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Yuri fans have taken a big L
tfw sending angry letters to kidney
Any erotic situations for Haruna that would be in character?
physical punishment for breaking school rules
Digglers are vocal about the new collab and they are now happy.
Seriously, is just a bad collab which will be forgotten in 10 days. Do we need this kind of OP for several month?
This event marks the death of the best type of event, relationships. Mourning for several months is the least I can do.
Other OP pics would also quickly become outdated anyway.
Is this opposite day? They were lazy filler
So.....maho x hayate is canon right????
Any of the card arts would have been far better than a pic of text.
Op pics should be recognizable from the thumbnail.
Relationships were good.
Only male version of Maho x Hayate is canon.
Hayate has no interest in girl Maho.
Out of the regular event types (poker, bingo and slots), slots were by far the worst reward method. Fuck making us sit through that slot animation. Can take up to half an hour to spend all the coins.
Plus the daily missions encourage you to save coins until the last day, giving you about 2 days to spend a majority of them. I forgot one time and couldn't buy anything from the shop.
The randomness of getting shop currency is also complete shit, you could grind the event far more than any other and still come out with less because of that.
You're literally missing the point, autist.
>he reads stories instead of just imaging sex with DJs
Delete the gameplay for all I care, but the stories are the best, especially when they feature the main pairs.
I would mind collabs less if they picked the characters better and avoided the retarded writing decisions they made with this collab.
Based anime enjoyer
I like the rythm game, gacha score and rewards I don't give a shit about.
>yurifags are now agitated
I guess this is it. Yurifags have always amongst the most autistic of all. Bushi and Donuts should have been careful when appealing to them. The one who buggers a fire burns his penis after all.
Where do you culture war idiots come from? Go back.
purityfags and yurifags exist before your shit
You don't have to be petty idiots about it.
We never had this people in fanbase, with how slutty djs are
But kidani still found a way to fuck everything up with op pic
Fuck off, most of complaints from japanese are related to collabs being a lazy cash grab and their schedule. And shoehorning a dumb as fuck story doesn't help. Everything about it is completely justified and not even related to yuri.
But considering that d4dj is a yuri franchise, it's even worse. I almost want this event to make it to EN to see how bad the feedback is going to be here.
Hopefully the eggs have a successful anime like MyGO and wash away the sins of their predecessors. I have a feeling that with Rave being a clusterfuck and Kidney stepping on a landmine with the slave collab they will push hard on the yuri too much thet they turn it into a soulless cash grab that even yurifags are turned off from it.
Same, I meant deleting the slots event format while keeping the relationships story format
This isn’t like Bandori where I hate the rhythm gameplay
You never know with the EN fanbase, the twitter types seem like they’d praise bisluttery and make up some tranny headcanons about Maho.
Remember how they reacted towards the AoiHaruna and Genji events?
>they will push hard on the yuri too much that they turn it into a soulless cash grab that even yurifags are turned off from it
Never heard of this happening to yurifags yet... would be impressive if they did it, in a way...
>petty idiots
How so?

>with how slutty djs are
Like what?
Don't be revisonist now, it's been yuri from the start. And waifufags obviously play waifugames.

Now you're making shit up to be mad at, get lost.

Well thought out neutral piece from a nip who is not a yurifag
Futa Maho fucking Hayate
>with Kokoa fingering herself while watching
Let's stay consistent to the characters and setting
100%. If you’re just taking the D4DJ characters and making them into vessels for the collab characters (the collab personality he talked about) then what’s the point? I want to see the characters I like doing x or y; I am not interested in the story of what is essentially a skinwalker taking on a D4DJ character’s form and voice just because they share a characteristic or two.
I’d love collab stories if they expanded on (D4DJ) character dynamics and preserved their personalities and relationships, it’d be something like teleporting them into a play (with appropriate roles) and having them adlib the rest of the play. If they want to continue with the current format though they should at least pick more appropriate anime.
Other than the whole Maho = male thing, my main issue with this collab and previous ones is the choice of characters. I can assure you 90% of the complaints would die out if Maho was Kokoa and she wasn’t treated as a male.
I would also care less if they didn’t pull this crap (collab story + slots cancellation) right after they released that masterpiece of a KuruMiiko event
Giving Maho a perception filter of being a dude is such a weird and lazy choice. There are so many ways to hand-wave away the potential of giving her a mato fruit.

As for character choices, other possibilities I have seen from the Chinese and White people are:
Aoi as Tenka because Aoi gets around with girls anyway
Saki as Tenka becauae of the Saki x Maho ship
Sophia as MC Yuuki because that's funny
>I am not interested in the story of what is essentially a skinwalker taking on a D4DJ character’s form
Amen to this. I can't believe there's people who defend this approach like this guy >>1442743 with whooping 6 likes. It's literally a worst case of soulless whoring out for a collab cash. But again, nips always have corpo bootlickers who defend any bad practice. Or those who just hide their true agenda by complementing something which plays in their favor (like that anti HayaKoko schizo) to look better.
I think it's difficult to design a collab story without using characters from the collab IP. Take things like Gotoubun and you see it was literally DJs just talking about the manga. The only one I can think of is the Automata collab, where they brought a robot from Nier and the DJs actually interacted with it, but of course character card stories are too short and meaningless.

>ending of with a bang
>restructuring of writers
This was bound to happen with the next event. It just stings more due to the nature of the collab IP. In fact this was probably the only option, lifting the IP story, unless they pushed out an event with no story like growth.
Even that guy also thinks the skin walkers should at least have charaterizations similar to the OG ones like how Miiko and Nagisa being received better than Hayate and Maho, and raises the question if many of the D4DJ don't care about exploring alternative scenarios with how bare the OG scenarios output have been.
In another tweet he said he understood fans of couples/shipping but he would not mind seeing Hayate flirt with other girls lol.
>without using characters from the collab IP
Use them as part of the initial collab story setting but then have the characters be themselves and do their own things.
For example if you teleport Abyssmare as sisters into the Gotoubun setting I want to see Sophia still being a Neo worshipper (who would be her sister in this scenario) and the gags you can make with such a scenario rather than Sophia now being into whoever is acting as the male character (who should obviously not be treated as a male like Maho).
The multi-shipping is also something I don’t like, especially when it’s HayaKoko who are explicitly together unlike the other heavy-subtext pairs. We have dedicated girls for multi-shipping like Noa or Aoi (much to the detriment of their main pairs although NoaTowa has gotten decent content recently).
>hindsight is 20/20
My ulterior motive was to capture most of the discussion regarding this in a new thread. If the game has drastic changes due to this outrage, then in the future this thread will easily identifiable in the archives. Countless times when I would look for a specific discussion or event, it would be buried deep in an unrelated thread around post 400.
no way goovy mix makes it to 2025
Regardless of your intent, this thread is just a doomposters breeding ground. I don't see how this situation will change anything in a long run. Bushi is constantly trying out something new in d4dj, it's basically their sandbox pet project. In this case they will receive feedback and adjust like always.
Multi-shipping was inherited from Bandori which was understandable at the time. Haruna x Aoi was obviously influenced by the seiyuus but at least Haruna seiyuu always stresses it's not homo between them 2.
Trying to multi-ship Hayate or Kokoa will be disastrous. I saw a based nip sis saying since Hayate and Kokoa are officially together, and not from fan shipping, cheating for them is literally immoral.
Now I want to see DJs downloading a car.
in the future it might be better to have a normal OP and the first post being the main topic of discussion
just have something identifiable in the body unlike last OP...
Multi-shipping is exactly why I quit Bandori. I hated waiting half a year or more for the ships I liked to get their crumbs.
I like Slave anime though...
This but the manga. Wish the event was just Abyssmare talking about the manga and taking turns trying to get out some super DJ powers from Sophia by enslaving her...
They aren't cheating on each other. You can speak with other women without it being a cheating
Hayate already did with Maho (male)
Did Miiko cheat on her canon wife too?
No, she is a wholesome loli.
It comes down to the original manga.

Even then, Nagisa didn't hit on Maho despite making the first move in Mato Seihei.

Actually now I think about it, they moved Hayate forward in story to shill Tenka, and sidelined the rest of cast.

So having read the original manga/watched the anime actually makes this event story choices shittier.
Savior of DJ art...
C**med to that Miyu 2 days ago...
Yeah, Bandori's gameplay sucks major ass. D4DJ is genuinely one of the best mobile rhythm games out there, on the other hand. I wish they just ported all of the Bandori songs to gurumiku so we could play them in an actually good game, because music-wise the franchise is full of bangers.
Ignoring the story, the fact that there's 5 raids at once make it near impossible to get a full lobby, especially off peak hours. Then you have these annoying players who keep leaving and joining the lobby to keep it open. I rather do 2 extra NPC lobbies instead of keeping people hostage for 1-2 minutes only to play fucking cat's eye.
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A collab with pic related and HayaCoco will be redeemed.
I don't get it though. I won't post this in the main thread but it was always clear Hayate was bi, she just gravitates towards who her poet ass thinks is hotter. Hayate just believes in love. Kokoa's the closet gayqueen.
How am I wrong? The writing was always on the wall. Hayate's too horny to not be bi.
Your headcanons are irrelevant
Has anyone been getting a ton of DC's when raiding?
I'm getting ton of dc's in game since last year
Just play single player at this point, you're wasting less time/points compared to waiting in lobbies like that. Plus you can play whatever song you want.
They're not headcanons anymore tho lol
OOC collabshit doesn’t count
Hypothetically how should Maho be drawn for this event?
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Might be good for those who are struggling with trills, but with some caveats. Trills can move around either one side (see most recent 14 genkyoku track) or both sides (Onomato).
I think Holy Worry is good example for endgame training song. It has everything, static, moving, even with jacks sprinkled here and there.
I do think jacks are different than trills. Double jacks is obvious, but if it's enforced to be played by only one hand (say, with the other hand on hold notes), then it's not a trill pattern.
Why is this event so long? It's only day 3 and I'm sick of it, especially 11 games per day.
Nobody's forcing you to play.
Despite having rolled 4 members from the gacha, I stopped playing after reading the story. Grabbed the 2 Haya-Coco stamps though with the available currencies and I am gonna let the rest rot. Dumping stamina in regular multilive instead for the daily mission.
I guess that explains why I'm sub 1500 as an AutoCHAD despite not doing any special raids
Why are Unichord posters so toxic?
Too many 百合豚/百合厨 for some reason.
Don't lump HayaCoco with us nanoda!
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Michiru is the most toxic
I've just been playing as normal and I'm close to top 500. Hopefully I don't get kicked out of the top 1000 by the end, this could be the first time I get that 4* usb from the ranking rewards. I kinda wish there were more het events so I could rank this high more often, but that would just kill the game faster.
Well from a lore perspective, they're the most toxic group, at least when compared to other groups. Synchronicity is literally them fighting each other and clashing with their different styles but it does get sorted out by the end of the song... or at least enough to make a decent song
Het events will save the game
Yuri never pays, financially speaking
Hibike! Euphonium Season 3 collab soon.
I can feel it in my dick.
you'd probably get more usbs from farming tickets
lmao they are literally playing Sasakoi PV in AMEZA
Sasakoi will save DJs!
If they make cards, who will be who?
Hard mode no Haya-KoKo
Only a Murcielago collab can save D4DJ
I rather have a Pagani Utopia collab....
Didn't magirevo have collab cards?
Tsubaki as Kino and Aoi as Yori
For me it's Nanoha x Fate Testarossa collab
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What is this, a yurisquare?
Add TowaNoa here and I'll forgive all bushisins.
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Now this is a man of principles despite not liking yuri and the 2 new units
Kidani should have sponsored Highspeed Etoile. Would have been amazing to see D4DJ on an F1 or an illustration of a DJ as a race queen...
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Any manly collabs for this man?
She wasn't even in the muscle group despite being Dalia's sparring friend...
I feel like they didn't throw Saki and Aoi in because they just had cards in the slime collab
Thank god. There are too many Aois and especially boy Aois.
Who are the top 5 male(female) DJs that kidani should use in a collab?

I'll start:
1. Aoi
>DJ as a race queen
Yes, please...
when mixed events come back donuts should make a race queen event
I vote for Aimi
Throwback to Singapore F1...
>haven't played for 2 days
>top 2k
I mean I farmed top 10s for all raids already but still
>auto'd all the daily bonuses
>no special raid clears
I like that 24 is the first one... the one that was missing Ibuki originally. lol
That feels normal. This aren't medley
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>I was always sure there was Haruna's costume with tights.
>There actually no such thing
I vote Michiru... But a lewd Kurumi would also be welcome...
>multi NPC is an initial 3* card instead of a 4*
what the fuck
Tights as in what Japan refers to pantyhose, or as in thick leggings?
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Remember when we used to get covers from old animes?
Cover when?
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More current season OPs!
we need a vivid/stasis collab
imagine grode in gurumiku......
Oh I was wondering where I got a title from, apparently breakpoints have titles now too, thankfully it's all breakpoints and not the final blow
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Thank you, Hayatepits
>Mato Seihei no Slave is getting a second season
Collab part 2?
yurifags btfo part 2
Happy birthday, cool leader Ibuki Sae Makoto Niijima!
>10 days CrossBeat EP7
Guess 10-day events will be the norm from now on
>CrossBeat 7
Can't wait for Neo to Macross the living hell out of proto-Lumina.
These were way too short before considering the 500k card requirement
Miyu footjobs Rika...
What a lewd whore
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What do you mean 10 days is long, I cant keep up with this zoomer shit fast calendars.
Based, one hundred of years of Gurumiku to come
I just hope they don't screw with the reward pricing considering they increased it to 10 days...
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>vol 9. comes out 1 day before half anniversary
That has to be planned
Most gacha games spend about one to two years in reduced content mode (maintenance mode)
Haya-Coco were too good for this world.
They ruined the delicate world view by having an actual relationship. Other pairings don't make sense if romance exists in the world.
Could make a good isekai plot
Michiru is so kissable.
harenchi nanoda
kaibara michiru's body is so harenchi it will save gurumiku
Cease, human. Her body belongs to our AI overlord.
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Both Michiru and Kurumi are complete heart breakers.
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& official butt and feet
Rika ,stop humping Miyu
Who will stop Miyu from praying on innocent college girls ?
Haruna must accept her destiny
>restructuring of writers
Killing myself to redeem Haya-Coco!
Rewriting of stuctures.
5* 56
4* 15
3* 29
2* 26
1* 205
Avg 2.07

toxic yuri sisters...
What's their problem? It was fun.
but if hayate cucks kokoa michiru would find herself in a love triangle...
Did they remove npcs? I'm just trying to get my daily roll
NPCs are yurifags so...
Your game is bugged, reload
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the last hurrah
And she's the one who insists on not coming out of the closet too
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>finally played Unichord's instrument song
>what the fuck was that train?
>why the fuck did this sound like Redalice?
>reached the ending
It has the same pattern as the section with scratches right before it so just repeat the same motion on narrower lanes
Yeah, but on the 16th?
Hell yeah.
3 years ago I spent 100 rolls on birthday Ibuki and didn't get one
Is tomorrow is grand finale of Ch 4 then what event will be on 3.5 anniversary?
wow 11 days...
>Sasakoi collab runs over 3 months
I guess there are some songs that have to wait for the anime episode
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D4DJ in 2024?
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Love Hug Groovy is written by Hayate, and composed by Kokoa and Rei
deep lore...
Is this why Nagisa's hoodie changed?
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she should have had an I LOVE NY shirt to complete the tourist look
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Cyborg Lumina is real
>UniChØrd will be taking over the coffee house
She can join the rest of the hags in exile island
lessons on how to pleasure the female body with kokoa-sensei
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Exploring the secrets of female body!
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We had a good run...
Not expecting more main stories...
Maybe a serialized Egoegg storyline for the next year plus regular one-off events for the 8 old units
So we can get good random events again for once instead of some long story? Nice
But, relations are gone.
relations may be gone but we're still going to get relationship developments and explicit lesbian sex in the new main story arc
Deep Aimi voice & May'n work so well together. Have they worked like this in our nee-san's game?
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Fuck off, Michiru
Next arc idea:
The consequence of the Sakuradas, the Takeshitas and the Shimizus getting exposed to secret advanced AI and robotics tech catches up to the DJ world. Japan is conquered by three megacorps using unmanned giant mechas. Miiko is the main antagonist this time.
Egoegg time travels back to assassinate Pumina
Sort of epilogues for each units
This all starts because Kurumi kisses Haruna as a prank after HayaKoko comes out.
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Hoping for some big news tomorrow
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Ah, yes. DJs.
It's a Donuts reference
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It's donuts all the way down.
It was a nice little touch that it all comes back to Rinku with her telling Skynet to chill out.
What a big journey compared to first mix.
I'm just wondering if they're gonna come back to music/character driven stories or is it gonna go even more crazy.
Is she anatomically correct like Sumika?
Very likely, they made sure to give her five tastes, and let her use sugar as main source of energy.
comming soon: real aliens, time travelers, espers
michiru is so gay she deserved two luminas
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Is Miiko actually the strongest D4DJ character? Her father's company is full blown sci-fi compared to Miyu's and Esora's and she somehow knew about the timeloops. Miiko asking for a mecha from her father when?
Which Ego is which?
always was nano
She's mentally untouchable so long Kurumi isn't cheating on her.
Wow... all the Xross Beat songs are on streaming now... Wasn't expecting the Peakymare song in full until next month.
>Xcross Beat MVs are mostly just key visuals of two vocalists with all kinds of PowerPoint effects and lyrics
>Tokyo Otaku Date MV has two different expressions for Kokoa and Michiru, 3 different designs for Hayate's round fan
>and a short 8-bit game section
UniChØrd won...
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>It's out
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200 pulls and no Miiko…
It’ll take me like 2 years to gather up this many pulls again
It's not that bad
I got like 20000 in a few months
I only have extra diamonds from experts that I find hard, other than that my only income is from dailies and event stories + the occasional new song
>2 songs from Wave 1 of 6
How many songs are we getting from Sasakoi
Hayakoko onlyfans
Humming Love
Haya a Coco
Unichord and Abyssmare full albums when
More songs when
For me it's Hayate and Freyja
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Kogetsu full ver soon
jirai kei michuru...
sex, drugs, self harm...
The peakyxabyssmare MV blew most of the other ones out of the water.
My favorite is the Pho Mai vs Rondo one
Yeah that one probably was the straight-up best one.
Rika's ass was also nice.
Kokoa's bad influence...
Wishing for a bikini Aoi this summer
Short hair is fine

Macross mentioned.
Not a drill.
Macross mentioned.
She just said her character in MCROSS sang Enka.
What are they going to do? Sing at some alien for the collab? Miiko better have those Valkyries ready by that time.
Silly, Miiko can make friends with aliens.
>jirai kei michuru
To be honest it would be a huge upgrade. I think it would even work personality vise.
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New area convo with new voiced characters.
Who are they though?
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Look alike
inb4 another new unit in addition to egoegg
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Rinku in Nakano Sun Mall
I hope the new characters are gay now that we are moving on from Haya-Coco after their 2-year run.
I'm pairing Mob A with Sophia
Sophia? More like Mob S.
We will have another unit, who else will be the rival unit for egoegg's stand alone anime?
I'm taking the whore with the ahoge and the bob cut. She'll be besties with Michiru.
They don't
Someone play donuts' new game
Looks like it is the money obsessed gyaru in Lumina convo today.
I will if it has yuri
These mob girls have pretty cute seiyuu
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I know, right
No Groovy Bonus (so far). Utter bull.

I'm glad this is the last time I'll deal with slots. I'm gonna miss Relation events though.

Egoegg cards confirmed
They will be on the music truck after UniChØrd
Could be just new cards of existing members
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me on the right
Aoi's girly shoulders
>All DJs
8 DJ cards?
I would say yes, but then Saki would have an anni 3 and anni 3.5 card while everyone else in PM cries
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Oh It's another round of Fes cards (song themed)
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3.5 Anniversary cards will only be added to the truck on 25th
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Haya-Coco on the truck
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Cutest DJ protagonist
This is a good lineup but I was waiting for Sophia and Neo-sama's month
Final Hayakoko content in 3 hours
Feeling old yet?
Never realized it changed that much...

It is out. Did it meet the hype?
That's Maho?! I mistook her for Esora
to be fair Maho has a shade of green hair
Michiru and Kokoa are the perfect girlfriends
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Now I'm imagining pairing Mob A and Mob C
>all the ppl running away in terror
>bassboosted Nanmo Wakaran is not blasting from djtruck
>Tomorrow at 10:30, right in front of the Ikefukurou owl
>dont forget to take ur oshis w you!!
>What should I wear? And what about my hairstyle!?
>Got my pins, my acrylics...
Time to have fun!

The sun's so bright, a perfect day to be an otaku!
Watching anime ads on the big screens!

My heart won't stop thumping, I skip my way through
I'm having pancakes in the collab café with my beloved oshi

Wearing cute cosplay and going to the photo booth!
Life-sized panels, the ba-dumps won't cease!

Enjoy! Your otaku Life! My oshi's the one!
C'mon, get together! Say cheese, yay!
So precious! So cute! Her face's too good!
It's the best! Otaku life! I'm so glad I'm alive...(ToT)

The sky grows cloudy, it's happening now
But no biggie! Dash to the karaoke!

Vids from the live! Enjoying the sound!
Colorful penlights! Let's sing our hearts out!

Enjoy! Your otaku life! My oshi's the one!
C'mon! Get ready! Hands up, and!
So precious! Her voice's too good! I'm going crazy now!
It's the best! Otaku life! I'm so glad I'm alive...(ToT)

The rain stopped, and as soon as I'm past the alley
A nice CD shop's waiting for me
My heart-throbs won't stop!

Enjoy! Your otaku Life! We've got this in the bag!
C'mon, get together! Say cheese, yay!
We're real besties! I'm so glad we met!
It's the best! Otaku life! I'm so glad I'm alive...!

This WUV energy links us together
More, more! Is what my kokoro keeps saying
Our 4 desires turn into a chord
I'll keep loving you forever, I know

Hayate is a good girlfriend...
>Hayate is a good girlfriend...
And water is wet
pins -> pins bag (ita-bag)
it's tacit that they go on the cringe-bag
Sophia of the Opera sounds interesting.
I think Mob D might steal Hayate from Kokoa
I'm happy my accuracy is improving, but getting GREAT 1 all the time drives me crazy...
All the mobs sound mentally ill
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It's so ecchi
God Empress Rinku
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nips are rumoring that D4DJ slot machines are coming (made by KYORAKU)
I can't believe Kino is officially in D4DJ Groovy Mix
Hopefully sanzigen makes some exclusive animation for them.
Why Wataru Watari now?
I am not even sure he was involved with CrossBeat season.
So who's going to be 8man in the next collab?
Huh? Wasn't he writing the whole thing?
He was only ever billed for Side Nova season.
I hope all events are this long. I didn't have to try to get Aimi this time around.
Hopefully we can enjoy this slow pace life with pachinko money flowing in
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ne ne ne
masaka masaka na deai
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>got my T1000 Kyoko
>bought the remaining USB sticks
>tried my best Peaky team on HTL
Well this is absurd. I'm still waiting for September so this can still go higher.
Oops, forgot to turn off technical scoring. It's 1.71MM in whale scores.
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1.75M for me
But personally for me, I like bigger number so I use Ii Jan
>No Xrossbeat Michiru
It is not fair...
What's the next event
Gotta wait for the stream to find out
Cover release doko
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EggoEgg bros...
EGOEGG are perfect for Tamagotchi collab
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Another day, another famous meme song in D4DJ
New RPG-like Growth
Even has AFK exp
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I like it already
Michiru's MVs are always high effort
Since Mikumo is the vocalist, Egoegg cover when?
What is the relationship?
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>hip hop
But tattoo is great
Why does she only have a first name?
Why is her hobby driving when she's a student?
Where are her shoes?
Azai Emi
Maybe she's korean. She likes hiphop and has korean slippers.
the new girls are way too cool
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Azai Emi
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Bessho Beru (Bell?)
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Shimazu Shiika
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Find Rinku too weird
Wonder how much Lumina's rig costs
Obssesed with Kyoko
Wants to eat like Towa

Where are my new college units goddamn
Or even better give me another hag unit
Wait for graduation
I think I forgot to do weekly...
Today they said he oversaw 監修 Side Nova story
He will be directly writing 執筆 the Doggo story this time
Are they gay?
Probably not since they are created by the author of Oregairu.
For me it's Shiika and Date
For me It's Eimi and Beru
They have some of the most retarded interests and feats in anime character profiles
>These are the limited time mobs
>"Spin-off" with Happy Around
Some sort of Love Triangle drama will be there.
And if they are daring, one of them may have a legit male boyfriend.
idk if D4DJ has enough cash to bring Watarou to write a story or Watarou needs ezy cash because he is wasting his Oregairu's royalties in new flops.
On the other hand, gotta love how the none on the non japanese qrt are talking about Wataru kek.
>All because Hayakoko flopped
Why didn't you support /ourgays/, fellow yurifag anons?
What the hell are you talking about anon. He already wrote the main stories.
>literally a bunch of bad bitches
I hope we get to keep them later...
>Haganai author's last work is yuri novel/manga
>Tomozaki-kun author is writing yuri anime this season (Jellyfish)
>Oregairu author is writing yuri in D4DJ
Imagine how many authors actually wanted to write yuri from the start but had to write self-insert harems for food and recognition.
>forgot about Denpa Onna author, who wrote the most influential yuri of our time
just fyi, oregairu author admires haganai author
Like, in yaoi/BL way?
In a professional/senpai way you doofus.
I didn't realize how fucking wild and off the rails this last story was.
I can't fucking read bubble letters,what does it say
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A Bad Cynic Doggo
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>fuck around in the growth mode
>my best cards already gained 10k+ power
I dont remember getting that much of a spike in the original growth events
how do I change cards in that growth shit?
Cogwheel and then the left button
it worked, thanks
What skill is the best one to take?
Is it worth switching from Navi skill?
Maxed out all Photon Maidens thanks to new floor challenges.
No need to do dailies, I guess.
>new floor challenges
god damn I was planning to clear out most of the 25th floor cause I've been putting it off but...
it's okay, I got all the gems though
wow a growth mode with no negative spaces?
>there's a skill reset
Thank the lord, I thought I bricked my NV cards
Lmao they didn't re-record Ibuki for the growth space dialogue, you can still hear Amita's lines there
>cutting corners
>growth pass
Oh no is donuts bleeding?
That's not really strange since Rei still has voiceless stamps.
are these new girls going to be in the game or....
i already fucked my jp account by missing out on the free abyssmares
When the Happy Around seiyuus asked Groovy Mix producer, he just haha'ed and said to wait and see so...
They will be the protags for D4DJ2
I really like what Michiru did to the vocals for this MV. She really is a genius...
>m*le voiced stamps
it's over sisters...
gay ossans, sis...
They'd make more money if they didn't have these generous ticket picks for all the big events.
I'm pretty sure this Anni event will be lower than normal. The Raid event is for anni and Xross beat cards. Most of which should be collected already
What is the diamond thing on the rewards list?
Gacha currency
I will take bara if it means more HayaCoco and other yuri couples
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/biz/-chan should befriend Miyu
>remember leak about new unit being composed of gyaru, otaku, yandere and gaijin
>C gets called a gyaru and A calls herself an otaku
Are they actually ABCD? Then who is the yandere?
but that is just from EGOEGG audition script
Did they split them to 2 units
>one of the new girls is a drug addict
D4DJ doing a 1:1 recreation of the EDM scene kek
Can't wait for Bushi to reveal who is the sex haver from them
nip anons say skills seem to be
45%+25% on Perfect
40%+5% per same style (?) with 10% bonus on 4 members

Not sure what X and Discord say.
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How much does Navigation bonus do?
So Navigation skill is obsoleted by premium Growth skills?
If I girl dares be visibly straight I will kill myself.
Based yuri martyr
>C-chan has a crush on Kyoko
Does that count as yuri?
Poor Shinobu...
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>poor Shinobu
In less than 24 hours we have
>LMO voice stamps
>Drug Addict
Yet there are retards who, genuinely, think one of the girls if straight could the "worse" bushi can pull.
yurifags are fine with genocide as long as it is yuri
Worse for who?
I wonder how many players actually care about new cards getting bigger numbers. This isn't a rpg gacha yet Donuts keep on upping the powercreep
I don't care about numbers as long as the girls are gay
Is Date-chan drinking lean?
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Imagine complaining about an Amuro stamp
>doggies have a Love Live plot
Are they going to be club idols? Prediction for the alphabet doggies:
>A never becomes the protagonist
>B will stay in the red
>C will never be noticed by Kyoko
>D gets arrested for illegal substance abuse
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What's the point if there are no Char stamps as a counterpart?
She is a just a retard sniffing sugar
I fear for her lungs
Use growth to catch up old cards or make new cards even better?
How do you use it on new cards? All the skills are worse.
Plenty of newer cards have useless tension up skills
Will Haya-Coco ever be able to afford the pair necklaces
They may not be Lilies but they are still Arisugawa students
They seem to be Haruna-tier
What's with D4DJ and adding weird bijins?
you may thank yachie
it's clearly her type
Reminder that you can get 2 weeks free trial on growth subscription
80%*6.75s = 540%s
65%*9s = 585%s

Growth skill is actually stronger?

How does Link Up skill work vs Growth Unit/Style skills?
Navigation is basically 50% base plus 5% per other member right? That makes it no better than the flat 65%. Growth unity skills are apparently 45% base plus 5% per other member with a 10% complete set bonus, making it 70% in total. Though I think the Style one is more useful since events are mostly mono-style while they sometimes mix up unit members.
But then again if you have a whole unit of +4 cards you can just ignore styles. Then you can also say the same about ignoring members and just pick style cards with +4...

65% vs Unit vs Style, how do you choose?! (I am not picking the manual 70% on Perfect one lol)
How do you get these amazing growth skills? Is it just random? Best I get is 50%*9s
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Just realized something
They have Sengoku warlord family names. That is very bushido! Bushido can only mean Mr. Bushido! Hakanakumo Towano Kanashimi cover by Abyssmare confirmed!
The style is better for events.
While flat bonus is better for maxing out free live with your strongest unit cards.

Ideally style could be used for both
I got 65% from nameless mobs so I think it is completely random.
Maybe named DJs drop higher tier ones with a higher chance? They are harder to beat after all.
Too early to tell.
All other units are themed around things of Connections.

For the Doggos, there is only War...
War & Drugs...
I hope d4dj stays goofy and not derail into full edge.
There is nothing about the Doggos that isn't silly
do the mygo girls snort sugar and smoke chocolate cigars?
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eeeh I watched that ghost seeing girl anime
there are ghosts under it collecting coins
I like the Doggo perspective of being low level NPCs
65% at max for 9s
Slight increase
Few things to note about growth event

* Purple nodes increase the next few steps
* Red VS nodes have skill replacements
* Orange nodes are random items, sometimes can drop 30 gems (1 out of 4 times so far)
* ? Nodes are random (Personal avoid unless there's an effect in moon runes)

As for Yellow, Talks, and Greens. I think they're just filler unless someone can correct me. Picking order should be that way too, but Yellow is based on performance.
You get big bonus by landing on a talk node with corresponding character's action card according to tutorial
Seems a little unfair unless they rotate them out? My wife isn't on the board. Unless I need to swap the support cards?
The characters on the map change every day according to the tips
Must be unlucky then I haven't seen her on the map yet
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Oh wow I didn't know they let you just max level a character all at once now
Cynical Doggo wrists
Oh but you have to LB first
But Ave Mujica is close to reveal one of them is a serial killer
But is ok
In D4DJ we have a gay suicidal self-harm maniac and HER.
A "sugar" sniffer as an addition is not that crazy.
You can use all the crystals at once which is the nicest part.
>In D4DJ we have a gay suicidal self-harm maniac and HER.
who and who
Tsubaki and Hiiro

Add Sophia and Date we can form a shuffle unit called "Asylum"
Last year was too easy on Tsubaki, this must be fixed.
Oh yeah
I forgot Hiro has multiple psychological disorders
>"There are no barriers in music itself, and there should be no barriers in music"
The drug addict is going to be the unit DJ
Calling it now
Not the girl whose hobby is turntablism?
very fun chart
Obviously I don't mean normal diamonds
The card thing
lucked out and got this card from the ticket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68EXEWAmqnc
yumedanshi bros...
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I like how poor Sophia is dressed like a mummy while she just has her tattoos out in the open in school.
I bet she goons.
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I wonder how Kokoa will react to Dark Hayate aka Date-chan.
>animatrix referenced
I thought DJs was a pure game
Sophie was the ugly ducking
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And heart pupils. Mob Hayate Big Love.
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>be a cat
>call yourself a cynical doggo
Also, two thoughts: the oregairu writer sure got into astrology lol && the capitalist goblin is cute. I'm fastening my hime goggles extra tight but I'm still not seeing any pairings here. Eimi and Shiika try but it's hella weak.
Pairings aren't for side characters
>Love isn't for NPCs
Tough world...
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What is Shiika's opinion on this?
Will she challenge Shinobu to a 1-on-1 freestyle battle for Kyoko's hand after she realizes it's time to act?
They turn into diamond after certain date I think
male model bros...
Shiika seems gay
Anyone else still holding out hope for Haya-coco anime
What's with the suffix?
It's her name
Yeah but it's not like the game calls her Neo-sama on the subtitle box.
Neo-sama is Neo
Date-chan is Date-chan(senpai)
No one.
What if ちゃん is actually her first name?
Any info for which doggo plays which?
Bell plays the piggy bank.
Bell would be a good girlfriend
We have been downgraded from TV to YouTube radio shows
PKPK radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfWVgQHZsJg
To Muni or Lilies?
Damn they only read like 3 fan letters. There goes my chances of getting anything read.
Only 3 fans sent in fan letters? Aimi nyo...
nip anons on 5ch are determing unit popularity from likes of 3.5 anniversary message posts on X, and top 3 are Aimi's DJ band, Rondo, and Photon Maiden.
The bottom one is UniChØrd. You can cope that it is because they are the last one to be posted and people already got tired and went to bed.
Nah it's more like "They got several letters but only 3 lucky otakus got to have theirs read."
by this logic shiika the aimi simp is the most unpopular doggo
To be fair I think her seiyuu is the least well known one. The other three doggos are from Oshi no Ko, PreCure and Idolmaster.
2baki carrying rondo as usual
>from a hero girl Sora
>to a substance abusing junkie Date-chan-chan
Hope her voice will be the same. Also, her bio makes her look like a school dropout repeating a year and hiding her true age.
>CN server won't be receiving events anymore, although the game will continue to be payable
The end is nigh...
good, everyone plays on jp anyway
those other servers are just a waste of money
CN server? Since when
Still mad the Chinese got chiki chiki ban ban and we didn't
The Hayakoko flop literally killed the game...
hayacoco movie will save donuts... 10 more years of gurumiku...
The CCCP didn't like it
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Happy Birthday Kyoko and me
2D, 3D or Live action?
Let me import my account to JP first and fix my retardation from 3 years ago
1 and half year later we still don't know how Hayate and Kokoa got together.
We only know Kokoa said no first
Then they went outside for some reason and the clock passed midnight
Then they kissed some time after that
Sounds crazy to be honest
server was opened in like may 2022, and the EOS was announced yesterday
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What will Shiiki do for Kyoko's birthday?
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What am I looking at here?
Why is everyone anorexic? Or do they have hollow bones?
anime physics lol. F cup tits but somehow still underweight.
It is called TW server, not CN server.
>China's last event was side Origin Rondo
Rondos win yet again!
Taiwan, not China
We don't have a CN server, unlike BanG Dream
適正 weight is from BMI 22, said to be most healthy
美容 weight is from BMI 20, said to be best looking (slim). Esora is over that
No wonder
Taiwan and Korean servers are unreliable
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I didn't save the chip art...
Do you think we will get more yuri content after this?
Apparently there are super rare Growth skill that's 45% + 30% on same style/unit
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Happy birthday, burger queen Kyoko!
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What the fuck my wife still hasn't been on the board yet
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>get a VS tile with a bonus + style combo
>song picked:
well I didn't want it anyways
Why does the new leader talk and narrate like she's some sort of eroge protagonist?
She's a silly otaku
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Shiika vs Shinobu
fem hikigaya complex
What if she is one? Datechan-senpai route when?
The doggos are poly.
>hasn't even attempted exitium 15
>gold star on 13+
He was never making it to begin with
Why do Eimi and Shiika ironically blush at each other so much. At this rate they will ironically end up in bed.
Do you think Doggo story is a metaphor of Groovy Mix?
as much as the pumina story is about overcoming depression
Eimi is a metaphor for wanting to be as famous as Bandori or Prosekai.
Bell is a metaphor for constant desperate attempts to make money like regular collabs.
Shika is a metaphor for Aimi simps.
Date-chan-senpai is a metaphor for the writers during the Xross Beat arc.
Sounds accurate
Oh great, more 5toubun collab on the horizon
This time honeymoon themed
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We need more yuri pandering.
Date-chan pleases OL for sugar money
Well girls are asking for her SNS info on the streets in the night anyway
What is this new club feature thing?
They can gain exp and bond automatically
600 bond a day, 1200 with pass, no more need to grind bond manually
Does bond do anything once you get the rewards for 5000 points? You could do this much faster by playing a few lives with them instead of waiting 24 hours.
i only want to play with my favs
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>Title: Lone Moon's Night
>Hayate: Ne, Kokoa, the Moon is...
>Kokoa: ?!
>Kokoa: *doki doki doki doki*
>Kokoa: Eh? That Hayate... is she going to say that famous line now? If she says that to me with this timing, "I could die happy", joking.
>Hayate: "The Moon is..."
>Hayate: "The Moon is falling to the Earth, then what do you think would happen to the human race?"
>Kokoa: "Die! Normally!"
Just watch the kurzgesagt video
I don't watch fact checked videos
Why is Eimi such a hachiman? She even has an ahoge.
>choker to hide adam's apple
oh no
What do Esora and Jennifer think about Kyoko and Shinobu
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More HoneyWorks song
long waited Abyssmare Gundam cover
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>New Merm4id and Photon
Good month
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Bunny garden?
are the new girls in the game yet
Which ones? EGOEGG are not (the chika idol was just taking seiyuu lessons so it will probably take a while). A Bad Cynic Doggo already has voice and L2D sprites because of the story.
do they have cards or no
No. Maybe they'll say when ABCD and EGOEGG will join during D4FES.
I hope they announce new anime during D4Fes
I don't think it will be that long
Maybe next event
saki looking more autistic than usual
Thought she was sitting on the toilet for a second
>is that Rinku with beer foam?
>oh, it's Mana
When will Rinku hit 20 yo?
when the hags retire...
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She's not?
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>Peaky got Noriken
I'll take that. Good stuff.
Decided to compare hags vs whoever is the strongest on support in free live.

Same base team, different support.

non hags.
New meta support is probably the Vol 2 Fes cards
The hag support skill is too much to beat.
48% passively is correct, but if you don't shell out for a team of 8, the best is actually an LE or SC duo with the Symphony passive for +12%
The extended skill duration is just good enough for now.
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Yuri Gestapo here, I hope she is saying this to a girl. Preferably Saki or Rinku.
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Is the Diggler a girl?
diggler is enbi
I wish we would get more rave events. Getting them to +4 sounds like a huge increase.
New seasonal lines:
Ibuki rejected Noa's request to measure girls for physical exam
Nagisa and Hiiro going to picnic on Nagisa's bike
Kokoa is stalking Hayate to make sure she doesn't get into troubles
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Finally, she gets the respect she deserves, with 45+25 skill, too. Damn, that collab had the worst growth event by far.
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Oops, forgot the pic
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Feet cards
The game's feet are getting cuter
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7-day 4koma on A Bad Cynic Doggo
The more I play it, the more I think that red nodes to shuffle the skill are the most important ones. The question mark nodes as well, just so that it has a chance to give red nodes.
Just to make, if you reach 55k on one card in growth and then quit and switch your team so you can improve someone else, you'll be able to continue growing the other cards without resetting stats?
>Just to make,
*Just to make sure
5ch says only your position and your hand are reset on disbanding
Oh, cool.
I love michiru so much sisters
why though
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her neurodivergence resonates with mine
you get to see her grow from middle school to now
she got HUGE
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They reset all the floor challenges? Did that just happen?
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And added twice as many + more for the new units.
Also damn that's a big bell.
There's a ton of diamonds available from it
What's the difference between the 55k and the 30% item on the bottom?
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I think 55k is the maximum growth rating and 30% is the maximum growth buff. For example, my Esorin started untouched (43,298), so after growth buff (5.27%) it becomes 45,579. Therefore, after additional 5% of character buff, her total rating is 47,857. I assume that 55k/30% is the growth cap, therefore, if your base rating is, say, 50k, you can only get additional 5k. With the same logic, if your base rating is too low (say, lower than 42,307), you won't be able to reach 55k.

What I really don't get though, is how tf she gets almost 10k fake rating that doesn't count during lives, causing picrel to happen.
>haven't taken a look at units since tossing them for growth
that's a lot of damage

I guess that explains why all my Growth units have different power levels, while they all have the same %
Now that I know this, I don't think my A2Baki will be able to reach 55k. Even with all the character buffs, she's only able to reach 3rd anni Saki. I guess 2 years of powercreep is hard to beat...
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Live costumes, do you have it in game
please post them
The Doggos? Those are their normal clothes.
They hope they will be sexy because they have some sexy seiyuus
Why introduce the dogs to the game but not the eggs
eggs are like maigo and ave mujica so they will come later
dogs are Oregairu author's brainchild for the game and called a spin-off story i.e. fillers
I'm more excited for the "filler" then
Sudden urge to repost this
It just works
Oh man I just realized. The best cards for growth are the Xross beat cards.So you can get the extra mile for the raid event....
Too late now
Why hasn't they announced next event. Collab?
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Haha what a nerd. I thought her schtick was being a foul-mouthed mesugaki.
Literally me. Is she actually the mysterious Diggler?
Happy Around cover when? My blue coins need a money sink
She's a cynic
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I wonder if anyone accidentally spent all their diamonds in the event shop thinking the materials took normal event currency
Diamond exchange requires checking a box

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