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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
what to reroll for? hestia seems pretty good?
Yeah, Kise is reliable choice
2 hours of rerolling paid off.
Let's see how long I have to suffer
Good luck anon. Who are you rolling for?
Arby, I think. But I got this
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I did it! Arby account get!
>Rerolling for galaxy
Your a madman anon
Congrats anon.
I got arby, who is the iseria of the game?
Here's a bunch of codes:
Go to Settings > Redeem Code to redeem.
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Yeah, been playing a week since the beta and had finished until Hardmode ch5. Currently farming the event and I haven't played E7 but I like little girls and Janis is best girl. If there is going to be a rate up for her clone I will swipe. I don't care about meta and I hope they release more lolis.
wait is this really another E7 clone?
shits already in maintenance mode lmao
Literal clone, skill sets are straight from E7, helps with team building
Who is the Rabi in this game?
No Rabi yet
Holy shit the server is dying
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So after clearing the event shop I should be running fire hunt nonstop to gear up my characters?
Based, I'm waiting on clone Janis too. I hope the game does catch on a bit and doesn't die though
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im in just beat chapter 5 so i can hunt now
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It's surprisingly high quality. Sad that it's not side scrolling sprites but the artwork and the sex scenes are way better than a lot of coomer games. The quality of life and rerolling isn't nearly as bad as I would expect from these kind of games too. Don't know if it will maintain this quality but I am actually hopeful it becomes popular enough not to quickly eos.
Also feels good seeing Ras finally able to get laid.
There is a google doc with most info. You can do the easy reroll and roll the infinite, hestia/odea probably your best targets if you want pve or pvp. If you want to do the harder reroll you get 40 rolls at the same time you can use on any banner. The rerolling really isn't that bad, once you have it streamlined its 15 minutes and the rates are pretty generous more than e7.
If anyones still rerolling I still haven't had someone use my FC PVVBUE17UJ
Servers are kind of fucked right now. There's no restrictions on rerolling they made it too easy and bottable. There are shit loads of bot farms doing mass rerolls and lagging the server to hell and back.
More lolis and then this becomes a kamige
But there's barely any, there really is a big lack in diversity almost everyone is a big tit bimbo.
It's just Janis and her clone huh.
Hopefully we get more. Or least more girls with small or modest chests.
Wtf the server is still shitting itself they need to fix this asap
I just finished rerolling too, finally had a chance to play the game and now I can't. Really fucking frustrating, every fucking online game gets fucked by botters and resellers. I'm sick of it.
its having a hard time but i least i can stay connected other day the stages were crashing and i couldnt finish them now it just takes a while to load the stage clear

it might be best just burn through your stamina and bounce will have to hope theres some down time eventually
Suddenly maint
Thank god maybe they will fix the shit servers.
Damn, maybe I'll reinstall E7, I forgot how much I love its gameplay. brb crying over my terrible equipment
Are chinks spamming rerolls now? I saw a not arby account + other 5*s units for 9 burger bucks with the selective still available.
>with the selective still available
Huh you can back out of the selective?
Yes read the guide >>1337324
You can skip the selective and most of the tutorials. If you just wait 15-20 seconds at a tutorial it will bring up a skip option. You don't want to skip everything but skipping the selective and the single roll and the gear tutorial is good.
Yes you can anon, when the tutorial wants you to do it you just stop for like 30 seconds and a skip tutorial button would appear. If you already did your roll but havent confirmed it you can simply force close the app, that works too.
How are you autists rerolling for galaxy?
Where are you even getting your first mysterious contracts?
Anon unless Im super retarded and missing something thats just regular tickets.
You need mystery/galaxy to get a light/dark character and I cant even see where you could get your first single roll in that
There is a small chance to get them from the regular banner. you get 40 rolls for that banner so you reroll until one shows up. It's not as rare as it seems. rerolling with 4 instances I was seeing one about every 2-4 hours.
>There is a small chance to get them from the regular banner
Oh Im retarded and thought they were locked from regular summons.
Thats not TOO bad a reroll then.

I thought you autists were like finishing 2-10 for a single roll or some crazy shit.
No it's 15 minutes once you are used to it. Skip all the cutscenes, skip the tutorial pulls and the gear tutorial. Another trick is turn on safe mode in the settings. it lets you skip the animations while pulling which saves a couple of minutes.
Was able to play for an hour with good connection then the server started shitting itself again and now its back to server maintenance.
I hate chinks so god damn much
Welp that's all folks, still haven't even had a chance to play the game proper since there's been more downtime than up. Guess I'm going to bed blue balled again.
nyo... the update logged out my guest account.
>everyone in arena has Apostle
Is everybody paypigging on this game? Holy shit this is cancer, I am using Theresa, Janis, Clone Joyce and Marsha and I am not paypigging on this until they release a new loli.
Is Apostle even good? Lucia seems better
>caring about pvp in any gacha game
Already dropped this trash. Servers are down all the time.
lmao people are being banned just by playing the game.
I had that happen in a reroll.
AFAIK its disconnecting people but not kicking them out and people spam clicking shit after they have been disconnected is triggering some anti cheat since its requesting things when the accounts "offline" which is a way people will cheat with trainers for cheating gacha currency.
I got shit locked by just playing the story. The game is one giant car crash. Sad since I liked the girls and the gameplay. Fuck e7.
honestly you deserve it for playing chink plagiarism
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Reroll hell is ogre
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absolute luckGOD
More like 12 hours of botting rerolls.
Bound to hit eventually
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Apologems inc
even with that 2 ml 5 and a 5 seems pretty crazy plus janis sexo
More like they'll give us 100 energy and nothing more.
Did anyone notice they removed paypal as a payment option? I'm out it was the only way I had to pay and now I can't get moira.
paypal hates being used for lewd things
>control the flow of money and the means to spend it as soft censorship
Wait, this game doesn't have a selective summon starter? Garbage
How f2p is it? Just got it installed. I see there's a lot of reroll fuckery going down in the thread... Is it really necessary?
sort of but you dont have to go for a dark light units you can aim for water units both 4 and 5 star to do the important hunt more easily
Here's my friend code: J6UBVVCNFJ
Here more codes:
Wanted Clone Barth but don't have the time to reroll a million times so I just settled for Feliz. Don't really care for PvP so I dunno how much mileage I'll get out of this game but it's very pretty. Altho there's so many bugs hopefully they'll fix them soon.
Dark and Light gacha characters are rare.
But most of them are geared toward PVP.

PVP is an autistic whalefest regardless if you have dark and light characters or not.
How do I change my player name, or am I fucked? Forgot to change the default name and got a good roll.
You should have 1-2 consumables that do it
Check your inventory
Oh I see PVP isn't actual live PVP, it's just against AI with player preset teams. Guess that's fine then
>all these players with Apostle
Facking whales la
Use my code please 5U99TREKKJ.
>maint again
>This newest version will fix issues where Achievements, Guild Missions, and Mercenary's Path Missions could not be completed.

Thank god
>11 hour maintenance
>here's your 100 free energy thank you for playing
at least they care
>Request too much error
Use this when rerolling
I got this too when trying to reroll with multiple instances open on my emu, and later on when i tried just one emu instance while playing it on my tablet at the same time.

I guess they're trying hard to kill rerollers.

I find it funny that Theresa is the antimeta for this Apostle spam. And Theresa with Lucia's bond means it is either a stun or a silence giving me a free kill or two.
I kept getting this today after playing for a few days. Couldn't login. I cleared cache and restarted my phone and it stopped
I read that some aspect of the game uses ai art? Was that bait?
Some of images you get from the Love Link mechanic are so blatantly AI but only the initial ones, the last ones which are the sex scene ones aren't AI from what I've seen
Oh and some story images are AI too.
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Apparently cowtits is OP because they forgot to mention she has a counter in her english skill which her epic shit version doesnt have
Yeah I have her and I wondered where the fuck the counter attacks came from
Sometimes my arby doesnt get s3 reset when dying anyone know why4?
Rolling on banners seems like a huge waste considering that you can't get dark/light units
Its so stupid
I roll for sex
This game is bugged as shit
is the mc black or something
I wish games would stop doing the destiny child thing where your characters basically aren't visible during gameplay
How do you disable skills in auto mode for certain characters?
Bunch of codes. Tried them all just now, they're all working.

ArkXakaoni3LW kolGHynifFrO
ArkXakaoni9T7 ArkXakaoniZS7
ArkXakaoni9EN ArkXakaoniT6H
ArkReCodeOPEN Arkef02add3c
ArkReCodeEDM ArkReCodeMBR
Jmcomich18 ArkXakaoni8HL
ArkXakaoniLVX ArkXakaoniPNA
Ark87c5cdcc5 Ark9vc8bdcc6
Arkacc90dcc7 Arkbscaadcc8
Arkc8cb7dcc9 Arkdef59dd26
ArkReCode1Q9 ArkReCodeKS2
ArkReCode3N5 ArkReCodeDF4
ArkReCode5MW ArkReCodeLW6
In the bottom right during autos there's an icon for each character that goes up and down
Looks like one of those tanned guys in NTR doujins
wonder if that's the route they were planning to go at some point, an NTR gacha game, and at some point they decided to switch but didn't really want to remake the whole game. there are a couple design choices that makes me think that's the case.
Anyone uploaded all the skill animations and stuff?
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>the first 30 minutes
go on without me bwo I think I'm trapped in the first 30 minutes time paradox. I rerolled 5 times now before rollin
how important are guilds? am I bricked if I don't join one?
very important, you can get skill mods and rare summon tickets
Just starting do I reroll for Akaoni, or Apathy?
I'd say Akaoni, since she's limited. You can get Apathy some other time, plus she's not all that strong.
Get them 50 tickets
Good point. I somehow got them both.
Is this christmas girl good?
A tier
Her bond is pretty good.
Erica is OP as fuck, I regret not going all in trying to get her back during her rate up.
Same, bro. Erica makes things so much easier.
Doesn't exist
do we have a guild yet?
Get them tickets lads
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I can't progress past 1-3. Did they kill rerolling?
I can't even login after restarting the game.
Turns out that's an IP ban. Fuck these devs.
Never played any of these kind if games but am curious? Is there just straight up porn in them? And they're on mainstream mobile app storefronts?
Straight up porn. Game is on Erolabs, which as the name implies is a plataform for porn games.
But is the story good?
How are they not getting sued by Epic 7?
It's Epic 7 but everyone's an asshole
So it's better than epic 7
It's a porn game so you should be asking if the sex is good
I think there are a few nice ones. Too bad the MC is a bit of a manipulative jerk based on some of their love links.
is there any NTR? or are all the waifus for (You)?
I'm not done with the story/bonds yet, but as far as I can tell no NTR.
>for (you)
The girls seem to be either for (you) or straight up psychos who want to turn you into their sex slave/energy battery. Kinda hot desu.
I get where he's coming from, everyone treats him less like human and more like breeding horse and will use any means necessary to get that power up
I think it's kinda interesting, but it does feel awkward when you have outright genocidal megabitches like Rosalie and Apathy in the story who can also become your gacha slut. Ith feels more annoying than endearing to be honest.
genocidal megabitches make the best wives.
It has pretty much the same plot as any sci-fi gatcha game. Like PGR Snowbreak or Nikke.
>all is peaceful
>omg aliens attack
>90% of the population dies
>disaster also gave people super powers
>now they fight to retake the world
Gigguk - 25 energy and 50k gold
Invite code for those rerolling.
>sex scene before the tutorial starts
Almost every h-gacha starts with h-scene to activate your coombrain and make you spend money
Where is /vmg/ guild? I don't want to play with randoms.
I don't think we have any. We should make one.
Name it "nopan"
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I like this cute dork
I think Marsha's the only one that isn't for (You) based off the text messages
Should I bother with the event if I can't beat the hard stage?
Trying to clear out the shop with 15 tokens per stage seems like a huge waste of energy.
Right now there's an event that gives extra drops on hunts and stuff so doing that is prob fine too
Probably not, I'd clear normal mode at least for the gems but you are better off just pushing campaign since there's also a double CP bonus, and you get to get Marsha's missions out of the way.
Holy shit, story gets really wild at chapter 7.
I've been walled for 3 weeks now. Holy shit man getting resources to limit break is fucking aids. Also nobody and I mean nobody uses my friend codes thing.
>like girl
>gets killed
>complete her message shit
>she hates the sex but it is doing it to save her friends
>doesn't matter this was before that so she still dead
Is the new healer girl good? her kits seems cracked if she ever hits her performer mode
Apparently yeah, she's really good.
I've been running her with Rafael and it's been a pretty good set up so far, no need for a dedicated tank character with heals + shields and constant attack buffs.
The upcoming character, Preema, will complement her really well since she can just kill her cooldown.
Friend code only gives rewards if they make a purchase with real $$$.
Tamarinne is one of the best healers in Epic 7, so Noclyn is likely as busted
>flashback event
>Apathy is a cold tsundere who is sometimes warm
Knowing that she's really a psycho killer bitch inside seething at all of them makes it feel weird.
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Oh, the irony.
Is there a vmg guild yet?
Seconding this. Just quit some random guild after I realized there were only 4 active people out of 22.
what would we call it?
There should be, randos are dead and i hate missing mystics
do we even have enough people
How do I deal with Apathy on event hard stage? She just one shots my entire team with her bullshit combo.
This anon >>1363168 had a suggestion.
probably not enough to fill up the guild. if someone starts it up, i'll quit my guild to join
Is there unscheduled maintenance going on right now? I'm gett8ng "Too many requests" error.
were you rerolling? if you're going too fast you'll get that error
Yeah. Do I have to wait liek 10 minutes between each session or something?
Maybe like 3 minutes, just don't advance the menus too quickly, that also flags you.
Is it not possible to get a healer on filter recruit?
Pretty sure you can get Lina and Lottie there.
SSR? No. You can get an SR one.
Moira is $1 if you trust chinks with your credit card info.
Damn I thought Erolabs was an American company like Nutaku.
wtf is up with all the step to install on iphone?
No porn on iStore.
>AI slop
Why am I paying for pngs that they can't even be arsed to underpay some chink for? AI is free,
What are flags for?
Here's muh code lads:
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Is this thing bugged?
I rolled on the Preema (green chick) banner ~50 times and got 6 or something fucking 5* bonds, not a single pickup hoe. Bonds are appparently 52% chance, with a 1% chance to get the 5*, wtf kinda rigged shit is this
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Apparently we'll be getting some new content soon.
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guys, is the LD player safe? I downloaded it (from erolabs) to play ark re: code, now i feel like i have a virus on my pc, so i deleted it again, should i be worried?
Probably most of the guilds are trash, just call it Vidya or something
All emulators are adware/spyware essentially, that's how they keep afloat. Either wait for the web mode version of the game or use your phone, if you're that paranoid.
Also, never download emulators from 3rd party sites.
Really? I've had zero issues with Bluetsacks.
Where the fuck is hard mode?
PvP is pure cancer in this game, literally everyone has that P2W bitch with speed dialed to 11. It's fucking impossible to even stay in silver.
>they let the players vote for their favorite girl to get the next banner
>janis won
What Gacha has good PVP?
Rosalie and Janis banner tomorrow.
Is this game retard friendly?
There is NTR
The Succubus event
She tells the guy who summoned her to get fucked and proceeds to go find virgins to fuck, until you get her and fuck some sense into her.
yep, its made for coomers
Is there a list out there of all these coomer games? Asking for a friend.

Ones I know about so far:
Nikke, Brown Dust 2, Action Taimanin, Path to Nowhere, Seven Mortal Sins, Echocalypse, I think Snowbreak counts too
Can I assume I don't need to learn many complicated power-up systems?
if nikke counts eversoul counts too
So this game isn't on play store, how many more coomer games are hidden away like this?
They are all on Nutaku/DMM.
those games are suggestive games at best. ark code is full penetration without mosaics, half the girls you meet in the story take off their clothes and actually rape you. it's actual uncensored porn. not sure where taimanin falls though
Uncensored sex scenes
Nah. It's pretty easy to understand. Pretty normal turn based combat. It's a copy paste of epic seven with the names changed so you can just look that up if you have questions.
Thanks, anon.
>It's a copy paste of epic seven
I heard you have to get equips for each character and the equips give a lot of different random stats.
The equips are crafted from dragon hunt materials and the stats on them are pure rng along with the set bonus stat on it.
So you're rolling the gear itself from normal to legendary, then the set bonus and lastly the rng stats on them.
No ways to guarantee thing.
is there any guide on what set bonus are better for x character or class?
I made a guild if anyone wants to join
Name: Coom Brigade
Acceptance: Lv 10+ Automatic
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New cunny doko? And I find it funny how regular Joyce is better than her clone counterpart.
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Holy shit, they added 60fps option after the update and now live2D looks fucking amazing.
Meh, coom in a guild name is pretty cringe
ded gaem
It's only been like three months? What's the pay stats on it anyone know how much they make monthly?
Just installed this
what am I in for?
Have you played Epic 7? Because it's literal just that.
Played some of It now and I like it so dar
is this currently the best eroge gacha to play?
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For some reason the screen gets stuck in here and nothing happens, just me?
look up the kumasan/monmusu td thread on this board or dmm generals on /jp/
This new event hard stage is fucking cancer. How do I deal with that bullshit AoE counter stun?
did this place ever make a guild?
There's this one >>1386812 but I don't know if it's /vmg/ only
Is it any active? the one I joined for the tutorial has 3 active people
jeez getting stuff to build your characters seems a big time investment as a new player
"big" is an understatement, merely getting an on-set gear with the right main stat takes thousands of stamina and crafting mats, and that's not even accounting for rarity and sub stats
it's fucking insane
Why does it download ldplayer when I click on PC version? Does it not have a native pc port?
No. They have a web version though.
I took the chink pill, fuck it. What does progression look like for a newfag, clear story until I unlock farm stages? Should I focus farm something?
For now, just focus on completing mercenary path and the main story. After that, try to build a team that can clear blaze wolf hunt 9 (wyvern), and eventually 11, while progressing through hard mode story.
Also, if you can, try to clear the event. Or at least get skill mod, bond ticket, 5 contracts and the immunity set from the event shop. Don't bother with hard and elite stages early on in the game, they are brutal without good gear.
This doc has good info on pretty much everything >>1337324
There is also a wiki now https://arkrecodewiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Since this game is a carbon copy of Epic Seven, 90% of the guides and team building also apply to this game.
Thanks bro. I know jackshit about epic7 except rabiposters so I'll take a look at the guide.
I'm browsing the list, it's all chink guilds. Is there really no 4chan guild?
New codes:
ArkspringY0p Arkspring54U Arkspring0ke ArkspringD3c Ark2spring9q
I don't think there is.
where can I find the game's sex scenes online
I spent way too long digging up chinese porn sites around and couldn't find shit
the official discord have someone compiling it
Should I roll for this new slut, she's a healer no? The only healer I have is Mikael.
You mean Dawn? Pretty sure she's one of the best healers in the game. I'd go for her.
Where? That discord sucks ass.
Its in a thread inside of a channel just search it
Holy shit man, she makes the game so much easier. I'm reading the google doc and I don't get the character build shit. Like, should I find the equivalent epic 7 character and follow that guide? I'll use an example. I have Hestia. So I follow this guide on how to build her? https://epic7x.com/character/kise/
isnt there some kind of vtuber collab comming up in march
>should I find the equivalent epic 7 character and follow that guide?
Yeah, that's a solid strat.
Hows the web version compare to playing on bluestacks?
How fucked will I be if I play this casually? I'm guessing the h-events are hard to grind for?
>Hows the web version compare to playing on bluestacks?
honestly i tried memu and ldplayer but the browser version runs better
>How fucked will I be if I play this casually? I'm guessing the h-events are hard to grind for?
h-events are easy its pretty much time gated but everything else gear/max characters/ etcetc is rough
Browser runs so much better for me but might be because i only have a potato pc so idk
Why is this game so dead?
It seems to be doing well enough financially, but there's not a whole lot to talk about I guess. Probably a side effect of E7 copy paste.
Anyone know why is so Hard to register on erolabs? They dont send you anything to your mail and then it said that my email is already in use
I didn't have any problems. Maybe it got caught in the spam filter or the server is just lagging
Did it say it sent the email? I had to disable adblock during registration but it worked after that.
Yeah, it said send but theres nothing there, anyway i use those fake emails and that worked out instantly haha, im playing the game now, it seems fun, thanks for the help anyway guys
what do you mean browser version? I didn't see it on the main page and I dunno man LD player is pretty comfy on this game
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I think anon is talking about pic related.
Unrelated news, here's out chinktuber collab
So is the new vampire doctor good? Also im level 20something so it is good to do the event levels or it gives you Just shitty rewards
I heard shes pretty good but i haven't rolled her yet
She's a decent pvp unit and her bond is very good.
Yes. She is decent for pvp to keep my erica alive while Janis do her thing and be invisible.
2 questions how do you get catalysts and how do you get those purple gems to get 6 stars characters
You get some from event shops. You get purple shit from your base. Catalysts are harder to come by outside events but you eventually can farm them from main story stages from the points shop but it takes a while
Progress your hard mode and you can just farm world 1 boss for the points then trade for the catalyst you need
>purple gems
trade it from your base
>collab succubus nurse
>hot nun
this fucking game
I started this Game like a week ago, i'm closet to be level 30 and i have 2 5 start characters, and one Is that blonde girl the game gives you for free, Is the game always so stingy with the rolls or im just unlucky as fuck
The game is stingy with dark and light units, you end up having to spam shop resets everyday for contracts rather than a direct conversion of gem to contracts.
Oh nice they randomly buffed my wife. Was just a small buff but still nice
Level 36, 2 fucking 5 stars characters, Is Louis a good 4 Star character to level up?
Yeah she's fine as a glass cannon since she has good base speed. Another good part about her is her team potential giving speed but you need dupes for that
Is this any fun? Anything it does that stands out?
It's Epic Seven with some changes and added sex. Sex scenes are good. There's some CGs that are clearly AI but whatever as long as the sex scenes aren't
What kind of content does this game have, sexually? A good spread?
You got cowtits, lolis, cyborgs and bigger cowtits in various positions. I've seen 1 foot scene so far. Not everyone has a scene yet tho, some do and others get added in each update usually when their banner is released
Can someone share the codes for the new event? I change muy phone and I cant register on Twitter
Does this have a PC client? Or do you have to use a Chinese spyware bloated phone emulator?
You have to take the chink dick up your ass.
You can play it on a browser bwo
Just use the browser version
Any /vg/ or /vmg/ guild? Getting spammed by chink guild invites.
Am I paranoid, or this game has AI art?
The love link scenes aside the final ones are AI yes
Alot of the assets for the game are made by AI
Are there any yandere or gentle motherly girls?
Also can you play with your favorites by boosting them up or is it a "roll for fotm power creep" game?
No lolis is evil. Plenty of girls that keep talking about how young they are, but nothing of legitimate substance.
At least give me some better Hebes
Any up to date reroll guides?
1) Plenty
2) in PvE it's just a matter just getting good gear altho in some hard stages you need a specific strategy so if a certain girl doesn't fit into that then it's a wasted slot. And PvP obviously there's a meta and set of girls everyone uses so plenty of girls are just bad there
Ericka is still number 1 but here's a chink tierlist if you want more info
new here, do they rerun these events?
They do, yeah. Collabs as well.
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who is this and how can I get her
I'm too retarded to figure out how to interpret this doc. Even translated it makes no sense, the thing I thought was the tier list can't actually be it
It's the sheet with the PvP and PvE columns and the letter gradings
>A cups
>still huge
Why do these devs hate flatties so much? Anyways this game is doing pretty well for a r18 game.
Yeah every character being a cow has started to get old.
Where's the cunny bwos?
Meant to post this
>you realize you're going to hate over half the characters shown there
No one is here for highbrow discourse, but I like it that the game isn't afraid to make characters that are just irredeemable assholes as opposed to the tranny trend of relatability and audience sympathy being mandatory for every character.
not feeling like jerking of right now, no
Not a fan of how RNG and grind heavy getting gear is
Joined for coom, ended up feeling terrible for Rubi and Lucia. Game has some great sufferkino
Got the last half anni banner unit I was missing on the 120th roll, what the fuck do I spend the coins on now? One of the bonds or one of their potential breaks?
coulda fooled me with the perfect rolls everyone gets on their speed gear in arena you'd think it was free
I find it refreshing how 90% of the cast are assholes
There's lots of dolphins/whales. Not to mention now it's easier for whales to get perfect gear since grinding 5* members gives you rainbow mats and now you can preview what gear you'll get from the rainbow mat shop tab instead of it being completely random when you buy it. I'll have to grind a dupe of a 5* member I have no interest in raising to get something good. I'd recommend only using it on accessories since those have main stat RNG too on top of set and substats
1 potential break isn't too important on most members unless it's speed. Good gear > potential breaks everytime. Bonds are fine if it's a good one for your member
>grinding 5* members gives you rainbow mats
NTA but do you mean the ampleon thingy?
It's the Send Member button. This screen here where you trash members for mats. Only units that are initially 5* will give rainbow astrogen
How do you grind for a dupe tho? just keep rolling gachas?
I tried playing this and holy shit it's bad.
auto battle trash, garbage story and the wait for H-pics and events are too long.
I gave up and just watched the sex scenes and pictures on r*ddit
i quit a bit after the aoi hinamori collab, or spring celeste, whichever came later. Has the game gotten better since?
There was an update and new chapter for the half anni. Dunno what you mean by better. gameplay's still the same.
shit your right, I've just been limit breaking them everytime like a retard. Thanks for the tip anon
>There's lots of dolphins/whales
I decided to make my own shitty low level guild, and there's already like 4 dolphins in here. one dude even joined my disc and told me he spent over $100 on his first day. shit's nuts
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do any other lewd gachas come even close to this one in terms of animation quality/quantity?

someone told me to try rise of eros a long time ago but it feels way way worse, like 10x harder to unlock each animated scene. also rise doesn't seem like it copied/stole its gameplay as blatantly as ark did, so the gameplay feels much worse
qol, improvements towards how you get gears or substat manipulation, stuff like that
Magicami but it died
Well they added a high speed auto mode. Only like 10 times per day but it's still an auto and it'll fail if your team can't clear the stage. Also the change to the rainbow astrogen shop tab described here >>1479055 to get previewed equips from grinding 5*s instead of pure random. You also get to pick the set of the next equip crafted every 30 or so crafts, but just the set. Small things but it's something
>been jumping around guilds
>all of them have 2 people logging in daily
So isnt it about time >we actually made one?
I think most people already found one in the official game discord. It's your best bet to find an active one
I joined one of the shitter 0 requirement casual guilds on the disc when I first started and even that one has 20+ daily logins
8k gems wasted on the Ariel banner and to get nothing, fucking rigged game
>rolling when you don't have enough for hard pity
also one more summer unit is coming soon so you're double fucked
I did it, I reach the pity pull, goddamn it was worth it only for the sex scenes with Ariel
Atleast you didn't end up missing the banner, also the next summer unit got delayed until the end of summer probably
i shoulda just rolled either one of the last one fuck
Yesssss, my delicious chocolate harem expands.
Good taste, anon.
Seems like they improved the sex scenes of the newer batches guardian ariel scene looked pretty good but sadly she got a boring position this time
summer noclyn out yet?
release snoclyn already you whores
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She's here
So I'm almost done SSSing all 3*, which are the ones worth keeping, if any? I've seen people using Lana to boost their 1st turn in pvp.
>tfw don't really care about her but her being limited triggers my autism
Only some of them are only useful as filler for hunts. Like Mikeal and Tracy can be used in the fire hunt if you don't have anything better. Lana and Taya can be used in PvP as openers. Pennecus can be used so your members heal themselves in PvE. If you already almost SSS'd all of them you prob have better stuff to use anyway
Financier can be used in evasion teams
Veritte is servicable as an annoying tank
Taya have the same role with lana but she have lower base speed
Tracy is a pretty good filler for fire hunt
I heard E7 version is Silbal is pretty good for fire hunt but never see anyone actually doing it here

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