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I know you don't care about this and that it's a waste of time to read it, but what type is your cell phone? Mine is a simple Samsung A10s.
just buy a better phone? they are cheap nowadays
Take the new phone pill, you can probably get a 3 year old flagship for cheap now. Just got a Honor Magic 5 Pro myself recently, but had been using a Mi8 with no problems (beyond adware) for over 5 years
Redmi note whatever, I'm not into models so I don't remember, I will never buy chink shit again because they don't know shit about proper design, a decent UI and they have the nerve to put adds in their native apps. Kill all chinks, nuke china.
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Galaxy J5, all I play is Granblue Fantasy. Will bite the bullet soon and accept the phone pill.
I have a Redmi too and I never saw an ad anywhere.
OnePlus 5T lets play COD Mobile or Minecraft come on bro you're a gamer
Recently got a samsung A24 because my lg V30 decided to commit sudoku for no reason. I don't really like it, but I needed something ASAP, and that was both available and cheap.
Warzone mobile doesn't on anything. There's nothing wrong with your phone. It's just a shit game. It's really disappointing. I wanted it to be good but western developers have no talent.

Try bloodstrike.
Here is a random gameplay I found of bloodstrike. This game looks pretty fun.
Mine is a 5-year-old Honor Play. Perfectly formidable for 2D gaming, probably not quite so for high end 3D - I haven't checked because those don't really interest me.
It doesn't matter, Warzone kills the battery with overheating.
I aint ruining my S23 ultra for that shit game.
I haven't tried to install warzoje on my s23 ultra yet.. but I assume it will still play like shit.. hopefully they do a major optimization patch.. and also lose the intro scene of the gross looking bitch with vitiligo. I despise woke shit in video games like this.
I have a oneplus nord 2. It's good enough for everything I need. It's been about 2,5 years since i got it, and I'll probably use it for another 1,5 years before it starts to get weird with bugs and stuff.
It's ewaste

Fuck off you literal retard. It is so retarded that mobile gamers can't even look up their owm phone specs. His phone is e waste it has 2 gigs of ram and 1 10th of the gpu power of a fucking switch. 49.3 gigaflops.
Actually worse, I checked it is the 10s woth the Helio P22, it has 41 gigaflops.
Bro you can't play anything with that, it is slower than the xbox 360 by a long shot and closer to the original xbox in terms of gpu power.

You are beyond cooked.
Already removed lol
How is a character with vertigo woke?????????
Anon do you have dyslexia?Copy paste vitiligo into google.
Don't listen to any of this fucks. If you don't have a lot of money, buy a 13 pro max for like 500 $. Even if you sell it two years from now it'll still be worth at least 300 $. While an android is just garbage after use.
aliexpress huge sales today or tomorrow starting
you can get like poco x6 pro for 200 something $

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