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You did get the mediocre collab units right?
Theres only 2 days left now!
battle cats thread
Legend ticket when
UR 25k
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I got baby cat and Ganesha from Epicfest they any good
>Doing Legend Quest
>Two Sir Metal Seal maps in a row
Dead Falls and Utopia is Over There, so just 100% magnification. Still a pain in the ass if the only critter left after the reshuffle is Catyphoon.
Ganesha is your big number generalist unit.
Baby Cat is eh
Yeah Ganesha is good but kinda needs Talents.
Baby Cat could be good if not for the terrible range and not nearly enough health or damage to balance it out.
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>collab rare is 16 slots away
>there are 3 uber slots on the way and no ubers I want
It's not like I wanted it or anything
It'll probably be back next year.
Not like the Rare is important for anything other than collecting.
I had a similar issue, but there were new Ubers for me on the other tracks at least.
>Legend Quest Floor 21
>Red Alert
>All Red enemies, pick my usual anti-red team
>The only units that aren't swapped away are Eraser and Metal Macho
>No ubers for big dick demage
>Only unit targeting Red at all is fucking Supercar
Thankfully I had two anti-Floating units so the early onslaught of Shy Boys wasn't all that tragic, but other than that I'm forced to spam everything I have to deal with the peons, hoping that Mega Cats will eventually whittle down Nyandam's HP to zero. I've been doing this map for twnety minutes, Ms. Sign has shown up, I'm up to three Mega Cats (heck their respawn and attack rates for some Schadenfreude), and I think Nyandam as only knocked back once so far.
The wiki really didn't lie when they said not to expect to clear anything past 20 on the first try.
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Hey uhh did they actually fix the energy glitch this time? I was gonna get back into the game after like a year but I dont think I'll bother if thats the case
High ranked bros I need help desperately. The stage called "Stars in the tumbler" (the stage directly after you get Naala) has me utterly fucked. I can't seem to time the teleport for shit. Heres two very consistent results
>teleported behind dobers, behe gets caught by Ribbo's omni range (which he doesnt fucking have, behe is getting hit from BEHIND the fucking frog.), then knocked back
>teleported behind dobers, behe gets instantly teleported back again by doggo
This is happening a lot. Please post lineups bros, this shitty puzzle stage might be the one that breaks me. I've tried every youtube lineup. I've tried bruteforcing. Non behe teams. Everything. Fucking ponos. This 'puzzle' shit is not OK. Anyone that has beat this, please post your team. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Surely it can't just be a luck based win.
Motherfucker. Turns out all I needed was 4 catellites and spamming chill at high velocity. Didn't use any other units at all. Complaining here wins again.
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Timing bahamut worked fine for me after maybe 4-5 tries on 1*.
btw Moodist Beach is the Grotesque Gallery of UL, so the other levels in this are gonna be memes too
So I've just discovered. None have them have been so bad as the first though. I was getting well and truly fucked over by that one. Just got the last stage now, I wasnt expecting that assassin bear and I'm out of energy. I'll knock it over later and put this bullshit behind me. I really really dislike these types of stages though. Imagine if there was no guides for this shit? People would turf the game in a heartbeat.
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Dont have talents yet but looking forward to it thanks fellas
Say hi to Tear-Soaked Puppy for me. This is a Cubist Crimes remake and to beat it, do what you did for Cubist, but add Slime and Courier, and be ready to soft reset repeatedly to beat it properly one-shotting the base with A Baha.
Yeah that one was shit. I lucked out third time with a random ass team. I didn't send out either kasli on the win either. I must have won by a microsecond, was kinda shiiting my pants there.
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Courier is honestly a pretty bad choice for this stage
Sure hes fast and strong but thanks to his LD he will pretty much always hit the base first unless ur lucky
I just stack wavers like in Cubist, but not sure how bad it gets for 3*
That reminds me I've really got to get Dark Lazer talented one of these days. I next to never need her, but when I do I'm always facepalming realizing I haven't unlocked her waves.
Even in 4* SoL i barely ever used her. If i do its mostly just
>i poured so much NP into this might as well use her
But she CAN be really nice on levels where you can stack her behind barriers/metals
I rolled this stage in LQ:
For those who can't be bothered to check the link, it's the stage where a fuck-you-boosted Brollow jumps out right at the start and you need to send out a 75c meatshield as soon as you can to stop it from destroying your base in one hit. So I filled the top row of my team with those. And of course none of them remained after the shake-up, the cheapest unit I had was Slime Cat. I really hope I won't have to retry this stage too many time to get a cheap unit.
>Did it on the third try
>Next stage is The Holy Exploit aka Razorback and Boraphim team-up
Fuck me.
I haven't opened this game for a couple weeks
>Cleared Level 45 on LQ with my last crowns
So close yet so far. Should I go hard on SoL to get enough extra crowns to try and finish it? The next stage has that Space Sheep with a barrier in it, and who knows how many tries I'd have to take before the game lets me keep a barrier breaker.
I think its guaranteed at this point that you get either this or Cubist Crimes in every LQ
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im just waiting
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Post your scores
New and Improved Dojo is kinda tough
Second try, may do some more for <10%
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im never doing this shit ever again
So what's the best cat
lucky enough to get 7%
same sentiment but with this stage. zapy and gobble plus long ass warps is unholy trinity of pain
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I really starting to lean towards Housewife as my overall fav. Shes saved my ass with more savage blows than I can count.
Saw the dojo on Siluman's YT channel before it dropped. Please replace Dasli with any midrange rusher if you can, for the stage design deliberately makes Dasli users get low scores.
Anyway, let's try to guess what score the Genshin anon will get for this dojo, especially since the scarecrow can kill any and every unit, even Dark Phono.
best I could do is 3%
basically rng hell
Legend Quest being on got me thinking - do you think PONOS will introduce Uncanny Legend Quest by the end of the year? It could be a good way to drop multiple Dark Catseyes (just put them where regular LQ has Legend ones) if nothing else, and there must be a reason why they've been sitting on 4-crown difficulties for the final two chapters for literally half a year now.
Just rolled shingen
Is he any good
>didnt realize today was Malevolent FIsh's evolution stage until the last ten minutes of the day
>beat it second try after spamming more meatshields and removing the surge units
Whew, thought I might have had to wait another month to unlock that TF
He has really good damage for his range but has attack only. Against his stock target units hes gonna be pretty good.
You can unlock more target trait with NP which is probably not worth it.
He is outclassed by Phono but then again most things are.
They are probably waiting for 14.0 until they drop the 4*. Or for a Relic/Sage enemy for the inevitable Sage Slayer Idi TF thats coming.
I'm sure ULQ will come eventually but i'm not sure if they'll do it yet. Its probably gonna be hard as balls for a while even with full crowns.
I've beat all the stages. I do not not yet have all the units. Brainwashed occurrence sucks.
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>kenshin and the aku blanka
>Not enough tickets during the 88M celebrations to get to the Dark Catseye on the Catseye gacha
>Start hoarding, reach 100 tickets
>Start wondering if I should just bite the bullet and start pulling again for NP and gold tickets
>90M celebration starts, Catseye gacha is back
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How 2 beat river stix
Pic rel is best setup I could come up with but can't kill red boar fast enough, end up getting rushed by ostrich
Alright so real talk, 9 out of 10 of your cats cant even reach Hannya so theyre functionally useless. Theyre not even good at killing the bore or the ostrich.

Honestly, I think you're just too early into the game to really hope to beat the stage. You dont even have the true form for tank or crazed tank cat. Actually, why dont you have tank cat's true form?
Oh I do have it, just forgot to click on the circle arrow thing to switch forms
I wasn't thinking about devil mask, just focused on freezing the boar since that's the easiest way to beat it
I reckon I could do it easy since red mask attacks so slow I could get hits in with spammable rushers like crazed giraffe if I could get past the boar and ostrich
See, trying to ignore Hannya is folly because his omni-strike + 30k damage per hit just means any kind of crowd control in the fight is useless because Hannya will just snipe and kill them in one hit anyway.
Roe Cat is way better to utilize since not only will it tank both Hannya and the Bore, but it can inflict weaken on them both too to alleviate the damage on your red tanks(you really ought to bring double islands to the fight, and courier)
And trying to use lion cats is folly anyway because their DPS sucks dick, theyre terrible rushers. Theyre too ineffective when the bores and ostriches spawn infinitely anyway
you have other anti traitless? dark mitama is just gonna die to hannya and with her cost and recharge she's gonna cripple you in the rest of fight. use a.baha against r.ost if you dont have other traitless. you can replace ice cat and maybe terun with fried shrimp/roe and courier/elemental duelist/ viking cat when theres no r.ost. Just be patient and send out the right cats
I have no other traitless cat, I have no sushi or TF of either island cats
Gamatoto has decided he is not collecting catseyes anymore. It's been a couple of weeks bros. Send help.
Are you sure you switched to the good areas after the limited ones went away after the 88M celebrations?
Gamatoto has decided that there are no good areas, that he will no longer collect items or cateyes, and that engineers are no longer required. He gets just enough catfood to keep himself happy. He's being very selfish.
>need np
>next legend rare slot is 12B
Remember that hannya stage is two phase, bore and r.ost, you need something to kill the bore before r.ost comes, then you kill r.ost before bore until you kill hannya. You already have paipai, you just need something to kill r.ost, if no anti traitless use awakened baha/ king or crazed dragon / any high dmg unit to kill it before comes.
I never had a problem with gama. What happened? Can you screenshot?
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Lol. He's just not paying out. It's been something like a month since he's gotten anything other than CF. (sending him on full expeditions once maybe twice a day). He's got a full team of gold and one legend. I'm going to try slave driving him on short expeditions and see if that helps shake him up a bit.
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Artillery Alley was funni. Fighting a base with high endurance and 450 range is crazy- I managed to get 270K in the previous dojo with Dasli, Asukasli and DPhono, but this time, I upgraded my Iron Wall to L11 to min-max my runs as hard as possible- my PB is 161820 at the top 3% with D'arkt and DPhono at Lv 50 (I didn't use Dasli/Asukasli as they attack slowly). I even quitted runs early many times over whenever either of my fest units die to the base, or if I can't send DPhono before 45 seconds pass during the run.
I also beat Le'Grim. Now, I have M Mooth, Peng Z and Gigahaniwan left now, and I readied my White Rabbit for her UF. Even though she was fixed as well as Coppermine, she is usable against her target traits now.
While BC's soundtrack is good, excluding the Behemoth stage OSTs, I have been feeling dissatisfaction with it lately, after the peak high I had with the Miku Collab ones. This was worsened with the ToS event, which I found a snooze fest compared to what was in the Miku collab. As a result of this, I have downloaded the PV for Senbonzakura using NewPipe and have been playing BC to it on loop instead of listening to the in-game music. While I do have Hibana, I am not using it because it isn't suitable for general play for me as Miku is my waifu... Yeah, with that said, this dissatisfaction sounds more like withdrawal symptoms.
(I have also detoured to C6 Faruzan for use, not because she looks like my beloved. I hope I do not get Baizhu doing so, because I want Furina.)
Ah, Miku anon, so you've collected every Miku last collab? I've been dipping my toes too into vocaloid music since then and played proseka too.
I got the same.
Once in a blue moon he decides to give me a single catseye. I've had a lot of runs recently where ive only gotten XP too.
Full gold helpers too
I've been trying to figure out when v13.4 might be coming to EN and what it might being. As for when, all signs seem to point to the first full week of June (so starting on the 3rd, unless you're one of those weirdos that count from Sunday), although the new Dojo stage would have another week to go then but maybe I'm overthinking.
As for what, we probably shouldn't expect the new Wargod yet that got introduced in JPN v13.4, and we already have Pegasa and Floral Kalisa - and like everyone, I don't expect the new Ebinfest Legend to come out until Anni like Dhono did last time.
There's Killer Axe we're still waiting on thiugh...
I remember using a cheat apk to get infinite gems in this game back in the day. Can you still do that or did they finally crack down on it?
this, is there any way to cheat in game for free ubers
roll trackers dont count
APKs are not worth getting if you want to actually progress through the game. Events happen in the game on certain days which APKs can't detect, so you won't be getting any crazed cats. Not to mention how often the game gets updates
is there any cheat engine i could use to modify cat food, ex, etc
nigger just play the game
I did. Now I want to experience the rest of it but the progression is too slow so Im going to unlock all the content artificially
Have fun with that.
Damn, next time the "Defeat Bakoo with first forms only" mission comes back, I'll need to find a better team. It took embarrassingly long for me to clear it, especially since I used the "stall Bore with Sushi and Apple at the start" strat, and sometimes shit just won't proc.
I guess I should've found a team this time, but it was a matter of honor.
>4800% Master A.
Man 3* UL is absurd

I ended up putting 4 Meatshields, Sushi, Crazed Fish, Chronos and Momoco just to deal with the initial Bore. Once hes dead the stage is basically free.
yeah no way im not abusing ubers when i get there
Fuck, I cleared the WahWah stage first try with the 9 Normal Cats crew I had saved, but now that the mission to do it actually popped up, I keep losing. Fucking hate when that happens.
Which cat talents are the most broken
fishman cancan and pizza have good talents and are always useful but none of their talents are broken I'd say
ultra talents on anubis might be the biggest power spike but needs a lot of investment
balrog talents make him pretty ridiculous
just seedtrack lol. its a nice balance. doesnt feel like cheating, progression will really speed up
This stage is a legit nightmare to beat
So much random ass events happening despite few enemies onscreen I got sick of it
Even with ubers it was hard to make valid strat
You got
>sables waving your attackers
>coffin zoges only dying to z kills
>zapy and gobble combo to shred your frontline
>boss itself being annoying as hell, requiring you to push him every couple of attacks
>add low income to the mix
Worst of all, true form of advent cat is legit useful for akus and one of few spammable options for them, making this stage neccessary to beat in long run
I was reflecting on the events last year, and it got me thinking how the event schedule for 2024 will be. As a result, I have formulated these predictions, but if I get any of them wrong, this post may be half as much of a rambling as the first few posts of the Miku anon. (Those posts had him bitching about Princess Punt, and blaming the collab for forcing the Miku one to only drop in April, 5 months after the expected run date was stolen by that old collab with bad super rares and ubers)
>June: Metal Slug. The 7M wait for Miku will repeat due to Tower of Saviors.
>July: Summer Break Cats + Mola Mola.
>August: Rurouni Kenshin if lucky. If not, Punt will force that to come in November.
>September: Anniversary and Izanami, if Superfest is not held on 2nd wk of June.
>October: Shoumetsu and Halloween. The latter cannot be held on Nov 1 or 2 as they are All Saints and All Souls Day.
>November: Kenshin if Punt hijacked the schedule for that collab and doubled the waiting time.
>December: River City and Christmas.
Does curse cancel countersurge?
Since Punt came out in November, I'd expect the collab to come back in November.
Also, remember about the "June" Bride banner.
So what do you think will be the next guaranteed banner? Since my A-track is looking pretty barren, while my B-track has two Ubers one after another around mid-teens, I'm obviously interested.
If we won't be getting a new Uber with 13.4, we'd have to wait until 13.5 for the new Wargod and new Bridal unit - which would get a guaranteed banner anyway, like all seasonal banners do. Unless, of course, Metal Slug drops in June.
It doesnt. Pic related. I was so close in true forming cactus but I'm glad I didnt have to. Yellow stones is pain in the ass to farm without Hunter III which I cannot access cause I havent defeated Dogumaru yet
I suggest you go for Dogu ASAP, it's what I did back in April specifically so I could farm Yellow Stones.
Yellow stones are a pain in the ass even with hunter III. I'm told there is a hunter IV map which I'm currently working towards. I hate these fucking stones man.
>291 tickets for 4 dark catseyes
not bad. back to hoarding tickets.
this mission fucking sucks
most 1st forms are horrible, and best anti-reds are criminally underpowered in basic forms
Doing it uberless is THE RNGfest of RNGfests, since fuckers don't proc more often than they do
The most embarrasing thing is basically Bore, one of cannon fodders in late game, slaughters your initial defense in seconds before you have chance to stack your CC
EVEN worse is that many, MANY ubers, even anti-red ones, are way too weak in 1st forms, especially uberfest exclusives, and they can't break this stage
Your best bet is doing stage over and over with good amount of anti-red CC and cheap ms, coupled with few 1st form useful ubers, even then it is so RNG reliant you can do everything right and still lose
NO STAGE/MISSION, in my personal opinion, is that fucking vile to player for absolutely no reason
Yes, that includes Birth of True Man, because you have a fair shot at beating with certain units, which is more than can be said for that idiotic restriction stage
Jesus, can PONOS change this mission?
freshman cat jobs really helps vs the first bore
there's so much events, I get FOMO, and before I know it I forgot playing sol/UL. I've been playing since July 2023 and only two weeks ago did I finally finish SOL 1 crown. Dogu is 11 subchapters away maybe I could get into it, if I'm not distracted again. ah cute cat
Well, at least Clionel has been powercrept to hell and back. Sufficiently leveled up Juvens (Merc Storia uber) can pretty much solo the stage, although you might want to also send out something to deal with the Trolly Bloggers to speed things up. But that leaves eight (or even nine if that "something" also falls into the following category) spots to fill either with whatever the restriction mission calls for or whatever you need to kill the other Advent boss when doing the double bubble stage.
when you got ushi
Will the event data drop on Thursday or Friday? (Yeah, if it does drop on Friday, the Miku anon will hype up the drop, like he did with the Miku Collab in March.) Izanami's slot IS in the cat guide now, but I do not want it to be a rug pull where Ponos didn't learn their lesson with KOD Phono. So, I have dropped a copypasta adaptation for the worst case scenario lest it happen.

I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Phonoa. I try to use TF Urs. Phonoa does more damage. I try to use UT Nurse Cat. Phonoa does more damage. I try to use Sirius. Phonoa does more damage. I want to use Dasli and Asukasli in a ZL stage blind. The best blind team for ZL uses Phonoa. I want to rush Exiel with Daliasan and Yaminoira. They both want Phonoa.
Dark Phono grabs me by the throat. I grind starred UL. I spend my Catamins to spam Gamatoto expeditions. I perform 11-draws to form a Plat ticket. He isn't satisfied. I check my seed. Phonoa is 90 pulls away. He tells me "I want my pure counterpart in your army if I have to be benched over reflected surges killing your erasers". He takes D'arktanyan and forces him to fight the Malevolent Clan as the main DPS. "You just need to roll more. Only Phonoa and both fest LRs can stand against those surge reflectors."
I can't spend 89 rolls. I'm saving for Metal Slug. He dumps my remaining tickets and cat food into the capsule machine. It is 30 rolls short. "Guess this is the end." He starts to form fire. He says "Too late for regrets." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure flames and surges of despair and hatred. What a cruel world.
Battle Cats is a lifestyle. Learn to pace yourself, be patient and enjoy the ride - every day for the indefinite future. I'm going to be genuinely saddened if they ever end service to this game. I'm just shy of 1000 hours now, and the only games I've ever put that much time into are Monster Hunter games.
Man i've been playing since July 2023 as well and am pretty much done with everything aside from starred UL and the last couple ZL stages.
And i've done every single event aside from a couple Barons too.

You can easily do the entirety of UL in 3-4 weeks if you have the units for it and enough leadership.
And after you beat UL you get Hunter Map IV where you can get up to 44 Behemoth stones at once (in gem form)
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Welcome back. I think the spreadsheet missed one of the Yellow B. Gems.
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>Welcome back
i'm the OP i just couldn't be fucked
Amounts should be right, i just fucked up the totals
Makes sense. Honestly I forgot who got the Ultra Form this time around.
When I remembered I got curious as to what animal she would cosplay as in her UF, her going back to a cat is pretty disappointing to be honest.
>May Gauntlet 2
I hate it. Finally done with this shit, but god I hate it. Even with Paladin and Nanaho who just fucking refuse to crit while those goddamn metal sheep devastate everything.
thanks again OP, really appreciated this since yellow b.stones are pain in the ass to farm
>yellow b.stones are pain in the ass to farm
Hear, hear. I still fail one in like four tries of Hunter's Map III, and I still have 38 more to go before I have everything covered. Plus unspecified amount needed for future Ultra Forms/Eggs, and plus another five once they finally bring Gummy Cat to EN.
can you golden cpu hunters map III? I couldnt be bothered doing it everytime. Yellow Stone Volcano III is just Hazuku and zombs, it couldnt be that hard right.? My counter is always kai, and count yukimura, a. baha, since they can enter pterowls range. The problem is always the support, just like rajakong in jinfore 10, which covers the 350 blindspot. while there's a toxic exploding zombie ant.
NTA but I've had ebbs and flows with this game; some periods I get sucked into playing this game a lot and others I don't really touch beyond daily login and one or two stages.
Should be able to, I know you can gold CPU Hunter's Map IV (although you won't get the continuation stage)
>can you golden cpu hunters map III?
Probably. But I'm already running low on CPUs since I'm using them to clear Merciless XP/Final Bonanza stage, especially now that PONOS keeps finding reasons to run both every day. I can't even keep up with farming new ones every Friday despite the Blitz dropping two a pop.
Yes gold cpu works. I never do though because it rarely pays out without a treasure radar, and its not worth dumping three powerups into it. Just keep refining and levelling your winning team.
Is there a lineup that can beat most/all stages?
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this dudes channel is basically that
hes been trying to beat every stage with one team and current one has survived for 2 years now.
current lineup is Eraser, Jiangshi, Cameraman, Balrog, Yukimura, Dasli, Mitama

picrel is a full 10-unit lineup which should be able to beat every stage comfortably, but needs a ton of investment.
I used to cpu xp merciless/bonanza but im running out too of cpu because of b. stones farming. I just mindlessly farm xp merciless with this lineup. Kind of expensive with collab units and obv. Ubers. Never thought i'd use dartanyan but he can enter tackeys blindspot kill them with right timing.
Yeah you're right. No one wants Boogle Syndrome. That guy's sad. He did helped me in completing crazed cat august last year. It felt a lifetime ago when youre beating bosses stronger than crazed cat with cyclones, manics, legend bosses, advents, their revenge, their t2 counterparts, the brutal ones, collosals, behemoths. I want to pace myself but how though? I kinda want doron since bomb units doesnt have a gacha counterpart. With Izanagi, hes kinda naala+balrog, really good against behemoth. But for doron theres none. The sol ending gives us our own bunbun but terribly disappointing, with that abysmal health for a melee, its different for the UL ending with ape luza. Hes actually useable. Just finished SOL, Im excited with UL but i guess im just playing it 10 levels a week?
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Ive got 200+ leadership and no ubers to gun for so no BAKA farming. Lucky ticket farming now for dark CE. I guess im not rushing so ill not get Boogle syndrome so ill be in UL for maybe half a year, 24 weeks to be exact, for that weekly requirement. Pic related for Boogle, hes like youre very first teacher in battle cats
By the way BAKA is Super metal hippoe
I used catornado and poseidon. I hate nanahos blindspot, i actually stopped using her here.
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EN event data dropped
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I seriously thought that the BC version of the Xiangling Copypasta will be the first doompost over the Fest unit wait repeating. Thanks Ponos.
I also have no plans to start grinding UL 2 and 3* too. Wave stages are still easy, due to Tokyo Miku, or ones that bow to Kuu, like Primitive Souls and Curry Comet, but some levels gain extreme spikes in difficulty at just 2*, like UL 49. Without a doubt starred UL has some of the hardest endgame content of all gacha games and makes 36* Abyss a joke. So, I will finish SoL and grab Idi, because I benched it for too long and now have 44 crowns + Idi Invasion left to finish, as I maxed out the Ultra Talents on my Kuu, and used her to steamroll UL while having not 100%'d SoL. With that said, using UL Legend TFs in 4* SoL is hilarious overkill. I can't wait to abuse Dogumaru on No Return Flights and Naala to hit Master/Professor A.
Also, I have decided to man up and play ZL blind- that means no going to MyGamatoto for the enemy loadout of ALL ZL STAGES. After all, I already have Fast Luza, Daliasan, and D'arktanyan, 3 meta units for ZL. I now see the worth of Poseidon Savage Blow, as I am too scared to use Dasli or DPhono.
Yeah, that's as much of a disappointment as Xiangling being on Arlecchino's 1st run over Chevreuse, though it's not as bad as Tower of Saviors and Princess Punt backseating the Metal Slug and Miku collabs. If the UF was a fox, I would've gone "Hey, we have Yae Miko at home", but the fox form has a 100% KB proc, bad on cats that aren't Deadeye or are disposable. At least she and Kuu have opposing kits, just like Miko and Raiden Ei. (WR UF CCs Reds well and hard. Kuu blows them all up)
I was checking old banners recently and wondered when the next time those double uber chance banners would drop.
Maybe they're here to part suckers and their cf right before the Metal Slug collab. Here's coping.
>no collabs
>heavenly and infernal towers back again
>labyrinth is still dead
pornos plz
>heavenly and infernal towers back again
Oh goody, I've been farming Cat Fruits, so at the very least it'll save me some time trying to TF Crane.
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Sorry Miku Anon, I went to Godfat. No Superfest yet, so that Xiangling Pasta was timed right. Go save for Furina instead of roll- oh wait, you seed track, so your stockpile isn't gonna deplete ever until Metal Slug.
Cat tank + ultra form + max resistance talent + s resistance against relict
This should theoretically be an immortal meatshield against relict/zombie
I'm currently finishing cats of cosmos chapter 1 and stories of legends, I reckon relict stages will appear soon

Is this a good investment?
Cat.. Tank? What unit are you talking about?
Heres my bakoo's first forms only line up had to add merc storia rares. I guess they're not useless after all.
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This fella
he's great to use against zombie/relic but he requires a lot of endgame mats to ultra evolve. specically stones, gems, and dark catseyes.
Double Uber, Legend chances on the standard banners are really good actually.
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>10 special cat's eyes from proving grounds
And as a bonus
>metal seal takes so long to kill that I manage to summon second Nanaho
Evolve radical cat for behemoths or wait two more 20% yellow stones for true form Kanna
I used to use Kanna consistently against Behemoths (past tense because I already cleared all of it), she's an Uber, next to Courier she's your big dick damage.
Most of the time, when you want to use Radical Cat, it'll be for the Bad Guys combo, and that uses the base unit. His TF mostly exists so you don't lose all your money when you accidentally spawn it when panictapping.
Is lifeguard/gelato bros worth anything in behemoth stages? Seems middling.
Idk. Mines still pretty low levelled. Some units only hit their stride at lv50+. He might be useful in a very particular niche. Eg dobers pushing through behemoths or some something? I'll use him one day I'm sure. Hell, even unicycle cat pulled me out of the shit in one stage I was really struggling with early on, so there might be a place for him yet.
Oh no you don't!
>Try harder next time!!
I'm giving it my all you little bastard!
>Sniper not even on top to enable his one-unit combo
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Delet this.
So *that's* how half XP cost event is indicated.
Too bad I don't really have anyone ATM that needs extra levels.
>half XP
what the fuck
time to splurge on those event units for user rank
FUCK I didn't know this was a thing. Is this the first time they've run this?
yes its new
>half XP
What the fug, thank god didn't use that stash of EXP I was sitting on. How often does this happen?
"Half XP off" appears to occur along with XX Million Download Celebrations, but this is the first time it's ever come to EN.
To the anons who have beaten it and/or have TF Uril, I seek strategies for Infernal Tower Floor 44 for a certain anon. He probably got locked in place by that shitstorm of a stage and cannot conquer it at all, even with TF Doron.. If you beat it, please upload a strategy for the floor complete with any Talents, + levels or additional levels past 50 for ubers, and a breakdown of the strat.
Since when does heavenly tower reset anyway? I've already beat it and all of my checkpoints are gone. I cant do that again AND try make a start on infernal in 19 days. Fucks sake ponos.
Since always.
Should have stacked three hundred leadership like me.
need to make my way back up but seems like the last time I did it was pure ubercarry. hevijak, gravilodon, green shell, gas mask, and radical (last two for combo) on first row, garu, thunder jack unevolved, can can, brainwashed mohawk, and juvens on second. everything was 50 except can can who was 50+23 with money up and speed up talents. all I did was spam mohawk, can can, and green shell until getting about 6k money, then started spamming everything except gas mask and radical, starting with hevijak
I'll need to find a decent team to finally beat Horrorpotamus. Especially since I already ate shit on Stage 11 with my previously cleared one before I figured out how I did it last time.
No, I don't have the levels/talents to use the cheese strat.
SoL is a soulless chore. No rhyme or reason, just another forgettable stage.
So which stage are you stuck on?
What are the point of checkpoints then?
Checkpoints are only valid for the Tower's next appearance, meaning you have to rebeat the stage that triggered the checkpoint in order to maintain your head start.
Thanks. Goddamnit.
How do you farm xp
Get your best antiblack team (with Prof. Cat Jobs on it if possible) and clear XP Stage/XP Megablitz/XP Colosseum/Weekend Stage (which is just XP Stage that doesn't disappear) when they appear in Legend Stages. There's also Merciless XP/XP Bonanza, but if you're asking about xp farming, you're not ready.
Don't forget to get flower cat on the 22nd.
Is the 10% uber drop rate permanent or just 90k dl thing, I swear it was less
Its the event. Normally its 5% or something. Uber/Epic fest is usually the only one with 10%.
I would like to once again thank >>1400627 for the anti-Daboo team he shared the last time it popped up.
Except at this point my Shigong and Cadabear are strong enough to not need help from any meatshields (they manage to kill the Gabriels and give the Hippoes enough trouble that I can save up enough cash to send out A.Baha to deal with them before they can get close enough), which means three spots opened for more combos.
I think that was mine
Yeah ur welcome. The meatshields were mostly to fill the special slots but they definitely helped on the actual stage.
Theres not that many good Special-only combos anyway.
Oh shit that's right, somehow I completely blanked-out on the Special Cats requirement despite it being the whole point.
I hate the HT Cyclone Floor, the most cancerous one by far. I don't even want to imagine what PONOS did to make the Infernal version even worse.
Returning player. When I last played the game, Aku and Relic enemies weren’t a thing. For anyone far enough into the game, how are they? Are they annoying? Are they strong?
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Otherworldly Cat Tower... Last time I went through it, F44 locked me in place and stopped my progression. Once again, I got locked in place, but this time, I found a team that works itemless, levelled my Balrog to L58 (with max HP, ATK, and berserk talents), and killed Hannya with two strengthened hits before Wicked Cat EVEN SPAWNED. Then, I burned all the other stages to a crisp (except F49 which ate 8 leaderships before I used Cone) and obtained TF Uril as well, spending 26 LS.
I also beat Super Hyppoh effortlessly... for the third time, and itemless too. Pic above is the strat I used. ( >>1486310 , here is your draft setup for Hyppoh Lv 11-20)
>Jetpack, Can Can, Sirius and Asukasli must be Lv. 50. Asu can be replaced with the OG, although it's weaker, to Hyppoh.
>Catasaurus is combo slave to allow quicker spawning of Jetpack and Stone; Deadeye is to be in 1st row and deployed as soon as you land double bounty on the 1st DDark (4 JP, 1 CC); upgrade wallet to 2 when the stage starts and deploy a mohawk and JP such that JP gets a hit while the mohawk dies; spam mohawks afterwards.
>Deploy Sirius, then Asu/DKasli, as the latter has a long CD.
>Do not CPU. Rich is preferable.
I also used 33 RTs for Nanaho and Jack. I don't feel good about having fewer rolls for Metal Slug in return for the 3rd-best LR, just like with my failure to C6 Faruzan by 1 con (Although I pulled Jean from the blue banner at soft pity, now I can free Sucrose from my Arlecchino Vape team).
And when will V13.4 drop?! I want to UF my White Rabbit to level out my portfolio of units- 400+K effective HP and 17K DPS on Reds and Aliens at 465 range w. piercing fixes the unit and makes her better than Kyklops and Catman!
How are you farming catseyes now anon? Silver tix? I'm just shy of UR 14000 but I'm all out (except for a few darks and about 30 legends) and my Gamatoto seems to have become a lazy bastard of late. Any other sources I could look at?
Proving Grounds?
v13.4 next week
Relics are more or less traitless enemies that curse you, but the stats are cranked up to 11.
Like a 100% Relic Squirrel is the equivalent of a ~50000% traitless squirrel.
Aku are difficult until you have a decent shieldpiercer, after that they become kinda trivial aside from the bear.
Anyone got a lineup for the Puffer Planet 2nd forms only? I lost whatever i was using before
Nvm, Professor Abyss killed him in 3 hits
Bruh, talented ramen and courier are 95% of my everything.
Finally cleared MAX level Horrorpotamus. Now only Omens and Gigawanwan remain.
Including talent orbs and all other unit buffs what's the most resistant unit in the game towards its trait?
What unit has the highest dmg per second?
I wonder what numbers we could reach if we were to max all effort to upgrading a single cat
Isn't it only good for angels
It is the best "value" meat shield in the game and has high dps and attack rate to boot. It has a disadvantage only when it is being instantly one-shot, and therefore inferior to 75c meatshields.
The cost efficiency and recharge time are critical factors. Something like cyborg at 900c and 2s recharge can stack a huge dps in a short time, but cameraman with the same dps, half the cost, has a strong against floating, but longer recharge and shorter range.

Pick a specific trait anon and see if you can find a superior red meatshield than sushi or superior red dps than courier.
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Lasvoss is still your king in terms of damage in a single hit with 2.5mil damage against Colossi.
Also i think Balrog with his 220k DPS is still the best for that, going up to 290k if you get him to +70 for some reason.
Babel has almost 5mil HP against red/floating colossus, so hes probably the tankiest.

Neither of em can be boosted my massive damage/resistance orbs/combos but i don't think anyone can top that.
I'm always surprised about certain cats that don't have talents, like catellite. Even if they're WIP, could at least do hp/attack up.
Is that just your hope or do you have a source? And if you do, what else does it say about it?
check siluman's YT channel. no new event data yet since it drops next friday.
I mean, whenever EN updates to the newest version, the best we can hope for is whatever came with the previous update for JPN, so checking the channel dedicated to the newest additions to the JPN version didn't really help much (I did, however, learn about the new "ads doubling your XP haul" thing, so that's cool).
catamins at catseye caves.
>Finally take on the new Arena
>New Scarecrow allegedly has a range of 450
>Still kills my Phonos because they get too close
Ehhh, 30% is good enough for a first try, I guess.
Far from accessible, but this is what I came up with
>Worker Level Up M (can be replaced with rich I suppose)
>Research Up M
>Stone, Cone, Metal for meatshielding
>Boosted and talented Can can for damage and money
>Bullet Train for same purpose. Try and get Can or Bullet to hit Wicked Cat while its shield is down, as that can bypass a lot of shields
>Boosted and Talented Fiend to chip down Aku enemies. Can also gain valuable grounds via KB and can tank Clionel hits
>Doron for garaunteed chip damage
>Breakerblast to regain ground - failure to do so is how you lose this stage
Hope this helps, even if only a couple pieces are used.
The tourist/healer freeze cheese is not working for me on floor 30 and valk hasn't hit her 30% freeze not once.
I've pulled Vigler since the last time the Towers popped up, so now I can build the ultimate Research Up L+M Combo and use the "just spam Courier, lol" strat for Floor 45. All is good.
Infernal tower sucks bros. I am not enjoying this shit at all. 30-40 is fucking cancer. I can't even imagine how bullshit 40-50 will be.
Why are the CoTC outbreaks so lame compared to the ItF ones? In many cases I'd contend that the original stages are flat out more difficult.
There hasn't been a single one that I can't just squish with shigong/can-can/housewife and situational anti-trait units.
I'm not good at this game, either. No timing skill, nothing like that. They're just dull stages. Hopefully the CoTC3 outbreaks are better.
I kind of agree, only a couple of stages caught me off guard. Powercreep though. You've probs got a shitload more units and levels now.
Yeah. I put about 75 million XP into units during the half off sale, so effectively 150 million. Loads of stuff on level 50, not that many +levels as some anons in here, but +15 on some rares really makes a difference. Units are just better now than they were 6 or 7 years ago anyway.
I really hope they design CoTC3 outbreaks with this in mind. Zombie levels feel a lot more intense when you don't have a bunch of modern anti-zombie specialists.
Plenty of SoL stages have fallen off in the same way. Haven't met a red enemy that doesn't just instantly job to Courier in ages.
Rolled on the double uber/legend banner and I didn't get a legend. I only rolled on the ones where the legend was the only thing missing. Though at least with dupe ubers I get 50 NP.
I just don't like CotC. EoC and ItF would switch themes, but CotC just feels like random stages and much more mandatory treasures. The earlier ones I could clean up treasures with the Z outbreaks.

Aku realms is kino.
If you did seed tracking you won't be surprised and can be much more strategic with your tickets and cat food. If you want to be surprised, then don't seed track.
I never liked the idea of seed tracking as it takes away the fun of getting a legend rare or a fest uber.
Why is can can cat good?
Several different factors
>Absolutely massive damage
>Single target means it won't push stages hard
>Extra Money means it's even better for starting stages
>Reasonably bulky enough to trade most enemies
>Cheap and borderline spammable
>Fast enough to snipe enemies if you're skilled
>Strong enough that it's not a dead unit after the boss has spawned, because it will chunk the health of anything it hits
I'll have to add
>same speed as Manic Eraser, so you can always get at least one hit in as long as you send both at the same time.
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Is aset, amaterasu combo op against stages where you don't know enemy units?
Currently running pic rel for stages I don't know enemies for
Any improvement suggestions?
Camera has crit talent for metals btw
I use Jurassic+Mohawk for research and crit. Jurassic with talents is like 12% chance.
>v13.4 drops
>11 empty spots between Toshi and Fate Ubers in the Cat Dictionary
4 Metal Slug ones + 6 Madoka ones + 1 Crash Fever one, I'm guessing, meaning the new Metal Slug Uber hasn't been added, meaning we shouldn't expect the collab to drop.
There IS, however, an empty spot after Izzy in the Legend Rare section, as well as one between Hanzo and Windy, so we might be getting Dizzy and the new Wargod.
Oh, Cake Machine got a spot as well. Which I guess makes sense, the Bride banner drops in the second half of July (at least it did last year), so probably a bit before v13.5 would.
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>No Metal Slug for now
Oh fuck. The Miku anon isn't going to like this. At least his gacha mana can pile up some more... will they rerun Princess Punt to force Metal Slug to take 8 months? 'Least he grabbed the UF for WR.
Fuck Tower of Saviors. I wish the people at Ponos who did this to EN will stumble upon cunny images of the Twinstars, one of the community's most hated things.
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I'm pretty much out of items but i finally beat IT.
Glad i put the effort to finish UL and get the Doron/Naala/Luza, they made this much easier.
Floor 45-50 are actually pretty fun, but holy fuck is Floor 44 a pain in the ass.

How did they manage to go from HT 44 being one of the easiest in the final set to it being by far the hardest in both towers combined.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is the hardest stage period.
I love ultra kaguya
I might go back and do some of those stages again. I cleared them all with Dark Iz the first time, so I think a lot of the intricate level design just got steamrolled by Iz. The last few are a lot of fun though.
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>open up for the first time in like 6 months
>decide to roll my single welcome back ticket for shits and giggles
>immediately get Gaia
So how do I use the almighty earth loli that is suddenly in my posession? She’s exceptionally racist, so I presume she’s a nuker/backliner type?
She's a suicide bomber.
Well she got LD at 350+ but only has 400 standing range and only 2 KB.
So if you let your frontline slip for even a second shes dead.
Pretty high damage tho, at least not non-izanagi standards.
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Thanks, just cleared river acheron with pic rel, all cats other than basic lvl 30 or under
Now struggling with river acheron second stage with zombies
ah yes the revenge stages for true forms. uberless strats for second stage is well anti zombies like housewife, true form of vaulter/polevaulter and lil flying cat, lil ufo and lil bird, both with z kill and area attack, use them alongside your previous lineup. if this is your line up housewife and lil cat can replace aset and dark mitama.
will obliterate early game for sure. protect her humongous blindspot and she is viable for everything except traitless, high damage LD enemies, wave, surge and curse enemies. Immunity to effects is recommended in mid game and required in late-end game so she kinda fall there. she's kinda tanky with 2 knockbacks so she can definitely endure a tackey so she's still a staple in my xp merciless lineup. a really great anti-black with bombercat. so she's still racist even in late game.
Top-heavy lineups like this can really fall off later in the game.
One or two units in the mid-range price bracket can make things easier. As >>1490885 suggests, housewife is a great candidate for this.
Load her up with talents and you won't regret it, one of the best super rares.
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>XP count
Shadow Gao is so fucking based bros. 200k damage vs traitless on level 55. Turns most heavenly tower levels into paste.
Yeah. He was one of my first uber pulls when I started playing again and carried me through to sol. I thought he'd fallen off a bit as I don't use him as much anymore, but I had to rush heavenly to access infernal again (infernal checkpoints dont seem to reset btw, dont tell ponos) and s.gao is still absolutley mvp.
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I honestly don't know why people like Housewife so much. She is ridiculously expensive for the meager damage she does.
Even with Savage blow and Attack Talents she still does less damage than Courier, Slapstick, Ramen, etc.
Pizza has twice the damage at the same cost (with talents) AND no LD to deal with.
Cameraman has slightly less damage but also a 10x faster recharge rate.

Aside from the Zombie Killer i really don't see why i should use Housewife over any of the better alternatives.
I have similar feelings towards CanCan (although I almost never use Housewife either). But I guess the people hyping them up are veterans that have been using them for years, since before new units left gacha rares/super rares in the dust.
I still use CanCan in my general loadout alongside Slime and Courier.
She does 70k+ damage per hit so shes perfect for getting funds early on.
You can send out Manic Eraser at the same time as CanCan and guarantee the hit too.

You pretty much use her to get the money to get your Ubers out faster. Shes not really a unit to use as a generic midranger, shes terrible at that. Shes for sniping.
Dunno about others, but the main reason I use Housewife is because of the slow.
Savage blow, its very satisfying to hear and gives surprising results. Stacking them gives more chance of savage blows. If looking for spammable z-kill cc LD, its not even a question who to use. But with brainwashed macho legs giving more consistent damage, housewife kinda fell off.
I've asked this question before, but I don't remember the answers, if there were any, and besides, the situation has changed slightly, so I'll ask again:
I'm currently about halfway through 2-crown SoL, which is going slow because I only focus on SoL whenever the SoL-focused Weekly Mission is up (and even then I use the first week of the month to get SoL-focused Monthly Missions done, so realistically I only clear about 140 stages a year). I will finish 2-crown if only so I have enough crowns to manage to finish Legend Quest, but what should I do afterwards?
Should I start on 3-crown, or should I go back to UL which I dropped after getting Dogumaru and unlocking Hunter's Map 3? 3-Crown SoL will really get me abunch of crowns so LQ is easier, and a Plat Ticket at the end, while actually taking on UL will grant me all those busted new units (especially after I TF them), which will come in handy not only on 4-crown SoL, but many other tough stages as well (like Doron, which is recommended for SO MANY late Tower stages), so I'm leaning towards UL, especially now that I've discovered that despite what the prompt says, green UL stages do, in fact, count towards the Weekly Mission.
I did both 2* and 3* at once since the difference in difficulty isn't all that much anyway.
Did 4* before UL thinking i'd need Idi, but ended up using her once on Luza.

I'd highly recommend doing UL tho if you have the units for it. Doron, Naala and Luza are all genuinely good units, plus you can get Legend Cats to lvl50.
But you absolutely don't need them in 4* SoL. Their main use is still vs relic.
Once you get past Ururun the stages in UL become pretty fun too at least imo.

I comfortably beat LQ with ~100 Crowns, usually less.
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>Legend Cats
to be honest, I dont know why people still call them legends, I, for one, just call them special legends to differentiate them from legend rares, shit gets confusing sometimes. yah pic related
Dang, I've reached Infernal 39 and I have no idea what I did to clear it last time with pic related.
I can't find a video with this setup either, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to come up with a strat to stall Puffington successfully all by myself, so I *must've* copied it from somewhere, I think?
Here, this isn't quite what you have but its close. Nuke Puffington with Bahamut, then spam rock/shell/Courier/Mohawk to hopefully deal with the rest in time.
You can also use your Lasvoss instead for the first part or to nuke the Mina.
Yeah, now I remember trying multiple times to time the Erasers right so that they would cover Baha. What I don't remember is one of them actually forcing a knockback on Puff right before the boss knockback though.
In the end, I replaced Minisaurus with the Vigler combo for even greater Research, and Green Shell with Express Train (or whatever the TF is called). Actually Boulder did more harm than good since it would trigger EnerG into attacking my Couriers right in the face, so I didn't use it either, only when I sorely needed someone fast to keep the enemies from advancing.
Sent out Express the moment boss knockback happened to hit Puff, that somehow made it possible for Baha to land the fourth hit and kill him - he would fly off to meet the rest of the enemies and would get killed by EnerG's surge, but whatever, at that point the first Courier was already on his way. In the end, the trick seems to be knockback EnerG behind the Tackeys - I managed to find a sweetspot where he's too far away for his Surge to hit, while Couriers lobbing their payloads would slowly chip away at everything. Send Express and Baha when you can and eventually everything's dead.
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Event data soon. Let's hope that for the collab, it's a Miku rerun, and not one of Mola Mola/Princess Punt.
I do not have much to do now that I have torched IT Uril. Nowadays, I am just doing P Grounds, Bonanza, the Barons, and sometimes, SoL and ZL (Starred UL is evil). Time to prefarm Furina's mats.
And to the anons: As 13.4 does not have Sol Dae Rokker, I feel that when the annual survey in Sep drops, we should tell this to Ponos or the equivalent:
>It gets very annoying having to wait for half a year or more for things that EN players will be very hyped up for, from the Miku collab, to Metal Slug. And to make matters worse, instead of giving us the pertinent, high-profile collabs when they are due, you instead give us collabs with smaller IPs. This unnecessarily extends the wait times for EN and makes players angry. Stop cheating EN with inferior collabs and long delays unlike Q1-3 2022.
I might as well store gacha mana in all my three titles (GI- until 1st Furina rerun, PJSK- until Miku birthday gacha, BC- until Metal Slug). Waiting 8 months for Metal Slug fucking sucks, and frustrates us hard.
Also, Jizo's talents are dogshit. I do not think any of them will work on the TF at all.
>Curse Immunity: Muda- Jizo's kit wants more DPS or another trait; Relic levels rip him to bits as he has 2 KBs only.
>Toxic Immunity: Muda- Only works on Darkjo, and once again, 2 KBs causes him to die fast. Wave immunity is better, as it lets him fight Youcan and Two Can w/o hogging Yaminoira/Tokyo Miku.
>Surge Resistance: Muda- Was chosen for St Dober, but it needs to be immunity- Dober has a Lv. 2 Surge, and he hits fast, so Jizo will take at least 1 Dober hit every 10 seconds. Those stages hate him too. The 9 'Anni Assassin Bear Troll Level was hilarious, but Jizo's talents are a bad meme.
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The event will be the best event - Bikkuriman, mark my words.
Godfat updated, all regular banners. See you next week.
It better not fucking be, I'm still 455 spots away from my next Legend Rare.
Summer Break Cats, then, I guess? (If that is so, I will cry over sunfishes).
>Let's hope that for the collab, it's a Miku rerun
2 Months after the last? Why would they ever do that?
So that they can get their money's worth out of the collab before the license expires again.
Comparing it to 2023 and 2022, it looks like "June" Bride of the Devil will start around mid-July, and then late August we'll be getting Summer banner and Mola Mola almost concurrently. But then again, last year they've managed to squeeze in Evangelion in between Bride and Summer, so who knows what future has in stock.
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Mola will return haha
>Try to find an IT41 team I can use
>Every strat I find is "just use your Idi and/or Balrog, dude"
you can also bring your professor abyss or perfect heracrist, dude
>use those strats perfectly
>they dont work anyway
Every time.
>its probably gonna be another 2 weeks before the next update
How did you go? I just wasted an embarrasing amount of resources beating 40. 41 is now utterly pushing my shit in.
After far too many tries I somehow managed with a double Phono team, but it might've been pure dumb luck that I got the timing right to not get obliterated by the two Ackeys.
42 was surprisingly easy, but now I'm stuck on 43, and I need to farm some Rich Cats tomorrow before I start trying again.
Malevolent Jamiera's savage blow procs with Malevolent Flying backing it up with mini waves is pretty fucking cancerous.
>deletes your entire stack
fuck you Jamiera. take these ubers up your ass.
finished tower without UL units. ubercarry to be sure. Got stuck hard at floor 44 and a little bit at floor 50. the last floor is pure endurance around 15 minutes of pure stress but managed to do it. Got me thinking that infernal 41-50 is meant to be finished post UL. but for me dark CE is to good to pass.
why you care so much about miku anon? you love him? *wink *wink
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Yeah popped my head in that stage and noped the fuck out. What were they smoking when they made that stage?
it's just bullshit RNG working against you
>shield pierce procs
>jamiera's savage blow procs and kills all your units
>flying's wave procs and kills your stack from a mile away
>malevolent dark cursing your anti aku units
>malevolent macho with 30 KBs
>brainwashed macho/bellydancer holding the line with dodge
I wanted to try it uberless but it requires some heavily boosted/talented gacha units, specifically Fiend Cat and Housewife.
Damn, I might have to stop at IT44 (Hannya/Clionel stage) this time. The Heavenly Tower version was already a pain in the dick, but now with the addition of all the Aku bullshit it's nigh impossible. I'll try once more later, going Double Phono and hoping against hope that the flow of peons is constant enough that they won't get instantly murderized by the bosses.
Did the discount 11 Drop for the Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals banner and I got this
>hoping against hope that the flow of peons is constant enough that they won't get instantly murderized by the bosses.
It wasn't. No surprise there, really.
how 2 beat cybear
why are all good cats anti floating
Like 8 meatshields.
will lvl 30-40 units do without specialist uber shenanigans
Yeah. You just need to spam meatshields nonstop and Cybear will die eventually.
no uber needed. just spam a lot of meatshields. reserved one slot for quick base destruction like a.baha or balrog.
heres my lineup, hope it helps. most people dont have izanagi, doron is better replacement i think. Have you at least got to eliminate wicked cat? the akus will eventually stop spawning when the last aku gory after wicked cat spawn. thats the time you can directly attack hannya and clionel. other tips, there will be a time that clionel will be in front of hannya, dont spawn sushi by that time. also send bullet train when wicked cats shield is done. also breakerblast for cannon. good luck out there
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also to add, this is original lineup i copied my own from. You can use a.baha, but you have to time it when hannya is weakened and when is clionel is not attacking. also i used attack up and cost down talent for balrog. its an endurance battle which will also be like for infernal F50 when you dont have UL units.
See, this is the whole root of the problem.
I guess I could prioritize getting Balrog, he's currently "only" 58 pulls away (or just 39 if I use a Plat ticket). But I don't have the resources to just go for him now all willy-nilly, so maybe next time.
Getting Balrog isn't the problem, its the resource cost in maxing and talenting him. He's been sitting on lv 15 with me for about a year because of every other unit is also requiring priority (dual phonos, the useful egg units etc etc)
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Balrog can be substituted with a. baha or thunder jack if you have him. first form thunder jack has immunity to weaken for hannya and can knockback clionel also his high speed can slip into clionel's blindspot. As a pre UL player, this is the hardest floor for me in both HT and IT. Ponos really softlocked this behind UL completion or at least until you get doron. F50 is also easier with naala and luza. had to play that one with dual phono for 15 minutes of tense gameplay. at least esoteric uril is worth it. pic related is the order of F44 enemy spawn. you'll know you'll win if you defeated the last aku gory, i only used izanagi with the last gory and to snipe the diabolical duo at the same time.
No joke dude, but Balrog should be your absolute priority.
Hes easily in the top 5 cats and he has a niche that can't really be replicated by anyone else.
He was my first to lvl60 and i've used him in every single lineup since.
Mate how is anyone under lvl30. XP is pretty much free and you just had a week of half-xp costs.
The 600 NP he needs is a bit steep but its 100% worth it.
Idk man. If I had him powered up I feel like he would have been a crutch as so many strats use him. I'm right between Naala and Luza and I love coming up with absolutely retarded teams to beat shit, my strats are often quite stupid. That being said it sounds like these last 10 IT floors are absolute bastards and he may get a look in yet.
Newbie cheater here. How fast does Ponos ban cheating account? I don't cheat exp, catfood, rare/platinum ticket btw.
So what did v13.4 actually bring to EN anyway? Besides the units mentioned in >>1490497 and probably some TF/Talents?
I'll be really cross if the "watch ad for double xp" thing is on and I've already nissed a week of it.
What are must have cats to tf?
I already got camera, can can, seafarer, cyberpunk, catasaur, ramen, octopus, fishman
Working on getting housewife and bomber on 22nd

What else?
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what do you even cheat kouhai? don't tell me its just tracking
both phonos are already op even only at lvl 50 dont really need boost since their not stat based like balrog. I used to not like balrog too but his cost down talent really changed my opinion on him, he's really uber equivalent of can can. Izanagi kinda steal his thunder but balrog has lower cost, cooldown and better effectivity against traitless
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Bring back madoka ponos please!
new event data dropped. no collabs next week.
>Ubers from Buster sets join forces!
That's something new, I think. Busterfest?
its all the buster fest ubers in one banner with no guaranteed pulls
>Check the wiki
>It actually IS called "Busterfest"
>Added in 13.0
Well, that answers that.
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And there goes Mega Mooth. All that are left now are Donut Peng and Beeg Haniwa. Three days remain until one of my gacha reserves goes down the firing range, and over one of the Seven Gods of the Mortal Realm. I don't want C1 Jean. Or Dehya.
When I went back to Sekai after a month of inactivity, I found that I had come back with a vengeance- I now feel capable of comfortably passing EXP 25s. My gacha fortunes are still being depleted elsewhere, though... so I am saving for 31-8.
>Clan of the Malevolents/Super Smash Families-2
That stage is crazy. Even with UT Kuu and Luza, I still failed to beat Villainous Gods/Heinous Road. It gave me the same weird taste in the mouth as the insert show, but with a bitter and foul flavour, because it's even harder than Standam-4 (UT Kuu breaks it), IT F44 (see prev post), and Kawano-4 (Floored with meta ubers). No spoilers.
Also, asides from myself and the spreadsheet anon, are there any other anons here who have carved identities for themselves?
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(I only own second form for all these and TF pai pai)

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should i go for izanami? i already own izanagi, jeane and gaia
>Also, asides from myself and the spreadsheet anon, are there any other anons here who have carved identities for themselves?
There's that one Strayan fella who would always miss Flower Cat. But I might be the only one who thinks about him.
I guess my identity would be
>That guy whos next legend is 598 rolls away at all times.
Unlock all units(+their 3rd form), Catamin, Leadership, every battle item(Spd up, etc), and normal ticket. I still haven't got banned yet.
Oh and how often does new unit release? They've changed banner in a short time, but it's just old unit rate up.
Why? You've made playing the game pointless.
Not really. I still haven't clear all map and upgrade all units.
top design, but utility is very niche, even with talents
both are situational trait-wrecker units, not relevant in UL, move down to A pai, B mitama
Poseidon with talents is S tier, fish place is good, idk about miku
SHITakiri A??? Diabolosa only A if TF, big sword guy is A+ with talents
Fucking Amaretasu is S tier at least, rofl
funny how ice cat is way below mitama who is more useless than her
blizza sucks so much she is D tier
behemoth fair, only UF skyrocket him in S tier
Saki is way too low, she is A tier in all honesty
only tier I agree
>last one
glasses good with ultra talents only, luga sucks and hanzo guy is A-B material

Imo, you should tf most of them, and mitama falls off hard in UL
You're sitting pretty good. Like anon said, pizza is pretty core. I like rover/catellite for ITF. I hope you got bomber today.
>you can merge equipped talent orbs
>haven't used a single one since their release because I thought you should just wait to equip S rank ones and hoarded everything
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I do remember you, so, how close are you to the nearest legend rare now?
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I seem to have fluctuated into the low 500's. I expect I should be moving back towards my ideal postion of 598 over the coming weeks.
I dont think the seed fluctuates. Its pre determined with your first roll. In your case, you've already rolled 69 times since you got the 598 LR slot. In my case, I guess mid luck, 5 LR slots since last year, I missed ushi because I had limited CF for EVA collab guaranteed. Is this your first legend?
Nah. Its just my bad sense of humor. I just always seem to be 500-600 rolls away, and it always seems like they'e getting further away than closer. I've already got Jeanne, Nanaho, Momoco and Ushi. Also wtf is that Gao?!
>NEO First Errand
Oh shit that's right, Boomerang got a TF some time ago.
It would seem I've ubercarried the original hard, so the restriction stage isn't that bad for me. Although it's going to be hard to find a suitable replacement for Train Cat.
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Which retarded eceleb started the trend of
>muh ubercarry
anyway? Imagine locking yourself out of most of the interesting units because of some dumbass restriction you made up
Especially funny when they go on about Ubercarry but then use shit like Bahamut, Doron, Naala and Talented Special Cats, which are all better than 80% of Ubers.
I have nothing but disdain for people that bitch about it as well, but as an already-established term it's a quick and easy way to describe my team of like seven ubers.
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Have you beat it yet? It's a right bastard. I'm about to do my 2nd attempt on the next stage.
Not that guy but i beat it on my third try. It might honestly be the easiest tier 2 advent stage yet.
The second stage is ripping my asshole out man. Give me a lineup. I'm prob on my 30th try now. Getting to 5-10%'s but I just can't quite beat this motherfucker.
Nevermind. I did it. That was FUCKED. Apparently it's a cakewalk with fully talented dark lazer. But I don't have fully talented dark fucking lazer do I? So I had to use this shitty team instead. 95% of this win was luck. Don't use this team. Note the single remaining hit left on my base. I hate this fucking game sometimes.
>fully talented dark fucking lazer
I kinda regret talenting dark lazer in the past since shes kinda useless sometimes with that range, but she got some use, even if only at this stage
I gotta agree, one try with this lineup >>1498440, i couldve finished it faster with slow immune units but oh well.. pic not related, just want to share gladios from kori-z
I've seen that term for as long as I can remember.
>Especially funny when they go on about Ubercarry but then use shit like Bahamut, Doron, Naala and Talented Special Cats, which are all better than 80% of Ubers.
I mean, the point of "ubercarry" isn't the disdain of strong units, I'm pretty sure it's the disdain of theoretically RNG gacha units.
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I guess the original guidemakers themselves, Wuffa and boogle, then glorified by lukas and chillhola. In their defense, the guides they make have to be accessible to everyone since obtaining specific uber is hard unless you track which is looked down by almost everyone. Even with tracking, gunning for specific uber is only half a percent chance every time the banner show up or even smaller for exclusive and legends, remember that 598 LR slot anon? On the other hand, I agree that doron, idi and luza are almost as strong if not stronger than ubers against relics that they should do relic centric stages without them for the sake of real challenge.
Its fake true form gao which is awesome art btw combing mitama spirit and some golden coloring, it actually managed too fool some people
I only have 3 ubers max, some stages are cash tight.
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what is the most visually appealing cat
where get elder, gold fruit and epic seed
>Have you beat it yet?
I *am* that anon and not yet, I'm saving it for Monday. If I go full hog on the Lucky G tickets today, I should have just enough to get me to the next Dark Catseye before the CE gacha goes away again, so I'm prioritizing that.
>Watch Ad for Double XP is up on JPN
>Only matter of time before it comes to EN
>Go back to clearing XP stages manually instead of Gold CPU-ing them
>Bonanza is tough, but Merciless should be comparatively easy by now, right?
>First time clear it before the third Razorback has a chance to spawn
>Second time my freezing stack gets fucked by Kurosawah, get buttfucked by second Razorback
Thanks, I hate it.
Fucking how? I tried that quite a few times and all my levels are 50+. Wtf? How many attempts did you make? FUCKING HOW? I tried this EXACT setup. Didn't work. Added metal cat. Didn't work. Added green shell. Didn't work. Added cyborg. Didn't work. I swear to fucking god I'm playing a different game to you lot.
what cat second from fight and bottom
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If you add Slime it helps a lot. You need to send out Courier almost perfectly on cooldown, but it works pretty well.
Courier is 50, rest doesn't matter.
If the boss gets to attack even once this strat doesn't work, so Metal/Shell just make it worse.

Courier + Slime version worked on my second try and the only courier version worked first try when i took the pic.
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Metal cat isnt gonna work its a peon spam. You need something that can deal constant dmg to constantly interrupt doremi and deal with peon spam at the same time. Thats why i got this rushers and wave units >>1498440. You can stack wave units for a while to better prepare yourself. Money will never be an issue since its a peon spam, then when the money is available immediately send your rushers, timing is everything, baha is really your bestfriend here, if you dont have any ubers. Slow immune ubers or units will really help here. If all else fails maybe youre underleveled. Level up and try next month. Take it easy, battle cats is a marathon not a race.
Sorry i thought you were underleveled. At least youve reached the end of sol and might have 100+ meow medals, you've faced larger threats than this, you can do it!
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Pic related. Finish stories of legends and an ancient curse. Gold seeds and catfruit is very rare (the highest floors of towers gives them and gold fruit is also given from cat shrine upon donating for a set chance and a pity rate for 30 million xp, donating 1m xp each time if i remember correctly)
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Diabolic gao
Yeah, I pulled my Dark Catseye and tried my hand at it.
It sure is a bitch and a half.
All good. I'm UR 14000, this stage just had me utterly stumped. Metal was reasonably effective to stall faggotbabys rush (along with slime to clear the way). My problem was mainly that s.gao was getting rng sniped to hell and back. D.Iz was def mvp but I was struggling to build a team around her. Lil' valk is a sleeper, great unit for this stage, couldn't have done it without her.
Okay, I cleared the first stage soon after adding Diz to the team. Massive Damage, immune to Slow and with Strengthen at 50%, she's great for the stage as long as there's no peons getting in her way. With some help she would KB Doremi a good few times before it would manage to set of an attack, and by that time another one would be almost ready to be deployed. It would probably go even smoother if I bothered to read up on Doremi and didn't waste a spot on Dhono, since it's immune to Slow
I tried coming up with my own team for the second stage, but in the end I just copied the one of the wiki (except I replaced the small Research Up combos with M+L). Stacks of spammed Couriers and did a fine job of things, constantly KB'ing Doremi before it could attack, until it got pushed back to the base. Must've gotten into my Cats' blindspot right there and then because it managed to attack, destroying most of my stack, but some Couriers must've managed to get into its tiny blindspot of 50 as well - dunno how they managed to kill it afterwards, since their blindspot is significantly larger, but they did and that's all that matters.
>Stacks of spammed Couriers and did a fine job of things
*Couriers and Cyborgs.
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congrats, congrats
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Version 13.5 came out on JP
>Papuu advent Wrath + Revenge, Cossack Cat True Form as reward (defects to Britain, but appears to still be shit)
>Musashi Legend Rare gains True Form (first in a year+) - Colossus Slayer, immunities added
>Summer Thundia, with Massive Damage v. Angel + 100% Freeze to boot - Banner split in two as result
>New Starred Alien Sage Hyena - best characterization is like a mini-Wanwan
>Cats in the Cradle Ultra Form (extra Wave Level, Speed, and Omni-Strike)
>Double Advent stages reintroduced, this time with Tier-2 advents (i.e. Okame and Doremi)
>A new colosseum event - You get a huge amount of money to start the battle, but you don't generate any passive income or money from enemies. In addition, all units get meatshield-level cooldowns so you can send them out pretty much whenever, as along as the money allows. Five rounds per colosseum.

I'm sure the wiki will be updated in the coming days.
I'm excited about this new colosseum event
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>A new colosseum event - You get a huge amount of money to start the battle, but you don't generate any passive income or money from enemies. In addition, all units get meatshield-level cooldowns so you can send them out pretty much whenever, as along as the money allows. Five rounds per colosseum.
I love this. Can't wait to try it out!
>Research L+M Full-talented DLazer
Heh nice merciless stage you have there Ponos
All in all this just hammers home how shit Doremi is as a boss:
>First stage everyone just cheeses
>Second stage is ubercarry shit
>Third stage melts to DLazer or Courier/Slime
Ah well KFC Cat isn't horrible from what I've heard.
Some more detail on Colosseum:
It appears that each Colosseum stage (5 stages) has its own gimmick, which are independent of each other (not combined as stated previously)
Colosseum 1: Start with 50,000 money but with no income / money from enemies. Money-related combos banned.
Colosseum 2: All cats have a 16.67 s cooldown, research combos banned.
>New "this is my headcannon" Dragon Emperor
>His STANDO has a headcannon as well
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Looks like BC is trying to pander to the US considering how much they fucking cover up the girls nowadays.
Pegasa was the ugliest galaxy gal too.
What is even happening with Ponos?
>Looks like BC is trying to pander to the US
None of the ones you posted is an obese troon so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
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>Pegasa was the ugliest galaxy gal
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She is and its not even close
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When guarantee uber
Guaranteed banners:
>New Uber added to regular banner
>First half of the second week of seasonal banner
>First half of the second week of collab banner
>Step-Up whenever Buster Banners are up
And since the currently-up Wargods banner didn't introduce Mitsuhide (meaning we most likely won't get him until v13.5), and since the latest update didn't prepare a spot for the new Metal Slug Uber (meaning that we won't see a MS collab before v13.5 either), and since later this week Busterfest drops (meaning we shouldn't expect separate Buster banners anytime soon), I think it's safe to assume that the next guaranteed banner will be for the Bride event - it usually starts around the middle of July (probably on Monday the 15th), so I'd say the guaranteed part will drop on the 22nd.
Ubers aren't even viable on certain boss stages. Behemoth Ganglion wipes out everything in 2 hits so ubers become wasted slot and money compared to spammable smaller units. They really should make more Uber small units like Ultra Souls or even medium cost spammable SR style units like Housewife Cat now that the Uber pool is so full of generic big units
>Behemoth Ganglion wipes out everything in 2 hits so ubers become wasted slot and money compared to spammable smaller units
I beg to disagree with that
Haha, I've finally cleared Li'l Cats Trial. Those Li'l Bun Buns were an absolute pain in the dick, I guess I've been relying too much on Fishmanfor clearing Floaters.
Wish there was an Egg with an actual good anti-Floating unit.
Grats. I struggled on this one for a quite a while too. Now I should probably focus on actually putting plus levels on the little bastards.
Yah, i got stuck on the last one, wiki strat pretty shitty, gotten a better lineup from the wiki comments
What's the meta anti zombie lineup
I use this as my base for pretty much every single zombie stage, with slight variations depending on what other types may pop out. Weedwhacker has fallen off bigtime. Unit-1+lil valk somehow make a great anti-z team. Nanaho for random metal fucks. Cadaver + housewife cover each other. Every unit has z-kill bar manic macho & eraser. Ecto for base defense. It might not be 'meta' but zombie stages have been a non-issue for me for a very long time thanks to this team.
Manic Eraser is such a great unit for pure zombie stages. Send him out forst thing and it'll walk all the way to the enemy base lickety-split and it'll hang in there, doing next to no damage and baiting enemies into burrowing. Of course, there's the obvious weakness to those few types of zombies that don't burrow, and also Zrocos, which surface so close to where they've burrowed that they'll still target whatever unit's at the base.
brainwashed island + ubers that wreck cadaver bear like thermae, logistix, reika, etc
>Baby Cat UF
Neat, Baby Cat was the first Uber I TF'd so this might be the first one I UF too
>new Dragon Emperor
I'd pull just because I like Brachydios but fuck that slow speed AND 5925 cost. Completely unusable
After finishing off Li'l Cats, I figured it was time to start tackling Malevolent stages. I don't know if picking Titan as my first was a good idea, but oh boy, Dolphinas have NEVER given me this much grief before.
I've finally did it though, with a slightly tweaked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsfvtuv4cpM team: still don't have Brainwashed Cat, so I used regular Macho, and since the guy said Amakusa didn't bring anything to the table, I replaced it with Grand ChunChun Hunters, for the Aku targeting and single-unit Research Up combo.
Cyberstacking is not dead yippee. My first malevolent is lizard and cyber-sniperstack for jamiera
>I replaced it with Grand ChunChun Hunters
As a matter of fact, I think I'll keep it on for the rest of the Malevolent stages, it can't hurt.
>wiki strat pretty shitty
Many such cases!
Whenever I need to be bailed out, I usually just consult YouTube.
event data dropped. no new banners but Gigahaniwan shows up next week.
>Gigahaniwan shows up next week
Is this the first time for EN? I genuinely don't remember.
yeah, this is the first time its appearing for EN
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Two years in, I don't think I look too bad.
I'd tell you to post your cards, but the thread is about to turn into Giganigga Central, so whatever.
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Doing breddy ok looking at things. Haven't touched the barons at all because I'm always busy with something else. What are those medals top left? Leaderboards? I should do those too.
they're medals you get from getting top x% in labyrinth. they don't have any effect other than bragging rights
They've also been discontinued apparently considering the last labyrinth is like 8 months old or something
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>25k user rank
what did you get for your legend ticket?
Btw got my 2nd legend helper today. whats your favorite legend helper name?

>Nottingham, Kenshiro, Himiko, Merlin, Maximilian, Thorvald, Hercules, Diamond, Sapphire, Twilight, Gorgonzola, Ludvig, Augustus, Fauntleroy, Pono, Toyotomi, Voltaire, Tsuchinoko, Ramensky, Orlov

mine's gorgonzola, but i havent gotten it yet, the odds are actually 1 in 3225 6hrs expeditions, approximately 3 years, DAMN.
>I'd tell you to post your cards, but the thread is about to turn into Giganigga Central, so whatever

Thank you for saving the thread then. Just recently got gold cat after almost one year of playing. Also 100th meow medals with urs and fenrir. Ive reached the cusp of end game i guess according to udp, UL 22, I'm pretty happy.
Also theres someone from the US east coast and eastern australia huh? Well hello i guess
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>Five Labyrinth medals each
>I only have four
>I know for a fact I took part in the very first one
Did I skip a later one? Or did people get an extra one for defeating the boss or something?
Speaking of the boss, I guess I will never unlock him now that all signs point to the Labyrinth being shitcanned. Unless PONOS repurposes him for Aku Realms 2 or somesuch.
they spammed the fuck out of them for awhile so you might've missed one
>Farming Merciless XP goes well for a week
>Replaced Jizo with Momoko for extra freezes, especially with her Wave reaching Kurosawah
>Suddenly today
>Keep dying, need three tries to clear
>Only managed to win the third time because I somehow stalled long enough for my Ubers to recharge
>Only got the minimum reward, too
Bonanza's also been a pain yesterday. This is not my week.
I use a treasure radar and just gold cpu whenever I see it bonaza now. I don't bother with anything else. Totally worth it.
Yeah, I used to do that as well, and still do it when either of the hardest XP stages drop when I don't have the time to try and clear them. To the point where I'm running low on CPUs now, so I try to clear them normally when I can. And also because of the "watch ad for double XP" thing v13.4 introduced in JPN, which only works if you clear the stage the old-fashioned way. Though if my clearing these stages keeps being a coinflip, it might be more economical to start clearing XP Colosseum instead.
Also, when I was checking when Ponos actually added the double XP thing, I learned that they've finally upped the dupe level limits to the Eggs you get from seasonal gachas for Bride (Exorcist and Clown) and Bug Hunting (Firefly). I know those units are trash, but it's still free UR ups.
Bros... He's finally mine...
I will now go in blind with him to the next UL stage I have on hold (but first the stamina needs to recover)
Congrats, have fun with him.
>Switch Battle Cats finally going to be fully accessible from the eShop
What took em so long
Damn, since it was a single-trait stage, I thought Malevolent Cat would be (relatively) easy. Finally beat it though.
Don't bother with Supercar Cat, he dies before he can get close enough to attack. Same goes for Fallen Bear Cat, although he at least is useful in stalling the peons to get your wallet maxed out. One less unit to spawn means more time before your money runs out.
My team, no items, Breakerblast cannon.
>Use Eraser/Metal/Researcher/Fallen Bear to stall out the peons until you have all the money, then start spawning the cheap ones (except for FBC and Green Shell)
>Spawn the Ubers and Green Shell once the boss is out
>Keep spamming everything other than FCB
>Pray for surge luck
Maybe I should've put Lilin up top for her Cannon recharge combo, but at lvl.17 my Breakerblast didn't really help all that much.
Finished gigahaniwanwan at the cost of some NP for lasvoss and my dwindling rare catseyes. All Barons now defeated so I can now focus on UL. My lineup for those with no UL legends. Lasvoss and cancan has attack up talent and all units Lv 50.
As someone who hasn't started the latter half of the gauntlet yet: any suggestions how to deal with Sunfish? Should I bait everything else closer to the base to hopefully kill them before Sunfish finally makes its way there? Or should I try to clear it before it even shows up?
you kill gigahaniwan before the sunfish reaches your base. you'll have to kill at least one of the angel otters if your units aren't heavily boosted.
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I haven't used it yet, I alredy got every legend rare, except for Izanami (and Black Zeus)
>any suggestions how to deal with Sunfish?
you let him blast your units until you're able to kill gigahani. angel otters are the real threats because they do a lot more dps and push harder
>Should I bait everything else closer to the base to hopefully kill them before Sunfish finally makes its way there?
hard but maybe possible. you have to kill gigawan (5 mil hp) within a minute though. then kill sunfish with goku 10 seconds after for the cleanup. In my case, I just stalled gigawan right after spawning then send izanagi and sirius, and when they die, replace them with lasvoss and d.phono. rinse and repeat. until they die.
> should I try to clear it before it even shows up?
now that i think about maybe possible with ape luza, idi or izanagi, with relic freeze support (e.g. doron or michelia, lightning bolt), do it within 53 seconds and you just have to contend with sunfish and goku. Good luck!
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Busterfest would've let me pull Metal Cat and Cat Base Mini, but the schizo saving instincts that I developed waiting for Miku kicked in and I retained my reserves for Metal Slug. When is it coming? If it comes in 8 fucking months, not during June Bride, I will read 331461! At least I won my 3rd 50 50 in a row and grabbed C0 Furina!
As for Neo 1st Errand. The Wrath's bollocks- do I look like this is N1 GP?! It's Brutal w/o ubers- it's beatable uberless, as proven by Lord Markiquad, but impossible without 20-90 Superfeline. Banning most units makes it even harder than the Revenge, which I beat with Bad Guys, 4 spammable attackers and A Baha.
I also got stuck on Soractes. But I beat him using Babel and Daliasan, and Chillhola's deck minus LKD and Doron. I even beat Gigahaniwan too. But the last stage really ruined Gokurakko for me. All my attackers and Tokyo Miku kept dying to everything.
>Exiel < Le Grim < Baron Seal < Peng Z < 3 Omens < Haniwan < M Mooth < Hyppoh.
High Lord Babel; all three forms. But he's mid. If it comes to memes, then Kasa Geezo (I did not come up with the nickname myself. But it's hilarious, especially since I know where it was derived from: "Barbruh"). I prefer units with drip to Kai.
Ah, yes, the Labby. That was my favourite game mode. I want it to come back. My unit supply has increased by 50% and I am itching to play it again. Tell Ponos in their annual player survey to rerun it every 3 months, to get it returned.
new event data is out. another week of filler
Double Uber/Legend banners aren't filler, they're catfood bait. Hopefully it means something big is coming.
Anyway, next event data drop starts with the Bride banner, just you see.
Finally got enough Yellow Fruits to get him. Don't even remember when I got him.
Interesting, Izanaagi's summon is considered a unit for unit restrictions.
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"so extra" the uber
I farmed yellow fruits, TF'd him then proceeded to use him for a grand total of one time in almost two years. Think he didn't do much either that one time
>try to cheese li'l eraser with cat god
>somehow kill him right after chipping down the base to 100000 health
not that i'm complaining, i just found it quite funny how i accidentally beat the stage the intended way
>Cleared Mal Tank first try for a change
I'm so happy about that. Is the True Form just a better Haniwa (except for 4-crown restrictions) or is there more to him?
Hes speedier haniwa, theres that. Haniwa is painfully slow sometimes
It's heeeeereeee.
I don't know if they've waited until the weekend to inplement it because it's so dense with XP stages, or if it's been around for a while and I missed it because I kept tapping out without thinking, but the Double XP ads are now a thing on EN, this is what we've been training for.
Hope we get a new Ranma rerun soon since the anime is getting a remake. I'd imagine they would add Pantyhose Taro if they had to pick a new character
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>haven't been playing recently
>get back in
>use one rare ticket
I came
I'd like to see them go balls to the wall insane, create a two banner Rumiko Takahashi collab event, one banner for Ranma and Urusei Yatsura, the other one for Inuyasha and later works.
>I came
He may look like a girl, but Thats a man
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The only way out is through.
Should I be dumping my dark cats eyes into whichever lvl40 cats I love such as ramen or whatever?
Child of destiny any use if I already have dawnbringer izanagi and radiant Aphrodite?

Also fuck, I need better anti traitless
You should probably consider getting them to level 50 first.
Izzy is single target and Aphro only targets Aliens while Phono has Massive Damage against all traits. And with his flowing multihit, you might be able to KB an enemy with the first one, and then KB it again with the last one, which is always fun to watch.
I've cleared 15 levels on Giga, and I think I'll throw in the towel. Needed to use items on the final few already, and it's become too much of a war of attrition. Hoping I can spawn meatshields fast enough to hold the line for long enough to spawn my Ubers again to put in some good damage before dying so I can spend another few minutes hoping I can spawn meatshields fast enough to hold the line.
I'm starting to think the stage isn't optimized for lvl. 40 talentless Ubers.
You should never use Dark Catseyes on anything that isn't a lvl50 Uber that is either stat-based and you use a lot or has an Ultra form/Ultra Talents you want to get.
phono can do things izanagi/aphro can't due to his long range and fast speed. you probably won't be using aphro a whole lot after getting him though
Okay, got phono.
Enjoy him. I know I do.
Oh hey, double EXP ads are here.
in my case, I use izanagi more on end game, specifically UL and behemoth stages. its single target, true, but he has the twice the health of phono and is curse, freeze, immune too. D.Phono is also better sometimes because of again being curse immune. Also izanagi has on demand breakerblast + slow.
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i think its ok since you can always use legend catseyes in lieu of dark catseyes, right? legend catseyes are easier to find than dark ce and legend rares are hard to get.
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sorry, you should lvl 50 them first then use either dark or legend catseye
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izanagi can reach 800 less 200 than phono but izanagi has the bulk to endure his midranger 300 of a range. Nagi is kinda the same with phono with added bonus of wider breakerblast with slow
Legend Catseyes cannot be used past level 50, Dark Catseyes are the only ones that work after that. That's why they're so much easier to find, and why you should be so sparing with using Dark Catseyes.
Thanks for clarifications, man. Ultraforming will be one hell of a grind huh?
I wonder when we’ll get another 100% Guaranteed Uber Rare banner.
The 22nd. Give or take like two days since the double chance banners are spilling into next week.

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