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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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i got a cbt invite, installed, but never bothered playing it because it seemed so bland. i'll still try it on release since it has a skip button. Streamers are shilling it hard, so I imagine it will at least make back the production cost in the first few months, then the normies will get bored and move on to the next big thing.
Okay but there isn't a single attractive female character in it so none of that matters.
This is just going to be a repeat of ToF and "muh Genshin Killer!!!!"
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They butchered the only furry design and turned into another generic femboy
Only playing 1.0 because of him but if there's no new furries added in the 3 months after I'm dropping the game
the only thing more hilarious than hoyoslurpers are delusional schizos thinking their other slop will be any better than genshit
especially when it's slop designed to obviously ape hoyoshit
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>More endgame content in its 5 month old build than Genshin in its 4 year lifecycle
>Chests and quests that actually give diverse loot that makes exploration feel like exploration
>A battle system that isn't catered to a lobotomite and rewards skill
>Fluid character switching [https://youtu.be/PnhZy21w29g?si=Q5gLxmTt01qkxeRM]
>Faster mobility options, no stamina consumption outside of combat
>Responsive Dev team
>Better looking models
>Better gacha rate
>Guaranteed Weapon Banner and Standard Banner Character
>Premium currency more available and rewarded from fun content
>Free 5* Weapon
>Flat stat on artifacts are actually useful

While in Genshin...
>Paimon regurgitating dumbed down dialogue
>Spiral Abyss is the only endgame content they planned since development in 2017
>Callous developer team, horrible PR
>Not even the Developers main focus
>Events don't even utilize combat half the time because they know it's dogshit
>Story bloated by mindless NPC dialogue
>Open world reduced to a glorified scavenger hunt
>Staff of Homeless
>Surveys they don't even read
>Hardest content is logging into the game
The only thing mattering is:

-how polished is the game: If not, it's shit
-is the game using the same stupid rotation shit that genshin hi3rd uses? If so: Shit no matter what
-how long do dailies and such take: If more than in Genshin: Shit

Tower of Fantasy was actually doing pretty much everything better than Genshin.
-Combat, with no rotations where you don't deal damage until you've done all your buff/setup moves for 10+ seconds, but instead you choose what's best based on the situation and cycle to abuse the cooldowns of strong abilities you have.
-Exploration that felt more rewarding, as you could actually find a decent chunk of standard banner pulls as well

But in the end it fucked itself, because it was very unpolished, the first event felt like a giga scam with its "gacha" everyone got 2 pulls for and if you wanted the exclusive skin it'd set you back hundreds of bucks.. and the 1 hour long dailies and MMO problems on top.

It's nice, if they really solve Genshin's problems. But very commonly something else is then fucked up so badly, that none of it matters. Yes, Genshin's combat is dogshit. Yes there's no skip button for the often very skip-worthy story. Yes, it is way too grindy for its own good. But in the end the other options end up worse, and there's no corona to make you stick to a "worse at launch" game for a year to see where it heads.
genshit lives rent free in your head lmao, there's no way you're not trans.
very intredasting
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fuckin hellfire, i forgot the pic
One thing i learned about kuro is that they don't understand moe culture.
Female designs have been underwhelming so far.
I agree. Must be because they have fujos in the company.
i gotta wonder, what are examples of designs that you consider good?
For vidya I wouldn't say I have a favorite female character. The original Chun-Li, classic Lara Croft, and several Crapcom girls.
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Be honest bro, if you saw any of those designs in a gacha, you'd call them bland and boring.
The problem with gachashit designs is people think more bullshit = better. More layers, more detailing, more trim, more accessories.

Don't mistake this as me saying wuwa has good designs.
No I genuinely despise overdesigned characters with 100 different asymmetric designs and belts fucking everywhere, it's why the WuWa designs look so bad. The red heads's dress should be very simple in theory but she looks wrong and is even wearing granny panties.
I'd rather roll for someone like Chun-Li anytime of the week.
What redhead? I don't know which one you're talking about since none of them wear anything even remotely resembling granny panties.
wuwa is just where fujos from pgr dev team made a game, they never actually left kuro kek. sure they fixed tranny models months ago but guaranteed 2-3 months after lunch you will get those again
sorry OP you placed bet on the wrong horse
>none of them wear anything even remotely resembling granny panties.
Is this bait?
Yeah. Masturbait. Get jizzed on, retard.
Whatever you say, apologist.
Seems weird that this game launches in one month and I have seen zero shilling or hype. It feels like it's one of the bigger launches this year, but the level of activity across social media is closer to one of those games that launch and are almost immediately on life-support.
Feels like Outerplane.
It can stand on its own merits and acquire notoriety through word of mouth.
>get an ad in another gacha game for Wuthering Waves
>says I can install it
>funny, I didn't think it was out yet
>it's not
might be a you problem, gaybro.
Can't wait to be a fucking autist and reroll for Jianxin/Calcharo plus any other 5* then get the other from the beginner banner bros.
I don't know how long the reroll takes but I went for double 5* in genshin too so I can handle anything.
human version is cute, he needs the broader chest from the furry version though
So what happened to the hype? Why is this game already a flop so close to release?
they don't have enough money to pay shills for artificial hype, and no pandemic buff when everyone was bored and unemployed.
In my case, I'm a coomer and the women look tame. That and the few ads i saw looked pretty gay. Even then I consider dudes usually a loss condition when pulling, unless they're in separate pools. Haven't verified it yet but I also think weapon gacha is lame as shit.
What happened is that everybody checked it out, saw it was genshin 2.0 and shrugged. Only people who stuck around are kurofanboys and chronic genshin haters. I mean, what is there in WW that we can say it's really unique and original or even a Kuro trade mark?
expected NieR, got genshin.
People are finally waking up and not ready to settle for any old slop just to get away from genshit. Also AP exists now, there is something much better if we just wait a bit longer.
Firstly the audience for Wuwa does not use 4chan obviously. Majority of which will prefer the connection of playing a gacha with primarily women to facilitate their personal needs.

AP's fanbase is also comprised of mostly Genshin haters. Both AP and Wuwa are derivative of Genshin, but with animals or better combat. They have a niche to diversify them and to stand out, but they won't topple the market.
The major appeal of Genshin has never been the combat, but the world exploration/lore/characters/cinematics and the story. Similar to FGO, but they drew in a new and broader audience with the 3D open world and cultivated their status in the gacha space.
Waifufags get AP and the more hardcore crowd will go for WuWa. Both will force Genshin to invest its vastly larger budget into keeping those audiences. I would not be surprised if they started teasing the Tsaritsa around Wuwa or AP's release. Sunkcost is a bitch.

Both will be slop in sales compared to Genshin.
You're forgetting the most key aspect of the game itself: the gacha system
As long as it's even 5% more generous with daily pulls genshin's economy could crumble overnight because of the more f2p friendly economies these other gachas offer. Fuck, the mere fact that Wuthering Waves lets you choose your first 5 star for your account is a better Quality of Life than Genshin could ever offer its chained paypigs (as well as ZZZ, how on earth do they miss that mark too despite the timegap) before its unceremonious 10th anniversary. And yes I think Genshin will continue to exist that long, but by then most people will have gotten tired of the reskinned events and paltry f2p offerings (anniversary PTSD will only exponentially grow from here on out)
>but the world exploration/lore/characters/cinematics and the story
But none of those things are good in genshin except the cinematics. They are exactly like blizzard, shit games propped up by their cgi department.
>this game will make genshin better
No to hear nothing to know WuWa will flop
so tired of the lack of coom and self censorship in recent games. Don't even care if they omnipander, just because you pander to women doesn't mean you need to ruin female character design, see counterside, lots of coom and still pander to women.
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The gacha system is important, it's true that Wuwa is incredibly generous compared to Genshin, but out of the playable characters in what we've seen of Wuwa only Jiyan and Yinlin have mass appeal.

Where as on Genshin's Launch:
>Ganyu (in story)
>Xiao (in CBT)

Characters that fit popular niches:
>Ningguang/Beidou - Hag fags
>Venti/Xinqui - Actual fags

Which is a huge problem for Wuwa in general.

>Wuthering Waves lets you choose your first 5 star
That's a great quality of life update, but they are failing to create satisfying designs and catering to fan service or meme potential. Yeah, I can pick a 5 star, but they don't look or feel like 5 stars in my opinion. It's a problem when the MC looks more appealing than 95% of the cast.
Another thing that contributed to Genshin's success is the 18+ fan art as well, without being overtly coomer. The designers of Wuwa don't understand this, if Yin Lin didn't get a redesign, this game would have a fraction of as much publicity and staying power as it does currently.

Sure, Wuwa CAN be the better game, but does it mean it will sell better? I'm not confident in saying it would initially. If they improve on these aspects I think down the line it could happen for Wuwa and/or AP given Genshin's age.
>Waifufags get AP and the more hardcore crowd will go for WuWa. Both will force Genshin to invest its vastly larger budget into keeping those audiences.

How when Genshin devs are afraid of cleavage and big tits?
They'll turn up the fanservice once they fail to take genshin's fujos.
The first two limited banners being males already kills any chance of success. Fujos won't leave Genshin because sunk cost and waifufags are gonna play on release then immediately leave without spending once they see the first limited waifu is potentially months away.
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>The first two limited banners being males
But it isn't.
You say this and yet fgo is still a cash cow compared to almost every competitor in spite of everything. Stockholm syndrome is very much a real thing.
Last I heard was that CBT 2 had a waifu limited banner 2nd but she was so dogshit they canned her for a future rework after it ended and plan to throw in a male as replacement due to story rewrites.
I see I'm talking to someone from an alternate universe.
I just hope the game doesn't completely flop, because i'm worried about the potential consequences for pgr. Priconne eos gave me ptsd...
What is with these recent chinese games and story rewrites. It's like they have no vision or confidence.
>pandering to the playerbase is...LE BAD
Yeah, it's pretty pathetic to crumble under any criticism and completely rework your story. Reeks of "product".
paying employees, keeping the lights on takes precedence at the end of the day, need to make money, game development isn't a charity or art.
It probably wont flop
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please play this game...
are they gonna put that punching guy from their other game into this new one?
Everything points to a massive flop anon. The main subreddit is absolutely dead. The twitter art scene is dead. Chinks are absolutely apathetic towards it. Japs are unsure if they want Genshin 2 with a dogshit localization. Gooks don't even care about it.

One thing is certain: this game is being rushed to shit and it's going to launch in a unfinished state.
Deserved for opening with m*leshit banner.
Why would I waste time and money on this garbage when I can just wait a few more months and play AP?
I really really like the female MC's design
>who is wuwa meant for
imo wuwa's niche is people who want a more mature genshin. Basically, genshin is shonen while wuwa is seinen.
I'm not saying wuwa will be mature, I'm just saying that's the impression I get.
hey, does anyone here like this game...? i feel like there's barely anyone in my friend circle talking about it.
Needs more shota
I will try it at launch, but it's honestly not looking good.
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Can't stop Wuthering!
>21 million
Double what HSR had if I remember. The Tiktok and Instagram crowd is rolling in from the new ads. I don't really see a point in them botting either, they would have been less obvious about it, I'd hope.
This is the only gacha game my Girlfriend will play with me. Please be good.
Star Rail's goal was also like 5 million and not 30
>Reeks of "product"
as opposed of reeking of pandering to twitter? why wouldn't the developers want to pander to the people that actually play and spend in the game, as opposed to SJW
I hope you like the gear mechanics in genshin and the pity system, because WuWa copied them wholesale.
Rewrites aren't uncommon, Genshin had a couple after the critcism they received for the 1.0 story. There were even leaks they were writing the story patch per patch at one point. They also pushed certain elements just in time for Tower of Fantasy's release.
It's a good quality of both developers,
The leaks said you can pick main stat now, so it's seeming much better still. As for pity, also far improved with focused weapon banner, guaranteed standard banner, and lower pity. Most upcoming gacha games will have these mechanics or innovation revolving around them.
As opposed to having a vision and creating the story they want to create you fucking politics bot.
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>This is where Wuthering waves and Azur promilia will be after a month post release
Do we know who the limited banner on release will be? Some say it will be that homo to discourage rerolling. Other day it will be a double banner with yinlin as well, which would be a godsend. Does anyone know which one it will be?
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This guy then Yinlin (god I swear the chinese names are so confusing)
Not too sure if I want to reroll then. He looks ok for a homo so I probably will, although it's definitely not optimal.
>3 males
>1 girl
Is this really the launch banner? I don't even hate males but this looks so unappealing to me.
They are shooting themselves in the foot by having this be the first banner, when everyone is hyped and wallets are the most likely to be open.
Yinlin would have brought crazy sales when combined with the honeymoon phase.
What otome game is this?
Withering Woods.
Honestly, she looks just as boring as the dude.

This looks like a "no spending" game to me. Grab the blonde twintail and see how long the game is fun. Who knows if they ever release an actually well desgined/fun character. Obviously, that's subjective, but man all these names feel way too chinese for their own good. Some? Okay. But there's a reason Hoyo never throws 1 billion chinese names in your face from the word go.
I think they replaced Blue Ludger with Chixia, otherwise that's the banner.
>Blonde Twintail
I genuinely feel infuriated looking at her. Easily the worst design I've seen in any gacha game. What the fuck are you even talking about.
She is not boring at all to me so I don't know what to tell you. In fact she seems quite unique to me.
In contrast I find blonde girl incredibly boring and uninspired. Your taste seems pretty damn weird honestly.
Both are incredibly boring and dull. Nothing riske about them at all.
Nah the whole puppeteer theme yinlin has is pretty unique
She may not be a good one, but any girl with twintails, especially blonde, will already be an improvement over almost anything else.

This is not a pick for what's the best, but what's the least bad. Of course the characterization could still easily kill it.
Bootleg Nahida is bad but the yingyang girl wearing AI generated clothing flaps is the bigger disaster, they should have swapped rarities with Sanhua and Danjin
Azur promilia is guaranteed success so long as they don't add male characters, the Azur Lane people are desperate for a good game as Azur Lane has gone stale and they are loyal to manjuu. Azur promilia doesn't even need to go full coom, just don't alienate straight males and keep fujos out. Wuthering Waves on the other hand, yeah, the next ToF.
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bro.. these waves do be wuthering
The hat guy completely kills this game for me. One thing is to have cool dudes, another thing is to have very gay coded homos.
> kurofanboys and chronic genshin haters
Definitely feels like these two are the only demographic for this game, once honeymoon ends and the chores start tiring people out they will just drop it and wait for the next thing.
You guys do the web event?
I aint clicking that shit nigga
yes please give me more attempts
sir, DO NOT REDEEEM...!!!!
We're trending on Twitter, win for the hope-chads! #based :)
At least share a 5 star, fucker.
waste of time
i'm a bit torn on mc selection. I'm not following the development scene of this game closely: are players saying whether this game has (You) pandering or is it another cuckfest?
Neither? What you're looking for only works in games where "you" are just some soulless camera stand-in.
Kuro hasn't committed to (You) pandering yet, though all characters are friendly to MC. If they follow genshin to a T (which they have been doing so far) you can expect shiping stuff.
Genshin has no shiping though?
That's not even remotely true. You don't need a faceless mc for self insert pandering.
>If they follow genshin to a T (which they have been doing so far) you can expect shiping stuff.
God dam the delusion state of you fuckers.
Wouldn't be surprised if they add shipping just because Homoverse is doing it
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No one posted this? You guys are souless.
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>chuds mad because they can't whale fapbait first banner
How hard is it to seriously save currency?
They are bricking our rerolls, that's the problem.
Aero Predator (5-star)
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Outside of picrel who's the "fapbait" in this game even?
I like Danjin the most, who are good teammates for her?
Are there any characters with a one-click automatic attack turret (think Furina/Fischl in Genshin)? I want comfy farming.
Probably pretty pointless to be doing the event now since I will be rerolling but whatever
>You can fail to get shared lvl 5
That's some horse shit right there. Either way, here's 4 links for level 5 cards

Whiff Whaff (5-star)

Spectro Prisim (5-star)

Spectro Prisim (5-star)

Tambourinist (5-star)
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Yinlin, 90% of her art is suggestive or straight up porn.
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for me it's rover
I haven't played the beta, but I heard Taoqi was a decent Havoc support.
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Fusion Warrior (5-Star)

Aero Predator (5-star)

Tambourinist (5-star)
Here's my 5 star Spectro Prism

Here's my Aero Predator
i almost got banned by sharing official CC test server footage

they hired even more retarded mods than any hoyo discord server
every wuwa male look like nijien cast lmao it's so bad
>"you" are just some soulless camera stand-in.
Ah so like with genshin jobpact.
Tambourinist (5-star)

Sabyr Boar (5-star)

Whiff Whaff (5-star)

The Boar is new for me. Anyone know which units are going to be the best to bring in? Should we be picking a high cost one or a low cost one?
looking for some fun experience, guess imma try this game out, any characters you guys recommend get when the game starts for comfy explorations?
>Watching gameplay of Calcharo
Fug, convince me not to go for him, I was wanting to use the five star standard selector or whatever it was to get a cute grill, but this dude looks flashy as fuck.
Girls are gonna get shipped with someone else instead so who gives a shit if you go for some cool looking dude
this gets asked every single time as a pathetic cope whenever someone criticizes the awful character designs in chinese gacha games
the truth is, you and i both know these designs are dogshit and no matter what i post as my idea of a "good design" you are going to samefag multiple times ridiculing that design to "own" me
bro i wrote that like last week. i didn't even reply to any of the other yous lol. kinda cute you made up that scenario in your head tho
The Purple Heron is what most people are going for since Calcharo is pretty popular.

Verina is nice to have for heals/damage buff and Taoqi if you want a pseudo-tank that is decent solo.
"WuWu" — Wuthering Waves. What is "AP" that you guys wait for?

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