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Penacony is ______ than the Xianzhou Luofu
Robin is a lesbian queen
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It introduced Hanunue and confirmed furries will play a prominent role in the story
That "Jepella Brotherhood" rebellion wasn't just some throwaway trailer noncanon event it's actually way more important than anyone thought and it shows the Nameless play a role in overthrowing the IPC in the future

Far better plot developments than "le evil destruction lord ravagers were the scooby doo villians this time!" on Plotfluffu
opinion discarded
Production values are better
Hallways are better
Bosses are better
Swapping to different character POVs were handled better

Ending every other scene on a cliffhanger is not good writing
Throwing meaningful scenes out of order for the sake of it like Mikhail's departure in the middle of a fucking conversation with Sunday is also not good writing
Acting like Firefly is the one true waifu right after meeting her so you'd feel bad when she gets stabbed is so transparent goddamn these writers really are the worst, maybe Penacony isn't that good after all
>5 minutes ago...
Opinion discarded
unironically kys
Jesus fucking Christ levelling up the clockie statue is fucking torture
Just give me the eidolons for Harmony MC already
They're going to be like Duke Inferno and not have ingame models
Tired of searching for chests? Good news, Topaz(and numby) is currently on rate up!
She can act as your treasure compass so you don't have to buy a second monitor just to look at the interactive map.
You can get her from the lowest price of 1(one) pull!
Did you seriously unironically like the Luofu slopstory???
Stop skipping the sidequests
The sidequests are tedious slop
I don't give a shit about no name NPC's argument with their manager
It's just as bad but at least it didn't pretend.
Where the fuck are you expecting to get clockie bucks from then
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my ass
Well that's stupid since they are overwhelmingly more engaging than the main story.
>bro herpes is so much better than AIDS
What do you even like in this game?
Penacony is unnecessarily convoluted than the Xianzhou Luofu
I liked Luofu's quest, it's practically a climax where the stakes get higher and higher until the grand finale, it doesn't have a sophisticated plot but is probably just a prologue to the story of Xianzhou.
I agree with almost everything but Penacony has several flaws:
Unlike Jarilo VI and Luofu, the nameless in Penacony are just pawns in a bigger game, so much so that they couldn't even discover the Watchmaker's secret on their own.
In a world of dreams the only areas are a city, a hotel and some studios, with an idea like this the possibilities are endless.
The POVs aren't bad but I would have preferred Himeko or Welt's POV while they investigated, Kakavasha is interesting but too much time is spent on him.
Too obvious that Sunday would be the final boss.
Repetitive, some things are said and shown too many times, rather than a narrative style it seems to be a way to make the quest last as long as possible.
Boring dialogues, the characters seem like walking encyclopedias rather than people in some cases.
The current event proves that Penacony's past is interesting but ultimately the only way to experience it is through a rather boring minigame. It would be nice to be able to experience firsthand the events that led to today's Penacony and perhaps be able to interact with the three nameless from the past.
Regarding Firefly, it would be better if she and SAM are two separate characters.
>it would be better if she and SAM are two separate characters
Can't agree more. Her presence felt like last minute decision from elysiadev just to satisfy his self-masturbatory dyke fantasy.
The other reason is that i'm pretty sure glamoth iron cavalry got their own backstory about them being a bunch of genetically engineered supersoldiers to counter the swarm disaster or something yet it looks like that her being selfish led her to ran away from any of this due space cancer and took refuge in stellaron hunters until elio told her that she'll die three times in penacony and she...did just that.
Next patch would probably be all about her but man the setup is already a fucking mess.
The Clockie minigames were novel in 2.0 but man am I tired of them.
take me back to belobog please
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Who in the fuck would try to argue otherwise?
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March confirmed a Memokeeper?
I wonder what path the alt version of March will be (and what element).
IIRC the devs said she'd be like the Trailblazer and be swappable via the menu and not a separate banner character like DHIL
shit game by shit company
It would be dumb if she's not still ice. That's her thing.
have you met the honkai devs before
Nothing stopping them from being consistent but if they decided to be an asshole(like they usually do) then so be it.
She'll be fire with a freeze gimmick
She'll be ice but she'll apply a unique frost burn dot
Won the coin toss on Robin but im pretty sure I cant get Boothill.
Saving for Jade anyways so she can step on me and then feed me to a snake
people have been jerking off super break since HMC released but it doesn't seem that good compared to a real dps team?
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just what I needed for Robin
I'm glad we could talk no jutsu Argenti, I was NOT looking forward to fighting him again
he's so easy though
I used Argenti to sweep Argenti
when's the next ruan mei rerun...
Next update, same phase as FF, usual dick move by hoyo
FF seems mid as fuck though
Break based characters are easier to build, i'll take it over any critfuckery anytime.
I hope FF's breaks are better than HMC
People jerked off super break as being hyperbloom tier but it's kinda shit
She still wants HMC to perform better. I agree that super break is overhyped outside of img/qua boss contents as of now since xueyi is the only enabler for the team and she's ass until e6.
With firefly's weakness implant, she'll have synergy with gallagher so i'd expect the break requirement to be easier with her in the future unless they fuck her up with no weakness enemies.
Do we have the numbers on how much worse a super break team with a sustain that isn't Gallagher?
Lightning is the best element.
The majong girl is extremely funny to play. The ghost squad had more sovl than any main story
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I liked the Luofu side-story areas
best girl
For sure the business was also very fun. Actually impressive how both these stories were much more engaging than the main one

She won me over. Tail was cool too. And the side quest of a possessed qingque using gasha technique was fun too
So is Boothill good or should I just wait for FF to get a super break enjoyer?
She was great, I hope she runs on a banner soon.
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It's sad that Jade is getting Topaz'd in the beta.
Completely ignored in favour of the dev's waifu of the month.
very good actually, definitely competing with her on some level going to really shine in the new single-target mode

Jade's in a rough spot even without FF, she NEEDS e1s1 or she's just gonna suck and be a liability in most comps, really doing her dirty
He's more ST oriented, so he might be better for the new mode, but she has blast damage and will be better in multi target scenarios. It's genuinely a roll for who you like scenario. Personally I'm getting them both.
I'm conflicted because Boothill's a fun guy but SAM is a mecha, but he's kind of let down by Firefly being part of the character.
Going by his LC Boothill is basically a mecha as well if that helps
In that case i prefer screwllum. Human face just won't cut it.
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>play hsr
lost my first ever 50/50 to bailu, then started winning them
>get argenti as my first guaranteed, then win on ruan mei, then win again on acheron
>play snowbreak
>won my first 50/50 on chen, then lost the ones after
>actually spent on snowbreak, and the times i lost 50/50 were for characters i'd have bought skins for
>don't spend on hsr
just now:
>was sure i was gonna lose 50/50 now
>basically came to terms with it
>himeko is my most wanted (even more than the limited)
>actually 'lose' 50/50 on boothill and get himeko?
Wtf? Even when I lose, I win. It's like they reaaaaally want me to play the game actively again
>wine robot's "attacks" don't trigger Clara's counter
Well fuck you too
I don't even know what they do
Instant DoT application
A perfect counter for counter team i'd say.
Myhoyos lazy ass really shot itself in the foot by not having Duke Inferno playable, its way easier to put him in when its turn based
They are not lazy, every move Hoyo makes is designed to maximize profit at the expense of what could be cool or fun, just think of Sigewinne or even SAM.
who is the best support for Kafka/Black Swan?
This might be a stupid question but...

I currently use Collapsing Sky S6 and recently got Under the blue Sky S1 and will get On the fall of an Aeon as soon as I can. Since CS passive is maxed out, is it worth switching to UtBS for higher base stats or do I risk losing too much damage?
Uhh who are you using it for? As for the question, base stat>effect most of the time.
What character are we talking about
Clara E0 and TB but I don't use him anymore
Ruan Mei I guess
Yea just switch, it doesn't do much for them.
Just finished the 2.2 main quest. That ending was great.
I dunno man I mean the Chinese come in to save to the day and everything is dandy? Felt kind of flat to be honest, lots of loose ends too. Atleast we're getting not-Japan next
>Space Inazuma
Oh god no, Star Rail's writing wasn't great to begin with...
That was the only sour note, but the entire segment leading up to the Charmony Festival, the nested dream leading to the reprise of Acheron's introduction, and the battle with Sunday were all great.
ruan mei won't share banners with firefly, right? the chinese wouldn't do that to me,right?
To be clear, the stellaron was what let Sunday turn into Dominicus right? Or is that unrelated and we're probably dealing with the stellaron next update? And is the train attack we use in the boss fight the actual astral express or something else?
Audiovisual porn, nothing else.
It was the pact with the Order.
We're going back to notchina first, then notjapan next.
There's a rumor about tingyun alt.
That was nonsense lmao but anything can happen within a dream.
I'm pretty sure it was the Stellaron, as per the conversation with Gopher earlier. And the train attack seemed to be a manifestation of the idea of Trailblazing itself, and a weaponization of what they were talking about in the lobby shortly beforehand. My personal theory is that, similar to Sunday tapping into Ena, the Astral Express crew somehow tapped into Akivili.
>the Chinese come in to save to the day
bwo that was a dream
The ending isn't bad, just like the whole 2.0 quest which laid the foundations for an interesting plot, Penacony's problem lies in 2.1 and in much of 2.2.
Penacony had too much filler, too much Acheron wanking, and too much Inception inspiration
I exaggerate, but Penacony seems to be a huge advertisement for new characters sometimes. I still find it absurd that Himeko did almost nothing, considering this is the first main quest with her, even the Trailbalzer did almost nothing. If this is the direction they want to take with the next main quests, it doesn't seem like a good thing to me.
Technically Himeko was the negotiator of the crew for most of the interactions in Penacony, but it is true that they ended up being pushed around by everyone else's subterfuge regardless of what they did.
I think if they cut out Adventurine's backstory then things would have been much better. Leave that sob story for his character quest rather than putting it into the archon quest
feels like they tried to cut out character quests entirely with this whole perspective shift thing, but I'm not sure exactly how successful it was. character quests like Dan, Sushang and Luocha's romp through the shipyard used to fill the same niche but I guess they didn't like it being separated into its own thing, or they felt the information we got was too important to the current plot I don't really think it was or, more likely, they didn't have enough things going on to fill out the patch story without this being thrown in
>more likely, they didn't have enough things going on to fill out the patch story without this being thrown in
Yeah, that's probably what it was. That patch's quest would have been real short if you cut out the bit where you chase the child version around
It does feel like they wanted to get experimental with the perspective shifts and ended up going too hard on it.
I actually didn't mind Aventurine's stuff, but it does make it feel like character quests/advertisements being made part of the main storyline when the characters fuck off immediately after for the rest of the plot like he did.
Finally free from relic limbo, AMA
Post your rizz bruh
I did enjoy 2.1 more than 2.2 personally, but yeah, all that he did after the black hole getting offscreen'd in favor of things like the scorchsand filler definitely felt bad. Star Rail being a gacha game definitely limits the scope of the writing since they need to shill the characters in the patch which can make the narrative feel disjointed.
Yunli tummy uuuooohhh
What do you guys think about Yunli? Are you going to pull for her?
Looks nice, but depends on character and kit specifics and stuff, and what the general is like since I might want her more.
idk what is her kit
Maybe, thing is I need another good sustain more than a damage dealer post Firefly so I might just wait for a huohuo rerun.
Very tired of chink characters.
>Physical Destruction
>some sort of hybrid of Blade+Clara
>actually a cute design
I will wait for full kits before I offer judgement but I'm intrigued, but I'm also far more interested in Feixiao just off of what I've heard so she has stiff competition

boy do I have bad news for you, it's time to go back to Space China real soon
Leaker who predicted her being first and her path/element claims some sort of break effect healer in 2.5, so may want to see if that gets dripped or leaked further before/during Huohuo.
Ooh neat, the team I need a healer for is break focused anyway so that'd be great, thanks for the info please be a girl healer
We need more ice characters
Yanqing is so lucky...
Stop playing Chinese games.
So what is the consensus on Boothill now that he's been out for a while?
Is he a good pull?
I regret choosing stelle
I'm glad i picked stelle
genuinely very good, his single target damage is absolutely nutty and he works well even on a budget, really strong for MoC and going to be even stronger for the new mode which is fully built for single target

people will tell you "oh, but he needs RM" but I can say from experience you can slap a Bronya in with him and he'll be just fine
Her design is better than all of penacony characters
go to bed, xi
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>not a shota
Still rolling but he looks like a 4 star character.....................
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It's a Firefox
So is he a 5* version of little Gui?
From the current leaks, he's more of a pela upgrade. Kinda does more but with lower numbers.
A second Pela would be alright I guess.
Does Topaz want an ATK or Fire Damage orb?
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Definitely March
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damn they really don't want you to pull on the second banner
I truly do not care if Sparkle blows up Penacony
I wish she blew up the luofu instead
Will she be free like the TB or is she like Dan Heng?
In my opinion it's worse, they treat players who are interested in the second phase in a terrible way, as if it were a fault not to be interested in FF, the same thing happened in this update too... Luka E4 and Hook and I don't know what to with them.
It would be more interesting if it was Brother Hanu who blew up Penacony
There would always be other not-china ships left.
as far as we know, free like TB, it's a path switch like theirs, not an entirely new character
Should I pull rry pulling boothill? I really wanted aventurine and robin but didnt get them (started playing right before aventurine's banner ended).
Also whats the best time to warp? Should I track my warps and stuff?
Try pulling*
as a Boothill enjoyer I can only say good things about him but it depends on your roster and your needs

he's a single target specialist so he's going to be usable anywhere that isn't PF, his best supports are ones that boost his Break Damage and HMC is free but he really wants either Ruan Mei or Bronya, and Gallagher outpaces all of his other sustain options, so at least having him would be good for him, preferably with a few eidolon levels

if you're lacking a few pieces I would say it's not entirely worth it, but he's very strong on his own

>what's the best time to warp?
honestly up to you, the best case scenario is pulling for things that all kinda slot together nicely so you get competent team setups, but that depends on your roster, tracking your warps is fine, I use starrailstation for it and it will be nice to make sure you know when you're rolling with 50/50's and when you're guaranteed
Fact is, I don't have many support characters. I just have Asta and Hanya (not yet Yukong). As for dps im doing fine with Himeko and Ratio, thats why I havent warped for him yet. Should I atp just try getting Bronya from the standard warp and wait for Ruan Mei?
I had a feeling your roster was a bit sparse, if you had started so recently, but you're in a good position to improve at the very least, Bronya is generally a good pick from the standard 300 freebie and Ruan Mei is literally next patch and she's good for basically ANY setup so you don't lose by going after her, but therein lies the question of whether to go for Boothill now, or wait and go for Firefly, as they fulfill the same meta and quite frankly FF"s banner is way better

answer me this, though, do you think you have enough pulls to get both FF and Ruan Mei? Cause if so, that might benefit you more unless you just really like Boothill (and I would extend the same to the question of Boothill/Ruan Mei, as he obviously likes her too, so it applies her as well)
I dont think I'll be able to have enough pulls for 2 characters. RN I have about 50 pulls, I could easily farm for other 40 pulls in the next weeks, thus getting at least 1 5s*. Chances rn arent good tho, I pulled bailu from the standards like 5 or 6 days ago
>not yet Yukong
I can't believe Yukong is getting Kaveh'd
Reminder to never use jades for the standard banner, just use the free tickets for those.
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babe wake up
time for new March 7th
aiyaa now we only need chinese welt and himeko
astral express more like aliexpress la
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my wife is cute! CUTE!
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you will enjoy 5 patches of luofu content, gweilo
This looks cursed asf
>Gets skins for every planet festival
March 8th's gameplay will be FFX-2
At least this March skin will actually be playable unlike the last one
I really hope that not all of those silhouettes are 5 stars or that at least they aren't all being run back to back now.
I don't despise the Xianzhou stuff on principle but I'm going to lose my mind if we get 3 unbroken patches of their characters while Screwllum is still in limbo and there's zero signs of the everflame gang.
I assumed the ones with blue text were 4*s
>instead of Duke Inferno we a billion kemono furries 5 stars
Lazy ass Mihomo
From the preliminary leaks it seems we'll get maybe 1 and a half patches, 2.5's 2nd half 5 star is supposed to be Rappa the Galaxy Ranger who is Imaginary Erudition so maybe they'll break up the ceremony to hunt someone down or something
The first half of 2.5 has the break effect healer so it could be Huiayan or Lingsha, don't think Moze will be a 5 star
The whole Tingyun alt in 2.7 will probably decide for sure though if it's supposedly real. And we don't know if there's a 2.6 yet either or any characters from there so it's all speculation

I'm really excited for Moze honestly, he seems to be the coolest one teased. Hope they actually lean into the animal theming for him and he's not just "stoic serious weirdo" like Kujo Sara in Genshin.
I'll never stop being upset over what they did to Sara.
>Hope they actually lean into the animal theming for him
Meaning he should randomly stand on one leg and go "CAWWWW"?
that would unironically be kino
kek so glad i quit this shit game the moment i stepped into chingchong loufu back when it released
What's the lore behind this chicken
Huh they didn't keep it a secret for that long
>Hunt Imaginary
I was kinda hoping she kept her element, but out of all of the elements, Imaginary was the one I was hoping it wouldn't be, I really need to see her kit now
I was hoping she would be a Nihilty Ice character with a unique dot she can inflict
Theres no role. He rains from the sky and tackles the enemy
Also what the fuck happened to the every-5-TBlevels rewards? I cant find them
I've heard about this skin several times and I've tried to look for it, in vain, wouldn't someone be so kind as to post a picture of it?
I would have preferred Harmony or Abundance. Currently Nameless still doesn't have a good buffer and healer and TB Harmony is too specific for a certain type of team.
>Also what the fuck happened to the every-5-TBlevels rewards? I cant find them
is it pompom rewards or the equilibrium trials? i don't understand your problem either way though.
Neither of them
Like for levels 5 10 15 20 etc... It would have given you 800 plasma and 10 tickets
It's the dress she wears during the Topaz arc
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>get enough crit rate sub stats that crit rate body gives a worse ratio than crit dmg
>barely under the required crit rate (~3%) that inert salsotto doesn't activate
I don't remember that, are we playing the same game?
It ended after level 35, did you reach that?
No it's real, it's called trailblazing will.
OUCCHHHHH 10 free pulls were kino asf they feeded my gambling addiction pretty well
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Himeko ;_;
Give it time
She'll get killed at some point and be reborn as imaginary
Is Boothill a main character or just some 5* who is actually not that important in the overall story and you won't see much of again?
Come back in a year and we'll know
Shit! Thank you for the answer.
He's a Galaxy Ranger so he's one of those "Interstellar Authorities". You can think of him as a parallel to the Stellaron Hunters or the Astral Express people. He's relevant but only when he needs to be. His organization though will show up again very soon in 2.5 because Rappa, another Galaxy Ranger, will appear at the Luofu Wardance for unknown reasons as of right now. The funny thing is Rappa is supposed to look like Silver Wolf and be a gamer girl nerdy type so the parallels kind of draw themselves.

TL:DR No but you will see him again, just not as frequent
Only goes up to level 70
They knew what they were doing with that beauty mark on her boba...
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I saw that but I was going off Uncle's earlier leaks of the upcoming characters haha, maybe they decided to shift up the meta a little bit and rotate the releases
But man 3 patches in a row of Fire characters (Firefly Jiaoqiu Lingsha) what the hell they are really pushing that element now
At this point these eceleb leakers are less useful than the official account.
I miss that guy who dropped the entire archive like man i just wanna see how they look, be it's a final or rejected designs. I mean you can see kit changes around beta anyway.
looks like I gotta level up Boothill and Guinevere.
>SAM units with different build specifications exist
I'm both happy it exists and mad that it's probably never going to exist in game because all of them are already fucking dead
Yet somehow we got the objectively worst possible pilot
Nah fake glasses girl would've been worse, also >>>>shota
Kaworu would have been the best one
What if DPS Asta
Is SAM a good enough dps? I got JL cause people put her up there with DHL, but after using her for some times she doesn't perform nearly as well as I like.
it's strong on paper but xer best team is quite expensive and is yet to have any alternatives.
The only alternatives she will have will be future premium units so you might as well try to get Ruan Mei, I highly doubt that a 4* character capable of supporting break and functioning as an alternative to RM will be released.
Yeah I was debating getting her but when they announced Ruan Mei was running alongside her I changed my plans
Shame about Jade as well.
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>Firefull Flyshine
What the fugg
How many years until Oyohim starts baiting us with dead characters like Baiheng?
Jingliu needs to hit a sweet spot of crit rate and crit damage, alongside having a SP positive support
I fully welcome a Duke Inferno banner for the next upcoming patches
FUCK the china bullshit we JUST got away from it, Mihomo is Chinese so they will never take risks with the characters, it will always be safe and bland
>blue = male
>red = female
am I reading it right?
blue = chinky ship no.2
red = chinky ship no.3
>two more chink ships
we aren't going to a new planet until 3.0 right?
there are some considerations like
but she's not dead in this timeline.
but her "death" was ambiguous.
but her "deaths" are so dumb.
of course
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Are any of the standard lightcones worth buying, or should I just dump all my starlight into wishes?
Jesus Christ anon impressive whalestash
Well Bronya's is the only semi-neccessary one for Harmony units in general, not just her, but you're always better off buying special passes for limited units that will take months to rerun, especially if they're meta DPSes like Acheron or the upcoming Feixiao
Compared to that the silver passes you get from ascending characters and simulated universe will give you standard light cones so there's almost never a need to buy them from the shop
t. have gepard's cone and himeko's cone s1 from silver tickets
I haven't gotten a single light cone from the standard banner, but I do have E4 Clara.
Beside's Bronya's CE (which is slowly being outclassed for more damage UP support CE) there aren't much.
It's better to wait for a refresh or just use it on tickets.
Not even Bailu's?
Some people just can't be bothered to remember same shit with different terminology, and it's not a bad thing.
I'm can't figure out what it's supposed to mean
character equipment?
No, not even BiS for Bailiu. But it's all general. you might have a specific comp where it could be beneficial over a 4* but no reason to trade 30 rolls for
It's good for Bailu and Natasha and that's pretty much it but unless you're using exclusively only those healers like it's still 1.0 it's an absolute waste of 30 pulls. Luocha's heals scale off atk%, gallagher is break effect%, huohuo relies on energy regen instead of being a true healer, and lynx? Well Lynx is okay as a budget healer too but her kit makes destruction and preservation characters more likely to be focused on by enemies so you have to teambuild with that in mind.
Tl:dr If you really, really, REALLY want it, get it, but know that you are making an ill-advised choice
Craft essence
Been losing confidence at my plan of using Asta in my Firefly team, since ATK boots doesn't seem like it'd be worth being reliant on Asta's speed buff, and if I use SPD boots Asta is probably overkill. Since Pela and Silver Wolf are in Acheron's team though, I'm not sure who I'd replace her with.
Hanya's bonus SP seems like it'll be useful so she's my current best alternate candidate
Guinaifen can make use of the burn DoT but ideally the team's fast enough to kill before it triggers, and I'm not sure if her damage taken debuff affects break damage
Topaz will be SP positive and can take advantage of Firefly's fire weakness install
Any suggestions?
Who else are you using in the team?
Original team was Firefly, Harmony TB, Asta, and Lynx
as someone already said, break team is quite expensive character wise. if you don't have ruan mei yet then just pray that you get both.
I'll consider throwing a few rolls for Ruan Mei if I get exceptionally lucky and have enough leftover, but I'd honestly rather save up for another sustain, probably the upcoming one especially if she ends up being break focused. I'll probably just try and see how Asta works out, and if i'm not satisfied I'll give break effect Guinaifen a shot since I already have those two built anyway
You need her to be E1 at least, else she will be outclassed
Quantity triumphs over quality anytime unless you really like the character.
>still waiting for the day I can find a use for bladie
Quality > Quantity in hoyo slops, Quantity only comes into play when hoyo powercreeps everything and needs to put gimmicks to make their OP characters not OP in oddly specific fights
You're talking about Firefly I assume? Definitely tempting since the extra SP would let me do something silly like Clara/Firefly/HTb/Lynx, hopefully I'll get lucky with her like I did Acheron
pull jade she buffs blade back into rogue tier
Good luck minmaxing powercrept units that already reached heavy diminishing return stats.
>geared up support E1S1
>all traces maxed
>damage is 90% of optimal 4 patches later
>new unit
>new gear
>new traces
>no money
>flavor of the month to be discarded for the next bitch
>hit 80% of optimal because you didn't invest in E1S1 again.
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2 days until Ruan Mei comes home...
any leaks for 2.5 and 2.6?
I will NOT be rolling for the bug bitch. I WILL roll for firefly and her cone instead, and I WILL put Gal and HMC on the team, plus Asta I guess.
I'm sure mihoyo will release another break buffer down the line, possibly before 3.0, with how jewish they are, to make people double dip on both ruan mei and the new break buffer.

Also, I was going to roll for Jade, but seeing as she is forgotten as fuck by mihoyo, and that she only really works for Yunly, fuck her, I'll rather get Firefly cone, maybe even E2 her if she comes early enough.
>Repetitive, some things are said and shown too many times, rather than a narrative style it seems to be a way to make the quest last as long as possible.
>Boring dialogues, the characters seem like walking encyclopedias rather than people in some cases.
Luofu also had this but 10 times as worse. Rather, 90% of that planet was this, I checked out like 5 minutes in and despite the cool looking pre-rendered cutscenes I had no interest in anything that happened, nor any of the characters. That being said, Penacony felt kinda of cheap, there were a million cliffhangers and half of them lead to nothing. Character dying? Nah, it's just in another floor. Adventurine and the IPC did nothing either. Like, you can remove the whole 2.1 patch and the story would be exactly the same. Sparkle? Did nothing too. They had to write an entire epilogue and use an entire patch to fix the shitty writing.
Still miles better than Luofu, I would give Penacony a 5/10, but a 2/10 to Luofu. The space station would get a 2/10 also, and Belobog a 4/10.
You better roll for Jade if you want to use her though.
nta but I haven't even seen Yunli's kit posted anywhere yet, how have people already decided that Jade only functions with her now?
She is a follow-up unit that consumes HP (so she powercreeps both Clara and Blade), you want Jade with her so her follow up consumes HP and gives Yunli more stacks of her passive. You can kinda get how she works considering that Jade was made as a support for her (she doesn't work well with any other unit in the game right now), and the new follow up set that also doesn't work for anyone right now.
Mihoyo has been doing this things for a while now in HSR, instead of releasing the damage dealing unit first and then the supports and sets, they do it in reverse, they release the enabler that doesn't work for anyone, and the set too, and half a year later they release the unit that makes use of them.
It's super weird, but considering the game has been earning more than genshin month by month I guess it works.
>no money
>(she doesn't work well with any other unit in the game right now)
When did this become the consensus? Those early comps with Herta and the two of them popping multiple FUA's every couple seconds seemed pretty good. Sure she was niche but she clearly put out the PF numbers she was clearly designed for. And that was a couple weeks ago, when they haven't altered her kit any, so what happened here?
I will roll for bug bitch because she's hot and the devs pushing Firefly even harder than they pushed Ayaka in Genshin caused me to have an irrational hatred of her (also SAM was much cooler before they introduced Firefly)
credits retard.
IAP is irrelevant unless you're a lucklet
>SAM was much cooler before they introduced Firefly
Preach. Was so excited for when the design first leaked about this cool robot man who worked with Kafka's group, had this awesome design and we already had sentient robots with people like Screwllum, so it was cool they were gonna keep exploring that. And then they attached this great design to the basic bitch pandering girl with zero personality just so they can get feeding their Eva boner. Total letdown.
Joke's on you I'm still skipping everyone, I will not fall for hoyo's memes
>basic bitch pandering girl with zero personality
You are talking about ruan mei there. I specially like how she is chinese because ???, her chink dress really compliments her scientific personality, specially the banjo that makes pretty flowers, very sciency. Riveting animations.
I didn't even bring up RM, her design is kind of all over the place too. Personally I at least find her insanity interesting. I find FF worse because the initial design got my hopes up and then was made an accessory to a worse character.
But that was your expectations being wrong, and fueled by leaks. The first time sam appeared was in the 2.0 trailer, and it was blatantly obvious to everyone that it was firefly. Mihoyo and the story, from the first moment sam appeared, made it obvious it was piloted by a girl (who we know wants to be normal above else, the blandness is intentional). This is only a (you) problem, not the design or story itself.
Ruan Mei on the other hand is just shit, mihoyo knew that no one was going to roll for her considering her story appearance and that there was no break character at that point, so they cranked up her numbers to insanity. 99% of people only roll for her because of gameplay, whereas for Firefly people will roll for her because of her character, regardless of how good she is in gameplay (and she is very good).
>The first time sam appeared was in the 2.0 trailer

>and it was blatantly obvious to everyone that it was firefly
also wrong
Her kit got posted, she doesn't consume HP but does heal HP to offset the incoming attacks and Jade's skill.
I'm confused about how you are meant to use her in a team, does she want Jade/Robin/sustain, or will she perform better with a standard hypercarry team? I kinda don't want to have to roll for limited when my clara/sparkle/tingyun/fuofuo already performs alright, mechanically it's the same (physical counter).
Just do your quests and SU and you'll stop caring about credits.
Sam was mentioned as early as Silver Wolf even, like with Duke Inferno Hoyo is lucky to have drones that will put up with any bullshit they feed them
>Talks about a character having no appeal apart from numbers while defending FIREFLY
>The first time sam appeared was in the 2.0 trailer
>he doesn't know about the Japella Rebellion
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Nta but im only summoning for Firefly because
>i like mechs
>i have ruan mei
I pretty much have Super Break premium team already, might aswell pull her
Oh look, shes a Yanqing and Jade F2P Hybrid
>can reduce Toughness of enemies with weakness of Master's type
Huh, looks like I can finally use TB and March in the same team again, just like old times
Anon, stop moving goal posts. This doesn't change the fact that rolling for multiple E0S0 characters is worse in the long term instead of rolling for an E1S1 every couple of patches.
Until hoyo decides to add 3 teams to memory or tales there's no point to invest in a third team.
Now if you liked a character that's fine and is completely different than quality > quantity.
overall I'm pretty impressed with her as a free unit, the extra BE at E6 makes her feel like a nice BE team stopgap. I get the impression she might be built for Feixiao who apparently wants a lot of different stats, but once she's fully built I might try her with my boothill setup instead of Bronya and see how far I get
characters that suck without eidolons are big skip for me, even if they're attractive like her. I tend to ditch them quickly so the cost doesn't make sense
It's better to have the character at E0S0 than it is to not have it at all. You get more options when building. The characters you invested in minmaxing will be crept next patch anyways
>roll for shit characters bro
>it's good to have a bunch of shit characters bro
>just spend money so you can roll for every character bro
Da Wei don't you have better things to do with your time?
servers doko...
Literally the most boring character in the game. shit patch incoming
>leave hoyoplay open to download the update while I go to the mall for errands and then the bank for future $5 monthly funds
>come back 2 hours later
>didn't download a single percent because the connection cut out
Fucking chinkslop codemonkeys can't do a single thing right... why do I still play this
works on my machine
Also why didn't you do the preload two days ago?
So to sum it up, it's whether you prefer vertical or horizontal investment for your account.
E1S1 costs three characters while E0S0 costs one. You pretty much gained something, lose nothing even if you lost the gamble since you can just wait for rerun and farming is easy anyway.
Other benefit being you got more 3d model slop in your collection to play around with and honestly this is what i'm after instead of doing numbers in hard contents.
t. 33/36 moc 9/12 pf with auto
It's working now I had to undo the limiter on my pc but fuck how frustrating to have to switch back and forth between stable connection vs overheating
And I was using the old launcher from epic games, it didn't have the predownload button available
I dont read leaks and I like to pull for characters I like.
what characters do you like
>don't read leaks
I mean that's a good way to brick yourself if you skip someone like ruan mei levels of broken to help you beat all the bosses and get f2p moc clears but I guess enjoyment of the game is subjective
Are you pulling for Firefly?
>get a call from Firefly
>it's English dub
Fuck, maybe I should start following the jp account
You don't speak Japanese.
>got Ruan Mei in my first 10 pull
I guess I could throw some rolls at Firefly then
>skip someone like ruan mei levels of broken
And I'll skip again ehe
>I like to brick my account
>t. retard who can't clear moc and pf
You know porn is free, no need to pay for the hoyoslop. You can skip more patches on E1S1 than E0S0 meaning it's more f2p friendly
you do you anon
>E15 Misha
I fucking hate this game so much
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based me
think I will get Firefly during Stampede. I dont want to spend right now.
>have to play as that no-goodnik Topaz
No matter what the hag says, I'll never forgive them trying to kill us
>yunli is just clara
>meaning she's just as useless against that dot bot
I think i'll raise sushang but man single target fucking sucks.
>playing Scrotum's new simulated shit
>blood vial that forces auto battle and increases damage and HP by 30%

T-Thanks Mihomo.
Based beyond belief
>blood vial that forces auto battle
This doesn't change anything for me (including moc, pure fiction and level 5 swarm yes)
All girls and boys.
Me thinks topaz is gay
The vg general is too fast to ask about this so I come here.
So I heard the new character in HSR is the most (You) pandering mihoyo has offered. Any fans of Firefly wanna explain more? I quit Genshin when Shenhe got fucked over and haven't played any mihoyo games since. How much pandering does Firefly have? And is there any potential trash shipbait between her and other male characters?
I heard after Nahida's banner ended her fans also got fucked over, she was the most heavily shilled for (you) girl in Genshin, then mihoyo paired her with a i can fix him midget, Fireflyfags do you think mihoyo will do the same for Firefly? Is it safe to try the game now just for Firefly?
Firefly is gay for (You). Explaining more will just ruin it for you. But you have to suffer 3 storylines before getting to simp
There is yuribait in the game? That's great but if I play as a female mc how much yumejo pandering do I have to deal with?
A subtle almost rape scene that I guess comes off as gay rape otherwise
>And is there any potential trash shipbait between her and other male characters?
I mean if you're that autistic about it you probably won't like the equally autistic, suicidal, and cursed to be forever undead male co-worker she has that drives her to her genocide missions despite him not really showing any interest in her besides being slightly more talkative when talking about life and death. Oh and their boss has a shota name too, so there's that.
That said, she's so for (you) she deals much less damage if you don't use the MC in the same team as her, and even gives you a call while she's baking a cake (burnt 3 times) for you using her flaming suit of armor if you participated in a twitter campaign about her, so it all depends on you really.
What happens if you have two characters with the full watchmaker relic set in them? Does the 4-pc bonus for one of them not fire, or does it refresh itself?
What part of does not stack do you not understand?
The part where it doesn't explain in detail what not stacking entails
I got Xueyi E3, Gallagher E2 and Misha E1. From what I know Gally E2 is fine, I'm not interested in Misha but I would like to know if Xueyi is usable effectively at E3 or still not worth investing in her if she is not E6. Currently my only DPS are Clara, Ratio and the free characters.
Why did pagfly flop bros?
Cocolia you dumb bitch cunt slut stop freezing my sluts
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>pagfly flop
Chink statistics show she beat DNF though, something even Genshin hasn't managed.
>Firefly is the only character to knock DNF out of first place in the appstore rankings. fyi tencent's dnf has been at the top for months and now a For (You) girl dethrones it. Just goes to show how much demand there is for waifu games among CN players.
>win 50/50 twice
>walking away with e1s1 Firefly, e0s0 Ruan mei, and some spare jade for the future alchemist girl
>start farming cavalry relics
>the only helmet I get with speed and break effect rolls 3 times into flat attack
I mean I'll happily take the luck trade off, but this trip into the mines is evidently going to take a while
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that was assy
You're mentally ill.
They already laid the groundwork to ship her with a female character in the future
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>I heard after Nahida's banner ended her fans also got fucked over, she was the most heavily shilled for (you) girl in Genshin
/vg/ refugees should go back
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>Topaz POV
>you can feed Numby
best patch confirmed
You'll have to give us a better idea of just how mentally ill you are and what medications you take in order to determine how you'll react. Would her sharing a scene with a coworker character on mildly friendly terms be defined as "cuckshit" in your opinion?
>be me
>about 120 pulls
>lose 50/50 to bailu
I... I... I already lost aventurine... Will I get someone in this patch?
I don't see anything on the screen but is the threshold protocol in DU just for bragging rights or is it better to get to threshold 6 asap?
you got bailu
so pom-pom is going to end up being akavili or something stupid like that, right?
Elio already fucked her bro, sorry
Egad, our character is insane
At least that's not as bad as the theory about MC being elio the whole time.
>At least that's not as bad as the theory about MC being elio the whole time.
god damn that's pretty retarded
They're definitely going to do that.
>2 Harambes battle

What did Mihomo mean by this?
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>I mean if you're that autistic about it you probably won't like the equally autistic, suicidal, and cursed to be forever undead male co-worker she has that drives her to her genocide missions despite him not really showing any interest in her besides being slightly more talkative when talking about life and death. Oh and their boss has a shota name too, so there's that.
>Would her sharing a scene with a coworker character on mildly friendly terms be defined as "cuckshit" in your opinion?
As long as the game isn't on the level of cuckbait shit like GFL2 I'm cool with it. In GFL2 the banner girl and some npc male trade family heirloom love tokens and get shipped by other characters, the girl also tries to get close to the npc so she can "fix" him. If Firefly isn't like that count me in
I think you're going to be disappointed. There's no cuckshit but the internet has greatly exaggerated how much (You) pandering there really is. It's really not that significant.
I got E1 bailu*
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Elio is the one narrating the overwrold flavor text and quest descriptions right?
Probably not, given how humorous they can be. If the final page on the penacony sticker book is any hint though, it could be a Nameless, or maybe Akivili themself
I fucking hate penacony. I'm still at clockie 20 and this place is so shit
>6589 points
fuck that ice bitch and her constant freezes/imprisons wasting my god damn turns
You got whoever you spent your guaranteed win on after losing Aventurine's 50/50. Good luck though, I hate the rates in Hoyo games.
Boothill, but I need ruan mei
Anons, should I buy gepard's lightcone from starlight exchange? Or should I get 30 pulls?
I think Gepard's lc is very strong, and considering hes my main sustain I think it'd be worth it, also because jts good for aventurine too (im going for him when hes gonna be rerun)
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>considering hes my main sustain
My condolences
Nigga I have no better options atm
Its either him, gallagher, bailu, lynx or natasha
Gallagher is arguably better for Boothill
I could tell you had no better options.
Gallagher is pretty solid at least even at low eidolons
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Svarog >>>> this bitch
built for yanqing
Yeah, I go for the classic htb, ruan mei, gallagher and boothill.
Anyways, should I buy the lightcone or no?
no just get more rolls
The last chapter of Penacony is... never mind, the most interesting part is the final dialogue on the Astral Express and at this point, given the situation, why the hell are we going back to space china for at least two updates?

Changing the subject, Divergent Universe is interesting, I like the fact that I can use characters I haven't built but I don't understand why the duration is only 80 days, shouldn't it be a permanent mode?
Haven't tried it but my guess is that they might periodically change the theme or something.
We're probably mid-way on going to the next planet but then Jing Yuan asks us to come back/Dan Heng probably gets homesick/One Piece Sabaody Archipelago "WE NEED TO GET STRONGER" training arc for March 7th for future world ending battles/"LMAO SPECIAL CHINESE FESTIVAL" happens

Also it rotates the content out so you don't get bored of the exact same rewards and fights so we'll probably have a simulated luofu arena universe after that happens with relics for feixiao and lingsha by the time they drop down the road
The sticker book blatantly says its Rosalia, the third nameless from Penacony
Not sure, Pom interacts with Akavili in its supposed memory bubble
Felt kind of short for being part of a big update, guess they were probably banking on people investing a lot of time into DU. Getting big numbers on the ornament bosses is pretty fun, did two million plus damage with just Firefly's Technique alone. Too bad they reset saves every week though

For the book yes, we're talking about the overworld/flavor/quest text
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>soulless clara
>another dogshit herta shop LC
Is there a single character that doesn't have a better 4star lc option?
Mech suits are technically objects and thus its
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Grats anon
>it's a long way to reach the boss
>can only claim once per fight
>doesn't drop currencies for upgrading the new skill tree
>saves reset every week because...just because!
QoL my fucking arse.
Boothill? Rolled.
Firefly? Rolled.
Ruan Mei? Rolled.
General fox hag? Rolling.
Snek break healer? Rolling.
I love my breakGODS.
>Snek break healer? Rolling.
We got details?
Not beyond basic concept from a leak that came out before the silhouettes and seems to line up solidly so far. It's not necessarily the snake looking silhouette but she's the new alchemy commission head so it seems like a reasonable bet.
Hoyo is really going all in on this Firefly waifu shit.
First a SAM figma. Next a Firefly scale from GSC.
Considering the app jumped to #1 grossing most fags should have E6
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Acheron bros, we won.
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Yeah I think I'll stick to Ack+Pela+Sparkle+Fu. Thank god I can skip this ugly homo.
>missed 3 stars by 2 points
Fuck this game
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piss easy
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I don't remember the last time I played manually
>E2 Acheron
>piss easy
Ah yes, my favorite flavor of gacha content, the
>wow I'm using the peak of the meta and I can do content that's for everyone with ease!
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Cocolia having like 7 actions in a row will never not be annoying as fuck
I was looking at all the characters released to date and the powercreep is real, in almost every path. In my opinion the battle system, unlike Genshin, is growing too quickly, releasing two new characters per update doesn't help, and I wonder what the future of the game could be if they continue like this. Now we have Super Break which is nothing more than an evolution of Weakness Break, what will we have in the future? Super DoT, Super FUA, Super Counterattack and then later Mega Break and so on? Genshin has the advantage of elemental reactions, but HSR has none of this, in fact the team building is very rigid so much so that if a piece is missing there is a big loss of DPS in many cases.
You can beat Divergent Universe, the new game mode, with Misha and Arlan, 2 of the weakest characters in the entire roster
You don't have to mega whale and spend hundreds every patch and players know this, it's about rolling for who you like
Harmony Trailblazer and March Hunt are 2 free units who are meta and all you really need is 1 premium support (Healer/Shielder) and 1 premium DPS (any element) and you can start clearing end game content. But the "powercrept" units are still perfectly usable, there are still 4 star Memory Of Chaos clears uploaded to Youtube.
Holy cope.
I remember when people said bronie was the most OP character
Fast forward, every new character implants weakness on the enemy
>say some retarded shit and type "cope" as an argument
Metafaggots are all cancer
Go ahead and go homeless spending thousands on jpgs for your fictional tierlist then sperg
>beat Divergent Universe, the new game mode, with Misha and Arlan
Post your Misha and Arlan clear please
Elemental reactions suck
>i liek dis GPT-level personality character and i'll keep using them even if they're powercrept!
Bumping this question, is it fine to have both Ruan Mei and Harmony TB on the watchmaker relic set, or should I give one of them the thief set instead?
I shouldn't have used the word powercreep...

Divergent universe is irrelevant as it buffs all characters based on your equilibrium level. At EL3 every character and LC have lv 55, traces lv 4, and artifact gold lv 6 and have no problem completing DU.
It's an interesting system but hoyo doesn't want to make the most of it. It's flexible and if they introduced new reactions in the future they could revolutionize the current meta. HSR as already mentioned is rigid and evolves too quickly considering that it is a game designed to last for years.

Effect cannot be stacked, having two characters using the same 4pc set is redundant
I'll put one of them on thief set, or put HTb on leftover cavalry pieces I got from farming for Firefly then I guess, thanks
maintaining non aura buffs is a pain in the ass unless you play manually so personally i slap thief on everyone.
I've never figured out how to make an auto team so yeah maintaining buffs shouldn't be a problem
If you have Dance Dance Dance S5, consider using messenger on HTB. With FF breaking shit left and right HTB will get off ult multiple time turning her into a small pseudo sparkle with speed boost from messenger set
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Firefly's pretty strong, even without her signature weapon and non maxed relics

>Cocolia acting 10 times in a row freezing everyone

Fucking hag
Seems fun actually, is there a minimum superimposition level or will s2 be fine?
Any works, but the effectiveness would just be lower since S5 is 25 AF and S2 would be less
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Time to max out Carve the Moon next
Egad, Firefly just demolished Argenti
Belabog > Herta's Space Station >>>>> Penacony > Luofo
Penacony could have been great but they fucked up the story so hard.
What will be some good teams for Jade? Are there any upcoming character she is specifically crafted for?
I'm planning to pair her with Herta for PF. She naturally likes Robin for support and all. I've seen showcases of her with various characters, she seems surprisingly flexible.
>Are there any upcoming character she is specifically crafted for?
Yunli maybe? She likes it when characters attack a lot. Some leaker claimed Feixiao would be good for her I think, but given she's hunt, you might need Jade E1 for that.
>She naturally likes Robin for support and all.
fml I missed out on her
>Yunli maybe?
That'd be kinda neat since I'd have an abundance of the new relic set since I've been farming for Firefly
To be fair it's not saying much when the writing overall is awful. Pacing out of odds. Cutscenes not matching up with the scenes they are in. Characters going from distrust to OTP in the span of one conversation. Magic mumbojumbo used as a bandage to explain away anything illogical. The budget gets bigger but the fundamental flaws are the same. But players overhype it so there's no incentive to improve.
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