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Happy Birthday Saki
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Collab when, Bushiroad?
Obligatory MV
When do you think next Haya-Coco content will drop?
Toilet Saki!
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Yuri Collab
Happy birthday, our cutest dragon DJ!
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Finally finished the last one of Princess Letter songs.
Also beat all those unit instrumentals earlier except Abyssmare lol.
Where is everyone? Thread is back to pre-Doggo dead.
I was watching that gay band anime that Kidani is shilling. It was more gay than it is band.
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Could have had more band if Kidani wasn't so bad at money. Plus the band autist hasn't taken the central stage yet.
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Collab Yuri
D4DJ needs more Domestic yuri
D4DJ needs more covers of songs like this:
D4DJ needs more sexy DJ costumes:
Do Xross cards get special buff from growth? My Kyoko's 45+25 has 10s skill instead of 9s.
The on perfect one? It has 2 tiers, the rare one lasting 1s longer.
I thought it's either 40+20 or 45+25, and both have same 9s length. My Esorin has only 9s.
I don't think the autist can make it more band than gay without spoiling anything...

You didn't get the rare one. Someone last thread posted a 10s one
Right, I saw that. That feels irritating, getting 45+25 is already hard enough, but then there's ultra rare skill with +1 second?
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Oh no, 2baki...
What's her unique appeal again?
She's like Ultramarines of DJs
Oh yeah let's randomly add 5 scratches in succession near the end.
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It's been a while and I STILL love Bell.
How come Call of Artemis doesn't have their own weekly groovy mix tour?
Probably because they got effectively written out of the game + get no music due to their IRL composer being busy with other shit.
From what I remember, their composer was the guy who actually wrote "Wow War Tonight", "EZ Do Dance", etc., which were apparently actual EDM songs in Japan back in like the 90s.
I was right to save my tickets for CrossBeat Michiru.
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Elsie's tight little ass...
This is rough timing since Neo and Sophia have their birthday next month and they also have high swimsuit event potential this year.
Sophia's lovely single just hit 1 million views.

Bad Doggo summer
>All this coping
Is that hard to accep that COA is just an extra unit in the game?
Is like asking why L.M.O does not have cards.
How come Shinobu and Nagisa's grandpa has no cards? I bet he will outsold Michiru.
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>Bushiroad gave up on using D4DJ Groovy Mix as collab slave
idk about cards, I wish they had songs
April Fool gacha cards
Alternative dimension where they are girls...
Same actors but with voice changer
Is Merm4id event story a metaphor for D4DJ?
You are the new one if you never saw the same slide but with Groovy Mix.
>no u
So the few D4 players alive are tourists who have no idea how bushi TCG work?
stop embarrassing yourself if you have no idea what the conversation is about
>few D4 players alive are tourists
daed game...
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>dead internet
I am the only real Diggler
What is Elsie's favorite assault rifle?
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Why did you shop D4DJ out?
Erased just like Neo's mom...
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Can you take 1*s into growth? It's not optimal, but it sure will be funny as hell to see a team of 1*s hitting close to original 3* card levels
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Why is Weronika so cool?
Big Heckler & Kock fan
Uncool Sophia
>sniper rifle
What's that egg in the hand though?
>growth lives need stamina
>it also opens up poker card
Welp that's one design flaw
Nice famas
Will Muni and Maho kiss on-stream?
For me it's staff-san
girl cum?
they called unichord a flop...
who? the doggos?
Is it a metaphor of how they are doing irl?
I saw someone do kokoa's BPD hair thing irl the other day
Reminder that Kokoa's unit name has a special character with unicode code point U+00D8
*gunshot SFX*
Does Shiika ship Kyoko and Shinobu?
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Was the schizo saying UniChØrd being the least popular unit judging by Twatter (Currently X) likes actually right? Bushiroad also only gave them a Talk event with mini Live instead of full solo Live like Abyssmare is getting. And they have to share the next album with Abyssmare. Were people not buying UniChØrd CDs? Were Doggos the Schizos?
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Eimi is obssessed with Rinku
Shiika is obssessed with Kyoko
Date is somehow connected to Abyssmare

Which old unit is Bell connected with?
She has written a bunch of Kyoko x.Reader fics
She wishes she could burn down Arisugawa and all the rich people with it
You can but the 30% limit won't be close to 3*
Neo's voice makes me mistake that Gundam song as a Macross song.
Setsuna is for the ELS what Minmay is to the Zentradi so what's the difference?
Sophia's singing voice is pretty nice
>health recover and loss stop
It's only 6.5s max but it looks handy for clearing 15s
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Forgot to attach pic
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Love these 2 obscure side characters from D4DJ
Kidani should fund an anime about these two minor characters
We, the Anonymous, agree.
interesting how you can reset the skill to the original one if you don't like it... not gonna do that for my 65% scorer wedding saori now though
Where is the Doggo dance video wth 3 likes where they show off their bare JK legs
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Tamagotchi Nyochio collab when
Unironically who is this girl?
That's how Hayate looks at m*n?
What's with the uniform?
That's how middle school Hayate looks at m*n?
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Happy birthday, Mana! Beer restores mana!
Do you mean Mana is from Love Live Sunshine?
Beat the final boss of 神激 (some say 神使轟く、激情の如く。)
Good collab
I prefer Denonbu Mana.

Will they live perform Superstar and Love Hug Groovy?
XROSS BEAT live sounds interesting.

Having Photon and RONDO together (and other combos) the first time is gonna be so cool.
RONDO is perfect for any dance unit
First day:
Photon x Rondo Ashen Cinderella
Photon x Peaky 8 Tones
Abyssmare x UniChØrd Cyberpunk
Abyssmare x Peaky Number 1 and Only

2nd Day:
HapiAra x Ri4 Half Baked Egg
HapiAra x UniChØrd Vital Signs
Merm4id x Ri4 Metamorphosis
Save D4DJ
Save Sasakoi
Beat the final boss of Monster Hunter
Good collab
Did long events kill the game?
They're long? Seems perfect to me
Game is dead so they lengthened events to reduce cost
하야코코 is Haya-Coco in Korean.
Which DJ is korean?
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>talk over the song with lengthy monologue in anime
>has to listen to the actual song in D4DJ Groovy Mix
Sasuga Kidani

Looks like the pachiko slot machine will only have the six OG units. Probably because it will use anime footage? UniMare fans money saved!
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Coffe Master seiyuu got into troubles
AI (Lumina) can take his job, as proscribed in the final episode of CrossBeat
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Now that these tracks were around for a while, what do I think...

My favorites are the two Merm4id songs and Peakymare.

I also used to not be a fan of CYBERPUNK but I'm sure it's gonna be so hype in the live show this weekend.
Noa needs to slap master
SS tier: Photon x Rondo, Photon x Peaky, UniChØrd x Abyssmare
S tier: HapiAra x UniChØrd, Merm4id x Rondo, Merm4id x Ri4
A tier: HapiAra x Ri4, Peaky x Abyssmare
Why did Master do it to Airi? Is he going to do it too to UniChØrd?
Speaking of yuri, cover when?
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Michiru card confirmed
UniChØrd cover of Internet Yamero confirmed
Yuri merch!
>gacha if real
I miss Yuri On Ice.

I think I want to see Saki and Noa ice skating.
Landmine Unichords please.
time to grind diamonds...
70k gemmies and nothing to pull...
They're so lucky they chose UniChØrd to take over the cafe right before this happened.
Did they...know?
Spend them ranking...
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At this point I'm afraid to ask what needy girl overdose even is.
But will Michiru also be Ame?
This dork is too cute.
It's like overdosing on DJs or yuri
god I love michiru so much
>They released last week the Abyssmare cover of the OP for the Gundam where Furuya voiced the main villain
Michiru JK bare legs erotic!
Everyone inclusing the seiyuus want to lower the camera!
Hard to tell when AniMare barely ranked on Oricon weekly chart whenever the physical singles were out.
But on Spotify they share ALMOST the same stats if its wasn't for DJ Nanmo Wakaran plays in favor for Unichord by a huge margin (is close to cross one million reproductions).
But besides that, their collab song Cuberpunk is among their popular song for both sides from the lastest batch of releases.
So I'll say they are on the same condition but the reason of Abyssmare full live is obvious due May'n. Bushi trust she will bring more people to the live compared to Unichord where their strongest card is the MENSA genius who is in IM@S.
meanwhile our band sisters regularly rank top on Oricon...
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New shuffle unit just dropped
main vocal Loco Mujica
>It's another UniChØrd limited collab
Pay up yurifags
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Raise a menhera simulator
But became trendy because it was FOTM for vtubers
And went semi-mainstream thanks to egirls going "she is like me for real".
Funny enough, from all the other IP they had a collab, this is the one with the edgiest content so far (drugs, cheating, het sex, age gap relationship) but since is popular with egirls no one is raising an eyebrow lol.
the egirls like it when date-chan does drugs and eats cum too though
Lumina and Hayate should be switched
>Sasakoi is flopping hard that ichijinsha had to bring Citrus back from the death to shill it
>So now Kidani is bringing their canon lesbians, again, to make up for it lackluster performance in D4DJ
Ichijinsha realized they fucked back by doing CMs for dying manga like Manio's 2nd serialization in YH, so this time they got the seiyuus from old anime as well newer anime like Wata Yuri, Wata Oshi back for ebin MCU Superman vs Batman crossover. I expect next to be Yuru Yuri/Omuroke, most likely Sakurako.
Did Bushiroad put Hayakoko and het sex in one post again?!
So the UniChØrd are all cosplaying as the titular vtuber right?
Haven't played the game yet since the dev is unironically retarded on weibo.
Weibo? They aren't Chinese
xitter tourist have not realized the funny menhera girl from that trendy vidya is a canon weiner lover yet
He has an account and shitposts there.
Like saying how Chinese FamilyMart's chicken is tastier, and mistaking the security guards escorting him to the fanmeet for police, and how he wants to stay in China and never goes back to Japan.
Oh no are we review bombing the event again fellow sisters?
P-chan's existence was vague and gender neutral
And not even real
Just like Aoi and Lumina
Outside of an edgy bad ending it's a pretty wholesome VN about self improvement. And even that one counts as masturbation at worst because the twist is that you're playing as an imaginary friend of a lonely schizo.
Poor AU Michiru...
>fucked back
fucked up
>menhera girls
>cute, trendy, fanshionable, take showers, make up, have sex, het
eh, so not like me frfr at all
I don't get it.
>take meds
Just like me!
>was vague and gender neutral
The absolute state
There is the cucked ending
The one where she hits rock bottom ending
The one where she heals as a kangel ending
The one where she gets banned for having sex on stream ending
And the secret message after she slows down on her menhera behavior ending
All of them show her P-chan is a dood
Hayacoco is, once again, larping as a girl who like to ride the d in front of her viewers.
Not only is that word of god, but you also ignored the actual important part of the post.
That p-chan is not real
Duh, that what was the secret message was.about
Ame invented a male tulpa for herself
...and then throw it away to create an improved version of that male tulpa.
One she can marry
P-chan = Diggler
Really looking forward to the event story and the reactions tho lol
>but muh Hayate and Kokoa are cosplaying someone who likes men
They are just cosplaying the character, does not mean they have the same personality and orientation as the character they are cosplaying. That slave collab thing was an anomaly. Kyoko once cosplayed as Misaka yet there is no outrage about her cosplaying a straight girl.
This. Looks like the story is Lumina streaming the Needy Girl Something game in-universe to celebrate getting 1M subscribers.
>take showers
maybe fantasies with p*nises
I fear tomorrow's event, sisters...
A true yurichad perceive yuri even from Needy Girl Overdose. Fuck off with your cuck mentality.
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Really nigga?
she was not shilled as a canon lesbian like HayaCoco.
For fuck sake, D4DJ did multiple reruns of their collab with the Quintuplets. A harem franchise.
>MF Noa straight up lusting over a guy lol
So they are not strange to "le evil male-gaze oriented" franchises like westoids want to cry about.
Is just funny they are ok with K-Angel franchise when is as male-oriented and problematic as matoslave, tensura (still can't believe westoids were malding about the collab) or even the quintuplets. And even not throwing a tantrum about Hayacoco roleplaying as a het girl again kek.
Based, D4DJ has always been a hetchad franchise, which is what makes it stand out from BanG Dream and Revue Starlight.
>evil male-gaze oriented
Did you even read it? It's harmless.
I am tired of being a deranged yuri fan.
I am gonna be just deranged from now on.
blow up and they'll show up--
it's anonymoose
>a collab with cool visuals and music
>more HayaCoco content
>yet dicks are the only thing on his mind
What the fuck is with this guy?
I told you about Unichord fans
i love michiru and i love kangel
next aprils fools: michiru raising sim
I love Haya-Coco
Funny, I too like HayaKoko
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>They have 2 actual sex-addicts menheras to play Ame
>They even have a drug addict
>None of them were choosen to be Ame
Kidani knows they are overqualified to be a menhera
>cool visuals
>le vaporwave zoomer pixel art
T. K-Angel fag
Please stop having a melty all over the thread. It feels weird when it's usually so relaxed.
Still 70k gemmies and nothing to roll. L2D for unigays suck
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You mean "low on activity"
The last time it was active was during the matoslave collab. (It took 2 threads)
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I'll rather low activity than whatever happens in d4twt or discord.
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>6 days
Titles all the way up to card 25
Alright, 100k and 25th card then. If it was one of the main 6 units, I might aim for card 40, but nope.
That's short
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>Is just a big as shilling collab for a game which has been out for more than 2 years
Is opposite, bringing the game's fans to D4DJ
Good. Better than collabs for current popular thing.
I tried playing it, I don't really get it. Might not be my thing...
lol you the game can prevent you from reading the story if you don't have currency to buy the song
Used up all 80 rolls to get Kokoa which is the one I wanted so that’s nice. I sure hope we don’t go straight into a bride event
You're gonna miss post HayaKoko Xross cards (post-coitus scene laying down on the same bed and can be connected like old relationship cards)
I will stick with my NV cards, thanks.
>michiru's zaako
oh my god
it' up there with AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and sayonara literacy
I think he's talking about the shitpost stamps you spam during multi lives.
What? I only see 4 stamps from the collab mission rewards
michiru calls you zaako if you pull her card
hayate also acts yandere for kokoa
the zaako thing should really be a stamp though...
can't wait for the michiru tap SEs...
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I feel like the bot timer in Bingo is longer than in other events...
Personality wise Kokoa feels more like a yandere material, but it's funny how they constantly make Hayate a jealous one.
How is there 7 sub-level 100 players in top 20?
>Finally get the 4* ticket
owari da
Despite how schizo d4twt can get with the collabs.
Overall, they do not perform that well with the playerbase compared to regular unit stories.
The sudden introduction of the sugar sniffer shook the community more than the matoslave and this collab combined.
Moreover, this event story is just a walkthrough made VN for a not-new game.

Kokoa maintains proper Arisugawa Gakuin lady conduct and avoids meds and ecchi stream - couldn't pay rent
Michiru powergames and maxes affinity because she thinks it is how dating sim/VN works - dies from too much love
Hayate keeps everything balanced but hits short of 500K subsribers. She gets disappointed by the bored ewhore bad end and reveals she was just playing as if it was Kokoa.
They keep hitting all endings, Michiru had a bad dream, and Hayate finally beats the game.

Who is the best gamer, Hayate, Muni or Shinobu.
Autism is makes a good gamer
Muni and Shinobu don't have it? Autism.
Muni as fragger roller, Hayate as anchor + zone read MnK, Shinobu as IGL MnK
>Rank 18
>Migrated from en
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>Premium and Woman Only seats sold out first for today D4FES
Is this a sign that Bushiroad should increase the ticket price and schedule "girls only" dates but with the highest price?
Happy birthday, Chairwoman Haruna-chan!
See sisters! Djs were never dead
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>Hayate based her in-game decisions based on how she deals with Kokoa
D-Did she do the e-ecchi too?
Ri4 already came down the stage and did a song just for the girl digglers
I swear bingo is the buggiest event.
>P4 picks cat's eye
>P3 d/c
>song is suddenly P3's riririri
>scoring goal is 0 too
>Noa stan
Crazy alert, avoid at all costs.
Obviously because people want the analog records. Bushiroad should ditch CD and switch to records, with VHS tapes for live footage.
She makes Kakoa do lewd things all the time!
The important question about the event story is who is the one that reached the Nymphomania ending?
Kidani funded this
With what money?
Kidani has at least $5.75
That's how much a box of monthly gems cost
>In Cyberpunk, May'n deliberately wrote two lines of lyrics for Haya-Coco and the choreographer uses it for cute yuri moment during the live performance
B..based... I kneel...
bilibili rinku?
D4DJ is literally dying... prease support it and yuri financially...
I regret ranking... I'm not autistic enough to keep up
Just solo it with 1 stamina while you do other things.
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That was a fun chart, 10/10 will not touch again ever
Feels like 13+
It's anxiety fuel like Vs. Not difficult but very easy to break combo.
I did it, I bought a ticket. Even though I'm super busy today and can only watch for 30 minutes.
It's my first time ever putting money into d4dj.
The diffs in this game are all over the place.
You've got 14s that are easy af, relatively simple but very fast and tricky gimmick charts. Heaven's Rave is 14+ for whatever reason, then you've got Dounimo Tomaranai that's 13+ when in reality it should be fucking 12 if not for that one pattern with the discs.
The numbers aren't working properly I'd say. Lower experts need some level squashing because they're all pretty samey in terms of difficulty, while 13+ and up should be expanded/categorized. Maybe introduce a proper level 16 (or even higher) and then re-assign those higher numbers, I don't know.
At least we're not in a situation like iidx where the diffs go only up to 12, but there's so many charts of different real difficulty level that people divide the hardest ones into a shitton of tiers.
Based. Haya-Coco fan service during MC for the upcoming split album, and during Love Hug Groovy.
>Dounimo Tomaranai that's 13+ when in reality it should be fucking 12 if not for that one pattern with the discs
Perhaps. Maybe. Consider the following. The song is rated a difficulty because of all aspects of a song? You fucking said it yourself, it's a 12 BUT the trickery makes it a 13+
It's still only one pattern in an otherwise very easy chart, no way that alone should be responsible for such a big level boost. You've got a similar case in Over Soul, which is overall harder than Dounimo and has a similar diff spike pattern in one place, and that song is still a 13, by this logic it would be 14 or something.
I'm not saying spikes shouldn't be taken into account in determining a chart's level, on the contrary actually. But the situation now is that there's too much inconsistency in diff levels and it could be remedied.
Another case is that newer ex charts tend to be better balanced and more fun to play overall, compared to what was in the game at the beginning. To be honest I'm not a fan of most of those found under the instrumental and game OST folders, they seem like the staff tried hard to pack as many gimmicks as possible into them.
Is it too late to get top 1000?
where are you now?
if you're around 2k then no.
Day 2 Love Hug Groovy was chaotic fun.
they really gave michiru a mesugaki wakarase ASMR card...
gurumiku...your age rating...
Nagisa & Aoi & 2baki literally pushed away by Hiiro and fell on the stage like a domino...
I knew Hiiro was a ticking time bomb. Only menheras stream on the internet
They all pushed each other, rondos were the least in character, just having fun.
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Oh, so if it starts from 5s it's "normal" skill, but if it starts from 6s it's the rare drop one
Apparently even the plain +65% has 6s (max level 10s) version
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>The Doggos are on their way to the Global server
So not only the Matoslave collab, but also the LMO stickers and the Sasakoi collab are skipped for Global...
Avoiding all controversies huh
>new song
I have not seen nips dodge any faster when picking any other song
I guess sisters hate ntr animaymay spoilers

Pachinko event when
I know westoids had their reason to hate the matoslave collab (the review bombing)
But what is controversial about LMO? Or they just hate any males overall?
Did I miss something?
Isn't that just yuri?
I refuse to believe the twitter kids are soulless enough to have a problem with Shinobugrandpa
>>Did I miss something?
Master at 70 knocking up a 33 year old and telling her to abort the baby?
a fan, lying to fuck without protection, coercing her to abort, hitting her, raping her
IMO should've just put based denojo in the game and skipped grandpa yamcha
>Caphca D4FEHG
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How do we save Master and Cafe Vinyl?
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I can't believe Dennonjo faked to be sterile to creampie his fan.
That was low...
Wrong LMO
I like Shiho's song.
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She looks like a bitch
You are correct
I think ranking is slowing down, I only had to drink 30 monsters to hold 260 daily before going to bed.
Compared to the 50+ I did previously...
>UniChØrd fans are not autists
Based casuals.
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Looks like some digglers can't cope with her superiority.
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What an asshole chart, lowiro ahh chart asf I like the cover better as a song
>literal schizo flashes
For real though, I think the game needs him as the high end charter. His charts really remind me of Exsch charts, iykyk. Gimmicky af, but unique. Other charters tend to be too spammy at the high end.
Or, in other words, it's about time to introduce cross hands into the game.
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can we keep riding the hype or will we just get another year of boring songs and bad shill collabs
Unichord fans need to know their place
do pray tell, what is a unichord's fan place?
mine is under michiru's sheets
First between hayacoco while in bed
3p is harenchi desuwa
it's okay he's just watching
I'm sure haruna has a lot of experience in that
Males in Arisugawa? That's kinshi desuwa!
>didn't play at all today
>dropped 10 ranks
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>left hand does stairs pattern
>right hand does trills pattern
This is devilish, it sounds simple to do but my mind can't wrap this pattern around fast enough once it comes.
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Kurumi should've been a boy. As a prank.
Why doesn't Kurumi get a CHARM
(Belated) Happy birthday, 3D Rika!
It's funny seeing how many other people constantly get booted to the veteran room from the event rooms.
if you don't accept the game state after the song is selected (hostage players) they're DC'd
Not really, it just defaults you over there if you get disconnected or something
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Official spelling of Haya-Coco confirmed.
Neo-sama's lips are kissing Sophia's foot
75k saved for sophie
socked foot
I blew all my Dalia savings on kangel and ames....
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Let's see if I can luckshit this Sophia
Did you get your menhera bedroom?
I honestly could have skipped the last 3 days and still would have made it...
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Rondo event next?
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Let me through.
>Global server to go through 2 days of maintenance
Well...never mind why matoslave event, LMO story and sasakoi song are skipped...
Wait wtf really? I've seen 1 day maintenances but 2 is something else.
Got a screenshot?
global digglers are being snuffed out
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>Hiro event
>Wedding dress
The true needy streamer overdose is coming
>long hair Aoi
God I love this game so much
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I now know exactly what to spend my 80k on now.
>big titty Aoi is back
Holy shit...sisters will throw a tantrum
They're already complaining about her long hair
Why? There is nothing more yuri than long hair Aoi in wedding dress with long hair Tsubaki in wedding dress. Short hair Aoi in tuxedo with Tsubaki is just NL (normal love).
Will it advance the TsubAoi plot line?
Will it cause more outrage if TsubAoi becomes the second canonical gay couple in DJs?
>paid 10 pull
>only 1 base 3*
Why do I still roll?
I don't think there's a point to paid NV rolls
The daily limited 5 paid pull is the best deal
supposedly it's double rates
so 3% is 6%

Either way Sophie is here, still have half my gemmies for either AI NV or Aoi tits
And she's screaming about Yuka or something in her lines I might use my 2 left over usbs for her old voice lines...
Short-haired Tsubaki when
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What we really need is another long haired nagi
>the gay band anime that Kidani is shilling in D4DJ has pretty much killed itself
Did Kidani regret putting money into that anime? Would have preferred Nina's autistic raging in the game instead along with some KR covers and maybe some Sentai covers
The source was never good to begin with. If I had to take a guess it's less of shilling and more so trying to make connections for voice actors to make d4dj gen 3 units.
What? Is this more schizo twitter stuff?
It's by the new anime studio behind Iceblade, which was also very bad animation-wise

Should have used Kidani's 3D anime tech
You can almost see Rinku's pantsu
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I don't think Kidani wants to collab with a franchise bordering on blatant plagiarism of his own.
Some sakugatards posted a bad secuence.
Nothing out of the ordinary...until one of the animators drop a comment on that post and well...hell let loose.
Funny enough, that post only has less than 5k views, less than 2k likes and less than 1k reposts and qrt.
To top it all, the op of that post is a Girls Band Cry fag...and as I just saw>>1483862
Of course, another GBC fag
Go back to your sakugatard circle niggger.
GBC is flopping on nip streaming sites and the "much anticipated* release of the OP in physical could not beat Flopfonica lastest release on Oricon.
And for D4DJ you are still yet to beat mf Happy Around on spotify.
Nobody cares about your tribal fighting schizo, take your meds.
Link the animator
COA lives
>GBC faggots are now here
But at what cost...
I thought they were joking but Sasakoi mangaka did stop tweeting.
I hope it doesn't impact the manga.
Please fund the KimiShinu anime next, Mr Kidani.
>I hope it doesn't impact the manga.
wataoshi author did not stop tweeting even when twt tried to decapitate her for doing a correlation between incest and homosexuality as if both were the same thing. On top of the anime adaptation was as shit as sasakoi's one.
Moreover, Sasakoi was barely a best seller in YuriHime.
It will be fine.
>muh gbc boogeyman
Just accept the fact that Sasakoi anime got fucked over by production. Sunny Spot gets treated better by D4DJ compared to the anime itself. The only way to save it is if Kidani steps in delays it and somehow brings Kinema Citrus or Sanzigen.
Peak Kidani could do it but Bushiroad recent quarter is in the red...

What kind of shitpost event story will we have tomorrow?
Don't worry, bad adaptations aren't the end of the world.
>[Sad News] Aoi is, in fact, a girl
Aoi tells everyone in Rondo that she's getting married to a guy.Hiiro and Nagi starts dating. Tsubaki is envious and not happy about the situation.
I'm afraid shillbots are very real and not a boogetman.
I am the Haya-Coco shill
>hags got Laur
Wait, so who does the Rondo's then? t+paz is still available but that makes little sense. Gram? Roughsketch?
hag supremacy. Hope they get another actual song one day.
It's so rare a good card art has a good chibi sprite or (pending) L2D
Sounds like those Arcade rhythm games
And finally a real instrumental
fuck maint...
I feel like these are never announced, but I'm sure it's cause I can't read moonrunes
I guess I'll be over capped by 3 hours for growth
growth caps at less than what new cards have anyways
I was just going to play the hag song though :(
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chunithm collab part 2 real
New seasonal line (plum rain season):

Hayate: I don't dislike rainy days because Kokoa is nicer to me than usual.
Kokoa: Hayate's hands get cold in the rain so I warm them up. Really so care needing.

*dies from hyperglycemia*
god damn, Hayate really is too good for Kokoa
How so?
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Oh wait holy shit these cards are normal 4*s
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So this is the power of djs?
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Hiiro's imaginary friend's hand?
Tsubaki's wedding?
>just got Hag song in multi
>the chart
I see why I haven't seen this spammed like other new songs in the first 30 minutes...
So who got pregnant?
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What did Hiiro mean by this?
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>Hiiro: nice lip color 2baki, trying to put on a display for Aoi?
>Tsubaki: Yes but I also like it myseld.
>Hiiro: ......
transbaki real
I can't believe Aoi is fucking dead. Because it's a reference to a Super Sentai Jetman final episode, you can even see a stab wound on her abdomen.
Damn, didn't noticed wound
That's pretty cool
I haven't played for at least a year. Did I miss anything?
Master impregnated Airi-kun then forced her to have an abortion.
Doggos are finally on global
But the gacha is not the Abyssmare one...
The LMO stickers died for this...
granpa stickers are in
Was this taken in Germany?
When will Masaki-san get a live2d?
Main story went full sci-fi retard and even Oregairu guy made fun of us in terms of scope of the story.
Lots of kino joint unit songs in preparation of D4Fes.
They got some famous indie guitarist girl and built a new unit called EGOEGG (not in game yet).
They got some rising star seiyuu from Oshi no Ko and built a "spin-off" unit written by Oregairu guy personally, featuring a sugar sniffing PreCure.
Also cute shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9j3bbNu5XE
Start of June means Happy Birthday to Dalia!!!!
full ver. MV of the newest Sasakoi song
Kurumi and Miiko are married to each other
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Gremlin marriage is against God's plans.
evil ai attack, gays and memes
>Merm4id and then Rondo solo unit events
Ehhh I guess Abyssmare swimsuits in July, and then? Call of Artemis swimsuits in August? Or cycling back to Merm4id for a swimsuit event? Still waiting for Aoi's big tittie bikini but the June bride knocked the wind out of that sail.
Stop lusting for girly Aoi
It's sexist
Yeah girly Aoi is the sexiest
What did this update + 2d maintenance bring to global?
Is the growth thing permanent?
god damn, Kokoa really is too good for Hayate
New Rondo song Bloody Mary sounds like a Sound Horizon song
too bad the chart boooring
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>Sophia Navi
>Neo Navi
>Rinku Navi
So who is Tsubaki marrying? Haruna?
Gremlins did it again.
I guess this is the shitpost Tsunko was talking about.
Miiko was just talking about the actual Jetman show in the card story.
The childhood friend won
>poker rank is half of my event point rank
I would rather get a singular pair than nothing
>Sasakoi delayed for 2 weeks with more delay possible for later episodes
Finally, thank you Kidani.
Where is our esorafag and his critique on the new "Hag" song
It's Laur and it's 15. I'm good.
Ganbare Ganbare Ganbare~
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>Furry Tsubaki
>Furry Aoi
Now nekomimi Noa
So...have you done your own DIY D4DJ plushie anon?
No, I can't even do a Gundam.
sell me nyochio first and then I'll consider DJs
Didn't Bushiroad founded its own toy company? They should make D4DJ figurines and plamodels.
Rondo's former vocal Yuuki is marrying a man and she invites Rondo to perform at the wedding. She also tells 2baki in secret that she is retiring, because of 2baki, but requests a final duet during wedding. 2baki goes full "woe is me people are quiting singing becausw I am too good." Runs out to that church during practice, and Hiiro lets Aoi alone chase after her. 2baki realizes being a good singer means being besides Aoi and immediately goes "never mind fuck others Aoi is MINE". They perform at wedding in the original stage outfits and 2baki crushes Yuuki with dual vocal prayer.
Tsubaki is so funny. I can't wait for Saori to steal Aoi from her too.
What is wrong with Tsubaki?
I can't believe Hiiro forced every Rondo to do an Anita Sarkeesian style wedding.
why does jp weeklies reset on a different day than en?
ok but hiiro looks so gorgeous in her wedding dress
What other tokus does Miiko watch?
GIGA tokusatsu
JP just hits different
Pretty sure EN operates on the SG timezone?
>SG timezone?
that would explain dailies resetting at 4AM EST
GBL isn't actually GBL, it's SEA
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Good news for yurifags.
They are recording yuri.
There's no yurifags here, only yurifriends. And pretty much nobody else.
The doggos probably caught Hayate and Kokoa during the act
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Were there previous instances of jealous/possessive Tsubaki?
Yeah, like during formation of D4Fes shuffle unit
Aoi bday illustration
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Finally one done
ENFag here. We just got new floor challenges over here. I was surprised that my crew of SPs were only able to crack like floor 38/50. Were these tough on JP too or did people just plow through them?
Dennojo vs Shark
I've seen people in multi rocking the last title, so I think it's possible. You also manually pick your group since the auto pick only picks the highest power but with manual you could squeeze out an extra 10 or so
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Ah good points. Actually trying with skills from the growth live could probably help too.
Aoi by me
Drawn by Hayate 10-years-old
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Doggo song?!
Looks like it. I wonder when they'll randomly add them as playable.
>Doggos already with a song
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Hayate and Kokoa...
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>Furry Tsubaki
>Furry Aoi
>Nekomimi Noa
And sovlfvl Kurumi
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>Solo covers in bonus disc of selection album
fucking finally
>cucked out of Absolute instrumental again
Meh ngl. Tracklist doesn't look interesting except for last track (I don't care much about PEAKY FORCE).

I like the inclusion of the Danganronpa-inspired Never Lose though.
The main song for PEAKY FORCE isn't great but I wanted the instrumental for that too. Shit is peak rhythm game music.
Had a dream where D4DJ collabed with a couple of yuri games like Lyrical Nanoha, Assault Lily, Strike Witches, Wataten, WataYuri, Sasakoi
We did got collabs with two of those
We had songs from Lyrical Nanoha, Assault Lily and WataYuri too
>no Asumi-chan
It's so over...
Holy shit you were right to wonder
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Doggos soon
Another round of casual Happy Around? Huh?
>dog tag
I can't imagine what Doggo NPC music will sound like.
hip hop
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Speaking of collabs
Would d4twt lose their shit, again, if d4 collab with another ecchi harem series again?
Yes we will
>John Kramer (Bandori edition)
Is bushi's money also on 100kano?
I hope they're getting the pick tickets and not regular gacha.
>a mind control harem collab
After Mato Slave skinwalker controversy they wouldn't dare...
Even I find the premise repulsive and I'm no twitterite
What are the best collab stories, in your opinion?
Gotoubun #1
Needy Streamer
The Dengeki Bunko stuff was pretty funny too iirc?
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>still hard stuck on FC'ing yamero
>felt bored, tried the hag song for once
That was nasty trill pattern at the beginning. It feels weird that the song doesn't have any sampling from previous hag tracks or voicelines at all. Whatever, Re:end is still the hardest 15.
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Not enough yuri mind control stories
Sakura Trick mangaka Tachi's doujin aside
Ugh no skin exposure from Bell
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Will Doggo have irl Live unit?
I would assume so since they all do
I see Bell is an Idolmaster and Date-chan was in Aikatsu.
Maybe they'll actually be the idol unit
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Recently I've been having issues. I can get 95+ perfect usually but with Abyssmere songs something goes wrong
>The doggos reflected on how the songs they put out fail to connect with the audience despite they connect with those songs
Based reading comprehension diggler
But on the other hand, it will be fucking funny if their song is something like Photon Maiden (the actual idol unit in the lore) or mf HappyAra would drop after all these emo zoomer dialogues they spewed through their stories so far.
I would be happy with a hip-hop themed unit. Those few songs from Denonbu were amazing, it would be great if Doggos could take this niche.
Doggos will be the first unit to release diss track on D4DJ
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>that outfit
Tamura Konomi sis...
I just want to say, I have 8.6 million points, and I have not gotten the rondo title yet
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Back-to-back birthdays are soon upon us...
Let's speculate how Doggo vs HappiAra will go
This game is harder than Dark Souls
bell and the proletariat will win
Shiika will perform a heroic sacrifice to defeat Happy Around. We will get flashbacks on how she came to be a Kyoko fan.
Date-chan-senpai will use Rei's piano for sample flip and write a song that starts with "Dear Aimoto-san..."
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It's been a while since missions looked so clean
The void scares me...
Sasakoi delayed... collab also delays?
>birthday convo
Sophia may be the 1st mentally ill dj
still noa
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Photon Maiden Mesmerizer cover soon
Let them do a Rabbit Hole first.
Gave few chapters of Doggo's story a read on EN and wow, I can really feel that writer's change. Written so differently it really feels like a spin-off LN. Really dig this down to earth style, they even talk more naturally (as opposed to the usual anime talk). Not sure if intended or not, but this adds as a meta juxtaposition between doggos and hapiara in addition to the narrative. The major downside however it's that EN machine translation for this kind of script is even worse than usual, seriously gimping the experience. Is there a fan translation for this story by chance?
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>Is just Peaky at home
Which one is esoran?
Date-chan is cooler
Date-chan's boobs seem to jiggle greatly.
>shared gacha pool of HapiAra and Doggo
>only upside is 2 selections at 300 rolls
nyo... gonna do audition only anyway
>that Date-chan pose
Is it going to be an ass card? Also she kind of look like Kyoko there thanks to the cap. How does Shika feel about that?
It's a normal gacha? Not the ticket pick one?
>The uncertain future of EgoEgg and the addition of the doggos has done more "harm" in the jp fanbase than the matoslave collab ever did
Are jp digglers going to review bomb the upcoming event?
>sis thinks this is about Eggs and Doggos
antis led by a YouTuber called Guts ガッツ have been shitting on UniChØrd since last year for this, review bombing every event just for UniChØrd showing up in the story. He has <300 viewers.
After UniChØrd's resoundingly successful performance in D4Fes, they have resorted to shitting on the seiyuus on 5ch's game thread and seiyuu thread.
Kind of scared how fast they are adding Doggos, fellow Eggfags.
I’m sad we didn’t get a roboto Lumina card for free, to celebrate the whole crossbeat stroy.
You will get a frew Michiru holiday card and you will like it

This channel has fan translations of events, which at least for the doggos feels better to read than the official one.
Suprised that the Doggos are added in mere 3 vols. How long do you think the volumes will go on? Will it lead into Eggs being added?
Thats mtl, not fan tl.
>Will it lead into Eggs being added?
they better not, my dick won't be able to handle it
How so?

It may even be the same mtl engine Bushi is using, but at least it's proofread and blatant errors are fixed.
Translation was the only reason I kept playing EN, what the fuck Bushi?
The only hate I have seen for Unichord were from westoids about how they had too many events focused on them...and Hayacoco beating all the other DJ on to be a legit gay couple.

Lumina VA talking about D4Fes
I don't think MTL can churn out zoomerspeak like in global version
Oh no Neo drank Vero's milk
That's why the script is fun, frfr.
All commercial translators use MTL to some extent and it's not like Donuts doesn't edit it at all. For most events the quality is passable. But this time the lack of proofreading is very apparent. Otherwise they wouldn't have dumb shit like Shika saying that she's not a girl (instead of gyaru). The funny outcome however is that some wokefags are calling her non binary now.
Happy Around's resounding defeat by Doggo soon
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>free Date-chan
when are doggo birthdays? I want a Date-chan now
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>only got Rei from the free rolls
Aww. The dogs are permanent right?
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only 9k for doggos
not bad
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Date-chan's experienced ass
>A Bad Cynic Doggo
HOLY tumblr Billie Eilish!
Do you like Doggo's new song?
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I got the A
>Peaky at home
But Bushi coded doggos as Rondo
That feeling when you get bricked on both auditions and have to pay to progress either.
oh no no no the story already receives 2 one-star reviews from an EOP who tells ABCD to never come in EN and a purityGOD who doesn't want these bad doggos to interact with his oshi.
The review system has done wonders for fan engagement
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Eimi's budding A-cups!
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This is more erotic than I have expected.
Sasuga D4DJ.
SEA was a mistake
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Great chart 10/10 would never play again
Why is Eimi such a brat?
>Eimi has PTSD from rookie stage
Are the doggos gay?
Shika card's intro line is a confession line
At this rate that young mom cosplayer and her friend are probably going to cosplay Shika and Kyoko...
BIG Doggos
>That intro riff
Eminem in shambles
So this is their answer to Hypnosis Mic and Paradox Live.
Beat wise they already clear the floor with them.
Rap wise...is what would you expect from seiyuu-idols...
Doggos are boys?
Paradox Live has woman in their roster of "rappers".
Hypnosis mic has woman in their lore.
So Doggos are woman, not girls.
Date-chan-senpai took all of the Doggos' chest development for herself
>Wednesday stream is no longer live but recorded from now on
It's over...
Doggos track produced by Nujabes soon
Mysterious hosts next week. Doggos? Eggs?
Who put me in the game?
inb4 Eimi was in Ibuki's track and field club
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It's actually a huge shame because the doggos do talk in zoomer.
The story is just normally depressing.
HapiAra performed first, then Doggos followed up on the hype and they were doing well until Eimi got triggered by some audience leaving early or still being stuck in HapiAra mood. So Doggos lost.
Rinku heard from Maho that Doghouse was going to be closed down, so she posted about the place being fun on X. The club was then swarmed with reservations and Doggos got stuck in working the stage and selling drinks.
Eimi recalled the 1st D4Fes rookie stage. The unit was new at the time and called maddoggo. Eimi was also new to music and got excited by the suddenly announced competition for a chance on main stage. After failing on the first day, she learned their place but got cynic over how other defeated units first got sad and angry, but then just moved on to support HapiAra to escape from their own failings.
She recalled that she felt cynic during her track and field club days, the members would shit on their senpais all the time but when it came to graduation everyone went through the whole tearful goodbye thing.
When other units came to collect signatures on a T-shirt to support HapiAra, Eimi didn't want to sign at first, but reluctantly did in the end.
Back in present days, Shika got angry over Eimi seemingly giving up on the unit. Date-chan broke up the fight and Bell scheduled a time next week to discuss the future direction of the band now that Doghouse is safe.
Eimi wondered if signing the T-shirt instead of standing her ground sealed their fate as a mob characters instead of protagonists.
how do you get more audition tickets? with money?
3k per pop
Doggo gayness ranking:
Shika > Eimi > Date > Bell
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>sealed their fate as a mob characters instead of protagonists
Welcome back season 1 Hachiman
Why are people still picking Shihoslut's song?
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Nobody told me that last Abyssmare event had an event point Neo.
Does this "general" like eggs or dogs more?
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Eggs barely event exist
don't they have more songs than doggos?
I mean character-wise
Nobody told me that like 10 songs disappeared at the start of the month
10 songs expired at the start of this month
Bell can raise that if the pay is enough
It's Kino.
Yeah, 3 songs. One of them is a cover of the idol's own song. Next live appearane next weekend.
Are their songs uploaded anywhere? I've been curious about eggs for a while but I haven't been able to find anything on them since they're live-only.
It reads like maigo fanfic
but eggs are the myGo
What's with the sexy Kyoko clones?
it's better though
Mygo lore is actual not-filtered angst
Doggos is just emo for zoomer so far
Will eggs come in anni?
Just wait until they reveal that Date-chan is actually a 500-years old deity and fought alongside Date Masamune himself
You guys are crazy. Doggos are a comedy.
Divine tragicomedy
Yeah on Twitter and YouTube. It was an idol fes in Ueno Park that was free to attend and film.
The dogs should just be neverending suffering desu. Their next performance should be behind a dumpster or something
It's not yuri tho
Fuck, Eimi finally came.
Kidani thanks your patronage, now we are closer to eggs
>the hachiman herself evades Wataru
What did RNG meant by this?
allegedly Shika's card story
These adult writers are sincere in their "boohooo I was born a loser, can't be helped".
It was portrayed in a negative light
cute eggs
cute legs
and very expressive Raika
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too bad it's only a rerun, they should add more d4dj songs to chuni
eimi's right with thinking the whole happy thing is bullshit though
shame the doggos are an allegory for how bad d4dj sells...
>eimi's right with thinking the whole happy thing is bullshit though
Do you watch children cartoons and complain because the good guys always win at the end?
It's impossible to take this seriously in a meta sense. I'm aware it's a "side" story, it's meant to be different, falls flat, does nothing for me. I cannot root for these underdogs.
I look at the trending page on youtube sometimes and get kinda depressed so I get where she's coming from, that's all...
fellow loser diggler sis...
How yuri is Shika card story?
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>characters are bad but still better than certain yuri-selling unit, so 3*
Like clockwork
Oh shit.
Shika gets off work early and skips the work meal. Eimi jokes that she is seeing her boyfriend. Bell suddenly goes crazy waving kitchen knife around and fucking up her cooking pot, saying it is unforgivable. She then goes stalking Shika to a club with Eimi and Date, commenting that it's that woman's club. She pays the 10k entrance fee for the 3 of them without taking the 1000 yen change. Untrained card illustration. Eimi asks how it is okay with Bell that Shika loves Kyoko so much. Bell says loving PKPK is part of Shika. The four of them join together once outside the club, when Bell invites Shika back to Doghouse for the meal and talking about PKPK live.

Bell > Shika > Eimi > Date
bruh that's anti yuri
How so?
The doggos really are a family and Bell is the mom.
Expecting a crazy answer like "you can't mention the existence of boys"
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only rich girls can afford to stay away from m*les
weird the card doesn't play up the eimi/shika thing more though
Bell also says Shika isn't like those pesky gachikoi idolfags towards Kyoko, on which Eimi comments "weird coming from someone who brandishes kitchen knife and stalks" lol
Eimi is too cool for gay
>idea of man=jealous
>real girl=not jealous, doesn't count
anti yuri
Don't think I'm schizophrenic enough to parse this.
girls should only love girls
I cannot believe the dogs' live starting dialogues are just referencing Lucky Star
>Male discourse
>idol=a little bit jealous, doesn't count
And some meme lines were from that male gay porn A Midsummer Night's Lewd Dream
>woman's club
What the hell is this? A lesbian bar but with clubbing? That being said, I don't think there were any guys in Dalia's bar or Mermaids club, but it might be the first time something is explicitly labeled as 'this' kind of establishment.
I just can't read lmao, it's about pkpk club alright.
Is Bell the designated tsukkomi girl, or is it Eimi?
The live unit is cute but surprised they're in DJs. Music style seems like it'd be more in-place in Bang Dream.
Yeah... "that woman's house (livehouse i.e. Japanese live music club)"
Eimi. Bell is for pointing out the "silver lining".
>Sanzigen will work on the Guilty Gear Strive anime
Welp, RIP D4DJ 3rd Mix.
Blame Hayacoco fans
How so?
Just do it
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I like it. Reminds me of western girl groups from 2000s.
I looked for this and thought I was going to find white album content. Instead I found vid related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLJxqcji3WU
God bless random Japanese internet humor.
Another day, another meme song in D4DJ...
If Noa does her usual thing on Bell, will Noa get stabbed or will she be charged of money?
stabbed if on Shika
charged money if on Bell
Doggos aren’t kawaii.
Michiru, Elsie and Bell are Noapproved.
If Noa can bribe Esoran, she can bribe Date-chan-senpai as well
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Date-chan worst girl confirmed
In Bell card story Eimi convinced Bell to buy 4 of each flavor of imagawayaki by imaging feeding them to Shika. Bell comfirmed loving Shika more than money. Wholesome.
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I need her and Hayate to meet NOW.
They already did though, in 4koma.
Would Date-chan steal Kokoa?
No Date Chan is straight
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Doubt Date-chan will appear again now that she's been cancelled by western twitter
Why do our xitter sisters hate her?
A drug addict was added before a DJ of color
What? Everyone outside of Abyssmare is a DJ of color.
She is straight.
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Cka is white
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Which DJ acts the blackest?
How come ABCD end up more controversial than UniChØrd
Selfcest card is real
I love UniChØrd so much bro
Need a Doggo cover
Is this smallest bottom in Groovy Mix? vs bikinis etc
Oomuroke collab soon... trust the plan...
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My belloved
Saori really is a schizo...
Card story?
How mean, let the pessimist have some self-love
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Based on this image, is Kyoko not doing her tanking job properly or is Yuka for some reason a dodge tank?
Old JPRGs like old DQs didn't have the MMO trinity roles
Getting targeted is luck based and you have to rely on heals
Tyler Durden but also lesbian DJ
>Male japanese digglers find Saoricest hot
Who would had thought that Saori only needed some self-love to gain new fame.
Still Internet Yamero-ing
Why are they still not revealing the hosts for tomorrow's recorded stream...
doggos maybe?
>The pachinko CM is already one of D4DJ most watched videos on youtube
if nips don't use adblockers and if the co. bought youtube ads with it, the views from the ad are added to the views
Does it work with a segment of a video? Or does it have to be the exact same video.
normally it's a 1:1 video, but I would not be surprised if nuYT lets you use segments of a vid to be ads
Guys, help me remember a song. I think it's by photon, but might be another unit.
It has a line "I can't stop (doing something)". Maybe it's "loving" or another verb.
>We're with you, so you don't have to worry
>About a new page in your journey
>We never stop givin'
>We never stop lovin'
That's it, thanks!
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It's over
I will miss rainmaker
>MFW they're removing Rainmaker
doggo covers pls...
He btrayed Kidani...
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new Megaman is weird
Have they finally banned Plachta?
Oh, I hope they perfect they style by sharing since experience, because guilty gear Xrd was the first time someone truly made anime style look good in 3D.
Just read about it on xitter, I think they finally did. I guess that's what happens when you can auto the game, but why now?
we are shitposting in the Kogetsu thread...
whos the most homophobic dj
Towa believes homosexuality is a globalist deep state degrowth conspiracy

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