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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
i cant even get past the first stage without the game getting stuck on a black screen or the text just not appearing
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Just whale out bwo
>Emulators blocked from rerolling
shan't be playing
emulator for what purpose
just reroll on your phone
Why would they do this?
PC Client doesn't have a Guest login so you won't be able to skip the tutorial if you wanted to reroll.
White man's problem
>PC Client doesn't have a Guest login
oh ok i knew theres a pc client but im playing on android anyway ty anon
nobody seems to give a shit about this game, there's 0 chatter about it anywhere
The developer has an awful reputation. Unless you're a fan of solo levelling, there's really no reason to give a shit.
wuthering waves release the same month so unless you're really starved for action gacha for some reason.
A few friends and I are having a bit of fun with this game. It feels sort of like a super budget and scuffed Devil May Cry. The gacha rates and 'generosity' of the game seems quite horrid though. Doubt i'll play it for long but I don't regret trying it out.
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I only happened to see this was coming out soon on the playstore so I dl'd it out of curiosity and I don't know anything about the IP. That said the game itself seems decent enough so far but the fucking loading that happens after you exit out of a menu or finish a mission is really annoying.
finally a game with an actual hot guy and none of that "draw a girl, call it a boy" type of dudes that plague the other gachas
>wuthering waves
Is shit everyone knows this already
>less than 1 ten roll launch rewards
Yes and this game is worse than even that if you don't care about the IP
Redeem the weekly missions after the tutorial, it'll give you 50 gems which is just enough for a 10 roll after you claim the gems from the mail.
yea the global rewards are shit can already see how this will end up.
looks like there are a ton of bugs
who should i be rerolling for?
Putting the Man in Manhwa
nice move having the 15x10 pull behind a paywall, but only after you actually pulled.
also, i pulled on a banner and skipped, no animations, no weapons or characters... seems like i just spent my currency.
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>15x10 pull behind a paywall
>pulled on a banner and skipped, no animations, no weapons or characters...
As expected
Took me about 15 account resets on Mobile. Got the banner bitch the meta fire bro. We finally gaming
>get banner bitch and light gun
>part of me tempted to reroll for fire man
Whenever I look at the odds I just shake my head and think I'm crazy.
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So are you not able to get this for free after 2 days or whatever after you do the draws? That's how I understood it anyway if you have to pay no matter what then that's awful lol. Also yeah it's fucking dumb that you're not guaranteed at least 1 SSR in these.
>Install netmarble launcher
>Look over at the game list and am promptly reminded that these are the retards in charge of that terrible Ni no Kuni mobage
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buy the ticket choyim
they got gid of the free 800 gib gems.
give me the name of the dude in op so i can fap to him and never look at this thread again
Tried to read this shit, it's either everyone i gushing how great the MC is or some side character are getting fucked just so the MC can without problem whipe the floor with enemies
holy jesus i get it ''power fantasy'' but this is Autofellatio
thats just korean manwha for you
what a handsign does to a country
it's manhwa bro, it's a power fantasy, dude gets stronger and never loses, and then wins the big win in the end.

Anyway for people actually playing, is there a way to get player exp besides gates?
Cause I'm level gated right now from doing more story, I'm 48 and need to be 51 to get more story done.
Gary Stu power fantasies can be good if the MC is entertaining. I'm enjoying Infinite Levelling in Murim.
new code if anyone cares: STAYSHARP
stingy ass game
Thanks anon.
I read the manhwa, then webnovel between the hiatus gap of season 1 and season 2 manhwa. The story went to crap, it was basically "Japan evil, USA evil, China noob, SOUTH KOREA GOD THE WORLD ADMIRES KOREA" over and over again until the ending where MC just soloes the entire universe and even rewinds time to revive dead characters. I know these manhwas are usually power fantasy but the way Solo Leveling went from having a good hyped story to... utter trash is tragic.
Every single piece of korea shit is
>bullied dude
>sick mom
>becomes a sigma grindset "chud" about 20 chapters in and that's the end of any development
even more generic than your average isekai
Every manhwa ever basically. They love having some "international hunter's guild" only for the other countries to either be evil and conniving or incompetent. Also if japan gets mentioned always trying to fuck the mc over and eat children. Americans just try to bully you with strength or other BS but japan is the land of literal devil people with no morals acording to the average korean webnovel author.
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Seriously, fuck Netmarble
>Unless you're a fan of solo levelling, there's really no reason to give a shit.
Especially because the way they condensed the story made it make no sense to anyone who doesn't already know it.
Tried to play this game, black screen 4 times in less than 3 scenes, i literally had to restart the game 4 fucking times and i've only killed the lizards in the tutorial, how is this game so fucking buggy? and for some retarded reason the game defaults to gamepad on the PHONE, there's dozens of youtube videos in the last few days explaining that you have to chage to touchpad controls, these devs are fucking retarded jesuschrist.
This is by far the most predatory gacha I've ever seen. Koreans must be built different, almost every screen is trying to sell you something, and they've got more than a dozen packs and bundles and deals they're trying to sell you constantly.
Best part is every hour you get the "playing to much games is bad for your health" but when you go to quit they'll say
"hey bro you going to do your gates and encores right bro?"
geee it sure would be cool if sweeps weren't locked behind membership and they didn't want me to log in every 3 hours to check my mines becasue automining is a sub only feature.
like netmarble are either going to EOS this in two years or Solo leveling is the biggest shit in korea since DBZ
You're right on all points too. Too bad the actual gameplay is pretty fun. It's a shame that everything else is so utterly shit. I'm playing up until I hit my next level gate then dropping this.
How popular is the IP anyway? I feel like it could be kept alive by normies who are into the anime/manwha.
really popular
pretty popular. It was top 10 as it aired.
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They REALLY want you to buy the fucking monthly by locking up basic idle game features and QoL behind it.
Solo leveling doesn't have nearly enough characters to support a gacha in the long term, especially females.
They will just make alt versions of characters just like pretty much every other game with a limited roster.
They've put this Webnovel to shame. Never mind the fact that. One or another it might fail as a popular MMO RPG, that has micro transaction and whatnot in the game.
>launch rewards don't even give you one (1) 10roll
>1.2% ssr rates
>m*le infested gacha, which isn't inherently bad, but they're the majority
>no welcome banner, closest thing is "hey pull 15 times and you can keep what you want" followed by "only if you pay $22 gweilo" AFTER doing all 15 rolls
>constantly assaulted with BUY BUY BUY BUY
>everything has its own fucking special paypig pass
>on top of a fucking battle pass
>separate gacha roll tickets for featured banner and regular banner
>roll for characters AND weapons
>ssr characters and weapons share the same slot
>1.2% btw
>gameplay is just okay at best
I want to smoke whatever crack these retards were smoking when they thought pushing this out was a good idea. I really hope people aren't retarded enough to whale this shit. What a shitshow.
Yea, you're right about this fact. But they've already started adding in original characters. The next character after the current limited banner is also rumoured to be an original character.
So I doubt they'd ever really run out if they really were invested enough, and I think they are considering how over the top the monetization is. SL:A really is their cash cow, they've probably got more than a dozen OC's to spread out between people from the novel.
Not even just people who were mentioned but you never meet like the top globally ranked hunters or national ranked hunters. The same thing will probably happen to the campaign.
Yea shits fucked. People warned me about net marble, but I really didn't realize just who I was dealing with until I got spammed all these passes constantly.
Koreans must be real solo leveling marks.
The game is perfectly playable and enjoyable f2p, for now at least.
It is a gacha game after all and a lot of the reasons you guys complain is simply just how gacha are these days.
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To expand why I think it's playable.
Been playing since launch, rerolled account for cha, currently lvl44 with 450 draws overall and the worst case scenario is +6 ssr since you are guaranteed one every 80 draws.
Pic related is what I have. (cha's weapon from event, and I crafted jin woo's weapon with in game stuff, started with cha + 1 ssr and I got 8 more with the rest).
The only thing you can't do now is the rerolling I did (2 ssr start) but you can definitely reroll for just cha.
So I should be re-rolling for the the limited girl right bros? Rates seems low and I can just get enough for a single 10-pull by tabbing trough the tutorial rewards after claiming all the other stuff
lol can't use the two codes for 550 Essence anymore lmao
>People actually finished this Anime
>massive QoL locked behind passes
Yeah sure keep telling yourself that. Won't be surprised to hear about more nickel and diming.
Yea, it's playable and if you like solo levelling you'll have fun. It is however incredibly aggressive monetization wise, and I'm worried the fact qol stuff got pushed into a pack bundle.
I'm worried that because of this, other resources like gold might soon become hard to come by after we pass the newbie phase of the game.
Jesus fucking christ the Lock-on is so fucking terrible that it's not even funny. Half of the attacks just fucking whiff + Mission Objectives are fucking annoying as hell. What the fuck is wrong with these retarded gooks
Thought more people would be playing this game. But it's worse than VEDA somehow. What the fuck happened?
Yea, the camera lockon is dogshit and my characters seo jiwoo and dongsuck the elder miss their QTE all the fucking time, shits annoying.
Maybe solo levelling just isn't that big in the west.
>log on
>realize im not high enough level to do story
>realize I don't have the elements needed to do hard story
>do my encores get shit loot
>do my instances get shit loot
>do my gates
>log off
Yeah this is great
Also I've got to log on again even though there's nothing to do to open my mines yeah great.
How the fuck does this game run fine during the actual game and somehow stutters in the title screen
I would say barely fine, i've never played a gacha game that throws up the loading spinner every time i press something on the menu
my guess is they have that lobby loaded constantly.
Their recent twitter replies was flooded by people complaining about the spinner so hopefully they'll make fixing that their priority
solo leveling is pure diarrhea i dont get why the comic blew up so much
Same reason Sword Art Online blew up. Sometimes shit that's pure power fantasy blows up.
Some codes
Thanks anon. 1000 Essence and 10 draws are good shit. Even if all my draws are shit.
One more
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People keep talking about her much Cha Hae-in A3 (4 Copies) is broken good.
Tempted to roll on her just for the A1 and save for next banner.
I definitely felt a power boost when I got her free weapon from the dice event but could just be copium I've been hoarding gold.
Also fuck cerberus.
>Also fuck cerberus.

It's such a shitty boss. And the way Targeting in this game works it's downright fucking horrible. Honestly I really struggle to like this game, and I have been fucking showered by SSR's from the standard banner to a degree I have never experienced before. Also this general is fucking dead even by /vmg/ standards
>kill boss with X element subquest
>if the NPCs that tag along kill it you don't get the clear
Fuck that noise
Yea targeting in this is shit. I hate any objective that wants me to try and swap targets like the hobgoblins bombs or the ice bears fucking crystals it's nearly impossible to swap to them and QTE's skills on hunters sometimes just wiff by miles for seemingly no reason.
>this general is fucking dead even by /vmg/ standards
I'm surprised by this also I thought solo leveling was bigger I guess everyones more focused on the so called genshin killer dropping in like 3 days.
Really stupid shit, I think shadows and other characters dots can take credit for the kill aswell.
Don't forget the myriad of other equally cancerous bonus objectives. Some of them during Hard-mode are just so fucking tiring. Take damage less than 13 times, But have fun avoiding all these Pulsing AOE circles/Tornados :3

Yea, I find it surprising myself. At the very least I would have thought it would have enough people for a normal general for at the very least a month or two. Even Veda had one
Jesus christ Boss HP is so fucking inflated that even going more 30k above the recommend power Auto can't do the mission in time. This is fucking ridiculous, I have been extremely fucking lucky as f2p but this just feels stupid as hell
Fuck that bear, Fuck those crystals. I was lucky because I had a fire weapon and some fire skills.
Some of the stages are just so fucking annoying. Especially the ones where there are fucking Tornadoes that just go on top of the boss... Such a great fucking design lol
Whoever made the tornadoes was a sociopath. It's the most irritating stage modifier I've thus encountered. IT operates in such a stupid way also.
When you slow down time due to a perfect dodge, the tornado moves at regular speed towards you your options are.
>out power the guy you're fighting by a large amount of Combat power
>be lucky enough to roll a ranged weapon, you had enough gold and resources to level up.
>get fucked.
If you spend more than a second doing anything it's on top of you, the only way to avoid that is to have to stupidly summon shadows on boss, walk to other side of stage run back to boss, and then you get 3 seconds as it moves towards you.
I'm not sure why they'd had such an unfun mechanic that just slows down combat to a crawl.
It's also obvious that they clearly haven't tested the stages containing them at all. Clearly nobody in their right mind would think that this is okay. The game is honestly sort of fun. But it's held back by stupid decisions at every turn
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Ice lady soon,
does anyone even still play this?
Ever since I got level gated i've been playing very casually but still think gates just take up too much time for dailies.
I still have it installed, but yeah honeymoon period's over and the daily grind isn't that attractive to do for me. I'll probably see how the ice lady event goes and see if I drop it after. Atleast I got as far as the Igris fight, that was a pretty cool boss, not least because they bumped the minimum battle power high enough for it to be a challenge at the expected timing you reach it.
>daily grind isn't that attractive to do for me.
Yea, they really fucked up with the daily grind.
>Gates, Instance dungeons, Encore Dungeons, Path of damnation
Looking at needing to do 10+ gates with very limited sweep options.
Can only sweep B and lower, which don't drop the purple gems you need for rolls.
You must log in every couple of hours to mine your gates have to refresh.
Refreshing is on a timed cool down if you want to fish for better gates.
Can only use two instances and encores keys at a time, so you need to fight the same boss x times.
All features qol features locked behind a subscription wall by the way.
No automining, No Sweeps of gates you'd want to get your freemium currency, less exp so when you get walled you're just stuck longer. No more than 2 keys when you're forced to do the loot farm minigame.

I've started just doing lower stuff and leaving my characters on auto honestly but eventually I won't bother at all. Shame I like solo leveling but I'll probably just watch the anime.
I also enjoy that manwha
I want her, but i just downloaded this game yesterday. When will she be available again? Please, i don't want Alicia
Why isn't there a general for this game?
We go Solo...
Just started this yestergay, is the SR Rock Golem Hammer (wind) the best shield out there? I find it really handy in clearing those "take damage less than x times" missions since the shield lasts a good 10 sec

I see there's an SSR wind sword, with a shield that scales off attack instead of def, but the shield only lasts for 3 sec?
Is Thomas Andre in the game already? Otherwise not downloading.
Orc broadsword does a shield, but its activation is specific to how many dupes of the weapon you have. it's pretty shit at 1 dupe and overshadowed by the fact 3 of the best SSR weapons in the game are all dark weapons and resources to invest into weapons are scarce.
I'd look for skills or hunters with support abilities that shield, like Alicia or jiwoo, you can equip them with sets that increase shield effects irc.
he's not and next character is some OC cat girl or something but they plan to add him. no idea when.
Thomas Andre is endgame but we got White Tiger Baek early so who knows
Solo Leveling?
More like Homo Leveling
I was going to try this game, but all this talk about agressive monetization is one ot he biggest red flag a mobile game can have, it never end well.
It's shit, don't bother. They give you 3 days(?) of the subscription member's QoL benefits for free at the beginning and then once that runs out you quickly realize how shitty the game is to play on daily basis without it as >>1479721 mentioned. Shame cause the game could have maybe stuck with me for the combat alone but I ended up dropping it.

Also did they ever fix that annoying loading that would happen constantly while going through menus? That was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
Big shame about the greedy monetization, i actually enjoy this game and the art style better than others.
>Also did they ever fix that annoying loading that would happen constantly while going through menus?
No it's still there.
yea, i feel the same way. stylistically, it's fun and looks great. Still it seems to be doing good numbers so maybe it's just a westoid view on it and koreans are just spending like crazy.
5 won has been deposited into your account, keep up the good work.
That's not it at all, there isn't a soul alive that likes it for the story. The only reason it got popular was because of the art. It had good art and that's it, but retards thought you could make a dogshit anime with dogshit art and it would somehow be the same. Can't blame them when you see all the retarded paypigs on here sucking gook shit out of their gook assholes and asking for seconds.
>Why isn't there a general for this game?
Because it's a dogshit cashgrab that no sane person would spend more than 5 minutes playing? It isn't even worthy of a /vmg/ thread, you are lucky you have that.
The game is fine. The game is fine. I dropped Genshin and Honkai for this but I'll prob try out ZZZ when it launches.

Big pluses for me:
+No stamina or energy bullshit
+Auto is good but you can play if you feel like

Some days i just really don't feel like playing but genshin forces me to be a gaymer for like half an hour every day and it's bullshit, I'm sick of that. Its like some abusive ex telling you what to do everyday or a boss, fuck it, give me a mobile game for mobile gamers not some wannabe Switch port for sweaty teenagers
I'm bricked already instead of duping cha hae in I saved my pulls, but she's so godam OP, I just witness an ult crit of hers kill the spider boss from +20 bars of hp. The fuck? I was fool to not go all in.
Dead brick game
Dailies take too fucking long and they just keep adding more dailies.
>Do 15 gates
>Do 12 dungeons
>Do 3 Gems runs
>Fight Two dragons
>Fight fat demon guy
is this a korean thing? do they just don't believe in quick dailies?
Keep giving yourself, keep giving yourself the best sh*t!
What you gonna get: Homo!

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