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the game is now a decade old, are you playing it? for how long now?
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New update dropped.
This blitz is fucking cancer. Anyone got a somewhat f2p team?
blitz is pay to win nowadays like grand party usually is
>boss that has 40lbs of buffs and debuffs
Thats just how this game is. Buy more gems asshole
been playing this dogshit since late 2016

it's crazy how bad and soulless it's gotten
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Top or bottom?
Only the psy Shs.
Dont you have any gems?

Always Robin. Best girl
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Carrot blesses this thread
I'd bottom for Robin. She deserves it.
But Nami needs to be topped. She deserves it.
Damn, I don't really want to do Blitz.
>still out of rank for global after getting the last chopper reward
Wow. How is this game still fucking going
its the anni blitz
lots of people have high multiplier
For people that got only Shanks, I use the second team in this vid and it works nicely
Changed the Robin support by legend Buggy for that 2x atk boost on Nami. I only got the qck variation on Roger so don't know if I can handle the psy one but this should do the work
Are these all modders or something wtf?
>Promising rookie
LionCrew? More like... LyingCrew
The forbidden combination of modding, macroing, and whaling.
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even with a full booster team you don't typically clear more then 10k a run unless you get one of the really good drops
so to get 6 million points that would have to be like, 700+ runs?
If we assume 5 minutes per run that would be like 50+ hours?
which is impossible because it hasn't been that long since the event started
so something dicey is going on
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the co-op sugo has started
its in the co-op memu, and only lasts 2 days so be aware of it
I don't fully understand how this ranking works, I did 5 pulls for the Yamato but still have 1000 stones, do they all expire in 2 days?
>16 multis in now
>still 0/4 anni legends
I think so, gems are locked to each «season» so they will disappear after this I guess, or be locked until next spring coop quest
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>co-op sugo
Man this is a fun sugo! Summoning until you get something good and getting rewarded for your luck not just with new units but also gems and tickets from ranking.
Got to top 1k and didn't even clear infinitum sea or finish the missions. Absolutely worth the co-op cancer
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>Co-Op Partner Player is waiting for battle to start [0%]
My Stock List isn't updating for the coop gacha, even though i've already done it twice. It still says i have 6/5 In Stock, and then it gives me an error if i try to do a multi.
God fucking shit Scamco, as usual.
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Still havent touched. If it is like that thing they tested months ago... Heck that.
>Heck that
Same shit, different mode name. Just now you can either get stuck with a bad wifi shitter, or get carried by a whale. And then your game crashes on the last wave repeatedly.
I stopped playing a year ago with Yamato vs Kaido, I only came in to shoot multis or singles and I just came back in the ani.
From what I see there is a Co-op mode, you only get the gems from the missions or is there also more?
From clearing a coop stage you get a small tiny bite of it, all the worthwhile batches are from chopperman rewards.
You get a new kind of gem that lets you summon a lot on a coop banner and if you get lucky on that the ranking gives you a decent amount of regular gems
Great game mode guys!
you have to do coop on the first day
Hey, you little shit, fuck you.

Like i thought. Will pass for now.
>Hey, you little shit, fuck you.
That's better.
Been playing since month 2. My hot take is the game has actually improved in the last 8 months vs the last 4 years, but barely. The content and modes have more ffort put into them and you can use more units than sely just boosters in the last year. It's still dogshit compared to the golden years (years 2 to 5) but it's slowly improving again imo.
Yoshi is still in charge of the optc?
The 10 legends thing seems very generous to me, although I suppose it is for the tenth anniversary but I want to believe that the optc can improve from now on
i felt like this until they did this DOGSHIT fucking tm banner structure where you have to pull a 5+ version of a unit we already own but the skulls haven't been given out yet
its the greediest thing they've ever done imo, especially because they broke up the anniversary straw hat batch into the tm banner for the first time ever. absolute greedy dogshit bandai banners
>broke up the anniversary strawhat batch
nah we're not allowed to have more then 3 RR at a time along with the parade of new legends
I think it would have been less egregious if they didn't include the TM banner at the same time as the anni banners
we all know that every TM has to have its own dedicated sugo since its been ingrained into the very modes existence
if the banner were introduced after blitz ended it would have been annoying but expected
21 grandfest multis... only 155k points... Trapped in the 4k range while top 3k gets 40 gems... it's joever....
I did the same ammount of multis and ended up at 168k.
Am at rank 17xx and just hope the event closes before I drop further- was top 1k yesterday
Do they not do the guaranteed special up thing during celebrations anymore?
No, they removed it when they tweaked it so that feeding a dupe results in a guaranteed level up.
that sucks, it was the best way to catch up all the old TM units
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>get briliant idea to raise shitty f2p units to level 150 to use as coop captains
>exp requirement is 9 digits
I wonder what will be the banner for kizuna...
Will save some gems for it because something feels off to me
S-Snake legend, blud. Also all the support units will be thrown in which is pretty good.
Right, her. Guess will save the gems for like 5 or 6 multis.
Still missing Roger and Ace bros but that can wait
Co-op needs a veto button that forces your partner to skip his turn
I mean, Yamato will be probably boosted a single time and then you'll never use her again so its really not a big deal
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>s-snake in kizuna banner
>kizuna legends are notorious for being mediocre
no no no no no bros not like this
They are turning some of the OPTC illustrations into official cards it seems.
man the devs were pretty diabolical with the upcoming TM invasion boss
blowing away the bottom right and 1 turn of hunger on top of all the bullshit is designed very strictly for Robin and Jimbo
boa's power works on people's unpure thoughts about her when they see her, right? and thats why they don't work on luffy.
how are the child's powers working on the marines? are they all pedophiles?
The fruit works based on whatever emotion the user brings forth.
For Boa it's lust. For S-Snake is more about finding her adorable. If, for example, Blackbeard had stolen the fruit and eaten it it would be disgust.
Oda said something like this in one of the SBS in response to that exact kind of question.
but it's named the love-love fruit
how would eating the love-love fruit work for blackbeard's emotion being disgust?
sounds like oda just had to dodge the pedophile allegations
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The heart eyes are a dead giveaway
You're conflating love with lust, when love has a very broad definition.
So if I love my dog does that mean I'm immune to Boa's meromero?
If Wanda had the Love-Love power would I turn to stone over that?
If all those stoned marines had kids at home that they loved would that be the reason why S-snake works on them?
"hurdur pedo" is the most smoothbrained take
childless individual spotted
although maybe its for the best as you would be incapable of showing love for your own child
i'm not conflating them. i was pointing out the blackbeard example of disgust makes zero sense for a fruit named love-love, right? how does love fit into oda's example of blackbeard's emotion of disgust?
>decide to try the co-op shit 12 hours before it ends
>crash in half the matches
well at least i did the first 3. not like i managed to get boosted in the yonkou one
honestly its a shame because it's actually a really great mode but you sadly need friends you can communicate with and it crashes so much
the actual strategic elements in it are neat and reminds me of old optc days like invasions
>get stuck in a room with a fag that just finished the tutorial and is running around with tutorial Shanks and random variation of Luffy
>immediate game over
You literally should not be allowed to play this mode unless you have a full team equipped, a certain team cost, or reached a high player level. Goddamn these fucking geniuses at this company have done it again!
I just did 30 clears of the first fight with wave clear specials.
if the internet has taught me anything its people love to hate
once again, love in the broader sense can mean whatever bullshit you want
its not like i know how to play but at least i'm not using tutorial shanks
>account level 550 or something
Damn this tm will be fucking sad
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>get to 5th pull on Luffy's banner
>limited pool
>missing 12/14 legends
>get sengoku dupe
Uh im pretty sure i got the red poster login reward today, like it showed me receiving it on my login of the day, but theres nothing in my mail. Was i cheated and lied too again?
It was the LLB up item, not a sugo-pull.
any free to play teams to finish arena hawkins +12 and sasaki +12 ? and luffy/bonekichi/doji +11 ?
i believe its the only ones i haven't done from the colliseum
>blitz Luffy changes type on 5+ evo
I fed all my copies
Its not the end of the world since you would literally never use this Luffy over one of the many busted versions but I would have liked to know they were going to do that
Well fuck, that sure got me. Thanks anon.
>Lucci 6+ looks amazing
What were they thinking with the super tnd one, fucking faggots
>This Kizuna gives 10x insignia and heavily discounts skulls
Pretty cool. Hope my random alliance can do fine enough in it
Any alliance got a spot free?
are we looking at the same unit because he looks peak mid to me
also when the fuck did the devs change the game not resetting specials after a reset in battle?
I just lost my first TM boss because I used my specials in the wrong order and couldn't fix it
I just love def up removers, and one who just deletes the debuff is a really nice addition for me. Also, looks like a nice option for dex pvp teams
optc discord broke the game

you can add color to your names

and random game pics into your profile

the game code is fucked it seems
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Where's the Blitz rewards? The coop rewards?
How am I supposed to soommon for snek?
Damn, RIP the box theory.
Did they really split the Kizuna RR across three banners? What the fuck is this?
I have no idea how to deal with invasion bb. He literally throws every single debuff in the game and disables one of your characters permanently. I guess I'll just skip him
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East Blue CHADS stay winning one tapping the mofo
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I just don't count on him. Here are my teams for this tm, took some trial and error on the Kaido/Big Mom and Bb fight to get them to work. I use dreadnaught sabre on invasion to bypass the resilience. Also use Kiku & Izo on Kata since I don't activate Shanks ex.
They are present in all parts, but each one is boosted on one part. They fused the support and kizuna sugo but I'm not sure it's worth to pull. Still going 3 multis deep on part 1 for S-Snake
Dunno which part to pull. I do want Snake.
Brook seems to have the best support so I say part 2
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Oh well. At least we got her thinking the ancient weapons are "sugoi"
6 multis. No Snake, hell. Got Brook and Furanky tho and dupes for who, king, ulti and ulti/page
I did 10, no snake but picked up Tama
also got both brook and franky, some misc kizuna units and a number of supports I already had plus iceburg and laughing child
also got legend Ain and a lot of older Kizuna/support units
S-Snake was a secret red that got a special Luffy animation when turning red
when the fuck did Ain get a legend
When Z got a + with kizuna skulls. I remember getting her a few months ago
I want to recover my account but I don’t fucking remember the last crew I used
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Happy Birthday Carrot
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Man, gems have really dried up now. Couldn't tell it was an anniversary
If you need to remember when it’s anniversary, just look at the gem sale promotions ;^)
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> build the recommended full INT team for countering PSY
> still lose
pirate rumble is just rng entirely huh
what is she doing here
I've been getting a thumbnail of some random early game peon and thought something got misaligned from one of the teams, but I guess it's just that the spaghetti code is finally starting to unravel.
>the time they forgot to add more memory to the server and the game just dies and goes offline for days
Take me back
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well you see, I really wanted her... but I feel like she wanted me, as well
>jozu and pudding in 2024
where did you even get your recommendation?
I admit Jozu is ass but only because I'm missing urouge sadly. Pudding is supposed to be meta for both pr and festival since she got buffed
Incredible how Ace&Sabo are still required for all these GV teams and I never pulled them
I dont even look for recommendations, just try things. no wonder people fall for my slasher team sometimes because they see Fuji/Kizaru and they must wonder "wtf is this guy doing"

I really need to bet on PR banners for some of the units worth 20, i am really missing a lot, especially for int.
At least i got the Elbaf giants which i love. They fit well with int Gear 5

I have been noticing some using Pudding and Bonney because of removing ct.
>pull dupe Halloween Perona from rare ticket
>feeling lucky
>another multi on Snake and

Hell yeah.
Pudding is more useful in cerebral teams. Jozu is just not really that good anymore. Moria also fell off hard because half stats are resisted by a lot of new units. You lack a lot of damage and probably could have used Shiki on your starting lineup over Pudding considering how many slashers they have.

I’d say INT is actually kinda shit right now unless you have S Hawk. They were so bad that in grand party they had to give them +10 ATK and +10 DEF. PSY have just been generally good for a long time now.

You could try Luffy, Kid, Apoo, Shiki as your starters. Then your other options if you have them:
>PF RR Conis for more debuffs
>V2 Kata for debuffs
>INT RR Brook for lots of stats (unit no 3683) really slept on unit that I’ve used
>Killer or 6+ Bonney for CT rewind
You could also try the new Buggy legend if you have them since INT has a lot of driven units, they can be a pain in the ass
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>19 multis deep
>zero anni units
I’m going for 20 but fuck this has been shit
I have gotten Roger and Ace so I canºt complain as much.
But I had like 12/14 units missing in the limited step on part 2 and got a dupe for Sengoku.
Now I'm just waiting for more gems to go from 15th to 20th on part 1.
Hey, Choose your Sugo is up.
You can choose from:
>Yukata Ulti
>STR Superclass Doffy
>Summer Vivi
>v2 Snek aka SuperSTR Luffy
>SuperSTR Sabo (the one that changes to SuperPSY in 6+)
>v1 Jack
>Lucy (the one people argued five years ago whether he should be counted as v1 Sabo)
Personally, I think I'll go for the STR/PSY Sabo, since mine's already at 4+2/3 LLB
I dont even know who to pick, none of these have useful LLBs for me
All LLBs are "useful" in the sense that for every 5 legends you level up to 150 you get 5 gems from the Collection.
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Uh is it just me or can action specials bypass interrupts?
>launch DEX Ace's special
>Blackbeard blows away crew and buffs
>Ace's special is launched, I have his orb boost but everything else is as it was at the start of turn
Im trying to beat the rumble bosses that give out rainbow gems, are there any recommended teams i can use on them? I tried fighting the Chopper master one and i basically timed out on it with all the healing they did.
>10 multis deep for Roger
>last multi literally gave me a dud animation and a fucking Zoro VERSION 1 as the only red poster
>the super limited poster was just fucking Kaido
Roger is shit anyway. No good support units, bad requirement for his Ex and if you use him as a co-captain, for example with an DEX Ace captain, all you're getting for attack power is a type boost.
Nice enough for farming exp and berri, but there's alternatives for that
Will prolly go Ulti, since i am one dupe to llb to 130.

From those PR wise... i guess people use Jack a lot, but that needs to lv130 at least. I barely see Bullet anymore.
Vivi i do see her because people use her to speed up ct because of THAT fucking Luffy.
Cat/dog is another you need to 130 to be useful.
I think the devs coded the action specials so that you couldn't reset and redo the minigame if you messed up
but like everything else in the game it doesn't really work properly
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the important thing to remember about the solo matches is that they are effected by the current blocks buffs so when certain classes are buffed it can make certain matches almost impossible given they already cheat cotton candy in solo
right now cerebral has a defense buff so Chopper and Pudding are tankier then usual
Although since theres no cost for playing and no penalty for losing you could just keep throwing yourself at any given match until RNG favors you, unless you're getting swept 0-8 you'll win eventually
If you wait for block c where free spirit and psy are buffed you'll probably be ale to steamroll most of the gems matches
>Sugo Dex choice

Hell. I dont have Doffy, is it even worth for PR?
I am inclined for Black Maria/Ulti for another dupe. Only missing Nami/Carina for the perfect waifu cerebral team, S-Snake fits well here.

And yeah, kizuna started, so did the store sale for all skulls. Will prolly get skulls for Str Oden. The few insignia left i dont know yet, maybe for some characters missing one or 2 skulls
Are there any characters that can remove the damage after every action besides taps?
Shirahoshi/Manshery got me killed because of the heal
Dex Roger with Dex Yamato Support is busted af
you are supposed to heal up with your s-snake friend super type and then do a bunch of specials
No, he needs llb to be interesting. I would still advise to go for legends you don’t have unless they’re incredibly useless or you need a last dupe to unlock certain llb
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Best units to 6+ with kizuna skulls?
Already upgraded shank's crew
Choose your Legend #2: DEX Boogaloo:
>Festival Hiyori
>Summer Zonji
>v1 Queen
>v1 Nami
>v2 Doffy
>v1 BB
I see. Will go for Maria/Ulti since they are useful for the cerebral team and i can raise them to 120. I could get Queen to 130 but whatever.

Depends. Talking more of PR
Qck Kaido and Str Oden(for slash team) for sure
A lot are only worth at certain levels. Like Cracker and Carrot. Carrot works well in a qck slasher team with Roger/Oden.
Psy Katakuri
Dog/Cat, slasher/cerebral at least 130 to be useful
Barto/Hakuba, 130 driven/slasher, a tank with that def
Dex Kid, i guess
Int Shanks that was supposed to help counter psy
Nami/Robin. I forgot about this one, to be fair they dont seem bad. Obviously if you have Robin/Koala or Nami/Carina just forget it
Aokiji is there too, but i think you need it to 130. Same as Xmas Chopper. Both work on shooter teams

Shit. Just remembered how WB/Marco was my first legend like 2 years ago or something. Dont know about their + tho
and which one is the highest on the tierlist?
will they finally add earth type to the game when they add that shitty new admiral?
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either this is an elaborate joke I'm not getting or you're in the wrong game
Ryokugyu already has a legend anyway
thats why i said "will they finally add earth type?" as in , adding more than dex/strenght/whatever else we got,
i didn't remember rykogyu being added
Only thing I'd want them to add is a tag system. So instead of everything being "if Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji... etc are on the crew" it would just be "if a Straw Hat Pirate is on the crew..."
Could even limit it by saga so it would be "if a Straw Hat Pirate from the Enies Lobby Saga is on the crew..."
Would make everything more thematic and organized.
he's a TM legend iirc and a pretty forgettable one too
not only is he really mediocre he was also oddly not available for like 4 months after his debut
almost like he got mixed into the wrong banner pool and it took that long to fix it
>this qck selection

Lol. Will go either Law or Ben for llb unlock, or even Maria since she needs 3 dupes to 150.
So for those who want to know (me included, so I can check), the QCK Choose your Sugo selection is:
>Ben & Roux
>Black Maria
>TND Law
>v1 King
>Christmas Quadtits
>Christmas ShiraSherry
>Soba Mask
>TS Luffy
This time I've got two units at 4+2/3 to choose from, the Princesses and Soba, and neither is LLB expanded yet. Should I flip a coin or something?
Wish I could have been in a real alliance...
Oh well, too late now.
Forgot about PKA. Still managed to get the ticket. thanks Zori

I doubt they will touch Soba but who knows. I like Christmas ShiraSherry, they deserve a +

Just be a loner like me.
>Just be a loner like me.
I still need the gems though. Next multi on part 1 is guaranteed super sugo
we have only 3 guys playing in my alliance too and are still somehow s3

there must be a shit ton of dead alliances in this game
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>how long
since the year TSL got his 6+, but coming back fresh
Any alliances have space?
Psy batch
>Strawguy nobody will remember by the end of the series
>The Ssops Jr and Senior
>Wano Lraw
>another Shanks, The Red Hair crew
>Sonji and Danji issues

This one is tough for me. Will probably go Ray/Bagan since they need a little boost and they are good on free spirit and even Cerebral(+free spirit) teams.
Would love more Kuzan, but he is so far to make him useful... and needs skulls.

Surprised for Shanks/Buggy being here. They are very good for slashers
So I guess every Straw hat is about to get a “memories” legend? This is gonna be a long day
If Usopp, Franky and especially Brook can get good ones, please. Oh right, and Jinbe, keep forgetting he is one of them.
I'd believe it, they've kind of hit the wall in anime scenes to shill, especially since they wasted Lucci diablo on a mid as fuck 6+
honestly "memories" units could be a means to go back and give some of the early arcs some love
they won't but one could hope
Oh boy, which typing should the new Cotton Candy Multiplier Chopper be this time?
After a break I'm not even in an alliance anymore. It makes the desire to grind tickets for skulls pretty low. Not particularly easy to search up a random grind alliance that is either auto-accepting, or doesn't have a full application list - which is a stupid way of doing it too.
Simper pol 9 was good times when I was on it.
I got into that one because of the extra blitz rewards and this kizuna has been great to catch up on a ton of 6+ I missed during 2 years away from the game.
It's worth it to be in one but disappointing when you're the only one even close to try-harding
FireCHADS was great when I was on it too.
>Two duals with Shanks
>Two "father and son team-up" duals
No unit one step away from MAX LLB, so the question is: do I pull Shanks Crew to be one step closer to finally getting them to MAX that could've been useful this past PKA, or do I get Kuzan to LLB lvl.4 and his Rumble Special expansion, despite the fact that I don't even use him anyhow?
I'm leaning towards Shanks Crew, because of that "never using Kuzan" thing.

Dude just keeps getting stuff. He got in few months 2 new psy versions and a + in an old Int unit

With Shanks crew you are always closer to get another 5 gems in the collection, but getting dupes for this seems easy.
Kuzan, i guess the unlock would be nice. But pulling a good shooter team you need what? that raizo/the ninja girl unit, Fuji/Kiz and Uta at least?
>>The Ssops Jr and Senior
It's one of these two for me.
Leaning more into Rayleigh duo
>Well it's been a year of PKAs and Super Colas, lets see how much I've hoarded and how many ships I can get to lvl 12
>169 super colas from doing what I can as f2p
>42 ships waiting for upgrades
>Each needs 20 Super Colas to max for a total of 840
>Not even counting the ones I've never bothered to gem buy
So just about a fourth, meaning three more years to be able to upgrade them all. Not all that surprising considering I'm only now getting close to max llb'ing most of my regular garden variety legends, and that's been around for... how many years again?
dont forget about stat rerolling when ships are maxed and trying to max those out
but that only takes regular cola maybe? I dont even remember
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so if you"force out" an opponents last two characters, and they have nothing left in the bench, you automatically win
I already said,i am scared of the "force out" mechanic for future characters. Things like "ignore def" or "shield" started as a way to overcome certain characters, and they started okay, but then they exaggerate and they have to create another thing to overcome previous and it never stops.

In this case, if you force out the 2 free spirit characters and if you defeat the ones available while the other 2 are out, you also win.
In GP is worse, his burst at max is all enemies 6k dmg + 2xdmg while ignoring def and 3 free spirit out for 15 seconds.

Cannot wait for a Shanks, or current manga villains to force out or a "pass out" for any type of character.

If you have Int team with this Gear 5, the little Mihawk and people to boost ct is a killer against free spirit.

I should try to put this Luffy in some Fighter or powerhouse team. Hell, probably any team since he has a shield lv 7 on
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Its too late to join this blitz but if you want back in the firechads after we'll have you
We took a high level (1000+) rando as a fill-in after I didn't get a response here a few weeks ago but they are still sitting at 0/0 so their dead meat
I did ask for it a while ago because I knew I was going to be dedicated.
But I'm not sure how long I'll keep playing after anni. It's kind of a toss up.
Also don't know how it works to change alliances during a kizuna. Does the score reset or carry over?
Day Five of Choose your Uber:
>v2 Jack
>vWhatever Big Mom (the one with Hera)
>Film Red Chopper
>TND Kid
>Summer Reiju
>"Dual" Blackbeard
>v2 Sanji
Going for Big Mom, since surprisingly she's the only one at 4+2/3 llb.
Otherwise, I'd suggest for everyone whose Buggy isn't at least at llb lvl.3 to get him, so he's closer to his CA expansion, making farming all the easier. Unless you already have Nami/Carina, in which case go fuck yourself.
Also, I know it's for consistency, but
20 and no anni legends, that's me done I don't think there's any point to continue pulling
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>unless you already have Nami/Carina, in which case go fuck yourself
>missing that BB
>can get either Moria or Jack(the 5th TND) to lv3
>Boggy would leave me a dupe to lv3
>my dick is "choose Reiju you fag"

She would be 2 dupes for max, so....

Rip. Thats tough
Keep going gangstah that shit staying here for another month.
I think you you straight up can't leave or be dismissed from an alliance during kizuna
At this point why though? I've missed all content for them, by the time I get them they won't even be boosted anymore
Choose your Uber #6, back to STR
>Sweet 3
>Arlong Pirates
>v1 Big Mom
Lots of duals today, huh. I've got three of them at 4+1/3, both Luffy ones and Saboala. I guess as the oldest, Saboala has the best chance of getting a LLB expansion.
Nice now I just need Luffy
Because.. they're the strongest units this game has ever seen?
I must have either missed your response or you didn't send an join request?
I got flooded with rando's around the time and stayed open for a few weeks before picking the highest level one right before blitz started
Shame, I prefer having people on the team who are actually interested in the game
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you're being a bit disingenuous
only about a dozen of the ships are worth leveling due to overlap in purpose or just being mid even after maxing out
I certainly hope you aren't wasting resources on the dinghy, dreadnaught, rocketman (account bricked), literally any of the single type/class ships, sexy foxy, or flying dutchman
Whats the best ships to bet on? Dont care much for exp, i would rather stay low to get free stamina on treasure maps for now

Is Tesoro's good?
I never bother to Garp challenge or voyage yet, so i ignored this.
Dex 2nd round

The 4 princesses
My waifu/Fatnbe

I will go Kaido. Never got him.
Izo i guess, i dont have it. But i have a couple i could get lv up.

I wish that both Luffys, Mihawk/Perona and Saboala get +.
Damn, I actually have my Lucci at 4+2/3, if I got him, I'd be max LLB just in time for him being relevant in the game.
Maybe I should actually try this Kizuna, for these last few hours, so I can get his skulls.
>Maybe I should actually try this Kizuna
I checked around for the teams I'd need, never mind, double Buggy'ing the lowest diff.
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He used his black hole to suck up all the free gems and is selling them back to us at ridiculous prices
Trying to recover my account
Does anyone still have me added?
IDs can only have 9 digits bro. It won't let me input more than that
Personally I prioritize the utility ships over the meme damage ships
Obviously this is after 5 starring their stat bonuses
Merry go gives you -1 bind and despair
Flying Merry gives you -2 despair
Coated Sunny gives you -2 bind
Whale sharks gives you -1 paralysis
Regular Sunny overlaps with Tesoro's boat with -1 bind and atk down, so it depends on how much you value the Sunny's ship special to boost attack otherwise Tesoro ship has more benefits
also tesoro's ship has been bugged for ages and gives you the chain extension for free but you didn't hear it from me
I don't have you added but maybe this info will help you get your account back?
>I don't have you added
Nevermind, I DO have you added. It just didn't tell me until I tried to send an invite.
Doesn't give me any extra info on your account except that you have me as a friend though
Thanks, i heard nothing. I guess i can get Tesoro's, have more than enough tickets for that
Gem ones i will have to pass for now, still need to do more multis this month.

And i forgot there was a ship for sell in the kizuna shop lol
Choose Your Sugo #8, second round of QCK:
>v2 Momo
>v3 Hiyori
>v2 Brook
>SuperClass Katakuri
>Halloween Hancock
>v2 Magellan
>v2 Kaido
>v2 Nami/Onami
No max llb'ing for me today, and I just recently got the Kozuki siblings so I already have the whole batch. I think I'll go for Magellan, I'm still using him in my QCK Rumble team, and ten more levels mean higher stats.
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oh shit bajs, i pulled the alt art
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>some of the PKA rewards are only for 9 days

Fuck. I will probably miss some free gems, the ticket and llb.

Anyways, i need to do math. I have 2252 insignias which means i could get all the discount skulls i am missing, but i dunno. I need to spare some for the next 2 monthly sales hoping is Str Oden one of them, if not i need 250 for him.
Prolly will leave a skull or 2 in some units i dont care, like Germa Judge, Akainu, Shiki.

And according to the characters i need to evolve, if i wanted them all i would need 11 red crystal skulls, 15 blue, 8 green, 11 yellow, 11 purple.
Shame they "forgot" to do sales about these damn skulls, but they thought it would be a good idea to end ambushes when it was a way of getting them

I dont have Hiyori, but dunno. I still need to do some multis and see if i get another Momo dupe to lv3... But another dupe for Kaido would be also good for one of my qck teams, but Tesoro i really need to get more dupes for it ffs.

I never used it, same way i have int Moria but never used it. Is it his haste?
>Is it his haste?
Yeah. But to be fair, I put him on way back when, when he was part of the meta, happy that I could actually build a meta team for a change, and didn't really change all that much since.
Now that I've pulled the Kozukis I could build a separate QCK Slasher team around Roden, and experiment with the rest of QCK units, but honestly I'm going through the motions at this point, I might even leave the game before the next GP starts.
>Lucky enough to get the first two Lucci skulls within five pulls on each box
>Third Skull took a moment, but fourth one only took 50 tickets (out of 300)
>Pull until 150/500 (literally 70% of the box) until the fifth Skull
>Keep pulling for the Yamato Skull, get it with only 30-something rewards in Box 6 left
>Don't get any more from Box 7 anyway
How can you not love Kizuna?
Alt art is usually worse, dunno how they do it. But ta hell your luck

Right. Brook is another one on the qck with haste(3 teammates).
>Qck Slasher
Yeah. At first mine was Roger/Oden, Cracker, Tesoro, Carrot, Shiryu and whoever to make the 8 qck and 5 slashers because of ROden bonus. I would see specials after specials, it was ridiculous.
Then got Momo, had to remove Tesoro. Cannot remove Carrot, love her frontal attack and ct reduction. Now i realize Hiyori has a 20% special reduction, i will probably get her lol

I also need to mess around with Brook, even Zoro. I also wish i had qck Smoothie

I always love missing a skull. My case was Luffy which is only worth for this pka
If you need regular skulls, just buy them from Ray shop.
I know I'm in the minority but that's one of the reasons I prefer tm over this shit. Doesn't help that most of the time I get shit luck. Having to empty all the 6th box to get that 5th 6+ skull or going 1800/2000 tickets deep in a box 7 and not getting any of the 2 skulls for the kizuna unit isn't uncommon for me
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I got Sugar, sure I could've gotten the only one I'm still missing (that being Momo) but with this, I'll be able to max LLB her tomorrow and god knows how much I love her
So where does that new G5 Big Head Luffy come from, anyhow?
The INT egghead outfit Luffy.
Ah, thanks.
Choose your Uber #9 - PSY #2
>v2 Uta
>v1 Momo
>v2 Sengoku
>EXP farming Marco (v3?)
>v2 Franky feat. Chopper
>v3 Rayleigh
>v1 Chopper
>Stampede Luffy
I actually only need one dupe to max out the Straw Hats, so I guess they're it.
>dont have Momo and Marco(even thought of getting this with medal despite 600 ffs)
>can finally max a character, either Furanky(this fool will prolly get a + someday so..) or xmas Choppah
>could get luffy to lv4

Well, options. I will definitely wait until almost later this month. The next few multis will make for the decisions
Is it just me or is the database not showing supports to the newest units right? I was looking for pure paralysis reducers for my low-level PKA farming team, but no matter which unit I choose, when I filter the list of attachable support by any specific ability, the list turns empty, even when I know for sure it shouldn't (like how Rayleigh should show up for Luffy whenever I filter for Bind, Despair or Para reducers).
Only thing that showed up when I tested things out was STR Opera popping up for v2G5 when I checked for Despair reducers - he's attachable to all Fighters, so I think I know what's going on.
Especially since when I looked for supports for Egghead Drip Zoro, there were a few Zoros on the list of all attachable ones, and I don't think I need to explain why that's wrong. All those Zoros support either DEX or Slasher units, so I posit that when the newest units have been added to the database, they have been "registered" or whatever with their Types and Classes, but not as the specific characters, which is why supports attachable to those specific characters aren't being found, and supports that *are* those specific characters that just happen to support those specific Types/Classes are.
For now I guess I'll put the Super Nami on either Zoro or Luffy and just stall one turn on BB's Jesus stage, since he drops two turns. I'd put Ray on Luffy but with Stage 3 CP0 dropping three-or-less turns of both bind and despair before Stage 4 brings paralysis, he would be wasted. Same goes for TS Sanji.
speaking of the new Luffy, am I misreading or is the evo notable worse?
like the int version boosts current atk and orbs to 2.5, while the dex version just boosts atk and orbs themselves
feels like the int version has more of a niche, like on the new PKA
Final Choose Your Sugo, INT #2:
>v2 King
>v2 Queen
>v3 BM (the first Olin one)
>Spoopy Perona
>v2 Marco
>v1 Bonney
>v2 Shanks
I think it was the NY Super Sugo that gave out Queen dupes like candy for me, so he's at 4+2/3 now, so I guess he's it.
Nice, could get him to lv3. But i could get Bonney to lv4 and eventually get the one missing skull which could be useful with inteam with Gear5 and she is max potential ability which is nice
I was so close to keep going on part 2 as well but glad I figured it was better to fish for Super Sugos on part1
20th was just dupes but I can't complain with pulling every anni unit, even if it's after all the boosted events.
>get bitched at for years about how TM was excruciatingly slow and frustrating to play through
>make decent progress at fixing it
>proceed to shit out PKA, bringing back almost everything that made TM excruciatingly boring to sit through
I fucking hate these devs, man

Love my hunch getting right again. Waited because of a hunch, got Fuji/Kiz dupe on limited ticket.

I still want to pull more on this part. Already have for another 5 multis
Is this GP infinite refresh/retries like last time or no?
We are back to the regular shit.
RIP. Namco said Anni is over and it’s time to start grabbing new players by the balls.
>enemy Int Luffy launches captain skills and nukes my team + blow away
>activate my own captain skill
>IMMEDIATLY refills enemy captain skill and launches it a second time wiping the rest of the team
this fucking game mode I swear
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>fucking str team with DAT Luffy, Jack, Kid, Kuma, wtv
>try qck slasher team with Roden, Carrot, Tesoro, Cracker, Momo, bench Shiryu and a Franky and Robin worth 1 point to make number
>set new Shanks as leader(lv4)
>As usual this qck team get ct fast
>Momo binds all team, Carrot raises 25% ct, Roden was 4th and 50% ct and immediately i burst with another 17% ct
>it restarts, another round of specials for my team while they do nothing
>do another burst and another round

My sides.

This gave me an idea of trying this with a psy slasher team. Like Oden, Smoothie, this Shanks, Kizaru, Law. Bench Kappa, Gaban and Streusen. I would remove the last one for that rumble psy Zoro if i had tho

Yeah... Thats Gear5, both psy and int are a pain because they get free burst if you damage them too much

Int Gear5 really changed int team. At least for me.
Same way for Str, now that i finally got dat Luffy it was a game changer for me. More with Coby. Hell, even fireworks Ulti is useful
When's the next big celebrations where I can pull super sugos?
Probably the 8.25 Anni in August.
i took a break for a while and i'm a fucking freak who actually enjoys rumble and GP so i'm glad i got the actual good str rumble anniversary locked legends so far. just need to pick up str dragon kaido
Coby + Blackbeard + STR G5 is an absurd combo and wins fights more than it should. It's insane.
Is it impossible to recover accounts? Bandai are being cunts
yeah, glad I had mine linked to fagbook
Tried to recover it, obviously didn't remember what was on it after 2 years, and they said the friend code and name and level wasn't enough info.
I love how the Boas just use "confuse". This team is funny against free spirits

Funny, so far havent used int gear5 in this gp. Like psy one(not the +) barely use him in any gp or pr, just havent used much psy teams either.
In free spirit teams would rather use Luffy/Yamato

I like these modes. Is just GP limit retries that are unnecessary, at least until 9th win or something
Last time since it was infinite tries i used the opportunity to fuck around with teams. I do miss that now
>they said the friend code and name and level wasn't enough info
of course, you can just get this info from literally anyone in your friend list
The after party anni celebration. And then after that, the after after party celebration. Then a week later, the "we ran out of things to celebrate but we need an excuse to have 4 separate sugo banners" celebration
Haven't played in a long time after uninstalling. It's been at least 6 months. I know my player ID but not much else, what are the odds of recovering my account? Been wanting to play it again, but with the sugo rates I don't know that I'd care to start over.
You'd need to show receipts of purchases you made, along with pics of your box. Just dont even bother playing, it is no where near worth it and the rates are still as garbage, and every other week is just a dump of sugo banners on top of sugo banners. If you really got an itch, just play modded.
2/4 coop matches crashed so far.
So glad they haven't fixed it already, it's understandable, since they HAVE to make a million sugo fest banners each week
can't be wasting precious dev time on silly things like coop not crashing
I forgot coop existed.
Managed to get 500 turtles in the allotted time, and since I still had tries leftover I guess I didn't even need to drop meats on PKA like I did early on. Kind of bullshit that the Super sugo exclusives that dropped in the middle of last PKA and therefore weren't even boosted (I think?) were already down to 75% chance of an extra drop though.
Meanwhile I got up to 5 wins in GP and after that my list of opponents was all G5 Luffies, so I just stopped checking it.
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I'm looking to start this game. Is this a good character to reroll for?
>start this game
I want to farm co-op but between the countless crashes and the partners just disappearing midquest, it's impossible...
they really need to consider scrapping this mode, its probably damaging the games already bad reputation
It is a good start. At the end, it doesn’t really matter unless you want to go for the big dick damage on super kizuna, which is an event we get every 2-3 months.

The new tm legend Usopp looks really good, specially for pvp. Looks like dex are coming back. But now we have to go 4 multis deep to get a guaranteed tm unit. So thanks Bamco I guess, will try my luck with a discount and then finish the 30th ani part 1 sugo
Went 4 multis deep chasing Nami/Carina. Didn't get them.
Guess my plan for now will be to ignore every major release and dump what I can on TM sugos until I get them.
I did get both Usopp and the kids though. Shame I'm only on the Grand Line tier this month.
>Went 4 multis deep chasing Nami/Carina
>got them
>already had them
Like Dex needs coming back.
And i sure cannot wait for this Usopp and Nami/Carina combo

I also need to start pulling on tm banners. I think the last time i did a multi was on Greenbull banner and got him in that one multi

Sure but, having a 6 star Gear 5 should also be your goal because of his revive
>tried this
>got Kaya and nothing else
Did that anon 10 years ago drop broggy (fuck shit bigger tits) in the end?
I dont even know if you're talking about me because I wanted him to replace my brain point Chopper for my Vista INT team
in which case, no, I got him when I had no use for him anymore
Back then when the INT team was meta there was an anon who did hundreds of clears on his stage and didn't drop him once and every day he spammed the general on /vg/ with FUCK SHIT NIGGER BROGGY
wasnt me but I do remember him and I also wanted Broggy
wonder what he's up to these days
>psy wano Law getting a +

Oh no.
For whatever reason, Firechad doesn't show up on the alliance search list.
And the game also won't show me the ID of the players in Firechads Tanks I have as friends so I can't search that way either.
whats wrong with that
Based login bonus
Problem 1,only have him at llb lv2, need more 2 dupes not counting the free ones
Problem 2, skulls which i usually miss one and wont pull the next kizuna banner

But i cannot wait to see his buff, because he is already useful as fuck

And to be fair i was expecting that qck tnd law to get a +. Maybe later...

Nice. Enjoy them. They are so fucking great in pvp
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>Got S-Snake with the last SQ of the last effort of the last day
Heh, now I'll wait for voice.
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Trying to finish the Dressrosa arc in the anime
Swords are cool, right?
We do a little wano slashing
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image this time
>now I'll wait for voice.
are they even giving her that? Wouldn't they save it for a new S-Snake legend? I can't remember any character getting a voice update. I would like one for Nami / Carina but I'm guessing they don't have it because of some legal bullshit with Carina's seiyuu or shit like that
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I just spent forever trying to figure out why I couldn't use the rush sugo thing and then worked out I needed to limit break to unlock it, not potential ability
>every single sub level 300 partner I do a coop quest with has every anni legend in their team
>im 25 multis in with zero
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I'm going to try these on TM
The site kind of started bugging out but the first 2 matches are free wins so it doesn't matter that I couldn't finish
I dont want to do TM
>devs have the opportunity to stall for time with "memories" legends
>rushing through them as usual
That Chopper looks shit desu
>Another kizuna sugo with multiple parts and no discounts
Thanks for helping me get to the 30th multi on anni sugo part 1 Bamco
no one does anon
been a year since all i do is, just expeditions
As a new player is there anyone from any category here I should grab?

I think I need someone who removes my special binds, it seems to be a sore point for me
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woops image
>last 5 multis on part 1
>get Ace marine(gear 5 appeared at the start and then the Shs flash during this)
>get kid Luffy
>final one was another dupe of int Gear 5 which i will save because you never know what + they may pull in the future

I only missed Roger. Hell, only Roger i have is ROden, it is like Uta, only have the psy one.
Anyways, it was worth. Getting Notgear5 Str was also nice

>Go for 10 in a row
The fuck is this shit? Some "special" multi?

You could get some of the psy Strawhats from Pirate King Adventures from ticket exchange if you dont have them. Usopp removes the special bind
I looked through my units and found out that this law/robin had special bind removal as well so that fits, and if I find that I need to cut threshold damage I could swap momonosuke into shanks or luffys spot and I'm pretty covered from a lot of effects
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I hate phoneposting, never remember my pic

also I'm finding out that certain clashes like this Rob lucci one swap captain slots and hit specific units with abilities, so I guess I need to change order of my units to make sure swaps and blow aways hit something that won't screw me

I guess I could run shanks crew as captain if I really had trouble with special binds but Roger oden is really nice
Based Robin.

But keep in mind those Shs units,because at the beginning they were useful to me, like Nami for removing paralyzes/bind. Those units always have boost effects in modes.

And there are characters where you can swap captains for 3 turns, like the qck Carrot or that dex Sanji(rush version) when you use a special. You can overcome the blow away captains if do it right, because og captain will be back as the captain after the 3 turns
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Yeah I'm gonna need to make more units, I'm working through clashes for gems and up to the 60 cp-0 which mentions something about a neo ambush so I'm worried about whatever that is

I hit a wall in the garp challenges as well so I'll definitely need more than just force, so I guess if I get these clashes done I'll start working on other units to help clear stuff, and maybe look at the other mode, the uh, pirate king adventure thing
I'm 64 multis in across all five parts myself, and I'm still missing Ace. At least I pulled dupe Luffy/Yamato, if I had enough Alternating Pens, I'd turn them into the other version for collection purposes.
I'm also at 0 gems. I still have some max LLB'd legends I need to get to lvl.150 to get the gems, but I seriously doubt there's 50 of them.
So now I'm waiting until tomorrow so I can grab that free login red ticket, and after that I'm quitting the game. It's been fun for about half the time I've played it.
I'm this newbie
I do not understand rumble
this is confusing lmao
oh I beat the whiteboard boss, I guess this team relies on stalling until RoDen and Mihawk use their specials to wipe the team, except that didn't quite clean up this fight, these fuckers were tanky
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as is tradition, image included
>kizuna started
Not in the mood for this

You usually make teams based on types (str, qck, etc). Or teams based on classes(slashers, free spirits, etc).
Or even both like a qck team with enough slashers so that can benefit Roden special ct 50% reduction. In teams that have a character that demands full team(8 members) you can fill the last 2 bench spots with shitters(characters that have 1 cost. You can get sometimes those in the tavern in friend recruit)
You will need to level limit break(that psy luffy is the easiest in the near future since you can buy copies in pka) and feed rumble scrolls.and you need to limit break, max special level, unlocked powers(all slots with 5 each), potential abilities(a long time game...) and fucking stats by feeding cottons(you need to upgrade in gather island with tickets to get extra hp, atk, rcv) because all of these will increase stats in rumble.
About cottons, when you can feed them on Roden and that Luffy. Save cottons for legends or good rumble characters

The idea of str beating dex, dex beating qck, etc is the same in rumble, the problem is that some characters and teams are bs which you will learn with time.
You will need time and patience to build teams since you are too early in the game and eventually you will reach the wall.

Btw, save gems, lot of them. Play story, get more gems. Dont waste gems when you lose, just give up because some are bs(like some clashes)
When you have enough gems for a limited and super limited pool, thats when you should strike. Your case, this anniversary banner, part 3 would have been perfect to try to get gear 5(the 6 star is great for certain modes cuz of revive) and Zoro/Sanji that is a great unit and a beast support in rumble for slasher team.
Forgot something. At the very least you should be able to rival match 50 times in Rumble to get a copy of that psy Law.
That Law is good for psy teams
You could build a psy team with those Strawhats, like Luffy, Robin, Zoro, Sanji and that Law which at least something at this stage of the game
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Ayy (this ace has an ass load of text and a spelling mistake in it)

Cheers for the write-up anon, I'll give it a good read in the morning
I'd also say to check youtube for ideas, I think stump has nice videos for pvp. This one is the latest and can give you some ideas about what's worth upgrading and replacements.
Some pvp rr/legends can be game changers. Best advice I could give is not go crazy on pvp sugos but at least go for the discount on each one. Maybe try some more when S-Hawk will be back
>this ace has an ass load of text
>reduces special charge by 50% as captain at the start of stage (stacks with another ace)
>counters special reverse (automatically if captain)
>removes 10 turns of paralysis
>gives orb boost
>gives conditional attack + casts burn through immunity if you already have an orb boost
That's the meat and potato of what he does.
They don't give out kizuna potions anymore?
my alliance got s-rank last kizuna and is basically dead this one with just me grinding alone lmfao

its joever
>missed his 3 turn damage immunity removal
>missed his 1.5 multiplyer on type effects
literally some of the most important parts of his special
also the stupid class change gimmick on his EX
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Its looking like the we lost a man recently in the FireChads, I think you can't change teams during kizuna but afterwards if you're interested
just post crew name here because last time we were a man down I got swamped by requests from randos
>>missed his 3 turn damage immunity removal
You're right, my bad
>>missed his 1.5 multiplyer on type effects
Beh, who cares?
NTA, I would send one but I, qbitorrent pirates, tried to join you last time but >>1493812
I would like to join after Kizuna, but I guess the other guy wrote first lol.
Like I said, game won't even show the alliance on my search list so if I can't join, by all means go ahead
We're still at 10/10 since I can't dismiss players during kizuna
Full alliances might not show up in the search
full name is FIRECHAD TANKS
I'll clear up space right after kizuna
I'd take both of you if your active and ditch our rando
Would it be possible to join you after the rewards are distributed? My alliance is def dead as hell and I want to switch for sure. Got PSY Law 6+ already too, but I'm at A-Rank by myself that's like 20 gems. If it's not too much trouble waiting until the rewards are out and then kicking whoever and making a post here would be awesome. I'd come and contribute in Kizunas for sure.
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Saga's LLB isn't half bad but the circumstances are so bizarre considering he's been unavailable for what?
like 4 or 5 years?
it seems so strange to say "hey, remember that shitty movie villain that we made a 4* colo of half a decade ago? lets make him available and give him a LLB right after the games 10th anniversary"
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Holy shit fuck bandai wtf is this PKA!?
.... So, we would get normally 50 gems each PKA but doing those regular timed missions(about 13 days or something) but now you get 30 gems + 20 from some missions "get hime turtles" in 9 days

How do you even get these? You need to PKA over level 100 or something? Or just be lucky?
>How do you even get these? You need to PKA over level 100 or something? Or just be lucky?
They drop whenever you beat a boss. Boosted units drop more turtles, as do higher boss levels.
Strat was to camp at level 80 or so until you beat all the missions and then go for 150, but it seems they changed it so 150 drops more to stop that a bit.
Also the turtles you get from the map don't count (because fuck you)
I was wondering how long until they started fucking with people farming at 59 or 79 and how they would do it
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anyone else getting error 500(0) on login
Should’ve bought those rainbow gems, asshole
>Full alliances might not show up in the search
Yup, this was it. I sent a request now
Can I still join too? Seems you are full.
try now, I tossed the rando
whats your crew name?
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>level 150 clear
>2 f2p units
>3 if you count co-op Yamato as "f2p"
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>nami fren
It's joever
>Marco&Vista support lowers special bind for entire crew
Weird. their description says it's only for supported character
Yes, I can see it now. I just sent a request. I will be active.
it's either a bug or a typo, but it's a life saver
What are y'alls Hime counts? I'm at PKA 110, 0 Himes so far.
I just got to lvl 90 and have 2 himes
0 because I keep on farming with the level 40, it’s 500 turtles for tickets + 30 gems and then fuck it
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>multi 1 get dupe for Dobin/Koala
>multi 2, get Kaaaaanjuroooo-oh and Saul in last

Thank god. Fucking below 60% hp targets enemies at large ignoring defense for 1.2? Yes, please. His counter is great too, since he provokes. My problem is that i cannot use anniversary shanks because of his shield, will prolly change to that qck Shanks.
And still no sign of little mihawk. They know their mistake lol

>this gp
The fucking dex teams..
And it is hilarious, that Anniversary Shanks gets 5 bursts instead of 4 and in 2 specials. My qck slasher team is laughing

I always farmed at lv20 or 40 for regular and elder turtles in auto. Well, wtv. I already saw people complaining at lv100+ so i wont care.
I only saw himes whenever i pulled banners for this, which is rare for me to pull.
I've been using this team to cope with no having a Nami fc. Shanks shoe-horned in for points.
Damage gets very tight at the end but it works here still at level 99 no extra buffs
dead thread.... dead game.... eos.... imminent...
just jumped back on after a 6 year break from 2017.
been fun, almost got all sugos already without paying a dime.
with a 300 friend cap you really don't have any Nami friends?
In my case i have only 1 Nami, no Robins. Doesnt surprise me after the anniversary.
>rainbow rumble scrolls on co-op

... Whats next?
I really dont want to play this shit, but seems they are removing and changing stuff and making it worse after the fucking anniversary
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rumble scrolls being potentially more accessible is a good thing but welding it to the sinking ship that is co-op is the worst way to go about it
maybe this means they finally fixed the crashing problem (no chance)
actually I just realized like 90% of the rewards from the scroll misions are luck drops, co-op medals and other scrolls which are all mostly worthless
so like, missing those 100 pretend gems are no big deal
still wish they would just scuttle co-op and keep the game mostly a solo experience in gameplay
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>devs patched Tesoro ship
snitches get stitches
But you got apology gem. Ha..ha.
Only got 3/30 Hime in time looooooooooooool

At the least next month I can ignore the Hime missions and chill at lvl60 until I got 500 normal ones
Credit where its due, the devs seemed to have got co-op to a workable state
20+ runs so far without any connection issues at all
the mode still kind of sucks because of the RNG but at least you can just slam your head against the wall until you get a favorable boss combination or partner with braincells
I was even able to properly get someone to pass a stage to me when I was in the position to clear it
little miracles
>1 (UNO) 1.25x boosted unit
Ye, fuck you too Bamco
You dont have Mihawk or Arlong?
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I swear to god some of these retards on co-op are just mashing
I can clear 3/5 of the boss if these guys would stop hitting me with every debuff in the game on the way
>5 multis on TM
>no Franky or Nami/Carina
I'm focusing on these banners because of the exclusives and the fact the mode is basically unplayable without them but they don't give enough gems to go ham on them every month
I meant 6. Will probably go to 7
I mean on the booster list, outside of the tm legends only Blackbeard is here. Didn’t see what the bosses do but I hate having no options
I did 4 and picked up that bathhouse Luffy legend and both Iceberg and Tom
looking forward to a pretty chill TM
nice, a psy boa super evo. Yet another unit I maxed out years ago, hope it's a good buff
I played from day one until year 7. How is this game still alive?
koreans have no standards
despite the memes one piece is undeniably popular and kind of has a lack of worthwhile video games
Dragonball gets new games every few years, what does one piece get?
Musou games and weird rpg's
At the very least i can get her to lv4, problem is getting all skulls during kizuna. Was thinking of 2 multis on treasure part1 because yeah, hoping getting carina/nami but maybe would be better to save for while

Even PW4 was way experimental...
Anime version was also pretty bad until Wano gave some "quality", the games need that too. Such wasted potential with this franchise
Zou and WCI were a step up in animation before wano went into meme animation.
Heads rolled somewhere after the disaster that was dressrosa
no amount of good animation can fix the pacing issues however
I dont want to do TM
Yeah. Without the boosted units I struggled to even care building the teams. And that's the fun part!
>TM boosters are Franky/W7 related
>boss is CP9 unit, fair enough
>invasion is Arlong because his skulls, ok
>the minibosses include Ikaros (maybe they added him because he's a fishman like Arlong?), Señor Pink and Sasaki for some reason?
they could have just done TBone, Jerry, Wanze and Nero and kept it all thematic, if they didnt want to incluye CP9 units but they added Fukuro out of all of them because reasons as well
fuckers aren't even trying anymore
Anon, I…
yeah the retarded one is me
turns out I forgot Franky fought all of them
in my defense I was too stuck on the water 7 theme with the RRs
I have erased so much of FI out of my mind that i dont remember much of the individual fights besides Luffy fought Hody and Zoro the drunktard that was a joke.
Jeez, that arc was so bad. Yeah had relevant stuff for the future because is tied to Joy Boy, but everything else .. fucking hell.
so has the support banner been fused with the kizuna banner permanently?
>CM missions will be terminated after the next update
Well, time to clear them all I guess. Wonder if they are renewing it or just deleting them just because. [/spoiler]They could be putting them back into some kind of rotation like before but it’s bamco we are talking about[/spoiler]
Looks like it
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So, we have until next week to clear Garp challenges and other cmm. The new rookie missions look like on Dokkan. Seeing the super dex Luffy on the picture makes me think that this is how we will get his 6+.

>super tm and super sugo on August
Miss me with that shit. If they don’t change plans, there will also be a super sugo for the .5 anni. Guess it will be a skip or only 2-3 multis.
>super tm
on going to kms
>every new mode we get will just be an existing mode with Super tacked on to it
>super coop
They either took afew pages from Nintendo, or this wild ride won’t be stopping for the next few years.
isn't super TM just regular TM but with point rewards up to 20 million
we had that before

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