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Somebody put down a general description of what kind of mobile game they want to play and people answer games they think would be a good fit.
First example I would like them Three Kingdoms Mobile game with collecting officers well you don't need to play 24/7 and people can attack your resources when you aren't there. Then people try and find them a game that fits that description.
I am looking for a mobile game that is similar to final fantasy tactics ogre, or "Valiant Force 2".
Something turned based with pvp.

The best turned based "relaxing" mobile pvp games that I've liked so far are BraveNine guild war pvp, and Valiant Force 2 pvp.

Travian Kingdom type game for mobile would also be interesting, if the pay 2 win wasn't so bad.
I want to play a game that involves Soviet Russia in any way. It's my current autistic interest and I need something to satisfy it
Another gacha like disgaea rpg
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Is there a gacha game that gives you a reason to use R/SR (or equivalent) units even after getting enough SSRs? As opposed to them becoming permanent benchwarmers once you get a decent roster. I know FGO makes low-rarity units usable even on endgame after grinding for some time to awaken them, but they are still replaceable by higher-rarity units.
To be precise, I don't care for the game as a whole being good, I'm just curious to see if there's any that manages to pull off what I'm describing with their units.
Housamo kind of does this.

Rarity goes from 1 to 5 stars. 1* is pretty much useless right from the start, but anything else will see use especially 3* and 4*. This is mostly because you only have a certain amount of summon points you can spend per team and character cost goes up exponential based on rarity. So for example in picture relatedI have two 5* characters (plus my MC who is always dirt cheap), but then I barely have any points left so I can only squeeze in a 3* and a 2*.
I did consider Total Party Cost but I did play Brave Frontier and started a bit after omni era started and second art was ongoing. By just catching up on the main quest (having a few modern units trivialized things for the most part) and then grinding on events I could naturally level up until Party Cost was irrelevant by the time I got a decent party.
Figured out other games were similar. And that's why the mechanic is basically nonexistent on modern releases. Your game being an exception because it is, what, 7 years old already? Grandfathered in.
Looking for a match 3 similar to huniepop or might and magic clash of heroes
I tried to remember the name of that one game about Cold War that I heard was getting ported to Android - it's Sigma Theory - and now that I found it, I see that it's about a 'futuristic cold war', sigh.
Looking for some kind of JRPG style game with no gacha/in app purchases. Not really into idles either but if it's all you can think then I'll take it at this point.
Just wanna have my character and do some quests. I've already played the FF and DQ games on android and they aren't scratching that itch.
I played Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom recently and it was alright. The story is super basic but the gameplay was pretty decent.
Monster Hunter Stories?
Looking for a WoW like game. Something that I can sink a couple days into online while on vacation. I have iOS. Looking to try Albion online, or Black Desert. Anyone have any experience with these games?
Something like an atelier game.
Just looked up Tarisland. Might be what I'm looking for.
anything online where you can say slurs?
Any gachas set in contemporary or sci-fi scenarios? Chinese and Japanese attempts at western fantasy are always nauseating to me.
Arknights and I think Honkai? Never played the latter.
Thanks, I just got into Action Taimanin actually. Seems good so far and the setting is just what I was looking for
Hello I'm the guy who made the Op. I would like to ask everyone who got the information they needed from this thread to give a yes one time in response to this post.
Need scifi animu games, preferably with both husbando and waifu but either is fine.
Hey anons, around 10 years ago or so, my father had one of these (at that time) new Nokia smartphones. I remember it had a game on it which was a geography/flags type of a game with like a nature theme. I don't remember much of the details, but I think you would get leaves as a type of currency, or something along the that line.

Anyone know the name of this game and if it is somehow playable nowadays on phone or PC?
looking for games that can satisfy my 'tism like siralim ultimate
i want a LOT of options to customize builds even if they're shit
preferably not gacha
andor's trail
roguelikes (actual ones, not lites) are perfect for autists if youre fine with clunky controls. i personally play dcss and pathos on android but i think angband and its variants might be more what youre looking for in terms of build customization (played a little on desktop and it wasnt for me but people seem to love them)
i've been looking for something similar to the 3d zeldas, just straightforward action/adventure without all the bullshit stuff like genshin has. also been playing sky: children of the light and was left wondering why there aren't more games on mobile where you can actually move around in a 3d world, so any 3d platformer/adventure game recommendations would also be appreciated
I've been playing a lot of FF14 recently, and I've been wondering if there are mobile games with similar levels of character customization. I want to spend downtime creating outfits and playing dressup
Anything for a mecha anime fan out on the market right now that isn't Iron Saga, Code Geass Lost Stories, or Gundam U.C. ENGAGE?

There's been complete radio silence on SD Gundam G Gen Eternal, and I sincerely doubt SRW DD is going to suddenly announce a global release, so any crumbs will do.
Is there a gatcha game out there with interesting mechanics that ISN'T anime girls? But also not childishly cartoony?
Why would there be? These games exist to drain unreasonable amounts of money from impulsive spenders, and it just so happens that anime T&A is the best honey trap there is.
Need me a gacha with cute monstergirls, preferrably centauroid. Clover Theater (pic related) is chinawalled
Something like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.
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Battle Cats. The Rs and SRs are there to support your SSRs (Uber rare and Legend Rare in game) along with welfare (normal units) which you gain in game.
>Play The Quest
>its basically Grid based Morrowind
>get into it super hard
>see tons of others like it
>some reason cant get into them
>upgrade phone
>not compatible
I need more real ass games like monster hunter stories or other ports.
Looking for point and click adventure games or just adventures,rpgs,platformers or non formulaic puzzle games(Think the room or PINK).Visual Novels too if you can think of any

My computer's screen display just went to fuck itself so I'm looking for anything to occupy my time.I'll also accept game recomendations for games that can be emulated on a mid-end android phone in the genres listed above.
I too would like somethings you describe. Sorry about the screen anon, hope you get it sorted soon. Bumping the thread
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Seconding this
All rarities of cats fill different niches ingame, and while you could only use one you'd be severely limiting yourself.
Uber Rares/Legend Rares (they serve the same function) are almost all high cost, individually powerful units that have better range and attack in return for not being spammable. If you try to just win with ubers you will lose any stage that is even slightly difficult.
Super Rares are specialized towards certain traits (zombie/floating/red/etc) and are often extremely good at supporting roles.
Rares are cheap, spammable units that often can fit a meatshield or supporting role.
Special cats are events obtained through play that can fit into any of the previously mentioned roles, and normal cats are fairly decent after you've played a while as they get continually stronger every day with the daily rewards.
DMC Peak of Combat but not greedy beijing shit.
I already played ZZZ and WuWa, not interested.

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