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Brand new tab targetting MMO releasing in 2024 for PC and mobile
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Tarisland_Official/videos
Ah yes, the Chinese WoW clone that I've seen mentioned a few times here and there. Will give it a try but much like Throne and Liberty I have very low expectations for it.
Only thing I'm not liking is no gear progression
Looks soulless as fuck. Chinks will never make anything of value.
as an ex-wow player, it's probably going to be trash, but I look forward to playing it anyway. I hope it proves me wrong, at the very least, I hope it's some mindless fun.
>mindless fun
This is pretty much my exact expectation, anything more than that is just gonna be disappointment most likely. I can't imagine anyone being excited to play this as their "main" game but the state of MMOs is so grim that many people will try almost anything new coming out.
I hate this
Gear progression is such an important motivator and I doubt they have something to replace it
I'm pretty sure he meant no VISUAL gear progression
>have to grind without even something pretty to show for it
Worst of both worlds, I love it
Looks pretty good desu
It actually does but the gear thing is pretty shit. Though the costumes seem cheap as hell if that 268 yen price is final.
That's like 2 bucks? That can't be real.
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Officially released on June 19!
Here I was just wondering if they were actually going to release around Dawntrail
Beta signup is up
Bros I got into the beta
Same but on iOS, and I don't really want to play it on a tablet anyway
This game is making me fall asleep
I'm having fun doing dungeons its not too hard or too easy
I don't mind the simple character customization, but how do they not have eye color
for those that have played the betas, what class/role is the most in demand? Im assuming its tanks?
Didn't reach till raid and the game gives you AI team after about 1m in of queue
This game was detected as a trojan
because it is in the technical sense of one.
>team spams game for years
>Still isn't out
Classic business strategy, why even bother finishing the game
Nigger got banned
Guess chinks will be chinks and pajeets will be pajeets

This game is still trash
Pretty retarded, it's bad enough that there doesn't seem to be much excitement for the game (I mean it's a Chinese WoW clone after all...) but then shit like this just makes your team look bad for no reason at all. I might still give this game a try given how barren the MMO scene is currently but honestly it just seems so fucking bland and it's hard to imagine it sticking around for long.
Literally who
t. chinkjeet
alll this jeets screenshots are from nearly a year ago, why did he only just make a video about it now?

anyways, i dont care will still be trying the game
these mobileshit games like wuwa and genshin were actually pretty decent
Coom status?
I will not, this game looks shallow as fuckl
He got banned in pedocord
this game is just a shitty wow clone but more soulless
Wtf is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHSi-GcJmgk
This game is releasing tomorrow where is the hype
chinese mobile wow clone doesn't exactly scream hype to me, will try it though
There's no gear only gacha costumes what is there to hype
This game is ass bro
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>human mage and dalaran behind
That looks more like WoW than WoW looks today. In fact it actually looks like what WoW would look like if it weren't run by freaks and mentally ill people/womyn after getting a graphical update.
Says a lot about this game that the only content about it is a text segment and 0 actual gameplay.
>chinese wow clone
>race/gender locked classes
>no visual progression
It's genuinely DoA.
>>no visual progression
this and not character customization is what makes me not care about this game
i dont know what did they think by doing that
earn money by selling skins? thats dumb and not how it should have been done
why couldnt they just look at Lost Ark way of doing that
Worked for Black Desert
Why would I play this when I can play black desert then?
bdo isnt free, everyone knows everything about it
tarisland is free and fresh
i dont expect it to be a game ill play forever, but it doesnt cost me anything so im going to try it
nigga this is leftovers with sauce sprinkled on it to look different
leftovers of what?
the shit on the curb an old lady left from their dog
im still going to try it though because it costs literally nothing, and if i get any amount of enjoyment out of it its a win
if not, i just uninstall
maybe youd prefer spending $99 on early access pax dei
The challenge mode dungeon is unironically the most fun I've had in an MMO in a long time
Surprisingly well tuned
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any pvmpers?
This game sucks
Does this game do non-instanced coop content or is it all storyshit and dungeons and bgs?
Unironically having fun healing in dungeons. Priest is pumping.
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Is there anywhere to change the graphics option aside from the frame rate? The game looks like shit ngl
rogues duel mechanic is fucking stupid, so is the poison one but at least it kind of makes sense
stack to spread the dee em gee
How's the game so far?
Which class is the best healer
Extremely fun. Much better combat than the usual MMOs that get shilled
ay where are the videos at
Im enjoying it so far.

Admittedly doesn't feel fresh despite it being new but it feels like an even more casual experience than casual retail wow - which is honestly a plus point for me compared to wows long ass dungeons and raids.
how do you make the water in this game not look like dogshit
What do I use my gold for?
Obvious quality control gaffs like this make the game feel like cheap Made in China trash
t. shill
WoW is overdesigned and the others like ESO and FFXIV have garbage tier combat
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>Haven't seen a single person with gacha skin
>Everyone and their mom uses free skin
Its over...
>Everyone looks the same
>Everyone has the same power level
>No one looks special
Is this communist MMO?
>race/gender locked classes

This shit is ass cancer, fuck anyone who does this.
>Need tools to gain profession level
>Don't have tool
>Can't level
>Need 2 days to change specialization
>Stamina about to be maxxed
Wtf am I supposed to do?
>Can't level
Do quests or events or dungeons and then resume the main quest
You should not stop until you are level 40
>Realize gears from raid has set bonus
>Sell my first one
Can you reroll the set bonus?
You can use tempering in the workshop (Y key) to move stats or special aptitude effects to a tier piece
Guess it's time to level an alt...
I don't think that allows set bonus to be move
You can move the star, which is like a bonus affix affecting one of your skills.

Basically you use tempering to move the star from lower level gear to higher level gear or to effectively reroll stats by replacing them with stats from equal level gear...................
Arena healing is so unsatisfying. If 2 DPS can't burn down a healer immediately then at least one of them is retarded
Playing this game since launch. It's more like an MMO simulator than an MMO.

I wouldn't really call this an MMO but you get a sort of "MMO experience". Like diet MMO but not full flavoured.

One example: im selling things directly from my bag anywhere in he world instead of with a vendor (despite apperances there don't seem to be any), I'm mainly interacting with menus from my UI to get things done except when it's time to "quest" and then you get the stimulated feeling of being in an MMO but you can feel it's altogether shallow.
>1 week
>Game already feels dead
What went wrong?
Its pretty alive and buzzing on my server
The arena windows and alt unfriendliness are the main complaints going around and I have to agree with them
I have been playing during work hours (lol) and shifted my sleep schedule to be able to do arenas, but I can't keep doing this long-term and will prob quit when that happens
Are you playing on a server in your timezone? The arena times are probably the "gaming peak hours" according to their statistics. I.e. the lunch time and end of day
Arena in the loo
>Be healslut
>3 mins queue time for the latest realm
I think game is dying sisters...
Everyone is just going to jump ship to Throne & Liberty when that comes out... let's be real here. Not saying it's gonna be a good game especially because of >Amazon for one but it is what it is.
>Want to reroll
>Miss alot of weekly
>dissing on games that I never touched in the first place
Catchup is pretty quick desu, the weeklys don't matter too much.

The level seems capped at 40 until they release the next episode or whatever, and it looks like it will be awhile.
But my dailies...
After a week playing all healslut I can confidently say Bard>Necro>Priest

Bard 6 is just the best skill in the game by far both Necro and priest 6 are trash in comparison. Bard still have access to either tank damage reduction for tank or just overall healing.

Necro lacks on demand aoe healing but they make up for it with more damage mitigation. Class can be complicated compare to the other 2 but its worth the effort.

Priest is just an inferior bard. Priest only better skill than Bard is 4 and 5, 4 not even that much better. Priest is just bard without the damage mitigation.
Irony is that he's still making content for Tarisland after complaining so much about it and calling Tencent the devil. He killed so much hype for the game by shitting on it in Asmongold's stream and without Asmon's endorsement this game lost the major interest from WoW fans. The stupid thing about all this is that he still ended up playing it anyway. And he was actually totally wrong on the P2W it turns out, game is more like P2G as in pay to gay because all their lootbox costumes look like gay pride parade on fairy steroids.
Arcane realms is ass anyway, it usually takes multiple wipes, way too long and shouldn't be part of the dailies. It sucks that it cant be rerolled, most days i just don't have the time or patience to sit through it
Completely different market, why can't you play both? Tarisland is on mobile which is now i play it exclusively, in the bathroom stall while at work
It's funny since Throne and Liberty is the one that plays like a mobile game
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Weekly raid take too much time due to retards usually dpsbabs. I don't think I'll play this long term
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He turns out to be a tryhard toxic fuck
He was fucking bad lmao. Kept taking blue pot because he humped the blue table for no reason
>Weekly raid reset
>5 mins in queue as healslut
Yeah I'm guessing its over. We were pretty dead pre-zzz already
It was interesting for awhile though i can't remember if any of it was really fun at all or i was just trying to hard to have fun. Zzz I'm having fun though, i know that.

Looking at Tarisland now is kind of like looking at an ex and wondering what the hell was i ever doing.
Had fun with friends until I realized I lose over 500 dps because I'm playing with 200 ping.
I'll probably stop playing after dragon raid

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