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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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And here's Cygna the Incarnation of Evil, she'll be here praying for your good fortune.
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Who here got Ogen? Enjoyed the hell out of his story.
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Shall we take bets on who’s gonna be the featured character on the week of Emberflame 3?

My money’s on it being the Nier Automata crew (2B, 9S & A2). Theirs is the only banner that hasn’t been rerun and I got a feeling that they wanna get all the crossovers out of the way before they give us Live a Live.

Bravely Default was already released three times and Triangle Strategy had a sudden and unceremonious rerelease last month. So this month, it’s time for the androids to come out!

Glory to Mankind!
>Have been inside three best girls
Sazantos is so lucky...
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I did Yang Long's story
It was fine overall but I have few problem
>he was labeled as "assassin" somewhere, but he was more like a war monk
>where the fuck are his crows? you would think they will play a part in his story since they are taking 50% of his portrait but no. They only show up in his battle
BTW..... God help us in his EX3 fight
We gonna have to face these motherfuckers
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Retard from last week here. I worked hard putting together the best possible team I could and I just beat BoA Chapter 8!!! My team was
>Canary/Alaune EX
>Nephti/Primrose EX
Yeah, pretty meta but I pulled hard for all of those except Prim who I got as an offbanner chasing Bargello. Elrica is incredible, glad she lived up to the hype. Prim did almost nothing, she even died in the second (third?) last phase of the fight when one of the final 3 rings charmed Elrica and she nuked Prim. but it was fine without her, so more of a 7 man clear. Also used several Hell Valore NPCs to top off and extend debuffs here and there.
Holy shit, I might as well uninstall now (I won't) because no way are they topping this. That was the best jrpg final boss fight I've done since Lavos back in the 90s. Incredible stuff, it's a shame so many people, including Octopath fans, will miss out on this because it's in a gacha game.
Spoilers for BoA Ch8:
Also, I gotta say, Sazantos' Utopia might be the best take on turning the world into a utopia while still being the "real world" and not Heaven that I've seen in fiction. I can't really side with the MCs on this one, destroying/rejecting it is ten thousand times worse than the ending of Gundam Seed Destiny. At least in that anime, the MCs' side was sympathetic because they were fighting for free will but Sazantos doesn't even remove free will to make things perfect. It's not even a perfect world per se, it's just straight up better than the existing one. I thought he was going to remove ALL desire from humanity but nope, he just moderates it so there's no excessive desire ie greed and seems to have rid everyone's hearts of evil as well. I can't forgive him for all the horrible stuff he did leading up before he tried to make Utopia, but once he got that power, he really would've saved the world harder than the MCs or any hero could've.
Was Vide's theme the best video game song of 2023? Are there any bangers in this?
It's always gonna be a matter of taste, but I love all the music in this game. The Octopath orchestra does a terrific job.
>he was labeled as "assassin" somewhere, but he was more like a war monk
Yeah, I was wondering why he was called "the eastern assassin" when he never did any assassination work. At least it sounds cool.
Agreed about the crows. "No I don't know any crows, animals just like me some reason." but you NAMED them. Wu and Siu.
9 more days…only 9 more days until the next Tavern Talk.

Then we get birds and figure out who’s next.
>Destiny plan shilling
You guys need to stop taking people at their word
Is there a reason why everybody's doing Largo clears suddenly? Like in the last few days I've seen 7 already. I get people want to show off their new Ogens but only 3 of those 7 actually have Ogen?? The other 3 are dagger, the last one is a 4-star only clear.
ditraina ditraina ditraina ditraina ditraina
although it's kinda dangerous for me now since ochette was one of the characters that launched with side solistia, right? hope there's enough of a gap between em
Ochette most likely won’t be appearing until November (rough estimate).

Ditraina’s a possibility. The problem is, if we get Ditraina now, who’s coming when Emberflame Story 4 comes out and n September?
You’re probably wondering how I came up with November. Lemme give you a quick run through of how things will likely play out:

>May - Emberflame Story 3
>June - Live a Live Crossover
>July - Bestower of All Epilogue (End of Side Orsterra)
>August - Emberflame Story 4
>September - Ringbearer Chosen 1 (Beginning of Side Solistia)
>October - Emberflame Story 5
>November - Ringbearer Chosen 2

Hmm…actually after comparing the Roadmap, they reverse Emberflame 5 and Ringbearer Chosen 2. So it’s actually…

Ringbearer Chosen 1 (Throne)
Ringbearer Chosen 2 (Ochette)
Emberflame 5
Ringbearer Chosen 3 (Partitio)
2nd Bravely Default Crossover
Milgardi (Montwise Coliseum release)
Ringbearer Chosen 4 (Osvald)
Nier: Replicant Crossover
Ringbearer Chosen 5 (Hikari)
Cross Story (two months)
Yet ANOTHER Crossover
Ringbearer Chosen 6 (Agnea)

Yeah…we’re looking at about three months per chapter release.
(After Ringbearer Chosen 3 that is…)
Octopath games have a weird trend for me. Their final bosses first phases's themes are better than their second ones.
The One They Call The Witch > Daughter of the Dark God
Bestower of All > Chosen By The Light
Vide, the Wicked > Those Who Deny The Dawn.
Funny, I just finished my Yan Long grind yesterday and was gonna start my Largo grind today. Just gotta find a clear that's not too much of a hassle, I don't have Ogen.
Speaking of Largo, has anyone ever used him for anything? In all the countless youtube clears of various pieces of content I've seen over the years, Largo is the only arena champion I've never used in anything, ever.
Nope. Leveling him is a waste of resources.
Believe it or not, I’ve seen Largo used in clears before.

He’s got a move called Special Fragrant Dumpling which provokes all enemies and lowers their attack (15%). Stick some defensive buffs on Largo and you have yourself a decent tank at hand.
Fuck, I forgot about the long Square Enix Bridge maintenance today. Guess I'll play in another 5.25 hours from now.
You folks ready to get Krauser and Rondo tomorrow?

As for me, I’ll be waiting to see what’s happening in Tavern Talk before I make any attempts on that banner.
thanks for putting this together
sometimes i question how slow we get new characters but since I'm just playing casually at this point, the wait doesn't feel as bad
His taunt+debuff move is quite valuable
I missed on Krauser, I struggled in the elite tower because I don’t have one
I may try pulling him up
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My prayer is answered, got the dude on the first pulls
I will definitely stop here and save up until the next big banner
Congrats bro, that's awesome! I wish I could pull for Rondo, he's the missing MT I want the most, but I gotta keep saving. Only got 800 rubies and worst case scenario I'll need 10,500 for Odio-O plus Sazantos/Cygna.
We only have 3 more of the "elite" 4* characters left to go, right? and then I can finally stop watching these ads for games featuring giant fetish women?
Bruh, all eleven of them have been released for months now.
Getting word that Chinese servers have 4-Stars as starters just like JP. Not only that, but for some reason, you can’t reroll!

Remember, in EN you can only get a 5-Star as a starter.
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Well done! I got me a Krauser too. Took two 10-Pulls and now I can get him to A4.

Indomitable Eyepatch here I come!
oh... whoops... ha ha surely my 300 extra elite fragments will come in handy for my dumb ass someday ToT
An interesting approach…There’s a version of the EX Sigrid Banner that uses traveler seals instead of rubies.
I kinda wanna roll for Rondo but its only because he's genki
I already have Elrica and Lars so he adds nothing.
I say you better not to, we’re about to get the other two Sword niggas. His 5 hits AOE sword/light fucks hard but we are all tight on rubies
What are his minimum priorities? A1 then U10 or the other way around?
I would say minimum priorities would have to be A2, followed by U10. Krauser is the type of person you wanna have 4 skills for since two of them will only be used once.

If you got Bargello, you can replenish his Ultimate, Recoup, in turn replenishes his Ultra Attacks.
who plays this
People with good taste in games.
People who are at the end game of Another Eden
just like every other shit enix garbage
saga shit has stopped being from generous to one of the greediest games out there with infuriating powercreep
this game is greedy as shit with one of the worst gacha incomes
final fantasy is a joke

a lesson should be taken to avoid square enix mobile games like the plague
I'm interested in it, it look like FFA and FFA2
People who like jrpgs. People who prefer pixel to 3D graphics. Octopath Traveler fans. People who liked OT1 but wished it had better gameplay and/or story. Mobage fans who want a game world they can actually run around in and explore instead of just a series of menus with a hub and battle screens. Whales.
Gambling addicts and people with an infinite amount of time because doing anything takes an eternity.
Two more days until Tavern Talk…
Hopefully they will release OST Vol 2 in the west soon
One more day until Tavern Talk…
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Btw he is kinda a quirky asshole for being a divine beast
>asks for the weakness
>”Don’t tell him”
Release Phina before Ceraphina
Release Osasuna before Pardis
Ditraina looks to be the only non-rerun we're getting until late June. NieR rerun's coming with 600 rubies and a veteran's seals in tasks, I'm gonna have to finally do an EX3 adversary battle because a quarter of those rubies are walled behind beating 9S? on EX3.
Is A2 still absurdly broke? Never got her in the first Nier, but I have "only" 4.3 rubies and want to save for Sazantos and/or Odio-O
> Osasuna
Let his banner be that clip when he did “Soon!”
Finally ToT
I can go for her then spark for Cannary ToT
She’s still good, but you should prioritize these two niggas over her
In addition, there are more Nier characters coming up, I say aim for those long run
Quick recap of Tavern Talk
Nier Banner. Separate Paid. Free Tribanner. No free 9S pull (that ship has sailed. 9S is not a free unit).
Emberflame 3. Get 4 birds and Divine Beast Simurgh.
Nier Hunts that last from 5/22 - 6/12
General Krauser, Fallen Elrica, Divine Beast Simurgh, Siva and 9S? Added to the Adversary Log
EX Tressa and EX Primrose Awakening Stones added to the Exchange.
Lemaire Added to Chance Encounters.

Special Tasks which gets you lots of rubies. Notably:
Beat 9S? The first time for 200 rubies
Beat EX1 9S? For a Veteran Seal
Beat EX3 9S? For 150 rubies

Union of Memories: Rinyuu/Elrica
Tikilen, Glossom, Varkyn & Ri’tu added to the Adversary Log

Sacred Blaze: Ditraina
2 new Dogs

Next Tavern Talk on 6/24. Meaning we have TWO mystery weeks to deal with before Live a Live.

It also means that June 26 is Live a Live. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say 6/26 - 7/10 is Live a Live Light (Oersted & Streibough) and 7/10 - 7/24 is Live a Live Dark (Odio-O & Odio-S). While Bestower of All Epilogue featuring Sazantos & Signa will occur on 7/24.
> General Krauser, Fallen Elrica, Divine Beast Simurgh, Siva and 9S? Added to the Adversary Log
Dear lord, this is going to be hell
>ex tressa in exchange and ditraina
Seems like we’re in for a hell of a ride.

I wonder how many people will be able to take on 9S? EX3? Hell I’ll Be satisfied with 9S? EX1.
>No free 9S pull (that ship has sailed. 9S is not a free unit).
His main gimmick is low HP but fucked up high attack + the debuff he does right at the start.
I think we need to use Prim EX + Rinnyu + Ophillia together to even stand a chance against the EX3 fight
EX fights are such bullshit.
>Tripple paid banner
>6K pity each
>Tripple shared common banner for more terrible rates

Is this a joke?
Yes, but people still think the devs care after they randomly dropped the TS re-run to fuck people over. Not gonna lie that it doesn't look good.
Also no free 9S for new players.
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Wasn't too bad. I had far more trouble with Lyblac.
That was expected because JP didn't do it either.
He is weak to daggers? This is great
Quite curios: can you share full details on Millard's set? Keeper, weapon, souls and amours? I kinda struggled how to optimize him
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Max hp. Max speed.
huh, all the guidestones in the band log are able to be claimed again? i didn't see anything in any notes about this
Yes, I find it strange too. They quietly gave away free guidestones for the completed travelers again
so if you claimed yours during the glitch or whatever the fuck that was, you will get them again for free
>EX1 9S? is like 10x tankier than rank 3
eh no thanks, i wish the devs weren't so expectant of players to rely on meta travelers
That's pretty much how every jump up from Rank 3 to EX fights goes. First 3 ranks are piss easy with no hp, then it gets amped up to actual challenge levels at EX. I've never gone above EX1 on a fight before though, so I'm curious if there's a significant jump from EX1 to EX3, or if it's just a bit more hp.
>login to do my dailies before bed
>emergency maintenance, end time TBD
What the fuck? Is it because of >>1477961?
If so, fuck! I missed out on freebies again.
Game's back up, 30 rubies for everyone!
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This is what happens when the protagonists from a medieval fantasy RPG get thrown into a post-apocalyptic science fiction setting. In other words: post your CotC x Nier: Automata postcards with your favorite cast of characters!
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Kind of a shame we can’t get these rewards a second time. God knows we could always use the rubies.
Except they don't. The crossover is a total fucking disappointment.
>hey go do these hacking segments
>cool done thanks
Meanwhile Bravely got a sprawling story line and lets you murder Airy repeatedly.
Wish the BP maps did not suck ass, collecting materials there is such a nightmare
Did they add more new maps / materials for the new BP / BS niggas?
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Oh my gods, they killed Elrica again! You bastards!!!
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You have to get in the fucking way, didn’t you?
You have to stare at that ballsack, didn’t you? And now you’re fucked
Fucking Dickard, stop admiring that shit and help me carrying this cun…. wait wait ..WHAT THE FUCK! IS TATLOCH BAILING OUT AND RUNNING BACK TO AFRICA?
das racist homie
The new map for Emberflame 3 has Twilight Gear materials.
Managed to beat EX1 of the 9S fight with little trouble using my team from BoA Ch8. Was disappointed to get a Cecily dupe from the Veteran's Seal, now she's A2.
And there's EX3 clapped. First time ever trying an EX3, wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected, probably because Elrica is busted as fuck pumping out 1 million damage every break.
Makes me feel like so long as a boss is weak to sword/light/dark, I could probably beat it.
What is the best method to farm money / leaves? I am trying to buy and upgrade my shit but shit cost millions
She kinda did that though for real
No farewell, all off screen
Burn all your conviction tickets on commemorative coins
Elrica's rampage continues! I finally tried the Hell Cragspear Duo for the first time and she mopped the floor with them, one break each. I noticed one was weak to sword and the other was weak to dark, so it seemed perfect for my new beatstick. I doubt I'll get that lucky with the other ones' weaknesses though. There's only three level 100 NPC fights in Hell and one in Heaven, right?
How interesting is the story, and can I get through it all as F2P?
it has some weak points but overall i really like it
compared to the mainlines which rely on each individual traveler. this one revolves around the antagonists instead, so it's a longer, cohesive, sprawling plotline
or if you really like the traveler-based stories, each of the tons of travelers have their own too
square enix is greedy as always so as long as you save and plan carefully, you'll be fine. there's a number of free characters you can earn who aren't bad either
Story is better than Octopath 1 but worse than Octopath 2. You can do it easily as a F2P, after you get a full team only roll on limited banners (meaning crossovers or 'Memory Travellers') with rubies (stones). Early on in game you'll get a bunch of summon tickets (traveller/veteran seals) that you can use to roll on the general pool.
Honestly the real drag is the mid/late game equipment grind, which really only hits in the most recent arc.
I honestly found the dungeons with the "flip this switch then walk over and then do it again 5 more times" dungeons to be the real drag. Compare that to the quick and easy dungeons of the main games it's really unfun. The story chapters take an hour to do because of 45 minutes of boring filler.
Maybe Squeenix is being anal over how Team Asano, the "lesser" studio in the company, should handle one of its prize gifthorses.
Since BD is Team Asano, they can do whatever they want.
Looks like the Hell Valore duo are also weak to Elrica's elements, so her rampage continues! But I'm not sure what to do about the final Hell NPC duo since only one is weak to Elrica. The other is weak to spear/ice, so maybe I could swap Prim EX out for Roland...his damage ain't anywhere near Elrica's though. Maybe I should swap out Bargello too for another spear, probably Krauser.
This is hands down my favourite team comp to date. I wasn't sure I'd like the JP meta of Warriors of the Continent plus 1 nuker, 7 supports, but now that it's here, I've having a better time than ever blasting down everything with Elrica.
Today, I finally cleared the topmost floor of the Master Tower since the two old ladies were unfortunate enough to have light and dark weaknesses; sucks to be them. Now I just have four EX floors of that tower to do, but I'm restricted to using four stars only so things are about to get messy.
I just checked the adversary codex and 11 out of the 12 boss refights on the "Lv.1" page are weak to Elrica, so I'm hoping to sweep those EX3 battles soon, too.
>I wasn't sure I'd like the JP meta of Warriors of the Continent plus 1 nuker, 7 supports.

I don't like this meta at all. The whole "if you don't have these units you're not allowed to have fun" was the reason i dropped other turn based gachas and it sucks this game is going that way.
That has always been the case for gachas, and you're probably better off dropping because you'll miss this meta when Kaine + Tiziano drop.
I still need to get around to doing all the EX Adversary battles. The only one I’ve fully completed was 9S? And that was for the Veteran Stone and the 150 rubies.
Most gacha have a designated meta, anon.
Some sacrifices have to be made to keep up with your progress and rewards, or you can skip those and miss out on stuff or have reduced rewards.
It's just the way it is.
>The only one I’ve fully completed was 9S?
Same, and it was so easy with my Elrica team that inspired me to start trying them. Lemme tell ya though, despite being on the final, highest level page of the adversary codex, this 9S? must be the easiest one. Yesterday I did Tristan and Sonia on EX3 and they had boatloads more hp and damage. I had to reset every Sonia EX fight until she targeted Canary on the first turn because she outspeeds everyone and does 5000+ damage with a basic attack until I've got my turn 1 defensive buffs and debuffs set up. Even with Elrica shitting out damage, Sonia took like five breaks in near-optimal buffing/debuffing settings. And those are the first two on the easiest page. At least it seems like the mechanics are identical to their story battles, just with the stats amped up to 11.
Gonna try Rosso today, and I'm dreading the Masters (Herminia, etc) because I recall they have field effects that encourage swapping rows and two of my dream team's rows are locked.
To be fair, I'm using the newest meta to smash through content from last year. All of the stuff I'm posting is old content that other people cleared seven months or so ago with older characters and older equipment. I just didn't bother with it at the time since it seemed too hard for me and involved making an invested, customized team for every battle. Now that I've waited a year, I can use one new OP team for everything and cut out 90% of the headache. That's the nice thing about this game: it has so much permanent content, if you don't like how things are, you can just put it aside, go have fun with other stuff and then come back to it later when you do have what you need to have fun your way. So no need to get down now, your turn'll come eventually or you can knuckle down and try doing it the hard way if you want.
Help me out what to do the following awakening stones ( one each)
>Nephti go for A1 since her U9 is more than enough
>Elrica go for A1
>Alune EX go for U10
Which of the new exclusive equipment for arena champs is actually worth grabbing? Haven't gotten most of the ones from the codex grind yet.
new what now?
If you are sitting on a stone for each one, here's what you do:
>make Nephti A1 since she has great attacks but shitty attack stats, so she needs every point she can get
>make Elrica A1 for maximum damage. You should be choosing either Elrica, Odio-O or Sazantos and going for A1 on one of those three to be your big dick damage dealer
>go U10 on Alaune EX before A1, unless you're a giga whale you aren't going for her A4 and her ultimate is the only other button in her kit you might press other than her BP prayer
So it looks like you already had the right of it.
Today we got the first four arena champs as refights in the adversary codex. Clearing...I think it's EX2? Will give you a new accessory that has extra effects if equipped with the arena champs' exclusive accessories, much like the yin/yang accessories from Elite Training. It's a way to make these free five stars a bit better.
>ri'tu's A4 accessory is better than her exchange one
>EX2 accessory forces you to use the exchange accessory with it and has some negative stats
well that sucks
just like most of the yin yang ones, i think I'd rather use A4 accessories instead
One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to six stars is unlocking the third accessory slot, so I don't have to choose.
I have 300 Elite Fragments, which should I pick from the remaining six 4-star travelers?
oh a third slot sounds wonderful, but six stars are rolled out in batches so there'll be some waiting most likely right?
strange enough and as I was told by someone: not a single warrior got the 6-star treatment so far.... only Ringabell of all fucking people who is a new collab unit
The 3 musketeers - Odin-O, Sazanto and Elrica - never got it yet
It really doesn't matter as you'll get the other three in the next month or so. Cornelia's A4 is pretty good for Cyrus or other multi-elemental characters to save you time swapping around specific element boosts.
None of the offensive warriors like Elrica, Odio or Sazantos got 6 star buffs. Lars, Olberic, Joshua, Fiore, Lionel, Edea, 2B, Serenoa did, it's just the ones that did aren't great offensively.
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I just realized something: I already exchanged for Levan and Cornlia months ago, yet their seals are still there in the exchange shop. What the fuck? Aren’t these 11 niggas supposed to be one summon for each?
After counting, the reminding ones are Narr, Durand, Kenneth and Efrain
There was a glitch when they were first released that prevented you from getting one if you had already gotten the other, they got around this by refreshing the inventories of both after the bugfix to avoid having to deal with people individually.
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30 turns into Glossom ex 1 and I forgot about the locking everything but the dark weakness gimmick. 29 shields to go and 2b's 2 hit dark is the only one on the team that can shield shave.
I will wait for the little witch cunny ToT before even think of attempting this fucker
Ouch. Gonna use Elrica on him like I use her one everyone else, maybe I'll finally get some use out of her 5 hit dark move.
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>Going blind against Gertrude
>"9 shields? No lackeys? What sort of gimmicks this time?"
>Shieldguard, 2 actions in a turn, recovering over 30,000 HP with an AoE attack, almost immune to all status ailments, 3 actions in a turn after an eternity of depleting half of her HP.
>She literally flexed her muscles after grinding my team's hips to dust.
This gorilla...I love her!
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she's great, look forward to her traveler story once you get her
She's my fave arena champ, the only one gigachad enough to solo (You).
I am not looking forward her EX3 fight
>24 shields+ Shieldguard = fun
>all her stats are up the ass, meaning she can one shot your ass if you did not debuff her
>her healing attack will nullify whatever damage you did
Fuck... wish we get Gloria early
She is hot though
See, shit like this is why I avoid doing the EX Adversary battles unless I absolutely HAVE to.

I still need to get Hammy’s final Awakening stone though…
And that's the EX version of floor 4 of Master Training done, boy was this close. I just barely got the kill here, this old drunk would've started tearing me apart on the next turn. Credit where credit's due, I mostly followed this clear with my own slight improvements:
And there's another hundred rubies from the next floor. Using the same yt channel as reference for my EX master tower clears. That's all for tonight, I'm not looking forward to facing the counter-happy greybeard next, as it looks like the strat involves gambling away most of the party's lives. Might have to work on some fortune bows, too.
Thank you for sharing the link, I truly hate those "Use 4stars or lower" challenges because I have not a single clue about those fuckers.
This will help me starting somewhere
You're welcome, good luck! The nice thing is, everyone has these characters so it just comes down to gear. Luckily, the guy whose channel I posted doesn't use any five star A4s, just the freebie ones, which is what drew me to those clears in the first place. Now that we have better gear than 7 months ago, it should go a bit smoother too. I think I ended up using one gacha A4 in each of my clears, Therion's on Cedric for floor 4 to make him the fastest (Master's Coin is free and gives even higher speed) and Fiore's A4 on Tahir for floor 5 (a 10% sword emblem does pretty much the same thing).
bros whats the strat for ex 9s.....i need that 150 rubies,,,,
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Basically it boils down to break fast then hit hard. 9S? Doesn’t have much in the way of HP. Even his EX3 is one of the easier adversaries. But if you linger in battle, he’ll hit you HARD.
Remember to start combat with your back row characters in the front row, because at start of combat he inflicts permanent res down to all of his offensive elements to your entire front row. So put your party in reverse order and swap to normal order on turn 1, basically. And like the other guy said, go for a burst comp 'cause his hp is extremely low.
guys come on.... >>1484834 those are all the meme units......
how about something for non millionaires?
Canary is the only luxury one there.
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“Silver” my ass
It’s as rare as gold, and I need more of them
Should I prioritize the first beast to the max? Or give to the wolf & the bird? Like a distribution
Also what is the max level of the divine beasts?
10 if you have four of them. 12 if you have 6.

Also you will be able to max out your divine beasts as long as you’re able to raise their affection to the max.
Yunnie Cup’s out. Make sure you get your 300 rubies!
Oh man, to me she's by far the worst arena champion
Does she have any niche that i'm not aware of?
>Does she have any niche that i'm not aware of?
The only content I use her for is the Hunter Tower. She's great against the boss' minions, her 2 hit bow+1 hit fire aoe for the first waves and her 4 hit multi-weapon aoe for the later waves.
Oh shit, I should get on this since it's over in less than a week. Were cup races always so short, or am I misremembering? Could've sworn they were two weeks.
Pretty sure the previous ones were longer. This one is easy as fuck though. Probably could have gone for EX but had Rinyuu chant on first turn as a safety net.
>This one is easy as fuck though.
Jeez, you're telling me.
I used
And even though I fumbled a lot of things, I still easily won a Tier EX clear in 5 turns. God Bless Elrica, sword/light/dark covers almost every fight in this game and even with the nerf to gear arena imposes, she was still breaking cap.
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>saving hunts for ditraina
>remember i have like 5k gold guidestones I've been sitting on
man i can't wait
been putting off ri'tu, tikilen, and glossom so she can have her fun
did the account switching get fixed yet?
This is a surprise, i thought reddit and youtube would be the only places where i would find cotc content.
Don't you get gold guidstones for the arena champs in the exchange?
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>6k rubies
>A3 ditraina + A4 from exchange
>canary, 2x lianna, leon, odette (all new)
>jillmelia, fiore dupes
completely dry until 90x in but thankfully it all came together
i also legitimately forgot lianna was in this game
I blew all my rubies on Alaune so my hopes weren't high and I was expecting to have to save for pity and wait for the next sacred blaze banner, but she came home in 3 multis. I guess I'm going into hoarding mode for now, there really isn't anyone until Ringabel and Emil who I particularly want.
i blew my load and got her ToT in 5 multies
i too am dry hehe
>Got her ToTness + 2 dupes at the 3rd fucking pull
This my pic right now... so I better hold on my rubies for the big niggas coming up
I am afraid my luck just dried up
>my phone's starting to struggle with max nephti buff icons and ditraina hitting a million flashy numbers on three enemies at once
fuuuck nephti alone already made me turn graphics down to high, i don't want to fall further
but ditraina is so much fun melting the tourney adversaries
Me too, my 2018 phone recently started bugging out from all the animations... which btw it will only blow up even further
Anyone played this shit on an iPad or something? How is it there?
>Don't you get gold guidstones for the arena champs in the exchange?
You need to beat EACH 13 times to get the exclusive accessories for each champ THEN refight like 80 times to get the stones to shove em up their asses to level 100
>the exclusive accessories sucked ass, no?
Not anymore, they are now combined with new ones from the tourney adversaries
Now and with the current roaster it is easy to beat down each in few turns thanks to the power creep except
>Yang long: if you don't good warriors AND kill him after the first break - around 3 turns -, do not even try because of the crows
>Bitch Boy Largo: if you have Bargello and the gang he should fall off quickly but at shit around 7 turns or something
>Hammy Fatty Haaa: this bitch is nasty especially in her EX1 which is needed if you want her Awakening stone. She is so nasty I had to insert all my generic gold stones right inside her pussy to cap up her level right away. I won't fight her 80 times for her stones ... FUCK THAT. It is already bad enough to get her Awakenings and the accessory
Only got 3500 rubies so I gotta skip. Odio-O wants 6000 and Sazantos+Signa wants 4500, so I'm a far cry from the 10.5k I need to secure them.
Be ready to break out the wallet, anon.
It's all empty until the end of summer, gonna have to rely on my usually poor luck.
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How’s your power levels guys?
>ditraina really loves dogs
>none of the dogs are great fits for her
maybe i can live with giving her the crow
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Not really relevant to the gacha, but Octopath Traveler 2 just got a v1.1 shadow update on steam.
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oh shit, ditraina's accessory affects any buffs she receives, even ult buffs, that's hilarious
i thought her accessory was just the self-buff extension like most characters have

hey, thanks for sharing, good to know
Speaking of dogs, don't forget to grab the two new dogs everyone!
I’ll add to that. Pets should be the first thing you grab before doing any of the daily dose.
What took them so long?
I fucking knew it
I knew they would drop a surprise update at one point, that’s why I withheld playing it until then.
I noticed lately they start doing this funny habit of releasing a game or a remaster THEN release a patch a year later. They did it with Crono Cross, Triangle Strategy and now this.
Maybe this is in celebration to the OT1 and OT2 ports to systems that haven't gotten them yet.
>Decide randomly to roll for Ditraina
>Get her, Leon, Millard dupe and Hayes dupe in 1.8k rubies
i have literally no rubies left, but i got her ToT
who do i save for next? and how long do i have? if its too soon, who is the next one after that?
i dunno why you guys call her a ToT, she has fair breasts and looks mid-late teens at a minimum
>who do i save for next?
Live A Live collab, Odio-O
>and how long do i have?
Late June, so 2 weeks lmao
>if its too soon, who is the next one after that?
Sazantos+Signa, probably gonna be in mid July as the anniversary banner.
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It was a bit touch and go early on, but the last two pulls made it all worthwhile!

>Leon (Completed)
>Lianna (Completed)
>Heathcote (Recycled)
>Aedelgard (A3)
>Stead (Recycled)
>Dorothea (A4)
And last but not least…
I've been locked out of my account since October of last year. In the months before them, I was stuck in a loop of just doing the daily tasks to farm up crafting materials for the weapons and armor I was trying to get to beat Oskha.
Is it at all feasible for me to try to get my old account back and progress from there, or should I just start over from the beginning?
How the hell did you get locked out?
Validation checks on BlueStacks around the time of the Triangle Strategy event.
Have you tried contacting them on their social media?
I don't have any social media accounts I can use to contact them. What am I supposed to do, ask them to make a super low res version of the game I can download onto my Samsung Galaxy A24?
Well fuck, guess it's best for you to start over then.
This feat was a real pain in the ass to get
And there's Master Training 7F EX1 down. Ended up saying fuck it and upgraded all my bows to Fortune III, then it went down pretty smooth. Just one floor left and it's vs my old nemesis, Berecain Bitch.
Mostly followed this vid:
Might as well link the vid (not mine) for this one too:
So glad I got the EX 4-Star bullshit taken care of. Come to think of it, they still haven’t given us EX 10 and EX 11 yet.
>took 69 turns on ri'tu EX2
well a clear's a clear and now she has a source of dagger res down
the ice/wind cover merc severely hampered me
>Cleared 9S EX3
Whew, that wasn't as hard as I thought. Alaune EX's buffs are great here, I barely used her prayer right until the rush to the end.
I had to rely on Rinyuu and Nephti to buff the team while Fiore took most of the hits.
I had them too, Nephti definitely helped a lot in role compression and dealing good damage too. Elrica was my MVP.
>Elrica was my MVP.
Lucky you, Richard, Lars, Therion and Olberic Combine was only doing serviceable damage to 9S. Just enough for his repair to not be too much of a problem.
I should add that even though i had Nephti dealing damage as well, she was mostly support.
Elrica's HP buff helped a fair bit with survival here too, my team was:
>Alaune EX/Solon
That bitch and her two simps are physically tanky as fuck
Like seriously what the fuck? Barrgello’s attacks only deal 1 HP despite hitting the weakness
My team was:
Lars 5-hit would be useful in knocking off shields, Olberics got only one multi-hit, and one that's pretty unreliable(not to mention 9S isn't weak to it.) So i just had him sit in the back until 9S got broken. Therion was also for shield shaving, plus his paralysis always to proc for me most of time when using paralyzing tooth and hellfire. Ophilia is purely support. Richard to buff the other warriors and to apply sword resistance down to 9S. Fiore to tank, Rinyuu to support and Nephti also too support and occasional DPS.
What? Serenoa is much better for that and if you can afford to give him a non-HP Fortune weapon he can do some DPS with Hawk Dive when 9S is broken too.
Yeah i kinda sorta fell into a bit of complacently with her due to the fact that she nullifies damage. Became very over-reliant on her.
>TFW you unironically though this was OG Fiore
I might be a little retarded, kek. Though my point stands here since 9S has a sword weakness and you don't want to drag this battle.
From now on i'll hold off on using her if she's not the best unit i got suited for the job.
It's fine, she's amazing for a lot of fights.
Oh no, you mean there's more? I'm gearing up for the final one today.
So, we are approaching to the new continent, and we will get more shit. I have a question regarding the 6-stars things: I learned that we need both silver and gold cookies to class up the 3 and 4 stars, and for the 5 stars we should wait for a new cookie. My questions:
>how many cookies needed to class up everyone? Do I need one seal for each traveler?
>after classing up the level will shoot up to 120 for all... do I need to manually raise each traveler using the Guidestones and the supreme nuts? If yes, fuck leveling up the 3 stars is going to be hell.
Is it too late to start? I'm more interested in the Solistian 8.
I am up to date with everyone here, but I am kinda worried if I have to level up the 3 stars from 60 to 120
I was today years old when i realize that Varkyn can summon the living soul stone while the adds are still alive. Thankfully, he was already on his way out by time he did.
>how many cookies needed to class up everyone? Do I need one seal for each traveler?
Lemme grab my notes.
"For six star/6* prep:

You’ll need these:

Golden Cookies
* Sacred Seal of the Thunderblade - 8
* Sacred Seal of the Charitable - 8
* Sacred Seal of the Prince of Thieves - 8
* Sacred Seal of the Scholarking - 9
* Sacred Seal of the Flamebringer - 9
* Sacred Seal of the Huntress - 9
* Sacred Seal of the Trader - 8
* Sacred Seal of the Lady of Grace - 8

These’ll bring your 3-Stars and 4-Stars to 5-Stars. There’s an extra scholar, cleric and Hunter among the Elite Eleven which is why you need 9 instead of eight.

Save the silver cookies too. Three of each to Overclass the 3-Stars into 4-Stars."
>>after classing up the level will shoot up to 120 for all... do I need to manually raise each traveler using the Guidestones and the supreme nuts? If yes, fuck leveling up the 3 stars is going to be hell.
Classing up is always an increase of 20 levels. So only your five stars are going to reach six star and thus only five stars will be going from 100 to 120. 3 stars will become 4 stars and thus will only go from 60 to 80, which is really easy to do with exp nuts. Save your boost berries for your five (soon to be six) stars.
iirc, he summons his soulstone when he hits 50% hp or his adds die, whichever comes first.
>hits 50% hp or his adds die, whichever comes first.
Damn, that's gonna make clearing his EX fights difficult.
Thank you anon, I am extremely grateful for the detailed explanation.
>iirc, he summons his soulstone when he hits 50% hp or his adds die, whichever comes first.
I did a quick search, I found one nigga who managed to beat him
The thing is he needed Canary and insane numbers of A4 accessories
No kidding, I think he is the only EN player who finished him and made a video
Gonna add to those notes of yours.

While saving those amount of Gold Cookies will get all your 3-Stars and 4-Stars to 5-Stars. You should be able to do this off the bat once Overclass becomes available.

There’s still the issue of getting your characters to 6-Star Class.

For this, you’ll need 3 Golden Cookies and 500 Blue Cookies. And of course there’s the factor that like Ultimates and Torch Points, it will only be limited to certain characters (but eventually everyone will get it).

A few things of note. Blue Cookies can only be acquired via the Incense Burner or by exchanging Awakening Stone Shards. There’s also three types of Blue Cookies. Ones for 3-Stars, ones for 4-Stars and ones for 5-Stars. The ones for 5-Stars are gonna be the real pain-in-the-ass to get.
The Incense Burner is a major factor in the Overclass system.

You activate the Incense Burner and over time it will generate items for you. Class Seals, Wisdom Orbs and especially those Blue Class Seals. The Incense Burner can run for up to 72 hours before it goes off, but you can collect your items anytime. You can also use items to extend the duration (up to 24 hours) and speed up the item generation rate.

According to my sources, you should be able to get enough materials to Overclass a 5-Star every two weeks.

Also, once Overclass is introduced, you’ll be able to pull a featured character as a 6-Star. Not only does this apply to the new characters, but also ones that feature on Union of the Chosen/Union of Memories.

Ex.: Partitio will be one of the first characters to have Overclass available. Pull on his banner and you might see a Rainbow Ring. This will give you a guaranteed 6-Star Partitio. However, if you get Partitio in someone else’s banner, say Agnes’s or Dolcinea’s, you will only get him as a 5-Star.

There are no 6-Star characters. You can only Overclass your other characters to the 6-Star class.
P.S.: Getting one of the passes will give you a 2x item generation rate at the Incense Burner
>For this, you’ll need 3 Golden Cookies and 500 Blue Cookies.
Whoa whoa whoa, nobody told me we needed 3 golden cookies for each five star we wanted to class up! I've been ignoring buying golden cookies for almost a year now! Fucking hell, I thought they only used and entirely new mat (those blue cookies I suppose), not the gold ones too. Dammit, I stopped getting gold cookies once I had enough for my 4 stars...
Interesting, so it's an idle game mechanic.
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Nier hunts should be permanently available.
I was hoping they'd do that for the rerun, but no such luck.
>Cyrus can use Osvalds true magic
>It hits more times than Osvalds
>Not only that but Ophilia can use heavenly shine as well.
The devs were not pulling any punches were they?
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>Tressa can steal (buy) your weapons, you have to buy them back
>Tressa can collect ALL of your money, you need a merchant to collect it back
>Tressa has Smelling Salts to null her teammate's break status
>Tressa doubles Hired Help costs
>Olberic locks a random unit in a 1v1 in the second phase Challenge duel
>Alfyn can petrify
>Ophilia and Primrose autorevive their parties to max health
>Therion steals your items
>Therion steals your subjobs
>Tressa and Therion (merchant sub) can SUMMON THE OTHER TEAM with Hired Help
True Vide and True Vide, the Wicked were even more cancerous.
At least I'm done with them but that last fight took more than a whole hour to beat.
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Today’s the last day to do Nier Automata hunts. Dump your tickets right Nier because they’re gone the next day.

Also, tomorrow we’re getting a Union of the Chosen with Cecily/Chloe. Next week we get our final Orsterran Chance Encounter, Sertet the Hunter.
Guess I'll do step 1.
Fuck this bitch, at long last I'm done with the Master Training Tower! And this takes me up to 4000 rubies, so I should be good for Sazantos but I don't know what I'm gonna do about Odio-O unless anniversary gives a ton of free rubies. Now the only tower left is Elite Training, I think I can maybe beat the wolf and kraken with three teams spread out over weeks so I can keep using my best team each run.
Followed this video but I had better weapons so when I saw an opportunity to finish the fight faster, I took it, so I didn't have to rely on this guy's strat of letting one row eat Fury of the Strong and break her on the last possible turn:
I kinda envy you in a way. I already did that shit so my rubies are tapped out at the moment.

Only thing I got left are the EX Rank Adversary battles and God alone knows when I’m gonna get the time or the stones to take on artificial difficulty of that caliber.
>Be me
>Decide to do Arena of Ebony Dragon
>Have Nephti, Rinyuu, and Fiore so feeling pretty confident i can take him on at an increased level difficulty
>Start the gameboard
>Increase the difficulty by 3
>Here we go
>Breeze through the twins and the guy who's weak to light
>Face off against the dragon
>Things are going well Fiore is dying more than i hope she wouldn't but Ophilia and Rinyuu can bring her back during break
>One of these times i accidently hit crusaders prayer instead of gracious, which lead to the front being party whipped
>Fortunately, Obleric has 3BP to spare, Ophilia had her ultimate guage filled and Nephti had more than enough cheer points for the secondary effects to kick in
>Defend+Aelfric's Affection+Emerrgency First Aid= Entire back row get's revived and to full health with the front row taking no damage
>Minimal damage in Olberic's case
>Alright cool managed to bring this back
>Dragon is on it's last legs too
>Should be smooth sailing from here on out
>Nope Fiore dies again
>Rinyuu brings her back for the fourth and last time
>Next turn dragon kills Rinyuu before she can activate gracious prayer
>Oh shit.jpeg
>Looks at the bosses health
>See that it's almost gone
>Fuck it, let's go for a Hail Mary
>Dragon goes down
>Breath sigh of relief
And that's enough COTC for the time.
Damn, and that was just +3? I still haven't tried that gameboard. Saving it for after I finish the Elite Tower and the last Hell NPC/Heaven NPC fights.
To be honest i wasn't exactly using suitable armor for most of the team. Out of everyone, Olberic, Nephti, and Therion were using the arcane hallow set.
The way I beat the dragon at +10 back before pets were a thing was give everyone hell weapons with hp and fire resist souls, have fiore block all physical attacks and have ophillia spam heal in-between the dragons attacks so I could shrug off an aoe fire blast even if used 2 times in a turn.
Finally, got my revenge on this wolf ever since it drove me mad last December! Beat it with "2" teams (it was the same team twice, I used the free weekly restore) so that's 200 more rubies for me and this weird bleed accessory. Last time I killed it with over 10 teams iirc, it was nuts. My first attempt here brought him from full hp to red, took out around 80% of his health in one go. But man, I hate how hard these elite bosses are to finish off once you have them in the red. It took 10 more resets before he stopped "randomly" targeting down Elrica every fight in the first couple turns.
I'll try that thanks.
/beg/ who only has 50 hours total play time here, should i put rubies towards Ditraina or save for the next collab banner?
She's pretty darn nice, but if you don't have rubies coming out your ears to secure Odio-O and/or Sazantos+Signa, you can skip her.
Of course, that's pure metafaggotry so go for her if you really, really like her either way, she won't let you down. I'm skipping her 'cause a) my rubies are low and b) I like Live a Live and Sazantos more than the Witch of Salvation.
I've wasted all of my rubies(and $89 dollars and some change) on trying to get Ditraina to A2. Instead i got two Lars, two Odette's, one Cardona and one Canary. But at least i was awakeing the new 11 four stars to A3.
*But at least i was able to awaken the new 4stars to A3.
Tomorrow we’re gonna figure out the next Crossover JP is doing this week. (Live a Live is coming next week for EN).

Anyone care to place your bets as to which game is gonna be next as crossover material?
Persona is my educated guess, it has done collabs with other gachas before.
My hope is Triangle Strategy again. I really wanna see Anna, Hughette, Erador and Geela in action.
sacred blaze is a pretty good banner to go deep on at least, since the other exclusive travelers can be great too
This is unlikely because every collab has been a Square one and all of them except Automata was directed by Asano.
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Just found out that there is an Octopath mobile game. The art seems to be on the same level of quality as GBF and Hortensia saga, and likewise also has a lot of characters who don't look like wide eyed naive babyfaced teenagers and 20 somethings. Is this game good? Is the story good like GBF? How challenging are the story battles (I am not an endgame grinder)? How generous is the gacha for free players? Is the music on the same level of quality as GBF?
the story is very good, and follows a more linear path compared to the mainline's multiple branches
the gameplay becomes more challenging than mainlines by far, but mostly for extra side content. maybe halfway through the current story (which is maybe like 40~100+ hours of gameplay in, hard to gauge) you'll need to get more serious about teambuilding, or you can wait for new powercreep to carry you
the gacha is tainted by square enix's greed, so if you don't save and plan you're completely fucked, but these days there's relatively reasonable income and we have foresight from the JP server, although EN moves things around and even changes traveler kits sometimes
the music is fantastic and often really sets the mood of battles and the story
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Surprise not really motherfuckers
Warrior Cecil
Merchant Kain
Cleric Rosa
Scholar? Rydia
Thief Edge
Cecil - Warrior (FREE!)
EX Sazantos (Kain) - Merchant
EX Ophilia (Rydia) - Scholar
EX Agnea (Rosa) - Hunter
EX Sazantos:
deals fire/wind damage in addition to spear
Can jump high In the air and avoid damage just like a real dragoon.
While high up, can do spear follow-ups
For everything else, see Magnolia.
EX Ophilia
Can summon all of Rydia’s summons and cast Flare. She also has skills that can bypass an enemy’s Dodge skill.
Bahamut is her Ultimate. ‘Nuff said.
EX Agnea
Can exploit Light and Dark attacks in addition to bow.
Bow skills debuff enemies.
Has excellent healing and buff skills.
If you heal an ally at full HP, that access HP goes into an HP barrier instead.
Now I think about it, pretty weird there's not FF7 collab yet.
My thought too, but I think they figured “we’ve milked FF7 to fuck way mire than Atlus milking Persona 5, let’s do something else”
>no Golbez
What the actual fuck? It's not FFIV characters (other than Cecil), it's the Octopath Traveler characters cosplaying as IV? Weird as fuck, but okay.
He wears it well, just like Ophilia really fills out Adult Rydia's outfit. Summons, Flare and Bahamut sound great, everything sounding great!
This is such a weird yet wonderful collab, really hope global gets that far one day.
Honestly I prefer it this way. FFIV fits a lot better with in Octopath rather than FFVII. FFIX wouldn’t have been bad either.

Seven’s got all the hype and a lot of other things going for it. Putting that in as a crossover would’ve been seen as obvious pandering at best and desperation at worst.

Plus, I don’t think a lot of people would be happy if they put in Cloud and three EX replacements as Tifa, Aerith and Barrett.
Golbez is in it. He’s the bad guy of the story. He may or may not be teaming up with Tytos.

Whether or not he actually gets to be playable remains to be seen but in my experience, 4 crossover characters is the limit.

Also, you get a yellow and white Chocobo as pets.
This is quite possibly the weirdest collab I've seen, and I've played the Sanrio Collab in GBF.
Another thing to add. Progressing through the Final Fantasy IV story will get you Cecil as a 5-Star. No 3/5-Star bullshit this time. Completing the story gets you two Cecil Awakening Stones.

Some special tasks will bet you three more stones completing him.
>chocobo pets
only part i care about, nice
There have been far weirder in the gacha world.
>EX Sazantos
Uhhhhh...what? Why they are putting OT characters to larp as the rest of FF4 cast? Moreover, isn't Sazantos supposed to have 2 more playable version? Why wasting his EX like this?
lmao that hand. They really are just using ai generated images for this shit. Lowest effort collab possible.
So, where is the next tavern talk again?
It’s the 24th
Uhh…no? Why would there be two more playable versions of him?

Honestly I would’ve picked someone else for the role of Kain but still. I don’t think it was in the cards for any other version of Sazantos.
>Why they are putting OT characters to larp as the rest of FF4 cast?
This isn't a new concept for gacha in general. If anything, Squeenix is probably just stingy with the FF4 rights (regardless of both games technically under the same company) and the gacha devs don't want to deal with that. All collabs that I remember prior to this other than Automata which is shill central were effectively incest collabs anyway (Bravely 1, S, 2, Triangle Strategy, and kind of Live a Live).
Tell me more. I don’t play any other Gacha games so I’d love to hear the weird stuff other games have done.
You mentioned grubble and it's had its share of various collabs.
Others delved with anime, other videogames, other GACHA, and even vtuber shit.
This screenshot from a random Tales of Rays team I made up from my roster consists of that Sword Art Online girl, Sol Badguy, Keroro from Keroro Gunsou, and Xelloss from Slayers.
Even Another Eden had an Octopath collab:
Partitio, Cyrus, and Tithi are recruitable with cameos of Olberic, H'aanit, Temenos, and Castti.
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>Uhh…no? Why would there be two more playable versions of him?
Dunno. You tell me.
Any way to play this on emulator? I really want to play it but not in my phone...
holy fucking based
Original poster here, just to clarify I meant the 'new characters are in-universe characters taking their forms' thing and not the IP itself.

I'm a former Grub player and Code Geass is a notable collab not just because the collab's story was made permanent but that the characters also stay there for good. Last Cloudia's Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean 2R collab is somewhat notable for being a double collab as well, and I mentioned Sanrio before this just because it's weird even for Grub.
>'new characters are in-universe characters taking their forms'
Oh, that's also a thing for other gachas too.
Rays was rife with it.
Dragalia even had 3 characters in MH getups in the MH collab as the limited units in the pool while the actual collab "units" were Rathalos (welfare unit), and gacha limiteds were DK Rathalos and Fatalis.
>Golbez is in it. He’s the bad guy of the story. He may or may not be teaming up with Tytos.
I just watched the trailer and this is not Golbez' Japanese voice so maybe there's an Octopath villain who's also cosplaying hiding in his armour?
>Another thing to add. Progressing through the Final Fantasy IV story will get you Cecil as a 5-Star. No 3/5-Star bullshit this time. Completing the story gets you two Cecil Awakening Stones.
Stand outs for me are the pop star collabs Final Fantasy Brave Exvius had (including FOUR different alts of Katy Perry and FOUR different alts of Ariane Grande, and they weren't dropped all at once so it was a series of collabs for each) and that kpop band collab Epic Seven had.
If you look through the character catalog for Brave Frontier you'll find a bunch of IPs. Back when I played they had crossovers with Hatsune Miku and Deemo. There's collaborations with Trigun, BNHA, Guilty Gear, and Samurai Champloo to name a few. The one I'm surprised by is the fucking Hobbit collab that was JP exclusive. Gandalf and Legolas were in it too.
Holy shit! I heard of the Arianna Grande collab (I didn’t know they did four of her)

But the Hobbit!? That is mind blowing!
After swinging and missing on Canary, Elrica, Alaune, and A2 (saving to pity, what's that?) I got my big hatted witch. I can now actually do light and dark damage and I'll just cope with Joshua and Lars as my sword dps.
Original anon here, that's very enlightening! I never got to play either of those games so I didn't hear about it.
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Poor Sertet…she’s not getting any love this week is she?
Nope. I'm finally on the cusp of 4500 rubies, so I gotta keep saving. Bows become extremely good in Solistia, but Sertet's not part of what makes those teams good.
>Not meta
>Hunters are so much of a joke that Lucetta is
more valuable than her
>Not limited
>Not even a main story character
>Being released before a collab that people know about and likely have good feelings for due to nostalgia
Been trying to finish Live A Live before the collab next week since all the collabs seem to contain major story spoilers and from what I've heard, the LaL collab has a full, proper story like the BD one did. In the final chapter now and man, now that I know who these characters are, I'm way more hyped to pull for 'em.
Oh fuck, it looks like the best resource this game had is down. Is anyone able to access it?
>can't be found
Try this one.
It works! Thanks! I was looking for this.
Thanks bro
Stream in 1 hour and 50 minutes if I've done my time math right.
I’m ready. Give me Oersted and Streibough. And make them awesome!
I doubt we'll get buffs for Oersted since he's free, but I'm betting Streibough will get some because there's no reason to pull on that banner otherwise.
I just fully beat Live A Live, true ending and everything, just before making this post and I am HYPED!
Nice, I get two more weeks to save for Odio, as he wasn't in this stream at all.
This Wednesday we're getting the LaL collab, which I think is lasting a whole month long, but the only banner is the Oersted+Streibough bait banner, with zero buffs. Just like the original NieR run, there's a special 10 summon with Oersted guaranteed in the 10th slot. Everyone will get 300 rubies to celebrate the collab plus there's another 100 rubies for clearing all four Live A Live hunts. There will be a proper event story (limited time) during the collab, but the hunts will be permanent! Unfortunately, the hunts are otherworld hunts like Bravely Default, not separate like NieR, so they'll use the same hunt permits as BD.
Next Wednesday's update will feature another permanent pool bait banner: Molu and Sarisa as the rate ups. I'm still missing both but not even I'm not gonna pull on that.
Next Tavern Talk should be July 7th and will feature the new road map.
*July 8th
It’s also looking like July 10th will be the week that features Odio-O and Odio-S.
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Good luck everybody!

Hope you all get good pulls and get Streibough early.

Tomorrow’s gonna be a great day!
Unless that asshole loser comes home in the same free ten pull as /ourguy/ Oersted, there's no way I'm wasting rubies on an unbuffed weakling who happens to be the LaL character I dislike the most.
Gigawhales will love blowing cash on his paid step to get his A4 though, it's the easiest way to secure a "start with ultimate gauge filled" A4 if you have money to burn.
Thanks for the luck bro, I'll be taking it for Odio-O.
Not aware of jp tavern talk, but is JP is planning to continue the story after BoA or something?
No. Bestower of All is just about done. There’s an Epilogue in July. After that the Orsterra Saga is over and the Solistia Saga begins.

Solistia is where Octopath 2 takes place by the way.
Maybe I didnt express it properly. I'm aware of Octopath II and Solistia. I'm talking from a datamine standpoint.
In the gamefiles, character and enemies spritesheet are classified by their chapter codename. B01 is for the Master of Wealth npcs and enemies, B02 is Master of Power and viceversa until B08, Bestower of All (even the ones appearing in the epilogue). For Solistia chapters, the classification is "QPS" instead ''B". Emberflame history and the collabs have their own classification too, but in the recent update they added a sole B09 folder with a sole enemy spritesheet.
That's the reason of my question. Perhaps they are using it later. After all there are some content they haven't released yet.
The guy appearing in Nina-Lanna story is supposed to be playable unit. He have the spritesheet done, for example.
is this collab worth risking it? only got 600 rubies
my most recent unit was her ToT
Nah. Better off passing and making a run for Signa instead.

First off, out of curiosity, does this enemy spritesheet include bosses? Curious because I am genuinely not sure what else they could do at this point.

My theory about this B09 is that it was something they came up with just in case, but ended up getting cut from final release.

There’s a good chance that material from B09 could get incorporated into a future story later, depending on what it is. But for now, consider it cut content.

By the way… I knew about Gofeld being a possible traveler which makes me extra miffed seeing that they decided to release Nivelle, a brand new character, instead of Gofeld, a character they’ve shelved for eternity.

Did you know that there’s a future arena traveler called Luras the Warrior? Thing is, I heard that he hero worships Erhardt… which makes releasing him a BIT more difficult, since JP is now in Solistia territory.
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The enemy appears in the boss section, so yes. And that's the weird thing. Remember for each new story chapter, they usually release normal enemies you randomly fight across the new area (elite version included) and the boss chapter. But so far only the boss is listed there. The B09 folder didnt exist in the 3.10 version.

Rechecking the files I found an interesting pattern didn't realize sooner: the main antagonist's bosses spritesheets of a chapter is usually listed as the first of the folder (example: B01_001 being Master of Wealth, Herminia, B01_001_b her ring form. B04_001, Pardis. B07, Ceraphina... You get the idea). The 002 onwards are for either their minions in battle if have (B01_002 is for the Herminia's buttler, for example. B06_002 for the black panter) or the remaining bosses of the arc. BoA doesnt have the first three folders. The B08 section start with the 004 folder, which is Mahrez sprite. Never noticed for some reason the 3 first folders just don't exist. Pretty curious, specially when they are supposed to be done with this arc. The B09 folder is 001, so, if there is a new Orsterra arc, its likely that enemy is the main antagonist, but so far only the boss spritesheet is complete.

Didn't know about that character and I don't recall seeing some new spritesheet folders besides the ones released in the recent collab. Might recheck the playable list folder later.
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Free multi, pretty nice. Now I just need to be able to play on PC and I'd be addicted to this since I'm replaying Octo1 at the moment.
>best resource this game had
>notion, the site that was mocked for being consistently full of errors
lol, lmao
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Here’s who I got from the free 10-pull. Oersted is staying on the bench until Odio-O arrives.
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Caption this postcard as if you haven’t played OT or LaL before…
Evil cunny ToT is a must have imo, without her ass your life will be extremely miserable
In addition maybe you will get GRIFIIIIIIIIIITH if they happened to share a banner.
Now that's one hell of a tournament
Came here to see which one of ya got the free Streibough, this thread is blessed enough that at least one person must've. Congrats! I got a 4.5* Scarecrow in mine, he's one of the three characters I have at A4 U10, so I finally have some more awakening shards! Now to wait 2 weeks.
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Only got Oersted Free. But these banners were nice to me all the same. I was able to get both Oersted AND Streibough to A2 without having to go to Spark (80 pulls).

Now I just gotta wait for Odio-O and Odio-S to show up in two weeks.
>blowing rubies on Streibough dupes
Bro, you better be a major Streibough fan. I could understand one copy for collection, but it's pretty pointless getting dupes of him unless you're going for A4.
>challenging Streibough in the adversary log triggers the Live A Live battle transition
I don’t have a 5 star scholar, should I roll for Streibough? He seems pretty versatile
No. Waste of rubies.
Nope, you're better off rolling for an actually good character (like Odio-O in 2 weeks) and just waiting to inevitably let some of the many regular 5 star scholars pop up as spooks. Next good scholar to roll for is Isla, you may as well go pick up Varkyn at the arena as he's one of the easier fights iirc.
I figure you guys could use a laugh so here’s a fail tale.

Decide to go for Sertet. Go a round.
First two steps are duds.
>Damn. If I can just get her once, I’ll stop.
3rd Step. Gold Ring.
>Now that’s more like it!
>Fuck! At least I got her to A4.
4th step. Gold Ring.
>okay. Maybe this time I’ll get her…
Nope! Gilderoy.
>Fuck! Well that’s 1000 Awakening Stone shards.
5th Step. Guaranteed Gold Ring.
>50% Chance of getting Sertet. I GOTTA get her this time!
Nope. Fiore. Also a recycled stone.
Desperate now. I decide to do a YOLO pull with free rubies.
>Come on! Come ON!
>Yes! YES! This time… THIS TIME!
It’s Heathcote.
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>Decide to go for Sertet.
>Decide to go for Sertet
But why?
So that I could get her. Characters get harder to luck out on as the Chance Encounter pool gets bigger.

But I guess I have no choice in the matter now.
>have to manual the hunts for enemy feats
no...not again
i was free! i was free from those damn you!
>8/10 king chompers
I was never free so it's not a big deal.
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Or do I?

Guess what boys? The Tug is real! And so are happy endings.
back to 6000 rubies
oh neat the cosmic weapons have different effects
>sword: 300 hp recovery
>polearm: 10% damage taken recovery
>dagger: full hp debuff extension
>axe: 10 sp recovery
>bow: 50 sp recovery when breaking
>staff: 15% front row recovery when switching to back
>tome: 5% sp cost reduction
>fan: full hp buff extension
think i'll make a dagger and fan at least
Yep, dagger and fan are the ones that are most worth it. If you have Canary, definitely get the dagger first. Man, gonna take ages to get the stuff in the exchange with the rate we get the currency for it from these hunts.
How good is Odio-S? Will he effortlessly eradicate the cleric tower? That motherfucking priest is the only one who’s giving me a hard time
He's an easy skip but he will help with cleric tower since his dark spells pierce fire as well so he can do damage to the cleric boss in both of his stances. Chasing Odio-S is an atrocious waste of rubies though, we're getting far better clerics in the future plus countless future characters will help you in a lot more content than just a single job tower fight. I don't think Odio-S will make it effortless, but he will make it easier.
Well said, alright I will aim for the other Odio instead
Hopefully I can get his A1 early
Finished LAL right on time
So ....the designs of Odio O and S are shit COTC came up with? that's actually impressive
Good luck, I'll be pulling right alongside ya! And if you happen to get Odio-S along the way, hey, it's a bonus for that cleric tower. Pro tip for that fight btw: make sure everyone has at least 288 speed so they can outspeed his row swap aoe staff move.
Odio-O is the regular Odio/main villain of LaL.
Odio-S is original to the Octopath COTC x Live A Live collab.
How much until Solistia?
We’ll find out next week.

Wait for the next Road Map to drop.
>6* buff: his 2x AOE sword now has a moderate chance to inflict poison, bleed, and blindness (2 turns).
>EX skill: Grant the front row "unsinkable" (unable to die except to Overkill) (1 turn). However, put a death counter on his row partner (2 turns). Usable once per battle. Must be on turn 5 or later to use.
>Battle TP: AOE sword attack (120 power). Also exploits dark. For any character at 80%+ HP, consume 80% HP and increase potency of this move for each character you consumed HP from, up to 5x at all 8 characters. This move has 100000 damage cap up. Only usable twice per battle.
>Support TP: When his row partner is dead, his crits do 1.4x damage instead of 1.25x.
>6* buff: His 1x AOE dark attack now has a moderate chance to inflict poison, bleed, and blindness (2 turns)
>EX skill: ST dark attack (35 power). Also exploits fire. Repeatedly consume 30 SP from self until he has 30 SP or less and repeat the attack the number of times you consumed SP (up to 9 times). Must be on turn 6 or later to use. Usable once per battle.
>Battle TP: 3x RT dark attack (65 power). Also exploits fire. Small chance of inflicting blindness (2 turns) on each hit. At max boost, becomes 5x.
>Support TP: When an enemy with 8+ icons is present, inflict 10% sword res, fire res, and dark res down on all enemies.
knock yourselves out
Yooooo, that just got their 6 star buffs on JP?! Wild. I dunno enough about JP to see how much this pumps them up if at all, but I like what Odio-S is getting. Makes me not mind pulling him along the way to Odio-O, though I'm still dipping as soon as I get Odio-O.
It was rumored for a while, they finally got it
Also fucking other two characters got theirs: Stead and Nono-NANA-Lala-Gogogaga or whatever the fuck her name was
>6* buff: his staff+bleed counter passive is now guaranteed to trigger.
>EX skill: ST dark attack (260 power). Then heal front row allies (150 power) and grant 10% dark damage up for 2 turns. Usable twice per battle. A bleeding enemy must be present to use.
>6* buff: Her dark damage up passive now also grants 15% crit up and the ability to crit with magic.
>EX skill: Grant the front row 30% dark damage up (2 turns). Must be on turn 3 or later to use. Usable twice per battle.
Right now here’s JP’s remaining Travelers who haven’t gotten Overclass and possibly TP yet.

EX Sofia
EX Primrose
Yan Long
EX Fiore
Honestly i think that they're gonna make these costumes like they did with Richard Alune and Krauser.
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>Sazantos with Dark Knight costume using light attacks
Eh? They could use Elrica gimmick of switching stances in battle as much. Or just release Saint Sazantos, who use both elements.
My God. Weirdest crossover moment ever.

The man clad in black armor is not Golbez…but in fact a Dark Cecil.

That explains the voice though…
So they using his dark knight ver, huh?
No. Not even that.

He is literally a replacement for Golbez. Same armor and everything. Even the Golbez theme plays when he appears. But they never once refer to him as Golbez. Because once the helmet comes off, we realize that he isn’t. It’s basically Cecil, the evil entity of Hatred.

The fact that all this is kinda happened because they could only put in ONE Final Fantasy IV voice actor (and that’s Cecil’s) kinda makes it funny.

P.S.: The voice actor that does Cecil also did Streibough.

P.P.S: Points for originality. Even if the twist was fucking out there.
what happened to that tuesday unit page
How good is Odio-O’s A4? Is it busted or better off staying at A1?
Depends on if you’re into the defensive type of stuff.

With Odio-O’s A4, you can survive a lethal hit with 1HP remaining. And your damage is reduced by 20% when you’re at half HP.
i was pretty excited fro ff4, but then i realized LAL isnt even done yeat and we are still waiting on nier
how far behind are we?
Dont let all those collabs blind you from the fact they havent finished the emberflame story. Almost a year without a new chapter.
I wil assume 7 months if they happen to keep the speed up mentality
You’re referring to JP? Are they on stand still for a year? Maybe this is their mastermind plan to combine everyone
There are three more collabs global is currently missing: the second Bravely one, the second NieR one and now FFIV. It's gonna be a long wait. Though now that I've almost run out of rubies to get from content, I'm probably gonna skip pretty much all banners in between collabs because I want to hit up each collab and I highly doubt we'll get 6000 rubies between each one.
That's pretty interesting. I'm honestly surprised the team for COTC is allowed this much freedom with Squeenix's IPs. As far as I know, the Bravely collab was pretty in-line with BD's lore.

For LaL, Averting Oersted's original fate and turning Streighbough into Odio is a decent twist. Not sure how Part 2 is going to go since I haven't seen the spoilers.

For FFIV, Damn that's cool. We get to see a Cecil that remained a Dark Knight and would be susceptible to Zemus' control.
Stream time
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New roadmap, Sazantos+Signa banner confirmed as the 2nd anniversary banner.
There is going to be a massive content slowdown after anniversary. Now, I rarely doompost, only when there's good reason, but a slowdown like this immediately following anniversary is pretty indicative of a Christmas EoS announcement. I really, really hope I'm wrong and global makes it to Solistia.
I dont recall BoA epilogue being split in 2 parts in the jp. The hell are they doing?
That's another reason why I feel global eos is imminent, they're trying to let us down easy. The worst part is, it's like one of those self-fulfilling prophecies: if for some reason the game ISN'T EoSing, then this slowdown will notably cut down its profits (when it's already one of the lower performing SE gacha games), which will then encourage SE to shut it down sometime in its third year. Plus, the immediate and notably negative reaction to this roadmap will discourage people from spending as they smell EoS in the air, which will lower profits even further.
did they say theres a slow down?
Anon, look all of the promotions from August to October - in a gacha where content is supposed to be frequently updated and the JP version has consistently updated, no less.
I've unfortunately seen this happen with content slowdown for at least 3 gachas I've played.
Part of me wish to believe they are slowing down the actual content so they can give us the solistia chapters faster than the japanese version (they release 1 chapter every 2 or 3 months now).
Now that's some high-grade copium, but God would it be nice. Look at the TW version, which started after global launch but rushed super fast so that they were ahead of global. TW is how we knew about some of the global exclusive buffs because they actually premiered on TW because they got the buffed characters a few weeks earlier than us.
But now TW is partway through Side Solistia already, they started it last month in June. And today we found out global won't get there until November at the earliest.
Have there been a lot of reruns and drops in content recently?
Dragalia, World Flipper, and Rays had those issue that triggered EOS warning signs to players.
And then there's Crestoria that had the issue of having literally nothing up except dailies and raids and the absolute removal all gacha banners except the perma banner (and complete silence on the official Twitter) for weeks until EOS announcement.
>Have there been a lot of reruns and drops in content recently?
Reruns are coming out at the normal rate, except for the rerun just announced to be coming this week that's a repeat of the OT1 main 8 from last year. I'm glad for reruns since this game has atrocious pull currency gain for f2p. That's one the upside of this massive chunk of nothing they announced today, it's a lot of time to save up when I'm right about to blow my whole stash on anniversary.
As for drops in content, that's the big thing that happened today that's got everyone talking. The amount of slowdown they just showed off is the writing on the wall for anyone experienced with gacha shutdowns. Was Opera Omnia's EoS announcement last autumn, does everyone remember?
November 28, 2023
I feel like that second one was due to the fact that they couldn't afford the VA's.
Yep, RIP and that's probably when they'll do it for Octopath (EN/global only).
I just realized without Side Solistia, they might have an unprecedented 3+ months without a new character banner, which would be a death knell for a gacha, literally no reason to spend. Unless they start bringing them out early along with the (now split into two parts) BoA epilogue, which would be weird since the new characters aren't from Orsterra for the most part.
wow a slow down, i can finally catch up then haha....
Well, I guess we're headed for eos. It's amazing how consistently Square mismanages their games.
If it really is happening, I'm sorry for your loss.
I had read Squeenix gachas die in droves so I didn't stick with this after the beta even though I wanted to roll for The Unbending Blade of Hornburg.
I suspect that JP might not be doing that well too based on the FFIV Collab re-using VAs. Well, this is real fucking awkward but I thought as much!
Eh, this was just my Mobius substitute anyway. It's been poorly managed since day 1 so I didn't have high hopes for it to stick around. Shame because I do actually like it a fair bit, but at least now I can finally be free of Square Enix gacha.
>Decide to roll for giggles
>Get Strei in 2.7k rubies and a dupe Olberic
Fuckers couldn't keep it going long enough to get the octopath 2 characters.
I wouldnt be giggling about those pulls
But I am, because it sucked but I no longer have a reason to save.
Being honest here, they probably decided this a while ago and saw that a lot of Global players wouldn't last through Side Solistia.
If things do come to an end then so be it. I've had my fun. And i got most of the characters i wanted. The only things left for me to do is complete the final chapter of BoA, fight some of the level 100 NPCs and the Towers. Once i do all of that i've experience everything the game has to offer ATM.
Same here, only thing I'll be missing is rolling for Temenos before quitting but it'll be a relief to not have to use my phone for gacha any more.
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I’m going to cope and sneed and say to myself this is either a fakeout of sort or they needed time to prepare for the big jump.
However, in case if this isn’t the case and we’re seriously heading our asses into EoS or permanent offline shit I will shout out a specific anon since now is a better chance than later and hopefully he’s here now
Big shotout to the M&L leakers anon
It’s been fun reading your posts, I don’t know what kinda sorcery or dark dealings with Bowser’s minions you managed to pull off …. But it was one hell of a ride
It’s almost felt like a galactic destiny, you showed up in a niche game in a niche board of all fucking things, then later against all odds and a dreadful 9 years picrel manifested itself
It was my favorite sub-series, and I truly believe this whole shit is meant to be
God speed you magnificent bastards
It's unironically over
> now TW is partway through Side Solistia already, they started it last month in June. And today we found out global won't get there until November at the earliest.
Hold the fuck up, is this for real? Didn’t they just start like jan 2024? Also what was the language? is it English? If so and they are ahead of us why GL not just copy & paste?
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Calling it right here, right now.

September, they’re releasing the Caits. All three of them.

Isla - Scholar (Fire/Thunder)
Kilns - Hunter (Thunder)
Rique - Merchant (Wind)

That’s the only reason they have a dead month. So that they can release these three early on. BEFORE Side Solistia hits.
Weapons-grade copium.
On one hand that’s a lethal amount of copuim
On the other hand… this makes sense
The cait showing up way into Solistia felt extremely off to me. Releasing them now would made alot of sense given thier roles
>More characters but still no SS
That would be kek.
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Honestly I was expecting the release of Just Isla before Side Solistia hit. Since Isla’s been by your side the entire time and has been your main Ruby supplier and your tutorial Cait.

It felt appropriate to end Orsterra with him before moving onto Side Solistia. Even if that meant not getting his 6-Star stuff right away.
I don’t want to be a gender freak fuck, but wasn’t this cait a “she”? Or did I mix up with the Adventurer?
No, Isla is voiced by Yui Ishikawa but he's actually male as clarified by the producer before (Isla is based on his cat who's male).
Sorry, anon.
But this is probably incredibly damning.
Yeah, EOS would have to be decided months before due to roadmaps being a thing.
Anyone in here who's in the Discord? How are they taking this?
Yeah, ending it with BoA is fine, I never fully expected EN to reach Solistia and it's better than randomly getting the axe 1 or 2 chapters in to Solistia. But man, I'm sad I'll never get to play with the NieR Replicant crew.
It's real alright. To quote the big community post/petition thing that sums up all the EN issues right now:
>We went from ahead of TW, to behind by 2+ months, to now being de facto behind TW by 6 months in the span of 3 months
As for the language, if it was English I would pick up TW right now but it's not, it's in Chinese. TW is the golden boy of the five servers, they even get 100 pity on gen pool (and stuff like the OCTO/PATH rerun banner announced for EN yesterday) and 150 pity on Sacred Blaze instead of 200.
Thanks for clarifying that, I was always confused especially since Isla's a female name. Guess it's like Angelo the dog being a girl in FFVIII.
Extreme copium and damage control. Imagine the most stereotypical discord/redditor response, ie the polar opposite of here, and that's what it is.
You're welcome, more than a few people were understandably confused.

It's sad that the game had to end but I'll say this much some of those retards really fucking deserved it.
Fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to break the FF7 remake into 500 separate games
Of course the cost will be way way higher than whatever copies you're going to sell
Seems it was split but both parts were in the same month, also...

I think it's probable that JP is in trouble too, and it's harder to milk Global than the Asian servers.
did 14 blue pulls
3 fucking zaantas and a bow tressa
what the heck
Crazy, the Huntress has blessed you.
>Get Odio-S on first multi
>Had to hit pity for Odio-O
Like pottery.
Did a yolo 10 pull that I wasn't planning on doing initially because I wanted to put it all on getting signa and ended up getting 2 copies of Odio O. Everything went better than expected.
I'm the Odio that would hate you specifically but really, what's the point?
4 10 pulls for odio s
feels okay, my last cleric was rinyuu
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There’s a comedic irony in this pull
Btw, I think I have 4 Heathcoat’s stones sitting aside. Smash each one of them or grant him the A4 accessory for Bargello and his gang?
I feel you. I'm kind of glad EoS is coming because I had to pity Odio-O which cost me all 6000 of the rubies I had (I now have 139), meaning I have to skip Signa and Sazantos, completely fucking me for the future of this game. I knew Signa's the most important character to get, but I fucking love Live A Live, so I had to do this. I got Odio-S on my third 10 pull, if I had won the coin flip there I would be laughing with a full pity saved for the Sazantos banner but nope, it just had to cost me everything.
My total haul was:
Odio-S x2 (do I A1 or U10?)
Theo dupe (A1)
Cyrus dupe (U10, he was already A4)
Lionel dupe (A3)
Nina-Lanna (new!)
Haanit EX (new!)
And a lot of depressing pulls with nothing in them.
Everyone but Theo and Haanit were 4.5 stars. It continues to amaze me that 90% of my 5 stars pulls in this game have been 4.5 stars, despite them being a third less likely to happen than full five stars. Not really inconvenient, just weird.
I'm left with slightly over 3k because the roadmap led me to go for Streibough and it took me 2.7k rubies. I just finished Akira's chapter yesterday and can't help finding it ironic that the LAL collab is keeping me from playing LAL, haha.
Lucky, you should be fine while I'm totally doomed. Prioritize LaL though bro, the collab could spoil stuff for ya since it focuses on the last couple chapters!
I wanted to quit when Temenos arrived and look at what happened bro...and the truth is I spoiled myself on purpose because I was curious about this odd little game.
Not surprised the game would EoS considering how expensive rubies are, a fucking 6k pity, the terrible rates and paid banners i'm surprised the game lasted so long. For me the game went to shit with Memory travels.
>Megalomania plays for the boss fight
>no persona5 collab
h-how can we be at eos....
I think the game was likely only funded for about 1.5 - 2 years and the Bargello incident sparked such a backlash they decided the server wasn't worth keeping.
It's a shame, 'cause I love everything else about the game, but it has the worst gacha+gacha currency income of any game I've ever played, and I've played a lot.
So get this, what happens here not quietly spoil the shitfest that takes place in LaL itself. For one, you see these two cool ass designs of Odio S and O? They don't exist in LaL, this is shit CotC came up to. Also, the collab ending is severely differs for the multiple endings in LaL
Consider the collab ending is another ending when your chosen one ass got himself inserted to LaL instead if the 7 niggas from the different timelines
Their habit of killing games made me not want to spent money on them. Used to play Echoes of Mana and FFOO until EoS.
Do you guys suspect JP might be EOSing soon and Global was terminated because it's expensive to run directly and Netease was cheaper so those servers get to survive for a while?
JP will defiantly survive, they are getting new shit soon enough
EN is literally on 50:50 chance as of now and it all hinges in whatever will happen in the next Traven Talk in two weeks.
If they said something like "sorry we fucked up the writing, we already started translating Solista" or something in that effect we should be good. Otherwise EN is 100% fucked no question.
She's easy to fit on a team, but not game ruining to not have.
So, EN will go for one of 3 routes, and it would be easy to figure which one is coming based on what they will say in the next stream
>Hell route:
This is truly it! The EoS is nearing somewhere in 2025. Worst, they may bullshit to our faces that "everything is fine don't be schizo guise!" then pull the rug from under our asses. Come to think of it, there was a game few months ago who the fucking devs did just that, but the name escaped me.
>Neutral route:
They will stick to the roadmap but at the same time ensuring they are working on the new areas, possibly explaining they are facing difficulties because SE kept cutting corners, so they need these 3 months. In addition, maybe throwing in some new banners earlier than anticipated like the caits and others. Fuck, when the EN came about they kept randomly throwing in banners even if it did not make sense.
>Sacred Flame route:
Announcing a major change in the roadmap, brining Solistia earlier than planned and everyone will be happy. Now, my schizo brain cannot help but think that they would make a catch of sort if they did that. Maybe around March 2025 something like "See? we brought Solistia yet the revenue is complete shit. Pull the fucking plug already"
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I had a pretty good run with this banner. Not much, then again the Odios were low priority in my book.

Within 50 pulls I got:
EX Tressa (Completed)
Lionel (Completed)
H’aanit (Recycled)
S. Odio (A1)
O. Odio (A1)
Also…Dear God. 3 Oersteds sent 3 Streibough’s all at once.

>Just repeat to yourself “This is just a game! I should really just relax!”
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>start playing for only a month
>having fun playing almost every day and reading cait letters
not like this bros, not after i fell in love with leon
All I've heard from JP is that she's so good she goes on literally every turn and life will be miserable without her. I've heard at least one say they can't remember the last time they took her off of their team, so she's pretty much the only character that's used for literally all content between her release and current JP.
I guess I will play the game on hard mode. Turns out you can't pity Orsterra MTs on Solistia banners either, so I don't know how I'll ever get her. By the time she gets a rerun, I'll have to choose between her and the next collab. I really, really hope I make up for this Odio pity with Signa in one ten pull. She's fearmongered as the only true must pull of all time in this game's life and I really hope she's not as good as she's hyped to be but...we can see what she does right now, and she really is that good from what I can see. Irreplaceable in one slot. Fuck, I gotta stop thinking about this.
*every team
Not every turn
if you don't have her you can make up for it by bringing Billy (pretty inefficient use of a slot though). Nothing you can do for elemental teams unfortunately.
Seeing the youtubers cope about how it isn't EoS is funny
Billy? Man, that is rough indeed. Signa brings the active, passive and ult debuffs all at once. We'll see how things go though.
The funniest part is that everyone memed about "save for EoS" (meaning Elrica+Odio+Sazantos), but it ended up being saving for actual EoS.
Tank with hannit and get her to ult 10 and then bring one of cedric or jose. Where there's a will there's a way.
> The funniest part is that everyone memed about "save for EoS" (meaning Elrica+Odio+Sazantos), but it ended up being saving for actual EoS.
You digits make me wonder if this was intentional from SE
The coming stream is going to be fun
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Yes…we should all give Dan and Limit something to remember two weeks from now.
Jokes are the deepest lore.
Ask World Flipper.
Then again, they had Konosuba, Black Clover, Re:Zero, and Uma Musume.
WIll the game EoS before I can even get an Ex Fiore rerun....
Nah, they'll definitely keep things running until the end of the current roadmap and they'll definitely rerun the summer banner to maybe coax a few more shekels out of the player base. Not like all this exciting content is going to take anyone at the office more than like 5 minutes of work to implement. I'd be shocked if the game doesn't eos before next summer though.
Such little faith you guys have.

We just need them to adjust the roadmap. I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be too late to adjust the epilogue. But if we raise a ruckus loud enough, they could adjust it so that Emberflame 4 comes on September instead of October.

At the very least we need them to address the issue. That’s gonna be our in.
Bro...things like this are decided months ahead of time and if they planned on keeping the game alive they wouldn't have dropped this right when a collab is going on and the anniversary is soon.
What you don't get is that releasing such a dogshit roadmap makes the eos concerns a self fulfilling prophecy. Who in their right mind is going to be spending any fucking money on this game now, especially when this is a Square Enix game we're talking about?
That's why my theory is that they might have decided on EOS as early as 1.5 which would explain that Bargello banner nerf.
Goddamn you guys are so eager for an EOS then stop playing already.

But I’m not gonna take this lying down. If there’s a way to set this right and keep the game going, I’ll take it.
I don't want the game to end, but you have to be huffing some serious copium to think this isn't a very bad sign for the game's long term prospects. There is no Solistia switch they can just flip to release all the content they're holding out on us, it usually takes months for any major decision to be approved and released with a game like this and if eos is already planned there's fuckall anyone can do to stop it. If it isn't, then this roadmap is the single dumbest thing they could have pulled which is why it feels a lot more likely that the absolute content drought awaiting us is because they don't want to pour any more resources into a project that's getting shut down soon enough anyway.
If memory serves me right the CMs of DFFOO knew about EOS 8 months is advance and yes, the nail in the coffin is that major business decisions like EOS tend to happen well before players can see it in front of their eyes
At the very least CotC finished the story.
Dragalia EOS after 3rd anni was also not that surprising.
Datamine'd anni voice files reached all the way to year 3.
Powercreep was going crazy with the obligatory gala/grand unit every month at this point and permanent units becoming busted and specifically designed for the then-current endgame content with new mechanics that most older units couldn't keep up with unless leeching in a solo party.
Subplots were being rushed, like the Hinomoto (Japan equivalent) Zodiac units coming in pairs for the past 2 years and the final boss of that arc Tsukuyomi clearly killed at the end of the New Year's event weeks before EoS announcement.
Story-specific characters who are 90% of the time gala/grand units, with the occasional welfare version, Valyx and Phares were extremely overpowered permanent units (along with Ayaha+Otoha who broke fire in half even more than it already was).
I'm frankly surprised and glad that the devs finished the main story after the announcement with content and rocking final boss and credits to boot and continued to churn out endgame fights to fill out the ensemble bosses before EOS actually hit.
>If there’s a way to set this right and keep the game going, I’ll take it
If it wasn’t already set in stone months in advance like >>1511741 said then the only answer is to drop hundreds upon hundreds of dosh on thousands of rubies
>If memory serves me right the CMs of DFFOO knew about EOS 8 months is advance
Yep, and their bosses basically had a gag order on them until the official EoS announcement came out (understandable, why would you let your employees leak it?). Since it's the same company, I'm expecting the same is going on right now which is why Dan and Limit will have to dance around the issue when the entire playerbase is gonna be constantly screaming at them about it every stream.
We'll know in a couple weeks when the anniversary stream happens. If they don't address this, the most up in arms thing the playerbase has ever been through, then you can pretty much guarantee this is what's going on behind the scenes.
Anyone else not getting ads today? I got 1 and then it started returning errors for the last few hours. I don't think it's ever happened like this to me before, maybe once last year? Nothing has changed since yesterday on my end.
Got my ads just fine. Could be a location thing.
As much as I’d like be hopeful, seeing how the other servers are being treated right now doesn’t help. Especially since they just got their octopath 6th anniversary rewards and they are much better than what we got.

TW gets 88 rubies and these special shards that can be traded for 4 veteran sacred seals, 20 sacred seals, and 80 gold guidestones.

CN not only gets the 88 rubies, but they also receive 10 free pulls on a banner,14 sacred seals, 88 rubies, 88 gold guidestones, 18 gold wisdom orbs, some experience nuts, and a selector of your choice from the 5-star starter characters.

If this and the dead isn’t an indication of the future state of the game, then I don’t know what to tell you.
>Could be a location thing.
I'm in the exact same location as yesterday when it was working, weird. What's even weirder is that when the evening ads refreshed, the same thing repeated: I was able to watch 1 out of 5 ads, then it only returns errors when I try to watch more.
And EN gets 88 rubies, that's it? Yeah, they've pretty much abandoned it at this point.
Lmao even.
At this point global shouldn't even exist.
We got 88 rubies and a 200 pity step up. Bravo.
The post about DL shows that content is 'done and paid for' up until a certain point, and that people saying SS is ready for Global are retards because it isn't until they translate it, make sure it's ported over properly and the like. Hence the fact that SS isn't in the roadmap proves that Global was never going to see it unless it had much higher revenue in the past and that Netease must have in conclusion obtained rights to SS in their deal with SQEX. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if all of those will EOS after the OT2s or perhaps Kaine are done.
I pulled once on the Odio banner. And i got nothing, i don't have much rubies so i'm gonna save up as much as i can for sazan and cygna and pray that i don't have to open up the wallet.
Look, Sazantos and his walking talking fleshlight are one of the few characters i wanted to get. And seeing the recent news, i'm going to get them no matter what.
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Odio o is a beast.
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>Game is likely eos after Anni
Please share some copium.
Is this your first EOS?
You get kind of numb to it after the second or third time since you don't get that attached to subsequent games after the first cut.
this is a square enix gacha, we all saw this coming
I usually dont play gacha. Liked Octopath Traveler 1, so I started following the japanese mobile game until they released the global version and started playing it some time after. A damn shame.
This is my first SE gacha. Is that thing of SE gachas getting eos so recurrent? The nip version is likely to go for another year, so can I assume the branch managing the global one are shitting on the wall?,
>Is that thing of SE gachas getting eos so recurrent?
Yes. Very much so.
Nier died, FF something died, FF Opera Omnia died, Bravely something died (most likely to make way for Brilliant Lights), Bravely Brilliant Lights died within six months, etc.
Oh? Kind a record if you ask me. Now the odds of them giving the announcement in the anni are higher for me. Even if they apparently had plans for releasing the chapter 4 of the emeberflame story.

Now, if the worst happens, I wonder if the SEA version would go next.
It's rather ridiculous how many gachas they've had.
I even forgot they published that FMA one not to mention the slew of KH stuff.
Can yan long's crows revive him?
No. Once he’s gone, he’s gone.
>This is my first SE gacha. Is that thing of SE gachas getting eos so recurrent?
Yes, I would go so far as to say that is the #1 thing SE gachas are known for. The other guy mentioned a few titles but the number of gacha they've shut down is far into the double digits by now. They especially like to shut down global/English versions of their games and keep the JP versions up for at least a few more years. Though there are many SE gacha games that die over in JP before ever even getting a global version.
As someone who's played a lot of gacha including a lot of SE gacha, I've come to learn one thing: if you're going to play gacha/mobile/f2p/live service games, you are always better off choosing one made by a company that is primarily a mobile game company and not a company like Square Enix who are primarily a console game company with gacha on the side. I think that's probably because mobile game companies depend on their mobile games for their own survival, while SE has so many things under their umbrella that they are free to create and kill countless mobile games as a source of bonus income, a pump and dump side hustle if you will.
Yes, and niche SQEX games tend to get 1 - 1.5 years at most in Global. That's why I speculated the plug was actually pulled somewhere before or after the 1.5 anniversary.

>As someone who's played a lot of gacha including a lot of SE gacha, I've come to learn one thing: if you're going to play gacha/mobile/f2p/live service games, you are always better off choosing one made by a company that is primarily a mobile game company and not a company like Square Enix who are primarily a console game company with gacha on the side. I think that's probably because mobile game companies depend on their mobile games for their own survival, while SE has so many things under their umbrella that they are free to create and kill countless mobile games as a source of bonus income, a pump and dump side hustle if you will.
This, there's also the matter of how gachas consume resources that SQEX can funnel into their other console games. You can just tell that people who are coping hard about COTC don't know anything.
Thank god, His crows still had a decent amount of health so i got worried now it's time for Largo.
Here is some
>SE has been cutting coroners everywhere. CotC just slowed down significantly as a result and the fans were just over dramatic.
>The EN for some reasons wanted to shift shit around. Releasing new banners from the future like the caits, Nivelle, Tiziano and maybe some of the new collabs. No 6 stars for now but these should do
>they simply fucked up the roadmap and they will clear this one up
>if this shit going EoS, why they created new servers for China and fucking Tiawan? Also, if they had to EoS something, it should've been SEA first because they are always underperformed historically
Me personally I hope this will all be nonsense and the game carry on. However, I am preparing for the worst. If they decided to flip us off ... so fucking be it
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>SE has been cutting corners everywhere. CotC just slowed down significantly as a result and the fans were just over dramatic.
Side Solistia has to be planned months in advance to exist on the roadmap, and an unspecified amount of Global staff has been laid off. Judging by how long it took to fix the guidestone and Cornelia/Levan bug they might have done it sooner than reported.
>The EN for some reasons wanted to shift shit around. Releasing new banners from the future like the caits, Nivelle, Tiziano and maybe some of the new collabs. No 6 stars for now but these should do
Almost all of them only work with 6* and TP.
>hey simply fucked up the roadmap and they will clear this one up
Explain why they haven't given a single response when they fixed Bargello's banner in less than a week when whales were angry the last time.
>if this shit going EoS, why they created new servers for China and fucking Tiawan? Also, if they had to EoS something, it should've been SEA first because they are always underperformed historically
SEA is part of a deal with Netease, its existence has nothing to do with Global's costs.
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Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way
I never played any gacha game, I am a single-player games kinda a guy mostly playing old shit that I missed from 3DS/DS/Wii and such. The only reason I joined CtoC was because I loved OT
If they EoSed - and reading your points it is extremely highly likely - I will take the L and will never join any gacha game ever again
On the bright side I got to meet you lovely fuckers, it has been one hell of a ride. Back to my personal status quo with my ass
It's sad because I do love a fair bit of the game but being forced to play it on my old phone is torture and much of the game is painful too, aside from how reading between the lines makes it clear how painful and troubled the development of COTC was.
>If they EoSed - and reading your points it is extremely highly likely - I will take the L and will never join any gacha game ever again
What the other anon said is correct, SQEX is in a better position to make and axe gachas than any actual gacha company but far be it from me to tell anyone to play a gacha game for sure.
Aside from Rique who is weak either way and Nier who lives off his ex, they'd still be strong even without tp or 6*.
Let's say you're right for the sake of argument, now explain who's going to roll for them and why they were brought here without the OT2 characters especially when Isla is supposed to be paired with Partitio for pre-anniversary.
Nice Elrica art, where'd you find it?
I saw it on Twitter randomly. Speaking of which, I can't fucking believe she still has no TP or 6*.
>On the bright side I got to meet you lovely fuckers, it has been one hell of a ride.
Thanks bro, same. These threads have actually been pretty good. Avoiding gacha is always a wise choice; I'd join ya but I'm in too deep. I'd say for hardcore OT fans this one was worth it, there was a lot of fun adventuring around Orsterra and stories, plus we were able to play with various non-playable characters from the main OT games.
>TFW Berecain completely surprised you with how vicious it is
Next time for sure...
Yeah, she took me ages to finally beat. Even coming back months later she was still able to shit out damage.
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You know what’s funny? I didn’t beat the final boss yet, he made that transformation and I left him standing there to complete all I missed - such as the travelers stories- before engaging him. Not only that, I didn’t play OT2 yet. So if the EoS was actually 100% confirmed it would be sad but at least J still have a healthy dose of OT shit.
I definitely enjoyed my time both in-game and in the threads. The OST was fucking magical
A farfetch wish that I know they will never do it: SE to package CotC as a single player shit for the OT fans who didn’t want it for being a gacha. They have no idea what they’re missing but at the same time I cannot blame them.
All the best my homies
I will still hold on that this was all a misunderstanding and the EN will continue no problem. Even if it’s highly unlikely. I will stay with the ride until the end
I almost won and it turns out making a team late at night was a bad idea.

Same, it's also nice to see one place that gets that EOS is actually possible and that the best thing to do is to enjoy it while it lasts whatever comes.
To those who played JP and witnessed the “Epilogue” chapter and the transformation to Solistia: was “moving to Solistia” mentioned explicitly in anyway or form during the Epilogue? Or was it mentioned in a completely separate side chapter long after the Epilogue?
Please no spoilers , just a general idea
I know this sounds like a cope but I’m quite curious how things went
I didn't play JP but most likely no because Side Solistia had a formal announcement. Stop coping bro...
To add to what the other guy said, JP also didn't stretch the fucking epilogue of all things over 3 months.
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Yeah, Side Solistia was very likely something they had to come up on the fly but it bears repeating that they still got both parts of the BOA epilogue within the same month.
the only battle where you should worry about a revive is the BD adventurer accompanied with that faggot piece of shit fox
God fucking help you if you want to beat that boss on EX3
Someone is SE must've been absolutely pissed when people figure out the fox infinite loop in the adventurer fight in BP itself, so he made this battle absolutely miserable in cotc
Will I have to finish all of the Bestower storyline in order to do Solistia, or is it actually a side thing like the Emberflame story?
Bold of you to assume that you'll be able to do Solistia at all. But no, Solistia is entirely separate from the Orsterra storyline. I don't know when exactly it becomes available, but I suspect it's probably as soon as you get access to Nameless Town.
Solistia unlocks when you beat the first chapter of the master of fame/power/wealth. You don’t need to beat all three ch1’s just one
That's what I said. Nameless Town becomes available right when you complete the first story and the world first opens up.
Whatever happens, I want more rubies to throw at Signa and Sazantos, so after weeks of nothing but logging in for dailies, I got off my butt and defeated the Hornburg lv100 duo, finishing up all the Hell content at last.
One of them wasn't weak to Elrica, so I swapped out Bargello for Roland with the first hell weapon I ever made and it was a breeze. Elrica was even breaking cap and doing six digit damage without hitting weakness!
I guess I should figure out how to deal with the level 100 NPC fight in Heaven for tomorrow.
I just of something, what if when the game reaches EOS what they do for a sort of last hurrah/final celebration is reveal the main characters of OT3?
Lol, lmao even.
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More EX Summer characters.

This time we get EX Bargello (Dancer)
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As well as EX Tatloch (Thief).

Once you go black you never go back, I guess…
I want to point out that there were actual retards who said that SQEX lifting the EX restrictions meant nothing but also damn, Summer Bargello is lit.
Somehow her swimsuit is less revealing than her regular outfit.
surely this will save the game
If you mean JP Seed Story is apparently coming back for what that matters personally all these improvements make me suspect they really did take the Global staff back and ditched Global kek.
hilarious considering the dynamic between these two
Perfect choices, I wish global could last long enough to get these. Rosso in Bargello's art made me laugh.
I'm reminded of how before global was a thing, people were fansubbing very long (over an hour) videos of each chapter's cutscenes on youtube. If the worst comes to pass, we might be able to at least enjoy the story that way.
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We need to fight this. Go on Twitter and Facebook and bombard them with every post they make.

Square ENIX cannot cover their ears forever. Join me, my brothers and perhaps we may live to get Tatloch in a bikini in our party,
If Global was destined to EOS this would have been decided months before, you can't just revive a game that has already been axed.
Perhaps we can change that destiny. Make them rethink their decision to EOS.

And if that doesn’t work, we can make them feel the loss they are about to experience by going through with this.
No need, countless people are already doing this in every single possible outlet for this game, the dozen anons here won't make a difference anyway. I've never seen such a rallying of gacha players on the English-speaking internet, but there is a 99.99% chance it falls on deaf ears and SE won't do anything. They're under zero obligation and don't care about their reputation, they know if they bring out more gacha they'll still get enough players to turn a profit before dumping those ones too.
The big petition on reddit is actually well-written and well-thought out, offering what I think is one of the best solutions to this problem...which is why I know there's no way it'll come to pass.
Just let it die
I want Ex Fiore's butt before EOS
That's pretty much guaranteed, game's lasting until November/December at the very least. Good luck!
i will have about 900 rubies when SHE TToTT arrives
if i dont get her then bring on EOS
She's still an mt, you could always just save 6000 and then pick her up later.
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To any artfag who stumbled on this post: draw Odio-O, Elrica and Sazanto doing the pose in picrel
Maybe consider the ironic joke that this bro made somehow >>1511222
You can't change that decision unless you can somehow foot their bills, and looking at the bugs we got since 1.5 evidence is fairly strong that they went for EOS at that time.
You absolute retard. If eos has been decided on (and signs point to this being a very real possibility), by the time the player base catches any wind of it, it's already set in stone. There is a slim chance that the game will keep chugging, but if it does it will have absolutely nothing to do with community protests.
Cmon, you know it would be a good way to cap things off.
It's unlikely that we'll see a new Octopath soon.
Yeah i know
stream on the 22nd is gonna be fun
Is anyone going to be capturing reactions?
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Accessory obtained. Stupid bitch killed me with three back to back aoe attacks when I got her into the red so I had to restart twice. Shan't be doing ex 3.
Limit reading chat's reaction to the roadmap last stream was pretty good. I heard someone joke he was drafting his resume during that part of the stream.
Nicely done, that accessory is fantastic for lowering Odio's speed while giving a nice chunk of phys attack.
Guess he'll have to limit break it.
Fucking hell, I can't bruteforce Largo, not even Rank 1, with my swiss army knife team. Guess I'll have to make a proper Largo team like I was planning to do to grind him out, but fuck doing that today.
I will never fight the tough cookie and the bitch boy until I get the Evil cunny ToT, I just cannot think of EX3 them until then
teamwide dead aim for 2 turns?
sign me up
Marvelous, right?
Good luck dealing with the fucking crows unless if somehow you manage to delete Long's giant ass of an HP in the first break
Yan ex1 took me just as many turns as Gertrude ex2. Boring fight, I'm glad his accessory isn't good so I can easily skip ex2.
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I made a thing.
Well done my friend. Ironically, Largo’s best move is the Sweet Smelling Dumplings, they provoke enemies and lower their attack.
Congrats bro, I also just finally beat him on Rank 3! Not EX3, just Rank 3 so I could complete the new sidequest that got added this week to beat the four new arena refights at rank 3. This came right down to the wire, the last hit of the last attack just barely killed him before he would've come out of first break and destroyed me. I got thrown off by him having 2 extra shields at rank 2 and then 4 extra shields at rank 3, had to use a higher hit count dagger move on Bargello to properly shave.

At least now I have my reliable 4 turn Largo grinding team, so I can finally start on maxing the lil guy. I followed this vid but I don't have Rondo so I used Therese with lots of lightning and elemental res down accessories (had to get very good soul rolls on Cyrus and Therese' tomes, too):
Wow. What a close loss, he survived with a silver. I was gonna post about how this divine soldier was a worthy foe and gave me a fun fight, his pure muscle taking three breaks to take down, but then something crazy happened. He pulled out his own version of that 99999 overkill attack the other NPCs use, but this one was so strong it insta-crashed my game the moment it made contact with my front row. I went back in and my party is reset to how they were before the fight started. I'm gonna have to take this dude a bit more seriously, he's strong enough to affect the very fabric of his fictional reality.
3 retries later, pushing my luck and skill to the limit and burning almost all my ally summons, I got him. That's all the level 100 NPC fights finally done! I still have Elite Tower, the dragon gameboard, some traveler stories and the adversary log to try and get my Signa rubies, not counting whatever we get for anniversary which should hopefully be at least 1000+.
Thanks i'm about to attempt his and yan longs rank 3.
From what I understand, Odio.O will make him your bitch
I am cooking something for you guys, hopefully I can finish it before the upcoming decisive stream
Best of luck to you anon, I'm heading into the BOA7 fight soon and although playing on mobile will forever be a bitch this game was pretty fun.

I'm half considering using my current golds to get him to level 100.
>I'm half considering using my current golds to get him to level 100.
Nice octodigits and yeah, I've been trying to hold off on bringing him to 100 until the free bonus hunt stones end. Just 2 more days of waiting!
I thought of that, but Sazantos and Cygna...
>Nice octodigits
>Look at the meta in Japan

This game is fucked.
Not as fucked as how Global is going to be in a few days, and especially not how fucked the Discord will be kek.
exactly what kind of employees did SE layoff? do the higher ups only care about the money and power they make rather cut their salary for the lower ranks? also perhaps they could do an offline mode or upload scenes on youtube if EoS is approaching?
Let's first worry about what they say on the 22nd
It is going to be either a celebratory relief or full-on cope and seethe, no middle ground
Square is going to pretend everything is business as usual while the comments are a warzone.
Yeah, if those Two gentlemen carried on streaming as of nothing happened it’s 100% EoS guaranteed
As of now to me it’s 95%
>According to people who were in attendance, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu said that both the company’s American and European arms would be hit with layoffs, which will happen over the course of the next month.
>The scale of the layoffs wasn’t shared, but staff were told that people working in publishing, IT, and Square Enix’s Collective indie games division will be predominantly affected.

Those impacted will be informed this week, staff were told. In the UK, employees will enter into a one-month consultancy period, as per local employment law, while US-based staff could leave their roles before June.
>Following the internal meetings on Monday, many of Square Enix’s main Slack channels were locked, VGC was told.
>The layoffs coincided with the publication of the company’s quarterly financial results today, in which Square Enix said it plans to “rebuild overseas business divisions from the ground up” and has “begun optimizing costs at its European and American offices via structural reforms”.

>Do the higher ups only care about the money and power they make rather cut their salary for the lower ranks?
Something people fail to understand is that publishing in Global is expensive and Global is objectively taking away resources from JP, notice how JP suddenly got better after the Netease deal? There won't be an offline mode since JP is still running.
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Weirdest pull moment ever.

>YOLO pull on Falco/Eleonora banner.
>Gold ring! Woo!
>Power card.
>Stuck on blank canvas. Wonder if it’s Falco. But the traveler JUST WON’T APPEAR!
>Semi-panic. Hesitant to restart for fear of losing my traveler.
>Try to tap the screen to get to the next part. Nope. Blank Canvas is stuck in place.
>Feel it’s bad luck to tap the Skip button, but what else can I do?
>It skips…thank Christ.
>Another card. This time it’s Fame.
>Blank canvas again.
>Tap the Skip button for the second time ever.
>End up with Sarisa (A2) and Eleonora (A4).
You niggas actually wait for each result instead of hitting skip? Damn.
How many hours from now until the stream?
Bullshit rule: if you skipped, you will lose
2024/7/22 14:00 PDT / 21:00 UTC
Patience wins out in the end. Better to watch and see what happens.
Man i'm glad i got sofia EX, her fire and lightning resistance regen is real nice to have against largo plus the fact that most of his adds are weak to wind.
If you pulled Nephti she will always trigger her max 5 AOE wind every time she activates her Ultimate
You don't need to make her U10
Finally finished chapter 7, the boss was easy enough but I'm worried about the final chapter.
Final chapter's boss fight is nuts, buckle in. It was actually the best JRPG final boss fight I've ever experienced. There is a break in the middle so you don't have to spend an hour in one fight, but it still takes a good chunk of time to get there so be prepared.
Try gearing up with the two Heavenly weapons and armors from Ch7 and 8. You gonna need them
Yeah, I'm aware of how tough that boss is and it scares me that my phone might die in the middle of the fight lol. The other thing I'm thinking of is building a party that works for the boss, both in terms of gameplay and symbolically using Rondo for example, and maybe Odio-O to confront Sazantos.
To simplify it quick:
Chapter 7's: pure stat boost ( Two slots ) and powering up two different skills
Chapter 8's: Two slots of increasing the damage cap and powering up two different skills
I do! This is my team comp is:
>Therion/Sofia EX
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Fuck, not again...
Good luck lad, it took me about a week and a half burning millions of leaves to restore reputation several times each day...and I'd consider that pretty lucky.
Feels good getting revenge on this octobastard. I'm going for a three team clear for the 150 rubies and this was how far I got with my first team, so I feel confident I can pull it off. Though I do remember these bosses are a nightmare once you get them low on hp and have to start a new fight with all of their permabuffs already on them.
Time to tweak my team since Elrica can't hit the last two weakness bars (big sad). I think I'll use my bro Yan Long since it's staff weakness all the way down.
And there we go, a 2 team clear! Prim and Sonia bit the dust but it worked out nicely since Bargello and Nephti couldn't be forcibly row swapped any more. Now I'm back up from zero rubies to 1500, a third of what I need to secure Signa.
Gonna wait and see when the final floor of Elite Training's getting added before I take on the flower with my refreshed roster tomorrow, the Tavern Talk should reveal if it's dropping this Wednesday or the one after.
Tick tock, ready for the stream? Also consider bringing Sazantos to the final boss for a laugh.
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Tick tock indeed, I’m embracing for the impact but I am still holding - deep inside at least- to this 3% hope that they somehow turn this around and surprise us with something: steam / console release or some shit. But I get it, odds aren’t looking good at all.
> Also consider bringing Sazantos to the final boss for a laugh.
My nigga, my thought exactly
I left him standing after the transformation to complete the travelers stories and such, but now with the current situation might as well get him and his Evil servant ToT for the final battle as a send off.
as helpless as it is, I’m crossing my fingers
steam release would be great because i hate playing on my phone
I never played any gacha game other than cotc so my knowledge is zero overall. I talked with someone who is more knowledgeable and I explained to him about the current cotc situation, he told me there’s that one SE gacha game which got steam release despite performing way worse than cotc
I wonder if they will do it this time
They'd have to EOS the JP version first. I doubt they'd be making several different versions for steam.
Ready and waiting, 8.5 hours until showtime. It's funny in a sad way, so many more people will probably be tuning into this stream than usual, but it's not because of anniversary hype.
What's that game?

I'm unironically getting up to watch this one, lol.
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Shout out to >>1511222 and >>1516371 for inspiring me to make this little thing for you, bros.
Fitting for the occasion
>"To E.O.S. or not to EoS..."
Yeah, it is not perfect at all... I gave her a breast cancer, fucked up Odio's armor - that's on SE though, if only he wasn't squatting his shit out-, had rusty hands because last time I drew anything seriously was in 2006 and scanning a sketch overall is such a fucking nightmare.
Let's all hope for the best
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Based drawfag delivers. Pretty damn good considering you're 18 years out of practice, thanks for the OC!
Based anon, you did well.
One hour til stream
Are you guys ready?
It begins...
Video from the producer gave a solid crumb of hope.
The Japanese dudes in charge of the game addressed the reaction to last stream's roadmap reveal.
They gave a typically political, very vague and safe Japanese style response. The tl;dr is "we hear what you're saying, we know you're mad about content arriving so slow, so we're gonna look at the release schedule and consider how we'll revise it".
They technically didn't deconfirm EoS or confirm we're getting Solistia, but it's something.
Lots of goodies coming like 1000 free rubies, 100 free pulls, 5 star selector and free trials of both passes.
please just give us a pc client
So for now we are in the clear.
I doubt this can be trusted. No Solistia immediately is fine, but stretching out the epilogue when JP finished it in a month and then suddenly having to rush banners for Agnea and Temenos if SS is real? This also doesn't take into account that Isla has to be released with Partitio.
nice i can finally get prim ex
Is there a point to the remembrance hall wedding area in hell castle edoras? There's nothing in there and you can't go through the door at the end of it.
Yeah, the awkward corner they've painted themselves into is that even though JP had a large gap between the epilogue and Solistia, it was filled with banners and content that global already has. There's just nothing left to fit in there, so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with, if anything.
My gut and cynicism born from years of experiencing SE's bullshit is telling me the reason they were so vague with today's response was simply to put out fires so they can keep their 2nd anniversary profits from falling through the floor since, scummy as it is, they can technically say "we re-examined the schedule and concluded it's still fine as is" and that technically doesn't make what they said today a lie.
And doubting Temenoses like me will just suffer if I try to explain that SQEX has a tendency to EOS after the anniversary or that this road map is a result of not giving a damn. It's simply not logical to crater your LAL collab earnings by pushing such a map too.
Start saving your hunts on this Thursday so you have 7 stored up for Jul 31, when ALL characters get bonus hunt guidestones.
Cool, gonna need that for my LAL characters who aren't Odio-O because I maxed him early.
Same, I maxed Odio-O today after his bonus stones ended. Might wanna save the two free trial passes we're getting Wednesday until the 31st too. Oh wait, I think it's from Jul 31st to Aug 6th, so the 15 day free passes should last the whole period.
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Popularity contest results time.
First up, most popular Wealth five stars.
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Power. I predict Elrica will take Favorite of All.
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Fame. Nephti's zero to hero story continues!!!
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And the winner of the popularity contest overall, chosen between Bargello, Elrica and Nephti, winning by only FOUR votes, is...
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This year we could vote on 4 stars too, here's who won. Glad to see my girl in first place.
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And for three stars, despite the community memeing Jose, Billy DESTROYED him. He won in the biggest landslide of every single category here with over 60% of the votes.
Is it a good time to begin playing this game? I saw it's on the 2nd anniversary this week so i guess i can reroll for a powerful unit. I like how this game looks exactly like Octopath 1 and 2.
Yep, reroll for Signa, preferably with a dupe. The god reroll would be one 10 pull on Signa's banner that has 2 Signas, and one ten roll on Sazantos' banner with one Sazantos. You'll get enough for at least three ten pulls just by logging in on Wednesday, maybe more.
Those two new characters alone can cover dps, debuffs and buffs and are absolutely top tier.
If you like OT1, you'll love this game as it's OT1 with much better gameplay (full party of 8 in battle makes a huge difference). It's a prequel, starting three years before the start of OT1, with a lot of characters from OT1 appearing, quite a few OT1 NPCs being playable and of course a bunch of OC characters.
355 more free rubies coming in addition to the 1000.
that's a lot of gibs
So it turns out globals release pace is based on the current playerbases story completion. I guess most people aren't done yet
Eh? Where'd you get that from? I've heard some people say they're still filtered by the final boss of BoA (understandable, it's damn hard for a story battle) but that still means many are either done or just about done.
Either way, it's a really dumb way to do it since any and all new players are gonna drag that down by weighing average progress toward the start of the game and as a game company you want as many new players as possible.
just heard the news
who do i select though?
Depends on who you are missing.
Producer's letter, also this is pure bullshit because SS brings the 6* update soon after that allows people to use low-star characters to clear and it gives accessible content to new players as well.
lol i stopped doing story i am at first hell elrica fight
>Prim EX
>Hannit EX
Choose based on what you are missing
>we made the roadmap based on the players data progression we have
If this sounds farfetch to you, my brother -who was the one who informed me of the EN release- made an account and literally sat on his ass for Two years and didn’t even start the first chapter of Master of FWP… I shit you not
This is one I know, I wonder how many still staying at Master of All just taking dailies
>Sazanto’s Ultimate
>he said the exact same line as Rondo did
If any Japanese speaker here, I would highly appreciate it if you can write that line down for me, at very least Romanji
This is irrelevant, you make and release content for people who are playing and paying.
It’s interesting to see what they will do after the anniversary
>drastic change on the road map
>taking the liberty of releasing the future non-Solstia banner’s because it’s funny, such as releasing the new BD and Nier
Second or third maybe, there's suspect evidence that Global staff was already cut well before the roadmap and I'm still uninstalling after my goals.
Is the Sazantos/Signa pity going to be 4500k or 6000k? With the 1k new rubies coming in I might try to give Odio a few more pulls...
Sazantos and Signa will need 150 Guidance Fragments. Everyone else will need 200.

And it looks like this is shaping up to be a good anniversary. Question is, what comes next?

Next week is the rather lame Golden Guidance. But after that, we’ll be celebrating Octopath Day. So I wonder who will be the stars of this update. If they release the bikini-clad beauties, they’re gonna have to release someone better for Bestower of All Postscript II.
If they announce an english exclusive Viola in a bikini all will be forgiven.
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Also, are my eyes fucking with me? Or do I see more BP icons in Sazanto’s trailer? The fuck? Is that one of his abilities?
How does it work especially for those skills with “at MAX charge…”?
Forgive me bros, I've been neglecting the story so it's my fault
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I'm not finishing the story until those retards give us all the qol changes that actually make farming fortune weapons tolerable. But of course their genius solution to this is to hold back the updates that will give us those qol changes because not people can be assed dealing with the shitty souls menu and the godawful game board farming to gear up for that absolute turd of a final boss.
I can handle the current soul weapons shit, especially now we’re getting Sazanto who will make the max dragon board a total bitch.
What I am actually really pissed off is the job towers
You guys do realize that the message means nothing, right? They'd have given it if they cared.
I am fully aware yes, I'm just pointing out how absolutely retarded the statement is even if we take it at face value.
Yeah, it's crazy how people are eating it up and not thinking about the implications of putting that roadmap up during a collab and before the anniversary.
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Our girl got buffed in SEA
Ah, okay. In that case, just to make things clear for everybody, I think I should transcribe everything the producer's officially said about the situation here:

"Now, before we introduce our 2nd anniversary content, I would like to touch on the roadmap that we revealed in our last livestream. We have received various comments and requests regarding the content pace that we recently introduced in our roadmap. We devised the pace based on our information on everyone's story progress, but this has resulted in making you all wait for content you've been looking forward to, and for that we'd like to apologize sincerely. Our team is examining the future delivery plan as we speak, and we hope you will continue to wait for further updates. Yes, we are very keen to ensure that our live service games are enjoyed by users in Japan for the Japan version, and by Global users for CotC, so we put a lot of importance on keeping an eye on the progress of the players in their respective regions and releasing the story at the most exciting moments. That said, we are aware that the schedule is unfulfilling for those who are progressing quickly, so we hope to discuss refinements with the operations team."
Thanks for the transcription, but it still says nothing and as I already pointed out SS and 6* by extension was in fact the fix to the story being too inaccessible for people who aren't around to roll every single good character. We also know from other SQEX gachas closing and their financial reports that they're bleeding money, that's why I wouldn't trust this at all.
Np and yep, it's written like typical Japanese political BS. Another point against it is that you don't even need to finish BoA to start SS. They're two, very separated, continents and a new player picking up the game can head over to Solistia as soon as they've unlocked the Nameless Town.
Yep, in other words anything except SS being shown on the first roadmap is 100% unacceptable as it proves SQEX isn't willing to bring the content over and thus budget for another year.
Maybe I misread it somewhere, but how is the "danger" level there? Is it scaled up/down based on your level or can you get there with level 1? I remember someone showed me a level 120 x 3 NPC fight in there.
The level 120 fight is a superboss, it starts at a low level and scales up fairly quickly.
So basically, as it stands: based on what they will do after the anniversy we can predict whether they will continue or kill the whole thing.
Mega Copuim ahead: can you imagine if they released Barrgello & Tatti EX in this summer banner alongside the sexy babes?
I’m going to assume you are referring to the line right after he strikes
> 成果闇を制する力
>Seika yo! Ware ni yami wo seisuru chikara wo!
Sacred Flame! Grant us the strength to overwhelm the darkness!
The Ringbearer Chosen story scales quickly. Any supplementary content is gonna be for veterans and is pretty high level. That being said:

Side Solistia
Chapter 1 - Lv 15
Chapter 2 - Lv 30
Chapter 3 - Lv 60
Chapter 4 - Lv 73
Chapter 5 - Lv 80
Chapter 6 - Lv 86
Oh shit, I didn't realize there were this many rubies from beating the dragon gameboard. Just tried it for the first time, I thought clearing it at each level of strength would be 30 rubies, which already pretty nice, but then it went up to 60 rubies per level and now at level 5 , the rewards have gone up to 90 rubies per level. How high does it go, 10? I'm gonna push as far as I can, I'm almost at 2k for Signa.
Nevermind, the ruby rewards for dragon board stop at level 5. Fucking hell, I should've known better when I thought this game was being generous for once.
patch is up
Wait, can I activate the pass now?
Got myself Cygna at 5 pulls and a Sazantos (and dupe Bar hello) at 14 so I just did the one extra pull for a Sazantos dupe too. It's a shame the state of the game is in shambles because if Square actually gave a shit, I'd be excited to try out my new toys.
>double signa in 20 pulls
>needed to pity sazantos
1 copy of Siggy after 6 10 pulls, and a copy of Sertet while doing a yolo on Sazantos. Then picked up Ogen with the selector. Satisfied with my haul for today.
>3 Steads, 2 Nephtis, 1 Rondo, 1 Sonia, no Signa or Sazantos
What the hell was I even rolling on?
On the bright side: you’re got closer to Nephtis‘s A4
That shit is nasty
Yeah, she's A3 now and I'm completely F2P. Guess I should have expected this after pitying O. Odio.
Dude, aren’t MT non featured units like 0.0000000000000007%?and you hit it 4 times
What kind of luck is that?
I don't know, this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in a gacha!
I don't have 6k rubies yet, so i'mma hold off for now.
You only need 4.5k unless you intend to pity one of the non featured characters
My luck is trash, i'm not taking any chances.
>Close to $110 for the paid selector
Jesus Christ I was prepared to pay for it if it was a reasonable price like $30
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Today was kinda lucky for me.
Lumis (Recycled)
Alfyn (Recycled)
Molu (Recycled)
Therion (Recycled)
Soleil (A3)
Ogen (A1)
Sazantos (A1)
Signa (A4)

I suppose I could wait until the 2.5 anniversary before I go for Signa’s U10. I’ve got the Awakening Stone Shards for it. Or I could spark her again with Memory Fragments if the need arises.

Either way, good pull session.
That doesn't even make any sense as a response. 4.5k guarantess you'll get a featured unit, there's no luck involved.
I want them at A1 or U10, won't be albe to do that if i never get them on any ten have to pity. And yes i know can buy they're awakening stones. I just really don't want to.
Then you'd need 9k and not 6k.
>2k free nothing
>200 paid step
go HER ToT

also i am at 120 exchange fragments
any math wizards know if we gonna get 900 gems by the end of the event?
my rubies......
>Go to shard stones
>See 3 Stead stones, and you just got him today
How the hell do you roll the same gen pool 4 times in a single day?
Then i'm gonna save for 9k.
no, after this event the 150 is back to 200 so you will have to save 12k
>Got the wolf down by over 60% in one attempt
Nice, guess it's time for Bargello and co. to sweep. I just got Bargello and Sonia to A1 too (Sonia was another spook, bought Bargello's stone).
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Happy Anniversary bros!
After spending 6000 rubies for zero Odio-O copies (pitied him of course), my luck completely flipped!
In 40 pulls I got Signa. I swapped to Sazantos' banner and in 40 pulls over there I got Nona (new!), Rondo (New! I KNEW he would come to me on Sazantos' banner!), Lemaire (also new!) and Sazantos himself came with a Nephti dupe, bringing her up to A2 because I got a dupe of her on Elrica's banner too.
I'm trying to get that U10 for Signa, but got nothing in the last 30 pulls I could do on her banner. Now I'm gonna scramble to get 1200 rubies in two weeks.
Oh yeah, the 50 free anniversary pulls gave me my 7th Cyrus (he's shards now) and my first Chloe dupe (U10ing her). Veteran's Seal was my first W'ludai dupe (A1ing her). Nothing from plain ol' seals as usual, but I'm definitely not gonna complain.
Gonna wait for the other 50 free pulls we're getting before using my free selector on Ogen. I really like the way they changed the free pulls' schedule this year, we don't have to wait nearly as long to use our selector.
Congrats, you got this!
Rondo showed up for me at both Elrica's and Sazantos' banner, that's pretty funny and sad.
now i gotta save for the inevitable summer rerun
You're missing the Butt? If so, good luck! After I get the 1200 rubies I need to finish pity here, I'm saving for the next collab.
>Forgot that Bargello's nuke doesn't hit wind
Nice octotrips and yeah, you want his 3 hit attack that starts with "A" if you're just using him for wind damage. The wind damage is technically dagger damage, so you can amp its damage further with his "M" skill and Sonia's nuke.
Spent only 600 rubies total to get both Saz and Sig, not sure if it's worth pitying to get dupes for either of them. Would be real helpful knowing if we were EOSing for sure before their banner runs out...
It's worth getting Cygna to U10, Saz A1 is also nice but Cygna takes priority...also they won't tell you but it's obvious.
Whoa, congrats on the best luck possible. You'll really, really, really want that Signa dupe to make her U10, here's hoping the desire sensor doesn't fuck ya on it by baiting you in with that good luck at the start.
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So i decided to begin playing this game and i got this with all the free stuff they gave us. Around 2100 rubies.
I also got another Signa though idk what to do with the dupe. I also pulled Alfyn, Lumis and H'annit EX.
Is this good for a start? should i keep pulling on the banner or just save from now on.
U10 Signa when you can do it, that means raising her Ultimate to level 10. It's likely that the game will EOS so you might as well go wild here and go to 6k rubies to pity an off-banner Memory Traveler.
Superb start, you even got Prim EX, arguably the best gen pool character.
Like the other guy said, save the awakening stone the Signa dupe gave you to make her reach ultimate level 10.
H'aanit EX is amazing, Alfyn is still quite reliable, Sonia in your pic there is quite good but Lumis is sadly awful.
Since you got a Signa dupe, I'd stop pulling and see what the future brings. There's a good chance we'll get a rerun of Summer Fiore in August, she can tank for you and cheese a lotta content.
Oh right, I wonder if SQEX will play nice and lower it to 4.5k or keep it at 6k.
Ah i see. i'll keep saving to see what banner comes in the future then. Thanks. I'm really enjoying this game. Hopefully it doesn't go EoS anytime soon.
>3,630 rubies towards a second pity
Not gonna lie, I doubt this is possible without doing the entire Master Tower EX challenges as well as my remaining level 100 NPCs (That chapter 7 one and the hell ones).
>the entire Master Tower EX challenges as well as my remaining level 100 NPCs (That chapter 7 one and the hell ones).
If you're at endgame, you could probably get that done this week and next if you've got the time. Good luck! I've posted my clears of that stuff here so lemme know if you need any advice on 'em.
You're welcome, and all we can say for certain is the game is at least guaranteed to last until the end of October. And even if an EoS notice is given in November, we'd likely still have several months beyond that. So I'd say we've got six months minimum. Getting Solistia or not, that's a different story.
Returning player here on BoA3. Which weapons and armor should I go for? I see the new live a live hunts have a set that seems easy enough to get.
Weapon and armor farming (and soul bullshit) is the one thing I really hate about the game
>I see the new live a live hunts have a set that seems easy enough to get.
It's not so easy, you're dripfed the mats you need via daily LaL hunts. Armor's good, and the LaL dagger is great for Canary but unless you're paying out the nose for the paid only anniversary selector to get her (she's one of the best choices for it), you probably don't have her. LaL fan is good too.
Brilliant armor from BoA8 is the best next to the cosmic armor from LaL.
As for weapons, you want:
Abyssal weapons (BoA6) are best for any non-cap hitters in Hell.
Stalwart weapons (BoA5) are best for damage cap hitters in Hell.
Brilliant weapons (BoA8) are best for damage cap hitters for anywhere except Hell.
Fortune weapons (gameboard) are best for non-cap hitters in Orsterra.
After three days of switching skills, switching units and switching supports and divine beast and constantly losing to largo on rank 3. i finally beat him.
Thanks for the info
That fucking bird my god.
i actually pulled sertet from the free pulls, i guess i select ex hannit?
I've got about 2.3k rubies and looking to get Ringabel later, but should I do a 10 pull once or twice for Sazantos or Cygna?
I already have EX Hannit and that seems like a good enough replacement to Cygna for me and Ringabel will be good enough for Sazantos later so I'm not sure if it's worth trying my luck.
yeah go for it
How tough was it? What are the gimmicks like? I heard it's as anti-sword as possible to counter EOS, but they all hit other elements so they can still beat it. At least, that's what I've heard.
If you already have Primrose EX and Ogen, then yeah, H'aanit EX is the best choice. It's really between those three, so it depends on who you already have.
Absolutely go for it, good luck!
i dont have ogen
Then I guess it comes down to whichever you want more: bp regen+ice dps and heals, or debuffs+a taunt/evasion tank.
>Got 4stars Sazantos in my first roll
Enough luck for a day. Not gonna roll for Signa until tomorrow.
Yeah, tips would be appreciated. I do have most of the meta characters and farm for weapons regularly.
For Master Training EX floors, check out the vids I linked here and the guy's channel for more:
Those vids are quite old, so modern gear should mean you'll have an easier time, along with any extra A4s you might have as that guy's vids thankfully only use free A4s.
As for the Hell and Heaven lv100 NPC fights, they all fell quite easily (except the Heaven one took 4 tries) my usual squad of:
Canary/Alaune EX
Nephti/Primrose EX
Not sure if you have the chars to copy that, but it works really well and everyone is there mostly to support Elrica's massive dualcasted nukes (I have a Brilliant sword that lets her hit up to 232k per hit or so). I always break with Canary so I gave her Jorn and Yan-long A4s to inflict sword res and phys res down on break, Rinyuu uses Crusader Prayer while Prim only moves to the front to refresh regen or use her ult, which in turn allows Nephti's ult to cap phys atk up.
For the NPC fights, make sure to use NPC allies since unlike most hard content, you're free to go to town with them! I like the Hell ones that give Physical Degradation II and Mental Degradation II for capping/extending debuffs, I believe they're both in Hell Valore.
I feel like i should specify that it wasn't EX3 it was just the regular rank.
I feel like both of these guys would be good for Largo.
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Oh hi!! Didn’t expect to pull your autistic ass from the free 5stars seal
Now i don’t know what to do with that free summon, should I go for A1 Haanit? Given the following:
>Have Prim EX A2 and U10
>Have Ogen U10….. then he decided to show up twice while spending 120 traveler seals so now he’s A2 with U10
Apparently 2.3k is what I had before today's rubies, so I ended up pulling 4 10s on Cygna (nothing) and 1 10 on Sazantos, which got me a 4 star of him and a 5 star Levina.
Would've been nice to get both but I'd say that's not too bad since I wasn't going to pity.
I have everyone in that team except Canary and Prim EX.
I just saw your post
This is this fucking beautiful, thank you dearly I mean it
>10 pull today gave a dupe Lynette and Heathcote
Uh, extra shards for stones I guess?
Well well
They fucked up by a typo
>MT included in 2nd Anniversary step up
Which is not correct, but it was written on the chart and they’re considering a compensation
Give us full A4 Cannary and all forgiven
I got ONE (1) Cygna already
I am one more pull for pity, no Saz so far
who do i pity?
Try your last multi on Saz first.
>I feel like i should specify that it wasn't EX3 it was just the regular rank.
No worries, it was the same for me.
>I feel like both of these guys would be good for Largo.
Yup, you're right. Maybe then you can narrow it down to whether or not you have a good tank already. If you do, and maybe you got Signa for debuffs, then go for Ogen I'd say.
Another point for Ogen is that if you have both Sazantos AND Alaune EX, Ogen is pretty much a must because you need two sources of BP regen (Alaune's stacks with everyone that does this because hers is a channel so it's special) so Saz can get +5 BP during the two break turns for maximum nuking. Signa can give BP regen too, but only to one person instead of the whole squad like Ogen.
If you weren't going to pity then yeah, picking up Saz is nice. Congrats!
Canary's irreplaceable for me because she a) allows me to completely ignore boss weakness for shield shaving and b) she can never be forcibly row-swapped because she dodges ALL attacks, so Alaune EX's bp regen channel can never be disrupted. There's a reason she's the first time I pulled on a Sacred Blaze banner since the very first SB banner with Odette came out, she's incredibly top tier.
So since you don't have her, I guess I would try to slot in someone really good at shaving shields of the specific weakness the boss you're currently fighting has. That's why I use Canary: so I can be lazy and never customize my team based on the fight like what the game wants you to do.
As for Prim EX, like I said, I use her for partywide regen so anyone who can do that should be fine. I think Ogen would be a fine replacement, or in a pinch any good frontrow healer since the back row of my team spends almost all of the fight in the back row.
Like the other guy said, keep going on Saz's banner for that last pull to hit pity and, well, if you don't get him I'd say get a Signa dupe for U10 unless you are somehow missing both Elrica and Odio-O.
i actually managed to pull my second elrica, she is u9 and a0, but i got one stone to use
didnt get OdiO
Two Elricas? Nice, you're good, use that stone to make her A1. U10 that Signa then, she'll serve you extremely well.
You really only "need" one of the EOS trio to use as your main damage dealer, they're all good. In fact, it's more useful to have one of Elrica/Odio-O/Sazantos at A1 than it is to collect all three at A0.
>today's free anniversary ten pull
I don't think I've ever gotten 3 in one ten pull, holy shit! They're all pretty worthless dupes (though I do sometimes use Viola), but still!
Um guys? the fragment we got to use to choose any five star we want. Did that only last for one day?
Nevermind, I'm fucking dumbass. Forget what i said.
Welp, the wolf is finally down. Time to get some more rubies to do a multi.
uhh i got Odio S...did i pull the wrong one....
No, they're in the same banner.
Got the Kraken down to yellow, I hope to finish this within 2 attempts. How's the birb anyway?
Do light runes work on saz's sword attacks if they're exploiting weakness, or do they only work for light magic?
They only work for light magic. For anything that says X attack that exploits Y, you want buffs and debuffs that affect X and not Y.
Yeah, you wanna keep going until you get Odio-O...shit, I think the banner's over. Well, if you missed him you can use Sazantos instead, his banner is much better than Odio's.
After getting Sazantos to A1 and Signa to U10, I should be aiming for Sazantos U10 next? Currently at pity and I don't want to spend 1.5k rubies for a new MT.
If you're at pity then yeah, don't go farther. As for which of the two you should pity, that's a tough one. I've seen people say the priority should be A2 Signa before A1 Saz and you have A1 Saz so that makes me think you should A1 Signa. Everyone loves more stats like speed on a debuffer, and she's the best.
But on the other hand, looking ahead to a long, potentially 1 to 2 year wait before global gets Sazantos' six star (JP doesn't even have it yet), when you eventually move on to using 6 stars as your primary damage dealers, it looks to me like the best part of Saz' kit will be his ult which can support the rest of your team, including your six stars.
I guess it comes down to whether or not you see yourself still wanting to use Sazantos' ult next year. If you do, then U10 him and if not A1 on Siggy is the way to go.
Thanks, decided to go for Signa A1 since she won't get powercreeped easy and I plan on replacing Sazantos with Kaine or some other 6 star in the future.
I'm so dumb, for some reason I thought the pity was 200 so now I have 50 extra fragments and wasted 1500 rubies lmao
I'd be more upset if I wasn't jaded with the game
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Free pull.

Joshua (Complete)
W’ludai (Recycled)
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The bird has been vanquished. Never doing that again god damn.
So i decided to go threw the final dungeon of BoA and wow they just give you all brilliant weapon types and all three armor types. Man, wish i had done this sooner. Als about savage belts, are they worth it?
How many 200 ruby missions are there in the Master Training beyond the level 100 NPCs that can be fought in the overworld?
Hot damn, with three teams too?! Any tips? Can't copy your team since I don't have Leon or Sarisa.
The last set of weaknesses is absolutely brutal. Nuke it from the second last set instead to avoid getting slaughtered.
Gotcha, thanks! Still gotta 3 team the flower first, it looks like there's no limited time mission for the bird like there was for previous new floors (maybe 'cause it's the final floor).
doing the lvl 100 npcs now, damn they're 200 rubies each i thought it was 100
I just noticed, is Odio-O taking off a mask off his face?
His eyes weren't clear daring the fight
they are nasty and some of them may give you a hard time
the one I hate the most was
>Hey fucker, my weakness?
>SIKE, I will reflect them the entire fight
>you better hope you pulled for cannary or multiple shield crackers
Any tips for the Shrine Guardian?
Have fiore ex.
I accidently misread that as fiore sex.
you didn't misread
I'm more of a Sofia guy. But all four main cotc girls are beautiful.
Sex with Tressa.

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