>friday>no essex threadwhat gives
>>1273156Sex is gay
Finally! An essex thread
>>1273160i was tired of waiting
Qu’est que sex?
>>1273158no 'sex is incredible
The queen of /v/
>>1273165because she is smarter than /v/ as a whole
>>1273156Nice, we're fucking back.
>>1273167i curious for the last 5 threads, why do all your file names has some form of throw in them?
>>1273168Have 'sex.Because of this and decided to roll with it till.
>>1273169thats an explaination as good as any
Did someone did a virus/fact check on the sex mega link?
>>1273156kill yourself you fucking loser
>>1273156I will have sex with her bratty evil gremlin sister
>>1273156>essexshe spanish or something?
>>1273176No, she's essex.
>>1273177wait i tought she is an aircraft carrier
>>1273178Just a quick google search of >essex battleship
>>1273180filthy 'sex money
>>1273184but the 'sex coin is backed by the 'sexgold
Post the 'omg sex!' Image please.
>>1273189What dimension did this 'sex came from, kind stranger?
>>1273187i asked.
>>1273191This is a new one but it's great>>1273192Thanks mate
holy sex
New machines in the sex processing line just dropped
>>1273194in spaceengineers i call my main ship always essex and have a massive picture of her, that you can see from the outside, in my cockpit
>>1273195How will this effect our Sex Production Factory?
>>1273197it will tripple the output of the condenser
>>1273199picrel is the image
>>1273198but that will require additional froth flotation cells, centrifuges, distillation towers, washers and crushers....
>>1273202i have a plan to secure the funding but it requires religion
>>1273204I have a better plan.In fact, it won't be hard at all making money with a crystal ball"According to the tarot cards, your body will be torn to shards. The pieces spread around, your mangled carcass never found."That's all I'll have to say and then they'll have to pay
>>1273206and dont forget the sex taro deck but with each visit you can only buy one card for $50 a pop
Sex is made for headpats
>>1273208Yes. Thanks, Anon.
>>1273208wholesome sex
i have 3 rainbow bulins and no UR ships to use them on
>>1273213and i have no clue what you're talking about
>>1273213Sir, this is a 'Sex thread.This is not an Azur Lane thread, mate.
>>1273213wrong thread
ha ha ha essex!
>sex thread is dying
>>1273222Don't worry, I'll help you.
stop thinking about 'sex
thinking about how many of you are bitter autistic virgins
>>1273226i'm autistic and a virgin but not bitter
Essex? More like sussex
Essex? More like dumbsex
>>1273226stop thinking about bitter autistic virginsunless that's your thing
>>1273231>>1273230>>1273229>>1273228>>1273227>>1273226AND MY ESSEX
Where is 'sex?
>>1273156I hate these stupid threads. Almost as tiresome as the FFFFFFFRRIIIIIDDDAAAYYYY MORNING MUTHAFUCKAS.
>>1273236you could try not clicking on threads that are extremely obviously the thing you don't want to seehave sex
>>1273237No. Be a janny then.
>>1273235should make that missing puzzle hole the same as Essex silhouette
>>1273156Fuck off spamming gacha tranny, back to your containment board. Moenigger>>>/vmg/
>>1273236>Almost as tiresome as the FFFFFFFRRIIIIIDDDAAAYYYY MORNING MUTHAFUCKAS.At least those are more about weekend plans and people share some stories that happened over the week. This is a literal forced meme because some loser mod thought it would be funny even though paypigs have their own board for their trash
Fucking LEL
Thanks jannies
>>1273226Well we're in your walls and we're most of those voices in your head so it's only natural we'd be on your mind a lot. Don't take the lithium bro.
Well RIP
Well, this board seems slow. I'll bump occasionally. I wish I remember though. This places works the same as /v/, right?
>>1273301They should have just moved us to /vp/Fuck we don't even play gacha lmao
man what the fuck
>janny actually moved the thread to the correct board instead of just deleting itthe power of 'sex
dead boarddead threaddead sex
>>1273422>dead sexwrong
>>1273373>correct boardWe are not even talking about mobile games. Moving it to /s4s/ would have been a better option. Oh well at least we have a free sex thread outside of /v/ and /wsg/
>>1273790Forgot image
Why did she do it?
>>1273819It wasn't her!
>>1273301you only need to bump the thread once a week around here t. /VeManGo/ anon
>its still herenice
Hey who is this character I have one of the gifs
>>1275811It's ehsex from the hit gacha game, Ehsex the Game.
>>1275811its the 'sex
>>1277580Ah yes, THE 'SEX.
>ded sex>on the weekendEssex never won /vmg/
>>1281415'Sex is eternal.
>>1281415We are taking our time.
>>1281415Essex funds the website. She's in your ads.
the sex ?!
Unforgettable Reminder
>>1300087Wrong one.
>>1273156https://implying.fun/video/autumn23q/2023-10-13/?t=2:20:21.0Thanks, I guess.
>>1273202Washers, you say?
I just need the default EH?
It's weird to see a sex thread in /vmg/Was it moved?
>>1316129Yes, they fucking sent us to the other side of the world.
>>1316129Yeah from >>>/v/649218713On another day, another sex thread was moved to /b/ from >>>/v/653368686
It's 'Sexoween!
sex sunday
>>1327848It's 'sex sunday here again.
we have sex issues itt!
its friday again
my senran didn't make it, how do i cope with it?
>>1337563Buy all the skins so they will rerun and add more characters next time.
I need to post sex
its friday again!
>>1273156What is the deal with this creature? It's about it's name having "sex" in it?
Merry Christmas sex fiends.
Merry Sexmas
Merry 'Sexmas!
merry sexmas
>>1273213Correct thread cuz le 'sex is an AL chracter
Just 8 hours more till the 1st of Jan 2024.Happy New Year's, fellows 'Sexxers! in case I missed it.
happy new year
New year, same sex.
The thread is still here? I'm impressed.
>>1385943the power of sex
happy valentines day
>>1394965great succsex!
Genuinely curious, I'd like to know how San Diego lost her meme girl status to Essex? Forgive me, was active during the time that they released the "I am No. 1" stage with San Diego, she real cute.
>>1410740San diego is a retard in canonEssex is a tryhard in canon, so the juxtaposition with her meme is stronger
>>1410740essex has a dumb face and in her introductory event she curb stomp for thousands of players for weeks
>>1413753Cute. Will be happy to run a sortie with sex and sandy for the fun of it. Hope the tier list and the need to efficiently grind wouldn't be too hard on my sex and sandy adventure, haha!
>>1418863That's hot.
>>1421528dont lewd the sex
>>1273173what was his problem?
>>1423417clearly not enough sex
>>1425847Can one, theoretically, even have "enough" 'sex?
Happy 'Sexter Sunday!
>>1434761You can never have enough 'sex but you can have too little
i like sex
more sex
Is this the eternal sex thread?
do you have sex?
265 days and counting. All hail the sex
'Sex is the way to acquire eternal life.
>>1494191What do we call this 'sex?
>>1507686everything becomes sex in the end
>>1513313No. Don't touch the 'sex!
you cannot have sex
Birthday sexHappy Birthday, Essex!
happy birthday sex!
Oh shit, I missed 'Sex's birthday.Happy Belated Birthday, 'Sex.
4chan still preventing me from posting images. This is a war crime against 'Sex!
>>1273156in three hours this thread will be up for exactly one year.
>>1500487Doro bros... Not like this>>1555587Happy birthsexday
>>1537910Scratch that, I can now. No image though.
Kill the essex janny
The concept of Essex transcends any single poster and persists in perpetuity. Before you could cry about certain faggots borrowing the Essex, she was already a meme.
i like the sex
Still alive.
it is sex!
Christmas sex
>>1640338merry sexmas
happy sex year!
how is this shitty thread still up for over a year? this board doesn't have enough schizos to keep it down
>>1640338>>1640828Think the anon who started it finished it but could be a different guy
I need more sex!
>>1646667say no more
Where are you Essexbros?
Very nice amount of sex
Where is the sex?