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Did you summon for any of this year's Fallen Heroes?
Any hopes/expectations for this year's Bridal banner?
Who needs Arcane Fellstone?
Speedy dragons like the 2 ny.kanas make good use of it
I’ve seen a lot of people using F!Veyle on their teams, is she good? I was thinking of sparking for her
She's good for support because she gives Scowl to any nearby ally and it works off her (very high) Res
So if you need that, go for it
Last chance to place bets for the bridal banner. Tell me:
>What game you think IS choose andWho you are expecting to show up
>What could be the funniest banner they could come up with or What would be your ideal Bride banner

I am expecting either Valentia or a Fem Byleth banner.
I think the funniest banner IS could come up with is an "undesirable groom" banner
If they weren't about to give us resplendent camilla, I would bet on a fates banner.
Let's try this:
Another Jugdral + Jugdral banner
>Groom Quan
>Bride Ethlyn
>Groom Finn (demote)
>Harmonized Nanna + Leif (just so we can have an updated version of Hodr's Zeal, and Nanna would be able to ignore fixed/flat DR in addition to % DR and defensive Specials)
>TT Bride Eyvel
Finn will get a prf dual phase Brave Axe with Miracle built in and Eyvel will just get a lance that grants +4 to all stats and like DR equal to 10% of her Def or whatever
Quan and Ethlyn would have fine enough prf weapons and good fodder and Nanna will just be a mega delete button
Is this gonna happen? Absolutely not, but I wanted to at least see them try to put another canonical couple up (two of 'em even, here)
Bridal Est (Valentia) with Abel backpack who powercreeps bride Catria
Palla, Est, Zeke&Teeta, Mathilda4*
TT Clive
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Am I going to make it? Surely anyone who tryhards would've done their run by now, right?
You should be safe, yeah
it's generally more of a creeping death until the last minute, i'd still be a bit worried with that score
good luck anon
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This dragon boy refine kinda good. I might even grab another forma if his HoF gets a rerun.
>Setsuna couldn't even solo the map on infernal
It's so over...
Damn Anon, how are you scoring so low!? I thought having a legendary would have you score higher. I done mine without a legendary unit albeit with two armor units in my team and scored much better in comparison.
I got lucky and pulled Fallen Lumera in 11 summons. I gave Spd/Res Scowl and the Fellstone to my Female NY Kana. Should I give her Counter Roar 4?
>what game
Zeke, Camus, sirius, and Tatiana quad hero.
Either an easy skip or bridal Seidr/gullveig/kvasir, Eir, Reginn, or Azura.
I don't build a lot of dragons so its hard to say, but Isn't counter roar 4 still the best B skill for dragons?
If you think she doesn't need it, or you build a lot of dragons then She is probably okay as is.
Idk about the best, but Counter Roar is pretty good on 'em, I think
The damage reflection can help with damage output, but the damage reduction it offers IS pierceable, so that is something to keep in mind
>The only Fates character I've invested in is Garon
>It isn't max investment at that
Guess I'm not getting these codes. Sucks, I was on a roll
>kaze/midori bhb
>firesweep lunge cav
the classic time waster, deserves to be gullveig'd to death
I expect Echoes with a Faye bride alt.
The funniest would be an all male bride banner with lots of Fujo bait; I'm thinking of Tellius with Bride Ike, Soren, Ranulf, BK and a free Bride Aimee or something.
I'm not exactly wanting a bride banner but I guess a Gen 2 FE4 would be good. Like: Duo Shannan Oifey, Bride Larcei, Bride Patty, Bride Lana and free Bride Seliph, maybe?
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People gave me shit last thread for posting AI slop, but I do in fact wish for Bridal Constance. There just really isn't much preexisting fanart of the theme to pick and choose from.
>There just really isn't much preexisting fanart of the theme to pick and choose from.
Even if there was literally just the one art of Constance in a wedding dress for you to share, at least that's actual art
She even looks kinda nice there, although isn't she out in the sun?
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Well, there's this one too and that's it.

>isn't she out in the sun?
Artist didn't care about that.
>Artist didn't care about that.
makes sense. Most people who like constance tend to like her ojou-type personality much more than her depressed side.
tbf wedding and depression don't go well together
Bridal Tharja
Mae + Boey or Mathilda + Clive duo
One of the above that wasn't chosen
One of the villagers
Leon GHB
>Funny banner
Villain themed who all aren't exactly the best partners/parents
Don't have many on the top of my head right now but an idea would be stuff like
Sonia + Brendan duo
Grégoire von Varley GHB
That's wedding and horny
I seen a theory were someone noticed the lead unit in the Seer’s Snare announcement would tease that month’s special banner and it would solely focus on or have characters from that game. And if that pattern is true then it might be SoV related since Alm is the lead. Get ready for Celica and Alm duo, Faye, Conrad, Rudolf and Silque alts again!
If there are twintails in the silhouette...
nah, wait for Laguz Friend to fuck over Ike.
I think maybe she could survive if you let him attack into you with hardy bearing and she can take him down with Counter roar. Gotta check the simulator for that.
It's Harmonized!
>Alcryst and Embla
At least I get to skip.
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Since no one posted it yet
Why are IS such super mega retards
Tempting. She looked pretty in her NY outfit.
Makes sense I guess, now Heroes units are on the table for Brides (again, given Fjorm)
I hope you're all ready for Engage Brides every year now too
I am on copium that is leon on the left instead of the engage guy
>new Embla
New Severance incoming.
This aged like milk >>1474349
Mega Sleep. Bridal Banners are the worst in the game next to the Easter ones
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I didn't know embla had fans, but my deepest congratulations to all six of you.
A good amount of people seemed to be amicable to her because of how cute she was in NY but they also refused to roll on it because god forbid a female gets paired with a male.
Embla’s there then that could mean… Intelligent Systems I swear don’t do this to me. I don’t want him to get a wedding alt and here I was thinking Felicia was going be the one potentially showing up out of nowhere.
I was just surprised they didn't try to combine Askr and Embla's prfs into one
Feud to closest foes, Time's Pulse and Resonance to closest allies
>don't want him
I'll bite but don't speak like a schizo, who are you talking about? Askr? Alfonse?
Probably askr. Who is kind of intrinsically linked with embla, so it seems likely that they would basically always appear on banners together for banners like this.
Barechest-tux Askr would save this banner
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vero trusted in embla so i did too
NY was beautiful but yeah eventually i got tired of askr. it was a fun dynamic for a while
but now! it's her time and her time only!
What do you mean trusted in Embla, she made her life hell
Is that Alphonse or Alcryst?
It's Alcryst, but I can see the confusion
Still, Alfonse's hair only does like... the swoopy thing (for lack of a better term) in one direction, while Alcryst has it for both, and it looks like he's wielding a bow there anyway
So this makes two versions of the guy that are limited? I kinda feel for his fans
i should rephrase, after all that unpleasantness, vero started to sympathize such as in this line that l.vero has, and that doll she made where embla is smiling instead
>Embla was...lonely. I believe that is what changed her.
so just like askr, who believed that the old embla, who enjoyed her people before she was betrayed, was still in her somewhere. their NY duo reaffirmed this since she was starting to open up again
>blessable severance unit
haha ok
That was very well put. Assuming you're an Embla fan I'm happy you got your alt
Yeah I was talking about Askr I didn’t specify because whenever I mention something I don’t want to specifically happen it ends up happening.

To me that would be a small silver lining but it won’t happen. If he does get an alt He’ll be covered up in a plain white tuxedo with some accent color or two specifically the gold and blue from his original version. I ranted about how I dislike that most of the wedding alts follow that trend back in the last thread.
>If he does get an alt He’ll be covered up in a plain white tuxedo with some accent color or two specifically the gold and blue from his original version.
I'm sure his damaged art could have him be pretty ripped, no?
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Duo Alear and Veyle
This would be so impossibly gay and spammy
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incest is canon in every FE game when the option is there.
Here's your banner
>Duo Henriette Fjorm
Would you roll?
...huh, i never realized that they wear the pact ring on their middle finger
because jade holds it instead of wearing it due to her gauntlets
nice I get to skip the shit bridal banner and focus on the legendary later this month
Who could it even be? We don't have many Legendary candidates left unless they start dipping into the Engage royals
well, we got mythic and fallen veyvle and regular/mythic/fallen lumera. so engayge logic says its going to ber one of them
My Chrom is only +1 and running his base kit with T3 skills, and the other three have average BST
Doesn't matter who the feature is, it's a de facto E!Ike banner.
That is very true
And with Emblem Marth no less
Though I'm not sure who they share with
probably like, base Lif
Just to make sure the value isn't too good.
No because I dislike Askr and Embla's OCs
it isn't
yeah huh.
>summer nifl
>bridal embla
who's next for extreme gap moe
reginn or nott in a super frilly dress?
So which male is gonna be the grail unit this year
Remember Elm?
>reginn in a cute dress
that would be nice, but she's up for a TT this year so it feels unlikely.
elm got in at NY too, i'd be surprised if they gave him another alt, despite his close ties to embla
you know who's actually been skipped and is feasible?
otr. he even had that plan to marry nott at one point
She is free from feh and Embla replaced her by a Einherjar with shorter hair
Speaking of Coco, when is she getting a rerun? Hasn't it been like a year since she last appeared as a focus unit?
Anna (Engage) (Bridal), surely...
>Another Anna bridal
>Anna getting another alt before a base form
>Child bridal unit
That'll go over VERY well.
Exactly. And a Sage Anna alt soon, since god knows she'll not be a mage in her base form.
>That'll go over VERY well.
Yeah r*ddit and twitter trannies will have an irrelevant melty because they all pride themselves into being F2P anyway, meanwhile it will sell like hotcakes in Japan.
i bet embla will come with yet another completely new beast 4 skill line
Where do you edit your teams 2-5 for squad assault?
I believe you can only edit those in the game mode itself but you can copy from reserve teams and your regular teams.
ok, thanks.
What are some good skills to give to Rearmed Ingrid so I can pass off to others?
What if it's Fogado
My guess is still Alcryst because of not only the hair but also the collar (Fogado's collar is bigger and more feathery) but I figured I'd throw that guess out there, since he's also an archer
Flared sparrow, assassin strike,trace 4, Deadly miasma, whataver rare skills fliers can get
That’s a possibility but I’m guessing that would up to Intelligent Systems and possibly the artist they choose. I’m not sure about their process. Regardless like I said before it would be a small silver lining for an alt I’m more than likely going to dislike. Also I know I’m being very pessimistic and I don’t want to be but I would rather have my expectations low so I don’t get my hopes crushed. But I would like to be pleasantly surprised and proven wrong.
Betting the freebie for the bridal banner'll be a guy again.
yeah, that seems likely.
Get those last minute guesses in.
Yeah, probably a literal who m*le with like 3 votes in CYL
With an axe
The current day of the week also ends in the letter y.
Embla, Vero, Alcryst demote, Lapiss, Alfonse or Askr TT.
>Alcryst demote
Unlikely, he has a prf
It's _______!
>complete % DR nullification smoke
Holy shit lmao
Who the heck is this?
>Sharena lead
Very cute choice
Shit banner except Sharena and Veronica, that was cute. These skills are fucking horseshit, though
I hope Alcyrst is decent at least. I wouldn't see the harm in letting him keep his prf.
What the hell are these effects
Also, from the FB at least, Lapis is boring as shit, why is she getting an alt?
>No Askr
Hope he is in summer instead
Also Shareena finally got something
Feels weird caring more about the Heroes characters than the mainline game characters
Damn, Al got dumped for his sister?
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i have never regretted my lack of orbs more in my life than now, please luck let me get embla and sharena/vero
i even JUST bit the bullet and finally bought the second vero accessory so now i can't afford the sharena + vero accessory
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They even powercreeped the ninjas duo skill
>3 actions without using Galeforce + Canto refresh on every action
God I'm glad I'm a well adjusted person that doesn't care about Summoner Duels or I'd have fucking necked myself seeing this
>bridal Best Friend
>it's a duo
Genuinely didn't expect this. She's definitely my next +10 target even though being a duo kinda ruins it.
>still short hair vero
I hope they have her grow it back out. RIP Feh OC summer.
Alfonse stole her alts for years
Sharena stole his girl
Alphonse said "no way fag" and forced Sharena to marry Veronica for the sake of peace between the kingdoms. But in all seriousness, this CC is gonna be aids between Awakening kids warping on top of you and infinite move Sharena.
What do you mean, Shareena did get alts, you have Peony, Peony + Tiandra and Attuned Peony those count as Shareena too!
Askr didn’t get an alt I was proven wrong thank goodness!! Also I’m glad Embla isn’t wearing a white dress but I feel like they missed the opportunity to make the feathers sides be bat wings or had her wings be apart of the dress or something inside of using the default bird feather design. But anyway good luck to those of you who are planning on summoning when the banner drops.
I think you just lock her down by murdering her friends with Lyon, she's pretty much guaranteed to eat the Nightmare debuff

She also probably explodes on contact with E!Ike
Is Fonse's seiyuu still canceled?
did someone infiltrate IS
sharena goes ignored for this long and suddenly comes out fucking swinging?
alongside surprise engage picks and a bridal banner that's not self-sabotaging?
This proves that what actually happens is a Royal Sandwich
Two askr royals with an embla royal in the middle
She's going to steal a Brave slot next year, too.
They should've swung for a bikini
They remembered that Sharena exists and this is her pity alt
So if Sharena attacks one of Lapis's targets, she can get a 4th action, right? And if she runs Galeforce, she can get a 5th?
I guess that would make it pretty brain dead easy. Shame this games balance only goes as far back as last months banner.
They really like to bully Fomo in these trailers
He's the representative for big dumb "unkillable" brick wall
Now I need a Legendary Leo so Xander can stab him.
which is funny, because he hasn't been good at being a big dumb unkillable brick wall for a year.
Once I see them killing emblem Ike I will know that they are actually good at killing things.
I'd say he wasn't ever really good at it
They will really put engage on pretty much every single seasonal banner they can this year, won't they? Not even 3 Houses was this bad when it was released and that got back to back story banners iirc
The only based post from this shithole.
lol he thinks the game will last that long
one or two units isn't that bad, especially when 3H completely overtook several seasonals and still continues to do so
yeah. He was never particularly bad himself, certainly not emblem ike, or even as bad as fedelgard was in her day. A reasonable offensive unit could deal with him, unlike the others Emblem ike and fedelgard, who both needed specialized strats and a stat check to deal with them.
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reminder that the ONLY source of c duel cav is a seasonal limited and it's in limited manuals right now
finish up your HoF for manuals before it goes away in two hours
Man does it even fucking matter anymore? c duel cav 4 is so far out of date as to be worthless.
some people like their favorites and it's a free option rather than the alternative of spending orbs
Is Lapis shit? I want to pull for her.
She's... really fucking weird to be honest here. It is hard to evaluate her. She is bad at killing things, but good at setting up others to kill things and allows your units a frankly absurd warp to her? And it auto galeforces units that kill the unit she previously fought? Normally, I would say a unit that just sets somebody else up to kill something is bad, but she ends up action neutral in doing so. She has some wild potential for galeforce shenanigans, but she also has to like, survive the crackback. Which is certainly possible from outdated units like fomortis, but less likely against modern units with free DR piercing.
Thought so...
Yeah, she essentially gets the most value out of failing to kill units while also surviving the combat. Maybe this was meant to be a middle finger to units that rely on Miracle strats?
>atk/def finish seal
That's pretty neat
She kinda feels like a unit made for getting arena kills for your bonus hero if that makes sense. I imagine its helpful if you have bonus units that aren't the most recent banner heroes/askr trio or your bonus legendary is poorly built
are you fucking kidding me
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Alcryst cute
His bow looks pretty decent for a non prf weapon and he has Atk/spd oath, definitely building him
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>got a surprisingly good lorenz in hall of fjorms
>do some quick checks in the battle simulator, he can fairly trivially kill emblem ike because devoted basket is fucking stupid and I have been procrastinating building a unit for that for a while now
>5 buttplugs and it is gonna be a while before we are back to the games I care about in the standard HoF run.
Am I actually gonna spend a buttplug on this dipshit
do it anon, formas are for making fun units
>it is gonna be a while before we are back to the games I care about in the standard HoF run
Which games are up next for HoF? Is there a graphic?
It goes in order of game release for the normal ones. Revivals are mostly a crapshoot given that it is determined by bots on xhitter.
We should be getting a heroes HoF next, and then shadow dragon, gaiden, etc.
It goes in this order (skipping TMS). We just had Engage so next we're back to Heroes.
Thanks. Now I'm feeling tempted to forma Summer Doro, because going by that rotation it'll be a long while before another interesting unit will come up for me too.
Any guesses on what units it might be?
Some people can make a reasonably accurate list of potential candidates, but I don't know how they do it. You might be able to find that kind of info on reddit
they even gave marth canto control, how rude
Can't be bothered to read the prfs anymore, it's all probably some broken bullshit anyway
Now I just look at the art and the fodder skills and call it a day
Most you'll never end up seeing outside of their story/paralogue map anyway. Only time I bother reading someone's Prf is if they kill me in AR or something.
It's nice to see Emblem unit B skills won't be exclusive to them at least. Gives me incentive to merge Emblem units instead of killing them off if their skills will be available on other units later.
It'll be interesting to see how they handle Laguz Friend given that it's linked to the Tellius games (through it's name at least), will they give it to FE9/10 units (maybe even a Priam alt) or just give it to anybody?
The thing is Laguz Friend is the translated name but in Japanese its called Immovable
This was fun, might try an Ephraim Only run next
Dunno if I agree, the only reason to like Finish skills is because of the extra true damage and healing, which only exist at Tier 4.
t3 still gives the bonus damage, and as a raw stat stick like most seals, the 3-range condition is very easy and flexible. it's also +1/+1 higher than catch and ideals too, which offer only stats
Gunnthra and Hrid are guaranteed to be in it
The other 2, some people are saying AFjorm but who knows
She's my merge project so thanks, i guess
>my lapis is still only +3
i've got 950k feathers burning a hole in my pocket
My lapis been stuck on +5 for months...
A shame he doesn't have his prf B skill though, but then again Winter Claude was similar
I've dumped like 1000+ orbs on red since her release trying +10 my 5* exclusive heroes who are also sword infantry
So how does Emblem Ike do against the new Brides?
They aren't built around looping AoE or preventing his special, so he probably instantly puts a bullet through their skulls
I've only bothered reading Embla's kit (because she's a qt) and she can easily charge up AoEs for herself and one of her allies. Not exactly a direct Ike counter but it's worth keeping in mind.
>or preventing his special,
Lapis's Flow Guard 4 has a built in Scowl though so that might throw a wrench into his plan.
Ended up doing so and got everyone but Lumera (sparked Veyle)
Got another Shinon from one of the banners but no suitable Deadeye users (since all of my archers already have it).
Is he getting a refine this year at least?
Would you say Time's Pulse is useless for Lloyd? I'm thinking of killing off a Fallen Byleth to him and don't have Close Call fodder, so I have to choose between Distant A/S Solo and either CC4 or TP4, but I feel like I'll never equip TP4 on him when he doesn't have -1 special on his Prf.
I would go with Time's Pulse 4 anyway
Shinon will likely get a refine around July/August's update
I'll keep him around for now then and wait for that, hopefully it's something decent.
It baffles me to see someone get excited that a unit they like didn’t get an alt.
It seems strange but I get it
I mean, anon could've had adult Tiki as a favourite, and well, we saw how that turned out last year
>pull for Ursula to fodder her off
>+atk - hp
>pull for unit I want
>shit IVs
Didn't Alcryst have a unique B skill?
Yeah but his alt doesn't, same happened to WClaude
yes. Having a PRF skill doesn't mean every version of someone is going to get it.
It's Duo!
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It looks like Sharena got into a Duo, and she's sharing with her brother Alphonse, this new year's banner sure looks great
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Finally got him to 60 health. Fuck yeah.
I know I’ve made a lot of noise about my dislike for the wedding banners it just is one of my least favorites but I don’t think it’s odd for someone to hope that their favorites get an alt that they like or at least are neutral towards rather than dislike.
Anyone remember when armors were the dominant unit type? Good times.
I miss Effie being bad ass.
>Summer Fjorm HoF
Oh fug
Summer Ylgr cunny
Unfortunate. Was hoping for a Nifl or Summer Freyja.
Didn't Summer Fjorm only come out like a year ago?
the game is dying
Feh is dying because akariss quit...
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Quotes, if anyone here was interested.
s t i c c
It's a cute sticc.
image is too small. i hope she has that malnourished look to her since I can't get it from vero anymore.
Part of me is almost considering getting a Ylgr forma
Nothing of value that I don't already have. Truly this is the hall of fjorms.
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i will wait for her refine
Charge your phone
I dont. she was voiced by the talentless cunt marisha ray.
I desperately need a duo of him and benny
Is this update coming in the next hour or tomorrow?
Nah her voice is cool idk what you are talking about.
okay faggot simp
Knowing she pisses you off makes me love her voice even more :P
I had a dream last night that they introduced a new mode that was like HoF but you could choose from a bunch of different units and I somehow ended up accidentally forma-ing three completely unbuilt units
Go back to r*ddit dubshitters
>couldn't get counter roar 3 fodder in a few pulls
Fuck that then
Used all my 100 orbs and couldn't get Sharena
Got B!Eliwood, B!Gullveig, and F!Ninian though
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Try again, I'm feeling lucky.
Ok, what the fuck. I can't auto TT because Sharena just fucking moves 4 spaces and Cantos 4 spaces away soloing all 4 of my TT teams. It's Tea Ayra all over again. Who can she not kill?
I've been having mixed success with emblem ike, which should tell you all you need to know about the situation.
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Emblem Ike, kinda
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It's nice when I'm the one getting absurdly lucky for once
oh that is a really cute and comfy castle design
Winter Dimitri if he gets vantage
>free summon the unit that would have made me spend orbs after months of saving
Not rolling on any bridal banner for the past six years must've tricked the desire sensor.
Seems like Grandpa Nergal can take care of it
Is there even any reason to get Fjorm
Her base kit is still her best build
Maybe Laguz Friend though does she even make good use of it?
Her defs aren't very high
Highly tempting. What should I aim for if I'm giving her a buttplug?
some rare axe, rally skill, no quarter, distant bonus doubler, Phys. Null Follow and times pulse 4 maybe?
You're so fucking bad at this kusoge, holy shit
Laguz Friend would be the main reason to go for her there, since it lets you pierce through opposing % based DR even if you have a defensive Special yourself, like Fjorm does
But, she would have to give up her own % based DR, as Spurn is also pierceable (by say, an opposing unit with Laguz Friend) so any DR that Fjorm would rely on if she had LF would primarily be through her Special, and that's not THAT much
Since she'd be giving up Spd based DR in exchange for using 20% of her Res, and it really isn't a lot either
I think her being here is mostly for anyone who +10'd her and/or managed to Res stack with her to take full advantage of Laguz Friend
>Res stacking
Something like this?
I might pick one just to have more options on skills
Her base skills will still be there and i have 3 Eggs
You could also go with Still Water and try Atk/Spd Ploy or Atk/Res Oath, since I think her weapon already provides Guard, though the HP boost from Fireflood Boost is nice
However, the other thing is that she'll want to keep Time's Pulse 4 anyway because her Special needs to be ready for its Distant Counter effect, and Laguz Friend would only charge it during combat
>duo sharena, anankos, arlen, but no embla
still despise the fact that they got away with paywalling pity
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>60 Health
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Well this will be annoying. The only unit that I have that can survive against her is Flame Tribe Mordecai but he can’t KO her and she will whittle him down.
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Off banners are so weird sometimes. Trying to get F!Lumeras and I got my third off banner Gregor and two Flavias in a row. Some characters just won't leave me alone.
Fun, huh? Not even TT is safe from IS's powercreep faggotry anymore.
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>27 res
That's what the res stacking Far Saver is for.
why not a +5 health seal for 90 and summoner support for 95
is it just me or does this TT just feel.... slower? there's just something about it that feels like its taking a few turns longer over all from other TTs
It would be fun for the meme, but realistically unless I run into another Arden who opts for that, nothing is ever beating his bulk. It's more useful to go for a skill with some actual use.
And no Summoner Support because I have too many wives.
It's probably the maps, that one with the flower pots above your units takes a while
Might be the maps, enemies are at the opposite side of it so unless you repo (which autobattle can't) you are likely engaging on combat on turn 2
What about manakete?
Since when can you not inherit skills from forms units?
Since they were a thing
Since their release
Uh oh, did you redeem Alfred?
Remove the penis, jannie
Is there an option to play with the JPN audio?
No I got laguz friend on my Dorothea and I wanted it.
Yeah, but you have to play with JPN text too lmao
Yes, we have been asking for them to be separate options for literal years, why do you ask?
How do Nel and New Years FKanna compare?
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They are different color so you can really compare them, the stat difference hardly matter when compared to skills but FKana can run ploys slightly better if you are into that.
Though FKana main advantage is requiring grails instead of orbs
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Finally got the Summer Ivy manual, anons
Now my Plumeria's got some fancy new tools
>Forget to do Arena Assault
God damn it
I could've sworn she was green too but I guess I held off too long on building her (since I didn't have the right fodder) and went full retard.
Her OG version is green so you might had mixed that
I play my other Gachas and nu-FE games with the Jpn audio usually, thought I somehow missed the option when sifting through menus.
lol, nothing is more cucked than being the new hot powercreep unit that can't even kill the old powercreep unit with TA advantage
especially when we just got new hot powercreep that CAN kill emblem ike.
>almost considered passing some Atk/Spd Scowl levels to Kanna from Nel
>remembered only Mythic Lumera has it and I don't have her anyway before I made that retarded mistake
Ursula, right
yeah, she shits on emblem ike
>pulled her to fodder her
>remember Reinhardt has most of her fodder, don't really need the LAD upgrade and my FE7 box is shit
>option to murder Ike
Glad I changed my mind.
So they nerfed Tiki in her TT by not giving her any skills despite being manageable but they don't nerf these obnoxious canto assholes the same way?
I remember when Picnic Flora as a TT boss was considered pretty difficult to auto.
The people who didn't allow it on some wii u game and fates are doing everything they can not to have it on feh since they have no power over the switch.
>finally got embla
i cannot believe how cute her lines are, holy hell
When I get around to Tellius I'll figure out how to undub or eng text patch the JPN version, but that's a /feg/ discussion
Thanks, anon
The magic formula is
>take evil woman
>make her tsundere in reaction to genuine kindness
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It's someone from NoA in cahoot with Treehouse
Awakening was not localised by them and has all dlc and dual audio.
They did fates and it was shit
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>realize I can't get Counter Roar 4, the four levels of Spd/Res Scowl and her arcane stone in one go from Fallen Lumera
Just wait 6-8 months for it to drop on a seasonal.
Mozu cockblocking my RB run
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>fallen banner pity reached 5.25%
Just fuck my shit up
Who will be the first unit that can go 5 spaces without restriction
>embla can galeforce every turn for free
that's fun, but she still fails the ike test so i wonder if i should give her draconic aura or luna instead
makes no sense why she comes with dragon fang, which leaves her 1 short of precharged and wastes the cd charge+1 from atk/spd wild
it's kinda sad how bridal embla completely invalidates mythic embla, not even a sidegrade she's just strictly better
Brave Alphonse, mark my words
Haven't played in months.
I just the Sharena duo.
How bad is the powercreep going on???
Since the beggining of the year, this is the sixth big powercreep we got.

Any pvp mode is just powercreep on powercreep action now. Some paralogues are super hard without units with a lot of investiment or the latest powercreep unit
horrible so don't bother.
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At least my girl still reduces lift loss haha......
>your girl
>no S rank summoner support
powercreep can be replaced as quickly as a month, but inheritance means it's not hard to keep up
we only have one bullshit omni unit right now but it has flexible enough counters. everyone else, no matter how strong, still dies easily on their off phase
I wonder if we will ever get an unit that doesn't have a human form at all, like even Formotis starts out as Lyon
Maybe if they add Macuil or Indech in 4 years from now or something
When is the next emblem unit?
Next month probably
Pretty sure it goes Mythic>Legendary>Emblem, we just got Loki so this month should be a legendary hero
I wonder if they will make each house leader it's own emblem or do it like Engage did and have all three in one. Oh god I just had the thought of an unit that is both an engage and a duo since Erika-Ephraim, Chrom-Robin and Edelgard-Dimitri-Claude shared the same emblems in Engage, at the rate of current powercreep I wouldn't be surprised if we reached stuff like that.
No reason they can’t introduce a trio unit as a new unit entirely.
>raging storm + atrocity + fallen star
honestly doesn't sound that bad anymore, we have gullveig and duo sharena who act a million times, and everyone has DR as is
>anyone can also do it by equipping the ring
would be fun
They could easily just make those Duo Emblems (or I guess trio in the case of the 3H Lords)
And all they have to do is make it so that the Engage effects are different depending on what movement type you are
Armours can get Raging Storm to give them another action (making any armour into an Edelgard, and making Edelgard into.... two Edelgards, lol), infantry get Atrocity to give them more damage and to also heavily debuff the foe and nearby foes, and fliers get unpierceable DR like Fallen Star
Cavalry just get fucked, I guess, or they could just get a mix of Atrocity and Fallen Star
As for Edelgard herself, since you know she is gonna be the lead, she can get like... +1 Mov, Charge, Warp, an extra action, 20% of her Atk as damage, 80% DR that's unpierceable, Foe Penalty Doubler, -6 to all stats on the foes, Gravity on those foes, and throw on the counter denial status while you're there, why not
I am not looking forward to Fallen Star 2 when LClaude gets remixed.
Nah, it'll probably be something tame like Tempo or 50% DR pierce or something in addition to its original effect
when will they reveal the god capable of implanting festive thoughts/memories in people's minds, outfits they cannot take off, and forever trapping them in a foreign world?
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News if there are any Freyrfags here.
>wanted freyr in book 4 because he looked and sounded cool
>rolled for him on summer but didn't get him
>roll for him years later in his debut and have to spark
>have hardly used him since
It's disheartening, but realistically not the biggest loss.
I kinda hate it that Japan takes VA rolls so seriously. Like so many Eng voices have been replace and yeah it sucks but sometimes it can be better like Alexis Tipton being better than Laura Bailey for Lucina.
Oh boy, PoL time, i can't wait to instantly lose half my team to W!Edel and Gulveigs who are 20 levels higher than any of my units
I don't see IS selling the lords as a single unit when they can sell each of them separately, especially when the emblem pool is already pretty limited
Mmmmm yes it sure is fun seeing all my PoL units suicide into emblem Ike
Not saying that Japan's policy about meddling a VA's work and his private life isn't retarded but
>Like so many Eng voices have been replace and yeah it sucks but sometimes it can be better like Alexis Tipton being better than Laura Bailey for Lucina.
They're replaceable and not professionals. They're cheap amateurs. America taking the VA industry a bit more seriously wouldn't hurt, because they're currently one of the worst in the world.
Blame the shitty VA unions
Honestly in a game where some people voice multiple characters the fact that we only lost Freyr is a blessing
Hard to precharge AoE specials for him also since a lot of methods involve "on turn 1" skills which only apply to, well, the first turn.
Who would have thought that, in the end, the huge yandere brocon was the sanest one of the two siblings?
Not your personal army, if you want to shitpost the thread do it on your own, not falling for the bait.
I hope every single one of you sc/u/m dies
nah JP needs to get over itself, they are not the character even if they got its role
even hollywood actors get recast sometimes when a series gets a reboot/remake
Emblem Sigurd
>nah JP needs to get over itself, they are not the character even if they got its role
Can you read? I'm literally calling this retarded
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>my glorious Nihonjin VA
I get what you're saying but damn if you didn't say it like a massive weeb.
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>>my glorious Nihonjin VA
I absolutely did not say that you obsessed faggot. I did not say that japanese VAs were amazing, I only called out America shitty cheap voice acting industry.
I want SoV Grima / The Creation, before he got a vessel and was just a big science lizard with telepathy
>try to point out that American VA are terrible so they're replaceable
>which implies JP va aren't since that is the main subject
Nino, I never said you did or didn't say they were amazing. I even said I understood what you were saying
It was just the way you said it sounded like a weeb.
Calm down, you goober.
Would be neat if when they get to Fenrir and Jörmungandr they are actual animals instead of transforming people just to shake things up a bit, having just straight up giant beasts as the main bosses of a book could be cool. I really doubt it will happen but would be neat, wouldn't be surprised if the only Norse beasts that don't end up being transforming people in the end are Hugin, Munin, Geri, Freki and Sleipnir and they only if they appear in the art of Alfaðör instead of being units themselves.
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When is their refine? Devoted Basket+ is just a straight upgrade at the moment, so I'm hoping they get something fun.
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>It was just the way you said it sounded like a weeb.
Who cares how it sounds? I just stated facts and you're there namecalling because it hurt your feelings. I'm not going to pretend that Japan are perfect at voice acting, far from it, but compared to american VAs who are not even real actors and dubbing a foreign game, they're not playing in the same league. Japan takes the job seriously, TOO seriously. America is the polar opposite of this, they hire any shitter they can get.
In any other instance I'd agree with you, but when talking about the quality of VAs I feel like it's alright to be a weeb about it, especially when there's shit like Xander's english VA somehow managing to get a job despite sounding even worse than an amateur
What a fucking faggot
I'm glad they gutted this mode so i don't have to try and i still get max rewards, aside from a one time trophy which i already got
Many events are being ruined because of the current powercreep.

>Pawns of Loki? Infurating on Advanced and annoying on Intermediate
>Grand Conquest? We better not get a new one because playing it above Lunatic will be a miserable experience
>Tempest Trials? You better bring a dedicated counter to deal with the new busted seasonal unit in the last map if you play in Lunatic
>Seer's Snare? Already including modern units, which is made worse because they get even higher levels
>Summoner Duels? Virtually unplayable

And Forging Bonds has lost its novelty when most of the dialogues are the same shit we have seen in previous events, just with a different coat of flavor, and having to grind over a hundred battles to try to max all of the units' affinities has gotten really annoying.
>Seer's Snare? Already including modern units, which is made worse because they get even higher levels
Don't forget them giving old units random new powercreep skills. Legendary Marth has C Bonus Doubler because fuck you.
>Roll one Emblem Ike
It's just that easy
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the gays have ruined my life
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>Seer's Snare?
I have lucked out every run so far by having one unit have a niche that lets me boost them to obscene levels. Syrene is currently in the process of making everyone her bitch because Pegasus flight stacking.
Their lines are pretty ambiguous, worst comes to worst you get a threesome.
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boy i can't wait for rokkr to return
Is the new resplendent reveal today or tomorrow?
What’s the point of great aether doing 5 out of combat damage?
It did a lot of AoE chip damage to nearby foes originally, I think
That's what that's trying to reference
>*puts emblem ike on my PoL team*
Not my problem anymore
No I mean why only 5 damage. Idk that just feels wrong. I think 15 would be the right amount.
I think we're playing a different gacha, I didn't have these lines.
I give up rolling for Sharena. It is not my fate.
bro your spark?
I had 2 Ikes and I just let that shit play itself
>Whoever marries Princess Sharena will have their hands full. Perhaps... that's just a form of marital bliss?
>What kind of person do you think Veronica is likely to marry? It's so fun to think of all the possibilities!
>Make us happy for the rest of our lives!
>How about we make a promise? Whenever we do get married, we'll attend the other's wedding!
>Cherish us, or else...
They're not marrying each other, they are for (you).
3/5th of those lines aren't directed at anyone and the other 2 are arguable.
Bro actually went full cope mode about this alt for some reason
i never built a galeforce unit until now but it made me realize that i miss the fun of special cutins
Same problem with AOE specials, you're losing part of the unit which is gay
>didn't get colorless or green orbs in arena ticket
could not possibly be a worse outcome, motherfucker spooked me 4 times on debut when i just wanted one soleil, his fodder wasn't useful even then, and he's ugly with no redeemable personality
>none of my units can do shit on the last sneed's snare map
I can't change my units on the mode right? Meaning that it's all over
You can but you have to start from the beginning
You could just do hard instead of lunatic, 2000 feathers ain't shit.
>all this time and Pirate Naesala is still the only guy with Stall Ploy
you're better off using gravity appliers instead, like our brand new l.loki
Spark Fallen Veyle because she's cute or Nergal to help out my FE7 box?
Nergal because he's actually a good unit
Veyle because she's actually cu-
Sorry, I don't actually find Veyle cute.
Nergal is cool, and supposedly good with a neat gimmick.
Veyle is cute, and her C skill is nice to have.
Odds take nergal
Evens take your evil little sister.
Nergal because he's actually cute
Nergal can steal status effects
Resplendent Ayra
The first Vanaheimr Resplendent at that
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damn she's really rockin that 90s hair
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She’s so pretty, can’t wait to see who the next Vanaheimr resplendent will be
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So shiny
Glad she broke free from the Tomoyo curse
S tier art easy
Looks like the dragon dude from Saint Seiya, manish as fuck, terrible.
>Scathach after taking his HTR doses
Who should I give this spare Fellstone to?
>new year's female kana
She's currently one of my 4 highest BST units, but I don't care about her on a personal level and will leave her to rot once I don't need her for scoring anymore. Fates is my weakest team for LHBs and she'd be useful there even after I stop using her for BST scoring.
I like her and keep her flowered up, but the only time I find myself using her is in Arena Assault and maybe SDS. I know I'd have to give up Domain of Ice in order to use Fellstone, but I feel DoI is a C skill that's quickly becoming devalued as more DR piercing is being introduced.
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Isn't NY M!Kana's comparable to the new Arcane dragonstone? You could give that to Nifl it it's better and keep her passive. Domain of Ice is nice, but a lot of people come with DR built in now, especially as DR pierce becomes common and DoI is still only for the first attack. it gets a lot less value and is mostly good for older units or types that can't get access to DR.
If you like Nifl and are going to continue to use her past once past when you think you would stop using FKana then she would technically get more use out of it.
Tomoyo curse?
Domain of Ice is such a small time nothing skill now. 30% DR doesn't cover much, and that's easily pierceable by anything nowadays. So I would just give the Fellstone to Nifl, which provides 40% DR anyway.
Another thing I've hated about it in practice is that it's on a 3 move unit, which makes it easy for her to initiate combat without being 2 spaces near an ally to benefit from it herself.
I hope she gets to do art for the 4/5 remakes
Not looking like a tranny is a curse now aparently.
>robin, camilla, then ayra
next resplendent will be hot garbage won't it
>Implying those three weren't
I should really play the Jugdral games
She's not a bad artist by any means, it's just boring when all versions of a character are drawn by the same artist.
You should, but know that you're in for a looooooooooot of waiting and gigantic maps in FE4, like one chapter can feel as long as three or four in any other game
While FE5 plays more traditionally, albeit with a fair bit of nonsense that it can't hurt to have a guide nearby
The wait and map size made me lose interest in FE4, I was in chapter 2 and fell asleep. That said, I'm very interested in them. Especially Thracia, the obtuseness has a charm
If it helps you decide, Nifl will eventually get a refine while FKanna will never get one
Also i do find Kanna somewhat more useful in the long run
>not dogshit
Just save state at the first castle of a chapter.
Who wants Arcane Caliburnus? It seems like slower defensive mages would benefit the most from it.
No one. She's Atk/Res Ploy fodder
Why aren’t the event modes permanent?
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honestly wondering what they would actually do for her refine if they get around to it.
>Tiger Spirit: 14 Mt, +3 Res
>At start of combat, if unit's HP > 25%, grants Atk/Res +6 and Spd/Def +4 to unit during combat, and also, after coimbat, if unit attacked, inflicts 【Panic】 and 【Discord】 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.
>If foe's HP > 75%, or if [Penalty] is active on foe, grants +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding Area of Effect specials)
Did you like it?
Soren only because what he currently has is ABSOLUTEL DOGSHIT
Don't think about it too much and just throw it on a slow green mage you like. It's pretty shit. Faster mages would probably prefer Tea Ferdinand's weapon.
Soren can’t be bad because he can assign savior to emblem Ike and any other new OP units.
I meant base soren not brave soren
this but knolls refine
They are event not game mode
Feh is a low effort gacha, they don't want to make useful stuff for you to grind
I'd be too annoyed at pulling Laegjarn to roll for Elincia. My Hortensia will have to wait for Dazzling Shift a little while longer.
wow this sure is garbage other than blue
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I'm kinda considering it.
>Ascended Merric in Rival Domains
For what reason?
She's finally complete
congratulations bartre
I gave it to Picnic Leo and base Soren, they're both on the slower side so they benefit from it.
To be a pain in the ass
Is that the best set you can give her? I haven't had good luck with mine, and I have already lost a couple fights because Hrid and Guunthra are downright useless.
when will the legendary be revealed?
Right NOW
since the banner is on the 31st, i'd expect it wednesday and maybe even thursday
Dunno if it's the best but everything likes Laguz Friend and she sure handles herself well against 25th floor shit in HoF.
>Nothing but teams of Vlyon and other meta picks
>Some at max points
Why? Legit why? SD is awful, fuck them making resources rewards
>playing SD

There's a reason the mode is nicknamed "Surrender Duels", don't even bother playing, you still get your rewards if you play once and immediately surrender.
It's Legendary!
I got a blessed circle after getting so much shit prior.
Good shit, anon
"Playing" is a bit of an overstatement, I'm auto battling, but the bullshit teams border on offensive
>nearing feather cap again
Time to work on a new merge project
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conga rats
Thanks everyone. It sucked that I got pity broken 3 times with off-banner units for this to happen though. My best unit pulled prior to this circle was a duo Ephraim.
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>only took me a year to fully merge
God bless the amount of sparkable banners she got
Nice Anon! Hopefully she holds up despite the powercreep.
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She's covered on DR so that helps a lot, though she obviously gets killed by deadeye effects easily.
My dragon tank gets destroyed by AoE specials and pre combat damage.
She's usually fine with AoE either because she can avoid the special with save, or because she doesn't get much damage due to her stat, and then the attack gets dr'd. Then pre combat damage's the current cancer so she can't do much about it either.
>Got my last Vanessa merge of the weekly banners
Congratulations, Anon. enjoy your wife.
how long till ashera refine?
>48 hp
>ver 1 armors can reach 70~80 but they can't mitigate damage nearly as well
it's kinda funny
I predict summer merrin. cav beast unit
What was that? Summer literal who 3H character? Right away.
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Thank you, I really should start working on her summer alt now
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I'd say she's next unless they jump to another one
Can't wait for that Guinevere refine
Can't wait until Lex gets a refine and Knoll a prf.
frothing at the mouth for a knoll prf
Nemesisbros, how badly do you expect him to get shafted...
I'm actually holding on to hope. They gave Ashnard some sauce, they might give him some too
what if we got lull seals
I want a Null C-Disrupt seal.
I might +10 if her refine is good, sucks that her HoF lost to poll
Could've gotten her to +8 with spark and forma
Last day to do your SDS.
last day to do your surrender on SDS
I did all I could and didn’t have a good time. I just want the codes, I need Sonya
I don't think I've won a single SDS match in the past three months
I'm so tired of this garbage
take the surrenderpill anon, the game mode literally isn't worth caring about, and you still get rewards.
I probably should at this point, I already got the gold SDS trophy anyway.
The hardest part is accepting that I'll fall back down to the lower tiers after all the effort I put into teaching the top. But I can't even maintain my rank nowadays, might as well stop trying altogether.
How many of you are at 6500 glory or more in sds? 7300?
Seteth Refine... So close I can taste it...
I haven't even opened it
I hope it's good, at least decent
It wont be.
Faith, anon
>get the 6% bonus for pulling three off banner 5*s
>hope to get Veyle or a Nergal dupe
>full red circle
>first orb picked is Lumera and then the rest are 3*s
I am seething
Yes please..................(Can I see your Seteth, anon?)
>go to do my sds surrender
>all 4 teams of the guy are nothing but 20 meta units
Settle down, buddy. You only got 1900 glory like me. Don't roll for meta if you aren't even going to bother to try to get to the high ranks.
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Right now I'm just running Luin and a slightly outdated kit, a good refine will give me an excuse to get some better skills on him. Even if he's competing with SharVero for my main Lance position, he's still good in Brigades based modes and is my go-to unit to send out in Binding Worlds for people to snag.
Whoops, meant to tag you too >>1480772
Merlinus better get a good refine, lord knows he needs it
Damn customer support pulled through for me.
huh didn't know those were a thing, neat
Apparently they're given out if you have an issue with acquiring a Resplendent hero. My case was due to me being booted out before I could grab last Resplendent hero before reset RIP orbs though.
How does this work?
Well once you're given a voucher it can be used to get any Resplendent hero and can be received from the Resplendent hero tab from the shop menu.
i bet you could save it for a future one if you really wanted, that'd be great
"accidentally" unable to claim one that you don't want and then just save the ticket
You could do that but I'd hate if they found out if I came back to them for a different issue and I dishonestly redeemed it for something else. Wouldn't want to incur some kind of ill response from them.
>merchants high quality dagger
>+10 to all stats
>if units hp is greater than or equal to 25% unit gets +10 to all stats at start of combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow up and cancels out effect that would prevent their follow up
I mean, it's better than nothing, but I'd like something that helps crank out Lethality more effectively
I won my match and was surprised it wasn't someone running powercreep from the last half year
I got lucky and summoned Brave Corrin on the forging bonds banner in 7 summons, I wanted Counter Roar 4 for my Female NY Kana.
Which one?
The customer support is extremely nice for this game.
I had an issue where i forgot to spark when my feh pass was active and they just gave me the hero i wanted.
>killing a good unit to make 2024 hanarino slightly better
You're supposed to sacrifice good units for your favorites
Pulse Up is something of a sidegrade to TP4 which comes in her base kit but I don't think Incite is that useful for infantry units unless you want to give her Assault Troop or use some warping shenanigans or something. Can't go wrong with Oath, or maybe Pledge if you want to try a different special.
I already have a Brave Corrin that im not building and besides like >>1480960 said thats how you get skills on units you like/are building.
Damn that sounds nice. I agree that they are nice I once helped a sibling before who tried to do the apple promotion that is random to get 3 months of FEH pass for the price of one iirc. And they had trouble redeeming the offer. In the end they gave them the three months and an extra 10 days on top since it took a week to resolve.
Please don't give her Incite Atk/SPD because aka2joel said so lmao
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Still upset Arcane Charmer wasn't an NFU staff especially when it was put on a fast staff unit.
Doesn't having a guaranteed follow-up attack + high Spd kinda do the same thing? Or no?
Seems every weapon has to start with the generic "guaranteed follow-up" effect (except for Axes, for some reason) before getting the more specialized effects.
Makes me wonder what the third Sword, Dragon and Blue Tome arcanes will do.
Every first Arcane does have to start with just a typical guaranteed-follow up attack for more generalist builds
Then the second has NFU for speedier units
The third? They could try to make them either support oriented or maybe, just maybe, cater to slower units (by way of giving like, 20% of Def or Res as fixed DR or something, or letting units strike twice if [whatever condition])
I mainly just hate being doubled on enemy phase by slow units.
And whenever Hardy Fighter 4 comes around and becomes the staple B skill since, iirc, if you use both that and a weapon that disables GFU which a lot of armors still come with, a fast unit with GFU won't double that unit with 2 sources of "disable GFU".
It's Legendary _____!
It's cumdump _______!
>urge to just fodder off a Fallen Lumera and Brave Corrin
>but what if Spd/Res Scowl 3 gets on a seasonal demote soon
It won't
Even more since most staffs use spd builds too. But good luck waiting for a second arcane staff, getting the first one was a odd enough already.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see what special celebration they'll have for Paralogue 100.
>Spd/Res Scowl 3 gets on a seasonal demote soon
In 3 years maybe
Im betting on brave weapons
I'm a bit doubtful on that at the moment given that they had the perfect chance to give arcane reinhardt a brave arcane tome, and opted to stick it to his prf skill instead.
The Byleth remix banner was shockingly generous to me. Disregarding the spark, I got
>1 copy of Byleth himself
>2 Peonys (the main reason I decided to try my luck!)
>1 Ryoma
>1 Bramimond
>1 random Noah
Granted, I don't give a shit about some of these pulls like Ryoma but I'm not used to get that much stuff out of a banner on my way to the spark. Now I'm anxious that the Emblem rerun is going to fuck me over because I used up what luck I had.
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>got BSoren to fodder
>can't get time pulse 4, magic nfu and flare without another time pulse fodder
Thank god they increased the amount of skills we can fodder to 5 of the 14 skills units come with nowadays
Nice. I gave up on those banners after a rash of bad luck
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>all +10 and modern skills
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Panic Smoke 4 on any Arcane Thrima user is kinda ridiculous
And then the more you can stack debuffs (Sabotage helps a lot), the bigger of a stat swing you can get
Legendary Soren
Attuned Nephenee
Normal Ass 5 star Brom
Ascended Mia
and uhhhhhhhh demote Rhys
I will +10 Brom immediately. I love that man
>still no Calill
agreed. incredibly based.
his fugly daughter can die though
she will get added at the same time alongside Largo
Rearmed Largo let's go
I've been stockpiling fodder for him, he can't come soon enough
top kek
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but anon, we already have two arcane axes
he'd be ascended unit from RD with only one arm
one day, brother, one day.
Who is your current grail project
Trying to decide on one now, gonna be one of the following:
Ninja saizo or summer shez
New years kanna
Don't have one. Patiently waiting for Galle's refine though.
I've wanted to build him for years but just looking at his statline made me sad.
Haven't been interested on a grail character in ages, i mostly just impulse +10 someone who could use an arcane weapon well, preferably from a game I don't have many good characters from
Gharnef, Garon, and Fargus. I would like a Brave Soren for Gharnef and I need a Gambit and Attuned Caeda for Farg
Pre battle damage meta-sama... I kneel...
No one at the moment but I'm waiting for Marni. And also Nemesis' refine, I suppose, hope it's good.
I'm one merge away from +10 on New Year Kana, next I'm doing Summer Leonie to get a cavalry archer and after that Scion Nanna for a flying staff user
Smol Minerva, though I've been using grails to get fodder lately so she's kind of on the back burner (and technically doesn't NEED merges since she's just support, but her support effects are nice)
It's Legendary Male Shez!
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god that's cute
>emblem ike + divine vein stone from lumera
Guess I'm putting 0 thought into my AR fights until a common unit can reliably kill that combo.
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hope you didn't bring any buffs
How is this mode supposed to be enjoyable again?
It isn't! :D
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Please, I need content...
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Go do your Arena Assault. It's fun.
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Arena: 3950 with +9 Legendary green tome Byleth
aa: finished in top 1000
ar: already did my two daily matches
ab/rb: done
Nah, the next banner is 100% gonna be
>Attuned Micaiah
>shitty 5* exclusive Nolan with filler fodder
>4* demote Edward
>quest freebie Leonardo
>GHB Aran
Screenshot this
>4 guys in total
Not happening
They're confident in Hraesvelgr and Micaiah carrying the banner. But if you want, you can swap out Leonardo with Laura
Switch out Aran for Lekain and I'm in. Doubly so if he isn't blue
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I'm merging BK because of the resplendent, but he's not really a project as much as a unit I dump a feathers into every time I approach the cap, I'm not going to actually build him.
>doesn't even include the skill refine text
>GHB Aran
He'll be a modern day Lukas with very high Atk and Def and good HP and average Spd and low Res, with Halting Lance+ which just inflicts -5 Atk/Def and follow-up denial, and he'll have Atk/Def Push and Seal Atk/Def. Hope this helps.
Still too short.
how we feeling about the chances of a trailer tonight?
pretty good
whos it gonna be lads
Legendary Banner is on Friday. So Trailer tonight.
I just need it to not be Legendary Mamui and a few others and I'm fine. I don't have the orbs for them, and need to save to finish up some characters that are coming soon.
in terms of chances, my guesses are Minerva>Engage Royal>Fates Royal>someone else
Legendary Oliver
I like this guess >>1481822
If its engayge Im going to be so mad
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>Fates Royal
it would be interesting if we started getting the younger siblings
legendary elise fucking when
>we get her and sakura before m.corrin
would laugh my ass off
Give me Jarod already

Whatever it is, if it's a red unit then it's going to be one of the best legendary banners to roll on ages. As for the character I'm hoping they start doing lord sisters, like Elis/ce, Lissa, Mist, Altera

Why is /feh/ schizoposting always so cryptic
Legendary Lucina... TWO!
>mfw I put Nergal/Tina on defense and see my opponent bring Heiðr
They just can't help themselves. Even funnier is when someone brings one of the Jotun sisters and gives my entire team Pathfinder
If that opens the floodgates for legendary Olwen, Altena and Say'ri, I would be very happy, but I feel like Camus and his derivatives deserve the shot at legendary alts first
Oh it's Corrin
wow i'm not reading all that
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i don't have the orbs for this.
Look on the bright side, it's a Legendary hero, so you'll always be able to keep track of them for reruns.
What a deal breaker, she doesn't have shit to fodder.
I hate Divine Veins so much its unreal
we have summer, another emblem, then summer 2 soon right?
i shouldn't chase merges on this banner
Here, I got you:
>if unit exists, grants stats and Distant Counter
>foe's DR is halved
That's basically it.
She's the sole reason why I'm a bit hesitant to summon for either Emblem Ike or Emblem Marth.
Like what does Kvasir even do other than fucking die since her DR is meaningless (ie pierceable)?
Cliff notes:
>DC weapon
>Scowl in weapon
>Special based DR
>reduces non-Special DR of enemies
>applies vein that also reduces non-Special DR
>slows ranged units and prevents them from warping

Also it's really funny how he's so much better than F!Corrin could ever hope to be just by the virtue of releasing later
I said I’m gonna roll red to spark for Emblem merges, I’m just gonna hope for the best
Cool Emblem banner basically, I don't give a shit about another fucking Corrin
haha this fucking sucks. I hate corrin and fates. killing myself.
>he's so much better than F!Corrin could ever hope to be just by the virtue of releasing later
That's every unit in the game. Legendary's Amy is going to be miles better than the trash emblem Ike's turning into when she gets released.
Is he though? Maybe statwise, but female Corrin has protection against Brave attacks
>still no Omega Yato
Wait, doesn’t Corrin have a sword?
she's cute and can dance or become a warp beacon
her fun was very short lived though because yeah DR piercing is so prominent now
I will never get over how fucking stupid this retard in his full outfit with bare feet looks.
I fucking hate it here
Still dies to Emblem Ike even with Scowl I bet lmao
He does, in fact, Hoshido Noble and Nohr Noble get a special Yato that either looks like a banana or is purple respectively
And then in the third path, they get a cool flaming chainsaw sword
Which we will NEVER get to see in this game at this rate lmao
His strange thigh-plates have always messed up so much of the outfit IMO. I hate it.
I love how the best use of his sword was his incarnation in Super Smash Bros
They don't want every main lord to be a swordie so Corrin is pretty much always a dragon.
Understandable, but still annoying because Yato is cool as fuck and Corrin has some cool animations that they could use for his finisher, but nope, same old dragon form.
Darn. I don't know if I wanna roll for Hortensia merges and Gullveig fodder since I'd kill myself if I got nothing but Askrs in 40 rolls.
>legendary f.corrin got a dragonstone
>brave also got a dragonstone
>now m.corrin also has a dragonstone
i think that's all realistic opportunities out the window
So does he get 100% dmg reduction negation with his special and vein? Or is it multiplicative and not sumative
As a Canas enjoyer, I'm getting pretty tilted at E!Ike for making every fucking premium unit come with Scowl now
>red beats green
that’s crazy….
Doesn't base M!Corrin have Omega Yato?
Percentages are never summative in this game
as the only other canas enjoyer I agree
Her special's pretty wasted on her due to the huge cooldown. And unlike Gullveig she doesn't get a free dance to help her trigger it every turn. She should've been just red Gullveig, pre combat damage and all.
So instead of getting creative they just put both Corrins in a box? Hell, Hoshido Noble can use staves, right? Do that
I want a L!Owain man
in FEH????? thats really not that crazy
He can still win CYLbahahahahahahahaha oh my god I can't say that seriously
If your premium unit can't buck the weapon triangle, it's not a very good premium unit
I guess I can feed Kvasir to.. fucking Walhart? I don’t have a lot of cav units
Tome F!Corrin and Staff M!Corrin are Rearmed/Ascended material.
Hell, might as well switch it up and make Hoshido F!Corrin and Nohr M!Corrin
How come my blue Lumera can't kill Ike then
At the very least Incite's pretty splashable
That's just the regular ol' Yato
Wish they would have brought this energy to Catria at any point at all
There's also the dlc where both Kannas get the Revelations version. Clearly both will be dragon units.
>Hell, might as well switch it up and make Hoshido F!Corrin and Nohr M!Corrin
See, that would actually be interesting. We can't have that!
I’m… actually ok with that. Nohr M!Corrin looks sick (weird leg rings notwithstanding) and I’ll take him
I can give the incite with atk/spd prime and no quarter from another Dimitri to a cav I like. Problem is that I can't think of any, it may be a good excuse to build Finn already.
Not sure what the correlation is. Ike loses to AoEs which Scowl doesn't stop since they're out-of-combat specials (unless this new Corrin does? I haven't bothered reading his skills yet).
The title is just "yato" but it has parts of omega yato in its art and model. The model has the chainsaw part, and the art has the 4 red gems, but in game its just "yato". It's very inconsistent because the in game model uses omega yato.
Yeah, that’s a good idea, so she isn’t totally worthless. I have no idea AR Lull 4, though
they designed her to attack, reduce the counter, and trigger special all in one round, but that fell off hard
About fucking time.

No wonder why they put E!Marth, E!Ike in the banner, and released RespCamilla this month.
Lull 4s are a joke
In addition to the -4 [stat/stat] that the base effect deals, it also inflicts a grand total of -1 extra [stat/stat] for every status effect the foe has, which caps out at -4
And that's....... it
That's why I was confused. He does have the normal Yato in his art. Very odd disconnect between the sprite and art.
Using a cav without canto is pointless nowadays, so a near trace would be a must
Canto isn't that difficult to provide as a bonus. Canto control also counters it on ranged units so it isn't super reliable for the harder modes.
He's saying that E!Ike existing made IS add more Scowl users to the game to counter him, which in turn also inadvertently screws over older units that can only function by special looping, like Canas
Haar has been part of my arena core since before his refine, once they started ignoring non-special DR it was over, man
Can Haar get Laguz Friend? Probably not, right? Seems like an infantry only skill. Feels like it'd be pretty nice on him though.
I'm still mad they anankos and Idunn didn't get proper mythic treatment.
Nergal, lol
>many villains which should be mythics or legendary units get tossed into GHB
>Some actual god characters are in the normal pool while non-gods are in the mythic category
It's a strange world out there.
Nergal being a regular-ass unit was such a bizarre choice
Yeah, nah. Gotta run with Gambit still.
All I feel toward this is "great, another annoying tank to deal with in Arena"
oh my god who the fuck cares moron
I care
We have 42 mythics in total, and 25 of them are Heroes OCs
Doesn't help that some of those mythics are just random characters like the manlet siblings instead of like, mythic beings
I care
It's just a bit dumb, really
>fire legendary with anti-ranged warp bubble
RIP my L!Hinoka. Why would you do this to your sister, Corrin?
I remember seeing somewhere, probably in a YGO discussion for why villain decks dont get as much support and why a ton haven't even been printed even after decades, that Japan isn't as fond of playing as the villains and maybe IS thought villains(that aren't women) wouldn't sell as much if they were one of those rare units
Bride Catria should be joining the 4% club next year, yeah?
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>Bride Catria should be joining the 4% club
Damn its been 3 years already
Canas can res stack or just run AoE's instead, slow ep units with bad res and no brave that rely on their specials to secure kills are the biggest victims.
She's from Conquest where he betrayed her, it's fitting.
>Japan isn't as fond of playing as the villains and maybe IS thought villains(that aren't women) wouldn't sell as much if they were one of those rare units
It makes sense, and is probably true. liking villains and wanting to use them feels kind of niche. Most people just think they should be allowed to be mythics and what not is because it makes more sense compared to how they are treated.
Maybe from her perspective
>Corrin we are your blood related family
>Join us
>Actually we are not blood related so fucking us it's fine
Fates was so fucking retarded
Completely invalidating the premise of the story to excuse the incest then making his "canon" love interest his cousin was fucking hilarious
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>Ryoma knows the entire time
>Hinoka, Sakura and Takumi get fucking "In case of incestuous lust" letters from Mikoto who foresaw this shit happening because of course she did
and to this day there are still people that defend it lmao
>Hey corrin you know how I said we were blood blood related and all, well I Iied. We aren't blood related at all
>thanks for getting half of your adopted siblings, that you spent a majority of your life with, killed
Ryoma is truly the most honorable person in FE
Hoshidans are vile and despicable beings
Seeing how he treated his own son, Ryoma sure learned a lot about being a scheming manipulative cunt from Yukimura.
>Corrin we are your blood related family
>I said we were blood blood related and all
they literally never say this
I think that might have been part of the idea. In the end, having to pickeither family over the other is a really shitty choice to have to make. It's more dumb imo that they didn't make a bigger deal about it, at least not that I remember.
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>I'm waiting for Marni
Same. She's not my favorite or anything, but I don't mind her and she'd be an easy 200+ BST unit I wouldn't mind throwing grails at. Most of my invested +10s are sub 180 BST units that need to run Duel 4s. It'd be nice to finally score a little higher in various modes.
If Emblem Ike's Engage effect grants 40% DR against ranged only, which Emblem would grant DR against melee? Maybe Hector?
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It's Legendary Corrin! With a unique defensive Special that reduces damage taken by 30%, and then the next attack deals 30% of Atk as damage? Whoa!
Get back in the castle
>you get to pick a route and a side during a war
>there's a clear good and evil side
Both Fates and 3H, they should stop doing the usual FE "evil kingdom invading everyone" plot for games like that.
Arden is Sigurd's best stealth operative. Why would he be in the castle?
3H clearly did it better, since you can actually join Edelgard's cause and doing so will net a good outcome. The major flaw of Fates' storytelling is that the goal of the two opposing routes is actually the same, they're just two different flavors of deposing of Garon. That's why 3H will still be talked about 10 years from now whereas Fates is fading into obscurity and will be mainly remembered as that game which was censored to shit by Treehouse.
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Ironic when everyone consumes the shitty fanfiction from treehouse but again you have zero semblance of standards.
no, YOU have zero semblance of standards.
Go back c'mon git
What are you trying to argue? We all know that 3H was censored too, but Fates is the game that's going to be remembered for it and it was also hit the worst. Top of your own list, they removed an entire minigame to protect American sensibilities.
All 430 of my orbs and the spark. I didn't get many greens each circle but a ton of red that I also needed for emblems and kvasir merges so it wasn't the biggest issue to have. I wanted to get mamui to +1 and it took a ton of orbs past spark. Glad he finally got his legendary.
Did you guys get anything good?
Isn't it a bit overkill to have three identical legendaries, all on the same banner
Really wish they stopped giving spd stats to dragon skills that are useless to 90% of the dragons in the game.
Free pulled L!Alear, now I’ll just keep saving orbs.
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That was a little tricky. Serra cute.
I used around 250 orbs and managed to get both Emblems and Askr (the only ones I wanted from the banner)
I now fear for my luck in the rest of the year
Why did they do Soleil so dirty? Why are troonlators like this?
140 orbs spent, aiming for Ike and Marth. I got Mamui on the first circle with no reds and I couldn't be happier.
I'm tempted to get the pass and do 9 more summons to spark Marth, but I'm in no hurry.
This should be enough orbs to get the last four copies of Askr right? I hope so because he won’t be on another banner until next March apparently. I wish everyone who plan to summon the best of luck.
It was hard
>Free roll
>Only Blue and Colorless
Need some help here, I'm at the spark but undecided on what to pick:

New Heroes:
Emblem Marth, LCorrin

LAlear, LShez, Gulveig: Alear and Shez are at the same merge count. I also plan on merging Ike but not that much of a priority, same with Gulveig

Lumera, Kvasir: Scowl for LAlear, and Incite for LVero

LFae, Askr

I'm more inclined to getting Emblem Marth, but I'm not 100% sure. Any inputs?
Marth if it's indeed your first copy. You should be collecting all the Emblem units. Being able to give any unit an Emblem effect at any time is too good to pass up.
emblem marth
it's a free skill you can equip on anyone, move around anytime, has an incredibly useful effect that can define builds, and is immune to powercreep especially since you can't have more than one of an emblem skill
Do you have any infantry favorites? Did you duplicate Laguz Friend? If not, spark him and DO IT.
Marth and it's not even close -1 CD is a pretty damn strong effect
>Want to roll for Emblem merges/Laguz Friend
>New Heroes banner in a week or so
The wait is gonna kill me
Marth it is, thanks brehs
>Gullveig Reruns in June
>June colorless lineup is already full
>Green has a 4 leg/mythic lineup
>Notice of Alcryst rerunning mid june on the TT banner
What are we even getting next month?
Hey friendos, I have a spare Ike to use as a skill bank for Laguz Friend, should I fodder him off to Ganglot or Rearmed Lumera? I have two of them each.
And how often do they run?
engaging marth ring to caeda will always get a chuckle out off me
>should I fodder him off to Ganglot or Rearmed Lumera?
Imo I'd say Lumera because of recency (aka powercreep) and fallen banners are sure to be rerun more often than Ganglot's banner. So unless you plan on building Ganglot choose Lumera.
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>it's another "bait the legendary all around a pillar while slowly whittling down the weaving fighter armor" episode
I'd like to dedicate this victory to that pillar. Couldn't have done it without it.
Ganglot is the worst Rearmed
Give it to Lumera
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>High dragon wall costs 400 SP
What the hell man
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Which echo would you give to lady Serra? I'd get mine Peony's but she already has the oath 4 on her C
I managed to snag Hortensia, I needed her fodder for Scion Nanna that i'm building, I also rolled Askr and Deke so that was a nice bonus I guess. A good haul. I would like to get Legendary Corrin as my resplendent Fae could use High Dragon Wall.
No big deal.
Is L!mamui any good?
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Fuck the powercreep, I rolled and sparked for Fae
Based, I love her artist. The colors and general composition are lovely
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Same, I find it simple and effective but also very unique compared to the other arts in the game.
AIDS and cancer
Holy based Faebrother
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>Thinking about all the distant stances I gave away
>Could have had a +10 Fae
Bro, for Distant Stance? Say it ain't so
Can Ike tank the pre combat damage cavs that are on every single AR map?
Mostly, yeah. Just be careful he's not taking on more than one per turn, especially if it's Lyon or Sanaki
Mine's yet to die since pairing him up with Lumera to buff him with Divine Vein Stone.I also replaced his Def/Res Finish with Fort Def Res as visible Res has various benefits and the lower atk isn't really making a difference in whether things die or not.
It was a different time...
I've yet to test him with those two

>I also replaced his Def/Res Finish with Fort Def Res
Didn't think about that one. He'd have 7 less attack in total but yeah dealing 102 instead of 109 isn't that much of a difference with him.
Thank god he's not a legendary unit so we can give him blessings for AR, losing some lift for using Lumera all the time is worth it.
farming SP is not the issue here...
What is ?
Not Anon you replied to but the highest costing A, B, and C skills are only 300 SP so a skill that is 400 SP to learn signifies we are getting scorecreep in the future. At least that is what I'm assuming they meant.
Arena scoring powercreep, essentially. Your units will need 400 SP inheritable skills if you want to maximize their score from now on.
There's no real reason for High dragon wall to cost more than other tier 4 skills, it's just IS being jews as per usual.
part of me would think that IS is trying to be slick sneaking that SP cost in
but the better part of me knows that they simply don't give a damn what the players would think either way
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I've been testing out Mamui with various things in AR Defense test, and he seems just alright. Anyone who can beat his res check seems to beat him, or if they have a lot of DR pierce. I even had Ike's engage thing on him and he was dying to some of my high res mages. A lot of red swords obviously beat him too, but oddly enough Ike couldn't kill him. It's hard to really figure out where he shines because some characters just seem to lose randomly against him or win randomly against him. It's likely against well built ARD teams where characters have a metric ass ton of optimized buffs/debuffs then he will do even worse.
It feels like IS wanted a lot of his defense to be preventing attacks, mostly from ranged units, by limiting their movement and ability to engage him after the first combat due to his water terrain, and because they with with this they made him a weaker tank because he shouldn't be fighting multiple combats a turn.
It's like his designated job is bait out a single ranged unit in AR to trigger the enemy teams movement and then have the rest of the player's team clean up on the following round.
I'm not complaining they made a unit not game breaking, but it does feel strange to see happen. Perhaps I just don't know how to fully use him yet.
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>liking male corn retard.
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I was expecting Tiki to get the kill thinking she'd be the only unit capable of fighting Corrin (which she kinda wasn't thanks to the stat disparity), but thankfully, Seliph was able to save the day
I love you too, Anon.
>you can score points on Summoner Duels by autobattling
Man, this mode went from 'Never touch this shit again after 250 points' to 'Let's see how people solve the Emblem Ike equation', torturing people shouldn't be this fun
>losing some lift for using Lumera all the time
I actually meant the Fallen one, so you can use 2 of the 3 weekly blessings to swap both Ike's and Fallen Lumera's blessings if you want to bring them for both weeks.
>Fallen Ike refine
About damn time
>new year kana manual
For some reason I thought it'd be a bit later until she showed up in the limited manual shop. I was pretty close to just grabbing the last merge with grails.
I hope that Nemesis gets a banger refine, I don't have enough sword buff guys
>NY Kana
finally. It's a good thing they started doubling up on some of these months for TT manuals. it speeds up the process nicely.
>Awakening map theme gets added: https://youtu.be/_EO5mqLPM6g
Hellllllllll yeah
Im retarded. can someone please explain what laguz friend does?
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the wiki has some pretty nice breakdowns these days
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Laguz friend is your brother, he helps in war against evil army as long as you treat with respect. Laguz friend always by your side.
It just works
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Not him but it's pretty much a straight upgrade to SS4 right? I kind of want to roll for fodder but I also want to merge Ike and I also want to save orbs
You joined the best team, right?
Wrong pic
It is kinda worse for player phase scenarios because you need to take a hit to charge the specials and then you need to double but if the character can easily precharge 3cd's on his own it's better.
Yes, I’m a Nergalchad.
LF will probably be on another unit in the future since Potent was put on someone other than Emblem Marth. I'd personally merge Ikes since doing so offers a permanent benefit with his engage effect and just wait for LF to be put on another unit you don't mind as much killing off.
>summon red for some possible Laguz Friend
>get exactly an extra Marth and my first Kvasir
Hm, I'll take it
I got Lethality fodder and I'm considering giving it to her, I dunno though since she doesn't really need it. There's no other unit I'd give it to though.
>she doesn't really need it
She can precharge it with her C skill and Marth emblem. I typically use either that or an AoE with her.
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>dancer so she won't get a prf and refine on 6 years
>arcane dagger is shit
How do I cope
wait for arcane dagger 2: speedy edition.
You forgot:
>35 Atk on a Year 8 unit

What were they thinking?
is there any reason to build a super speedy lance unit
do you like the character?
If you need a super speedy lance unit
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"They don't deserve good demote... give her shitty skill as well"
She's a dancer though, and you know how IS considers dancers some of the most dangerous units in the game, along with 3* healers and Olwen.
thanks. it took me awhile but now I get what it does. what I dont get is WHY its so good though.
True damage and DR piercing is great and the DR based on your defenses makes tanking a lot better. The special acceleration is also sick and if you gave someone LF and engage Ike to them you're golden
That people will build her because she's hot
I'm +10'ing her, but she'll probably just end up joining the "+10 with no good skill inheritance" club along with my Mae, Lilina and bunch of others.
Fuck off back to /feh/ autist.
So which units make best use of Potent 4?
I'm thinking of giving it to my female Shez anyway because it's a fancy new skill
Emblem Marth is pretty much the only good user of it that I can think of, and he already comes with it.
Probably melee cavs if you really want to give it to someone. It's really feels like it's meant for E!Marth more than anyone else, infantry will just have better options like Laguz Friend 4 and it's not bad for fliers if you don't have much else but they have other options as well.
I heard somewhere it's best on a Desperation weapon, I was thinking of giving it to Walhart because of his Flash effect
I am going to make a prediction:
Henriette will survive and then her secret power will be revealed as a transformation so she will a beast unit, then Brave Alphonse will also have a similar transformation and thus giving us the first beast CYL unit
that would be kind of cool.
What will she transform into?
Something Fire related so her and Alphonse can be called Fire Emblems
You know, I'd be perfectly OK because that'd be so perfectly in line with how shit this story has been so far. Henriette's ancestors were blessed by Askr and received bovine powers that have been passed down from generation to generation but only to the first born because fuck Sharena.
You can also just exclude by saying she traded places with Peony so much it interfered with the power. Or just confirm that Sharena really isn't the original one.
Sharena didn't win CYL to get her beast alt. Maybe next year.
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I kinda hope you are right but with dragon instead just so we legit have a dragon Alphonse before we ever see an official dragon Alear
This unit is stupid. But I hate Lyon so it's fair.
Getting punished for having too much ATK is so stupid
the DR it provides is nice for cavs/fliers since they don't often have DR options, but it is still pierceable and not commonly needed either. similarly, it kinda acts like NFU in a way too
it's also not a skill that can carry a build, since B slot has a lot of competition so you'd need a prf that supplements those other highly desirable effects
and emblem marth makes it seem a lot better than it can be because the reduced damage on potent followup can be problematic

tl;dr a flier/cav with a loaded prf
>if unit exists grants atk+999 and def/res-999 on foe during combat
Fucking over those units is fine, the problem is that they made yet another giga broken unit in the process.
>a month later, we get "if unit exists grants 99% damage reduction per attack and heals 1000 HP after combat"

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