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Thread for the best gaycha out there. Now in English!
I think you mean the best disconnection simulator now in English.
It plays just fine tho
Prepare what little earth element characters you have for the upcoming event.
Free welfare earth healer with burst heal cs.
Patrossi is okay.
Excalibur (earth) alt is still meta in the JP servers.
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I think the earth pig is cute
Good thing earth is probably the element with the best meta/F2P friendly ratio with Oguma Sergio Conrad and others, actually might not be just chance the first event is earth but man my team is not ready for the event
>bara game
>mostly furfag shit
can this not be the case just one fucking time
bara doesn't sell
furry and shota does
accept that and cope instead of whining in every fag thread
Are there Kemoshota games in english?
I literally just took the time (since you won't) to count all non-furry characters vs furry ones from the wiki and there's 115 non-furry vs 64 furry so wth are you even on about, if it's gay take for granted there's gonna be furries and cope with it, actually better for you cuz you can then save for who you want, but quit whining about something that's not even true dude
What is the best use of raid coins? Saving up for something big or just buying useful mats?
If you're talking about EX+ coins, SSR weps, if you're talking about normal raid orbs, sacreds > Sacred keys > sacred weapons > universal SSR keys (monthly) > other mats
Highest difficulty only recommends 38k power level. You should be more than fine if you've been playing since launch.
>game needs update!
>I update it
>game needs update!!

So, what do I do now?
erolabs shill? where's the assistance?
Wait a couple more hours, they were likely lazy and didn't account for a maintenance message.
Maintenance started an hour ago.
It should end in 2 more hours anyway.
I saw the event shop tab before I got booted out.
Update is live, is rolling for the limited chars worth it? They don't appeal to me so are they at least strong?
Excalibur alt is still good.
But really, this is literally a porn gacha.
Even the idea of limiteds don't mean shit here for the actual appeal. Look at the designs you like, see if the personalities attached aren't grating, and look up their datamined sex scenes to see if you won't dislike the kink involved. Even if it's non limited, if a soulmate or artifact appeals, roll for it. Otherwise save since what else would you play for? The gameplay with a sixth of the endgame crashing the game each time you play?
Ok, still happening. Genius devs.
funny enough i'm actually rolling for the actual character later
extra+ host drops are in the game, and naturally bugged to shit btw
I can't really compare to anything else as I've only read up to chapter 1 as of now, but I just finished reading the event story and I really liked it, the translation was on point and being able to understand everything makes it easier for characters to grow on me now personality wise, not only visually as it used to in JP, making scenes too even more enjoyable
New event's already up. Hope you got your 3 clears per event boss quest because the devs capped the attempts per day like the JP version, and getting the yellow materials for the event shop is a slow agonizing grind without them if you're relying on the normal event quests.
jesus christ the welfare cat is fucking jacked
i thought he was a twink
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In JP I just skipped the hardest level to get all the prisms in one day lmao just for it to be enough to outbuy the shop
>if you're relying on the normal event quests
why not relying on the hard ones tho, they're actually not that hard
Yeah he's hot. Saw it in erolabs ad. Istg if this ad had been uncensored like the other MC one I would've gone insane. We're closer than ever to have an uncensored gaycha now barabros.
Oh, I didn't phrase that right but I meant the hardest event quest that isn't a boss fight.
>JP I just skipped the hardest level to get all the prisms in one day lmao just for it to be enough to outbuy the shop
Was the 3-attempt cap not programmed in at the time? It's pretty annoying that I'm locked out of it until reset.
Locked out of what? I believe it's thought in a way that doing all the daily attempts and nothing else gives enough drops to out buy the shop. That doesn't mean you can't out buy it if you miss one, two, or many more days, tho, since you can still get rewards from other stages unlimitedly, but with less drops. So mising gaily tries just means you'll need more AP to buy stuff, nothing more than that, but given you can also buy AP from the shop that's still okay. You still need to do (15 I think it was?) quests to get your daily 25 gems.
Locked out of each of the event boss fights after 3 fairly easy attempts, I mean.
Idk, it still doesn't look like a big deal for me, but if you're concerned about not being able to get everything I would say for the prisms just buy the SSR ticket shards, then the SSR free weapon, then the rest and lastly the gay chest which is the most expensive thing there and honestly not even that good
Really? I thought the 3 types of exp items would be low priority compared to the chest since they're essentially infinite from the expeditions but that's good to know, thank you.
know where i can find the datamined cgs?
Unironically the first English discord, not any of the official ones.
Why would you ever think the official server would support the sharing of content that's supposed to be obtained with currency
But >>1373207 no need to join the discord, just find them here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ex1JZsZCQ3yH_sbKoHbgFzwiHY4ZDA-p
Or here https://hitomi.la/gamecg/crave-saga-~shinban-no-doushi~-2752077.html#1
Those two links are actually not up to date.
Drive moreso.
>he literally wrote "not any of the official ones"
>you replied with "Why would you ever think the official server would..."
brain damage on display
yea I know but the christmas ones are there and are kinda recent so it's better than nothing at all
I knew I was gonna get misunderstood the moment I phrased it like that, but all I meant is that by how >>1373231 said "unironically", it sounded to me as if he thought it would've been okay for the CGs to be in the official server, and I just pointed why I believe why they wouldn't be. We all know they aren't there anon.
Was this picture made to look inappropriate in a thumbnail?
Is it worth doing the normal boss? I've just been farming the two hard bosses.
You get the runs separate, so yes. 3 each, so 9 total over 6 bosses which you have been doing. I personally skip the bosses since I can and FA event 12 fight. And I've been doing this day 1, and I'm at 152/760 earth materials and 24.7k/149k sweet tarts. That's not to brag but to show every bit counts since if you want to clean out the shop, it's a lot.
>maintenance to "fix" server issues
>raids freeze more often now
well hopefully the adamus bugs are fixed but I'll find out soon enough
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I wish chinks would stop friending me.
Most of the humans are genuinely ugly in homoges, so it's understandable. Especially bad in Crave, because of how hard they lean into the
>Element = this is their entire color scheme designs

I can count on two hands the somewhat decent human designs, but the furries get a better pass, because of their fur/scales, but even they can be pretty bad.
Finally got through my hundreds of overflowing raid RP. I'm exhausted.
>the line "ladies and gentlemen" is uttered in the current event

I know the translation is unsurprisingly bad and inconsistent but they could at least not forget the main and important fact that women don't exist in Crave's universe and the people don't even know what that word is.

The translation is all over the place. They can't decide if they want to call Ex as the Sword of Light or Holy Sword. The translation in the raid stories are outright garbage. I haven't bothered reading the character stories yet but they're probably bad too.
I tapped through the story for cute cat twunk simping for MC (all i got was one), so I missed it.
I should keep an eye on the stories just for translation hilarity like this.
Is it me or did the character designs steadily improve over time on the JP version?
I mean, guess makes sense from a business perspective to tell artists to not blow their load and do their best work on a pitiful R/SR permaunit at the very start. See the initial roster from other gachas.
Look at Joe's profile.
Some of Dragalia's better artwork were actually from launch.
Funny you say that, because most launch designs were just recycled from rage of bahamut/knights of glory, so they weren't even DL original.
No, I'm referring the art quality. It went downhill hard after the second anni.
Dragons were still fine but adventurer art quality went down.
It doesn't look too important for me. Even if women don't exist they probably didn't even notice, as I doubt it's an error caused by a lack of proofreading in machine translation, because that error was probably not made in Jp, so it's gotten to a point where I don't care if the translation is (not too) bad as long as it's been done by actual people. It's just an expression in the end.
Honestly only the raid ones are bad, and they don't even look poorly translated, just somehow accidentally cut out from what it originally was supposed to say whether by the ADV engine or a human error. Really. the translation for the event was really good and understandable for natives and ESLs too. They even used the word "mightn't" which also I soubt was put by a machine translation and not by a human.
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aaaaaaand 80!
EW. The fucking shotashit?
The game gives me the gameplay shota, I use the gameplay shota
Such is the way of gacha
>actively playing a game with shotas and complaining about it
Are you a retarded leftist westerner???? These games aren't for your vaccinated politically correct kind.
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>>1144098 (me)
>Can now read the context of the Defrecht's CG from many months ago
>It was just a healthy visit to a brothel all along
It was a lot more tame than some of my headcanons.

I don't have any interest in following porn games or live service games anymore, but it's nice that a ENG translation came out even it's not perfect.
He's meta for a little bit in global and this is a metaslavery game just like GBF, so cope or adapt.
>Remaias offers a fuck or die situation to his slaves and fucks until the slave's anus bleeds
>Leon gets visited by his dead mentor ghost to have sex with.
Post more insane CG situations from this game.
Anon wtf. It's okay to enjoy a shota character in a porn game, even when you wokefags won and managed to remove his scenes, so stop with that bigot wokey argument if tht's what you come for
I wish we got kemoshotas, shitsamo has so many, but I don't think Crave has any. Human shotas in this game just look ugly as fuck.
Honestly they should get a really good artist for that that actually draw shota almost exclusively, because the ones that currently have characters in this game aren't like the best shota artists (shigeru and shiba yuuji's ones aren't even that young) and as per kemoshota kinda sane but honestly the fact that somehow they can/want only hire japanese artists makes it hard
My wish is them getting Harusuke, impeccable kemoshotas and doujins from him.
I wish all the childfuckers would go to their containment game. Tamacolle isn't good enough kusoge for you?
There are only landwhales in that one and it's in japanese, I can't bring myself to care.

This game has shotas, they didn't even remove them from global, so they WANT people to enjoy them.
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>still seething that someone leveled a meta unit
Every gachagay has shotas, why are you having a meltdown over this one? I didn't see any meltdowns over the kids in shitsamo's thread.
Ugh why can't you be a normal gay like every other guy in here and enjoy anything that has a penis no matter if animal human child
Tamacolle is still a closed beta after 2 years with approximately 4 people getting added to it per month for like the 10 minutes they have registrations open, I just gave up trying and hope they finally make a public version soon :/
Are there kemoshota games at all?
I literally can't with these designs. Not a single gay gacha is for me, not even one
Only male designs from non gay games like Fate's Napoleon look good
Gays 100% should not be allowed to draw men. They can't do it
If you can't find one character you like from all of them, you aren't trying hard enough.
nta but actual art style is also a factor
This is a porn game. The artists don't generally have any nuance for those when pandering is the main reason for the designs.
What's even your taste in men anon. And I'm gonna need you to actually argue why whatever picrel you use is suitable for your likings and why others are not.
All comes down to personal taste. I think Napoleon is ugly as hell, but Vaseraga from Grub is the hottest guy in any gacha (when he's wearing the helmet).
I think Crave just needs a helmeted cumbucket, it's hard to go wrong with those.
I have a friend, who hates almost every design in Crave too, but he liked the rocker fire wolf from JP, so you really should just look harder.
guess i'm not finishing dailies for a few days
seriously had to bug out the fucking training quests
Just click on the EXPEDITIONS icon and go from there.
You have a... gay friend that plays porn gaychas too anon?
..Yeah? Well, he mostly plays Grub, because gaychas are usually boring as fuck, but he's dabbled in Eidos for Zach before.
That's... rare
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>consistantly 4th place during extra raids
I'm playing on Nutaku
Is it a good choice or should I swap server
This is my balance after logging in for two weeks since release (and I wasn't even eligible for the registration campaign that gives 200 free coins now). Nutaku is the best option for free coins imo, you can get pretty good stuff in the game in the long run, and it also serves as a discount for packs since you wouldn't need to buy as many coins
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You guys get free currency?
What the fuck, I'm not getting shit on erolabs.
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This is what you get unlimitedly each month
nutaku doesn't have the censored porn so we win!
It's all censored..
Any tips for a newbie? Started playing today and I'm a little lost
General prog
>Reroll until you're satisfied
>Do your daily trainings
>Complete your main story on normal mode with the best you have.
>Start slowly expending your stamina and RP overflow by grinding for SR weapons, leeching raids
>When you have a bit stronger units, attempt to do hard mode story mode stages to start grinding for silver and gold coins you can use to buy from the story shop.
>Do your dailies and try to get as far in the event as you can, try to get the free catboy and level him up while the event is still up.
Don't forget the expeditions.
Set up a team (auto button) to let them go delving for X hours to grab some free items. The stronger they are to pass the power # threshold the longer the expedition in the deeper dungeons for better items.
anon, learn to context, he was joking(?) that nutaku was a "sfw" version with the cgs removed
...I didn't even know expeditions had higher difficulty.
>"finally a design i actually like"
>character scenes are fucking the ugly cat and a masturbation scene
All the big muscular guys man, why are gaychas like this
Blame the japs. Don't get me wrong I generally love their artstyle and generally prefer theirs over western ones, but goddamn if only there could be a gaycha with jp and/or western artists but directed and distributed in the west
200% from your units on the 25k power expeditions yields the best results, although you'd probably need to roll some units to fill up those slots and grind them up a bit. Each trip takes like 12 hours though.
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Finally a good banner
For the soulmate, yes.
Dragon pretty boring, but for once the human isn't complete dogshit.
People really just be saying anything
discord is that way
All human characters are always dogshit in gacha
Literally 0 exceptions
Weapon Quest rankings when wiki
Get Remaias's gun. No exceptions.
It's in Japanese and not very updated but I'm confident you can somehow manage with this
Is there a list of fetishes in the game?
>spamming the japanese wiki as if there isn't a reason we're on the english speaking board playing the english text version with its many, many flaws
You can't speak japanese? skill issue
I am not spamming it, I'm just providing it because I understand it's hard to find it in japanese, so I did, because, whether you like it or not, that wiki is the most complete, as well as a valid response to what people in here ask for, given no one else cares and doesn't share be it because they don't know or don't want to
Your unhelpful ass is too busy whining like a faggot about the banners
Learn some fucking respect before you get punched in the mouth irl
thank you, there is a decent variety but I hope they add more niche stuff

literally just use google translate you retard
His name in English is fucking Vastre instead of Vastol baka
Anyways good thing they posted the banner info this times I'll be pulling cuz su wave and his scene is hot and also kinda meta as of today in global
More than half of the names have pointless changes that completely fuck up the references. It's going to get worse.

Also it's still funny fire is so pushed as a physical "damage" element with shit weapons and its best limited being a magical powerhouse that Sudarshana is still a top 5 unit.
The raid theme is a banger
All of the themes in the game t b h. There's a reason why the composer worked in many atelier songs. Good thing he's gay so that he could make songs for crave saga.
>thinking of using my rainbow keys between petrossi and giganto
>check their personal weapons
How did the first limited get something this garbage.
Tbf it's fair being the first limited, it's both good and bad that newer characters/weapons get better each time, depending on whether you get them or not, because honestly some characters getting powercreeped in less than a month is kinda... yikes
Well at least both of his scenes are good, it's not fun when you only like half of a character's cg scenarios.
Thank you so much for this, I can use this to only pull for the limiteds, who bottom without spoiling the scenes completely.
Thankfully, it seems like Soulmates bottom more often than Sacreds, due to them having more scenes, so if I spark, I won't have to go as hard.
Shame Xmas Aegis' scene isn't what I was hoping for, but at least I'll always have default Aegis.
Trying to understand passives for team building.
Reading the wiki, artifact passives add together so there's no problem. But soulmate passives are a different story. If I'm reading this right, one will cancel the other out or they will multiply, since they do not add together like sacred passives.
For example, I have 2 units with a 15% ATK passive. Will I just have one of the characters with a dead passive or will both give damage boosts?
Any guild with a spot open?
There's a slot open in "Bara"
3 hour maintenance in an hour.
Good luck with your rolls when it ends.
Is the step gacha worth it?
If you have to ask, you don't whale enough or want any of the rate ups enough. Just wait for one with both a character and summon you want.
artifact rates are awful aren't they
I chanced the half off and got the only thing I wanted. Extremely lucky I know, but now I don't have to bother with it.
holy shiiiiit soloing the extra raids takes a long ass time
>fail the coinflip 4 fucking times
ok, i'll give it the end of the month and if i don't get him i'll drop this garbage like a sack of potatoes
>that thumbnail
kys bro
Is there any way to deal with the 50% paralysis trigger? This shit costs me MVP sometimes.
It's horrendous. They're shown to be the 1% out of the 3.5% SSR rate. The other 2.5% is comprised of the soulmates.
stop autoing
build seven because fire has garbage healers in the entire life cycle of the game thus far and will continue to do so, and he has AoE paralysis clear on CA
I don't have Seven
Then you have to suck it up like a man. There isn't much for AoE paralysis clear in-game now. And I doubt you're willing to build the N rank stick to clear ONE ally of it.
Nah, I'm not the one who made the initial post.
Don't have Seven, but I'm autoing it with Mageiro and Gabu... though nobody really joins until I can request raid relief again at around 50%.
well no wonder you're having trouble using an earth unit against a wind raid, although at least mageiro can clear paralyze, gabu is worse for doing basically nothing.
you don't have any fire units aside from the guaranteed hakuma?
Nerfen, Zagsia, and Hakuma are hard-carrying my team's damage output in the raids right now.
if i start now on nutaku, are they still giving out the 30k free gems?
Friendly reminder to request relief one tab at a time!
can you save guaranteed ssr tickets/pieces or are those set when you collect them, i want a perm a few months from now but i feel i have a good shot at him if i save my tickets
You can save them and pull later when the permanent pool updates if you want, don't need to use them right now.
hope it turns out better than pulling for limiteds, cause fucking yikes at these rates
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A year later...
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Is my dark damage bad because I'm missing Boun or because dark magic is that much worse than dark phys?

Hope this isn't the one, where he starts fucking other men like Schmiel. I just started to like his "tsundere for (your) dick" attitude and learning he bottoms in summer helped.
I don't wanna be stuck with Excalibur being the only story unit for (you).
There's literally only 1 SR magic artifact and everything about him gameplay wise is trash. And there won't be a good magic artifact until summer. And he's spear so only works to full effect with, and thus to shill, summer hakuma and technically the gorilla SR you either don't have or aren't using. And the only half decent dark healers will come much later.

So yes, they didn't design a magic dark team worth shit despite creating content for it.
I'm using the SSR shota sacred.
>technically the gorilla SR you either don't have or aren't using.
I've heard he's bad so I haven't put him on the team, not sure, who he could replace.

>And the only half decent dark healers will come much later.
Is Emua bad? Is it worth replacing him with Gabu/Mageiro/Oguma for Jarn?
I say technically because he's so bad but there are literally 2 dark magic spear users in the game as of current JP, and he's one of them. A launch character.
Otherwise just don't use him at all if you don't mind less peak damage.
>Is Emua bad? Is it worth replacing him with Gabu/Mageiro/Oguma for Jarn?
No, just use him as long as you're surviving the raids that's the important thing. I'm just saying there's less terrible ones in the future if you really care about meta.
would skipping the jarn keys at boxes 5 & 10 be alright if f2p? or am i losing too many keys if i want to save as many artifact keys as possible
As long as you can get to LB2 and skill level 2 on him by the end of the event with blank keys, go ahead and skip. Books are better value anyway.
Feels underwhelming compared to the other angel/demon limiteds.Selfish buffer but not that impressive buffs or damage. Biggest utility seems to be his second passive and personal weapon.
there's literally only 3 of them right now to be fair
he'll probably be fine since water needed a strong attacker and is an actually self sufficient element, selbert will probably age the worst despite being the best if the rest of fire continues as it does for 2024
Good, I've always hated Gala units in games, especially if they're ugly like this angel.
I don't mind pulling for the demons, but the angels are a no-go.
Is this a bara exclusive game or are there femboys?
The smallest it has are twinks, so no femboys.
At box 16, anyone played the breakthrough quests? If there's a good amount of keys, I'll pick that instead of the generic keys like I was intending.
You get 5 keys for 5 SSRs of your choice.
Meaning, they have to be in your active party in that quest. The enemies are piss easy in those though.
I presume summons don't count, but even if they do I'm a long ways off from a full party to take advantage of it anyway. I'll stick to the generic keys then, thanks.
am I crazy or is there better gacha rng in johren than erolabs? I have rolled the same amount in both sites. I got 5 SSR and lots of SR characters and keys as well as 3 SSR weapons from the weapon gacha in johren. While in erolabs I have rolled NO SSR soulmate only some SR keys mostly R keys and NO SSR weapons only N weapons. Maybe its just bad luck or something, how are your guy's rolls going?
It's bad luck, I used 100 platinum tickets and got Ninei and the dark SSR summon, the rates aren't rigged.
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shop prices are different for daily items are different i noticed
can corroborate as someone who played on both erolabs & nutaku, nutaku's prices match johren's
Is there a huge money sink at any point?
I'm sitting on millions of gold right now.
There's gonna be a gold gacha during 0.5 anni, assumedly there's gonna be one during first anni too.
You can only spend 10mil coins during it.
Hakuma and Excalibur are both for MC still.
So forced trash over the actually attractive characters they expect you to pay for, why are gaychas like this.
Bros... The RGabu event is coming right after this.....
They're skipping the training event so we can hoard more gems
>he didn't expect a rushed cashgrab with all the broken ai "translations" and servers so far
don't cry, you knew what you were doing
They surely won't skip the next score attack, right..
>already skipping events that exist purely to rerun old characters for lucklets and give out resources to the best of the best (whales)
>thinking there's a chance they won't do it again
so what's up with this rock gabu banner, everyone was saying to save up for him. Is he broken?
btw how much gems do yall have?
This is pretty much metafagging: the banner.
You can still skip if you're completely uninterested in the shitty care bear and worst zifu character or scene wise, meta means nothing in the long run.
Light hypermeta soulmate, okay-I-guess artifact
30% CA and weapon damage + 20% speed up on his CA AND a one-use 100% CA gauge weapon.
He is really goddamn strong, probably even usable on a rainbow team.
>shitty care bear
Take that back, no insulting my cute teddy bear..
When does the permanent pool update?
Those two guys from the fire banner during the Gram raid aren't in any of the current ones yet.
Never, because they would have to update everything that's flat out based on it. And those extra lines of code are too much effort.
According to JP, new units get added a month after their permanent banner ends.
Ah, okay. I guess I have to wait and see if I can luckshit that Sudarshana whatever guy at some point later.
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New voiced character by zifu and a lot of other stuff I'm too lazy to post
Btw code with a free chunk for everyone and 3k gems Crave1SagaA
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Well this is a blast from the past. JP is going to have a collab with one of UGCP's oldest VNs, Ietate.
For those who don't know
Utsurogami, other of UGCP's old-ass games, is getting remade. Unless remake is releasing soon and current collab is being used as springboard to get attention (aka what collabs were originally used for) I find it crazy but UGCP could return a second time.
I can only imagine how it feels to be a Japanese that was actually there 20 years ago for original release
>best boy masato isn't in

I want a remake of Ore to Mahou so desperately.
>bandana guy is in
Cool, he was my favorite.
I've only read Okinawa Slave Island and Inraku no Kumotsu because they've had English translations.
I'm surprised they did a collab for this old-ass one and not something newer like Utsurogami remake.
Code doesn't work on EN, presumably because they haven't added chunks in yet.
Why the hell are there 3 versions of CS EN?

because dmm
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These free tenfolds have been nice.
i haven't even used mine, going to burn through them all on the final day
>New voiced character
Since when does the game have voice acting
Since whenever that character drops.
Who are some good healers?
Other than Mageiro that is
Gabu for a welfare unit
I wanna see if voiced units will be released sparingly to be extra special, all future units, or retroactively all units given some time like 4th page of the unit grids.
But my real impression is that they wanted to release the game with some baseline of things it absolutely needed to have before going for QoL and gimmicks, even if game is already very similar to DMM's Minashigo.
Live2D when?
Eh, it's porn VAs so quality isn't going to be a consideration. Most likely, assuming he's another not-gala limited, they'll have voices just for those to entice pulling and add in voices for the last 3.
so how does the score multiplier work in the new event? I can only make it to 1.3 mil the boss ends.
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Surviving doesn't seem to be a problem, but I guess this event IS just a whale race. I don't think I can increase my score aside from just uncapping more.
Just get to the max score you can get rewards with, which is 3M iirc. Might be hard rn but it'll be piece of cake in some months. It could be worse, some games release special characters that are only rewarded to top 3 players, fortunately all this game gives is a stupid title lol
lmao the ui is literally dragalia

btw why is nearly every character in this a bottom? Id like to know who tops the main guy
>lmao the ui is literally dragalia
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
>btw why is nearly every character in this a bottom?
The game is good and based, that's why
>Id like to know who tops the main guy
In global, we have
>Gai I think
>Hakuma (for now)
Just to name a few. Eidos has more tops if you want to self-insert as a bottom.
fake news

the white lion R guy also tops but he has premature ejaculation
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which reroll is looking better?
I like the characters on the third one
With the exception of the tiger, every character you will get eventually for sure. And the tiger you have a decent chance of getting for free if you keep playing over time.
Pick the 2nd.
Having a gacha SSR sacred to start out with helps, plus it has Boun, who's currently meta for dark, so you should pick that.
>fake news
He bottoms? Damn, maybe I should rewatch it, I only saw his during JP launch and for some reason I remembered him topping. Should be good then.
>every character you will get eventually for sure
how long until that happens?
what exactly are the benefits of ssr sacred early? from my understanding, they cant be mlb for a long while being f2p, and excalibur will always be better as main

also update: the byaku account also got Leon now
>from my understanding, they cant be mlb for a long while being f2p
Continuous play and bonuses will allow you to MLB them eventually and having a gacha SSR sacred means you can attempt building a team towards that element, since they outperform Excalibur pretty easily.
alright, thanks. guess i ll just have to wait for the rest of the valentine free rolls to decide which acc to keep

one last question: the auto fill party button is unreliable right? I see it equipping my soulmates with weapons that dont match element/type when I do have weapons that match. I should equip them manually?
Ideally you want to equip weapons with elemental advantage over whatever you're fighting at the moment, since that determines your base damage pretty heavily. You can configure the auto fill to an element if you want, but once you get more weapons for every element, it'll be better to do it manually, so you can start setting up your weapon usage orders for maximum damage on full auto.
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You can definitely MLB all your soulmates as a F2P. Your sacreds tho...
Just spend all your red coins on sacred keys, easy enough.
Just filter yourself with the proper element and weapon types. If it's not like that by default it's because you can in fact equip weapons freely even if they don't match the character, as much as you're not benefitting from the damage.
But it's just easier to filter and equip manually imo, because when you give a weapon to a character it'll get locked to them and you won't be sble to equip it to another if you use auto equip afaiac unless you manually tap on that weapon in use for another character.
I've always prioritized soulmate keys for red coins just because of the fact that you normally have more soulmates than sacreds.
I should have specified every SR or below character, and it depends on how often you roll to get them. Launch ones are especially easy.
And presuming you were smart and didn't use your pick tickets, I'd still say the 2nd one is the best. Matching elements for the SSR soulmates and one of the better fire SRs to start with, especially fkr the current event.
Plus even if he's on the weaker side, the fire SSR sacred you have is pretty great for this event especially if you are weak.
how often do these gaychas announce end of service? i cant have another time sink disappointment like dragalia
Housamo is still running after 7 years, it really depends on who's managing.
This is a DMM game, and a "localized server" version of a DMM game. One that's just hitting it's first anniversary like this week. There's a decent chance it'll last and they're already pushing the budget a notch, but 2 years is a safe bet.
DL was a game with multiple big names behind it and a decent bit of mismanagement so it failing was no real surprise. Only Squeenix gachas are notoriously worse.
I don't remember what was the reasoning but the 3rd anni is something of a great filter that most gachas (in general) don't get through. Beyond that all bets are off. The ones that are real bad are EoS'd before their first anni.
I attribute it in part to whatever the fuck was the availability. Some "rich" first world countries but not others. No SEA besides Singapore. No Arabian oil sultan money. Also impossible to play on emulator for good measure. It's like they actively went out of their way to reject as many potential costumers as possible.
7 years and still they haven't fixed that wonky ass UI
They really can't give any shit about their game or at least let it die huh
Also housaml had more monthly revenue than DL ever did, and I don't see why crave wouldn't last 4+ years. This isn't Bandai Namco or bushiroad with their idol games and their shit management we're talking about now, but DMM, who actually cares about other thing that's not money, which is porn.
Really depends on how well the management for the gaycha is. Eidos is past 2 years now and it's seemingly going strong, with them pushing past long-awaited UI updates, a PC version and an animated sex scene.
Though whether these are due to genuinenly wanting to improve the game or because they have competition in the niche bara gaycha genre with Crave is to be seen.
I'd say this game will last for sure at least 2-3 years as some anons have said, past that we'll see how JP does and if global has enough traction to keep running.
I don't really wanna even count Shitsamo, because that piece of shit could probably run on leaves for their budget.
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free rolls ended and Im torn betwern these two rerolls. help me out bros
Personally account 2 is better because Leon and Shaoren are based designs
Just pick whoever you like the game isn't that hard
You clearly want the 2nd just give the 1st to a friend.
I'd pick 1 just for Aegis, but that's cuz I'm Aegispilled and it has Boun and Jeron, who are both meta while 2 only has Byaku.
Does anyone have a guide on how to make water NOT shit for the challenge stages? I've got every water unit except the new summon, if that matters.
Which weapon quests are worth farming?
They're unfixable at least until good water summons come to global. Idk how I did it to survive new weapon quests against the dragon back in JP but I can't in GL now
All SSR weapons are gonna be good/better than having none at all, just farm all of the ones you can so you can also stay up to date with them whenever you get a new character and want to farm their weapon.
Wait until they rerun, you could've bought the 2nd battle pass unit then.
Very few if going by pure efficiency, all of them if you're stuck with little options. Me for example with the game refusing to give water weapons even of SR rarity funny enough.

That's why I'm expecting Ever Crisis to not last more than a year. They're also blocking the same regions as Dragalia did.
I'm playing global.
How do I reach 50 combo? My sacreds only reach 30 max, sometimes 35.
Use weapons properly (no auto).
Also some DA's have a special combo multiplayer.
I've reached 50 in full auto but probably with those multipliers I mentioned.
That's the joke, hence I said "rerun" dipstick.
The bigger joke is water's characters for more than a year.
Oh, the event's over.
I never got the 15 turn wind feat. A shame, but that's fire for you.
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Who are (You) voting for?
>best boy in 2nd place
poor form, nips
Those are my votes, the characters are separated into three categories for you to vote in so those are my picks.
This is going to be a Heroes thing where story important characters get alts before their inevitable release, isn't it.
I'm stuck on the loading screen when trying to log into jp server
If you're using the app quit that, it sucks ass. If not, it's just tour connection, if you're using a VPN, well...
I guess it's poor connection
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Between anni and collab we are currently the most popular game on Fanza and one of the highest profits
Thank you whale-sama.
Both the fire guys still aren't in the permanent pool for some reason. I checked my screenshots and I apparently got the dragon guy on 1/15.
Do you have drive link where all art, not nsfw included is posted?
I am interested in Raikiri specifically in all of his CGs, art with him and his spirtes..
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I'm an Ojiisan bellyfag. I'm rolling for this.
Left ojii has a cute rapeface, pretty pullable. Right might look cuter naked.
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Thoughts on Choose Your Legends homo edition?
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Global is finally gonna get the first perma banner update, hope you saved your platinum tickets.
>Hakuma #1
>Aegis #4
Yep, I picked the right faves.
Excalibur losing to nu-Excalibur is fucking hilarious though, did the VA really give him that much popularity or is it because he's even more into (you) than Exca was?
The polls are a lot more human-centric than I thought though, I guess japs are less into the furries.
Yeah, I noticed that they permanent units got showcased in those Vestria banner after their initial banners, so I thought they'd be added to the pool after that.
I hope I luckshit Sudarshana.
>The polls are a lot more human-centric than I thought though, I guess japs are less into the furries
I thought the whole fanbase for games like these would always be a 50/50 split, which seems kinda true with the poll having 11 humans and 9 non-humans in the top 10s. And I assume most players would be into both anyway.
I guess that just means I'm the problem. I typically find gaycha humans to be ugly as fuck from a design standpoint. They always feel overdesigned, while furries usually still feel fine, when they get crazy color schemes. Just from Crave I only really like Rainer's and Goro Naoki's humans. And just from that poll, I think only Exca, nuExca, Cupid, Jeron and Gae Bolg are alright designs.
I don't really get why Mamoru is so high, just cause he got a voice?
My top 10s are nearly identical. I guess I'm a generic normalhomo afterall.
He loves (You) A LOT
Really, he's your issue when Hakuma and Cadabolg are both top 10 pocks with the former
Based, (you) lovers are the best boys and deserve the top spots.
Nobody loves you more than Ex tho.
t. ex

Mamoru is way hotter than you will ever be
I'm gonna have to disagree here and not because I think Mamoru isn't hot but because the fucker didn't come in my pulls.
But from a non-sexual view he's way more humble, caring and unconditionally loving towards MC. Of course he doesn't give a shit at all cuz he doesn't want love but sex because he's promiscuous. Not even aying it's a bad thing but it is what it is.
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I know many sharks are drawn similar but he somehow reminds me of Mr Shark from Bad Guys (movie version not book version)
Face is hit or miss, but man that body is hot as hell
Istfg I can never guess what characters the average anon enjoys/hates. I guess I have an uncommon taste because wtf every character I like is hated here and the ones that look like shit to me are praised in here (not necessarily referring to the shark). For example the new upcoming Sacred for the shark banner looks hot to me but I'm sure y'all would disagree because who appreciates human men in this game.
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Eh, it's easier to just go with
>I have good taste and everyone around me is wrong
I like a lot of the guys in this game, that I'm sure some would flame me for as well, but I just can't care. Easier to just enjoy all the cute guys.
Everyone on the new event is cute, human, shark and bear.
I can tell that human shota are consistently shunned across all gacha homoge, both sides of the pacific.
Furry shota are a coin toss. People can cope with artstyle and that technically we don't know how an irl underage anthro would look like.
Shortstacks are like 25 hate/50 neutral/25 like, as long there's an obvious mark that they're old men, most frequently facial hair.

Most 4chan barafags are human-hating furries. The /v/ husbando threads should be proof of that. They have resident schizos like the Rotorfag and Falcofag.
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It's been a while since the last tier list
When's the next story update?
For global?
Looking at the gacha list, this'll be the schedule for a bit
>Dosukoi (water story event)
>Earth weapon enchancement
>Nicho advent (Dirt boss advent)
>Score attack 3
>Stop the rain (fire story event)
>Chapter 6
>Kingr (Wind boss advent)
>Score attack 4
>Summer (dark story event)
Which gay gacha has the better story: Crave Saga or Another Eidos?
Can't really say much since Crave global's story is only like.. still at launch pretty much, but it seemingly gets more interesting in future chapters. I do like that the entire story doesn't revolve around sex, sex and more sex like Eidos does. Eidos' main story is passable at times, but the event stories are so godawful, that I prefer Crave's over it.
It gets old when each sex scene in Eidos has like 50% chance to be rape.
>oh boy, time to roll my guaranteed SSR ticket!
>game crashes
Had to spark for Kabutafel, never going hard on a sacred again bros.. 200 pulls ain't worth it...
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Furfags have money and spend it. Shota is more of thing for femanons. An audience that CS doesn't seem to want despite how lucrative they are. Plus, since the MC is canonically fucking everyone it makes things kinda murky.
>Shota is more of thing for femanons
Yea no you're just like really wrong
>Shota is more of thing for femanons
Nah, you're thinking of bestiality.
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For reference btw. Yatsukamizu is also kinda popular but everyone in the qrts is talking about nine and it's in japanese so you already know it's not filled with american troons seething about shota content, for once.
Yatsukamizu is one of my favourites. I think he is really cute. I am glad he got an alt.
It is though.
Anyone who think otherwise is likely western male self-inserters who likes hyperdicked shota garbage.
Dude for fucking real trust me it's not.
As a shotacon and eurofag myself, if you think it is you're probably just a poor american surrounded by wokefags where shota and loli are persecuted and thus only present in those sick in the mind self proclaimed women. Shota is, not only the gayest thing to ever exist, but also the manliest thing. I've had a past of daily browsing red threads and it's full of shotacons, be it straight or gay. The straight ones want a shota to fuck their wives and the gays want to fuck the shotas themselves. But slutty women (generally, self proclaimed men don't count either) don't like shota, they like manly BBC as every whore should.
Btw surprised to find a fellow furfag, I thought everyone in this board hated us, but I understand you bro a cock is a cock
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Japanese media aimed at actual women will always have someone for her to self-insert to. Sometimes, that's going to be a shota or a guy who looks just like one.
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Claim your free SSR Mystical Dragon soulmate and have sex with him! (No this is nmot an April Fools joke and him having a sex scene isn't either)
Shota is a thing for both gayfags and femanons(or even straights men if straight shota counts), what matters is the way they look like, not unlike adult guys
>best gaycha
Disqualified since you can't see you're husbando on the home screen.
Anon you can literally do that in crave too. I don't even think there's a single gacha that doesn't let you. Only thing I'm missing is zooming in the dicks and bulges and tits, so only eidos wins in that regard.
>1 gem, rank 1
Bffr you just wanted to flex your gaymei reroll.
But it's okay tho, I would too.
I got the shota instead.
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Couldn't find any cute guys in that shit.
Bro is saving for Tesoro
The only humans I like are Sabert and Bergamond. Ra is too ugly to pull on Tesoro's banner.
B-But Tesoro is hot and has a cute sexy belly and bulge
Does Tesoro actually have a belly? Kinda hard to tell from his art.
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I guess he does and his second CG is pretty hot... Ehh, not sure if it's worth it since Shakuma is right around the corner and I could get spooked by Ra's ugly mug. I don't think I'll even have a spark ready for Tesoro anyway. Sadly will have to skip, cute guy though.
Damn anon now you're making me doubt as well because I did get Tesoro in JP and didn't get summer hakuma which could also be good for my dark team... Ugh I'd do it for his bulge but I am too gay to be able to save any gems, I always pull the moment I get to 3k... I hope I can shitluck him or either get a sugar daddy or onlyfans cuz no shit I'm gonna have enough pity
Being a whole year ahead to plan out your pulls and which husbando you want more in your team is the whole point of playing global. You gotta learn to stop being an impulsefag anon, it'll help you out in the long run! Both Hakuma alts are a must for me so I'm planning my pulls around both of them. But I've also gotta consider the post-anniversary banners since those allow you to spark certain limiteds with only 100 pulls.
It's hard work..
Fun fact I was one of the winners for the 100K gems giveaway. And I burnt them after just 2 patches in normal banners... I feel bad, y'all deserved it more than me because I can't save. I did get Yaksha Hakuma but if I do get characters in global I also did get in JP it's just because I want to genuinely read and understand their stories. And sometimes because of meta
LB5 for earth units in JP after tomorrow's update bros... It's gonna hurt but it'll be worth it (hopefully)
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Thank god the upcoming new lim character is ugly as shit.
Is this a new wind angel/demon or some other banner series?
Yes, it's a new banner with (limited I'm imagining) with no real clues of featuring soulmates.

"New! Grade Blade Series Gacha
New Sacred Artifact "Dojigiri Yasutsuna" possessing the new ability "EXCEED Skill" will be added!
EXCEED Skill's effect increases the max combo based on the number of sub sacred artifact of the same element in the party.
Max Combo at 150 (Up to 250% damage amp)"
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>ugly as shit
That was my feeling for most of the characters in this gacha.
>Touken Ranbu EN EoS
>want to get into husbando game
>it's all fat old men and furfags
Old men are hot as fuck, retard.
The yume/fujo thread is this way >>1445473
The furfags support the content like it or not so those gacha games last a lot longer.
Y'all are missing out. You only suffer like that when you're a specificfag. If you're a gayfag allfag like me you just enjoy whatever the man is as long as it has a cock attached.
You should praise the devs instead for making them last this long because these games make very little money compared to other gacha.
It literally gets more revenue than the average straight game in fanza. The fact that there's only one gayme there makes it not have any competence (we'll all agree the target audiences for straight and gay games are different) and therefore all the sales are concentrated there, and not split like they are in the tons of straight games out there. (Picrel is march 2024 btw). It not being on top doesn't mean it's low revenue.
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Really feeling not rerolling for Jeron now.

That just sounds like you not having any taste in anything, pretty boring.
That's interesting, where'd you get the DMM porn game revenues from?
I opened this image and legitimately can't tell if it's NSFW or not.
Hint: The in game meat icon is covering up his erect penis head
>That just sounds like you not having any taste in anything, pretty boring.

Not the anon who posted but that's an incredibly L take. Having a more broad taste doesn't mean you don't have any and is the completely opposite of boring since you always have many options to choose from. Only having specific and narrow tastes is what's boring however and also annoying since these people always whine about shit whenever a banner has characters they don't like.


I dunno why someone like you who hates furries and only into borderline bishi fujo/yume-bait like Touken Ranbou characters would even bother playing bara games. You're literally not the target audience.
This for crave specifically
This for all DMM porn games

It gets updated monthly and there are graphics in there to better illustrate how revenues are. Basically it has ups and downs depending on character populsrity but you can't see any significant rise or decrease since release. Just the same, which, for a gacha, is good enough.
I was saying these games make very little money compared to other gacha games, the revenue you posted is basically EoS tier outside of Fanza. The best selling gay gacha, Housamo, has lasted for what, 7 years now? Any non-gay gacha game that would have gotten the same amount of revenue would have been extremely lucky to even make it to their second year of being alive. That's why I'm saying it's the devs that make these games last longer more so than said "furfags"
Is it me or are Fanza games, outside of some bad cases, long-lived in general?
That aside, we are dealing with games that are (production-wise) relatively low-stakes. Doing 3D graphics makes costs balloon, and action gameplay can easily turn into chaos for the server, which tends to be the single biggest cost for online games. Seen from that point, its easy to micromanage the gaycha budget.
I've been seeing lots of japanese posts shitting on the game lately
What happened?
Where do you even find random posts like that?
The only thing I can imagine is because they're pushing for more and more limiteds, but that's what happens in every gaycha, so I dunno how big of an issue it is.
>I was s
touken ranbu designs are garbage now every sword now looks like a fucking tranny they stopped making designs like doudanouki and yamabushi crap game
tonbokiri is better doko
Anyone else still around? Finally cleared the newest chapter. Is it just me or did Jinn not do anything in the story besides making the party escape the prison? He failed to use his powers the second time and he does nothing else after. And then the chapter ends with him apparently now part of the party. Like they didn't even talk to him about it or anything. He's just there now.
that bottom part looks like a massive penis in the ctalog
That's the intention anon
I was surprised by how little he contributed and Wheel somehow manages to be the biggest tragic punching bag in the plot so far. Dude literally lost everything dear to him, because of Craps being a pussy and the plot mandated that he had to forgive him regardless.
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I don't read the main story.
Yet another fucking country blocking batch. Fuck u devs or whoever is responsible, that will be your own downfall.
Yup that's more than a year of regular playing this game down the drain just like that. It can be helped. The nips are a xenophobic bunch of shits who would rather watch their games burn than entertain the idea of letting foreigners play their games or give them money.

It's not just for this game either. DMM in general has now blocked the rest of the world from their entire games catalog, only just offering 3 random non-game services like English lessons, selling tickets and something about a salon.
Playing the global version is just not the same. It's massively outdated. Being behind more than a year from the Japanese version. The only advantage is we have foresight on what banners to roll on in the future.

It's also split into three servers from three websites for some reason. Unless I'm just not aware that they all just share the same one.
Why on earth would you continue playing the Japanese version after the first block?

Wasn't my problem. I've been playing the game since it launched without ever getting blocked so do did many others.
Because the first block didn't even affect most people? And to those who did, you only needed the VPN to actuslly enter the game so you could turn it off afterwards when opened, and there are many ways to do so automatically so you don't have to worry about connecting everytime. Anyways this second block was weird af because it was so out of the blue, but with the latest event it's just disappeared and those of us that couldn't play anymore are now able again to play without VPN so it was like a 2 day long block. And now it's the best moment to be playing as there's actually new content like new event formats, new upgrades etc

Nope the game is still blocked. It's DMM's website that is blocking access not the game itself. If you have the game up to date then you can play with no problems. Wait until they update the app and see if you can download the update on their website then.

I already uninstalled the game so I can't download it anymore.
? I don't understand what you're saying at all. Most people (me included) had to stop using the app version because it would get stuck on a black screen with some weird SDK error text and had to move from browser version. Whatever the block is tho it doesn't affect the game download at all. The only block there might still be only occurs when opening the game, not when installing it. But you don't even need to update anything if you play on browser. Anyways the 2nd block disappeared, but I figure the first one is still there, which happened months ago just to certain countries.
>I already uninstalled the game so I can't download it anymore.
Again this doesn't make any sense. if DMM is blocked in your country you can't play the game but you can download it without problem. And still that isn't a dead end because you can either use VPN or play browser.

I'm playing on mobile.
So do I, and? you can still play browser on mobile, and installing the chrome shortcut feels like just another app
is buying the gold pass bugged or something
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rolled a single x10 because why not and got the event Hakuma while I roll seventeen times to get Tesoro. baka its always the one the want that's hard to get
Came back to this game just for fun while I'm saving pulls in other gacha. Got Summer Hakuma in 50 pulls super happy, because I never got him in the JP version (account killed after the start of the event with Ame no Tsuzumi)
There's a ton of new limiteds I'd like to get but I'm not gonna super grind like I used to, just gonna have fun as a little idle sidegame.

I really do like Aaron though haha
>took my entire stash of 120 pulls (36,000 stones)
I may be severely mentally retarded haha
>Wasting that much on a permanent banner
I feel bad for you anon, good luck on the limited rush of main story, event and demon banners coming back to back.
Haha I know but honestly I've been comparing the event releases and they line up for the most part so I'm fine expanding my roster and grabbing some more SSRs for Sacred teambuilding options and better weapons. Ended up getting Keravish right at the 150 pull pity when he otherwise would have been another free SSR from Capsule redemption but I ended up getting 7 SSRs total so not bad at all when it averages 1 in ~21ish. I got Durandal, Brionaic, Gai, Aegis, Romulus, Shaoren, and then Keravish.

So not too bad overall! I can stockpile the rest of my beginner free stones and wait, honestly nothing I want to roll for in a long time other than the freebie Lucion and maybe the Boom/Horus banner. I know you can clear events with just regular SRs but the Hell modes and Martial Arts ones are tough without big numbers. Honestly just glad I can enjoy this game again I forgot how comfy it was when it came to character designs
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>roll for the first time in months on this banner
>get both of them
>their stories are broken and cause the game to hang when you try to open them
>half year anniversary soulmate selector gacha in english
>"whoa holy shit I don't remember this one no way they're giving it aw-"
>over $50 for the selector because you have to buy the shitty ecoin microtransactions
At least they added reprint exchange tickets in the japanese version so eventually I can get Mageiro but man this game blows sometimes...
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>Futase Hikaru unit
Incredibly based
I expected they'd add a new permanent (non-event-limited) raid by now. How much will they cycle the same 6 but with a higher difficulty each time?
No one cares but I dumped 20 pulls and got my dream fundoshi bearwolf man ToT
God I love these skimpy japanese underwear so much...
Finally did something my old account never did too by getting him. Now to permasave for Aaron
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Finally a hot helmet guy. And he's way hotter than the limited banner ones, and free SSR. We won bros. Let's hope they won't fuck up his scene by removing his helmet and revealing his ugly ass face.
Thanks, it is kind of hard to navigate, but it helped a lot
Wasn't housamo revenue bigger than DL?
Will there ever be event reruns someday?
I also heard that, I was looking for it the other day and didn't manage to find it, there was like a video animation with those ordered by revenue bar graphs that illustrated it, do you happen to have it or anything else that proved it?
JP has a special ticket currency which you can use to buy event characters and weapons, which are kinda useless for veteran players except for weapons, but it's way easier to obtain stuff in this way than in the actual events
Not the guy you replied to but apparently the sensortower chart on reddit shows housamo made 250,000 usd last month. Usually they average around 200,000 a month apparently
Is there a difference between johren, nutaku or ero-labs servers?
Mostly just the pricings of premium stuff and the availability of SFW or NSFW versions of the game. Can't tell you them from the top of my head. Erolabs and Nutaku definitely have the NSFW version though.
I use johren and its also has nsfw just have to remember to have the x verstion
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It's so fucking over bros
i laughed
The fuck?
The bottom 80% already looked terrible to begin with.

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