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How the fuck is NOBODY on this board talking about slice and dice?
>Demo with One IAP to unlock full game, can even buy on itch.io and get a windows copy and android in one purchase
>Absolute fuckloads of content with plenty of characters, enemies, items and modes
>Tight game and good design despite RNG
Maybe its just early days for me but this is the first game I have played since Slay the Spire or Dream Quest that has captured the "magic" of those games, and if anyone on this gacha ridden board knows what im talking about, that alone should make you go play the demo of this game NOW.
Alright OP ill give it a shot later
One of the best mobile games out there. Valkyrie is overkill too.
I recommend good games to anons just about every week, somehow this one slipped my mind though. I played it a lot but eventually got distracted by other games while I kept failing to unlock new stuff.
Just played a couple of runs and yeah this game is insane.
Got a brimstone build where I tripled a stalwarts exert to 15, then used dolphins echo on a rampage character to get rampage 15.
Then there is 15 modes to unlock and 100 characters, along with random gen characters if you still want more content.
Only $7 too, absolute steal
won a couple of games on hard
the main gripe I have is the extreme lack of influence on classes upgrade and the itemizing. WAAAAAY too RNG reliant. didn't luckshit into the classes AND the items that synergize with eachother? tough shit lmao
StS has a shop for a reason.
Exactly my thoughts, it's all RNG.
Good gameplay, but I hate 'die and restart from begging' kind of games.
Absolute banger. I've been playing it for hours whilst listening to a tts novel
Does anyone have the windows version?
this shit looks neat
I only beat this game on hard twice. I love it, but the curses stuff cripples gameplay and your ability to use skills and tactics to crush the enemy and makes the RNG too dominant.
Thanks, I was just looking for a good mobile game.
Moved to an Iphone because I got an Ipad for #Art
I swear huion and those other cunts waited for me to blow my load on an Ipad Pro to start making Android Tabs with their hardware.
looks kinda nice
dead game.
>WAAAAAY too RNG reliant
I bet most people die because they make stupid choices though not because RNG

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the demo only has 12 rounds and I feel like it already takes too long
don't like the difficulty ramping up which is probably gonna happen with more rounds
otherwise this game is almost piss easy on normal
got a link for 3.0 on phone?
crack where?
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Been some comfy Lethalfrag streams
How much did 3.0 change things?
A whole lot of changes and new stuff. You can now play vertically, there's the new green hero class, new heroes were added and some old ones were tweaked and some were moved, there are different party compositions other than the old orange-yellow-grey-red-blue, and there's a new feature that works like spells but doesn't use mana.
dragon city and my singing monsters are the best mobile games, everything else is trash, too bad i spend all my paycheck on them though

>New heroes which include
>New T1 Orange Clumsy, like a shittier juggler
>New T1 and T2 Grey called Wallop and Pilgrim which comes already with stuns and death protection despite being low tiers
>New orange T3 - agent, comes with quad attack and a side who's keywords are completely random from a selection of like over 200 keywords
>Wanderer lost quad strike and now has a counterattack side that deals damage back equal to the incoming damage instead
>New yellow T3 - Captain, comes with multiple chain sides, and Tactics! Tactic are a new kind of spell where you throw away certain dice for certain effect, in case of captain, throw away 2 shields and 2 attack to shield everyone for 2 and deal 2 damage to everything
>Bard lost the mana gain but gained a cantrip attack and a tactic that let him use blank to shield/cleanse 1
>New T3 grey - prince, has a tactic that deal 15 damage if you gather 1 heal,1 block,1 attack and 1 blank, comes with a greatsword side
>New grey T3 stoic, like a 15 HP monk with stuns
>There's now a new class of heroes, green heroes, green has a lot of wacky gimmicky heroes
>All the wackier grays like Mimic,Statue and Twin are now Green heroes
>New Blue T1 - Meddler,comes with a side that automatically summon bones when rolled, extremely annoying, spell automatically kills enemy with 3 HP for 3 Mana
>New Blue T1 - prodigy, has just 2 "gain 3 mana singleuse", spell is 1 damage cleave for 2 singleuse
>New yellow T1 - Lazy, has only 2 good sides and the rest are blank
>Hoarder has new sides, one of which kills him if the attack kills the target
>Sparky zap is now 1 mana kill an enemy with 2 HP rather than 3 mana kill an enemy with 4 HP
>Scoundrel now has an attack all rather than cleave
>Enchanter can now give cruel to other party members and suck less

>Poet now has a mana cantrip and a spell that boost 1 the whole party
>New red T1 - Gardener, has a side that grows ALL it's faces, spell poison for 1 for 2 mana and is single use
>Forgot to add that enchanter now has a spell that flip the dice face to the other one
>You now pick your party at the beginning with the classic party being one and having 2 other different choices, this is the only way to access greens
>Crones aren't in the game anymore
>Z0mbie is not in the game anymore sadly
>Mimics now are less evil and only summon 2 HP slimes rather than bones
>New monster, Militia, hits hard but automatically fleeds if you shield their target for 5
>New monster, shade, become invincible for the turn after being hit once, hits really hard, really fucks you up if you have
>New boss, coffin, like a giant mimic that drops a T5 item if defeated
>New boss wendigo, turns one of your party members into a traitor who you have to use against your party
>New boss inevitable, becomes invincible for the turn every 5 HP dealt, becomes stronger for every turn that passes
>Hand now has an attack that straight up kills your top row unit
>On top of generated heroes there's now also generated items and generated monsters if you want
>I won't mention the items change but there are new items/some got reworked/some got moved in tiers
If I skip my last T2 hero and leave him at T1, will he get T3 eventually or am I forced to upgrade him to T2 next time a level up happens?

Forced, you can't get T3 heroes if your whole party ain't T2, that's one of the downsides of playing with coffin and one of the upsides of playing with housecat
It seems like there's more chatter between characters. A small detail but cool.
Sucks ass
it looks bad

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