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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
>How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?
I Did the bare minimum to snatch the controllers. I don't have enough strong characters to do the whole event.
I finished it, was pretty fun to actually use other units. I liked the federation tent and the renewed focus on faction buffers, seeing as one can easily carry an entire team of scrubs into helping clear a stage. Honestly felt like I had too many supplies and that I should've spammed Cherie way earlier. The other thing is how boring Cherie spam makes it because Shadow Raid and AA is broken. Not sure how else they get old players to use weaker units though, since seeing as I had 400 supplies at the end, I could've started using Cherie for basically every stage way sooner.
Completed all of it, but mixed feelings.

>can't change equipment for used heroes
>can't change equipment for garrisoned heroes
>leveling the federation tent is a mistake since resets are free at level 1
>dungeon portion went on way too long, most of it was just absurdly high stats
>miss any dailies and you're fucked on ranking

>got to use other units
>final map was somewhat interesting
>fun to see how OP some heroes are with slight adjustments
Anyanon knows how will the rewards be distributed in the Mirror World Madness?
As in how much do I need to get in the respective reward ranking tier
I want to know if I should do more floors of the dungeons for points or not

>can't change equipment for garrisoned heroes
Then you need to find where the heck the unit is since there's no way to check so you need to open every node and see if the character is there, remove him, change the equipment and then put him back
You should be able to see your ranking inside Mirror World. Go to the Floating Island of Battle and click the Crown icon in the upper right.

You can see your ranking against other players, and your tier rewards for emblems. I think you need 120k to get the max reward for the nonranked rewards.
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Alright, I'll forgive you for cucking me out of Alustriel last time
Couldn't even bother to do enough for the controllers. Despite that I did have a lot of work going on during half of the event to excuse it, it just was another round of poorly designed trash.
I didn’t mind the event but the towers made it feel like a slog. Cut that down by half. Also streamline the resource deployments, some of the conditions are crazy.
Is Imelda's new skin censored?
Last day to summon Andriole
If by censored you mean changed from other versions, no. CN used to have censored skins and they uncensored it for everyone else, but now I'm pretty sure they just port over the same ones.

I got Nemia instead and although I really want Andriole I can't afford it because of the few coming banners. Eshean/Isolde are probably more valuable for me than Andriole, but if I miss them I can't go all in either. Need to pull both Guyvers for collection, and then Imelda, and I was already wasted from anniv because I wanted Liana's swimsuit.
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(You) ARE saving up for her, right?
I am now.
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I've never done dimensional expedition before. Any tips for preparation? This is my current top 12, don't know if I should build someone else just in case.
Good to see Lina getting some love
The biggest problem with DE is players not actually doing the event so as long as you're proactive and your Guild is organized you can easily get by the event without any problems
The nodes are conquered by winning the points earned in the maps so the more you kill the more points earned and the node will go down faster
This way the usual strategy is killing every wave in one turn so the max number of enemies spawns (some nodes do not require such strategy because the enemies are fewer but buffed up so you'll have a few extra turns to kill them)
For example older players can carry the maps by killing most mobs with AoEs while new players bring one or two units to clean up the map the remaining mobs that survived the slaughter

Your account doesn't seem new but you also don't seem to have a maxed out cast of characters like most older players so you could take the role of support with Cherie for SingleTarget+ActAgain or Liana for ActAgain (or Elwin/Lina/LightOfGenesis even since they hit hard)
Does your Guild have some form of communication or organization for the DE?
I don't mean the ones that like to win the event in the first or second day and more like wanting to win the event at all
>Does your Guild have some form of communication or organization for the DE?
Nope, even though the guild is full, the communication has been minimal. I think I'm kinda screwed but we'll see if they wake up for the event.

>Your account doesn't seem new but you also don't seem to have a maxed out cast
I started 6 months ago, so yeah, still a long way to go.
Rainforce or Shelfaniel + Florentia is the lowest effort* strategy due to free stats from their talents. You can do SP Cherie/Epsilon/AA support when you unlock a lower enemy count map to rack up personal points.

*not dealing with enchant rng
I did not realize Eshean is this year's act again support. Gonna enjoy seeing all the challenges balanced around her just like being a Sissi-let for years.
Strong characters that can solo/duo maps like SP Cherie or Yulia are good to help conserve resources.

For AoE focused maps, Shelfaniel / Rainforce + Florentia.
I see, thanks. I only have Shelfaniel from the mentioned, I'll see what other map nukers I can build.
Are her shoes guns like Bayonetta?
Seems to be really high heels to me.
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No I'm saving up for Guyver
No clue if email codes are personalised but here
I'm so screwed. Dropped like 250 and got 2x Hoffman, 1x Jugler, 1x Tsubame. Why is the game doing this to me? Now I might have to skip Isolde to make sure I get both Guyvers and Imelda. I knew rolling on new units was a mistake, should've just waited for 6 months and grabbed her later.
>saving up for Gayver
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This is fucking great
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Guyver is gigabased and the first six episodes of the OVA is a 10/10 perfect anime
I still need to watch that live action movie with David Hayter. I'll probably get a few laughs.
The Hayter one's a surprisingly legitimate B-Movie with some great props and effects, and manages to incorporate elements straight from the manga if you care about the source material

Now the other film with Mark Hamill, that is a trainwreck. Rapping zoanoid related
I was prepared to spend money if I had to, didn’t want to miss out on Eshy, thankfully I managed to get her but it was after getting 3 Hofmanns
anyone able to update the pc client of the game?
No issues updating on PC here.
>The Hayter one's a surprisingly legitimate B-Movie with some great props and effects
Sold. I'll have it ready for when the update comes and do a ovas+movie combo night.
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What did Cherie mean by this?
Not sure, but she needs this as a coomer skin with the same pose.
Same. Can't play on pc.
It forgot my sign-in details but that was it, no problems with the actual client
Sometimes you need to do an uninstall/reinstall. I've also had to let it repair itself a few times after an update. No clue why.

If all else fails you can try to emulate through Bluestacks.
Done with the story, can't believe how much of a simp Matthew was until the end.
I forgot JP finals happened last week, it was a weird one aHR0cHM6Ly9mb2N1cy5waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91dXhyWTVWWlM=
Base 64 because spam. I won't blame anyone for ignoring it since file is big and desu I felt like I wasted time watching it with how boring and weird it was. I guess if you want to see Betty you can watch the last game but that one was the most boring.
So characters used for DE don't refill the next day? Fuck newer players, right zlong? That is some fucking garbage, took all the will I had to do this piece of shit event.
You get them after x amount of levels and there's like a weekly supply they'll give you.

It's not a very good event, and Mirror World completely overshadowed it. It's just pure shit grind. I max out my levels to get shop rewards, guild can barely clear it normally.
>Two Hofmanns
>GitS dupe
>Werner fucking Dime dupe

Fucku youu
So what's a good node to grind in DE so I can reach max level?
If your guild completed it already, something like the final boss of Wolf's Den. It's like 3 waves, can be auto'd with Yulia/Cherie.

If you can't choose the area, then whatever is easiest on your current node.
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I wasn't expecting this, I'm quite tempted.
Probably going to be her only non-whale outfit for a while, so it does seem worth it.
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Meet our new heroine, /lang/!

This is Tabres, the new character from the Tolivar's storyline.
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Let's post some new skins too.

First one is for Adankelmo / Yani
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Here's a new skin for Oboro.
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Check out Macho Lotto skin for Polyal.
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Last one belongs to Rohga.
Finally more hot pants!
Can't say I was expecting a Terminator 2 reference
So I got an item that allows me to get one OC from gen 1 or 2. Was thinking of picking Aka, Sissi White, Old Man Landius, or the Transcended One. Which one's great for PvE since that's all I focus on?
Damn, she's a fine looking woman.

Another wonderful skin for her.
I rolled Aka as a new player and as far as I can tell, she sucks ass out the box
She's also very cute so do rec
guaranteed later this month if you have Rozalia & Emilia
>Old Landius
guaranteed in a rerun later down the line if you have Wiler & Shelfaniel, if you're considering availability he is the best pick
Guaranteed in a month or so if you have Light of Genesis & Young Jessica
A very recent CN banner will guarantee him if you have Tourmilque and Adenkelmo.

Really, in terms of PvE usefulness, only Transcender is a failed abortion so any of the others can do -something-. That not being well, but something. Sissi is the best out of the bunch since she has Act Again, but she's high investment so you won't even use her for 3 months. And that assumes you already have 150 points for her unique. Granted, none of them are cheap to be usable, but she's definitely the worst of the bunch at this. At least her casting is basically free with that in mind.
Old man Landius isn't great on his own, but he's the other faction buffer for mystic realm besides Gizarof. And unless you are running characters that need a summon to die to trigger something, Landius would be better. That's the only other thing I'd add to the other advice.
Old man Landius it is. Thanks.
Wow really cool Yoshimitsu looking skin. I hope it only costs vouchers. I have a bunch saved up.
Mommy skin.
Sexy women god DAMN Yani!!!!
Look at that shit eating grin. That's the look of a woman oneshotting your tank from across the map with meteors. Glad to see she's finally gotten a non-EOL skin, can't wait for her lotto skin.
Holy kino. Too bad Rohga's borderline unusable.
>they removed Use Exp Potion and Use Enchant Scroll from the Dailies
Actual quality of life update
Finally got Florentia after so many failed banners. Kinda crazy how it was more difficult to get her than any limited banner I threw crystals at. Pretty happy to finally get my third healer, now I need Tsubame for the bonds and I'm set (already got Licorice).
Grats anon, I still use Flo a lot because that constant AA potential is just so good in PvE.
I hadn’t noticed, I did see that the morning burger now stays so you can get 4 daily even if you long on in the evening. Good thing too I was using a ton, I had 300-400 at one point now I only have 170.
I died like twice in Elshean trial haha this girl suck.
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Skill issue. Eshean can act again her allies, she can stun enemies then retreat and even buffs herself. Also, she's a cute 14-year old Princess.
My goddess!!!!
You on something if you say that she’s one of the best characters in the whole game.
Tbf Luna is 15 so also those boobs and EoL skin doesn’t lie.
Character age is weird in Langrisser.
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Late to finish grinding Slayers event and it drops this in my lap, nice. Also got the thunder lance and glory from weekly exchange and red dragon gave me Lostham's bow and the I assume shitty Valiant armor.
Damn I hope JP makes it easier to collect all the burgers. Once I got my new job I went from being able to get 3/4 a day which was usually more than enough down to 2/4 which isn't enough.
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I guess it's a valentine skin. Still not sure on if I want the Awakener one and now this one pops up. I wish skin vouchers weren't only in crazy expensive bundles.
Thank god I have enough for both hot damn Yani!
Finally a skin that makes Shelf's tits look big. Might actually spend some money instead of waiting around.
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I hate them
How do you even maneuver their Damage Reduction Command and Guard effectively?
That map sucks, I would really like to know what the fuck they were smoking when they created it. However if you are trying to complete it with Strategic, good luck, according to the usual youtubers you have to use Forget and the funniest part is that there are only two strategic units that have Forget, Egbert and KoM and you will need Florentia 6* and also the new cavalry soldiers. I don't know if there is a different way, the starting position is so disadvantageous that there are few units that can break free easily.
Passive disable. If you just use frontal assault, Elwin's 3c, Wettham, or forget if you really don't have anything else, you can ignore them completely. Most of Forbidden Battlegrounds relies heavily on passives but never have immunity unless it's the redeemer that makes units in 2 spaces debuff immune, or the healer that gives gospel to 2 units after taking action.

If we're not talking like min units/stats to clear, I felt like I did it pretty easily with Leon/Gren/Elmo/Azusa/Florentia.
You have Gren, those who don't, either use Alte or Lanford and therefore you can't attack with a unit on the first turn. I used SP Ledin, SP Cherie, LoG, SP Almeda and Elma and I didn't have too many problems, too bad about the controllers but my Strategy faction isn't able to complete that map for now.
I did a Strategic team clear with Gren, Adank, 4* Andriole, 4* Florentia and Egbert that's only there as a forget bot.

Andriole can be replaced with Leon, but if you don't have Gren, you probably need at least 5* Florentia.
Strategic with SP Alte, SP Leon, Andriole, Adankelmo and Knight of Mistery. Needless to say, without Adankelmo and Andriole I would never have succeeded, Andriole is a broken unit.
I'm quite short on crystals, which means I won't be able to get a heart of desire for a couple of months. I do however have enough controllers to upgrade one of the "free" SP characters, since the heart of desire for those are easy to get. Out of the bunch, which one ones are considered the most useful? Right now I'm thinking Freya or Grenier, but I have no clue about the rest.
I'd consider Narm as the most versatile. Glory/princess/meteor unit that can move 5 spaces over terrain, has built in move again/roundabout, kiting/lockdown, a silence, and block buff. Having 3 factions is pretty nuts for an SR unit.

Freya is extremely meh unless you're trying to do the 10-3 Thor node or just need to build up Origins for Forbidden Battlegrounds. I haven't used/invested in her since that point.

SP Grenier is probably the best glory tank. If you're not already stacked to the gills on tanks, or don't have a maxed out Ledin he's a good choice.

SP Hein and Lewin are decent. I've found a bit more use out of Lewin since he's an offensive lancer in Origins and works well as a mixed unit. Hein's issue is all the other power crept mages. He isn't as versatile as LoG and the princess mages mog him as well.
Narm: she is the best investment among the free SP, she has better stats, terrain mastery, five movement and is part of Glory, Princess and Meteor.
Freya: Better stats and neutral class and can use Redeemer. At least for me she's the tank and FB for origin, even though she doesn't need SP to do that.
Lewin: he's not bad but if you already have several origin units it's not worth it, however he reaches the levels of an SSR more or less.
Hein: He has some useful skills and is used in some strategies for endgame content but I wouldn't build him just for those.
Grenier: requires a lot of resources beyond those needed for the SP and despite his strong points he has no revive and his counterattack power depends on the number of buffs he has and the rng. This is one of the most expensive SPs since you have to unlock the archer class to be able to use bolt rangers and therefore you have to invest in archer soldiers.
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I think the most important thing about Narm is how useful she is for annoying challenges, both as a unit that obliterates flyers and someone that can move debuff and move again every turn. Grenier is also a lot of fun, but yeah, he requires a sickening amount of investment for someone that is basically only used against non-boss enemies in pve. Freya is good for those rare situations where you are forced to use fixed damage, but even then she's more of a luxury than anything else. Lewin's short legs kinda make him hard to use. And Hein isn't a bad unit, but as mentioned, there are way too many good mages in his factions to justify slotting him in most of the time.
Narm is easily the best and Lewin is a kind of distant second. Narm deletes any non stat sponge flyers, especially if you do meteor for enchant. She can also help lock down annoying units or at least slow them down by herself. I'd say her only bad point is that she's squishy so you need to be careful if you can get countered. A less bad point is that she's weaker on indoor maps due to her soldiers.
I don't regret getting SP Grenier and Lewin since I do get to use them sometimes but I'd never recommend either of them, especially with how many good exclusive equitment there are and the fact that you need them for casting skills.
Alright, Narm it is then. I have zero archer characters so that will be another plus. Thanks for the tips everyone.
These new forbidden battleground maps feel harder than ever, but I guess that is kind of the point. Hate these fucking zealots that swap between physical and magic damage weakness and always revive when an ally is near by.
Really want that new dragon girl that's coming soon. I dig her design.
Man, gates of fate needs a permanent increase from 9 to 18. The game is 5+ years old already with a bazillion characters, it shouldn't be this much of a slog.
You forgot removing the retarded "once a day" limit for individual runs.
Either limit total daily runs or a run per shard, stop doing both it was never justifiable and it's worse now.
The only one that was kind of hard was the level 70 empire/strategic one, and that's mostly because of how fucking bad the positioning is. If you weren't literally walled in it wouldn't be so bad.

My strategic team sucks and won't be doing it this go round. The rest weren't too bad.
Stamina cost too, I still have no idea why they cost stamina to begin with. They could also do away with costs on the older map contents.
I understand why they don't increase the limit, after all it's a feature for low spenders and f2p players, not for whales who don't even need it. Luckily it exists, other more famous games that earn much more than Zlong (genshin) don't have it and the only solution is to pay. Considering the cost in stamina it would be better if they increased the number of shards rather than the number of gof. They could increase the number of shards based on the "age" of the unit, it is absurd to take about three months for a unit like Rachel, by now the new units are already broken at 4* and the 6* are most of the time stats or decrease in CD unlike in the past. However, it seems to me that they have increased the number of times there are 18 gof, about every month on and off, and in a few updates there should be 27 gof.
Unfortunately that map is a units check, they put a lot of effort into making it difficult, in comparison the other three lv 70 are easy. I don't know what Strat units you have but sometimes what seems to suck might be useful.
I think this was discussed at length in older threads, and not much has changed from 3 years or 5 years. The problem is still that low spenders still make a good chunk of money for them because they sell packs+privilege instead of only buying currency outright being the main form of income. Pretty much every modern game does this because it facilitates lower amounts of spending but doesn't discourage whales.

The actual point is that the release schedule of units hasn't changed, and current players are obviously bigger sources of income than new players. They release 2 units a month, which means that a f2p player, if playing from day 1 and hasn't missed a day, will have 50% of the cast at 6* minus 9 or so units. Decreased again for dead months, and sometimes solo rate ups if they don't come with a banner like Wettham which seems to be the case starting from AO. In addition, each 2 weeks of 18 gof is +126 shards, and with the wishing machine maxed we get around +20 every patch. The way a player gets behind, is solely by getting a dupe of a unit they have at 6*, mitigated somewhat now with spacetime essence or not playing. This is why they run extra gof as events instead, because each patch cycle naturally puts each player closer to 50% and the extra gof is a more natural way to put that up to like 60% or 65%, rather than something like 11 gof. It's also why we will never have permanent 18 gof.

To take my own f2p account as an example, if we had permanent 18 gof I would max out every unit in about a year from now. We average ~120 pull a cycle, which is slightly more than pity, but I stockpile for collabs pretty hard. I do have every single collab character, but I'm around ~13 units behind on the collection. It would be less if I didn't prioritize Andriole/Eshean this time around, and had to skip out on Joa, Amadeus, and likely Tatalia. You would almost kill off the low spender income entirely.
(Cont.) The actual solution for new players is the same as it always has been. Just dump them with progression rewards. There's no reason adventurer aid is only a month long and it just feeds into FOMO. Just give each new player like 200 of each SSR Aniki material and 1000 SSR books when they hit 70. Space out 500 universal SSR shards or more across leveling and around the mid game if you want to keep the early game still slightly difficult. It doesn't even hurt their income because they're not actual pulls. I don't know why they insist on making new players go through as much of an Aniki grind when we have WoTL now too. 4 mats a week from Floating Island isn't nearly enough.
In my opinion zlong could devise a crafting system that allows you to use a certain number of low level materials to obtain higher level materials, considering that with aniki farming you earn more SR materials than SSR, new players would take less time to reach 70/70/40 which is still valid for tackling endgame content.

If there's one thing I don't like in gachas it's that in many cases an obsolete unit/character costs the same as a new unit. In other markets what is old drops in price, paying Gizarof the same as Isolde is a "scam", which is why I think the least that zlong could do is to immediately release the bonds for old units (lang I-V and Mobile Act 1 at least) and maybe instead of having them at 3* you can get them at 4* or with a lower pity. Of course we are in a utopian field, we all know that zlong will never change.
I think I'm gonna skip the dragon lady this time around. I need to focus more on destiny to expand the core team. I got ass fucked by these double banners many times already.
When I started, one of the pieces of advice given was to ignore the new banners and rate-ups and focus on the destiny, unfortunately since then the destiny has gotten worse due to the increase in units. However if you are not interested in pvp the only reason to have Isolde is the FB, there are stronger and easier units to use than her if you are only interested in pve.
This, Jayce will end up a much more useful unit for PvE with their predictable challenge creep, so Isolde will be useful regardless but you can put off both for now.
I ended up coming back and getting this done. I had been using Altemuller as my buffer and got rid of him and found Strat units that were empire and used Leon as a buffer attacker. It was slow, but it worked.

Vargas/Hilda/Florentia/Leon/Imelda ended up being the solution for my exceptionally shitty strat team. Two tanks to spread out the damage and 1.5 healers did the trick.
Has the auto arena meta had any changes? The only thing I did to mine a long time ago was swap Ares out for Wettham since he's more flexible and his AI isn't as retarded. I'd imagine Polyal is amazing if the defender leaves the middle back square open, though I only really see that from people who have free win comps. Lina seems just okay, especially since there's potential that she gets in the way of other characters. I feel like aside from her there hasn't really been much in the way of aoe characters that won't get cucked because of AI.
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>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
>"SUCCESS Upgrade!"
I just realized Jayce has teleport because he's also Jessica, but it reminded me of how ridiculous AO is as the only character unrelated to Jessica to also have teleport. They should've given her a nerfed version like all the others instead, or just not given her one.
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On my last 10 summon, fucking finally. Thankfully the next update has more optional characters instead of these giga broken ones.
>the next update has more optional characters
Patty is just for AOE memes, and only really saw widespread use when Icemelda dropped.
>400 summons
>no Isolde
>3 Jayces
Your trade in?
Isolde is a good unit but doesn't seem like the best FB in pve. The special effect is activated for melee attacks and most, if not all, Mythic units have ranged attacks or ranged attacks that ignore melee penalties, basically +15% damage is lost. Since I don't own any other Mythic FB, maybe I could be wrong, but I think that ranged attacks without any penalties are not boosted by the FB, which given the pve stats checks is a substantial loss.

However Isolde is an excellent unit, if I really have to find a flaw in her it is that she does not have a FB 2c like other units and given the faction she is part of, for players who have not yet unlocked awakening she could be a difficult unit to use.
Is Jayce any good? I got him and Isolde at 3 stars atm.
She doesn't need a 2C FB it saves using all her slot on her unique skills also not hard to regain back. Her only real flaw is she has not revival effect could be in her inevitable exclusive equipment but time will tell.
no he is worse than young jessica
Don't trust this anon, he is retarded.
>being nice to humblebraggers
No point in raising Christiane's attack bond, right?
The days of Omega PVP are long dead, so yeah unless you want that 100%.
It depends on what mage units you have and if you do PvP. Jayce is primarily a PvP unit with the ability to annoy as well as being a decent DPS and who is at his best in maps with defensive terrain.

Considering his factions, in PvE, Adankelmo, Tourmilque, Sagani, Ashemar, LoG, Gustaf, Mariandel, Kaguya, Leo Beck and AO are more useful and overall stronger since they can have the 4 ranges in some way and have buffs or useful skills to help the team. Jayce, apart from teleport which is not worth using, only has ST and AoE attack skills, his unique AoE requires enemies to be positioned close together and the effect only lasts one turn and his 3c can prevent the target from acting the next turn.

If you have GoF available I would upgrade him to at least 4*. I usually upgrade all the units that I think could be useful to at least 5* even if I never use them... like Lovina and Saintess.

YJess needs EE and a map that doesn't require her to move continuously otherwise she becomes dead weight and since her talent requires her to be as far away from the target as possible even using scepter of divinity doesn't solve the problem. She is now only useful as a bond unlocker and for some particular strategies for endgame content.

If you have resources to "waste" upgrade it since the more advanced stages of Mirror world require units with all bonds upgraded and above a certain power level.
>Leo Beck
Conversion tank attack bonds are more of a "I have more than enough resources so maxing this won't mean anything" kind of thing. Also if mirror world is something you're capable of clearing there's that like >>1418533 noted.
Completely forgot about the mirror world and it's requirements. I'll keep it in mind when that time comes again, for now I'd better spend the resources elsewhere, still building a lot of characters on the side and those ssr keys drain fast.
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Redpill me on Guyver
Finally got one
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Did you guys clear this shit? It's so frustrating I think I'm just going to skip it.
Oh that map event? I ended up just finding a clear on youtube.
Yeah, quite annoying. I think I missed one of the achievements and didn’t bother going back to do it a second time. The map itself is easy but it just takes so long. The important thing to remember is letting Chris get the early kills and to save your dispels for Bozel’s aoe.
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Innocent highschool lad stumbles on some stolen tech that tentacle rapes him into a bioweapon, and puts him top of the local evil megacorp's shitlist
Suffering ensues

It's basically grimdark Kamen Rider if you're familiar with that
Well, I finally got Isolde. Being without tickets and crystals, it was probably the most intense grind I've done in any game. Basically powered through the entire of story chapter 2 and like 6 time rift stories on both normal and elite. It was a massive gamble being f2p and all but very luckly I was able to get one of each (pity on both but still). On the bright side, I'm almost there with everyone else in terms of story progress but I'm never doing that shit again.
I too am very far behind in part 2. I wish they would just remove the stamina cost for part 1 and 2 everything at this point, maybe expect the challenge battles, because there aren't enough burgers. The extra stages in the normal rifts are also full of shit but those are guaranteed to not get removed or stamina cut.
Thread is going so slow, I might as well post the new heroes.

This is Celica, mostly known as Elisse's best friend and an old acquaintance of Yani.
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Here's Ymir, another new character from the Tolivar's storyline.
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This is Tabres's EoL skin, btw.
And here is EoL for Tyrantel.
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Do not open under any circumstances!
This is Fraxinus the Gatekeeper now called Ymir, and he is Elisse's brother. It seems Zlong isn't done with Gelpais yet as both new units are from there.
Now those are some wonderful breasts.

Dammit. Shoulda listened.
My waifu gorgeous!!
Looks like the same pose as Julian
Would sure be nice to start getting characters from the actual console Langrisser games again. L1 only has like 3 SSRs, plenty of units from the other games too.
It's really odd how they're holding back from releasing characters from the older games. Is it money reasons?
Yes. The only remaining popular characters already have a portrait so they won't get a glowup and/or are villains with barely any characterization to incentivize people who like them to pull.

The best you're going to get are the LLRs like Imelda for the most popular SRs. They're also unlikely to ever do another SR SP for free. Ricky/McClaine were already the most popular of the leftovers and that banner didn't even do well compared to OCs.
If you believe the old assumption that they lost the rights to the original characters that's technically a money reason I guess.
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Pretty cool looking ham there.
Transcender pattern skill when!?
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I'm a genius! It only took me 7 months to figure out how to use those damn Sissy White 50% bonus meals.
I wish I could even make those salads, mana pools don't generate enough to make them unless i never collect resources and skip the forge or be a retard and skip stamina salads.
brenda you dumb bitch let me summon you
I finally managed to get Bozel. Now I can complete my Licorice.
nice, always a good feeling when things start to come together. didn't get brenda, but a copy of old zerida will work since I'm trying to flesh out meteor a bit
I wish they put as much effort into the normal events as the anniversary and Reichenbach ones. Actually looking forward to challenge 5 which is undoubtedly going to be beating up Gendrasil again with a Wiler+Giz npc.
How annoying that for every challenge you always need Rozenciel (I have her), it seems like the developers can't come up with challenges that don't always require massive reactive healing and immunity. I'd like to use other units instead of the usual ones.
Man, the ways of the law 70-75 for anything related to the flyer castings is filtering me really hard. Autokrato or whathever with his 6 range 3c, bitch ass Reinforce with his fixed damage, terminator Rozalia with her infinte defense/healing, royal protectors running all over the maps hitting at range, etc.

With all the other castings it was easy because I could disguise a mage into another class and nuke them from afar. But no options here, get your mid build flyers and hope for the best. Seriously considering using a runestone in Florentia so I can disguise her as a lancer. Need healing bad.
Are you using Cherie with Unicorns? Might also want to SP Narm to deal with the Fliers on the light armor/helm maps. Those 2 and 3 bags could probably do all the 70s. For the Axe 70 you can bring Vargas to deal with the cav and have Cherie clean up the Orcs. If you can't deal with Rainforce entirely, just remember he won't use his aoe if he can't hit more than 2 people, so position after wiping the mobs and use Cherie 2c to push him in then box him.
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Just got Axe 70, that Rainforce tip about his aoe helped a lot, thanks. Brought Freya since I don't have Vargas built, she did good cleaning the cavalry.

My Narm is in the process of becoming SP, have everything maxed for her, just waiting on the runestones. She's probably gonna be a key player on the 75 ones. Also have Isolde with all her bonds, but at 3 stars at the moment she can only watch from the bench.
I have the change for a guranteed Yulia. How important is she these days? I remember when I played the game 3 years ago everyone was crazy about her. Is she outclassed now?
Sort of? She still does her own thing best and provides some healing which is useful, but her main job of sitting in front of a boss replacing and tank and hitting it over and over again healing herself just isn't used in challenge stages much anymore because that's just too simple. She's also only 3 mobility which hampers her a bit. I still use her in certain circumstances where I need more healing than Rozalia can provide, and used her for a few Ragnarok stages because her revives come in handy for tanking one shots without losing out on dps. You will similarly rarely see Elwin in his non-SP form except in situations where you need to duel the boss.
Mmm, I might skip her then until her next destiny. Don't really need any more boss stompers (at least for now), Bernie + Tiaris has been a great combo for that.
the point is not whether she is important but whether it is worth investing time and resources. Remember that Yulia needs 6* and if you don't have free GoF for her you might as well not summon and save vouchers, especially if you don't have the atk bond.
You probably can't emulate this but for axe 70 I auto it with SP Cherie(angels), Jugler(he just heals), Luna(mech dragons), Brenda(mech dragons) and Wehttam(werewolves). I've never watched it go so I have no idea what happens.
Are you a sword fucker?
just began playing this like 2 days ago.
I can't find anything regarding the bonds/gifting, since the game says different characters prefer different things. Does that affect the actual mechanics (ie how many points they get) or is it just about what text they say or some shit?
Also, Egbert was my favorite character of der langrisser, is he playable/useful in this? is he just cartoonishly evil or does he have the strange nuance he had in the old game?
also, should I spend resources on Laird? I like the character but it's only "R"
Just got Hein, Tiaris and Sonya
The prefered gifts give you a some more xp than regular but that's it, nothing hidden about it.

You're gonna get flooded with good characters quite easily, there is no point about upgrading an R character who's gonna be outclassed instantly. But if you like him go ahead. Keep in mind that spreading resources across all your characters is a bad idea, you won't be powerfull enough to tackle the content. Usually, at the early stages of the game, people focus on 6-8 characters exclusively until they reach lvl70, so they are as strong as they can be to clear stuff.

There are a lot of recommendations for starting players, but probably the most important is just focus on getting your base party (tank, healer, 3 dps). There are a ton of youtube videos, dating back to 4 years ago, which still apply today (getting Ledin, Tiaris, Leon, etc). Take it slow and don't pull for random characters unless you really want them.
Great pull, Tiaris is the one of the best healer of the game, probably still the best PvE healer. You put her next to the tank and it will heal him after every attack he gets. There is a caveat with Tiaris though, in order for her to talent heal to activate 100% of the time, she needs to be 6*. So, as soon as you unlock the "gates of fate" to farm her shards (so she can upgrade in rank), start doing them as soon as possible. Getting her to 6* should be a priority to make her consistant.
Yes, certain characters get more bond points if you give them an item they like. For example, Hein gets 1.5x points from the Cherie figure. If you give them the diamonds though, everyone gets 1.5x, so everything other than that is really just flavor as the diamonds are the main way of leveling bond since you just get more of them.

The time rifts contain the mainline stories in shortened form. As for the main mobile story, Act 1 has mostly mobile original allies vs Bozel and the gang. Act 2 is actually a continuation of the mainline stories. Act 3 is just them trying to copy Genshin with original characters alongside mixing in Tensei's story. Almost all Lang 2 characters are playable as it was the most popular.

SRs mostly have a niche and are still useful. Unfortunately the same can't be said of Rs and especially Laird. You can count the useful ones on one hand. Lester for Flying Chain Hook/Move again, Lewin has an SP form, Jessica has teleport, and Leticia can give +2 movement with sprint. Still, I would not recommend upgrading SRs over SSRs just because the latter are far more efficient for general progression with few exceptions and Egbert is not one of them. Egbert specializes in aoe fixed damage, which is mostly dead except in PvP, but the PvP meta has outclassed him so dramatically that the only people using him do it because they like the character or are running Dark as a faction.
So now that they're all out, how are the latest batch of soldiers? Aquatic, archer, assassin, and demon seem to be duds of varying levels. The others only really have an issue of hero coverage.
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Got my 7 wins with only 1 more loss before reset left, HUZZAH!!!

Would go for 10 but that would take forever.
gay for Bernhardt, but has autism and mommy issues
gay for Leon, possibly friendzoned
gay for Elwin, possibly trans
You go through abridged versions of each game's routes in this so while he's a bit staple evil magician man in the first route, you get the empire route next where you see a bit more of him and the rest
Though a lot of the meat for any character fanservice comes from the individual character bond missions you unlock, and Egbert gets a few
Dank, jp got the burger change. Now if I don't sleep in on weekends I can grab all 4 burgers every day. Also we just got too much shit in general, I think everything but the new equipment from Eshean patch got squeezed in too. Autoing casting 75 seems really hard.
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I assume two nodes unlock per week and the last week the final node unlocks. Also how filled out can the camp get? I assume they don't let you just fill the entire thing out.
What do you mean filled out?

Keep your federation tent at level 1 until the end so you can do free resets, invest in SP Cherie + Shadow Raid upgrade, and profit from there.

For troops work towards the mage range upgrade.

Cherie with a buffer like Zerida can solo/duo some of the harder content and save resources. And don't miss your Mirror World dailies otherwise you will always finish below those with higher points, regardless of when you finish.
Filled out as in how many nodes you can grab total. I am doing the level 1 camp thing since that seemed to be the best advice on things to do.
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Can’t believe how long I’ve stayed with this game. And I still log in every day, will probably continue to do so until the one sad and tragic day the servers go down.

Only gacha I’ve been ride or die with so far.
Iirc the maximum is something like 72. You can probably start upgrading it on the second last set of stages as there's feats that require it, and if you're planning on ranking every second counts.
Is this Reddit chart still relevant regarding what to spend currency in?
I'm level 33, I have a bunch of stockpiled trinity crystals and burgers and I'm not sure what would be a wise use for them.
Honor points, yes.
Friendship points, yes.
Skin vouchers, it depends. If you buy them at a discount from the Wednesday/Sunday merchant, yes, otherwise the only ways to get them is to buy them with money or as rewards sometimes at events.
Mithril, yes.
Orichalcum, it depends on what equipment you have, and for some time you can use SR equipment without problems and it is also easier to upgrade.
Gold, it depends on what you need to upgrade. I guess this guide is old and now there are different ways to get upgrade materials that don't require the use of gold. Gold is only used to upgrade equipment, bonds, soldiers and casting, ignores the black market.
Trinity Crystals, it depends on whether you are f2p or dolphin or whale and what goals you have. Many still recommend using crystals to refill your stamina but in the end what changes is the speed at which your account progresses and now, as already mentioned, there are other ways to obtain upgrade materials. As I see it, it is better to use crystals only for summoning, especially now that it is more difficult to obtain units and their respective bonds due to the high number of units released.
What about burgers/stamina? Should I save it for something specific, use it for story progress, or what's most optimal?
What an endurance man, congrats. I wish I started earlier, as an old man I avoided phone games like a plague, but somehow found this "sequel" to Warsong that I remember playing as a kid. Never bothered to play any other phone game though, one is more than enough.
I am about 3 days off now. When I hit the 1500 whatever milestone, people told me I hadn't missed a day. So I took that opportunity to start missing days. That cost me my last chance at rolling Isolde, too.
>PC version: Now the right mouse button is equivalent to the ESC key function.
Best update ever, thank fuck.
Don't grind troops unless you're near max level and getting the SSR materials. That's the bottle neck for all players.

Focus on story & rifts to get crystals/vouchers to grow your roster and bounce between story, rifts, and training progress. Always be trying to progress to your next level aniki/dragon and other such secret realm training. Once you're stuck in all of those, then you can focus on some grinding if you want, but the beauty of early game Langrisser is there is normally content you can hop between.

All those stocked up burgers will come in handy when you're max level and doing training or event grinding.
Is a 3* Florentia good as a sole support if I have Lanford to give her an fb? I'm using a princess team atm, but got both Isolde and Jayce from the previous banner and realize I can dip a bit into a mythical team with Yulia as the 3rd mythic. Basically Isolde and Yulia frontlines, Jayce does his thing while Lanford buffs and guards Florentia who will support the vanguard. Good idea y/n?
She's not as good as other healers in raw numbers, but she will work fine if you're doing generic content where you're killing mooks and getting extra turns. But as far as topping off teams from large attacks or clearing debuffs, she's weaker than most healers.

Also, I don't see any guard in Lanford's kit, but I do think he gets some tank abilities with his SP class upcoming.

If you're trying to run Mythic, it might be better to focus on getting Bernhardt or Jugler as a tank. Neither are the best at it, but they at least have skills for it and Bernhardt is bulky for a damage dealer, gets access to dragon class, and has access to werewolves. That also opens you up to Rozenciel, Sophia, or Almeda for your healers.
90 on pity so tomorrow I take Yulia from destiny or gamble on the generic banner. Decisions...
Flo needs 6* (and maybe EE too) so it's quite an investment, using her at 5* makes it difficult to follow various strategies. Mine is 5* without EE and that's not enough most of the time. It should also be added that Flo is only a decent healer and most of the time it is better to use an off-faction healer for strategic, except in forbidden battleground for obvious reasons.

If you want to build a mythic faction, the best tank is Lightbringer and in general using a mixed team in content where you need FB is not a very good choice, unless you have to. Lanford is not a tank, he is a DPS buffer, the best f2p tank for strategic is Vargas, Lanford only becomes a tank with the SP in a few months and even in that case it is better to build other SP first rather than him.

However, a lot depends on what stage your account is at and what units you have, more than one faction becomes necessary only after you unlock Covenant.
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I got two Gunns and I’m not afraid to use em!
Oh, by guard, I meant to use Lanford as someone who zones opponents away from Florentia (blocking movement tiles etc), not as an actual guard unit. Thanks for the advice though, I think I'll stick with my princess team and splash Isolde over until I get more chars/stuff. I'm at lv 70 and barely beating lvl 65 content so I guess I just need to farm more.
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Oh damn, delegations will take your best time instead of the usual 5 min. if you manual them at least once.
Seems next characters in CN is Langrisser Millennium.
It actually helps a ton with non-consistent setups since you don't have to rng them or figure out a setup with minimal rng anymore which is nice.
Man, I really like the Empire characters.
Right now I'm using Bernhardt, Vargas, Egbert, Tiaris and Altemuller.
I got Leon, Ledis and Cherie but idk what to do with them.
Vargas was a replacement for Greinier (sp?) and I'm missing those barbs.
Got Imelda, Varna and Hein but I'm unsure what to do with them other than using Hein for teleport.
And I keep getting Liffanys.
So LLR Chris and another game mode that's going to have a billion complicated mechanics. I'm both excited and scared.
Bernie is absolutely top tier. That bro carried me hard during the most difficult content I had to endure in my road to 70. His aura is fantastic and being able to stun is a nice bonus. Leon is empire too, when you get Bernie's faction buff, the two are killing machines. Tiaris best PvE healer, make a priority to get her to 6* asap so her talent activates 100% of the time. Cherie is a very good cleaning mob unit, being able to act twice in a turn (as long as you kill the first) and she even is great for end game content once you upgrade her to SP, so it's not a waste to invest in her.

>Vargas was a replacement for Greinier (sp?) and I'm missing those barbs.
If you like fixed damage, wait till you get Freya, she's a fricking hedgehog.
>get Gunn from the free x10
Wait what? Is the regular banner updated until the most recent release?
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Yeah, for anyone wanting to try to look, I grabbed a random twitter page that's translating the stuff into japanese that seems to have a bunch of screencaps. There are some story spoilers in there though if you look hard enough. There's some weird new summon that got translated as 'deification of langrisser 1-3 characters", so I guess you can summon god Elwin/Bozel statue looking things into the battleground for effects. Guessing this is the new LLC Chris thing mentioned here >>1438562

Is there any reason to have an alt account other than to avoid doing joint battles with randoms? I guess it could be usefull for DE if both characters are in the same guild.
> Freya
I got her but I ignored her since she's not empire.
The only non empire char I'm using now is Tiaris, Bernie just got the faction buff and it's so nice.
Unfortunately later you will be forced to build more factions...

Some advice for the future:
Tiaris is one of the best healers in the game and does her job well but sooner or later you will need Rozenciel (she's empire) since a lot of the endgame is balanced taking into consideration that you have her.
Vargas is a good tank but he needs EE for ranged guard and from mid act two you will need ranged tanks possibly who can use non-lancer soldiers. For Empire the best replacement is Hilda or Christiane.
Hein and Egbert aren't bad and have some interesting skills but they both don't have the stats so you'll have to get badass mages, Lucretia for Empire.
Forget SP Grenier, it costs so many resources that it is better to invest in something else.
Ledin and Cherie are a good starting point to build a Glory faction but to do this you will need Elwin (who is also empire) who has the best FB for Glory.
Freya is a good unit, especially when you need fixed damage and since she has a FB she can be used on any team but her 3c is one of the trickiest to get.
Varna is useful in DE since with 3c she can use skills every turn.

However, in my opinion, the most important thing to know is that before trying to summon a new unit you must always check which bonds it needs.
Happy for LLR Chris although I would have preferred SP Chris. Less happy with the new mode if the stats check is based on casting 5+ and ragnarok stats.

To coop with yourself (both for dailies and DE), to try to progress differently from the other account (for example starting from scratch with a Dark faction), if you are so masochistic that you want to suffer again from lv 1 to 70 considering that you would have to do the whole story mode and time rift again to get crystals and all the secret realms challenges and you would also have to do the events twice every update.
The mode doesn't seem very set in stone yet. At the very least, it seems to be more horizontal yet again like covenants, which means there's going to be stages starting from a certain level, up to end game content. As you beat stages, you can use them in more content, and apparently they're considering whether to let you use them in Apex or not. The summon seems to be more limited to buffing/aura/terrain and stuff compared to covenants which had huge damage potential by themselves, and is intended to help people clear stages they can't, i.e. Ragnarok. Obviously we know over the course of the year after it's release they're going to ramp up difficulty for end game content taking it into consideration.

You can bring up to 5 of these diety things into battle, and you can choose who you want to summon. Leveling them seems to be like covenants? where you have to wait for mats to level them up, but getting skills is like the mirror world tree so you can't pick everything.

It seems their for lasting impact for people who don't want to deal with the new mode is that possibly challenge stages in general events, and maybe future PvE will have mob enemies that have an "elemental shield". where you need to use these guys to break the shields before you can damage them and stages that change depending on which diety you summon. But they claim that they won't implement stages outside of the mode that require you to have very high levels of this new mode cleared.
Thanks a lot! Yeah I won't care -too much- about choosing the most OP characters or it'll just suck out the fun out of the game.

>you'll have to get badass mages, Lucretia for Empire
damn, it's already grating to have Tiaris and now I should add another fucking loli? At least she's empire, but I think I'll pass.
Someone in my guild has an alt for DE. He mainly uses it to assist the few people who actually grind shit out to get more supplies. His alt is good enough to actually contribute and solo shit at the end too.
You can also PvP with yourself instead of waiting for people to trade wins. Pretty sure this is bannable in Apex though, so it's basically limited to WA weeklies.
Gotcha, I thought that maybe there was an end game co op event that I didn't play yet. Probably not worth it at the moment until I want to feel that 1-70 struggle again in a year or two.
Finally all eternal temples done. Got Pheonix yesterday (pain in the ass, probably the one that gave me most trouble) and Valkyrie today. Now to focus on covenants.
Congrats anon. I remember struggling with Scylla 70 forever ago because her rotation would mean you had to tank at least 1 summon + raging waves and it kept killing at least 1 unit even through shrine maidens. Nowadays if you just wait long enough Odin can probably solo any of them by slapping it twice but it's always nice to get through it with big brain instead.
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Took me a long time to get Scylla 70 too. The problem was trying to figure out when he was going for the double aoe. That was until I found this spreadsheet ,it was a quite easier after that. Just posting it here in case someone else need it.
How do people even get more than 1 SR per 10 pull? I'm soo sick of Liffany
Did you use the Cherie's bag that you get as a reward? It let you summon any SR unit that you need.
I think I got two of those?
I think I used the first for an Egbert and I might still have the other one.
But anyway I meant that the 10 pulls (whether from tickets or diamonds) just keep giving me so many damn Liffanys.
Who should I pick with the fusion power stardust? Choices are Shelfaniel, Landius and Dieharte.
I wish I hadn't ignored it, because I got Bernhard and Altemuller from one of those banners where you can wishlist two. I already have Ledin
Depends on what you think you'll need. For the faction buff, Landius is still good but he's very mid as a tank now. But the other option for Yeless is Sigma, and even if you built him and liked him, it's more inconvenient to have to buff with your DPS. Dieharte has a very gimmicky moveset and you'll eventually have Freya to buff Origins, since she at least has a niche and activates her guard along with the faction buff. But that's a 3c, so I don't know how close you are to unlocking those. Shelfaniel is not usually used for the faction buff either, but for an early character her AoE skills are ridiculous. Of course, that'd require some building before she was worth it, but she's required building for dimensional expeditions because of her multiple chances of reducing cooldowns. Her pve issue is the 3 move, and that she might be unimpressive until she's fully built, so that might also factor into your thinking.
I meant that I have an item that gives me one of those characters.
Or I could just take the shards to buff Bern?
Right, that's why I was trying to tell you what the benefits of each one is. Bernhardt is great, but rolling a specific character can be a real pain in the ass. If you don't want to build one of them yet, you can always keep the bag and see if one of them appears on a destiny banner that does have a character you want later on. That won't happen soon, but the game is a real marathon so waiting isn't the worst option.

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As a newfag I really like this game, but Zilong is totally overwhelm me with contents and shits without any way to intuitively understand the system.
So, at my level what are the most important things and characters to focus on, I feel Sacred Realm is too tedious too push (atm I just mindlessly sweep lvl 50), but now even Time Rift is cockblocking me too, and I don't really have time to tryhard all the content (due work, study reason)
It might look like there's a ton of content and systems, but a lot of them actually aren't too relevant to progression. Just for pulls and lore. In terms of stats, there's only a few categories.

>Level+Class Mastery
The way of the law stages. Relatively new. Just do what you can but it's not too important to push it now.
More late game stuff

If you haven't joined a guild yet, just try to get into one that's actively sweeping catastrophe. It'll give free class mastery mat, equip upgrading mats, and some crystals/gold.

>So, at my level what are the most important things and characters to focus on
Make sure to do Aniki everyday. Level up your most used troops to level 10, then upgrade the percent attack nodes of your most used soldier classes. Make sure your equipment is either level 40 SSR, or level 50 SR. You should bond your main team as high as you can. You should try to use some runestones to class mastery both paths for your main team. Make sure you have a faction buff and a team build around one.

Game revolves around the trinity of tank+healer+dps. Your only faction buffers currently are Bernhardt, Ledin, Luna and Awakened One. AO can buff herself, but her FB is time which is the crossover faction.

I would recommend you start as princess since you already have Luna, or try to go for Empire which is always good. You can use Luna+AO+Lana or Cherie for physical damage, and try to go for Christiane and a healer SSR. Mainly Liana, Rozenciel, or Tiaris. You can use Freya and Almeda in the meantime.

>I feel Sacred Realm is too tedious too push
Unfortunately this game really won't let you unga bunga your way through most of it. If anything, bosses and stages are just going to get even harder and more complicated. If you don't try to push you're just going to be stuck there for a long time. If there's a specific stage, you can ask for advice on it.
Thanks a lot, I got the main ideas now.
>If you haven't joined a guild yet, just try to get into one that's actively sweeping catastrophe. It'll give free class mastery mat, equip upgrading mats, and some crystals/gold.
Yeah, my guild is pretty active so I bought a lots of class materials from the shop when Time Rift was too hard to clear.
>I would recommend you start as princess since you already have Luna, or try to go for Empire which is always good. You can use Luna+AO+Lana or Cherie for physical damage, and try to go for Christiane and a healer SSR. Mainly Liana, Rozenciel, or Tiaris. You can use Freya and Almeda in the meantime.
I have a feeling that my team feels lackluster because I haven't built around a faction yet, even when unit such as AO is totally broken compared to the old ones. Thanks for comfirming that, I guess it's time to focus on Princess then, as I totally lack Empire units.
>Unfortunately this game really won't let you unga bunga your way through most of it. If anything, bosses and stages are just going to get even harder and more complicated. If you don't try to push you're just going to be stuck there for a long time. If there's a specific stage, you can ask for advice on it.
Right, but maybe I neglected something that make stages easier to clear. I feel I'm outstated by most enemies at current lvl, in fact the greatest problem for me is that Aniki can oneshot my Almeda with his nuke, which forces me to play very carefully with unit positioning.
Aniki's Macho Blast ignores 100% of defense. This means if you weren't using a faction buff or a generic defense buff until now, all of your units have 0 defense against it. It's mainly a HP check, but many bosses in the future will also have aoe's so it's good to learn early I guess.

Macho Blast targets units it's effective against first, then there's some weird priority but you can test it yourself. I used Luna to tank a lot of the time because she has high base hp in her flier class. Just slap on a few hp enchants in case and you're good to go. If he keeps targeting Almeda, you don't really have a choice except to get her HP up, but even something like 6% on your armors and using an HP accessory can go a long way. Don't forget to level her bonds too, which affects base hp which is in turn multiplied by enchants.

The other thing that makes Luna good early on is that none of the Aniki stages are immune to her faction buff percent HP damage, so you can actually clear stages way higher leveled than you normally would.
One tip that helped me with Anikis early on was that they don't do their aoe if someone is in range of his normal attack, so I usually teleported my tank or strongest hero next to him to tank for a couple of rounds until the rest of the party arrives. Even if the teleported character dies, he has done his job on holding Aniki from launching aoes.
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Nice, I'll take that, thanks. Now to figure out if I want it on Lina or Lana when I eventally get her SP. Don't know if there are any other mages that apply a debuff before battle.
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Bat mages.
Posting the new heroes!

This is Virelia.
And here's Seraphina.
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Also, let's post Echo of Light skin for Celica.
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This one belongs to Ymir.
This doesn’t look like Langrisser, where are the giant shoulder pa-
Many mage types didn't have giant shoulder pads in old Langrisser art either (Liana, Hein, Jessica)
Meh dumb buns.
Ah fuck my semen.
Do the resets in endless voyage recharge everyday or at some point they ran out? Got overwhelmed by a bazillion of punking mans and I need to reroll for a good couple of anti flyers units.
You can buy resets with crystals or wait as more resets will be given during the duration of the event.
The pumpkins negate type advantage, don’t they? You just need some strong single target attackers, strong AOEs to soften them up, or a strong tank to do tons of damage to them while taking little in return.

I did it though with a long range team, lucked out on getting Sagani and Kirika so I only agrod the ones I wanted while hitting him from a dozen tiles away.
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Take that, you fucking pumpkin piece of shit™. Damn, it took me way too long but I can finally sleep. I don't even care what I got as the reward.

MVP : Ice tactic on tank.
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wtf, no elven ring? Solar eclipse must've borked the game code. Isolde is now fully geared.
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I hate how they still put out super cute skins for characters no one uses at 188 tickets.
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Also I assume these are the grindy towers. Are there any more after this?
Those are the only grindy towers. There’s still stages after it obviously, but they’re just normal stages. If you want to rank make sure to look up a video of the chaos stage, since its probably the only stage you can’t just unga with Cherie after. Also be careful on the towers because it eats up a key entry even if you lose unlike other stages where you have infinite resets.
>eats up a key entry
Oof okay I haven't tried running them yet. Gotta look up the final floors so I know who to reserve. Did the final stage open up on global at daily reset or after a maint? I'm praying it isn't at reset here since that'll ruin my chances of ranking.
Which idiot designed this battle? Literally impossible with my team comp.
Yeah that fight walled my first team comp too, was scary because I didn’t know if a reset would give me the units I need.
Its fine not to reserve for the towers since you get way more supplies than you need. I believe the stages open up 6? hours after reset or so. There’s a timer in-game too where you can check in the mirror world map.
I don't know but it feels like we've returned to the voyage of a few years ago. Not only have they decreased the resources by removing the puzzles but they have again made a boss that requires a certain type of group, in this case ST units that manage to oneshot or that have act again, obviously if you don't have talents and/or tactics that increase the stats the battle gets tough because of that fucking debuff that could disable the tank or block healing.

So it is obligatory to say in this case... fuck Zlong!
Yeah these towers are jsdoif;shjaof;ljsaf. Cleared one tower, got to 10 on another and 5 on the other two. Next area is already unlocked and I just don't want to do anything any more. I can't believe they're going to do this shit again.
So Girl in the Shell is a better Lucretia who is better than Lana, therefore is worth investing in?
>So Girl in the Shell is a better Lucretia
No. She's a sidegrade outside of specific situations with the right upgrades on her 3c. If you don't have SP Lana already and need more long range mages go for it. It looked like they were bringing out more characters that get their talent spike at 5* when she came out so that's also a plus.
Alrighty. Guess I'll invest in her. Thanks.
Yes, it is worth investing in her especially because she is princess and tensei but she is not at Lucretia levels and, at least for me, I never use 3c with offensive upgrades. To be precise, GiTS, for the way the talent works and the 1c utility, can be considered an improved version of LoG rather than Lucretia.
How did you guys tackle the last tower? Did you just throw supplies at it to ensure you get the maximum skips?
At this point you can dump most of your supplies. You only need ~80-100 to beat the last zone with Cherie+Aka and maybe a few others in case.

You probably want to ensure maximum skips anyways because it saves time and you save supplies by skipping, so unless you're confident no reason not to use supplies to deploy 5.

Make sure to upgrade and collect the achievements so everything is done before tomorrow if you're planning on ranking. The 10 seconds it takes to upgrade and collect can be the difference between top 10/50 and 50/100. Also don't use expedition for anything tomorrow. People will be done in under an hour, and Cherie+Aka takes 1-2 minutes per stage.
By "tomorrow", I meant whenever the last zone unlocks for you guys.
>The 10 seconds it takes to upgrade and collect can be the difference between top 10/50 and 50/100.

This really isn't true unless you're somehow in the sweatiest server cluster in the game. People miss points, or can't clear everything, or get stalled on a fight. Even missing like 2-3 dailies I finished 49 before the big reward cut off.

Maximum points is the only thing that matters unless someone is absolutely going for the top couple spots. In which case yeah, a little speed helps, but fucking lol at trying to min-max ten seconds doing upgrades.
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I've got like 200 supplies right now so I guess I'm pretty set. Any recommendations for camp upgrades? Aside from the obvious meteor lines for Cherie. I'd imagine miracle upgrade is also great to take.
It looks like quite a few people have missed a daily. Lots of people behind like me though so I have no idea how many are actually still in the running for the higher ranks. The next area unlock is in 24 hours and after that there's one more before the last one.
I don't know what server cluster you're on, but the Salrath one had people missing top 10 by those few seconds. Same with top 50. Those 10 seconds alone might not be the only factor, but you can tell that to the people in 11 and 12 while they're upgrading and someone takes the 10th spot. Missing a daily placed you at around 150? or so.
I think you're more than fine to get top 100. Miracle is a good one to have, mostly because you're likely doing Werner or bringing Rozenciel for Chaos. I don't think the rest really matter desu. Just grab the stat upgrades for whichever team you choose to do Chaos with, most likely Empire or Princess. Elwin and Glory is sometimes nice to have if you use him instead of Zerida.
Level 50 now.
Should I spend gold at the trading post? Referring mostly to crafter hammers and epic martial spirits, the training materials seem like a no brainer.
also, I've completely ignored the Endless voyage.
Should I try to do it?
Yes, epic martial spirits and aniki mats are good to buy. Pretty much everything except SR enchants and hammers are good to buy for a growing account. You will get more than enough hammers eventually. If you really need it to clear a stage by upgrading weapon/acc then sure, but it's generally not worth the gold.

Endless Voyage is a roguelike version of the game which means it starts from zero, except for 2 star syncs which match the inmode star level to your actual unit. You can mix and match skills and talents, play with old collab characters, etc. It's recommended to finish it obviously because everyone can do it, but in practice you might have some difficulty considering some people playing for a year still complain about completing it. However if you have the time, the rewards are fantastic, especially the whopping 250 controllers you get for completing the extra stages at the end.
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it's an rng mode, if the rng is positive then you won't have many problems, if it was negative you might hate it. The current voyage is quite difficult because they removed the puzzles that gave more rewards and because for all three bosses you need AA and Rozenciel/mass crystal heal to make things easier. The main boss gimmick is summon strong minion, practically every boss summons one or more minions with annoying talents and skills that on average cannot be oneshotted.
Final area opening in the middle of Saturday, at what point is the final ranking decided upon? I assume it's not going to be do dailies at the top of reset for the rest of the event. Also upgraded my tent finally and hit rank 62, wanted to get top 50 but it might be tough.
Final ranking is decided by points and time finished, so whoever finished the final stage first with all their points gets top spot and so on. That rank is final unless someone happens to finish after you and has more points than you do.

Dailies will quit giving points and only offer gold/resources after that day. I'm unsure if the dailies on the day it opens gives points or not.
Cool, I'm guessing Werner is the most braindead way of dealing with Chaos? Do you just teleport him up there and have everyone else double kill the adds?
You need to kill/stun the adds for buffs. Werner cheese just has him killing/stunning all of the adds while slowly chipping away Chaos. Might want to switch to Assassin for Last Rites too, and you need a lot of support for him, although Werner himself doesn't have to be too high starred. It's only slightly faster than doing it normally.


I would rather do it normally though to rank. If you find out like halfway through your Werner dies or you don't have enough damage anyways there's no way to clock your way out. With a traditional Empire or Princess team you definitely have the dps, it's just about managing who stuns the adds, tanking aoes and when to engage Chaos so clock can always save you if you mess up. If you have YJ you can also sort of "cheese" it with Princess for the same reason as Voyage.

I'll study up on these normal clears I guess, Princess I imagine will be better for me since Cherie is busted and long range mages are even longer range mages in this content.
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Wanted top 50 and got top 50, even though I fucked up Chaos several times and had to restart. It was a good thing to start off with him and throw Cherie at the rest after.
I think I feel the same way as you guys did about this. Aside from the towers and frantic grinding on the final unlock it was pleasant since the challenging bits weren't the usual full of shit 10 pages of mechanics that you won't know will happen until it happens. Also thanks for the input kind anon(s), make things a lot easier on me.
It was fun for me too. Honestly I even liked the towers, except maybe the floor 10 bosses which were absolutely just stat bullshit. Also at that point they gave so many refills it wasn’t about resource management anymore and more about whether you could clear or not. Plus I would’ve liked for the skill tree to be slightly more balanced. Maybe swap the skills that get upgraded every round or so. Unfortunately it seems CN did not like it very much.
Congrats man. I liked this event as an excuse to dust off a lot of the roster. Even got a lot of SRs built and thrown into the grinder just to help conserve resources. I didn't like the equipment being locked if a character was "used" for the day and the uber statted dungeon somewhat sucked, but it was still leaps and bounds above Ragnarok of the Realms and it was sure as shit better than Dimensional Expedition. I honestly wish this would just replace DE since it's similar enough in scope.

Voyage is still their best content they have on rotation in my opinion. Somewhat consistent, often challenging, and very rewarding.
Leaving this here in case someone needs it. Put those characters in there to get special dialog and rewards. You don't need to leave them permanently, just slot them to get the reward and take them out.
I've been spending some time developing the covenants, just unlocked Odin today. I remember reading somewhere that you don't have enough points to max out all the covenants. Which are the less usefull ones that people generally leave incomplete?
Heim, Frigg/Freyja whichever one has the AA shit, Vidar. You do need some in them for their Ragnarok enchant bs whatever the fuck you want to call it, but usually Thor and Odin are summoned immediately on turn 1 so they need to be maxed. Frigg/Freyja for mages is usually summoned early too, Baldr sometimes gets a delayed summon but sometimes is needed immediately.
I believe you can max all but one or two if you get all the balls from Ragnarok. Vidar/Freyha are what people usually don't max.

For Ragnarok, you should max Frigg, Odin and Baldr first for their rush strats. Follow by Thor > Heim.
If you do Apex you will max Tyr and Loki later as your stats stick depending on the match.
Gotcha, thanks anons.
>Archanfel in first multi
>Sho in second

Woah. These guys any good? Didn't get a chance to read into them much.
Is there a way to view a character's heart bond art in full? It's cropped in the bonds menu. I also remember visiting a site that shows the full heart bond art, it also has hero stats, recommended gear/soldiers/skills etc it's even in english but kinda forgot what it was.
Sho is like a balanced (ie: worse) Isolde. Where he gets buffs like her to do stuff, but they’re random and harder to keep. Archanfel is alright, saw play in a few play off matches, but he’s like a sidegrade in most boxes you’d put him.
Yeah that's the site, thanks anon.
This is actually good, what the fuck. How come I never heard of this till now?

If you're on PC and tile your window so it takes up one half of your screen it'll give you a much larger view of the game. It also zooms the camera out in battles so you can see more of the map at once too.

Just move your game window to the side of your screen until it forces a resize. Obviously there are still UI elements in the way, but the big bonus is the larger map view. In the hero / bond selection you can see more of the hero art as well.
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I did a random enchant for the daily since it hasn't been removed yet here and what a huge waste. If you can't read it that's int.
Pretty cool trick, made it a lot easier to see shit when I decided to clear Rangnarok 6-1 and 6-2 since those looked super easy. Now I just need to clear 6-3 or 6-4, probably 6-4, eventually to get the last orbs.
I just unlocked Ragnarok of the Realms by getting Thor to 65. Man, this looks overwhelming as fuck. For a 7 month account, I may be too early to even try this. I need to build quite a lot of units I never used and with runes being so scarce, I think I'll just start preparing now and try my luck by the end of the year.
I burnt out on these after the first 3, I think? Supposedly the newer ones weren't as rigid as the older ones regarding needing specific characters.
You can go for the few stages that don't really have unit requirements. Yeah, you'll want 4 covenants to attempt a full clear, but you don't need to clear all 4 to get partial rewards. 4-2 can be done with any units with act agains, and it's just stepping on a few eggs making sure you have the hp to survive an aoe. 3-3 is possible with a maxed thor and like naked R/SRs. 1-3 is technically possible as long as you survive the aoes with a single holy unit and some throwaways, but it's very difficult to plan out due to the rng. With a 70 thor you can try some of the easier stages with your main team just to start collecting more rewards for covenant stat boosts.

For a 7 month account it probably is very overwhelming. A few guild members are 3+ years old at this point and haven't done any past 4-2. Some CN player did complete all ragnaroks released at the time, up to 4, at his 6 month mark, but obviously this is with a huge amount of optimization and planning. Especially for covenants which are completely time gated and a lot of strats rely on just cheesing the map with Frigg/Odin/Baldr because reading is for nerds.
As I thought, it's gonna take a long time. I will look into the ones you can cheese to at least get some rewards. Thanks for the info.
Alright, did the one with eggs. Took me a couple of tries but it wasn't too hard, brought Bozel for emergency summon in case of bad positioning. I took a look at 3-3 but I need to plan that out, I don't have the duster for Keith so I'll have to look for alternatives later.

Just so I understand, I have to do these fights every week to get rewards, correct? There is no sweep button for the ones already done?
We are still talking about ragnarok, right? You don't need to do any of them again. The only time you need to repeat a stage is if you need to swap around the team to use characters or gods in another stage. After that you can pick up morning stars based on how many doom emblems you have unlocked at one time on mondays.
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Oh, I get it now, I need 3 more emblems to start getting the weekly rewards. Thank god I don't have to do the stages again. Thanks.
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Did they change something last DE? The permanent rank 1 guild finished in under 4 hours.
There was some kind of change that made it finish stupidly fast, which meant if people couldn't get up in the middle of the night to grind that their guild was getting a lower place. I was in favor of making it shorter, but they just made it another flavor of suck.
Wait you guys have DE already? I thought you guys just finished mirror world like last month. Unless you mean the one a few months ago. I don't think they changed anything, 4 hours seems about par for the fastest guilds. Our rank 1 finished in slightly under 5. They probably either merged or had one guy no life pilot multiple accounts.
Yes our non main banner content was sped up a while back. Some of them haven't been reverted to normal but come out weirdly spaced now. For example last month was Andriole/Nemia. Last week ws Eshean/Hofmann. The only thing we didn't get in the previous update was FB, equipment and SP Amelda. That whole long ass list of adjustements was last time. I'm actually surprised we didn't get anything from Isolde/Jayce yet. DE was moved up presumably since it's currently golden week in Japan. It's also bugged as fuck, dragging characters to spawn spots didn't work more than half the time and performance was stuttery as fuck in general until you hit the battle start button. My game was also crashing after two battles so I couldn't participate in grinding, thankfully my guild still hit #3 but usually 4th and beyond don't clear till the weekend on my server. If it didn't take a minute at least to set shit up prebattle things would have gone much faster.
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Has anyone tried to apply the bonus food to the delegation collab? When I click in the auto use nothing happens.
Slowly making some progress, got Frigg 10-3 today. Had to spend a decent amount of resources to quickly build young jess (4*) but it was a pretty smooth fight. It may be time to start looking what ragnarok stages I can cheese with Frigg, even though he's not maxed yet.
Young Jessica ends up surprisingly useful in a lot of gimmick challenge stages that lets her use her personal buff on other people, so it was definitely worth the investment.
Really? More than just that fight? I'll keep that in mind, might as well build her all the way in the future.
There has definitely been stuff in the past like that, but I'm having a hard time remembering if it's just older events or permanent stuff. She might be fine for stuff like that at her current level, since it's hard to say that she'd be more useful in PvE in most situations than some of the other long range mages. But if you have time to build an extra character up, go for it.
3/5 challenges done, not so bad, was able to steal some controllers. I'll give challenge 4 a shot but my Odin is quite weak so I don't expect to go with shisuka strat. Challenge 5, fuck that!

Speaking of the event, there is no hidden missions or anything like that like the last one, right?
No hidden stuff. 5 was surprisingly easy this time around, although I guess Adankelmo sort of cheeses it.
Still debating what to do next week. I think I might skip Icemelda this time around, 80% chance for Eshean or Androile seems a better choice, already got their bonds somehow.
But Ice dwagon anon!
Is it just me or is ice Imelda's breasts bigger?
I think they got the LLR treatment too
As someone who still apexes I can’t afford to skip Icemelda, I have to at least try and get her or else pick ban will be miserable.
I left this game a long time ago, before I knew there was a thread for it. I was a casual who didn't pvp and didn't like some of the power creep.
>Didn't like lucretia, new zerida, SP matthew, dankelmo
>Was saddened by older licorice being complete shit
>Returned briefly to dump resources in to Lina banner and missed

Is it worth returning? Anything new/fun?
They introduced some new weekly god trials or something, but I was too intimidated by words to try it. What was that about?
nope, just eternal grinding
I feel like it hasn't changed much. I'd say log in after the maint this thursday and if nothing catches your eye don't bother.
To date it remains one of the best f2p games I've played whose biggest flaw is the bonds system which in many cases prevents you from using the units you prefer. To be honest I don't know if it's worth returning, if you don't like those units it's very likely that you won't like many of the recent and future ones and now, except in rare cases, most of the units are more PVP than PVE. However, LM is a game that you can easily play in ten minutes, log in, do the dailies and log off, so if you want to try to come back it won't cost you much time.

For new stuff you have to wait for some updates, but don't expect too much from Zlong.

p.s. I share the feelings you have for Saintess, the saddest part is that all it would have taken was for 1c to have AA and at 6* she would have been almost at Bozel's level or even better.
Updates are very, very, slow. I don't think there's anything that big since Lina, except some board minigame which you can grind through most of in maybe a day or two, few hours total. Although it seems like you haven't tried Ragnarok at all, they're just groups of 4 challenge stages that have somewhat convoluted mechanics and you can't use the same units for each stage within the four. Additionally, you can deploy more than 5 units at a time and swap them in/out which is interesting. If you have no interest in challenge content generally it won't be much fun. The next pve mode coming to CN that was previewed is similar to covenants, except it uses mainline characters instead of gods and the skilltree is like mirror world instead of maxing everything. It's still a bit off though.

They did introduce casting skills to try and catch up older units. Besides gate of fates, there really isn't much fotm in this game honestly. Nothing stopping anyone from picking it up, pressing buttons to see what's new and just dropping it again. The bulk of the permanent content is still going to be the main story stages, weeklies, time rifts and rotating events. Mostly for character collection.
Picked up the ice queen in 30 tickets, nabbed Precia on the wishlish banner at pity and got a complimentary Eshean. Bought the hero bag and picked up Jayce to round out all the recent meta heroes & bonds. Can also fully build Isolde and Andriole now with this group.

Hope everyone else got some cool shit. Oh and those Elwin/Liana classic skins/sprites are dope.
I wasn't going to pull for icemelda but fuck it. Got off banner Gunn at 30 and then Icemelda at pity. Then I got Androile from the wish banner. I could try to pull for other heroes like Rosalia or Lucretia, but I don't have any of their bonds so meh. I'm done until Celica.
Hit pity once, for Leon, then got the next SSR at 60 for Shilinka, so I am at 25 shards. It's gonna be a long month. They have some very slow ticket giveouts, but it's not much of a lunar new year/5.5 year anniversary party so for.
Covenants are going smoothly, got Heimdall 10-3 today. Sometimes getting an off banner character pays off just for the cheese. Tsubame with her stealth skill was pretty funny to see. I might be looking into getting Towa and Werner just for the Ragnarok cheese.
I reached Gold 1 anons, I might make it to Playoffs with enough grinding.
After JP got the burger update I now know why people complain about having so many burgers. In two months I've gone from not even being able to 99/99 to having almost 100 burgers. I guess it would be a good time to burn all these dragon tickets I stocked up, probably still gonna have a lot left over.

Also here's JP Finals again if anyone cares, Yabun showed up again and is tied with Etoile with wins. Watching from quarters Nemia and Jayce look incredibly annoying to deal with. Annoying terrain and lots of damage. The one thing that confused me though was Sword being infantry in every box. I don't see any reason for that unless you wanted more leeway in avoiding Omega but no one uses him any more.
3 days https://litter.catbox.moe/shw6q0.webm
And as yet another note, LLR Chris looks pretty cute. Looks kinda weird being kinda summon focused since the other summon focused hero is a joke.
>>1477489 here
Glorious conquest is fun. I've run out of moves, how often do they regenerate?
Have the first four gods at 70, but not looking forward to unlocking new gods or doing Ragnarok.
Some of the new equipment casts seem really strong, like Zerida's and Loli Jessica.

Any recommended/fun PvE heroes from the Divine Oathsworn banner? I can select:
>All T heroes
>McClaine, Ricky
>Joa, Julian, Girl in the Shell
>Every other Chapter 3 Langrisser Mobile character apart from Wettham and those in Emperor Lovina's faction
You get 10 stamina per day for the conquest mode, so it takes a while no matter how careful you are with moves and team comp.

And out of those characters, Andriole is pretty good cavalry. Girl in the Shell can give you another Lucretia 3c debuff, but she's kind of a worse Lucretia. Adankelmo is pretty useful too, although mostly for challenge stuff since it takes her a turn to set up her portals and get her extra range.
Don't stop at four covenants, unlock and upgrade Odin who can be useful when the map allows his use. For ragnarok you should at least try to complete some challenges to get the minimum weekly rewards, there are some that can be completed with cheese strategy.

LoG is already strong with the basic kit, if it weren't for the cost of the EE I wouldn't hesitate to unlock the casting, while Zerida is practically reborn with the new skill but wasting GoF on her isn't worth it.

As for the banner build, try to get units of which you have at least the main bond and which can be used with one of the FB you have, without knowing which unit you have it is difficult to give the best advice.
Question: Is this game stable? I am considering it but don't want to jump in if it is close to EoS.
It’s still earning quite a bit in CN. Technically Global doesn’t earn that much, but honestly they copy and paste anyways and the translation isn’t great so I doubt its costing them to run it, heck even SEA is still up. People are constantly surprised game is still up, but since Lang is their main earner they probably just don’t want to close any of the servers since it’s a bad look.
Thank you, I'll give it a try then
Vargas might be the next LLR since he won the poll.
>After JP got the burger update....
That's nice update, when does it supposedly hit the US server?. Since I'm working with both soldiers and casts, I've been very worried about my stamina. I try to have at least 10 burgers at all times just in case but man, specially the soldier training, it always feel that I'm wasting so much just for a couple of miserable SSR items. I know it's the way it has to be done, but still, it fucking kills me every time I get the drops.
Global never had to worry about burgers since it's two 12 hour windows. JP was, in JST obviously, 12:00-16:00, 18:00-21:00 and 21:00-23:00. The update made it so all of the windows end at 24:00/0:00 whichever you prefer. Also global is ahead by ~2.5 months so you'd need to be watching CN if you want any news. Sometimes JP pushes a content/QoL update a month early and leaves the next month empty, usually troops and casting skills, but that doesn't really matter for you.
Once piece of advice for you would be to hard focus on aniki. Don't worry if you can't 99/99 every week since most of the time soldiers will do much more for you than the stat boost from level 5 castings. I'd say once you get all hp and atk to 80% and finish with the offensive passives then you can consider grinding the casting stages, but that's kind of the generic thought to aniki grinding.
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I see, yeah I've been mostly spending it all in soldiers lately. I have a long way to go still, flyers and wizards are neck to neck in stats, I had to neglet the rest to try to push them faster. I'll probably divert a little to infantry, since I'm building new characters that use them (Christiane, Androile).
Grats anon, I made lang a couple weeks ago, it honestly wasnt that hard since I try to focus so much on the pick ban stage. Play offs shouldn’t be that hard either since 256 always goes down into the golds.
>LLR Vargas
A tank to surpass Light Bringer…
I would've preferred Lance but good. Fuck those greedy chinks for putting SSRs on the poll in the 1st place.
I hope to see you soon there anon.
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Rise and Shine anons, New units have been teased. Langrisser Millenium is getting representation
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The male one is Zion, protagonist of Langrisser Millenium: The Last Century
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The Waifu is Tiana
When's Growlanser?
Soon (tm)
Imagine a Shwarz character. It'll be the most alive that game will ever be.
Honestly, I'm not happy about it at all, I would prefer if they finished Tolivar first and then started Millenium, the latter risks becoming the new Tensei with adapted characters and stories and Tolivar risks ending up like the end of act 3, and I don't want to imagine if they wanted to connect the two things what might come out of it.
I'd rather they ditch the shit OC content, but they're probably committed at this point

They've made some pretty ass decisions for the future of the game ever since they farmed out most of the Langrisser story. Like Covenants, shitty OC characters, shitty new protagonists, and shit OC gaiden story. Covenants are so game breaking (have or have not) they can't even seem to agree on when or why they should be allowed. Imagine not having a hero that can teleport your team across the map and kill some challenge bosses on turn 1. Oh wait, that's the covenant Odin. All the while never addressing how shitty the enchanting system is. Bleak.
The bitter truth is Langrisser has around 8 games, it's not an infinite series like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy. Without OC they couldn't release two new units every update since they have used up most of Lang I-V and Tensei's units, releasing the few remaining units as SSRs would be a joke given what they did towards many of Lang I-III's units, Chris and Hein are two central characters in their games and they released them as SR, imagine Queen Caconsis SSR. Let's not even talk about Tensei, half the cast have SR kits and were released as SSR.

The covenants weren't a bad idea, the only flaw is after Heimdall to unlock them you need specialized units to unlock the others. In my opinion one of their bad decisions is Ragnarok, it's a mode that combines all the flaws in Zlong's game design.

Echant sucks and they will never change it, in fact even Ragnarok buffs use the same system.
Wonder if he will usher in a new faction too like Tensei got.
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Any suggestions on who to get? I've encircled who I got, and realized I really don't have much of the old chars. Mainly use Princess and Mythical.
Elwin, Leon, and Bozel are all still pretty good. Elwin and Leon have SP forms which might be tough to work with depending on where you're at, but Bozel is shockingly still pretty useful just with standard upgrades, both for damage and for debuff cancer. Leon is solid but no longer special without SP, but you'll also never use his faction buff. Elwin's faction buff 3c activates on it's own and he has a standard one too, so that can be pretty nice. Princess also seems to share a lot of chars from Glory, so it might work out for who you already have built better.
Thanks, I'll go with Bozel then, desu I only bring out my princess chars if I need some tanking (Christiane + Tiaris) where my main attackers are mainly Mythics (Isolde, Sho, Adankelmo, Jayce)
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It's gonna suck once the GoF event runs out. I need more!
How does Shizuka's Awakened have so much int? Almost all of my other characters have a decent amount more int/atk than his but my Awakened has like 50 less int on the predeploy screen. Does he use full moon? I feel like that doesn't display on predeploy but it's been years since I cared about stat display.
Full Moon doesn't show on predeploy. Only if he's 2+2 red, but that's highly unlikely. It's probably just his enchants. AO has 609 base, so every percent is 6.09 int. If you're missing 3 on wep, 2 on armor/helm, and 3 on acc, that's already 61 predeploy int.
I think I figured it out, even though the challenge stage doesn't allow covenants the stat boost from the one in use still comes in to play. I usually just keep Thor on by default since he's kinda balanced with atk/int, swapping to Loki puts me a bit over his. That's kinda weird.
Are any of the newest soldiers good? I mainly play PvE though.
I've been eyeing the new assassins that have a chance to add more troops.
Since you are mainly interested in PVE, check which units you have and which ones you would like to have that can use the soldiers you would like to upgrade, if only one or two units can use them it is not worth the investment especially if you are f2p.

Tusk Guardians aren't bad but you need to have infantry training upgraded.
Aegis Garde are niche.
Starprisma Pegasus are good if you can always move more than three blocks.
Flame Cavalry aren't bad but you need to have upgraded cavalry training.
Envoy of the Islands are niche
Wild Expedition are niche
Windbloom Chanter are good
Fire Witch are niche
Pact golems are niche
Half-Human Rogue, on paper they seem good but I only use assassin units in forbidden battlegrounds and I'm happy with Dark Elf Sniper. Considering their skill, they seem good for units that can AA consistently.

However, if there is one thing that ages well in Langrisser PVE it is the soldiers so there is no need to use new ones most of the time.
I have to say now that I pulled expensive Imelda, I really like what they did with the new gate of fate changes. The achievements have decent rewards and also incentivize you to actually learn how the character works by making you use a NPC version of the character and forcing you to use abilities at a certain time. Even if you never get the opportunity to use their kit like that, it makes the character a lot more interesting.
I'm not saying any original content is bad. Obviously the mobile game itself is itself OC, but rooted in the old series.

However, Tolivar / Portal Leap are garbage so far and I don't expect them to get better. It's been all fucking awful puzzle maps or forced loaner characters. I don't think I've used my own units once. It defeats the entire point of a unit building game. Linking this it to Langrisser and letting you use your own units a majority of the time would solve a lot of this gripe. The other thing would be to throw in a boss here and there like the old map events.

I'll agree to disagree on covenants. Their stages seemed fine, but their application in the game has been mixed and inconsistent.

Ragnarok uses a similar system, but it's still better than their OG enchanting system. Locked parameters and generally a lower variance make it a lot more reliable. The og system is just wild west bullshit, getting all sorts of stats you never wanted. Even their enchanting event is semi-retarded. And you're right, they'll likely never fix it.

I think it's already confirmed he's not bringing a new faction.
I don't mind Tolivar/ Portal Leap content. Aren't they more accessible for newer players?
I'm assuming it sucks for older players who have cleared all the content though.
I have no problems with Portal Leap as I prefer content to be accessible to more types of players especially if it is a main story, in fact I don't like that part of the lore of act 3 and Tolivar is in the GoF, but I agree that some puzzles are terrible and the fact that many stages have only one optimal strategy I don't consider it a good thing. If I consider my personal experience with story mode and time rifts, in the end a player most of the time always uses the strongest units he has, so these are not the types of stages that can allow him to use the numerous units built.

I'm of the opinion that the only thing that can save langrisser's pve now is a permanent mode similar to voyage but with the units you have. I would really like to use some units, but unfortunately there isn't the content to do so other than PvP, it would be nice to have a sort of "build your map".
Nta, but I personally disagree on covenants too, although Zlong actually probably agrees with you here as the new "covenant" system using Lang characters is meant to be used universally and on a way lower power level, plus consideration in using it in Apex. Thor was clearly overtuned and they ended up setting the power level of future covenants too high as a result, causing them to basically withdraw usage from certain maps to not just obsolete them. I think it's fine for it to provide permanent passive stats but for it to not always be active, but it is undoubtably inconsistent.

I hate Tolivar and Portal Leap too. Why couldn't they just make it more like time rift...

>I'm of the opinion that the only thing that can save langrisser's pve now is a permanent mode similar to voyage but with the units you have. I would really like to use some units, but unfortunately there isn't the content to do so other than PvP, it would be nice to have a sort of "build your map".
One of the reasons I loved mirror world madness was being able to use units that normally wouldn't see any play, but being able to because of the tent faction buffs boosting their stats. It's unfortunate it devolved into Cherie spam later on since everyone had infinite boxes, score was only based on time, and that stats in certain areas were so high you needed a built character alongside the buffs, but there were always a few stages with each release than could be cleared with less built units. One problem they probably run into is that the more units you require the more impossible it would be for newer players, as the game is really harsh on resources until end game if you want to optimize progress.
Elwin's casting:

3c FB affects Empire allies, if there are no allies within two spaces when using 3c, Atk +30% during battle, and recast FB if you kill the target.

They're clearly playing favorites here. Elwin is a protag, but that's a nuts casting to have compared to some of the shit thrown at other units.
I did the second half of mirror world mostly with just Cherie and Zerida because I didn't have the units that met the requirements... ridiculously boring.
"When there are no allies within a radius of 2 cells, when using [Eternal Glow], hero ATK increases by 30% and when the target is killed, a passive skill effect will be triggered, which will also be applied to allies of the Imperial Honor faction."

It's not a bad skill and it solves one of the main problems of Glory but if Elwin doesn't kill it is useless and against bosses without minions it is even more useless. Anyway I already imagine a Glory/Empire cavalry team with SP Leon providing terrain mastery and Elwin the FB.
I understand the recast on kill part but buffing empire too is lol. Even today he's still incredibly strong in pve and this just makes him way better.
Elwin basically sees no PvP time these days so even this might not be enough to get an Elwin resurgence. It’s a great casting though, I wish it was the benchmark for every character to get something really good if they need it. But it’s not like Zerida tier. That AA made her instantly box-worth again.
Got my first Red Moon and Tennyo's Headdress yesterday in almost a year of playing. I didn't know these things were so damn hard to get and it's not like they are super good equipments by today standards. But anyways, now hope that someday I get that elusive Overlord Badge.
I have like 4 red moons after at least 3 years of playing on and off since launch. It's a shitshow.
Meanwhile I've got 3 overlord badges and 0 insidious pendants. And damn do I want at least 2 of those.
Red moons are quite rare for some reason. It's still the best offensive mage weapon outside of times where you want/need +1 range on skills. I guess astaroth is also a contender with bat mages being widely available.
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H O L Y.
Also I don't remember Clarret and Mariandel but I can say I'm not too fond of the butterfly theme of the latters.
Every equip just gets split into SSR and SSR+. They've added a huge amount of SSR+ with new releases, but barely any gets added into the common pool. The problem is that the SSR+ chances are sort of fixed, so the pool is diluted to all hell. Iirc it was like either 9%, 11% or 19% or something for SSR+ unless you rolled lotto or the weapon gacha which has everything at equal chances. There's something like 35 SSR+ weapons currently, so every time you roll the SSR weapon in the weekly shop you have like a ~0.3% of any single one. Accessories are even worse because you rarely get them.
who is that? Maiya?
and while I'm here, any advice on these castings for PvE?
Licorice, Hilda, Christiane, Matthew, Sage of the Trees
already have Landius, Landord, Zerida and Kuwabara done
are there any noticeable castings I should be aware of? Was eyeing Sigma and Ashemar, but they're not 6* yet.
Kinda of what imagined. They threw everything to the same pool and good luck getting what you want. People who has 10 red moons, ragnaroks, or whatever probably started playing 5 years ago when there weren't that many items. Well, at least with the new eternal forge and rune workshop you get what you want straight up.
If you are only interested in PVE any SSR equipment is fine, it is much more important to have 6* units with both bonds, however to date only some endgame challenges require specific equipment.
Yes, with a wedding dress

If you have their EE it doesn't cost much to upgrade the castings to lv 5, otherwise of all those you mentioned, Ashemar is the most useless and in general I would never upgrade her to 6*. The thing to take into consideration is also the buff that comes from the EE, most of the casting skills are not essential and given the cost it depends on whether you use those units or not.
Christiane & Hilda are both worth the investment in my opinion. Both are fantastic pve/pvp tanks, and both have decent exclusive equipment.

I picked up Matthew's just because I had ribbons and controllers to spare. It's a decent casting if you're using him or have extra resources.

Sage seems decent--10% int and basically doesn't have to carry any single target skills now. His EE also gives him extra attack range, so probably not bad if you're using this guy as your buffer. If you're already using or plan to use Isolde though, maybe not.

The rest don't seem worth it, but depends on your setup.


Queen's Scepter also gives 15% int, just a different condition & no stun chance. Pretty sure no one uses it despite the conditions being pretty easy to fulfill.
Because it's a hammer. Ironically it's extremely useful on characters with Holy classes and damage mods in their talent (Yulia & King of the Red Moon for examples) but said characters are either ancient and no longer useful or just shit to start with.
Well, after so much anticipation, the new wishing tree doesn't do a damn thing.
A lot of the floating island buildings are just cosmetic now. I guess it would be cool to have something like an Aniki gym that give mats or whatever, but I don't think the motivation is there for them to create anything like weapon crafting or salads anymore. The floating island itself just wasn't a very great idea taken off a survey from year 1, including many players who were more casual and took way too long to implement.
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I did it! Finally, after all this time struggling to barely get a couple of challenges, I was able to complete an event. It could have been easier than other events but screw it, gimme those damn controllers! The grind is finally paying off.
Wow, got crazy lucky on these couples banners. Had 90 Roz shards already so I summoned on Werner/Mari, got Werner first try who I have. Traded for Clotaire, then got Oboro first multi and traded Werner for Mari, then Roland on second multi. 4 new heroes in 4 multis.
Always feels good to get a lucky streak like that, I remember when I tried to pick up multiple characters on the selector banners and managed to get them in a few pulls. Almost filled up my roster.
The buffs make it easier, but it doesn't make it any less of an achievement considering most players don't really complete challenge 5. Just clearing it definitely feels better than the 3 tickets you get as a reward but the controllers are delicious.
Looks like biligame wiki is putting up their banner history on the front page, that's pretty useful since who knows if the dude behind wikigrisser actually still plays.
Bannernews has a calendar for future banners.
So I got this dude Andriole not long ago and started to slowly build him up. He just got to 4 stars and it's already outclassing my 6* Cherrie, Grenshiel and Leon. I know power levels aren't everything but what the fuck.
Andriole is strong, after all it is a PVP unit designed to outclass its predecessors and which works well in PVE and you have to see what type of soldiers you use, the cavalry has some powerful techs if you invest in it. Cherie needs the SP and the same goes for Leon. Grenshiel is a hybrid unit (FB, DPS, debuffer) while Andriole is a pure DPS apart from the talent buff.
I didn't know how lewd Patricia's loading screen was. Man now I gotta watch where I open the game up at work. Any more lewd ones coming up in the future?
Guyver's is hot, very hot! Jokes aside, Virelia/Seraphina is similar to that of Patricia, fortunately (or unfortunately) LLR Chris's loading screen does not capture the hottest side of the character.
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Do your dailies! And I got a Charon from the same mission after that one. Zlong threw me some bone after the abismal summoning week I had.
They really could just rerun actually useful old buildings, like that one that cuts FR time 25.
ugly ass shoes, missed opportunity for waifufeet
Should I play again? It's been ages I dropped around when Wetham was fired released. I have a bunch of piggy of lights
Which and how many units do you have and what are your expectations? It's never late to start or to return, the more built units you have the more possibilities you have in endgame content, the more PVE content you have already finished and the less things there are to do. The new PVE mode will only be released in a few updates and even later there will be a new timerift.
I wish there was a clear way to see AB enchants. Turns out my Gren had 50 atk and nothing else. I had very few stones to even use on her so I guess that's why. Wtb higher AB stone income. Having some sort of mark for ones who have every class mastered would also be nice, especially with Mirror World making bench characters a tiny bit useful.
>the one that required 3 6* well built dragons
Apparently the new collab is with Captain Commando for some reason.
Marvel vs Capcom shilling? Don’t know why China would care about that though.
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I mean, I don't dislike Captain Commando but what the fuck
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Side scroller beat-em-up? Never heard of it
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Huzzah! Was thankfully only 30 pulls. One of the few times I manage to snipe the unit I want without getting the other one.
Fuck dimensional expedition in all of its diseased holes. This mode blows.
Yes, it does.
Question about DE, my squad got fucked by the initial position on the map, meaning we need to clear one extra island in order to reach the center. If another squad gets to the final boss first (that will most likely happen) can we jump over with them to finish the event faster?
I believe as long as your guild has moves left for the day your squad can be repositioned. I'm not entirely certain on the mechanics, but I think any additional squads on a node make the enemies stronger.

Also managed to finish all forbidden battlegrounds again. Shout out to Freya and G&L for actually contributing to something--really through Origins was going to be a bust with the double assassin but Freya's fixed damage saved the day.
If I'm reading this right, what you'd need to do is have the squad in the capital invite members in squads that aren't there. If you are doing runs solo, you are out of luck.
Right, so I can't teleport my whole squad to the final dungeon if another squad gets there first because of the debuff you get. I see, guess I'll have to ask for invites once they get there.
The debuff doesn't apply to the capital. You can teleport there with your entire squad the moment it's unlocked as long as you still have a move.
Forget what I said then. That makes things much easier.
State of the game as of date 07/07/2024

Considering that I don't compete in PVP and that I consider myself a casual player and not a hardcore one

Endgame contents are too difficult and tedious and above all there is a lack of a system that helps you understand what you might need (for example in some games you are explicitly told that you are weak and that you haven't upgraded this or that)
The DE is a disaster and should be completely overhauled.
Mirror World is a whale check, especially the second half. To be clear, I only did the second half with Cherie and Zerida because I couldn't meet the requirements.
Voyage is full of useless units, skills and tactics and too much rng which combined with certain boss mechanics make the entire mode boring and tedious.
Autochess and Skyline are not for me, so I won't comment.
Dawnlight Bastion is a puzzle not a hero/tower defense.
Forbidden Battleground has become more and more absurd over time and mainly a stats check as enemies are immunized to certain mechanics (the next one will probably be Icelmeda).
Echo of Tolivar are puzzles, if you try a different approach you won't be able to get the rewards.
Conquest mode is a whale, PVP and oldplayers check, it can be completed even without the requirements but it is more difficult.
The events are not bad.
The normal Arena is filled with Sage, Rozen with EE, Jugler and Gintoki.
World arena, better not to talk about it.
The units are now more for PVP than PVE and those useful for the latter are nerfed more often than not.
The developers are running out of ideas
>Voyage is full of useless units, skills and tactics and too much rng which combined with certain boss mechanics make the entire mode boring and tedious.
>Forbidden Battleground has become more and more absurd over time and mainly a stats check as enemies are immunized to certain mechanics (the next one will probably be Icelmeda)
These two are hard disagrees. Battleground is as easy as it's always been since the last upgrade was them adding a new set of enemies. Voyage is easily the best game mode. We've literally been through like 8 or 9 by now and people can clear consistently so I have no idea how people complain about rng.

>The units are now more for PVP than PVE and those useful for the latter are nerfed more often than not.
This is simply not accurate. Units were far more for PvP during year 2/3, but mainly because over the course of year 4, they realized making these PvP units not complete dead weight in PvE was just better. So far into year 5, we've also had the biggest run of effectively power crept units so far and also the highest ratio.

>The developers are running out of ideas
That's for sure, but I think Mirror World is fine. Most people did just use Cherie to clear. Also conquest is a meme minigame. "More difficult" just means taking 2x the amount of time and waiting. I sure hope their new covenant system and stuff is amazing, because it feels like they've been settling into the "new units are content" mindset for like 2 years now.
>Endgame contents are too difficult
I think the actual problem is it isn't nearly as rewarding as it should be for the difficulty. I'm speaking about Ragnarok in particular. Don't like covenants much either (their applications, the maps were kind of fun).

>The DE is a disaster and should be completely overhauled.
DE blows, agreed. I don't think I've seen a single player praise it.

>Mirror World is a whale check
Not really a whale check, and it was a step in the right direction over DE. It helped me see my unit roster needed to be fleshed out more, even if they weren't heroes I used often.

>Voyage is full of useless units
Voyage is hands down one of the best modes they've released. It's incredibly newbie friendly considering the low investment and rerolls players get.

>Autochess and Skyline are not for me, so I won't comment.
Skyline is decent since I think you can queue up at any time and just go. Not a fan of autochess either.

>Dawnlight Bastion is a puzzle not a hero/tower defense.
Not a particular fan of this mode, and you're right it comes down more to puzzle mechanics rather than having fun with it.

>Forbidden Battleground has become more and more absurd over time and mainly a stats
It's only gotten easier and easier if your teams have good utility. I think only one made me struggle this time (the double assassin map) and it oddly enough required a more tank & spank approach.

>Echo of Tolivar are puzzles
Tolivar sucks dirty asshole. It's a step backwards from everything that was Langrisser story mode/time rift. Can't even use your own units.

>Conquest mode is a whale
It's just a shitty achievement system with some auto battler tacked on, wouldn't even consider it a mode.

>The developers are running out of ideas
Probably not far from the truth. I just want to build units and run them into other units and it has become very bloated.
I hate voyage. I've only cleared the first floor three times, cleared 10 once and five twice. For FB I only really have problems if it requires meteor, maybe once Zerida gets her casting it won't be as horrible.
>The developers are running out of ideas
I see what you're saying and I agree on several of your points, but from the developer's perspective, what can you do at this point? Outside of QoL features, what else is there? I don't play any other gachas so my scope is very limited, but what are these other companies doing with their 5+ years old games to keep them relevant?
I like it, but I never get far. Despite how long I've been playing I have really poor understanding of the core game mechanics.
I don't play a lot of Gacha but I can say that as far as Mihoyo games are concerned, the endgame doesn't give buffs and the rewards are a handful of game currency and some upgrade materials, which is different from Ragnarok which instead gives stats. It is no coincidence that Mihoyo is the top gacha developer, they are able to develop games for different groups of players while Zlong and others focus much more on hardcore players. I'm not saying that LM needs to become casual, but Zlong should lower the bar. To be clear, I'm not a fan of Mihoyo and prefer Zlong's art direction.

Not knowing the limits of the game engine it is difficult to say what can be added or improved however:
They should try new mechanics, such as increasing the range of mages and archers if they are on high ground.
A survival mode, perhaps with faction bonuses.
A roguelike like voyage but with your own units and which resets weekly and with faction bonuses, practically something similar to the simulated universe of HSR.
A training mode, to date the only way to test a unit is Thor 1 since it is the easiest covenant to beat and without particular mechanics.
Fixing Dawnlight bastion and making it a real tower defense, in many cases you use more units than towers in the current version.
Releasing more story stages, rather than locking entire sections of story in GoF they could make them available to all players. Since I don't have Werner and Mariandel I still don't know where the hell the two swords in act 3 came from.
For pvp an Apex with buff and unit restrictions, something similar to Waifu Wars (it's a player organized tournament for those who don't know) wouldn't be bad.
This is absurd... given that they have a lot of assets they could make a side-scrolling fighting game.
A system that helps the player understand what to upgrade and if they are able to face a certain challenge. I know there are players who manage to complete Ragnarok even under-upgraded but they are the minority.
In a few days, it'll be a year since I started playing. I did almost everything, with the last remaining being Ragnarok with 1/5 completion, mainly due to the lack of characters. I do enjoy the challenge, that's the main reason why I sticked to this game so far. My only giant complain is the very outdated soldier farming. It's a really pain in the ass for a new player to try to catch up, you spend 400+ stamina a day and only get a couple of ssr materials. They need to increase the daily chances or I dunno, make a new "nightmare" difficulty one that gives you guranteed materials.

>A training mode
Insane that they haven't done this yet. It's so simple and it would help immensely.
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Aaaand it's done. Probably one of the best investments I've done in a long while. Even though I wasn't so sure at the beginning, she turned out to be outstanding with her ability to act again every turn. Flo + Grenshiel turned out to be a killer combo.
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Posting some new skins!

Let's start with summer skin for Grenshiel.
Next one belongs to Girl in the Shell.
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Also, check out the new skin for Hilda.
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Here's a skin for Lostham.
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There's also one for Lugner.
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...and for Liffany.
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Last one belongs to the Lightbringer.
Very nice skins.
These all look fantastic. I do like Lightbringer's pirate themed quite a bit though as the sprite is so damn cute.
Fuck I just got 2cretia's lotto skin, I guess Lightbringers lotto skin was long ago enough for it to not suck as much. At least Gren is hot and won't be a second skin.
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It's been a year lads. No regrets, the game is fun.
Congrats anon. I've been a day 1 and I'm still pretty excited for every new mechanic/anniversary they add, but content updates so slowly in this game for better or for worse. At this point there is literally nothing for me to do unless I want to Apex and I'm only missing like 6 characters all from the last 6 months or so.
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Did you guys bother with running down the timers on this? I feel like just throwing the burgers you need for your 30x runs or whatever for casting before bed/work depending on time zone/schedule makes the waiting time irrelevant.
I usually use 4 burgers so about an hour for lv.75, I mute the game and do other things, langrisser doesn't consume much ram and cpu after all. Background farming is one of the best QoL they have introduced (it would be useful if some richer developers adopted it), being able to farm the lv. 75 without having to optimize the team is a godsend.
It's more consistent for some of the 75s since there's no rng. Also I can do other stuff on my phone while it goes on since the app doesn't immediately close when you put it in the background after all. Honestly, I mainly use it to dump/store stamina sometimes, and if it continues I only run down the clock while doing dailies anyways. I guess it's helpful to mention I'm almost done with casting so I don't need to go all 30x anyways.
You guys pulling for Celica? I'm still working on Rozen dammit.
She is a must-pull for both PvE and PvP bro.
For a second, I thought you were talking about the Celica from Fire Emblem. I dunno. Been thinking if I should roll for her or not.
Likely, unfortunately it will be a banner in which it is almost mandatory to pull both units since Ymir is the atk bond, luckily Elisse (def bond) is a reward in the event and therefore even without him it is possible to build Celica.
Unlikely. I dumped a lot of savings during Imelda to get the Liana swimsuit. Currently have ~300 or so saved up, but LLR Chris is in 2 patches, and the collab is in 5 patches. Also want to pick up Jayce during the LLR Chris wish banner. Might also need to save up another 40k for the next skin too since it's going to be after the collab. I don't think I'm going to be rolling on new unit banners for a pretty long time for now, because with these schedules it's a lot easier to pick up a unit the next time they appear instead.

She's also clearly not stronger than Rozen for PvE. Imo she's not even going to be on the level of Liana/Tiaris either. No debuff immunities, needs to rng to get mass crystal healing or miracle, and her offensive utility is herself plus one full cd reset. Rng, a single revive, some dispel protection and a healer able to fight for themselves sometimes is just not what you really need in PvE.
My dick says yes.
I'm still pissed that they put Liana's swimsuit behind gem spending. They gave us a beach bg and I can't use it because I don't have her swimsuit. I hate Zlong so much.
Liana and Rozen heal without using skills and if we want to exaggerate even Licorice full healer with tiles has more healing and dispel possibilities than Celica. Celica has her own version of crystal heal and mass crystal heal but has zero healing options outside of skills. She is definitely a must have for PVP but in PVE she is just a good unit and since her def bond will be given away it is a valid alternative for those who don't have Rozenciel. LLR Chris is a must have, but only because it's Chris.

You're not wrong the new units are nothing special if you already have many of the past must have units, better save for the single banner and LLR units which at least always have some use in PVE. The only question is whether the next anniversary single banner unit will need recent bonds or not.
I don't understand why the chinks rated Celica at 6/5* for PVE.
Google and DeepL don't really make sense in the very small chance that someone here can read these runes.
They're playing a different game. From what I can tell through google, it's saying her 3c has a short cd, lets Celica act again, and you can let any character take a hit. This means it effectively has a cd of 1 and even if a unit dies the turn they receive the buff she can immediately cast it again. Her 2c armor skill lets you run clock on characters like Ymir and Isolde because you can just rng the 45% I guess and get infinite 3cs, using her 1c in case it whiffs?
If I'm not misreading her skills, she hands out revives like candy on Halloween. Past a certain point, that's all that really matters in PVE, single target damage is effectively binary; you either die and thus actually got dealt damage, or you don't and you just heal yourself up to full next round, either via your healer or the copious passive healing options. I haven't used a tank for anything except RotR in PVE in ages for this very reason. Celica will only cement this further, since now, even the most fragile damage dealer can take that one hit that you might be forced to take every few rounds.
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Dead or Alive colab probably next.
Not much content revealed honestly, but I liked the Q&A. I'm most excited by what the new covenant system is going to be and apparently weather conditions and fog of war as new mechanics, although fog of war really doesn't work great in a game limited to 5/6 units.

1. Why less collabs?
We aim for 2-3 collabs a year but the JP side takes forever. They require 15 months prior notice and if people don't agree you need another proposal with 12 months notice again.

2. Is Ragnarok and Covenants really over?
Yes. We'll have a survey to see what else people want from the system.

3. Let us choose random map in friendly matches.
We know some people just use an out of game randomizer but we're working on it.

4. Are you guys really not developing Langrisser Mobile 2?
No, Lang is 6 years old and well known now. While devs come and go, the core dev team is still there.

5. No collab reruns?
Still planned. For example, the Shining Resonance collab is planned to rerun in Sept. A few others are also planned for a rerun.

6. Do you guys play Apex? What ranks? What are your thoughts?
The lead dev and balance team are all Lang tier and higher. For the rest, there are 4-5 Lang tiers and 1 in top 256.

7. Male confesssions?
It's possible. We can push for it later. Maybe do a survey to see which characters people want confessions or the equivalent for.

8. Make map bigger.
We're looking at it. The new limited apex mode we're testing new Pick ban phases, maybe next time we'll test different map sizes and see how it works out.

9. I really like Voyage, can you make it permanent?
We know people really like this game mode and want it to be perm, but if we rerun the same version every month players will get bored. We considered running multiple game modes in the same period and just letting people chose what they want to play, but we feel like it will definitely lower the quality of each individually, and there will be less players to match with for each mode.
>5. No collab reruns?
>Still planned. For example, the Shining Resonance collab is planned to rerun in Sept. A few others are also planned for a rerun.
That's good news for me. I know Lodoss is extremely unlikely since it already run 2 or 3 times, but it would make my colab dream complete (Lodoss + Slayers). Other than Lodoss, I'll take whoever, Sakura Taisen would be neat.
I admit that I have never been so unsure whether or not to summon on a banner. Celica is not bad, neither in appearance nor as a unit, but Enya and the other seem promising, I hope that before Thursday there will be more information, especially the bonds. If the two new units have Virelia and/or Seraphina, or worse Tyrantel, as bonds, I will have to review all the summon plans.
Are you talking about Celica & Ymir?

Celica needs Ymir and Elisse.

Seraphine needs Andriole and Patricia.

Virelia needs Nemia and Precia. I couldn't find any information on Enya, but possible her name is spelled differently.

You can find some of this here: https://bannernews.github.io/langrisser/index_en.html#
>new SP possibly Rachel
I don't want to buy that trash ass unique. At least Lanford's seems like a pass. SP troops feels weird and hopefully it's not yet another controller sink because too many of them get used as is.
Hot stuff https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1R4421Z7yx/
I mean the two new units of the anniversary, Enya and Sylrna, of the last one there is still no information though. Enya is the queen of the elves and of the other I don't know anything because the new Tolivar stages have not been released. Unless they both have at least one of the bonds accessible without other units, Virelia and Seraphina could become necessary and perhaps also Tyrantel. Enya is FB for Yeless, so she becomes a must have for that. Thinking about it, considering what we have seen in the trailer, Enya and Sylrna could both unlock each other's bond. Fuck, I hate Bonds System ...
It could be Tiaris. Zlong both in the SP and LLR tries to keep the hair as similar as possible to the original, especially the front.
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Rozen in the bag, she was perfectly fine at 4* but screw it man, she's been too good for late pve that she deserved it. Might even pull the trigger on her exclusive later on. Next in line is Andy and slowly building Luc and Rozalia in the back (since I don't have their bonds yet).
If it’s that dumb fake loli or Hinoka, the bitches that ruined the game, I’m actually quitting.
That's Kasumi's weapon. If they are intelligent Kasumi and Ayane will be SSR gacha while Hayabusa or Hayate SSR free. I doubt they'll use Honoka and Marie unless they decide to make dual character units again, so you could have the craziest combinations. I think they will focus more on the ninjas than on the other characters, after all part of the plot of DoA is about them.
Kasumi is like, THE DoA character so I'd imagine she's guaranteed. Like >>1522114 said if there's only two gacha characters like usual then Ayane would probably be the only other obvious choice.
I hope you’re right, it does seem a lot easier to make it centered around the Ninjas for a cohesive story and to better fit into the world.
It's the most obvious thing, to use the DOATEC plot there should be at least Helena, Christie and Donovan. However, considering the past collaborations, they could come up with something similar to Gintama and Shining Resonance, some characters are transported to the world of Langrisser without their enemies, in this case the possible characters could be anyone. I trust Zlong, most of the time they chose well because they know what their players want... I don't know if the players wanted Captain Commando.
CC is at least ripe for the time period... except they used the recent designs.
I don't play this game but the art looks nice. Any way to see all of it that's easier than going to the wiki and clicking each unit? The boorus I've checked don't seem to have everything
If you use discord there is an entire channel with most of the game's artwork, the alternative is to use the Chinese wiki which however only has the artwork of the characters.
I'll take a look anon
many thanks
It's gonna be Bass, Bayman and Zack so zlong keep waifufags seething. Based zlong.

In all seriousness, if they don't do the double character teams (which I mean, they should since doa has tag since 2), Kasumi, Ayane and Hayabusa are most likely the top choices.
You clown
Got 2 Ymirs, see you next time Celica, you were ugly anyways!
Took me three and an off banner Nu-cretia before getting her.
You probably should have cut your losses at the 1st Ymir, I know I should have.
60 pulls and I gave up, but since next week there should be 10 free pulls per day on standard, I will have to pull on Celica/Ymir until I get an SSR to not waste the pity built up to now or give up the free pulls. Anyway, you were lucky since Ymir is not a bad unit, if you have bonds, it is always better than getting saintess for three consecutive times or pulling on the build-banner and going off-banner several times. I don't think Celica is that ugly but the design seems more like a majokko than an alchemist and even the EoL is not the best.

Zlong should change the rate-up system, it is not uncommon for the same player to get 2-3 copies of the same unit consecutively. A system similar to the newbie banner would not be bad, even if it would not solve the problem entirely.
You the ugly one bro lmao

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