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Basically just started. I want the foot girl. Be honest with me, what're my chances of pulling her before she's gone with a F2P account if I'm literally in the beginning of the game
Decently high. You get way more gems at the beginning of the game. I pulled Rem and Emilia when I started back in April 1st.
used salted emails and reroll for her, skipping everything through 2-1 when you can claim mail takes about 10-15 minutes
Highly likely she'll get added to the permanent gacha after the event ends by the way, so you'll get her eventually if you keep playing. Rerolling seems best if you want to start off with her though. Good luck!
I was thinking of using multiple emails, sucks that this isn't like dokkan where I can just remake accounts. Not a bad idea.
If you have a gmail account you can salt your email address by adding +text to the end of your username like so:
>say your account is "anon@gmail.com"
>create a level infinite account with "anon+1@gmail.com"
>if that account is a dud, logout and create a new account with "anon+2@gmail.com", etc.
Any text and/or number string can come after the +. You don't have to make new email accounts if you do this, all the messages still get sent to anon@gmail.com.
Oh shit thanks anon I'll try this
i'm surprised troony appeals to someone, this is an easy skip
Some of us were blessed with eyes
I like women's feet and Im finally being catered to, step aside blind man
I want to sniff those under thighs
I wish Chatterbox had an "instant death button" like the co-op boss from that crossover event
i just started playing what should I be doing?
he does if you fail the red circles
Push campaign, your progress there determines how much resources your outpost generates per hour.
Only level 5 units and level then evenly, fairly early on you'll unlock a feature called synchro that sets other units to the level of those 5.
Once you unlock the standard banner wishlist, set it up prioritizing getting dupes of SSRs you have, then meta picks.
Always go for core dust box rewards in events.
That's hard to do when other players don't fail them.
That crossover boss had white circles that you were supposed to avoid, so you could just shoot them and everyone got hit with an attack.
Thanks anon
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Also, if you get stuck on a stage and you think you can progress by opening boxes, only use exactly as many as you need as the moment. They give you resources based on your current oupost output, so they'll be worth more later.
That ass is no where near big enough, delete that pic
Kill all feetfags
How many tries and in how much time?
Ehhhhhh about 8 or so resets, maybe 10. Over the course of like 3 days. Was way quicker when I figured out how to use salted emails thanks to >>1473235
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i started like 3 or 4 days ago.
took me about 94 pulls to get her.
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literally the only reason why i started this game was because of her
>Be me Nikke oldfag
>Played Nikke for since it came out
>After 200 dolars i cant still get Trony
>Try to fool a friend into playing Nikke
>The poor bastard falls for it
>He thinks que can gent Trony (MY SIDES) KEK.jpg
>He enters armed only with a calculator
>No acount resent
>No alternative mails
>No money spent
Feet are gross
Take better care of your body
No, I mean in general. Both men feet and women feet.
I don't like the shape.
i'm new to this game.
got my second trony yesterday.
didn't pay a cent for this ;)
That's shiftup going public for you
Why is there two Nikke threads at the same time?
Feetfags are retards
How's the fan service compare to DC? I played Nikke briefly on launch and at the time most characters were pretty tame. One thing I like a lot about the gacha I play today is how f2p friendly they feel. Imo games like Genshin get an unfair pass because of pity. I don't like weapon gacha, not sure if that's a big part of Nikke. I've read some posts online that Nikke is pretty stingy, and that they even have time limited banners or milestone rewards? How expensive are skins? Once you have a good team, are you actually just auto'ing everything? Finally, one criticism I felt on release was that, what's the point of having a lewd character if during combat they're covered up or if they aren't they're scoping in? It felt like Nikke was more of a butt lover's game, because even if there's cleavage it's covered or she's looking away most of the time (or even if you like butts she has long hair or a long coat). Also I wish we had the more leotard Yuni design lol can you "alter" the game files with custom assets?

Sorry for the question vomit. I just hate stingy gacha and when supposed fan service gacha feel like they can't decide whether to lean into it.
You must be an obnoxious mf irl FUCK
Just play the game
I don't get it
whoever the cuck retard that told you Nikke is stingy is clearly a Genshit shill. Ive been playing since launch and im still playing it now. All i can say about this game is that its super generous with their gacha. the general gameplay is not much engaging until you fight the Bosses, and participate in Raids. thats when it gets super sweaty and you really need to big brain managing your squad in the fights. best part is, i got shit to do on the daily and this game doesnt eat up so much of my time to complete daily missions unlike the other garbage gachas out there ie genshin, honkai.

give Nikke another chance and yeah, it is a butt lovers game but there's plenty of tits too to go around. the amount of fan service they provide in this game is unparallel.
>How's the fan service
>I've read some posts online that Nikke is pretty stingy, and that they even have time limited banners or milestone rewards?
There's seasonal limited characters but not any worse than most gacha. It's definitely more generous than any "every single 5 star is limited" hoyo game atleast, I've played since release and I think I'm only missing 10~ characters from the entire roster
>How expensive are skins?
I'm F2P so I can't say
>Once you have a good team, are you actually just auto'ing everything?
Yes, but at some point late game your power rating will be well under the recommended value, so you'll have to either actually play the game or wait while you scrounge up the resources to level up your team
>Finally, one criticism I felt on release was that, what's the point of having a lewd character if during combat they're covered up or if they aren't they're scoping in?
You'll either tab out and/or do something else while waiting for the auto battle to end anyway, so who cares
>can you "alter" the game files with custom assets?
Yes, look up the other nikke thread, someone posted links there
She has ballistics installed in her butt cheeks.
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>download game after reading thread
>not allowed to play unless I download 8 gigs of VO
>can't mute the shitty video while it downloads

fuck this gay earth I ain't playing this shit, what the fuck
>doesnt realize theres a volume down button
If you’re on iOS just put your phone on silent, since that apparently mutes all in game audio (thought the game was broken when I first installed it)
Damn, dem sum grippers, boy.
What is that thing she's riding? A mobility scooter? A NEETmobile?

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