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new code
it has to be all lowercase or it won't work
I had fun reading this new event. Especially Claire's roles. God, I love it every time she is chasing after Cid and trying to spend time with him!
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you can't do that bro
thanks anon!

how many weeks until swimsuits bros? i've got 100k in gems but all i want to do is dick roll
summer events were july/august last year probably the same this year
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Series apparently crossed the 6 million threshold.
manga sales?
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there is another new code, beta7shadow
500 gems
>SHITnga sold 6 million total
Fucked up, how's the LN sales?
how did pvp go from a sea of yellow to the return the human team
I remember seeing that manga and LN sales were about equal, but I don't know anything concrete.
sakano anri made most of all the hilarious scenes where the LN otherwise took itself too seriously to not be absolute cringe about the chuuni (though the later arcs are so bad it's unfixable), the early chapters have had fucked pacing that the adaptation fixed, but even more importantly downplayed the whore romance where some child trafficked prostitute tries to settle down when she's turned 18 (was still forced into depicting the fox as a whore anyway)
this trash heap should have never gone past the first sherry arc
>inserting jokes where it doesn't belong
The humor of EiS is having an /x/-tier schizo like Cid say made-up shit about the subject other people are talking about because people think he's some sort of godlike entity with unequaled intelligence and infinite strength when in reality he just guessed the most likely conspiracy theory and got it in the money. Sakano Anri is literally being carried by EiS' success, not the other way around, look at her other manga.
>complaining about chuuni
Cry moar. This is literally a series for everyone who had chuuni fantasies at least once.
at least the sameface got rid of cid's retarded looking hair. neutral is still better than a negative.
>he just guessed the most likely conspiracy theory and got it in the money.
lmao fuck no. there is absolutely no reason to believe that he could've deduced that from what he's seen. as far as we the readers know him saving alpha is the first time he's stumbled upon someone with the curse, but it's been a while since I've read this.
it's meant to be a complete headcanon he thought up on the spot and if it's meant to be anything more then the author's fucked pacing definitely fumbled the execution. the "humor" of it also died like the 50th time it's happened btw. the author leaning into this like a one trick pony was how the story went from one of my faves to my prime example of a hack author.
>her other manga.
women can't write plot for shit, what's new. but jap moids can't into humor, that's a fact.
>This is literally a series for everyone who had chuuni fantasies at least once.
the draw to me was the whole idea of being the mastermind in the background that defers to the main characters of the story. at least that's still a thing in the later chapters. generic chuuni trash are a dime a dozen out there, even if selection bias means they never end up on the eop's plate.
The sameface ruined literally everyone. Cid, Claire, Alexia, Rose, Iris, Seven Shades. Literally everyone.
>there is absolutely no reason to believe that he could've deduced that from what he's seen
It was literally mentioned in the LN/WN that he read a lot of legends/tales/folklore and came up with the most reasonable conspiracy theory. I never mentioned otherwise. Are you stupid?
>the draw to me was the whole idea of being the mastermind in the background that defers to the main characters of the story.
He doesn't, that's Alpha's job. LN6 has Cid being a murderhobo which is pretty disappointing compared to Jimina and John Smith, though maybe it's because of the deuteragonist being uninteresting (Christina Hope) compared to the main three (Alexia, Claire and Rose).
When did they say there was gonna be an announcement again? On May 22?
>he read a lot of legends/tales/folklore and came up with the most reasonable conspiracy theory
that is incredibly fucking stupid. even more so if you're right and the author actually meant that the way you think it does. that is an even dumber excuse than any cope I've seen amongst all the trashy WNs out there. is his cheat really supposed to be his godlike media literacy?
it's like trying to write characters smarter than you as the author ever were: just a complete insult to anyone who's not had the foresight to turn their brains off when reading your slop.
>He doesn't, that's Alpha's job
alpha is the real mastermind, shadow is the plot's mastermind, cid and all his other personas are the sidekicks of the plot's protagonist of the month. mastermind is also not entirely accurate: characters like these don't drive the plot (which alpha does), they only fit themselves in as the keystone of the existing plot by doing just enough to turn the tide in his favor. just like his swordplay, which I'm sure is a coincidence (it probably is all things considered). incidentally it's how the "elites" irl operate too.
the second school shooting arc is just as average as the rest of nu-jitsuryokusha, there isn't much wrong with it in and of itself.
>is his cheat really supposed to be his godlike media literacy?
No his cheat is autism, right in the first chapter you're clearly told that he searched high and low for any way to become an Eminence in Shadow and once he crossed out every single solution he settled with "magic". He's not smart.
>the second school shooting arc is just as average as the rest of nu-jitsuryokusha
I'm not talking about that, that's LN5 which was good. LN6 with the Thirteen Night Swords was sub-par.
what in the fuck is going on in here
dunno i didnt read
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another code
it's actually gammahalfanni
CR is retarded
How am I supposed to kill the bird of the 14th world tree floor? Took me 3 months to beat the bullshit double yellow pair of the 11th floor, then 12th and 13th were pretty easy but now I'm stuck again against this bird.
Is this any help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f75l24Wv9PE
Imagine there's bit of leeway on team composition and awakenings as looks relatively f2p friendly (probably not new and f2p friendly) and bunch of new shit has come out since/+20 level cap.
I don't know if they made it so the enemies scale according to level but this strategy didn't work for me, Eta gets immediatly one shotted.
How many yellow SS+ gears do you have? Because it took me having Gamma, Beta and Claire's SS+ gear to do it. Other 2 units were Victoria and Rose. Try ranking up your characters if they're getting one shot.
>Try ranking up your characters if they're getting one shot.
That's the thing, in the video Eta is rank 14 lv. 99 while my Eta is rank 16 lv,120 and she gets destroyed immediatly. I also don't have any SS+ aside from blue Beta's.
>I also don't have any SS+ aside from blue Beta's.
What are you doing anon. Go grind for the good SS+ gears.
>be retarded whale
>pull every unit
>multiple events I get first event unit in 20, then the next one needs pity
>got idol rose in 20
if Alexia takes pity it's time to find new toilet to throw my money down
It's a pain to grind the shards but I realized I could get Sherry's SS+ which was a godsend.
Also after testing different character combinations I'm positive I'll be able to beat the bird in a couple of days once Beta reaches rank 16.
>Idol Alexia/SF Aurora/Sherry/Annerose/SG Rose can do 4m damage on hard guild boss
Oh I'm gaming now
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Are they really that tall?
I'm gonna need an official source for this
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finally it's my turn with the broken
I need more...
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oh, my chuuni heart yearns for more animated shadow-sama
>only one SS+ ticket given away excluding the free one from attendance
Shame, I was looking forward to some awakenings for my units
On the plus side I got Masquerade Nu
>still no blue Sherry exclusive
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You've been 3x bonus hard quest for all three attempts everyday, right?
I just got her today by redeeming shards
I'm talking about her equip
Oh. It took me soooo long to get yellow Zeta's equipment and over 1 year to get the SS yellow cape (defense boost).
Maybe she will have another banner with her equipment available for 30 rolls exchange
good luck
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4th code
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Our single lewd artist did a Nishino
>masturbating with a dead 15 year old's clothes
What the FUCK us wrong with Nishitani?
>Guy gets her name right once
>Steal his clothes after his death
>Masturbates to them every day for three years
>Make another 15 year old she just met wear it because he vaguely resembles that guy
This is your hero, Japan?
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It's happening
dual unit slop not even 2 years in
Where'd you get this image?
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5th code
still bit mad valkyrie connect got better skins for our characters than we get
Are dual units common in gacha? Barely played any other gacha and this is the first time I'm seeing dual units.
My 2 推し. So it's a roll then, right before summer...
Depends on the type of gacha. You won't see them in Genshin-like gacha, but they are pretty common in FEH, HBR has started doing it too. They are getting more and more common.
i dont really care but when can i dick roll next? swim suits in july?
2 weeks
Can't decide if I want the 10k paid pack
Don't think I really want the SF enough to make it worth it
15 more minutes before livestream, any JP translators?
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I missed one slide but
>there is more ppl answering than last year
>The new chapter will have players' choices changing what's happening
>What players think it takes too much time/are a pain in contents
Bushin, bushin x3 and sanctuary for the top 3
>What players like in kagemas
top 4 is original story, main story, talking to characters and alt outfits
>What players don't like in kagemas
top 4 is huge app size, lag, stamina is limited, crash
>Favorite events
>top characters used in bushin
top 5 is green Shery, Blue shadow, masq Claire, Green shadow, Kimono Epsilon
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Planning for the next months
June, start of a new arc
July/August new sanctuary + private room
September, new chapter of the new arc
October, special event
November, anniv
They will fix some bugs
New event each month, as usual.
2-3 new SS+ weapons each month.
>new sanctuary
From 5 floors to 3, you can use the skip function, hard mode with score ladder.
>cast for the new arc

english not supported
why though
time for gacha original characters instead of fanservice, bros
>gacha original characters
Utterly shit, introduce them in the LN first
Got Epsi&Beta in 50 rolls, I hoped they would at least be together on the main menu screen, but nothing. They aren't both showing when you select them while managing your team, or even on the field.
No new character event either.
They were damn lazy with this one.
>No new character event either.
This is the one that really blows imo. I barely bring myself to read it within a month of pulling the unit, it's only 20 gems back, they're pretty tiny and someone always uploads to youtube so pulling for it doesn't matter, but fuck them for not bothering
Claire GODS win again
First gacha game I play where the duo characters aren't both shown in game, this is a new low lmao
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If you don't roll you're literally certifiably completely BRICKED
who is aun
They're so cute
I have enough meta to keep playing the game comfortably. I will save for dickrolls.
One guaranteed thing in this game so far is the consistent power creep. Not every new character is stronger, but the strongest at any point was never the strongest forever
for me it's continuing to suffer chasing ranks in arma and event
>Do free roll
>Get blue Sherry
Did I win?
Is it better to get these two or save for Shadow?
are we even getting shadow?
When the movie releases, yes
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6th code
And when is that?
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>sitting on 110k gems
still waiting for swimsuit eta...
My wives
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Second anni
for me, candidates for swimsuit rolling until pity are (in no particular order):
any (Young)-version
I can see those 3 having one this summer, the others aren't important enough to get one yet, maybe beside Yukime
Time to buy all the packs I managed to resist buying so far at last minute
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7th and presumeably final code
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ohhh we are barely in the top 100 rank. I used the max 30 stamina burgers literally every day of the event. I hope we can squeeze in the top 100 this time to get the title card.
I may be able to do get enough stamina in time to do one more hard clear for 7 more guild points before the game goes down for maintenance. I have 1 hour 3 minutes until I recharge enough
Just use one of your alts to get more hits in like the top guilds do
I had to burn a few hundred gems for stamina, but I got another 7 points in
fuck yeah
the window to use this was like, 10 hours
I'm playing on jp side, and none worked, so I guess it was a crunchyroll thing only
probably. they were only posted by en twitter not jp
might quit
game too pricy
look at this lucklet lmao, the game is all about expanding the Eminence in Shadow's worldbuilding anyways so you're not missing out that much when the game has a dedicated loretuber
Is that someone who just uploads videos of story or something as bad as it sounds?
Yes, Eminence in Shadow is a cool setting
First time I did the Arma thing, I did not expect that out of the 20 ppl who signed up, only 6 would be present to do it. Same for the guild I was against, they were only 2.
Not much ppl seems to care about the rewards
Biggest issue is that it's for a very limited time in a day and when there's people from all over the world in a guild it's difficult to be all available. Also yeah the rewards are just ok.
>only 6 would be present to do it.
Still better than my average of 3 people. Most active players I've had is 5.
Probably need to go hunting in discord for active guild if you want anything approaching 20/20. 6/20 is probably on upper end if it's just random guild
Started playing this recently due to being a super fan of source material. Does the original material ever actually get good?
There are some good moments in the event stories and in seven shadows chronicles or whatever it's called but it's not really anything ground-breaking.

Not a bad time to start though if you want decent story though as there's special scenario coming up which hopefully should be something with bit of extra effort gone into it. See >>1480327 >>1484004
It's background lore without much Shadow-sama. Good if you're interested in lore, not if you want more Shadow-sama.
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my guild leader always picks something that is like two in the morning for me.
he has never shown up to a single battle.
i don't really care about the rewards though I just dick roll desu
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I thought it would only be a new story, but they are treating it as an event, it seems?
Well, at least I don't risk rolling for anything until the swimsuits next month now.
You already have both Shadows? Explode
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I wanted to reroll until I got both Shadows, but I guess I should be happy with this?
blue Sheryl and breen Shadow are pretty good, yeah, but keep in mind that you can get blue Sheryl and this Aurora for free in the long run and without spending anything, while you will have to roll for blue Shadow later if you want him, since he is limited. So, if you really want to roll for blue Shadow later, then try to get both now, if not then it's a good start.
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Thanks. It only took one more try to boot.
Who cares everyone already has both Shadows + so much more
been playing since release and have zero shadowfes units
>mfw paid daily for shadow is bugged and didn't come back at reset
Idk whether this is actually a bad thing considering I'll be saving my paid gems if it doesn't reappear. Only need one of their weapons anyway.
Luck rolled into Master Shadow
Saving for a potential Swimsuit Victoria
FYI when you get the chance to chase delta in the new event map quest thing take it in order to start boss fights.
Good one
In my pursuit of green shadow I got enough blue shadow drops to acend him to 4th and unlocked the second gear slot, do I give him a generic blue elemental gear as the second or something else?
I like using either that or the super strong stat boosting one that the game gives for Armageddons.
Why does this game put enemies that only target the 3td character and not allow you to stagger attackers and tanks?
Because it's a worse princess connect
Just change your party setup so the third member is tanky or add a healer/shielder/debuffer
priconne does this too though
the dipshit stone throwing monkey mob has caused me hours of malding by simply deciding to snipe a character before provoke goes through
That's my problem though. I cannot decide loadout order. I would have to put in three tanks.
You can put a green shadow to heal the party and he takes an early slot for example
I guess chasing delta was the wrong path anyways?
[ Kill Delta ]
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>this event
>era where Diabolos is active is a hellhole
No way, tell me more
Apparently picking it unlocks boss fight early. I'm assuming it otherwise stays locked until the end of the correct route.
i feel retarded how do I change routes?
Rewatch the scene where you picked to chase Delta and pick the other option instead.
ah thank you, I kept watching the green highlighted ones thinking that was where I was supposed to change paths
I rewatched those too thinking it would do something. Don't know why they're highlighted.
i get the feeling that the end story of the event will be going all the way back to the beginning and choosing a different path from there.
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Seems like we will get a new majin skin for everyone, and not see Cid until the end.
>open spoiler image
>get spoiled
why do i do this to myself
based, dogs get the rope
My god Gamma's gammas are fucking amazing in the new story chapter.
Jesus Christ, you're right. Even better than Delta's.
I hope all the possessed outfits are just a parade of glorious underboob shots. I might blow my load on some of those instead of swimsuits.
I thought we were getting more story today
>Iris gets a new unit
They're trying really hard to powercreep the launch free yellow Rose tank
even with no SS+ gear she still sees use because she uses her stun kick on frame 1
that's just how good it is
If it really bothered them that much you would think they would just swap her out with someone else instead of making a new unit.
the top teams in pvp and any hard boss resist stun so she already fell off
>winning in dark knight duel
>fighting for second to last round
>fatal error
Anyone else? I've tried restarting a few times and switching who I was using but I'm getting kicked out every time.
Some other people have same bug, raise bug report and hope for apologems
Same, and I was about to win the bracket, for once.
I thought my app avoided getting the error but I suddenly got it today. How does that even work.
Apparently it is just random
it took me this long to update the game
I'm at a point in the main progression where most regular attacks do 0 damage to enemies even when I am a couple thousand points higher than min power required. I don't see a shield icon above the enemies, so is there another mechanic that reduces damage?
The enemy might have an evasion buff or inflict damage/accuracy debuffs. There are also a few enemies that just have bloated defense like the bears, but that probably shouldn't be a problem if you're above the recommended power.
post team and what you're trying to beat
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N Chronicles 9-9
Already beat it, but it takes forever.
Yellow support Claire is a meme unit that reduces dps unit's damage by some massive percentage while boosting attack for tank/support, that's probably what is giving you 0 damage. Try a team without her
>reduces dps unit's damage by some massive percentage
Where is that info? Not seeing that in any of her skills.
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oh, my bad, i got claire and rose mixed up too many characters
Okay, yeah, that was it. Shame my only other yellow healer is sherry, I have to play on 1x without auto to make sure I hit max heal every combo
off color is likely better than sherry
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Just mix colors, here's my yellow team (there's no yellow DPS)
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i think i'm saving for swimsuits unless she's ssss must roll unbeatable. swimsuits dropped last week of july iirc
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>Due to an unforeseen circumstance, the iOS version of Eminence in Shadow will need to undergo extended maintenance at 6PM PST on Wednesday, 7/3. This extended maintenance may last several days while our team works to fix the underlying issue. All affected players will be unable to access the iOS version of the game, and must bind their account to either the PC or Android versions of the game in order to continue playing during the downtime. Please note that once maintenance starts, you will no longer have the ability to bind your account to the other two builds. As a token of our gratitude, all players will receive in-game compensation once the iOS version is back online.
>Warning people a day before the disaster.

Lol. Rip to everyone who will lose their $$account.
I’m assuming this is only for EN, since the JP maintenance tweet doesn’t mention this.
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>demon Delta has the same lines and personality as regular Delta
My green team isn't even a team anymore I'm just brute forcing shit with SFs
You weren't doing that before?
ive lost the temptation to roll
>Doesn't obsessively slobber over Shadow (more so than usual)
It's over...
anyone else having one of the new normal stages glitch out on them?
play it on normal speed and it'll work
challenge 4 has the same issue
got it thanks anon, hope you get your next waifu on the first roll
I fucking hate this game, I just wanted the extra lore and I have to spend days in between story events to read the content I want just to grind levels for an auto battler.
Just watch story on youtube
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Alpha and Zeta's swimsuits this month
I think Alpha and Zeta being supposed BFFs is like the only piece of lore the game added that it actually plays with
was zeta always bigger than alpha?
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I thought they were mostly the same, but Zeta's model too seems a bit more on the bigger side.
I'm a little bit pissed we have to wait at least another month to see conclusion of last event
ive got 80k still after blowing my load on demon delta, i'm for shizzle rolling for zeta, she's always been my favorite.
I've always thought zeta had a few inches in height and bust on alpha.
man the physics in this game are on point. also
Hope you all managed to get several hundred burgers from summer boxes pre-nerf
Zeta cuckblocks Alpha in her story lol
based, we get to roll for her next week right?
I don't even care how op or not she is. Also a little bit disappointed they didn't have a replay roll for last year's swimsuits but oh well.
How do you arrange the fighters like this? The game so far forces me with certain arbitrary arraignments.
There's a decent chance of a rerun of claire/alexia next week. Blue units, in event score bonus, and they pretty often drop it in second week of event rather than straight away
Position is always fixed so if you have think you have the same team in a different order it's because you're using different units
different units move themselves into position, ie some of the dps units always try and stay in the back. It's a bit braindead but I don't mind.
nice. i've got 90k ready to go, if i get really lucky and pull zeta in a few rolls i might try and roll for alpha too. or save for halloween and pray for a cosplay theme. I still want to see eta in that bunny suit too.
You look at the "positioning" stat. You can't change it. You rike?
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Fuck yeah. 80k gems left, roll for swimsuit alpha or wait for demon gamma?

Also the back of her suit is so much hotter than the front highly recommend for coomer rollers
Saving isn't bad option. Swimsuit Part 2 is definite possibility next month too
Gamma has always been a brick I don't know why people expect her demon form to be good
sf gamma was meta on release
I never like her because her healing was shit, I often had to add another healer because she was so unreliable and only good for the SP Regen (which was overrated).
Thank god I'm free of her now with SF Alexia and Sherry
I'm always in top 20 pvp I don't care about good or not im just here to coomer roll. Game is way more enjoyable that way.
Shadow-sama is so fucking cool, bros
>New Annerose out of nowhere
Have you missed the other random non-limited units that have been dropping?
>non limited
thank goodness i was running out of hard quests to grind for new characters. new chronicles in a week or two I guess?
Does this mean we don't get a second summer themed event like last year?
They've been putting out non-limiteds every now and then for a while, I don't think it has anything to do with might end up being in next event
Demon Gamma as this month's SF
She'll be S tier at best
her underboob is sss tier at least
Considering last minute summer alpha dickroll
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Right on the money, anon
All my elements are so stacked I don't want to replace anyone...
Yellow is so shit it can't even kill mono blue
I can't kill mono yellow in arena with my green team it's so good. SS+ Gamma, SS+ Beta and Victoria does a shitton of damage.
i did it
Do skill up bonuses apply for alternates of a character?
You mean from interacting with them? I believe so.
I mean for gear.
I believe so. Just the special skill is locked out.
>New update is out
>Website has a bad gameplay
Nice brick lmao
As expected of Gamma
iota is pretty hot
>Get demon Gamma in a single 10 roll
Nice. Underboob is mine.
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Calm the fuck down, Gamma
>no new bunny suits this year
Awwwww muh eta
>actual bunny instead
She's not playable and I'm not a furry... but would.
I've got 80k in gems I'm tempted but her initial description didn't sound great is she really that great?
All I do is coomer roll anyways but the only thing I could see coming soon for me is Halloween or another based shadow.
And last Halloween wasn't too coomy.
The image is from the new Sanctuary, but she's been doing damage comparable to my Victoria. No idea if her special gear helps mitigate the SP drain she inflicts on her allies.
On the final boss of the Sanctuary, she was just spamming her Hidden Technique practically every second.
Yeah the sp drain was off putting. I just ss++ my Victoria and was getting ready to gear her up too.
Yellow sherry, rose tank for the rest of your team I'm guessing? I've only got the free adult zeta and loli zeta for dps for yellow.
Don't have Yellow Sherry, unfortunately. My Yellow team is really weak.
Iirc you can buy her with player coins and she has a second gear that's good.
Also tried hard floor in sanctuary and died on the first fight woooooo, at least you can skip battles and the statues tell you what the options give you.
I was wrong she doesn't have a second gear
Also couldn't beat normal floor 3. With the level and acc numbers fixed this feels like a resource sink, I need to gear and rank up all my secondary yellow tanks to win. Or I'm picking terrible ancient memories.
>Couldn't beat Normal floor 3
The final boss of Hard one shot half of my team instantly, but I somehow managed to win.
I was skipping battle each time I probably need to micro manage starting with floor 3. Too lazy to restart again today might watch a video and try it again tomorrow.
I was also skipping all floor three battles and ended most of them with 100% remaining HP
Then I'm doing something fundamentally wrong like picking bad characters or ancients.
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Every single event I get confused with the dates, I always forget it stops the day before what a shame, I really wanted swimsuit alpha.
Ended up benching SF Rose since she can't benefit from the huge damage boost from SS+ Beta so her damage is underwhelming compared to elves and the damage boost Rose gives is still lower total damage if I have to drop Victoria or Beta or Gamma
She's still good but I tried multiple teams on a challenge mode and this seemed to be the strongest
Are you talking about pvp or arma ? Because if it's against arma boss you can switch tank rose with SF rose. I don't know how far they can tank the boss without a tank thought but level 6-7 should be doable.
I think SF rose is a good pair for demon gamma since you can refill up your team SPs so demon gamma can spam her hidden tech. Just make sure to use SF rose last in your x5 combo.
Yeah she can probably tank reasonably well at lower difficulties considering her own shield + Demon Gamma's party shield + Gamma's healing
Why does this feel like the SF Delta green tank strat...
I just realised I never did the summer challenge boss
This game sucks because it forces the writer to introduce new character every book so they can add to the game
It's been doing that since before the game was an idea.
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Summer banner is festival not swimsuits
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>wanted to try the game
>trying to download on PC
>10 GB
>got stuck on 95%
>search on reddit and tells to reopen the app
>the game told me to to download 4GB
>downloading for the second time
>got stuck at 28%
>reopen the app
>the game told me to download 4GB again
You just keep reopening the game, it's what I do too
>that one faggot on youtube can't be arsed to just upload the stories and dialogues like a normal human bean
Fuck youtube for attracting poorfags
no real point when she has the exact same intro animations and conversations as regular gamma
>the event playlist is gone
>begging for donations
>vtuber shit
What a horrible day to have eyes
I haven't played since s2 shadow was released so I don't want to reinstall
Lost my acct info anyways
Just reopen it a few times. Works for me. The coders aren't sending their best.
That's an understatement
Aight, I'll give it a try
>Elisabeth wants a proper rematch with Aurora
Is this game actually good? I didn't think a gacha game based on an ip that doesn't have a ton of characters to make units off of would last, but it seems to be doing great. It kind of has me interested, but I haven't finished the anime yet.
It's a 1-1 princess connect clone. I would assume most people are in it either for the additional series lore or the waifu content.
I am here for the Shadow alts and I'm let down every time a w*ifu unit comes out
I think you mean CHADOW content
Possibly not quite a shadow alt, but they really should have done summer cid release imo
They actually striked his channel and threatened to delete it over posting that stuff, he's been trying to move it to a different hosting site instead.
fuck Aiming
I like the gameplay loop it's comfy
A shame that it's greedy with currency so I can only afford to roll once every few months
This. Do I roll for demon gamma now that second summer set is gay? The only thing next I'd bother saving for is Halloween or next April if they do a bunny costume again, or all the way to next year for swimsuits again.
Or of course the next shadow.
>finally get around to downloading the game on windows
>try to link account via google
id rather not fuck up phone save so i guess no pc playing for me
Playing on PC is infinitely better, trust me
Is it worth trying to clear out quest lines for previous events?
Yes for the gems.
this actually is the worst guild boss ever
just pull aurora bro
>More Elizabeth characterization
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normal mode
Imagine skipping D.Delta
Imagine rolling for Demon Delta when Demon Shadow is coming literally in 2-3 months
Without wanting to judge ppl liking the game or not. I think the game is like a generic gatcha. Like konosuba gatcha
It's no secret the game is not great.
It's shit. Most of us are here for the characters.
I like the game
game is meh enough but konosuba gacha really dropped off for me. i haven't logged on in months now. and i really loved the series. I think this game being the only content available for the original series that is being constantly updated is a big factor, at least month after month.
i'll watch the new konosuba seasons but i've got the manga / light novel to read for more. whereas this game has lots of new good stuff to enjoy that isn't anywhere else.
kazuma is top tier but cid is getting really close to how much i'm enjoying this. the new summer festival didn't have anything for me to roll over but i loved the story.
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How is the new Aurora?
waifu only unless you've got lots of bleed based characters
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I have had horrible luck with Green, literally have the amount of characters that I have for every other color and had to waste resources making C tier units able to survive boss fights. Will a green SF come soon so I can fix this?
We only just had demon delta so will be a little while
If someone in the 4ch guild can do at least 1 million damage (10% of its health) to the hard guild boss in a single turn, I can now do about 10 million in one turn because I got both event characters
We should take turns on the hard guild boss so that we can defeat it more times in total than doing it separately
I will start leaving the boss at low health when I cannot one-shot it, so please defeat it if you can take care of the rest in one turn. If you cannot defeat it in time, you can pause and retire from the battle before the timer runs out and you will not lose any tokens
When is green Cid's SS+ gear going up? Thought it was this week.
next week
The ss+ gear for SS character usually comes 2nd week into event, after DKD
Yaaaaaaay idk if I'll spend more gems going for swimsuit beta I've already got her bunny outfit.
>Olivier Sanctuary boss
>I barely get her down to 80% HP before the timer runs out
What the fuck
if you're on auto stop that
you have to manually check when she runs out of parry stacks else you're just wasting big chunks of damage
Demon Gamma sucks in DKD... Why can't they ever give yellow nice things
>Unit entirely reliant on leeching off her allies
>Sucks when solo
yukata liz gives everyone performance enhancing drugs
im glad i messed up and forgot to roll for her. not because of gameplay, but because all of her emotes and cut scenes she is trying to show off her cleavage and not her underboob like the new outfit has.
We clearly need more underboob representation in media
no doubt. now the real question... will we get bunny suit eta for halloween? Im not spending anymore of my gem hoard unless its for red chadow or bunny suit eta.
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I doubt we'll get 2 eta halloween alts, or a bunny halloween. If I had to guess best chances for coomers are more demon alts
probably right, guess i'll save for shadow or more demon alts. I'm thinking we get more demon / shadow chronical quests after this event is over
found my footing
can't do the challenge boss though
I think
also I literally didn't notice until I posted this that Alexia is healing more than the actual healler who was a higher speed buff always active on herself
Man the new Beatrix is sure going to help with all those strong red elf units like uhhh... ummmmmm.. uhh SF Beta? And swimsuit Beta.
New Beatrix? Do we have a visual?
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It's gonna boost SF Demon Epsilon/Beta
>grindable beatrix
my gems are saved
here's your strong red elf unit
anyone using linux managed to get windows version to run? I'm playing on waydroid atm.
the super hero skins really don't do much for me, my gems are saved again
Is it just me or does anyone have issues with battle royale? The start battle button is greyed out now I’m locked outta using my pvp tries.
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what's the song they use for the title screen during apocrypha events?
I dunno, I only know that it's by a band called BAN or something. Check the first Apocrypha announcement livestream.
>super hero skins
They're cum suits
i read that doujin, it was good.
There only being a two year gap between the loli skins and the adult skins is really amusing.
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Shadow is so fucking cool, bros
Yeah it's crazy how fast elves and beastmen grow up in that world, like they took some hormone boosters or something.
Funny you say that!
What do character ranks past 8 unlock?
Higher damage caps. They also improve character stats, so upgrade them as much as you can.
Found it
"The Ban" by Mayu Maeshima (or Maejima, I can't read)
neat. maybe i don't play many other games but i'm always impressed how much extra fun stuff this series / game is getting.
I was thinking about how much the other loves to give punny, on-the-nose names to almost everyone (Jemina Seinen, Doem Katsuhat, KAGEnou, etc), and I started wondering if Claire's name is supposed to be a reference to Clair de Lune. The series often talks about the moon a bunch, and she IS Cid's sister. Clair de Lune is probably the second most well known classic music piece named after the Moon after the Moonlight Sonata.
*the author
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Does anyone know who leak this?
someone based
does this also mean no new demon character?
those are fes limited at the end of the month
this is just Beta larping as a perma pool character
poor Beta, unfortunately for her that her suffering only arouses me further.
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Is the new Beta a permanent?
she doesn't show up in the character roster if you don't have her so probably not
Apparently bullshit stakes have been upped for this guild boss too
vagina bones
Eh she's kinda ugly
just noticed all the demon transformations come as a result of the character being denied their self worth (like Beta and Delta having their idea of Shadow as the strongest/only one fit to lead denied, Gamma having her own combat prowess derided by herself no less, and Alexia seeing her own/Cid's swordsmanship dismissed)
Full voicing in this event when?
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Would you?
I'm not shadow so no
Anyone else having their client crashing when entering the 1 on 1 with Beta?
Shadow may forgive delusional women but I do not
half of the fun is shadow doesn't put up with any of his harem
Shadow is fucking DEAD
shadow is probably alive but chilling inside diabolos somehow
the realization that he was alive all along but didn't give her any hints is probably what will make Alpha go demon
cid probably is diablos. he disapears back home or to original timeline and the cult actually forms attempting to bring cid back.
I love Shadow
I got both event characters in 50 pulls
>Couldn't get Claire
It's over...
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Are you okay, anon?
eh i'm waiting for the next shadow or booba coomer outfit to roll on and claire doesn't quite do it for me. I'm desperate for bunny eta.
Planning on playing this game, heard the shadowfest is a good time to start and reroll, when is it and what should i reroll for?
It's not been announced yet but going off previous patterns, probably on 25/26th and it's probably Demon Beta going up. Newbies get a Alpha banner I think, so you would want to reroll for Demon Beta and the Alpha.
2nd anni isn't far off so could be worth waiting. Shadow fes is every 4 weeks with armageddon and decent chance for OP unit to drop but not exactly always must pull.
isn't the ani at the start of november? i'm desperate for a new shadow
If I don’t have Halloween characters what event hard stage am I supposed to use to fill in the missions? Can I use the other non rate up stages?
any of the hard stages you don't need the halloween characters to finish that special mission set
Well what I mean is whether I can use the opportunity to farm other event hard stages to grab shards of characters I do have instead even if they lack triple drops, because it’s really hard to find a time to farm these shards now that normal/hard get constant 2x
for the particular special mission set you are talking about (the one off the home screen) it can only be the hard missions in the halloween event. 12 each day w/o using gems to reup
You're talking about the mission that says complete H event quests 20 times right? You can literally do any hard event quest and it'll count towards it. If it wanted you to do Halloween event specifically it would say that.
Guess I’m testing it out then since there’s differing opinions. Let’s play 20 steam first to be safe/
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Rape for the sole purpose of rape
the thumbnail of this image looks like a slight frown, and the when you expand it the giant goofy smile is more obvious.
this entertains me.
>fireforce colan
fkin ye-
>no arthur
i sleep
my gems are safe for now
Are they?
When does she come out?
Tonight I think? Eta 9 hours?
that's alexis not eta
Eta = Estimated Time of Arrival
who even cares about fire force in 2024
im gonna baste that backdoor and theres nothing you can do to sstop me
asslexia in 30 pulls
im pretty tempted. i've got 80k in gems that I was holding out for either halloween or a new shadow in november's 2nd ani.
halloween was really disappointing last year, but at the same time I've got to imagine the demon characters will be available more often than holiday options.
It’s my first festival unit, how do we max them out on shards? Can we only buy via shop or is there somewhere to farm?
Did summer beta get stealth buffed? That alexia normal attack counts right?
shop or anniversary event should give 50 shards like last year so uh
or rolling dupes durng their first run
>no Demon Alexia in 30 pulls
Time for the month long saving for the new SF Shadow-sama
Make that 2 in 60 and sf yukime on a single
do we have a guild on global?
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Rare fanart
It is pretty casual, but we have a handful of regulars. Membership requires an "approval" to join now so we don't fill up with non-playing random, but I will approve you
Warning, if for whatever reason, you have already been kicked from this guild in the past, it won't let you request to join again. So lame, but that is the mechanics
i'll try to join after arma, you guys casual or hardcore spenders?
Casual. The handful that usually show up for the 4:00 - 5:00 UTC arma are currently 600,000 - 1,000,000 total power. We seem to just go with the flow and no commitment needed other than not dropping the game entirely. Just playing the game together with 4chan degenerates
The new collab is both lame and low effort. The girl looks like a paper doll faced retard. Two weeks of this garbo and hopefully we get something decent for Halloween, or a new shadow for ani in November I think.
To be fair this game reeks of low effort to begin with.
I agree but how does this relate to my hero Cid Kagenou AKA Shadow?
I mean yeah. But the character models are usually better at least. I don't know if it's the art style for that series or what but she's ugly
for a gacha game it's actually pretty good imo, outside of the giant loading times and the fact it takes 8 months of saving to guarantee a pity roll on a banner. as a coomer i've been pleasantly surprised with the art / models / jiggle physics so far. the shadow chronicals and story mode are actually pretty enjoyable too, they've got the same amount of funny haha as the anime.
but the new colab cat girl has a bizarre flat face.
Nah I’m playing 4 atm and this one is by far the weakest for coomers. Even the fact that it has 3d models with jiggle physics isn’t anything special. Only reason to play is because of Eminence.
i kneel. what games? i keep getting ads for something called ecchipocolpyse or something like that and i laughed at the audacity
Nikke, Brown Dust 2, Outerplane. I personally think they surpass Eminence in many aspects besides lewdness, but all of that is generally subjective so I can only tell you to judge for yourself.

However, I can be absolutely confident that at least in terms of f2p generosity, all 3 of them shit all over Eminence. Eminence is a clear kadokawa cash grab made with a developer specializing in cheap cash grabs while all 3 games I mentioned is very generous for casual players relative to Eminence.
Yo is it just me or is there no bleed resist ancient memory in this week’s sanctuary? This is pure bullshit how can I beat Aurora if I die in 3 ticks of bleed?
I got one. Both this time and last time it showed up in one of stages in 3rd node
Oh so I just need to reset a few dozen more times.
Nvm this bitch has way too much evade and her own accuracy is so high Claire serves zero purpose. Can’t do shit during weeks where the free unit is garbage, which says a lot since I’ve never failed to get carried by the free unit ever since sanctuary was remade. Either that or they buffed Aurora sky high for no reason.
Just use Tamaki
Nevermind I got BTFO by magic blockage, use Claire and Benimaru support but don't use any healer unless you have Idol Rose
Doesn’t work for me Aurora just ultra and even though Claire was at 30% hp no one ever evades. Heck I lost Annerose early on too, bitch just has too much accuracy and evade, it’s clear this boss is for try hards you can’t do shit with the crappy reds the game gives you.
The trick isn't to survive but to burst her down while Claire is providing everyone with chances to evade, I had the human artifacts too(stun/acc down on stun/dmg on stun) so I'd say reset until you have those plus bleed immunity
Team I used was SF Aurora, Benimaru, Annerose, Idol Alexia and Claire
I had the human artifacts as well, but I can’t burst nothing. I only have Claire/Annerose/Iris/Small Zeta/Benimaru. I’ve tried swapping Zeta for Summer Beta but while I do get more time from stun, it doesn’t seem to matter.
I'm doing the fire force event right now and the 7th episode wont unlock. Is there something I have to do to unlock it or is it i glitch?
Man I wish I could read
Took me like 10-20 resets to beat it and a whole bunch of member swapping and I just barely beat her. Get at least 1 bleed res and the one has dark res as it's second effect. My final line up was:
SF Aurora
Eta with SS+ gear
Healer Kid Epsilon with SS+ gear
What does Epsilon do? Isn’t it just 3 debuffs?
Her gear gives Shields when inflicted with ailments and cancels ailments up to 5 times.
*3 times
I should probably also mention most of ancient memories line up. I only grabbed 2 human boosting rings and one for elves that mentioned barriers. Rest was mainly attack boost, SP boost, accuracy boost and whatever ailments resistance ones had defence boost as their secondary effect if Bleed or Dark res weren't available.
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How should I build my red team?
SS++ Claire for PvP because her SS+ gear is busted, White Epsilon for raid
Annerose is good
You don't have the good red units like SF Aurora and SF Claire so just mix and match
Green Sherry's SS+ gear is good for a mono human team too so farm that
I don't have green sherry
You'll get her sooner or later
In the meantime Lambda is good since she synergizes with White Epsilon, really any red DPS tank synergizes well with her. The only problem is that she doesn't boost the team's speed and Annerose's passive is gonna take a hit because she's not human
Just rolled SF Aurora. How does that change things?
She buffs one red DPS plus herself with a buff that gives +50% crit, atk and speed, yes it's that retarded
Plus she's good in DKD because of her equipment and self buffing capability
Also good in guild boss because of said buff
Now all you need is wait for new Anni who's probably gonna be a third Shadow
Maybe it’s the lack of awakenings but I still feel a bit disappointed that my +3 Claire is better at dkd than demon Alexia +1.
Claire is particularly good for DKD though and you miss out on the combo buff for demon Alexia
That’s weird given Claire is missing 40% more damage from her magic gear.
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well, good thing i wasn't focusing on her hands the last twenty minutes
I forgot to finish DKD yesterday...
its okay. i accidentally bought 50 more shards for ss+ gear than i meant to
How good is little alpha’s magic gear? Is it worth making or just a skip?
If you have SF Alexia then don't bother, it's only good as a cope option
>green shadow
>sf aurora
They're going hard. EOS soon?
Anni is literally right around the corner, they're trying to squeeze people's wallets before dropping the new busted SF
I’m talking about the new one for red loli.
Seems useful, but I dunno how much use it'll see for guild bosses
>tfw free reds like iris and annerose do less damage than green rose and green alexia
Now I understand why I can’t copy people with Aurora strat. The free units are completely imbalanced.
what is everyone's gem hoard for anni? i'm sitting on 100k, hopefully enough for halloween coomer skin and a new shadow for anni
44k, if it's not Shadow-sama I'm only going until I get one copy
So I remember someone said the YouTube videos got taken down or something? Anyone know where I can watch all the stories? Especially the stuff I can’t watch in game like the collab stories/character dialogue.
Cleater SV has the majority of them, I think the ones that got taken down are either back up or on his own website that is filled with ads but 'free' to watch.
Is there a list of which events have cutscene videos and which don’t? I stopped actually going through them and just skipped because I was busy for awhile and could only focus on doing dailies asap, but now that I can take my time again I see the Fire Force collab doesn’t even have a short video? Did I miss it or something? Or was there never one to begin with?
It's going to be demon Beta
>already have bunny beta
im saving for shadow
nah this sanctuary cycle has been complete bullshit
went balls deeps for Bepsi. RIP anniv.
>spending your gems on some jobber shades when CHADow-sama is right around the corner
The white one is way easier than green simply because you aren’t limited and can spam teams to take it down. Trying green when your red team is 90% f2p unlockables is basically impossible because reds are all locked behind festivals and seasonals.
>delta and zeta cat maid outfits right before 2nd ani
Imagine saving for the new Shadow and the new character is shit and not even Shadow.
i can't find the original post but the reddit one makes it seem like the cat maids are the 2nd ani characters
Anyone have this strange audio bug? I keep hearing footsteps or something similar.
Behind you
Nah it only occurs when I click something, it’s weird. Even repair data did nothing so I’m guessing something borked.
Needed pity for demon beta...
Got demon beta, now waiting for Epsilon's, and maybe Zeta
I can just keep saving for shadow if that happens.
demon beta doesn't seem that op and i've already got her swimsuit and bunnysuit. i'll be saving for chadow again.
what are the odds that maid delta and zeta are one unit similar to the beta / epsilon one?
None, we aren't that far deep into duo units yet to have that kind of duo units with specific outfits
anon you dummy, those are fireworks sfx
I pulled more copies
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Only have three good attackers. What are my best supports and tanks to pair them with?
Loli gamma for healer, loli beta, Victoria, Greek beta, tank I dunno I never used the left two so I can’t judge. You’re set to clear probably half if not all the story chapters, not chronicles though.
Annerose and loli Gamma
If you're interested in upcoming content
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stream tldr
>anniv event is maid zeta/delta
>more rewards in tower
>get quartz if you rank high in boss event
>equip item will cost less
>battle pass
>voicelines for each character's anniv
>free selector for 7shades
>10k quartz
>new screen background special anniv
>coin shop
>140 free rolls
>x3 for normal/hard drops, 140 burgers, x2 for level up mats
>they will do a popularity poll
>anniv stream 29/11, with cid/aurora/epsilon/zeta seiyuus
>>get quartz if you rank high in boss event
Is this for the ranking in your guild or for every user?
>equip item will cost less
That's pretty nice. Update is on Thursday right? Going to have to hoard materials until then.
>free selector for 7shades
Thank god, I really need Zeta.
>Is this for the ranking in your guild or for every user?
Seems like this is for every user
>Update is on Thursday right?
Thank you for your service
>maid delta zeta
Ehhhhh probably won't roll doesn't do much for me unless they are turbo broken.
I'll have to put effort in and move up again
>free 7 shade
That's nice
>140 free rolls
Might be cool to top off the non limited characters I have
>popularity poll
Zeta Zeta Zeta
Might be cool

Idk as the resident coomer I'm probably going to save gems for Christmas, valentines, and summer bikinis. When is the movie coming out I'm going to guess that's when we get another new shadow?
So out of the selector for 7 shades who has the most mileage? I don’t care about waifu on the default outfits, so I’m just looking for whatever has the best scaling, doesn’t even have to be overall I know fes beta is shit but she has that gimmick to reduce damage. But do the others have anything that might make them powercreep proof?
I thought I read Zeta was the best but they wouldn't give them out for free unless they were going to be worthless soon...
I'm assuming we still have the rest of the demon variants to get released too
Eta's the best one. Zeta next best if you have her NY unit. Gamma kinda useful for World Tree.
They've nearly all been power crept at this point.
When is Anni anyways?
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No shadow? What the fuck?
I'll happily get SF Eta though I rolled twice on her banner and never got her
November 27th I think
That’s a long time, what are we getting between then?
epic pic unrelated?
Since there is no new shadow, should I roll for bepsi?
Sure, she's good at A2 but don't go for dupes because next month is guaranteed Shadow SF
Between Demon Alexia, Demon Beta, and SF Eta what is the order of prioritization for awakening?
I don't have any of the demon girls but SF Eta is great at A1. She can make some boss unable to trigger their ultimate if you give her some speed buff.

Yes she's currently one of the best support and you can put her in any color team she will still be strong. Unfortunatly the devs are starting to give bosses huge debuff against their non-weak color units which make it impossible to do multi color team. I've noticed it against the Arma yellow boss who gave huge malus against non green units.

Thanks for the infos. They are finally lowering gear requirement ! Well I sure hope they will. The grinding has become too hard. As a F2P it's getting harder to keep a full color team at high level. I know the devs don't like F2P players but I just hope they will not rise the difficulty for the Chronicles story.
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Popularity poll
>including shadow
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>Just heard that the game is operating at a loss and JP players don't like the power creep
How can this shit be operating at a loss? Can't be that expensive to make surely
Sauce, not that I doubt you given how shitty this game is compared to other gacha but I thought the fans were floating this shit.
>didn't get anything from these rolls
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I am sick of the writing misunderstanding Cid this hard during events.
So how is anyone doing damage on the challenge boss? I've got over 9k in power on my blue team but kid Cid (maxed out) dies in the first second and then the rest of my team dies right before I'm able to even do the 3 person combo. Do I just not have any good characters?
It always takes me over an hour to download the new patch on PC...
I lasted around 50 seconds before getting wiped with Mask Nu + Claire, SF Bepsi, Shadow and Alexia.
I've got a maxed out of shadow and an non ss++ mask Claire but not the other ones. I guess I'm not surprised that you can't do much as a f2p, maybe I'll dump all my resources into mask Claire and try again.
I'm at 10M damage. Blue Sherry helps kid shadow survive the first strike with her hp shield. She also has big damage reduction skills against boss Shadow which allows to survive the whole fight. Unfortunatly seems like I don't have enought dps. My team is blue Sherry/Bepsi/mask Claire/kid Shadow/blue tank Alpha
Top 3 is 15M damage I think so not sure I can push this far as a F2P too. Top 1-2 is probably whale territory.
Blue Sherry got me to trainee class, I think with better timing and luck I could get higher thanks for help
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Rare Sherry art
i think sherry knows that cid killer her dad.

also fyi claim your sf shadow right away, it unlocks a whole bunch of quests after you do it including one that is based on how many times you do one on one times.
I love Aurora (and many of the other EiS ladies, too!)
You can buy the Spirit level equipment from the anniversary shop that isn't available to be farmed from missions yet.
You can equip them to the characters for extra stat boost, but you cannot use the "Increase Rank" button yet or your app will crash back to the home screen.
Got to mid 13M with Sherry/bepsi/kid Shadow/DAlexia/loli Alpha
Is Yellow CID SS+ worth getting?
You have a whole year to do the missions. No need to rush.
>Characters get so strong that it crashes the game
fits cannon desu
Small PSA that you can vote daily on the popularity poll. >>1601758
The hardest part of this game is how it takes 10 minutes to even log in...
It used to be almost instant up until around the first half of S2 airing.
I genuinely have no idea what did they break back then, now the game sometimes softlocks and won't even launch.
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Late birthday image
>almost got her valentines day character
>yellow tank rose instead
I used SS+ loli Alpha, SS+ Cid, Beta Epsi, Masquerade Nu and support Maid Delta
So I pulled Maid Delta but I don't have Yukata Zeta, can I still build a decent Therianthrope team or no? I got SF Delta and Zeta. And both Yukimes, but I don't have the weapon for the green one.
By both Yukimes I meant the main pool ones. Not the SF.
>have both SF Delta and Zeta but not NY Zeta
Man you're unlucky
Maid Delta doesn't need NY Zeta, she can work fine on her own until a Theriantrope buffer for blues outside of Yukime comes out.
Holy shit, glad I'm not the only one. I reset so many times to make sure Shadow didn't get instagibbed by plants
I ended up double healer cheesing it.

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