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Only 5 days (5/22/24) till release!
What are you most excited for?
last thread reached page 11, you guys suck at this lol
Phroloba and camelia
It was 200 posts over the limit
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that's what i was referring to, making new threads takes like 30 seconds
Men with facial hair? In my chinese gacha? I guess there's still hope.
The only male I'm interested in is Lingyang
I like all the girls except Encore and Verina
I'm pretty sure it's just an NPC
I'm only interested in these two guys but not enough to actually play the game. I don't like Genshin or Honkers so I don't think I would enjoy this one either.
Hat dude has a bit as well but that's a shame if true.
All the Chinese names in gacha games have helped me learn how to pronounce their names.
I only like cute red girl with swords and blue fedora dude.
Look at all those chink names
it's an asian game? what were you expecting?
Cute lolis and the girl on the far left is super hot. I will try it out.
It's over, google playstore removed wuwa from the game list.
>Character called ''Gen Z''
Kinda based
who should I reroll for?
the little blond girl, she's by far the best unit in the game. i think you get 2 guaranteed 5 stars, though, one random through the gacha and one as a selected pick
>she's by far the best unit in the game
Why are you lying?
Only 1 trap? Make all the men traps and I'll play your game.
Is there any point in doing 10 rolls on the beginner banner if pity doesn't roll over?
Nope, but it might be addressed in 1.0, they've made a lot of changes since CBT2 was already a 5 month old build at release.
Seems a bit silly, so stick to single rolls until you get the 5* then let the banner sit in the menu until eos if they didn't fix it?
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that is one of gods own masculine male shotas
That's a shota, not a trap
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Very masculine
Aside from the female MC, only the girl with the black hat and skirt looks mildly interesting.
Might end up having a bunch of bros with me.
I want lion bro, the old man and maybe the guy dressed like the old man.
He's not
She's probably the best 5* at release.
She's not a DPS but with how the combat system works, she's the best support unit that increases your team's effective DPS, while also having one of the lowest upkeeps.
Powercreep and new releases also tend to be focused on DPS/Damage, so she's not likely to be replaceable anytime soon.
I just shit my pants jesus christ man put a jumpscare warning on that
The only 5* I like is Chang Li. But man, after listening her voice line, it really turns me off. Thankfully this is only AP waiting room for me.
>Ling Yang the short lion dancer
>Worst character in the game
Wew sucks for him
i thought worst character was aalto, the white-jacket pistol guy? at least lingyang has 5* stats/mods
Ling Yang may get buffed or changed for release. He's a 5* but his gimmick makes him too awkward and therefore shit.

Aalto according to TenTen is A tier, above average and is good for his element.
Who is the girl on the right? I want to lick her armpits and suck on her toes.
Me except the boy on the left
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If there were a trap this game would have been saved
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We did it WUWU brothers!
200 Astrite
It costs 160 for one roll
That's 1 roll and a 1/4
So who are the best damage dealers
Is there a tierlist
>meta excel sheet game player
Just have fun with the game dude
Why do you reply when you have nothing useful to say?

Actually don't even reply, if you ever had a single clever thought then it must have died sad and alone.
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>jianxin has shit dps
>taoxi has shit dps
motherfucker, am I gonna have to run Rover with two tanks until they release a good looking dps? I don't want Nahi- I mean Verina.
It's not fun when you need +10 minutes just to kill 1 mook.
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Look into her eyes
Yes you do
Aalto is the worst SUB dps, Lingyang is the 2nd worst Main dps with Rover (MC) being the only worse one
So Lingyang is basically the Yanqing of this game. Idk why the icy boys in games are just built to be shit in gachas, I guess they're afraid of future powercreep somehow
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Changli announced. Thoughts?
Danjin but she will be nerfed.
So Calcharo and Jiyan.
cute character, shit modest dress
Wugging Waggers.
pp go up
a lot of normies shifted from yinlin to her
is Changli even good? Yinlin is apparently good.
What's the /wwg/ guild gonna be??
are there even guilds?
The game has no guilds.
Remember to do your hits or you're KICKED
forgot the pic for my claim
and idk, there's no playable leaked info
So which ones are the onfield DPS?
All of them to a certain extent except for Verina. You'll want to stay tagged in to build their resource gauge. The main ones are Danjin, Calcharo, Jiyan, and Chixia from my understanding, but most anyone is viable.
guys help. my leave didn't get approved. i'm working on the 22nd. what to do
work hard
shit that useless nigger moved to this game now? unironically its over
he's chinese, atleast get that much right
Is there any good websites I can use to read more about the characters?
No hebe?
They are usually smart enough not to make an entire game of only china wank.
cute and i like her dress.

her coat looks dumb though, it's like a mix of senketsu and an old timey couch
idk if just the presence of chinese names is "china wank", japanese games do full japanese names all the time
unironic sexo
savechads keep winning...
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I wish they'd take short forms into account, I hate hearing it called Wuwa.
i'm wuwaggin my tail.. wuwu
You are now a big fan of chink cultivator slop.
Why are all the females so ugly?
He's a cuck
Yeah I really feel like there should be something in between the lolis, some of them could have been smaller
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WW has two small girls and both are great metawise
Already doing way better than homoverse where everything is either hags or fags and everyone desperately clings to launch units or chars from year(s) ago
I wish you hadn't pointed those out. Wtf is that shit.
Which jade-like beauty are you rerolling for?
peak AI design
I'll take detached braids over detached sleeves anyday. At least the braids look cool
very avant-garde kek
>rated E10+ in the app store
>While genshin is Teen
>inb4 censored on release
So this is marshal Fu Hua the one who is higher ranked than king Juan
brwo it's a gacha they'll get powercrept instantly
get the meta supports instead
its a mobile phone game just take 1hour shitting breaks and play on your phone on the toilet
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It's 15+ in CN/TW.
peak penis pumping design
Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream airing on 2024/05/19 at 18:30 (PT)

Global stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scTGyptoxbk

Japan stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PpVm9j25uU

Everyone probably knows but just in case
Why didn't Kuro just import their PGR models over? What in the heck is this?
PGR models are garbage
So what exactly does this game do better than Genshin
Men are hotter
Lower Storage Space
Higher Title Letter Count
Higher Chinese Name Ratio
hopes there's gonna be less CHINESE FOOD CHINESE FOOD MUSIC FESTIVAL CHINESE FOOD featuring some gremlin that doesn't shut the fuck up
No forced diversity
All of the characters have "infusion".
Flashy combat that makes decent use of verticality.
Free 5 star weapon of your choice and 2 free 5 star characters to start your gameplay off with, 1 of which is your choice
Plus a free 5 star echo companion from the web event

All you have to do is roll your free 5 star and then roll the beginner banner of your choice to pick a partner 5 star that goes well with your first one

Genshin could literally never be that generous
Significantly better combat, which is the only thing that matters. It has worse exploration but who the fuck actually cares.
>but who the fuck actually cares.
considering exploration accounts for most of your rolls, thats kind of important anon
>better combat
its literally just EQEQEQ spam all over again
Look at characters names again and think about what you just said
theyll shit the launch revenue combined with the male banner lmao since is public you can expect many investors pulling out, hsr giving ratio made it fall that month to 4th
Any guides or something available?
despite people pretending genshin is for kids genshin has suicide mentions, torture and experimentation on children, murder and other crimes by npcs or enemies during msq, despite people pretening genshin never kills we literally see signora getting desintegrated and focalord suiciding on screen and during side quests even children talking about offing themselves after losing their parents or shit like that
focalors* i hope WWs goes touching deeper themes too because the msq feels just like the average shounen
>goes touching deeper themes
>PGR devs
The difference is you can't just unload your rotation of EQ and win. It fundamentally doesn't work because the bosses are hyper aggressive compared to Genshin. Parrying and dodging is also rewarded by dropping the bosses stagger meter, this game is pretty fun.
This is absolutely in their benefit, they know Jiyan would not peform more than other girls like Yinlin. She's prominently featured in a majority of promotional material like cosplay or ads, because they're aware of fan perception. The fact is many people will drop off in the first month like any gacha game, but they'll potentially try the game OR stay because they look forward to Yinlin or other limited characters.
Jiyan is also meta for the current tower and is the top pick for chamber 3. He's going to carry a lot of people interested in clearing tower. This game is catering to hardcore players to a degree, that are keen on the meta. It's not a terrible idea from a business perspective.
>This game is catering to hardcore players to a degree, that are keen on the meta. It's not a terrible idea from a business perspective.
>having to roll for males because of meta
Might as well not play then
We're all a little whacky, a lot of people have the autistic desire to follow or conform to meta, it's why tier lists are some of the most regurgitated content people make for this game.
Probably gonna release the date of pre-installation and exact time of release?
Private servers will be up then, three days before release.
Most of that is flavor text that nobody ingame is going to do shit about and the camera pans off focalors.
Stream is being translated live for anyone who wants in
Bros I can't decide between MC and FeMC.
>They talk about 40 pull 5* guarantee on beginner banner
>No selector announced still
Is it in or not?
Nevermind they let you select after 40 pulls now.
>fry high
Is there a katana or parry character that you can pick from beginner banner?
Calcharo pretty much, everyone can parry, but I'm not sure if any of the 5* are centered around it.
im bisexual and none of the characters are appealing
double homo
shit music from what i heard so far...
maaaaann I really dont want to associate my account w/ randos... but this web event...
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It's like this.
Beginner banner will give you a random 5 star at 40 pulls, then it will disappear.
The other banner will give you a selector for a 5 star at 80 pulls hard pity, soft pity starts at 65 pulls.

So, it means you can get two 5 stars (random and selected) for around 120 pulls.
Honestly, this is awesome.
What web event are you talking about. I'm lazy
This one. Can get a free 5* gear piece + some gacha currency.
Seems reasonable that's already quite generous. They're giving a shit load of free pulls too, just I'm not that excited for any of the standard 5*s.

Echo Web Event, pretty skippable if you're lazy.
Can someone share a chasm guardian?
Only have 3 star one. but here he goes.
this game needs more potatoes and little girls
is rerolling a good idea in this game? if it's not what's a cool unit to try and pull for?
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This guy is cute roll for him.
Just pull for who you think is cuter. I'll be pulling for Jianxin (because ahoge) and Verina (because cute).
Why would you reroll when there's a selector for the second 5 star you will get?
Viridblaze Saurian (5-star)


Autopuppet Scout (5-star)


Cyan-Feathered Heron (5-star)


Fusion Dreadmane (5-star)


Hoartoise (5-star)


Carapace (5-star)


Zig Zag (5-star)

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And to complement your list, here's which Echo is better for each character and role
These pogeymans are ugly
sex with chasm guardian
made for men
i'm just not into him personally, but he's very much made for men
Gullible retards, this is how they drain you of all your newbie rewards. Any gacha vet knows you are supposed to save them for the first big powercreep 3-6 months in. But sure roll for your launch banner low tier bait banners if you want. Chances are the game will be dead in 6 months anyways.
Yeah. It's obvious day 1 whalebait. No F2P will touch it unless the rolls are given for free as a standard alternative or something.
its even more chinese (yes, that's right) than genshit
Are you okay, sir?
Anyway, there's literally nothing else to use the standard rolls on. They're standard wishes, no one is suggesting using limited wishes. Using 40 standard wishes to round out your roster when you get over 240 on launch isn't a big deal.
You grab onto those when you fuck her from behind
>made for men
Mutt's Law
>/vg/ thread is reddit central
Well damn.
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>complaining about reddit on 4channel
Just completing your downvote sir.
Looks like the lobotomites you see in a stream chat, I'll hop off when this thread dies.
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Is it 4 man switch heavy gameplay like genshin? Shit’s unplayable on mobile
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>Mac version confirmed
No more using Bootcamp, Kuro won!
>any gacha vet
And you say it like it's a good thing to be proud of
Get a life, retard
I accept your concession.
I accept your penis in my mouth.
male rover's va is cute as fuck desu
>shit opinion
every time
It's the same, since you can cancel animations with switch-in. You just use your phone for dailies till you can come home and play.
Shounds righht... I mean your dick ish in mhh mouthh...
Not with that same clothes syndrome. Also most of them have long hair making them trash.
>Any gacha vet knows
that making their initial experience pure hell will burn them out and make them drop the game. Getting a character you like at the beginning will help you keep playing a game.
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>50% chance of getting the limited character without guarantee
Punishing is 100%.
Blame Mihoyo. They've shown to the world that it's a lot more profitable to be as stingy as possible.
That's what rerolling is for derpina.
That doesn't matter. HI3rd also has 100%, but you need to spend the same money as if you go to two coinflips in Genshin.

The question is more if it's more expensive (real money), or you need longer saving up with the stuff you get in the game. And about averages.
Which one is for Danjin
dont worry, if the game flops like snowbreak did, they'll change it
calcharo sex
At least the event weapon is 100% guaranteed, and both the character and weapon banners hard pity is at 80 pulls, so that's a tiny bit better than genshin.
I still need to see if they will have something like the welkin moon and also a battle pass. If the ratio of getting pulls is at least the same of genshin, and with having 80 as hard pity, then it won't be that bad, even good I would say.
So when's the predownload thingy happen?

Now for mobile, in 4h40m for PC.
I'm bisexual and like 7/9 males plus 2-3/14 females are appealing
>spend 6 months playing with free SR units only just so you can spend like 1 abyss cycle almost competing with the p2wfags in abyss scoreboard before they rush past you again
wow great idea anon
And I am notsexual.
This is called "powercreep"
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For me it's
Calcharo (SephiROTH)

And my #1 fav character Lingyang (give him back his old voice)
this already happen with ToF having meta characters up there not being interesting at all, im sad that martial waifu is shit, shes by far their most interesting character from the standard, she reminds me of martial artists from blade and soul by how powerful she feels but man they trelly make her bad, is always bad expecting epople to pull meta, only meta slaves do thats and thats a tiny minotiry, see the most played units on moc in hsr for example, fu xuan luocha and huohuo are all bottom pulled units yet are highest in usage, same with the 2 meta characters for multiple patches, jingliu and dhil not really on the top very mid really for characters mogging everyone else for months, people like waifus and thats it, as soon as raiden mei dropped and sparkle they suddenly broke the game records, is an extra that they are very meta indeed
>open game
>server selection
>Asia server recommended despite living in America
I'm sure this bodes well
Kuro said that they reworked Jianxin kit, we will see on release if that's true
holy hell there's always a new wuthering waves thread in /vg/ every 3 hours. they post so fast i can't keep up
When did /vg/ start having WuWa threads? I came here because they were never any.
And it's all the usual schizoposting that's in every /vg/ thread right?
best to avoid it for the first two weeks. the schizos and shitposters will use it as a public toilet.
Yinlin should have been the launch banner.
Hoyotards are feeling antsy with the release approaching.
you're literally playing a genshin reskin.
Which is in turn a BOTW reskin.
they don't want reroll accounts on launch
whats to stop me rerolling from the blue haired guy?
That seems completely clueless. First banners are always huge sellers regardless of people rerolling.
>Yinlin is released
>No one else to look forward to because the leaked roster is abysmal
Yinlin should have been months away
women are inherently less autistic
It's already datamined, they almost doubled her numbers.
interesting the release date is on a day I get off with no pay
Just stay here for actual game discussion
How hard do you think it will be to reroll a Calcharo + Verina account?
You only need to get one of them, then target the other on the selective standard banner.
Calcharo and Verina aren't in the beginner banner. They both have targeted though.
I want them too plus Encore. Well, I'll see how much time it takes to reroll.
I preregistered for this game without knowing anything about it and now I'm seeing a lot of hype for it. What's special about this game? Isn't it just another generic gacha?
There is nothing special, it's all the same fake hype "influencers" are paid to peddle like every new thing. It's the first genshit clone and people are bored looking for a hot new thing but this won't be it. It's 100% pure unadulterated chinkslop to its bones.
>another generic gacha
Yes but it's new. So FOMO + new gachas tend to be better in a variety of ways, to attract players. More generous, better design/balance in some way. Gachas copy a lot so they just get more refined in some way.
But I suppose what set sit apart from "generic gacha" is the combat is supposed to be that much better. It's action combat with parry, dodging, attacks, some team building, and open world, with serviceable graphics. If that sounds fun then go try it, it's free.
It's a more generous Genshin Impact with actual endgame content in the very first release (1.0) and a dev team that listens to player feedback while also having more in depth combat systems that's not just "e q switch out" every 5 seconds, there's parrying and strong attacks you can use outside of skills. Characters are cheaper to roll and you start off with 2 free 5 stars to build a core team around and a free 5 star weapon to amplify your main character of choice. Then you have these echo spirits which are living equipment that give you stat buffs and are farmable in-game, but you get 1 free from an online web event that will close 6/6.

People are just excited because this game is everything Genshin SHOULD be after 4 years of existence, yet hasn't achieved. They think that if this game is successful Genshin will make major changes for F2P players (like changing the GODAWFUL weapon banner, seriously, you can lose weapon pity twice before hitting a guarantee?? Goodbye $100+ unless you save for a whole year and miss out on characters) and start shifting gacha games in general from these hungry microtransaction slopfests they are. Genshin/Hoyoverse cocksuckers are doing everything they can to protect their sunken cost $1000s to try and keep the game the way it is though.
For me, I just want to play Genshin but without the word vomit.
And I hope we get some fun minigames like Genshin's hide&seek and ToF's racing.
I went for a double 5* reroll in both genshin and hsr, I hope I can do the same here in a reasonable amount of time. Hopefully I can get a Jianxin/Calcharo/Encore account thanks to the selector banner.
look at the other gachas, they only have chinese names when theres china stuff happening and they dont usually start throwing chang at you on release lmao hsr genshin tof despite haivng most of their fanbase in china have more western names than chinese, WWs is 95% chink names
you guys talk about min-maxxing and rerolling as if this is a fucking e-sport. its a casual game for babies. you just run around doing the same quests for 200 hours, doesn't matter if you have the default characters or you're a whale.
>waste time rerolling
>ends up not using those characters
>or playing the game ever again
just play the game lol
>>reasonable amount of time
>45 minutes per reroll
>no guest account/salted e-mails
good luck anoncito
>What's special about this game
it's a genshin clone with lower budget but better and theoretically more skill-focused combat.
and pokemon collecting aspect i guess.
>weapon banner
>f2p players
why would genshin make changes purely to cater to retards? simply don't roll for weapons.
star rail gets a guarantee after losing 1 roll that doesn't expire
genshin has 2 losses before a guarantee that expires when the banner rotates
Have fun spending 25 minutes on a single boss without decent weapons
now that the dust has settled whats the meta reroll pick. I would like to enjoy the game at a smooth past and not suffer because I lost to shitty rng
the dust has not settled
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How many have learned their phone blows? pic related.
I don't know, I'm not poor
really? all the Wugger threads being spammed by you niggers with barely any interaction and most of them are le genshin bad look at my game, projecting much aint we, no one is talking about this game on genshin generals kekw thats how much that community cares
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>only one that appeals to me is taoqi
>shes the kamui of this game but worse
aaah~ kimochi yokatta(warui)....
>no one is talking about this game on genshin generals kekw
It's not good to lie anon kekw
>all the Wugger threads
And how would you know that anon? You seem to care a lot kekw
Galaxy S22, it'll probably run slightly better than Genshin at low graphics settings. Also going to benchmark on a GPD Win 3 (i7 1165g7), Steam Deck LED and Aokzoe A1 (6800u).
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>no 5 star pistol user
Welp, guess I’m using a bottom tier cool guy
Why does every female character wears the exact same sundress but with holes in difference places?
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>Only needed 18gb of free space to install
Thanks, I was about to try and finish that piece of shit Persona 5 so I can delete it
>installs chink rootkit on your pc
>winnie will see all my bestiality porn
oh no...
>winnie takes all your bestiality porn images and turns it into a gacha game
I wanted to waste some time with this game, but having to create and account at kurogames in order to get the pre-registration rewards killed it for me.

The corporations really want to make the consumers into fucking submissive slaves, huh?
oh no, they have the details of one of my dozens of burner email accounts
how horrible, how awful
>sent from an iphone/android/pc
>sent using government moderated wifi connection
>missing the point this hard
Do you also complain that you can't roll with guarantee every new limited banner as a f2p?
I'm still not seeing a reason why this is a bad thing in Wuthering Waves?
>how would you know that
nigger you even post it outside mobile or generals, is in normal /v/ threads sometimes twice, stop spamming your shitty threads and stay in your containment general, there was 3 wuwa threads yesterday you shitters cant even aggre your /name/ even and the threads were dead as fuck, you keep remaking them once they disappear, yes i can literally go and see that over 700 comments are maybe 5-6 wuwa compared to the 2/4 3/4 genshin derrangement of wuwa threads
there's no way that's true.
Seven years ago I bought my Sony flagship. It was when I realized anymore was pointless. Keeping it until I die or it does.
The music for this trailer was goddamn awful
Wtf were they thinking?
Today is the day!
It's fucking over, WuWabros...
so far it's basically Punishing Gray Raven in an open world settings, which is fine. All the bitches introduced so far are pretty cute especially Yan Yan.
another slop flop
I also like how they plagiarized Genshin's cutting straight to the next line of dialogue during its first year.
>Kuro asking for a zip code to buy stuff when I dont live there

guess I'll just spend it on Homoverse shit
You don't have to use your real information just because they asked.
no, if it was PGR then it would have good combat
Opening the store on mobile worked.
/r/gachagaming is laughing at us bros
I think you meant to post this on >>>/vg/wuwa
Remember this isn't the shitposting board guys that's /vg/'s side.

Actual discussion.
I don't get it. They say the story sucks because they're suddenly throwing jargons toward you, but isn't that the point? You came out of nowhere knowing nothing. The gang explains everything to you anyways.
pretty much felt this way too
was surprised the game's combat felt more clunky than its predecessor but supposed that must have been the cost of open world
That's a retarded complain indeed but I have to play the game myself to know how it relays the story exactly.
You are playing in Mandarin, right? The artist's original intent.
>1440p too small
>4k too big
How is a gacha this demanding?
unpotimezd ue shit
Genshin killer but running worse than genshin and hsr.
You said this game would be a better genshin
You said it has good combat
Holy shit, I knew you were wrong but I didn't think it would be this bad
>everything is about frequencies/reverberation
>tacet discord eats a human
>mimics its "frequencies"
>"b-brother.. help.."

aight that's pretty dark.
It is, though?
Yes, the game doesnt have a original bone if its body, pseudo pokemon catching is not enough to differentiate it when it copies so much shit 1:1, and the parry gimmick is actually dogshit, only time you'll ever use it is if you stand in place doing nothing, waiting for a parriable attack
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>best weapon
>only 3 users; 2 are the same attribute
>no 5 star
She better be Havoc pistol or I’ll flip
Did Kuro rush the release because of the license expiring thing or because of ZZZ? I feel that it's a little bit of both.
The game did need some more months of polishing, but not that many (6 months) like some are saying. Maybe 3 more months.
Why is the /vmg/ thread so dead?
Yeah the atmosphere of the Scar quest was super reminiscent of Genshin's WQs. I might keep playing just for this.
The waves aren't wuthering bwos...
>spend all night yesterday and part of the morning of today trying to set up a new bluetooth adapter for my DS4, shit never worked
>give up and go wired with a long cable in order to play on my tv
>tweak for hours the settings until I find the perfect one and only get to play like 10 min of actual gameplay
Fucking hell with pc gaming, fuck
Doesn't matter, today at night I'll wuther those waves, bros
The game works well enough on a Steam Deck LCD (12W) at lowest settings at almost 60fps. Using a controller sucks ass similiarly to Genshin so keyboard and mouse is the way to go. I'm tempted to try it out on my 7800x3D PC to see if the 3D V-Cache may help with the fps dips.
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does somebody have this artwork in better quality?
I'm running this shit at 4k 30fps max settings in an old asf i7-2600k, anon. No dips aside of the occasionally game's current error of the ping fluctuations.
I feel that people have been overblowing the performance issues, or they just have extremely potato devices.
Honestly whoever decided that the early storyline that was more compelling needed to be scrapped because "they were too mean to me ;_;" needs to be executed because this LN tier Genshin rewrite is unbearable. The only relief is that parts can be skipped.
>30fps on a fast paced action game

>lolis do the ninja run when dashing.

I was just testing different resolutions and settings until I was satisfied with one, and 4k 30fps is the max I can get with that old shit. So people in here will get better results.
Did you even read the old plot or are you just baiting?
Is there an fan service or is it Genshin tier?
like how much of a fan service? we have old saggy sideboobs.
One or two pegs above genshin as the devs aren't afraid of big tits.
>5* selector soon
Can I change the character I selected in the banner bros?
So now that we're getting a 5* selector, the priority should be Calcharo -> Verina -> Jianxin?
follow your dick
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Got Verina on my beginner banner so now I can get Calcharo on my select. Feels good man
Yes you can, it’s start on controller so I’m sure it’s possible on keyboard
Everything I’ve seen says Verina is priority. She’s currently the best buffer and healer rolled into one.
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I've so far only found this 2, and it´s a stretch
It's been 30 minutes in-game and Chixia is the only character I like, what does that say about me?
im doing a no pull account
wish me luck
Too big
Main reason of why I am getting this guy is because he looks like Raiden.
I must choose to reroll for Jiyan or Yinlin, or
trusting RNG to pull both
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No such thing as too big
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>120 free pulls for china even after they trashed wuwa to oblivion
Wtf, I thought you guys said Kuro was based?
how many limited banner pull we get from daily quest?
are we getting this
Kuro is not based.
Kuro sucks.
You're in luck, he's even got a Raiden mode. His R does a big dick slash, then his normal attacks get converted to R damage (Resonance Liberation). It's similar to Raiden where her Q converts NA to deal Burst damage.
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What's the verdict about Jianxin then?
I haven't even unlocked the gacha yet so I'm looking for opinions
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this is a scam.
look at that shit website lol.
check baidu too. the ratio is 97 comment and 3 likes.
people said she will get a rework.
forget about standard banner. i will save 5* selector for a year lmao. many things will change.
Anon, the rework is supposed to be the release version of her...
Goddamn words words words just to tinker some device and the thing that they copied from genshit that make me mad. Luckily Kuro included a skip so bless their slant eyed heart for that.
Poor girl, she's going to have awful back pain problems just like me
Some characters may get niche synergy with future limited characters, but the standard banners will not be getting reworks at this point. Sorry man
Tits or gtfo
I play super casually, what should I be spending my stamina on? I don't really care about zoom zooming through content.
Just do weapon and character exp missions at the port training we're getting another free 5 star selector so stockpile up on mats for whoever you pick
i dont plan on pulling on the account. but thanks
I don't want to replace Baizhu because she's sex but I don't know how to maximize her. Any tips aside from my penis?
It's not pulling though it's a selection there's no randomness to it at all
As a healer I guess?
there are 3 team comps right now
where does encore fit
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It is so wuwaover
Same question.
I got the little shitty gremlin (spending the fuck all of the 40 pulls) as my first standard and I didn't want her at all.
Now I don't know what to do with her since I was aiming for Jianxin or even Verina.
Encore + Yangyang. Yangyang as battery, once encore has her ult up, you switch. basically you use Yangyang for dodging/parrying and basic attacks to get energy, then switch to Encore for ult.
Summoning echoes seem better than transforming into one since its a skill spamming game
Alright, thanks. I will try that until I get Jiaxin and modify again my game plan.
story question: will i be able to side with the red guys or am i stuck with yangyang and amber
I wish I were stuck inside yangyang...
Let's try a story and lore compilation today.
In any case I am NOT playing another open world Hyrule knockoff again. Not what Azur or Alchemy is making. Maybe Project Mugen.
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>all that stuff which i never experienced nor abused nor have had any issues with neither pc nor phone
Did i win the lottery? I got the monk girl whoi wanted, never had any issues except rare stuttering. What in the fuck is that list? Did that guy make half of it up? I only knew about the story being rewritten and the writer getting kicked.
The voice acting was very good too, i don't see what the issue was, unless he's talking about EN voice acting.

The writing at the beginning is utter dogshit yes but everything else is genuinely passable

jiyan's personal quest was fucking beautiful honestly and the korean voice acting is really good
The alzabo TD was interesting. There is potential here.
2,3,4 and 5 are mostly true. They made this game with some wired Chinese magic. Series 10xx and 20xx cards run this game fine while series 30xx has a fever dream. On PC game doesn't close/open properly and you need to use the task manager to sort it out. ENG dub doesn't match with ENG subs and some subs are cut in half. Brazilian VPN is real.
>Brazilian VPN is real.
Been fixed already.
>mode where you can shapeshift as a TD and literally use it to fight with respective resonance skill/liberation.

i know it's this game's roguelike mode, but this is pretty cool. cat's pretty cute too.

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>thought I'd find some nice lore
>it's just a chest
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Pro, graphics are good on mobile, especially compared to genshin , compared to most pc games though it is so so. I’d honestly state one piece world seeker looks better.

Cons, the story is absolute ass, legitimate bore with the characters yapping like it is no tomorrow, most of what the characters say and do in the first idk 2 hours could be summarised into 10 minutes plus gameplay. It isn’t engaging, I had more fun playing tower of fantasy till I hit that paywall. Honestly I just wish tower of fantasy had better graphics, and more voice actors, and a little bit more polish.
›Several performance issues
Could definitely be more optimised for what it is considering it is a literal mobile port but it is passable I guess. It should hit 60fps at maxed setting 1080p, but I’m getting around 48. I know the steam deck struggles a bit on this game at 800p, and gets 30-40fps on medium.
›Game is almost unplayable on phones
Never tested it though it works well on my m1 iPad
> Game actually fried the graphics card of several players on CN by inducing severe overheat because the anti cheat doesn't close when the game does and keeps
running and consumes more resources proportionally as time passes until it fries your system

Pppppppffffffftttttttttt kkkeekeke
I feel like this is an utter lie, come on now, it runs on my rog ally, those graphics cards must be grade a chinkesium for that to happen, honestly I doubt that is anything close to being true.
> Game induced "blue screen of death" by corrupting the OS system files if installation was interrupted
Probably a lie
My bad, 30-40fps on low on the steam deck, seems like the anti cheat doesn’t work on linux
Anybody elses' GPU get hotter during gameplay after the hotfix patch?
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Yeah, no way fag. You're not stealing my cultivation levels.
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None of the Chinese mumbo jumbo any of these people talk about sticks, I have no idea why anything is happening.
>look for Alto
Cmon that's just stretching. The dude had his skit, no need to strech the joke.
What I got today:
>this is not the first time the Rover was reawekened, meaning that has happened several times before
>this could mean that in "past lives" he has been with different groups such as the red guys and that's why everybody things he'll align with them again
>coincidenly he's reawekening at the same time a Threnodian is manifesting, which was what happened "the last time"
>Rover could be a defense mechanism?
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Help this brainlet clear the branches please. Pressing levitator doesn't do anything.
I used the free 5 star of today to get Jianxin which I didn't have the luck to get in the novice, and goddamn, this game finally clicked.
I felt the same sensation like in Genshin when I got Klee years ago.

Getting the character you actually want to use really makes the difference.
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its either the monk or Sephiroth. Not in a rush to pick right now though.
Are you talking about throwing the plant bomb at the vines?????
Lmao stop skipping the tutorial dialogue retard
Assuming the MC will eventually be outclassed like in every one of these types of games, should I try for Encore in the beginner choice gacha to replace them with or E1 either the monk or verina?
Encore is going to be replaced even faster, lol. The pure standard DPS are usually the first to be outclassed.
Jianxin will probably have more life considering how fucking good and all-around her kit is. Verina will need several supports in order to be replaced.
These two options are better, imo.
I kek'd
you're absolutely right
also "genshin parkour pokemon edition" sums it up quite nicely
fps drops have gotten worse for me
There is no glossary in this game? Supplementary reading materials would have been better than having the characters turn into encyclopedia audiobooks for each cutscene
Uninstall and install it again, also use the launcher from the official page. I did that and the game now has no problems at all.
I'll E1 verina then since I have a feeling I'll need the heals more. Thanks
I think my waifu is Chixia because even if she is the ugliest one she's still decently cute but she also seems very fun to be around and I like her gun playstyle.
She's my favorite. She's not ugly, it's her hairstyle that sucks. Outside that I love her athletic body and she actually has the vest ass in the game. Gym skin when?
Same, I want Sephiroth because I like his archetype and I plan to get not-Vera when she drops. On the other hand Monk looks just like the YangYang and Baijhu and she has a voice I dislike, but I mean,
>Getting for a dude
>Not the cutest girl in the banner
So I'll probably end up getting Monk
She has cute freckles
I cannot forgive Jianxin's AI-generated bodysuitbeltcoat
>On PC game doesn't close/open properly and you need to use the task manager to sort it out
I have an AMD processor, older one too. I must have really won the lottery. Sorry to hear that people who spent thousands more than i did on my PC have issues. What a surreal thing to have happen.
Game is a fuckin dumpster fire on PC and mobile. My S21 is burning hot I could fry an egg on it, and this is on medium settings.
my buddy runs the game on a fucking S8 and they didnt give him this error wtf lmao
It was a stuttering mess tho
>everyone seething about nouns and chinese lore or whatever like it's impossible to understand
>try the game
>it's not difficult at all, everything makes sense

Did no gacha player in history ever read a book? Fucking hell this world is going to shit.
well done self reporting that you are a chink
I don't think it happens anymore, I just checked and I couldnt find anything of the sort on my task manager, what's supposed to be named?
You zoomer would have an aneurysm watching any anime like Giant Robo or Kingdom.
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Why did they introduce the plant loli in the story like that? Do they want to make my penis hard?
>Do they want to make my penis hard?
This is a gacha game
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It's immediately followed by the white haired bitch who's on the ground, talking about sucking you dry and showing her pits and side boobs. Hotdamn I'm almost at my limit.
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Female designs are too samey and boring as fuck. also there's no hebe characters boooo.
But the game gave me the two cunnies from the standard free pulls so I'll stay for a week or two I guess.
They can barely speak English at all
no please dont
no one wants hoyocucks so you can stay in your cuckshed
A book is more riveting and hurts my eyes less than this game desu
>chinaman tries to change subject after getting found out
It's just legit mental retardation at work.
>I like to eat slop because I'm not an ADHD zoomer heh...

Imagine saying this when WuWa is basically genshin clone. Of course it would attract oyohim fags
What's the trick for Chixia's achievement Handy Pistols II?
It says that kill with the charged shot within 1 meter but I can't figure it out the distance. Only made it 1 time but I can't again.
nigger you're playing a 1:1 copypaste job
Your kind literally dropped by the hoyo threads telling us to play this shit game's ok, I'm having fun star rail is better
didnt ask hoyocuck
stick to arguing about lesbians
You can only use the Dreamless with Rover-Havoc? What a bullshit decision.
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Got him and Verina before I finished my select banner; do I need Encore now? They were the only two I really wanted so I’m lost
It's worse than Star Rail, Genshin, PGR, Honkai, I daresay worse than Tower of Garbage
>It gets better after 80 hours bro, trust me
If ZZZ were to launch in the next 80 hours the game's playerbase would drop by 75%. Knew this stupid fucking company was going to rush a game that needed several more months, now we're left with a beta build for hoyo players to test before they move on to the next new thing
Wait what? It can't be used with Danjin?
Thankfully CN players see the "compensation" for what it is (bribe, distraction from the problems). Sad to see Western communities just fold the moment Kusogames gives out free stuff
Yeah those wise chinks that demanded harmful story rewrites.
Personally, I just like the gameplay of this game more. The combat is probably braindead when you look into it critically but at least is not as braindead as Genshin or PGR. Chixia especially has a very nice moveset to style with
>most downloaded game in over 100+ countries
game is a success actually wtf
>he think that 30 million pre-reg is all bot
Cmon dude. They better give some for celebration though.
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Chinks are unhinged incel freaks, fuck them
It is a free game I don't care bro

Game is asscheeks "I AM SCAR RESPECT MMEEEEE"
Also the voice acting is ass, man tower of fantasy solos in everything apart from graphics and presentation
>playing with retarded eng dub
It's your own fault
Also the game is ass, you get multiple choice questipns but tuey do nothing to the story
tower of fantasy ran like dogshit and it had all of the problems an MMO had with none of the upsides you'd get from an MMO lmao
I was seriously considering the 20 usd battle pass for the extra 3 standard wishes, but it's a trap.
Let's say you end up buying 10 passes in the long run, that's 100 usd extra only for 30 standard wishes in the end.

With those 100 usd you could've got 6480 lunites, and that's even without top-ups. This amount would be 40 standard wishes.
Just a food of thought for anyone that was considering that. I only have paid for the 5 usd lunite sub for now, though.
>tower of fantasy ran like dogshit
Ran fine on my old ass 20fe, I played it on my m1 ipad but the graphics looked so mid, I played it on my phone and the graphics being ass were easier to accept.
>the problems an MMO had with none of the upsides you'd get from an MMO
Babies first mmo, I've been playing those crappy mmos since I was 15 i think, I played blade and soul ans the first game I ever refunded on steam was black desert online.
There are no upsides to an mmo, they are just worse verions of single player games.
Your critisim could be applied can say that about every mmo, especailly mobile mmos.

Honestly the only thing bad about it is that you hit the paywall pretty quickly and the download takes ages.
Also the niggas who like mmos for being mmos or whatever are some of the weirdest folks, the mmo genre was never good, just play the game like it is a single player game. The only games that do the whole mmo shit right is probably fortnite and roblox, "game platforms" where you can be whoever you want and play other people's worlds/games.
The game progressively ran worse with every update, this was something noticed by most people in the threads around here.
>"MMOs were never good, only fortnite and roblox are"
Zoomer detected, good MMOs were mostly a product of their time though so I can't fault you for believing that. beyond saying that I pity you.
To be more specific about ToF lifting the shitty things out of MMOs, they had daily/weekly raids you had to gather people for.
How do I get Baizhi without pulling on the banner? Going for a no-pull account and I really need a healer. I thought you get her in the story.
Look anon, every single gacha "offer" is a scam, the best ones are like 100 usd to pull a character and a bunch of shit level up fodder weapons. This includes the "best" ones like Welkin and equivalents.

I would gladly just buy the new areas + characters as 20 dollars dlcs like every other fucking game if I could, but chinkonomics don't work that way apparently.
>The game progressively ran worse with every update, this was something noticed by most people in the threads around here.

Today after the update, the soundtrack stopped working for me.
It was shit, I'll probably not play it again until they fix it, I had the coolest boss fight in the game yet and it had no music playing
You do.
In the lab section they give you a single pull predetermined to give you Baizhi since it's the tutorial for the gacha system.
If you didn't pull that time then you're screwed, no-pull dummy.
>If you didn't pull that time then you're screwed, no-pull dummy.
Wrong. You can pull at any time and the first pull is always Baizhi. Doesn't have to be at the tutorial.
>Zoomer detected, good MMOs
Not really, I'm not aaying the games are good (I do like fortnite tho) they just did the whole social aspect 1000000000000000000x better than mmos which are mainly just singluar experiences but you can see other people do the same shit as you. In those games you can remove the players and it is the exact same experience, in fortnite and roblox though other players are detrimental to each map really.
>To be more specific about ToF lifting the shitty things out of MMOs, they had daily/weekly raids you had to gather people for.
To be expected for an mmo but that honestly doesn't mean much desu.
>The game progressively ran worse with every update,
Didn't feel that at all.
>the first pull is always Baizhi
I saw someone getting fucking Aalto for some reason
>You can pull at any time
Then that no-pull anon is stil screwed anyway
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Now that you guys mention it I was gonna buy the double currency +pass but already bought the lunite sub. It seems the negativity in purchasing shit here and /vg/, coupled with the 5-star artifact rerolling ala genshit which I quit that shit game for after 2 years. Knocked me up for a wake up call. I agree with the anon 20, no I would even pay 30 or 40 but that's a stretch to get the content every major update but chinese gonna chinese. Fuck these soulless bastards.
>New patch broke the BGM
Excellent time to throw on a random Breakcore playlist while I hunt down monster souls.
And they still haven't fixed the cut text in dialogues
Did your 15/15 enhanced drop rate reset?
Mine didn't, still at 8/15, and some others too. Fuck, man. This shit is buggy as hell.
its not supposed to reset
its a one time thing to help at the start
Yeah I just quit for today since this was really annoying.
It's weekly, anon.
no it isn't, bud
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>these niggas really named their game vulva
This is fucking up the final fight for a lot of people, and cutscenes too
Honestly I'm expecting another compensation for it
This game has no future. I'll explain why.
Today Kuro changed the famous onigiri Scar. They removed it because the chinks hated it and Kuro just bent the knee.

They already have done it before with Yinlin redesign, Yinglang quest and redesign, the Crownless cutscene removed, the 90% rewrite they did because chinks thought the waifus were being mean to us, etc.

If Kuro is willing to change such pitiful things like Scar suit because of the chinks, imagine what could happen in the future. A huge red flag, honestly.
My maebari Scar.... no....
Imagine constantly remaking your game because of bilibili chink shitposting. It'd be like listening to /vg/.
No different from Japanese and Koreans.
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Did the Chinese really hate it? I know they were schizoposting on official pages about Lingyang for a while, and now they're schizoposting about something in Jiyan's story quest. They were also raging about a line Yangyang said about frontline soldiers only needing to follow orders and it apparently got removed outright?
Yes, they did. I wonder what's the next thing Kuro will change/remove now.
Will they cater to the chinks about LingYang? That actually would be a huge blow to their reputation. I'm actually eager to see how they will fuck it up now.
Oh, and they do all of this meanwhile the game is still fucked. Like today with the audio issues.
You're forced to spend a free pull the game gives you on the standard banner (Tidal Chorus) which guarantees a Baizhi
So your little "challenge" ended up bricking yourself regardless thanks to you skipkekking the game
Game looks kind of cool, but I wouldn't have time for it.
They better not fuck with the Jiyan date
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I got 4 copies of these. Substats fucked me over with heavy attack hp and def. The only thing that I don't want Kuro to copy from genshin is the absolutely demonic artifact system. But noooo Kuro decided to be a nigger.
cant imagine working at kuro rn
i'd love to see a leakage of the onsite shitstorm if any
>newest optimisation gave me stutter and pop up
Great, now I have the PC Experience™ on my fucking phone.
What are the possible main and sub stats anyway?
Cost 4 Echoes have ATK as their second stat and can roll into:
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Healing Bonus

Cost 3 Echoes have ATK as their second stat at a lower amount and can roll into:
Elemental Bonus Damage (of any element regardless of the set)
Energy Regen

Cost 1 Echoes have HP as their second stat and can roll:
Did they fix the bgm yet?
This shit is even worse.
>you can't feed lower echoes to others
>need to level up them using a material, then use ANOTHER material for unlocking rng substats
Kuro really fucked it up with this shit.
Just be thankful it's not as much as a clusterfuck as it is to power up memories in PGR, jfc I got memed hard into playing that game when DMC gacha turned out to be shit, and yet I'm honestly realizing it was better
What main stat and sub stats am I supposed to look for in my Echoes? I really don't get it.
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>know I ought to save but he’s so cool
Convince me I don’t need him
Kek original reminds of those chink style 2 piece wet suits that look like you're putting on a diaper. Always a laugh to see them at dive sites.
He's hunkier xiao.
At this rate the game might go into indefinite maintenance at any moment, may as well roll
Do 20 pulls and see if your account is luckseeded to get an early on limited banners
If not save for Yinlin
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>tomorrow it will be already two days of same big issue
This has ruined the experience and quests for a lot of people.
Kuro is fucking dead.
On the topic of the bug. What's with the sound effects sounding like I'm in the middle of a storm? I have to mute the game because of this. Maybe Kuro should hire better devs with their 500 million. Holy shit.
The bug is showing in different ways for everyone.
For me, I lose the music and some sound effects. Others lose everything except the music.
You and others listen to a whole mess of sounds. And even some only listen to the start menu song.
It's a fucking disgusting mess.
How did they even manage to do that. Was that their "optimizing voice acting" patch?
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>the experience and quests for a lot of people.
WuWa streams have been refered to as "Shit eating watchparties" in CN. So make of that what you will.
shit made me think my pc was dying fucking hell kuro
Started playing on launch.
Got the beginner banner 5 star.
Got the apology free 5 star.
Got Jiyan.
Then dropped until they optimize this mess. Will come back once it becomes playable.
What does it mean when a banner is limited? I assume it means that specific character won't join the standard banner and will come back during events that might or might not happen. Because this is how limited banners usually work in other gacha games, not sure if it works here too.
Kinda weird to do make a limited banner at launch.
Almost everything is the same as genshin, so it works the same way. Don't think much about it.
What worries me is that it seems that Jiyan's character quest is time limited too. Unless I'm not understanding his page in the events.
I have not played Genshin, so I don't know how it works. I only played Arknights and Grandblue. Limited banners means those characters don't join the standard pool and the limited banners come back once a year at most. Is it the same in WuWa?
Yep. Just the 5 star though, the featured 4 stars join the regular pool immediately. Sometimes it’s not a whole year for reruns depending on the game and release schedule.
The first year, yes, because it was new and they kept pumping new characters. Eventually we had reruns of old limited characters.
And now we have dual banners, sometimes a new one + an old, sometimes two old limited. So far only 2 limited genshin characters have joined the standard in all these years.

So Jiyan will probably take some time to come back, same as Yinlin, etc. But they will have reruns.
>they fixed the BGM bug

Still gonna read a visual novel while I play though since the music in this game is awful.
Meme game
I am new to gacha game.
What does b5, c6, etc mean?
getting multiple copies of the same character give them powerups.
The music is the biggest letdown. Don't they know people only play PGR for the music
I gave up on this game, the fact that this game tries to pad itself out with nonsense side quests is shitty. At least make it somewhat relevant to the main plot.
That's why they're called sidequests. You know, like in every game where they're not related to the main plot.
>pick male rover
>regretted it
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50 pulls total btw
How far can I get with just 4*?
End of Act VI
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Weapons or characters? You get free 5* of both btw. This game is much more intuitive and your gameplay counts for more than in genshin. You could easily beat the whole game without pulling for anything. That said Verina makes it way smoother.
weapons and characters.
i really just want to challenge myself. i played a lot of gacha games and i just kept chasing the meta. looking for something different.
i mean, i will pull for 5* characters i like. but i probably wont even use them
The sidequests are better, I don't want to deal with anyone in the main plot...
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Sounds fun! I think it will be doable and enjoyable. I found Danjin really interesting but I probably won’t use her due to having a stacked team already; you should check her out!
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When does this expire? 5/21 was like 10 days ago. Unless it's next year?
In every other game you ain’t forced to do then, not in wan piss world seeker or Spider-Man, but here it is just mission after mission Of nonsense lol.
You must have a warped definition of sidequest
Shit that has nothing to the plot with dumb mini games to pad out the game. In all the other open world games I can skip that but with this one nah you can’t.
Wasn't a fan of the vagina zipper but I liked his bodysuit. Changing it to a separate shirt and pants looks really bad. The only male character I liked too. Oh well, dropped.
>Kuro leaked emails of the japs who applied for weapon gacha compensation

looks like this game's over in japan.
it didnt even hit top 10 grossing over there, it was already over from the start bro
Am I blind or is there no way to remember your email/password
>didn't do the bug where you could buy the 100 usd pack of astrites for 1 usd
>didn't do the bug where you could pull in the gacha without actually spending pulls
Fucking hell, man. Why the fuck I never get to see this shit earlier?
>>didn't do the bug where you could pull in the gacha without actually spending pulls
the hell is this
So I built Spectro Rover. But a lot of people are saying Havoc is better.
Did I fuck up by wasting resources on it?
Shit. Well, time to drop the game. It's been fun.
Back to Arknights, I guess.
Yeah I'll mainly stick to this thread. I'll take a look at the /vg/ one for any kind of news but I'll never participate in that shitfest.
Hoyofags don't have anything to do in their games, it was obvious they'd do once the game was out.
It logs me out when I exit from the game menu so I just close the window instead
>Jianxin on the first beginner banner
>Verina from the selector because apparently she's the best support
Who should I pick on the second beginner banner. My head says Calcharo because he's supposedly a good DPS but my heart and dick say Encore because cunny. Is she any good?
were are the "tiktok genshits" threads sister? did it not beat genshin? oh i forgot it went below arknights event
You're far away for home /gig/ sister. Got lost?
I used Encore for a while but I benched her. She makes good damage but her playstyle didn't click in the end for me.
Also, she kinda talks a lot while playing her.
Wish I had Encore. But too lazy to reroll. I got the punchy lady and Verina. I just want to collect lolis.
I had absolutely no idea how to use her during that mecha boss fight in part 4 of the story and I nearly died
Thankfully I had managed to roll the OP Jinyan but man I don't like learning characters on the fly like that when I also have to juggle hard boss mechanics

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