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This new update sucks ass
fuck my stupid club of dutches and poles. im NOT getting that Buzz skin.
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It's not a very good skin anyway.
>raise rank
>get more icons
tale as old as time
That's my last ranked drop of the season...
Can you actually unlock brawlers through starr drops? I never got one.
yeah but the chance for a legendary from the legendary drop is like 2.17%
an epic brawler is just fine for me
The Buzz skin would be better if once hypercharged You stayed as godzilla, Buzz's base model is ugly af

Team MechagodNita ftw
What if they made a brawler you could fuck
your Colette?
Oh, I think I got Mandy from one. Do you know where she is on the Starr Road?
Cant believe I have 100% wr on Frank in ranked. I picked him once to troll but Im actually winning.
Well think I’m finally done with the game, not really fun anymore hope you guys stay well and the game gets better
I cry
I hate getting paired with level 9 shitters like you. It should be level 11 only.
Mandy's ass candy...
You know I prefer the term level 9 GOD
ITT all retarded noobs
the level is the least of my problems in ranked
>check the store
>game crashes
I really needed to read this post, thank you.
It's an automatic disadvantage when you get paired with players that don't have maxed out players, and then go against a team that's all 11. Then you can't even exit out of the match knowing it's an inevitable loss because you deal with the retarded bans.
my level 10 Melodie works just fine. If your brawler doesn have a hypercharge and doesnt need few shots to kill (Piper, Bea,...) then its a non issue
Level 9s tend to not have their gadgets, which is a bigger issue than not having hypercharge
yeah but level 10 is completely fine in a lot of brawlers. Even level 9 on some supports
Nobody was complaining about 10s, and more times than not, the team with all 11s is going to beat the rag tag team that has 9s and 10s
>It's an automatic disadvantage when you get paired with players that don't have maxed out players
What's false about that statement?
>Nobody was complaining about 10s.
That statement includes 10s THOUGH
everything, being under level 11 doesn't equal a loss. not dodging enemy attacks and not landing your shots does. oh and hiding in the bushes when you should be pushing and up and attacking causes the most losses from my experience.
t. legend 1 in ranked and two R35 brawlers
It's an automatic disadvantage. Learn to read.
since this post I unlocked 2 brawlers with my 2 legendary starr drops. Grom and Edgar will get me some trophies to enter in better clubs
Hey the plant girl Lilith is pretty fun, i love playing classic metal gear tactics with her
Anyone else play the modded null stars too?
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major ass, hopefully cyberbrawl is better
No good drops in this megapig. Why even bother with them
I'm sorry what, there's barely any shape
Surge really does suck major donkey balls huh
Sounds like a skill issue
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here's a better angle
I could just
The IQ of randoms has dropped in the last year a lot.
No matter if I play at 800 trophies or 200 they are the same level of braindead.
It's almost unplayable, 8/10 games randoms either do nothing but go straight and die over and over again or hide half the game to make a play and then die.
It's weird because I look at their profiles and they have brawlers at 1000 trophies but literally will carry gems as Edgar ,jump and die on the other side of the map. I can only assume they just play showdown all day. If you have no friends to play with this game isn't really worth your time. I guess it varies a bit according to your region but still
Man i hope the seasons after cyberbrawl we get skins for brawlers like gale and otis (wouldn't mind if they are just rare skins)
I mean it's alright
Wouldn't have gotten legendary in ranked without my nigga Stu. He's underrated and versatile especially with silly modifiers
Hyper charge when
Stu is really hard to use
>Purchase brawl pass for the first time in a while
>"Unlock any brawler (up to Epic rarity)"
>My options were: Grom, Gale, Ash, Lola, Sam, Mandy, Maisie, Hank, Pearl, L&L and Angelo
>Gut reaction says the twin fags, they were broken like 2 months ago
>Look up recent tierlists
>Angelo is apparently S tier now
So I got him. Give it to me straight brawlbros, did I get scammed?
He's been S-tier ever since he got released. But it doesn't matter what tier he is if you can't aim.
God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He'll give you eternal life.
I thought so too until I realized tapping the super sends him whichever direction you're walking, not towards the bad guys
Fagelo is gonna get nerfed to shit next patch
tiers have always been for queers
you fucked up royally, out of all of those options pearl is by far the best brawler you could have gotten followed by gale or lola. the rest either straight up suck a lot of cock or require you to be a world champion just to be able to use em properly like fagelo.
why would he get a nerf when hes ass? plus 99% of fagelo users are using the jump gadget. Garbage players + garbage gadget = hes probably gonna get some buffs. god help us if they some how find a way to buff his wall shot gadget
Wait what? I didn’t know this either. No wonder I suck with Stu
Angelo isnt bad just because bronzies like you cant play him, also pearl is mid as fuck
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I just got one right now. Dunno if he’s amazing or anything though.
Couldn't care less what tier he is when he looks like an ugly faggot. Why would you want to play as him?
>t. Got Angelo for free
pearl is top 10, angelo is a slow single shot with no piercing, you are a retard.
hes way better then angelo thats for sure.
Angelo can indefinitely hold a 4.4k nuke creating infinite pressure, has a super he can get in two shots that heals him and allows him to apply even more pressure because you cant even chip him down, has very fast movement speed allowing him to dodge and avoid players a lot easier, and his jumping gadget is a get out of jail free card that also allows him to do cheesy shit like pass to himself in brawl ball. Everyone agrees that he’s one of the best, if not THE best, brawlers in the game and is extremely busted. Pearl still has to wait to charge her damage, has a nerfed to shit gadget, and isnt nearly as tanky as she once was. She’s only really good for knockout.
why does everyone hates edgar? He's so weak, i have tried pushing someone to high rank for first time and thought "edgar is easy right?". He isn't. So much gadgers counter him and he gets countered if he jumps anyone who's not alone most of the time. Can you guys give tips? I'm oldfag and have him on golden 1 but i can't push him further than 930
>indefinitely hold
thats all he really can do
>4.4k nuke
doesn't one shot anyone relevant with out poison. can only shoot 1 shot like this every few seconds, after he shoots he has to run back/get assistance from team or he dies.
>has super that heals him and allows him to apply pressure because you cant even chip him down
this is how i know your a retard hard stuck in diamond.
>his jumping gadget is a get out of jail free card that also allows him to do cheesy shit like pass to himself in brawl ball
and thats ass compared to one shoting someone through a wall, by running jump gadget you automatically make confirming your kills a million times harder. its just like trash emz users running the push over the wall shot.
>Pearl still has to wait to charge her damage
if this is what your doing your playing her incorrectly, shes supposed to be putting rounds down range in the enemies direction, unlike fagelo, Pearl actually applies real pressure on opposing teams.
>has a nerfed to shit gadget
gee i wonder why it was nerfed.
>and isnt nearly as tanky as she once was. She’s only really good for knockout.
skill issue, pearl can be used in any map and any mode.
Collette fucking sucks, and no I don't have bad aim. I got her hypercharge out of a starr drop and it doesn't feel worth it to upgrade her past power level 7. is she okay at level 11? She can't finish people off as far as I can tell. Is she only good in heist?
You just suck.
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I would agree with you, if she was still like her day 1 release
1v1 me faggot you won't
I bet your favorite brawler is Shelly because you're special needs
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>Collette fucking sucks
Yeah my stinky wifey sucks me, but that is none of your business, you can't even spell her name properly
lol SquadBusters is fucking dead :D
What's the best thing to spend gems on if you don't care about cosmetics? This '3300 credits for 199 gems' popped up in my shop and it got me thinking. Also, the upcoming legendary tier on my starr road is off 50% as well.
Right now it would mean that I unlock
>Mortis or Gene for 996 credits
then with the leftover credits I get to choose from
>Crow, Spike and Sandy for 1900 credits
and still have 404 towards
>Gale, Grom or Hank
So TLDR for 199 gems I would get a mythic and a legendary brawler and half an epic one. Is it worth it or should I keep saving my gems for hypercharges and stuff?
I'm really tired of this never-ending season
The best value is buying new hypercharges with gems whenever they put a new batch in the shop. It's basically 5,000 gold for 79 gems.
It's absolutely a skill issue. Surge is very strong, but weak players will continuously die at level 1.

How good is your aim? Because he's harder to use well than colt.
He's super if you have teamates that arent idiots, and fun for trolling. You generally can't dominate a game with him though.
They hate him because he's an emo dickwad. He's pretty much better on team games now.

She's mostly a tank counter pick outside heist.. And she's fucking terrible at 1v1. You're misssing the fucking point. Safely grab gems, ect, ect.

do you need new brawlers? Is your power league team good enough?
Right now I have Bull, Max, Poco maxed out.
I feel like I'm covered in the support/healer and the tank/melee department and I'm looking for someone with long range to add to my ranked roster.
I don't really like lobbers, so more along the lines of Piper/Brock/Bea/Belle.
I ended up not going for the credits because as long as I keep playing eventually I'll unlock everyone, and really nothing beats getting a HC for only 79 gems.
>terrible at 1v1
smells like a hard stuck diamond retard to me
I'd hate to be matched up with you in ranked
Whom do you suggest I pick up? Or how should I go about building a ranked roster?
I'm really having a hard time telling who's good and who's not and these tier lists seem to be turning upside down every month.
Still pretty far away, but feels nice to actually hope for more credits for a change.
Cat nerf when? I just played a solo showdown with 5 of them. I know he's not as good in 3v3 but he's game breaking in solo and duo showdown
cat sucks, you suck if you cant kill cat or think hes broken. hes mortis tier in showdown
10 bastard cats activating their super around the same time against each other
You are not smart,you are not a good player,you are just a retard who is parroting the same reddit shit,no faggot you wouldn't survive against a 4 powercube kit,especially if it uses box so don't shit up the thread you autistic fucking clown
Have you tried getting good?
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Let's see them. I'm a shitter and I'm not afraid to admit it.

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Help me choose which character should i max out next, basically anyone below rank 19
I'm a big fan of Griff and Nani.
Your core is good enough. Since you don't love anyone enouhg that you're asking us, here's what I'd do.

All the legendaries.

And then key unusual othersm

>censored trophy count
The problem with kit is the same problem with charlie and cordileus. Aka they have stun that isn't balanced at all. Kit can finish you off after dealing a shit load of damage,charlie super is basically a second respawn timer, and Cordelius gadget is a free kill and getaway card. Its seriously annoying to do nothing but watch yourself getting fucked.
am i dumb for thinking that Draco's cute?
Angelo, Emz, Gale, Barley, Frank, and Piper are confirmed to be getting hypercharges next update
Kit is the most broken brawler in the game right now, no real counters. He’s an amazing assassin that can lock people down and also has an overpowered support super that creates a shit ton of cheese comps with tanks like draco so that literally never die. The cat is a fucking abortion of a brawler who never should have been added, they should revert his rework at the very least but i know that faggot adrian wont do shit
Based PrimoGOD
They should just make it where kit super jumps far but just do abit of damage without the stun. Now he has plenty of counters and not so ass to fight against. Literally fixes the major problem with him and you could change his powercube sp into a runaway sp so he can get away more easily but still killable
why tho
Pride month
Frank hypercharge idea: super hits everything include brawlers who are in the air, it has 25% extra radius and he is immune to cc while using it.
>bibi that high
I wouldn’t wish trophy pushing with Bibi on anyone
>angelo gets HC despite being like 1.5 months old
>my nigga poco quietly sobs in the corner
He's very easy to kill. I think you guys genuinely just suck.
What is the best gadget for mushroom guy?
>He's very easy to kill.
You play as kit and you're trash with him, that's why you think this
>projecting this hard
I do not play the cat. He is very easy to kill. If you are regularly taken out by the cat, sounds like you might be trash.
I have played him and he is only easy to kill if allies are paying attention or out heal the damage. Even that can be hard to do if kits friends join in. Kit is simply too good in 1v1 which why he sucks to fight in showdown. If you still think that's easy to deal with than you either too good at this game or you only play brawlers that counter him.
Skill issue
Amber's ice skin wrecks my frame rate every time. How is this allowed?
This but Draco
Fang is so overpowered how have they not nerfed him yet
someones a big dumb dumb
He is overpowered as fuck. Why do you think he has a high pick rate?
Bet you also think Edgar is overpowered
Okay than what's the counters to kit's super?
His shield gadget definitely is
>20 star drops
>90% rare with a few super rares and a one pitty epic
What a trash pig
Being a tank and killing him once he fails to kill me.
>playing a tank
Worth building?
Please tell me thats not all?
What more do you need?
Because thats not gonna solve the skill issue. Yes being a tank is a counter but it doesn't solve the skill issue when fighting as other kinds of brawlers.
Rumor has it she’s getting another rework soon, i would wait for the next update
Isnt it frank getting the rework?
The thumbs up event showed her attack and stats being different than what they currently are now, i think theyre gimping her range because she countered Adrian’s favorite class (snipers) too hard
any summon ability like pennys mortor or mr ps super counters kit when he jumps on you. other then that you either avoid his jump with an iframe ability or you just take the super then kill kit when his super ends. every brawler in the game has a cheese strat specifically for countering kit, just got to figure out what that specific strat is for what ever brawler your playing.
in 3v3 vs enemy kit, that team is fucked cus kit sucks, if your losing your a retard who needs to kill him self. in duels kit sucks hes worse then mortis. Sd is the only mode where kit could be an issue but thats because he can go invisible and invisibility in sd is busted af cus of how that mode mechanically operates
shes a good choice but if you dont have spike at p11 first then wtf are you doing?
She counters snipers?
>pennys mortor
Stopped reading right there, fuck off ESL shitter
yea so how it works mr diamond bitch, you drop her mortor as kit jumps on you, the mortar shoots kit while kits on top of you, then you kill kit as soon as kits super ends. this is how its done every time with penny. every character has a cheese or two vs kit, kit sucks. you think he doesnt? your clearly noob
her range is like half way accross the screen and wide af so yea she counters snipers
Nah she was from a starr drop, I picked Leon first and will either do Spike or maybe Sandy next
Spike isnt good anymore since last balance patch, theyd rather nerf him than the op faggot fly
You sound like you're 12
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I got him from the legendary starr drops
spikes the best brawler in the game by far
Bad bait
Should I unlock Sandy or Draco with my credits?
I just got Sprout's hypercharge from a leggy star drop, should I max him out? What is his best loadout?
>a skin I'll never use
>2000 credits
>Gene's hypercharge
>Kit's gadget
Oh I hate this
I’d personally choose whoever’s more fun. In my cause it’d be Sandy
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Brawl Talk tomorrow
Adrian has completely and utterly destroyed the game with his biased and shit balancing, the game is a shattered husk of what it was. Its time to abandon this sinking shit ship
I got three skins fuck you
The new brawlers are either giga broken or shit, usually broken at release then shit for like a year straight
>open the 5 free legendaries
>get shitty max skin
>get primo's hypercharge
>get gale
>get chuck
>get funny mushroom guy

holy bad luck shelock, and it was all on a F2P account
Which is the most fuckable brawler?
How good is Edgar?
two retarded noobs here.
dracos way better then sandy don't listen to these noobs, the man can super from spawn and push most of the roster back to their spawn all on his own. unlike all of the other characters kit could jump on, kit on draco is actually a threat.
underrated if you play him correctly or complete useless trash if you play him like 99% of other edgars. your not supposed to sit idle til you get super, your supposed to play him like any other melee character. push up > dodge shots > kill enemies. if you can do this decently with edgar then it means your probably really good with other melees and should pick them over him, like bibi, primo and even Doug. Doug is so broken once you understand how to actually use him. i pushed legend 2 with Doug only, its not that hard once you know how to play him.
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These two.
Dont listen to this idiot, just look up a tier list on youtube to know who’s good
never seen a tier list that has ever reflected reality try again diamond bro
So, megaboxes are back
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Thoughts on the brawl talk?
Pretty cool designs, the candyland trio basically became my top favorite with the edition of berry.
Some of the new hypers seemed actually useful.
I like the Frank chance, wanna rock that undead knight skin of his more.
Amber love
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>Not-Splatoon season
What other not-game season would you guys want?
Berry kinda hot no homo
Not-DbD for halloween
>Candykino is back
>Chester buff
>Frank buff
I'm ok with it
I say autumn inspired season with brawlers in more casual wear and turkey spike/squeak.
Fuck me i miss read it
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pretty good. really looking forward to splatoons. sucks it has to be in august though

brawlers are kinda mid

good re design for frank
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Balance changes.
>Draco already completely neutered
Draco's strong point is his gadget, otherwise he's mid
>op brawlers will still be op
>rico not nerfed nearly enough for how op he’ll be with hc
>spider nerfed AGAIN
>mandy shooting her braindead yolo super everywhere
We waited two months for this?
facts on one point
if you do ok as edgar you would probably do better with other melee brawlers (for the hell of it im gonna play edgar for a while, i got to get past the noob ranks first though)
aw sweet janet buff
i use her a fair amount so this is neat
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Leveling up brawlers is so hard man. Frank's hypercharge will save my account.
Clash Heroes is officially dead, but they're working on a similar PvE co-op game tentatively named Project R.I.S.E.

>40 damage
yeah nice buff nerd
Berry sneak peeks are out. Seems pretty strong.
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Need to work on my girl Bea more.
You are a paypig lol
I've been playing when Colette was the newest Bawler? It's been four years.
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New maps.
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What brawler has pissed you off the longest? For me it’s this little shit. He genuinely angers me more than any other brawler. More then kit, edgar, whoever.
Piper was never fair.
I say dynamike especially since he can do anything with out any cost.
Maintenance is finally over and the update is out. Which hypercharges should I buy? I have enough gems for three.
Emz and rico are a must, they benefit greatly from their hypercharge. The third one can be for whoever except frank, despite the rework and hypercharge he still sucks ass
Jessie or Leon
I think people are underestimating the piper one. The main thing about it is not the extra mines, but the quick primo-like jump that destroys walls and knocks back enemies. You actually get to use her super to aggro people in knockout/wipeout/bounty. Her hyper charges in about 6.5 max range shots, which isn't too bad either.
So how are new players supposed to ever catch up to all the brawlers? Is it literally impossible now without paying ? I made my account in 2020 and have all the brawlers but there are so many now I don't think even getting all of them if your account is relatively new
That being said there's literally no endgame content for old players
Do you really need all brawlers? The game still lets you choose which brawlers you want.
Not really,I myself only play with the same 10 brawlers all the time. I do believe the game is more fun now than what it was in 2021 or so, I guess I just feel bad for new players that will never ever get all the brawlers without paying
But they have changed how progression works so many times that who knows maybe some day they will
>not using pipers super to agro the whole time anyway
I feel like such shit for using Lily now, she used to be my favorite
Tentacle Bonnie can be bought in the catalog for bling rn, if you want the skin hurry before they patch it
lmao Im playing Frank and Im getting aids what is this shit, he is bit overtuned.
Brand new skin for the onahole, nice
I hope you're not filthy newfags.
he is balanced because he is literally bugged, sometimes his attacks dont go out
im loving the huge nerf they gave to meg, shes never been easier to kill before. and lmfao at all the franks im seeing today to, yea he got way better no question but hes still very easy and most ppl still suck big donkey dong using him
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How many hyper charges do you have in total? I'm sitting at 28.
About like 13?
I don't understand Lou's hypothermia gadget. Are opponents' attacks worth half as much or do they lose half their HP? Should I go with this gadget?
>when the hypercharged frank super hits 3
>t. Edgar babby
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I don't get why people are mad about Mandy being goofy in the animation, let the girl have fun
I love how you barely get punished for trolling. Thumbs down? we are not winning this one then.
You punish yourself by wasting time.
Im wasting less time overall, those games are usually not winnable.
I think it's because Mandy was supposed to be the "serious boss" to counter Chester's "slacker employee".
if they report you in ranked, you might get a timeout fast. Not that it matters, it usually doesn't last much and who cares anyways, I'd rather my teammates mald
Berry seems kinda mid so far
ESL detected
>whining about edgar
rank 24 max detected
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Bull is my first R25 boys. Lets go
>ESL detected
time to stop posting and start lurking, newfag.
>new brawlers get nerfed
>the pay pigs just switch to Lily
F2P bros...
just invest in shit brawlers. My frankcoin went to the moon and I soon expect the same with darryl.
Pushing trophies is kinda pointless at the moment. Ranked allows you to ban and draft and gives you free shit while trophies give you nothing
Small Frank and Lily nerfs and a decent Angelo buff.
The balance team is genuinely retarded
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It's almost unfair how underrated she is, i can somewhat understand brawlers like Ash or Darryl being forgotten (relating to gameplay, design, balancing etc) but she's just really cool overall and yet i rarely see her in games
Ugliest, worst character design in the game
But enough about Fagelo
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No. You need a solid team for ranked, and some flexibility for meta chagnges. that can be done with a dozen.

luck of the star drops getting them expensive shit.
2024 player here, why the fuck does hypercharge exist exactly? My entire team should not be dying to a shit tier brawler like Edgar because he’s moving faster then fucking Max. It’s like they added this for retards or something.
Its fun gameplaywise. The fuck it we ball playstyle just gets my dopamine going.
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are edgar and colette bros?
But enough about Max
to make the game more PTW without something as traumatic as increasing everyone's level.
Remember to log in here at the start of every new season for free 10 gems.
hyper charges dont make one bit of a difference, i only pop em for speed boost
Max is cute tho?
not even close, shes on bea tier of fugglyness
Imagine being this gay
not tf2. I still remember when frank @ tf2 on twitter asking if they are interested in collab. I fucking hate line stickers skins
nope, you can tell by her default animation that this smuggy bitchy brat is asking for rape correction
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>Are Edgar and Colette bros?
No, they confirmed them to be good friends/workers at the gift shop
Max has no feminine features whatsoever. Just a weirdly androgynous addition to the game with a giant head
Yeah she is a cute tomboy
what is the fucking deal with knockout 5v5?
>4 power anyone not tank
>4 power angelo
>angelo oneshots
So these power ups aren't balanced? It's more dmg than being just equal % of hp and dmg?
Just finished pushing my monkey to 1k, never playing this shitty character ever again.
It's a high-skill mode and you're playing with shitters.
>high-skill mode
just use mico retard
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would you rather we get another generic kpop singer instead? She by far has the most interesting character design amongst the other female brawlers.
my mommy melodie isn't generic, she can manhandle me
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DAMN imagine just...
Imagine kissing her and getting all her amphibious fluid all over your face.
I would smooch if she didn't have lipstick.
You dont have to worry, those are her wet fish lips

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