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I know you don't care about this and that it's a waste of time to read it, but what type is your cell phone? Mine is a simple Samsung A10s.
just buy a better phone? they are cheap nowadays
Take the new phone pill, you can probably get a 3 year old flagship for cheap now. Just got a Honor Magic 5 Pro myself recently, but had been using a Mi8 with no problems (beyond adware) for over 5 years
Redmi note whatever, I'm not into models so I don't remember, I will never buy chink shit again because they don't know shit about proper design, a decent UI and they have the nerve to put adds in their native apps. Kill all chinks, nuke china.
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Galaxy J5, all I play is Granblue Fantasy. Will bite the bullet soon and accept the phone pill.
I have a Redmi too and I never saw an ad anywhere.
OnePlus 5T lets play COD Mobile or Minecraft come on bro you're a gamer
Recently got a samsung A24 because my lg V30 decided to commit sudoku for no reason. I don't really like it, but I needed something ASAP, and that was both available and cheap.
Warzone mobile doesn't on anything. There's nothing wrong with your phone. It's just a shit game. It's really disappointing. I wanted it to be good but western developers have no talent.

Try bloodstrike.
Here is a random gameplay I found of bloodstrike. This game looks pretty fun.
Mine is a 5-year-old Honor Play. Perfectly formidable for 2D gaming, probably not quite so for high end 3D - I haven't checked because those don't really interest me.
It doesn't matter, Warzone kills the battery with overheating.
I aint ruining my S23 ultra for that shit game.
I haven't tried to install warzoje on my s23 ultra yet.. but I assume it will still play like shit.. hopefully they do a major optimization patch.. and also lose the intro scene of the gross looking bitch with vitiligo. I despise woke shit in video games like this.
I have a oneplus nord 2. It's good enough for everything I need. It's been about 2,5 years since i got it, and I'll probably use it for another 1,5 years before it starts to get weird with bugs and stuff.

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