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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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Fritbreak: Fritia Zone
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Been away for two months due to work, how much did I miss?
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Cherno 5* along with Enya 5*. Enya will be free to everyone. Update to paradox maze and new game mode that involves capturing enemies among other things
Are they support or dps? Don't think I have enough left to pull both. Also holy fuck that Enya
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there is some info here https://snowbreak.gg/gradient-of-souls-event-info/

Cherno is a dot oriented dps unit. Enya is more of a support unit.
>interactive molesting scene
Doubt I'd need another support but goddamn
Damn I'm glad I thought to check here. Is this the real general now?
>he missed eatchel
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also nita finally got a room
Can't help it bro I'd hate the the game if did dailies on top of actual work, rather take a break and enjoy it when I can
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It's okay, it's just a joke. Some people were bullying Eatchel for not being super strong is all. But the next update should have some new stuff to check out and anniversary will be in July
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I like Eatchel
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uh, bwo. this is a pc shootan game.
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you guys got it, right?
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game needs some hags ala Xianyun. current roster of girls are a bit boring for me. still grabbing the enya nurse outfit
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im gonna be honest, the trailer is kinda cringe. it's just a bit too shameless.
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A nice side effect of these version trailers is each one has gotten more and more undesirables to drop the game because of the coom and male pandering. I predict by next patch, we'll be completely free of trannies, faggots, and feminists.
Let me guess, you're a zoomer who had the very unfortunate luck of growing up in the current clown world era and thinks that woman being sexual is "eww so yucky".
There is no such thing as too shameless. Literally, it does not fucking exist as a concept. Even if they added dating events, marriage, and sex animation furniture, it wouldn't be too much. It would be just right.

Preach. Let this be a game for normal heterosexual men, and everyone else can fuck right off.
Kinda wish hero games was a perm addition. I like it more than gigalink. Maybe the TD mode too if they tune it up a bit more
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saw a bunch of seething troons crying on the steam forums about lack of husbandos and muh incel pandering. I'm like, good leave, why are you even here? Literally every modern globohomo game exists for your type. This is one of the very few games that realized cater to men, get money in return. Heck even azur promelia seems like it's going the omnipandering route. I hope they keep ramping up the coom, they will have my money just to see troons seethe
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>won both coinflips on kot and tess
>lost both on katya and eatchel
I'm due for a win baby. Assuming the 1.8 girl is Siris I'll probably just skip and save until Anniversary at this point
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are there any mods on PC version (that won't get me banned) that will let me zoom into their pantsu without the character becoming invisible?
yeah. it's called, get on an elevator or set one of the graphics setting to medium. I think it's something like post processing. Or maybe particle effects.
>hero games is over
Question, has this game a fun side mode or is just purely a shooter? Like something to do between the dailies
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Depends on what you consider fun. They used to do minigame type modes each new event but they stopped and just focus on the shooting gameplay now because seemingly not many people enjoyed them.
honestly that might motivate me to pick up the game again since the minigames were a giant time wasting chore
paradox lab is the roguelike mode they added recently you can do any time. It's getting another update in the patch in a few days.
I think most of the CN fanbase complained about them since it's been a few patches with no non-combat mode.
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here's your non-combat mode
Thanks for the answer i'm gonna download to see how fun it is, atleast seems coomer friendly, i like that
Be advised, the game launched with very little coom. Only the post launch limited characters have sexy designs for the most part. The base roster is pretty bland outside of a few standouts.
Adding to that, every standard banner character is covered from neck to toe, and there's basically zero pandering in the early story, they only starting adding fanservice months down the line (I guess when the initial hype died down and they wouldn't be bothered by rating stuff).
Be advised that all the good stuff is either limited 5 stars, or paid (like skins).
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>all the good stuff is either limited 5 stars, or paid
except for 4frito's tight little body
Yao's asscheeks have been hanging out since day 1
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Snowbreak is a curious case where the designs started out fairly sexy in early betas, got conservative in later betas, made small sexy tweaks for launch, and have now gone all in on sexy. For instance, nita's earlier design showed way more midriff, and yao's design shows thighs now but in the late beta they were covered.
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snowbreak is rated 18+ in china now btw
is this some rival company that reported them or something? i mean in the US, a +18 rating usually means sex, drugs, nudity or gory violence which snowbreak has none of. mild coom skins warrant that kind of rating there?
Porn is straight up banned there so I guess it being 18+ now is for the new interactive scenes.
It just means the game has age verification in chinkland now. Imagine if M rated games carded you before running.
>Porn is straight up banned there
No wonder they're such seething pathetic incels

What it should have been from the start. I hope all the girls get interaction, including the BP skin people already bought. I want to slap Haru's BP skin fatass
You're playing a game they made happen westoid cuck
Look at all the fucks I give:
Don't mind that anon. Westoids are masters of cognitive dissonance. They'll shit on chinkcels but then call chinks based for making games with half naked anime girls.
The behavior of the fanbase of said games is anything but based. The devs are ok, sure.
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maintenance soon. Get your stuff done before the patch
I'm not going to shit up the thread by starting what would sure to become a argument back and forth so I'll just say there's a reason why western devs continue to spit in the faces of their players while chink devs with capitulate to theirs over the slightest perceived slight.
BA got the same rating in gookland, it's nothing new
Only get your stuff done before the patch if you do not plan to play the game before reset "tomorrow". If you plan to play the game before reset tomorrow, then you should save your daily (esp personal files) for after you roll Cherno
More likely to deal with several things:
>prevent underage people from using their parent's credit cards, and to not deal with refunds related to it
>to not have to make changes in-game for the Chinese law that limits underage players' playtime per day/week
Maybe there are more reasons, but I guess putting 18+ makes it easier to get away with shit by saying "we presume our players are adults, they're responsible for themselves".
I did Jotun but left gigalink and such for after the patch
found it right here: >>1451981
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>They are planning to add a new gacha with guaranteed pickup character instead of the current 50/50. Probability etc. are currently being adjusted.
>Selling skins will be their main source of revenue in the future.
Good to see more and more devs realized copying genshin is a mistake.
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the skin is really good, but i'm conflicted, i don't like cherno as a character, and missed out on katya, and want to save for her, but damn that's a great maid skin
>Selling skins will be their main source of revenue in the future.
Feels like it's already the case but 100% gacha is great
Cherno seems pretty fun
Tried her out in story mode and thought she was just okay. Brought her into gigalink and turns out she's a lot more fun when you can really stack her dot for beeg numbers.
>Selling skins will be their main source of revenue in the future.
That'll be interesting to see
>coomer market
>make skins for coomers
i mean AL is a great example of it so i can see this work
What's the pokemon meta?
The missile bot is very popular since it just drops bombs directly on top of the enemy. Good with black hole or ice skills.
Avoid melee units unless you need filler or those two skills, since they don't need to be anywhere near the enemy to activate them.
Snipers and archers are questionable in the open world section due to terrain and obstacles, but great for the trial stages.
As for your trainers, use ops that are good at mobbing, drawing aggro away from your pokemon, staggering enemies, shotgunning armor pieces, and general disruption. Eatchel fits the bill nicely (not for healing since the numbers are too inflated, but the ult is okay since it doesn't require you to be right on top of your pokemon). Use Twilight logis to tag enemies to slightly increase the damage output of the team.
The best thing about the missile bot is that it doesn't need LoS and is very long ranged so the AI isn't completely retarded like the other units
What ops have you guys been using for the new mode? I know it doesn't matter much because of damage nerf, but I figured Lyfe and Acacia would be good for the group + freeze while the grunts do their work.
eatchel's standard skill is good for grouping and has a short cd, if you have her.
Yea Eatchel has been great for this mode
Anyone managed to spawn any gold pals or is that just not possible on noob world?
I haven't seen any so I don't think it's possible
still waiting on the new paradox update
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This chapter was really good. I actually didn't pay much attention until chapter 8+ onward but it's been enjoyable. Cherno a cute
Bwo that's Mersault
I know, I just meant cherno was cute this chapter
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noticed today, based devs removed all male logitics and even gave them female names. i thought this was going to be CN only, hope other developers take note.
They've shown some of the replacement art during their most recent Livestream so it's still a work in progress.
Wish they would've at least waited until everything was done instead of having them all be the same placeholder, making icons impossible to differentiate until you click on them.
It certainly need more meganekko or at least a skin like yao's
>hope other developers take note.
Most chink developers are incredibly stubborn unfortunately
They really should have positioned the caution tape in a way that covered the vagina, boobs, and eyes
playable esther when? also thoughts on event? the palworld is really slow for me takes forever to add legendary units into the roster and the AI is iffy
I always appreciate them trying new goofy shit. But like with most things they've done, it needs more work. It could be fun with more polish, I think the concept is okay. The AI is just big shit

My thoughts on the event are Cherno and Enya are sex. Definitely one of the best updates so far
As jank as it would probably be, they should've had a way to assume manual control of your pokemon, like Resident Evil agent hunt
The new PL is okay I guess. It's nice that they have all the exits together in one place, but some of the rooms are pretty damn big. Extra intermediate rooms for random chests are also annoying.
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so can I have sex or what? the first camera angle she reacts to your hand touches, but every other angle she just moans and stuff, kind of underwhelming, was hoping for more reactions, can't even lift her skirt. The skin is god tier though.
I don't even mind the extra rooms now since it's still a lot less useless clicks compared to before. Using all of the past maps is also a nice touch.
To be fair, legitimately nerdy faggots (who actually play video games) usually enjoy really sexy designs too; the overtly sexy femme fatale is usually the favourite trope there, like how Bayonetta is like a gay nerd icon. It's really the younger zoomzoom faggots who only ever played The Sims or whatever who bitch and complain about fanservice, every other cocksucker is playing the same huge titted moaning cameltoed anime bimbos right along with you and you'd never know.
t. redpilled faggot
really good update IMO but as always Snowbreak is janky, not much to say other than keep up and Im curious what the plan is for anni
Events pretty fun. I hope with all the new revenue they get a bigger team though, Not really for more content but for more bugfixing and QA because it still has the snowbreak jank.
i think the event is okay, the palworld event seems pretty janky with AI sometimes stop shooting, i still like fishing on beach event more regardless how it hated, i liked the paradox event with variety of past event area, should've been permanent paradox
Can't wait for Anniversary event
Thinking of returning, does the pity carry over now?
It does and it always has.
Any good setups for the pokemon time trial? I got around 99 kills for 8450 score with 3 Terry Bogards (Hammers) and some filler and was wondering if there's any better way about it.
>rolled on tess because i liked the design, but never played her once
>tried tess in coop for the first time
>got 2% damage

what the actual fuck, what am i doing wrong, I have her at 80 with logistics at around level 10-12, her weapon might be 70 or 80 can't remember. How is she so weak, even the 5* Enya is doing 12% damage with level 5 logitstics and a level 60 gun, and no neuronics.
I mean you're basically using just a sniper of course it'd suck, Enya at least does decent aoe on a short-ish cd with her skill.
Tits is a support that doesn't really have any personal damage buffs, her logi requires her to ult followed by a teammate so it's basically unusable in co-op. Her gun is also meant to help her support, giving an increased damage boost to the team when she's off field.
If you really want to play her on field, grab the sniper from paradox and give her the set that increase ADS damage.

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