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Will you summon for Attuned Azura?
Tickets only.
Oh coo-
>Rearmed formas can't be foddered
And they lost me
>new HoF is literally just the first Engage banner
It's a bit lame, I was also hoping for male Alear, but Alfred being there does raise a few questions
Would Chloe be able to get Arcane Qiang in HoF?
Would you be able to redeem Alfred and then give his lance and/or whatever skills you got along the way to someone?
Yes. I'll have to get a copy, or two but won't be able to +10 for a long time. I might not do it because merging or even giving good skills to dancers has always felt like ass, even if I do really like Azura.
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Oh never mind, apparently if you redeem Alfred you can't use him for fodder
So much for that, then
>would you be able to redeem alfred and then give his lance and or whatever skills away
You can't fodder Forma's so presumably not, but maybe IS will change things? I doubt it, however. They are aware of skill duping and letting this happen could be costly.
>Would chloe be able t oget Arcane Qiang?
Arcane weapons are only available if the rearmed unit is also in the pool of HoF units, so yes she should be able to get it.
Next HoF should be Heroes, then after that it's back to (New) Mystery, then Shadows of Valentia, right?
Absolutely horrendous banner
Does anyone even like these banner characters?
Besides azura I mean.
Mozu's cute but eh
Can't stand Azura or chinese knockoff Ricken
Don't remember puppet guy
lmfao get fucked forma faggots
Yukimura being the first actual cavalry dagger (to ever exist, now the first one in the permanent summoning pool) and having him be here on his puppet mount, that's cool
But that's about it
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So i guess Candace doesn't have a prf and she just gets wind tribe Catria's bow as weapon. Also real funny of IS to give NFU to a unit with 36 base spd
Imagine being doubled by a fat girl.
I'll still +10 her
>CYL ranking averages
mozu ~140
yukimura 300~400
hayato 300~400
the latter two were nowhere near the top 5 fates characters not in the game yet, and probably not even top 5 among hoshidans either
mozu's in my top 3 fates characters
Man, what the heck
It's a decent bow for faster units though I guess
What skills does she come with? What colour bow is she?
Just Mozu.
So what, you have to make sure you use up fodder usages before you merge into the forma Rearmed?
Glacies, Sorcery blade at 4*, def ploy at 5*, and colorless
DOGSHIT job at making a new thread
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Well... damn, that's lame
Guess they can't all be winners
Guess you have to wait for the next one. We'll miss you.
New background and Golden week stuff.
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No, I actually despise the 3ds Aptitude units too.
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I like Azura.
Why can't I?
But why though
They’re fine but there’s literally no reason to roll for them or this banner unless you really like them. That’s how I feel about most new hero banners as of late actually, it’s too bad because maybe a few years ago I would’ve probably rolled for the sake of completionism. Now we have dumb shit like these useless attuned units
Why not you stupid bastard
I was worried that the GHB would also be some boring shitter like the Boots ninja guy
I'm just curious anon, I just wanna know why you like Azura
>4 blues on free summon
I like Hayato, he's a fun unit in BR and he's alright as a character
>tfw I HM farmed wind Catria literally last week and was planning to fodder her off to Setsuna for her bow only
Thank you Candace
>hoshido themed background with cherry blossoms
>nothing off of free rolls
>not even any green orbs showed up
I can't even be disappointed. I just don't care for this banner.
>yukimura geeking out about gullinbursti
>"Mozu's story: Alear and Nephenee"
>FIRST dialogue is goddamn motherfucking fjorm
>azura off the first ticket
You love to see it.
I like Mozu
That's it
Bonus Doubler 4 is pretty underwhelming
Should've had a built-in null panic if HP ≥25%
Finally read her abilities. Am I crazy or does azura look like she kind of sucks? can't see her replacing my attuned plumeria.
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Everything in the Lunatic CC died to my Freyja so I still haven't read anyone's skills.
>grants NFU and null panic from Prf
>+1 mov and incited after dancing
If you need to activate prime skills she's got you covered. Canto dist. +1 on a cav dancer is also really good for hit and run strats and SD.
She's definitely not gamebreaking though.
>got Azura and Mozu off ticket
Of course I wasted my luck on this mid ass banner. Watch as they release a character I actually want on the fallen heroes banner and I'm gonna have to spark them
She's really good, but her prf has very little text, so it looks underwhelming
>canto max dist +1 on a dancer
>nfu and null panic to her and allies just being near someone
>her dance gives +1 mov and incite, which puts you on the threshold for prime
>can even give desperation or dodge on top of it with a dancer b-skill
She's just a straightforward dancer with no gimmicks
I wish I freerolled Mozu, she cute. Always had fun to build her up in Fates, love me the high investment/high reward archetype. But I'm not going to spark her, I desperately NEED to save up orbs again and this banner is as easy a skip as they come.
bwos I didn't get Azura with my measly 50 orbs
I don't think she sucks, she's actually quite good
But as the other anon pointed out, she's just very straightforward, when usually whenever we get a premium banner unit they're armed to the teeth with a billion effects
I guess I can't really complain, I'll probably use the hell out Azura, and, although I probably won't use Mozu, she is cute I guess. I just wish I was this lucky when I actually care about the characters
>go a little over spark
>summary, rennec, two ranulf, Astrid, a few hayato and ascended celica
>circle before spark had the pity break cap and gives me every 5* on the banner
Lucky me, I got the +1 azura I wanted. Now to pair her with a corrin. It's almost disheartening because if the next banner does turn out to be bridal Mamui then this means Azura wouldn't be on it, but I get the feeling it won't be a mamui focused banner so it isn't the biggest worry.
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>attuned plumeria
hm GLR and doubling down on her defenses, or no quarter because everyone has DR?
I'd go with GLR
>Ishtar breaks my pity again
Every fucking time, this stupid fucking bitch breaks my pity. Every time I roll for blue, every goddamn time. I am fucking fuming
Running GLR without a DR skill in the B slot feels a little half-assed to me
Bulwark provides 40% DR though
But even then, both it and a regular Dodge B skill is fully pierceable, GLR isn't
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mozu also has 10 flat DR in her weapon, so with GLR she'd have every type of DR on top of healing 17~27 per combat
the real problem is lack of precharge, but she comes with cd charge+1 at least

GLR is pretty common now so it won't be too bad if i change my mind later
i was also trying to work out a laguz friend build but I don't think it would fit very well
I hope feh2 is 3D and has battle skills like 3 houses.
Feh's biggest boon is how cheap it is to make. 3d ×old make it way more expensive to produce and potentially longer to produce for. You're better off asking for a FEH mainline at that point.
Laguz Friend would actually help apply that pre-charge since she'd get the charges in combat before the opponent attacks, then with the Special accel in her weapon she (should) be able to loop it
As a plus, Laguz Friend is the only way for units with defensive Specials to pierce through percentage based damage reduction, just at the cost of half of your own regular % DR
Meaning, you'd have both GLR, the 10 fixed DR from the weapon, and then 20% of her Def or Res from Laguz Friend
There's no need to be rude, anon
the wiki seems to say that
>If unit's max Special cooldown count value ≥ 3 and unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, or if foe's attack can trigger unit's Special
applies the cd count condition to both offensive and defensive specials, so GLR with slaying wouldn't get the cd-2
so I'm not sure, but i can't really test it myself until heroes journey in two weeks either
>or if foe's attack can trigger unit's Special
That's the important part: "foe's attack can trigger unit's Special" = you have a defensive Special
The first condition is if you have a damaging Special, THAT needs to be 3 charge or more (Ignis/Glacies on a Slaying weapon, or Ike's own Great Aether)
I wouldn’t mind that as well but it’s just be engage with even an even more bloated roster.
Feh2 would be dead on arrival. You think they're gonna catch lightning in a bottle twice? Especially now that everyone has seen their true colors? Why would you expect them to do anything better, gameplaywise, than what they're doing right now? It's not the graphics bogging Feh down, it's the monumental greed and stupidity of IS.
I think so. Feh is bare bones and all you have to do is pick the unit with the better skill/weapon to win.
So is Muspell BK's armor blessed by the goddess?
the only solid SRPG and gacha competitor to feh I've ever seen fucked up and killed itself within a few months
somehow more incompetent than IS, and with none of the luck
What bow should I go with for fatty if I plan to build her?
Brash Assault 4 on Yukimura for followup, or stick with Sabotage for debuffs?
Golden yule, linhardts bow or nastrond.
I know that feel........
Also, most undeserved Ascended of all time
Why is feh too cool to do collabs with other games?
it would mean another party can hold them accountable for their quality, it's like exposing yourself
because collabs are lame, and FE has a metric ass ton of characters. even if some games are running out it is better to have literal who characters get into FEH then have a crossover from an unrelated game.
Blessed by the goddess, then blessed by and decked out by Muspell I guess
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Should I? It's not like I can summon another any time soon
But if I get say, some dual Ploy 3 fodder, she could use it perfectly
She will probably rerun in 3-4 months on the double special heroes. If she isn't using the res stat for a res check or you aren't using her a lot then don't both spending the fruit as she wouldn't be getting a lot of use out of it.
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I hope we get Meg some day.
I'm hoping for her dad, personally
demote sword armor with 34 speed, no prf
Let's get her dad first
Path of Radiance is kind of actually starved for units, innit
Ummm why am I suddenly in tier 31??
I was in t21 before reset
Your Chaos season tier is separate from your normal AR tier. I guess you actually played last Chaos AR season and ranked up to 31.
>+10 Ike next to +10 Myrrh and his ten emblem
You win
I see
I remember lucking out to t27 a while back, I guess that was the last chaos season
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I will build and impregnate this fat hag.
no fat chicks allowed
What do you mean, we got a collab with SMT ages ago
Candace is just Nina when she grows up

Fat fujoshit thief
Nina has a healthy diet of cum straight out from my dick so she won’t turn out like that.
I hate Sword Chicks
I think Candace should've just come with Atk/Spd Hexblade to begin with
I could count on one hand the number of times I've gotten a unit from an Arena ticket that I actually wanted
After this banner
When is byleth coming back?
I realized he didn't appeared in the anniversary banner with the other seasonals
Duo Byleth probably won't be rerun 'til December again
Unless they really need a filler unit on an upcoming double seasonals again (much like how Fjorm currently is)
I've gotten alot of units I liked but once I tried to go for bridge fodder it's gotten a lot worse.
I've gotten Bike from +1-2 to +10 and have 3 copies to spare. I just want 3 FKana, please IS.
I guess it's not the worst because I recently played PoR and it was fun, so it's nice to have Ike.
>much like how Fjorm currently is
This is her first rerun on a DSH banner actually, there's a huge backlog of red seasonals because they've released so many compared to the other colors.
Huh, I could've sworn they've already long passed summer since there's already some winter (and even NY) units
I guess that backlog is bigger than I thought then
>aim for red orbs in order to get the last 2 Zigludo merges I need
>no red orbs in the last 6 weeks
Speaking of which, when is Sigurd coming back on the weekly banners? Or does anyone have a weekly banner schedule handy?
Some time after August 4th as he's not anywhere in the schedule leading up to then.
Last year's summer units showed up on the anniversary banners which were triple special hero. This DSH is fjorms first DSH appearance.
>main forging bonds story gave neat new lore about aether keeps
>hayato was pointless, and his forging bonds relied on plegia dark mage jokes
>yukimura provided significant new lore on nidavellir and jotunheimr, and well integrated the crossover with reginn
>azura was pointless
>mozu had fjorm adding absolutely nothing as usual, and otherwise villager bonding with nephenee which was kinda cute because mozu had rural speak and neph began to feel more comfortable alongside farm bonding
The dwarf lore isn't new, and I'm not sure the aether resort lore is either. The bit about reginn admitting that good advacements can come from war was surprising to see, however. Reginn tends to get solid FB appearances like Eir, and it's nice because reginn feels underrated.
reginn mentions that nidavellir was ruled by jotunheimr in the past, that wasn't new?
if they developed seidjarn specifically to break free from them, it makes it really strange that reginn was willing to let dagr overtake her country again, the citizens must feel really upset about that
i honestly don't remember where else we've had aether keep lore, but i think you're right and they may have mentioned it being foreign technology before. maybe they'll actually explain it...eventually
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You guys actually read forging bonds?
The only luck I've had is greens, I +10'd Surtr off them
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You guys read?
Only the good ones. So not this one
I don't read any of the story text in this game
>retards still read forging bonds and takes this dogshit plot and lore seriously
Very grim
You know what else is worthless? your entire post
It’s not hard to read a paragraph or two worth of dialogue
I know it's Chaos season rn but next one is Dark and my Dark defense is kinda eh
Can I see some examples of what you guys got for your Dark defense teams? Just so I could get some ideas
The Mythics I have are Medeus, Embla, Nott, Hel, and Bram
Did a bit of YOLO rolling on the new heroes and was rewarded with an Azura within 24 orbs. Who wants her X skill?
Lif or Limstella
Its been a whule since i read book 5 so i could be wrong on all of this, but IIRC The dwarf lore was explained In book 5, and yes reginn handing her country over to dagr doesn't make as much sense specifically because how mu ch civil unrest it would have caused, especially because the book mentions fafnir was well liked by the people. On the other hand, the dwarves revolted against the jotun centuries before book 5, i think it was when eitri and the founding king were alive together, so perhaps the countries mended the relationship between each other. A lot of the books endings would have caused massive fallout that could have been interesting to explore but IS has neither the desire nor skill to write about it.
Yeah, the FB are fun.
Dancers, probably.
Anyone you like as long as you have a team built around it. Which means fielding a frontliner with Fury, basically. Dancers and Galeforcers make better use of WoM than most.
Wings of Mercy is pretty much a skill for dancers or Galeforce users, so... either of those
Who's a good Galeforce prflet? Sounds like you'd slap it on W!Edel if you didn't need to keep her prf.
Fargus might not be too bad
Since he's got Tempo in his weapon and all
I've seen a lot of Geriks like this (got this one in BW), his support is pretty good and i guess freeing his B slot is a good thing

I demand we mass feedback and protest Rearmed on the Forma line up. Either Rearmed and Attuned take precedence over Forma units or they're not allowed to be forma'd. This was a can of worms IS opened up in the worst way possible

> Allow Rearmed/Attuned units to be on the line up
> Lil' Timmy sees Ivy on the Forma line up, immediately wants a free merge on that hot piece of ass
> Also wants a free refresh in foddering out Soaring Guidance X
> Wastes torches that would have gone to someone else on Ivy
> Redeems her, merges his +5 copy into her for free refresh to access his gazillion skills
> Tries to inherit, "Sorry bro, can't fodder attuned formas, pls understando"
> Just locked himself out of his skill bank and has to start all over again

Why, pray tell, is this okay?
Look I think it's lame too but if they made their mind up then there's nothing we can really do
People bitched and moaned about the lack of IVs on forma units before they released Trait fruits. Nothing is impossible.
If I care about the character featured, yeah.
>implying they didn't do this on purpose specifically to fuck over f2p timmies
fair enough, i forgot it's a pretty old kingdom as well so i guess citizens would mellow out
It's sort of hilarious how it just makes them worse to merge up, it almost feels like an oversight with how bad the value is from that. Honestly if they wanted to put in the effort to add in mechanics to make it "fair" they could've found a way to tag forma skills as being uninheritable until they've been manually inherited to that unit to overwrite it and just not given them the Rearmed/Attuned inheritance charge for the forma unit. It's a lot to expect that effort from mobage devs though. It's not like a little bit of generosity would hurt them that much anyway, forma souls are already paid items with limited availability and powercreep can move fast enough whatever they have available by that Hall of Forms may not even be relevant anymore.
i don't see how this established and explicit rule is worth protesting due to ignorant assumptions
No need to send feedback, they'll realize it's pointless to put rearmeds on HoF when no one will spend buttplugs on them.
How many oblivious casuals can fall for this jewish trick of theirs? It can't be that profitable in the long run.
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I$: suck it almbitch
If it weren't for the event not being over, I would accuse you of forgetting about not being able to fodder forma. It just sounds like you're upset that you can't have your cake and eat it too, and are using the guise of some kid being "victimized" to validate your anger.
You're forgetting that "skill banks" were never intended by IS and that their counter to people figuring out this exploit is to devalue skills at a faster rate than most people can hope to spread them across their barracks.
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Is there a proper way to use Aether in AR? Like use 100 per day when possible
>It's not like a little bit of generosity would hurt them
Contrary to what people trapped in 2017 like to spout, the notion of generosity is to IS what the sun is to a vampire.
Anon you dumb bitch if they were so opposed to skill duping they wouldn't have expanded the skill inheritance limit
They only expanded skill inheritance because of t4 skills becoming mandatory. And even then they took special care to not expand the limit enough to grab all the skills from a unit like Caeda in one go.
It seems I was right.
Nope. You're just a corporate fart huffer. Nintendo will never love you back, just so you know.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night, Anon. Good luck with the change.
They literally explained you could dupe skills at the initial unit type reveal, I really don't get why people keep spouting nonsense saying it was never intended to be used like that.
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>I agree!
As long as you get all pots its one 100 match a day, the two 100 matches on monday
It's recommended to always spend 100 aether at once if you can. Reduces the number of battles you have to fight and thereby increases the usefulness of your escape ladder. It's also commonly recommend to do the bulk of your raids on the last day, to mitigate the risk of lift loss from rematches I think? Also, if you climb slower then your opponents will remain lower ranked for longer, which means it reduces the timeframe for the highest ranking gigawhales to show up at your doorstep.
resplendent when
percy certainly won't be for a while now
next year after the world of STEAM chapter.
What theme would you want him to get?
jotunheimr can look pretty heroic
nidavellir would be okay
askr works with the "good guys" but is boring
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What's a unit you think is or was overhyped when they were considered meta?
What's a unit you think is underrated?
Ninja Camilla. She lost to DR which was everywhere.
Sword Catria. She can't take a hit, but almost nothing can survive a hit from her either. A true glass cannon.
>3 tickets were 5 stars, including Azura
i will probably be struck by lightning now
Brave Alm post refine, everyone said he was awesome and just as good as brave hector and brave ike after their refines, but i never saw him once over the godswords of that era
For a long while legendary leif helped me a ton at clearing some of the most tedious PvE maps, although nowadays he isn't that good since his refine was underwhelming and now Gulveig does what he did but better
I never got Ninja Camilla's hype, she got hard countered by Oliver
A lot of characters that come out are overhyped as being OP powercreep but then I hardly see them or struggle against them. I think people just like getting upset at stuff
Ascended Eir. Her Miracle gimmick was incredibly powerful for a while, and still has some use.
I tried to read them, lost interest after the first couple of dialogues, Fjorm appearing was an instaskip and I'm incapable of giving two shits about anything that involves Azura, and obviously the main story was going to be completely related to her boring ass.
Pretty good at release but not invincible, not even then
And now, he's aged like dirt
Funnily enough, Gotoh, who was also from the same banner
And all because he can provide the AoE protection status, where AoE damage nowadays run rampant (from your Nabata Igrenes, to Emblem Marth's ability to help charge AoEs even faster), that's pretty much the only way you don't insta die to 'em
On top of that, not only does he provide a +6 Def/Res buff, he also gives you a status effect that can count towards a Prime skill
All of the Caeda with weapon effectiveness. Not one has been entirely threatening for long and even then they were powercrept quickly like current Caeda is dunked on by Emblem Ike a swordie.
Gatekeeper is perhaps one of the most underrated support units. If built as a stat giving support with a Cross spur skill he can give 25 stats from across the map, prevent enemy teleports, and a small heal. He is honestly slept on that I rarely see him.
I'm still mad Fomortiis won that AHR
Do you think we are ever gonna get better generic AoE specials?
AoE is basically the only shit that still works, you'd think they would capitalize on that shit
Give me a Blazing Dark
>impulse summon
>get Rearmedattunedascended Azura
>try it myself and get her
Uh oh
Oh fug
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Grima wants her Dark Spikes back, damnit.
Explain how synergy works
How many weeks you've played the mode (caps at 99)
Does it decay if I don't play it?
I only play this mode during orb weeks and it's still capped
Well thanks, I also only played during orb weeks and my synergy's only like 40 so I guess I've got some catching up to do
This is a terrible idea. Let's do it.
That was great, it was funny
I think the other dancer b skill is better than cantrip but maybe that's on me
>Ninja Camilla. She lost to DR which was everywhere.
I don't know about you, but I had my DR units lose to Camilla through their DR.
Not him but you're a worthless retard.
That's fine, still funny. Laughed my ass off at work at all the salt, it was Byleth in Smash levels
Some feh players are just really fucking retarded.
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Don't worry, she already learned Firestorm Dance 3 beforehand. I don't do anything by halves when building units.
A shame that we didn't get the better unit out of it, true. But at least it inspired this sick fanart.
Fat hag Candace is my next merge project. Any recommendations on build?
how long until we start seeing special DR piercing
fallen banner's a great place for another powerleap
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Time to drop 3 Hopes Fallen Edelgard
Has Veronica aged worse or just as badly?
Counter denial is good, but simply meeting the Spd check now is tough, and then NCD/Ike/Byleth exist now
Just badly. Mine at +1 still kills a lot of things, and NCD is still rare.
>summon the new Azura
>try on the A Hero Rises banner again, why not
>summon another Attuned Peony
>merge to my current one to renew the inheritance
>give WoM Echo, Atk/Def Cantrip, and Firestorm Boost to Peony from Azura
>she can then pass the latter two down to whoever
>give her Atk Oath Echo and Firestorm Boost to Hortensia
This is pretty fun
Jesus Christ, Binding Worlds is fucking cancer, it took me almost 30 turns to kill a Spring Myrrh.
Give me your best budget builds for a red or green magic nuke to use in Arena
I can't say from fomortis side, however Vero is still a powerhouse (even tho i haven't updated her skills). Yeah, she falls a bit to those two but which glass cannon doesn't?
>vero in the askr marketplace
when are we getting an embla background
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Well this is what I've come up with, not quite as budget as I would've liked but which would be best?
>Marla - need to fodder R!Ophelia, R!Plumeria, B!Soren but it feels a bit inefficient since Plum can't get Mag NFU
>Tailtiu - Caliburnus's guaranteed followup is a bit redundant with Mag NFU and she scores slightly less than the other two
>Zephia - looks fun but probably not very effective without NFU or DR piercing
Leaning slightly towards Marla though Tailtiu would be nice in terms of colour balance for my Arena team
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Thank you Edelgard for your sacrifices. They will make Felicia and Mauvier relevant for two more weeks.
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feels good
Fomo aged much worse
Mainly because being a tank sucks nowdays
Anyone got ideas on what skills Rebecca should have with her prf weapon?
>Normal rebecca
Dump that shit for Darkbow and get as much of Alcryst kit as possible
B skill Tenpo 4 or Phys null followup
Get the fir from the manuals and fodder everything she has, then add Deadeye as an special and you are good
Ascended Fir has literally every skill Rebecca has but better, so it probably couldn't hurt to give her stuff to Rebecca
How’s Felicia been working out with Armored Blaze with Ike’s emblem effect? I’ve been considering doing the same for mine.
I insist, anon.

Interesting. I'll keep that in mind when I get a copy of Ascended Fir.
>check summoner duels
>a whole bunch of people fed e.ike, e.marth, or a.caeda to mozu
nice, love when people finally get their favorites
Tell me anon, what, pray tell, is the value in allowing Rearmed units to be forma units? Tell me. TELL ME.

I went over all the problems that are introduced with allowing rearmed units to be on the forma line up. And this is on top of the opportunity cost loss of skipping over a more accessible unit that everyone can benefit from compared to putting a Rearmed unit that no one case use as a merge without shooting themselves in the foot in BRICKING their Rearmed unit status.

Right here, we could have had Etie on the line up, a F2P accessible unit that anyone could merge up. Instead we have Alfred. If you had him as a merge project, if you wanted to refresh his skills, if you wanted a copy for Rearmed purposes, none of that is allowed. The only thing you can do with Alfred is use him like a normal unit. He is a rearmed unit. SO WHY BOTHER PUT REARMED ON THE LINE UP?
Because it'd be funny
you are conflating value as a forma with value as a rearmed. you are not buying a rearmed, you are buying a forma foremost
a forma is so people can easily acquire skills to build a unit, someone can build alfred just the same as anyone else
if someone wants a forma +10 more than they want the fodder, that's their choice and they're not being tricked
if someone wants fodder more, then forma have never been for fodder, they're not owed a free rearmed fodder or anything
and no, you can't say "i want both so i deserve both" because again, you're buying a forma, not a rearmed
if someone wanted etie then too bad, someone else wanted alfred and IS is random
If I give summoner support to a unit, lock the team they're on, and support a different unit, does the first unit keep the stat boost?
Do you prefer effects that heal your unit during combat (skills like Finish, or built into various weapons and prfs) or after combat (skills like Weaving Fighter and Arcane Charmer)?
I don't know, but It seems unlikely. this is the first anyone has mentioned the concept and if you could cheat the system that way then it would probably be known.
I could be wrong, however.
I think such stat boosts do not care for team locks, meaning if you summoner support someone, lock the team, then summoner support someone else, then that first unit probably just returns to normal despite being on a locked team
It's the skills and everything that remain in place, but the stats can always differ
Well I just tried it and indeed it didn't work
i only think about opportunity cost, what skill do i need in that spot and if so, where else can i get healing from
in-combat healing does save you for that combat, particularly if you initiate or double, while post combat ensures multiple encounters
>remember it's a summoner duel season
>see Emblem Ike's a bonus
Nah, fuck that shit
Just bring Sand Igrene
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>you are conflating value as a forma with value as a rearmed. you are not buying a rearmed, you are buying a forma foremost

Anon, Alfred is also a REARMED unit. You are not only giving priority to the Forma, you're also completely rejecting the value of the Rearmed component. If this was a legendary, Mythic, Ascendant (we have to get to that bridge on whether they'll give us a floret if that's your first copy), or even just a regular unit, then by all means, Forma takes priority. But this is a Rearmed unit. You neutralize ALL Rearmed privileges with the Forma unit taking priority. This is unprecedented compared to the other unit types that have no conflicts. Why put him on the banner?

Arguing "he's a forma not a rearmed" is a bumbfuck stupid argument that doesn't address ANY of my points in how big of a liability he is and how dangerous he is for a playerbase known for misreading and making permanent mistakes.

>if someone wanted etie then too bad, someone else wanted alfred and IS is random

Anon, you don't have to bend over and accept IS fucking you in the ass. People bitched and moaned about Formas being neutral IVs despite the fact that Formas even back then were MASSIVE opportunities (You would have never given your Brave Lyn LnD4 when it was rare and it would have matched a +ATK or +SPD boon Lyn with LnD3). Why accept this when you know players are going to shoot themselves in the foot with this Alfred Forma?

Players already misread what banners they can spark on, they misread Find and Vote and thought they couldn't move the screen, and accidentally merge 5* units into 4* units (we had an anon lament succumbing to this this past year to boot) , I don't understand how why you don't see this obvious liability being a problem. I don't see why can you can't still fight because it benefits you overall. The vast majority DOES NOT benefit from a Rearmed/Attuned unit on a Forma line up.
Is the Golden Week event next week?
It starts on the 24th according to the dataminers
>finish +10ing Brave Camilla off of arena tickets
>now have to swap to red to finish off Brave Lysithea who's at +5
What are you lot aiming for with your arena tickets each week?
Been aiming for Linde since the feature was added and have gotten 0 so far.
Guinevere, Tana,BHector,DEphraim
Fallen Hardin and Kiria
Byleth, Bernie, or Azura, I guess
Blue for either F!Dimitri, Ishtar or Neph
If no blues, then Red, hoping for A!Camilla
any year 1. I'm building them all so I want any and all merges to go to them.
Dream Camilla
Shit I mean Eyvel
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I've gotten aroudn 7-10 Bikes, several Nagi, and other misc greens. I just need 3 more Kana.
Brave Camilla, Elise primarily
If I get no colorless orbs I'll go red for hopes of finishing off lyn or Igrene
Funfact: During this period I got 11 Innesses. I had one to start with, got enough to +10 him, and then got one more. All in the span of time I have received one of each of the ones I have actually been looking for.
I must've gotten this bitch five times, if I never see her again it'll be too soon
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She was feathered for her crimes
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You bastard.
I'm the victim, anon. I just wanted to max out Surtr
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Whoa! It's a new Azura! She can refresh you again and give you +1 Mov.
A Legendary Azura... imagine that. Maybe we'll get a Legendary Corrin some day?
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>Maybe we'll get a Legendary Corrin some day?
Yeah, one day...
>Nohr Noble wasted on FCorrin
>Stuck with filthy Hoshido Noble
Damn you, IS
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Hoshido Noble looks pretty good, though both Corrins look better as Nohr Noble.
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Mamui could get Revelations, though If Femui's brave was based off it then I get the feeling Male Corrins would be as well, if he ever gets one, so any special hero type such as legendary/ascended would end up being Birthright focused.
True, he doesn't look horrible, but I love his edgy Castlevania look

Isn't he always associated with Birthright? Valla MCorrin would be a nice alternative
Valla would be nice but someone at IS loves Hoshido so odds aren't good
Base Lyn because i didn't get her flowers (i know 2 flowers are worthless but my OCD compels me to get her anyways) and Phina because for some reason she is still the only Archanea dancer we have
>this stupid fucking bitch breaks my pity. Every time I roll for blue, every goddamn time. I
She is super hot though so she gets a pass from me.
>isn't he always associated with Birthright
Kind of? I think his appearances/interpretations have been looser compared to Femui's which were more flavored with conquest while Mamui had a bit of both Birthright and Valla.
Why is SD so aggressively anti-fun?
I want Mareetas and Eyvels, not a single one so far.
FEH really just was not designed with direct PVP in mind.
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>get the new Azura, Duo Robin and Duo Seidr back-to-back on impulse rolls
I have wasted all my luck. But good lord is Seidr's ass fat in that kimono.
Julia, Myrrh, B!Ike, Sue, F!Lyon, Rinkah
I've only gotten 1-2 of each so far. I'm also trying to get my first gatekeeper.
Loki, Bownoka, Amelia, Veronica, B!Ephraim
I aim solely on green and if not that colorless. I'm specifically trying to +10 quite a few units which includes:
>Fallen Lyon
Sadly I haven't gotten any of them in several months. I just need 3 more merges on average for most of them to finish+10ing any of them. Instead I get Olwen, Sue, Osian, Minerva or Shamir. I predominantly rotate between them unlucky with my ticket.
I grab red for ruptured sky fodder. Would be nice if I end up getting Mias or Lysitheas too, but I can't rely on that to +10 them.
green: Gerik, Annette, Hilda
colourless: Elise
Red: Karel
Blue: the last Ishtar merge
Saber never ever.
I got lucky and got Azura on a free summon. Now I'm trying to get more copies of Li'l Lissa.
I managed to build up Mamori to +10 previously and I'm now pulling for Shiro who I currently have at +5
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I'm trying to get merges for Sigurd, but the last 5 weeks they didn't even have the decency to give me a single red orb
I'm always rolling for blue whenever possible since most of my merge projects are blue, then red if I don't get a blue orb
I regret spending any orbs on the AHR banner. Got fucking nothing from that shitpile of fuck.
>last chaos season
>almost no defense losses
>this chaos season
>almost no defense successes
Just a few hours before the AHR banner end
Is no Quarter and maybe some peony merges worth going for?
If you have enough Orbs, and are willing to risk getting a dud (Claude, Alear to an extent) go for it
I was able to get a few merges and No Quarter on my Peony, which I was able to pass to a few units
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any cool finds on binding worlds? the inclusion of echo skills makes units without them seem like a bad deal now. I saw a really cool Marth with bonus doubler distant counter and atk/spd echo. It would be cool but would I really get the mileage out of him? I rolled for attuned caeda and need a B skill to inherit to my baby marth but all the good ones would cost a emblem character. There's also no fodder for the pledge skill she has. If I could compile new years Alfonse I could give him a bunch of really good stuff.

I don't know why I'm complaining I never even use the flowers on units either. This is a shitty blogpost but I'm playing and thinking out loud.
I'm still waiting for them to be available through Celestial Stones. Otherwise I would've picked up a Summer Mia.
On that note, Celestial Stone shop resets in less than 2 weeks. Spend Stones if you're sitting on a bunch. I picked up 1200 infantry flowers.
no quarter is great and frees up the B slot on anyone would would need DR piercing there, but it's also in combat manuals now
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What is the best build for Baby Lissa?
I mean if you aren't saving for anything the peonys as a skill bank and atk/spd echo are kind of cool. I'm trying to think of good skills for peony to give since most people are going to want at/spd but not the dance skill or maybe even unity.
I followed my own advice and tried rolling to get no greens for 4 sessions. Never fucking mind. I hate whoever made up the green dream meme, this sucks.
Maybe something like this.
Do we think Emblem skills (Potent/Laguz Fiend) that are references to their Engage effects will be put on more units in the future or will they intentionally leave it only on those units as a way to force players to make the decision on whether to merge Emblem heroes for more Engage stats or kill them off for skill inheritance? At least with skill duping you only have to kill off 1, but it's still going to eat up 4 of your inherit slots.
Pretty good session i guess, sparked Peony
Skipped Claude completely which is cool
Still have 180 orbs left for the fallen banner
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I consider Peony merges very valuable, as I foddered a Yunaka and a Dimi into mine in order to grace my favorite melee pega sissies with Flared Sparrow and No Quarter and her X skill of course. Unfortunately I didn't have any more orbs to spend on that banner, so I'll have to wait for Peony to rerun some other day. Fingers crossed the skills in her bank will hold up a while longer. Although No Quarter is already getting countered as we speak...
Post your +10 units you actively spent orbs rolling for that you never use anymore.
Maybe when I get two Arcane Luins I'll dust her off, but the first one I get in 3200 more codes will be going to Marcia.
Honestly pretty good the only thing I wish she had was some sort of self healing. I was thinking about giving her Special Fighter 4 for healing and to free darting breath for another sacred seal but according to the duel simulator Savvy Fighter 4 and Darting breath would still be better.
I'm so fucking envious. I only ever have the most rotten luck in this game. Didn't even get Barsts for repo fodder, just truckloads of Gunters and other useless shit like that.
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>Post your +10 units you actively spent orbs rolling for
I never achieved this. Accidental +10 and grail units only.
Her kit sould give away how old this is
Maybe if i get another caliburnus i'll give it to her?
When is the earliest we might get a Spring Sylvain code?
>that you never use anymore.
couldn't be me. The highest rarity I have at +10 are seasonal demotes. Love me valentine Owain, Baby Marth, Xmas Annette.
I'm thinkin' such skills may appear on seasonal variations of those units first before appearing on regular units (if at all)
Like, maybe we get a summer Marth or summer Ike and they happen to come with Potent/Laguz Friend or something
>Although No Quarter is already getting countered as we speak...
It's fucked up to say, but that does feel to be the case
I don't think it's entirely useless though, I mean, there's still lots and lots of regular damage reduction that No Quarter helps out against, and is the only method for most melee units to bypass it
This is gonna be an odd analogy, but damage reduction feels like a door, and piercing Specials are a key
Every unit has a door in front of them, to lock out intruders (enemy units attacking)
Without any key, their only option is to try and bust down the door, sometimes fairly easily (with the 50% DR pierce on stuff like Tempo 4 and Phys/Mag NFU), sometimes not (no DR pierce whatsoever)
But using a key can open that door, whether it's a Deadeye or a No Quarter, that damage reducing door is no more
...And that's where a second door comes in to hide behind, like a Laguz Friend, a Godlike Reflex, anything that offers either DR in your Special, a defensive Special, or fixed/flat DR
Which up to now there aren't really many ways of opening or unlocking that door
Does this make ANY sense?
Is Godlike Reflexes + Laguz Friend a terrible combination?
The first unit I saved up orbs to +10 isn't even two years old so she still functions fine.
Not at all
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Got these 3 interesting finds
Micaiah is really tempting though
When will the pirate banner rerun? I want briggid
Is it a terryfing combination for any enemy then or both skills don't have a good synergy?
The former, yes
It's a good combination, Laguz Friend is designed to work well with EITHER defensive Specials OR offensive Specials with a charge of 3 or higher
It's especially nice with GLR because in exchange you have to give up half of your %-based damage reduction, but that doesn't apply to Godlike Reflexes
Meaning, GLR gets to reduce damage taken by 40%, while Laguz Friend also mitigates damage taken equal to 20% of your Def or Res, and neither effect can be nullified (yet)
Alright, that's good to know. Thanks for clearing up my doubt.
I vastly prefer her original version gameplay wise refine NEVER EVER, and blade tomes fell off HARD. I might re-kit her when they release a nfu variant for arcane green tomes
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Should also add that Laguz Friend will also make your counter attack pierce DR and deal additonal damage based on the highest of Def or Res. This applies to both defensive and offensive specials, as long as you actually trigger the special.
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She got some use in Aether Raids for a while but the old “park unit in range and wait for the enemy to kill itself” strat doesn’t really work all that well anymore, unless you’re Emblem Ike.
Kinda wanna give her my spare Arcane Grima but it feels like a sidegrade at best.
Is the fire emblem card game any fun?
From the one anon I talked to years ago and claimed to have played it, they said it was enjoyable. How much of that was because of the gameplay itself rather than being a FE card game is unknown.
it was decent, obviously there were issues but if you like cardboard crack it scratched the itch. serenesforrest had a digitized version of it that was updated regularly, but I haven't bothered with it for years and the external hard drive I had corrupted last year so I can't personally provide you with links. If you are going to pay collectors for physical copies the MTG 66x91 mm sleeves work very well if you don't like a lot of empty space in your card sleeve profile.
Collecting favorites was pretty neat
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it's about time a good tile based strategy game is being developed for mobile. Once this releases I am quitting feh
Frogposters always have the dumbest opinions.
Global or separed server?
These bonus heroes suck this arena week, and I'm not just saying that because I have none of the units
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>Caeda is dunked on by Emblem Ike a swordie.
I don't know it depends. My Legendary Lilina cannot even hurt her, while Emblem Ike is a joke to her.
The main issue that combination has is that LF4 doesn't give any speed which can be bad since speed is a fairly competitive stat.
I wonder if they'll release a speed version of LF4 for the next emblem hero.
Maybe not exactly like LF4 but I do think they are gonna make more flat Dr skills like it since it is currently one of the few reliable ways to increase bulk that isn't in the special slot.
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>S!Sylvain is fun to use because of his bullshit Rally Galeforce just like Sain
>but he looks fucking stupid and I don't really care for him
>itching to slaughter him for his premium fodder
>but I only have the one copy and probably will never get another
What do?
Do 100 sit ups
Give him to me, I'll feed him to Walhart
for every seasonal exclusive fodder released, a new normal pool unit will eventually be released and get that same fodder or something similar/better. hold off for now
>I don't really care for him
This looks far too good to be wasted on a fucking gacha game. And no matter how good it looks, the gacha mechanic is going to drag it down hard. Just watch it degenerate into yet another case of p2w horseshit. Any game that allows you to pay your way to success hardly deserves to be called a "strategy" game.
I know that feel. Sylvain is one of my favorites Cain archetype enjoyer, but the spring alt art is so bad that I'm probably gonna fodder him. Suekane Kumiko really dropped the ball here
Easter alts just suck in general I only consider a couple of them good.
They really need to increase SP gain from all sources by a factor of like ten
Are some Null C disrupts able to prevent D-doubler? even if I have phys null follow? I guess I need the echo atk/spd warp to get my speed up too god damn. The null skills all turn into speed checks right?
>Are some Null C disrupts able to prevent D-doubler?
What? Null C Disrupt doesn't mean foes can't counter, it just means you can counter even if your foe has "foe (i.e. you) can't counter)"
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I use them every once in a while for the monthly training tower quests but that's about it
I just like the shiny borders...
What's your PoL team look like
The fire tiles Winter Edelgard left behind
Haven't touched it since last time. Tempted to drop dragons for melee so I can add a +10 Emblem Ike friend, but that would require updating and I think my +10 Gullveig friend isn't leading with her anymore, and she's been pretty useful.
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Thoughts on this shit?
A literal toddler shouldn't have any right to have such a huge Atk stat.
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That big ass axe ain't just for decoration
Isn't having two Guards kinda redundant?
The Echo can be replaced, and I know it doesn't stack additively, but Lissa can't get any DR from speed based B skills.
NCD4 or LF4 would be a lot better, Guard 4 isn't really that great in general and is just made worse with Guard Echo existing. Honestly LF4 is so busted it should really be your goal to get it and build around it.
LF4 is out of the question right now, I only have 1 EIke and i'm sure as fuck not burning him, even if I could dupe LF4
Probably worth saving for his rerun then, he comes back in about a month. I also forgot but another option would be Gambit if that's possible. If you just need Guard 4 to hold out for something better it's not the worst option.
Atk/Def Bulwark 4 maybe?
The biggest problem is Lissa isn't doubling anything without help, so trying to build around that is not helping either
If I had Altina, that would have been my first choice
can be fairly easily fucked by her low hp, pierceable DR, def piercing, enemy GLR, and/or NFU
she also won't be able to initiate on most of those threats
personally i have a ss3 build that's been working pretty well but i haven't committed to ss4
Thats why I posted the theoretical, i'm still workshopping ideas. She scores well, has fucking amazing attack for a 4*, and her defense is insane. But lack of guaranteed follow up and DR kind of gimps her
i used this aforementioned budget build in arena last week since i was gonna demote anyways, but it was really comfy getting kills with her. having player phase options is nice
>But lack of guaranteed follow up and DR kind of gimps her
Considering that every unit has measures against this (preventing the foe from guaranteeing follow-up attacks, piercing through DR), it's probably not so bad
Like, even if you have a guaranteed follow-up attack and DR, chances are you aren't gonna be able to put either to good use against most units
A little tweaking and it could score well top, doesnt help her lack of follow up though
oh i forgot, i think i ran quickened pulse too, so she didn't need to followup and her only real weakness was scowl, since she could often hit hard enough to ignore DR
Pulse Up: Shields could really round her out too...whenever it comes out
This is actually pretty fuckin scary
You'd need to switch out the special on this, No Quarter and Special Spiral 4 are redundant together. LF4 is pretty much a straight upgrade to SS4 if you can get it at some point. I'd assume something like this would be the most optimal but I have two people in my friends list that use Panic Smoke in the C slot instead, she has tempo in her weapon so if she takes a hit enemy phasing things it might be better, but she won't get the instant Ignis on player phase. With LF4 Ignis hits for 100% of her Def while ignoring DR.
Suffering through AR and abhorring the fact that I have not one unit who can take so much as a single hit from all these cancer nukes running around. Not even my Ike is worth anything at these levels where all the paypigs field their +10 ranged cavs with Assassin's/Occultist's strike and whatnot. Feh's game balance is such horrendous garbage, where did it all go so terribly wrong? Who is having fun with this?
I have fun by not caring too much about AR other than the daily rewards, and just play to fuck around with builds. I haven't touched SD since it came out, and I consider myself all the better for it
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I only have fun in AR in Chaos season because I can use whoever I want without worrying about mythic heroes.
PvP sucks and I have no clue why anyone engages with it extensively
I kind of like chaos season to some extend because you have more flexibility in what you can use for pp since most units are more squishy without the extra hp, and defenses can't run multiple saves, as well as the amount of units you can use with fury+wom is alot higher because of the lower hp.
>where did it all go so terribly wrong
Summoner Duels release, though the seeds were planted years earlier with AR and T21 arena.
Once PvP becomes the main focus, powercreep is inevitable.
The issue isn't even powercreep per se, it's that players just aren't on equal footing, because the monetization scheme revolves around letting big spenders buy wins against other players. And this breaks fucking everything, it doesn't just make PvP asinine but ruins most PvE modes too. You can't have PvE challenge in this game anymore unless you make one for yourself by limiting what you use. Powercreep is just a consequence of keeping the meta in motion. But powercreep being paywalled is what kills Feh.
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>tfw you just know that the first grail unit with Atk/Spd Finish 3 as fodder will be someone you actually like and don't want to fodder off
Nah, it'll probably be
File deleted.
>grail unit with Atk/Spd Finish 3 as fodder
You'd like that wouldn't you
Just give me any bulwark skill as a seal already damn it. Tired of having to use Soren for assign decoy.
Just give me any skill that makes slow flying mages good.
Tired of them being trash.
I predict FE6 fallen units banner
Doesn't the cross C skill thing from Spring Chloe gives an auto follow up to the unit and allies nearby?
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Only if the foe doesn't have NFU. So not really.
does FE6 have 5 characters that could be considered Fallen?
Base Idunn is basically that. FE7 at least has all the Morphs and Nergal.
so yeah we get Idunn, uhhhhh fallen barte (fir AND karla died), fallen Lilina (shes using her dads cursed axe) dark mage fallen Guinievere, and Sword Saint Karel because it would be funny
They don't really have to "fall" during the story, Chrom is a fucking Cipher card after all, and Lilith and the 2 Morgans are from DLC
Right, but both of those have precedent with previous content even if in other forms of FE media.
making Fallen Roy out of nowhere would feel so forced. I get what you're saying, but can't fully agree with it.
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It's going to be a shitty Engage banner... Fallen Alear (bot male and female), Veyle and some other shit from the DLC probably
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Fallen Hortensia, please.
I suppose. But i'm sure there's still plenty of "what ifs" that do have some basis in the story, like Sword Saint Karel, a Hector who fell into a Berserker rage thanks to Armads, shit like that. Kind of lacking for FE6, i'll grant, but there's still room
youre right. I had completely forgotten engage existed. were just going to get alear again but this time even redder
berserker rage hector, or lilina picking it up in his place, would go so hard

>berserker rage hector
>you do not control this unit but still counts for your units on the field
>armor w/ charge
>insane stats and abilities to compensate for lack of control
>can attack anyone but only be attacked by enemies
bro we got fallen Ike and Chrom; it's whatever they feel like.
unpossessed yurius...
Dev favorite and lord only
Maria will be the sole akaneia cleric to have one
Fucking Vygarde is not a fallen hero while we got fanfic
Fallen Ike and Chrom already exist in the Cipher cards, it's not like they didn't exist PERIOD before their units
That would require IS to remember Jugdral exists. But the chances of an UnLoptyr'd Julius are higher than a Deadlord Eyvel
No one fucking cares about Nyna (I especially hate her for her role in Hardin's fall)
Again, same
Again, same
Maria is the only one of the 4 people really give a shit about, and that's probably got more to do with her idiot siblings and her being part of FEH since the beginning than anything else
arcane tome for guaranteed followup, and then a ploy 4 skill?
ranged fast fliers are the ones who are also fucked if they don't have NFU in a prf
The best way to make use of slow flying mages would be a brave tome or AoE's or using them as a guidance bridge, for AoE's if you have slaying and breath in your weapon along with the Marth ring you can make it loop fairly easily but it is a bit more difficult for fliers to precharge it and ideally you want some true damage as well.
The majority of Mage fliers tend to favor speed over Res, so ploy wouldn't work on most of them. I can name Morgan off the top of my head
Nyna was a complete bitch and I hate how she didn't catch any heat for causing most if not all of that
Maria deserve it because she is the little sister of Catria's boss
Lena and Elice were robbed of their prf
I despise her for the role she played, but there were 4 people at fault for Hardin's fall
Hardin for pining after a woman who didn't love him
Nyna for pining after (what she thought was) a dead man and not even giving Hardin the time of day despite willingly marrying him
Boah for suggesting the pairing in the first fucking place
Gharnef for being the sneaky jew he is and taking advantage of Hardin's despair and turning a just and good ruler into a tyrant that had to be put down
This, Nyn* is the only FE character that I have a visceral hatred for, and this hate has been going strong for over a decade now
Nyna, Est and Hilda are the only characters that I can say that I fucking hate
Which hilda, milf or slut?
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The one who beats her sister in law to death, participated in the child hunts because she can, pushes her daughter to get fucked by the anti-christ, torments Tinni because of her mother's actions, and is just generally the fucking worst cunt in the series
Not the lazy one, the lazy one I like
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>Fallen Ike and Chrom already exist in the Cipher cards, it's not like they didn't exist PERIOD before their units
It's his time.
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>The next busted Axe GHB is Berserker Wrys
>this kills the fehggot

tick tock fehggots.
Literally Who?
feh targets mobile casuals who want very quick maps, and fe fans who want fe characters
it's not really an overlap
That it’s pixelated and you have to constantly spin the camera around to tap on a specific unit because everyone is overlapped? I’m good thanks. Anyone with a brain would know that game will turn into a powercreepfest faster than early FEH.
>cross platform friends list and pvp
its over fehggots...
I'm not clicking your link, just give me the title
Ah yes, i should be happy that the thing that killed feh will be present at launch
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>japanese voice acting only
>better anime cutscenes than feh
>fresh game without power creep
it's unironically over... finally sweet release from feh...
this would be sick
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So Nyna is the third member of the "Princess from a JP-only SNES classic that is widely hated" group. There might be a fourth but I forgot
Who are the other 2?
>steam only
hard pass on that.
Yoyo (Bahamut Lagoon)
Catiua (Tactics Ogre)
The other is Aletheia from Live A Live but I didn't play that one so I don't know for sure. The other two though? 100% justified hatred.
>no one cares about Lena
I care about her. Lena's super strong in my current SD run, and I'd like to build her if building staff units in FEH didn't feel so awful.
Ah, I thought you meant from FE, and other than Nyna I couldn't think of any other Princess that people fucking despised
steam only demo. the full game is launching on android/ios as well
I stopped playing a year ago, how is the meta right now? (AR and SD wise)
I can think of a few, but neither one is JP-only or from the SNES era
In shambles like always. We have a new hero type called Emblem heroes based off emblems from FE:Engage. They give a unique effect to any hero and basically function as a extra seal slot on top of your kit (it's overlayed on top of the special icon). If you merge these emblem heroes they have a dragon flower effect for every +1 merge so a +10 Emblem hero can give any ally +2 all stats on top of the unique skill. So far we have:
>Marth (Emblem) gives any unit slaying but can't go under 1CD.
>Ike (Emblem) gives any unit unpiercable 40% DR to 2 range attacks.
>Currently the best DR in the game is now an infantry only skill called Laguz Friend from Ike(Emblem). Which gives you cooldown -2, DR piercing, and True DR based on higher of Def/Res at the cost of losing 50% of your normal DR.
This is the current state of the game where if you didn't roll Ike (Emblem) you're probably going to suffer for several months until they add a consistent Ike counter since he is busted and works like Summer Ephraim but on crack with his counter attacks.
Pretty good everything is balanced and totally fun.
>Infantry having busted skills
Oh so we are back to 2020
yeah if you spend a thousand dollars every banner then it is fair and balanced.
>I refuse to reroll for units I like so the game is bad
The meta is whatever came out most recently.
And sure, that is kind of how it always is, but you have to understand the severity of the problem has gotten much worse. We have truly entered the doom spiral where they cannot really fix the problem now, because every set of new limited units has a unit that hard counters the busted unit from the previous set of limited units. The new limited tank (Emblem Ike) is ostensibly untouchable to even the most busted offensive units from before, and soon we will have a new offensive threat that can deal with him, and by extension, literally every other tank with trivial ease, and then we will need another tank that can deal with that, which will necessarily invalidate every other offensive unit all over again, and so on, and so on.
>We have truly entered the doom spiral
it this for real or just an overestimation? I remember vividly every year hearing that the game was RUINED FOREVER and there was no fixing the issues.
>it this for real or just an overestimation?
It's been for real. I think that's always been present in some manner, but it feels like they've ramped it up and kicked it into mega overdrive in just the past like, I want to say seven months or so at the least.
A unit from way back in September had the means to delete tanks by charging Lethality for free. Now he's worthless.
It's a bit of both but trudging through enemies two paragraph weapons can make it feel a lot more like the latter.
If you're not an Uber whale you don't notice as much of a difference.
Well, the playerbase keeps shrinking and I don't think that's just down to FEH's age. For veterans it's becoming more and more exhausting to keep up with the powercreep and for newcomers the game keeps becoming more and more inaccesible. Emblem heroes alone are worth an entire rant, but the long and short of it is that the devs have retreated into milking the whales like no tomorrow with zero regard for the remaining casual players. It does not bode well, that.
I can't even fucking imagine starting playing now. Sure you have the benefit of having a huge cache of orbs you can get into by powering through story mode content, but you are so fucking behind on everything else, and whatever you spend your orbs on will be powercrept so quickly and so severely that it doesn't even fucking matter. Getting dragonflowers alone will be more than it is worth to fucking play this game. Want to build a grail unit? Wait 2 years, shitass.
I started a second account recently and it really isn't that bad because of the way the pvp tiers works and how ranking up in things like AR/Arena functions. Either way, unless they're gunning to be a top player out the game they aren't really that behind.
>Merged Ordeals
>please please PLEASE summon for multiple copies if you want more dragonflowers!!!!

This game is so cooked. We don't make it to next Golden Week.
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New FEH channel
Mythic Loki is cool because I like her, but I might not have the orbs for her and doubly so for the merge bonus dragon flowers. On the bright side, she got something, and the new dragon flowers are nice.
So, how good is the new loki? I didn't bother reading anything about her kit
I spent like 2 minutes thinking, what the hell another special loki, then i remembered that base Loki was a new heroes unit
>Loki fags aren't loyal to their whore
why I'm not surprised at all
Another unit that cucks bonuses. And she inflicts Gravity/Discord/Ploy. Man I'd feel bad if I was someone who invested in Prime skills
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She seems solid. If i read this correctly, her C skill shits on buff stacking units by removing enemy buffs unless they appear at the same time in the stack as her cleanse does, and that is incredibly rare, I think.
She shits out 4-5 debuffs on the enemy. Ploy, Discord, Gravity, Exposure, and if she attacks with her special she can debuff with Flash so she can bring a decent amount to the table.
Yeah, Tina is the only other unit that clears buffs, but then she gives them to your team so honestly I think Tina is still better than Loki as a support unit lmao
Holy shit Rokkr Seiges lives. Now do Grand Conquest
Sure. Just release an 8% unit I actually care about.
It depends what you want. Loki shits out debuffs, but Tina steals the buffs and gives them to your team. Both tip the scales in different ways. They're probably side-grades. If Loki gave the "Panic" status so she could reverse buffs then she would have more synergy with allies that want stats debuffs, but currently There aren't too many characters that scale off named debuffs. They could come out with a reverse Prime effect that synergizes really well with Loki down the line, but they might not.
>release another source of exposure
>its on a prf
What the heck
Why are they censoring Loki, is she really gonna have mysterious steam clouds around her tits
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Because Loki is a massive tease.
>that shameless censoring

What's even the point?
i've seen it more prevalently lately in other games too, maybe some countries are going stupid on advertising restrictions again
no way it'll be in-game though, the vid has the usual white blur, it'd be redrawn otherwise
They've done it for youtube videos but had it uncensored in the game before.
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Well no need to cry about dragon flowers anymore ig
Gotta love how they carefully omitted arcane and attuned units from the list of units who can get merged ordeals
The best part is, 600 Feathers just means +1 to every stat for an older unit
That'll help them compete with new units that can get +30 stats just for existing!
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>you still have to roll on the b8% banners
>you have to roll two of the same unit AND merge them
>if the lego/mythic/emblem hero is colorsharing with two randos, your chances are even lower

This didn't fix shit, in fact, it makes me believe that b8% banners have been doing so bad that they're doing as much as they can to force people into rolling on them.
Ok, which one of you assholes is it? Accept my friend request, please.
heh i'd believe it, they really are supposed to be their major moneymaker but the rates are too shit. well, and hero choice too more often than not
rearmed/attuned banners have probably been outperforming them
This FEH channel seemed alright, wonder why people are mad.
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You'll be fine.
It is really just the blatant shittiness of the merged ordeals
It doesn't appeal to existing merges right?
people get upset over everything.
Because it was a nothing trailer that only served to show IS's shameless censorship and shill b8% banners even more because they're selling jackshit, and see how no one speaks about the Golden Week events because they're just...there, nothing special outside of a bit of extra rewards we get on a monthly basis. At least Rokkr Sieges is back.
keep licking the boot
I personally don't think it even warranted one, everything they showed could've just been at the appropriate times
A week for the Mythic Loki banner, a few days after that for the update info
It was crazy boring other than the Dragonflowers
No orbs?
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Seriously, what were they thinking?
It's either boring or another new game mode/hero type that would piss everyone off
It reminds me of how the EN twitter account for feh makes the characters appear zoomed in when they show too much skin
Ok but what would you do to fix things though? It’s a mobile game anyways it’s meant to drag cash out of you. It’s not a single player game. Did you start playing the game expecting not to be disrespected as a player? They just see you as paypigs you know. Thingsll get a whole lot worse than they will get better. I mean emblem byleth has a party wide dance they could implement in the future. What then?
At least a new hero type could give me tools for my old units
Mandatory YouTube censorship, it just them playing stupidly safe for some reason
I've noticed that too
Which makes it funny when they zoom in on a character that has no reason to be zoomed in on (ie, nothing really revealing)
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I don't get the upset over editing the stuff in a preview. as far as I can remember, IS has only edited stuff in game once and that was Tiki's butt-crack from year 1. They even upped the rating later on for Loki, and let characters like Gullveig/Summer Loki/thorr/Freya exist.
people act like it's the end of the world when they slightly crop or hide someone's tits on a twitter preview.
When one character in a banner is Too Hot for TV, they have to crop everyone in the Twitter previews, or it ends up being "too obvious"
I'm just baffled more than anything
>Ok but what would you do to fix things though?

This is not about fixing the game, this is about IS being incapable of not taking the most retarded decisions most of the time. We already expect them to release busted units on a monthly basis, we already know that they're doing the best to make people spend orbs on shitty limited banners which is why Engage units exist now and why seasonals have become so retardedly strong, we already know we're getting the millionth lord alt or a complete nobody, no in-between, and we already know the next new event will be either a retarded PvP mode or a shitty PvE mode with bad rewards and shitty mechanics. We just want something decent to happen for once, the game has been on a sorry state for over a year at this point and it honestly surprises me that people are still spending money on it.
>people act like it's the end of the world when they slightly crop or hide someone's tits on a twitter preview.
It’s more annoying because FEHeroesEN really has no explanation or excuse as to why they do it when FEHeroesJP doesn’t, the overreactions are annoying though
I just want summer lolis.
It's just a really dumb way to censor something, they know their audience, so what's the point? Other than appealing to Youtube, I guess.
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It's over.... censorship won
I'm just waiting to see if they do it for any big titted summer alts this year.
the dragon flower thing is something we shouldve gotten 3 years ago
this is why its important to gatekeep fags and trannys from a hobby
fallen edelgard was killable by my +10 boey with cc, budget skills, and infantry rush support for ignis. on top of thesaurus skill emblem, needing to hyper invest with dragon flowers, emblems, and rare ass tier 4 skills just to make my niche options usable these days, yeah the current state is trash. all I do is collect favorites these days and RP themed teams for events. Don't give me shit about Rein or Ayra either cause you had plenty of budget options then too if you weren't a brainlet.
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It's too late, they are in the industry.
For over a year now I'd say

Before you could just about make by on things like Intermediate with your old school units managing to kill units they should kill
Now, if you come across anything of the new hotness, you might as well insta-surrender if you haven't got the new insta-meta. It's fucking awful to play even casually
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This is what they were thinking
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Aside from laguz friend 4 what else should I put on him?
Oh wait I forgor you can’t put it on him my bad.
Guard (Bearing) 4 comes to mind
Gambit is really good and Brave Robin is getting a rerun soon on FB revival
Think I should get rid of the one I have now for it or put 90 orbs into trying to get it later?
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So that's what she looks like uncensored, weird they censored her butt and thigh since it's not that lewd desu
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I need one copy I love this damage art also fe twitterfags must be the most puritain nintendo fans because this outfit is pretty tame and actually kinda nice imo
The option that costs the least amount of orbs is almost always preferable, but ask yourself
>Do you still actively use Brave Robin?
>Is there any other unit that you would like to give Gambit 4 over Ashnard?
If you answer no to both then you might as well, this is usually how I plan my fodder if I’m really on the fence.
I wonder if treehouse will change her lines
probably not, don't think any of Loki's existing voice lines have ever been changed so she probably won't be tampered with much
because IS are fags
This wasn't worth censoring
It will happen if she has bad words
I think Bride Flavia waist massage become feet massage
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She looks nice. I would like to see Maeshima come back to do another book. I like some of their outfit designs, even if some characters such as surtr can look a bit wonky.
>4% on Azura
might not seem that uncommon but it's unreal that I hit so many high percentages on legit like 10 banners in a row. My summoning luck is SO SHITE recently
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Thorr and Loki will give me many children.
I think it's funny how, instead of giving him a better A or C skill, they replaced Crusader's Ward with a different skill altogether, that skill is so bad. I would've preferred a Trace 4, but I don't think A/D Trace 4 even exists yet.
Youtube can be pretty bitchy when it comes to sexual content
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I’m someone who invested in Prime skills. Literally gave Atk/Def prime to Mauvier less than a week ago. It’s so freaking comical how when I focused on Gerik’s new weapon and made a team around him and Askr they release Tina. Then I used Attuned Caeda for Gerik and also gave him Gambit then literally two weeks later Laguz Friend comes in as another way to invalidate damaged reduction. Then I get Mauvier outfitted and here comes Loki being Tina 2.0. So guys IS seems to be stalking me and are making counters for my absolutely game breaking strategies.
I put GB4 and AD Hold on mine and it's sick, he's like a support tank. Steady Surge is working fine as an A Skill, but I'd like to roll a AD Clash eventually
What's your 2024 Rokkr Sieges team going to look like?
>Dragonflower rewards are for the Golden Week Rokkr Seige only AND they're taking away the orb rewards
Jesus Christ this is dire
Still LShez x dancers, but I wonder how Pre-combat damage will come into play
> E!Ike appears on a defense tile
> Lyon + 3H Christmas units are summoned
Wyvern Rift/Gambit
Rein seal
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>people act like it's the end of the world when they slightly crop or hide someone's tits on a twitter preview.
If you give THEM an inch they will take a MILE.
They still let us play Pawns of Loki with that bullshit
Do your Allegiance Battles now
How does sher interact with Tina? If Tina steals buffs will she cleanse them?
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>Rokkr Sieges no longer give orbs
>have to roll multiple copies of 8% units now
>Rearmed/Attuned Forma actively fuck over the players who want them
>they forgot to glue the April Fools video in there
This was one of the worst FEH Channels. Might be THE worst.
>April Fools video
haha i forgot we're still due to get that
would be hilarious if it got postponed even further
I swear some summer outfits have been more lewd and revealing than this
Like it's nice but if they were gonna censor her I would've expected something even more risque, that just looks pretty run of the mill
>Rokkr Sieges no longer give orbs
Did I miss this? There's no fucking Orbs for it?
I was excited to see the mode come back because big numbers make brain satisfied but part of why I liked it was because, well, the Orbs
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Yep, Summer Corrin was way worse. And that was when the game had a lower age rating, I believe.
I'll accept no orbs if 1000 of each flower is a recurring reward from RS, but I doubt it.
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>Did I miss this? There's no fucking Orbs for it?
Check the noticeboard on the main menu. Right above where it lists "Loki: The Trickster" with the staff icon.
The dragonflowers are now the "reward" for this mode. You now also deal way less damage than you used to, meaning it takes more fights to get that reward, despite still only having 7 turns and needing axes to fight at all.
Also, this Golden Week gives no orbs, either. Last year had that quiz on twitter that got us 10 orbs for getting every question right. Now we just get flowers instead. And tickets for outdated no-fodder units from 5+ years ago.
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What the fuck, man
For reference, the FEH channel last year showed off Nerthuz (uncensored), gave us orbs, and gave us Seer's Snare.
Book 8 has been a shitshow.
It isn't so much stalking as it is IS releasing counterplay to a mmechanic.the issue is that because it's not on the same banner it tends to feel shittier than it is. If it makes you feel better, Tina seems to be rare, at least from my experience, and perhaps loki will be too.
This is why you never roll for powercreep or skills anymore.
ONLY roll for units whom you like, and only fodder the units you accidentally got along the way. Like rolling for LShez, getting a BChrom by accident, and foddering him to Petrine.
Is it known which units will also appear alongside Loki on the 8% later this month? I'd like to know who she's sharing with.
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Guinevere, and then either Ginnunginnap, Hortensia, or that guy who hates Merric.
At least Mauvier is still hot, they can't take that away
Perhaps we will get some gift for the April fools video Like last year.
Wow, that April lineup looks horrible, but May is pretty stacked on red other than Kvasir
lmao. lol
Release when?
>June green
888 stamina potion
Lute, Ophelia, and Ishtar.
I got a +2 Lute, +6 Ophelia, and a +7 Ishtar.
I've gotten so many goddamn Kjelles and Gatries over the past few months.
One of those will probably be on some side special banner.
gullveig team would be pretty funny for rokkr
>heidr applies guard and her million buffs
>gullveigs galeforcing
>kvasirs dancing
>seidrs might be able to end turn the rokkr?
but I'll probably bring someone with arcane charmer, 2x gullveig, and heidr, and the rokkr will be horribly overkilled either way
Huh this banner is awful
If not because Veyle is my merge project i'd skip this shit
Alright fuck this game, I quit. Good luck everyone.
I keep saying that too but I'm still here collecting orbs occasionally
>bring Seidr and NYSeidr
>you can alternate freezing the rokkr forever
Surely they tricked the rokkr the fuck out, and made it some unreasonable powercreep bullshit now. I bet they have shit like "removes debuffs at the start of turn, immune to Breath effects, etc."
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I think Loki's staff says it doesn't work on things applied at the same time. It's basically like a mini-stack mechanic from MtG.
It goes
Start of round buffs>Loki cleanse = buffs that start after start of round
If Tina steals buffs after the start of the round, and thus on the same level or higher on the stack than Loki, then presumably her stolen buffs wouldn't be cleansed by Loki. I have no idea how it would work if you have Loki AND Tina on your team. if Loki's cleanse doesn't work on stuff after the start of the turn like her staff does, then it's possible she cleanses the buffs and causes Tina to steal nothing.
Yeah, Xander will be a demote
I'll see you tomorrow, but what is making you quit this time?
wasn't there some sort of CD reset for attacking the Rokkr like in the resonant battles?
I forget
Too early. We're just getting Manleth now, and he was like a year before Xander.
Maybe a hero fest?
Surely the wouldn't put Xander into one and pretend he's a good unit
I mean, we got a Hero Fest of Fomortiis, Robin, Veronica, and fucking Alfred just a while ago, so it's not out of the question
devs? rebalancing existing game modes?
maybe in any other sane game but i feel like the most IS has done in years is slapping extra levels on things in AR, or modifying rewards for things
Oh I know that’s was IS is doing I was joking about being stalked it’s just the timing of said counters being released just after I made changes to that specific team is at this point funny to me. But you’re right I personally haven’t seen Tina much since her Bonus time in arena except once or twice in FB and TT. At least Loki can’t show up in those modes.

Yeah I tend to follow that same rule but Edelgard’s skills were too tempting to pass up for Felicia and Mauvier but I’m back to saving for the last four copies I need for Askr.

I’ll be completely honest aside from having synergy with Askr and Gerik that’s the main reason I built him because I haven’t played Engage yet so I don’t know much about him.
Hey now, they totally rebalanced Rokkr's...by removing the orb rewards!
I think it's a one time thing for this GW variant that gives flowers instead.
One would hope but it's IS and the dragon flowers should've just been added to the existing rewards.
I doubt it.
They'll just make it so the dragonflowers are a one-time reward like the flame accessories we used to get; once you get it the first time, you never get them again.
Do we know how many tickets we're getting per CYL rerun? A few builds I'm working on need Gambit and Counter Roar
Thanks. That's a lot less than I thought we'd get
Same. I dropped Engage early but he might be the only male character who's design I liked. Well he and Diamant
Mauvier's character is pretty simple (as is most of the characters really)
He's just the typical "good, decent guy who happens to be fighting for the villains", and he eventually does defect and join you
Then I like him even more. I get being loyal, but come on, leave Julius/Vigarde already
at least mauvier's loyalty isn't to someone who's blatantly evil either, and the xenologue has a nice portrayal of him too
see >>1455218
>This time...as a special goldenweek celebration
>orbs are not available as a reward THIS TIME
it seems like a one off special occasion that it is rewarding flowers. It's not the biggest upset as the amount of orbs needed to get the amount of flowers is way more than are lost.
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Damn, bro. You stupid.
Wake me when Tap Battle gets orbs back.
That really isn't a guarantee of anything since IS could just decide they don't come back.
>It's not the biggest upset as the amount of orbs needed to get the amount of flowers is way more than are lost.
Also wait, I missed this part.
Holy shit, are you stupid? I have 9,000 of each type of flower because they're worthless. I would GLADLY trade them for orbs if I could. I use orbs, flowers mean jack shit.
Nta but I'm happy to have more, they're not worthless if you want to build up old units
>they're not worthless if you want to build up old units
I've had years to build up all the old units I want. They're built now.
What good are flowers now? Even when the cap gets boosted, I will still have thousands left over after updating everyone.
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>you're stupid because it doesn't benefit me as much!
I'm sorry the game isn't catering to you specifically. There's no need to be rude, Anon.
IS could suddenly decide a lot of things, but so far things point to it being temporary by their own words.
>he thinks it's "catering"
A mode that was a slog to play before is getting brought back, and it has LESS rewards now.
This isn't me asking for MORE orbs. This is me asking for the SAME AMOUNT of orbs we got before!
It's more rewards, actually. 4k feathers > 2 rolls worth of orbs.
Meant flowers of course.
>4k feathers
Oh wow. Enough feathers to promote two 3*s to 4*.
Hey, that's 2 of your 3 Askr trio.
I have so many feathers, I promoted them all to 5* years ago, and now currently have 840,000 feathers and a ton of +10's.
Feathers and flowers are worthless to me.
This is pretty much ideal, right?
I would go with Atk/Res Tempo and Pledge to ensure Flare activates, because Flash Sparrow is dependent on a Spd check, and you aren't gonna outspeed anything at just 46 Spd
>No Ideal skill
There's not much reason to have faith in IS to not just permanently axe the orb rewards when they've had a history of reducing orb rewards.
Or in Tap Battle's case, never doing new ones and just doing reruns so they don't have to have orb rewards.
dont forget its orb week for allegeince battles
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You need to post a Soleil to get people's attention.
>unmerged LYuri was enough to get into T21 this week
Now I can ignore arena next week!
Thanks, anon. I'm in hoard mode until the next Tellius banner
Oh, so two weeks with Fallen Nailah?
Fool. Fallen Micaiah possessed by Yune is next
>Micaiah is guaranteed another Resplendent within the next year
>she still hasn't had her yearly alt for this year
Just in time for Emblem Micaiah next year
>Emblem effect: every time the user's Special activates, heals all allies to full and gives the a Miracle effect for the next turn
>Cannot use: Staff
So what are the chances that the dragonflowers from the merged challenges will be factored into the "Standard distribution" of dragonflowers, and they are mostly just moving a bunch of them to a source only some people can access so it will actually just be a net negative for the majority of people.
Damn this banner is hot garbage
Is the duo seasonal worth going for if i want Byleth merges?
Already have a +10 Fjorm so i don't know if i should keep going
Which A skill should i get on my pepsi?
>not getting her Potent for Marth memes
>First time I've seen this screen
Huh. Thanks, Ike
Enjoy getting your ass kicked and gladly demoting next season.
Chaos Season is a trap to get you foddered to the whales.
That's fine, I'm just here for the grails
I miss Volke being a good unit.
It is wild that auto charging lethality with a respectable attack stat just isn't enough any more.
His refine will save him. Maybe
Breath of Life 4 when?
What would it even do? Other than increase the range
Get rid of debuffs and ground effects.
Actually, now that I think about it
If Deadly Miasma is the ultimate Savage Blow, which is the opposite of Breath of Life
Then a theoretical Breath of Life 4 would grant +5 to all stats, heal nearby allies, cleanse their debuffs, and then set up a terrain that also protects you from further debuffs or statuses, probably
Here's your floret, bro.
How'd your ticket summons go anons?
I got...
>Brave Tiki
>Brave Edelgard
>Brave Ike
Tiki and Edelgard are merges, maybe Ike too, while I'll try to find some use for Isadora and Duessel
Not terrible, I wasn't really expecting any 5* at all
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>nothing from free summons
>Seigbert from arena ticket
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I got this and a flower from a ticket. Everything else was trash.
Not to sound like a whale but this doesn’t seem like a bad bundle
Brave Eliwood
Happy Golden Week.
Brave Marth
Haven't done the banner for the latest batch yet because I'm not sure if I want to spark it or not.
>get to AR 20
>can’t beat a single team even with power creep units on
Fuck this game.
>got the brave unit I wanted the most
>eighth Bector merge
>plus some questionable fodder
Gatekeeper keeps eluding me but it went better than I expected.
What power creep units are you using?
tier 20 for AR is still pretty much baby mode, I oscillate between 24-27 and 31+ and I can absolutely get by just using a combination of vaguely recent units and built up favorites.
Nothing. Fucking nothing.
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I don’t actually have that many. Just Ike and Christmas byleth but it’s not like I’m using them wrong. I think. Seems no matter if I send Ike to initiate or defend he ends up dying to another Ike for no reason at all. I do have gotoh and Maria close to him as well so idk. Guess I just suck.
First off, you are gonna want two light (or astra, for the other season) legendaries on your team, and not have them in the extra slot. This is for more lift, and for bonus stats on your units with a light blessing on them.
Second, you are gonna want blessings on your units that match the season, so you'd want ike and company there to have light blessings on them, this allows them to get bonus stats from your legendaries.
You may also have a less upgrades offensive fortress which may be cutting your stats as well, but I can't tell. But if it isn't fully upgraded, that would also be a reason why you are having problems.
Otherwise emblem ikes more or less just bounce off each other, even talking about an unmerged one vs a +10 with dragonflowers one is pretty much a stalemate, so there must be a pretty big stat deficit coming from your lack of blessings/legendaries, and maybe an unupgraded fortress.
Tickets: second copy of ascended Joshua and nothing else. If I didn't get the last copies to +10 Brave Chrom and +10 Brave Tiki, in cyl 6 hero fest, I would have considered this golden week to be a flop between no orbs rokkr siege and American credit card companies/ad companies making sure little amerimutt Pedro doesn't see Loki's breasts on breadtube. Now I'm in the September feh update waiting room...
2 Brave Ikes, 1 Gilliam, 1 BEdelgard, 1 BCorrin
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We don’t deserve Ippei.
>Counter roar of the tickets
Thanks IS
I got a copy of Vero that I wanted, and then managed to roll A!Laeg, F!Femui, and Brave Byleth on the final 2 banners as well.
Not too bad. It could have been better but it could have been a lot worse so i'll take it.
B!Marth, that's it
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>First Tier 31 match
>Completely god damned pulled apart by a whale's +10 team
>Stalled out of the win by V Myrrh
You weren't kidding >>1455551
golden week always reminds me how few CYL winners i've actually cared about
and the upcoming CYL is maybe the worst
I rolled colorless with the goal of getting Laurent merges and
>Brave Corn
>Brave Byleth
>Fallen Rhea
>Brave Camilla
>Brave Roy
Pretty great but I wasn’t lucky enough to get a laurent merge…
Nothing. I'm impressed. Wish we got orbs instead.
Well since the next mythic banner sucks ended up dumping my remaining orbs on the DHB.
Got a 2nd Yunaka to dupe her skills with Peony, another Byleth (+4) and Fjorm (fodder)and a Nerbuz which i didn't had.
i think feh is the only game where getting a character i don't like feels like shit
on top of having to see them at all, and being reminded that they often have excess favoritism alts, they're just absolutely worthless otherwise
other games usually give you some exchange currency that you can eventually trade into something worthwhile, instead we get...feathers. or outdated and useless fodder
>CLY1 gives me Celine and somehow lucked out and got Ike
>CYL2 gives me nothing
>CLY3 gives me nothing
>CLY4 gives me nothing
>CLY5 gives me nothing
>CYL6 gives me Tiki
>CLY7 gives me nothing

I guess I lucked out, another B!Ike merge is always appreciated. I also find it insulting how they're still asking people to subscribe to the Feh Pass if they want to spark on a literal Year 1 banner.
Fjorm still has good fodder so it wouldnt have been top much of a waste unless you just hate building infantry.
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Karel actually does have a Cipher card you can argue is "Fallen"
>Get Celica with my Arena Ticket
This is the first one I've gotten and I've been playing day one. Weird
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Man what the fuck are these stats.
Man the stat creep hit Kiran hard, i hope IS updates him someday so he can have good stats, but they haven't touched mjolnir in years so i highly doubt it
They could just buff Breidablik or let us use an alternate one as we have 3 now.
Brave Ephraim, Brave Camilla and a random Anankos
I just made myself a nuke with Arcane Euphoria
I'm so glad that tome didn't suck
that feh pass spark is looking very tempting now that i cant get out of colorless hell
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It's not even 10$, and you can probably find that in loose change in your couch cushions! Think of all the value you're getting !
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>loose change in your couch cushions!
We're not that old, marketer.
Arena Assault is still the most fun mode.
I'd give that Seer's Snare personally
I agree
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Ascended Elincia needs to come back so I can feed her to Hortensia. She craves Dazzling Shift. Plus I've never gotten her so the Floret will be welcome.
Why not Attuned Peony for Atk Oath Echo?
Because I'd prefer Soaring Echo.
Fair enough
Was kinda hoping Rokkr would've gotten some kind of change from last time to make it more interesting, but it's as easy as ever.
i must've missed the staff accessory before so at least i got that now
looks great on laevatein
>Finally get the last Alfred merge
Ok, so if i use the forma soul I'll have a +10 alfred. Aside from No Quarter and Atk Smoke 4, what else should i inherit? My current Alfred is at +4 so i have 6 charges left
Forgot to add, what are some good targets for his inheritance. I'm already planing on Lukas and BChrom (sadly no flow desperation yet), maybe LCaeda for the skills
Why would you give up your Alfred fodder factory?
DON'T forma him if you want to merge him, he won't be able to pass down skills anymore.
I mean, if i have no plan to roll for him ever again and he cannot spook me in any way, might as well do it, no? Of course I'll not rush the merges to have him to +10 after the HoF is over.
Do you really want him to be blue?
Does he really want atk smoke? It feels like half the units come with NFU anyways
If you really don't want to give Arcane Qiang to anyone ever again, then, sure
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Wow I forgot Rokkr Seiges even existed. How long has it been? A year?
January of last year, so a year and 3 months.
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Damn that's actually crazy
I only got back into the game in March last year so I've been waiting ages for it to grab the Lance Rokkr accessory. Praying they run one next time.
>only 5*s in my barracks
I really need to start clearing this up somehow.
Bro your reserves?
Actually had this problem too, decided to finally manual some Gen 1-3 shitters I have no intention of building
You haven't even maxed out your barracks space. Just go 1000 and put off your spring cleaning for another two years or so.
It's a fun mode, being able to wail away at these bosses with your super units that can all strike twice or get an extra action or both
And... they bring it back only to rob us of the Orbs
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I fairly recently (like a few months ago)+10'd my Legendary Seliph. I don't really understand what stats are good on what units because I only got into this game originally because a girl I am friends with plays it but I stayed for the gambling addiction. Is this good or should I use trait fruits/get different seals because I'm a retard?
Seliph would rather have +Atk which has more utility for him and is his superboon (boosting the stat by 4 instead of 3). Although I'm not sure how much of a difference it would really make these days to justify using trait fruits.

And yes, get him a better seal than HP/Def.
Any reccs on seals?
You're like a baby, I have almost every available unit promoted to 5* and I had to expand my barracks last month again. Still waiting for good IVs on these last nine losers.
Glad that they haven't updated the rokkr sieges to be more difficult and that they old cheese still works
Damage caps out at 200000, right? How do I get those flowers?
Do another run. It's total score.
Oh. Thanks, I'm a dumbass
I used to bring a Brave weapon user with Guard and Breath of Life + 3 dancers and play on Intermediate, this is the first time I play in Advanced with a dedicated team and I got 200k points in my first try, even when forgetting to equip Ike with Galeforce. Not that big of an achievement when they're all carrying modern T4 skills.
honestly, the brave strat was never fun to me
i'm glad i can do without it now
Hardy Bearing to dissuade enemy Desperation and Vantage
Alternatively, Atk/Def Clash since it is technically dual phase, since all it checks for is if you or the foe moved first
Yay more content Desert.
Summer Engage Anna.
Looks like Cipher cards are cheap on amazon if I'm reading it correctly. Too bad my favorite character never made it in before they stopped support.
Just download the images?
grima robin.... epik
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Well, it was pretty hard to do worse than his base art.
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So Fallen Heroes can get resplendents too. Interesting.
I should upgrade his kit, maybe give him Assault Troop
>4th resplendent trick worked
If I knew Grima was coming next I wouldn't have grabbed Selena though, now I have to resub.
Damn, that resplendent is fucking cool.
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>he's Muspell like the book I dragon lolis
Sick art too.
The armored ones in particular have been handled really well
Nope,not spending a dime on a free game. Not happening.
>Resplendent Ashnard
A man can dream
I don't want the game to die and want the QoL features so I'm willing to give them 10 bucks a month
resplendent fallen edelgard lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Other gacha has them for free
The benefits aren’t worth $10. They aren’t worth 99 cents ether.
When does emblem Marz run again I really want to put potent on attuned Caeda and give my favorites doubler distant and guard and potent. holy fuck I'm gonna cum just thinking about it even though I would probably still get my shit pushed in playing any pvp mode.
I finally broke and got the pass this month after years of refusing to spend on this game
Autoing TT is huge, especially since I actually go for rank feathers.
other gachas are much more greedy about other shit
Is there any FE mainline game that is even half as unforgiving at the highest difficulty as FEH PvP? The way AR forces me to walk on eggshells is beyond maddening. One misstep and my entire assault is just shot to hell. There's too much fucking bullshit to keep track of. Just now I faced a defense where I forgot that Embla - on top of all the other shit in her kit - gets to heal herself from all penalties for free. One goddamn oversight and all my effort to somehow navigate through that murderous maze of a defense was for naught. I FUCKING HATE IT. Also, how hard can it be to properly display the enemy range? I don't give a fuck that shit like Assault Troop technically only triggers "at start of turn," I want it displayed in the fucking overlay at turn fucking zero. The overlay was supposed to help players quickly gauge the situation, not lure them into fucking traps, you stupid fucking turd devs.
If you play FE5 blind you'll realize that it was developed with seething hatred for its player base. One of the biggest fuck yous is during escape chapters, if you escape with Leif, the chapter ends, but you also lose every single unit that didn't escape before him. You CAN get them back, but only if you can rescue them in chapter 23x I think, and losing units this way can happen as early as chapter 4. The chapter before the end game also has random, invisible warp tiles that teleport any unit that steps into them into an enclosed room with infinite reinforcements, and unless you have a rescue staff, they are not getting out of there, and the chapter is an escape one iirc, on top of being a fog of war chapter A first blind playthrough is a miserable experience, but future playthroughs are the best because you have a lot of bullshit at your disposal to combat the games bullshit. But still, I love FE5
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Conquest last few chapters (starting from Hinoka's) are pretty unforgiving
They use every kind of dirty trick to get one of your units killed
Lunge strats, Entrap or other annoying staff, pic related
Weren't there 2-3 chapters you could jailbreak units or was it only one?
No. Difficult FE games are just you VS a challenge set out by a game designer, that can't compete with gambling addicts or whales
No, you only get a chance to rescue your captured units in Chapter 21x. At least the only condition to unlock that chapter is to get a unit captured
FEH is just fake difficulty though. Any child could beat it by spending a couple thousand dollars. Most people just sensibly refuse to do so.
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The final chapter is super notorious for that
Not only do they also have such Master Ninjas, but there's like four or five staff users who can use Enfeeble to lower your stats, Inevitable End so that the stat debuffs can stack
And the ONLY way to restore your stats is to just wait, which you cannot do because there's infinite reinforcements and a fuck you AoE wave that damages all your units every few turns
So basically, you can get hit with -8 to all stats very easily and suddenly you have a unit so weak that they may as well be out of the action
Which is why most people try to cheese it by using Rescue chains to get to the end, but I took it head on and kept every single Silence use to help me not worry about those units for a bit
Honestly it was pretty fun to figure out but whoever decided that such effects were a good idea is a psycho
I'm not sure how that chapter is even supposed to be possible if you don't either know it's coming in advance and prepare or use DLC/Online features.
If it wasn't for Surrender Duels, AR would be the epitome of anti-fun. You shouldn't engage with these cancer modes beyond picking up a minimum of rewards for the least possibe effort.
I like AR, but I don't play it every week because I'm not always in the mood to remake 3 teams accounting for the bonus hero every Monday. Being forced to bring specific units for higher score is lame.
I still try to push AR to some extent, but I can't stand playing SD. I just try to get 1 win to maintain my T17 in SDR and T19 in SDS for codes.
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My strategy for AR for the past month or two has just been buff the fuck out of Legendary Male Alear and then drift in and out of tier 31 or whatever it is because I cannot be assed to do any more than that.
This is what I've been doing since it started. It is a simpler life, but a better one.
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Why is there multicolored ranged and not multicolored physical?
Beasts are multicolored physical units.
I thought they did magic damage as well. Well what I mean is why don’t we have multicolored sword,lance and hammer units.
No, beasts are physical melee, dragons are magic melee. Just like bows/daggers are physical ranged and tomes are magic ranged.

>why don’t we have multicolored sword,lance and hammer units
Because the colors primarily serve to underscore the traditional weapon triangle. What would be the point to break with this? A red lance would be functionally no different from a regular sword, so you might as well just keep it a sword and not introduce weird exceptions for their own sake.
That doesn’t make sense because we have multicolored bows despite the only change being they are incorporated into the weapon triangle. I guess it’d be better to have colorless weapons actually.
Buffs don't stack, do they? If I give Medeus DR Pledge would he get +12 from Shadow Breath and Pledge?
Nah, both his weapon and Pledge give +6 Res so he would just get +6 Res
Thanks. That sucks, but I'll still probably give it to him
tap dancing ratty for april fools. I hope there is a bit more to it that is released later, but that is a pipe dream.
It's cute, but a bit short.
Cute, but also very late
>remove Surtr and Hegemommy from fb
>keep Rosado in
They don't care anymore
Thank you.
Rosado is Duessel level annoying but he’s still easily killable with any decent red unit
If this was still year 1 I would be jealous…
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I finally got an Elice after exclusively rolling colorless for a year and a half
I use low HM unit or those who look good with bonus accessory
They will never bring back four star banner
These login bonuses are kinda lame and gay
Yeah because of how useless it is
Wow 77 out of the 3000+ dragonflowers needed to buff up old shitter units, how generous
AR unironically needs divine pulse to let you try a turn again. It really is too easy to overlook some bollocks when facing a team of 6, each of which carry at least a dozen skills or more. AR wasn't designed with this absurd skill bloat in mind.
Frankly one of the most Jewish things IS are practicing in this game. The sheer pettiness always gets me. Dragon flowers aren't even that useful of a resource, since old shitters are no match for new powercreepers even at max investment - with "old shitters" describing an increasingly large proportion of all units in the game. And yet they keep the flowers scarce anyway, just as an added fuck you to the players who are already pissed off by the rampant powercreep.
I actually got five star Chroms sister, no not alyssa, on the last tempest trials banner. It was a a very special kind of disappointment.
This voting gauntlet fucking sucks. The only character I actually like is Lewyn and I know he'll lose on the first round
How much effort have you put into building some year one shitter(s) on your 2nd account? Because to the extent that new people still start playing Feh, it's almost always because they were a fan of some older console game and are just now discovering Feh's existence for the first time. What such people typically want to do is build up their favorite character(s) to be super strong and awesome. And being new to the game, they are likely to make some stupid newbie mistakes with their resource allocation instead of instantly homing in on the optimal path for building their fave from absolute zero.

Disregarding that can of worms, how successful are you in getting a crown or golden thrones with your 2nd account? I have trouble believing that it can be all that easy to get the necessary merges for high scores within any reasonable amount of time after starting fresh.
Same, but Gharnef
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Don't give up Lewynbro.....let's believe in our boi...
Fast dancing rat looks weird.
Kinda fucking boring compared to the exercise music video with fat cow tits and ass on screen. If i wanted to hear xylophones, i'd just listen to the Billy Hatcher ost.
Enjoy it, this is every fucking celebration login. No orbs, heres your tickets, go fuck yourself.
Pulse Smoke 4 needs to come out so I can see if it'd be a waste to just throw all my Pulse Smoke fodder on my Rokkr team to cheese Rokkr foes that have accelerated special charge like this Thorr.
I haven't paid attention to voting gauntlets in ages beyond the orb rewards
Beyond an EOS announcement what would make you stop playing FEH forever?
Not much.
Crossover would definitely do it for me. Current powercreep is already humiliating enough to my units without bringing some shit like Sonic or Sans Undertale into the equation
Units can now go up to +20 or something like that.
Honestly i'm far too deep on this game to ever drop it and this was the first gacha game i ever played
Call it sunk cost or whatever
Fool. It'll be Persona 5
Finally, FEH will die
Unironically, a 6* unit
I know people argue that many of the limited super units are basically those, but if they ever decided "hey so here's a higher rarity tehe"
That would be the end of it, I think
I think the reason why they don't have colorless weapons is that they'd need to make a weapon type. All bow colors have access to the same bows. Same can't be said for the Sword/Lance/Axe units.
Tomes are color locked and yet we got colorless tomes anyway
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I'm in too deep. I can't fucking leave even now even if my worst fears for this kusoge happened...
they would have to make my favorites irrevocably unusable, which there were rough spots in the past during which i stopped playing, but eventually inheritance fixed that
so i'm here forever because the mainlines aren't getting more content otherwise
All they need to do is drop the pretense of running a f2p game and I'm out. E.g. Feh pass becoming mandatory.
remind me why they took orbs away from rokkr seige
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To make it "special"
Since it's not gonna return after this
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15 orbs + DFs would be too generous for IS
Feels weird to finally +10 a unit that made me drop this kusoge back in like 2019.
which unit?
Nowi finally getting an alt after almost 8 years, but as a backpack. I'd even say screencap this, if a reveal trailer shows that happening, I'll immediately delete my account. The hope of a new alt is the only thing still keeping me in this game, so that happening would be the ultimate insult to me.
Fists should have been the colorless physical melee type, I'm surprised it wasn't implemented after Engage units began appearing.
The problem is that they'd just be treated like how colourless tomes are now: only with super rare exclusive units at first, and then they make a useless 5* exclusive and an even more useless demote with inheritable weapons and no one else to inherit to or from
bows, daggers, breaths, and beast weapons handle colors just fine
tomes have always been unnecessarily fucked because they separated them from the start
Guys is Tina worth merging or should I fodder
Tina is worth using, but like most units hardly worth merging. Assuming ideal IVs, fixing her Def bane doesn't help her in any way either, so you're not getting much out of +1. Only merge if you really, really like her. Fodder otherwise.
Rokkr is already trivial to cheese and it hardly happens anyway, why waste fodder?
No use merging up a unit that works perfectly without needing any stats whatsoever
Just fodder her to whoever
is there a dancer that can inflict guard on duo thorr rokkr?
or another tactic denying her special?
Triandra can inflict Guard, but you'll need that and either Tempo or Pulse Smoke for maximum effectiveness
Also, man, I have to fight Thorr again? Her Special accel is so annoying
I'm using spring Mirabilis + tempo 4 L!Shez
2 turns clears ez pz
I don't have l!shez ;_;
bring heidr
Can you use guard 3 + pulse smoke 3 on your attacker or nah?
I used Heidr
>waste fodder
Who has Pulse Smoke as their undisputed best C skill?
I already quit last year. I just pop on here on occasion to check out new units/the state of things.
I genuinely just stopped giving a shit. The deciding factor was seeing a screen wide text box for a units weapon, then looking at a weird build that I made in Year 2 that would be all of the formers textbox, but less.
I literally just took a minute in a drug store at 11pm to delete everything, got some vitamins and a drink, went about my day, never looked back.

I felt nothing, and still don't. Thanks for the memories, but fuck you later on IS
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I use ol' reliable.
>I never looked back
>continues to return to a thread for a year to check on it
That's basically looking back, anon.
Pulse smoke stops the special from triggering, thankfully I got a spare groom pent from those seasonal free sumons
For me it's
>quad + galeforce unit (Leif in this case for effective damage with the corresponding breaker)
>silque resets the rokkr's cooldown as well as inflicts guard AND heals everyone around here whenever the other units act
>double save tanks
It's not the fastest strategy (3-5 turns usually), but it's incredibly braindead
So I recently purged my friends list of people that been gone longer than a month that likely aren't coming back and got like 9 vacant slots
Here my FEH ID if you wanna add me
My lead unit is thief Nina
Kid Marth. I think I used 200 f2p orbs on his first banner and never got him. On that tangent, I used 400 f2p orbs on duo Ninja Corrin's first banner and got like 3 copies of Asbel and ZERO copies of duo Ninja Corrin. So there was a time like three years ago I dismissed seasonal banners, regardless of what the summon simulator says. I rolled this time before The Start of it All banner ends because I redeemed forma kid Marth on his hof rerun and sparked his hof rerun banner it so I only needed eight copies and I got the eight copies I needed in like 170 orbish. I feel bad for killing the free manual copy of kid Marth that was handed out a few years ago because that could have saved me like 60 orbs. Now I'm hoping I can finish Gatekeeper, Fallen Berkut, and dancer Berkut without any headaches.
I feel like I have the 3 people who post here added.
Oh I don't post here often. I actually haven't been here in like 3 months. But glad to see we're friends!
I'd like to befriend you, but alas I have no good lead unit to offer in return.
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They did improve summoning a bit by introducing the anti-pity-break mechanic. Now if you get spooked and reset 3 times your next 5* is guaranteed to be from the banner, and it shoots up the 5* rate to 8*. There are a lot less stories of people quitting because they got hard RNG fucked since they implemented it.
As long as you don't go over 4+ weeks without playing, it's not likely you will go in a purge. I got some people in my friends that aren't even maxed out. Just don't have Alfonse or something like that as your lead lol
So feel free to add
I think I added you already, you helped me with my Allegiance Battles
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Whoa, it's Loki! She can inflict Gravity on foes in cardinal directions of her.
Kliff from Shadows of Valentia and Owain from Awakening are also here too!
This banner is so bad I'm almost suspicious
Well, we do still have Brides and Fallen Heroes coming up, then summer after that
This is just a very nothing banner until we get like, summer Gullveig with twenty billion pre-combat damage that also gets inflicted onto nearby foes
Save me, Teatime Banner
bridal gullveig will attack AND end the turn of her opponent, then galeforce to do it to someone else
I'm almost tempted to pull for Veyle but i just know they are going to powercreep her through her fallen version next banner
100% there'll be evil Veyle with Feller Protection+ or whatever
the 8% lasts a week so you should be able to see who is on the fallen banner as the fallen banner is on the 5th or 6th.
>Teatime Banner
Sorry, one year only just like the rest of the banners that occupied that time slot :^)
Free rolling blue hoping for Reinhardt and dipping.
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i just realized that loki's goddess attire matches thorr perfectly, so i guess alfador and asgadr are going to be pretty tame design wise
but why reveal her now, when we still have no idea about these other two animal-people and the giant mystery evil
Because they needed a filler Mythic, I guess
They'll reveal big dude and other chick and mysterious evil around the Midpoint banner if I had to guess
Mythic Loki seemed like she would come out during an Alfador book. Her being here, now, feels awkward. IS are running out of mythic candidates but they still have a bunch of literal whos they can use and even sex up like Ullr to sell. Maybe this banner means Mythic Loki will show up during the book like she occasionally used to. Perhaps IS just thought a combination of fat Loki tits/ass would have sex appeal and some recognition compared to another Jugdral crusader.
Filler mythic feels like an awkward concept as IS probably plans out books banners a year in advance. planning that far ahead should mean they would have had ample time to get a more suitable mythic and slap someone in and call it a day.
Mythics will probably become mostly OCs because IS are running out of decent candidates, and it's potentially why they started shoving Emblem heroes in the rotation as well. They seem adverse to giving actual mythic/lore characters forms in the game, which is slightly reasonable, but some people would probably like to see them.
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what a shitty golden week
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Put Pulse smoke on my rokkr units and ran out of pulse fodder, I didn't realize how rare pulse smoke is...
Should have just used guard, bro.
What is the best forma unit out of this batch? I'm not going for F!Alear because I already have a +10 M!Alear out of dumb sheer luck through Arena tickets and free pulls.
Honestly I don't think any of them are worth grabbing. Neither Chloe nor Celine are particularly impressive and
>>>>>>>>>>>forma rearmed unit
Celine>Alfred(if you dont care about rearmed shit)>Chloe

I'd say wait for another Engage hof though, going by Alfred we'll probably get alcryst eventually and maybe a *4 unit next
>Arena Tickets
>I'd say wait for another Engage hof though, going by Alfred we'll probably get alcryst eventually and maybe a *4 unit next
And by that you mean in about a year when the next engage HoF will happen?
hopefully we EoS by then
HOF isn't about who is best, it's about who you like enough to give them a good selection of otherwise hard-to-come-by skills and then spend a rare forma soul. No unit available in HOF will ever be as good as the newest powercreep, so from a pure utility standpoint, you'd probably have no reason to recruit any forma ever.
I'm this anon >>1457004 and I'd say, if you are near+10, Alfred, or Celine. Don't mind much about the weapon, it'll surely be hit by powercreep soon and you can always move the fodder to another Rearmed or attuned before using the forma merge. I got like 4 Peony from the AHR banner and will move the best 5 skills i manage to get to her before commiting the forma merge.
M!Alear won't appear on arena tickets for at least a few more years
Why did Nintendo faggots censor her glorious body in the reveal trailer? Is this a sign I need to commission more art? You got it, Shitendo
I'm curious how you think fanart is an attack on Nintendo.
it's more likely that it's usual youtube or twitter shenanigans this time, and companies would rather put out one set of advertising materials rather than recreate it per platform
cleavage is more than enough for them to demonitize your video, make it less likely to show up in the public algorithm, etc
I've seen other gachas get unnecessarily fucked by this too, but of course the designs are fine in game
And because you lose all your merges when going up in rarity... Summon for your +10s again, paypig.
Yeah this would be the end.
Has any other gacha added an additional rarity for rolling? The only place I've seen that added 6*(PMex lol) is more like an upgrade that requires materials instead of rolling for it
Both the major Dragon Ball games got them, LRs in Dokkan Battle and ULs in Legends. They started initially as F2P event units before becoming new super powerful banner units. And it's been like six years but I think Kingdom Hearts X added another star ranking or two after launch.
>kingdom hearts x
I remember grinding for the 7 * Kairi EX medal...
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Post your sword infantry
What does Severa B skill do again?
I have several, which one do you want?
It's just Shield Pulse, but with the typical 50% DR like other DR B skills.
The cutest one.
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Emblem Ike. He can do anything
If you insist
All of them
I finally got my last Kamui copy
is it even worth running buffer anymore when laguz friend exists
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They must not be separated.
Only if that unit also has a moderately high Def or Res stat I think. If they're someone with just high atk/spd and sacrificing all their def/res, then a generic DR B skill is probably better Not to mention Ikes don't grow on trees, and even if you dupe LF4, that's pretty much the only skill you're passing around after rolling for a bunch of whatever Rearmed/Attuned unit you gave it to since it takes up 4 SI slots.
Into my Hortensia she goes. No, I don't care about the 600 DFs enough to potentially spend another 200 orbs.
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Yeah well, thanks for nothing as usual. And I'm probably supposed to be grateful I didn't get Virion or whatever instead.
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Fairies OP.
first try lol

It was definitely annoying though
Never thought I'd see a Kagetsufag
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Hana (not) putting her new resplendent stats to good use.
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I wish Eyvel and Sayri were easier to merge up
Emblem Ike is for chums.
i love player phase units who are easy to handle on enemy phase, and vice versa
too bad that IS can't balance and so dual phase units have to be absurd on both phases
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Pretty straightforward
Just started playing for the first time since launch, seems pretty fun but currently I one shot every single enemy even if they attack me first. How long until the game gets a tiny bit challenging so I have to actually use the triangle
>tiny bit challenging
Later half of book 7 or when you get into PvP.
>have to actually use the triangle
Seer's Snare only
go give the legendary/mythic battles under Special Maps a try
powercreep still runs over many of them but it's something at least, aside from pvp as the other anon mentioned, where you'll regret everything
I already got the manual copy so now i'm just waiting for a rerun or a lucky spook
Can you give her reposition please, more useful than rally
>How long until the game gets a tiny bit challenging so I have to actually use the triangle

The weapon triangle is but a decoration at this point, modern day units give it the middle finger while nuking enemies they're supposed to have a disadvantage against.
I took the bait and got 2 Nerbuz, 1 Nanna and sparked Veyle for a +3
Going by the last 2, Fallen banners stay for a full month so getting a spark should be pretty easy
Still kinda sucks cuz this banner is pretty shit but whatever
The weapon triangle is long dead, lol
Units are so absurdly broken these days that it's such a non-factor now
Challenge yourself by only using units that were available when a story chapter was released, should mostly work for the first three or four books
Anyone using the new Loki? Hoe is she?
Yes, hoe she is.
RD Farmer bros, I find myself with a conundrum. I set this, and let it go for hours on end, but every now and then my internet stutters and the thing desyncs, and i'm stuck on the character portrait until I fix it
Does anyone have a surefire method of making sure the feathers keep flowing, even if it desyncs like that?
Try adding a "tap" right before 2 on the unit menu exit button? It shouldn't overlap with anything that could mess up the cycle.
I did try that, but I can't know for certain until it desyncs again. Hopefully that did the trick. Slightly lengthening the timers also probably wouldn't hurt. Sure it makes it slightly less efficient, but also lessens the risk of it desyncing during the night
Is this actual shilling?
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Is Laguz Friend Fjorm some OP tech in whale tier that I'm not aware of, or what? The consensus seems to be that Fjorm being moved to November means she wont show up in the HoF and I was really looking forward to her appearance in it to rebuild her base version.
Any unit that relies on a defensive Special and has at least good enough Def or Res wants LF4
So I think Fjorm can use it well
Ice Mirror is a defensive special so it triggers with LF4 without worrying about the max CD requirement, and the true DR of LF4 adds to the damage reflected if you use the base Ice Mirror and not Ice Mirror II, and the Ike ring adds to that. It's basically the best way of using her gimmick.
>at least good enough Def or Res
What's considered good enough
40 at the bare minimum, I guess
Most godswords and similar units of that archetype usually only have around 30 since they rely on their Spd instead
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Almost time to see if I'm gonna roll for summer Mia.
i forgot kris was due for one
time for this forma i picked up to have even more fun
What are the odds that Sigurd gets Canto built into his weapon?
Also this hopefully means Fallen Ike next month
Geez Saul, how come IS lets you have two limited red manuals
Come on, Flyon, gimme Nightmare in your refine
go do your monthly stratum quests
no, tenth stratum orbs can go to hell
Those don't start until like two anda half hours from now, anon
>he doesn't wait until the last hour possible to do his quests
I already did them 35 minutes ago
I tried, but I can't auto battle the Flying units one
Those are a little annoying to auto for me also. The only flier I have that's pretty sturdy that I can rely on to stay alive without me babying them is Thea.
I somehow forgot Altina is a flying unit. Thank you, I can actually auto battle with this team
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>nier collab is still not off the table
it's been 7 years anon, feh won't get collabs
and that's a good thing.
Please no. I am so tired of seeing Nier everywhere. It's always Automata, the first one is better
Drakengard series is better(3 specifically).
I never played them, the gameplay looked like shit. I heard someone say that was the point, but I'm not willing to put up with that
this might be a brazen statement, but It's probably always going to be automata because the only reason most people know about that franchise seems to be because 2b's ass.
90% of the time I ever see that series referenced or mentioned in any way is because of her ass. IN FEH threads in particular its because people want to see her ass in FEH.
If you are playing a taro game for gameplay and not the story you are silly.
Not like FEH has any ass anyway
Are there ANY characters in this game that have a nice butt
I'm slowly coming to terms with that fact. At least her themes usually hit, the GBFV one was nice
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2 years old so there's more now.
That depends on what your definition of "nice" is.
Fjorm, and Gunnthra have nice butts, as does Loki/Thorr. People used to post the Genny art talking about her butt. IMO there are a decent amount of characters with a nice butt.
also >>1461876
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you can only do so much with 99% forward facing displays
I should've made some defenses with my Lif and Thrasir for bonus seasons before foddering them. Units stay in your defense after killing them off if you lock the defense team, right?
I think so, I know it's like that for Mjolnir's Strike at least so it's probably the case for other modes where you can lock teams
I still have an Otr and Fallen Byleth from beyond the grave that way
the forma soul shop has been reset, get your bi-yearly forma soul using 3 of your celestial forma soul stones to buy a forma soul from the forma soul shop.
Sweet, time for my fruits
Unit builder site down? I wanted to look through skills for Christmas Nino.
It's been down most of the day for some reason. hopefully it comes back.
I have lowkey OCD so i always do my monthly quests and weekly arena stuff day 1
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>used all my celestial stones on forma souls before I realized that HOF units are all bad or outdated
>he missed the smt collab 4 years ago
>the only reason most people know about that franchise seems to be because 2b's ass.
I hate coomers so fucking much. I played both replicant and automata and loved them to death. Both games have so much to offer and it pisses me off when cumheads cry that the only good thing about it is 2Bs ass.
Fire Emblem
b-but the Mario Kart collab with Elimine....
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>HOF units are all bad or outdated
Yeah no shit, just like almost every unit that wasn't released within the last month or so. Out of the 16 banners currently running, there are, like, a grand total of 5 featuring at least one unit that is actually useable. Meanwhile IS would like to sell you orbs in exchange for real world dollars so you can roll for motherfucking Year One Marth (no spark btw). What else would you spend those stones on? Placebo DFs so you can patch up that very Altean Prince? Chasing the meta is futile. At least forma souls provide you the opportunity to give some units a funky blue frame and stars. Looks good on Chloe.
It kind of depend on your barracks, some skills are kind of worth having on their own like guidance, canto control or ruse4 and some combination of skills can kill recent units very easily even on old units, besides what else are you gonna spend celestial stones on? I'm f2p and I have 11 stones and I don't roll every month so I would say that they aren't that difficult to get.
The fruits.
>they skipped summer Selena
Probably next month.
But if anything they need to add another seasonal refine per month at the very least.
>Fire Emblem
I mean, what would they even give her?
Neutralize foe's bonuses to Spd and Res, neutralize unit's penalties to Atk and Spd, deal 15% of Spd as damage (excluding AoEs) or whatever, then call ti a day? Maybe special accel if you're lucky?
>Legendary Sigurd's Special is now Holy Knight II
>and not Holy Knight Aura II
Does that not fit? What happened to his aura?
What else are you supposed to get?
I spent all mine on grails. Never enough grails
Are you the anon that builds big buff guys? I'm always sitting around 9k grails because I only build cute girls, and only the cute girls I actually like, which means I almost never have to spend grails aside from fodder now and then.
Yeah, that's me, I'm working on Fargus right now. 9k is insane, I'd trade you every orb I have for that. Different barrack goals is part of why I like FEH
I don't like the smug face of the green-haired guy in the back. He looks like he's about to skidaddle someone.
Yeah, Marth's sister.
I sometimes used them on refine stones because refining arcane weapons is a bit expensive, mangos are also a good resource to use them on
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>tfw was skidaddle'd
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>day 6 of voting gauntlet login bonus
>it still hasn't started
I'm having an argument with my friend, and I figured you fuckers could settle it
Is her nipple visible? Because I don't think they censored her on the banner video because of the cleavage
Nah, just looks like a shadow from her clothes to me.
i don't see it, and yes cleavage is enough to make youtube upset
but feh isn't without nipple anyways, lucina and ny. dagr come to mind
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>NY Dagr
Her outfit is low, sure, but not quite at nipple height, nothing visible but breast. And which Lucina do you mean?
Not seeing it either.
I think the only visible nipples are on men
as visible as we'll get
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Fuck, I guess I have to concede this one. Thanks
Based Lucy taking a stand for nipples in games.
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It's a possible nipple and possible shading accident. I choose to believe the former.
Armor mages need better skills.
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what is your Nino's build?
If it's abyssal then it makes sense. even some modern units can have a hard time hurting abyssal units.
>trying to fight a unit with a bosom-illion Res with a mage
What'd you expect
Nothing special, mostly stuff she got from Sonya.
Yeah, you aren't gonna be able to do much with a build like this against a modern res tank, man.
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I'm sorry, el nino.
Get yourself occultist's strike, that kind of thing will probably help here.
Alternatively wait around for the next green arcane tome because wow is caliburnus fucking trash.
I'm not sure if this is the case against Loki, but running older units without some form of DR pierce frequently feels painful. M/P NFU feel underrated for that.
In this specific case it might just be Abyssal Loki's huge res stat and her staff giving huge ass bonus to res.
So what units from yesteryear who were OP at the time but are now completely fucking worthless will be joining the No Refine Allowed club?
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Offhand, FEdel comes to mind, but I doubt they would pass up refining an Edelgard unit.
Yeah, fedelgard is a weird one because I genuinely feel like the character is too popular to ignore, but they are one of the biggest "oh we fucked up" units of all time.
IS have mostly learned, mostly. L!Sigurd, and NY!Duo Dagr/Nott were really cancerous in pvp for cavlines, right? The issue is Siggy seems to be getting a refine so perhaps they don't care about that.
Hey, it could just be pretty tame
In fact, the most insulting thing to do is not give him Canto whatsoever, and at best just a Flow effect
Do you think Marth has ever walked in on Merric and his sister doing that?
Wouldn't you?
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Have you tried getting good?
When do we get more story content?
Should come with the fallen heroes banner, which is next week iirc
If they give this bitch a refine after skipping Surtr I will burst into flames
>latest edel is runnin aroung with a million flame veins
>surtr does not have access to any at all
>character was busted once upon a time
>skipped over when it comes to refines because of that
>nowadays, said unit fucking sucks unless you ditch their prf weapon
Why? There is no fucking reason for Dire Thunder to never get a refine. I'm sure that even if it got a decent or good refine, Olwen and Reinhardt would still be mediocre units
The messed up thing is they could've just made Dire Thunder a Spd focused refine, which Reinhardt cannot even hope to do, something that Olwen would be able to take advantage of instead (for at least a while)
What do you find more important for a refresher? Improving their mobility (with warping or extra Mov) or giving their allies better mobility (with Guidance and warp and the like)?
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giving allies better mobility can usually lead to them helping move the refresher around.
WoM feels like it hasn't been good in a long time because nowadays everything seems to die in one combat. Gone is the age of triple brazen blade tomes with 3 dancers using WoM.
WoM can be powerful under certain conditions, at least if the opponent doesn't happen to run V!Myrrh as a hard counter. Watching one of my ARD replays, I saw some guy cheese my setup by using a W!Edel with Fury and Galeforce take out 3 units in one turn and put herself below 50% HP in the process, which allowed his F!Edel to warp in and continue with a second round of Galeforce slaughter. It's really too bad they had to make Galeforce the signature move of Edelgard of all people. I don't really want to use her, but I've been tempted to recreate that build ever since I saw it in action.
Depend on which type of hero the dancer is meant to support, if you want them to dance a ranged cav for example they would need to be able to keep in range of them while that is less important for infantry or fliers, but most allied mobility skills are tend to be in c while self mobility tend to be run in the b or seal so the only slot where they really compete with each other is the seal so they compete more with what else you can put in the other slots.
I'm so fucking sick of seeing Duo Lyon and Emblem Ike.
Pawns of Loki is borderline unplayable when she's around
Just wait for the Fallen Banner and you can be sick of whoever is on that instead
Can't wait for Fallen Veyle with Mega Fell Protection+ 2 to super Scowl any
How the FUCK do you beat this?
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This is how.
the stats on some gen 1 units are truly awful.
Member when Effie was a threat?
Yeah, this made killing takumi with M!Robin pre skill inheritance a big pain, specially since merges didn't cancel out banes (and getting merges was also harder since feathers used to get dripfed compared to how common they are now)
>hop into VG
>enemy had two emblem ikes
boy was i glad i brought my hard counter
What was your most used 2017 unit?
where's my super strong armor echo skill that all the broken prf armors won't be able to use effectively
Bro your Guard Echo?
MRobin was my first 5*, then I rolled Lucina and Hector shortly after. They were my allstar team up until about halfway to book 2.
Probably Nino
Eirika was the first 5* i got so and it was a strong combo back then
Rein unironically got me started on FEH because I thought it was funny seeing such an absolute literally who make it into a modern FE shill game. It was incredibly hilarious seeing people downplay him at first because he scored poorly in Arena then once the SI update rolled around he became history's greatest monster.
Nino, Ephraim, and Ninian
Of those three only Ninian has stood the test of time, being a refresher and all, while Nino and Ephraim's glory days are long, long, long, long over
Raigh. Love this little shit, I should give him an Ophelia
Still use her even now
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I remember posting my original squad in /feh/ and multiple people telling me to give up and rerolled. My main team for the first few months were Hana, Sophia, Wendy and Clarine, all 4*. Now, those original versions are all +10 and decked out, except for ClarineI really need to update Sophia's kit
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Nino and Nowi were my very first promoted units, and Genny was my first 5* exclusive +10. Ike lagged behind because he got outclassed really fast, so this year I finally decided to invest on him. Now the Dream Team is almost back, just two more merges and a Genny Resplendent and I'll be happy.
It's sure gonna be interesting to see what they do with a resplendent for Wendy
Cornelia rerun? What the heck
I swear she was rerun already, I had her at +10 and then they gave us a free copy, and now here's another
She got reran her in anniversary and they gave us a 5* copy there
This is her normal rerun
The pink armor is pretty much her main thing, so ai hope they don't take that away like they did with Effie's resplendent. I think a Niðavellir with a pink aesthetic would work best, or maybe Embla
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effie's tabard reflects the pink of her original armor well imo
but wendy takes particular pride in being a knight of ostia, so replacing that armor would be the weird part
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How do I make her better?
Aerial Maneuvers and for c slot, I'd say Chloe's Crux skill, since it guarantees doubles, with her prf, that's guaranteed quads
you can make use of her stats with guard bearing 4, and pray you don't run into DR piercing
v.vigarde's axe would also be a nice free option
she has enough res to use a ploy 4 and certainly benefits from the bonus damage, but you should also decide how much support and how much personal damage you want out of her
no quarter would be good as usual
>drag out cornelia for my usual level 1 GHB quest kill
>no weapon
It really is just retarded that healers don't have their weapons sometimes
I hope that Bors or Barthe come in with some sort of PRF that gives triangle attack. Using all three of them in FE6 was a lot of fun, even if Wendy/Barthe lagged behind significantly.
>not one, but TWO male armors from the same game
there's no chance in hell they'd release without another 6 years between them, and at best i expect one of them to turn out like gilliam
i really hope bors gets in first
New thread:
can't we go on for a few more days until the new trailer is out?
Of course we could but you forget we have migrants from /vg/ making threads now
I hate those faggots
Is the upcoming banner the Fallen one? Fuck, I thought it was just New Heroes
is it? I thought it was bridal shit
The bridal banner is a seasonal special, the fallen banner is a regular monthly story chapter one (albeit a typically OP one) where the units get added to the general summoning pool

> anon posts a pic where he's struggling to take on a Mythic map with Gen 1 units
> post Gen 8 powercreep pic with "lol git gud bro"

anon stop being a fool
He's almost done. Just need one more copy.

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