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You already have Giansar and Volley Ball Sadayoshi right?
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Im skipping the banner, Saving for the Potential PUBES Alt.

Also First for Barrel!
I have neither
I spent 3 tickets and nothing...
>has been playing the game without sound
>decided to try what it sounds like
>"LIVE A HERO!" (long I not short I)
Yep, Live as in Live Streaming. Remember, the gimmick is that Heroes get power from people watching their fight live, hence the View Gimmick, the MC is basically the designated Camera Man.
the games gacha fucked me even though. stored all my freebies
is that why they act like sluts
saving up for a spark! currently at 35 gems.
In the case of Summer Barrel at least. His whole part of the event is that he loses a popularity contest due being dressed to warmly and his fighting style looking "too warm" during a heatwave, hence the "I'll fight in a swimsuit and with Water Guns" in response.
Took me all 200 pulls till pity but yeah
Painfully expensive for my NEET budget but it's all worth it seeing that white jockstrap bulge on my screen every time I log in to play
Plus a maxxed out Sadayoshi alt hits like a nuke
this guy is a fucking whore i swear
>intentionally puts his crotch over the belt
maybe if he lost his faggy eye makeup people won't look at him suspiciously
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Anon his whole shtick is "calculated hacker who works from the shadows and is untraceable", he can literally stab heroes with his Parallel Weapon knife and transform into them one time per stab. No one is supposed to know he dresses like a whore.
I think that's why this event is so fun, sheds light on a mysterious anti-hero.
Episode 4 Summary:
Everyone goes back to the beach disappointed. Giansar almost dove in the sea after the Kaibutsu to recover the engine, but stopped, knowing it was futile. Everyone is depressed, but knowing that the only thing wrong with the ship is that the engine is missing, Giansar estimates they only have until tomorrow to get it back before it's digested. For now, they focus on gathering food and salvage ship parts before night. Giansar will watch over the ship to check what he needs to fix for after the engine recovery. Isaribi/MC/Yuhang will catch fish for dinner, and Zaniah/Sadayoshi will search for ship parts. Zaniah says everyone should change out of their wet clothes now before they get sick. Giansar changes and you compliment how hot he looks, causing him to ask why you're saying strange things.

After splitting up, Giansar's group meet at the coast and Zaniah explains the "treasure" she's chasing, highly valuable machines of civilization sunken underneath the sea. She can sell those for cash, and she adds that there might be parts to repair the ship as well. The 3 dive in the water, but can't find anything useful. Sadayoshi ends up getting his tail pinched by a crab while resting, and Giansar suggests cooking it, but Sadayoshi notices the rainbow coloration inside the shell and throws it in the ocean, declaring it poisonous. He blames Giansar put it near his tail as a trick, and while they argue, they hear the moans of someone crying out for help.

Meanwhile, the food team changes and dives for shellfish, Yuhang struggles to get them open, saying it's peculiar-looking. Isaribi idly thinks about the other 2 stowaways from before, when suddenly MC's instincts kick in and alert them to the danger. The Kaibutsu's reappeared! Everyone transforms and the battle begins.

Post-battle, everyone gathers for dinner. The Kaibutsu escaped, but Isaribi manged to entangle it with his net so it lurks somewhere nearby. They'll search in the morning for it.
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what is this face conveying
he doesn't like to swallow
I got Giansar but burnt out of stones. I wanted Sadayoshi primarily, but I can live off of his fanart. There's always a next time.
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Uh if you're not brand new they just released this ladder battle event in game for free rewards
Try giving it a shot you can get tickets for summons
Asked to suck dick, sucked dick, post nut clarity kicked in.
I bet Giansar stinks
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Would you a mad scientist raccoon?
Because I definitely would
Oh neat we got some easy ladder tourney thing
>Got all 4 banner dudes and their sidekick forms in 65 rolls
Is this starter luck that'll run out the second a banner with a 5 star big booby furgirl drops?
As a starter my very first 5 star, Christmas Mokdai, came in 10 rolls and then Vulpecula in 30 rolls the event after
So probably yeah but at least your account is stacked with 2 of the best 5 stars in the game
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>current rank S challenge quest
>goal: stall focused team with a single target DPS
>brought Support Polaris because I think he's a VP hero and that seemed like something I was missing
I managed to eek out a win because Polaris would do 30k damage if I manage to cleanse the boss's defense buffs away with Rutilax's S3 but I couldn't keep my tanks alive because of poison. Should I consider squeezing a debuff cleanser into this team?
Spending more into this game
wtf what's wrong with summer sadayoshi's sprite
if I grab that special 5 star ticket who should I pick
maintenance doko?
and it's done, get your 6 gems
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Time for a toss up, which game gets the rabbit, LaH or Housamo. Considering the clothes, I'd say LaH
Slight update, he seems to be on the side of Housamo characters in the big banner. So given new evidence, probably Housamo
Is that guy drawn by WASP
big eyes, so no
also he's Jade Rabbit
Yohack is supposed to be a dog but man he looks like a bear.
This is a welcome surprise I guess Halloween was given to LAH instead of Housamo this year but I’m not summoning I just got back to 1000 stones after Obsidius’s banner and feel like he’s going to get an alt within the next year so I’m going to prepare myself for that.
only saving grace of this banner, wish he was fire though
Damn, and here I was betting Nessen wouldn't get an alt any time soon because Rakta had just got one.
I knew something was going to happen, thry never use VAs only once.
Granted I suspected a new OC either here or Housamo, not an alt.
Did my man Nessen really need to be the only character so far to have two limited 5 stars?
>nessen in a cool outfit
>cute new light guy
normal nessen is limited?
thinking bad
me no like think
how beat current cq?
It was bound to happen, and the same will inevitably happen for Vulpecula and Giansar, too.

Yeah, he was a limited unit from that Drunk Ryekie event.
Marfic has 2 SSR's
Yeah, mulitple do, Gomeisa does as well for example. But they have one perm and one limited, not two limiteds like Nessen.
I can see them doing another Ryekie or Barrel alt, maybe even before Vulpecula gets one.
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Wasn't interested in Yuhang but he kinda grew on me lately
But not enough to roll for him though
So how do I clear the challenge quest? I tried doing what this guy did and slapped a bunch of defense downs and attack ups on my attacker (Toshu) and he did fuck all damage, even at Combo 10.
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Wow, that is certainly a impressive way of going about it.I mainly went along with the boss' main gimmick and survived the big attacks. Defense up the big attack once he reaches 4 buff stacks and then pelt him while he had his massive Defense down after the big attack. Theoreol for heals and def up, and a taunt tank, personally got Circus!Furlong to used him, then a Giansar and single target nuker.
The plan's to outlast and pelt him down when he's left open.
It would help if you posted what team you're using. Also, you can't stack buffs and debuffs for this HDQ, so that's why your Toshu would hardly be doing any damage.

I used my Exio to just nuke the boss for over 200k damage after quickly building up dimension stacks.
Mystery man revealed, https://twitter.com/lah_lw/status/1719640483633549440

Not my cup of tea, but I'm certain some people will like him.
I don't mean to brag but I only spent three tickets and I got a Hitomi dupe
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I do mean to brag and it took me 30 rolls.
[spoiler[Considering how Housamo drained me for my husband and I didn't even get him, I feel like I earned.[/spoiler]
Nessen wasn't content being the best water DPS for ages so he just became the best support unit as well
I really wish the wiki had better categories for misc shit. Like this:
>[base skill] Remove 999 status from all allies /100%
Like what is the status, the ATK buff he gives on the same skill? That weird passive status that's untranslated?
At least he's so good my EOPness isn't blocking me from using him well.
I'm a little annoyed he's basically Gomeisa+ since I just traded for him but maybe they'll make a fight that double healers are useful in.
>8 tickets
>no yohack at all, just 2 artosis sidekicks
Fuck..... but I have to save now, I can't spend any stones after the trauma of last event without having a spark available. He's a perma 4 star unit anyway.
Well Artosis is a good sidekick for challenge content if it helps.
don't worry about it, he's like sexy rakta, another gimmick buffer for specific niche teams
>the meta units are the units that don't appeal to me at all
So literally every meta unit, non-furry included of the past appealed to you before now? It's gacha, if you care about meta, you follow the shifts. If you care about personal appeal, use what works and don't cry about it. It's the name of the genre.
my post didn't say "now"
and that's my point, sucks that most are just bait
I cant explain it but the event battle theme reminds me of Final Fantasy 7
It's peak Kingdom Hearts music to me
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Okay then thanks game wasn’t even expecting anything from the AGF tickets.
>finally read event story
>that enemy design in chapter 3
please release him as a free mob at least
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Eh, don't think so. At least basing it off the trend, a new villain is released shortly after the previous villain became a unit, he'll probably be next years villain like Vulpecula and Giansar was before. But who knows, maybe he can become a welfare unit. Been a while since we had one.
Turn your sound on, he has voicelines.
He'll release around this time next year presumably.
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It's been like a week since the AGP unit reveals and we haven't gotten a banner of the edgy masked guy. What gives? Housamo got their new unit in a thrown together bait banner filled with random characters, what's stopping LiveAHero from following suit?
probably because we just got a brand new event and housamo's new event just ended so they're in a repint lull
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>wondering why the cq mobs keep reviving
>screencap and paste into google translate
>see this
>when the final challenge is easier
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It's reprint time, thank heavens, this time it's Christmas Melt Meltdown. Or the Christmas Gomeisa/Viscunam banner. Which most likely means we'll have a new christmas banner/new years banner after this one's done.
For those who roll, best of luck to you.
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but viscum
NTA but I do not care for him. He spooked me twice last year while trying to get Gomeisa so I’m spiteful. Plus he can’t button a shirt to save his live.
forgive him, too fat to button
Wait, is that his nipple visible from his hero costume?
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3 tix
It's that ez
why is he naked underneath that plastic labcoat
Lol got him during the Giansar fiasco
He seems okay but I don't like how his 2nd skill as an Assistance type is randomized with 3 choices with one of them being a Damage Multiplier x90% to help your heroes die faster. He's basically Skill 3 or bust
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not how it works. you multiply incoming damage by 0.9, which means it's effectively a 10% damage reduction. if you're about to take 500 damage, then it'd be 500 * 0.9 = 450 damage instead.

that said, it's a dead skill regardless because of how backloaded the effect is. why waste a turn and wait 3 more turns for a garbage passive modifier when you could use his s1 with lilac on the team and rack up 7 combo with a single action?
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>can't autobattle the last mission
I don't know if it's because the tentacle slaps that hard or if it's an issue of "whoops all supportive characters!". I'm having to spam skills every turn.
why is he fucking fat
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>why is he fucking fat
for ME
>regardless because of how backloaded the effect is. why waste a turn and wait 3 more turns for a garbage passive modifier
easy, challenge quests that go on for a whil-
oh wait, those always have gimmicks that you can't stall out anyway
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>english text
It's happening! English translation right around the corner!!!
I want to believe.
wow live-a-no-event
I was wondering why those unitss had an event bonus
>finally, character i like gets a skill evo
>realize i'm too dumb to do it
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Oh once you understand the process it's pretty easy, even if I admit there are a couple of steps to actually get there that are arcane. First off your character needs to be level 60, once it's 60 you can "bloom" it with Dream Tokens, the blue sphere inside of gold somewhat looks like an eye, and Astro credits, the red blue coin thing, and some of the unit types medals.
Next step is to beat the evo quest, and finally you can dump resources in making your favored character stronger.
Aren't there choices in stats, or do you just get everything unlike what the wiki implies?
Some skills have branching paths in them that, I believe, you can only pick one path in. If it's a straight line you get everything in it, but my experience in actually doing skill evos is limited since none of the current characters that has them is someone I personally care for. So I haven't gone that deep and reserve the choice to just be wrong.
There's no branching paths in the skill evos. You can upgrade all the nodes as long as you have the resources.
Thanks for clarifying that Anon.
So what's the gimmick with the latest CQ? Do I kill the adds? Do I ignore them? Should I bring an AOE hero?
It's a year old, just youtube it.
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I know the general feel here is
but Sensettia i really good for this CQ because of the healing she provides with damage. In general you want to kill the adds until the boss no longer regens health, so survive 5 turns if you kill both adds each turn. The reason being they give him a debuff that reduces his healing by 10%. Then you can either play it smart, or do it like I did which was a DPS/heal check until the plant croaked. A friend base Sadayoshi or Giansar can also help with staying alive/attacking the plants if you don't have super speedy heroes.
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After the training campaign's done, 21st of December, a new Christmas Event will be here. More info to come later.
it's santa ryekie
Hard to say because the silhouette is a big Santa sack but does anyone think it might be Polar Mask?
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Please be skippable and have no one I want I barely have 50 pulls
Other than that I have no idea who the silhouette can be, must be someone new
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Well the new units have been shown off, the guy in the picture wasn't Polar Mask but hte person who guessed that is correct that he'll show up in this event alongside a new demon, Astar, and an alt for Monomasa
I know who I'm gunning for, and it's cute that the story for this event seems to revolve around Astar teaching other people how to become their own "santa".
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>they gave monomasa a diaper
Goddamn it I really didn't want to roll but now I have to...
>santa themed singlet monomasa
i didnt get your boyfriend, but maybe I'll get you
looking twitter it's so funny at the angry comments on the popularity poll, how the mercenary mobs outrank all of the female characters except one
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The santa oni dude is very cute, will get him to 6 star for sure.
Also did anyone else notice that his name is written as both Astan and Astar on his character image, Astar makes more sense based on アスター but maybe there's a story reason for it.
>both 5*s are water & dark
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I don’t think he’s an oni since he has a tail. Im calling it now he’s somehow secretly satan.
did that hellsite get nuked, i can't read the post
or any, even on followed accounts
First 10 pull gave me diaper Monomasa and both versions of the devil man
Never been so lucky in this game before but I still need the "both limited 5 stars in 1 10 pull" on my bingocard kek
Merry fucking Christmas to me :)
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I got lucky with one 10 roll in a different way. Still very satisfied.
got the masked guy with all 200 plus of my gems.. wanted monomasa :(
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sex with gomtang units
underwearless polaris sandwich...
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Man, models have improved so much over the years.
did they localize this yet or am i just going to have to finally bite the bullet and learn Japanese
>did they localize this yet
Just play with a translator the gameplay isn't even that hard it's "use gauge meter to shoot off big attack" every time
It's more fun being able to read the character interactions though
Are there any apps that automatically translate the game? I just screenshot and paste it into Google Image translate.
Do you think Polaris Mask would be a good lover?
I can see him making it a stunt like he’ll get on the edge of the bed saying don’t worry partner I’ve done this before. Then he tries to bodyslam and fuck you in one fluid motion. Or if he bottoms it’s the same except he cannonballs onto your dick. Regardless I can see someone going to the ER with a broken dick.
Update coming on the 1st next year, with it comes 3 special banners. The regular new years banners that guarantees a limited 5 star, this time divided into 2 parts based on attack/special and another banner for the rest. Then there's also a banner for all the dragon units released so far, so if you want Hydoor, Phein, Galvo or Giansar then you can roll on that banner. Though it isn't a lone rate up for Giansar, he shares a rate up with Drunken Tiger Reykie and Polaris Mask.
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Holy fuck that diaper is full, jiggle physics and all modeled for it in the animations
>Giansar, Phein, Galvo, and Hydoor gets new sidekick clothes. Giansar gets 4
I'm spoiled, Giansar even gets 2 alts where his chest shows.
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Jesus what the fuck?
>Jesus what the fuck?
The artist loves his dragon and dressing him up, or at least that's what I believe.
>he didn't pick 5 (speedo only + banana in hand) immediately when available
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>notice I have grey tickets
>spend them
Does anyone have like a graphic of which 5 stars are in which guaranteed 5 star gacha? Would be nice to know who I'm spending some cash on.
so what do the paid exclusive banners do exactly? assured limited 5*?
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Yep, 1 assured limited but you can roll more if luck is on your side. Banner 1 hosts a bunch of attacking heroes and banner 2 hosts "weirdos" like debuffers, VP Gain, and healers.
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here, made this quick
dps for banner 1, supports for banner 2
Should we use gray tickets as soon as we get them?
Hope I get this lucky as well
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. Guess I'll pull on the second one because I have all of the ones on the first banner already except for three of them.
I mean you can only use them on the general banner so go ahead
Enjoy big dick damage or if you already had him then enjoy slightly cheaper big dick damage.

I use mine when we get them. I guess you could just save them until a new permanent unit you like is in the standard banner after their event is over maybe for an extra copy. But the odds of getting them would be abysmal.
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he cute
Apparently you can only pull on either of the two banners, not both of them.
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Okay, this is epic
So Chrimbo Polaris is listed as a tank. Do tanks prefer the HP or the Shield Parallel Weapon?
It’s strange to see him without his mask didn’t expect him to have tufts of red hair.

Honestly I feel like you can make an argument for all of the parallel weapon modifications for just about any character. But Christmas Polaris Mask could use attack for more damage plus because he can heal himself that’ll get a boost too,
But I’d say Shield is a safe bet for the damage reduction that’s what I have for Christmas Gomeisa.
So what dailies do you guys grind during dead weeks? I tend to do the parallel weapon ticket mission and then spend the rest on whatever medal/coin quest I need medals for.
We'll be having a calm period for next patch, three new character quests will be added. For Shaft, Kirsch, and Isaribi. Alongside there'll also be a banner focusing on these three. So if you want Shaft the Runner here's another attempt at it.
Alongsside that there'll be a mob campaign to pick up the "Mercenary" units. That also comes with a couple of training missions for gold, bonds, and experience.
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Easily the best written event LAH has had.

For those curious about what was going on, Kram(pus) glitches into the universe by replacing the plushie Aster was carrying. Ten years later, Kram starts acting weird and talking to somebody in a language different from LAH's universal language. When the vehicle him, Nico, and Aster are on malfunctions, Kram gets ejected out of the universe and the plushie Aster had from the beginning is returned to him
wait, why is cute bara moeblob dork in LAH
They’re rerunning the mercenary enemies again? Alright then I’ll never say no for the chance to save stones.

This is why I wish they would start translating the game. I skip the stories because I don’t have time plus it’s tedious to screenshot every second and run them through google translate especially when the game likes to close when I do that sometimes. But I was surprised by the final boss of the event and I thought what happened for them to be the boss. I had thought the same for the Halloween event but then it turns out something even crazier happened during the story that I didn’t know about until now.
It's not really explained why that happened.

Another interesting reveal at the end of the epilogue is that nameless figure speaking is Melide Alter.
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>22 stamina gold/medal daily training gives x7539 gold (+30% bonus included)
>30 stamina S rank event mission gives uhhhhhhhh this much
Well there you have it, it's worth doing these missions even if you already bought out the event shop. Hell I might even spend stamina drinks on this.
+30% bonus
and pray tell, how many specific gacha characters does that require, you can't stack stamps on the same character
I'm just using a maxed Proccy SK on all five characters, none of them are from the recent gacha.
Is there any news that this game have a english translation or if not a way to get it translated cause I want to try this game?
Officially, no.
Either trial and error with the moonrunes or google translate your screenshots.
They have announced that an official translation is coming, when is still up in the air.
Oh cool when was that?
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The anniversary back in September but it'll probably take a full year at the minimum
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Next week a re-run of the Valentine Festival starts up. So Shouting!Suhail, Phein, and Knuckle!Procy is returning.
Better if you don't.
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Just finished the new roguelike mode. What did I think of it?
I dunno Anon, what did you think of it?
It was fine
Kinda a chore having to do it multiple times, wasn't sure what to bring so just brought a stall team.
I'm gonna save 1k stones next time, I don't wanna get disappointed.
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is rexer from america? i rmb reading something like that but now looking at his wiki page it states nothing of it, might be misremembering or smth
>hard quests don't reward free gold tickets, only silver
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>double humies for the next banner
Biggest Valentine's skip ever unless the 3rd character is Pubraseer or Roiker
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Bit much here but let's see if I can summarize. There will be an update for Valentines. With it comes a log in bonus, some return banners, and some quests.
If you complete these quests you get Valentine Sweets and you can buy Hisaki and reXer from the shop with them. Hisaki now also has a date quests.
Training quests will give you double the rewards,, for the first 3 completions, and they will cycle between 2 sets during the week.
Banners that are reprinted are the Nessen and Drunk tiger banner and Chocolate Circus. Along with that comes the return of the elemental banners with all the new permanents added.
Gaia anados?
I could use reXer. He's the only welfare I'm missing.
Tempted to spend some tickets on the grass rate up too, I still don't have a grass SSR yet.
>no furry shit
I think Bombom drew the guy on the right because of how the hand and fur/fuzz are drawn look like his work.

And the guy on the left kinda looks like he was drawn by wasp that’s the vibe I’m getting anyway mainly from the small amount of shading I can see on the arm.
Finally got Drunk Ryieke
Man his bulge is huge
Oh well even though I'm single on Valentine's Day gacha is still good to me lol
The brand new Valentine's banner has been revealed! Alongside the 2 humans, ReXer will take the last spot as a 5 star limited!
A surprise for sure but he definitely looks cool. A personal skip for me though.
Event starts next week on the 27th!
Seems like they have enough production money to spare for character trailers.
Also reXer's getting an alt. That means the only wellfare without an alt us Pubraseer
...but i'm saving stones. you can't do this to me LW
Damn, I might actually have to whale this banner for reXer. I knew he'd likely be getting an alt because he shares that same VA as MacRoich, but I figured Pub would've been the next welfare in line for an alt. Also, cool that LAH is finally getting banner videos like Housamo.
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>You should read this Summer event to understand this upcoming event
Any chance of Toshu Summer getting a rate up alongside this event? He's one of the heroes on my radar.
>wasp human
glad to see he's just as unable to draw anatomy for humans as he is for furries
I actually like his chubby old men (f-kare king is best boy) but jesus that's a vomit of an overdesigned outfit
anon he has been drawing humans for a long time
I don't really follow his stuff so I didn't know, but now that you mention it I just noticed he did draw oscar from housamo which tracks, he does have a mask which makes the tiny head underneath less noticeable
also I disagree on anatomy, the only time they look weird is when they're on certain angles
Lewd old man bulge.
As far as Bombom units go he's kinda cute.
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Don’t forget about the exploration event. It ends in about a week.
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ayo, are any of these guys good for gameplay? I got some rainbow stars burning a hole in my pocket
I might rank up Isarabi so he and Goro can match
Borealis - good
Astar - good
That's about it lol
Valentine's Quests are out, I humbly request that someone translates Giansars or at least give a synopsis to it. You'll have my eternal gratitude.

As the other anon said, Borealis and Astar are good. Personally I'd also reccommend Sensettia and Hydoor.
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will you guys be logging in for the re-release of the new event? (image not related, i just think the slime is hot)
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I read it
Basically he shows up at the alley pissed you didn't use the secret line to contact him because he's a villain and you're a hero, so don't expect your workplace to allow you to get along with Giansar. (Despite that he doesn't mind that you called him) He sighs and then asks what your business is with him, he's in a hurry. You hand him the chocolates you made for him and he scoffs, thinking it's some sort of joke and wonders why it's an "important tool to show emotions". He laughs and says instead of giving gifts to a villain you should be a more beautiful hero. You get really mad and he's intimidated and takes them in order to calm you down. He leaves in a hurry saying he can use the chocolates as energy for his next job and disappears, telling you not to expect him to answer your call all the time. His last words are to call you a spoiled brat.
It then cuts to the MC unknowingly receiving a package from an unknown sender at the same time he met up with Giansar, so it heavily implies he sent it before he met MC.

All in all pretty cute, he's shy with his feelings but tries to act tough. He definitely cares about you a lot more than he lets on.
he clearly wants to get pegged by a barbed cock from a blue tiger
? No?
it's a joke anon, fans like to pair him with rexer
Perfect, bless you anon for the summary.

Well people tend to pair characters up depending on the banners they show up in. I recall there being art of Giansar and Summer!Sada when that banner was out.
Don't people pair him with monomasa as well? What's the deal with that?
mono and sada got a lot of moments in the story
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gammei sexo
Oh shit I forgot
Oh well
They're up right now.
Is there an english version of this game?
This is like year 4 and we still don't have a translation
Mecha Isaribi...
That's really disappointing. I just started and it pretty good if I could understand everything.
It's coming soon™

We don't even get English translations in Housamo anymore.
what? we just got last year's valentine's snow wars in english
It's on pace as it's always been
live a hero obviously doesn't make them as much money otherwise they'd have new banners every month like housamo
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Next event teaser with another 2 new characters, gomtang human and a fat cat
Surprisingly it's not a Viscunam alt because this cat has dark gray fur so who knows about the limited alt
The next event banner has been revealed! It's a jailbreak themed event and there are 2 limited alts this time for Obsidius and Okitaka along with a new welfare human, Shidemasu and a new cat character, Bygul.
Event drops next week!
Personally I'm a bit surprised Obsidius got an alt so soon over some other characters but he does seem pretty popular. It's a skip for me though
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Welfare man you can get in the event shop!
welfare because the guy needs help with his arm
Dunno if it's the lack of glasses or his face just looking different, but Okitaka's alt looks way less attractive than his base form.
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I’m not surprised Obsidius is getting an alt so soon however I am surprised it wasn’t a summer alt. I guess since he was released during last years summer event they didn't want him taking a summer slot two years in a row. But as much as I like Obsidius I’m really not a fan of how he looks in this alt. Honestly to the point where if I wasn’t kinda close to a second spark I would be heavily considering skipping.
he already has a speedo alt anyway
>lasts until may 16
>probably going to get the cruise train event with tabit and esperdica after to take us into july
Hope for a Summer Vulpecula alt is still alive
Why don’t you like his alt? I think he looks cool. Also you almost have two sparks how?! I have just over 600 stones.
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I guess one good thing about Masquerade!Nessen is that even limited units can now get alts. Though I do wonder what theme they'd put Vulpecula in? Since he is already a phantom theif. And the next question would be if he gets an alt before Gaisei's released?
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I can’t really explain I just seen it and was like oh okay then. Maybe I’m not a fan of the Rambo aesthetic maybe it’ll grow on me but I don’t know. Which sucks because this happened to me when Christmas Gomeisa was released I didn’t care for his outfit granted most Christmas outfits in the Gachas I’ve played are just red outfit with white fluffy collars with a Santa hat.

And for your second question yes I’m almost at a second spark I’m at 1514 stones and 45 tickets. Currently I only really like Gomeisa, Flamier, and Obsidius and since the first two already have alts (and third versions of characters aren’t a thing yet) saving hasn’t been a problem. Granted I did a tenfold for Festival Gammei so I would be a bit closer if I didn’t do that.
Well I'm hoping summer because this outfit doesn't scream summer to me, just another casual clothes alt other characters get from time to time.
I do think Gaisei might be released after him though, like how Giansar was released during the 2nd summer banner with Sadayoshi's alt after the Obsidius banner came out.
We'll see though, I'm not quite at 600 stones yet much less a spark so I don't mind more time to save.
Can someone explain giansar to me he's cute but I don't know much about him besides he's in this game?
I spent 100 gems and didn't get my bull. Society has fallen.
I had to spark for the Osidius alt, Okitaka spooked me twice. Least I got Astosis off banner, that's nice. Now when the Masquerade event rolls around again I feel no need to pull on that banner.
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After summoning.

Im sorry Obsidius didn’t come home but you need to either save religiously or open your wallet when you’re working with a general 2% 5 star rate and a one time 4% rate on a tenfold.

You were lucky just not in the way you wanted. That’s kinda the opposite of me I had to also spark for Obsidius but I didn’t get a single 5 star which sucks but it can happen.
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What did my boy do?
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Dropped the event tickets plus 50 stones, all I got was Bygul sidekick twice, LOL
I'll pick up the little butterball at the end of the year I guess all I really wanted from this banner
Time to wait until July for the next new banner, my saving will hopefully pay off
Can someone please explain how regular Obsidius and his new version work? I took a break from the game after the first summer event last year and have come back but have no idea how either of them work.
havent gotten variant obsi but base obsi is slow and tanky but powerful. his s2 and ult deals more damage the less enemies there are, and his s1 has this "stubborn" mechanic
Regular Obsidius is relatively straightforward. He’s an attacker that focuses on a status that only he has called Stubborn which can give his second and third attacks additional effects if you have enough stacks of Stubborn. Each stack of Stubborn only lasts for three turns after it is acquired so you cannot indefinitely hold onto them, also Stubborn is not considered a buff or a debuff. You can only get stacks of Stubborn from using his first attack, Excavate in which he will get three stacks or he gets one stack of Stubborn every time he is buffed and multiple buffs at once will give multiple stacks of Stubborn. I use reXer’s sidekick skill for him so that he gets three stacks of stubborn from the extra attack, speed, and a lower view requirement the skill gives him. When you use his second attack Drilling Break he will attack two enemies at random and each hit has a 50% chance to inflict defense down. But if he has more than three stacks of Stubborn he will use those stacks and Drilling Break will attack three enemies at random instead of two while still maintaining the chance for defense down. His third attack Pierce All Unknowns will hit all enemies and dispel one buff from each of them. This attack does more damage the less enemies there are to hit capping at 180% of his attack when only one enemy is on the field. And if you have five or more stacks of Stubborn, he will use those and can attack again.


Just get as many stacks of his passive as possible by using his first attack or by buffing him. His second and third attacks can deal AOE damage, but are stronger when there’s only one enemy left. With three stacks of Stubborn his second attack will hit three enemies rather than two. And with five stacks his third attack will let you attack again.
"Bulldozing Destroyer" Obsidius is a bit trickier. Unlike his original version he is a debuff character but like his original version he has a status unique to him in this case Bullet Mark. But first a quick overview of his attacks. His first attack Heavy Fire targets one enemy hits them four times and inflicts one stack of Bullet Mark. His second attack Arms Break deals damage to one enemy and lowers their attack and defense. His third attack Pierce All Barriers will hit 4 times, if there are multiple enemies they will be targeted at random if there is only one they will get hit 4 times. Each hit will dispel one buff from an enemy as well as inflicting one stack of Bullet Mark for each time their hit.

Now to explain Bullet Mark. It is a debuff that can be stacked up to 20 times per enemy. Obsidius has to start the stacking with his first or third attack but after that he can’t add anymore stacks during the turn even if he can attack again or if you have a second Obsidius from support. The stack increases when an ally attacks or debuffs enemies with Bullet Mark they will gain 1 stack of Bullet Mark per attack or debuff. However if the ally is classified as a Debuffer they will add 2 stacks of Bullet Mark instead. For Example Yoshiori is a Debuffer and when he attacks a marked enemy the stack will increase by 2 instead of 1. Another example is Tsuneaki he’s also a Debuffer and his second attack lowers the target’s attack and defense at once and since he’s inflicting two Debuffs the stack will increase by 4. 2 stacks for each Debuff. If a character not classified as a Debuffer did the same thing the stack would only increase by 2.
Today I learned 4chan has a character limit.

Now the specifics of Bullet Mark and how it works with Obsidius’s passives. First, the simpler of the two which is giving “Critical” to all allies. Critical gives a chance of increasing ally damage by 1.3x. The chance increases by 20% for each Debuff the target has so this works with any Debuff not just Bullet Mark.

The other passive is Onslaught. At the end of the turn any enemies that have Bullet Mark will take damage as follows
30%+Bullet Mark*10% Atk.

This will remove all stacks of Bullet Mark. The damage from Onslaught is considered Wood Element and will be affected by defense down also it will not gain any view power or combo.


It’s kind of hard for me to give a concise TLDR basically use his first or third attack to start stacking bullet marks so that attacks or debuffs from allies will increase the number of stacks, which will increase the amount of damage his passive ability onslaught will deal at the end of the turn. Debuff characters increase the amount of stacks by two points, rather than just one also Obsidius’s third attack will hit four times randomly and each time an enemy has been hit a buff of theirs will be dispelled.

Sorry that this is a lot but this was the best way I could explain how Obsidius’s new alt works because I’ve had a hell of a time trying to figure it out the past two days.
what's the context, why do enemies have this weird heart thingie
I don’t know the context of story but brainwashing is the reason. It plays a part in battles when you break through the blue bar under an enemy’s HP it’ll undo the brainwashing and if they haven’t attack yet in the same turn they will attack another enemy or themselves if they are the only one left. But they immediately become brainwashed after attacking and will regain an action to attack you characters.
is there a pack atm that increases my chance of getting obsidius
To my knowledge there hasn’t been anything that increases the chances of getting a specific character. The only guarantee is to spark the character after 200 summons.
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I want to know this man's backstory and his personality.
I would too but we live in a world where LAH has no english translation 4 years in so we just have to speculate from fanart

I think he's a tsundere hackerman. He's also a Villain but I don't know what that means outside of spooky glitch effects and red flashing lights.
just ask the creator on twitter why are you such introverts
Why are you such a defensive nigger whenever translations come up?
apparently when he applied for hero license he got turned down so he's doing heroics "his own way"
the level for the latest event released, after a delay(?)
1 hour to finish the shop!
Seeing the boss of this event again got me thinking, none of these furry gachas have a honest to god snake in them do they? I wonder which one will even attempt it.

Other anons got it pretty right already. But the short and sweet of it is, if memory serves, that he was a up-and-coming hero, but during the final part of it he got rejected for saving people without permission. He feels he got slighted, so he tries to become the best and strongest hero his own way. He's also a tsundere that will cry if you do something nice for him and cares immensely for those he deems close, even if his persona doesn't show it.
not kemohemo but Sdorica has Devious
Obsidius’s dick is… too big there I said it.
They should balance it out by making his pecs bigger!
2025 will be year of the snake, so next year at the very least.
It seems like our next repring event is Cruise Train of Star Ocean. Meaning Tabit, Brave Guard Yoshiori, Eperdica, and Raizi as the rate ups.

That's fair, but I never gave that game a chance. Never meshed with me.

I'll hope, I'll hope.
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>crossed 600 stones today in my savings
Praying Esperdica or Vulpecula gets a summer alt next month
LW please
I'll cross my fingers for you anon, both that one of them gets a skimpy hero suit and, if they come, that you pull the one you want.
i have nothing interesting to say about the game since it's in auto pilot but I WANNA SUCK GIANSAR OFF!
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So a couple of things are coming next week called "Early Summer Campaign" in total. In short, the Hero Battle Arena is coming back, same with the score attack boss, you can now get the Heel Wrestler Mob units in the event shop. And something new, Link Quests. These are time limited quests in which you can see a couple of characters interact with one another. Three will release during the period with the characters for the first two revealed already.
about time theres something to do, this game drags when they're just rerunning shit. it might be more bearable if they translated the game
We deserve a 3rd Barrel
He has potential to be the first character to get a 3rd alt. Especially since his summer alt was released almost 3 years ago.
i'd rather have one of the main characters get an alt over another barrel. i want more huckle
is summer toshu still good
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>3 shared SSR's, two of them being base units
Jesus christ fuck off. I love Toshu but not that much. Where's the ACTUAL Summer banner?
Blew 400 stones to try and get Toshu Rutilix and Nessen
I only got Nessen......
>80 rolls
i sleep
He's still the best AoE light nuke, so yeah.
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So I guess some small updates. The next event's a reprint, it's the Aqua Vacation Therma Panic summer event, so if you want base Obsidus there's your rate up. It's coming out on the 20th, a week after that 3 new character quests will release. Andrew, Digram, and Furlong. Since those three gets their character quests they'll also have a rateup banner, with their alts included.

And finally, the next limited time event will begin in July, and it's a proper one not a training or reprint.
I hate that Lifewonders waits until July, August, September for summer events. I get why they do it Housamo typically has a main story update around May or June and LiveAHero they want a summer event for anniversary if it’s in September. It’s not the worst thing because it gives more time to save but man the wait can be torture sometimes.
Theorel's new slime creature buddy's stupid cute.
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We've got a name for the new event, or at least a rough translation. Summer Night's Last Illusion. With a "young florist", "hotelier" and a "war photographer" I can at least tell two of the units will be Kalasaki and Lilac
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He's FINALLY getting some love ToT
Please please please get near naked for your summer skin ToT
I don’t think any of the characters work as a hotelier the only person I can think of is Nessen but I don’t think that’s his job besides he got a Halloween alt last year so it might be a new character along with muppet magician man in the preview. But this is seems like a skip for me it just hinges on if they make Lilac combo focused again I don’t need to be tempted by Summer Alphecca and possibly Lilac power creeping his original version I just got back to 1000 stones not too long ago after having to spark for Obsidius’s alt.
Well, that's kinda disappointing. I like Lilac, but not enough to want to pull for him. And Kalaski is just a character I've never cared for (should've been Phein instead). Here's to hoping the Hero Fest banner in October will be better.
>Water Lilac
Is it just me or has there been a ton of water element humans?
>another week before the next limited banner
>just another character development mini event from friday the 5th to the 10th (wednesday)
>THEN we get the limited reveals the 11th (which we know already are Kalaski and Lilac)
>then ANOTHER week of waiting
Sigh.... I hope the alts are worth it design wise
i'm starting to see an issue with how lifewonders treats live a hero. is this game as much as an afterthought?
you know something feels weird in LAH
despite having no pities or sparking, somehow I can get the units I like in Housamo. But not in this game.
Can't you just use your gold tickets to get any character you want? Is that not a pity?
What? No.
Oh well then. Even if it's not a pity the gold tickets is why I have every character I want in this game.
Well in a surprise (maybe not so much) move they've sped up the release of the next limited banner event. New guy Roudin joins limited alts of Lilac and Kalaski on the banner which drops Thursday July 11. I'll definitely be rolling for Kalaski but honestly Rain Man Lilac doesn't turn me off from losing the 50/50 too much. As always good luck to everyone rolling!
Mannnnnn he looks so good... OAO
Crossing my fingers 50 pulls + 5 event shop tickets gives me a chance at him
First new release this year I totally want
kalaski-csupo don't look to the front, you look ugly
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>All moon rune.
I don't even know what the game is about or the name of anyone in the banner. Then again, considering how shit Crave Saga is, that might be for the best.
>2 10 pulls
>glorious kemoshota king comes home
This is what they call destiny.... I was scared of more heartbreak but my luck came through for me. Then again he IS a Toomiro unit and I've never failed to get any of them haha
Esperdica got a summer skin too wow 10/10 event QmQ
Huh, I'm actually surprised it took this long for them to add another mechanic that goes works with view, we had hide and now spotlight. And for a first showcase, Kalaski's a real good Spotlight unit.
Congrats Anon, it took me 160 pulls to get him, he even spooked me since his orb was gold, but at least I also got Lilac. So banner complete.
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congrats anon
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Oh shit, pulled him twice
and then a third time, shit. Give me the other 5 star...fuck
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Christ alive, I pulled him 4 times before I cleared the banner
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>1 ticket
‘twas meant to be
>spent 40 extra rolls than needed and sparked just to max out a sidekick passive
I have a problem.

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