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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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:baw: :baw: :baw:
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"crying girl fetish" dev is having a field day this anniversary
Im guessing it isn't an Form Change? Probably the one time im sad that its not an fc. I also think they should have gone the Arise Zephry route and given Elle an xMA with Vic or Lud
>given Elle an xMA with Vic or Lud
it's the asteria version of a novel-exclusive character, so that'd be.... pretty strange
What is this button? I was getting units ready to play coop and noticed it. I thought it was to swap equipped weapons around but tapping or dragging does nothing
When you swap characters in coop they immediately use an arte. That selects what arte they use.
I recommend using 5*s because the swapped arte continues the combo, meaning if you combo up to using a charged arte and switch then the other character will come out using the charged arte too.
Oh how about that. Thanks.
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Similar to Switch Blast function from Berseria.
The lower the CC cost of the Switch Blast, the faster it is to switch again.
Muzet barely got any stuff compared to most characters. They're gonna steal her MA too?
Your right. Although I believe it has Gaius’ sword in the middle of the blast, her thing is stealing peoples weapons and using them since she’s not a fighter.
Anni seems to be pretty much over today to tomorrow.
Dont forget to check all of the Turtlez shops to exchange for any tickets or event currencies. Buy any costumes you might like. Use up any Grade pity.
Yeah. She's weirdly absent. I believe she's the only mage for X2 and she kinda sucks in Rays

Yep, Orie indeed uses X1 final boss Gaius’ sword for the MA
Does this game have new musical arrangements of old Tales games? In this case Xillia 2 specifically... damn we need Xillia 3.
I don’t think so no, they usually rip tracks directly from the games. So if it’s a Xillia event, they just play tracks from Xillia. This is an Asteria event so unless they made an original arrangement for X2 for its story arc about Elle, it’s all just tracks from Asteria and X2.
>got Victor oMA from the free rolls
I guess better than nothing
Despite getting the collab character treatment, AElle has a base MA you can buy in the Turtlez shop early, or you can wait for the raid to be completed
Where's the April Fool's event?
It's so over bros
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They modified it.
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The artist redrew it to add more characters to celebrate the 10th anni.
>All the hairstyles they'll never have anywhere else...

Sophie would have been better placed between Orie and Milla if she's gonna be half a head like that.
>Your game is too Fujo, please fix this as soon as possible
>Chronos shows up at the end of the event
Wonder if that was a hint of him being playable soon.
Probably not considering he didn't have proper skit portrait art.
Orie doesnt have a single "emotion" or other skit portrait, and they made her show up in every scene, dont think thats a big deal.
But that's still a skit portrait. Chronos was reused card art and wasn't even standing straight.
I think we can take this as the devs are considering putting him in but haven't finish making him yet. Victor first appeared with reused art and it took him a year to become playable after that (he had proper skit portraits by then). But there have been a ton of other characters that appeared in the story that still aren't playable, so there's no guarantee for anything.
Schwartz has a fully functional model and she still isn't playable for years
Grune gets her eMA along with Schwartz release, trust the plan, Grunebros
There is an eMA ticket at 7 million points if people haven't noticed. It is certainly worth the investment
I guess I'll build him............. I have 3 of his 5*s, one of them being his pink burst one..........
He's pretty mobile and one of his 5* has great range (he spins his weapon with wind and covers him from all angles). I like using him more than Ix.
I think I have that along with the water one and cherry blossoms, and I just tried him out a few minutes ago.
He actually is more fun than Ix. I really have been sleeping on the OCs unless they came prepackaged in a banner or xMAs.
Yeah despite Ix getting the most stuff, having the overray gimmick and having i-frames cheese, his moveset has always felt clunky from years of use. His scarlet nex collab 5* really saved him for giving him a ranged arte that goes will with his constant dash artes to close those gaps.
Take off healing and those weird melee artes off Mileena and shes instantly better
Marcus is also good, just abit slow, but has good range and coverage 5* wise
Karia is the weird one with her mirror teleport gimmick, dont really get the hang of it
Phil is just regular mage
Yolande is probably the craziest ballerina melee ever and its great.
>Take off healing and those weird melee artes off Mileena and shes instantly better
I legit just spam her 0* art after backstepping with the occasional 5* right after the minimum chain.
I'm also fond of Mercuria mainly because of that 3* needle skill for keepaway and her cackling in her first 5*.
I spam Mileena 2nd burst, its a charge that leaves TWO giant ass traps, and then spamming it causes her to jump back and leave a small trap, so good to combo into a different 5* for an easy master arte proc.
Oh yeah i forgot about Nevar, Merc and Baldo
Merc's burst is also a charge and its a giant wrecking ball. Perfect for Best Hero. She has very good aoe stuff in general
Nazar is also a more mobile and agile Ix.
Baldo is very quick brawler, specializes on one target so not a whole lot of range though outside of master artes.
He doesn't have any of the indicators for that in the datamines. No placeholder and a very high character ID.

Other characters in this situation have been made playable, but considering this isn't even Tir Na Nog's Chronos I believe, it's unlikely.
>and those weird melee artes off Mileena
Mileena is mostly a melee user? The only other thing worth using is Moon Serenade (which should be spammed anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter)
We should be expecting PV sooner or later.
Probably early next week, the day before the Asteria event ends
>missed the anniversary
Feels bad, I wanted a reason to get back into this. My Tales senses were tingling
You can still get into it at least, you just wont be able to play as your specific favorites right away. But you can start saving for them.
Last day to use your guaranteed dupe tickets
That's the shittiest character I could've gotten from the eMA ticket.
I think you're cursed, anon.
I refuse to use Yuri unless he's needed for events. Flynn is my man and Raven can proceed to fuck me senseless. Yuri can go die in a fire.
>Recollection cast
That's underwhelming
But it looks like they have a collab soon given how this is the only event they showed
>dead month
Thank goodness I can skip.
>no playable dilf with that awful haircut
Sad though.
Is that an Ending MA for Kodama? So is the Recollect story ending or what the fuck?
>tfw Orwin doesn't get in Rays before possible EoS
Kodama's hair is so fucking awful
What are some guesses on the collab? I want a Black Clover rerun, so a new part 2 collab would be nice, the manga is nearing its end as well. Wouldn’t surprise me if they decide to give Asta and Yuno a form change, along with Noelle and Julius getting added. Or Noelle and another booba girl.
>black clover
I'll only be interested in the tales characters then. If none, I guess it's a full skip.
I say Black Clover because it has a gacha game now
Weirdly successful too
Producer said last time that Leo is his favourite character, so if it is BC he'll probably be involved.
Seems like Rays might end soon. The doomposting is very strong right now on the nips

>Tfw Orwin won't even make it again
Poor guy
I doubt you could even count with your fingers the amount of people that give 2 shits about Recollection's story or characters
The producer letters have been saying it was ending soon for the last few months already.

People have been doomposting constantly for the last 2 years ever since Rays' main story ended. We're still here now.
I'm just coping that they'll probably just focus more on events since they did mention eMAs for the rest of the playable cast in other games later on.
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P letter talks about bread at the end. Guess we're getting Mimi soon.
Oh yeah, There are mined MAs that have bread in them so it is talking about Mimi
Rays is just setting up doomposting for nothing. Still, no one gives a shit about the Recollections cast outside of easy diamonds
>still no Largo
>God General collection still incomplete
I'm also surprised they haven't started adding Nan, Tyson, and Clint for the Vesperia cast.
What was that site to see the sales? I want to know the numbers they did with Elle's release.
It speaks volumes how poorly received are the Recollection characters when the first thought is that we're getting EoS'd when they're the event
Can you blame them? They're ugly as fuck
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Haze is pretty fine and so does the Cheria bootleg

Kodama would've been acceptable but his hair is cancer.

The rest are unsalvageable. I can see why they would elicit "EoS"
MC is literally Rose head put into Male body kek
You'd think being overdesigned is the last thing Fujishima would do.
These are horrid. None of them look good
Maybe because I have an android girl fetish, but I think Liwanna looks fine. The biggest problem is her wing looking like a curtain when closed, it looks better when it's open.

I find it ironic that people liked young Baldo (at least on the jp side), but started disliking him just because he's older now.
>Legendia gets a complete joke character as playable
>still not a single actual villain playable
>Schwartz just got used as a boss for the 80th time
It looks like Agrad is getting stuck in lobby NPC hell for some reason, so sorry if you wanted playable lion daddy.
>The producer letters have been saying it was ending soon for the last few months already.
To be fair, there was at least 1 or 2 anon's on here adamant about that being a google translation error when someone posts the dev letter here and that its totally not what it means trust me bro. Despite it being very clear.
I got Luke's eMA new, which i feel incredibly lucky to get since i think i've managed to get every eMA that was available since 3/31/23.
Mimi is a cute girl
>>still not a single actual villain playable
Walter is just gay for Senel. Legit forgot, i remember Vaclav more
Weirdly enough, if Mimi event is after Recollections eMA, we unironically got three new characters back to back for the entire April
And we still don’t have the full months line up, since they’re hiding a collab.
Also I noticed Dio and Mel textures in the datamine, possible content soon? Or are they truly really dead and buried
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>tfw they're the tales collab units
I highly doubt it, i was thinking the Mimi event might be some baking/chef event where the twins dress up as chef/waiters. You'd think that the 2 characters whose entire schtick is to wear different outfits would have gotten a seasonal by now.
They said "climax" 6 chapters into an 11 chapter story, so no it really didn't mean the end, that's the halfway point.

I also said it would probably end in April or May. It's April now, it's ending. Shocking.
its an xma
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The girl got probably the most visually lacking origin ever. Like damn that looked like the basic MAs you get when you unlock a character for free.
She's a Recollections character. It shows how they really didn't like them but needs to push out OCs for whatever reasons
7 million for a dMA ticket.

They want you to roll for those rejects for the bonus
Is there another way of romanizing that, or did they really mean to saddle her with such a dumb name?
7 mil rewards have been a thing since half a year ago.
I wonder who is insane enough to like those recollection OCs for a big bonus. There's no established tales chara or Ix/Mileena to carry them
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Elnath is a little better than Ernat at least.
Ernat has a different MA as an enemy.
I saw someone with 70.0% on that new OC girl.
>going from having over 350% bonus from the previous raid, to barely hitting 125% in this raid
Thats just depressing. Dont think i even want to bother with the 3mill sMA ticket.
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lolis are justice after all

i pulled a lot for her but my bonus is low because my luck was bad...
Why? Even for a pedo, your standards are low
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1. she's cute.
2. i'm a /u/fag and like oneeloli a lot so i want to field her with haze
3. her role in the story is fun. fun motivations, fun thing to do with that particular dangling plot thread
4. i like her personality a lot... married-to-her-job workaholic just because she likes her boss... her really bad decisions... bickering with kodama, getting emotional easily even though shes a serious millitary commander type... multi-layered gap moe
5. i'm actually not usually a proper lolicon and just like cute girls but actually her thighs peeking out is nice. big shirt+tiny shorts that dont even show without an upskirt... though with mercuria too rays has mostly just taught me i ike thighs peeking out on cute little girls
6. she's cute.

thanks btw i wanted an excuse to talk about her
Her body isnt THAT small.
shes physically 13 and has a height to match. youre being fooled by her coat and heels probably.
Thats exactly why shes hebe
Really need to get a new phone for this. This bitch likes to crash the game whenever it feels like it. Good thing this is just a recollections OC event
Try emulator? I used to use Memu and Bluestacks with no issues. I moved over to my tablet for convenience.
Warning .

You don't recruit Ermet or whatever is her name in the event proper

You have to get her in the recollection stages so there's a reason why we have those free Origin MA tickets
I got her 5* from the tickets so I didn't even know.
I got her MA but I did notice I never got a skit from her
I guess it's time to finally start doing recollection.
Luckily found it out in time. I completely neglected doing the Recollect story and training them up, so it took my 3 days to get them up to speed. Her boss fight was kinda bullshit since she can heal herself for 5k with a taunt animation and has a fuckton of armor to break through.
>had unlocked SG on Mithos
>gets an actual SG
>Ix gets another ending MA
>despite it obviously looking like another xMA for him and Mileena
>no Mimi for the bread event
Boy what the hell.
I honestly felt people were overreacting about Eos signs from the current Recollection event. It was just Reco ending, Rays could easily go on without them.
But that Ix eMA just screams "This is the real ending!"
Are they really having an event with just 1 new MA?
Wouldn’t be the first time. That one Tales of Fest celebration event just had an Ix sMA. I believe there was a hot springs event that just had Zelos as well.
It’ll probably be structured like the Rays ending raid event, where every character had boosted bonus.
Ngl that animation was kinda sex
The PV is labeled as April and Mays PV. I’m waiting for the dev letter to get posted, something feels off, unironically.
>That one Tales of Fest celebration event just had an Ix sMA. I believe there was a hot springs event that just had Zelos as well.
In both those cases, they didn't take up an event slot. They just released a banner with the new MA and a short story quest while another unrelated event was ongoing.
I suppose that could also happen here, but it's still really ominous.
I won’t fully disagree here, because I do have a weird feeling, but Ix’s MA is advertised as “Ix and Everyones” eMA so it feels pretty clear they’re throwing an event where everyone is usable like the Rays ending raid. Whether it is symbolic or alluding to something ominous is up in the air.
I believe it still chalks up to the Reco OCs as a whole being poorly received.
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Checking the UA schedule, Ix is grouped with RaysFes, so they probably are releasing it during that time.
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Same anon, same.
This bread event feels like the April Fools event they didnt do. Just dumb they didnt make Mimi playable along with it.
>chloe, colette, milla
>sgs for marta, rinwell, mithos
skip because grinding for at least 1 sg during the event is possible
>xmas for nono3/asteria girl, dio/mel
>xma for kanata/misella
fuck i wanted to save
>ema again for Ix with impending eos dread
It's going to be really funny if Rays does get EoS'd and we still don't have Orwin like it's already bad enough he's literally non existent
They're really self aware of it because Yuna came in as a standalone event rather than going by pairs like with the other Crestoria events
The funniest thing is that they will never acknowledge Luminaria
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Never change Raysbros.
So they took this Orie/Kannono out of the other xMA banner cause Orie was in the next Elle event.
Would make sense since Cheria/Sophie obviously didn't match the pink haired portable/mobile characters theme they had going for that one.
Bro the dev letter, where is it?
>Released both April and May PV together
It's over for sure this time
We should've gotten Mimi for the bread event, no? It feels weird to just have three characters

unless it's gojover
>It feels weird to just have three characters
It's been like this for half a year already. Events only have 3 new MAs nowadays. The only exception is the Xenosaga collab which you can argue got special treatment because it was a collab. Other than that, the last event with 4 MAs was the group b origins all the way back in october. You may have been tricked by most events having an xMA to fill up character numbers.
I think we might've gotten Mimi but was axed at the last minute. Chloe is one of the sMAs after all so there might've been last minute changes
I'm that second post. I still do believe Rays will last until there's a replacement, though it might not necessarily be a mobage. The next console game would probably be enough to take pressure off from eos news. I predict Rays will keep going at least into next year and end in late 2025.
I'd be glad to be wrong and it kept going though.
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>30th tales anniversary next year
>bamco hasn't registered a new tales name
>total radio silence about the new console game
we will see about that
>4 Braids
We got one a few days ago, we are not getting another one until May.
It wasn't a complete dev letter, they labeled it as "80.99", and that was 10 days ago.
That dev letter even states that it will be updated once the next PV releases (this one).
Thanks to those oMA tickets, i landed on the megaphone girl and notVelvet, the only 2 i didn't have. I have everyone except the new girl, neat!
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>Chloe's MA had nothing to do with bread
The animation changes if you equip the bread weapon. As to why they didn't post that version on youtube instead is beyond me, but its in the 5* preview on twitter.
Congrats. Those tickets gave me a dupe of the MC and two new ones, but I don't mind since I got the MC's oMA for the first time from the event tickets. Those 200 diamonds (and more) are a really nice buffer for our stashes.
Is it true Ix and Milenna are more like siblings than a couple as of now?
Mileena loves Ix, but Ix friendzoned her saying he does likes her but not in the same way she likes him.
Fujos will probably tell you it was pandering them, but I'm pretty sure the point of that was to emphasize that 3rd Ix is different from 1st Ix as that scene was shortly after finding out 1st Ix and Mileena(Gefion) were married.
"shortly after" is wrong, and "married" is wrong too (the original Ix died something like the day before his wedding lmao) but he does start to think about it shortly after that, when he speaks to first Ix in the anima crucible, and gets told he doesn't need to make the same choices or have the same feelings as him. But the rejection scene happens in an entirely different arc, roughly 11 chapters later. He was really thinking hard about it for a very long time, lol.
It is, my stash needs it after Elle. Im going all in on Ix eMA2 with what little i have. What ever happens down the line, I'll go down dying as the Ixfag that doesnt actually like Ix all that much.
Uh.... there's alot of things I don't understand then. So they're not together in the main timeline then? Okay
Or any timeline. They're clones, not alternate timeline versions. The third Ix and the second Mileena have been our Ix and Mileena from the start until now and until forever. The people they're clones of were engaged, but ours aren't and almost certainly will not be.

But Ix did sort of retract to something less committal at the end of Arc 4. But I doubt they'll get together in official materials; the point of the ending was to be vague so they're not just doing the same thing as the original Ix and Mileena or actively avoiding what the originals did. They're doing what they want.

The original Mileena is the cloaked woman you see around in arc 1, Gefion. The original Ix is her dead fiance, and the original Phil is the Phil who's playable. Ix has two clones (one dead, telling you third Ix has always been our Ix is technically a lie but close enough because the other Ix clone had maybe 10 minutes of screentime at the very start), Gefion has one (just our Mileena), and Phil has two (Phantom and Junior). They're not replicas, so they have memories from the people they're clones of, but to some extent those memories are altered or incomplete (due to being cloned off an earlier time period, for example)
expect an oav or anime series based on Arise with some remasters or ports in between
nta but what was up with the 2nd Marcus? When i first saw Marc with a new haircut, i just thought it was a redesign for the new arc at the time.
That's just Junior's Mark. They probably redesigned him so you can differentiate the two or maybe it was to suggest Junior has different fashion sense than Phil.
both probably, because his outfit has some bifrost inspiration to it. (and while he has memories of phil's childhood, everything hes done himself has been either sticking by mercuria's side or working with bifrost once theyre their own faction..)

makes you wonder how close our karia might be to nevan if she got bigger.
>Felt no regrets rolling everything in this gacha
What a weird feeling
Maybe I did have a feeling that the end is near and it's not like any of my favorites will be getting new stuff since they're all decked out
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Are the wings different too? I don't remember them being this pixelated before
Probably just looks that way when they make it a transparent background for these teasers. In-game, they would have just edited the current wings model.
the wing model is two giant polygons with textures stretched onto them
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>the replies
Someone gone goofed.
It's not supposed to be Aska? Then what spirit?
Spirit gear doesn't have to match the logical element for a character.

They've also bullshitted things to be spirits outside of the default before.

But since her MA has birds, most likely the person who fucked up wasn't the social media guy.

tell me why we couldn't have Rays whereas the others failed or ended?
Looks like they didn't forget. They reference that scene in the event and blame it on Denebrae.
you think there'll be a remaster for DotNW before its 30th anniversary?
Look at the state of Symphonia and remember it's one out of two remasters in five years.
Scamco killed all SideM kusoges.
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>the comments
I knew people were doomposting rays but not that they doomposted the whole franchise that hard ednafag's spam doesn't count
It's not that.

In the story, Marta wanted to check if she has resonance with Aska but didn't work so people thought her spirit gear would be someone else

Well, they forgot about that and made it Aska anyway
But they didnt tho >>1461152
>It's not that.
Why did you quote the first and last reply there, exactly. The first is just explaining that she didn't have to have a light sgma, and even so it wouldn't have needed to be aska. The last is just saying that there was a fuckup and she shouldn't be aska.
that doesn't mean they didn't forget, that means the writers didn't forget and cleaned up after the dev team lmao
Just because she said it didn't work before, doesnt mean it was never going to happen if she tries again years later. There was nothing conclusive about it. Stop being a retard, or keep going, doesnt really make much of a difference.
is it even years later? it's a video game, it's not like real world time matters

it wasnt conclusive, but the explanation given in the story is kind of stupid. i dont know why youre getting mad on behalf of the devs
"Tenebrae's element is dark and that was affecting Marta" sounds like something they just came up with. He's still accompanying them too. Ratatosk is actually a spirit, and the third arc seemed to be hinting at Marta getting a Spirit Gear with him as the medium, much like Luke got Lorelei. They just didn't follow through with it for whatever reason, so they came up with some random excuse.

Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's, but we are given no reason as to why Mithos got Shadow either. Feels like Rays was just phoning in for this event.
Thanks anon for clarifying that tickets can actually get the banner MAs of all things otherwise I'd be confused. It unlocked T3 of the SG and added 200 more of those pink mirror things to my stockpile of the character.
It just had to be the racist from not-Tales though luckily I was grinding for Mithos so whatever.
>Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's
Rinwell is more of a light element since only Dahnans can use light artes but since she's from Cyslodia which is the resident Ice town. She got Celsius instead
Well it was already quiet, and Golden Week only made it worse.
sign of eos
>got Mithos SG from tickets
Welp at least the game threw me a bone
Tfw I forgot about the selectors expiration date
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Damn, fucking RIP.
There's usually a campaign for Golden Week.
Damn, I really don't like the signs piling up
Yeah its starting to get to me too. Man, i know it was a long run, but i really do like this game after all these years, even if its just tuning in to empty my stamina bar twice a day or play the tower two/three times a month and actually playing with different units.
It'd be a complete tragedy if they don't leave some offline version up, the amount of assets, especially for characters that made their first 3D appearance ever.
The data mines aren't helping either. No new mirrors mined
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Well I hope they have a replacement on hand, this is the only active media for Tales of. Then again, it's Bamco...
I'd rather they take the old Tales staff that's working on Rays and put them to work on porting/remastering the old games before they retire.
This’ll be it for me in terms of Tales. Arise was “good”, but it was a one and done for me, didn’t bother replaying or going for the DLC. Knowing Bamco, they’ll release some shitty turn based jpeg collector gacha and that’ll be a hard pass. They should just sell a big Radiant Mythology game with everyone and wrap it up. Just feels sad.
>Knowing Bamco, they’ll release some shitty turn based jpeg collector gacha
Yeah. It's called Union Arena. Arise is the only tales game there alongside big name shounen like One Piece, JJK, and MHA
Lets be fair here, anime TCGs never work out for the long run, and they’re just riding off the coattails of the One Piece TCG blowing up before it fizzles out.
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Damn they really shoved Ix's eMA 2 in the Fes banner.
I don't want to say this but

This is the last event before they announced "it"?, isn't it?
This event lasts until the end of May
Suffice to say. It's indeed ending
It's just the gacha banner that's to the end of May, which by itself isn't unusual.
But free pulls on the new banner that has no old MAs and the eMA doesn't have a lowered rate? Now that's a huge tell.
With 10 multis, I managed to pull every single thing and even dupes of the xMAs.
This is very bitter sweet.
>people really clinging on to the hope that this is all obviously setting up a collab
They have literally never acted this way about a collab. They have no reason too, they always have fun with it and tease it to people with no issue. This radio silence, no updated letter when they stated it would be, and this event makes it painfully obvious
I wonder if they decided to end service because revenue was so low last month, or if it was arranged in advance because Recollection was coming to an end anyway
What game(s) are you going to play after EoS?
I've gone through 2 EoSs already (Dragalia Lost and World Flipper)... and grubble (seasonal player) looks like a corpse being dragged across the road at this point.
I'll probably just stop altogether and slowly replay old console games.
>grubble (seasonal player) looks like a corpse being dragged across the road at this point.
I wish, last GW hat the highest cutoffs yet.
We still get the monthly events, are finishing up M3 next month and started the new farmable RotB girls.
This is the last mobile game I was playing that hasn't closed down including non-Bamco IPs, so just nothing. I will get into emulation or something.
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The event story does feel like it's the last one going by the ending.
Tales of Slime Rimuru
Nothing. I still have FEH on my phone for when I'm really bored, but that game is as stale as plain bread with zero change up except weapon descriptions getting longer. Then I have Pokemon Masters for casual 10 minutes of play. Gonna miss Rays for sure, played since the very beginning. I just pray they announce something offline, hopefully Capcom selling MegaMan X dive as an offline game made companies realize they can profit off of offline gachas.
They completely ignored Golden Week outside of labeling the coop season as GW. Thats basically the giant nail in the coffin. I will say, very surprised how long the game lasted with how very little they put things on sale. Mirrogems only have a sale during Anniversary and that's it. Pretty sure that wouldve kept profits going for another year-ish. Still saddening to see and expect it.
Playing FFXIV new expansion in 1 and a half months from now for the time being
Events take at least 4 months to set up, so if this Ix eMA was meant to be the final MA, they had to have decided on it at least by february. Though really, the signs they were planning on ending were already setting in back in october when they started reducing content.
Post your favorite illustrations that this game has blessed us with
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Thats a good one for me too. Bridal Mary and Summer Judith were my top arts along with it. Judith's new bikini wasn't as skimpy as her Vepseria one, but it was nice to see a new design for her.
Everything about the Keroro collab was on-point too, definitely my favorite collab we got. Though i would have really liked a busty character cosplay as Aki but its whatever
While we're on these topics, whats something you personally wanted to see? In terms of an event or someone getting a specific MA
I wanted to see an event that added Nan, gave Karol an oMA based on him getting over the Don's death, and Judith with an oMA based on her protecting Baul from the Hunting Blades.
I'm surprised Milhaust from Rebirth never made an appearance
Final boss from Radiant Mythology 1 and 2. Kinda weird only final boss from 3 is added. Also, Reve Unitia OCs
He did appear, he just wasn't playable. He was one of the living doll lords they freed at the end of Last Cradle and he was with the Rebirth party during Agarte's event.

Lazaris is more popular than the other 2, probably thanks to Asteria and also being a girl. Her being playable also let's us make a full party of Kanonnos.
Gotta say, the Ray artists and animators really did good jobs at recreating scenes from animated openings or cutscenes from the source.
>chester, a character that has been around since the first year, has only one extra costume by the end of the game
absolutely grim, wonder if he would've gotten anything last year if people didn't complain
Chill, this data push fucked with several characters. EoS is probably soon, the game is 7.5 years old, but we have at least another month. Rays may be on borrowed time, but we won't know just how time they borrowed until it drops dead.

The event also left plot hooks open, though it didn't set up anything specific.
>left plot hooks open
I wouldn't be surprised if they're saving those for a new gacha to "reset" all the rolls with a new story since there's not much incentive for players to roll at this point thanks to their units being practically maxed out..
Rays console title please
They could put out the message now or in 2 months it just depends on how much money they want to try and drain out of desperate people beforehand. They know it's set to end which is why they're reallocating assets to irrelevant places.
>eMA animation has all MCs voice
It's over
I just want one final gacha that has all the MAs. It would suck if this Festival xMA gacha is all we got
I would be because that never works. It's also possible they're not doing anything with those plot hooks, but the ending of the event does not feel like an ending for Rays as a whole.
>reallocating assets to irrelevant places
If they're still adding things to the files they're not doing that, no. They're definitely aware profits are down, but they don't seem to be visibly reacting to it other than cutting costs somewhat.
We have at leaast 2 more normal gacha banners

I do wonder if they're just trying to avoid yet another EoS being implicitly announced at Talesfes by making sure they have a PV for it though lmfao.
>Few months until Tales of Festival
>Rays EoS'ed

It wont be. Thats not how games do EoS, the game wont just turn off at the end of the month. We would get an official statement on it, and get told the game goes off in 2 months-ish, with the final months having an event that extends into however much time is left.
i wanted the xMAs to be a bit more creative
they peaked with philia/estelle, alisha/leia and loni/malik and then they mostly churned out xMAs with duos from the same game, which is extremely boring in a big crossover game like rays
Yeah i agree with this. The anniversary villain ones were all pretty good. I would've liked to see Flynn/Guy, or Raven/Zaveid. I also would have liked to see stuff that referenced the Tales of Homeroom or the Rays chibi shorts, i know co-op emotes reference it, but an actual event with seasonals would have been great.
It's in a week and a half. Rays only has to limp one more month if they want to have something to show at Talesfes for it.
Talesfes isn't much of a place for announcements, whether it be Rays or Tales games in general. Ix and Mileena VA's will get invited and they'll just have their usual fun of doing skits and cracking jokes.
>Ix and Mileena VA's will get invited
They aren't.
>Talesfes isn't much of a place for announcements, whether it be Rays
The only thing that ever gets announced at Talesfes is mobile game events. The final nail in the coffin for Crestoria was that Rays and Asteria had a news corner about their upcoming events, while Crestoria just had a short advertisement about things already implemented in the game.
Harold/Pascal was refreshing to see. As well as Chaltier/Atwight using an MA from Destiny DC.
Grassvalley/Orie also a recent one.
I give them credit for making the challenges not having the fucking bullshit time limit
maybe bandai should stop making gacha and make an actual decent Tales game for once
That goes for most companies. Tell that to Capcom while your at it, they never learn.
Radiant Mythology 4 WHen ??
God I hope someday.
Luminaria should have been a console game desu. At least Crestoria still has the manga.
It's still funny all the time and effort they put into Luminaria's openings/endings and anime going to waste just cause they rebranded whatever it was going to be as a tales title.

Same with the start of Crestoria's downfall being shit customer service.
We'll never get that under Tomizawa
Tfw I only got Kanata/Misella xMA from the free rolls so far.
>only current event gacha left
>no new monthly 10% gacha
>no new producer letter
>no new monthly 10% gacha
all-out tower ended like 2 days ago anon...
Meanwhile i just maxed out their xMA with all the free multis, and have gotten zero Ix eMA.
My track record so far
>3/4 MLB Kanata and Misella xMA
>1/4 MLB Dio and Mel xMA
>0/4 MLB Ix eMA 2.0
No Orie and Grassvalley
I only got 1 Kanata/Misella xMA. Everything else are just dupe 3/4/5*
Their silence is deafening......
Its depressing. They really should just get on with it and say it. I hate when devs decide to do this instead of just be honest, just to squeeze afew extra pennies from clueless folks.
Inomata death really killed Tales
Same thing happened with Crestoria.
The longer they wait the harder it is for people to refund their anniversary purchase. Scummy to the core.
Same thing happened with every mobage that died.
(Very) Few of them were straight to the point after they showed some major warning signs like never ever characters being pullable and the subplots written to be ending. Dragalia for example.
>Dragalia admits it months in advance
>but leaves it’s in app purchases turned on almost for the entire duration of EoS
Nah, they’re advanced scummy for that one.
I wish Rays get a Megaman Dive Offline treatment, but this is bamco were talking about
I still thought it was fair since they did actually announce it. It's on the players' fault for spending after that.
>showed some major warning signs
>written to be ending
I didn't play Dragalia, but that's pretty much what Rays is doing, isn't it?
>2nd eMA for the MC
>main story and the after story finished
dragalia rushed and there were plotpoints skipped, especially for characters that were shown in some cutscenes that never got a chance to be in the story.
symphonia is on sale for 20 dollars.
Dragalia still had several loose threads to the story and some incomplete event stories, they just rushed a conclusion together to the bigger threat, on top of just "restarting" the universe as the happy ending because the villain fucked up the world super hard.

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