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why are you not playing PC games on your phone?
Well can't be worse than normal Gothic controls
How do I use this thing?
>posts seemingly bad idea
>doesn't even bother to elaborate
Why is this board so shit? You rarely ever see a thread that's not jerking off to gacha characters and 0 game discussion and it always turns out to be trash as well
You're mentally ill
No u
Chances are OP left forever after two hours of not getting replies and it's not like there's anything to elaborate on - it's an emulator, and it's not like anyone cares.
Looks sketchy too, I mean it the site doubles as a dump for pirated games, lmao.
Winlator are legit but the site on >>1384534 are not.
i have black screen in every game
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anyone knows what is the minimal specs recommended for your phone to run modern games on low at least? this could be interesting but idk if my phone would be able to handle it
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the only good thread on this board

I fucking hate you anime faggots like you wouldn't believe
With a somewhat powerful phone(6gb ram) u can probably play swat 4.

Unfortunately i dont have that so i just prefer to stick to ports like amnesia's port or id software games like doom,quake,prey(2006),etc which actually run pretty smoothly on my 4 gb ram phone (only have 2gb because the rest is taken by my shitty OS).

So yeah, u gotta lot of options bcs u can probably play fallout 1&2 even if u have 2-3gb MAX

Based on this u can probably run modern games with low resolution on 8gb
What's the official link, if any exists. It would be pretty nice to play old PC games I've never got to play.
winlator.org or their github github.com/brunodev85/winlator
>why are you not playing PC games on your phone
because touch controls suck ass and are only tolerable on games designed specifically for them
if the game has controller support (and doesn't rely on fast reaction time) then overlays arent that bad
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Because nobody has ported this to phone
Or have they?
the only things worth emulating on phones are ds games
specifically pokemon
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Morrowind is pretty good in android using OpenMW
anime website
I heard that Caesar III open source project had a mobile version.
I'm playing Morrowind now.
Project is dead for years
/qa/ lost
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>gnawing GF's hair follicles out
You could be playing KINO on to go, but choose to stay with the trash you played while as a dumb kid.
because i already could using moonlight for nvidia cards, or using steam, pretty seemless too, i can use my controller and don't have to use stupid touch controls.
Good morning saar please do not redeem!
I have a rog allly, why would I use my phone the rog ally is like the bare minimum for le modern aaa gamea anyway and it still struggles a bit. ((o( ̄ー ̄)o))

I have a snapdragon 865 with 6 gigs of ram, I doubt it could run anything that well anyway.
touch controlls are shitty for most games
I wouldn't play with a controller in public

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