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This is a thread about Azur Lane.
CN stream tomorrow, new event due 5/21! Pouty Ms. D!
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I'm looking forward to the skin theme, the new event boats and the new child.
I think that Lil NJ is the most likely one, but I wouldn't mind others either.
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any final hopes and predictions before CN anni stream
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Any UR has a decent chance of getting it I think.
Richelieu party dress or oath skin, that is all
>CN stream tomorrow
Is there a link?
>new child
but we just got Shinano-chan
CN anni last year had another -chan too, so there is no reason to think we won't get another.
>same starting time as the GFL2 stream
That's gonna be fun to see. Global Aether Gazer is also having a livestream at that time.
They usually release a child bote for the children's day date in Japan (during Golden Week, late April) and in China (early June)
So after the 10 gig patch my Plymouth has her skill's pink bullets look way different.
I don't want to redownload though
i think i will be here for the stream
What was usually the theme for skins on CN annivs? Party ones are for JP annivs, right?
swimsuits usually
I see, thanks
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Chen Hai my beloved
huh an animation
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too much stuff to post and not enough time, so I'm gonna do it in batches
>58k people who have beat 15-4
>30k people with 100% collection (I think)
>88k people who have completed all PR/DRs
>top 3 most built among PR6
>top 10 oaths
>top 10 sold skins
>extra filler
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UR Alsace

2 URs this event, the second one is Mogador.
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Bigger, sluttier Gascogne.
Pretty cute faces but I honestly don't like the titty wrapping
Was that a new Project Identity? Was that the fucking fatass cruiser turned into a real MSGK?
Uuhhhh what is this?
>my wish
Seems like a struck out again
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Puricchi has curly hair. This one is probably Scavenger since they teased it with the April fool.
>who is oceana
The leftside tail
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let's say I got distracted, lol
first skin batch
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Colorado ret, FdG-chan, Foch meta/Attilio skin for next ruse pass, more skins and three oaths
fml I just realized I forgot to include those two collab skins

So just unwrap her breasts and keep them unwrapped.
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UR Mogador.

A DD with DDs.
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>telling you to “use” her as much as you like
holy FUCK
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>Wichita META, I'm guessing next Showdown
>METAs get their own special dock space
>new mail UI
>new main screen UI
>some sort of standby mode
>gear lab update: bani gun, single 113mm DP Mark IV DD gun, what looks like 40mm flak AA gun and purple stuff
>new mini games
>Dorm QoL: new option to collect all affinity/coin with just one click
>what looks like free Chen Hai/Lung Wu collab skins
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gee pierre, how come your mom lets you have TWO URs
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well, that was nice
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did I miss anything? I guess I forgot to screen gear skins and shop stuff. are they introducing any gear in event shop?
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here's the animation btw
I should've recorded pic related while I had the chance...
If they did I didn’t notice it, I only remember the gear lab update.
I’ll hope and say some of the more recent slip ups is because most of the effort was going into the 3D things we saw for the anni. Game has a lot of life left in it.
I see some mentions that they said PR7 botes by name.
So does the new 3d dorm stuff affect the rest of the game? Really hard to find translations or high-res pics from that stream.
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her weapon reminds me of the times I used to play DFO
The 3D stuff, but I'm not sure if they're coming with the next few maintenances.
Not that I could tell
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right, I forgot to mention all that
what was all that 3D stuff after Sirius? some new minigame, or just part of the new dorm? I loved it
Pastas getting a DR
can the stream be rewatched as a vod?
>No mention about the tower/roguelike/card battle mode.
Maybe it got scrapped for real this time, in favor of those new dorm 3d things.
big if true
not surprised, given the reception
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>20 different faces
I feel like oathing this dork
>musashi gets a skin with tails
colour me surprised
>it's a western style dress
>>it's a western style dress
that's the only surprise really, dishwasher hinted at this more than once. don't really like Musashi so it's w/e for me, but I can see why other people would be disappointed
>Musashi got wedding skin before Shinano.
What a travesty.
it feels really out of place to put one of the most important jp ships in a western style dress when about everyone else in her faction is wearing a proper kimono
hey, if ass window western style fucking meme dress is all they have for them then she got lucky to dodge it
I guess dishwasher must have really wanted it in western style and manjuu caved in for whatever reason, cause Hai Tien's is still in line with chinese style
Nips have always had a mix of both styles, it’s kinda strange for me to see Musashi in a western dress though.
thank you dishwasher for copy pasting designs, fucking boats with your self inserts and erasing culture
very cool
She's not exactly the only one with western wedding dress either way, there's also Atago and Azuma.
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>2 URs, Vanguard rerun probably soon enough
>26k cores and 1 bulin
at least it's the only UR I'm missing now but damn, I'm yet to MLB UvH or Shinano
>pasta skin
Nooo, we were so close to 1 year anniversary since the last skin
Taihou and Noshiro too.
I'll agree with the other anon that it's kind of weird seeing a Yamato class in a western style though.
It’s okay newcutie, they’ll probably throw out a few more bullins
Nice, a sister for my wife San-Rui
>takes off her mask
>blushing nonstop
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I'm going to miss the current main menu UI just as much as the old original UI.
Not really a fan of the new generic looking UI we are getting, but I guess it has to be done because the skins are getting bigger and bigger, and the current UI takes up half the screen itself.
I like the new concept so much that I might not miss it too much desu
There's always a few oddities out there, Noshiro also looks really out of place, and you have Aurora wearing a chinese traditional dress for no reason. I guess Manjuu just lets the artists do whatever they want with the wedding skins, as long as they don't trigger certain people out there.
Aurora was at least sold or gifted to the Chinese, if I remember correctly.
She mentions it in her in-game lines.
>still no good lewd FDG skin
>we get a FDG loli instead
who fired the hag lovers at manjuu?
Reminds me of taking Haku’s katana
Someone took the daughter mom meme too far.
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>and you have Aurora wearing a chinese traditional dress for no reason
>for no reason
really, anon? did you even bother to check her lore, or at least trace a pattern based on her skins in general?
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can't wait to kiss Alsace, on the lips
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>St. Louis skin
Has Cloud been freed from his kraut prison? Maybe the VV skin will happen soon.
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I'll believe it when I see it
seconding this, couldn't find any vod of their past streams in their bilibili channel
Getting tired of footfaggotry
>kraut prison
Literally don't care. Any art he makes is a gem.
I wish they would at least give us the option to select what type of UI we want, especially since this will probably fuck up my muscle memory
>taihou's comically big tits
>hindenburg's sausage legs
sometimes I wonder if VV and co. not getting skins in forever isn't actually a blessing in disguise, he's become too autistic over background art and muh realistic style in detriment of the botes themselves
wouldn't mind if some of them were redeemed by Littoriowoman or Kurumi
Hindenburg's legs did get fixed iirc, either before release or shortly after.
The new St. Louis skin looks so trashy it stops being hot into and plunges disgusting territory.
it did, but this is not not the kind of thing that should have to get fixed to begin with
I'll admit that it's kind of daring as a base pose.
I would expect something like that more as an "alternative" one.
>Bismarck/Twirpitz/August in back, Friedrich Carl/___/Leipzig in front
I'm fairly certain Hindenburg is the piece I'm missing, but I'm about six gorillion blueprints away from that. So who's the second best option to round off my IB boss fleet?
>boss fleet
Roon Muse
Can't wait to see those giant tits in 3D
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>first option
took (Us) long enough
Not sure why, but recently I've felt the urge to record a lot of the in game content(story, secretary quests, ect). Not sure exactly how I would want to archive it though.
did something happen in /vmg/? im seeing a lot of threads that i follow get archieved, like some "big" thread sentenced to this place or something like that?
also later ill report what i found after the last update on al main server (jp)
one schizo was bumping all dead threads and spamming gimmick threads. this place is slowly turning into /v/mg/
future is looking bright (half size because full is 9mb)
well like i sad i was planning in writting a wall of text about the update but the tldr is
>al was working on some old version of unity(2015/16 probably, remember al is a 2017 gaem), they keep on working using this as a base making it pseudo-custom over the years ovecompared to other games
>al is officially a big game now, meaning they just updated to a newer/latest(?) version of unity to prepare for more alive lane cotent
>99% sure most development is done at jp headquarters meaning the jp only loading issue( dont know about chink/snowflake chink/gook)
also in case youre not aware, al works now flawlessly on mumu x/12/whatever was the name of the lastest version but this also means it >should work great again on nebula (im mostly talking about colour banding/transparency issues)
I've had it running for almost 7 hours straight on MuMu and I haven't had that memory leak/white box crash. So game is great.
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its not like im him but if you needed some pr**f
also in case youre another >oldfag like me that started on jp, you still need to switch the phone/emu to jp language to properly run al
>memory leak/white box crash
on new mumu or nebula?
latest version of nebula suffered that issue i believe, mumu 12 solved it but still had the colours issue which is now gone since it seems it was a client issue and not the emus fault( i suspect that most emus keep on getting fixed for new games meaning old stuff like al got fucked by those changes)
I believe I am on 12, I'd only get it after a few hours of letting it auto through the dailies.
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in case you were not aware or just blind to the issue, a simple comparison
if youre up to date then last update everything turned into chink because they forgot to add eng or something
3.8.3 is latest eng version (im on the newest one, chink client running jp lang, funny stuff)
also is anyone still interested in a somewhat updated version of the emu guide? if you understood the old nebula guide you can more or less apply it to mumu 12 too
the only different/shady thing about 12 is that the setup is self-extract with a random folder filename so you cant easly track down the source to block exes via firewall so you just need to open the setup with 7z and extract it by hand, the rest is more or less the same
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it looks like it's still present in second pic around the bottom area, just not as prevalent
also, it might still be an emu issue. pic related on an old version of Bluestacks (5.11.5etc, couple years old I think). I don't feel like updating because it was kinda easy to debloat and I don't wanna update it and risk breaking things, really hate messing with emulators
loli's head is too big
i need the vod of the stream, i need to make anchorage webms
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youre right it has been a while but you made me check again
i had vulkan on because most of the time it works better but i just switched and tried dx for the first time in the new al version so i can confirm that mumu 12 ver 3.8.18 makes the game look great again (i totally forgot how al was meant to look like 2bh)
there was a way to extract the link of the bilibili live vod but i forgot about it, ill see if i can manage to get it out again somehow, ill upload the cuterage manjuu video and the al anni trailer after trhis post
>METAs get their own special dock space
Holy fucking shit
>Tosa skin
Well that's one down.
Where's my KGV skin
the videos i mentioned are here, max quality of course
password is the filename of the second image itt after opening it
Chen Hai's tits almost look bolted on
I like how you're being gay enough to complain about tits, but also acknowledge it as realistic in the same post. Got something else to complain about?
do you really think the "lol ur gay if u don't liek le HUGE tits" works in a game that basically throws big (but nice looking) tits at you? I wouldn't be playing this game to begin with. further, she suddenly bordered Kashino tier without the soft look to them.
>heh you acknowledge it as realistic ;)) so you-
if only you kept reading for like 5 more words instead of trying to twist the clear meaning of my words like an obnoxious faggot
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I'm in danger
I hope St. Louis actually smiles in her L2D because the base expressions don't seem to have her doing that.
Its weird because Lou is a real sweetheart, but the only two skins that get that across visually are her first two skins.
I haven't bought skins in a while but
>St. Louis
Will have to see that other SSR's swimsuit but she seems indistinguishable from other white hairs we've been getting too much of.
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>St. Louis
Plus rings so I can catch up on my oaths
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its the same nigger from the other thread, notice how he dropped a couple of these shitposts itt when theres no more than 20 anons in here, its really noticeable
just dont reply and ignore, thats his worst nightmare after all
for me, it's Alsace and Scylla depending on their lines. Scylla is just perfect post-oath, might be hard to top
NTA, I haven't been to /alg/ in like a month or now now. Is that really one of his shitposts now? If you don't like inflated tits you are gay?
I think Scylla looks the best in her maid uniform.
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decided to test these three torp autists together
Unzen's max has been 335k so far; Implacable didn't even have time to land her last airstrike
fucking lmao
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Rock strong
rock's paradoxically soft rocks...
Brennus' skin is nice but those expressions are lacking. Safe skip.
they released the anni stream vod so i ripped and uploaded it here (the big file in there of course)
im not in the mood for more so i expect some hq webms being posted here
I might make some tomorrow, need to find a decent program to do it though.
Please tell me they'll finally add French fleet tech
they mentioned nothing about additional fleet tech sadly
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Why are you afraid of a hardcore M?
I have to be a turbo retard. I cannot get it open.
is she really?
in that case, SHE's in danger
How much difference is there between 120 and 125?
The difference is that when you do the "end game" content, you aren't taking as much damage due to being so many levels below what you are fighting.
botes take/deal 2% less/more damage per level diff, eva/hit rates are also slightly affected
there's also stat diff
you're in luck, anon
>Updated main menu UI. After this maintenance, Commanders can freely choose to use the new version or the old version of the main interface UI.
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>last option
fucking kek
I’ve never needed more proof that SKK is literally me.
it doesn't refer to the very first version, just the current one
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>wishing well's cut off is before 2024/3/21
>princeton was made permanent on 2024/3/21
Noooo, my +1 Carrier RLD.
There is always EN anni bro
I know but I wanted it now, I'm only missing her and the pass METAs.
Maybe I'll pick something from the Heavy or Light pool and keep her+Kashino for the EN anni.
I felt bad about not getting Helena's swimsuit to match with her sister, plus Honolulu, but after seeing that L2D preview I think I can skip St. Louis' swimsuit.
Hate the emphasis on feet, certainly isn't worth the L2D pricetag. Going all in for the crazy frenchies' swimsuits
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I think I am sold
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dios mio
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a very horny frog
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they keep getting away with these skins and it's fucking based, but how do they do it time and again?
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probably bribes, or there is some loop hole they are using like only selling the skins for a few days.
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Couldn't tell the mask was just her hair wings covered her eyes.
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>one of the scrapped design was Sanrui 2.0
The big cross-mace resembled Gascogne too.
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The top right one is basically adult Gascogne. The one they picked at the end is more like a mix between Gascogne and Champagne
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the outfit reminds me of bani's, I would've loved it
don't know why, but I think the bottom two scrapped defaut outfits were better than the one we got
I agree. The leotard would have been better than just Gascogne's dress again.
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Today is the launch day of my friend (wife) Algérie.
happy birthday to a great friend (wife)
who the girls in new title's art
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>first 10 pull got Alsluts
Naturally, since this isn't a burger event
>still can’t get in
damage report
>150 pulls
>1 Alsace, took me 143
>3 Brennus
>3 Béarn-METAs
>1 Takao
>1 Howe
>1 Littorio
>1 Richelieu
>5 Fleurets
also holy crap, it's seriously laggy
>Miss D is the first character to outright say who you were, and she is the only one who remembers you
>Intro is Anzeel? basically saying she wants you take over for her in her death.
150 rolls
I can max out Brennus just from dupes
I'm really not feeling the new UI
The UI just feels too damn small
honestly thank god they allowed an option to switch back to the previous UI
I'm drowning in a sea of Brennus.
Managed to get both the new botes and who I picked from the wishing well in 240 cubes or so, pretty nice.
Got everyone but Alsace was the 160th roll. 71 cubes left, hopefully I can recover for the next event.
Mon dieu, what are they feeding these frogs...
Story is rather interesting this time around.
How do you change back?
I think the new UI is currently bugged where I can't even see textboxes for my secretaries.
The text boxes started working for me randomly, but scroll down to the bottom of options and you will see it.
its in the options menu, you should find it on the left side
Some of the "wider" skin art definitely benefit from using up the whole screen and not have them be obscured by the UI but the "taller" skins aren't having that luxury without me being able to zoom into their boobs and crotches.
I saw some post earlier that some people are being hired to optimize some of the skins? Not exactly sure how it is but maybe the older skin optimizations might be coming soon too.
It feels like a resolution mismatch than anything else. If they can somehow optimize that then I'll welcome it by all means.
So how do you take Alsace's mask off?
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spoonfeeding botes
>Cuddling on the floatie
>Lou offering to dress you to meet the commission fleet returning
>Putting lotion on each other
Lou's skin is really romantic, alongside her non-verbal "fuck my ass" signaling but damn does the feet emphasis ruin it.
this A/C stage track goes hard
Lou is always really romantic, its nice.
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robutt gathering
Probably have to raise her affinity to love like Gascogne before.
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at least this event has a few funny bits (one or two probably being unintentional) to keep me through the usual word salad
is there no way to keep the towel off, when she goes back to the main pose? her hand there is annoying plus she doesn't speak.
Where are her secret touch spots?
Sheesh. The boats are real horny nowadays.
Lou was inviting you for some tender lovemaking since her last good skin.
touch her ass, she will count up to six everytime you touch her ass, then touch her hand or head and she will change the pose for every number
>six different poses
Ah fuck, I might actually buy this after all
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she's RAPING me in front of the children
what we really need are more CGs to sell the story vibes better, whether cool, dramatic, scary, or sad
You don't have to read to see, that’s “show, don't tell”
The sixth is actually a pose editor, it's her normal one but you can move a bit the legs, ass and head.
Watching Alsace trot across the map on her horse is kinda entertaining
The UI is neat but it isn't the best for a lot of skins while it does work for a couple.
I'll keep the old on for now, mostly because it seems to make the game lag less.
>buy luckybag
>obviously get the none of the four L2Ds but for the least memorable bote from the event
At least the loli with the HUGE SWORD is cool, the redhead was the worst possible roll.
But she's cute
and thighs
>decide to record/archive the game story and other things
>46 chapters
my tism backfires on me again.
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i've been waiting a long time to finally see taihou unblocked by the ui in her full glory, love the new ui
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Some skins are really made to sit on the left side of the screen like this one where the bench gets chopped off so I ended up having to zoom in and put her like in the old UI, but at least I can still see the cute plushie now even when zoomed in
Yeah some skins where the girls are laying down on their side is great. Swimsuit Hornet and Jade fit really well on my screen but Regensberg and Richelieu don't get that luxury.
>made to sit on the left side of the screen
Another apt description. Some of the unique BGs not fitting the whole screen now makes it look a bit awkward.
>Lou's skin is really romantic
Her part in the cruise story sold it for me
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didn't expect my wife to get a whole cutscene for herself. this is perfect
I’ve see people complaining about the length, but a lot of botes got screen time. I am pleasantly surprised and hope they continue with it.
>I’ve see people complaining about the length
yeah well, some people are just GAY
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>Get the Anchorage swimsuit skin from the bag
>"cute butt you little slut but to be a permanent resident on my secretary bench is a position of prestige, just because you have a skimpy bikini doesn't mean you can just-"
>She starts humping the inflatable
I'm sorry Unzen... Your secretary slot is needed... I'm sending you to a nice farm upstate...
Does Emden have any good lines for her skin? I actually am interested in this one because it at least isn't a dress that resembles her base costume so much like the other skins do.
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>Royal Fortune outright said I'll have to pay with my body
>"kidnapped" all day and night
botes just won't stop raping me (I like it)
check algwiki when it's updated, doesn't look like he's added the new botes/skins just yet
>check algwiki when it's updated, doesn't look like he's added the new botes/skins just yet
wikianon was having trouble updating his game among other problems with the new update so it may take a bit.
how so? last week was a mess and yesterday had some weird stuff going on with the servers, but things should be fine by now
he uses linux from what I've seen and for whatever reason he is being told that his android version is no longer supported even though he is on a supported version.
rip, that sucks
I'm starting to hate the way AL rotates skins. I never want to buy skins for botes unless I have AT THE MINIMUM fully limit broken and all skills maxed. So even though the new skins make my pp harder than my iron, it's going to be ages until I can even begin thinking of a frog fleet, and by that point all of their best skins will be unavailable.

Anyone else? Or am I just autistic?
Sounds like autism to me bro
I just got Harbin and I'm buying her new skin.
Smoke some bote pussy instead of minmaxxing spreadsheets.
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leave it to me lads, I'm gonna kill sex
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the deed is done
what the FUCK
I can't believe Ehsex is fucking DEAD (again)
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Alsace's LoveEX line
I knew I'd oath this dork from the moment I saw her expressions, but damn
i wish there was a repository or guide somewhere for all the skin special interactions
She is great, her + Soyuz have made this year great for me.
autism, nothing in this game requires power or efficency except chapter 15
How close are we to being moved to DMM?
agreed, some of the skins i bought, didn't know they had interactions. Same with some skins that ignored, had i known their interactions, i would have bought them. Some of the interactions are really obtuse, took me long to figure them out, like kearsarge bunny skin
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You tell me
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>she was about to say let's fuck
this really is the long awaited sex update
What gun did you give Alsace?
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i think the Quadruple 380mm (Mle 1935) is her irl gun, but it sucks ingame, so I gave her the Quadruple 380mm (Mle 1935) until I get a rainbow gun for her.
ye olde twin 457mm
I think that the good old frog 406mm is enough, but I don't know if her debuff is meant to be released before or after BisZwei fires.
So who gets to be the french backline now? Richielieu + Alsace + ?
Flandre / Joffre (place her in the bottom position in the fleet)
I must say, I actually enjoyed the story in this event
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Despite the copious amounts of lingo the story actually felt like it's going somewhere, I'm still reading it but compared to old stories I'm really enjoying my time so far. Events with the doctors are always nice.
I want to know why Helena is like this. Also they named dropped Magician at the end with the other arbiters. So we may get to see her soon.
The real problem with the story I think is that it just felt like it was going in circles. This event actually gave us some answers to long standing questions.
Yeah, agreed. Yorktown's event gave a ton of answers, even if it's just confirming speculations, and it was very well received from what I saw. They just need to stop dilly dallying, that's all. We're already on our 7th year, other gachas end their first arc in 2 years at the slowest.
>confirmed what Laplace's Demon actually is
>A pseudo-answer as to why Sirens don't recognize you even though you helped Aoste with them, same for METAs.
>You have some weird ability to see conceptual things (what QE META did with Alsace) probably to do with the Cube affinity that is just now being explored
I want to know how Miss D retained her memories. At this point only her, Helena META, and Zero? have theirs.
>>1478218 (me)
I also want to know why "Fight Until the Last Light Has Faded" is some sort of cheat code when you say it. It reminds me of Andrew Ryan and "Would you kindly".
Seeing META Wichita and Kimberly's portraits one after another really made me appreciate their design themes
probably some of the best META artwork so far imo
exactly. things are finally going somewhere, I think it really started with Yorktown's and Clemenceau's events. this event is also shorter compared to recent events, or at least it feels like it
that, and what the hell is wrong with The Devil. is she brainwashed by ayys or what? and if so, shouldn't The Tower have quarantined her or something in their last encounter?
It probably feels shorter because the information given per chapter is more relevant
Finally got my gotewife Suruga from the wishing well. The most fucked up thing about it is I bought one of her outfits three years ago, but she never showed up in like thousands of regular rolls.
Another one tricked by the tanuki
have you played crosswaves? she has a ton of moe moments in it
Cruise story is great. I am glad manjuu decided to just outright show how intimate you are with the botes instead of just alluding to it.
Wish they give us option to switch between mask on and off instead of having her stuck in one mode permanently.
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this event has reached soul levels that shouldn't be possible

Gascogne what? Something changes in her skin when you raise it?
>buy lucky bag
>get skin for the only shipgirl i don't have (emden)
Good thing that event is reruning soon huh?
In Gascogne's case she changes her speech patterns to be less robotic after you raised her affinity to love. For Alsace looks like you have to marry her to take off her mask.
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is Mogador actually good (other than tier S for my dick)? there's no way her charging to target is feasible vs bullet hell, like HM Strength or META/Challenge fights, but from her MGM+1 and skills it's like she actually fires a lot
we're in this together, brother
There is no way to tell how good she is until Manjuu fixes her
as in, rework her charge? or is she bugged somehow?
>charges in
>does nothing
>rest of vanguard bug out and can't attack
well, that fucking stinks eh
Yeah, supposedly the math nerds on YouTube mathed it out that you COULD replace Agir with her if you are running Alsace in a BB comp. I don't know how much I believe that until I can try it myself.
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it's not just how horny she is, but the voice acting makes her completely unhinged; like she will one day (tomorrow) snap, impale all other yanderes, break into my room and rape me to death only to realize she's a necrophile for me
not oath material, but I'm plapping her for sure
Azur Lane has reached Fast and Furious levels of needing to one-up itself. Except with lewd instead of cars.
Anyone make a webm of this?
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>she's already attracted/in love with you in her stranger line
forget power creep, horny creep is where it's at
my prude of a old botewife doesn't stand a chance against stuff like the past few batches
I'm legitimately waiting for it to be revealed the Commander is some conceptual gigachad or some shit, it's silly at this point.
Isn't it the concept of hope? Assuming the Anzeel we spoke too was just Helene META LARPing.
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what if i just bought every skin
what then
I'll thank you for supporting the game.
Thank you, I mostly wanted to isolate that St. Louis and Tosa part.
Cheshire's outfit is pretty wild
that's why i stopped buying lucky bags, i retire 95% of loli ships, the l2d loli skins or the shitty cheap loli skins would constantly drop, it's like the game reads your dock before it rolls
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... well now that just makes me even more suspicious
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If a bote likes being special touched on both lines then yes, she is horny creeping.
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>Crush line
>*stares robotically*
lord knows just how much I love robutts
Why is my repeat sortie keep on stopping after one escort fight? Is it by design?
do you get any error message? by any chance, is your dock full? cause it Works On My Machine™ just fine
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... what?
I'm new...no error whatsoever.
Dishwasher WON
might be due to your botes moral being to low, the game does stop fights if it gets low enough since after a certain point they will lose affection due to low moral
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How big are those little boats in human size? I want to know if they are tall or small 0w0
>>1478729 (Me)
Nvm, restarted the game and now it works as intended. Thanks for for the answers though.
she wants you to mount her
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>no bullet hell
>Evasion enabled
this EX boss was much easier than I expected. also, how the hell do people get 5k+ points in EX? do you get a bonus for using 1:1 fleet comp?
heights aren't given out in any canon context
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so from what i'm gathering this event is worth reading through? im definitely gonna go through the cruise scenes
Yeah its pretty good.
I honestly found it to be dumb, then again I always hated the multi dimension time travel aspect so thats probably affecting my opinion
Where's the full art for this?
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Think I might be getting the kot along with my “domesticated” fox
I think her garterbelt + dress is still fine looking enough. This semi reverse suit could use some contrasting colors.
Depends mainly on the animations, but judging off the last two expressions it should be good
The challenge mode, I'd guess.
3:1 usually with fleet tech set to 0
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after reading enough of the events i think it's safe to say AL has no time travel, just parallel universes
Hips too big
Too lewd for twitter
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>JP discontinued Twitter login
>botes slowly getting more and more horny and lewd
>to the point Twitter (as in mods, not just any retard) is now crying about it
do they plan on abandoning Twitter altogether or am I just being a schizo? also, does that mean we might be approaching the point where even Play/Apple stores might say it's too much?
I'm not sure why Twitter cares much when there is literal porn being posted constantly.
>JP discontinued login
Because of Musk's changes, and I believe the cost associated
I don't think they will abandon twitter, too big of a media to just ditch.
>lay/Apple stores might say it's too much?
It could happen? Just look at the stuff with DLSite. However they could just take the hoyoverse route and do their own payment processing directly.
>I'm not sure why Twitter cares much when there is literal porn being posted constantly.
I 'member when tumblr went on their little crusade vs porn and their entire community of unironic pedophiles moved to twitter and made their case pretty clear with all their symbology and shit in their profiles, and nothing happened
now every time I check the comment section on AL official accs I find 2+ OF whores going "nudes on profile" and nothing ever happens to them either
but nooo lord forbids we see anime tiddies, though I guess it's more like the kind of NSFW they don't advocate because it's not under their control
I think it is more so a automated response, get enough bots to report something and action will be taken reguardless. I can go on twitter now and either see a girls pussy or 2d porn. So I don't really see why this would cause a fuss. Reminds me when the EN account was shadowbanned during the Kashino thing.
>33 wives right now
I'm such a bote whore
>I’m such a bote whore
Aren’t we all?
I haven't married a bote since Gorizia.
Where are my blondes?
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skk = bote property, that's just how it is
whereas I'll be marrying 2 more with upcoming oath pack
I just love botes so much
I always find it kinda funny Richelieu is more on the tame side of things but the community portrays her as extremely horny
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I have extreme autism so I'm waiting until October 31st to marry my entire 125 Tempesta fleet at once.
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Guam creeps me out.
Painleve was up there but I wasn't feeling it as hard
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what's creepy about her?
My first impression of her was her face on the thumbnail for her event's PV and I didn't like it one bit.
Got some Harley Quinn but gyaru and ugly vibes off of her.
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>creepy/harley quinn vibes
I really hate the pose they decided to give her
Don't like the eyes or the pink mark.
Made a horrendous first impression on me.
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why do botes bully each other
just a lil banter innit
Agreed. It's ugly.
The skin was slightly better but I wasn't a fan of the personality either.
Good outfit though, on both accounts.
You will perish every anniversary
Does anyone have previews of the new 3D dorm update?
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JP and EN are just shit compared to CN at relaying info about the game.
My hero
My wife has a very grim sense of humor
Its not loading.
Weird, it is a 13MB video, not sure where else to share it.
I just get "this website can't be reached" errors
try this https://gofile.io/d/CcAtPE
That works. Thank you anon.
weird, I could open it just fine
godspeed anon
The anon that downloaded the vod of the 7th anni
Can you get us the 6th anni vod? pwease?
>downloaded the vod of the 7th anni
scroll up
>put in password
It's over for me.
>taking a dump
>building some ships
>get Alsace
>holy shit, sex
>immediately get horny
>start jerking off
>wife asks what's taking so long
>"uhh .. just a little constipated, need a few more minutes"
>keep jerking off, cum
>flush the combined stew of my faeces, semen and urine
>feel refreshed

anyone else got Alsace yet?
Gimme your fleets for killing Takao
this worked for me. you could replace bani with Vanguard or Alsace
here's a hint, all images have 2 filenames
has anyone datamined the Swarm monsters' names? it's impossible to get their names in game, and I'm curious
>expecting dataminers to do anything but ruin the fun for anyone else in this day and age
>expecting dataminers to not piss off developers to the point where they keep the cool stuff completely out of the game until its ready

Kill all destiny2fags.
Who can I replace Guam with, Hindy?
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she looks so soft
when are we gonna get Ms. Dick as a playable bote?
That did it, thanks.
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that should work, just throw Plymouth in the front instead as she's beefier
I still need to level Hinden or I'd try her instead
best pink cutie, congrats
Is it all AP guns or HE guns for the backline BBs?
Takao is medium armor, so you'd want AP.
Any aux set-ups for the frontline like a shitton of autoloaders or something?
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I wonder why Manjuu is being so weird about buffing Mogador when Agir and Haku were buffed a fuck ton when they were in a way better spot initially. I guess they really want her to be the testing bote for charging based skills.
probably because she's the pity UR.
this sure did not trouble them while making rafi so strong
I really don't think that should matter. She still is a UR and just look at Laffey.
can you really compare french botes to the american ones when the french are notorious for losing wars?
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ah, so it's that one nigger
Amazing that he spends his time on two separate boards itching at the opportunity to shitpost.
Anyways I saw some comments on the hotfix post that her damage is more in line with Unzen and Hindy now, but survivability still was lacking on like W15
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I love my siren wife
What are good auxes for Mogador?
what is a good fleet for the EX level in the current event? I keep getting her down to x20 bars of hp and then dying because of unkillable siren drones.
Part of me wants to say Toolbox/ Fire Extinguisher
>but survivability still was lacking on like W15
duh, low AA and no damage reduction. why would anyone even bother to test this?
what hotfix post, btw? bilibili, I assume?
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Yeah they put out another hotfix on JP/CN
Unrelated but if anymore of you are interested in figures Apex is showing off their Janus
Death isn't going to like this
I'm thinking
>RPG Adventure Interface/Ascension Box/Goldburn/Anti-EM Commands/Toolkit
>Intel Report - Arctic Stronghold/Battle Tracto/Bubble Bullet/Ninjutsu Scroll
you could go RPG+Ascension for both HP and utility, or just use 2 from the second list like a madlad
I'm not sure if Fire Suppressor stacks with her skill, but anyhow I don't think it's worth it most of the time
just MTL'd this
>(2) Damage taken by the user at one time will never exceed 5% of the upper endurance limit, and if the user takes a cumulative total of 5% of the upper endurance limit while in this state, the enemy projectile will be allowed to pass through the user until the state is released, causing the user to take no more collision damage. No more damage will be taken.
I assume "upper endurance limit" means max HP. I guess this works
>I assume "upper endurance limit" means max HP
It does
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DON JUAN my glorious beloved
what option did you pick?
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first one
non sequitur
The mogador was scuttled/teamkilled lmao
>every single st louis skin has been l2d
wow, favoritism much
>still no playable sirens 7 years in.....
your TB is right there bro
EW no get that thing the hell away from me. I want the siren arbiters.
>anon asks for sirens
>gets one
>anon pouts and gets picky
you deserve nothing then
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holy shit bros
CV's are just as good as BB's, right? Any time I put them in a fleet it feels like my fleet becomes weaker, even with decent gear on them (flapjacks, skypirate, etc. etc.)

What am I doing wrong here?
>flapjacks, skypirate
you don't use these vs bosses. bomb fighters (unreliable, you'll hardly nail all bombs on target even if they're rooted) and parallel torpedoes are exclusively for mobbing (flapjack is fine if you're fighting w13h or w15 though). use rocket fighters (HVAR vs light, BF-109G vs medium, FW-190 A-6 vs heavy) and converging torps (Ryusei, or Saiun Kai if you must adjust their reload) instead, and Skyraider vs light/med or Tenrai vs heavy on dive bomber slot
that said, it also depends on what botes you're using on your fleet, both main and vanguard
Pretty much what the other anon said, I'd argue CVs are usually better than BBs most of the time.
>Actual baby raising sim featuring TB

Not everyone is a pedophile anon...
project identity retard.
I logged out from my account which was binded to twitter, now that there's no more twitter bind I pretty much lost my account right? Since I forgot my UID.
Unless you have receipts or anything like that probably. Might as well try emailing support anyways.
I don't know how you people are in this position after being told for months to rebind to a yostar account,
I never read the message that pops up when you logging, I only learned of it today.
Although I knew that happened on nikke june last year.
If you remember your name + the purchase receipts it might be enough
Then I'm royaly fucked I know my ign but I'm full f2p.
some ships you have, their levels, ones you oathed
Just try and info dump everythnig you remember about it
Their email is: al.cs@yo-star.com
Oh, Okay I'll try, thanks anon.
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time to stick my dick in crazy
>the dark alleyway is real
this equipment that +12% her damage...does it work on lolikagi and akagi u too?
test it and find out
you didn't listen, and now you're getting raped
I’m convinced Manjuu is reading the AL threads now
Playable sirens now.
now and then you would find "4chan" listed among the sites you search for AL news/content in surveys
speaking of, last survey was forever ago...
The event's music really nice.
I like that there is usually one song per event that I like.
This events being Death’s theme:
this event made me go and check previous events song, the music in Unzen's event is also really good and i played the whole thing mute.
If they are then I certainly hope I could find a way to influence them, such as pushing for mre retrofits or shilling certain overlooked botes more
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uh, what? where's the letter?
manjuu forgor
the only way is to go full autismo and ritual post daily
Colorado Retrofit is really cool and sexy looking.
I like the leotard-ish outfit
You'd better off influencing people to write the things you want during the next survey, if they ever do it again
I lost once and it stained my profile page, should i reset my account
so who's the new ur dd gun good for
anyone who wants a DD gun, but bot the fast firing ones like Shima uses.
Z46 in particular wants an AP gun
anyone who wants any other DD gun than 1x76mm, save for botes with excellent AoAs or similar on-fire barrages, like Scylla or Attilio, who would probably be better off with the other UR gun
For me, it's the last stage. Can't seem to find a video of the bgm, though.
Because it's from an older event.
I like that picture of Clem
is A1/C1 BGM from an older event as well?
Yeah, from Vanguard event.
Thanks, friends.
next maint will have the mailbox rework, for those with a massive amount of mail in storage be warned, the new system could potentially mean you might exceed the storage, in other words it might be a good idea to start considering to claim said mail
no don't claim mail, you will be able to hold mail past the cap just not receive new one and the storage will increase with your commander level, and after the update you will be able to deposit old mail in a new storage
My mail is filled with merit rewards and I don't feel like claiming them one by one because I'll hit the hard cap if I claim all, I'll just wait until the update and see if they'll make it easier, not like I'll miss them if they somehow end up deleting them
>stacking up merit rewards of all things
you lazy motherfucker
there is like a two week grace period, in the announcement they said nothing would be deleted just you wouldn't get anything new.
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I'm sorry man I just REALLY don't like going through my mails, last time I drudged through this pile of garbage was when I wanted to mark my valentine mail as important
why even bother with memevp?
Funny thing is, I don't even do it much. I only do it when I'm really bored, so like twenty battles per season at most just in case I suddenly need gold bulins. I just haven't opened the mails for like a year or two
what's the merit cap?
i have 1.1m and definitely not hoarding merits on my mail
They only mentioned 600k oil and 1.8m coins from what I saw.
I think he meant merit cap on shop, not in mail storage
I don't think there's a merit cap
I love boats so fucking much.
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I hope they keep up this same kind of event from now on. Granted I expect it to be toned down until JP anni. Maybe EN anni if we are lucky. I just want my bote dating sim manjuu
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Based and same, though I didn't truly appreciate them until I visited the actual USS New Jersey.
If you've got a museum ship you can reasonably visit, I highly recommend it.
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You better start commissioning some art
I'm not a faggot. I make my own.
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honestly, same

ultra based
and same, drawing and writing shipgirls
this bote seriously needs a secretary quest or a secret
We need more hebes that are down to animalistic sex
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gonna oath New Orleans and Houstsu next
Based Soyuz and Harbin enjoyer.
I remember reading there will be a way to claim all special rewards (those that aren't oil/gold) at once.
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There is indeed, I'm glad they're helping lazy fucks with 600 mails like me. They split it into several categories that you can toggle, including oil, gold, cubes, gems, and merit
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if only I had this many gold bulins to spare
maybe in like 2 years or something
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did they say when the 3d dorm thing is coming? its the thing i'm looking forward to the most by far
They didn't give a date, only showed off some of Sirius iirc
most likely JP anni if it is this year
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I'm sure it's just bote banter and they're not shooting each other to death tomorrow
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Taihou is wrong btw, I absolutely need her service like it's oxygen
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based bird
Please don't fight over me
I hope they fight each other to the death
I prefer the hate fucking method
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t. Dido
poor bouquet did not deserve this
im hoping we get to choose "bodyplans" like last origin
I want my shota skk
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i'd ask if she's good wife material, but i think the answer's obvious
I didn't notice I was almost exclusively oathing sakura and IB ships until I had them all lined up like this.
cute and dorkish gorilla, her Martini line is one of my all-time favorites
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Oh man, Tosa is COMPLETELY domesticated like her sister now
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Not a lot of points this month.
Her valentines lines imply the opposite
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I'm good
Do the Level 2 loggers give more coins/tickets as unused items?
nah, I just think they're a waste of AP. meager rewards, can't spawn cat (at least I don't recall cat ever showing up); I'd rather do CL5 maps instead
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So based
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nap club ftw
my lovely hopeless nymphomaniac
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Malin getting exasperated is cute
I still find it hilarious how Musashi doesn't look like dishwasher drew her at all when comparing in-game art to the concept art.
Someone is quality controlling that face like a slavedriver and I appreciate that individual or group of individuals so much.
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sovl lane
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bros... i don't know if i can do another month of opsi...
is it a lot easier with alas?
Do you just not auto it?
Does damage dealt to aeroplanes count towards the damage dealt graph? The numbers on my AA botes is... suspicious.
I don't think so, you could test it by pulling off the AA botes MG and throwing her into a few maps with and without it.
The damage done to planes scales very hard with the AA delta between ships, regardless of the damage of their equiped guns.
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why would you need a third-party script to auto something that can be automatized in game?
You mean the surface damage at the end of the fights? The one that picks the MVP?
What's so hard about pressing strategic search and then pressing OK? You don't need to do the daily quests if you don't want to
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>not a single cat spawn in explorable zones
>just 2 cats in 10 hidden zones (4 CL6, 6 CL5)
>1 (one) 20 AP box for sale overall
Akashi... I thought you were my greatest ally...
I wish they would just overhaul opsi were if you clear it once the zones stay discounted
I just need them to change every OpSi daily stuff to weekly
only if they make sure the weekly rewards are far far better
I don't even need them to be better, just change the daily missions to weekly and keep the exact same total number of missions (or even dump the trash missions that give you blue material boxes) and change the limit of META coordinates from 200 per day to 1400 per week, that way I don't need to do OpSi for 5 to 10 minutes a day every single day and instead do them all in one sitting for an hour on the weekend
>reducing daily playtime, therefore commitment to the game
unless they implement another game mode to look forward to on a daily basis, this won't happen
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thank you green cat, you are indeed my greatest ally
what the fuck
impregnate kot
any opinions on the latest skin batch?
I think they are all good, Alsace and Lou being my favorites with Cheshire a close third. Oath skins are fine too, as much as I wish they had gone with something different for Musashi.
I liked Alsace, Mogador and Cheshire the most, i wish Tosa and Tashkent were L2Ds too.
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I think you pissed Bearn off, somehow.
she's trying to break through the 4th wall, and looks like Theseus is backing her up
I have no interest in her but Tosa looks nice
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By far the luckiest gacha results I’ve ever had in the game. I still don’t have Fleuret somehow though.
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>rub line mentions skin
i'm starting to think i'm not rubbing her hair...
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I'm speechless
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I think this means you should marry Alsace.
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I love my siren wife
So the challenge missions are just repeats right? No real reason to do them again?
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Wait a fucking minute... I thought Sakura was the only region with good waifus, but I'm playing around with Eagle Union boats and... these girls are also really cute??? And now I'm looking at some of the Royal Navy girls and having un-Christian thoughts??? Does every region in this game have top tier waifus?????
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how refreshing it is when a factionfag at last realizes that all botes are worthy of your love
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and now you slowly fall down into becoming the manwhore SKK you were always meant to be.
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>Not factionfag
>Post shitaly
You are rubbing her butt
You get like 2k gold for dupe frames I think
Speaking of, does anyone have their fleet for the challenge mode? I may or may not have forgot to do it originally.
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I love my siren wife a lot.
I redid it just for fun. think I'll retry this once I have Mogador/Hindenburg maxed and replace Plymouth just to see how it goes
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she's so cute
I'd post the dorm animation if this stupid site wasn't stuck in time with 4mb as max upload, and I'm too lazy to downgrade bitrate
I wish Attilio's eyes in her portrait had highlights like in her chibi, she sometimes looks scary to me because there are no highlights in her heart-pupil eyes
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hot bote milk right after a bath...
That cruise ship event makes me hate even more that I started on JP server
time to start learning nip?
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>playing any game in a language you don't understand
>AND not committing to learn it on the fly either
really, anon? are you retarded?
>Tosa did have milk
straight from shitcans tap
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I consented to this
skk has the greatest milkies on base
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Hello, I still love Lusty, and wouldn't mind if she got a L2D
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I wouldn't be surprised if it happened soon, she did get that skin last year too.
there are [600+] single botes in your area

see this one weird trick naval command doesn't want you to know

click here
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moshi mosh, where are the cute botes?
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ready and waiting in your port, commander
Holy fuck Richie and Ting An are short
Javelin is as tall as Yorktown if she stands up so this picture is all kinds of fucked
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Reminder that Implacable can use the Gate of Babylon.
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i hope this trend continues for the rest of the big seven
Fucking beautiful. Hope next is either Maryland or Rodney.
I hope for Mutsu
I expect Maryland to be next.
Rodney is damn near guaranteed since she always gets the preferential treatment over Nelson.
I wonder if this means Nagato will get a UR retrofit or a Type II hull.
I have to say, the Cruise Story was probably the best thing I've read for AL in years.
I still have 2x gem bonuses for $40 and $20 and I want to buy Emden and Tosa's skins.
When does EN anniversary happen again? July or August?
A lot of people like to make fun of it, but the games writing has significantly improved in the last year.
SKK actively talking using the player's name isn't necessarily the reason why it's better, but that change was probably the moment where the writing team actually felt like reworking how they do things
That’s a part of it. Previously it felt like SKK(you) didn’t really matter as much as the story was concerned even when half the plot said otherwise. Now the game feels like it’s about you and the girls, not just the girls. If that makes sense.
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cute special touch
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what shipgirls would be good for being in charge of supply and logistics?
off the top of my head, Kashino is noted for being good at logistics
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so it seems like that new HMS DD gun is BiS as AoA pea shooter, as it's basically 0.02s slower than 76mm but has slightly better range, and that new IJN AA gun is only really good for nip BBs and Unzen, as otherwise you're better off with +15 FP instead
>HMS DD gun is BiS as AoA pea shooter
I never thought I would see the day the 76mm got replaced.
they must have realized that it's kind of silly that a blue gun is the go-to choice for torp DDs
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this is extremely important.
what kind of wine would clem drink?
I thought that the new aa gun was only for Sakura vanguards.
So just Unzen and Azuma (lmao)
you're right, I can't read. even more niche then
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Probably something high class from Bordeaux region.
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happy launch day to my strongest shield
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so I presume it's going to be
>Radiant Court or Rondo rerun next week
>dead week
>maybe mini event
>PR7 early July
happy launch day
Seems like next week is the dead one with the Foch/Joffre permanent and new augments
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I just want Vanguard and Elbing in my dock, man
radiant court this early? not a chance, rondo came first, i doubt we will get 2 back to back URs, it happened with bani after bisko2, god have mercy on newcuties
>not a chance, rondo came first
Virtual Tower reran before Abyssal Refrain, I think they're willing to rerun smaller events outside schedule to time UR reruns right
that said, I guess they don't want to screw up on newcuties like last year with bis2 and bani, that was kinda brutal
Same here, but it is what it is.
I hope that at least (all) the augments aren't dogshit.
when did they announce new augs?
JP patch notes before the maint mentioned new augs the augs (javelin) daily coming back so it's a 5 augments update.
nice, here's to hope one of them is Shangri-La tier
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fine, i'll buy
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thank you for your patronyage
>you now remember the KGV aug
>PoW aug is at best mediocre
>KGV aug is quite simply the worst augment ever
call me schizo, but I see a pattern here
the devs can't handle the true power of the KGV class, or they simply just have no idea what they are doing with augs beyond who their favorite bote is
Really not looking forward to DoY's augment at this point.
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speaking of doy... here's that portrait anon requested. it took a bit longer because of reasons

i also did a bra-less version
nicely done
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... i think i can see them
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Thank you bro
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the fan event was broadcasted a couple of days ago
this is the source of the twatter video linked on the other thread, if you want hq you can download the app i mentioned a couple of threads ago (same applies to the whole broadcast i mentioned earlier)
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Very nice, the CN community did really nice stuff.
>that skit of the starters looking for shitcan
loved it
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i love seeing botes from different factions getting along
I hope they do more mixed faction stuff like on the cruise. Watching my botes all get along and being happy is nice
Are the levelpacks worth getting? The ones for 60/80 cubes and goodies for gems
Maybe if you are a newcutie? I wouldn’t spend on it since most of the stuff given is kinda useless to me, but I’ve been playing for years.
>Augment for Izumo
She is the first PR ship getting this right.
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>San Diego aug
Would be pretty funny if she gets ahead of Guam.
I hope so.
really hard to pull if we're talking AA capability alone. Guam is just behind Sandy in AA stat, but she also offers +15% fleet buff (vs 50% but way more conditional and timed) and 2x150% guns (vs 1x185%). I guess they could give her a ghost AA or rework her fleet buff as they don't augment ret skills
but overall it's literally impossible, Sandy will never be nearly as tanky as a CB no matter what they do
What's the recommended item to exchange with medals? I've picked sr that i wanted.
>Gote secretary quest
I hope it is teasing the fuck out of her
Bulins > Prints > Dorm Food > the retrofit stuff
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some lore dump
I don't speak mystic script, anon.
me neither, but DeepL is good enough
Wonder why they decided to lore blurb about what happened in the event. The event itself explained it well enough.
maybe they thought that one of the last cutscenes with Pamiat META wasn't clear enough? idk
The event is over and won't come back for 2 years
The commander armor is a jp only thing and doesn't even appear in the story, i wonder if they are teasing it for the game now or just a picture selected at random?
Probably just a picture since that tweet is about SKK
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my heart says it's canon
what color bunny suit would look good on warspite? i was thinking navy blue
It isn't the first time, they occasionally do lore tweet here and there. The last one where they super simplify things about the alpha and beta timeline is a first though, probably because a lot of the responses to the other lore tweets were "what the fuck is going on lol". Recent events were pretty clear in explaining things compared to the old days, but I'm sure a lot of people who experienced the awful jargon spam would just quit reading the story completely so they might want to get them up to speed so they'll give the story another try
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Spence gets some love at last
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i have found the optimal solution
im going with purple
Darker colors always felt better to me for bunny suits, don’t know why.
New player here. I have Soyuz, Unicorn, Ognevoy, and Kronstadt 125’d. I have enough arrays to 125 one of Alsace, NJ, Shinano, Yuudachi, Morgador. Been planning Alsace but now that I got NJ I’m torn. Also, Yuudachi w the UR event gun does great damage for me so she’s also in consideration now.
I guess it would depend on which area you plan to do next for who you 125
Shinano imo, but Alsace is pretty good too thanks to her barrage.
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>new maint messages
now I feel bad for spamming login
those were always a think iirc
I used to spam buttons upon maint end like I'm autistic, so no
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some 9 hours late but
>Sandy aug
Make sure to do the survey too,
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Here’s what i did
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as shrimple as that
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our feedback works together desu
I still want to find a better way to get manjuu's ear or disseminate my ideas to the chinks to influence them, and Manjuu in turn somehow than a survey like this, but I’m an EOP on the wrong side of the great firewall
Please suggest removing coordinates from opsi
Gimme some fleet compositions to go through World 15, looks like we have a dead week.
Do note, I don't want to use Guam and I don't have her MLB'd either
>I don't want to use Guam
kinda gay but alright
Kearsarge/Klaudia/Unicorn, Laffey/Scylla/Shimanto or Jeanne
BB of your choice/Independence/Aquila (maybe on healer mode), Brest/Sandy/filler (I used SanFran in mid slot, but I reckon botes with good damage and AA like Harbin, Shimanto or Plymouth, or Jeanne)
buy why?
I actually explained why I don't like Guam in this very thread.
Any reason for Kaludia? Do I actually want a healer on both fleets?
>Any reason for Klaudia?
excellent healer, shield on the frontmost bote with her auxs and 7 interceptors (3 fighters, 4 torps). you could also use Volga instead
>Do I actually want a healer on both fleets?
you absolutely do in 15-3/4, until you reach safe threat. shit goes wild when you're clearing for the first couple times
Who are some good support fleet CVs? I've heard the purple german gear lab fighter was good for AA purposes. Is Langley and both Illustrious a decent trio?
All of the Lusties, you want to shove CVs with the most fighters in there. so Any Lusty + Implacable.
>I've heard the purple german gear lab fighter was good for AA purposes
The pancake plane in the EU gear lab is the absolute best.
>Who are some good support fleet CVs?
Illustrious (both normal and muse), Indomitable, Implacable, even Langley. I actually used Illustrious/Implacable/Langley cause I don't have indomi and my lusty muse wasn't MLB'd
>I've heard the purple german gear lab fighter was good for AA purposes
use pancake planes aka Flapjack like anon said, and Wyverns (except on Support fleet as only Fighter planes will help intercept)
speaking of Sandy, has anyone tried her aug? is it as good as I think it is with UR nip DD gun?
I should have added that it was the purple german fighters that I heard were good on the supports. Should I put flapjacks on my actual fleets or my support fleets?
>Should I put flapjacks on my actual fleets or my support fleets?
Fuck, my gold electronics stock is going to hurt.
If you don't have enough for them you can use F7F Tigercats
Tigercats will drain two gold gear part stocks instead of one, I'll just stick with flapjacks.
Rondo rerun next week, nice
URlet newfag here, is UR really that gamechanging?
its pretty much gives you easy mode as a newfag and when you reach worlds like 14 and 15 are heavily recommended (it is possible to beat those worlds but it would be such a ball busting experience you would need to be a masochist to want to do it)
I forgot to ask them to hurry up with the continuations for the Nep, DoA, and Senran Kagura collabs.
Hololive is back on the table too apparently
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>(it is possible to beat those worlds but it would be such a ball busting experience you would need to be a masochist to want to do it)
w14 is not as overtuned as people make it out to be (probably cause it was hell on release, I'm told). I remember clearing it with Ryza mob fleet (Unicorn and Wakatsuki to replace the purples) + this kind-of-meme boss fleet
fuck, I should've asked for Ryza collab rerun
I nearly vomited reading this
>I nearly vomited reading this
I'm sorry, just preparing you for the possibility early.
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holding hands with gote...
I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, how cute is it?
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it's really wholesome, great ending too
Good, all the mini-date secretary quests have been really cute. Glad they are sticking with it.
The urge to mercilessly breed gote but also tenderly kissing her and squeezing her hand intensifies.
>handholding with gote
You expect me to believe she didn't go off like a nuclear bomb?
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holding gote's hand tightly...
She has problems only when she's not the one starting the act.
>page 11
I can see the light...
New thread?

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