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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

Excited to see the laughable failure that is dragalia fail again. Maybe Nintendo will sue this thing this time.
Thanks for sharing. Will probably just pull for the characters I was missing and then read all the Adventurer Stories. It's weird how all the side stuff like Adventurer Stories, events, even the boss stuff like Agitos and the fallen angels or whatever had decent writing, but the main story was always a mess.
Can you complete everything with this? Do you still need to grind for shit?
I thought maybe you were posting this here because of that dumb Reddit protest but the game and community are already dead and thankfully the subreddit isn't stupid enough to block off anyone left that might be interested in getting information
Can i get megaman now?
Oh shit the anon who compiled all of dragalia's media, thanks for your work i've been using your mega folder since you created it, does the new private server let you download past events from the compendium? I'm on the orchis server and the event compendium doesn't work there.
I haven't really tried dawnshard yet but I don't think the event compendium works on either server yet. Feel free to test it out though.
So what features are still missing?
It used to work on orchis but then nintendo shut down the asset server.
I guess I'll try dawnshard on bluestacks.
itoddler version doko
Since the reverse engineering discord released a public CDN server, I'll download the assets and archive it in case they take it down for whatever reason.
Just emulate it if you don't own an android.
Thank you anon.
Can modded apk download the cache?
You mean assets? Yes.
Can someone sell this to me, a gacha-virgin?
Are there stages or just plain adventuring?
How long do I need to play everyday?
Perks of this private server shit?
Perks of the private server: you get to play the game cuz the official server EOSd last year.
I haven't played the private server mod, only the original.
>Perks of this private server shit?
Game's finished, so this private server stuff is the only way to play.
>Can someone sell this to me, a gacha-virgin?
I think you get infinite rolls with this private server stuff, so you should be able to get everyone easily (besides event characters I think since other anons say that the Event Compendium doesn't work?).
On a note about the gacha though, this game was overly generous (probably contributed to it ending). Normally in gachas, you're incentivized to get multiple copies of a character to make them stronger. This game doesn't do that, you just need a character once, and then from there it just comes down to raising them. Now, there are also Dragons, which are a mix of characters/equips, and those you do need multiple copies of to power-up.
>Are there stages or just plain adventuring?
For the main story: dungeon-crawling stages for the most part, with boss fights. Late-game side-content focused more on boss fights. Really tough boss fights, which probably hurt the game still, since most mobile players probably aren't looking for a challenge that takes multiple retries and/or grinding.
>How long do I need to play everyday?
You can do whatever you want now, but even when it was active, you were pretty flexible as long as you finished the story chapters as much as you could.

Overall, the main draws were the artstyle, and the characters. The main story was a mess (they even give new players an option to skip the first arc and just read a summary comic of it), the characters though were good, so they shine most in the events and/or Adventurer Stories (story chapters for the character that you unlock by raising them). Gameplay is action RPG, where you can switch between 4 characters, and each character can transform into a dragon temporarily. Side boss fights take grinding, but they do have fun gimmicks sometimes.
You can also import a save
>The database may be wiped without warning and any progress removed, so please try not to get too attached to progress you make on this server. If you want to gain access to specific characters, rather than wasting time summoning, please use the save editor
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working kaleidoscape when desu
shinobi won btw
I've updated the app with the orchis apk OP posted and the event compendium works now!
CDN is down so unless you have the assets downloaded you can't play. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
When will someone seed a torrent for the assets? Should be around 16.5GB for everything. This is one of the laziest communities I've ever participated in.
That would be godsend since from the looks of it the owner of the CDN does not know how to fix the server and until they do something where screwed.
Found this on twitter a while ago
Does this include jap voices?
I don't know.
This is not an assets archive. This is someone's account data.
kek even in death this community is still useless
never change dragfags
i´ve managed to download some assets (not all) before nintendo shutdown the server and there´s some of the same data in the google drive.
If you didn't download the assets in time, the fault lies with you. If you wanted it then you should've paid attention and not be lazy about it. No, I'm not sharing it with you retards.
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The only way to achieve a true archive was to use the download tool provided on GitHub. Stuff like the event compendium could only be downloaded one at a time in-game. Even if someone managed to root their phone and get a copy of the game, it is still incomplete.
>some of the data in the google drive
It's like 2GB worth of assets. There's 16GB+ worth of assets in totality. It's missing a ton.
I mean I did that but only downloaded En_US and skipping old assets and got 18GB of data, the google drive has more (I don´t know if it´s a full archive tho).
>tfw all is lost
don't care since no new content will be made to the game
if they manage to add more content, I already know it's going to be tranny faggot trash
being in perpetual eos mode killed my motivation to play DL, so I'd rather spend my time elsewhere
Not him but can you share it? I started playing during the last few months and couldn't finish the game.
Lol retard GDrive limits you to 2GB through the website. Try installing the program to download it.
ha ha retard!
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Explain this then, you fucking retards.
Bro the rest of the assets are in _manifest
ha ha retard!
I don't blame him, that folder is called "master assets" after all and only poeple who had downloaded the assets before knows the distribution between folders lmao.
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>Bro the rest of the assets are in _manifest
>ha ha retard!
idk what to tell you then lol
ha ha retard! get stuck forever
You look like the retard here, bozo.
Who's stuck here? It's you retarded brainlet.
I'm not stuck, dipshit. It's incomplete with proof to back it up. You have nothing.
Hey OP you should add these scans to your MEGA archive.
These are from the lyric book from the sound collection.
Sounds stuck to me, retarded fuckface.
>Unable to differentiate between the words "stuck" and "incomplete."
Try harder seanigger.
>unable to progress because of incomplete resource and i'm a retarded fuckface
Berhenti saja. Wajah sialan yang menyedihkan.
>ook eek lah
Dance monkey dance!
Siapa wajah sialan terjebak? Ibumu akan mati saat tidur malam ini.
Sungguh pernyataan yang mendalam! Apakah ibumu akan segera meninggal?
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>Because of You
Still one of my favorite songs from this game.
Aaaaaaaand it's broken again, what happened this time?
CDN account was suspended. Ceris will try to implement a proper cloudflare server.
Here's the cord server where it's talked about: https://discord.gg/j9zSttjjWj
Oh man, thanks for the info.
I was playing through the events stories and today it stopped working, here's hoping they get the cloudflare server working soon.
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but we.... LOST our brothers from /drag/......
I left right before MM collab happened. Trying out Orchis and I have to ask if it's possible to upgrade dragons. I can upgrade buildings if I close the app afterwards but I absolutely can't level up dragons or adventurers. I just get back materials and none of the stats change. Can't use the shop either. I vaugely remember having to unlock features by doing the story, will that fix some of this?
Also Althemia a cute.
Probably gonna sound like a retard but i'm getting this error after installing the APK
Your hardware does not support that application.
IICR in orchis you can only upgrade adventurers with an item called omnicite (i think you can ask the owner to give you one in the suggestion tab ingame) as for dragons idk.
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/Drag/bros we are going home.
even addis is back to cuck me again wtf....
Lmao they've added the login bonus back in the orchis server.
I'll chose the superior dragalia 2 (aka ffxvi)
You can't just call every ARPG Dragalia.
I can and I will (especially when it's true)
can I play this in phone?
I don't care about the game just give me more of the fairy. I want more fairy porn.
This is made by the extella devs.
did you neck yourself yet faggot?
welp fug
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Here's the android tutorial.
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As much as I would love to redownload this to stare at Beast Volk's crotch while masturbating furiously I just don't think it's worth the hassle (probably not a cached event from the salvaged files anyway)
Maybe someday, good to see this game preserved somewhat at least unlike Brave Frontier
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What a fat and PLUMP specimen.
Ooooooh yus.
So any news on getting the assets and seeding a torrent?
I'm going to see if I can aggregate the event assets by downloading them separately and merging them. I have to wait until the CDN server is back up to do it.
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once a pyos nyalways a pyos
Its back up and from the looks of it they added another server.
Dragalia... Won.
Then why can't I find it?
>da sadcatz outlived dragaylia
truly da most loyal of fans......
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Hentaki still making fan art to this day. That's a loyal deragarian for you.
It looks like they are going to add the event Dawn of Dragalia to the Orchis server.
i also get paid to say i like deragari
>be low tier artist
>cater exclusively to an obsessed fanbase that has no other options
Aw yeah, it's all coming back now.
They've changed Myriams attribjte from wind to light.
It's back and CO-OP is functional.
We are back /drag/bros!
mendel where are you we can carry you again!
>a network connection error has occured
Oh no.
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Right here.
Took a bit to figure out but should be free most of the time when not working.
Pretty neat that the game is "alive" now.
Where is savedata.txt stored? I wanna restart my game and use the save editor to just fill out the roster and dragons since Orchis wiped all my progress this morning.
I think you can request your savedata from the server, try asking in the discord server.
>Discord Server
Goddamn these server-based saves. If I knew there'd be private servers after EOS I would've used the save extractor before it became useless on my old Nintendo Account from before the Mega Man event. Suddenly the unlimited summoning is gone so I'm SOL on having an actual roster without save editing. Damn near reminds me of why I quit in the first place...
Is there some secret save downloader that works on private servers or do I really have to join the discord?
You can download the savedata.txt from this google drive.
I used it and got the data of some pervert part of an Iowa meme guild that cleared the whole story.
Unless there's a way to wipe story and event progress I'll bite the bullet on the Discord. I have a specific want for a fresh savedata.txt without any progress. Since that isn't available, I'll go to the Discord, ask for one, and maybe upload it somewhere so someone with my same autistic needs can edit a fresh save for themselves too.
Oh you wanted a fresh one, yeah I think discord is the only way for that.
Dragalia.. lost..
I don't know if you already got your save, but if your on orchid you can got to Help/Support>Leave feedback and request all characters and dragons by typing Character and Dragons.
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Haven't yet because busy, but I'll get the savedata.txt then do that. Still want the fresh save archived for autism but thank you for the advices.
Is it just me or does Dragalia run a lot smoother on this private server?
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If anyone cares: I have been fucking around with resources in the Discord. The endgame file in the faq works but the new file doesn't. Trying the command line save file download just gives me an unusable 1 KB .json. I'm just gonna make a new app account, link it to a new save file account and ask for Dragons and Adventurers in feedback. I will simply live without a fresh save file and cope and seethe.
Wtf, now that I think about it they should add a button to download your savefile from the LukeFZ savedata server, that could be really helpful.
Good luck on your journey anon.
so when are we getting modded deragully...
We are already getting it.
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They've buffed her.
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Join the Official Dragalia Lost™ Discord® server, sisters!
hmmmmm, no
Jaldabaoth is trans and it's heckin beautiful
Dragalia... Home...
I've legitimately never missed a dead game this much, time to see about getting onto the private server. How do you go about downloading the assets with the apk?
I need to see Celly again, bros.
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Did someone call?
Just follow these tutorials.
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Thanks chief, I missed that you actually get to download the data from the modded apk.
So I'm assuming Dawnshard is where the remnants of the general are at?
The eternal best girl. God I miss her.
Orchis has more stuff than Downshard for the time being.
Huh, interesting. Thanks for the heads up, I expected having co-op would have made Dawnshard more popular.
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cydaddy remembers........
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They don't actually
Never got the change to play this game but maybe a private server will bring it new life
Not to boss OP around but you should make a backup on some other storage service just in case.
I for one will be archiving different things too.
Which emulator did Dragalia run best on? I know at some point it blocked emulators towards the end.
>>1207432 (OP)
They blocked emulators in the first month of the game lol. I think bluestacks works fine with the private server.
I kno this shi is almost 2 weeks old but I am in the same autism wave as you, did you get the .txt will all the characters and dragons unlocked?

I did what >>1225336 said about the Help/Feedback stuff, dont wanna install discord.
In the last part of this google doc >>1214361 there's a section on how to get your savefile on orchis, try that and edit it with the dragalia save editor.
I am that autist Anonymouse
If you play on Orchis, put
into any browser, replace the Xs with the last 7 digits of your player ID
This is the only method I have found to work. I tried the command line method stated in the GDoc and Discord and I got was headers. Ceris (Orchis dev) states the Orchis save files are incompatible with any other hosts because Orchis formats save files differently, haven't tested it personally.
I'll upload a blank save file when I get around to it. Doing Feedback > select Save Modifications from the list > Enter "Characters" and "Dragons" in the response box gives you all characters and 2 copies of each dragons fully upgraded, including dummied dragons and characters like a placeholder Tutorial Zethia, Mars with shit abilities (you still get 2 Mars with the normal abilities) and all the Dragondrive forms. It automatically mark all Adventurer stories as read, and there is no way to get them without upgrades. I'll fuck around with the other save editor to see if it works on Orchis saves, but iirc I don't remember seeing Shingen, Yukimura, Fudo Myo-o, and a few others in the character cheat logs so you may to use the in-app Feedback to actually get everything.
Dawnshard method?
what are the rates bwo
>They put them back on Orchis
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The kaleidoescape is working on Orchis but the drops don't seem to work yet so you only have the stuff that you started with.
As I was listening to the fan album, I noticed it was fixed with the officially released singles. Thank you anon if you still read this thread.
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chronos... won.............
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>dawnshard gets kaleidoscape support
>try downloading the data
>connection error has occured connection error has occured connection error has occured connection error has occured
it's over.......

they should have pandered more to us scalie bros and gave us wedding garland, summer mars, and yukata shinobi
maybe dragalia dying was a good thing.
this is what the game gets for advertising "dragons" yet we end up with giant waifus and twinks
Does anyone on dawnshard knows if the kaleidoscape works properly?
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dragalia..... found..................
can I transfer all my event only and cameo characters over?
Hello? Is Eller here?
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Yes anon?
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Whatever happened to the singular Hopeschizo?
this guy was the biggest copium addict i've ever seen. he might have killed himself but i'll never forget him.
Come to think of it Luca's Layabout never had any internal guild drama surprisingly.
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I found amane
What game?
Aster Tatariqus.
>not-amane is just given to you at the start and a 5 star at that
yeah I think I'm giving this a try
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dogari remembered
Why didn't this game get the World Flipper treatment?
Story ended but it's still going
>the only game in that panel that is not about to EoS is horse gayme
Nintendo partnership, therefore Nintendo also has rights to it compared to Waffle.
anyone know how to host your own server? I see it on the dawnguard github but I dont actually understand how that shit works
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pyos pyos pyos
can Dragalia come back?
I remember the very last cope he had before dissappearing forever was that we would get...I think the last dragon trials? And then when that happened, he gloated about it, but an anon shot him down in flames by saying
>you know DL is still eos right?
And that was the last time the hopeschizo ever posted.
As a game that gets updates? Probably not. Although I'll always hope that they do something with the world and characters, even if it's unlikely since it was a partnership project.
I only recognize Priconne.Horse game,Dragalia and Granblue from this,what else is dying?Also did granblue actually announce anything,I haven't been paying attention.
Granblue announced a console JRPG like a week ago
>a week ago
Where can you get the apk?
In OP's Mega link.
It fails lol
Is this only for those who actually played Dragalia? No new players allowed?
All players allowed.
Why does it fail for me then?
Have you guys followed this tutorial? >>1214361
I don't know what to tell you then, that tutorial worked for me on my android phone and on bluestacks.
im retard why does it keep saying patching failed in the dragaliapatcher
I know it's against 4chan's usual "anonymity at all costs" mantra, but hey, Ceris here.

Since this thread is alive (on life-support) I wanted to give you all some clarification on a few things since you're not in the Discord.
A) The current download issues are the result of migrating to cloudflare. Expect these to be resolved by the end of the month. If your download fails, you should be able to just retry until it works.
B) If you're getting patch errors that mention files like "libil2cpp.so", "libmain.so" or likewise, it's because you illegally installed the app and managed to do it wrong. You have to install both the base.apk and the config.apk for your platform. Or just use the link on the Orchis homepage to get to the playstore and redownload from there.
C) Co-op is still down. I should have more news about this soon, but we'll see.
D) I've seen a lot of people complaining about Discord. I don't blame you. It's just the most convenient way for us at the moment and I intend to release all of the information about modding and likewise somewhere publicly once everything is settled and I can actually document it. Probably on my site.

E) I'm not a tranny, just a crossdresser, and I promise you whatever story I end up writing later will not be whatever rhetoric they're spewing today. Also I'm not affiliated with the subreddit or it's Discord. I hate (most of) them, and they (mostly) hate me too.

If you've got any questions, I'll check back on this thread at some point in the near future and answer what I can. Thanks for playing bros
Thank you for all your hard work for keeping Dragalia Lost alive, Ceris. I can't speak on behalf of everyone, but I for one, am enjoying this posthumous experience. Keep up the great work!
Where do I find this Orchis homepage?
Thanks for all your hard work. I have never play this game and I would like to give it a try, when I go to the playstore, this game doesn't exist. Is there any alternative to installing this game?
You're quite welcome. I'm proud to defy the fate of online games.
It's the url of the server itself. Take a look whenever you'd like: https://orchis.cherrymint.live
From what I've been told, you must have downloaded it once before to redownload it now from the playstore (I don't have android, so I can't confirm). It's possible to find the APK elsewhere, however it's not something I can personally give instructions for. All I can say is you need both the "base.apk" and the "config.apk" files.
Do you have any advice for making private servers for games?
I wonder what's needed in order to keep a game going after it dies officially.
It varies from game to game, so there's very little advice I can give that's totally relevant to all games ever.
In the case of Dragalia, we probably never would have gotten to the point of having working servers if a certain someone wasn't there to help us get past the encryption.
From there, we figured out Dragalia was almost entirely HTTP connections, so we set out to replicate the responses and slowly built a foundation around it. Orchis, for example, it's pretty much just a NodeJS-Express server hooked up to my personal DB program to store the user data.
TL;DR: mitmproxy and IDA are your best friends. Good luck learning RE, because that still makes my head spin even after making Orchis lol
What is that?
I mean it's not really trip fagging if you have a reason to do it. That's the actual intention of a tripcode.
The link takes me to playstore where it's not available
I know what a "base.apk" is. But what's a "config.apk"?
You retards know there's a base.apk in the mega link, right? Just use DragaliPatch with the orchis link and it just werks. I set mine up before the cloudflare bullshit happened.
I wish Dragalia hadn’t died so soon with MKT soon to enter a zombie state while FEH still lives, but oh well
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>download the APK from the mega link in OP
>download DragaliPatch
>put in the orchis server link and the lathna.xyz CDN like it says in the Android install guide
>patch fails
>try with the minty CDN instead
>fails again
>try dawnshard with both CDNs
>both attempts also fail
>trying to open the game gives the "hardware not supported" error that also says that libmain.so is missing
>can't redownload through the playstore because the game never got released in my country
>QooApp also doesn't seem to have it available anymore
Am I shit out of luck?
Would you shut the fuck up if I just uploaded my patched .apk that I know works on my machine? IDK what kind of pajeet chink trash of a phone you're using where your hardware isn't supported.
If I remember correctly nintendo killed the support of their games on shitty AF phones sometime in 2020 that said >>1289278 you are shit out of luck if you have one of those type of phones.
Then he should just play it on BlueStacks, or y'know, stop being a poorfag turdworlder and buy a better phone.
>Would you shut the fuck up if I
This was my first post on this thread, you schizoid, how about you stop shitting your panties?
Anyway, what phones are you guys using? I doubt my issue is that, but I wanna have a comparison.
You're not the first niglet who bitched about that. I'm using a samshit s22 ultra (btw).
Galaxy note 20 ultra.
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Well, I'm using an S21 FE. It's shittier than yours, but that shouldn't be the issue then.
Especially when I was playing on an Asus Zenphone Pro Max M1 before the game died, and that one was definitely way more shit than what I have now.
Anyways you should wait till next month to try again, since Ceris (the dev of one of the private servers) said in this thread that they are migrating the server to cloudflare and the download issues should resolve by then.
Yeah, I read through the whole thread before posting, but I think the problem isn't the download (or failure of).
DragaliPatcher does download a bunch of stuff, it just fails to patch the game.
Unless the download is corrupt, in which case I'm getting trolled by the servers.
Either way, I'll try to reinstall everything and if that doesn't work I'll try again later on.
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>installed the game from APKPure
>game could actually start and get to the title screen instead of giving the error
>patching it also worked with no issue
I guess the .apk in the Mega link is fucked in some way.
I also noticed that it's smaller than the one that APKPure had, at 80.4MB vs 122.72MB, but the bigger size might just be because APKPure uses its own format (.xapk instead of .apk), I dunno.
Glad you found your answer anon, hope you enjoy the game!
I will. Getting back with my bro Shinobi will be fun. And catch up on the events I missed out, if those are already working without issue.
Reverse-Engineering. Basically trying to understand the game's internal workings without source code.
"config.apk" is the second half of the Dragalia app that contains the actual game binary (unity libraries, etc.). You could think of Android Dragalia as having two parts; One is the part that opens the app and the other is the stuff it's trying to run. There are two config APKs out there. One is for ARMv7 and one is for ARMv8.
>retard didn't read my posts at all
See the response above. You need the config.apk for your architecture. That contains "libmain.so" and the other libraries.
That wouldn't be Nintendo. That would be the admittedly poor development decisions of Cygames. Dragalia is NOT optimized, and it really shows.
Shut the fuck up
Neck yourself tranny
>m-muh crossdresser
Sissy faggot closet tranny
I said that nintendo did that because I remember the same thing happened to FEH at the same time as dragalia did, btw forgot to say thanks to letting us play the game again, also I like the changes you made to the kaleidoscape the new skill pool is pretty good and I love that not only you made the barrels not useless but you also added 2 the skill refill potion and the bomb (lol where did you get that?) to the drops pool, you made the gamemode more fun than before.
That bomb is something that was leftover in the code and I came across it while investigating the IDs of the drops. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything, but I figured I would throw it in as an easter egg. The SP potion is the same way; It was there, but has never been used to my knowledge. The other possible barrel effect is granting dragon points (separate from those statues that appear in some levels), so that's also there now.

I didn't know about FEH being given higher requirements. I believe the requirements for Dragalia changed because Cygames moved it to a 2019 version of unity during the second anniversary.
I found the annoncement from FEH
Aye, I've gotten it to work. Thanks!
>Orchis takes me to playstore, where DL isn't available
No Dragalia for me
Stop being retarded
Another anon found where you can get a functional APK just some post before above.
I got the proper apk but the patch is still failing
>persona characters were added
Uhhhhhhh it's saying IllegalArgumentException
Dragalia? Lost.
I regret making this thread.
If you are still here, is there any other interesting thing that you found that went unused? Like the bomb and the SP potion?
welp tried everything
>dawnshard + lathna
>dawnshard + minty,
>just dawnshard
>orchis + lathna
>orchis + minty
>just orchis
none worked lol
I'm not a returning player. I'm someone who wanted to try it out since it wasn't available for me
Did you use the .apk from the OP? If so, try getting it from somewhere else, see>>1289400 for example
Got Orchis running with no issue, pulled Snowboard Ilia and the water angel girl with my free 50 pulls. Im just plugging through story quests so far, anything I should know about the game that isn't on the announcement board?

I also added in all wyrmprints and weapons too; something tells me I shouldn't be carrying hyperweapons with swirling elemental energy through Chapter 1 areas. Kinda tempted to add all characters too, but I feel like that'd be less fun; especially with daily 10-roll restocks already being a thing.
Nothing too special. There's an unused event mode that some of us suspect is the precursor to Kaleidoscape, but that's the only really interesting thing. Oh, and the DPS stuff in the "record" endpoint request (what gets called after clearing a quest). Apparently they were going to track character DPS/HPS at some point and ditched the idea, but left the code for it intact.
Not just a daily tenfold, but a stacking daily tenfold. For every day you log in and don't use it, it will build up until you feel like summoning.
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I wanna ask, when does the gane get hard, or what stage does it start requiring max level units and really powerful weapons/dragons? When I played the actual live-service DL, it was about when the Fire Emblem collab was released and the hardest content was High Dragon trials, whoch was pretty difficult back in the day.
The story never really got hard, except on Very Hard around the last chapters. The hard stuff was introducing things like the High Dragon trials, called the Agito fights and then the Sinister angel fights after.
Kaleidoscope can also be hard if your using a healer or a shitty character.
Did anyone else notice the updated APK in the OP? I just tried installing it and it's downloading assets right now!
why couldnt they make an offline version like that one megaman gacha got wtf
it's working now
I did get the one from APKure
Cool, thanks for the insight on what went unused.
Does anyone know how to set up my personal proxy if I use iToddler?
It always says Illegal Argument Exception
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5th anniversary...
Me on the left.
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Niku posting GENIUS for the 5th anni.
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Didn't even know there was a thread going, how have you all been lads? I was wondering if it was possible to get back my save data now that the game EoS or if it's possible to start anew
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You are too late to recover your savedata (that server closed in march I think) but you can still play the game if you join a private server, check this site https://orchis.cherrymint.live/ for a tutorial on how to join.
>You are too late to recover your savedata
That's a bummer, I'll just have to get my medals again
>if you join a private server, check this site
Thanks anon, last question, are alliances still a thing?
When you join that private server you will be on your alliance when the game was active but it doesn't work, that server has their own alliance that works but you'll have to ask to be in it.
Doubt anyone from Hotwife is playing anyway, I assume no /drag/ alliances lived
The story gates you when you need to make big adjustments, like "whoa now Euden, this guy seems pretty tough, we better craft THIS weapon from [beating optional boss who gives crafting materials] so we can take him on" and stuff. As someone who started late, the endgame was kind of hard, but they also gave a bunch of materials around EoS so that I could actually get the weapons on time to beat the story.
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Haven't downloaded the game. Just wondering if there was any chance of implementing Tsukuyomi as a playable dragon?
Unlikely, but I'd like it personally, same for Satan, playable bosses are just cool
Please. I need it for Origa and my canon dragon autism.
ellers smellers
Mine exists but is non functional.
Can't even view the members list as it errors.
Ah but the memories haven't left the grand hall.
Happy Anniversary, anons. I just released an update that re-enables the homescreen, so please enjoy it while it lasts.

5th anniversary indeed.
One guild exists on Orchis. This is my guild, which is "Cherrymint". It's the default for new players, and anyone can chat there.
Not exactly. You can enter the Cherrymint guild by going to Settings -> Help/Support -> Leave Feedback, selecting "save modifications", and entering the word "Guild" (capital G, no quotes).
Yes, some of the guild data remains stored in the save file. You can always switch if you like, but I left the bit of data that is available intact so people can remember what once was.

Tsukuyomi, unlike the other previously removed datamine characters, actually has a dedicated dragon slot. As for why, this is unknown. Most bosses use a character slot for their icon. On top of that, her data is partially filled out. Unfortunately, she has no associated skills/stats/etc. and no model or in-battle materials, which causes her to softlock the game on battle load if you do attempt to use her. I'd like to make her playable someday, but due to copyright constraints, I'm not sure I can.
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I was reading through the discord in Dawnshard since it seems like the only place with info on this, did you figure out an alternative to the servers that can host co-op? Is there a chance of getting the other Primal Dragons as equippable dragons working like Mym? What is the game currently lacking from the game before EoS? Happy anniversary
That's a lot of questions that you might have been better off just asking in the Discord lol
>only place with info on this
Info on what exactly?
>alternative to the servers
No, unfortunately not. Photon is a very prominent co-op service for a reason. I wanted to create an alternative to it, but the others weren't so interested, which landed us in the situation we're in now. I can't blame them for it, but still.
>Primal Dragons
Maybe. It's possible to force their models on top of existing dragons with a small change, but we don't have animations or skill data for them, so we'd have to make it from scratch, and we don't have the knowledge for that yet.
>currently lacking
You'll also need to be more specific. We can do pretty much anything from before EoS besides whatever events aren't present in the manifest.
>The cake homescreen with A N N I V E R S A R Y is back.
Thanks for the memories and happy 5th anni!
Thanks for all you've done, and neat to know about Tsukuyomi. Don't give up on the dream!
For Primal Dragons it might be lazy but reusing the already existing animations for High Dragons and adding new moves seems simple enough, at least for Primal Mids which Euden has as a form
Why do you want primal Mids when Midgarsormr zero exist?
If I ever get tired of playing this game again, how can I clear the memory?
It's a rather large game, larger than BA even
This plays just like Shironeko Project wtf
Yeah lol
Some of us in the Discord theorized that Cygames used Shironeko Project as a basis. It's insane how much it feels like a beta version of Dragalia. I even tried looking into BlazeGames' development team and the development team behind the original Shironeko Project to see if there was any overlap, but I unfortunately couldn't find many names. The world may never know.

This isn't possible, for two reasons. No. 1 being that the high dragons and primal dragons use different bone structures. For example, Primal Jupiter is something of an Elysium clone while high jupiter is a chocobo. No. 2 being that adding new skills is a much more involved process and we haven't quite worked out all the details. There's still a lot we don't understand. That said, it's something I think we all want, along with playable Agito, so that's something of an endgoal I have. Hopefully we'll get there someday.
wasn't there a lawsuit?
>Changing OG content
I thought you meant the shota and I need to tell there are multiple Hopefags
There was but it was nintendo sueing the shironeko devs for violating copyright on their patented "touch screen controls"
I'm experiencing some crashes in Orchis
When I try to do some battles, it just stops and never loads
Only content I can do right now is Kaleidoscape
Wait Enuji is playing for /vmg/ now? Is elysiuuuuuuum still playing?
At least we still have representation, thanks for the notice of the next match I'll be watching.
There was guy that was saving for Magisa... the game ended before she is added.
Does Dawnshard really not let you use Notte's encyclopedia?
I want to see how many units I'm still missing
miss you guys
I miss joining /drag/ rooms :(
I don't give a shit about private servers, and I don't want to risk my save file being lost to the aether because some tranny server owner decides one day to pull the plug. However I do recognise that some features and information (such as rolling) are stored server-side. Is there any way I can run my own server and effectively play this like a single player game?
Your savefile is a .txt file, if you didn't download it from the official server until march (when that server closed) your savefile is lost forever, it doesn't have to do anything with a private server at all.
I should've been more specific. I never got to play this game to end-game when it was still alive, so I want to start again from scratch and finish it this time.
>The Dawnshard server put a time attack event last week
They even have the leaderboards on their site, nice.
>finally get kaleidoscape working
>all of the prints after beating bahamut are ones with both weapon plus element on all the bonuses
haven't seen a single one with _____ hitter yet
shinobi in the kaleidoscape when
well after running through it a few times i can say
>all prints after beating bahamut give you weapon element on both bonuses
>______ hitter prints don't drop
>pure strength weapons and prints don't drop
>5* prints and agito weapons drop way less frequently
>you're more likely to get the big dragons like thor/midZ/nimis/garland after beating bosses
>you can't encounter bosses outside of the designated boss floors like 40/50/etc.
>monster houses and treasure rooms appear more frequently
this could be wrong but volk and kai might not be able to spawn on the agito boss floors because all i've got were the twins and ciella appeared only once
Is there a way Mitrasphere could get private server'd like this? I miss that game terribly.
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Bros why did it have to die? Why isn't there anything else out there like it? All gacha games are just waifu generators with boring gameplay.
I want something cute and full of chibi dudes like Dragalia.
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Add that with Nintendo pulling the plug.
Play Another Eden. It has cute 2D chibis.
I'm playing anime sloppa for now.
It's just not the same...
Don't know if anyone here uses chatbots but here's some users that made some

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Ever so marginally improving.
Still regurgitated dogshit
Never change cringefaggot
No improvement whatsoever
this game had a lot of soft titties I miss it very much
I wonder if the official artist will ever do dragari comms
Does Naoki even do commisions?
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>25GB including 15GB of music
Good lord...
my game is around 9gb
Configure the sensation.
Unfortunate reality that Daoko is working with AIslop now, I can see why Nintendo cut ties with this whore
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1 year since the game EOS
It has only been a year?
Feels like forever.
Why did this one fail, lads? I hear it grossed a nice amount of money in its first year. The designs don't look overly reliant on coomer baiting and the number of dudes seem balanced with that of female characters -- could this have anything to do with its demise? (please say no. don't destroy my faith in humanity)
Sexless designs are a problem for gacha, but you could write a book about the game's fuckups. It found a stable formula eventually but it was too late.
deadeller https://twitter.com/bouro73/status/1129414269504593921
Granblue Relink is just Dragalia Lost
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it do be that way
Does this work fine on Nox? Might wait until Apple FINNALLY allows sideloading, at least they will in Europe
Just found out about this Dawnshard thing. I think it's time to play some Dragalia.
I can't believe I'm tempted to get a PS5 just for this.
>Granblue Relink is just Dragalia Lost

When does it come out? I might actually be interested in it now. I do have the fighting game free on PSN plus, is that any good? I really do love the new "3D imitating 2D" style ArcSys developed.
Wait it's only for PS5?
No, it's on Steam too, anon.
Guide to join a private server on non jailbroken IOS phone
talk to me when there's something with the characters
Playing from a fresh Halidom standpoint is really weird after they revamped the weapon crafting. I nee to upgrade the castle to level 6 so I can upgrade the smithy to 7 and make void weapons which are basically downgrades of the 5* core weapons you can make at smithy 6 but you don't need any prerequisites to make the chimeratech weapons (smithy 8) which open up the HDT/agito weapons. It does seem like they cranked up the drop rate on every quest so material farming is a breeze. Double nice since you don't start with a bunch of honey and the auto repeat is broken and turns itself off after one repeat.
tldr I'm having fun I missed this game.
>shadowverse 2
Man you guys got really screw over with the Nintendo partnership.
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I remember that Mid I ain't clickin that shit nigga I know what you're up to.
Boy this post age like dry dooky
it should've been us at granblue fes...
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Speaking of FEH, would love to see private servers for that one just to fuck around with it.
How do you save edit yourself to have infinite gems? I want to play around in in game shit but don't want to wait a year to catch up
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There's probably a tutorial for it in their discord or whatever. I've read that you can also download an endgame ready file but I started fresh to kill more time at work.
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Happy new year bros! Hope to see something from this IP this year.
That new? GBF character looks real nice and I don't even play the game.
You're going to have to be more specific.
And if you mean the ones in this game, they're legacy characters that originated from Rage of Bahamut (like their GBF versions).
Absolutely not. No one sane person would dare publicly touch FEH whatsoever. Nintendo would hunt you like an animal if you dared.

Download your save file, edit the `crystal` value in the "user_data" section to anything below 3million, upload it to the BaaS server, ???, profit.
>Download your save file, edit the `crystal` value in the "user_data" section to anything below 3million, upload it to the BaaS server, ???, profit.
Editing the file is the easy part. I don't even know were to look to grab it or were to upload it to. Also does this project support being able to sign into the same account on multiple devices?
What happened?
Maybe the server's having something programmed right now. Tsukuyomi raid event is up right now after all.
I managed to get in but the server went into maintenance.
No, the new green lady in actual Granblue.
So uhh, there's no apk showing up in the mega link for me, am i missing something?
anyone have an archive of pfle's old stuff? he privated his account
Who else is on Dawnshard? Is there a way to get the unique event wyrmprints from the Megaman/MH/login events? I don't see the fancy year end one or the Elysium one anywhere, plus all the Wily's robots shit that was redundant anyway. There's several other regular prints I don't see in the shop too.
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dragalia finally won?
Anyone pickin up Granblue Relink?
Yes. Let the gladcats flow into the relevant thread.
it feels like an extremely high fidelity dragalia, been having a blast with it
I'm blind. Where's the apk?
It's fun but finding out they've cut metera out has kind of soured me on the game. No yuel either to cope with her being gone.
Looking forward to playing it. I've always been interested in GBF but the grind necessary made me stay away.
I was able to get it from dawnshard.
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wye arye thye lyights...
>that comment section
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dogari rost forever
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need that in me,

Can someone explain the lore behind Dragalia Lost and its general relating to all the sad cat memes?
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in the future
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LCiella is beating my ass right now. My AI either keeps dying to floor or the slime dies too early and I get cheese wiped.
Either you're too strong and the AI mistimes it or you have a freeze res unit getting killed there if you didn't throw out a Freyja regen right before she launched the waves.
You pretty much have to disengage right when the slime shows up and just delay your damage output by running as far from her as possible, preferably the ice meteor landed in a good spot though. Ranged units have trouble with that so you could switch out to a melee unit and run away.
I think it's an issue of being too strong. Or at least shredding her OD too fast. I keep running into the issue where she breaks after or right before the + whirlpool attack and that gives enough time for the defense buff from slime to end. Might change a couple of prints to see if I can skip this step entirely.
I did get her downed. Switched Chelsea out for Notte because broken and I cleared the first time I got a decent meteor location. Gotta murder legend twins next week.
In other news, wafuri EoS'd 5 days ago
Mascula and overdamage pretty much solves the fight like how he's hypermeta for mPBH too
Anyone still have those Hentaki patreon posts?
Asking for my buddy
I hate how this is true. LTwins has the hit count checks and needs hella dispells and primal Mym has hit count checks and a need for big AoE. I haven't done legend Surtr yet but I'm sure I'll need him for that. I hate these robots.
LSurtr has hitcount check fireballs/volcanoes as well as his shield that only gets its "hp" depleted from standard attacks... aka what Tiki and Mascula excel at.
At least I used HZodiark for the hitcount and AOE instead of relying on GChelle when the game was still alive, but GZethia is also meta for LSurtr for that reason as well.
Master Primal Mercury, Jupiter, and Zodiark are also pretty easy to deal with. They just vomit out AOEs and nukes with the HP to 1 attack that can be easily healed off.
This genuinely makes me not want to do LSurtr. Might cop a save from the other server that has silly modded things and mess around there.
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>Autogynephilia: The Thread
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>look it up
Modernity can't die soon enough
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why is it always gay?
There was only one artist that did dragon on female. (Felicia)
Wonder where that anon is now.
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>tfw just started dragalia lost and general is dead
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>story is fully voice acted
how did this game die?
Bad monetization and the devs gave too much currency for most of the game's life.
menu theme is too lively for a dead game
Thanks for the food Middyanon.
The game's soundtrack was too good.
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is the story good? I see a skip campaign button which indicates its a throwaway...?
It's a bit of a wreck because everything pre-ch10 introduces stuff, 10 just annoyed a lot of people, then 11-18? most of the format follows the 1st half of the chapter leading to shilling a gala unit, then 2nd half of the chapter leading to shilling a gala unit up to around ch20-something.
2nd anni raid is sometime during that.
Then right after they're done with the big tree area, you're supposed to have done the 3rd anni raid because the fight takes place right before the next chapter.
Story ends up being rushed, and some loose plot ends are literally ended in some character stories (Valyx's ends the northern war subplot for example), but at the actual good writers worked on the last 6 or so chapters and gave a decent and coherent lead up to a satisfying ending.
Many players preferred the event stories and characters (and character stories) instead anyway.
The Lovecraft duo (Curran and Heinwald) then trio (add Lathna) are a particular fan favorite group.
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So i should probably follow something like this archive to play the chapters/events in order and get the full experience?
Yeah, pretty much. Including going by release date preferably.
Literally all of the event stories excluding the non-FEH collabs are in the compendium.
It's kind of sad that the Monster Hunter collab isn't there since it's good character development for Berserker and Vanessa but at least I think their MH-costume collab alts are in the pool for the Orchis/Dawnshard servers.
It's a shame the Syndicate plot never wrapped up, when it just started getting interesting. In fact, there were a lot of interesting plot threads left unfinished. The one I was interested in the most was the android city lore we got in the Finni event, would've led to more Laxi and Mascula stuff.
Monhun collab got me into Monster Hunter and I will forever curse it for that.
Canon party.... fun!
I remember when the game was actually up and we barely got drops. This is like 10x or more the amount we were used to during launch.
I can tell
For once in gacha I can try maxing the entire roster
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hope there is more kino like this
There is.
Part of the problem was that the player had to be VERY involved in the fights since it's realtime and required proper team synergy (for endgame mostly), builds, positioning, and timing. The last two of which are not what gacha/mobile players wanted.
Even worse is that some players in co-op rooms were very finicky and wanted the best of the best until the fights became easier due to powercreep.
The game was actually a game, with gacha mechanics, otherwise.
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auto cleared every stage for me so far
I actually have to learn the combat?
The only way I got clears on legend fights was with /drag/ bros. Pubs were so fucking shit it's unbelievable. I remember, when I cleared Lvolk with /drag/ bros at launch, posted my clear and nobody believed it was real. Good times.
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The boss fights, yes. Most of them are piss easy and can be auto'd in the story.
Later on though, you need to learn the mechanics since these kinds of bosses show up in the story and many people got filtered by Surtr and Iblis right before EoS due to have to having shit setups and not actually playing the normal boss fights that featured them as practice.
The actual fights where you select them manually on the list have them normally how they should've been during launch, other than the High Dragon Trials that got nerfed for easier ways for other players to reach endgame. Agito and Demons require proper understanding of the game's mechanics and the actual mechanics corresponding to each respective boss; Primal Dragons are like the High Dragon fights but on steroids.
I remember the days when HDTs were the hardest content.
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Im getting bottlenecked
Where can I get more?
High Dragon Trials I think.
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Is it my imagination or is the title screen changing after gaining new members? If so, then holy SOVL
youre right thank you. too bad I cant handle those yet
Yeah, they changed the title screen quite a few times in the game's lifespan, it was pretty kino.
Does anyone have a screenshot or list of the launch banner units?
Its hard to tell which 5*s and 4*s were added later during the games lifespan..
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Nevermind I found this off an old launch video
I really liked that the login screen changed as you progressed, and during certain collab events. Was a little disappointed when it didn't change one last time for the end of the story.
I 'member doing High Dragon Trials and the Imperial Raids in PUGs before they got nerfed. Only HDT I didn't beat was Zodiark because of no Light units. The satisfaction of finally getting my first 5* elemental weapon was undercut by the realization I was only 1/5th of the way to actually upgrading the damn thing. I think I quit then and there.
Ezelith my beloved was there for me then and I will always remember beating HDTs the way they were intended: Painfully, with people who didn't know what they were doing, and a mix of 4* weapons that were maybe on element but just enough DPS to eke out a win before time was up.
Im still coping.
Fuck Nintendo
they at least didnt delete DL videos from their mobile channel
its still an established IP so it wont be impossible to reboot it somehow if the opportunity arises
Blame the Persona collab
Has anybody managed a controller setup? Gameplay seems perfect for it, especially movement with analog stick
Game stopped working, i'm on orchis
Did something happen?
Sorry in advance @everyone but this is an asset server PSA (for android users, anyway)

This is a notice that lathna.xyz is GONE. As of a day or two ago, this URL stopped functioning. If you're experiencing trouble logging in or downloading files, it may be due to the fact that the asset server url you are using is outdated. You can repatch with DragaliPatch without putting anything in the CDN url field to be moved over to the new asset server (or alternatively enter the address https://minty.sbs manually)

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope this clears up some confusion.
Legit thank you very much

Also anyone has a guide on how to set emulator keyboard controls to dragalia? Since everything was touch screen and all that
I repatched it and now it works! Thanks for your post!
It's weird because I literally didn't do anything on my android and it worked fine yesterday. I even finished the Xuanzang raid event.
>acquire apk
>loads up just fine
OK now how to I edit gemmies? I am not playing from scratch again
>download save file
From were?
>upload it to server
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Am I supposed to do something more besides patching the apk? Because I'm stuck here. It's like my mobile doesn't recognize my fingers. The touch screen doesn't work. I can't click on help or feedback either.
And yes I used the new CDN here >>1443491 . It's not a connection error issue
Update. I manage to make it work atching the apk with dawnshard instead of orchis. I wonder what was the problem
I used this guide
go to final step. It tells you where you can download a finished save file (or edit it yourself) and where to upload it
Nice. Ty anon
Been a fun return to the game thus far.
My opinion is that it boiled down to several kinds of balance problems
>game started out with prints in the gacha but they made prints useless for endgame content so getting them royally pissed off anyone trying for characters
>gameplay was either mindnumbingly boring or balls to the wall difficult with no inbetween
>later on they were legitimately giving out too many free rolls, meaning the price of paid rolls looked absurd and unjustified in comparison
>the story really took a while to get the ball rolling; on the first 2 or so years of the game, the writing was milquetoast as shit, and so were the individual character stories
The sad thing is that the game had a really nice aesthetic going for it, really good music and eventually the story got better and had some pretty based moments. Also the endgame was some hardcore shit that we probably won't ever see in a gacha game again.
cant believe all the love this game has, im so sorry for what nintendo did to you all
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how does currency work? do you have to play like a f2p or is there better options now? i never got very far in og dragalia
There's no premiun currency anymore, the game is dead and we still play it through private servers, in there you can ask the admins to give you everything or modify your savefile yourself.
Hey again /drag/
It's been a while since I last checked in, so here's a quick update for those of you who don't use Discord:

How we are handling the APK situation going forward changed. The APKs and the IPA are stored on the CDN now, and you can find links to them as well as general instructions for installing them here https://orchis.cherrymint.live/page/setup.html

I'll pop in again later if anyone has any questions (or you can ask through the guild chat in-game if you want). Have fun
im not fan of naoki saito art
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>wukong gets a new dragon dive
>do big numbers
>still can't clear lvl 80 shadow gauntlet
it was never meant to be
Why is your discord filled with tranny loving faggots?
because that's the audience for this game
Man, we really did lost....
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That's the name of the game.
I still remember how I dropped that game, when they added that condition of nullifying the buffs. They basically invalidated more than the half of the characters with that move
Some players learned to adapt with the new endgame mechanics. And there were some extremely broken characters that released later allowing you to slot in your favorites regardless of the loss of buff-centric characters.
Just passing by to post about how I dreamed I was stuck inside Deragully last night and I got cucked by Euden.
/Drag/bros we are going home without online bullshit.
There is so much gay shit in your pic that it's rendered fake.
Fake and gay
I know it's fake but I would buy a Switch version of Dragalia. This could've been a series of games with each game focusing on some of the characters' stories along with a portion of the main story instead of being a mobile gacha.
Well at least after the last Direct, other companies are jumping on the "lets turn our dead phone game into an offline paid game", with SNK/Metal Slug and Square Enix with that one game.
>Square Enix with that one game.
They did it several times like Team Asano's Various Daylife.
Then there's Cygames's little alchemist game that was retooled entirely into being a side-scrolling roguelite.
Lol, dead leaker.

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