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Thread made to share and discuss any old mobile game.

>What is java games?
Early 2000 mobile games made with the java programming language or mostly known as J2ME

>How do i play them?
For PC
For Android

>Where can i find games?
Collection of Java Games https://archive.org/details/NokiaJavaGames

>More resources about J2ME emulation

I'm thinking of doing a list of /vmg/ approved java games list so please share your favorites in this thread as well
i really need this thank you for creating this thread anon
For those who care, this guy makes mods for football games on java like updating rosters and such https://latifanz.blogspot.com/?m=1
Hopefully this thread will not die so soon as the last one
I was gonna creat a retro mobile games thread after watching this video: https://youtu.be/St5v2uI-Nis
Fruit ninja and jetpack joyride were the big two for me growing up.
Where can I get Noah's ark deluxe, alchemy, and other popcap games on android? They are not on the sites , the main game I want is Noah's ark deluxe.
Monopoly has taken me over
the first two Final Fantasy games were ported on java phones.
played 50 hours of the first one, it was just a grindfest.
Here's some i had installed on my old phone
Heroes lore
Mistery mania
Tornado mania
Soul of darkness
God of war
Tron legacy
Mortal Kombat
Zombie Infection

There's also these, but i don't remember if they're worth recommending
Devil may cry
Demon killer
Sonic Unleashed
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List updated
>Sonic Unleashed
I remember that one, that game was just boost2win until it becomes a bad platformer
Make an rpg section and move doomrpg to it. (Also, add both puzzlequest games, that other is shooter toy, and orcs and elves 1 and 2) And make an adventure/simulation section and move vampire romance there.
Nice thread, have a bump. I wonder if there is a repository for JP-only games.
I remember play a strategy game similar to advance wars but in a fantasy setting, there was wizards, ogres and giant spiders. If I recall correctly you can spawn a unit per turn and support two players in "hotseat"
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Not letting ya die, java bro.

Unless those jp games were ported to j2me in the Chinese market like puyo fever, you can't even emulate them, sadly.

Pic and file name related it? if not that then,
Catan: The First Island?
Mobile Battles: Reign of Swords?
Romans & Barbarians?
Is not any of those but mobile battles is the most similar one, also better looking, it was probably a clone, I used to download .jars in really shady places
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What was the English quality like? I know there were a bunch of Chinese fire emblem reskins. Also, was it the first game in this pic?
More sites to find java games
they had a different kind of OS, i think many of those games will be lost to time since japanese people don't like preserving stuff, if anyone can find how to find and play them, that would be great
same, btw do you remember which sites you used to download jars? i've been interested on those old russian ones since they seems to have quite a lot of them, like this one https://tunewap.com/view_games_java/ , i think all download links from it are dead but let me know if any of them works for you
Nop, I remember was more flash looking and the view was closer

I used latin american pages mostly, and Indian one. I was a kid I don't remember well
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YES, It must be this one, please tell me there is the giant spiders
This review mentions the first game having spiders. So it might be it. It's werid to think how good older mobile 0payers had it in retrospect.
It was a niche market, just like gaming in general before the 2000's, not much people has a phone good enough to run games or even know that their phone can run games.

Also there was not free to play games jet, so people has to buy it or pay a subscription. Devs has to actually put effort on their games to sell it
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I had this exact Sony Ericsson phone and played Deep Abyss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wipbap6WA5Q
Now those were the days!
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Added more games in there, don't forget to suggest more games and keep this thread alive
Bump. This is probably the coolest thread on this board right now.
bump. don't let the thread die. we can gather more people and make this an emulation general in /vmg/ instead.
J2me games are getting a translation scene. Add puyo fever.

Brew games are getting dumped too. if op is fine with symbain, brew palm and other feature phones, I can recommend some good stuff.
i'm fine with this, i just wanted to see if more people were interested in old phone games and java is the only thing i had some knowledge about, also adding this to the list
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To play Symbian including ngage/nage 2.0 games, you’ll want to use the EKA2L1 emulator. (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android) https://eka2l1.miraheze.org/wiki/How_To_Use_The_Preconfigured_Pack (Preconfigured pack to make things more simple) I’ll start off simple with 7 days salvation. A full 3d horror game similar to J2me’s nowhere,
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Also add resident evil degeneration, asphalt 3 street rules, and ashens. You might want to emulate on pc for ashens. Touch controls for it kindof suck,
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I genuinely forgot how fun playing a match 3 game could be when the main incentive wasn't to sell me special power ups, thank you for making this thread OP
If you're addibg symbian games, make sure to add the best of all. Snake 3d.

Its a shame puzzle quest is dead.
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fuckin right? I adored mtg puzzle quest until they decided they'd hooked enough new players and started pulling out the harpoons for whalehunting.

If somebody puts a deck-based match3 on the market that isn't just a thinly veiled mobile microtransaction scheme, I'm buying it.
does anyone remember this old mobile game? It was a roguelike (ACTUAL roguelike) with classic 8 bit style graphics. Kinda like Dragon Quest. I don't recall much else about it, but I remember the developer logo had something to do with a toad or a frog. Its not Dungeon Keeper, nor is the company Bullfrog
also, it was not Dweller, Ancient Empires, or TibiaME. You started in a cave, and I'm pretty sure there were a few characters. I played as a Witch. I have no idea if the game was randomized in any way. It all played on a grid. Again, imagine Dragon Quest but as a roguelike
this game was my childhood
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Wait, I know (or rather used to know) how to mod PES, but how do you mod RF? I never found out how to decrypt it properly.
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i-mode games are also getting dumped.
But unfortunately there's no competent emulator for those.
The one bundled into the DoJa SDK is horrendous
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Hello fellow old geezers, I'm coming from the neighbor thread >>1339509
Do these java emulators support physical keypads?
After a quick test it seems neither j2me loader nor its fork JL-mod allow me to bind any physical buttons to Enter/F key, making pretty much everything unplayable.
Ok mega j2me looks like stolen Loader edit, but it actually lets me map any physical button to any input, including multiple buttons, meaning I can have 3 for both "3" and "back" without hassle.
Though emulator itself still needs touch controls to navigate and set up.
What are the best java match 3?
I know bejeweled since 2010s and OP unlocked Diamond Twister for me.
Somehow Diamond Twister 2 is a touch screen game, which is a shame but I can still play it.
J2me loader, the mod, and the brew emulator all support keypads. They either pick em up automatically or you map them yourself.

Doesn't that Samsung phone have a touch screen?
Civ 5 is really fun, it lacks navy and airstrikes are simplified, but is otherwise very similar to the regular game. It also has a touchscreen version.
Diamond Twister 2 had a touch version? that's surprising
Where do I get keypad version lol?
Java games look like some wild west to me, where one game can have different versions for different phones.
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I could never beat this shit on my old samsung and I can't beat it now. How is this game so hard?
>Doesn't that Samsung phone have a touch screen?
Yes it does, so when something is unusable or too cumbersome for d-pad I just touch screen through it, but my intention is to play using physical buttons. So far I managed pretty good.
Bejeweled Twist and Diamond Twister are super enjoyable with just d-pad and center button. I even stopped playing GBA emulator.
i can't remember if the controller is decided by version or the device type in your emulator, you might want to try both
That's the one I got, and I run it in the exact same environment as Diamond Twister 1, which recognizes both keys and touch screen (not virtual keyboard, native touch controls).
DT2 just ignores key entirely.
Also anyone else think that gems in DT2 look worse than in DT1? I can appreciate better animations, but gems themselves look more cartoony.
I've also tried a bunch of lower resolution versions and they all are touch controls only.
Maybe I need to set a specific phone model in emulator, anyone of you running it on a real cell phone?
Choose the "K800i" jad and jar. That phone didn't have a touch screen in the first place. And play puzzle quest 1 and 2 for match 3 greatness.
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This worked beautifully, thank you anon.
Also it seems that 240x320 was this game's original resolution, as 480 version >>1344225
looks scaled up, but then one you recommended looks sharper even when stretched and filtered.
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>puzzle quest 1 and 2
I find the idea intriguing, but I always stopped playing because pieces are not pretty at all.
Compared to something you see in Bejeweled, Diamond Twister or even Gem Fighter, pieces in puzzle quest are just dull and lifeless.
Of course you can call me a graphics whore and say that gameplay is king, but I just can't get over it.
Holy shit Diamond Twister 2 is fun.
I initially though it's worse than 1 because of uglier pieces, but stages are a huge step up.
240x320 is the screen res you want to go for in the case of most games.
Did anyone ever come across a horror game where you play as two characters: a man and a ghost girl (if I'm not mistaken, they were father and daughter or something). It was a top view game and you could switch between the two characters; the girl could walk through darkness but lost health in light; the man walked normally in the light but was damaged when stepping inside the darkness. I downloaded a pack with like 200 Java games back in 2012 and this one must have been there. I don't remember its name and it also wasn't my favorite out of the bunch, but its main mechanic was memorable enough to make me think of it once in a while.
Do you at least remember the developers?
Were the character potraits anime styled or toon styled? China had more j2me horror, so you might have downloaded a translated game
Dealer in Gameloft's Solitaire is cute!
I have no idea how to play it, but I will learn for her!
Darkest Fear 3 Nightmare?
Damn whoever worked at Gameloft back then sure knew how to draw beautiful pixel art gems and girls.
It's becoming my favorite java gamedev.
Yeeeeah it was worth it.
Yes, Gameloft was the biggest J2ME developer for a reason.
I checked their library, and it's 90% shovelware shit, but for every 9 movie licensed games they have at least one high effort original game that just oozes love and care.
I mean looks at this shit, I though it's a port of some GBA game, but no, there is no such GBA game, it's made from scratch.
I hope these guys made a fortune in cell phone decade and now live happy lives.
My mom wouldn't let me put games on my phone when I was a kid. She thought I would install malware.
They did a surprisingly decent job with the Java adaptation of Commandos.
A LOT of people on Ubisoft used to work on Gameloft and vice versa.
Aleast until the original CEO was fired (when all the microtransaction shit happened on their games) and the Vivendi buyout
Ubisoft used to be fucking awesome.
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Schizo time I guess.
So I keep searching for cool looking match 3 games for java, and I found this one shitty eroitc (porn?) game called Ero Diamonds. It's not exactly rare, it's on sites in the op.
When you clear the stage, it shows you heavilty compressed JPEG of low poly 3D woman, very exciting!
However, what caught my attention are the pieces themselves.
Gems do look like they were stolen from Diamond Twister 1, they have the exact same visuals and even rotating animations, BUT they are of visibly higher quality than that assets used in DT1 itself.
Both games are for 480x800 resolution, so what's up with it?
Did they come from some common asset pack from back in the day? Or gameloft artist moonlighted as porn game artist as well?
Game's developer is listed as "mob.ua", so some ukrainian front?

I was praising Gameloft for its art before, but what if all those cool sprites and animations came from some asset packs, made by someone else?
Full res screen.
It looks like gems are 3D pre-rendered animations, that were traced over into pixel art for Diamond Twister 1.
I believe the ceo of gameloft and ubisoft are brothers. That's why ubi gives a shit ton of their licenses to them.
Is it normal for a lot of games to not have sound, even if I enable it in menu?
yes, a lot of early java games only had sound effects and that's it
Oh, boy. This is it. It's the one. Thank you a lot, anon, for giving me closure. :3
Well, I think the dev was the least likely detail I'd have remembered... but it was "Rovio". They're Finnish. As for the artstyle, I'd have described it as lo-res realistic, now that I have taken a gander on a gameplay video.
You're w-welcome, Satan
Well what is it? Did we run out of a fucking DECADE of games?
I've been tired, but add lego escape. Fuckest idea where to find that.
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Why settle for solitaire when you can play gameloft's strip poker games?
i guess i need to repost this list of our recommended java games, feel free to suggest more https://pastebin.com/SHF7Uque
>pixelate the vaganga
Absolutely worthless
Could it have been Rogue Hero or some other game by Shogo Suzuki?
there a mobile tie in of an Xbox game that i never got to try
remember nothing other that the mobile game had a barbarian looking fellow with two swords and he used Chakra for a spin attack
Was it like nethack or a mystery dungeon?
Since you say mobile, could it have been for a palm/pda's/symbian device instead of java? I know pda's had acutal roguelike exclusives
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I'm running J2ME on my Cat S22 (pic-related) and they work just fine with a few adjustments. Some require virtual keypad since some commands aren't available on my device, despite being a "dumbphone".

However most of the games from that Kahvibreak site are chinky bootlegs or worse, pajeet-coded curry-shits. Anybody got some recs for some good Japanese-coded games? Preferably some Japan-only releases?
I've ordered that brick as well, since they became pretty cheap these days.
From what I know about japanese mobile game market, they had their own, uh, technology for it? Like there were mobile Armored Core and Final Fantasy games, that seem to be a bit too advanced for java, but it was also way before the android times.
I don't even know if it's possible to download them anywhere anymore.
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What is the best version of Cyberlords?
480x800 is so zoomed out I can barely see my dude, while some of 240x320 ones I've tried are missing sound effects, like when you stab an enemy there is no sound.
Everquest Hero's Call. At a certain point the text messages are about how the dev doesn't give a fuck about this licensed trash.
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Funny how this game allows you to play as Nazi Germany before unlocking the Americans
J2me? Unless it was localized for china like puyo fever, then no. China actually made a bunch of good java games, but they never get translated despite being easy as fuck
Japan used i-mode, ezweb (Which is pretty much just j2me) and brew. Unless you buy a device with the game already downloaded, you won't be a able to play it. There are efforts to dump and even play some imode and brew games, but there's still ways to go.
It's because of chronology.
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I fucking love that phone.
It's a crying shame Bullitt went uner.
Seeing java games from old nokia phones feel like a whole different dimension now
finally good fucking thread
thought on SE j20 hazel? this thread convince me to get older phone so i can relive my old day
im interested in playing java games on actual feature phones ? which phone one should i get ?
i want to play my old games but im interested in playing games like mgs mobile and resident evil
can the original nokia 3600 cut it ?
most of people recommend noia n94 and sony ericsson
>sony ericsson
most of these phones i checked are symbian. i dont think they can play j2me ?
if you do some research on google sony ericsson use java, you can check gsmarena for more detail and nokia use symbian sometime with java, also based on >reddit they recommend sony ericsson U10, j10, j20, j108, w20, u100
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if anyone here want to play it, you can still play tibiaME java ver
just checked my local marketplace, theres a okay condition (kind of scratched shell) j20 for 10 dollars
dont know if that's alittle high
>$10 dollars
i need to pay $30, under that it's a dead phone
Sony Ericsson K800i is a gem.
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im downloading some jars, does it matter if my phone is not the same phones listed here ?
>mgs mobile and resident evil
Brew or symbian?
i just realized, im using java and i cannot run symbian, so going to play other games
if you fuck up the resolution it will run like shit
i know because i install 240x320 game on 320x240 phone
is there like a guide with "/vmg/ recommends this game" type img ?
i realised there isn't much source nowdays discuss some of the Essentials nokia games
im looking for like platformers and shooters that aren't chinkshit (or from major companies like tenchu and armored core)
I used to regularly install 176x208 games on my 128x160, good times.
>finally get my j20
>it won't charging
>have to buy battery charger
phoneky dead?
damn where do i get that MH game
>Heroes lore
This one was the GOAT
>Heroes lore
what the fuck this looks so solid
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I just finished this game recently, it's a neat gta-like game but it doesn't have a lot to offer besides the story/racing missions
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You guys know what? there should be a retroarch / emulation station core for these games. these would be perfect for those chinese handhelds you often see.
interesting thread
Yeah where's that approved java games list OP?
For my part I haven't played but I have registered here games from DeValley such as Nowhere and Gun Fever and them rpgs id Software made of their fps games (doom 1, 2, wolfenstein RPG) plus Orcs and Elves 2.
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here is the list, feel free to suggestion more games and i will add them eventually https://pastebin.com/SHF7Uque
Neato burrito. V
john cena is oddly sexy. how do they even achieve this level of sexiness with just pixels?
I tried gems of war when it came out, since I was hooked on the original DS puzzle quest (though I stopped playing it after I got the deathbringer op combo, the DS version was broken as fuck if you did the right endgame crafts)

now all the match 3 gameplay has gone into just pure whale hunting. If there was an offline, non-pay2gacha version of gems of war I'd be all over it like a fly on shit, but I'm not going to "F2P" a gacha, that just disrespects my fucking time.
seems to be still be up
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Started playing Alien Quarantine, the game itself seems fine but the in-game purchases gives me the grim reminder of the future
anyone know more game like elven chronicle?
>always wanted to play Ratchet & Clank: Ging Mobile
>figure maybe /vmg/ might have some information
>it's all right there, two simple downloads
Thanks for the thread
>maxxed out City Bloxx
i kneel
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>when you're so poor that you have the same GPU from 2003 until 2012 so in the second half of the '00s you switch to playing phoneshit
good shit
I JUST learned how to translate j2me games. Which of these three chink rpg's should I do.
>Diablo 2 like skinnerbox
>Wulin rpg with multiple endings
>Harvest moon ripoff.
Diablo 2 would have more replay value
anyone has gangstar city modded ver that gave you unlimited gem?
i only managed to find the old ver. can't find the ver that has nicer graphic.
It turns out the game only has one class with zero build options. If that's not okay, there are other options
>Hack and slash like zeonia (zoomer kino)
>Princess maker ripoff
I used to also play american gangstar and gangstar crime city, but desu I never really played the story, just messed around and made persecutions
check kahvibreak
>people actually play them
I just mostly hoard j2me games
you can always just modify the .rms save file, with an hex editor

cool to find a j2me thread on this souless website
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What happened to the images of this thread?

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