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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
Controversial question:

Who is your favorite female character?
thread ruined
make another one
Got Tadetomo 5 on 2nd ticket
saving gems since I have most of them
Nomad doesn't even get naked
None of them and that is the only real answer, move on.
Hakumen. Hecate second. No one in third.
lmao even
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The audacity of you to ask that but I'll answer you anyway.
Then Hakumen. Ziz
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Im in love with Ganglie.
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best loyal ninja doggo
Without a doubt it's Quantum for me, best design of a female character I've seen
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Have the devs given a reason why they wont translate date and side quests? Seems kinda retarded to translate the game then forget those parts
Don't answer his love and loyalty with bullying anon..
No, they have not, they barely communicate in the first place.
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He likes being bullied though!
But I'll reward him with hugs and cuddles too
They keep releasing new characters bro what time do they have for that? They don't earn money translating old quests.
That being said the rerun events in English have the epilogue quests translated and there's periodic updates like ar translations and character profile translations
Tl:dr Japanese audience >>>>>> english audience because money talks
i love qursha
it is why the game refuses giving me his five star
Ziz and Arachne
Fatty sexo!
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Fucking crocs
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I like the fattest girls in the game, so it has to be your mom, with Hekate in a distant second.
fat people shouldn't have children
this desu
Which transient would you like to bully (playfully)?
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Also Tadatomo!
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I choose cosplay slut.
This year's date quests have been announced!
The roster is Tindalos, Kimun Kamui, Echo, Chernobog, and Akiha Gongen, as well as 1 mystery character. Exciting!
To commemorate it, they have a special banner for Tindalos and Echo of their base versions.
There's also going to be a brand new AR banner and an event shop, plus event stages that will drop the new 2 star mob unit we've seen in previous events, Drone Pilot!

This entire event will run until June 11 so we will probably get the next banner after that date. So there's time to save up!
Here's what the Drone Pilots look like if you're curious! Personally the Wood one's my favorite
One last thing to mention, this news blog mentions they're planning on adjusting daily and weekly mission content after this event is over, so that'll be interesting to see. Maybe easier weeklies so there's not much to grind, or maybe they'll adjust the rewards to be more generous for Andvari shop clearing?

And they also plan to be able to send non-MC characters with the guild function to build further allegiances, so your favorites will also get the special guild buffs you progress with.
>those eyes
wood wants the cock
We'll get the blue archive crowd with this for sure.
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Cool, Akiha and Kimun got their date quest. Wonder if the mystery character is Catoplebas since the two of them are always glued to each other.
Watch it be some random character no one expected.
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>130 cm
>60 kg
korpokkur is NOT fat
why are we getting reruns
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perfect to sleep over his belly
I’m curious if your favorite character or characters are on the list are you taller or shorter than them? Would that be a deal breaker for you if they’re taller or shorter than you thought they would be?
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I never liked when they revealed Alp was 1.68 cm tall. It just doesn't suit him to be so tall
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>Are you taller or shorter than them?
>Would that be a deal breaker for you if they’re taller or shorter than you thought they would be?
Nah, its within my expectations
I'm shorter than the vast majority of my faves. If I were to be brutally honest, I'd say I prefer them to be that way, but even then I would never consider it a deal breaker if it gets revealed they were shorter than I expected. I like Shino far too much to care about him needing a stool to reach the countertop.

Nyarl being (maybe?) shorter than Ganglie is still wild to me, though.
Oh, so he's not fat, just full of evil.
Because I've got nothing better to do...

Top 5 tallest:
>1 Ziz
>2 Behemoth
>3 Typhon
>4 Tsathoggua
>5 Chernobog

Top 5 shortest:
>1 Agyo
>2 Korpokkur
>3 Kotaro
>4 Kijimuna
>5 Kenta / Alice (tied)

Top 5 heaviest:
>1 Behemoth
>2 Typhon
>3 Tsathoggua
>4 Ashigara
>5 Chernobog

Top 5 lightest:
>1 Alice
>2 Duo
>3 Agyo
>4 Ose (child form)
>5 Azathoth

Top 5 fattest (by ratio of weight to height):
>1 Behemoth
>2 Tsathoggua
>3 Ashigara
>4 Typhon
>5 Chernobog

Top 5 skinniest (by ratio of weight to height):
>1 Alice
>2 Duo
>3 Ose (child form)
>4 Babalon
>5 Arachne (not counting her extra legs)
>top tallest
>top heaviest
>top fattest
sasuga Behemoth
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His entire theme is about eating too much, so yeah.
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>I like Shino far too much to care about him needing a stool to reach the countertop.
Strange... I don't remember making this post.
Newfag here. I finally caught up with all the translated missions, including the free missions (though some of them really bust my balls -- I still can't beat Exception Territory/Tokyo Bay Depths reliably). However I'm hesitant to continue since I can't read a word of Japanese. Is it worth just grinding what I've got available now while wait for more translated missions, or should I keep going and ignore the story?
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Chapter 14 does unlock the Free Quests with the +10 blossoms (which are easier than Tokyo Bay Depths imo).
But the Chapter 14 translation (along with Chapter 15) will probably be here in a month, maybe two, based on precious years' releases.

Unless you really care about getting blossoms, you can wait for the translated quests if you wanna enjoy the story. Binging through 30 quests in the memories screen is a bit lame in my experience.
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skipping the story in japanese doesn't really take much. It's not as long as it may seem
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So many adorable manlets
>231 lbs
Mr. Tanngrisnir lay off the stew a bit...
Otherwise he and I are the exact same height and I'm 190 lbs.
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>4 of the 5 top shortest is by Daichi Kouta
Really makes you think. Also its amusing to see Cherno being no 5 in top 5 tallest, heaviest and fattest.
Its probably muscles? Then again Gullinbursti who is only 1cm shorter is 97 kg...
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>constantly used as tools by the other warmongers. They are aware and know they can only truly trust each other
why don't they leave? It's not like they seem to get along well with Mephistopheles or Yoritomo at all. They seem to sympathize with Balor, but he is gone
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>new event
>get a shitload of free rainbow shards
>spend them all on stamina potions
>grind out most event rewards in one day
>10k of those
>tempted to spend them on summon gems or the AR tickets
What was the occasion for this again?
You want to always save 5k stones for the 10 monthly salomon tickets because mathematically it comes out to more pulls than going for rainbow stones
Ar Tickets are fine if you like any of the new ones that came out though
Tl:dr stick to tickets
My favorites are taller than me which isn’t a big challenge when I’m 5’4 but it doesn’t bother me. I am surprised that Wakan Tanka is taller than Takemaru though even if it’s by one inch. But now I’m wondering how tall Shennong is compared to them. I get the feeling Shennong is around 5’7 to 5’10.

The reason people were given Rainbow Shards is because the storage limit for seeds experience boosts is now unlimited. So everyone who spent shards on storage expansions got reimbursed. I got 8,800 shards back.
His height made me excited..
>half the time when I get stuck on a hard fight and go online to find advice, the solution is "just use Leanan Sidhe, lol!"
>I don't have Leane Sidhe
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The art of the recent information has been funny to see.
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Does your favorite husbando have them beans!?
Korpokkur scares me.
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Whats the height/weight of all the MC's though?
They're the height of (You).
he only wants to kill adults
she's old news
it's Summer Oz/Willie, and you don't get to look at an ugly art to boot
I don't have those either.

did you grab hot springs kamui
just Haloween Azathoth
Can’t we use the canon heights along with the characters 3 star art and use math to figure out how big a characters dick is like how >>1476327 did for weight and height ratios of the characters? Isn’t that how people did that for Luigi years ago?
Nah I've had garbage luck with the last few banners.
If you really need her, just wait for anniversary and use the platinum salomon tickets to get one (if you haven't got her by then)
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How are there any hard fights in the game when Summer Leib exists? The support system is there for a reason, anon-kun.
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Imagine how high those classroom doors must be
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>169 cm
>125 kg
This tanuki is so fucking fat
what are the chances of some of the weight being fake
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As soon as i saw qinglong i was so happy cuz he was hot af and then i saw he had crocs on and i kid you not i didnt have a single faggot-related thought about him for like a month but its ok now
What's wrong with crocs? They're just shoes.
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Hating Crocs is just another soft-brained meme. People think they look bad so of course in the terminally online hivemind that means they're literally a crime against humanity.
Why is it that when a character with an actual big chest exist they are drawn with a smaller chest than the source material. Like I like the art and the picture itself but MAN do people never draw Macan with the big chest that he has.
Love big big ol' tiddies.
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Better. Thanks.
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source anon?
It was somewhere I pixiv but I can't remember who unfortunately
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Actually nevermind I found it again
much thanks anon
>gook and chink gamers are in full meltdown mode and are absolutely refusing to buy gacha if they see a single male in it
Why aren't we doing the same? Instead of celebrating every new female slay queen we should be uninstalling and setting fire to our Moritaka fandiscs.
nice trips, but that's missing context
the chinks hate fujobait and child males, they're fine with badass males
Already did
You'll play it anyway and if you think Japanese companies are as weak willed as Chinese companies all you have to do is look at Nintendo to see how Japanese companies are ruthlessly anti-consumer. You don't spend money on the game? Cool, I don't either barring one time a year if there's a favorite character of mine on the banner. But having a meltie over like 2 females a year is some schizo shit for real when there's at least 5 dudes released a year that are worth the wait.
mobile only players having wild takes on video games is always hilarious
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>mystery dateable character was kyuma
what's up with the drought of content
They're putting off releasing story content because it means they have to pay their singular translator to give us last year's content.
Because right now they're coding some important updates to the daily quest section on the map to make training units easier and to make Zero and Infinity breakthrough materials more accessible to obtain. Probably because there will be a larger release of them in the future.

>Weekday quest content adjustments:
The daily quests related to EXP items will be limited to quests to obtain all growth items , and will be playable every day.

The only weekday quests related to skill-enhancing items will be quests to obtain Zenbu Soul items , and they will be available to play every day.

A coin-related weekday quest will be available to play every day.

Quests that allow you to obtain Zero Attribute and Infinite Attribute Limit Break Items will be added to the daily quests related to Limit Break items for each attribute .

Weekday quests related to limit break items for each attribute and weapon type will be held on either Saturday or Sunday, and will be available to play two days a week.

The battle content for all weekday quests will be changed from the current weekday quests.

This is from the date quest event page on their website.
Oh they're making coin farming better?
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I wish the battles had character animations similar to Live a Hero. Like an animated figure in the tiles or something
With the current event coming to a close LW has teased the next content and surprise surpise it's Main Chapter 15! They haven't released the banner for it yet but they have rereleased Masashi and Quantum on reprint banners along with related characters to them. Chapter 14's banners are rereleasing too so yay another chance to get Bigfoot for me.
They've also announced Chapter 14 English translation as well as mob drops for Chapter 15, a new "Starman" unit. Seems like the new Chapter might take place in Utopia?

Anyway July 12 seems to be the end of this portion of content so we'll probably get our first summer event after this is over.
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I hope I get Bigfoot.

>double dubs
how fitting
do you think Nyarl engages in selfcest orgy with is clones?
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i've been waiting my whole life for this
I want orgy with the wildcats
wildcat mobs
Man chapter 15 is about to be released. I remember waiting for chapter 7 to be translated. Granted I haven’t kept up with the main story I only finished chapter 10 and that was about two years ago. I kinda want to reread the main story and events that are currently translated in order of release because there are a lot of things I need refreshers on so I can actually fully remember and understand what’s going to be happening in the chapters I haven’t read yet.
They're just begging to be raped.
the cutest Azathot simp
I think I seen a few years ago someone did some math based on characters height and their 3star art or something like that to estimate that Ahab was around 11 inches. But I could be mistaken.
can anyone check if willie got torn clothes sprite?
So, turns out the guy who a lot of people thought would be Anansi is actually Onyankopon. Wonder if that means Anansi is actually the exile.

I checked my 3 star one, and he doesn't have anything.
rats, I guess it will come when the wildcat units become available
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damn they be thicc
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This is my boyfriend
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where is my angel shota banner Life Wonders? I got 600 stones and 15 tickets and I must pull
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Are you confident with that stash?
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if you are pulling for 5* either you are confident in your luck or never border
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This really changes my perspective on how many crystals I have.
does 10k even assure you? the game has no spark after all
you have to be the unluckiest man on eart not to pull something with 99.99999% chance of happening
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I've pulled 5*s while being F2P for a year I will pull Michael-kun
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Glad I pulled the only 5* I really cared about in this game, those rates seem crazy
I like seeing him fat.
put that bulge in my face
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With the revamped daily quests and the Lil’ Salomon Tickets from the chapter 15 login bonus I have now saved up to the equivalent of 2,600 stones. At this rate I might barely reach 3,500 by the end of the year which is crazy to think about. Also it was annoying as hell to keep cropping the screenshot to eventually get below the 4mb limit.
Damn, wish I could steal all those tickets to try for Kirito.
>wazzap burger!
Chapter 15's banner has been revealed, it will release on the 21st (aka Friday)
All the characters are standard units except for Nyarla's alt which is limited (expected)
Hope you've been saving or get lucky if you want him! :)

Also HOLY FUCK Baphomet is a fucking titty monster, finally a furry female to rival Hakumen.
do people even care about hakumen anymore
She's a fun character, but she hasn't been relevant to the story in too long. Fucking Xolotl has a bigger role than her. Not to mention few people give a shit about the female characters in this game to begin with.
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I'm ready for Arc to finally return and bring Michael down to the deepest parts of Hell
marchosias alt when
That’s impressive but I will say getting 900 stones in six months seems a like a stretch.

They knew what they were doing making Nyarlathotep limited.

Who knows but at this point isn’t Marchosias the only launch character who doesn’t have a third version?
oh there are so many, like a bunch of gamma-g units
I'd trade you because I got two of his 5*s when I wanted Bigfoot.
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Pray for me /housamo/
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Finally maxed out my Fuxi. Thank god for that QoL change that makes leveling quicker.
I’m sorry I can’t give you any tickets but I wish you the best of luck trying to get him.

And there it is the Chapter 15 banner personally a skip for me. the new character by Kuronezumiinu kinda has my attention but not enough to summon for especially since he’s not limited.

After looking over a few things getting an equivalent of 900 stones by the end of the year wouldn’t be impossible. 10 tickets a month from Andvari’s shop between July through December is 60 tickets which would be the equivalent of 300 stones. Then new events have 10 tickets in the shop. 14 stones from item collection stages and 3 tickets from high difficulty stages. That’s at least 79 stones equivalent for each new event not counting actual story segments. And if we have two summer banners, Halloween, and Christmas that should be the equivalent of 316 stones. So that’s about 600 stones and that’s not even counting the daily login bonus, maintenance compensation, etc. So I think all be able to do it as long nothing I need or interests me shows up.

Good luck Anon!

Congratulations who’s next in line to be maxed out?
I'm afraid it's time to admit I'm too stupid for this game. I just finished chapter 14 and I didn't understand half of it.

Did Kirito ever kill anyone (other than (You)) or was he just pretending? Did he kill all the missing people or was it the Entertainers all along? And why did he meddle with the other guilds in previous chapters?
If it was the Entertainers that "killed" those people by deleting their role and shoving them backstage, what was even the point of that? At least Kirito has the excuse of being a schizo edgelord, but what did the Entertainers have to gain by creating all those backstage cyborg zombies?
Did Mononobe do anything to Kirito or was that just a red herring? What was the sin that Solomon said Mononobe committed?
How did your severed arm go back to the start of the game?
Bigfoot never existed, he was just some random actor pretending to be Bigfoot, pretending to be Wanka Tanka? But he believed it so hard it became real anyway? Is that right?
And Babe Bunyan is the same type of extreme method actor as Bigfoot?
What is Overlord? They go on about how he's an evolutionary dead end from the future, but what the fuck actually is he? A mech-shaped black hole?
I get that they needed Overlord and Solomon in the same place because the cancel out eachother's exceptions (some mumbo jumbo about Overlord representing Zero and Solomon representing Infinity) but what did the Entertainers want with Solomon in the first place? Did they really summon the closest thing to capital-G God just because they wanted him to tell them they did a good job?
What was the big secret that Loki revealed to Oscar and why did it make him give up?
The entire chapter is about how the Entertainers are breaking the rules and abusing their admin privileges, but nobody can do anything about it, but then in the end they suddenly get their privileges revoked. Who did that and why did they wait so long to do it?
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Dear Jesus,
Please make me a Housamo kemoshota so I can make lots of friends and be happy in another universe instead of being suicidal, poor and mentally ill.
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you did get your stinky dj right?
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Of course, I got him in my first 10 pull as fate decreed
Masahsi drained all my stones
Sorry nyarlbros ...
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Well damn, Baph's artist really is Suurin/Ksyaro. I called it months ago
stop on me daddy
No luck so far, but at least I did get the shota.
I only had 1 10 pull saved so no but at least I got Baphomet's 4 star. Just going to be poor and wait for the tickets to refresh heh
You should also keep in mind that a lot of things regarding the story might get expanded upon later or are sometimes left up to reader interpretation on purpose. But I can try to explain the parts I understood, at least.

>Did Kirito ever kill anyone (other than (You)) or was he just pretending?
I wouldn't put it past him, though I don't remember them ever explicitly saying whether he's done it or not.

>If it was the Entertainers that "killed" those people by deleting their role and shoving them backstage, what was even the point of that?
For the lolz. But really, it did seem like entertaining and having an entirely new performance was their main goal.

>Did he kill all the missing people or was it the Entertainers all along?
The Entertainers were responsible for all the Transients missing but they didn't kill anyone, as far as I know. They were sent to the future using Overlord's ability to time travel and were all brought back to the present in the end. The humans, however, seem to have been taken by the Rule Makers (or at least Onyankopon, from what I've seen of Ch.15).

>And why did he meddle with the other guilds in previous chapters?
He said that at first he was just doing what Babalon told him, possibly in alignment of the Genociders' goal to end the game. I'm not sure what his motives are after she went away. Maybe he's just making ends meet while avoiding any lasting relationships or something.

>Did Mononobe do anything to Kirito or was that just a red herring?
Aside from talking to him and being supportive? I don't think so.

>What was the sin that Solomon said Mononobe committed?
The MC cuts him off before he could say it. Obviously that's related to the whole acceptance theme you saw in that one scene with Maria, but I do wonder as well. Something to do with killing the MC like usual? Or could it be related to the arm found at the beginning?

>How did your severed arm go back to the start of the game?
Overlord used his time travel on it (and Sal, by extension).

>Bigfoot never existed, he was just some random actor pretending to be Bigfoot, pretending to be Wanka Tanka? But he believed it so hard it became real anyway?
He was a shaman from Great Spirit, if his research file is accurate. And I'm not entirely sure what happened near the end aside from the MC obviously being important in making him not go "Missing." Maybe having a purpose is all Bigfoot needed?

>And Babe Bunyan is the same type of extreme method actor as Bigfoot?
Not sure. They do seem to imply that.

>What is Overlord? [...] A mech-shaped black hole?
Maybe. Or something from a sci-fi book I'm not aware of, like most Utopia characters.

>[...] What did the Entertainers want with Solomon in the first place?
Probably just to "entertain" him, yeah. (And possibly anyone else who isn't an "actor?") Also, they call Solomon the "All Exception" on occasion so he's most likely associated with the All-round attribute rather than Infinity.

>What was the big secret that Loki revealed to Oscar and why did it make him give up?
Secret? I could've missed something, but what I understood is that Loki effectively "called the cops" on Oscar, ruining his performance even after it was nearly unsalvageable.

>Who did that and why did they wait so long to do it?
Good question. We'll probably have the answer to that in the future. The ones managing the game are pretty hands-off to let all these Exceptions happen and all this mass destruction happen in a single loop, though.

Someone can correct me if I got anything wrong, but I hope this helps you understand the plot at least a little bit better.
>Secret? I could've missed something, but what I understood is that Loki effectively "called the cops" on Oscar

I think I might be reading into it too much but I felt as if Loki was talking about something more personal than just "oh btw I told Ahura Mazda about how the Entertainers are breaking the rules of the game." Especially since Ahura must've already been aware of this at least partially, since the fact that the Entertainers allied with the Rule Makers was in and of itself already a violation.
>He was a shaman from Great Spirit, if his research file is accurate.
True but it implies that this shaman wasn't Bigfoot. Rather, he was hired to play Bigfoot, so he would have a chance to mantle Wakan Tanka and get the powers of a god on the Entertainers' side.
Ah, yeah, I wonder if it has to do with Oscar keeping up appearances in general and how he really didn't like "taking off his mask" until the MC reassured him. Like, the act of taking away all his fanfare and prestige itself causes him shame because that's the only thing he views as being noteworthy.
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6 years to adress this
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our girl didn't get Michael, it's over
Ok, I've tested this on some alts twice, it seems the past events tab is broken.
And a decent chunk of them have half of the stories missing after the client update.
Granted this won't mean much for most people here, but the developers are clearly trying to gain new players, if that isn't the heavy majority of their focus. Hopefully they actually check reports.
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Surrender and you won’t be vaporized
Damn brat...
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Is this game ever going to have an actual villain?
All the world representatives are a bit fucked up and would be considered villains if it wasn't because they are totally all over your cock
You're not alone. I even pre-downloaded the entire game hoping it'd change something, but nah, still can't read past events.
They do acknowledge the issue here:
It's just "under investigation" and won't get fixed anytime soon lol
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nyarl kinda has a hard time synergizing with anyone
>ahura mazda's relationship with you is screwed up in his head despite him being civil (if a bit tsundere) in his date quest
Is it not Michael or Kirito who's the villain? From what I remember they hate us and have never accepted us no?
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Is Horkeu Kamui really basic bitch taste?
Yes. But that's okay, he's still hot.
Kirito's redemption feels like it's been planned out for a long time already, but he's too much of a nihilist edgelord to go along with it.
He's a vanilla ice cream husbando, just a basic "I love you and I will never lose faith in you" guy who will never EVER do anything that would make you upset or be angry with him about. It's really a double edged sword, he's so for (You) that it ends up being too boring but for the people who are into that he's the ultimate apex of that trope. I honestly do like him for his Ainu themed design (shoutout kemoisumi my fav artist of all time) and I think in a world that resets infinitely with tons of characters who are your friends 1 loop, merciless killers who hunt you down the next, someone like him who has the resolve to never hold a grudge is good storytelling. And cute.
Seems like a fair amount of spoilers have been posted in the past few days. So I guess I’ll come back later and hopefully forget what just seen.
oh shit, berserkers is relevant again?
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this will be the last time Babe Bun appear in the story
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>Use AI slop flavor of the month generator
>get this
Meh, 6/10
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Honestly the most impressive thing to me is that it has a pretty good idea of what Housamo is.
I just learned that Taiki Matsuno who was the voice actor for Ixbalanque passed away yesterday. I also learned he was the Japanese voice of SpongeBob as well.
>was only 56
damn F
I guess soccer catto won't get a varient for a while
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See you Space Cowboy...
Fuck, Ixbalanque's voice was one of my favorites, definitely top 5. Especially how he breaks the sen~pai pronounciation.
Dying is so scary...
Oh, new AR card for July reset with Jambavan and Alice. The unique buff is a passive increase of the Guild Alliance Certificate currency and applies even with support units. Cool if you want (need) to level up your guild tree levels for your units, so a definite 1 of must grab.
but you cant autobattle in this game
also artstyle != bodyshape
>built in cp gain too
willie's new toy I see
huh, so we now officially have a guild for willie, shamash, etc. The Exters.
also Thunderbird is now Outlaws and Independent.
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Is the Housamosnap app basically just a create your own story thing but with everyone from housamo?
Happy 1700 days to me I guess. Monthly tickets didn't give me anything crazy, no dj hyena but I got Baphomet's 3 star. Oh well 2 more weeks to try for him!
congratulations anon, keep up the good work
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>5 maintenance stones for the mixup on the promo AR banner image on Twitter gave me enough for 1 final 10 pull chance for Nyarla
>just a bunch of standard banner dupes
I'm cooked...Gahh, Christmas Nomad took all my luck, it'll be 2 months soon since I've gotten a 5 star
Please RNGods don't make me miss out on any good summer characters this year...
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this kills the monkey
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I would kill for an action beat-em-up type game similar to ZZZ but based on Housamo
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Someone tl;dr me the plot of chapter 15
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Or maybe something like FGO arcade but put it on steam instead of some gay nippon-only arcade cabinets
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>ass focus summer unit
>it's sarutahiko
lion dong
Apparently, the boar guy is Y'golonac. Who is basically the loathsome Dung Eater of Lovecraft. The guy is a serial assaulter, and will eat you with his Deidara hands
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>Housamo scat
even minions of Cthulhu don't like him. Even he's too fucked up for them
I wanna FUCK that pig
>bael is a 4 star
>"Whew I have a chance to get him I'm not lucky enough to get a 5 star with my broke pulls"
>10 shop tickets give me 4 star pig and Perun alt (also Shinya offbanner because lol I guess)
I would have liked Barong, game.
I will definitely level him up though. But it stings.
>bombomed by a 5 star
I'm sorry for your loss
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at least there's a chibi volk in speedos?
*lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick* *lick*
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oh no
i'm drowning
save me lifedog
why a moon
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I dunno but I want to make him hard
long eyebrows
I'm probably an idiot, but can\n someone explain to me how this charge skill works exactly? It seems to me he just becomes useless when he's charged since his attack type changes to None so he can't actually target anyone with it.
>bought the $20 monthly pack for 2 extra 10 pulls for bael
>sarutahiko summer alt and a bunch of offbanners
God I hate this game's offbanner rates so much.... why can't you get a guarantee on a 4 star you want from the banner, JUST ONE LICK OF BAEL CROTCH I BEG YOU
Sigh, at least Belphy got a swimsuit skin for his 4 star

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what did barong mean by this
cute little bulge. I can probably eat it all with my mouth
Don't spend money on this game. The rates are garbage and it doesn't even have a pity bonus or anything like that.
Damn Bael sounds like a total faggot. Who raised this sissy boy
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Why does nobody like him?
He's cute, he's just not anyone's favorite.
He's also human in a disco- thread of furry lovers so that does a lot against him anyway.
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Oh trust me I know I've been burned by this game loads of times but I'm hopelessly addicted to gambling for hot furry men and Bael is a top 10 character in this game for me
Even then I could've resisted if the skin looked as bad as Marine Resort Crisis (wow barechested men, yawn, Behemoth and Gullinbursti looked better than the actual 5 stars did artwise)
But SPEEDO and shoes combo makes me killer horny

At least I have the 10 tickets next month from andvari shop since the banner ends august 9th plus the 3 from the challenge quests they'll release over the course of the event. Just have to painfully lie in wait...
Humans just blend together for me. The only human I really like is Surtr, but I feel like helmet guys are their own category.
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all the new summer skins are hot
ohh qursha my love...
Why does he dress like a slut if he wants to be left alone?
haha do you think his cycling shorts are easy to pull down in a prank haha
I don't think he wants to be left alone
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tiny bulge
not yet erect anon
What's is quest "?"
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How is Tadatomo so fucking peak, absolutely mogs...
The one in the middle made me remember that series of debushota rape doujins this artist made. Those sure were times.
tadatomo's lineart and shading seems a bit outdated
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Tadatomo if he real.
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Testuox really is all balls isn’t he?
I always wanted to bury my face in melon since balls as a pillow
Still the best series Jiroh made. Ninja Scrolls would've outclassed it if he didn't chicken out on the fanservice.
>fucking mesh strap
No Anon, it's called "exotic dancer".
>THREE (3) Peruns nearly all in a row from tickets
I just wanted Bael...
He's a grower.
I thought Tadatomo was the shortest of them
Ironically I wanted Bael the least but got him easiest.
Would trade you for Saturahiko.
which units pair well with nyarl alt
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now that you have seen it, you wonder if Life wonders will ever add a furry MC
Probably not, it's meant to be a self insert after all.
you don't know about pokemon mystery dungeon
they did that with live a hero
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Sorry, I don't play games for 8 year olds.
Isn't Live A Hero's MC a furry?
yes its one of the options
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Housamo fighting game when?
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Tada has the best summer wear here.
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>looks at you
>get pregnant
he needs rape correction
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I can never get enough of this small homo. He's perfect in any role.
Does the app occasionally just freeze entirely for anyone else?
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Very late but yes basically, It gives you access to lots of the game's resources (Only up to a certain point it hasn't been updated in forever iirc.) and lets you easily put text and and such over it to replicate the games basic cutscene style.
Yoou can also use your own images and camera for backgrounds as well which is a lot of potential power.
I've seen a good few people use it to make some wish fulfillment of their favs, just wish it were updated more often so we could use newer characters or backgrounds with less effort.
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all dogs in this game are huge homos
Literally everyone in this game is a huge homo. Not just the dogs.
except for hati
He's just going through a phase.
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furfaggot spotted
Lmao dead child alert
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Oh look they're reprinting these old units in the middle of the new summer event. Man modern Housamo is so strange at how often this happens now but it's good to see. Don't want any of these over Bael but I'm sure someone will love this. 5 more days until monthly tickets reset...

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