do it, her 3t cd fits everywhere and can be extra abused with Emily.
vBaal is one of the most valuable healers because she does it on top of bunch of buffs and debuffs that contribute to your damage, making her a really good choice when you have no trouble surviving but still need healing.

They are also both on a banner with a selector at 150 rolls.

Mind that this banner is gonna be around for almost a month and this timing probably means that they want to bait out your rolls before dropping a big event. Even if you can afford rolling 150 times and hopefully snatch both good units this way, its probably better to wait like 2 weeks and see what they are scheming.
Thanks man, I'll wait then.
I'd love to see Satan getting territorial around Leyla over being the only dark type defender (while Saria hides nervously).

To add to what >>1477814 said, I rate Ayane for a strong Fire/Light team. And yes Ba'al and Asida are great too.
I'm just glad they reprinted Summer Nana. Now I only need Anjelica and base Asina to compete the pokedex.
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Summer is coming (and so am I)
Unrelated, anyone know how to damage spire 40 Dragon Dancer Lana once her defence goes up in stage 2?
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Lobster satan
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She got boobs... dropped.
She never did anything for me anyway.
I feel like I've waited so long and now it's underwhelming. Hopefully the rooms make up for it.
Chiz is actually the most appealing to me so far.
not enough to give her a nonsensical meme swimsuit, they also had to keep her legs out of frame
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When is this bullshit starting? When people stop pulling on the bait rerun banners?
It'll be next Wednesday. New events are always Wednesdays.
So there's gonna two banners of two girls each. I'm glad, since it won't be a 4-way chance every time you score SSR.
Wish she was Ceasar's sister instead of literally him to be honest
What's wrong with fucking a loli version of yourself?
Nothing, just my preference
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Kek of course she takes the amazon position
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Spoiler alert for her outfit upgrades, I guess.
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Got my little Caesar!
>Summer Satan
>Attack: Damage the target (100% Attack Power)
Why is she like this?
Quick impressions
Chorizo seems strong, especially if you have some of the better BA attackers like wLulu. Shame it's limited to attackers cuz it basically excludes Usagi, but at this point I am sure it's deliberate.
Satan is a bit confused and slow, but the numbers get pretty high if you do have time to waste, also seems like a pattern by now.
Caesar is stuck to being a lead. She's probably fine there, but the actual numbers are hard to estimate without testing. This is the one that probably will benefit from bonds the most... while sharing the banner with welfare unit.
Salucia is farmable so just go get her. Seems like a bit unremarkable healer, has some weak buffs, contributes damage of her own, strong debuff on 5* skill, but 9 turns is very fucking slow and it will re-set itself if boss has phases that use the wave mechanic. You will probably have her at bond5 before getting Caesar.

Translations are notably bad this time. Been a while since I have seen so many weird mistakes and inconsistencies before even starting the event proper.
Happy anniversary to this thread
I'm not feeling this event
Yeah it's pretty simplistic so far. Wonder if it'll get any more interesting when the next section opens.
Sucks that the puzzles give forbidden fruit instead of 10x tickets too.
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WTF have they been feeding this princess?
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stumbled upon this game and got to rolling on the summer banners got hooked and been playing for a few days now

should I spend my rolls on the selector step banner now before it goes away?

also any helps w team building?
newbie selector banner is really good for getting core units that make most of the hardest content a joke, there is a rundown here

For teambuilding, it depends, but a lot of the best teams just buff she shit out of Tyrella, that you already have in your team, good eye.
Generally you just pick a dps, add a healer that gives you the most buffs without leaving you dead, then fill the rest with buffers and debuffers that fill the leader skill requirements. You should roll a bit more before locking in your "final" team, but if you swap out Britney for a healer down the line and Aiko for Minayomi once you have a healer, it will do ok for a while, maybe forever.
also it's worth mentioning, as long as your team can stay alive, Summer Caesar will carry you.
It kinda doesn't even matter what units you run with her, debuffs and buffs are great, but her damage is absurd. As long as the units can guard normally, and then ult on Caesar ult turns, you will be fine. 75% of base attack is a fuckload. Hit with her last and laugh all the way to the bank.
How do I know who to pick as a leader?
You can generally get away with running any of the newer 3* you like, as long as you can fill the requirements for the skills. It's also worth checking if any of the units that you are tagging along with your chosen leader would do a better job as lead in the formation. Hit the dummy a couple of times, that's how everyone tests their teams and new units. Guild raids end after turn 13 so try to optimise your damage for that.
Past that, a thing to look out for would be HP buff they provide, because extra HP is super helpful in if your units aren't all 5* pot 6+ yet and you keep dying.

If you like thinking for yourself and experimenting, stop reading here.

If you want a confusing amount of information about "meta", I dug up this picture recently:
It lists the leader, their "best" team below and units that are worth having to swap in on the right.
Don't worry about chineese in it, it's just leader skills spelled out. Top left is newbie teams, below is strong general leaders and right is strong, more gimmicky leaders. And try to not treat it as gospel. This game really likes to make gimmick fights, that completely ban your best units from being used or that you will need to build new teams for anyway.

New units that are missing from the picture and I feel like they could potentially make it would be spy Nana and summer Caesar; I think that while her banner is a bit of a trap, with the mediocre healer you can get for just farming event, summer Caesar herself looks silly strong with the only real "downside" being that she absolutely has to be the leader and you will never use her in any other team.
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how should I spend energy doing the event, or doing campaign?

for discipline should I just follow my dick? are keys hard to obtain?

she's hard carrying my team, the game is a joke

currently working on getting bride Ba'al after looking at the thread
Can't beat the new difficult battles...
For Salucia I think you have to spam ults. I took Aiko and a bunch of CD3 units. The enemy self deleted on turn 9.
Satan I treated like regular fight with a tough team and won. Maybe it's just a stat check?
I haven't beaten either otohime yet.
For the last fight i used Xmas Evie on pos 5, a tanky non white/dark should work too, 3 light attackers, dark attackers would work, and a light or dark healer.
Don't attack much, wait for the ult, kill either the light or dark one then the buff will disappear from the other one, kill it then the fight become a lot easier.
Keep an eye on the char on pos 3 because it will get hit hard.
Any tips to get 3 stars on Spire 50? I managed to clear the rest of the spire without much trouble but this one is a pain in the ass.
I can't find any way to start these. Am I missing something?
How does this game compare with ark re code? Gameplay wise and in the coomer stuff
>ark re code
That game has AI art doesn't it? Tenkafuma wins by default.
Look for the exclamation marks when you're selecting location.
Incidentally, got any tips for the Otohime fights?
Haven't played Ark Recode but Tenka has many many fully explicit scenes.
You play Tenkafuma for its writing, genuinely funny
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I did all the hearts but these doesn't unlock.
When does the summer event end? I haven't played in a while (had financial issues and I swore off gacha until I got my shit back together), but I really don't want to jump on the game when the event is probably more than half way over.
Summer is over. The banners are still up for another week or so though.
Current event is a rerun, going for another 10 days. Next proper event isn't announced yet.
How much do you need to spend in order to play this game? Surely you don't need to spend much or at all?
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I always got every limited SSR in the game, would try to get it F2P but wasn't afraid of spending.
I gave in and started again. I just paid $300 to get all of the summer units. I really wasn't planning on doing all of that, but I got really pissed/sunk cost fallacy because I kept on pulling Chizuru as my SSR, I pulled her 5 times and I used the $60 package to get Satan.
NVM, I got it.
Is Liasnel here? Looks like a long time guild member but hasn't logged in for a week.
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New unit
Pink hair and horns? Guess Minayomi has a sister.
That's probably it considering a new Minayomi is the other unit for the event (new girl is the F2P unit).
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Looking at the preview, looks like Mina is the point reward.
She looks cool as hell in wild mode too.
Nice just the 2 things i lack but i already pulled on last event, wish she was the point reward.
I guess I'll focus on saving for Loliween for now
>Green Obstructer
The F2P Lana from the current event is right there :^).
On a more serious note, how much would a Wind Obstructer would be relevant on today's teams? If I'm running a Sexmas Evie or Bunny Akio team, I would rather have an attacker for synergy with Xmas Iblis (or even Halloween Ayane for the former or Harvest Fiora for either), and even if you're running a Cunny Salucia, than an attacker would still be preferable because of Wonderland Lulu.
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I just noticed that it's been over a year since we got a unit liberated, I don't know what the devs were thinking limiting the system to bond 5, especially with how uncommon it is to even get "non-limited" SSRs.
The devs should greatly raise how common the Leader tag is in recruitment, or at least give a paid-only monthly selector if they ever wanted to revisit the idea without lowering the requirements.
Would be cuter if her breasts were smaller
Leader tag rate is all over the place. I didn't have it for about 6 months.
I've now had it 5 times in just over a week.
Not sure if they ever changed it, but there's a less than 1% chance it shows up,
Is there any repository on what the gimmicks for the Time Rift bosses are? Discord only has it for the SP stages.
No. Check reddit or nutaku discord
Anyone have any luck with the SP stage? Been trying more than a handful of team, but nobody seems to be able to eat a super once the second wave starts.
Not me. Mine gets wiped
I can beat SP stage with 5 stars support loli Shiro leader + Emily + Iblis slot 5 combo but none of my units can tank second SP Minayomi Ultimate dealing double max hp even with guard, only 2 stars for me.
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same, sp is kicking my ass
First phase goes down no problem, second phase seems geared towards buffing one girl each turn to attack with her but I don't have the proper support units to really set up something like that, especially since she gets a lot of defense against trigger attacks
The main gimmick seems that it want to be a war of attrition with basic/additional attack focused teams (AKA: I hope you've got Summer Ceaser and/or Summer Chizuru goy), but her stats are so high that the vast majority of units can't tank the second phases hit unless they have almost if not completely maxed potential.

Maybe as a complete meme, an decently invested OG Evie can tank the hits considering she's the only character that heals themselves every time they gets hit, but I can't imagine that most players don't have a stack of recent units that are 5 stars, maxed potential, and preferably neither wind or light. It's kind of funny because challenge events are usually built in mind of shilling the new units, but one would struggle to get past the first phase alive and the other becomes completely useless thanks to one of the second phase's gimmicks.
Update preview says liberation will no longer need bond V, which is nice.
I only have 21 liberation crystals and 2 flawless souls though =(
So now that the liberation system has been "liberated" it self, who are you guys upgrading/going to upgrade?
I was thinking about Iblis for the longest, because I got 3 dupes and her, and I still kept the free 5* selector we got from the anniversary just incase I pull copy #4, but I already have several good light attackers.
Was also thinking about KS-VIII, but she seems lackluster at low bonds, and I only have her at bond 1.
Maybe I could use the selector I was saving for Iblis for Chizuru too, but my wind roster is pretty stacked, just like the light one.
while bonds are no longer strictly needed for liberation, a lot of the power that comes from the system is still behind 3+ bonds, and that's on top of most liberations not doing much to make the characters useful
the best picks to consider in my not entirely informed opinion would be
Salucia cuz she becomes a premium supporter, most of the power is at high bonds, but she can manage
Milae because strong BA, goes fast in rift and her high bond ult has Tyrella numbers
Chizuru as a wind piece

honorable mentions
Satan at max bond has permataunt off lead
Baal at high bond is a one of the better damage dealers to squeeze between vBaal and bBaal making for a funny team
Iblis as a replacement for auto button because her really high damage aoe basic
Lulu 3+ becomes a usable healer and a decent wind piece
>Finally kill Mina
>Oh no no no no, you've just activated my trap card
>Party wiped
Almost always happen but this time it made me angry.
Wow. For 100 demonite and two potions? Yeah, I don't give a shit about beating that.
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Another game by the same developers is coming out tommorow:
not exactly a complaint cuz I enjoy usagi's art, but the characters in this all look straight pulled from tenkafuma. not sure if it was the best idea to make another game within more or less same setting
To be fair, it was around Summer two years ago, they announced that they wanted to implement PvP content in Tenkafuma, but considering they haven't seen it talked about it since, it's safe to assume that it's was silently scrapped due to the backlash it got.
DragonBall Legends came from the idea of people wanting PvP content in Dokkan Battle, so the new game probably has a similar origin.
Yeah I just gave up on the SP stage. It's the first time I was forced to give up on completing all the stages. The prizes for finishing it doesn't match the resources needed to max out a specific team.
Do we have an updated tier list so I can plan about who to upgrade? The one I have is more than a year old.
Isn't this the one where you can roll dudes in the gacha and if you don't want your girls to be captured and raped you'll only use dudes in your army?
Personally, I already have Salucia, Milae, and Lulu max liberation beforehand due to getting them to 5 bonds.

Also, I have Ba'al and Satan at bond 5 too, but I haven't liberated either of them (due to being lucky/unlucky, I got at max, so I was skeptical that I would need another fire attacker in lib Ba'al.(and now getting 5 copies of Summer Chizuru, I know I don't need her anymore). and I'm not sure about other people, but I don't think I've had legitimate use for Defenders, especially as boss fights more often than not punish/ignore Satan's multi-turn taunts these days. I may just hold on to my mats in hopes that the devs add more now.

What do you have/are planning to upgrade? The only "must have" units that came out this year are the 3 Valentine's units (Noel, Mesmiia, and Nanami), and Summer Ceaser/Chizuru (special mention to Christmas Iblis due to coming out on the tail end of the year). The current Lulu is pretty good if you rely on Magical Girl Juneau teams, and Angelina plays nice with Summer Caesar/Beast Lulu teams. But other than that, the rest of the bunch are varying degrees of okay-ish to pretty good.
Yeah, it's unfortunately, it's a dime a dozen Clash of Clans like city builder. The game has grown infamy due to the fact that the Chinese gamers are about as stingy getting "NTRed" as they are with the rest of the game, so a good number of players are only using the Male units.
Thankfully, I manage to do some snooping around and found out that the Chinese community has been maintain a repository of all the scenes:
I guess I'll focus on those characters. Thanks anon.
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New girls
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Based superior Shizuku.
can't believe first character with pubes, that covers for like half of popular hentai tags can be so useless in gameplay
and is on a banner with someone almost equally useless
only the real ones will pull
Did you say pubes? Ok you convinced me to pull.
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Jesus Christ is that a leash?
I think I have a new favourite character.
>want one tsubaki because mature fox women are my thing
>get 4 fucking shizukas
I remember now why I stopped playing gachas
Shizukua seems so good, and Tsubaki seems so undertuned (at least on paper), I'm surprised the former is the F2P unit.
>I'm surprised the former is the F2P unit.
Because no one cares about the meta. The sex scenes are what's actually being pulled for.
From what I've heard the Chinese whales will max out on a unit if they're good, but settle for one copy if they aren't. If you're spending hand over fist, I imagine most whales have a good amount of keys in store.
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Guys he's right, and it keeps getting darker.
OG Iblis vs Tsubaki scenes.
Yeah it's really unappealing to me. I'm not going to judge anyone, but I just don't like it. It's still a fun game but not enough to keep me around.

So that's it for me. Sorry boys, it was a good run!
I'm confused on how the passive works. Does it mean that having 5 water allies doubles up on the abilities, or do you only active one instant?
Pretty sure it means either 4 or 5 have the same effect, based on how other descriptions are written (i.e. like shit)
Fuck man I hate these types of games, there's nothing of substance to them and all that happens is you get butt fucked by a billion chinese whales
I forgot to do the trials, one of them have her. If you have 5 water units, both the effect will proc twice.
Can confirm, twice is correct for a team of 5 water attackers.
Yeah, I played it for a short while, but seeing that some I was going to get my resources stunted by a neighbor, because I feel slightly behind made me quit instantly.
Can we have some sense with the bosses please, people.
Use "Train" to see if you can kill a full HP target before chipping it, when there's one already partially worn down.
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Forgot pic
Is the 4chan clan still active.
I left it years ago because it couldn't even finish guild rewards
If you mean the one in OP's post, we're hitting all rewards every week.
You can fail those? I don't think I ever went a single time without getting full damage. Maybe they just don't have fully built enough teams.
I managed to fail one ticket kill the lv 60 guild fights due to 13 turns time limit and only doing 4 billion damage out of 6 billion max health.
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For some reason the JP feed has one of the new units, but not the EN one.
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Ayane slowly but surely taking the stick out of her ass.
wow, attacker Ayane, how adventurous
Deciding which 5* outfit to unlock first - Tsubaki or Shizuka. Anyone know if either is a drastic change from their 3* & 4*?
I still think Iblis is overrated overall, but this is a good one.

Cool, thanks. (I won't bother with either lol)
When did they stop doing selectors for the banners? It was always 2 for the 50/50, or 3 for a more expensive selector. It sucks there being no guaranteed if you're a lucklet.
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Armpit Bros... the ads know...

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