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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
don't play it myself but it has a general on /vg/
The thread over there seemed like a circlejerk of shitposters, as expected of /vg/.
sexy loli
i started recently, i play on and off, it's okay, love the female chars and animations and general art direction, but the combat and story are meh, not enough to get me to login everyday. also got this stupid loli on the free pull, i hate lolis i want eclipse
I've been liking the combat because it's different from other games and kinda fun.

The story has been nice too since it reminds me of old JRPG games.
More games should do loli brides
Can't disagree with that
>Brown Dust 2
how does this not have hentai
I've tried it the gacha is pretty generous with a free pull every single day but I've gotten 2 URs and they're both not the loli bride so I'm pretty pissed at the "rate up" numbers
How do you have the featured banner have a 1.5% chance and offbanners 0.75% chance and I win the 0.75% twice?
You can reroll for her and it's pretty easy to do so.
why is the dust brown?
up there with great questions such as why is the sky blue and why do birds fly
if you want to be retarded then make a thread on /v/ with the rest of the idiots
>if you have a legitimate question how about just fuck off
???? This is not a shitpost since i read about it somewhere. Im not going to touch a game that seemingly baits you with its promo materials while not sticking with the actual premise.
This is the last reply you'll get from me.
If you're not interested in game discussion then fuck off. This isn't /v/ and there's no space for your retardation in this board.
Short answer yes
Long answer yes there are literally characters whose skill burst/ultimate/whatever you wanna call it animated CGs include them having sex with other men on screen. Brown dust 1 had a nameable protagonist who the chicks were all in love with, Brown dust 2 is straight up cuckshit and shipshit (enjoy half the women salivating over Gray every time he's on screen)
Thanks for the real answer. Sometimes I can't help but hate chan culture for this reason alone.
it's just one, and she's a literal prostitute
but yeah, none of the girls in this game are for (You), it's a shame because the game has some semblance of decent gameplay and story
Really nice game
Wish it was more popular
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can someone explain what the rice is for? I thought it was like stamina, but when I put them on auto combat in the dungeon, they kept fighting despite having no rice.
Rice is basically your stamina yes
Used for Slime/Goblin and Hunting grounds

They can still fight with no rice but you're not getting rewards
The combat seems good like it's simple enough to not be a chore but complex enough to be entertaining
Is there a website compiling the sexy animations?
im not playing it

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