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>Share your thoughts on upcoming games that are still in development or games that would release soon.

>Share what inside scoop you may have learn or game studio you may have heard or gossip about.

>Gacha games I do heard of that is still in development/Quiet [No announcement from their twitter/X]

Project Mugen
Arknights: Endfield
Azur Promilia
and GFL 2 as well
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i dont think mugen is anywhere close to release
it does seem like roco kingdom might be a 2024 release, but it's most likely not a gacha, probably has gacha for cosmetics, but maybe not for the actual monsters
Seeing that image really is interesting. I wonder what the genre it is..
monster catcher like pokemon with visuals similar to genshin
I have a feeling that Project mugen will flop harder than Wuwa, hopefully i'm wrong and the next trailer gives me hope for the game but
Yep, not counting on it.
Probably have a feeling it would blast off
I expect there will be CBT recruitment announcement in this June for Azur Promilia. CBT usually happens minimum 2 times(usually it's 3) and if there's no news this June, then they're really pushing it.
June: Recruitment for CBT1
July: CBT1
August-September: Fixing bug, developing, implementing suggestions
October: Recruitment for CBT2
November: CBT2
December-January: Smoothing the app
Late January: Release
If there's no news this June, I will lower my expectations. I really hope that this game will get delayed, because if not, then it'll be more likely to release in not so smooth state.

For Project Mugen and Arknight Endfield, it's better to forget about them, at least until they get license, especially Project Mugen(It's still using fucking project in its name).
SOUL of Convallaria
August release hopefully
oh right its that game that tried very hard to pretend its not a gacha, hope it crashes and burns
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it does look gorgeous
i have high hopes in this
the artstyle, character designs and monster designs are really good
>it's better to forget about them, at least until they get license

good point. It could be that they are working on the game without having the hassle of crunching times of the development. if they have game license in China, most likely China would fully push it to get them release it within a year or so.
This, I’m looking forward to something that’s not a 3D open world.
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Looking forward to the Festibattle cbt, the signup just ended today but dunno when the beta starts. I only bothered signing up once though.
After a million years...

That Wizardry game is apparently not dead after all, out in October
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aola star 2 is in open beta now
it is a monster collection game like pokemon with genshin-like visuals
it also has gacha, so i dont know how the balancing will be since you can also encounter monsters in the overworld like regular pokemon games
i dont have a strong feeling about this game though since the monster designs are very uninspired and dull, unlike roco kingdom
there's also heartopia which seems close to release
it is a cozy life-sim like animal crossing, and also has gacha like animal crossing pocket camp for special themed items that i am assuming can only be obtained from the gacha
Any of these are for low end mobile devices? Those all seem like PC games.
I wonder if Awakening Automata will EVER be released, last beta was 4 years ago and I wouldn't be surprised if they canned the game after seeing Genshin. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to a Honkai clone without playable males at this point. I wanted to say
"horny Honkai clone" but Aether Gazer has been ramping it up recently and Action Taimanin exists, shitty as it is
Are all of the pokemon-likes still far away from going global?
Is this going to come out at all? Project Mugen's socials have been dead for like 9 months.
Not cancelled. it's still in development. I am sure other games that NetEase games has no announcement also except the Marvel Game
This is sad. Just accept it already.
they announced it WAY too early
that thing is most likely in early development
i am guessing they havent even started on story and story boards yet
the trailer was probably just a rough sketch for what type of story they want
>they announced it WAY too early
>that thing is most likely in early development
It's Kuro all over again.
I think Project Normium will be the closest to your horny Honkai clone without playable males.
>Laying off staff and sloppily redoing 3 years of work in a few months
They're not at that point yet
Speaking of Netease vaporware, who knows what will come out of this
unironically looks cool, unlike mihomo chinawank slop
guess these developers just know the right way to shill their country
>there are 3+1 games being developed by hoyoverse
>Project H: Unity Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing inspired game where you can farm, furnish and build houses in your own little planet. Mostly target the chill and casual audience.
>Project S: A open world Unreal Engine game many speculate to be traced back to the once scrapped TPS GTA style game. Characters are not going to be your typical anime style with design closer to Lumi Nova, Stellar Blade, or FF.
>Honkai Pre Research IP: Unity open world game based on the honkai IP. Currently has the most job opening on mihoyo's website so development is well underway. It could be the successor to Genshin as their flagship open world game. Not much else is known but it might have a more combat centric approach than genshin while being a little less casual.
>Genshin UGC. A new game mode in genshin which allows individuals to generate their own content. Requires people experience in Roblox, Map Editor or Minecraft. Genshin is basically going all in on the casual exploration audience while combat is not as a focal point.
that animal crossing hoyo game already looks awful
saw the leaks and it really is true. hoyo really cannot design good characters
but if it makes nigtendo to get up their lazy, greedy butts and put out content for animal crossing, i would love it
that gta style game sounds interesting out of all
if it has the same effort and quality as in-house rockstar games, and that is a BIG if, i will try it
dont care about the other two. i personally never liked honkai and genshin
both have trash character designs
the designs were okay in early honkai, but they never recovered after getting big with genshin
heartopia is announcing something on june 28, just like zzz
roco kingdom has also announced obtaining license for their game and a beta test coming up soon, so it is close to release
aola star 2 isn't released yet anywhere, it only got a beta test in china
roco kingdom might release sooner than aola star 2
Got in that Festibattle cbt
>pvp gacha
heartopia is tap and apple exclusive
i was really looking forward to it
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>tieba sources

It seems the users at tieba has reported there is a game playtesting or any interest takers for the event.

> Game Experience

>“We hope you have deeply played any one of the following games to register:

>Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Wuthering Waves”

It seems any games that are interested and are playing any kinds of those are listed can participate in July 4, 5, or 8 and any one of those days around 6 hours near Jiangling Road Metro Station.

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