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Co-op boss never again
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Did we do it? Are we dead now?
sike, deer god phase 2
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So PC client for anniversary right?
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Sekhmet is saying that Kuni smells like semen...
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Hey anons, I want to check out this game and gave a couple of questions:
Why does the revenue drop so much (like tanking 95%) after the first honeymoon month?
Are there any (You) pandering in the main story like HI3? In HI3 there is a girl MC but events and lobby still focus on a self-insert captain. afaik in AG there is an actual self-insert Admin who acts like a supervisor, kinda like Snowbreak.
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Sekhmet is a stinky liar
Isn't it risky to have humans fight Visbanes? I assume that even if the enemy is a Visbane/animal hybrid it still emanates bane energy which leads to my point. Getting killed by bane energy cuts them off from the reincarnation system setup by the world. Or maybe some CN admins can refute or confirm what I'm thinking at the back of my mind. The reason getting killed by bane energy without any chance of rebirth is because they get booted out of Gaea and wakes up to the real world. Sort of like The Matrix red pill sort of thing. Which is why Turing keeps on harping about the "truth" or something.
AG introduced 2 strong characters which became the gold standard for characters (S Hera for support and S Hades for DPS). After the Hades banner, not a single new character was able to reach Hades level especially after the content difficulty increased due to the S Hades patch until chink region patch which is introduced new powercreep.
That has nothing to do with that chart since neither Hera or Hades were released during the first 2 months of the game.
Game got dunked hard by chink because they copied the whole genshin limited banner shitfest and the whole reason they dropped that crap after Hel was because the game was flopping hard.
>Isn't it risky to have humans fight Visbanes
It's the main reason why CORG and Shu flipped their shit when they heard that Himiko was sending normal human troops to stop the outbreak, since for them it's pretty much mass suicide.
Turing is special case since he can control both visbane energy and divine grace, making him neither a mod or a visbane, he started to question the purpose of his existence, which led to his obsession with "truth" and shit.
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Where's the updated tier list chinks
>when she spots a new BBQ joint
>Celebrating 2 years of no profits
Just pretend males don't exist and make everyone (You)sexual. Wtf are they even holding on to?
>make everyone (You)sexual. Wtf are they even holding on to?
I'm >>1467430, so you're saying there's no (You)sexual in the current game? Can you elaborate on that?
a couple of the playables female are, main story wise the devs seems to be focusing on 2 characters to be the "canon" one for (you)
Give me names please.
There is drops of (You)sexual content but it's sparse. The characters treat you more like a competent boss whom they respect. The girls don't have lovers or anything like that but they do interact regularly with males. This is NOT a pandering game.
verthandi and skuld
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She smells.
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>This is NOT a pandering game.
That sucks. PGR's a rival to this game but all the characters are (You)sexual. No wonder AG aint selling as much.
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>This is NOT a pandering game
Explain my canon lover then
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angelic wife...
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Genshit type banners but for the vast majority of it, they got caught for both stealth reverting and stealth nerfing S Osiris ult charge with Shu, calling it a "fix." So CN players were reporting for lawsuits saying it's a scam. Yongshi also fucked up by simply giving 1k rocks as damage control, twice. This all happened near the end of S Osiris banner, adding on to the already piling list of bugs. When Hel dropped they did a shit ton of skill tweaks and shit.
They about to change their mind after seeing SnowBreak Rvenue
3.1 PV.
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>Another attempt to buff Shu.
Interesting that they are adding new ult chains for old mods now.
Where are the males?
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But this is your canon lover, Skuld is literally a stalker.
Snowbreak is already inclining hard. Hard to believe it was almost dead a few months ago.
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>Snowbreak is already inclining hard. Hard to believe it was almost dead a few months ago.
Snowbreak's survival is a miracle, it's pulling in 100k downloads every day on iOS alone even though it's a game meant for pc. How can AG replicate and make bank off this success?
Wait for one of the competitors to kill itself and import its players with (You) pandering.
No m*les, more sex. It's just that simple. Also add pc access where people won't be legally chastised for goon purchases.
Rip GF2, looked promising
That's it. I'm saving til S Vert, my canon wife.
>saving for FREE character
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she deserve omega
>that panties
yostar please fire whoever made that
its a long story where the effect still lasts today one wonders if the haters are still from those players from launch day or paid wumaos by certain dev who left mica not on good terms
google gfl2 raymond for starting point
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>CV Hina Tachibana
What the fuck she's voiced by my daughter NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUT SHE MAKES MY DICK SO HARD
>also voices Satono Diamond in Uma Musume
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S Zenki when?
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gaea watching over vert...
>no S Zenki anymore
I can't believe she's truly dead in Skuld arc...
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can't read chink, am I right that ice support mitsuha no sig is just both ice shred sigils + red codes?
Don't think it changes even with signatures.
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10 more days.
I want to lick Zenki's belly
>Vert, Zenki & Poseidon front and center

I can't remember the last time we did mission with those three together...
Nah, i keep my expectations low.
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Bros how many we thinking? It says 17 waiting but call me crazy, I think we might hit 100 concurrent viewers!
it's in 3 days, calm down
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probably less than 400 because its on dead burger hours unless that stream is also for JPs but worry not, 70 hela dakimakuras are ready if stream reaches 5000
>white panties
Out of character
Same time for JP stream
JP stream is literally on the same hour so that stream is probably just them translating the JP stream.
>No Poseidon's thighs

I'm disappointed, artist.
Her personal coffin puts if on her.
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Kind of weird to livestream the EoS announcement but I'll be tuning in
Hope they announce PC Client there. My emus are starting to lag with all these particles.
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>no weekly guild activity update
It's been a good year bros.
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Data for last week doesn't update until there is some activity this one and I was waiting for HRE to have any but hasn't updated yet, marked as possibly dead.
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It's over(real)
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1 more day and I'm free of this game.
Get your omega mitsuha while you're at it.
Fucking kek, azur lane gets some 20 to 30 thousands per stream, and some 120K for anniversary. And it's a chibishit 7 years old game.
They devs are genuily retarded if they so adamantly refuse to follow snowbreak, delete all males and make all the females (you)sexual, players don't need fanservice, they want pandering. It wouldn't hurt to rewrite the story to include pandering too, or at the very least add some extra chapters or something like that with pandering.
Add affection system and marriage and boom, at least 1 million dollars a month. Even GLF2 devs aren't this retarded, they walked back all the cuckshit, they trashed already made events and recorded lines, and are remaking events and the story (voiced) to make it full pandering. Also added pandering interaction in the dorm (it didn't had it before, you just watched the girl from afar).
>If I repeat the same nonsense in every game's thread it'll become true
Is there a single statement in that post that is not true?
(You) literally say this same exact shit every thread too.
thinking all that shit is suddenly going to bring in massive influx of money (it won't, because everyone that plays those games is going to keep playing those games instead going to something else that copied it), or the very thought of rewriting the plot that we have just to include more fanservice, which is completely asinine
And yet GFL2 still flopped and prove that your pointless point.
they were too deep into the cuck stuff, if you want to know it was digged that the ceo was in bed with a feminist which is why all the cuck stuff passed the quality controls (a common tactic in korea), so they lost all player goodwill.
this game hasn't burned all its bridged, and that strategy worked for both blue archive and snowbreak, it brought them both back from EOS.
the game can, of course continue it's current course and disappear into even more obscurity, it's already bleeding player and revenue month by month. i say it's a decent shot, as opposed to the NOTHING they are doing right now.
What the fuck. M*leshizo narrative is crumbling.
It's pretty clear that this retarded schizo doesn't play any of the game he mentioned and is just here to shitpost, why people still reply to him?
I'm bored and it's not there's nothing in-game that they try to make annis hype. The annis campaign sucks dick.
just slap on a selector ticket + pc port release date announcement and i would be happy
doubt we are getting either though
>CEO in bed with a feminist
More on this please? Everytime I see this drama get mentioned, some new shit happened.
Stick to making shill threads on /v/ and staying there
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It's gonna take some time to get her for free bros.
Not your safe space faggot
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NTA but it's an open secret that GFL2 was written by a radical feminist named Star, she has a ton of control over the game's production as you can see her influence in every character design with the star-theme elements.
As you know she added a lot of NTRbait and male-bashing elements into the game. Like the Type95 girl calls Raymond 60 in an intimate way but doesn't mention the commander at all, on Valentine's day instead of giving chocolate she gave weird gifts like an electric toothbrush which players saw as badmouthing. Another girl serves multiple masters for 10 years.
After Daiyan drama the writer included more controversial books to insult male players like Book of Esther, Things Fall Apart a story about how (You) should go kill yourself because nobody likes you, The Handmaid’s Tale where women are controlled as sex slaves by a commander etc.
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I'm sorry about your mom shay.
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>Thoth > Izanami > Vert > Jinwu
It's over, Jinwu T1 soon.
she's had a good run, I'm actually surprised she lasted up there this long, just goes to show how well she was designed that many months ago
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>Breaking news : Shu is T1 now.
How? I refuse to believe the misinfo unless Thor following her rise to T1 because of ultchain
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As written by the chink who made that tier list , syncho buff increased her damage by 2~3 times, but she couldn't fit into a team before. Now she has Thor and A Vert for the new lighting team.
Yep Thor forever works as someone else bitch.
>A vert
Why though? 2 Yggy seems sucks and S buzenbo probably better 3rd.
hopefully the give ausar another skillchain with luliang + yingzhao
>A Vert
Decent damage dealer that can also support the team after her synchro buff, basically a discount Lingguang for lighting team. That tier list rated her as best A rank mod now.
>S Buzenbo
Stuck in her own team and there's very little reason to use her alone.
Cause there's literally nothing to talk about.
3.1 tierlist:
Picture version haven't upload so just video.
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>A Vert
enjoy the dps loss
It's S Levi's turn soon...
Please fix Hel or Hades first, dark is literally the shittiest element in game now.
Hades may get fixed with S Oneiroi (if the BSC lets her have chain ults with others). I'd love to see Hel get fixed too.
I'd dig it if they bumped up Hel's damage and added some of the base defence stuff into her turret mode. Charge shots and rapid fire would make her more flexible and more fun to play. Hades literally just needs better numbers and a new chain ult.
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Cute yuri game~
Thoths tits are fucking huge
God I want teasing paizuri from her
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>double paizuri on ultchain sexmeth & thots
Now it's clear beyond a shadow of a doubt; they ARE trying to kill the game.
Imagine spending money on the game after THIS is the big "reward" for the players for the second anniversary.
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So this is Admin's endgame, give Skuld to Thoth.
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There's only one place for one real heroine.
redeem code 100 stars. Note it seems case sensitive

wth was that lol
2nd code
Holy shit who care. Stop spending money on EN shit.
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3rd and last code
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Yeah, no PC client till 3.0. RIP
Till next year bros
We probably get to 3.0 around October with the current speed though.
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New code

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>no code for JP server
so just like usual, already used to it so i'm fine haha..
>JP server
They dumped this shit directly to your mail box
No free S rank Selector?
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I want story English voices back...
S Shu or SS Tsuku from the selector bros?
i just checked and global also gets the 2k gems+10 tickets reward
how much gems and tickets en gets from anniv codes?
700 gem from 4 codes and like a dozen of trash mats.
>S Shu
If you're willing to stick for another year, sure.
Should I grab the rrat for my Thor+Living Soul team? Or SS Hera/Ausur/Gengchen?
If you don't have Hera just pick her it's a no brainer, usable in every team
I already have S Hera. But most of my S rank mods is just S.
If you don't have synchro 3 Ausar yet, then no reason to bother with the rat.
SS Hera/SS Lingguang are probably the best option for further investment.
Do S Buzenbwo needs her signature?
>The current total of S rank characters is 26
>S rank selector only includes 1 of 25 characters
So, Mitsuha is out.
Finally, Lingguang will be mine. I can finally let go of this brick.
>S rank selector

Finally, I can get cute little Hel.
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>interested picking up Athena for collection or Thor for Ausar new ulti-pair with the selector
>but both are out of meta
Time to invest for the new Shu Thor meta team.
Is SS Hera still good? I have no fucking clue what to pick.
my SSS Shu investment... I never doubted my wife
Thor Ausar is my most played team, above the chinks. It's too comfy.
Still a tier 0 support after 2 years, and in a very unlikely situation that they release someone that can powercreep her role, she still can bounce back with synchro buff later and that would require you to SS her.
Chinks takes time to ult, though I wonder how fast they're with unfetter on both. Never tried it since ausar thor is peak comfy
Thor will be Shu bitch and surely Ausar will have a new one with Nile's arc or probably with S Zenkibo instead
Looks like the consensus is that Thor is the better choice, i hope you guys ain't bamboozle me.
I mean you're compared her to Athena whereas her element just got Thoth as the new hotness.
>Ausar and S Zenki
What, why?
Real S Osiris, but Ausar ends up being her bitch
>Luilang for my Ausar/Thor setup
>SS Hera
>SS Thor
I'm leaning towards Luilang because she's limited while the other two get moved to standard, and do I really need SS Hera? I've already got her at S + her Sig, feels like overkill. Everything else feels like a waste of a good ticket
Luliang was never limited
Luliang isn't limited and Thor/Hera never get moved to standard, what are you on anon?
>Luilang isn't limited
thought for sure she was, that's on me
>Thor/Hera never get moved to standard
I thought everyone that was pre-2.0 gets moved to standard at the big shift, though? and they're obviously before that
>I thought everyone that was pre-2.0 gets moved to standard
Nope, not sure where did you even get that idea from, they are still only available from blue ticket banners.
>MTL below
We plan to add all “Accurate Expanded S-Class Fixers” added in V1.0-V1.7 to the “Fixer General Detection” after the V3.2 update, and the “Dream Re-construction” store will also synchronize with the “Fixer General Detection” to add the new “S-Class Fixer Information” for redemption. The new Modifiers include: Shocker - Tsukiyomi, Born Soul - Osiris, Dark Star - Hela, Dawn Phantom - Hera, Zanpakuto - Sikati, Suzuran Strings - Athena, Puppeteer - Hades, Thunderbolt - Thor, Serpent of Fury - Marduk, and Branding Flame - Tyre.
Anon, we aren't even 3.0 yet
oh good, I didn't imagine that out of nowhere like a crazy person, thanks

guess it's between Luliang and Gengchen then, I could move Geng onto my Tian Yuan team but I don't have any of her personal sigils and I can't get them for who knows how long, while Luliang will slot nicely into Thor+Ausar to free Hera but I don't know how much difference it will make in raw numbers
They rerun all limited sigil next patch.
oh they do? fuck I might have to go for Gengchen then at that rate
Gengchen or Thor? My chinesium team has felt kind of bricked without Gengchen, but I enjoy Shu a lot.
Anyone picking Flame Tyr or what
Oh, those anni numbers are worrying. 70 people have every mod, and only 4 of them leveled everyone. Not horrible if people just focused on meta, but the most 'popular' skins are Back to School Leviathan, the launch Shinri skin, and the Gengchen gacha skin.

And wow, the Lingguang and Jin-ei skins are something.

Also Odin when? I'm glad they have Suzie Yeung voicing her in EN, she does a great job with cool female characters. Now I'm embarrassed I never checked out the Chainsaw Man dub.
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The ass was fat
the skin popularity is as expected, you can't use paid gems for skins outside of gengchen and first 2 are free, her gacha skin is pretty cheap too if you are willing to throw few bucks
to be honest the skins aren't worth 15-20 bucks cash only, you see more interesting skins as dlc for 5 bucks on steam games
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>JP VA: Chika Anzai
what de fug
At least they acknowledged PC version is coming. Also in before they yeet Luwu side story out of the way like they did with Fire Tyr.
Probably. She's honorary mal*s anyway.
>anni rewards tweet didn't manage to reach 1k likes
Is this game dead as fuck? Was thinking about starting but if it's gone soon anyway, I might just all spend my time in another game...
Japs never fancies this types of games and it's not like they're trying to push it on JP since Global and JP are on the same backend.
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>Japs never fancies this types of games
I mean if you have the time to start one new game might as well wait for WuWa
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The characters in that game are ugly as fuck. Thoth and Izanami mog the fuck out of any female character in that game.
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The game is doing fine. Come try it out
>3rd owned skin is whalebait Gengchen's skin
Not really
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To be honest if AG goes eos I might not be playing any gacha again. I'm not really into this gacha business and the last gacha I played is genshin which I got bored with because the game just sucks in general. But not AG at least here I can see myself sticking till the end. Still gonna try wuthering but if it turns out to have the same feel as genshit then it's an instant drop.
they combine both JP and EN revenue into one so who knows how much JP spends compared to EN
CN/JP/KR/TW/EN for those tables, notice that EN one is missing
i still don't know what were they thinking
you have those nice char designs in PGR which make me wish yostar just copy few of them for AG and wuwa gets...this
>Thoth and Izanami
Even most 1,0 girls look better than them, their loli looks extremely ugly for some reason.
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For upcoming S selector, should I get SS Tsukuyomi for LVL3 Synergy, or SSS Jinwu?
I am guessing SS Tsuku is a bigger powerspike, but why not make Jinwu better than she is already?
SS Tsuku
>I am guess SS Tsuku is a bigger powerspike
after getting module, yes, level 3 puts her back on par with the big boys and it only makes her better when S Buzen drops sometime in the future to secure a permanent team between them and Kuni
>EN VA: Sam Slade

Damn. She voiced another thigh'd character huh
If it happens it'll by Yongshi's own lack of action
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「Personal Care Time」& 「VIP Care」Jin-ei - Kuninotokotachi // Regular Modifier Outfit & Additional Content

"Looks like you could use a little one-on-one nursing demonstration. Shall I show you how it's done?"
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>May 21st - July 8th
So this patch is 6 weeks long, they probably combined both part 1 and 2 into one patch, so we will get Edgy Kagu this patch too. If we follow their road map they will finish Sasanami story first, it means we get S Buzenbo and Sekhmet immediately after Izanami.
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>If we follow their road map they will finish Sasanami story first, it means we get S Buzenbo
SHUT UP, SHUT UP SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH I will not have any rolls right after Izanami! Yongshi should go through the chinks first before Buzen PLEASE!!!
guess they are condensing all the available shinou story during the anni patch to appeal to the jp playerbase
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You only need 180 rolls for both anon, surely it can't be that hard to get that amount in 3 months right.
Well unless you start with literally 0 roll atm.
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>2396 jims
It's over
Luwu side story was inserted into middle of Sasanami story because it was in time for CNY, so make sense they would throw it out for better story flow here.
7 weeks, not 6.
So, global is slowing down or we're getting the content of 3 patches in those 7 weeks.
>Luwu will be the new Flame Tyr
They probably slow it down so they can place 3.0 for 1.5 anniversary, since if they keep their current speed we would get to 3.0 within 3-4 months.
Worst part is that she would drag Zhiming with her since both are in the same story arc.
How long is it on CN anyway? Since we're 6 months behind I feels like they'll follow Arknight and BA suit instead whereas we're kept being 6 months behind.
Izanami patch was 4 weeks, and since it's 7 weeks here it's obvious that they are going to combine it with Kagu patch, which was another 4 weeks to finish the whole story with the crow god in one patch, like they have been doing with those 2 part story so far.
Also since this is an anniversary patch they probably want to make it longer than usual to attract new players.
>people will unironically pick a dupe instead of a character they don't own
Picking character that you don't own for dust collecting seems pointless tho.
Is Izanami for (Me)?
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Oh yeah like S Shu, oh wait
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Some change to story format and battles for the first 9 story chapters.
Also one free S Poseidon for clearing past grudge 6.
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Ult chain
You need additional copy for S Shu for synchro and signature so yeah. It's still collecting dust unless you're get spooked on another copies and put additional roll for her.
Shu is standard banner mod so you can just SS her for free from dream shop, you only have to roll for her functor.
But honestly unless you like her enough to bother with that I would just stick Thor with my current Ausar team. Shu is annoying to use.
i wasn't going to pull iza but that ult would do good with my posei/mitsu team. now im not sure
If you put mitsu, iza is like a must. She's the ice Lingguang.
70 banner vs 90 banner.

SisterGame™ research fresh from Ookuni and BunBun.
The 90 banner seems better for pulling rate-up Mod with a distribution more concentrated to the left. The price you pay is that you can expect less S-ranks (rate-up + off-rate) overall for the same number of rolls.

In conclusion the 90 banner is definitely worth it if you just want to maximise your chances to get the rate-up.
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i have a spare olympus sig collecting dust for ages so naturally choosing olympus char is the best but in the end i can only see gengchen dupe is the valid choice
athena is too dupe hungry to do anything
S Poseidon is just a freezebot nowdays where bosses are CC immune
oceanus is a homo
both hera and hades already at SS
if only skadi is an olympus..
S Poseidon with synchro seems like good addition but yeah, it's a free character so you don't really care about the dupes.
SSS Poseidon after synchro is T1 without needing any extra addition, she's a solid investment. But if you don't care about it then may as well save that functor for S Oneiroi, Artemis or Selene later.
Luwu and Zhiming is a side story?
Yeah, Luwu and Zhiming business trip to NotIndia
Thanks sis
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>can enter zero time on demand instead of having to perfect dodge
>S3 is a parry but it can parry her own mechanic just to spit on S shu
>superarmor buff from normal string
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zenkibros its coming...
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I did it!
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You got her signature right?
Of course.
in 14 days there will be not a trace... not a memory...
I just need to do it again!
The deader the game the easier anyway
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I know who I'm picking with the selector
Who to fit as 3rd on that team though?
Ausar alone is terrible
Lingguang, Hera, Bunny, Ausar
Isn't Hera better as a 3rd?It's not like Mitsuha benefit much from Lingguang buff.
And you can redeem Heimdall functor next patch probably.
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There's literally only one answer for every chink team anon.
Heimdall is always a terrible choice for melee DPS.
Well the option is there. The non-cope answer is Gengchen since Lingguang is tied to Jinwu.
but I need her for Jinwu...
Depend on your playstyle, Hera offers higher burst damage but you have to dodge stuff, with Lingguang you can button smash to kill shit quickly while her shield is up without bothering about dodging. For contents that can actually kill you like level 6 swamp Lingguang seems to be more popular.
Dodge what? Your zero time is like doubled since you got your own and S hera herself. I can see why Lingguang is popular with regen to keep the stamina warp tho.
Zero time has cool down, you aren't having that shit up all the time. And dodging mid combo is DPS lost for Izanami since it screws up her mechanic.
Hey bros! Just came back before the Anniversary. I played a bit during Launch and then a little later during an event I think.

I just managed to get SO-EI from a single 10-Pull and I have 11,450 stars in the bank for now. Besides her I have Shinri + her unique functor/access-key. I also have Rahu and Arctic-Abyss Poseidon Lastly Osiris from when I played a bit during her event. No idea if I have any good units now that the game is older? Who do I pick from the Anniversary event? Any help would be great!

Lastly I am playing on MuMu but it seems to have some problems showing the controller signs on skills even if I can still use it. Anyone know how to deal with this?
in your position I would probably pick S Hera. She's a powerful support that fits universally in any team. She's best played by AI. Linguang is another great support.
But if you prefer a non-support who you should pick will depend on how you like each mod's playstyle

Shin-ri, Rahu, Poseidon are all still decent.
Tomorrow Izanami releases and if you pull her you could have a good team with Izanami + So-Ei + S Hera / Poseidon.

Join Sister 393415
Definitely pick one of the T0 supports like Linguang or Hera, they're top picks for any team. An roll Izanami to pair with your Mitsuha obviously.
Poseidon and Asura are pretty useless nowadays. Tsukuyomi and Ausar are still great but you need their sync2 (and 3 honestly to keep up with the latest unit), it's just a power up system for old characters on their access key page. Ausar also needs to be in a Thor team to really pop off.
Thanks bro just applied.

Appreciate the help!
How would you guys say that the game is doing? I honestly have no clue, but it looks to be doing better than I expected. Think the PC client will help out when it eventually drops?
I think it's barely staying afloat which is good enough unlike Revived Witch
should be safe for 2 more years at worst unless yostar made a big drama in CN
>Think the PC client will help out when it eventually drops?
those people who plan to play if game has PC cilent already forgot this game exist
they are 8 months too late for JP/EN, i don't think PC cilent will bump their revenue much
newfag here
how do I get the last 10 standard rolls for my guaranteed S rank character? anything special to do?
also it says it has 5 hours to go and it's rated for Tyr? is that normal? like if I wait 5 hours and 10 pull, it will focus someone else?
Yeah, after maintenance it'll switch into Kunikotachi with her nurse skin on shop.
Is Gengcheng the only one that has skin gacha?
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PC client comes with 3.0/3.1 which has a lot of good stuff (Thoth, chargeback campaign, S selector, free S Vert + Functor) If Yostar stops being a lazy asshole and uses 1/10 of their effort they spent to promote BA when it was shitting the bed for this game, it could make a decent comeback, but we all know they won't.
Thoth and Izanami are honestly so insanely hot, if this were a popular game there'd be fanart being shat out constantly of them. All Yostar had to do for this game was do some actual marketing.
We are in indefinite maintainance mode. It's over...
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Lummiesbros... we missed a new recruit...
We'll grab another on PC's client arrival, trust.
Just shut down Lummies and join us please
Is it up yet
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Of course.
>still not up
Embarrassing anniversary patch
It's just tradition by now.
One thing for sure is that it's not because of too much server load lmao.
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wtf let me in
>2 hours passed but the server/preload is still not up
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>2.6gb patch
would be great if they allowed us to predownload it beforehand, you know like what AL always did
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let me in now
>next 10 roll
>Functor first 10 roll
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she has new voice lines
cute imagery
Now that I can read how the 90 banner actually works in-game, I think the numbers I gave for the 90 banner are wrong. Namely I assumed the mechanic that getting an off-rate guarantees the next rate-up, but that's ONLY for the 70 banner.

I will post corrected ones later. But warning to anyone who used this to decide which banner to pull on: the conclusion may be wrong.
Newfag here. What scan is preferred? Anchored?
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Yeah, if you're lucklet the anchored is better if you want rate-up character.
Thanks bro! Went for Anchored and It paid off on my First 10-pull

Now the question is who do I roll for next? I lack all the meta supports so should I go for the Custom banner? And who do I aim for first on top of my Selector?

This is my current units + Izanami now
Well it depends on how many rolls you actually have saved
Aim for Lingguang and S Hera I guess with customs and selector.
I have 4-Tikcets and 14675-Stars as of now

Yea that was sort of what I was thinking. Who would you prefer between the two of them?
top Reply was meant for you friend
Get both, A Buzenbo and A nuadha should be fine as cope dps if you need a slot for another team.
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They do give you S Poseidon. Should've announced it on stream desu.
>can't farm the new set for the next 3 days
Nice game
Took me 70-Pulls but I got her! And considering my luck getting both So-ei and Izanami in a 10-pull each I think I am off to a great start! I'll use my Selector for Lingguang. Between her and Hera who supports an Ice team the best?
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>5 copies in 30k SS
Blessed, buying the skin first worked.
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If you're getting started, Hera is probably better. Just don't forget to use the command so her buff always directed to the main character. Or Lingguang to prioritize the shield I suppose.
Thanks! One last question. When Farming Origins, should I always do the highest mission I can? Is it better to break down higher quality materials for lower ones instead of farming earlier stages? I have a shitload to farm now
Yeah, always farming the highest. But I think you can just do the event. Loaner character should be powerful to tackle those.
Oh right! Didn't even look at that yet. And I apologize but I got one more question. In regards to the dorms. Are these full sets? Calling them drawings is a little confusing
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I think those are just added recently and basically just a blueprint. You have to buy the furniture yourself.
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Got SSS Izanami and SS Lingguang from the custom rateup, should I bother trying to roll for the rest of the chinks and if so who takes priority
Thanks bro!
Jinwu I suppose. Yingzhao is sexo tho.
I mean if you're going all the way might as well get the two best teams :
Jinwu Ling Gengchen
Izanami Mitsuha Hera
Then SS Ausar sync3, Thor, Luliang. You can replace either Ausar or Thor by YingZhao.
So what is the best team I can make now? Tsukuyomi has her Unique Functor but she's the only one that does
Izanami Mitsuha Hera/Lingguang.
Now you can steamroll 99% content in game. Remember to pick up Mitsuha/Hera functor later.
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Might be a bit much, I've already exhausted all of the packs in shop and don't want to rawdog 7500 SS a pop if I can help it. Spent a bit much on the new Idolm@ster GK mobage recently and am chilling on expenditures for other mobage at the moment
Neato! So if I recall correctly I just roll for their faction Functor right? And when obtained I can choose what I get right? That's the Awakening part right?
Forgot to add this
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Yeah, you can just awaken it from character screen too so you don't get confused which one is and misclick I guess.
Neat. I sort of Feel like I wanna start rolling for their Functors right away so I can get one par of Giga-carries. Honestly their weapon system/Gacha is one of the best ones I have seen so far
You can just spend $15 pretty sure in their anni pack for japs functors. You get 4k jims if you're lucky too.
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Won 50/50 in precise scan.
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>Both the selector and the custom scan doesn't include Flame Tyr.
Kek, poor guy, forever suffers.
When's the next meta banner to save for? Maybe I can snag that SS Tsukuyomi right now
Go for Omega S Hera and roll for S Vert.
You need Sekhmet for Thoth. But who knows when we will get them with this erratic pace. You need S Buzenbwo for Tsukuyomi though.
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Now you can check what's the actual meta and popular builds.
The recommended sigils have been wrong 80% of the time so far so I don't trust this.
This takes data directly from active players so it's more reliable than the shitty recommendation system they used before.
Fuck it I rolled for the tits.
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It cames from the players data so probably not that bad.
Byased. Don't forget to grab her OL outfit later
I got her in my second ten roll of four to finish the precise pity, but went to hard pity on the anchored scan. Back to saving for S Buzenbo since Tsuku and JIn-ei are both SS with their functors. Hopefully I have enough to get Sekhmet before Thoth.
Remember to grab Heimdall's functor from the shop
There's also the Kuni background
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Aaaa...stop reminding me of the brick on the very beginning...
Hot(cold) sex with Izanami and her ghost.
I got Jin-ei Kuninotokotachi as my first S character. Is she good? She deals way more damage than my current characters.
I have
>Tidal Song - Poseidon
>New Pact - Verthandi
>Drifting Flurry - Leviathan
>Frost Fang - Vidar
>Airgetlam - Nuadha
>Shinku - Buzenbo Tengu
>Dark Mistletoe - Hodur
>Enlightening - Heimdall
>Windwalker - Hermes

Which one's are good and which ones are extremely bad?
You can check your inbox later on for FREE Arctic Song - Poseidon. Otherwise, Nuadha, Buzenbo, Heimdall are usable. All the other probably not so much.
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that's surefire - ZENKIBO. Don't you dare omit her name again
Kuni is kinda shit I'm not gonna lie
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>Want to put the current event theme song as lobby music for Izanami
>But have to wait for 2 months till they add it to the bgm collection.
I hate this.
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Her heart link event is explicitly a full night fade to black after she shows off her stocking clad feet.
So what's needed on Izanami?
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Her limited sigil + Owl
full yellow code
usual enchant shit for every dps in this game
cringe translation
Visbane energy has been suppressed, now Mimir's calculations are working properly!

Conclusions are still the same. It looks like 90 banner is better for rate-up and if you're going for Omega you'll tend to use less rolls than the 70 banner. But expect less off-rates.
I had to turn off the soft pity because I don't know how it works for the 90 banner. I might update it in the future as I learn how it works.
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You and me both.
What does "Synergy" refer to in all of the Aether Gazer guides? For example Skadi is required to have "Synergy 3" on the Ice team comp
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This menu.
It's a buff some old modifier get.
You need SS rank to unlock T3 though.
>need to be at chapter 16 for Kuni synchro
>still at 13 since I don't feel like reading all this shit
Nevermind then...
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>Roll for Izanami
>Get her in 30 Rolls
>Use S Modifier selector to get Lingguang
>Me: Well I don't have Flame Bitches so I may a well pull them
>Choose Gengchen first
>Get her in 20 Pulls
>Looks at Currency
>20 pulls left
>Switch to Jinwu
>Just hit the Skip
>get missed FREE event Jinwu SS
Damn this Anniversary is sweet. I only had 70 pulls and got so much. I think I'll spent a little now. That 14.99 limited box is it any good?
Not liking her skill system, she has high attack though. Good time to quit Aether I guess.
When you "Reconstruct" a Sigil into a "Clarifying Reconstruction" do you need the proper Gen Zone on it first or can you skip that part entirely? therefore, saving Reconstructors.
you have to get it to the right gen zone first before you can make it specialized, and it can potentially eat into your reconstructors sadly, no way to really prevent that
There is a skip button.
If I was to build SPoseidon for an ice comp, would she want the new Ice set that just came this patch instead of the normal setups?
Just use what the CN tier list recommends.
But if you're using Izanami and Mitsuha she's not really the best third slot.
She wants the ice shred sword and dragon energy more.

Skadi and Sakura don't have their synchros yet, and they might need Hera/Lingguang for another team.
yeah I'm having to spread myself a bit thin, and they just handed her to me for free so I figured I'd at least see if it works, thanks for the advice
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Yeah that Mod Selector? I chose Tsuku for sweet SSS. No, I'm not gonna apologize.
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My body is ready for Busexbo S version.
Gakuen ID?
I haven seen her in the mail at all...
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>everyone and their mothers in my guild rolled for Izanami
Newfag here
I got Shinri Tsukuyomi, Jin Ei Kunoi-longname and Shinku Buzenbo Tengu
Is this good?
I guess you really need to clear the past grudge first. Some said that they give you her on past grudge 6.
There's no reason no to pull unless you're jimlet
Yeah, but they are kinda outdated.
If you like that team, roll for S Buzenbo once she released to replace A Buzenbo.
Also it's better set the ulti-chain (bottom left) with Buzenbo-Titty Ninja
I'm saving my stars for Zhiming, Sekhmet and Thoth.
You got time to accumulate jims for those and there's no 50/50 from now on.
Why does the game force me into story units so often. Like 1/3-1/2 of my fights in story mode have been with them and it gets annoying/tedious. I want to play MY characters.
So going by Kuni's heart link event, it's clear they banged right?
you can majority of content with that team just fine but compared to newer units they are powercreeped like crazy
98% of A ranks are joke or only good as ult slave and those 2 S ranks needs synchro lv 3 to keep up which means a dupe + sig are a must (prioritize tsukuyomi first)
I just hope you don't spend your selector ticket for those.
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Which one? I lost 50/50 in previous banner before.
If you lost before might as well take the guarantee on top one. Otherwise, bottom is always nice if you're lucklet
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Finally. Thanks Iza.
is she a kuudere?
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What happened to the grudges???
Update, I forgot which sigils I was actually using, Iceberg is better on S Poseidon if you're using the limited sword set on Mitsuha, and Song of the Victor is the energy sigil. The DPS set is only if you have high resos on her.
What is Izanami role?
Thigh sex.
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>Skadi and Shu at T1
>Hades and Hel at T3
oh how the turn tables
but real question is when are they getting their synergy
Skadi will have to wait till summer event (August) to get her. Shu got her around 3.0.
So months to go for both.
Wait Thor already got her sync?
Thor, Shu, S Posei all got sync in 3.0
If Buzenbo is DoA I guess I'm not rolling...
You roll her to be Tsukiyomi's bitch, same as Thor before, student cant surpass teacher after all.
>student cant surpass teacher after all
You just wait for S Zenki!
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it's canon, admin marries zenki
Let me know when you are around, I will delete space off of the list since it's currently full.
Resist it, bro!
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New admins, join Sister or Lummies
Sister: 393415
Lummies: 589867
Join Sister, not Lummies
whats the benefit of a guild
why doesnt this game have coop? it feels like a 3D version of 2D beat em ups
>whats the benefit of a guild
Free shit every week.
why doesnt this game have coop?
There should be a co-op event in Summer. Expect shit netcode.
>he doesn't understand the Omega mindset
I still don't understand how S Shu rose to T1 so sharply.
Is her synchro really that good?
i heard she also got skillchain with Thor.
>Thor steal Osiris from Shu so Shu steal Thor from Osiris.
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I redeemed the rrat.
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>use all my entries in the event for limited sigils for my YingZhao
>didn't get the one slot I'm missing
It's fucking over for me
Ying Zhao, Geng Chen, Skadi or Hel?
only if you pulled Luliang
good on almost any team
only if it would bring her to SS, and you'll also have to wait for when they remember to give us her synchro
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>already content with SS izanami
>free pull from date minigame thing gives me another dupe
>now tempted to go for SSS
i can see how it ends, i go broke going for 2x 90 pity then no funds for thoth and sekhmet
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Oh so that's what the Lummies was about. Also that you were in my CS consort. Didn't realize you were playing this too. Anyways, I'll probably check again in like 5hours?
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Actually requires a lot of effort to use, even with her optimal team, she's very bad against mob waves, only shines when fighting bosses.
>Geng chen
God tier mobs killer, decent sub DPS for bosses, works well even with low investment.
cripple for now, requires high investment to be usable later
In the same waiting line as Hades for emergency operation so they can walk again.
In short, get Geng Chen.
The new story chapter is kind of fun. Still behind Skuld's story, but I actually read all of it.
I prefer Aether's skill spam and flashy gameplay, Wuthering Waves doesn't really have skills like it. Aether's red AoEs are also easier to dodge. Shame it's not open world.
>open world
Thanks god it isn't. I am sick of that shit.
Yeah, trying wuwa just made me wish I was playing an action mmo 10+ years ago instead. Aether Gazer satisfies my flashy attack big numbers needs well enough, and has a faster loop than monhun.

I wouldn't mind some more game modes. I'd love an actual dungeon crawl using some of the larger stages that you only really go through in story. Causality Survey scratches some of that itch, but atmospheric hallways really add something and this game hasn't gotten enough out of some of the environment models.
Yeah I am playing WaterWangs right now and while it has better combat than genshit it still feels like genshit. Only fuels my longing to go back to AG. I think chink open world isn't for me but I'll give it at least 1-3 months. If things don't really improve then I'll go back to Buzenbo's embrace. Well that's an IF, her S version does get released within 3 months.
For some game modes I'm actually running some of the grudges. That is until it has gone babby mode for some reason?
The game is really bad and the girls are not even half as hot as AG's girls. I already said it but Izanami alone mogs the entirety of their cast like what the fuck
I was actually stuck on that last stage for a few weeks with the three bosses all at once because doing that much damage to 3 targets was surprisingly hard, so imagine my shock when I logged in after the update and the only thing there was the dumb red giant that I beat on the first try
Past grudge got nerfed after they changed the rewards this patch so newbies could clear them for their starter kits. They basically just default people to the chasm as the challenge end content now.
Even Tsuku is enough to mog all the girls. What is with the costume designs? It's like they try to have sci-fi wuxia but held back on the concept. I'd daresay that even Mengzhang has a better scifi wuxia concept. I'll be honest I was kinda expecting some male characters ala Marduk since they are kinda going on the diverse character sets which is one of the reasons I'm willing to give it a try and Baizhi of course. I also want to include the female rover as one of the reasons before they pulled that shit redesign.
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Grudges is mostly my way of benchmarking or testing mods and sometimes do some self imposed runs. RIP my personal trial grounds...
Am I blind or does WuWa not have custom button adjustments? I want to copy my AG button layout because the layout scheme is throwing me off.
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There's something about the proportions of female models that really don't sit well with me, especially their facial structures, not to mention their awful costumes.
Hell even a NPC like Gemory looks better than most of them, let alone Izanami who a lot people considered to be one of the most beautiful girls in AG roster.
Do what the chinks do when they want test new char anon, chasm 6-3 stage.
Just use autohotkey
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Christ, I can't do Izanami skill 3 properly with all particles burdens my emus. I hope the PC client arrive soon.
Why is Izanami's skin so shit?
The first skin tends to be.
i thought it looks good at first then i realized its just a red recolor of her base outfit with few more things
worry not she will get a very tight nurse outfit that mogs jinei's
Which one? I can't tell what's more worth.
Obviously right
There is no world where left is more valuable than right
If you don't have a signature functor you want upgraded more than a chance at a new modifier, absolutely right. Even then, getting to SS is a better choice than a sig functor upgrade.
hallo, is there fanservice to be had here?
yes but not much.
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is this from paid pack? i never seen this from current event
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Posei's posei... sex...
DId they mention that you can fuse sigil modules now? I don't remember it in patch notes. Have I just been a fool this entire time?
If you're talking about the blue and purple fuse. Yeah, you're retarded the whole time.
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You have all the top DPS at SS+ right?
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>all this omegas and didn't put the sexo skin
Why whales are gay?
default skin is hotter fr fr
anni gift box, in the paid shop
ok but where pc
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Thread's awfully quiet... You're not playing Wushit right? Traitor
that game looks like shit, no thanks
i was playing it for 8 hoursbut not even rolling a cunny in 2 multis made me keep playing, despite they give 5* selector today as part of the dogeza i don't want to reinstall
Does positioning matter when it comes to sigils or do I just need to focus on getting 3 and 3?
Positioning matters. Check the base enchants, they will differ based on position.
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nyes I enjoyed wuwank.
Why are you still playing this game?
Which banner you guys use to get Izanami? 70 or 90?

Looking at my history, I won the last 50/50, if I lose before, I probably would've use the 70 banner now...
It's fun, it's not open world slop, easy to maintain, and most important ones, sexo.
90. And I got another copy with free ticket from event.
70, as pulling for Mitsuha got me a Kagatsuchi with her on the last pull, guaranteeing my Izanami on that banner. Probably the last time I'm using it though, Anchor banner is just so much better.
Could have sworn you don't need Izanami SS or her Functor and she still out damages everyone in all end game content as long as you have her support slut with her functor
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Now I understand why Izanami outclassed the chinks and knocked Jinwu down. Aside from her absurd personal DAMAGE her kit is just braindead and adding Mitsuha just makes her next level. Jinwu has to at least maintain her attack and manage her divine grace but Izanami just throws that out the window. You just spam attack. watch the circle appear and press the buttons. Seeing Thoth beat her only because Thoth can deal with Ice resistant enemies A LITTLE bit faster. Even considering that Izanami still deal that much DAMAGE and still come out in top time.
>Jinwu has to at least maintain her attack and manage her divine grace
Anon. I say timing for Izanami S3 probably takes more effort than that.
The timing is kinda wonky for me. I can't activate it consistently. The perfect dodges works fine still.
No it doesn't. You just watch the circle show itself and you press S3. I don't have to second guess myself and that's from transitioning it from S1.
And you think Jinwu smash normal attack button to fill mark then S1 to fill her divine grace is some kind of high effort gameplay? The fact that you can mess up Izanami S3 timing already makes it harder than Jinwu's combo.
What are you on about? I didn't say anything about Jinwu being high effort. We are talking about top tier characters with little effort shitting out damage. It's absolutely impossible to mess up the timing of Izanami unless you are playing at 30fps which has that weird delay going on about it. The only reason I consider Jinwu relatively harder is the possibility of dropping her normals which has a maintainance aspect to it and the initial part of combat filling up her divine grace so you can press S2 faster. This is a factor in a timed run. Izanami's timing is just a reflex game without any of the reflex part since the circle shows up a million years and you just press a button.
Press dodge or hold S3 before the mirror break. Press S1 and S2 after the mirror break. I can get the derivative skills consistently.
Is it true or just bullshit anon >>1480632? Is AG unpopular because of males and false advertising?
>The big problem was that the game (*Aether Gazer*) did not have a playable male character in the CBTs, and at no time the devs say that the game would have playable male characters, so everyone was surprised when the game came out to see playable male characters
>because of that now when a game is announced the Chinese want to know directly if the game will have male characters or not
The revenue is dropped drastically like after Hera releases so I don't see the correlation between that and the schizo rambling.
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No, what that anon meant is that potential waifufags don't even bother with this game because it has male characters. And the unaware ones who started playing because they only saw females in the PVs and CBT quickly dropped it after ~2 months because of the males.
I don't really against it. But I don't see the CBT correlattion to launch popularity especially when it's still a success launch. The problem is that they shoot themselves in the foot with something like 3 consecutive m*les banner. They should make Bastet as *5 instead of Marduk/Anubis.
AG revenue got a sharp drop after 2 months, it was due to various problems with the game, shitty balance, bugs, genshin style banners etc, rather than just having male characters. Though the consecutive male characters after Hades did nailed them to the floor and they only managed to float back after they went full on chink pandering with 2.0.
the easy way for jinwu graces is using S2>S1 when she has 7-8 stacks to proc her passive multiple times
once you get used to it 0 reason to use any of her codes other than yellow because the +crit dmg is broken
I know that's my setup. The only barrier of entry is the low crit rate which was resolved by having griffin and grinding on enchantments. I don't even have her signature to increase the crit further but eh it works fine. It's just Izanami is better overall.
>They should make Bastet as *5 instead of Marduk/Anubis
god I would've killed for a top tier 5* Bastet as a new Dark DPS/Support/fucking anything, Dark needs a hand real, real badly right now
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We will be back to Omorfies soon, S Oneiroi plus synchro Hades will save dark and Artemis will fish Athena out of her bottom T2 bitch role.
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I guess it's clear now that S Buzenbwo is next patch with they announcement that summer is on august.
Luwu side story probably gets delayed to august for summer patch because it was just a Skadi rerun with Gengchen skin gacha, which we already got. Then well we are pretty much set for 3.0.
Just started and the forced english dub already makes me wanna uninstall
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And it was discontinued to top it up kek
I managed to turn it off.
I got the white haired ninja girl on my 1st roll and used the voucher to get Winged Gardener because she's got nice boobs.
I used all my free currencies and got nothing but A dupes afterwards. I was hoping to get 3 S rank at least for a full team...
ninja girl is kinda fun it's like playing Invoker (Dota)
You should try get Izanami. She is the strongest character in game right now.
more like dead expired fish lmao. Mitsuha is sex.
Too many belts and 2 is better than one. Especially the ghost blowjob part WOHOOO~
When can you usually expect for a rerun banner I got inazami but no so-ei and I need her for ult skillchain
Reruns are completely wacked in global server due to them skipping and switching patches order, and Mitsuha didn't get a rerun in CN so far so it only makes thing worse.
You probably have to wait for 3.0 update in a few months and maybe they will have another custom rate up banner so you can pick her since there's very little chance she will get a normal rerun anytime soon.
Ahhh well that enough time to save while inazami gets gimped for months
Chasm 6 is the only thing Mitsuhalet Izanami can't curb stomp so it really doesn't matter anyway.
Can you grab her on the current rate-up pick?
Nope, doesn't include anything post Yingzhao.
Unfortunate. Hope for 3.0 arrives in 6 months later I guess.
Old DV event is fucking cancer. Hard mode clear on give 50 jims. Why
Not counting whatever they are planning to do with summer event patch, they only have 2 patches worth of contents before 3.0. Even if we are being generous and give each patch 5-6 weeks long, we will hit 3.0 sometime during late december or october.
I'm level 20 and just done with Ch.2
I really hate how they like to force me to use x characters. I want to use my S rank ninjas.
also holy shit the gacha rate. I've rolled 70 times across 2 banners and I've only gotten 1 S rarity characters. too many purples and dupes.
Eh, I feel like they paced it well for the next half-anni to be 3.0. The patch where there's only 1 new character usually last 4 weeks too.
>Izanami last until july
>S Buzenbo until summer
>summer probably last until sept
>duo chink until oct
>Sekhmet until half-anni for Thoth
I'd rather have 50 stars reward (so I can skip it) than locking the border behind hard mode.
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>>Izanami last until july
S Buzenbo and Sekhmet should just be one patch, the same way Izanami and Kagu are combined into one patch, as they were 2 parts of the same story chapter, and global always combine those into one patch.
So in reality we are going to have
>Kagu as part 2 of the current patch
>S Buzenbo + Sekhmet
>Summer event
So I recently finished building my Izanami and started using her for content and it's pretty fucking ridiculous how fast she shits on things what the fuck
Her gameplay is also braindead easy
>I really hate how they like to force me to use x characters
bad news bwo it gets far worse later on to the point you never get to use any of your team even once in entire chapter
i get that this way they don't have to do shit like +20 level uncap every new chapter but its still annoying sometimes
also roll the 90 pity banner instead if you want the rateup unit
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Sisters won
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Saw three of us in top100 of Chasm before, not too shabby huh?
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How you doing fellow gay sirs?
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And frequently having 2 in top 20 HZ. Sisters are true gamers
Level 25, done with Ch.3
10 missions, 8 of them were with fixed lineup. very lame.
out of all A ranks, I only like the 1st girl, purple beam girl and fire girl that looks like femMC from genshin.
also I rolled 2x10 today and got no S rank again. 10 more rolls until pity.

I'll play 1 chapter a day.
How bad is the power creep until chapter 17?
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guess the powercreep is real, SS izanami w/o functor + S mitsuha w/ functor
chink team still can't do the other stage by themselves
How's power creep real when you can just slowmo perfect dodge?
Later chapter has rent character anyway.
just got S shu dupe from getting 3S izanami, heard her AI is the worst in the game and also the hardest to play manually, so is there any way to easy mode as her?
DPS is the easiest thing in the world to powercreep, not to mention giving newer characters shitter-proof mechanics
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There's a reason why she's the hardest.
>10 Free regular precise scans from Oukawa Outing
Does this just so happen to lower the average amount of pulls in the 70pity banner, making it just slightly better compared to the 90pity banner?
This is directed at (you) >>1477229 sister

For the sake of idiotic optimization, now it's optimal to roll on 70 banner for next rate up?
I estimate that it would make the average on the 70-banner better given you had a history of 10 rolls on 70. But it'd still be more volatile (could lose the 50-50)
I can try rerun the simulation with that assumption when I'm next at my computer later today
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On second thought, clearly waiting for 6 more Oukawa Outings is the most optimal choice.
You only got 10 ticket max so you need another 130 rolls assuming you're lucklet.
Done with Ch.4-5
The story is kinda boring and the combat is pretty mid t b h
enemies are mostly group of stationary punching bags. bosses are fine, but dodging spam is very easy and powerful.
in a mission, a boss dealt 25% of my HP / hit, I see how they'll do power creep now. what happens if you die anyway? you switch to controlling one of your other 2 characters? pay2win revive button? or simply retry?
>The story is kinda boring
First arc is universally panned for being boring, and almost filler tier in term of story, you could skim over or straight up skipping it without losing anything vital.
It's recommended to read Verthandi's first bond story, then Marduk's side story as soon as possible since they explain ton of background info and setting that they never bothered telling you anywhere else.
Just play her normally and ignore her green (counter) mode I guess?
SisterCryptics™ researcher here.
Mimir is running out of swigs, but he has crunched the numbers for you!

- The average rolls spent is slightly lower on the 70 banner if you have 10 pre-rolls vs. the 90 banner if you have 0 pre-rolls.
- However, based on the simulation there is a 20% chance that you will need more than 90 rolls (you can read that on the graph: one minus the green curve's y-value at x=90).
- That 20% chance at x=90 is only slightly better than the 70 banner with 0 pre-rolls.

So on ***average*** the 70 banner with 10 pre-rolls requires less subsequent rolls than 90 banner with 0 pre-rolls. It is ultimately a gamble and you'll have less volatility going with the 90 banner.

If anyone is interested in the code (python notebook) I can share it.
>broke pity initially on the Mitsuha banner on the roll I got her, so Precise was the way to go for when Izanami came out
>rolled her, easy
>oukawa outing meant I was still rolling it
>on the 10th roll, got an off-banner Skadi
I guess I'm not rolling on the Anchor banner for Sekhmet either
Bwo your S Buzenbo?
I never rolled Shinri so screw her
Bro your FREE selector?
Thanks sis, S buzenbo will be the next sacrifice for my next 70 banner pity
A Chinese anon explained why AG is tanking in China.
>this game has a very poor reputation in China. It was the combination of AG and GF2 that led to Chinese players rising up in resistance. The game is referred to as "telecom fraud" in China. I've seen someone summarize the public opinion storm surrounding AG, stating that AG portrayed the player character as particularly worthless and had female characters kneel to the villains, followed by attempts to whitewash the villains. I have finished collecting the interesting incidents about AG in China.
>"Aether Gazer," known in China as a game akin to telecom fraud, was developed and published by a company in Shanghai, with Yostar handling global distribution. Prior to its launch, the official team assured that there would be absolutely no CP (couple pairing) content in the game. The advertising campaign consistently featured female characters and contained suggestive content, which attracted a group of male players. However, the storyline turned out to be poorly written, with the player's gender being ambiguously defined, and the character development was subpar, with minimal screen time. There were even scenarios where a female character knelt to a villainous effeminate young boy for the player, and another where a female character was killed. Subsequently, the official team began to introduce male characters into the gacha pool, forcibly giving players male characters that could not be refused, and attempted to whitewash some villainous characters to include them in the pool. The skin and storyline for some female characters who were kind to the player were revealed to be just a dream of the player, not having actually occurred.
>When profits were low, the game would release skins and female characters to attract male players, and when profits were high, it would introduce male characters to annoy the male players.
>This behavior was repeated at least three times, leading to players angrily abandoning the game, resulting in a significant drop in both profits and player numbers.
chink anon sure is busy posting in a foreign mushroom picking forum that get less than 10 replies a day and replying to himself
There's no such thing happen in the main story. The villains in the first part ran away and got killed later on. The other antagonist is Ausar so screech whatever you want for whitewashing the alternate personality of your own team. She's sexo too.
>chara development is subpar
I give you that but that's like barnum effect of gacha. It doesn't narrow anything
>three times of looping male-female
I'm pretty sure we got 4 consecutive m*les instead.
If you want to shit on GF2, do it on /gfg/ instead.
Also at last but not least, I don't know blaming shit on false advertisement. Pretty funny for chinks to pin the blame on that whereas they're very famous for it.
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managed to clear it with S/SS mods
>chara development is subpar
I find it funny that this was posted on the Snowbreak general.
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i dont read fanfics
>forcibly giving players male characters that could not be refused
no? are they counting the free Kingu you got from the Marduk event ages ago? because they've never forced a male character into your roster, literally the only characters they've "given out" were your own choice or SPoseidon
>whitewash some villainous characters to include them in the pool
Ausar? she's like the only villain they've ever done this to, and she's sex
everything else is complete fucking bullshit, what the hell?
The whole thing is completely bullshit anon, even the 2 points you just mentioned. You can just skip Kingu by not redeem him in your character roster even if you have his shards. And chinks dig the whole "evil chick become playable character" as you already see that shit across countless games so that's not even a valid point for criticism.
That guy just shitpost using various second or third information to spread misinformation.
did we piss somebody off that they're making wild stories to make us look worse off than we already are? surely some other game isn't this scared of us to paint us as this much complete fuckups, right?
Maybe AG is more popular than we think to the point we have shitposters making up shit like this to use for their little console wars.
They only actual fuck up was advertising the game as a waifu game then adding male characters on release.
The story wasn't great but it was serviceable, I guess.
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so this is how chinks spread lies now? write the 75% truth for the first half and personal fantasy the second half? did you grab it from an old shitpost pre 2.0?
no (you) this time
havent seen the numbers but thoth boobs sells very well from what i heard. S vert should sell well too via 3S/omega temptation
Just beat Orochi.
What's the story of this game even about anyway?
My guess: the Earth is in ruins, so humanity retreated to a virtual world, but viruses called the Visbanes are threatening to destroy it so the system has certain people awaken as Modifiers to fight them off
Honestly, like PGR I'm not really getting the impression that the story is going anywhere
15m vid for background lore
The premise is fine, but everything after "ok so gaia created anti-viruses in human form and..."
and then I just lost interest in the narrative.
this should've been a real game with compact actual story instead of gacha with neverending padding.
So which A rank sigs are the best to buy? I have almost enough to buy two of them.
Heimdall, and uh buzenbwo I guess.
Heimdall and wait for Bastet, no one else matters. You could get A Poseidon I guess since the effect is quite nice but supports are stacked right now.
Just beat Orochi for real this time.
I don't think I can continue.
The storytelling is unengaging and the combat is mid, it's better than PGR but it's still not good.
I continue to search for my 2nd main gacha...
Funny how the story starts to have an actual stake and some improvement after the orochi arc.
oh yeah everyone says that about their favorite gacha
Sure, but compared to mess on main story on release. Later on has a proper plot structure with defined antagonist per arc instead of whatever mess they put on chapter 1 to 8.
The story gets a lot better in chapter 12, and after then it's also better.
You should just jump to chapter 12 and see if you like that.
Hope this game upgrade dorm next. I want to have sex with my mods.
>it's better than PGR but it's still not good.
Do people seriously believe this? PGR is way better for fast paced action if you can overlook the match 3 rng gameplay. Plus it has self-insert pandering too. The only downside is you have to play on mobile.
The only good thing about AG is more girls and it feels better on PC if you like the team ult HI3 APHO style.
But honestly if you want a second main gacha, just try HI3 part 2, Wuwa, or the upcoming ZZZ. It's hard to recommend AG to a newbie over those.
>Hope this game upgrade dorm next. I want to have sex with my mods.
Which gacha game has the best dorm system? I'm talking about a real 3D environment where characters move around not some low budget chibis. The only ones I can think of are GF2, Snowbreak and Nornium.
limited dodge/dash and color-matching gimmick ruin all the fun in PGR.
>limited dodge/dash ruin all the fun
Why? Are there any ARPGs out there where you can just dodge or dash without limits and people actually like it?
Ys is super fun
stamina bar ruins ARPG
AG isn't even designed to work as "main" gacha game, that anon just picked a wrong game for that purpose.
I don't quite remember how the dorm room works.

If I put A Hera in her own dorm room, would S Hera also getting the bonus ATK stats from leveling the room?
yes, characters in the dorm count for all of their individual versions, so if you made a room for Vert, it would count for B, A and S versions, etc. etc.
>AG still refuse to go full coomer mode like Snowbreak
Yeah there is no hope for this shit game, EOS soon.
and tiananmen to you, chink anon
I wonder what kind of wild tales anon will post about this soon to EOS game to make his favorite game looks better later.
Sorry, I've been busy playing Wuwa to weave a tale to entertain you
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>playing WuWa before Yinlin
Just wait until they release the next m*le
That will kill us
I don’t think the game will die but I still want it to go coomer
I don't get why they still keep all-age rating while trying to do coomer skins and then get censored or remove later. Snowbreak is the living proof that going on 18+ rating is better for your game if you want to selling coom, who fucking cares about kids, it's not like this game gonna attract new player anyway.
that's the banner after Izanami
>I don't get why they still keep all-age rating while trying to do coomer skins and then get censored or remove later
Chink anons said the skins weren't censored, the devs just took them out to create artificial scarcity and they'll bring them back in later CN events. If you check the comments under the Bilibili post about the skin removals on the official channel the CN players also said the same thing.
new survey, remember to tell them to speed up the schedule
Why would we want that?
It's like you don't want to go into the future
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Yeah skipping this fortnightly tryharding
nnyo I want to save up more jims for my canon wife Verthandi.
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Better start hoarding your stuff for 3.2 shop update.
You can buy limited shards now?
What the fuck did I roll dupes for
Ver 1.0 mods got added to normal pool after 3.2 update, so they are no longer limited.
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that little sheep? me
How do I unlock this?
You need to use all 4 of those skills.
1+1 --> 3
1+2 --> 3
2+1 --> 3
2+2 --> 3

The description/translation is wrong. It should say "use" --> "use each of" and "or" --> "and".
>be new player
>double fucking hard pity for izanami
never doing 50/50 again, fuck this shit
also does this gacha have soft pity? because it doesn't feel like it
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Looks like the BP shop will also be updated with functors for 1.0 mods after 3.2 patch.
This looks like Barbara's summer outift (from Genshin) but worse
Neat, guess I can hold off investing in Skadi for a bit and save for Thoth
It does have soft pity but it seems to kick in really late, around the last 10 rolls. Probably because the game has lower celling than other games with this kind of system.
Are you ready to pay money for that. No clairvoyance, no preparation, its2R2RYD all gacha
Oh shit, purple intel has a use again, even if it's only good for 10 intel.

captcha: W4AG
That shops refreshes weekly so you can get more than 10, but it also shuffles the lineup around so it's hard to focus on the ones you need.
guess it's "easy" for getting S>SS, orange crystals are basically free if you have played for long enough, 10 copies with 1k purple intel and some mods like shinri has another 10 copies from maxing out their affinity
>naked m*le on the front
What are they thinking
>What are they thinking
To attract the Genshin female audience.
I don't see females in general picking AG over Genshin
Genshin doesn’t have any half-naked m*le characters as far as I know, so when female Genshin players get pissed off by the conservative designs and see the AG BP art, they’re tempted to give AG a shot.
Most females probably don't even know that AG exists due to lack of marketing, and I don't think a fucking PNG that never shows up anywhere else in the game is gonna sell people on the game, male or female (I mean, imagine playing HI3 for the stigmata or PGR for THEIR version of stigmata)
I mean i just tried to rationalize why they put a m*le in BP, to remind female AG players that they're still catering to them and will add more guys to the roster later. Plus the female players can use the BP art to show off to their friends on social media which is free marketing.
So, now it's optimal to pay 76,000 coins everyday for 8(?) intels to convert into 40 purple intel crests?
I suppose it is worth draining my coins for it, but is it really worth?
if you have omega A/B ranks you can redeem their intel using the blue crystals which you can then convert to purple intel crests
Oh fuck, that's optimal too? The blue crystals were supposed to be my T3 Sigil Module stash, I just recently spent a good chunk of them.
Well you have like half a year to build up., plenty of time.
well wouldn't call it optimal but it is still a farmable resources that doesn't have much use
sigil module can be farmed by stamina and event shops don't require too much in order to grab the high priority mats
so you can do both if you want a headstart in farming the purple crests, B mods and A buzenbo are easy to get to omega, so buy their intel with coins whenever they pop up in shop
*timegated resources
>every time Recurring Dreams shifts to physical weak
I wanna die
Osiris/Vert just isn't good enough anymore but damn if I'm not going to try
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Seems like we do get the uncensored Hera skin.
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Compared to other gachas, ahem-wuwank-ahem. This game is really generous. This is considering those fags from the other game props up Kuro for the gacha because of the initial rewards and other giveaways because they keep fucking up. I feel like the gacha is so lopsided for you to lose the 50/50 and adding ro that the game is currently on it's post honeymoon period aka the waiting phase that I'm now feeling the butt clenching stinginess for the currency. Yeah... I might drop that shit after maybe a year or if I don't get the white dragon girl. I will always have a home here where the girls are actually pretty and fun.
Pretty funny when people used to complain about this game being stingy since it didn't shower you with apology gifts at the start.
>Compared to other gachas, ahem-wuwank-ahem. This game is really generous.
Idiot. You're comparing a multiplat open-world AAA game that's fucking expensive to produce and maintain with a mobile instance-based game that doesn't even have a global PC version yet. Completely different scales.
Didn't Wuwa just 1:1 copy Genshin?
Allegedly PGR is much more generous than it.
And it's an excuse to be that stingy? Genshin already had that excuse made back shit and more and it's still one of the worst gachas I have experienced up to date. Now Kuro is trying to replicate that experience for some reason and I'm pretty sure they also made back on their production costs and is already making profits even before Yinlin. The only maintaining that they're spending on is their shilling team seeing how barebones the open world is.
For me, is the opposite. wuwa get stale after 1 week, and I'm barely log in AG just do daily and fuck off.
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>I'm pretty sure they also made back on their production costs and is already making profits even before Yinlin
Retard. Wuwa is barely making any money and is still trying to cover production costs. Genshin made BILLIONS in their launch year while Wuwa is still struggling to stay afloat. Genshin's current mobile revenue alone is almost triple Wuwa's.
Just to confirm. Tag ults stops the timer, right?
Chain ult pauses timer, single ult doesn't.
also you have to watch the full single ult animation for the mod you are controlling, but only watch the startup animation if they are on ai
>gengchen longass ult animation
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Dam, that ass is fat.
>rerunning fire tyr
sausage patch, would be hilarious if the next yellow banner is also tyr, but it's probably the rabbit since she got her synchro upgrade
Their main revenue for this patch is going to be Hera skin.
At least it's another month to save up before the next onslaught begins.
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I've been sitting on my yellow banner pity for ages with no idea what to spend it on, at this rate it's never gonna get popped
asura/poseidon/jinwu benefit from additional copies to SSS, first 2 have yet to get their synchro update yet in global
i am going for the rabbit since i don't have her yet and she fit quite well into izanami team
I was considering building an Asura centric team with her, Kagatsuchi and Nuahda just to give myself some options and I already had her at SS with her functor, so I'm really looking forward to her synchro
I didn't even know Poseidon got a Synchro in CN, that's great news honestly, the Oceanus team I use her in has always been surprisingly good for me, that's kinda tempting I'll admit, so I don't think I'll drop that team anytime soon (what else am I going to use for Water except for the Zhi Ming I'm not going to pull)
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So 3.2 is going to add chain ult for Mitsuha+Skadi, Hel+Heimdall, as well as synchro for Hades, Hel and Anubis, so we have like a handful left before all 1.0 mods get synchro. With the new shop update it's also much easier to get synchro 3 for all 1.0 mods now. At least they go back and revise the old mods instead of riding the powercreep train further and further.
I think that's really good for Hel but I can't see it being enough to shake Izanami off from her perch. Could be interesting I guess? Honestly would've preferred they give Anubis one if they were giving him synchro because he's stuck with dogshit chain ults. Hades getting Synchro is huge though, it's been a long time coming and Dark needed this bump. Do we have any info on S Oneroi's kit yet?
It is said that Hades sync only gives her super armor compared to Hel that reduces her cannon cost further. Oneiros releases tomorrow or the day after so nothing really explained for her kit I guess.
Hel biggest change is that her other attacks actually deal fuck ton of damage now, so she isn't a cripple hovering around until you can max her divine grace to spam her big cannon. She also just got nerfed because having 9999% nuke is a bit too much.
Reading through the awful MTL, seems like her main gimmick is crit rate/crit damage buff. Crit build is going to be the meta for dark team now.
i see those synchros as modern dark dps at home, they probably release a dark dps powercreep soon just like skadi synchro vs izanami
still glad finally my wife can shoot real lightning balls instead of marbles
Since lightning top DPS is still fucking Tsuku so it's not necessary that they will drop someone that can powercreep these 2 immediately. Artemis is probably physical to pair her with Athena, while Selene could be light.

Nice, I like them.
Hope Aether Gazer devs are developing their own Genshin Killer or any game that you could at least jump, I like their designs more than Hoyo/Kuro
Bro? Azur Promilia?
Lacking the information, I thought Manjuu did Azur lane and someone else (Xiamen Yongshi) did Aether Gazer. I think I now understand that Aether Gazer is 100% Yongshi while Azur Lane is mostly developed by Yongshi and somewhat developed by Manjuu? Whatever, all hail Azur Promilia, Vert better be there as a collab character
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Speaking of Skadi, I wonder if they'll ever give her a new costume cuz it's been long overdue. They didn't even bother to give her one during her event rerun
At the beginning of AL, Yongshi worked on the technical aspect while Manjuu worked on the art side. But nowadays no one knows how close these 2 companies are, or if they still work together on AL. Yongshi is still a small team from the look of it but Manjuu has grown big enough to develop something like Azur Promilia.
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Oh shit maintenance
edgelord is surprisingly fun to play, shame i won't be rolling
Finally, Hera's red outfit is here!
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This is how peak female body should look like.
>surprisingly fun to play
>hold 2
>press 1
>hold 2
>press 3

Hags not welcome
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The freedom that global gives...
>surprisingly fun to play
The wonders of a character with a braindead kit for once, simple to understand and doesn't require 18 pages of explanation to play properly. Seems fun enough to me.
The perfect breasts!
>25 burgers with nothing else, no rolls, no stamina, no nothing
Akshually you got about $2.5 cashback to purchase another skin if you keep stacking it.
And honestly I prefer this rather than slap a skin and call it a new unit, moreso if it powercrepts the original ones.

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