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All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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>A random assortment of 4 girls playing volleyball in the back on the homescreen
I hope this stays as a BG so I can have all my favorites up. Wish I could choose them too.
Finally done. Guess I should've just kept rerolling the first 1500 dolphins.
>Took Iruka for tutorial roll
>Shares the same spot as Honoka
>Don't have anyone to use for defender
>Put Iruka there anyway
>Game reminds me I'm doing it wrong for each stage
Well, might not matter depending on if I want to farm the remaining 190 rolls for Marie.
Enjoy the oppai, coach.
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>blocking off the diorama
I guess they don't want collab characters participating in user-degenerated content. But cosplay is okay.
Not being able to unlock outfits other than character defaults/launch ones though. Maybe they're lazy and don't want to troubleshoot guest characters whenever new gacha clothes bugs out on them.
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I really have no idea how to describe these.

The photomode in VV is rather restrictive when it comes to doing photos with two girls. Players have to rely on glitches (that practically only exist on a handful of outfits) or outright mods to get the girls closer enough for even just a normal picture.
Well, I got Marie in 80 along with sweater Anri, swimsuit Selena, and a swimsuit Hayate dupe on the way, so I guess I'm not allowed to complain on that front.
But what I will complain about is how they altered her AW workout scenes. The camera's been adjusted to try to avoid upskirts and extreme ass shots, and the 6* rodeo machine scene has been replaced with just stretching.
I'm disappointed by the restrictions on the DOAs but I also DID throw 100 rolls in already.
I really hope Valentines isn't limited Amadea or something haha....
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They made her tits so big she clips with herself but they won’t let her get on the riding machine?
>tits so big she clips on her own
Holy shit my sides.
I don't even any senran has tits that big.
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Marie in distress DOES make me want to roll a bit more...
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I almost think I prefer the SSR uniforms.
Also I think they changed the dolphins' expressions during SP awakening and workout.
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This is my current lineup after 130 rolls, starting with a Honoka reroll, with only one (1) UR Memory (not the VV one either)
I don't see a way to grind to 200 total rolls, unless story happens to be that long.
There's 14+6 chapters and side quests, if you manage to not a hit a difficulty wall along the way.
Every hard mode/side story chapter clear is like 350 gems
Also, isn't it about time for an announcement? I want to know what's next before I try to get Marie or something.
I'll probably start skipping stories and try to power through then. I don't necessarily need Marie since there are plenty of cute girls here but may as well. Probably won't marathon rolls until I can reach the remaining rolls I need to do, but I said I'd do that once I reached 100 total...
Currently getting walled on the event Very Hard boss fight. They do too much damage on their second turn.

I don't expect most games to bother teasing what's next until they have started maintenance.
>I don't expect most games to bother teasing what's next until they have started maintenance.
DW usually does it the day of the maint.
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Festival streak never stops
I don't care for these two but I can't tell if I like these outfits or not.
So what are the costume limitations for the DOAs?
I want Serena's dress but I also might want a Marie to dress up.
Now I'm indecisive. Marie is cute but DW flats are all fairly cute too. And while I like dresses a lot, I won't be able to give them out. My 'luck' seems awfully similar to what I experience with New Link so it's not like I'll get them anyway.

reroll anon here
I can't give the succubus Yume outfit to Honoka. Seems all the starter/default outfits and swimsuits can be given. I was hoping to have a bit more selection to try in the rolls I did but rngesus wasn't going to permit that. Or maybe everything is limited anyway and I shouldn't expect anything unique in the first place.

I think someone else more established got one of them too, so they can say if they can give her anything else.
Guess I'll just skip out on the DoAs then. Marie and Honoka's swimsuits are rather boring and if I can't dress them up in the Yume succubus outfit or even the Veena bridal lingerie then they're not worth it just yet.
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What's weird is I can give New Link Marie anything, and it's not like the outfit designs there are any tamer. I suppose the detail is a bit lower. But in pic related example, I can't give Hestia any of Marie's outfits, which was the first time they had that restriction on a collab character.
I suppose you could've tried your luck in VV, but it's nigh impossible to reroll in that and you can't trade outfits you rolled with others, unless you just mod it. Opportunities to exchange swimsuits for someone you want is rare and takes wasting a ton of rolls.
You can only unlock the other DOA and the event DOA swimsuits, the launch UR swimsuits, SSR uniforms, SR casual clothes, R training clothes, and their respective accessories.
You can't change their hairstyle or hair color at all. They don't have bond levels so you can't get the related reward outfits like the school swimsuit, gym clothes, or apron.
You can however, use the trick with onepieces and unowned top/bottom parts to get the team default bikinis.
Guess it's all in for Serena's dress.
>Dupe Nun Otsuki
Put it on Hiori or Utae for me
But lose the skirt/dress
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These honestly aren't looking as great as the art.
Might just start saving up instead.
But I'll admit, those bottoms are nice though. Even if all the frills are looking busy.
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But man do the color alts for Serena's outfit look fucking nice.
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Damn, Yume
Guaranteed SSR Cat Helly.
Still a bit to go before I decide to gamble on getting Serena's dress.
Managed to jury rig a team to beat the Extreme Boss Fight. Couldn't 3* it but what worked for me was surviving the first break just by removing the buffs from the enemy team.
50% attack up is fucking insane though.
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I might try to buy it just because I like Helly and it's a cool beanie, but I'm sure this is false advertising.
I had sister Utae making Christmas Tomo double attack like crazy to get 2nd break within another 2 turns and it worked out. Not sure if it's a valid option unless everyone else has the right guns too; 26 shield is a lot.
New welfare soon.
Event name seems anti-Urami
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Time to roll for BDSM
We're never getting standard units ever again
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>Veena & Selena
>Limited Schnee on horizon
Noooo my jims
Yume gets the best outfits
I think I might be able to resist the temptation.
For one, Yume's succ outfit looks way better than this.
Good luck for the BDSM rollers.
Kana's outfit has some decent bottoms.
Got the UR memory in the first 10. Now I'm 120 in with no luck except for a sailor Tomo dupe and some other UR memories. At least the month's rolling over tomorrow.
90 in got Kana, the memory, cheer Mashio, Swimsuit Otsuki and some dupes
I’ll see if I get lucky with Yume
The eye-patch and cloak are pretty novel but Yume's separate BDSM gear is actually the real prize. Hopefully future lewd oufits can be mix and matched
Does translation patch work on phone?
There's a fucking translation patch?
Atago-Helly and Balti-Veena carrying my ass to beat Extreme.
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Itching for Yume's outfit since it looks like it'll make for a good secondary succ outfit but I dunno.
dled the game some days ago
are previous event stories not unlockable?
i also think i wont be able to clear the current event due to underlevel stuff, if i miss the story now will it be gone for ever?
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Now to wait 4 more days
Like every other gacha you can only unlock event stories when they’re live or rerun, which hasn’t happened much yet
yay i really got kana took me like 30 tries also got the ur card, will probably save for schnee
that sucks, some other gachas have them all readable but they just dont give you jims
Yeah we don't have event story reruns just yet. It's only been close to two years now and that's usually the benchmark for old stories being archived in some way.
But then again, they've been pretty slow on reruns for this game in favor of pumping out more limiteds.
What are the go-to memory combinations for damage optimization
Damage up when break and 10% more crit? Aren't there like 35% damage up corresponding to elements now too?
I'm not 100% sure on some of the calculations so don't quote me on this, but go for pair crit damage up. It's 10-20%, but it's applied "twice" because it's for the pair, whereas attack up memories are applied to a single unit and then added to the machine's total. I assume crit damage is multiplicative with the attack buffs cast in battle. Just be sure to fill the condition of having >70% hp and put healing memories on your defenders.
For subs, go for attack and crit damage. Don't rely on crit rate from memories; it doesn't seem to convert very well compared to using the buffs.
Love+ Wave
New paid gacha incoming it looks like.
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The sakura swimsuit has some decent color variety
Also Utae's birthday
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Fuck, there was apparently White Day dialogue.
240 rolls into the Urami banner and no luck. I was hoping to get one and then exchange for the other but it's almost time to bail out.
Are there any of the girls from the Kandagawa game on here? I thought that game was a huge disappointment. That in mind, I tried this game on release, and while the fan service was restored, the gameplay was wack. I either didn't get it or thought it was boring. Could someone explain it/ what makes it fun?
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As of right now I just like the art and the characters. The gameplay is nothing all that special since the power-creep is frequent but I just like the girls and dressing up your favorites in lewd outfits is most of the appeal.
>Are there any of the girls from the Kandagawa game on here?
No. So far we only got an Azur Lane and Senran Kagura collab that gave out costumes while Dead or Alive actually added Marie and Honoka.
The futuristic looking background for the event makes me want to hope for limited Amadea.
But I think it might be UR Hayate
Which might mean another 2 weeks of saving.
Oh wow, I guess Kandagawa really was a flop lol
And gotcha, thanks. I used to no life AL. I had everyone except that one super rare german boat. I should check the collab art and models sometime. I hope it went well
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Atago and Baltimore still carry my ass, they're pretty strong.
I wouldn't even want a Kandagawa collab, the girls look way too damn whorish and frumpy.
there is no racing
only jetto batoru

It's... a turn-based RPG with a heavy emphasis on counterpicking, which may not be everyone's cup of tea. It's unlikely to have a single setup that'll steamroll every piece of content, so there's a lot of collecting to do. Unless you whale for the latest meta with every new banner, most of the gameplay boils down to rummaging through your units for puzzle pieces that fit the event battles. Sometimes you find unexpected combinations that work out, and some people find that interesting.
Not much to it after getting those first clears since you can just sweep everything. But there's always the dressup and diorama side of things. It's funny checking out some of the chimeras people share in their dioramas or pvp teams.
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HOT queen Hiroi
shame Schnee not that good
Good thing I've been saving up.
>Def Rider
Every time
Today, I got to be the luckshitter
Holy hell this Extreme boss fight.
i did it bros got sensei with my first roll
forgot pic
Having started recently, coming from stuff like VV and New Link, while the girls here are very attractive with very pretty eyes, I was expecting much more bounciness. They even use some of the same animations from New Link and everyone here looks like they have bolt-ons compared to New Link's balloon tits.
Also I don't think I've rolled any rateup UR since my reroll marathon finished, which was roughly ~250 rolls ago.
as someone that discovered the game thanks some schnee lewd on twitter i gotta say the non pettan girls are kinda boring except for maybe otsuki and the robot slut (havent read that story yet)
i think im liking kana more btw her voice doesnt really fit her char but that makes it dumb and cute, sensei is just fine ig and helen is pretty cute but id like her to be more tsun
>30 shield
>jk here's another 10 shield
I don't know what it is about Iruka but she hits me just right as a protagonist. Dumb, cheery, but also really cute, the uniform probably helps.
There's a handful of quirks among the characters I like that I find endearing enough to stick around the game for.
And Ellen being absolutely pathetic is one of those charms. I don't think I've seen such a push over of an ojou who willingly folds and placates anyone who threatens her with money.
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Beat Extreme.
Sister Utae healing basically let me tank the first wave of SPs and just buffing and debuffing on the first break.
Didn't even get to use new Hiori and Schnee.
They play for Arsenal?
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Wow I got them too
We're all going to make it to the half-anniversary
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Hiori has way too many defensive positions that I'm still waiting for the right version to throw my universal SP upgrade tokens at.
>Amadea and Sarah for the stream on the 28th
How exciting.
I hope Amadea gets to be a Attack Gunner. All my favorites keep getting the fucking Defender positions.
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Please make Amadea's cape an accessories
They're pretty "covered" all things considered but damn, I want them both.
That thigh-flash on Sarah looks really nice.
Wonder how hell the outfits translate into 3D

And fuck me, this isn't even proper Half Anniversary either. I'm scared.
Isn't half anni still a month away? Game launched on October 20
That's why I'm scared.
I'm rolling Amadea AND Sakura
Okay, Sarah's outfit definitely doesn't look as great in the illustration.
And those capes aren't separate accessories. Got my Amadea in 80.
I hope they "fix" Amadea's cloak just hanging off to the side if you use it on the homescreen
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Baited by the ISRW screen
Can save the butthurt for another day
One cannot simply resist Amadea hips
The controls for this duck hunt are pretty bad on touchscreen, except for the bonus stages.
I got the Kana robot to be a different color
Half Anniversary is coming
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Christmas came early
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The game refuses to connect at all since the last update and the only solution I've found has been
>Upgrade to Android 10
This also happened to me when I initially tried to install the game while it was in maintenance, and the only way to fix it that time was to reinstall.

So assuming I can't find a way to upgrade OS without nuking the rest of my data (seems like a poorly documented process too), how long does the transfer password last? I made one when I finished rerolling but that was two months ago.
Pretty sure the transfer password lasts forever until you issue a new one.
They don't seem to have a time limit listed for the password anywhere.
If it works out, don't forget to link your account to some other SNS for some peace of mind.
That's good to know. I was intending to link it to DMM but found out that has some needs that I'm not humoring for a unity game.
>Works fine after the maintenance update
Figures. That's what I was waiting for but started gathering info for doing something about it.
Don't forget you can snag a UR Select Ticket for the 2nd batch of swimsuits if you do the pre-half anniversary missions.
That little icon on the top left of the home screen is easy to miss. Don't forget to vote for your favorite dolphins daily. 1st and 2nd winners from rider and gunner categories will get new outfits for gacha.
>vote for your favorite dolphins daily
Fuck, here I thought it was a one time thing
For one, I'm glad a favorite of mine is leading in popularity but I'm also sad my 3 other favorites aren't even close to her.
Guess I'll have to throw Yuri and Amadea some pity votes.
oh there's a stream soon
Will it be another Limited Iruka?
Highspeed Etoile collab wtf
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>Married Shion
Is she trying to put or remove the ring?
street fighter helly
What can we even expect from this.
I was going to say that I was intent on skipping this because I don't care too much about Galatea but also realized Shion isn't showing off the front of her swimsuit. The memory that does show it off unfortunately is going to make me roll for it, probably.
Helly's outfit is nice but those cans look really distracting
I need the older girls commemorative art they showed off on stream
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It's not fair, why does Veena get the sexy dress
jank-lookin' cg disaster racing show
They'll be bringing over some costumes, but adjust them to fit the style of Dolphin Wave. It all rides on how much coverage they can skim off of those big ol' bodysuits.
>they can skim off of those big ol' bodysuits.
What do they even look like? I'm just imagining slightly different Himuka uniforms.
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impenetrable defense
Well if it's a chance to ignore and save up
They really need to skim A LOT for me to roll.
If they bring race queen instead, it need to be as good or better than Azurlane race queen
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The pose doesn't help show off the swimsuit at all.
And it's not like they'll update the models for butts.
Anyways, I think there's going to be more opportunities to just trade for UR tickets judging from the announcements. Guess that's how they'll balance out how damn near every rate-up is a limited Fes
so easter kana is only obtainable with paid jims??
I vaguely remember that I equipped some bad memories onto some hastily thrown together team for a game mode I can't remember and I can't sell said bad memories because they're equipped. Is there a mass-unequip button anywhere?
Don't think so. You'll have to go to the team setup screen and remove it manually. The dropdown list on the top right should have every quest type available.
That made things easier.
Am I just being stingy when I haven't expanded my memory slots? I'm still at 100 and I've just been deleting a bunch of useless SP ones despite how nice the art is.
Expansions are pretty cheap at 5 gems for 5 slots. Couldn't hurt to keep a few spare maxed out SSRs around for Total Battle. There are a few rare cases where SP charge on your defenders could save you a turn for challenge bosses.
Either way, anything you've scrapped will still show up in the menu > album if you feel like browsing the art.
I feel bad for Yuri, I better throw her some votes.
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Shion win
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Oh it's almost-naked apron styled swimsuit
damn, shion's mom looks like that
I had no idea Shion, Tomo, Veena, and Helly were that popular.
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Sans Otsuki and Serena
I used up all my luck from getting Hiori and Schnee in a 10 roll, had to spark.
fucking hell
I got another copy when I used the free 10 roll ticket from the rewards
I just spent a spark for nothing
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Thanks for reminding me to use the free tix anon
Hopefully anniversary rewards can help me recoup my losses.
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damn I’m so lucky…
Machine level cap increased to 140
New Minami UR in challenge boss red gear shop
Event mission medals to trade for a random UR ticket and new "normal" gacha tickets (common pool only and don't count for any banner pity)
The dressing room presets QoL is nice. I always have a hard time telling if welfare units came with extra parts.
>Machine level cap increased to 140
Neat. I just had enough to get every machine except up to the new cap. Guess I finally have stuff to spend AP on.
>The dressing room presets QoL is nice. I always have a hard time telling if welfare units came with extra parts.
Oh, sweet.
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>Just want limited Shion's perfectly curved boobs and butt cheeks in my face
>Roll this
Very erect but in a different way
Anri's mom alt when
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I want one for Utae.
She's totally asking to become a mother.
Who else has starting 20% SP gauge as their passive?
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Damn it, why won't Bride Utae fucking spook me?
Is the damage challenge boss immune to vulnerability?
That's the gimmick this time yeah. Still need freeze though.
Fuck, that explains things and how I'm going getting like 2-3mil damage with Schnee.
I got a bunch of dupes for some defensive riders and gunners.
Should I bother upgrading them? How significant are the passive upgrades because the defensive pair's damage is usually garbage
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>Only missing Tomo and Helly from the swuimsuit tix
Thanks for helping me pick game
I'm still missing Kana and Veena. The actual middle schooler and biggest boob troll in the game.
SR defense gunners are top tier for attack buff and defense debuff, which are the basis for dealing any significant amount of damage. SSR and UR defenders can be hit or miss depending on what buffs your setup is missing.
You usually won't be using defenders to deal damage, but to cast buffs while doing shield damage so your attackers can do the damage on break. Upgrading defenders is for reducing the amount of damage you take since they'll be the ones getting targeted most of the time (unless you took too long and ran out of shield).
Should have specified, I'm strictly on about SP upgrades. Not sure how outdated chinadress Michiru and swimsuit Nacht are but I'm not sure of they're really worth upgrading for extra SP damage
At least get them to sp2/3 so you can uncap their levels to 85/90.
The SP damage on defenders is insignificant, but it's important if they have a buff attached to it which increases at level 2. The rest of the stat boosts from sp levels are kinda whatever, unless it's related to enough sp charge increase that saves you 1-2 actions on the way to 100%.
God, so many fucking UR dupes.
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Works on my machine
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Her bust size definitely is inconsistent
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Not a fan
But nice welfare Schnee
The outfits are okay but I'm definitely not that interested. I bet they're busted though in gameplay.
Shion drained me so it's time to save up.
The other two not included yet, but still have art for, look like Kiri and Michiru too.
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Were there any recent memories that gave starting SP gauge?
Not really. For the most part, they're not as potent as the ones that give extra SP per action/turn for the right element.
Don't forget to do the daily roll before maint begins at 2pm JST
>Defense Rider and Gunner
Definite skip.
Not sure what they were thinking when they have to compete with Senrans for the same element/positions.
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Managed to get Utae. Was a bit surprised to see others on the banners in the diorama but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. >>1461302
Looks like it's Tomo and Eines for the next part of the event? Is Tomo always this massive? It's the only reason I don't think it's her even though the eyes seem to match.
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>Tomo and Eines
That makes a bit more sense now that I look at them more
>Is Tomo always this massive
Always has been

Curious how they're more or less saying there will be a Part 2 compared to the other collabs.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
Gotta go fast
How was the Extreme Tournament for the collab? Any gimmicks?
Nothing weird, but they throw around a lot of attack debuffs, so you might run into trouble if you don't bring buffs to counteract it.
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Swimsuit Mashio and Yumi Hiori did the trick just fine. I thought it would be way worse.
Collab Part 2 immediately
I'll probably keep saving
i also think of chloe when i see kana, hiori when i see shion, arisu when i see schnee and mion when i see anri
Which Shion? Higurashi?
>Mion and Anri
I see the green Precure girl
>A whole another event to farm with a Part 2
A bit tedious but hey, free gems.
>Eines in 20 rolls
Damn. The HSEs are already lacking in outfit parts variety and hers is the worst one with it just being the one piece and hairstyle. Not sure if I want to continue pushing my luck for Tomo, but hers is the best.

>weekly missions
neat, except for the busywork of feeding memories
>weekly missions
Good god, did we really need another resource when one of the big problems with the game is that we simply have too much of them already?
Idle animations
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I look forward to more lewd outfits after this collab.
Is this jet girls?
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It's Jet Girls but cuter and shinier.
Who could it be?
These are the halfway results, right? Did they ever announce the winners of this thing?
Looks like Amadea
I wonder if it's chinadresses again
Something about phoenix? Wonder if it's gonna be a Kiri banner. Hope to find out in a few hours and before the collab leaves tomorrow.
Some of the JP guys were asking for Hayate to get another outfit already
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Oh fuck
Gonna roll
Please split Kiri's skirt as an accessory like they did with Tomo
Goddamn it, I really don't want to roll for Anri but I want that outfit.
Well, maybe the 3D model for it won't be as great as the art, guess we'll find out.
Ah fuck it, Kiri's twintails is of higher priority than the tacky leopard print bikini. Anri's outfit looks good too. I just hope I don't have to end up sparking both, I want to save up for Utae/Hiori/Yuri outfits.
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How do I use the UR memory unit? and what is it for? I have at least one UR and 4 SSR memory chips and don't know how to use it?
You use it to limit break without using dupes.
ah ok thank you
Maybe I'll do the smart thing and wait until later to fully spark, just to get a preview of who might be coming after Kiri and Anri in two weeks.
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>Anri in 2 ten rolls
Fuck yeah.
I'll actually wait to see who's coming up next before I throw more for Kiri.
It was Hiori
Nope... I was also wondering if Anri's would be split too, but it's one piece. The top would've made for some nice combinations.
I threw 10 tickets at it and called it a day.
I fucking love brightly colored uniforms
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Glad that I got both of them
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Niiiice, used 40 more singles for Anri sex but nothing
Maybe I’ll wait for the next banner before I try more
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Whoops nevermind
You guys think older UR Riders will get that fourth card in a strengthening quest?
KIRISHIMA needed to update their uniforms after the ISRW girls showed up with their underboobs.
I doubt we're that far into the powercreep yet. I'd say they're more likely to get secondary effects on the 3~4* skills before that.
So, how's Kiri's lepoard print outfit?
Having skipped most of the collab and feeling kinda meh on this banner, I'm getting kinda antsy already. I wonder if there's anything coming for the monthly rollover. Feels like it's been a while since the last paywalled outfit.
I'm just glad I got Anri so easily.
I can keep saving up for the girls I like instead of just outfits. But I was hoping for Anri to get something lewd too, hopefully Yuri can get something similar.
Judging from past releases, it's 1~3 banners between paid SSRs. There's been 3 (4 if you count the collab as 2) since Easter Kana so I'd say we're due for something. Either that or gear attackers to go with the current banner for another upcoming challenge boss.
They have a bad trend of releasing girls for overlapping element/positions, like this banner's Kiri having a conflicting spot with her swimsuit UR. It wouldn't be surprising if Yuri gets something to powercreep the gear attack gunner spot.
She's due for a good attack gunner slot.
I was really hoping for the cool outfit with the rifle to be an attacker.
Utae too, fuck. Give me some attack gunners already. Hiori has been stuck in the defense rider spot for a while too.
Options for games that are not rhythm or purely VN?
Will this game ever have a global release or nah
Is this game based on that one anime or what's the deal here?
Also follow up question:
is it an eroge or just a cocktease
Kandagawa Jet Girls? Same creators, but otherwise mostly unrelated.
It's not R18 so there's no sex. If you see screenshots that appear to be sex, it's just people being creative with the diorama mode.
It is its own thing.
But it's my first type of diorama/dress-up game and I really like it.
Veena seems like the new welfare coming tomorrow.
hair down ellen
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>Twintail Kiri
>Hair down Ellen
Tough choice but I do need a new gear attack pair. Plus long hair > short hair.
But I'm even more worried about who might come next, guess I'll just throw some tickets first.
Hayate's outfit fits her but I'll definitely need to see how the 3D model looks. Since it's made with a flattie in mind, it might look pretty good on the bigger girls.
If they ever bother to actually write down the rules for jet battle then maybe they can make something interesting in real time.
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Most games these days launch simultaneously so probably not.
>Maint extended
Goddamn it.
Maybe they're finally addressing Kiri and Hayate's measurement numbers.
I was wondering why the game kept telling me to update, but there was no update available.
>Extended 30 minutes
Okay fuck this, I'm going to bed.
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Damn you App Store
>3 days
Holy shit, this is the first for this game.
Compensation better be out the ass for it.
Hope it's not some issue about the new outfits not passing their checks. Fingers crossed that this game never runs into that sort of problem.
That's about 16 hours from now, but they could always extend the extension. On top of compensation for dailies and whatnot, the monthly shop refreshes will also be postponed.
oh the app store updated
still down tho
Will the maint end in 7 minutes or in 12 hours?
Oh, it's actually up
Got Ellen in 130 rolls, not sure If Hayate's outfit is worth finishing the spark for. Someone post it in a big titty girl if you get it.
Getting real fucking tired of these defense buff spamming fights. You basically need every defense Anri variant.
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Hayate in 10, Ellen at 40. All is forgiven.
Hayate comes with a new hairstyle too?
I like the flowy bits but I really hoped those feathery things would be a separate accessory.
Put the outfit on Hiori or Utae
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Nah it's just her default hairstyle.
That sash is honestly looking pretty cute but the feathery tailcoat isn't doing it for me.
Guess I'll wait and see what might be up next before I commit.
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Yeah the big-ass tails are part of the top. You could try rigging a look by replacing it with some old Christmas tops if it doesn't look too weird.
up to you
Right looks pretty good yeah.
Maybe Nun Utae's top could work.
But I think I'll wait until the next batch gets revealed.
I don't think it's that bad. Swimsuit Anri has been around since the start and is still god tier in most of those cases, even with wrong element/guns.
You could use sailor Shion if you have her from the common pool.
Bondage Yume is also a very flexible option in the attack rider spot, as long as you manage her dispel SP carefully for when you can reach lethal.
What a great game.
Oh they added Moon&Wave total battle
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I like Hayate’s outfit better but I don’t want to ruin this
Don't forget the tickets you can get from the weekly coins shop.
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>1st and 2nd will get special costume
Popularity poll results are up, things haven't changed from the early results but we did get
a free outfit with Shion as the final victor.

>1. Schnee
>2. Michiru
>3. Tomo
>4. Helly
>1. Shion
>2. Iruka
>3. Hiori
>4. Veena
I take it we have to roll for said outfits in the future? Unless it's another complimentary outfit we just got.
They did say it would be gacha when the voting first started.
Shion's winner outfit is free in the mail if you log in within the next 2 months or so.
Schnee's outfits haven't really impressed me all too much so I'm half hoping it doesn't look so good that it makes me spend rolls for her.
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Wedding Limited Tourney announced.
More Bride Outfits soon? Veena's is my favorite outfit in the game so far, I hope they can match it.
Looks like Otsuki is the freebie
I wish I bought Iruka's oppai pad when it was reasonably priced
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How much is one going for now?
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I always reserve judgment until ingame with every separate part listed in the preview room.
Well shit, Michiru looks fucking great.
I'm more fucking impressed with the Memory with Yuri and Amadea though.
>Limited Brides
That's a change-up from the last batch. Good thing I saved up for a pity.
If I can't remove these skirts, I might just skip.
Holy shit they're actually removable.
Is there any flattie in this game? I would have played if there's more flattie...
bro there's like 5 out of 24
6/26 if you count doas
Hayate if you ignore official measurements
180 rolls deep with nothing to show for it.
Did get Bride Utae though, kek
Gonna spark Michiru for her outfit + hairstyle
Fuck me, I hope we get some real lame outfits for the next two events to build up my stock.
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Sparked Michiru and got Yume multiple time
>princess carry duo pose for diorama
>or you could just leave someone floating in the air
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It’s over for my savings
We’re what, 18 limited banners in a row now?
Who were the last pair of non-limiteds? Swimsuit Amadea and Sarah?
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Looks like it, we’re on the 19th limited banner in a row since anni with Nun Otsuki being the last normal unit
We’re in limited hell to stay
Ah fuck, it's almost time for Yuri to get a new outfit again.
Looking at my album, looks like Minami and Nacht haven't been around in a bit.
I'm scared what new slut outfits Selena and Veena might bring though
This game makes me happy.
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Have you guys used your UR Memory limit breakers on anything?
I saw that pic-related has 7% HP recovery so I felt like I should use them on this, or one of these newer 25% attack AND 10% crit up memories.
I have 6 for memories and 3 for dolphins and I've just been hoarding them since there hasn't been any content that I've gotten stuck on yet. You could build some attack memories to try your hand at challenge boss rankings, but you'd end up needing a lot of them since the meta is element-specific.
>6 for memories
Damn, did you just buy some fragments at the store after selling some other useless UR memories?
The blatant power-creep does make it feel pretty difficult to decide if I should really use them or not when I haven't been stuck on stuff too. I feel like even stronger stuff is going to come out constantly.
I don't think I've ever sold any UR memories or dupes. I know you can get 2 pieces from the monthly boss shops, but I forget where the others keep coming from. Probably box gacha events. There's also a few full UR chips in EX Total Battle rewards if you haven't done those already.
>Total Battle
Right, that's probably it. I've been slacking on those since I don't think I have great coverage.
Amadea's virgin energy might be the biggest gap moe in this game.
Maybe next to Yuri's
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Hiori's birthday
Rodeo Event
I think my gems are safe. I can't possibly imagine what they could do to make me roll. I never found overalls, cowprint, or that kind of stuff attractive.
I could go for a fancy cowboy hat.
I mostly regret not rolling the 2nd Iruka swimsuit because I wanted that sunhat.
But I'm not dropping gems for just a hat.
I'll be in trouble if they somehow add really long twintails or some other hairstyle I like though.
I'm slightly annoyed that Ice Queen Hiori didn't have a 4th skill.
Probably chaps or something. Free gems might be safe anyway if it's a paid SSR. Haven't had one of those in a while, and they're sometimes paired with welfare UR memory events.
Could be an American flag bikini
Paid Gacha with Sarah.
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I got worried for a second but saw this was just a new memory art.
Yuri has been getting a lot of those.
How 2 get gems fast pls. I don't think I can buy them.
Do main quests
Do side quests
Do event quests
Do any boss battles or training quests you haven't 3*'d
Do Total Battle quests
Get to SS in League Battle pvp for the month if you haven't already
Feed dolphins to 20(?) and view episodes and team episodes
Wipe out everything in daily/event missions
Do your dailies, weeklies, event quests, daily sit-through-an-advertisement, 3 star everything you can get your hands on, do PVP, do challenge battles, etc
If you do this, I think you can get to a spark every 2-3 events.
I was hoping for a new memory to give me Wind attribute 4% SP gain a turn so this was nice.
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Minami looks really nice
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>Asuka and Yumi being isekai'd
Fun but also a bit annoyed because I wish they'd bring over other girls' costumes.
If they're coming over as guest characters, I hope they don't get restrictions like the DOAs did.
How's that even gonna work plot-wise when the last collab event specifically mentioned Senran Kagura as being a game franchise within the Dolphin Wave universe
Proper isekai since Asuka and Yumi get warped into the DW universe after touching a rainbow Fenio sticker.
Ikaruga's outfit isn't all that revealing so imagine if they just gave it away for free.
With their default costumes already being in, I'm not surprised they got swimsuits, wonder if DoAs will give me Marie's blue leotard costume down the line.
Or if this means Azur Lane girls might make it over somehow too.
>Yagyuu freebie
So close yet so far.
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These are more or less canon swimsuits from what I remember in New Wave.
I wonder if this means they're going to sell costumes first and then the actual SK characters later. Might be a nice way to preview certain characters first and get their default outfits that way before getting a swimsuit version.
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I knew they looked familiar
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I'm 5k gems short of a full spark but I really hope I get at least one titty ninja before that.
I shall repeat myself
>No Homura hobo squad
I vaguely remember Hikage, Mirai and Yomi being the most popular among them
I can't tell if Nan drew the Senrans or if it's still Takuji
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Chuuni ass
No restrictions for dressing up Asuka and Yumi it looks like.
That racing anime collab had its part 2 come out immediately, will this SK collab also have a part 2? Or a Part 3, technically?
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>App icon gets updated for the collab
>It's Iruka and Yumi instead of Asuka
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It took 170 for Yumi to show up and had to exchange for Asuka over here.
They got four team flags on the collab stage so I assume Homura and Miyabi will show up later I guess.
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Pretty gud
bondage Yume is better for the challenge boss than Asuka :)
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Damn, Sarah's outfit makes for a really accurate Miyabi costume
Jesus, Asuka is pretty short
I actually got higher damage results with Atago/Baltimore again.
But no regrets rolling for Senrans.
What are
Bride Yume and Michiru's skirts
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>Iruka is expectant
>Hiori is embarrassed
>Kiri is so fucking ready for it
New paid SSR again? Might save me some more gems.
It's a really cute Eines
More than the yukata, the flower ornament looks like the actual thing you'd want
there's a stream in a couple days
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Wonder what it could be.
Maybe it's about time to reveal outfits for the poll winners
Unless they're some fan-fucking-tastic outfits then it's another 2 weeks of saving up then.
Dolphin Wave certainly seems more generous than New Link but the rates aren't any better. I'm 150 rolls into the collab and only have China dress Iruka and "smock" Kana to show for it at 100 and 140.
Gotta play more stingy with favorites and what outfits you want to force on them.
At least it has a spark system.
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lil sis
Delicious shimaidon
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Nice free roll and Jims.
Unfortunately The popularity contest swimsuits are not as good as Senran New Link swimsuits
Yeah the popularity poll swimsuits aren't all that enticing.
This is the head maid that's always fucking with Ellen? I was sure she would be way older.
>Iruka's 3rd swimsuit already.
I'm not completely sold on the larger side-tail yet. If I had to pick, I'd rather get last year's hat.
Looks like her first swimsuit minus the jacket
Looks like a blue tinted version of Iruka's first swimsuit
Eyepatch swimsuit so while that is desirable, I'm not that sure yet. Might be better of skipping all of them honestly.

So glad none of them are one-pieces or else I'd be tempted harder.
I thought for sure it would be that brown haired maid who's showed up in the 1 panel comics.
The game already has two sets of siblings but this one feels special because they actually look like siblings.
Plus she's smaller
I want to "play" this every 3 months or so but i always forget my ID
I just transferred the game's data from the PC DMM client to the qooapp version on my phone.
Definitely made playing it significantly less tedious.
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Thought the same, maybe they didn’t think she looked unique enough
Did they ever say if Ellen's mom's maid is only following her mom around? Maybe that's the mom.
Or maybe she uses disguises
Hopefully that one tanabata line from Asuka means Ikaruga in Senran Kagura Part 3.
But I wonder who else is eligible to join the other teams. Kana and the radio girls need another pair of girls to fill out their "team".
More like Meid
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Best swimsuit out of the bunch.
It's also not fair how many alt hairstyles Michiru gets
sexual sex with megane
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Main Site updated
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Honestly doesn't look bad, but I'll wait to see what's coming after her to roll.
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Feels like Iruka's original floral print swimsuit just blue.
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None of Schnee's outfits really speak to me.
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Eyepatch bikini on huge boobs
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Imouto sex
Meido sex
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OST Cover
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Man, I'm really enamored with all the official art.
I'd buy the artbook, hope they have concept art and rough drafts on there.
Any more excessive strings and she'll look like ham.
a sea pig, so to speak
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Definitely eats like one.
For me, Her Half Anniv. costume is the best
The high-tech bodysuit?
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Yeah that's probably her best one.
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New character pages up
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I'm really late but
>Asuka at 180
I would be dumb to not get Yumi at this point.
>Only other red I bothered to raise was also an attack rider

Certainly had a "why did I roll on this?" sort of thought a month ago. Granted, I had good snipes in the previous collab and have better luck on "normal" limited sets recently. All of my rolls during Wedding were a waste however.

For comparison in New Link, I would be lucky to have 150 gems for rolling on something, which is 30+10 rolls.
I quit New Link because it was absolutely possible to not get a girl on rate-up no matter how much you spent if you were unlucky.
Plus I was dumb enough to try and start a gacha 4 years in with 98% of the gacha pool being unusable trash.
Why does every event need to have 20 quintillion stages...
Hey man it's free gems
>For comparison in New Link, I would be lucky to have 150 gems for rolling on something, which is 30+10 rolls.
Only for you to get unusable standard banner garbage
>swimsuit Schnee dupe from free singles
>police Yuri dupe from free singles
I hate her I always get her crap instead of the stuff I actually want.
>hate her
Shion or Michiru?
And who do you usually want?
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I got her bikini apron and gave it to all of my favorites, except Honoka because no fun allowed. But this is allowed so what do I know.
Damn, fanart already
Cute throw animation from Hiori
>Wind&Moon UL Total Battle
>50~60k power
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hours of retrying and throwing bodies at it until it works
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Holy shit finally some qol
Yeah it's pretty nice.
So is anyone actually going to roll that "pick your Gear dolphins" rate-up? Anyone roll for Iruka/Schnee?
>Defense Up buffs AGAIN
I threw 1 ticket at it just for lulz. At least it's nice to know it's not the end of the world if you miss something in this limited banner hell game.
except collabs
Brute forced EX tournament battle with the IRSRW line-up, didn't even need buff removal.
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I got it with this. I am now hoarding 9 UR memory chips.
Last 2 battles were the worst because of defense buffs as always, and the enemy follows a fixed set of actions so you can't just retry until they roll 1* attacks like the first 3 battles. You need a ton of shield and skill downs, especially on the last one where Nacht gets enough SP for 10 damage by turn 5 or so.
Jesus christ, you know the general pool is small as fuck when I'm getting UR dupes in such a frequency.
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To roll or not to roll for a new hairstyle
Another day, another free 10 roll, another UR dupe
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Have the Utae version?
>Stream on the 23rd
I mean we already know we're getting Shion and Michiru
this banner is pretty long
it's just the radio skit
Well I at least appreciate the in-character skits

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