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What went horribly wrong?
Incompetent devs
They RUINED Shirli.
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>the 4.0 JP trailer doesn't even have jp voice
I guess the AI and missing voices were a sign
retarded chink decisions as always
everytime i see a game flopping, i only need to take one look and not even dig deep to know what's wrong
and the best part is these companies deserve to have their shit games flop
>What went horribly wrong?
A lot.
The game has been shit for a while, but it held on due to cope and hope. People started to quit in droves once the hope of a better future was gone, and that was around mid way through domain 9.

Actually nothing went wrong and this game was a huge monetary success, Hotta made a disgusting amount of money through a very mediocre game and they'll be using that money to make something else and repeat the process again.
o7 /tofg/
Crew status?
You can check it yourself retard and no i won't bump the vg thread
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i use CN anyway kek
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Chink Fatigue.
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If only they released Molinia properly
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But playable Shelly back in early 2023 would have saved ToF
ironic this thread is still up but the vg thread is dead
nothing to talk about
I miss Poyayaaaaaaan...
How is that ironic? The opposite would be ironic since it takes a year for a thread to die here.
i heard she's gonna be playable soon. same with loli lan. i think after they saw people made mods for that, they are selling it
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Aesperia will always be special to me
NA world chat stopped working... how am i gonna get my x2 boss chests now...
Molinia being turned into a censored skin was the final straw for me. I stopped spending, eventually lost interest in the game and quit.
it was fun while it lasted bros.
What's up with the people that insist this game is great? Looked shitty on day 1, and played like shit. Years later the combat still plays like shit. what am I missing?
>what am I missing?
Nothing. Idiots chose to ignore the red flags and play a shit game we knew wasn't good since it nearly EoS right out of the gates in China.
Can you retards remake the thread already? Damn
Why, so it can die again before even hitting 100 replies? At least wait until there's something interesting to discuss.
i like the combat and the game was improving right up until 2.4 then it went downhill
I don't care about your arbitrary requirements for discussion. Make the thread bitch.
Make it yourself if it's so important to you.
Turns out a multiplayer focused Genshin isn't exactly a good idea.
No. Turns out trying to make a multiplayer focused Genshin clone as your first major title as a relatively new studio is a bit too ambitious.
I want to go back to the good times bwos...
You don't even play this game bitch
I hope you continue this shtick every game you play so I know which future games are total shit I should avoid
I still think back fondly of 1.0 with /tofg/bwos from time to time, it really was good times
hardly anyone does anymore
I just found this game a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying it on PS5, just have to get past the weak ux menus, the stories are hardcode
wuthering waves popped off a lot harder than I thought bwos...they're killing any hope of a tof revival...
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>What went horribly wrong?
they announced a new server that will make you lose all your progress, and with no powercreep, anyone that didnt had a good guild or didnt spent much in the game stopped playing to wait for the new server. And it never happened, nor they made a big deal out of canceling it (if it is canceled), im still waiting for the new servers, for months now
I miss my wife YoshinoUsagi
How many of those are still playing the game? Also post more guild meetup pics I want the sweet nostalgia.
That's what happens when you straight up copy a successful game like Genshin and don't do it half-assed like ToF with bullshit mmo aspects.
Interest is already declining and it hasn't even been a full month yet. It's yet another soulless clone
tof is a shitty mmo and shitty gacha game, it's close to success if only they just picked one
>Not even 4.0 could save the general from dying
It really is the end, isn't it?
I like it
it's over general died on /vg/ again.
This is like the third time in a month this happened. You guys should just admit defeat and stay here
>What went horribly wrong?
No crossplatform play. Merging servers was a good thing. Console servers being separated is not a good thing. MMOs require the most condensed playerbase you can get. You cannot have a social game and omit anyone's friends, because that detaches them from the game as well.
And again
lin was getting buffed?
running around with the /tofg/ bros hunting down the gates in artificial island was some the most online gaming fun I've had since way back when
Then it all just fell apart. Lisa bro where did you go
>thread dies everytime during SEA hours even though SEA server has the biggest playerbase
Wonder what fucken drama happened to the Sea crew for it implode like that.
This is a serious issue then. No point in remaking it if there's a good chance it will just die while most of the posters sleep or are away at work/ect.
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The crew simply doesn't have any real growth since the transfers, no new active players joining and as the time passes with the game isn't improving much & hotta being retarded, the little members that we had are simply had enough of the game so danchou decided to just disband while the few of us is still around before it gets even worse
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Welcome back to the retirement home
i thought an mmo anime-styled game would give tough competition to the likes of ffxiv, but what do you know, people really base their opinion about a game on the very first few minutes of playtime and this game sucked ass at delivering a good impression
it felt cheap, it had bugs, and the worst of all, it had terrible exploits that immediately turned away the potential gacha customers
i mean, why the fuck would anyone put their money into a game where it is possible for some f2p to manipulate gacha rolls or even interact with other players' inventories?
absolutely ridiculous that anyone defends this dogshit company that was already shat upon in china a year before the game released on global server, for exactly the same issues that they didn't even bother patching out
it was clear that these scummy hacks simply wanted to get as much money out of this lazy global port and then fuck off
Even made by a competent developer the game would have still failed. Gacha mechanics and MMOs don't mix well. You can't make a game in a genre that's about progression (power) being tied to in-game accomplishments, then gate that power behind a gachapon and still please your target audience. There is a reason why you commonly see Asian MMOs monetize their game by selling QoL changes like additional inventory slots.
Come to Tarisland bros
>i thought an mmo anime-styled game would give tough competition to the likes of ffxiv
meanwhile blue protocol got fucked by ags and their retarded jp server intern for being anti-gaijin.
mmo grind for power
gacha for cosmetics and weapons

it was the easy fix they was scared to do
They thought they could have their cake and eat it too (frequent $100 cosmetic gachapons + selling power + aggressive powercreep (15-20% or more each new weapon) quickly invalidating your power). Thankfully they eased up on the powercreep, but by that time it was too late, most everyone had already left.
pretty much sadly such wasted potential
lol i dont feel bad for any developer that pulls this shit
it feels amazing seeing developers put millions into developing shit games like this and then get humbled
blue protocol got fucked by being bad
I hope people from tofg know that this thread exist now. I hate to see people get separated.
In the end ToF was a massive commercial success compared to the resources invested in it, so I don't think anyone got humbled aside from some of the devs maybe having emotional attachment to their work. As far as their business department is concerned, it carried perfect world's budget for almost 3 years, so I'm sure their takeaway from this is "can we do that again" rather than "oh no, we fucked up".
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i got the saki outfit/weapon and cat ears for 2k DC
Bitch remake the thread
why it will die again wait till 4.1 when we got shit to talk about
4.1 is just anka tho the thread won't even survive a week
then get comfy here then
so how were the lin buffs?
not happened yet, i presume its with the weapon skin
Bitch just do it
they werent scared
they are just scummy developers who knew what they were doing
but little did they know that paypiggies only put money into a game if it is reliable and not filled with game-breaking bugs and fuck ups like the first banner fuck up, the gacha rolls fuck up, the ability to manipulate gacha rolls, the ability to mess with other players' inventories
they were scared because they thought whales would not like the change instead it pushed away the majority of the playerbase including a % of whales
I'm still baffled they blundered global's release after having time to examine and learn from their mistakes with CN's launch, and having the benefit of releasing during content droughts for several big games as well as big name people willing to try and promote it (including that one popular wow streamer who kept begging to be sponsored).
I quit 5 months ago and reinstalled this after giving Tarisland a try. Uninstalled after 3 days because queue never found anyone, world chat was dead, and I couldn't skip the rest of the 3.0 story to get to 4.0 and events.
>go to Infinite Sundial
>now go here
>go back to Infinite Sundial
>but wait go here
>go back to Infinite Sundial
>nonono wait go here
>go back to Infinite Sundial
they some how thought ff14 waking sands meme was something people liked
maybe chinks are still not used to scifi having instant communication despite the teleportation
Lin shards are in the store
what made me quit was titan gear, trying to get all the rolls into ele atk and praying they high roll was painful. it was already hard enough trying to do that with crit for gloves and boots. then there's having to pay with DC to transfer your titan gear to a better piece of gear...
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get it here before CN (choose just one of f2p combinations) https://files.catbox.moe/6eio28.zip
who is the chick at the bottom left?
>it was already hard enough trying to do that with crit for gloves and boots.
I never got decent crit gloves after a year and a half before I finally quit, despite going after them daily. It was so fucking bullshit.
you both know that your titan makes your crit go up right
Future wanderer outfit. It was already leaked before at the same time as Anka's swimsuit but the leaker was untrusted back then.
Now there is a leak that we will have summer swimsuit event, possibly more similar skins for Nora and MerylX (she exists, Volt/Frost)
Never managed to get any gear that was worth getting to Titan either, RNG rolls were such bullshit.

They should keep Wormhole and rework the rewards for it to actually make it worth doing, because that's the only permanent mode that's actually fun. Fuck, take VR and Stargate rewards and stick them in Wormhole, there you go 2 useless modes deleted and 1 fun one revived gg.
Deleting everything except Balanced JO in CN will probably work, but for Global it'll depend on what the rework for it does, because when I quit matchmaking for it was dead.
RIP support points from FCH. Bygone and dust changes seem good.
Cute swimsuit for players, gotta wait to see if it also looks cute ingame too
What the absolute fuck, is the game unironically about to EoS? This is beyond shameless holy.
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4.2? more like 4 point COOM!
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for some reason this random npc has a climbable head dont know why just wanted to point that out, also you may see a walking granny she is the only npc that walks outside of quests that has collision like mia you run into her and she will do an animation no other random npc does this but the granny why? how the fuck am i suppose to know
The signs have been there for a while that they're desperate. At this point I would welcome its EoS.
i wouldnt call this EOS, from what i have seen from gateoo he said snowbreak or whatever the fuck its called is doing similar fan service and seen a huge rise in popularity in china because of it apparently the same femnist far left faggot shit going on in game studios in the west is happening in the east from what gateoo said, interesting to say the least, so from what i see here is hotta is being based and going down the coomer route, i see a somewhat change in direction for the game, i am ready to mmo and nikke coom at the same time
>nikke coom
Dave the diver lmao
dive into that ass
thanks modanon
what does it replace?
shiro , use one of the 3

oh no anyway
But they announced they were working on a new game last year and even hired a lot of people for it. Why the doom?
how many coomer skins does nora have? i counted 2 in that trailer and 1 her base skin
they want sponsorships with 4.2 looking like coomer heaven, asmon got fucked ever since his whole free hong kong larping shit its not going to happen
It really is a hivemind
What are they even talking about? Nothing is different from usual
>they want sponsorships with 4.2 looking like coomer heaven
It's a bit late to try pivoting to coom like snowbreak did. I can see why they wanted sponsorships in the beginning, back when the game appeared to have a bright future ahead of it. Now it's so irrelevant people act surprised when you tell them it hasn't EoS yet.
I mean the area is basically a big summer resort. Seems like a waste to not capitalize on it.
>It's a bit late to try pivoting to coom like snowbreak did
you underestimate the power of coom, the baldy goblin asmon has been seething non stop ever since he never gets sponsored he will forever look to shit on top because he actually wants to play it which is funny to see
Probably a last-ditch effort before deciding whether or not to EoS, it's too similar to Snowbreak's sudden direction change. I don't know if I'm more surprised that they're actually going the Nikke/Snowbreak route, or that it took them so long to do it. How long until they delete the male Executor and Simulacra?
>it's too similar to Snowbreak's sudden direction change.
That pivot was also accompanied by official statements by seasun outlining the shift to fanservice and the male erasure that followed. This is in all likelihood just a one patch thing capitalizing on the fact it's summer.
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nah this is literally a carbon copy of snowbreak dorms. they are on their last legs rn hoping copying the winner will help
you keep forgetting that it doesnt matter what the game makes its a RND game for them
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>it doesn't matter what the game makes
Well, something *has* to make them money. And it sure aren't their new releases OPM:World and P5X which both flopped already. So they have to try milking ToF harder.
The company is in the negative for 2 quarters in a row already and has to sell assets to stay afloat (Universal Pictures film inventory).
"In Q1 2024, Perfect World's operating income was 1.329 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 30.19%, and its net profit attributable to the parent company turned from profit to loss, reaching -29.7641 million yuan."
holy copium
you can't RnD when the developers are incompetent
only the art and combat movesets improved, the actual gameplay loops and experiments are all trash
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>you can't RnD when the developers are incompetent
You sound retarded

Again RnD costs money this is a cheaper way of doing it
Any feet in ToF?
coomer patch can save this game but they need guide to visit gethos.

or straight to gethos after doing aesperia tutorial.
Non-safehorny swimsuits and minor pandering for one patch is not going to save the game.
i might just drop my 10k DC i got left on nora i might just do it
Can I see Meryl's feet?
its in the pv
she deserves to be in a better game...
they all do bwo...
NTA but no guarantee it's just for one patch. Even without the beach area, Loslyn's default look is definitely more horny-inspired than any character before her, and her gacha outfit is even more horny. The dorm system alone has huge potential for horny outfits and poses. And let's not pretend that the PV was actually showcasing the new map and characters, with the amount of tits and ass it zoomed in on.
i want to slap my teammate's ass in a volleyball match
the new map is a mirroria for network if you didnt know
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For me. it's MC swimsuit
i think i'd like it a lot more if we had loli height option for mc
Was that supposed to be the Executor?
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That's (you), yes
for me, its other mc's swimsuits
Clearly they need to buff the lolis and make them all wear japanese school swimswear

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>What went horribly wrong?
hotta chased money instead of good gameplay
im saving this gif....for erm....post purposes yeah posting thats a good excuse
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bro have you seen nikke? they are even worse than this
I know that nikke is even more coomer, what I was getting at was the sudden switch to high-level coomer pandering combined with some of the other happenings give off EoS impressions.
it looks eos but i dont think its eos cuz they're removing and optimizing things in 4.2. they wouldnt spend all that effort for nothing.
you dont think its because of the constant doomer pilled fags constantly stating EOS that it has given you this impression? you need to remember that ToF is their try everything and anything game now they stated it themselves, if the coomer works expect more of it, i also say the first part because we have had plenty of coomer skins already lin and ling han annabella are some that come to mind with this summer theme

why does it look eos? exactly they are improving it patch to patch they wouldnt do that if it was going eos
Can you ESL at least attempt to speak English?
no fuck you
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Its real!
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all it takes to get money from sexless tiny dicked losers in a game as bad as this is shitty girly doll dress up cosmetics that could be viewed for free on porn sites
gaming is doomed

4.1 tomorrow

that's a retarded take look at nikke, its essentially a jpeg gif that can be viewed on google images doesnt affect its sales
>more lan boxes
Another 160 gold pulls it is
i still dont know what standard matrices are best for overall damage buff to comps
bro look around you. You're playing a game full of coomers.
All of them are shit compared to 3.0 sets, we're already at rubilia being in standard might as well wait for 3.0 matrices
Nikke's been like that from that start, it's not the same thing. If you want to compare ToF 4.2 PV to another game, then that game is Snowbreak. And Snowbreak did what it did because they weren't making any money.
when is the update finished?
its up alrd
Just wait for linhan to go standard, that's the best buck you can waste your standard tokens into

>Has the highest flight mechanic at A5 the game can offer for exploration
>Gameplay is so dumb that you only have to hold attack and hit like a truck
>4set is okay-ish as long as you use her skill and discharge under frost and volt comp

She only lacks -resist which newer weapons would eventually have, others a good pick next from plotti then brevy.
its time
Is Nora out in CN yet? Busted status?
Next week or two, we are at the same patch as CN rn
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goddamn you hotta give me vouchers this is fucking torture im trying to get the blue correctly matching the asuka school outfit i dont know if i should pull the trigger or if its too bright

It's joever tofbabs, even with coom bikini patch, it won't solve the issue how fuck up exploring in 4.0 scum and the inherent powercreep and scare handouts.
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any more lies?
>combined revenue
so this just proves that the sensor is full of shit giving different amounts of revenue for different revenue statistics one says 850 the other says 300 lmfao and people believe this shit
I mean the thing is just an estimate and chinese revenue is literally pulled out of the creator's ass.
yeah exactly
Where are the new stamps from?
Merchant in the middle of 4.0 city
they cost around 2k altogether
I wonder if I should roll for anka
bikini patch next bro keep that in mind
bikini anka also next too
oh yeah good point
Did they remove the 300 dc on level infinite pass?
It sold out
Guess im a day too late then
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shes altered
the weapon is the bike?
no idea pv has not been shown yet looks like it though
she has a big 2h sword since she's meryl's mom
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did anyone manage to equip accessories on sim characters like gateoo showed off? i cant seem to do it...
>try zenless zero
>gameplay manages to be even more face roll then any other mobage
I mioght just stick with ToF...
Hoyodrones glazing the combat so hard when they would've shat on it if it's from anyone else.
>4.2 isnt until september at the earliest
a whole patch of nothing to do
I keep seeing the drones praise how great the gameplay is and how the game's goty. The way these people speak you'd think hoyoslop are the only games they play.
its not that far off time will pass quickly
What about the anniversary?
Are you actually making changes to your character's accessories while possessing Nan Yin clone? Just clicking save without changing something doesn't work.

NTA but still at least a month away.
They will just release the new swimsuits and do anniv rerun banner probably
>while possessing Nan Yin clone
the problem for me is it just doesnt let me save while im possessing the clone. only once it runs out does it let me save the changes, and by then its too late
holy shit, Im losing IQ but my boner is very very hard.
>bike and sword
>watch ToF Content Creator on Youtube
>he wants to share his knowledge to new player (best Comps ect)
>but the new players have to be whales to get the newest and latest toys

yo, are the gacha rates still higher compared to male characters to pull for?
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yeah im rolling too DMC vibes
Cringe, should have went with full bike and drop the chinese sword... fucking wuxia shit again.
its devil may cry inspired


dante uses a sword too alongside the bike
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What's your thoughts on ZZZ combat? People say it's DMC inspired
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Saw too much furry shit so ain't gonna try that
Parry feels way too generous and combat is just buttonmashing in general. It looks good but that's about it.
anyone here known list of ip address for asia pacific and europe server? and server location too.

i want to create new account.
Sounds like asking for a DDoS
Literally boot up the game and choose region/server.
what kind of hacker known as 4chan faggotery is this that you are asking right now?
>giant whip like sword is chinese
kek domain 9 has affected us all anon everything is numba 1 china now
routing issues on internet provider.

apac and eu used to be stable below 100ms but now 200-300ms.
They should have went full dante motorbike like this >>1506510 and drop the fucking sword of instead of pushing their wukong culture into everything.
Nothing about that sword is chink maybe you should stop acting like a traumatized little bitch anon.
its only 1 or 2 moves out of her whole kit i just seen it, its all bike
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Guess who this is
>a fucking transforming sword bike is wukong culture
D9 really fucks everyone up huh
>supposed to be """""bike"""" weapon
>suddenly chink faggotry wuxia blade out of nowhere
No changing into chink stick is cringe as fuck and they should have at least copied the bike scene from ff7
If they're gonna copy dante's bike anyway, no need to put cringe sword transformation at all(this is wuxia btw, like bo staff suddenly becoming a sword), just fucking split the bike in half and slap it against your butt or something
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Huh so the leaked Meryl was seriously volt Meryl? What about Gray Fox?
Gray Fox will be frost
Is a f2p account with some older characters up to vera lin release worth going back to or is it better to just start over fresh?
she uses a key as a weapon
what characters you got with stars
None apparently, tried to log on my old account and it sent back to the opening. Definitely got the right email since it had all of the version update emails from hotta and fairly certain I picked the right server too. Astral-Noa was the SEAfag server right?
no idea, might as well restart then, good timing too you can save up for the new SSRs anyway in 4.2 along with bikini if you are into them
Asmongold said ZZZ sucks compared to ToF, he quit ToF during 1.0 lmfao

4.1 qrd
Every region got their server merged into one now so server are more like character slots now
What did you get from returning? if there's enough dc/red nukes maybe its better to just keep using it and wait for the anniv banner
i need to start spamming the scorpion boss i just noticed the cosmetic and i like it
So is Meryl after Nora?
should be by the order of the PV
>new fiona mod in gateoo discord
Altered voltbros are eating good
Nora is every element including altered btw
>Asmongold said
Who gives a fuck what he has to say about anything?
Sorry ZZZ sleeping
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damn meryl looks great
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Till the end of the time
None of us will say goodbye
Bitch remake the thread already
>nobody does new event because first one is more "efficient"
Gee thanks Hotta for tying that shit to the story and not removing it when the new one is added.
he's coming back
Literally bricked because I can't continue the event at all until people queue.
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bwo, just ask your crew
>>nobody does new event because first one is more "efficient"
only event you HAVE TO do is the 3rd mia shooting event it has a exclusive cosmetic tied to it
it sells man it really does sell, gacha going for sex instead of power is going to bring a new era to china numba 1

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