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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
I genuinely think bbs is lying about their sales
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I wouldn't say lying, I would say they are generally idiots to charge $80 for a single character. At this point, so many characters are considered outdated for very hard guild quests and Limit Breaker that they should sell $20 tickets with multiple characters.

While I'm definitely sad that they pulled the option for a free choose your own six star on new accounts, at least we are getting one thanks to the social media tie-in that recently happened.
7th anni Ichigo was ass thanks to Uryu introducing the gauge effect and his weird SA1 radius, but 8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while. They better not fuck up 9th.
ofc they are! There are no sales in a f2p gaas for starters duh!

>Some retard deleted the previous thread
Gay as shit. I was really hoping to hit one year with it lmao
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>8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while
I'm using him for every non-locked floor in Senkaimon. Frenzy +3 plus two status effects work extremely well with a vortex attack.

I'm the one that made it. It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/. Brave Souls fans just can't win. It's sad, but I hope we see far more discussion now. Since people were complaining about the links used (most of the YouTubers have drastically slowed down making new videos).
Swimsuit BTW when lol
>It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/.
>on the board where almost everything is a general for mobile
Sasuga janny... only 3 months
And so far atm I think is the ONLY non-situational frenzy +3. No wonder he's been going strong for damn near a year.
I know the oldest of chars are fucking useless but did they ever rerun that kon and ichigo again?

You mean the purple one? No, never. Be grateful to Klab for that red one you´ll learn to love.

Which one of the eleven thousand we have?
It's one of the oldest 5 stars. It had a duplicate with another typing (I think they were tech and mind?). It was incredible lame yet never given a banner.
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This one? Short of being fully 5/5 max transcended. Most old cards are just links if their resurrections were good enough.
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Yes, there is a Tech Ichigo, Heart Kon and Power Toshiro that were never available outside from their respective events.
don't forget that heart renji gifted at release
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Fuck, that free selection ticket's pool is disappointing as hell. Not even anything old for orbs.
why is klab like thjs
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>Swimsuit BTW when lol
I'm saving orbs for it
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The Halloween cat evades me once more.
Life as f2p is hard...

They likely had the idea of releasing more of them but never did in the end
I went for TEQ Riruka to get her from 4/5 to 5/5 since I use her in Guild Quest
I'm saving malk for it.
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Okay, I'm actually gonna give them a pass on this now considering how fucking insanely good the selection of the next ticket is. I thought that was all we were getting. And it's not even a "pick 10, get 1", as far as I can tell you just straight get whichever you want. Couple weird premium picks though, not sure what FB Kisuke or that tag team Soifon / Yoruichi are doing there

Also another tutorial ticket is nice if you're missing some of the absolute OG captains
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>mfw only missing 5 or 6 and just because never bothered to roll for them
Life is hard as f2p...
As someone that has been screwed before by BBS paid tickets. It's worth noting that the Medals tickets do not allow dupes. Selecting a character you already have results in nothing. Nothing but regret.
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90 000 Brave Battle medals for the second ticket...
Unless the achievements come with incredible awards, not even the biggest hoarders have that many medals laying around. Even the 9K seems silly with swimsuit summons coming in June and anniversary summons coming in July. Hoping for more welfare medals due to the top players somehow getting shafted in Brave Battles again.
I haven't played since 2018. Since like murdermom was the top unit. Is the game any better or still the same?
It's both. Largely the same, running down streets and alleyways over and over. Yet they have new modes like Limit Breaker which is overly challenging depending on who you own.

The game definitely plays differently than from 2018, as more and more quality of life changes are, just now, being added to the game.

With the current rerun banner, right now would be a great time to reroll for a new account.
>Swimsuit summons coming
i was looking to start, wdym reroll? the banner with the orihime pvp or which one?
i can't reroll right now if i'm aiming for the cyberpunk banner since PE ends in like 2 days
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Literally since the game came out we’d get a swimsuit banner in June.
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>new vizardgo

how many years since last one?
time to sleep.
>another Ichigo
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took me 20 steps but I finally got the cat man
Ouch. I have the feeling I'm going to be on that same path, only much slower, since I have to grind substories.
Kinda funny how even the major bbs youtubers are starting to slowly fall off the game.
Aaeroniro even pointed out their horseshit when he rolled on the future society banner.
R.I.P Envy. It must've been ridiculously hard farming up 9999 BBS tickets.
Yeah he was one of the good ones. Another few I liked were dee and panther queen but I think they pretty much bailed on the game. Even Spite said he's essentially done with bbs. We only really have 5 now which is
>Deaths masher

Alot of ppl said I was full of shit but I really do think this game will wrap up by 10th anni. Klab has already announced a new game so I can see them only giving a fuck for a year longer which will line up with the anime ending. I expect HoS Ichigo and Absolute Soul King Yhwach to be the strongest units in the game and then its over.
>No original 13 court guards
It's joever...
I mean think about it. Kubo hasn't done shit with the hell arc, the anime is in its last cour, and ppl are leaving the game despite what fluffed up numbers they put out. Even the company said they're doing another Bleach game so how much do you expect them to give a fuck enough to start a new original characters group? Yeah they could squeeze out a couple of months with characters ppl are still asking for, but I seriously don't see this game making it to 2026. Sucks cause I wish we could of gotten the original gotei.
Is there anywhere to get the artwork for characters in high quality?
I just wanted a Katori banner bro...
Just look up the character you want and then "open" the image. He has a download for all the characters and all that does is murder the website on a monthly basis, since no sane person would want the art for every last character, especially since you can individually look up the character you want by name.
Is there somewhere bigger imges or am I going to have to upscale them myself?
>+700mb update
There is another way, which requires several personal issues. If you have PS4 or PS5, download the game from PSN. Now after waiting an eternity for it to download and update, select the gear in the upper right hand corner, now select Album, then click on the image of the character you want. When you see their card layout select the actual image, now click on the resize option to hide it. If your PlayStation is configured to take PNG screenshots, you should be able to take a large size screenshot. Even then, you would need a flash drive to transfer it from your PS4/5 to computer or the device you want to edit the image from.

There are currently severe issues with IOS after the update, I wouldn't even bother until there is a real fix.
>If you have PS4 or PS5
The game is on Steam. I tried what you said and it doesn't really work because on the effects on the art.
Anon was wrong anyway, the quality is the same across all devices. The only way to get higher quality images is to break into KLab or wait for them to release another artbook and then wait on someone else to scan it.
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>more Bleach games incoming
Yeah BBS deserves to rest at this point, an 8+ year run is quite impressive.
I know that game “Bleach: Soul Resonance” comes out this year ™, hopefully that’s good.
We really didn't need another Masaki and Isshin banner.

Where the fuck is my girl Gigi, Klab?
Game is coming to Switch and Xbox. Where's that anon that said BBS is dying?
You rang? Keep that cope fire high anon. Last I checked a game being ported to a system that will soon be outdated is definitely a good sign of life and not a last second money/player number grab. Also I said the game would be dead by 2026, its not dying tomorrow like you keep thinking it is.
For real I just don't understand it, there are so many sterns not even in game yet like Pernida, Liltotto, BG9, Pepe, Driscoll, and Mask De Masculine. Not to mention some like Meninas and Jugram are PVP characters that'll you'll never even get to use outside of that horrible mode.

At least with Ichigo and Toshiro I understand as much as I dislike it, but who the fuck asked for another Isshin and Masaki. We have 2 fucking Chojiro that's more than some characters who had big fights I just don't understand their logic.
>Arriving to +3 year old consoles
Keep coping. They're doing it to extend reach to get the most cash out of it, not because it's completely fine, otherwise they would have done this 5 years ago (when they should have)

More importantly nobody is going to bother playing them because they're f2p mobileshit since they have games to play already. Xbots and snoys don't apply lmao
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The datamined rerun banner that will arrive next week has people talking online. Feels good to finally have good filler again.
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>mfw trying to pick my Brave Bonuses knowing they're irreversible
surely... SURELY Spirit Orbs is a no brainer...
it's hard to tell at the moment with the current seven day wait between certain bonuses. Personally, the daily transcendence/silver/golden scrolls seem like a clear choice for my under-leveled account.
So... what's the point of Chronicle Quest now, beyond the first one for orbs? Sometimes I farm the tickets but not always.
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Dropped a game like a year ago, got fed up with constant power creep and botters + cheaters. Anything of that got fixed?
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picked the game back up recently and looked up this thread. wow, not very active huh?
I read the thread and you're all dooming. what gives? I still see the same amount of lobbies up and players in ranking as I did years ago.
Bots in Epic Raids and Arena are definitely still a thing. There was a recent achievement system added that rewards old accounts/progress. it massively helps with farming weekly content, on a daily basis.

The threads were extremely active during the 7th anniversary, with the community clearly growing. A year later, things were far different. This year, things are looking so bleak that Klab is rolling out entire new systems to avoid Chronicle Quest, just to get players to log-in daily...on the eve of the 9th anniversary. While things may seem the same to the average player, everyone thought the anime returning would multiply the fanbase by leaps and bounds. The fact it didn't, and Klab announced an entirely new game, means a lot of people fear End Of Service happening in the next three years.
>everyone thought the anime returning would multiply the fanbase by leaps and bounds. The fact it didn't, and Klab announced an entirely new game, means a lot of people fear End Of Service happening in the next three years.
you sure? anime returning only meant BBS completed its purpose
I just dropped 600 spirit orbs on the accessory machine and got my first red golden chappy for my 3/5 TYBW Chad or 2/5 Isshin ( the pvp one). was it a mistake?
>dropping orbs on an accessory banner
You are a mistake.
>dropping orbs on a 0.5% chance of a character that will go outdated eventually?
>dropping less orbs on a 0.6% chance of an accessory that will remain BiS literally forever and ever and you can use it on dozens of characters
first no one really cares
second golds were so 2017
third yoruichi is the only mandatory orb dump
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>haven't had a new Yoruichi since Christmas 2022
was it a mistake?
Yes and no. Many many rerolls ago, I spent a similar amount on the accessory machine, and walked away with absolutely nothing of value. That was a mistake.

I think that same account rolled on the Yoruichi banner. Paying out 250 orbs on four star and three star characters felt terrible.

The community constantly talks about "bait banners" well that upcoming Eighth anniversary Brave Fest banner is absolutely a scam. Those characters will be in the late July banner as filler.
>dropped orbs on the accessory machine
Always a mistake
That's why your tickets exist, you window licker.
why are the orb prices in this game so absolutely utterly buttfuck retarded? $100 for enough orbs to do 3 steps? 800 fucking US dollars to reach the pity step? and there's a new fucking banner every 2 weeks?
how did this game survive to its 9th anniversary with these prices? are the whales actually accepting this insane shit.
oh and there's no buyable orb calendar like Dokkan or OPTC or Genshin has where you get an acceptable amount of orbs daily. there's this shitty character pass that gives you 60 orbs in a month but that's like an insult, not a calendar pass.
they need to rework their shop because Jesus this is bad
there's just no incentive in this game to buy anything because the value isn't there. why spend $100 on 700 orbs when I can just play for a month and get 2000 orbs F2P? their value proposition is completely backwards.
>why are the orb prices in this game so absolutely utterly buttfuck retarded?
because it's a gacha
and as I said this is probably the most expensive gacha in existence.
All the opposite, actually.

>most expensive
if you only knew
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Lillechads, we are so fucking back.
This is one of the best gachas (with extreme luck), and the absolute worst for whaling. I've rerolled constantly before finding an account to even put money into. That said, the two times I've whaled, all of those orbs were completely wasted. Poll Selection is a joke if you can only get one character.
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>complains about whaling
>considers the prospect of spending money on it
>actually whaled
You're part of the problem. If you want to see the absolute worst for gacha try any gacha with the sega label for some reason they slapped retardedly high numbers when it comes to spend, no surprise most were EoS'd rather quick
>this new banner
holy fucking shit. free mugetsu on step 10? yes!
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The booba for end of the month
Looking forward to it
Easy skip, hate all the female Sternritter.
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I hope they get original swimsuits, wasn't crazy about the ones they had in the doodle kubo drew. Either way I'm gonna be walking a tight rope this anniversary. Seems like they're not too keen on making new Yoruichis though, so I guess I'll be fine either way.
>I hope they get original swimsuits
Yeah and I hope Candice gets an underboob bikini
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Coming from someone who never used to farm pots or anything it's insane how quick these Brave Bonus materials are piling up
Yeah you don't even need to farm anymore if you've played for awhile.
9th Ichigo seems...underwhelming compared to 8th. I dunno what that is, but it irks me.
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is this the best soul trait in the entire game?
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It's pretty mediocre, actually. There aren't a lot of usable power characters with no ailment that I can think of. Maybe the new masked Ichigo that just came out, that manor Yumichika if you still use him, and that's about it?
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>that 9th Anni preview video
Looks like another boring flop, canon TYBW units for an anniversary are anti-hype honestly.
I'd prefer them release cannon TYBW units if it's someone who hasn't been added yet. The list has 29 that would be remakes, and 8 that have yet to be released. So probably remakes unless it's an original character.
Get anything good from the free TYBW summons, bros? I almost always get shafted on these by pulling some unit I have 5/5 already, but I finally lucked out and pulled mommy Rukia who I've been chasing for ages. It's nice not to have to do discounts whenever she's filler on a banner I'm not that interested in. Hopefully someone got Masaki / Isshin or Ywach or something.
>10 steps
>2 nanao, 2 shunsui, guaranteed Newgetsu
>Newgetsu dupe by ticket
>4 banner filler
f2p is the way to win

New Senju dupe
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Wait wait wait wait I just received rewards from phase 2 guild quest as if I didn't play phase 1 at all. I got 59m points in phase 1 and received the 20 orbs, now I got 61m points in phase 2 and I also received the same 20 orbs.
Is- is the score reward reset between phases? I always thought it was a cumulative score reward between these two weeks. Have I never noticed that it's separate? Or is this actually bugged and I just got free orbs. am I retarded?
also mugetsu rapes this GQ damn
I prefer canon shit, there's more misses than hits for me in the original design department (seasonals aside). I can understand people not being excited for a remake, though.
You're thinking of this wrong. Every enemy is free of ailments before you hit them. This link lets you 1 shot things. And if an enemy gets an ailment from your hit? Then that enemy is no longer a threat because it has an ailment on it.
Yeah, except that SAFWY is over and we're getting TYBW constantly anyway and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, anniversary is really the only opportunity for some original designs that aren't seasonal. Last year's Ichigo and White were ZERO hype for me and this is shaping up to be the exact same thing.
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>swimsuit bambies are all mediocre
>shitty filler since everyone has all the other previous swimsuit units anyway
>simps losing their shit anyway
2024 is like the year of the easy skips so far
>See the art and the wacky special moves

>See the abilities
It's like they hit random when making these.
Don't care. Big tiddies means I summon.
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I wish they were bigger
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Launch paid accessories gambles, then announce this.

I was like that in the past due to them having superior potion farming abilities, but after the achievement system? Good luck, KLAB. Same goes for Chronicle Quest and Extreme CO-OP. Not touching them now.
Fucking based. I haven't touched extreme co-op in ages and I only do CQ one day a month and only for the orbs and summon tickets. The daily login shit is adding up so fast now it's insane. Scrolls especially, goddamn.
Havent played in a long time. Is there just no special anni coop stage that gives you a shitton of material/exp drops? Do they not do that anymore?
They do, it'll run when the actual anniversary starts. It won't be worth doing anymore because of how ridiculous our log in bonuses are now.
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yeah, combine that with summer bambis right before and i can't help but wonder if they were even expecting people to roll on anni this year
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>step 19
>2 meninas
>2 candace
>0 bambi
it's gonna make me go to 25 isn't it
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...it made me go to 25
God, you deserve it for having shitty taste in women.
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>step 18
>nothing but s. momo dupes
Guess she's moved on from Aizen.
i quit almost a year ago, what was annoying was the constant release of limited characters and "no way" of getting them, was almost done with premium chars.
VH GQ you almost always needed the new chars that kept making the old ones useless, and rewards were also less after the change since it only benefits the 200 player bots that are in S-rank.
I loved the game and i played it so much, farmed a ton but i really started hating the game and seeing that i could barely collect any characters with more limited and less orbs...
Which server should I pick
All asian
Or japan
It's been over a year and I still don't need any characters other than my Burn the Witch parasol trio. I wish banners gave me an actual reason to summon but I don't do guild quests and the characters I do have are enough to clear all of the content that I do play.
Always choose Global. The worst you will see is Spanish (Mexican) or German.

>i quit almost a year ago, what was annoying was the constant release of limited characters and "no way" of getting them, was almost done with premium chars
Anon, you would hate playing on PS4. Our achievement tickets don't even award seasonal characters, just common three and four stars. It's literally busted.
Got this soi fon as my swimsuit free 5 star. Shout out to that one guy who is chasing halloween soi fon, i hope he got her. I'm still hoping to get bee safwy soi fon
Something avout tuat pose and facial expression (and tit size), made me go for candace. She, together with bambietta, look so fit for being humiliated.
Is this game good?
>>swimsuit bambies are all mediocre
this is cope
yea I like it
Still the best unit in the game.
no gacha is good after the 3rd-5th year
If you enjoy grinding for hours, for a failed attempt at a 5 star. Watching a CPU controlled character run down an alleyway, while beating up retarded enemies. While gambling and losing every time, this game is for you!

Community: Skip this bait banner (all banners in the game apparently) and save for Anniversary!
Anniversary: Seven step banner with only one guaranteed pull
>all banners in the game apparently
i just started playing the game a few months back and this is exactly what i keep reading every time a new banner comes out
summer bambis come around, i look at em and think 'ooh nice' meanwhile the community's like 'GUILD QUESTS?!?!? SKIP'
what's even the problem with characters being made for guild quests? what are they even MEANT to be made for to not be a skip?
KLAB angers fans of specific characters when they release a character that is only good for one (guild quests) mode. I think the leading enraging thing is releasing a character with only +1 Frenzy or Flurry in every non-guild quest mode, when making them +3 in Guild Quests. So it means they are complete trash outside of guild quests, and even being an end of the month character, they have the stats of a mid-month release.

TL;DR: Guild Quest characters are given substandard stats in other game modes. Not as bad as a Brave Battle only characters, but pretty close.
It doesn't help when the GQ character in question isn't even particularly valuable. Sternritter GQ is a good example, ridiculously easy, Candace isn't even useful because there are so many alternatives to her.
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Thanks man, still did not get her. Someday hopefully. Good luck on your pulls, hope you get her.
Where the hell do you get the mods everyone is using in the epic raid?
I've been looking for apk's for days

Also how do so many people have totally maxed out characters? Am I missing something or are there just a lot of whales
>he isn't f2p since 2018 or earlier
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>the nightmare is finally over
Fuck, this thing has been my holdout for years
She's in the Brave Souls Memories 6* ticket we're getting soon, another one in ten shot but I'm sure you'll get her this time bro
>Where the hell do you get the mods everyone is using in the epic raid?
Check GameFaqs, they mention it by name.

>are there just a lot of whales
It's this. When you see people with 8,000+ saved orbs, something is definitely up.

Congrats, Anon. I bought one of the new $20 accessory bundles to test it. Received a 5* Captain's Coat. Wha Wha Whaaaa.
>8,000+ saved orbs, something is definitely up
Develop self control. Stop rolling on every banner.
whats the global timezone? as in for releases
if something is released at 0:00 in global
what time is that
Global server runs on Japan time, which is an hour behind me. What zone am I? That's my sexy little secret.
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>wanted one of the swimsuit units for the point event
>did the first 5 steps
>got one on the fifth
>it was the useless one
I mostly wanted it for the point event but still, it would have been nice for a 2024 unit to not be totally worthless
Thousand Year Blood War Season 3 starts in October. There's a new Bleach arena fighter from Bandai. The Bleach Brave Souls stream in on the 14th (who knows what time that could mean for Americans).

Refresh is at 3AM EST, daily reset is at 11AM EST. Logging in at 3AM is how people are able to do Epic Raids and roll on characters early.

It's painful, but not as painful as trying to get into raids with only potion characters. The community is on crack so they want +10 potion characters every single time, forget that the entire raid might wipe due to having link slots filled with +5 potion characters instead of skill refresh.
>game Kubo hinted
>ended up being another lazy ass arena fighter in times where Bamco arena fighters are bottom barrel
>by Tamsoft team
oh boy dare I ask which unit is it that anon-kun considers worthless?

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