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What is this? I’ve never heard of it until recently but it looks cool. Anyone looking forward to it?
>censored hoyoslop
Everyone's heard of it, and everyone is disappointed one way or another.
>What is this?
new mihoyo game.
real time action combat, no open world stuff
so the focus should theoretically be 100% on the combat and it should be a lot more detailed than genshin
in practice the combat is far less involved than their ancient game honkai3 so i don't see the point of it
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Beta ends soon
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OP here, just looked it up and I see why people are disappointed. Sad; I’ll stick to Star Rail
Any other leaks? If not then I'll see you guys in a month or so when the game launches.
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Seems the PS5 is confirmed a simultaneous release on July 4th. This also further confirms the release date.
shit can't come faster, I really want something to fill the hole HI3 left
the only hole its filling is the furdaddy void
love the character designs genshin creator too,

however i heard the lead artist is an unironic bbc cuckold who paid africans to fuck his girl friend and exclusively draws qos shit

I hope the guys at /gfl/ were trolling at this is made up. but i can't be sure
If that were true why isn't there a single Black person in this game? Then I would have a reason to play it
no idea, i would think from the designs of the backgrounds and music that this would try to appeal to the black weeb audience, so perhaps mihoyo put a leash on waterkuma this time,

i remember when a bunch of artists had a melt down on gfl or something, not in that community but i've heard alot of schizo shit about the artists there
the lead artist is known to draw blacked blonde lolis so there's that already
no idea about the cuckold thing
i know but some people were saying that he literally paid some nigerian guy to fuck his girlfriend irl and wanted the ccp to let african mass migration to china.

this just seems way to hilariously specific to be fake but it also kinda seems made up
they're represented as furries.
now we know why he is called ben bigger
all the girls are made to be blacked by ben bigger cock
I will play it on PS5 desu
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>this artist draws degenerate anime shit
>This totally means he also carries out said nasty fetishes in real life with real 3DPD
Next you dumb assholes will tell me futa artists are fucking irl troons too.
I'm cute
no but people were saying his weibo leaked his pornhub account or something, im not sure if its true but people at /gfl/ were saying he was a bnwo spammer on chinese 4chan like nga or whatever. and literal cuck who pays men to fuck his gf and records it.
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That sounds like total bullshit but if you're that bored you can believe it. Might as well keep making shit up and say he also has real CP next to the cuck folder in the same hardrive.




not saying its confirmed, but i keep hearing people say that he's some giga cuck irl.
or like people were posting a pornhub link supposedly of him and his gf getting fucked by black guys
like I said im not 100% sure, bit its a gag in the community that he's a real legit cuck
apparently his gf left him for a black guy as well.
now this could just be an inside joke, but theres like a long history of people saying he's a legit cuck.
>What is this?
the latest gay sex simulator by homoverse. I'm sure you'll love it OP.
It is the upcoming game Zenless Zone Zero that will launch on July 4th for mobile, PC, and Sony Playstation(r) 5
This is funny and all but probably still a cool story considering a CCP company like Mihoyo is still hiring him for concept artwork. Either way I don't care much what he's into as long as he keeps designing cool characters.
bruh mihoyo literally had to move their headquarters to singapore, they are in quite hot water,
also they had the feminine male ban too, meanwhile every mihoyo male be like
Niggers, please help a retard here. I have like $300 in my budget to buy PC parts. What are the recommended specs for this game to run at 60 fps? Please saaars I'm completely fucking dumb with computers. I've been waiting for this game since 2020
buy a good phone instead
$300 is way too low for building a pc, plus pc building is a meme
i built one myself with rx6700 and it cant even run gta 5 set on max settings at 60 fps
I don't get the seething from shitposters. How the fuck is
>A tokusatsu android
>A notJapanese bosozoku
>A fat bear
appeal to women in any way? Maybe the gay buttler furry but still. Do you faggots even watch anime?
There's also the leaked dude who looks like your typical Genshin twink.
Still waiting for a cute femboy like Venti
it has censored females and therefore appealing to women by default
do you have an image or link?
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I assume he means this guy
>not Inferno cop
missed opportunity
You're out of your mind if you think this shit appeals to straight men. Cucks maybe since they also like Genshit.
Tokusatsu is the most straight genre there is. NIKKE did a hobby survey last year showing that out of 50,000 sample population, 80-90% of the Tokusatsu respondents were male. You are a complete election tourist newfag retard (like most of /v/) if you think Tokusatsu is anything but a GAR franchise. Bosozoku (Bike Gang) culture is also predominantly male.
fucking autocorrect
Defending censored shit isn't straight behavior at all. Fuck off.
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already changing the subject, aren't we?
You're the one who brought up irrelevant shit to the conversation. Are you really that desperate to defend this censored slop?
Skulls and skellingtons are banned in China or something.
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These absolute retards think that omnipandering=strictly homosexual and cuckold game, ignoring the fact that Mihoyo makes bank selling characters to several audiences at once, with focus on normies and children who happen to be part of the Tokusatsu audience. I bet you these apes would think their little cousin is a gay cuck because he picked up the game and thinks Billy and Ben look cool.
you're such a retard
i mean the art director is literally an actual cuck
And so is fun too.
>captcha: KHHYGR
buncha khhygrs.
I wonder how long the schizos will push the censored narrative
CCP has zero problems shipping cuck culture to it's greatest rival nation. Mihoyo is massivily popular with women so put 2&2 together. They let their guard down because 'ooh big floofy furry wolf tale' and than the addiction mechanics of the games kick in and the CCP has made an entire generation of women into cuckqueen furries.
>Buy a GPU to play intensive CPU game
the ccp hates mihoyo though? they cracked down hard, on games like azure lane and gfl also mihoyo too, most of these companies moved to japan or korea etc
No the ccp doesn't hate them and even think of them as cultural export but they're certainly on their watchlist.
proof? last i saw they literally ran to singapore.

stop thinking the ccp is super competent and malicious, they are in reality run by idiots
Mihoyo is a party committee under the CCP
wonder how long the schizos will keep shilling nighoyo ccp crap
The publisher moved to Singapore, but not the devs.
Hoyo wanted to make a 16+ game with more service than HI3. Shame it got censored, but I have formulated ostensible reasons as to why the designs became less sexualised.
>Chinese groups targeted Hoyo on CN social networking services like WeiBo to the point that Hoyo threw down all these model redesigns in Zenless to be less saucy than Azur Lane Global.
>Rating system in China pointed fingers on the furry characters, which are white water territory in China's rating system, unlike other soil like Pegi or ERSB, and demanded the game tone down the female models as an offset to not get the game shelved from release by an 18+ rating.
Or the worst case scenario:
>Hoyo stopped making a 16+ Zenless and made it 12+ like Star Rail and Genshin for release to maintain a teen-friendly image.
Teen-friendly image. I think I have the most probable reason now. With Genshin and Star Rail being two choice titles among these people, Hoyo probably gave up on Zenless being spicier than Nikke, which is ALSO RATED 12+ internationally (asides from Pegi?) in order for ZZZ to be fair game on the international stage.
posting again
still havent got a single reward besides dennies :(
i still don't know if the rrat is real, can some one who frequents /gfl/ link me that cuck video so I can confirm?

cuz the game play looks cool but I really don't wanna play a game made by a literal cuckold
Well apparently the cuck story is real I also saw that he was an activist for blacks immigrants and middle eastern but it was long ago but the thing is that it's old and I don't remember when I saw that also about the cuck video of his ex gf everyone say it's real but there is no sauce or anything perhaps all of this might be just fake desu
Will I be able to turn the ugly fog filter off? It looks like shit and for a game that tries to sell you on it's visuals it seems like an odd choice.
are you sure? cuz people kept talking about how he went for autist when his gf left him for a black guy or something, then finally cutt back on that bbc shit,
its like the spacezin story where he actually got cbt for real then stopped drawing it
gachacoomers are mentally ill and they think every videogame character they can't jack off to is a schizo conspiracy by jews/women/lgbtq specifically to ruin their day. or maybe for the jews/women/lgbtq to jack of to instead
This is actually true when you consider the absolute state of western devs now, have you even forgotten how almost half the staff for mihomo consists of women? Keep seething tranny.
its a bit deranged when you're accusing people half a world away being part of a global conspiracy led by jews to bring down the straight white male because they don't get hard to the same bimbos as you
>noooo its impossible for anyone around the world to share the same sentiments even though we are already living in an interconnected world where anyone can just steal someone elses ideals at any given time now
neck yourself troon
Is the handsome wolf man fun to play?
can some one help me confirm if the bbc video is real?
eternal american get ye gone
i need to know when this game releases and when someone will make an uncensored mod for the game
Could have been Sony seeing how this is on PS5.
How do people still believe this ancient /v/ meme. Stellar Blade literally just released.
And Stellar Blade was censored, what is your point?
whats so funny? genshit and shartrail are still getting adult mods theres no reason this wouldnt
You're mentally ill
ok, sonycuck
>Sony doesn't censor things that a meme!!!
>meanwhile Princess Maker 2 remake just announced as censored on PS5, unchanged on Switch and PC
no I don't mean uncensored as in porn mods, I meant uncensored as in the mod removes the censorship added after CBT 1.
^this anon again. For futher clarification, i'm mainly asking for an uncensored patch similar to how FE engage was uncensored.
Our vg thread bros...
Don't care, go back
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I'll be rolling for the chink cop, this kind of safe horny does it for me
>the game isn't censored it's just your narrative
>btw will be there mods to uncensor the game?
>Too tall
>Ass too big
>Boobs too big
I just want a Makoto expy
This looks pretty interesting. Seems like a fairly small roster. How's the balance between the characters?
The thing with long form games is, people eventually want serious story.

I look back on zany anime like Kill la Kill and it just never hit this emotional point where you could say, "that was worth watching 26 episodes of".

It feels like ZZZ is going to suffer from the same thing, namely a mostly inconsequential, non-serious plot that won't have enough moments to carry player interest between patches.
Fuck off I just want to cook for my wives
That Gura clone though, oh my goodness.
I need him
PLease don't bring the furries into the game
tough luck nighoyo cuck, the game will be furried and you will learn to like it

I was having a great time with Star Rail's story but then I got to CCP-mandated Space China and I immediately quit.
CCP-China has a good payoff. Who is ZZZ's writer?
God I hate faggots.
Uh those are human women.
>How do you know
I just know.
There's no horny
>serious story
The best you can hope for in a gacha is "not being a retarded Eva ripoff"
The bare minimum is being entertaining enough to not make people want to skip
Chapter 2 (construction faction) has a pretty good finale if nothing else. I think the story is going to focus a lot on the various factions.
You white boys get more insecure by the day. This is why western games will never keep up.
Fuck of with your "serious" story SoL is where its at
>SoL is where its at
Even that can end up shit if hoyo keeps making their stories that reads like aislop without any consistency
thats arknights tacticool fanservice
i hear the director is a literal bbc cuck who protested to open borders in china for africans so i don't have much hope
how much of a virgin you need to be to get horny from """safe horny"""
It needs to have a certain design that highlight the girl's charm point to make it tantalizing for the male viewer whilst still keeping the delicate parts hidden in order to arouse the imagination more. Think something along the lines of zettai ryouiki, reimu's artmpit from detached sleeves, virgin killer outfit, etc
where the fuck do i download this shit
Doesn't release until July 4th anon
I know I can't wait either
Make sure you do the web event so you get some free stuff to help you out
>arouse the imagination
so you have to be a delusional virgin to get it, alright.
Based on the closed betas, any idea how the rerolling is for this game? Do they let you reroll for free on the same account or do you have to make new accounts to reroll?
>delusional virgin
Where the fuck do you think you are faggot
i'm all for the fun of rerolling but mihoyo games don't have that, it's just a job you do for free
if you want a specific character what you do is ignore game launch for 2-3 days and then pay the chinese 3 dollars for an account with the character you want
Fuck, I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. Guess I'll just buy an account if I need to then. Thanks!
>It needs to have a certain design that highlight the girl's charm point to make it tantalizing for the male viewer whilst still keeping the delicate parts hidden
Swimsuits and bunny suits have done this job just fine since forever, yet Mihomo won't do those just so they can also sell the game towards toddlers.
swimsuits are always one complaint away to the ccp to be turned into granny pants
Hey, anon! Your third speculation is our reality! I can't believe you were right about Zenless being 12+!
Deal with it. At least it won't be too spicy to the point that normal people would bye bye the title.
mihoyo put hi3 girls in bunny suits once and a chinese guy turned up at the headquarters armed with knives and tried to get in to attack dawei
The only reason it received controversy is because it was planned to be exclusive for global release otherwise the chinks would've been all over it like they would for azur lane
>swimsuits are always one complaint away from the ccp to be turned into granny pants
I wonder if that's the actual reason homoverse won't do any sort of female fanservice, aside from being part of the CCP itself and having femoids in the company.
>Make one cleavage
>Nerf it not because the CCP is actively enforcing its retarded regulations across the country but because they'll get flooded with complaints from malicious chinks
Omnipandering was truly a mistake.
i dont care about muh coom
i just hope they make more variety of character designs like the robot dude, literal bear, and blue demon
just please dont sanitize it like they did with genshit and shit rail
i am hopeful here since there are actual themed factions this time, but there already seems to be an abundance of black + red color theme on most characters
I'd be more worried about ass mad wuwa fags who didn't get their genshin killer than omnipander leftovers
>the trailer for the furry character has more than 3x the views for almost any other trailer
Did Hoyo finally just tap into the elusive Suspiciously Wealthy Furries market?
Rerolling alwats sucks in mihoyo titles but if they keep the skip button from the beta it might be slightly less cancer than usual.
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You don't have to reroll they have a selector for 300 pulls like in star rail
Personally I'm fine with any character so I'm just going to dump my pulls in standard the first 2 months unless they drop a super cool limited character in leaks
The character demos are supposedly part of those youtube ads that play before your video loads so they might be getting views from that
Also yeah furries probably mass shared the video online too
I'm sure there are a lot of furries who have been waiting for a non-porn gacha to play.
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gonna be real im only here for the sexy robot. pp goes up for sexy robots
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/clang/ beating the furries
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Mihoyo will start pandering to furries the moment the game comes out and they realize he brings in insane furry bucks.

It's so fucking over for all of you. We won.
could still pull a dislyte and manage to ruin it by being the greediest p2w trash
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furries have insane disposable income and Mihoyo games have real production value. I trust the plan
>greediest p2w trash
Mihomo could get away with no pity and still make more than every other gacha clmbined
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>the moment the game comes out
>The three next factions coming post-launch (the cops, the bikers, and the idol vtubers) don't have a single furry in them
Doesn't mean much how loaded the furries are if they're only goin to roll like twice a year lol.
Same, though I kinda dislike how they made him the designated dumbass comic relief.
keeps the people's ntr police away
>implying mihoyo aren't scrambling to get some furries into the production pipeline after lycaon's trailer outpaced everything else on the channel THIS hard
>there are people who still believe in this
i do kinda have a hard on for moron/dumb characters so i dont mind too much.
Do I atleast get to play as Belle in exploration?
first male character from hoyo that actually looks cool and not bait for chinese women
Technically robots are asexual though...
>exactly one month left until that one drawanon returns to post the Ellen comm
YEEEAH, let's go babeeeey! Oh, and the game comes out too, I guess...yay.
less than a month left
will we get any leaks?
i personally dont like much of the upcoming characters, so i will stick to the freebies they will throw at us in the beginning plus whatever i get from the free rolls
i already like anby, nicole, billy, ben and soukaku, and they are all free, so i dont even have to worry about getting them
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>Furry trailer got lots of views
>"Guys this totally means they're scrapping all these finished, pre-scheduled character factions and shoving muh anthros in the very first banner!!"
Get back in line furfaggot, you're all the way back behind this guy >>1481508 and the leaked robot.
Nobody said anything about scrapping, dumbass, just that they'll probably push forward some ideas that clearly get more attention than the rest. Are you daft?
If I remember correctly, Part 1 of HI3's story ended and Part 2 just isn't as interesting? I bailed on the game before the end of last year
I assume even Hoyoverse has to tow the CCP line or risk getting their entire company shut down, though I get the feeling due to how successfull they are they're getting a bit of leeaway or trying to put their HQ in another country. Even Tears of Themis I believe has to get toned down.

Persona 5X's Kamoshida expy is completely different because I assume the CCP would never accept a pedo abusive Teacher rapist even though he's supposed to be the villain

Also what is White Water Territory?
3 words: Winnie the Pooh
After that whole thing the Chinese president banned all talking animals in China so that's why Genshin Impact and Star Rail have 0 furries and every speaking "animal" is explained as some sort of alien or supernatural entity so they don't get executed
mihoyo is significant enough to the ccp they're one of those companies who have an entire department dedicated to enforcing ccp doctrine. Won't get shutdown, but imagine if mihoyo became a state owned enterprise, ew
Is Anby the app icon?
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They won't push jackshit forward faggot, Ellen and Zhu Yuan will be up for the first 42 days of the game and they already have a finished faction ready after that (the biker gang that Billy teases during one of his trust quests.). Come back when a new furry gets leaked.
Makes me wish Japan would step up their gacha. Like I appreciate that they still stick to making actual anime games like GBF Relink every now and then but when it comes to anime live-service they're truly outdated dinosaurs afraid of risks.
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>No ZZZ PV in summer game fest even it almost to be release
>But HSR and chinkmarch shill after 2.3 live few hours ago
>ccp doctrine
most important thing, collecting party membership fees
>quit honkshit chinkrail just after a month since its release
>glad i did because it's all chinkwank
i know zzz wont be any different, but at least we dont have the almighty china shining under the glorious golden moon in the eastern sky of xing lin reflecting its might onto the flowing jade waters of ding dong that cascade down unto the people of the xhang chang (YET)
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>I hate the hecking Chinese!!!!! But this Chinese game will surely be different
the real game changer is ww3
calm down chinkhoyo shill #7325682468
Any tomboy?
mmm nyo
Mihomo characters wished they could have a tomboy as cute as Juri
There are short-haired girls but don't expect their personality to be what you'd expect from a tomboy(it lacks sovl).
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need hot daddies and himbos
mihomo please deliver
Ellen, Grace, Koleda, S11, etc. You have a bunch right off the gate.
>Chinese president banned all talking animals in China
What the fuck?
Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes! https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=ND3X6XH5GN
>5* selector
still gotta reroll to make sure i get the 4stars i want though
no clue whether they'll be meta but I want koleda+ben combo plus aokaku
Is Miyabi not a launch character?
Apparently not, she hasn't been in the game files since CBT1 because no one else wanted to test the gameplay of any other characters except her lmao
Probably when we get closer to release in 3 weeks we'll get leaks on a character schedule
is this game like genshit or shit rail where you have to progress through the game to unlock farming materials for the characters?
and collect crap in the overworld to cook shit and other stuff?
no overworld collection stuff
so far some of the bosses you need to upgrade talents need to be encountered in the SU equivalent to be farmable
I played the Beta. It's not very good.

>characters are cute I guess, I like the catgirl
>comic book cutscenes are god tier kino
>combat is incredibly easy, but is actually fun
>there is an arcade with minigames that are basically rip offs of old NES games
>you could skip cutscenes and dialogue, at least in the beta

>characters are overly animated in cutscenes, it looks weird
>comic book cutscenes are not used as often as they should be and are supplemented too often with VN style "3d" scenes or actual 3d scenes
>you only spend ~10-20% of the time playing the combat, the rest of the time you're just running back and forth in an alleyway doing random errands
>zoomers will hate it because not open world, not even Star Rail levels of freedom
>the cats hanging out in the alley have actual testicles, but they censored things like catgirl's shorts and nicole's boobs
>there are furry characters, which honestly aren't too too bad, but the audience they bring will be
>the internet in this game is called "inter-knot"... and it's a furry game
>most of the music is not good, despite having a cool "style" to it; I consider Star Rail's music to be good, and this is much worse
>TV dungeons are not something I hate because I'm an oldfag who played NES RPGs, but it is definitely something that zoomers and the Genshin crowd will hate
>in the alleyway, sprinting and interacting with things or talking to people are all the same button. Sprint should really be on its own button but it isn't

Really, the worst part of ZZZ is that you are barely ever fighting anything. It should have just been a game where you select missions from a menu and then you spend most of the time fighting with the story told inside of the missions. This is not the case, and you spend most of the time outside of the combat zone, and even when you're in it, you probably spend more time in TV dungeons than actually fighting things
Which beta did you play and what inter-knot level did you get to?
The most recent one and I don't remember. I think like 20-25. I wanted to play it more, but every time I logged in I just kept doing random shit that wasn't actually playing the game, so it was really hard to actually play it as much as I wanted to. It should have just been a "gameplay" gacha
I only played CBT2 but my understanding is that in CBT3 the TV dungeon puzzle shit was pretty much only in the story and side commissions. In the endgame modes you either just select shit to fight and fight it, or the hollow zero shit where you spend like 10 seconds in it at a time to grab buffs and stuff between fight stages.
Maybe, but I didn't make it there, and if I didn't make it there, I know other people wont either, because I didn't even mind the TV dungeons. What I did mind is the fetch quest run around shit.
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30000 dennies have been deposited in your inter-knot account
didnt play any beta, but from what i have seen so far, here are my pros and cons
>interesting character designs, i especially love billy, ben and soukaku
>refreshing urban theme with visually appealing aesthetics
>no overworld farming and no inventory management for cooking/crafting materials (at least thats what i have seen)
>3 characters per team = less time wasted on stat-farming
>tv stuff kinda looks boring, but i havent yet played so wont say its entirely bad
>overwhelming black+red colors on most characters
Based on my experience with CBT3:
>story missions are probably 50/50 combat/TV, leaning a bit more towards TV due to time spent on story cut-ins or explaining some special mechanic for that stage (i.e we need to get the bombs on the train)
>there are side missions that either focus more on combat or are pure TV/puzzle stages
>the SU equivalent is 50/50 TV + choosing blessings/combat
>there was an event that used the same format as story missions, with the puzzle stages it's probably 55/45 in favor of TV
>weekly activity that is 100% combat/running through hallways
>abyss equivalent which is 100% combat
>spending stamina is combat obviously
>there's a bunch of story/side quests that have you explore your hub but once you've done these most of your time in the hub is unironically spent on loading screens as you are teleporting back and forth between stuff
I reached up to inter-knot lvl 45 in the CBT3 and my overall experience was similar to the anon above me. Only two game modes are permanently focused on TV-grid maze minigames (Exploration Mode and Story Mode), while everything else focused on combat (Combat mode, Rally Commissions, not-Abyss, not-SU, and resource farming) However, all the commissions that feature any sort of dialogue or short story (be it about NPCs or playable characters) fell into Story Mode and Exploration Mode, and this is probably going to stay like this.

The Golden Week event was also split and segmented between TV shit and combat. (Not evenly, I played it for a while and remember doing like 30 minutes of combat and like 45 minutes just navigating the TV grind and doing shitty puzzles.) If every event will be like this I'll probably just quit in like two months, so let's see how they handle things post launch.
Shut the fuck up.
Apparently a new character leak.

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Starting to realise that ZZZ is heavily inspired by Evangelion, same way 3rd Impact is.

The Hollows (the giant spheres around the city) are taken from the visuals of Evangelion's 2nd Impact, and the name of the city being Eridu seems to be that they're pushing for similar Kabballah story concepts that Evangelion also had.

It'll be interesting to see where the story ends up later on.
I thought it more similar to either Reboot's "games" or whatever is going on in Kekai Sensen than it is to Evangelion.
she was literally in the beta and twintail has been around for at least a month in concept art
damn gainax fucking dead for this?
Gainax died because the CEO was a fucking moron who decided to divest the company of anime and invest in fucking farm crops.
So do you guys say zee zee zee or zed zed zed
Yeah I'd say it's probably the gacha game I'm most excited for, even if the designs got censored like we feared. The gameplay looks fun and I love the soundtrack so far.
Chinatown is going to be the first region they release after the starter area, Saw it somewhere here.
anything I should do to prepare? I assume the usually 5 dollar monthly pass will be the best value?
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Do the stock up web event for 3 free bangboo pulls (hard to come by gacha currency for the rabbit pokemon that acts as a team buff) and the w engine (basically an equippable weapon like a light cone) and pick the blue 2 CD (generic ATK% artifact piece until you farm character appropriate artifact sets)

Other than that yeah pull out your 5 dollar bills on launch
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ah shit I saved the wrong one it's the 2 disc with the purple sticker, should look like this
Maybe this game will end up replacing HI3 for me, Part 2 just doesn't seem as interesting
it's pronounced "threezee", rhymes with easy
>two stressed syllables
>zero passive-aggressiveness
I read zzz as just zenless
Zuh zuh zuh
zygote zog zoro
Does every Mihoyo game come with a welkin option? t. Have not played Honkais before Star Rail or Tears, because consoleCHAD
So far, yes. I 100% expect there to be monthly card, cheap/expensive battlepass as well as first time bonuses that reset on anniversary.
t. played everything since HI3
I see. Thanks.
Really hope they have an external top-up page like GI/HSR
>external top-up page like GI/HSR
You can buy gems outside the game? I always thought of those as potential scams.
They're the official Hoyoverse top up pages linked from each game's homepage.
Any advantage to using it?
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Cheaper top ups by using a Japanese VPN and paying in Yen

>but you get banned
Been doing it in Genshin for over two years and HSR since launch, never been banned or even warned.
>Only Brazil and Paraguay get discounts while every other LATAM country gets fucked with US pricing

What if you've already been buying without a VPN so far? Won't they get suspicious if you start making purchases from another location all of sudden?
More like zenless bone zero
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Mark your calendars boys, first livestream ever of ZZZ is next Friday, there'll be free Polychromes (Genshin Primos/Star Rail Stellar Jade equivalent) codes plus launch info on the game
It's finally coming!
>It's finally coming!
And so am I
>there'll be codes
Will I have to watch or will some website write the codes down?
how f2p unfriendly is this
Low Currency rate without monthly
Character and Weapon Gacha
Strong duplicate bonuses
Strict faction compositions
Not f2p friendly but thats all Mihoyo games.
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Not very friendly, however falling for the multiple copies/signature weapon scam is your own fault since any toddler can clear Mihoyo's "hard" content.
>inb4 le meta supports
all 5-stars here are at E0 without their signature LCs
The game's easy as fuck. You only get like 4-6 characters per year though as f2p, depending on how lucky you are.
other missing factors also contribute to how easy these contents will be, like
>manual or auto?
>relic investments?
>c6 4-stars?
>r5 4-star gacha weapons?
These are what people often forget and end up getting subpar result after trying to copy these "cheap" builds.
>>relic investments?
Relics don't cost money though so that's irrelevant and everyone malds over them equally unless you're burning gems on stamina refreshes for extra farming.
>c6 4-stars?
>r5 4-star gacha weapons?
Yes, you want these at some point but f2ps will eventually get plenty of 4-star character and 4-star gacha weapons as they hoard and spend their free gems wisely. Sure it's gonna take you like half a year or more to clear any hard content but that's what life should be for non-spenders.
Autobattlers ought to have their gaming privileges revoked. Lazy fucks.
but if light to medium spenders have to take half a year to clear any content as well then its too much.

If they add PvP progression into the game it'll get a no sale to me
You sounds like someone who only plays gacha. You don't "game" in this genre retard. Just like gambling, gachage revolves around gaining the biggest reward with minimum effort.
>the game rewards spending money and not skill
>Lazy fucks.
So basically this is another Mihoyo game that smart people should stay the hell away from
I mean if people who said that did play other games, they'd realize most RPGs have auto options.
>but if light to medium spenders have to take half a year to clear any content as well then its too much.
Nope, users who buy the $5 monthly pack along with the battlepass will have an easier time getting 4-star characters, weapons, and resources compared to a pure f2p player. Took me around three months or so to start getting full-stars on MoC when Kafka came out, and since then I never had trouble with any endgame content.
Yes, light spenders take just as much time as lucky f2p to reach endgame progression.
If you're a lucklet or an average, you might be forced to skip banners and wait for months until they rerun. This also applies to 4-stars since not only their individual rates are dogshit, they often require maximum duplicates just to be on par or slightly better than whatever limited 5-star they put. And don't get me started about getting specific 4-star weapons in character banner because it's entirely up to your luck.
Do mind however this is just an experience from their previous games. Who knows maybe zzz won't be that ass.
>zed zed zed
lol who the fk says Dragon Ball ZED
>t. midwit
>why I quit wuwa for zzz
>why I quit zzz for promilia
>why I quit promilia for endfield
>why I quit endfield for
AP is the only one ill be sticking with out of all these once its out since it has no m*le banners
Anyone know how long dailies take? (If I empty my stamina)
Five minutes? Maybe ten? It depends on your skill level and team, of course, but the dailies themselves should take about two since they’re just tasks like Log in, Drink Coffee, Open a Menu, et cetera. Spending your stamina is what’ll take the majority of your time
As someone who played the CBTs the combat is already miles more optimized and fun than anything in the gacha market right now. I can't even describe how good it feels. The closest analogy I can think of is Bungie's gunplay. It's just THAT good.
I also played the CBT and it wasn't that revolutionary compared to Honkers/Punishing/Aether Gazer/whatever. The graphic quality is high though.
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It's not really a commission if there's no money involved lol but here ya go, I'll probably color it at some point but feel free to ask someone else to do it if you want.
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Ah fuck I forgot to actually draw her ear properly, brb I guess.
what's that? a fighting game?
Project Mugen, the temp title of a NetEase open world game that probably won't come out for another 2 years.
How was Koleda in the CBT? She caught my eye since I have a weakness for cute redheads with sharkteeth.
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So the Special Program dropped, here's the code

Redemption Code Contents:
Polychrome ×300
Senior Investigator Log ×2
W-Engine Energy Module ×3
Dennies ×30,000

Code Validity: 07/04 10:00 - 07/11 23:59 (UTC+8)

Can't use it until game launch but you get 300 primos/jades, 2 purple exp books, 3 purple weapon exp crystals, 30,000 credits

In other huge fucking news, we're getting showered with 30 free pulls in the mail, plus 100 more free pulls from events and 80 boopons
Totally blowing Genshin the fuck out of the water lmao
Also you can now select the Boopon you want from the banner, no more random Boopon losses you're guaranteed to get the right one you need

I think the coolest thing about the livestream was showing you can invite your favorite characters to hang out with you by sending them DMs, sick player fanservice in this game!
Taking Lycaon out on a date...

Anyway pre-download is available July 2nd, don't forget to install before launch!
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I need them to show that the Ben fanservice is still in.
the fuck is a boopon
Probably free pulls for the Bangboo gacha.
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They're the rabbit coins you use to roll the Bangboo gacha
If you missed it they're giving 3 free ones on the web event >>1492366
But you can basically free pity the Bangboo of your choice based on which faction of characters you like/ depending what 5 star you pull
>plus 100 more free pulls from events
>beating all of the content in 1.0
Fucking love the false advertisement but it's not the first time they do this so whatever. It's great that you can't get spooked in the Gangbangboo gacha anymore though.
Is the epic game store the only way to play it on PC without using mobile emulators?
You can download it through the Hoyoplay launcher anon
Didn't know that exists, thanks
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>ZZZ cutscenes
ZZZ animations reach uncanny valley for me. Not only are they overly animated but they play at 2.5x speed. It's not cute or cool, just looks off
I like them, personally, but I can understand people being put off by Billy in specific. They're using him in all the promo material but he's the dedicated "wacky" guy so his animations are completely ridiculous when compared to, say, the Belobog characters.
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>this is official art
God damn
>kinda intimidating, strong appearance
>actually a fucking sweetheart
I love him.
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Im playing solely for him.
You think this is okay to play casually on the side? I have never played any 3D gacha but I just got a new phone and thought I might try one at launch finally.
I never played any hoyoslop or gachas in general but from my experience on the 2nd beta it's basically only good for casual play on the side. I can't imagine actually focusing much time on one of these games. It's a nice and fun game but very shallow and egregiously jewish.
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If it's anything like Star Rail or Genshin Impact which it probably will be, then yeah, this is a game you play for 3-4 hours on launch day and then log in for 5-10 minutes every day after for daily pull currency rewards until the next big event and update patch gives you another 1-2 hours of content
t. Genshin and Star Rail player who's been playing every day the last 2 years
It lacks the exploration elements of Genshin so yeah, you'll want to play it as a side game rather than the main game.
pre load is up
still funny they keep saying it's on all devices and i instantly jump to see if it's on the switch's eshop
I'm just gonna wait and beg someone who's rerolling to give me an account.
I'll take someones throw away account that has a bunch of Ben dupes and at least 1 Lycan.
>guys i'm a furry! i'm a furry guys! look at me i'm a furry! oh i'm so unique!
different audience, equally retarded.
>use linux

so, I'm fucked there

>$9.99 on ps5

why does it cost money on ps5

Guess I'm left to play this on my tiny phone?
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>3.49TB enterprise SSD on main PC
>Steam Deck, GPD WIN 3 and AOKZOE dedicated solely to play huge chinkslop gachashit
>256GB S24

feels good
the installation require 110gb what the fuck, I think I'm going to play it only on my phone
For unpacking. It's not able to DL to a different drive and unpack it on the targeted. The size is "only" 56gigs. Still more than 47gb of Star Rail, and I have NO idea what the fuck they did to make it this bloated.
4 hours of pre-rendered cutscenes with every language getting their own encoding for the subs?
is this game going to download all the files again for every update in the future?
Thanks for announcing that somebody upset you I guess.
Any rerorll guide for Shark?
It is now available for Android, I think the global version has just been released. I downloaded it yesterday, it weighs 20 GB and cannot be accessed yet, the servers are under maintenance or something like that. I have a high-end cell phone but it takes approximately 2 minutes to open the application... I don't have much faith in it.yvyt
what processor does your phone have?
Is there anything to do for gibs before launch still?
What makes this game different from Honkai 3rd?
The game is called ZZZ, not Honkai 3rd. That's what makes it different.
You'll be able to guarantee her easily with all the free shit and initial content I'm sure. If you ask me, if it takes as long as HSR to attempt, rerolling the 50 roll guaranteed standard 5 star for one that meshes with her makes more sense, that's what I'll be doing.
Wow, the game is about to launch and there are still no cute boys. Are they giving up on male S-ranks after Lycaon?
More like zenless zone zero substance
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They just censor more characters.
Weird how the new lolis don't have any design changes... yet. Im not expecting them to last long either
I didn't get lycaon :(
Oh, is the game up?
Cool. Too bad I have to work tonight. Well, I guess I can try tomorrow.
>Too many requests
now what?
damn I want to fuck Nico, Rin and Amby
What's the current best strategy to make the most out of my free rolls?

stone cold with the flex
So does this have controller support?
Yeah I'm playing it on a DS4
japanese or english audio?
First time playing a gatcha and I don't think I get it, you go on "missions" and to do the missions you need the characters that you can win through what's essentially a slot machine? That's it? The point is to collect the various characters because they're more sparkly than others when playing?
Stop playing gacha while you can. It's just glorified gambling. Replaying Bayonetta for the 1000th time would still be a more enjoyable experience.
Why is Hoyo getting more and more cucked with each new game?
>make an "action focused game"
>the combat is worse than fucking Genshin
What did Dawei mean by this?
Aren't 1000000000-type accounts usually reserved for dev use? Either a staff member about to get fired or a scammer
I don't think I'll keep playing, I don't get the appeal and after half an hour my head hurts from all the flashy combat, that is just repetitious clicking anyway, and unlocking new characters seems like a grind unless you spend real money on it, something I'll never do on a f2p game, I really, really like the artstyle though, but I can just watch videos for that, hope people will upload walkthroughs on YouTube, so I can enjoy the cutscenes. Thank you for warning me anyway.
the point is to have fun
in any game, gacha or not, if you're not having fun stop playing, simple as
the combat in this game is so fucking atrocious
click click click click space click click space
but it looks good and that's all that matters
I have to say, despite the combat being pretty simple, I actually like it a lot. It looks and feels good.
Too bad there is all the gacha shit around it.
Also, how easy is it to reroll? If I want a specific character, is it better to start again or push through to the 300 pulls where you can choose who you want?
same, I want a normal game with this art style, I will pay 60 bucks for any game with this type of anymations and style, but I won't give a penny to this gatcha bullshit, hell, I'd prefer a normal f2p p2w game than this ludomania simulator.
It depends on the character. Some have hold attacks mixed in, some have combos and unique meters, some are m1 spam. Ultimately it's gotta be playable on phones.

You could reroll for a standard character using the starting 20 in half an hour but rerolling for Ellen seems like hell. The 300 pulls are going to take deceptively long, the better part of a year, but you'll get all the standard characters eventually.
Damn, half an hour for a reroll sucks. But I really want the wolf dude, so hopefully it won't take too long.
>make an "action focused game"
i dont know seems more like a walking simulator
so the 100 free pulls was a lie?
free(with labor)
>Genshin assets
>Change some details here and there to make a "new", character
>Create a new game using the said recycled assets
Hoyoslaves will eat all the hoyoslops they served to them. I can't wait for zzz anniversary and hoyo will again use recycle the mei assets to create another mei variant.
First actionslop?
game is fun and i already love the vibes
spent the entire day playing it and still feel like playing more
Konnichiwa, Zhang Li
kurokeks, 24 days
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Any big leaks yet?
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even china thinks this game is shit
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Your game is shit.
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thread got linked in vg so prepare for a barrage of shitter pajeets. Hope you've been enjoying the game bros
What's Mingchao? Wuthering waves?
Btw, what are they saying about the tv gameplay? People were saying for months that the tv was going to break or make this game
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>mogged by gardenscapes
Hope your mouse left click won't break after all the intense "gameplay" of spam clicking it to a bunch of enemies that don't do shit at all kek
how old is koleda? she looks like a brat but her voice actress is a grown ass woman
could you hypothetically progress through the game without ever rolling once? Completely avoiding the gatcha aspect?
probably can as long as you dodge and parry stuff
power comes from character levels anyways
wuwapagjeets got absolutely mindraped by zzz
i thought their main competition was with genshin, a 4 year old game, but they have decided to seethe and fume over a hi3 successor lol
>CCs who don't have a contract leash are shitting on our game
I got the maid lady and the wolf furry from my initial discounted pulls
Did I win the gachabowl?
>maid lady
You have to be more specific. There's like three of those.
Lycaon is pretty strong, though.
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Yeah as much as people meme on Lycaon for being a furry his actual gameplay is god tier to set up easy enemy kills for Ellen Joe
Rina is also a great support that provides debuffs increase pen ratio and increases electric dmg uptime
All you really need is the Butler Bangboo and you're set and he's pretty much free if you play for a week and collect all the logins from the events
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Should my pixel 8 be running this so poorly? I have a similar issue with monster hunter now.
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Eh /vmg/ is too dead and slow for those retarded monkeys to bother coming here, they're too busy getting baited by subhuman schizos from other generals.
>Hope you've been enjoying the game bros
I am, got lucky and scored Ellen in 40 rolls so now I'm saving everything until we get the bikers. The one thing I'm not looking forward to is disc farming which doesn't seem to have changed from the CBT3.
Can't help but wish the TV sections were a Mementos like instead. They're growing on me though. I'm having a ton of fun with them (2x speed helps)
I like the general idea but the presentation could use some work.
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do I buy?
it's your usual casual snoozefest but honestly it doesn't worth all the storage and hype.
Love the cast in this game ngl, I already care more about these Cunning Hares than anyone in wuwa and I've been playing that game for a month
If anyone rerolling ended up with an extra account with Koleda on it that they don't want, would you mind sending it to me?
I did buy only the limited ones
Since everyone is at the start... Go for both, its not like youll need LOOOOTS of materials atm
How important are the balls you get from the gacha? From my first three 10-pulls, I only got them plus one Anby. I feel like that's pretty bad, but I could be mistaken.
They're basically the weapons. A little important but less important than characters.
Damn, that sucks. I might really try rerolling in that case.
That seems to my case too. With a weapon you at least get a 3D model that your character is holding. Here its a complete abstraction that exists in some menu.

Combat is so simple that I feel like it cannot justify having an equipment system. I just wanna gacha for characters and anything other than that is just a waste. I have 30 orbs sitting in my inventory that all have complex procs and conditions to provide some 15% more this or that that I need to read through.
>get shit I don't want
>go on internet
>see other people who got who I want and want who I got
Gachas are sick. Anyway, time to reroll some more.
Sure, if I get one with her.
Bella a cute
Thanks. I've already rerolled 10 times and haven't gotten a single S character yet.
No joke I think I got carpal tunnel because of this game
>crashes on phone and pc
no furry husbandos for me
>I need to read through.
I'm just waiting for the metafags to make a QRD of w-machines that are worth investment. Until then I'm just locking+refining 1 of each and recycling the rest.
Use the turbo function in the Logitech software to enable rapid input when holding down a mouse button
Same as above
>Other brand mice
Look up a simple AutoHotkey script.
t. furryfag
We all are
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You're in luck they just dropped leaks of an upcoming male black cat character named Nocha
More furries are indeed coming :')
t. humanfag
Seriously Miyabi and Anbu aren't bad designs at all I just like hot wolf daddy more
Grace is so boring for whiz engineer at least make her look more techy instead of a cheap cyberpunk blacksmith
Hope it's a fat catman.
For endgame content it will probably be better to build a solid character with a solid wengine
In hsr there is this thing called superimposition which is basically leveling the correspondent of wengines based on how much of them you have, so yeah u better keep more than one for each
Play with a controller.

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