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The global version launches soon. How bad is it if I'm starved for DMC content?
If you're that starved, it'll probably scratch the itch. But don't forget that it's a chink gacha and that combat was severely toned down from what it once was in order to amplify said gacha aspect. Remember that royalguard dante is actually an actual singular dante variant you have to pull if you want to use royalguard at all. Remember that there's only 4 playable characters atm and one of them is V and not trish for whatever reason.
Actually now that I think about it, the moment they add playable trish, that's essentially it, isn't it? This series has a grand total of 7 playable characters, and one of them is lucia, which the chinks would basically have to reinvent from scratch to milk at all. You can't make slight weapon variations of all characters forever because the only character to get a lot of different weapon sets is dante, everybody else has like 5 recurring tools at best. You could make 8 different neros each with a robot arm, maybe V with different non-canon summons, but the line is thin.

So assuming no dumb stretches like copypastes that differ in passive skills, playable nelo angelo, donte/vorgil or a completely new character, the moment they add trish variants they've reached the end of what they can do with the game. I wonder how long this will live, and if it'll make enough of a profit to justify the investment at all.
Damn I think i am starved enough to try it despite all of that
Yeah don't let that get to you, I'll be trying it too because there's nothing else to do and I don't doubt it'll probably be fun for a while at least.

It's just a shame that they sacrificed the more complex combat of the original beta to accomodate real-time character switching (but their true goal being to amplify the gacha aspect by fractioning complex characters into smaller variants of those characters).

>they grabbed casey edwards just for the gacha game
The only kind of PoC I'll tolerate in games.
>dante having a swordmaster with His sword
>royal guard with fists
>guitar variant
Doesn't seem to use ebony or ivory except in cutscenes
>vergil having variants with kitana, sword/kitana , fists, no DT, but he has the Ultimate attacks
>Lady being the Obvious Gunslinger Character using guns
>Lady Variant with an icy shotgun
>V being V, has nightmare ult
>Nero having his 4 kit , sword, gun, and buster with Super Exceed DT
>eventually Lady
>switch between 3 characters

They didn't name the variants after the weapons they use, because each variant can have better "weapons"
So the naming is confusing, but they are all upgradable.

Clearly the 3 character function is like playing with 3 styles, although with cooldowns.
Grind leveling up characters, the character's weapons and attacks

>bloody palace
>daily and weekly freebee rewards
>online clans
>season pass / investments

I mean, It seems solid, but the difficulty spike might show up in which you need to level up / roll new characters / weapons and craft/upgrade to make it through.
Pvp will definitely be a clear "gotta learn the attack cooldowns and cheese"
Story seems to be a twist of POST DMC3, but possibly some form of time/multiverse shit going on if EVERYONE is here.
Future content is to be determined.
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server up I think which server are we playing on?
bleh, hopefully there's nothing locked behind it
katana vergil having judgment cuts already means pvp is gonna be fucked from day 1, regardless of rpg numbers.
My phone doesn't seem to handle this game too well, but I wasn't impressed from what I have played so far, it was a pain to go through.

I think I'll wait for it to be more optimized or until I get another phone to gice it a second chance. I have FOMO on judgement Vergil but I have learned to ignore this stuff or you'll be scammed into the grind/paying
is this site working for anyone? i give an email and it never sends a verification code, and i checked spam and other areas to make sure i wasnt missing it
>hopefully there's nothing locked behind it
Lmao. Enjoy having most of your "f2p currency" locked behind top 500
How the hell does anyone with faith in Capcom still remain with the countless of shutdown gachas and absolute baffling decisions? They're as bad as Square Enix
im actually amazed that this lasted long enough for a global release since its 2021 launch, but it also feels like its been in beta the entire time from what ive seen of cn footage
Played the game, quite alot of achievement which you can get resources and free pulls often enough, daily and weekly achievements, and the game does tell you when you should upgrade your gear.
Haven't paid for anything yet, but i have gotten 1 new character, easily able to upgrade things to meet the modern story challenge, and unlocking quite alot of bonus resource for future upgrades
Sure, press button, then press flashing button to combo, but it works.
each character has their own healthbar and dt gauge, and if you die as 1, you still have the others to play as before you completely lose.
each section of the story refills hp if you complete the battle, also.
No real directional imput based combos, but the button sequence and holding does make it feel decently good.
Autolockon might be a problem, but there are settings for such things.
Tutorials show you combos, and ideal character combos.
Status effect tutorials make sense.
Probably gonna have to wait a day or two to see where it drops off, but the first day is quite fun for a New mobile game player Decent Devil May Cry Fan.
Judgement cut consumes vergils focus bar, so you cannot infinitely spam it unless you are always perfecting it.
You can only activate devil trigger or special attacks with a FULL dt gauge, no minimum 3s, but if you swap, you do save any unconsumed dt for those with the transformations
Some story text has no voices, unless it is a major scene, which is very kingdom hearts like
Cards give buffs, you can upgrade them, and there are set bonuses if you collect them, from a challenge mode you can do a few times a day. they are swappable ,and if the characters are able to use the same weapon, like 2 variants of Lady, you can swap weapons back and forth, too
>Judgement cut consumes vergils focus bar, so you cannot infinitely spam it unless you are always perfecting it.
Check the passives in the previews of a fully maxed yamato vergil, it's actually stupid busted.
No Trish

come back in like 6 months, she'll probably be used as the emergency button and they'll go full coom with her to get people to return
Why cant I delete my guest account? no matter what I do it still remember the account.
Jesus how fucked are the rates? 15 rerolls and 0 vergil, at this point id rather just buy an account.
The Guy doing the streams is being very calm for an ocean of the people commenting disliking how they cannot rush the whole game, or you can buy power.
The free to play aspect of the game is scheduled with the daily and weeklies, yet people wanna power roll everything to the extremes.
Playing free to play, according to what is to come, i am having fun not worrying about too much, and playing in my time.

I wish i could understand the hate. But i must be too innocent.
I don't see this game lasting more than a year unfortunately; just won't make a lot of cash. Wish the combat wasn't watered down from the beta to Honkai levels. DMC2 feels better at times.
probably to prevent you from rerolling so you have to buy gems. you can cancel your account but you have to wait 15 days before it gets deleted. you probably have to make multiple email accounts in order to reroll but it’s not sending me a code when I try the email method of logging
thought there was going to be a PC version, where is it?
This game is constantly on tutorial mode.
Many people are judging this game way too soon.
Once you unlock clans, and get to clan level 2, you unlock a Roguelite kinda like Slay the Spire, but in the form of bloody palace. I SHIT YOU NOT.
Also you get to have infinite replayable levels which you can then play with 3 conditions, to further upgrade any and all characters, and you unlock difficulties to further get more free loot and unlockables just by playing the game.
Multiplayer missions, as well.
Pizza is only used for story and card unlocking, but there is so much content you can do in the mean time, you might accidentally be playing long enough to gain enough pizza back.

There are SO MANY unlockable features.
Day 2 feels like the game got twice as big.
If you are keeping your eyes open, you are also getting a whole lot of free boons.

I am still free to play. it seems they really want to power up base Lady ALOT.
All the Lady Variants are decent.

I wish i was overexaggerating, I am loving this game so much, and i don't need to pay a penny for it.

You can get a phone game emulator type thing on their site, which they support.
Although, they did admit at some point it could be possible for an actual port.
I had heard about paid 0 attention because how good can a technical action game be on mobile. This thread convinced me to try it out though, installing the emulator now. My most sincere and unironic hope is that V is fun to use. He was my favorite in 5 and it sucked that he was braindead easy and shallow compared to the others.
I am not sure when V comes out, but it is possible he could be more indepth, or later in the game.
My advice is to start out with what the game gives you to start, then go from there.
One day we will get V.
Having spent a bit of time with it, V will not be more interesting than 5 because no character has any impressive amount of depth. Really, your team is your character and the style and depth comes from swapping between. So V will be one third of an interesting character I guess, and I can live with that. Plus eventually he'll get 3 variants and then that will be fun. Time to hoard every f2p resource like a dragon until his banner comes out I guess
V will be soon. If you go to the Hunter menu, his name is already there but when you select it, the game simply says you don't have any of his variants yet. I would not be surprised if he drops in mid February
>two hundred and fifty united states dollars to go to pity on the featured banner
>It's a 50/50
>There's no pity pity, you can do 180 pulls and still not get the featured
>Fully unlocking a character asks that you pull them multiple times
I am going to politely but firmly decline
What's worst is you can't even get him anymore after the banner ends if I understand it right.
I think the game is pretty fun for what it is, and the very slightly broken English makes me chuckle.

Also Fists of Salvation is neato.
Yeah, the gacha kills it if the nerfed combat didn't. I'd be fine with the nerfed combat if there was something that wasn't just doing "Bread and Butters" of attack->attack->dodge->attack ... repeat for 80% of the monsters.

Apparently the Alpha wasn't like that and actually nearly 1:1'd the series combat onto mobile. I don't know if Capcom/developers freaked about not being touch-friendly, but damn... would've been nice to have Dante's styles be what switching characters is here.
>try coop
>cant bring multiple of the same person
>ok makes sense i guess
>all 4 of my characters can't be used despite coop being teams of 3

What? Worst case scenario, I should be locked to a single person, how the fuck am i not able to actually start a session with all 4 people locked out? They're even playing vergil who I don't own a copy of. I felt bad for the guys i was with cause we did like 3/4 stages and then i just have to leave the lobby.
I finally unlocked the pvp and it is so unbalanced that it's fucking hilarious.

>do a team of starter lady/royal guard dante/force edge vergil
>lady's skill launches the other player and she can just juggle with basic machine gun shots
>royal guard dante functions like 5 royal guard so he can just burn DT meter to do imperfect blocks against super attacks that consume DT so your enemy burns their whole DT gauge just to burn a portion of your DT meter
>throwing force edge with round trip and then slapping them with yamato just stun locks the other player until it comes back

I bet every character has dumb shit like this.
Each character has funny things

The Heat lady can just jump high, then do her homing missles forcing the opponent to either use an ultimate, or dodge CAREFULLY
Yamato Vergil, and Beowolf Vergil's Ultimates cover half the stage.
Nero's Super Exceed is pretty much a DT, super armoured through his massive damage boost.
Dante w sword has good horizontal mobility, and the DT super armour makes it tough to stop him.
Frost Lady is capable of just shooting her gun from where ever, while moving, and she has multiple offensive dodges.

Good news is levels don't matter. Still, I would argue the pvp is like a rock paper scissors type deal.
Also knowing when to evasive to ruin the groove of someone comboing on you.

So, MMO Raid Boss battles. 4 players with one character fight 3 100+ hp bar bosses with unique arena mechanics, with reviving, under a time limit. Tough, but if you know your character well enough, and how to fight in hazardous surroundings, it could be fun

Day 3 is further unlocking more things one can do in off time.
Finishing the 40 newby pulls just unlocks the regular plain banner, which act like the other 2, but is permanent.
Once the Yamato Vergil and Royal Guard Dante Banners end, we might be seeing new characters, but thats quite a few days from now.
Oh, when you are playing the multiplayer, in the first week, you can only use a character once per point of the 3 missions
Also you can only use green cards.

If you use blue cards, you will be unable to use that character.
And if you leave a round, you lose being able to use that character in multiplayer for the rest of the week.

I cannot state how many times another player quits, forcing you back to stage 1.
Thus, its difficult to do 100% without a party disbandment.
I got One Man Show Dante from my guarantee rolls, but I see he's gonna be given away in the mission thing. Should I reroll for a different unit?
Dupe's add both passives(if you get enough to rank up a letter) and stat buffs to characters. Also it kinda seems like everyone's rolling guitar dante from the guranteed. Maybe keep a backup account if you can.
when you do the multiplayer missions.
It doesn't matter how many the group does together, your completed missions matter towards your reward progress
When you complete enough, and you get the reward, you are done.

The game keeps track of the character, the cards the character use, and the weapon they use.

So, you have a dante with sword, and you use 4 cards, cannot use any of them for the next one.
You cannot use a vergil if you swapped the sword and same cards to him, but if he has his own sword, and different instances of cards, you can use him, until you beat the stage, and so on.

I had to play with 5 sets before i got the thing complete for the week.

When you get your character, it can be B, A, or S. However, you can level them up with a resource from dupes, or rewards of that resource, and S's can go even higher.
The campaign and dailies appear to be giving all of those, while rolling can sometimes, as well, so long as you don't roll the weapons one. I get the idea the game will eventually give you enough to level everything, but it feels weaponry will pileup.
>What's worst is you can't even get him anymore after the banner ends if I understand it right.
Bros... I've been rerolling for a while and I swear if I don't get him I just won't even play this fucking game.

And I didn't even fucking see the full featured banner pity details. I thought it was Vergil being guaranteed after reaching the pity.

God, they really just put in a gimped version of Genshin Impact's pity in this game?
took me close to 100 re-rolls before he dropped the rates are godawful, I was gonna buy an account but then saw people charging between 20 and 30 bux for em and my inner jew kicked in.
Goddamn the 3rd boss in multiplayer sucks. The first fight was straightforward, kinda interesting, I'm on board. 2nd fight was decent too but there was the annoying bit where it goes up in the sky and you're supposed to use the jump pad to go fight it up there but for whatever reason I still couldn't get to it so I leached off everyone else during that phase and called it good. Then fucking hellfilth. It's not even a hard fight. Break all 3 parts at about the same time, break the 2 turret eyes. Rinse and repeat until you want to quit the fight out of boredom, and then lose anyway because she has 30 billion trillion HP and there's a time limit. It says the challenge level is low 11 but my fists of salvation Dante is on the border of 12 and I still don't think my damage was to the point where 4 of me would beat the DPS check
The little popups don't communicate it to you, but when you beat the eyes, they fire a laser at a player so you have to bait those to hit her and then she gets debuffed to take more damage.
I don't think anybody in this thread plans to give this company money, but it turns out you can in fact guarantee yourself judgement cut Vergil. At the end of chapter 5 Vergil shows up to save you and it lets you control him for the 5 second it takes to beat the boss and after that, you get access to special store packs for him, including one for 100 USD that gives you him and enough books and potions to level him and buy his skills. Certainly better than 250 for a 50/50 but still crazy
This game is absolutely dogshit.
Similar issue. I did 3 co-op missions no issue then it wouldn't let me start a match as Vergil "change the hunter card" so I did a match as Dante and now it won't let me matchmake because "Hunter is locked." So even though I have 5 characters in the roster, I can't get my 5 clear weapon which is some bullshit
I don't know that I agree with "absolutely," there's something charming hidden under layers of chink cut corners and predatory monetization. I still would never recommend it because it is regular dog shit, but I can't pretend that I had 0 fun on the way to discovering that it was dog shit.

It's not looking so bright V bros.
>Nightmare V is Ice type
Makes sense because there's only one other ice type unit, but also I don't want to have to invest in ice type runes and shit. Honestly he looks better than I was scared he might. Still has his cane to finish enemies, still has book, things like that. We'll see what his QTE and gimmicks are like I guess. Just need them to hurry up and shit out Griffon and Shadow units
The only charm I got was when I uninstalled this garbage and decided to use moonlight to play 4 instead.
I got top 10 in Bloody palace using the three f2p characters, generally underleveled with shit cards. That speaks volumes of how few people are making any effort in this game. EoS next month lmao
Thats the human bloody palace.
Every week those who do good jump ahead a difficulty.
Eventually you will be fighting against competent hunters in the competitive leaderboards.
Also the chat is fucking troublesome. You cannot say HAVE, it sensors it to H**E. So many words get censored which the english language never does. Makes communicating difficult, as well as a character limit, makes saying precise things require multiple chats.
I get that, but given that it's currently week, 1 that means everyone is here in easy mode. Even the competitive people. If next week also jerks off Physical types with realm conquer and bloody palace and boss hunt I might toss them a $5 to get punch Vergil at S rank.
Also, its funny they made new demons, that practically were DMC Shadow and Griffon, but changed there appearence slightly, and gave them new names in this game.
Then you have Beowulf, which lorewise doesn't make sense because his head is fucking sliced into 4 pieces, as this takes place after dmc 3, or before 1 or 3?
Nevan being alive is okay because she didn't quite die, a bullet to the gut wasn't quite a killing blow.
because of dmc 5, it is possible to believe there is an unweapification process for devil arms, considering a few of the bosses were former weapon.
I'll be honest, I skipped a lot of the cutscenes because they were just poorly animated and translated but my understanding from interviews and trailers is that it takes place between 3 and 1 but time travel is involved so things from the whole franchise wind up being pulled to this setting like Beowulf for one, but also a 3 era Vergil meeting V. It's all of course nonsense for the sake of fanwank, but it is given the minimum amount of explanation to not be contradiction
Off the top of my head I don't remember what in PoC was Shadow but the first time I fought Carus I had to double take because it's just Griffon but slightly more annoying

Like everyone else, V has a different voice in the trailer and story cutscenes while his gameplay is using his 5 voice lines.
This game is peak of asset flip
The ads for this game are on another level



I just don't know how this shit gets approved
what the fuck
>finally exhausted all content that didn't need stamina
>level 44
>the only content left is stuff that is gated behind rpg stats like the harder coop missions and the 2nd half of the realm fights
>and waiting for stamina to regen to either grind cards for better stats or doing more of the story
now i get to see how rough things are when you suffer a severe damage dealt reduction when you're too underleveled
>1 pizza every 8 minutes
>120 pizza on log in
>300 pizza in any given 24 hour period if you do it right
>A maximum of 10 combat encounters in story mode any given day
>But you won't get that because slots take pizza too
It is so bizarre to me that story is gated so aggressively and events aren't, that feels backwards.
As suspected, next Bloody Palace is also physical because both featured banners are physical characters and they want them to be the best. Also I hit top 10 after 9PM which is when rank rewards went out even though it said rewards are calculated at 10 and the event itself went to midnight so I actually didn't get top 10 rewards, which is whatever. I'm debating on investing the $5 and all the potions and shit for punch Vergil because I already poured all my shit into my fire team and fire runes and fire cards, not to mention supporting nebula joy feels a bit gross.
How the fuck do you reroll in this shit, fucking chinks went out of their way to make it as annoying as possible
I wouldn't bother. Rates are so shit and it takes so long to earn your first multi that you are literally ahead to spend that time doing Uber or some shit and just buying Vergil outright. Of course, don't do that either but it's legitimately 45 minutes when you're in the rhythm of it and out of 120 summons there's only a 50/50 shot of one of them being Vergil.
Rerolling is a bitch in this game, its takes like 40 mins to do 1 multi or about as long as it takes to get to 2-3 or you can do like 7 singles after the 15 mins tutorial. The game actually has the balls to sell you Vergil if you beat chapter 5 for 100 bux.
I started a day late so I'm right there with you now at level 44. I am of two minds about the lack of grind. In a lot of other gachas there's some grind for exp items or upgrade items, or some exchange currency or something and it sucks that you have to sit there and run it 50 times in a row. Still being in the honeymoon phase though, I wish I didn't get pushed out of bed after a couple quick fights. I want to mash the same button over and over a little bit more and I am not being ironic. I do recognize though that one day soon I will want to be in and out and being able to wring the full value out of a day's play in such a short time is going to be a blessing
So I've been trying my best to figure out what the release schedule looks like based on the Chinese version and I'll be honest, the information is thin so I could be wrong but here's what I've come to understand
>Featured banners cycle every 2 weeks
>There's always 2
>Not always new characters, current unfeatured like Fists of Salvation will have a turn at rate up
>First new character is Nero with his devil bringer, a fire type like current Nero
>Another Vergil, similar to Endless Judgement, but thunder and doesn't devil trigger to judgement cut end
>Then Nightmare V who is ice type
I feel relatively confident that those characters came and in that order, but I also feel like I must have missed some because how in the hells are they going to leave Lady as the only Ice unit in the game for that long?
>fist of salvation dante has completely jank voice lines where he keeps saying royal guard despite being the wrong version of of him
>this version of dante also seems to be the only time you actually hear battle voice lines by peak of combat's actor for dante instead of only hearing reused lines from 3/4/5
this stuff has not been tested at all

click office on the top left after opening the game and there's a redeem button. the official discord server is throwing codes for small extra rewards. I'm guessing it's time or use limited.
Thanks, king. I have no intention of paying attention to or even joining the discord but 3/4 of these codes give a pull ticket so I'm inching closer to pity
I've hit the peak of boredom just now. That was quick.
I was actually enjoying this game in spite of everything but after going through every tutorial to scrape up every gem I could, after exchanging for every summon voucher in every shop, after inputting every code I thought I would have a little hoard of summons. Not that the game has to give me 90 summons every 2 weeks or whatever, but new players always get a shit ton of summons up front to hook you on the gamble. I caved and threw it all at vergil and not only did I not get him, I didn't get any legendary, and only made it about 2/3 of the way to pity because the game is that stingy. Sobered me up real quick about this game.
This game is pretty fun but man it has to have the worst stamina system I've seen in a mobile game. Genuinely unbelievably stingy and whales can't even pay their way for infinite stamina because there's a finite amount of pizzas to be able to purchase.

Really fucking weird.
It's inconvenient and then suddenly doesn't matter. At a certain point you just hit a wall where the DPS check starts jumping and you find yourself just hitting the slots to make sure you don't overcap on pizza while you wait for your characters to get stronger. Or at least that happened to me
Nah, that'll happen to everyone once enemy levels get to around 11-15. At that point your levels for character/weapons aren't going up fast enough and you'll need to play the slots for better gear.

50 gems each

DANTEPRES: 20 stamina
>dev does a live stream of coop
>struggles to get the other players to aim the laser right at the third fight
no one tested that boss at all
I played beta. Its very bad. Combat is better than Mihoyo's garbage including ZZZ for sure but in comparison to DMC5 its a spit on its name.
Got lucky enough to pull Endless Judgment before hitting pity (but not by much). Most rank up passives are literally just number adjustments. He innately has the ability to do more damage for the first few seconds on the field so he gets an even bigger bonus with dupes. One of them though is different. At SS rank all judgement cuts become perfect, +40% crit rate (in addition to the physical team bonus and cards) and crits spawn another doppelganger to judgement cut the enemy. Really feels like a huge step up. I'm trying to figure out how scummy it is to have that at SS rank, like does that mean pulling him twice? 5 times? I don't know, because they don't tell you in advance how many shards it takes to make it through a rank
Its more like very little people know the proper team comp or trained characters specificly to do that role.
Or know nothing about the shock orbs or jump orbs in phase 2 of the Bird fight
Not everyone is gonna get a red armour breaker, and not everyone is going to use a character that can rapid hit the numbered armours.
Also many people aren't dodging the laser that burns, or the other attacks.
I have yet to get a character that deals with the red armour, and my best rapid hitter is just the Swift Arsenal that just so happens to be my best ranked Unit.

Knowing from what i am leveling with my characters, if you have an S,
You need 5 fragments times 9, and the level up 15 total to get to S+. 5 x 9 again for each level, and 20 to get to SS.
125 total fragments from a fresh pulled Endless Judgement to get to SS.
Now, how many fragments does a Duplicate S rank character give you? thats your answer times how many you need for 125. With all the SS or EX Endless Judgements out there.... people have spent quite alot of money already. I know very little if there is any other way to get that many fragments that quickly.

Not all Endless Judgements spent money, but all endless judgments that are above S+ did.
They locked really good passives behind the max ranks for characters.

>Royal guard dante at ex has extreme rage meter regen during DT that lets you spam royal release.
>swift arsenal lady at SS and onwards just gives free damage for lightning and ice party members ranging from 20% to 60% at her max
I've got him at SS rank.

You have to pull just 2 dupes of him. Thing is, the rates are so bad, you're gonna be pulling a lot for just 2 dupes.. You're absolutely right that Vergil at SS rank is a huge step up. He's basically just a one man army, he already was at S rank, but he felt like a glass canon at S rank. At SS it feels like he's unstoppable.

But like I said, just 2 dupes will be hard to get, although of course it depends on luck. If you have plenty of disposable income, then do what you like.

I'm unsure about Royal Guard Dante, but I feel like if it's like Vergil, 2 dupes should be enough to get the most out of him. I think going for max rank for at least Vergil is dumb unless you're gonna be sweating it out in PvP, then that's where rank matters.
If you go to PvP and click on any of the three modes there's a button at the bottom labeled "Hunters" and it just tells you what the characters do, but it has the profiles for Count Thunder Vergil and Devil Bringer Nero. Endless Nightmare V isn't there yet so he's a while off I guess
Honestly that works out for me. I spent a lot of my resources on the is banner, not even necessarily chasing Endless Judgment but just injecting some power into my account, getting purple rarity units and weapons, shit like that, so I'm broke. This gives me time to save up my daily gems to have a shot at V who is my main target out of all units
Just play 5 and the switch games
Surprisingly enough, the fire team does more damage than the physical. Endless Judgement does well, especially compared to any other unit by themselves, but if you have Fists of Salvation to get stacks of Brand for Nero, Knight of the Order really does shit out damage at an impressive rate. Spark Igniter support is also just a lot better than what's available for physical so if you can get the three together you'll do big number. I will say that Devil Crusher may have shit DPS and an awkward moveset but he deletes red shields at a rate to fully shame Fists of Salvation
>Nero, Knight of the Order really does shit out damage at an impressive rate
Any tips for Nero? I've been using that setup but I've been feeling like he's deadweight (lol)
I guess I don't really know where the problem lies so I might tell you what you already know, but
>Blue Rose does good damage, but importantly also gives good meter so spam it on cooldown. It also gives 1 measly attack's worth of Brand but that's slow as fuck so we pretend Dante is the only source of Brand
>When you're building meter make sure to take it to the air because he gets more meter there
>To get the most out of him, you have to spoil him with exp/orbs/etc. A character like EJ Vergil doesn't have a (normal) Devil Trigger, his resonance doesn't directly adjust damage, and so his attacks are balanced around that. Nero just has more multiplying factors but that also means that every 5 points of attack you get for leveling your weapon once goes so much further. If you're just limping him along, funnelling your scales to Fists of Salvation because a Legendary should get priority then he's not going to work for you
I dunno about that. V as a character type is already in the menus, and the legendary runes all mention a character they buff. Devil Bringer, Count Thunder, and Eternal Nightmare are all named. They're gonna spam us with banners lmao
>pull 76 free pulls for endless judgement
>I get my first fists of salvation
I am not sure if I am gonna get this vergil.
My fire Team is complete now, though
Also, new mechanics, hope you like doing tasks for puzzle pieces for a likely reward if you complete the puzzle.

It is something new at the end of benefits.
You need to collect puzzle piece shards from doing the daily missions, when you have 10, you can press an empty slot to use the 10 to put a piece down, and get rewarded.
I'm jealous. I have Fire Dante and Nero both with a legendary weapon, but have not managed to pull Lady yet so I'm leaving that resonance damage on the table
I never bothered with Realm Conquests because I felt like I had infinite red orbs but now that the supply is running dry and my needs are going up, I decided to sit down and go through and I was actually in the first 10 in my server to beat floor 30 which is neat, but makes me regret not jumping in sooner because I feel like I could have earned a better spot and gotten into previous tier hall of fames too
well it finally happened. this game bored me so much I went and found my lucia disc.

New codes, they're only up for about 24 hours
You're a champion, anon. I think there's only like 3 of us that play the game but you're a hero to us other two
Pinnacle was better, sorry.
Thoughts on the OC characters?

Looks like devil bringer nero is next. Wonder if they'll really just spam the banners way too fast.
>launch celebrations event was easy tasks that would guarantee a freebie
>in the 2nd half of the event it slaps missions that actually require you to pay to complete the(buying skins for characters/weapons)
>coop raid mission on son of sparda difficulty which requires you to hope to god your group actually does the final boss right
If the last day smacks us by not actually letting us get the max rarity weapon for one man show dante I'll laugh.
I like the old guy
We figured he'd be next but I was really hoping that they'd take 2 weeks to feature Ice Lady and Electric Dante or something, give me a chance to store up gems
Really curious to see how the financials come out at the end of the month. I'm too 10 in my server for like every event so I know not many people are paying to win, but the ones that are have shit like EJ Vergil at EX level already. So this game does have some dedicated whales, but can they carry it?
They won't even be a thought when this game shuts down
So does this game play like Honkai/PRG/Aether Gazer? Your typical gacha hack and slash?
Cause I love those actually
>>struggles to get the other players to aim the laser right at the third fight
The stupidest thing these fucks did. Worse than dropping 1.X combat for character swaps. Just tried a match where me and another high level player were ready to just stomp, we did no exaggeration 90% of all damage during that run and just needed the other 2 to revive us and get free rewards but they kept fucking up the lasers on Hellfilth and we lost to time
Yeah, pretty much. It's not open world like Genshin, but it's not exactly levels like PGR. It's big long linear levels where you have to stop and fight and that consumes your playtime resource so it acts like stages but without having to waste so much time watching intros and outros like in PGR. Big emphasis on swapping characters frequently. Every character has a special move they can only do by tagging into the battle after certain conditions are met and there's things like the best character right now doing extra damage for the first few seconds that you're on the field. Right now there are too few characters for team building to be all that interesting since it's like 10 days old, but I can see real potential in the system. The gacha system is 1:1 out of Genshin
It will be possible to get the hell guitar, I have gathered enough points to get it without buying anything, i just need to level one more legendary card leveled to 25, or get to floor 40 on the physical realm.
Since there will be more days till the event expires, it will give time to potentially get strong enough to do the more challenging tasks if you were too weak the day it came out.
>There's a floor 40 mission
Literally 1 person on my server has done that yet. I take it OMS Dante himself is only for those who complete every mission including the wild ones like "Get a classic weapon skin"?
My server already has one who beat level 60... granted they have EX Endless Judgement, with a 1 star hell yamato and EX Devil Hunter, with a legendary sword.
My luck I have to compete with a Whale for everything on my server. I was able to beat floor 40, and tomorrow will give me enough resources to level my 4th legendary card.
I have achieved the Death Metal- Hell without paying for the game, at least.
Last day of the Launch Celebration fucks over any free to play player.
Death Metal-Hell is definitely possible by day 10, but
To get the One Man Show, you will need to be able to :
make it through the hardest raid, which requires you to have so much into a single character, as well as your hunter rank, which might not be possible without a legendary + weapon, SS or above hunter rank, high level boss book page and gems, and maxed moves bought
beat chapter 14, which isn't that bad, plenty of time to do campaign
have a set of the expensive RUNES that only benefit the 4 rare characters, which is super costly, probably the toughest, but possible for free to play, even though they couldn't possibly benefit from it otherwise
However, if you haven't completed any of the following 3 so far, you will be 10 points short, this is the paywall of completing this Celebration
having 20 "points" which requires buying the premium crystals , the 2 character cosmetics, which getting the lady skin won't be enough, any other skin requires payments. or a legacy weapon skin , which is DIRECTLY linked to the first one, using the points as purchase currency.
Even if you manage to complete all challenges of day 11, if you refuse to pay, you won't be getting the 70 fragments of one man show in the end
Still is possible to get One Man Show without this, but if you have been having trouble getting hunters from the banners, it will be a while before the right character rolls,
Yeah, this was to be expected
>make it through the hardest raid
I can't even make it through the easiest, with a threat level 17 character. The last shit and retard teammates don't mix
Apparently the next major thing in the game will be a Nero skin that will be obtained, which will happen to be on the last day of the One Man Show, so TECHNICALLY it will be possible to get one man show because of the nero skin, however, thats a very weird timing thing. THERES A CHANCE, but man is it a weird one considering one will have to get the runes and DmD Raid done, there is time, though. [/spoiler[
Well, you only have to beat the whole raid on difficulty 2, and then the first boss on the hardest difficulty. It just requires you to take any reward from it
>roll the vergil banner until i hit pity
>i fucking roll a dupe of the only s rank hunter i have
that was actually a slap in the face
What a strange game, feels less like a PGR/H3rd clone and more like a mediocre PS2 game with H3rd window dressing loosely attached to it. I didn't expect to get a new DMC PS2 game, I'll take it I guess
So there are 650 possible points in the Launch Celebration event and you need 630 to get OMS Dante. You get 2 missions to ignore.

new codes to try and squeeze another chance at EJ Vergil or save for DB Nero
>Turns out the meta for the raid is just Endless Judgement or Devil Crusher
>ah, but not the base versions, no the ones where people rolled 3 from the vault
>meaning If you are super unlucky, you aren't gonna be worth anything in a raid,
>even if you have level 25 legendary cards
>even if you have a legendary weapon
Ha, you need 4 combined into it,
>even if level 60
>if your Character is S, or A, and even have the Memory Corridor Buffs, your power rank will never be as high as a p2p player's

Theoretically, Its still impossible to get one man show f2p from the celebration without DIRECT assistance from 3 p2p players due to the DmD Raid.
If your strongest Character as a player who doesn't buy things is a Dante, or a Lady, you are shit out of luck.
did they announce EoS yet
Yamato vergil having both melee and ranged options in a game that separated them was always going to be horrifically unbalanced. Even basic non perfect judgment cuts in dmc3 was a broken move in a player's toolset and would have made EL vergil slightly less broken if he only had that and not perfect cuts.
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Aight so for the 3rd boss in multiplayer where the fuck do I aim the lasers? sometimes I miss cause she's doing the windup for here attack and moves at the last second, other times I hit her and nothing happens but sometimes she falls down for massive damage, what's the strat?
Gotta hit with both lasers for her to fall, one's not enough. AKA, don't play with randoms
The 2 red eye balls that spawn in the corner are always one side a multi hit shield, and a red damage shield on the other..
The team needs to co-operate and have the quick hitters hit the multi, and the hard hitters break the red damage BEFORE 90 seconds pass, in order to stun.
When the shield breaks, the red orb will fire one last blast, which will track a player closest to the orb, which that player needs to aim it to where it would hit the boss's stomach.
Both orbs need to be broken and fired at Hellfilth to put it into a stun phase, where it has damage vulnerability, unlike the other two phases, where it has resistence, and the orbs.
After the boss is around 50 bars of health, it will spawn a 3rd, GREEN, orb that will quickly try to put the damage resistence back on Hellfilth, but it won't have any shields, so just break that fast, THEN
break the red orbs.

Otherwise, you will end up only being able to do 5% every 2 minutes.
Doing this correctly, you should be doing 20-40% every 2 minutes.
Very easy to do on Devil Hunter Difficulty, Son of Sparda difficulty requires players to actually stick to their roles. Many players get carried so hard they still don't know how they managed to beat Hellfilth.
Dante must Die Difficulty Requires SSS/EX Hunters who have paid way too much to be that high level currently
Yeah, looking at the beta nero event, if it is the same in the live which it is worse considering, no f2p player will get the big prizes from the remaining OmS, or the rank up rewards for Devil Bringer and his Hell Weapon
Unless they REALLY give players a ton of unique tokens to do it all.
wait are they going to cuck f2p from a free unit again?
You can get Fists of Salvation totally and legitimately free. Simply feed 10,000 pizza into the one part of the event by itself. I am not being silly or dramatic. Each shard costs 5,000 of a currency you get at a rate of 300 per 20 pizza
If you like Fists of Salvation or Spark lady, you can get fragments with pizza or using gems to try to roll the banners, although, as
>>1388685 says, you are being forced to use the pizza for currency to play / skip a fight to get 300 currency for things that cost 1000s.
You can only get 5 devil bringer fragments from it.
The rest of the devil bringer fragments from the event requires you to have him in the first place, so just getting fragments before rolling and getting him from the banner is worthless.
Devil Bringer is needed to play half the event, and ranking him up, and the hell weapon is needed to get the rest of the rewards
The whole event about Devil Bringer, and you aren't ensured him.
Fire Boss, Fire Bloody Palace and Fire Realms and the game is burning, only people having fun are the whales.
And those who had the same luck getting Endless judgement from their first rolls
If you are unlucky like me and just not get devil bringer, you are waiting to get resources to likely get very little while being forced to wait to do the next mission in the series of nero story questline, which is locked until the day arrives, which is very different from regular story just requiring you to have the pizza

Physical Start of this game was fun, and the bonuses weren't that bad, alot of the starter reward were okay
Fire Season is miserable, and hardly anything will give you as much boost as the start did.
Whats worse is i am still seeing high level endless judgement dominate the fire oriented challenges, still.
>nero skin event finally comes out
>it's another fucking paid skin
the copium that the devs aren't jewish is real
Threw my entire stock of 10k gems at Nero, couldn't get him so I'm just sitting here without an event to play really. I'd be upset if it wasn't so funny
On Day 1, the game had promise
As it evolved, the content dries up.
The market only opened further up.
The beta characters were more fleshed out, even if they had some weird original weaponry.
This game could have been good.

If the enemies EVEN dropped items
If difficulties were selectable, and not just ranked leaderboards
If the game was less about the timer, and more about the style, or fighting well.
If the game didn't limit how long you had until to unlock the hunter you wanted

This is a Devil may cry game, if the game was always a trial or a low time bloody palace. You have to keep paying some form of currency to keep playing, or to get stronger to beat the timer.
At no point do you feel like the game wants you to enjoy it, it feels more like a difficult arcade beat em up where you just keep pushing quarters into it to continue before you miss out on the reward. The end game is just competing with the best of your difficulty bracket. Heaven or Hell, And Hell and Hell don't even have the traditional 1 hit = death mechanic, either. Once you hit the peak of the difficulty, you get nothing other than the expectation you keep scaling your gear to keep your place.

The characters are who they are, but the game heavily limits you if you don't pay to upgrade to beat the clock.
Prolly waiting for the whales that were stupid enough to cash in to leave
>Capcom mobage turns out to be garbage with a colorful coat of paint
Wow, who could have possibly seen that one coming
X Dive was actually pretty okay. People loved it to the point that they made a permanent offline version they could enjoy forever. Hell, Global is still kept alive by a dedicated batch of PVP whales.
There's a dude (possible dev) who already has new nero at EX the day he dropped. He also out damages everyone in dmd raid so much it shouldn't even be possible. And the dude who's been doing the streams really needs to stop with the code riddles and repeat the ones that were said earlier in the stream
X dive was fuckin garbage in anything that wasn't running halfway through a level and nuking everything that flew onto the screen.
You did not play the actual game before it was shut down, please stop. Megamanfans were (are) literally starved for content, that was quite literally the only thing they had and they had to put up with it.
People pretend mm11 didn't come out in 2018
the s ranks in general have a bunch of mechanics that the a and b ranks just don't get to have, and it adds up hard.

>b ranks are all basic auto attacks, one extra skill as a pause combo or using the dodge button, and a skill on a cooldown
Who's the worst S rank? I gotta give it to OMS
They also had the Battle Network collection not too long ago. Mega Man fans are entitled bitches.
>A full 8 years after the previous MM title
>A port released the same year X Dives closure

God i thought all the retards were on /v/
>hurr they got a port of some old ass cashgrab games, gawd so entitled
Only good thing to come out of xdive was the vergil dante megas and they didn't even put that shit in offline by default. Honestly a shit effort just for that.
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You know.... I kinda thought that all the crying and bitching about this game was from DMC fans having to experience gacha for the first time. And I got it, it's not exactly too pleasant having your favorite characters essentially locked out through sheer luck. I understand, but I still thought the gameplay was pretty good enough regardless. I thought that at least it wasn't like Street Fighter Duel which is absolutely the drizzling shits and by far the worst gacha I've ever played.

But man, this recent event, I kinda see what people are saying. I even have Devil Bringer Nero myself and even I find it to be horseshit that you HAVE to already have the unit itself to do an event. This is some highly fucking flagrant move here. Shoving packs and deals in our faces is one thing, but content shouldn't be hard locked like this. I've played gachas wherein the content is so hard that you need a certain unit to beat a specific event, but never something like this. And then they have the gall to lock a damn costume behind getting Devil Bringer at maxed out dupes. Who the hell other than whales are gonna do that???

It's just sad to see man. Generosity goes a long way. Are the devs really just gonna try to pinch the whales as much as possible? This game truly has some potential. I don't want it to EoS soon. I like DMC, I'll put up with gachashit to play it on the phone, but goddamn what a sorry state this game is in.
>Generosity goes a long way.
Letting people have that choose from your 100x rolls for free would've gotten them so much good will.
This game is hella brand damage
I got One Man Show but damn, i need those fucking frags.
I'm still pissed I didn't get Royal Guard Dante
The cashgrab that sold millions.
Is V out?
He's out in CN and a youtube video in this thread has his gameplay. He and a vergil alt are the only characters we're missing so for all we know we could get them in a couple weeks or months depending on how fast they want to make money before killing the game.
From reading the thread, it seems like many anons think the game is rushing to get as much cash out of whales as it can before shutting down. It's not even been a month yet. If they were actually planning to do it like this, how long can the game realistically last? 6 months? Is it even a profitable bussiness strategy at all?
Yeah cause it looks like xdive is lukewarm in sales on offline. Don't care what roll coomers sent to taiwan
There just aren't that many options for new characters unless they do something silly like give dmc5 nero 8 alts for each breaker.

Dante at least has a million weapons and they have to give him his guns back so there's that I guess, and V is intentionally splitting shadow/griffon/nightmare apart for his gacha versions. Vergil already has all 3 of his weapons and then they added a 2nd yamato vergil that gives him a DT.

Makes one curious about how they'll handle all of this.
Finished all the chapters. I'm not getting pulled in to checking dailies so I can do slot machines for no reason. I'll probably come back for a week or something when a 1 or 2 Dante skin gets released. 3 Dante is giga cringe. Fanservice in this game only extends for itsuno secondaries.
Yeah I'm aware the only other 2 characters they could realistically add are trish/lucia, so short of milking nero, dante and vergil even more, it makes me wonder what kind of dev would look at a source material that has literally 7 playable characters and think "yes this will make for an adequate long-lasting cashcow in the gacha model". They can always add more skins and maybe nelo angelo but I can't see this being profitable beyond 2 years in the best of cases, and the game being unfinished, unpolished and greedy doesn't help.

Skullgirls mobile operates in a similar basis (the same base characters over and over and each version of them has a different color/element/ability), but skullgirls at least has 18 base characters compared to 7 here, and is nowhere near as predatory.
In the beta Dante had an Ice Axe so they're willing to make something new to limp this just a bit further
Wasn't the axe just DmC's arbiter with a different element?
Probably, I didn't pay that close attention
The axe weapon was closer to a fusion between Nevan and DmC's axe. Probably meant to be a way of having more noob friendly attacks and then letting you switch to do nevan's more unusual gimmicks.
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>DMC has a mobile or gacha game at all
reminder that the only nero boss fight in the whole series is locked behind a 2010 iphone port of DMC4 and it got delisted.
you will own nothing and be happy
Agni & Rundra when?
There's various stuff they could definitely do.

There's Nelo Angelo Vergil.

There's Dark Slayer style Dante from DMC4.

There's Trish, who's gonna be waifubait alongside Lady who's probably gonna get another variant cause she's waifubait as well. There's also Lucia to squeeze some more waifubait.

There's enough stuff to prop out for quite a while IMO. They could even do Sparta himself of course.

all codes only last 24 hours so having to stalk the discord for them daily sucks
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Peak of Combat outsold PGR and HI3 on mobile. PC versions don't get counted in this, for any of the three games but there's no reason to believe the spending ratios would be much different
nyo…we were supposed to bomb so that they’ll immediately give us micro bikini lady and trish(and lucia i guess) before EOS
wishful thinking, you will get different color coat dante and lady with hat with nothing different other than higher stats
Trish on debut is 100% going to be the Electric DMG Dante/Trish moveset
NGL, the game is shit but still got that addicting factor, despite being Honkaislop.
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>Hunter Pass dried up
>will only refresh is more than 12 days
They took down DMC3SE and vanilla 4 from the Steam store front, so they can try to get more people to play Piss of Combat
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>two thunder DMG vergils
First month hype no doubt, if it maintains that momentum then we have a winner. It's not even beating Ever Crisis which is even worse in how money hungry it is.
Look, this game is going to EoS spring 2025 I'm not calling it a winner. I just think it's funny to point out to the anons here and even on the official discord who claimed PoC to just be PBGR: But Worse. Also, the FF7 game was always going to outsell the DMC game in basically every timeline regardless of the quality of either game
Count Thunder looks kinda fun, though i agree. They should have slapped him a fire/ice DMG version of Vergil.
They had to. Nomadic is pretty ass for every thing but pvp
my favorite combo, swipe credit card into stinger
Any coomer stuff?

V may or may not be immediately after nero goes away based on how fast nero showed up after they posted devil bringer trailers.
The skins are all we have.
Devil hunter Dante and Voltaic Vergil have Open Chest Skins.
Lady is pretty much the peak of it. Frosty Grace has open chest vest skin
The summer Swift Arsenal Skin has so much leg.

The Banshees with tummy teeth are the only notable female demon. The Harp demon is more rage inducing then attractive, considering she is the single mother of Demons. Nevan has gotten more conservative, but you might like it if she starts kissing you. That cunny demon final boss that no one really talks about at the end is a weird one. Trish hasn't been sighted yet, so who knows yet. HellFilth has the same issue as Nevan, as well as looking like the Succubus from DmC , DMC.

Only the guys look good in this game, and i don't know many Fujos playing this game.
OR they aren't really quality now.
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>no playable Trish
>you fucked up my face
Trish was shown at the end of a trailer released around the time of the games release.
People are assuming she's coming after v and count thunder vergil.
Soto anyone still playing hours from now Devil Buster and Fists of Salvation are rotating out of the banner and event.

Replacing will be V and Frosty Grace, with a similar event for V like Devil Buster.
If anyone properly timed their remaining pulls left till pity ,after failing their first for Devil Buster, or before, you should be able to Get V, and all the benefits having V will do, if not... you likely took too long of a break, or got out of here when you had the chance.
Ice Realm will show up, and new boss hunt Phantom and Bloody Palace where using Ice Characters will benefit you. Reminder that Swift Arsenal is a Hybrid Typing, she synergizes with Ice, even though she isn't an Ice damage type. V will benefit using the same cards Frosty Grace does. If you jump in early enough, and are strong enough to have ice characters, being the first to complete realms will greatly give you boosts if you are on that.

I hate this game, but even just playing it free to play is enjoyable. The big issue is for every new thing added you are neglecting old characters for new characters for the current event, when all characters can have a role if equipped properly.
The way they balance it is after they hit the last type after like 1 and a half seasons they go back to the first, in which then you are back to leveling up the old characters you used in the beginning with new events that help boost your old things.
Although, when the new realm gets into game, the first 10 to run through the missions will get more rewards than anyone else, so unless you are endlessly pulling shit to get the ex nonsense, or level 4 star weapons, you still have a chance to get to the milestone rewards before the whales.
So long as you HAVE the ability to get the right pity rewards.

We might be here in the long run now.
The Grind is real, but if you like optimizing their characters, and revisiting after playing long enough, it hits the odd itch.
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Make Arkham playable and I'll pig your shitty debt sim.
You expect soul from a cash grab? suffer the fate of funimation subs.
Ah, btw, in around like, 1 hour and 43 minutes, the servers would be down for an additional 4 hours before the update,so be sure to do what you want before the time for down time.
>server under maintenance
I was able to get V and his Exclusive Hell weapon F2P from my pity rolls this season. I missed out on endless judgement, pulling fists of salvation at the first legend, and being unable to get enough rolls to pull Devil Buster.

V is STUPIDLY powerful.
He isn't in Pvp yet.

Nightmare's attacks outside of the DT summon TRACK.
When you activate nightmare in the DT, he has trouble chasing enemies that retreat. The attacks are hard hitting and hits every demon around. You are able to maintain the DT if you keep the book out as he fights, as he pulls hard aggro, you can just have him out as long as you keep hitting things.

You are able to kill bosses without going to their last hp bar with the Cane Stab.
Both Raids he is probably able to compete with Endless Judgement as a great team carry for a heavy armour breaker

He even has cane an enemy to death, or royal fork, at S+ rank if you have nightmare fully freeze them without the hp requirement.
This game's balance is hilarious, no one believed in V, and now he is gonna be a threat to all demons now that he isn't gone forever.
>cant even start ice realms if you didnt roll ice lady or v
bruh the first 10/20 can be auto’d by the really janky auto button, just let me do it and get gems to hit the pity so i can actually grab my second ice unit
This game does have a weird content lockoff according to luck.
When it comes to certain content, if you don't get lucky with rolls, you won't be able to play it.

Game starts you with 2 physicals, and a fire.
First banner could give you a 3rd physical, however, the A ranks were an Electric, another physical, or a Fire.
The Beginner Banner gave a Legendary Hunter, which was a tossup Between Frosty, OmS, or FoS
Second Banner gave fires, but introduced a progression where you NEEDED the specific pull, as well as the epic or legendary fire to enter the fire realm.
Not getting frosty from prior seasons, is bad luck as there isn't an A rank pullable for Ice Realm. As well as V's content.

If you have all the A rank hunters AT LEAST, you can enter Physical, Fire, and when it comes out, Electric.
Ice really is a Legendary Hunter roadblock.
Rng can benefit, or screw players depending on how their banners go.
tfw stuck between choosing to grind cards to make V stronger or doing the event for lady fragments
>take v to the new coop raid on SOS difficulty despite not being fully built
>at around 10/100 bars of hp left the checkmate sign appears and v just instakilled it with royal fork
>DMC title card has Suzi saying it
Damn didn’t think he’d worm his way into this that quickly
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>eventually hit the pity on the weapon banner
>hope i get v's weapon
>rolled a hell gauntlet when my only fist user is devil crusher vergil who's at level 1 and he's not going to be useful for 3 weeks until physical season starts again
>i burned those rolls just to guarantee the next hell weapon if i ever somehow get 90 more rolls for that banner
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>Count Vorgil is also getting a banner
>before Trish
Goddamn, Nomad really left a bad taste on people.
>Nomad really left a bad taste on people
He's a pure nig in PvP.
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Assuming the chinamen won't add back the old combat, how could they reintroduce weapon switching in the current gameplay?
Character swapping is technically both weapon and style switching, just with annoying restrictions. A team of devil crush/nomadic/endless vergil is just a worse version of playing him in special edition. A team of 3 dante's is the same.
royal guard dante actually gets fucked if any boss inflicts burn that you have to dodge to remove because you just cant clear it unless it goes away by itself.
Faye sexo
those are the exact same puzzles from they put in chapter 10.
Today unlocked a new benefit which is like the puzzle one, but you make tokens out of resources to get prizes such as red orbs, or if you get all of them, gems.
Limited number of times you can produce these tokens, and daily challenges you get boxes that give 1 of the 4, with the perfume being the rarest of the drops.
You can request from any friends to get things, and you can get a reward if you give one of your own, although it won't be the same.
So make friends, request easy to give things, produce tokens, cash them out.
Simple, but doesn't really give anything unique.
Probably helpful for leveling or early gathering for new units upcoming.
Tomorrow for NA servers, there will be a new hunter pass, The next Bloody Palace, The Next Boss Hunt, a new season for the Sky Arena, and whatever else is in store.
New Debter Pass is up
Get to sloppin' pigs.
Skip to 07:44 and tell me if Peak of Combat will scratch the itch that Pinnacle of Combat would've scratched.
Capcom managed to squeeze Mega Man X DiVE by just focusing on X and Zero... and sometimes Axl as much as they could, even the collabs ended up being just X and Zero cosplaying, then they just released lesser units as S-Rank units (basically old weak units on steroids)
After the original servers shut down, NebulaJoy decided to keep milking their global server by... releasing S-Rank version of lesser units on the gacha!
So, congratulations Devil May Cry fans, you got a mobile game that NebulaJoy will attempt to milk to the ground.
At least we'll get an offline version of this too
Pray that someone is keeping the APK pre combat "overhaul" otherwise, it would be easier to just decompile both DMC3 and 5
So they’re rushing all the banners and we already know count thunder is right after V goes away, but what’s their plan once CT vergil is done? Will they just loop the 3 banners, or will they jump into new stuff like trish?

Spending 6 straight weeks on events also sucks cause if you didnt finish the main story before the events started, its an entire month of just not grinding story for gems or slots because you’re trying to get as many event rewards as you can.
imagine Trish having to wait behind 4 vergil-related banners.
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>Trish gets delayed
>Thunder DMG Lady banner appears after Count Thunder
Come home DMCbabs
is the new vergil good
Very Good but he doesn't reach his true potential until ss otherwise he's just plain good
Never ever...
rather just boot up 4 se
why is devil may cry shit again?
Itsuno's too busy working on DD2
This is developed by a chink company
Inafune would have done the same if he was still around, especially the NFT nonsence.
Itsuno left us to dead, cuz we didn't like all the V sections in DMCV+SE.
They should at least let us see that delicious Trish ass >>1412422 before the game EoS'
Also, does anyone have a feeling Trish is just gonna debut as another Phys DMG Gauntlet user?
Lol Trish is gonna be Season 2 at this rate
She'll get a split between physical fister and thunder sword or they'll thunder projectile since that missing
Almost as if it's just dmc4 trish
welp, at least I'll be able to roll a royal guard this time.
V getting another variant
Rename this game to Vergil of Combat at this rate lole
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It used to be Devil May Cry.


Now it's Bootleg Honkai Impact 3. And it's way more expensive.
The fact you can't even do cool taunts with these variants is stupid
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post characters you hope to play before the inevitable EoS
Buddy, they have already found and have the biggest whale on standby. Now they will just milk him with variants of the same character. Companies have a whole department for just tracking the biggest whale and contacting them when their spending goes down.

If you aren't that whale then you don't matter.
that v is apparently going to be permanent rather than another limited. people in the official discord were saying his stats reflect it too.
Big one (very likely)

Optional (not sure how much money they would even generate after accounting for production costs, their lower popularity or the current state of the game)
>nelo angelo
Trish will be a step up only character
i dont know if they intentionally added it early but the new V is already in the gallery and you can already try him out in the training trials.
oh wait no it was definitely unintentional, he actually feels like he's missing moves, and the final combo exam straight up shows the wrong video(it plays an endless judgment combo video for me).
So charasmatic/shadow V is just dmc5 V if you decided to only use shadow and ignore griffon/nightmare, but with less moves.

This makes fighting air enemies iffy because shadow just has the same basic air attack from 5, and i cant tell how high it can go to chase something like the coop griffon/bird boss.

His DT is weird because without nightmare, they had to invent something new/take from somewhere else. It’s called doppleganger and summons 2 shadows, one that functions exactly like a doppleganger style/vergil doppleganger and one that behaves on its own.

What kills the DT is that unlike eternal nightmare V, you cant use the book to extend the duration of it. It automatically burns your entire dt bar and uses its own timer.

I don’t know how well he’ll function with actual proper gear, and he’s a physical type so that might affect him too, though he has a passive to buff lightning damage when he’s in your team so i guess lightning can use him.
He's unfinished in game if you want to see how he truly plays watch thr trailer
oh wait, i forgot to mention. the s+ passive that lets you do non lethal checkmates as nightmare v is a default move as shadow v, but its weaker to compensate for having it immediately.
>agni/rudra dante
>a new vergil and lady
trishfags gonna be starving for a long time
reserved for step up when the game is on it's deathbed
Agni Rudra will definitely be an SSS Limited Fire. Maybe part another element unless they just decide Wind is nothing in this game
Lady likely might be Electric just so one exists or another physical
Fire Vergil For the Fire inside.

Waiting for new content, although the cycle of the modes you can play aren't too bad.
Cosmetic skins are very much more slow rolled other than the hunters with the 2 skins that come for the SSS Limited ones and weapon.
The secondary random Subevents that show up in the start and middle of banners definitely are either good, or do nothing but gather resources for the banner to come to level them up quicker, and the occasional skin.

Not sure if there will be a character never played in a dmc game to be selectable as a hunter, but if there is, definitely could raise Brows.
please play all the numbered games again. there's no way it's going to be fun enough. play 3 with the all styles mod. play 2 for real. Five is so fucking good I just bought it again for special edition on steamdeck there's no way this will be nearly fun.
This game isn't fun. The slaves are stuck though, already invested time. The main gameplay loop is anti fun
There's also just nothing to do outside of weekly coop, and DH/SOS are easy but DMD is hoping whales join you.

Events are just running through a basic stories that are so barebones that there's no discussion to have. Both V and Vergil have the same format of seeing visions of them/dante dying to demons and saying "that won't be my future". Once that's over all you can do is burn your whole stamina sweeping for currency, and MAYBE 10 challenge stages if you rolled the event unit and can quickly build them up so they're not deadweight.

With a built team(or rolling the limiteds/weapons), bloody palace goes by so quick that floors take seconds. Realm conqueror is like the actual bp cause it goes up to/past 100 floors and keeps getting harder/grindier.

Boss hunt is slapping a sponge and you either just aim for the most damage you can do/be a whale that can instantly kill the bosses.

Slots is something you do once you slowly buy skip items from the guild shop so there's no gameplay there. You'll go crazy doing it manually to drain stamina cause hitting level 80 makes it take longer from the increased enemy hp.

Secret archive is nice but that's once a month and memory corridor is a one and done.
They had 0 budget for this game. Even the voice actors talked about it

It is all extents and purposes just a capcom cashgrab like duel
Seen a dude brag about spending 4k on this. Dude was actually bragging about his bank freezing his account. He's also a mod for the discord from what he types in global chat.
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a single person can outsell some of the servers for this game
Praying Crapcom doesn't actually axe it but give it to a better and japanese developer, so we can see some good Lady cheesecake.

Yes, I'm insane and naive.
Who's the new Lady? Don't tell me >>1410469 fucking jinxed it.
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i warned you about capcom, bro
Where did you get that from?

there's someone that posts monthly gacha revenue on reddit but i dont know how accurate it is. and not sure abput that cn server revenue.
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>Vante is real
The new Lady has her Kalina Ann.
Likely getting her own banner too lol
>didn't get count vorgil's exclusive weapon
>instead got the mid ass hell weapon
yup, it's ogre.
>Capcom treat their workers better than outsiders and customers/fans
The absolute state.
Nippon first.
Here's to another 5 vergil banners
>casually mogs pay to combat

>they actually messed up when shadow v was put into the game early a week ago cause it didn't have the limited tag
>both V's are limited
>messed up
i mean, they are scummy enough to suddenly turn a non limited into a limited.

Also the event for new v is weird because he's the first new support unit but its an event where you dont have a free team in the story to see how good/bad he is at supporting the other characters. He isn't meant to be soloing stuff and feels like shit by himself. All of the previous limiteds were power houses and those had full teams when they could solo their chapters easily compared to V feeling like he shouldn't be alone.
On the bright side, Trigger Game is pretty fucking good.
I think someone leaked DMC6 in my region
So is Bazooka Lady gonna be Fire DMG again or is there gonna be a catch?
I can totally see her getting bundled with Hell Samurai Vergil/Vante but goddamn, they might wanna do a rerun of Salvation Dante.
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Eh, it's still making decent revenue so it probably won't be axed for a while. If they release something that makes people actually spend money like Trish or more coom bait Lady it could last a couple years. Only downsides are the prices, script is the worst I've ever seen in a gacha, gameplay worse than 1.0, retards keep disconnecting during co-op raids. I predict it'll last 3 years.
Endless Meme rerun is the next banner
>weekly DMD raids
>get kicked from rooms even though I pick good team comps above recommended strength
>get into room finally
>retards don't know mechanics for the fights
>retards disconnect and give up when the slightest thing goes wrong
>retards don't revive someone and the entire team ends up wiping as a result
>retards go afk
>say fuck it I don't care and try SOS instead
>the exact same things happen
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Anyone got a quick rundown on how card stats work? I'm trying to buff my trash-tier One Man Show.
What does "Overall DMG" do? Is it universal DMG or just anything that boosts ATtacKs and CRiTicals?
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The co-op challenge raids are full of snooty retards and ragequitting Vergil variant players that remove your ass or quit if they didn't get revived like once, it's fucking terrible.

Also I've noticed nobody bring any fucking gold orbs, the fuck is up with that?
it’s just more damage

unironically hope you can solo a good portion of coop and the third boss isnt worth the stress if it fails
trash game honestly, why is switch the only dmc that shipped with co-op and actual good features?
Overall dmg is just all damage. So it boosts any elemental damage + crit damage.
It's really annoying to revive during Baal since he can stunlock with icicles or stand on top of the body so you can't reach them. It's a bit unreasonable to expect to be revived 100% of the time when that shit can happen. Co-op is a fucking headache but it's the only stable way of getting legendary and hell weapons, I hate it.
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I think they just hinted there's going to be yet another V variant with just Geryon.

Trishbros? It's fucking over.
>V universally considered the least fun of DMC5
>give him three fucking variants in this game
why did they do it
gonna add fuel to the fire that Phantom mentioned that he turned down on V's offer to be his familiar twice in Old Vision.
Scroll down to the end if the video.

Fire DMG V could be happening too, unless that's just them saying the idea was pitched then scrapped by Capcom editors.
That could also be a reference to their fight from the visions of v manga for 5, in which case I'm really confused that they decided to bring that up.
Did that ever finish?
Sorta? It takes place before/during the prologue when nero loses to urizen, slowly covers the story of 5 from V's perspective while fleshing him out, and then it ends when vergil comes back but doesn't get to the actual ending of the game.
Sky Arena is getting a "Death Match" mode.
Anyone know what could that be?

if it's Power Stone May Cry, this could actually save Piece of Chit a few more years lol
Devil Crusher if he good
Yeah like >>1427594 said it ended years ago. It has some backstory for Vergil during his and Dante's childhood, Vergil's trauma during his time as Nelo Angelo but other than that it's just DMC5 told through V's perspective and ends when Vergil returns. Worth a read if you're a massive Vergilfag or care a lot about DMC's story/plot/lore.
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>100-Summon is completely back

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I curiously did it just now, and the price was kicked down to $30 lol
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>literally only way to get my Salvation Dante to EX quicker without waiting for a focus banner
shit sucks
It's just reskinned Ranked Mode, now it's not behind the shitty default balancing.
holy shit, after two months, there's finally time to actually grind up cards instead of just sweeping?
Also it's really short too. You'll be able to get to the top easily if you got a good rank and weapon.
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V gameplay confirmed mid
Itsuno better take a hint and go back to making more DMCs

Jokes aside, is that for real? I haven't paid any attention to DD2 but I've seen a lot of threads and video recommendations for it, I thought it would have been ok. What's the problem? Bug-ridden on release? Any woke shit? Worse than the 1st?
DD2 is getting huge slack for prepatched bullshit, excessive DLC off the bat, very minimal vocations, etc etc
>Any woke shit?
Aside the Body Typing shit, can't make ugly lolis/shortstacks anymore. :(
>ugly lolis/shortstacks
Can you still make cute lolis/shortstacks?
>was 1 chip of HP away of beating Frank's ass in style
What a total fucking nig.
FINALLY did it
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at least it's not fighting this stupid cat per 15 realms.
You're not gonna like Frank on Floor 150
Make sure you have SS Count with you there.
Next Banner is going to be another week long,, with Devil Buster and Fists of Salvation again.
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>Fist of Salvation
As someone who didn't get EX Salvation, that's fine by me, i guess.
Is DB worth upgrading to SS or EX? I already have him at S+ because I just like Nero.
Also does anyone know if there's any more leaks besides the new Lady, Vergil, and Dante?
DB EJ and CT are top tier
As far as "woke" shit goes
>Height slider doesn't go lower than 160 so no lolis or shotas
>pale skintones in the CC overall look bad compared to dark ones
>If you hire all male pawns they will speculate that you're gay
>If you hire all female pawns they will speculate that you're a pervert
>If you hire all beastren pawns they will speculate that you're a furry
A lot of the female presets have bizarre facial asymmetry and are ugly as a result, but I don't know if you could call that woke. I think they just face scanned in real people since it's the RE Engine.
Devil Buster shits out a ton of damage, he's super good.
>Also does anyone know if there's any more leaks besides the new Lady, Vergil, and Dante?
Not at the moment, the only damning leak we got was Agni & Rudra Dante and Hell Samurai/Fire DMG Vergil unfortunately.

Praying someone leaks why Trish hasn't released yet.
The Community Manager said whenever Trish comes out, she is gonna rival Count Thunder in terms of the damage department., which he then exclaimed he PROBABLY shouldn't have said that. However, he also said before that the next NEW hunter will be something that hasn't been in any other Devil may cry game, unique to this one. Which, he didn't explain who it was, other than it wasn't the boss character, Frank.
>the next NEW hunter will be something that hasn't been in any other Devil may cry game
Huh. I wonder if they mean a completely new character or just someone who hasn't been playable before... Sparda maybe?

next dante is ice dante with an axe, and i don't think it's using DmC's axe as a base so it might count as the unique new thing.
So basically MagicWeave Dante?
Also they really should have threw in DmC Dante for more fujobucks
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bros I feel bad when I spend money on this shitty game
how do I stop
even dealing with dd2's bad port is a way more enjoyable use of time/money
Same, is this what it feels like to be a whale?
lmao let's not get that carried away.
nice try itsuno but I'm not buying your game until the performance patch comes out
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The moment I saw NebulaJoy's name on this thing I stayed the fuck away. They literally kept dragging their version of X Dive out while X Dive Offline was right there in the fucking app store. Some of the most predatory in the biz and on top of that they're also super defensive about accusations about that being flung at them.
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Well, its a weapon Dante hasn't particularly ever wielded before.
An ice greataxe which the head can detach and reattach.
First SSS limited Dante with the first greataxe weapon, being the third true ice hunter.
Has the longest reach of a hunter that doesn't shoot out consumed projectiles.
Anyone with both Frosty Grace and Eternal Nightmare may now have a crisis on who to replace in their lineup
EoS by 2026
so the Weapon Pack thing is permanent?
the lack of Trish is killing the game LOL
is Cerberus off limits?
Genuine question. Why are they only giving us DMC3 Dante alts? They put out units for DMC4 Nero and DMC5 and 3 Vergil so why can't they do the same for Dante? I'd actually spend money if they released DMC1 Dante or DMC5 Nero.
The ideal team is going to be all 3 S rank ice characters with swift arsenal getting the boot because SA is used just for its passive and nevan's passive on ultimate attacks which you could just give to frosty grace if you really want that effect.

likely just to reuse the face. Adding 1/2/4/5 dante would require making a new face/body instead of just an outfit.
no clue, but finally got a free Hell Weapon for Nomad
Legendary weapons are so hilariously trash
>game underperforms 2 months in
>game starts to become forgiving as fuck, putting up passes and new point items to purchase
jokes on em, i been saving up point for a while now
Yeah I thought it was funny they put out a gem pass for the elemental realms, and of course the big gems are paid only. Unfortunately for them Trish and leaked Lady are all I care about so I'm just saving for now.
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WHAT is the FUCKING point of running DMD raids when I get drops like THIS
Lol, i already got all the EoD i needed.
No need for shitty raids.
Eternal Nightmare returning midseason of Destined Executioner, lasting 7 days after DE's end. Ice Season for most this month.
Good time to grind up Ex Dante and Frosty i guess.

Is Hell Samurai and Ladyhiemer delayed?
>JP region finally being released in 12 hours
Wonder what took them so long, I know in JP gacha games you need to show the % of drops due to law.
And other small things.
Just kinda curious to why it took them so long to release.
LOL they haven't got the game yet?
Nope, set for 11am JST, live in japan, couldn't even download the global version which makes me wonder why it was so delayed.
I'm looking forward to play with the insane Japanese players at least
Are they going to be on the same server as global? Or isolated on their own like China?
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Nah, servers, and even the google play store game is different.
Congrats to them, they get to play a less neutered version of Devil Crusher
>new event ends with a vergil fight

All the events and the story are so weirdly written. The "plot" makes no sense and I can't understand what the hell any characters are talking about. I don't expect goty tier story and writing in a DMC game, but I've been playing since launch and I have no idea what's going on.
Nelo Angelo confirmed?
It feels like fanfiction that vaguely and awkwardly tries to acknowledge the games as canon but also avoiding directly trying to make them fit with the current plot
>try to carry baby new players in dh raid
>clear wave 1 and 2 ez
>fail wave 3 because they don't understand how the lasers work and it never aims on me
I've failed you......
So what's coming up after Destined Dante?
Also, will they feature something that could recycle useless fragments for more shit?
Count Virgin is back
>not even 4 month into lifecycle
>already recycling endless meme and count virgin
i don't feel so good bros
They have not put any proper thought into what happens once you get ex characters like the starters/A rankers and roll dupes
Boss vergil just being a normal DMC moveset compared to the actual game’s movesets feels like an insult. He even has moves from the 1.0 version that none of the current vergils have.
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She'll definitely be dropped on the week of Mother's Day, if the chinks give a shit about that.
It's a shame really that the devs shoved in the whole character change bullshit so they could milk people for more gacha dollars.
Is there any hope that we'll ever get another Nero besides DB and Knight of the Order
If not there's literally nothing I care about besides Trish and Kalina Lady
It's kinda obvious that they'll somehow make each breaker their own nero so enjoy 8 whole nero alts in the future.
New Co-Op boss is up.
It's the co-antagonist of the game.
Oh and Agni Rudra Dante's Weapons seem to be dropping now for some reason.
Seem like he's next.
*Blazing Tempest
Newfag here; typically how long is there between new characters? I'd like to save up for new Lady, but kinda want to pull on the current Vergil too.
It's random at this point. At launch they released banners for new characters one after the one, but lately there's been weeks of reruns in between new characters. Banners are usually a week to 2 weeks long. Count Thunder is very useful so I would recommend pulling for him. If I had to guess new Lady won't be until after Agni Rudra Dante and possibly fire Vergil so you should have time to save for her.
*one after the other
This game has given me brain damage I fear.
agni rudra/blazing tempest dante is apparently a fire support

actually i think every dante in the game has been a support
wonder if it's worth replacing fists of salvation dante with him or not. if not I really have no reason to roll for him.
He would probably bench spark igniter if anything.

Non s rank hunters in this game are basically filler outside of having niches like devil crusher being the best shield breaker once you get enough shards for sss/ex and knight nero being a slightly weaker devil bringer nero which still lets him shit out damage with brand stacks.
Thanks bro. Managed to get Count Thunder with a Fists of Salvation dupe along the way.
>trigger game comes back
>it feels like it was nerfed hard compared to the first run that was giving out a ton of mats/roll gems
I forgot to mention, another new boss comes along with Medea, it's a giant dragonlike knight named Parselopper.

She tends to summon it as much with Calibur and Baah, before forcing everyone to go fight super-nerfed version of previous bosses.
Yeah i fucking noticed, why the fuck the rewards is just random selection Legendary trash?

I guess I'm just grinding for the top rewards, but seems like the rates aren't as forgiving now.
eh I'll have to see how he plays I guess. my fire team is ss devil bringer, ex spark igniter, and s+ fists of salvation. I get a lot of use out of lady and nero but fos hasn't been doing much for me. maybe he'll be better if I ever ss him.
I love having the most dmg and revives during boss raids and only getting purple drops while retards that aren't even the recommended level dying all the time get hell weapons.

this game is so fucking good, I hope the servers never shut down.
i don't even bother with dmd raids anymore because i go through all that effort and all i get in return is 3 shitty purple drops and not a single legendary or hell weapon in sight
the meta is to only do dmd if a level 25/26 comes because their whale dps is so high that its a free run.
Tempest is neat
I got all the EoDs i needed, fucking done with Raids.
Only need devil arm dupes.
>event has a 2nd shop like a previous event(traveling merchant)
>the 2nd shop items didnt restock so you just cant get the rewards unless they fucking patch it
>these devs
>patching anything
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BT is mad underwhelming, only thing he does better than SI is breaking hitshields. NJ really cooked the worst character. imagine locking fire pen behind a FUCKING GAUGE
>the event merchant shop is bugged and lists everything as sold out so you can't exchange anything
That part of the event is directly reused from the count thunder event with the same gimmick, meaning that a newfag actually gets a full shop to purchase while anyone that was here for the first run has an emptied out shop.
Where is this data from?
Not that I don't trust it, I just want to look up another game.
search by game is on upper right
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Imagine if they brought this back
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>100k less last month
They won't even make it by the end of the year, ahahahaha
They just did now with a BT buff, LOL.
Unexpected but welcomed.
>this is going to die while X Dive will still live as a shambling corpse
>port comes
>it's the app running on a chinese emulator
They finally fixed the event shop, only took until the event is halfway over and the text is bugged in it
How would YOU save this game and make sure it doesn't EoS by 2025?
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>Endless Meme is back
playable Frank
>Hall of Fame
Does this just simply exist so we can laugh at the whales?
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Bring back Pinnacle of Combat
I played this game every day without fail until I got distracted and fell out of the habit. That was about two months ago. I managed to pull Electric V back at this launch. Have they added anything in the last 2 months that would be worth coming back to or did I win the game by getting out?
The #1 hall of fame guy in my server is a whale who mass refunded 15 grand and got banned. Last hall of fame message I got had someone with an incest ship as their username though, gave me a good laugh.
Lol i might do the same thing
Even if it means Crapcom will blacklist me

Any tips on getting mega refunds?
you won there's fucking nothing going on with this game other than the short campaigns the new pulls have.
You can request a refund in the apple or playstore, but it might get denied. In that case you would call your bank and have them issue a chargeback. Just tell them it's fraudulent, you got scammed, your kid got ahold of your card without you knowing, that kind of thing. Apparently the whale did it as a protest against the devs for not banning hackers on the leaderboard.
El Cringe
Apparently Pinnacle 1.4 completely shut down weeks ago
>more reruns
nigga just release trish and new lady already so this shit can eos
Nope, enjoy the reruns as we wait for Hell Samurai Virgin, Devil Sword Dante, possibly another Nevan-type Dante, and Oppenheimer Lady with a flamethrower

Then maybe Lady
nerobros it's so fucking over
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>Speed Elimation happening on the asia/jp servers
>Match up, other team goes full damage, so I select Swift Arsenal ex to shit out green orbs
>50% of the time my team member leaves
>Every other time we've won because the other team just dies
Why can't these fuckers understand that if the other team dies it's default your win
Unfortunately in co-op you have a 50% chance of playing with a cocky retard. Same as raids when you get kicked for selecting EX Lady even though she's a healing god and her damage buff for the team is insane.
looks like Lady (Light in the Dark)and Hell Samurai Virgil is coming after all

Lady will be the first Light type character, get ready for more book grinding
I'm nicknaming him Beyblade Virgin.
Didn't the dev say she was going to be Electric?
The new Vergil looks to be the same too.
What fucking took them so long????
am I retarded of this video shows nothing about lady
Probably meant trish
I was retarded sorry.
Saw this shit in the early morning.
Keep in mind Endless Judgement had a bit of electrical shit in their moveset.
Whatever electric stuff was seen was likely for show.
Beyblade Vergil could end up as either Dark or, worse case scenario, another Physical type hunter, if there's a connection at all.
EOS felt near so the decided they wanted a few more paychecks
It really is insane to think that this earned 1.6 million on launch, and is now down to 500-400k only a few months later. I wonder if the asia servers opening up will stave off EoS for a while.
Also, I feel like it's not worth rolling for characters when they're first released, because they've shown that they will always have a rerun a couple weeks later with discounted rolls.
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>Use controller
>Open menu
>Swap line out
>Float in the sky
>Repeat into the sky
Not really useful for anything, but still neat.

These devs don't play their own game on controller.
Keep doing it and you might net yourself some sick devil gems. ;^)
Geez did the Sonic Boom devs make this game?
I honestly think the reason why we're getting new typing is potentially a new story mode chapters.
We already got Media as an active boss and one of the events had that clock bitch talking about using the book of demons again.

Also the newest debuting boss of the game was confusing as fuck, i had to turn off auto-aim (im a phone casual, sorry) for fucking Nile.
This game was always a shitpost


Capcom really just does not give a fuck who they give their IPs too as long as its not SF/MH/RE.
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You'd be correct
he was already the voice that says “devil may cry” when you opened the game since like february/march
Why not drive the knife deeper after all
trishbros... our status...?
This gacha is a mistake, this game is EOS upon arrival… it’s over
Man, Trish fans got monkey paw'd HARD
But are they going to reuse old voice lines from the other games for combat or will the tranny voice everything? The preview he posted on his twitter sounded just like story dialogue in a game with next to no dialogue
The well is poisoned. how much doesn't matter.

tranny game
tranny franchise

forever tainted
ohnonono tranny game
>Went from pinnacle of combat good combat
>To peak of combat bad combat
>To now tranny game
It really is all downhill.

Also, is this true? I don't follow this game hard enough because I joined the JP servers which just started. I'll save you the fags video watch tldr:
>Pedos in the official discord being offered moderator
>Devs banning people for negative opinions, or demoting mods
>Ex-staff are insta banned, or if you mention ex-staff opinions
>Voices are now going full AI (JP is months behind on updates/gachas, and frankly I didn't even pay attention to the VAs because it's not the orginals)
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Look, i always knew nuTrish had that tranny look, but this is too much.
Does she know they're going to use her lines in AI like with Dante lol
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Ah, i see the designated tranny propaganda finally took hold on another NJ gacha.
Yeah, NJ is notoriously shit even amongst shit gacha devs.
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The ex-staff are the people behind the Pinnacle 1.0, they just fired them and replaced them with shitty asshole grunts who only know how to make Mihoyo trash.
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Alright, updated
This needs that 100x rolls that you had to pay for
The website store lets you put $999.99 dollars for devil gems too.
Shit's crazy.

if you have paypal, you can actually pay over this shit and get the first month free.
>in discord
totally unexpected! A real surprise, wow!
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I just became a Wuthering Waves chad.
I'm sorry DMCbros, as much as we hate giving chinks our money, they gave us good A-Action in return.

I'm so tired of meme raids and shitty nerfed PvP. It's about time I've moved on.
(Be sure to copy and paste this here so DMC fujotrannies come play our game, kek.)
Uhhh, how do i delete this??? Fuck.
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>us good
Never seen a single developer even use that discord.
It is all players / low level drones.
Discord is always a breeding ground for weird people.
Ex Staff were either whales, or people who wanted to be staff and wanted some sort of control of development, which is not the case. People managing the giveaways i doubt even credible, or its easy to just not understand.

The Person Streaming the streams is the community manager, who plays on a showcase account to show new things.
There hasn't been a new voice added to the game since Charismatic Ally, and it was just Griffon.

I don't play the game to interact with whatever hellspawn also play it.
I am only playing it because somehow my phone is able to play a game that looks like devil may cry, somewhat sounds like devil may cry.
Already been through the other devil may cry games, and this one is as close as it gets.
Get new content, albeit every 2 weeks. You don't need to personally interact with other players. You can compete with them should you wish to try to get better rewards each week, but even then, its just matchmaking. No voicechat, no personal need to interact.

Either way, people can buy things, or people can refuse to buy things and play for free. This game has a bad community, because the players want the community to be bad. Yet, surprisingly the game continues. Still makes me want to see how far this game goes, even knowing how little i don't earn due to F2P.
This game is barely existing
they tried to add voicechat in one patch but im pretty sure it was so busted that they undid the voicechat feature entirely
inb4 the tranny gets to be the VA for trish in the upcoming anime
Capcom will do anything to not have devil may cry be successful again. That scared them
They're not hiring Reuben Langdon to be the VA actually.

>It doesn’t reveal much except for the design for hero Dante, who sports a shorter haircut than he has in the games and his iconic red coat. He also appears to be voiced by a new actor, rather than series veteran Reuben Langdon.
It's gonna be trash yea and you'll like it.
Damn, Dante's dad sound like THAT?
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Oh god, she's actually electric.
Royal Guard bros ....
Here's the actual full video with aislop voice overs
>Fist and Knuckle weapons on Trish
These fucking gooks can't even get her arsenal right.
small indie ex-mihoyo team, prease understando
not anymore
they literally reused DMC1 voice lines because no new actor/ai could do it right
>Have two of the same character in my lineup
>Can't have them wear the same skin
God this is fucking stupid
3.0 will save the game from EoS, r-right bros?
>Thinking it'll last long enough for 3.0
41% chance to die pre 3.0
didn’t this game get neutered for no reason
It was to make it more inclusive
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>Fan game has more fanservice
fuck all of us
Yes, originally it was going to be more action game oriented and characters were more complete. Then they split all the characters into separate styles and weapons to nickle and dime people, turning the game into a bargain bin Honkai Impact 3rd.
They did it for money because you are not people, just cattle
The chair meme was beaten to death years ago, seeing it now does not make me feel a single positive emotion, only disdain.
Yet you play peak of combat
>mfw the three other people don't know what to do with orbs in raids
I don't know why I even bother.
Bugmen push out 2.0 which is just button mashing and paying for bigger damage, and then you get those mobile "gamers" a boss with a simple game mechanic of pop bubble when boss is charging up.
you give*
>retard who plays peak of combat insults other retard who plays peak of combat for playing peak of combat in the peak of combat general thread
play? deleted this game once I discovered shitposting here is more fun than the game.
Trish is the next banner for both the game versions now, in a twist of events, SEA servers will lack the Second V, and the Limited SSS Dantes until after this banner.
Both games getting a new Boss to fight, the same banners, the same events.
Could be an attempt to Gauge just who spends more for specific banners throughout the world, before they rerun / introduce the older less popular limited SSS for them
only different would be SEA getting Baah boss, the First servers getting the Solo boss of the Big tiddy mermaid demon that Medea had in her summon portals.
Who is going to be more difficult to fight than Medea was simply because bonus boss raid mechanics rip anyone who will want to get those pioneer rewards because there will be saboteers.
The most difficult boss in this game is falling asleep mid co-op
>Draw Sephiroth
>Make him Vergil
Every tiem
I think it's still funny, what's wrong?
Is Trish confirmed Electric or Light?
Former, sadly.
they're give it to the Gloria variant or Lucia
whatever you say retard
In the gameplay preview, I think she's like shadow v where she's physical but tehnically buffs lightning.
>jobbed under 1 (uno) minute
Yeah, she's actually both Physical and Electric.
>JP twitter pushes out a codeword "TRISH"
>Doesn't work before maint, think "oh, must be for after maint"
>Still doesn't work after maint
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Also, jp found you can just drop the current bloody palace boss off the ledge.
you can do this on global too but it won't kill the boss lol it just stays stuck down there until you quit or the timer runs out
that happens all the time during boss hunt, it just doesn't die until it eventually teleports back to the top
>trish reuses her dmc4se lines in combat
>one trailer reused dmc1 lines
>event story is unvoiced
what did they even hire the tranny for if they’re not using his lines?
Lol the loli bitch always do that, just to stall for a few attacks.
She's the absolute worst boss in the game, at least in Boss Hunt where you have to get your best guys to weaken her.
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I smell upcoming drama.
the easiest/cheese way to deal with her is with royal guard if you have it. perfect blocking her fireballs deflects them back at her and the burn debuff from them deals percentage damage to her. dont even need to level cards because rg has a passive that gives him 30k hp for free
>they introduced a new weapon type for trish even though she just uses fists so you can't just give her your existing legend or hell fists
>hire tranny to voice trish
>sounds so bad that they don't use any of the recorded lines
You know why they did it.
is it just me or trish's gameplay sucks? count thunder is all you need for electric and there's no reason to use her for phys when devil crusher and ej exist. also it's absurd her outfit is 140$.
The beef of her gameplay is locked behind SSS+, so eh.
gameplay doesn't matter
surprised Trigger Game doesn't have measures to block autoclicker apps
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>not a peep from all the bros here who were waiting for trish
yeah i'm thinking it's over
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the EoS is so imminent, either Capcom wristslap them and do something right or they wrap it up and just do the offline version anyways.
Has a gacha game ever profitted this bad so much it ended the service sooner than expected?
Suzy killed the interest (even if they didn't use any of his lines yet)
>let’s have more Vergil variants that no one ask and it should raise our revenue, right??
This gacha is EOS from the start
>give trish
>slap tranny self insert over it
The widespread Vergil memes being popular with normalfags gaslit the devs into thinking he was a money maker
He is a money maker but this isn't vergil in this game
>gameplay dumbed down for money so gameplayfags aren't interested
>story AI generated nonsensical google translate babble set in an AU so lorefags aren't interested
>moves locked behind multiple copies of characters so poorfags aren't interested
>Trish voiced by a trans e-celeb shill so Trishfags aren't interested
>Vergil, Nero, Lady barely present in the story so Vergilfags, Nerofags, Ladyfags aren't interested
>all Dante alts look the same and use the same DMC3 Dante model so Dantefags aren't interested
Besides being blatantly P2W, this game is doing so poorly because it appeals to no one except for the most hardcore/loyal fans who have been starved for content after DMC5. It would take minimal effort to correct these issues but I suspect we'll EoS before 2025 instead. Also, instead of releasing pointless winter/summer skins for $100-200, they could release proper winter/summer versions of the characters and weapons with events to compliment them, like every other gacha on the market does, because it makes money.
Finally got Trish
As expected, she's dogshit unless you didn't dupe her 3-5 times.

If Capcom cared about DMC, they'd make sure the gacha is carefully done on the financial side.
Also Parseslopper is actually a total bitch on DMD. They're weren't kidding about her being a follow up to Baah bullshit.
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Will they announce Peak of Debt's End of Service here?
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No, that's Rath's job.
You'll get a few extra months from him, that's it.
I spent 120 dollars on this shit since, but now I see the errors of my way. Should I refund now and get banned or wait for eos
I personally want to see it all burn until the very end but i wonder what's the penalty if i ask for a refund then get banned?

Will Capcom blacklist me from future products?
refund faggot
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Fine faggot
I don't know, I'll let you know when I find out. I've been playing since day 1 so I kind of wanted to wait it out too. But nothing has really changed since then so I might as well use my time and money on something else.

Good luck everyone, it was an honor
good now buy yourself something nice anon
Farewell dude. See you when the Offline Edition is announced.
For anyone that want to see this entire thing through and further rant over hiw garbage this gacha is, I'll make the new thread soon.

I'll add a TL,DR post on what happened so far so people are caught up.
They could have made more off just making a tag climax clone mode in dmc5 yet they are too incompetent to do this in a mainline game of dmc
not playing anymore but I'll be happy to check in on threads every now and then
What’s the more Judgment cut! trophy conditions?
A "Gunslinger" Dante is the rumored next devil hunter.
Took these bastards long enough. Still not going to play this trash anymore until an offline version comes.
>everyone in this thread quitting until offline version and refunding
nebulajoybros it's fucking over
I'm gonna grind up until i get all 4 dupes of CT's weapon then quit lol
>JP version doing a re-run of Endless Judgment Virgin, instead of giving us the two dantes
Real slop
One of the earlier F2P players here. Finally got Count thunder to SS, i now see the appeal.
Trish at S, is still unique compared to the other hunters. Due to her ability to QTE to any hunter of any kind, and when her QTE trigger happens, there is no longer a switch cool down, even on the hunter she QTE'd from. You can easily rotate to other hunters or abuse those switches very quickly. If using her combos to do that, you will need to just hit the final midair attack after you are spinning from her gauntlets, or for enemies that don't get launched, just use the pause Sparda Combo.

Asia getting their First Rerun of Endless Judgement, Global getting their first Double Rerun of Destined Executioner, and Eternal Nightmare, both with the 5 part Plan, along with the first Dice game and another Deathmatch rerun.

I guess i am one of few poverty players who just still has fun with it, granted 5 months of playtime does get you quite much if you just stick to the daily grind.
>pride month
>trish latched onto by shemale porn actress
>game dies
this is not crazy

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