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It's here bros
Where the Mimosa at?
I'll wait for the best girl bikini unit. If it's anything like the JP and KR versions, she will be the most broken op unit in the game
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game is a fagfest, i need to reroll for my 2 wives
Dang this place is dead. Not many BC fans on 4chin, huh?
Well, I completely forgot about the launch as well. Gonna give this a try because of Noelle but I'm not falling for another IP cashgrab. Not that there is much cash to grab in BC.
>There's not much cash to grab in BC
There is now. It had 5 million registrations, and 1 million downloads on its first day. And #1 across 100+ regions according to the official account

I've been enjoying it so far, it's not like other generic anime mobile games. It's more similar to something like honkai impact. While yes, there is monetization as expected from mobile gacha, it's very generous. You even get a free seasonal unit
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Noelle's legs in that short skirt is worth playing this game for me
Yeah she's very high on my waifu list. Her and Yami are basically the only reason I stuck with the manga.
Is this game gonna retell the entire plot of the manga? . . . Or is it just the start?
Downloading now just for her
>rerolling is only about 10 minutes on the JP server
>it's an hour on the global server
Is it like star rail? Turn based 4 man teams?
why is no one here playing it...
game's actually good
So what units should we rerolling for? I pulled Char
Oh goddammit, it's a fucking p2w pvp gacha. Every fucking time. Of course, why would Japan ever make a gacha that isn't complete and utter dog shit. Why would Japan ever make a gacha that just wants to be a good game. Just ONE fucking game Japan. Just ONE. Look at the chinks and gooks for fuck's sake and learn from some of their games. Not everything has to be a complete whalebait shitfest.
What a fucking waste of my time.
the animes on hiatus right plus the bigger fans wouldve already tried the original releases ill load it up a bit later
it's a Korean company but it's the same shit
Hit a wall with Rades' faggot zombies. Doesn't help I wasted a bunch of mats on my off-meta favorite characters.
Roll for Lotus and Yami (either version). Rades is good too apparently. Finral is surprisingly decent
I am having fun so far
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I remember his ability being pretty OP in the manga, so I dumped a bunch of items into him at the start and have been pleasantly surprised. Mars is also really good.
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Mereoleona bikini skin when
What's wrong with pvp gacha? Much much better than the auto garbage like BA or Azur Lane. At least gear gachas give me the illusion of control
>ah yes, i want to not gain any meaningful rewards because whales have completely blocked off my opportunities, and the game punishes me for being a f2player
Name one pvp gacha like that. Soccer Spirits, Epic Seven and Summoner Wars were all f2p friendly during their peak
And this thread is about a completely different game, dumbass.
Based SSbro
This game is looking like a near exact replica of the 7 Deadly Sins gacha. Outside of no cards during battle, everything else looks exactly the same, and that game's PVP is ridiculously broken. No thanks.
I didn’t even know this game released was it just not advertised at all? I guess I’ll reroll for Noelle tomorrow and try it out or something
>what's wrong with p2w trash that are just about throwing your credit cards at each other?
Gee, that's a mystery for the fucking ages there!

What is it with people and absolutes in the gacha industry? Why is the discussion ALWAYS about whales and f2p? I'm happy to throw like a 100 bucks into a gacha a month - which is already a lot to spend on a game by the standards of any normal, sane person, mind you - but not when it's p2w garbage where spending a somewhat reasonable amount is meaningless because people that spend thousands roll over you regardless.
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with this game. most females are support
it's a shounen
The point moron is that this gacha is most similar to those and is a fair point of comparison.
Nothing wrong retard. It's all about being efficient with gear and resources.
>gacha is bloated with non-character shit with each character getting a unique SSR shit that alters their kit
>3 rate-ups at a time
>big powercreep
>duping past limit breaking
>pve is just a gear grindfest for the pvp
Yup! Another hyper-exploitative gachaslop IP cashgrab from Japan. Nothing to see here.
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Ads have used plenty of Noelle, clever move to entice people with their most popular girl. And it works as some people, even on thread, are playing just for her
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Soon Noellebros, next month will drop season 2 with an attacker Noelle bikini. The strongest unit in the game
Who are her best teammates?
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What sort of Gacha is this? Is it fun? and would you recommend it?
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Just another shonen turn-based gacha, the male to female ratio is high here and the SSR rates aren't that good, it has a lot of things to do for what i have seen but if you don't know BC or its girls it is better to skip
>this gacha is most similar to those
Except they arent, you're are generalizing it way too hard, but you're clearly here on the clock to shill this garbage, so you get that bread and i'll leave you to it.
Chapter 3 is such a bitch.
I just wanna summon and use Noelle is that possible or is content super character reliant
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You can use her or any character for 90% of content. Only certain story missions will require you to use a specific character.
What banner should I summon on on the global version and who should I be aiming for, just want something decent so I can save for Swimsuit Noelle afterwards
Just do the seasonal banner, you have the same chances as normal banners to earn SSR, but also the 3 seasonal units included who are really good especially Yami.

Go for seasonal Yami, Lotus, Rades and Mars. Seasonal Asta and Mimosa are good too. Finral and Vanessa seem decent.
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i discovered that i can turn off skills, can finally use SR noelle and SSR mimosa
is she the next banner in 10days?
>summer character in december
I just realized you get 1 seasonal for free from a certain mission
got nothing after 4 x10 pulls on the banner
How common is gacha currency in this, now 5 x10 pulls on the seasonal banner without an SSR, wanna know how deep I should go with still saving some for Noelle

Also realized im fucking retarded and once again forgot I could just choose Yami for free
Just save the 200 rolls for noelle just in case... i got yami in like 30 rolls and picked mimosa on the free event one
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I'm tired of fighting Mars
chapter 3 is worse
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The skill page for Noelle seasonal swimsuit is so hot
She uses water magic to make them bigger, right?
No she always had big boobs, and they only grow bigger each timeskip.
So, what are the best units to pull in this game right now?
squad were
Rerolled and got Lotus and that SR Charmy, did some seasonal pulls and got nothing but I think as long as I can clear stuff for now I'm content

Rerolling for a perfect selection banner where you get 2 SSR characters that are good seems so taxing
I made a squad named 4chads. Join if you want a competent leader
The seasonal Yami, Asta and Mimosa. Lotus and Rades. Mars is decent I guess. Finral is a good buffer
I think this site is trustworthy
Most people say Lotus is a must have, along with either Mars or SR Sol for a tank
William is a great support
All the seasonals are good but Yami will drop off fast so focus on pulling Asta or Mimosa and using the free copy to get the other
im dumb
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Took me all day, probably as good as I'm gonna get. Just from chapter 1.5 should I keep pulling for Lotus/Mars or save up for Season 2 Noelle?
Save up for season 2 Noelle since she's limited, who knows when another banner will come again. Lotus and Mars are not going anywhere, you will eventually get them. And you've already got all the season 1 units. So waiting for best girl is the way
I love the AI in this game, Mimosa healing a 99% hp character, supports buffing a low level with low attack because its an Attacker instead of my LR Debuffer
Should i get a dupe of school Asta or Mimosa? Or should i pick Yami who i dont have
Just get dupes since those 2 are much better. Preferable Mimosa since she's the best healer by far, Asta can be replaceable by season 2 Noelle, who is the best attacker / dps
The 3d models seem pretty good compared to other anime ip's gacha that came before. I think I will stick around just for that alone if it's also casual friendly.
Maybe my rerolling can end today
Not stopping until I get Asta/mimosa and then at least lotus and some good SR like Sol to replace Mars
>unlocked Memory dungeons today
>did 9 runs of the last stage of chapter 1 boss
>didnt see a single mage piece drop
Ah, i see, its one of those games.
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>Some much shit starting to unlock
>Not even in the dungeon yet
I'm starting to get lost in the sauce.
Yeah its abit too much, like another anon said, the game is just reminding me why i quit 7DS:GC, having to keep track of all the daily things, the different shops, sparkle spots that you cant see unless your on it, the limited attempts, it goes on.
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Finally a decent start, 0 gems spent just free tickets and selective banner
What am I supposed to focus on to make my mages stronger. I’ve got Mars Charlotte and young Yami do I focus on gear or exp or both? Any help appreciated vros
getting seven deadly sins ptsd with the speed banners going to be released
Well basically both
I think at the beginning of the game it’s best to just get carried through the story with assist mages until you hit a will
Then probably farm exp
Then once you level up farm bond because you need bond to increase the ranking of your characters
Then gear
It’s like a cycle
Just save for summer noelle and julius
Anybody want to add each other ?

Name: Ace
ID: JHWA3186017008
What the fuck is the point of +0.8% crit rate substat
Stroking myself to Noelle and Vanessa in the black bull base, no regrets
Are fast banners a normal thing for this game or is it an attempt to get us caught up to JP/KR?
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>Go to Hall of Illusions for skill enhancement material
>The first 4 stages literally don't have any
Who's the goof ball that made this?
every 5 floors, sorry lulz. just buy them from the town shop and then wait a week to buy them again lel
Will i keep my black gems if i transfer between iOS and Android? Since the paid ones are separate, im assuming the free ones can transfer.
Just noticed that we have another key as a reward, can we save it for whatever rate up character shows up? or do we have to use it on the s2 one?
To catch up to JP/KR. Seasons should be a month, if not longer, but new its like 2 weeks.
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I wish I was that girl. Got the best view in the series
How to reroll in US? I wish deleting accounts was a thing here
Anyone in a competitive WS guild here? I'll probably leave mine. I'm level 19 currently, farming stage 15 of the red dungeon.
You delete the account in the settings...
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I havent watched any anime newer than like 2004. I'm completely lost in the modern community. It's all Academy this (male) academy that (female), jukujufukubu daikatatsu with the big humans, punching bald guy, etc.

I just have no idea what's happening. Can't believe *it* happened to me. You really do just wake up one day confused. Feels like the DVDs of Rahxephon just dropped yesterday.

I see this game getting alot of hype, should I watch and play "Black Clover"? Is that hot with the cool guys now? "Black Clover"?
>need the final puzzle piece for the Yuno page
>have to break objects in chapter 2
>literally only has one singular box that spawns in the dungeon entrance
>nothing else spawns in this chapter
Well fuck you guys too.
I have 10 Charmy Special Dishes, have it turned on while i do the gear fights, but they aren't being consumed. Is this a glitch or something? I did 10 dispatches with it, then i did a 3x manual run, and still have 10 dishes.
It doesn't seem to work with 3x runs. It works fine with 1x run and skips
But it should have been used during a dispatch? It even limited me to a max of 10 runs because of the dishes being turned on. Whatever i guess, il try using them tomorrow.
it's normie tier but a lower level.
Thinking about starting the game. Should I just wait for the summer banner before rerolling since I'm already so late?
No, just start now and get the newbie freebies, i have 200 rolls already with all the things we get, that's enough for a guaranteed
Alright bros, help me in WS Server:
Initial bond code:

Rising star:
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Just downloaded for my main girl
Just found out about the graphic settings... I set everything to ultra resolution and raised the frame cap to 60. It feels even better and actually runs well.
squad doko?
Where do I use it?
>redeeming someone else's code for Initial Bonds doesn't count towards your event progression so you still have to invite randoms yourself
>separate events for joining a squad and hosting your own.
I don't know why they didn't do both of these events closer to launch instead and made finding them more obvious, they aren't even in the announcements.
its under the Event button(the calendar looking icon) that's next to the play time event icon(the stopwatch/clock)
how does rerolling in this game work? is it long? & who should i aim for in the selectable banner with 4 characters? the one that has licht in it i believe.
5+mil downloads now. if anything b.c has a much bigger fanbase than i thought.
eu server
Rising Star:BCMEU46277653
Initial Bond:BCMEU865C5TJD

god i hate "events" like this
It's long (more than 40 min) compared to the kr/jp versions, here you have to go through the early stages of the game to unlock the summon feature for the gacha, after that they give you the usual free x10 with a guaranteed SSR (always charlotte, she's good) then you get more tickets and crystals down the road; you later unlock the free x10 pick where you can roll up to 20 times and save whatever x10 you liked the most and a key that lets you pick a limited seasonal character after fulfilling the requirements (the current pool has asta, yami and mimosa). Everyone starts with 2 SSR without spending anything and a 3rd one from the key.
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>the new limited dailies give every single enemy immortality
>immune to status debuffs like stun
>multiple moves freeze or stun
>gonna have to deal with this shit for the next 3 days
Sudden urge to not even do them. Why do this?
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If noelle is season 2 does that mean she's obtainable through Gate of Reunion?
Skill page summon is a bait right since we cant pick the guaranteed 200th summon
Pretty much, considering that you can get the pages in the character gacha too
Save your pulls. Apparently Julius is coming on christmas and he's strong as fuck.
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Man I’m kinda stuck
Can’t clear any more story am on the beach chapter, so no more easy exp
Can only auto up to dungeon 10 I believe
Arena is really hit or miss if I win or not
I guess the only thing I can do is accept a free thousand or so of free stamina and then just farm the lower exp levels, get my LRs to level 100 and hopefully be able to farm better gear?
My mages for reference
How do you get this shit to stop crashing at the slightest inconvenience?
man not having charmy must be painful
can't you auto the higher floors using red mimosa though? lotus yami sol mimosa should work as long as your mimosa doesn't get one shot

don't think my game ever crashed, must be your phone/emulator
nah idk if my gear is just bad or what but level 10 is the highest i can auto
my combat power is like 120,000
are you setting up your skills right? and yes your gear might suck, try getting the URs and a few ssrs (not many) to +4 and see if that helps, I started doing floor 15 manual at level 80 with really shitty characters like Luck and no Lotus/Yami, after a few runs and getting a bunch of URs/LRs at +4/8 I started autoing it
>must be your phone/emulator
it might be an Android thing, I've seen other posts from Reddit saying that even basic gameplay would cause crashing, in my case simply leaving the app/getting a software update notification from my phone would cause it to restart. I've gone ahead and submitted a bug report so we'll see what happens
Iv been playing on BS on my toaster and havent gotten a crash. Must be a specific thing to certain android devices. Turn off notifications i guess
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oh yeah i havent even been upgrading my gear this whole time and most of my skills are only level 2

I feel like a dumbass now I wonder how big the stat increase is for upgrading gear
I cleared the available story chapters with a.yami, charlo, a. mimosa and sally, team power is around 151k now; charlo's debuffs help a lot really, her s2 has that mark debuff which gives an extra turn if you kill the target and that's useful for pve
it's not THAT big but it's quite significant for UR gear. getting a few of those to +4 or even +8 if they have good substats should do the trick.
after farming some exp and upgrading gear i can at least farm level 11 now or whatever's combat stat is 150,000
Hoping to get a lot of better UR gear
I always leave Mimosa and Noelle to die because i want to look at their asses and panties...
Cloverbros forgive me...

PS: I hope these korean faggots never censor the panties and skirts.
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>Not many BC fans on 4chin
No, Jeremy, HxH autists and MHAfags (and some jannies) scared them away.
Now its 5 million downloads and 5 million in revenue in just 9 days.
I knew Garena would bring in the big bucks, they have the entirety of mobile gaming in latin america and southeast asia on a chokehold.
>Hit a wall with Rades' faggot zombies
Try selling your Rare (R) duplicate mages in the store, you can buy a lot of EXP potions and Super Super Rare (SSR) Pieces, i just discovered it today and feel dumb for not realizing earlier.
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Ended up figuring it out after googling some more, if anyone else on Android hits this issue you need to go the phone's settings for the app and switch battery to Unrestricted
wtf im playing this game wrong the whole time
>need to make 2 teams for raids
Your kidding me? I really have to grind up another 4 units...
Why havent you done so already?
Because i was building a team that handles mostly everything, including enough to handle PVP dailies and milestones.
Im not going to make it to level 25, am i? Iv been playing for days straight, theres no way i missed dailies.
Tbh kinda bored of this game already all you do is farm gear and do arena
And there’s way too many dailies between 10+ arena matches, all your stamina, currently 9 limited quests, and 6 hall of memories
Yeah I’m not liking it either anymore. And I do like BC (new chapter fucking when). Iv burnt out the dice game and not getting much extra stamina, so it’s just been turning on dispatch and logging out. Got tired of running around the maps for gather spots.
>try raid
>boss applies endless amounts of Slow
>full team stuns
>double moves
>jumps turn order from all the Slow
>extra free attack when the meter fills on anyone's turn
Fun mode. Real fun.
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Full resolution of Noelle season 2 skill page
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>(new chapter fucking when)
i don't get it, the girls in this game show more skin than most of the games in "horniest gacha" lists.
Upskirt is enough to win over those games.
I guess its the advantage of being developed by koreans instead of japs.
Finally... i hope its not short.
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>Mereoleona still isn't playable yet
>Releases alts of units for a 3rd time
Why are they denying me my girl!?
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She's in the trailer so she's coming soon I imagine.
Did like 14 multis on the fana banner and got one ssr card and it tilted me so much I uninstalled
Congrats, you're free. You should feel good about it.
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>They put shorts under Charlotte's picnic skirt

The mistake was wasting them on Fana banner instead of saving for Noelle season 2 or Julius
Let the man pull for his favorite. Besides, whats the point even? Its just going to be an endless cycle of "save for x" every few weeks. "Pulled for Julius? Well you fucked up, because you should be saving for Asta forma de demon next week"
Because to this day Noelle S2 and Julius are top 2 even after several seasons. he was better off saving for either of them. Pulling for favourites won't get you far, otherwise I'd be using base SR Noelle or Vanessa but they aren't that great.
She's coming
what went wrong with the jp version? why is it making so little money?
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Vanessa season 3 is so sexy. Such a shame she's not a good unit, there's no point in using this hottie. Maybe she'll get buffed in global
listen the pity system sucks dick
also why are skill cards harder to max then the units
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Charlotte and Mimosa got leaked, they are getting swimsuit units too. Probably summer 2024.

Noelle, Vanessa and Charmy got theirs in summer 2023. I wonder if 2025 will have Secre and Mereoleona swimsuits?
Gachas where you pull multiple different items (in this case, units and skill cards) from one single pool are fucking cancerous and need to get gunned down. I remember when Dragalia Lost players caused so much of an uproar, that they actually forced the devs to remove all skill prints from the pool.
Summer Yami?
>Charlotte and Mimosa got leaked, they are getting swimsuit units too.
For KR I imagine?
For everywhere. Since seasons/banners are half as short in global, we'll catch up to JP / KR in a few months anyway
Do the raid coins stay in your inventory or do they expire? Really wanted that SSR crystal...
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Bwos, except for the massive gay energy, how does my account look so far?
Pretty good for pvp
Think they go away. Next time the event comes back you'll get it bwo.
Are they not there in other versions? Just got the skin and was mildly dissapointed by that
>150 tickets down the drain
>1 Charmy, skill page for Noelle and Gauche
Real funny. Real fucking funny.
I spent 300 rolls and i got nolle + skill page in the 270 one, holy kek
Damn I spent 200 and got lucky on the guaranteed SSR. Now I'll save the rest for Julius
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Everyone talks about Swimsuit Noelle and Julius but what's the next big thing after them? Black Asta?
>was looking to bu the s1 battle pass
>decide to get it today
>cant buy the battle pass during the reward grace period even though the button is still there for it
That is definitely a sign from whatever god exists. Whatever
shit surprised me too when i sparked and the 200th pity was random SSR(charmy), still happy that i got noelle and her skillpage
So Red chads run this game huh
Red and Blue from my POV.
School Asta and Summer Noelle are the main attackers everyone is using, and then blue is what everyone is using to defend in PVP to counter them.
So uh, can i not participate in the world boss rankings because everyone killed it before i even had a chance to login? My rank and damage scores are at zero even though i cleared stage 2
You can, it counted for me. But you won't get bonus rewards when the world boss is defeated, since we didn't participate
It's ok but a total grindfest like all gachashit. To get Asta to LR will take years of actual grind or a ton of money. Why can't we just get a 2D fighting game already.
Just started playing and used up all of my rolls. When setting up lineups, does perfect pairs make significate difference or is it just a meme?
Doesn't make a difference, the combination skills are mid.
Enhancing characters feels like the biggest pain in the ass with this game. I dont even want to look forward to Julius and future releases, i wouldnt have anything to buff him with since what little i can get im already dumping it into units like Noelle/Mimi/etc.
Bonding and Exp maps should be combined, rather than split. Same goes for Gear and Gear Enhancements. Everything is way too split up, you're just throwing stamina out the window figuring it out what to spend it on. Its like you need to form a schedule one what to grind this week. Limited Challenges also shouldnt cost any stamina, like fuck its already limited tries.
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Bros I'm trying to do the "Catch the Thief" Special Challenge, but I'm only getting EXP potions, even though it shows Shared Mage pieces under rewards as well. Am I doing something wrong. I know about the 1st time Only rewards, but even after that some pieces are still in the rewards section, is it RNG whether you get them or not??
I have stamina coming out the ears, it just stockpiles because grinding for EXP is useless. The only thing that works is the EXP potions, so I just buy them in the Shop (under General) as many as I can every day. Even with the EXP+ food, sitting there grinding your character from level 1 to max level is a waste of time. It's too slow.
Its a rare drop, very rare drop.
God speed and good luck.
Damn, this sucks. Ranking characters up to SSR and beyond is going to be a pain.
Extremely. And events barely last long enough for you to even beef up any featured unit you may have pulled unless you were just hording and ignoring anything previous.
Looks like Squads are bugged. Even when you set it to Auto Join people can't join.
I noticed the the check in bonus is visually bugged. My squad had 7/6 check in the game showed that we got the basic reward, but in my gift box, we got the advance reward.
Who should I be rerolling for in the 999 summon? I already have Mars but no Lotus, William or Rades.
>got Julius
>no stamina on the christmas roulette
Well, time to get him to bond level 10.
See you guys next week
My skill/will shards from the towns exchange shop were supposed to reset today, but now they're back to saying "unlocks in 6 days". Anyone else?
I spent pretty much 2 hours trying to get Lotus plus his skill card, used up every single 999 reroll, and didnt get it. Had to walk away with Lotus plus Charlottes card.
I only have enough for one between Summer Noelle and Julius who should I go for?
Roll for Julius and get Summer Noelle for free with the Gateway of Reunion.
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I regret not getting Yami during the last Gateway of Reunion. Thought I would just get him under his banner but it was impossible as a free2player. Now I'm grinding for Noelle.

>mfw I've been missing out on all those daily reward items cause I didn't know you had to manually open the shitty little chest items

I hate this game so much
>I regret not getting Yami during the last Gateway of Reunion.
I wish I managed to get Yami but I have 0 regrets on using the key to get Asta. He's got this weak account of mine through so much.

>mfw I've been missing out on all those daily reward items cause I didn't know you had to manually open the shitty little chest items
I wish receive all worked on those.
Anyone beat the last challenge stage of the beach event? Shitty of them to lock Summer Asta behind.
It's not locked behind the event, you can pull summer Asta from summons and he'll likely be back for season 3.

The event is just an extra guaranteed way of getting him for people who are up to the challenge.
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>Gateway of Reunion requires that you design an accessory
>I only have SR gear pieces, 10 aren't enough to make one
>had to get 2 of the gear boxes that guarantee an LR gear piece (one from general shop with black crystals, one from World boss exchange shop)
>Sacrificed those 2 LR gear pieces and other SR gear pieces to get...1 SSR gear piece

Fuck the gear piece system, fuck GoR requirements, and FUCK THIS GAME. I did it for her though.
>have like a month for the gateway
>not just auto dispatching the gear dungeon to get atleast 10 SSR gears to create a random accessory
>literally THIS impatient to throw away LR gear
Like nigga, i hate this game for several reasons, but fuck, you are just the dumbest kid in the room.
I've been grinding the gear dungeon, only ever get SR gear pieces. And I don't know how long the gateway will last cause the game won't even tell you how long you have left to complete it. So I'd rather not chance it. The game throws Black Shards at you pretty often, I can just get another LR gear box from the shop. Who cares anyway, no point in going full try hard and obsessing over optimal gear and stuff since I'm a f2p player. I'm just saying the crafting system is dumb. It should let you turn 10 SR pieces into 1 guaranteed SSR piece.
theres so much shit to take in playing this game I'm just here for yami
>half off stamina
Ugh god finally
>only for a single day
Oh fuck off
This almost took the wind out of my sails but I'm going to do what I can.
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>Max duped BOTH Julius and Noelle swimsuit
>Super lucky f2p
I did it bros. I'm gonna make it far in the game
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Is it better to use SR/SSR Gear with the advanced sets or LR/UR Gear with the basic sets? Also are there any ideal layouts for the sideways pieces or should I only be focusing on the vertical ones?
You'll have a good time in the Arena
LR gear for the stats. Having an entire set doesn't matter much
Question: is there a way to change the overworld character to one of the units I pulled from the gacha? I don't like it if I can only see them during battle
Pretty eventful day at least. Geared out enough to beat level 15 of the gear dungeons, beat the last summer stage and got Asta, and actually won PVP matches consistently.
Nope. Its tied to the story, so always Asta. Maybe Yuno/Noelle but i wasnt paying attention during those segments.
>Its tied to the story, so always Asta. Maybe Yuno/Noelle but i wasnt paying attention during those segments.
Depends on what's happening in the story. It chances to Yami briefly during the cave fight with Licht.
I have 2500+ victory points in Arena, but my rank isn't in champions rank, its still in Challenger 2. Whats the deal with it
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I hate how this game handles gear. Who thought of this stupid box restriction?
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If you do it right you can fill every slot bro
So is Julius actually worth it?
Yep. I've been beating every final stage of all daily limited challenges, the beach event final challenge, the last stages of the gear/talent dungeons, nightmare bond levels, getting SSS on the world boss on auto, did the final thief stage (it was rough but manageable), and not getting my ass handed to me during daily pvp fights with a combination of him, summer Noelle, and School Mimi. He is pretty much doing all of the damage.
>have to flourish 10 talent slots for the bingo
God, kill me please. Grinding these feels like such a needless stamina dump.
Damn, might have to drop some actual cash before his banner goes away
Mind you, getting him to 2 dupes gives him his revive passive, and maxed dupes makes it so he revives with full health. Then there’s enhancing his skills and gearing him up to do crits. And obviously, you need good tank/heal units to keep him protected. Keep that in mind before you break the bank.
Whats next banner wise? The asian version is getting ready to release Mereoleona, id like to pull her but that feels like to far in the future to think about.
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We're getting more Clover Academy units next.
That's weird, which season will swimsuit Vanessa and Yuno arrive? Season 4?

Maybe they don't want to have 2 summer seasons in a row so they swapped.
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Not sure. After Clover Academy, Vetto will release.
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I'd rather they bring back best girl.
Wait until season 5 or 6, her Hateful version is top 3, alongside Julius and Noelle swimsuit.

Hateful Fana is a green attacker too, so we have god tier units for each attack type
THey're shit so they'll be given out for free in an event, just like summer asta.
fana is releasing alongside vetto.

also, the new yami has gotten insane buffs and is now a must pull
>PVP is already bad enough after Julius's release
>"Now for our next limited event, its PVP but with a different name!"
I want to know who greenlit this shit.
gooks are obsessed with P2W pvp gachaslop.
Go cry about it.
Just stop caring about PVP like I have. I'm never getting out of Silver V, and that's okay.
It’s just dumb that the “new” limited event, spiral tower or whatever, is just “fight these PVP teams lulz”
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Do you guys think they'll make her a playable character?
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This guy is in the game so yes I do.
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Does the mage exp food actually affect the drop rate of potions or is it literally just the exp gained from clearing the floor?
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The Technique gear dungeon is nearly fucking impossible for me because I don't have good green units.
Try using blue units, plus if your team's power is high enough you just need to beat it once and then just dispatch from there
just the exp gained from clearing, just like the bond+ food. I don't get why there is a "gear drop +" food but not an "item drop +" food for potions, shared mage crystals, etc.
Games starting to feel real stale, im having trouble trying to do my dailies. They dont really do a good job trying to promote or hype up future content either, not until last minute. The Notice board looks like a ghost town.
yeah the marketing team for this game really sucks. The devs too, they should be adding story characters instead of that Clover School shit. Give us a version of Yuno that actually uses Sylph, Asta with the black wing, Noelle that has Dragon Roar, etc.
I login, do dispatch, check the shop for freebies, check into squad, close game. Limited fights have been all the same exact structure, incredibly boring
Not surprising a pretty looking "game" turns out to be boring or empty as fuck, sucks to see another one pull the same thing but its not surprising in the slightest
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going off of this, should you just be dumping any gear below UR even if they're from the advanced sets?
We are getting story characters if you were paying attention. We get both story and seasonal characters every season.
We are getting a Yuno with Sylph this season, even his spirit form has been teased in the JP version.
Black Asta is already released on JP, we need to wait for global to catch up but it's coming.
Noelle with dragon roar is also coming as part of her valkyrie unit.

They can't just release these now anon, the story needs to catch up first or it won't make sense...
Black Asta is coming to global in about a month.
Advertising and promoting future content in or out of game is not the same as releasing the units now. Use your brain and get your eyes checked, my man.
Would it kill them to do a run-up login reward to promote new content a week before? No. Would it kill them to run a twitter campaign before something releases or to drum up interest? No. It wouldn't. Write up a dev letter for the month and post it in the Notices? No. This is just common practice, and a brain dead business move. Going radio silent until the next update is not, and just shows a lack of thought and interest from the devs.
Ok ok, guess I'm just impatient. Any good website to keep up with what's already out in the JP version? And using the story as an excuse is not a valid arguement since, in the game's story, Asta gets his second sword but it changes nothing for base Asta, same with Yuno getting Bell. So updated story versions of Asta and Yuno should both be out already, IF you wanted to stay true to the story told so far. But I guess they don't want to have 1 million versions of Asta and Yuno for every little story change.
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>Any good website to keep up with what's already out in the JP version?
This is the only site I know of.
It sounds like you need to get your eyes checked not me. I did not mention anything about the marketing. I just explained to anon why we can't have certain units now...
Um… nice update….?
works on my phone machine
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Thanks. Black Asta sounds amazing, I can't wait.
Pair him with Witch Queen and I'll have a real beast.
love this witch
Is dat ass worth getting to LR?
Hopefully, shes the sexiest character of the series to me.
To be fair he got a fight in the anime
nta but kek reminds me of tower of fantasy. felt like a freaking job and eventually quit. from what you're saying i should probably pass on this one. on this board right now since i was looking for the place the general moved to due to dying out, granted they had a bunch of erp fags which pushes some people (including me) away from even posting
I just do my dailies and limited challenge now.
Unfortunately not. Her swimsuit unit isn't good either. But a new unit is coming in the JP version with her cat. Hopefully its good.
Looks like Golden Dawn Yuno and Langris are out. I'll save my summoning tickets for Black Asta.
I really need a green attacker but I don't like Langris taking SP from a teammate.
Wait for Fana (hatred). She's the best green attacker by far, and a top 5 unit. Will probably come in season 5, so March most likely
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How broken will Yuno <Prince of Spade Kingdom> be?
But anon, you posted Yuno <Captain of the Golden Dawn>
We'll find out in 2 years
Clover bros... how is this game so un-hype
It's a gacha game. Once the novelty wears off and you notice the hamster wheel, it's over.
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Official sketch by Tabata
Who should i even pick from the gate of reunion? I went with Charlotte for booba, but i really put no thought into it, i dont mind changing midway.
Definitely Charlotte, she's better than the other 2. And next season pick Noelle.
Is this recent?
Yeah leaked today, it's a bonus sketch in volume 36 coming next week
Wonder if Tabata gets a unique account that gets guaranteed SSR rolls.
Lmao Mereoleona was overrated after all. She's great with academy Fuego and burn teams. But like Black Asta she needs another unit to be top tier.

Julius, Noelle <swimsuit>, Fana <hatred> are still top 3. In PvE at least.
I hope I can get Fana, I'm in need of a good green unit.
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0 defenders on the other team, but still impressive.
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Full resolution of Charlotte's skill page
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>this ugly bastard ends up controlling both the PvP AND the PvE meta

what went wrong??
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>He's on nearly every team in Spire of Honor
I can't take this anymore.
This is exactly why we shouldn't pick units based on preference. It won't get us far. I hate using Lotus, Mars or Rades. Like who cares about them, but I have no choice since they are so good.

If I could decide, I would use a full team of waifus, especially the swimsuit ones. But to progress far, I need to suck off the meta
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Bikini Vanessa when?
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Bikini Nero when?
Man, these Chapter 8 enemies are not messing around. Their Lifesteal passives are really annoying.
I hate [Immortality] with a passion.
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Another top tier Noelle unit. (And academy Noelle got leaked for season 10 on kr/jp. Valkyrie Noelle is coming probably in summer.)
Really? I thought her skills all being single enemy made her kinda bad if the enemies have more than 1 Attacker unit. And her taunt is kinda weird since you want your Defender taking the hits, not your Debuffer. But I only tried her via Assisted Mages.
Have you played against her in pvp or spire of honor? She's insane because she removes SP from enemies which prevents special or combined skills being used. Every time she's hit she takes away SP from the unit too, the taunt skill is very useful for that. She won't die quickly cuz she also reduces enemy damage.

If Noelle attacks first before your units, you might never get the chance to use your special skills. She will keep taking away sp and nerfing your units attacks
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>Cleared all floors of Spire of Honor
This is my greatest accomplishment on the game yet.
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>Actually had to summon 200 times for Black Asta
I'm going to be sick.
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I got very close to 200. But that was the whole point of hoarding summoning tickets and black crystals up to now, bro, it's all good.
i had to summon 200 for Bikini noll and 100 for devil Noll (until i gave up and got her with the key)
Only Julius took me less than 30 summons.
Now i have 80 on Black Asta...
Why did you summon if she was available via key?
Will swimsuit Vanessa come this season or not? I want to pair her with Noelle as the two sexiest units in the game
Who knows, I'm pretty sure our next characters are Despair Vetto and Gueldre.
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i wanted another SSR piece to boos her
Why is Noll so lewd?
Not canon
Asta is so lucky, bros.
My wife is dominating PvP
How much money do we think February will bring to the table? (Devil Noelle, Black Asta, Gueldre)
January made 5M-10M but we only had charlotte that month.
Do you guys think it will reach top 15 again? maybe surpass 10 million again?
Garena needs to run some promotions with free fire again.
I think the people who were going to play this game are already playing it. Unlike the big name games like Genshin and Star Rail, I doubt this game will see influxes of new players as time goes on. They can definitely count on a steady stream of money though, They can probably count on 5-10 million a month easy as long as the game is alive and getting content.
>I doubt this game will see influxes of new players as time goes on
If the manga was still weekly and the anime to return soon then yeah, but with Tabata's shitty health and schedule its impossible.
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I can't wait for Valkyrie Dress aaaaaah. We don't even have a Sea Dragon's Roar Noelle.
I've noticed some PvP teams have "debuff immunity" during the match start, can anyone tell me which skill page they are using for that? I'm assuming it is a skill page.
Nevermind it was the Mars passive ability.
Spirit Dive Yuno got leaked and he doesn't sound great. He's a debuffer who seems to be a worse version of Julius.

At least Valkyrie Noelle is confirmed for season 13. And school-girl Noelle for S10. Best girl will be first to have 5 units.
SEASON 10: Zora & Vanessa (rouge), [Clover Academy] Noelle & Rill

SEASON 11: Spirit Dive Yuno, [Party] Nozel & Kahono

SEASON 12: Unknown so far.

SEASON 13: Valkyrie Noelle for 1-year anniversary!!
Why do they keep doing this? Just make an Attacker.
>Spirit Dive depends on his special skill

He better be fast, otherwise Halloween Noelle will stop him from ever achieving it
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Um ackshually, it's costume party Noelle
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I want to breed this naughty schoolgirl
Mfw I realize:
>Mimosa has 3 units, all of them are green healers
>Asta has 4 units, three of them are tanks
>Yuno will have 4 units (counting SD) three of them are debuffers
>Yami has 3 units all of them are attackers

Noelle is based, she's the only one with variety. She will have 5 units (counting academy and valkyrie). We already have Support, Debuff, Attacker, and Healer coming soon.
Why is Noll so SEX bros?
It hurts knowing i will never breed her
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Yeah, she is the better character of the game by a mile
Can't wait to see Mermaid Noelle and Saint Stage Noelle, i wonder if they'll give her some panties or shorts for Saint Stage, it will be very difficult to hide her coochie and ass while wearing picrel
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She's literally carrying this franchise
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Alright anons, I've got two SSR Mage tickets, one of them being the one that has up to Kiato/Kahano - should I use them for new mages or just dupe some of my current ones?
Dupe your current ones
>two SSR Mage tickets
I got the one from the pvp event but where's the second one?
It was from one of the event ladders, right before the Event Arena came around
>set Rades as my custom banner character
>pull a 10x
>get it TWICE in that first try

wtf kind of luck is this??
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>Noelle ammunition box is found in Russian trenches
Wars are being fought in our Queen's name
Russian soldiers have good taste, I wish I could find that ahegao Noelle edit in full resolution
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Dude looking kinda zesty
I hope Magna gets another unit.
Eventually they'll have to give him a unit that incorporates Zora's trap magic, but that's waaaaaay in the future.
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>They nerfed Charlotte's milkers in the game
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So based.
Imagine how many bodypillows he has...
Is the Witch Queen worth pulling for? I need a Healer but she seems more like a Debuffer
For Black Asta yeah, she makes him more broken. On her own she's not great.
Swimsuit Vanessa is seriously too sexy.
Yeah, unreal stuff.
The game should cater to sexyness more, hopefully Valkirye Noll has no pantsu
How do I get Black Asta to stay under 50% after using her skill? As of now he gets like one good hit off then my team gets fucked
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Imagine getting a whiff of this brapper, it must taste like heaven.
Maybe this game wouldnt be dead as fuck if it had actual player resources like build guides/progression guides, and it wasn't such a massive pain in the dick to make a characte usable.
>They nerfed Mimosa and Noll upskirts


There's lots of videos on the matter on Youtube. Getting a character to level 100 + 5 stars + LR gear + LR accessories + their skill page + upgrading all their skills to level 5 + unlocking some of their talents will get them "usable" enough, those should all be obvious. Just use your brain,
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Would you let her heal your party?
With that squirt move she does yes
I love our nopan goddess.
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At least the developers of this game know better. Noelle will 5 units when her valkyrie armor drops, the most in the game, and all of them are top tier aside from her base unit.
They acknowledge how popular and profitable our goddess is.
And hopefully when the anime returns Yoshihara is directing, or doing Noelle's episodes. He's biased for her cuz even he know she's the best.
LEAKED old concept art that got scrapped. (The art tends to be reworked).
We might get Idol Noelle & Vanessa, Swimsuit Charlotte & Mimosa in the future. But not certain
I love the costumes in this game.
Is Spirit Dive bad?
Also checked.
Idol Vanessa is hot, but Swimsuit Mimosa's mimosas seem a bit small
BASED but Yoshihara is not coming back, hes directing some Isekai anime with an Asta bootleg and also presumably helping with Chainsawman Movie. Black Clover Spade Arc entered production a while ago if rumors are true.
>Swimsuit Charlotte & Mimosa
It's taking them TOO FUCKING LONG, like, who the fuck asked for Party Luck and Yami?
This game is already a sausage fest, unleash Mimosa's mosas already goddammit.
>Is Spirit Dive bad?
Its up there with Mereoleona and Witch Queen.
Good but not peak of the meta.
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Nozel and Kahono are the seasonals for S11. And Dorothy finally getting her own banner too. I wonder when they'll release Grey, but she'll most likely be SR anyway.
Hope Dorothy is broken
What a weird character pair.
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The hell does this mean?
Anon, have you looked at a calendar today? Pretty sure thats a promo code you can use as well.
Where can you use promo codes?
Found a guide https://www.vg247.com/black-clover-m-codes
This Fu-Ha event is some God tier shit
This event shop is fucking amazing.
I'm waiting on another Mage Exp +50% event, have a ton of mages to get to level 100.
Nozel and Kahano are really good, especially for mono teams
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best girl soon bros, can't wait.
How soon?
Within a month probably.
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Are people really max duping Summer Vanessa with their universal dupes? Or are these just whales that spent when she was in the shop? I want to build her but it feels pointless with her at 0 dupes

H. Noelle still has them
It's not really worth max duping and building her. People only use her for the passive skill on mono green team. It pairs great with Mereo.
Outside of her passive skill, swimsuit Vanessa is kinda mid
100 pulls in and nothing, and I'm out of summoning tickets. It's joever.
Ladies and gentlemen.....WE GOT HER!
>22 times until Guaranteed
Hot damn. At least you got her.
Her skill page is proving equally hard to get, and there's only 2 days left. This shit is rigged.
>Two new attributes coming in 1st year anniversary. Harmony and Chaos.

We have decided to implement new attributes "Harmony" and "Chaos".
When the basic attributes "power", "technique", and "sense" are defined as "3 attributes",
"Harmony" is an attribute that is strong against "3 attributes", and is expected to have a high defensive effect when forming a team and facing "3 attributes".
On the other hand, "harmony" has a characteristic that it is weak against "chaos".
"Chaos", on the other hand, is weak against "3 attributes" and strong against "harmony"
The trio is complete.
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She's almost here bros
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Is either of these dweebs worth getting in the Gate of Reunion? Don't really want either but I do have a lot of Reunion Keys
They both are good.
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It's nice that old units are getting new costumes.
Really? Nice, I love my Swimsuit Noelle.
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Yep, even Mars is getting another costume.
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Seasonal Zora and Vanessa
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New Raider costumes for Nozel, Academy Asta and Yuno.
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My mistake, I meant Yami.
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Another for Clover Academy Asta
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and another
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This would be perfect with exposed thighs.
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They really nerf her biggest assets in some of these costumes.
Wake up brothers

Holy legs Noelle >> Mimosa. Why does this naughty brat always wear the shortest skirts?
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Oh right, and here's Black Divider Asta. It isn't finished so the sword is missing but you can still tell because of the face line.
So it's true we're getting Idols Noelle, Vanessa and Charmy. That means those leaks were correct and we should get swimsuit Charlotte
She's trying to attract BCC (Big Commoner Cock) (Asta's, specifically)
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How is this not OP?
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I pull for she
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Best girl and it's not even close
What could happen if Gooks and Japs continue bitching about the game and not spending but westerners keep buying and generating at least 3 million per month?
Could Garena take over the game and give it to a western studio?
would the gooks continue working on it despite having more attractive and marketable games on the horizon?
would they just shut it down despite generating revenue?
Logically, the game would be worth continuing as long as it generates a revenue. But given Xbox's recent actions (shutting down studios that were profitable but not profitable enough), who knows. And the numbers I saw said that BCM made 1.5 million on its second month, where did you get 3 million?
Seven Deadly Sins doesn't make much revenue anymore, but it still received content and the game is still live.

Black Clover seems to be doing better than SDS, so it won't shut down. The game will still receive content for another 2 years at least.
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>where did you get 3 million
Not him but he probably just said a random amount without research.
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They really want to get those light units out.
If SR Finral was THAT broken, can't wait to see what SSR Finral will do.
Damn Mereoleona didn't move the needle at all?
She's not that popular. Noelle could move the needle + 1st anniversary update content and changes
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I love the new screen.

Plenty of people saved for her. Some even skipped Black Asta for her.
Damn JP version is going all in damn, this is their hail mary.
They fucked up releasing this with no new anime season in sight.
It does look magnificent.
How long until those hit global?
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I hope Black Divider is an attacker.
Hope he's a Defender who is secretly an Attacker like Asta [Black]
He's so busted that they pushed back his release.
Valkyrie Noelle is the best unit if you build her right. Now all is right in the world
How are you guys enjoying the Half Anniversary update?
I'm loving all the tickets.
Went from 0 tickets to 76.
Same. Gonna hoard them for Noelle but Spirit Dive Yuno is looking pretty busted in PVP with his annoying invincibility.
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So now that the new gear sets are polluting the 15th stage of the gear dungeons, is it better to run the last stage that has the original sets or is 15 still decent even now that its diluted?
If you want the new gear sets, run 15. If what matters is just it being LR grade, run the last stage.
Too bad its associated with Garena, a shit company that makes existing games frustratingly worse
The game has been improving especially after 1 year anniversary. Those same improvements are coming to global, so idk what this point is
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>They will make billions of units of our goddess Noelle to sustain the game
Can't wait for Party, Idol, Ceremony, Valentine's, Secret agent, Bunny girl, Post-timeskip, Mermaid, Saint stage, Dragon form, and other outfits they used in promotions / merchandise etc. They will absolutely try to make Noelle units for every possible outfit.
How can one girl carry a whole franchise??
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I've yet to beat a team in Arena that has this fucked on it. WTF were they thinking??
I have no idea what he does. I see him on teams but they died all the same.
Is Valkyrie Dress the next banner?
Noelle makes my dick hard in every version
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If he's 2 stars or higher, he gets Invulnerability when he does his Special Skill, which means he can't take damage of any kind. Then people pair him up with Charlotte Ceremony which gives him constant +SP so he can just continually keep doing his Special Skill and being invulnerable, with a good healer and tank on the team it is very difficulty team comp to crack.
skill issue. Just go first and oneshot him like the fag he is with CHADsta
Rate my wives /bcm/
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No Sol???
The best one in the front.
gonna drop this game. takes way too long for daily chores.
Doesnt respect your time.
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That's all gachas. Personally I've optimized my dailies and can do them in 10 mins. Usually spend 5 more mins. in general unit management.
Why do gachatards lie about easily disprovable things?
No, you are not doing your daily chores in 10 minutes.
You are not doing
limited challenges
arena fights
checking the shop
doing your daily summon
check in squad
send friend points

in 10 minutes.
>limited challenges
30 seconds each or less depending on the level
1-2 minutes for the first clear on auto then Quick Clear the rest in 2 seconds
>arena fights
~45 seconds per each if you're lower league
>checking the shop
5 seconds
>doing your daily summon
~10 seconds, faster if you turn on animation skip
>check in squad
10 seconds to check in and donate
>send friend points
1 second

The only thing I would see taking a while is the guaranteed LR gear which is a required 10 minutes when dispatching, but that can run in parallel to the other daily stuff. If you're bad at the game just say so.
>45 secs if you're in the shitter tier
>just say so if you're bad at the game

gachatard trying not the be intellectually dishonest challenge: impossible.

Arena alone takes 10+ minutes. double that if theres an event arena.
Where do you think you are?
Personally I just go for the "Daily Mission" final reward, to build up towards the Advance Mission final reward, so you can get a SSR Versatile Mage Piece every 20 days or so. I'm not doing all 10 arena tickets everyday but if you want to speedrun that you could just make an attack team with 1 level 20 R mage and set it to auto battle everytime, cause it doesn't matter if you win or not unless you want to grind Arena ladders which would not fall under "dailies".
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Mariella is coming to the game along with Ladros.
GOD, Diamond girls are so underrated.
Why Tabata? WHY?
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Best girl / unit is coming next month! (those fuckers dropped her after SD Yuno so we are low on tickets to spend cash on her)
>(those fuckers dropped her after SD Yuno so we are low on tickets to spend cash on her)
Isn't that how it's supposed to be? I don't recall much releasing inbetween the two.
No, we get a fest unit every 2 seasons. Julius in S2, BAsta in S4, Mereo in S6, SD Yuno in S8.
This is the first they released another fest unit in back-to-back seasons. They should've released her in august / S10 and give players more time to save tickets. But she's so popular and profitable they want her released as quickly as possible and players are more likely to spend money for her than most characters
who cares? i hoped she was coming this week
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Well I have news for you
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God Noll is so cute and sexy.
Academy Noll is my first full dupe Noll, i had to cash in like 30 dollars but it was worth it.
Now i'll have to go full beggar for Spirit Dive Noll.
aint noway they didnt diddle with the rates.
had to go 200 pulls for 1 copy
Kek they fucked up their pop-up sale thing so instead of granting 50 mileage it granted 500 two days in a row.
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mommy Vanessa secret agent leaks: sprite, skill page and ult skill.

Also Swimsuit Charlotte and Yami confirmed for summer. They have a special combo attack too. Devs are trying to make more combined moves with seasonal and fest units
Has Dorothy come out in the JP version?
No she has not.
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Nice, that Vanessa unit is straight out of the Miura memorial color page.
This is why I don't care about leaks anymore, 4 months later and that leaked Dorothy is still not out.
Stupid reasoning, leaks doesn't mean its coming soon. It just confirms the unit exists and is coming at some point. (Swimsuit charlotte/mimosa and idol Noelle/Vanessa etc. were leaked last year, and they are still not out. But we know they are coming for sure.) You should care about leaks, they confirm units that are definitely coming even if it takes a long time. It's better than not knowing at all
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It would have been great if the same applied to Zora.
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Anyone guess which Noelle units are coming next? I know we're getting idol J-pop Noelle from the leaks. But after? Maybe party or ceremony Noelle
Idol Noelle is the only thing I've seen.
How many Noelles does this damn game need??
Isn't it crazy that Julius is going to get a new skill page? Absolutely bonkers.

She's the most popular female in the series so as many as they see fit.
His new SP is so good, he's almost top tier again.
Valkyrie Noelle is getting a new SP soon, I think it gives a barrier to allies. I assume all fest units will new skill pages, so Mereo, BAsta and SD Yuno are likely
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A roadmap has been released.
Who the fuck cares about Bikini Yami?
Fujos dont play black clover.
Give us bikini Charlotte and Mimosa thats all we care about, also micro bikini Noll
We already have bikini Asta and Yuno so what's another to the pile? More time to save.
Black Divider releases in 5-4 days for KR.
That face is reminding me of Crash Bandicoot. They kinda overexaggerated on his right eye
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>Vanessa might be the best unit in the game
Her passives and skills are insanely broken, she's also the first unit to release on global before kr or jp.
And she plays well with Valkyrie Noelle. Vanessa and Noelle will dominate together for a while.

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