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Which is the better open world game?
Wuthering Waves has failed
Wuwa already flopped compared to ToF both are shit
ToF isn't even good and yet I can't think of a single reason to play WuWa over ToF.
Even its chink region is better.
MMO shit will ALWAYS lose in open world quality.
You go somewhere just to see a bunch or retard already being there.
Its like being proud about not living in a commie block while living in a specified burgerland neighborhood zone where you have to drive several hours for the nearest basic ass store on a car.
Take your meds, anti-multiplayer schizo
both are shit, just like genshit
Tower of fantasy
wuwa made less money than tof on launch so you decide
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Check out these ToFcucks still defending their dying powercreep galore game.
>slop vs slop
Play something not openworld for once
why is it that the chinese completely lack the ability to create something creative and unique, and cant stop shitting out the same crap that has been done before?
there are so many interesting ideas for mobile games with different themes and more user friendly monetization modules, but they literally all go for the same crap
>creative and unique
>interesting ideas
>different themes and more user friendly monetization modules,
Here a thing, the investors don't want any of this, all they want is profit.
ToF has A LOT of problems, but unlike wuwa it is fun to explore around in it. Plus the girls are allowed to be sexy in the game, while Kuro puts all the girls in wuwa in safehorny spats and covers up as much of their tits as possible.
>Plus the girls are allowed to be sexy in the game, while Kuro puts all the girls in wuwa in safehorny spats and covers up as much of their tits as possible.
It can get even worse if Kuro starts listening to the normalfags here and the femcel audience that they have in china wanting to censor the game
>ignoring Tencent which at least has a MOBA, a MMO, some SPRGs while funding foreign companies
mugen, roco kingdom and aola star 2 are the only ones i know that are not a copy paste of genshin with some slight differences
would love to see some variety in these chinese games, because they are genuinely the only ones creating large scale projects like these with appealing art styles instead of opting for realistic gwafigs
It's a race to the bottom
Come home, white man. Cute waifus are waiting for you~
Pic unrelated
>Cute waifus are waiting
That game has already been censored too much and the girl dating quests are tedious, unfun, and wholly unsatisfying. Genshin has the worst waifuism of any of the popular games.
Sometimes I want to go back and see what's new but I hate MMOs...
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Imagine being more creatively bankrupt than ToF
this literal ai design is supposed to be the genshit killer? kek
>creatively bankrupt
Why exactly? This looks like a nepalese village, games can't take inspiration from real life now?
True, exploring is such a chore in wuwa, once I hit level 40 and got my characters to 70 the game became a lot more fun because I could stop fucking around looking for chests and concentrate in combat, the fun part of the game.
Combat in WuWa makes me remember that I can just play Punishing Gray Raven and have a better time instead
True I prefer more cutscenes and time stops too.
doesnt look bad
colors could be improved
but to me, the game itself is trash
they had so much potential, but they decided to lazily copy all the worst trends set up by genshin, including the weapon system and artifact system
The only good part is that around closed beta 3 the devs realized they fucked up and started changing shit, you can kinda tell from 1.1 that they are starting to move away from copying genshin 1 to 1. Not to mention the million bugs and performance problems (lock on system is still utterly fucked).
The silver lining is that they are giving away a decent amount of stuff to keep players (it worked for me).
I can put some 10 minutes a day and feel satisfied, and since you can SKIP most stuff the boring quests go without much issue. I think by the time the game hits like 1.4 it going to be a solid 6/10, maybe.
I forgot to mention, I really, REALLY hope they overhaul the UI to not look like a literal genshin copy, this is not an uncommon occurrence in mobages (azur lane has completely changed the UI two times already).
Tof is better
both are shit
I played up to 1.1. Puzzles and environment are so painfully derivative it takes me out. The awkward writing doesn't help. Hunting for drops and echoes makes me feel like I'm playing an offline MMO. The more I play the more I think that I may as well spend my time emulating Zelda games instead.
Did Wuwa beat ToF in terms of revenue for its first months or nah?
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Wuwa is not that bad but the plain character design and beginner location being post apo liyue sour by the fun for me not to mention performance at launch but i was expecting that
gonna wait few updates and see where it goes but if they don't move fom Bing Chilling im out
I wouldn't expect a new map until 1.6 AKA 2.0, so we'll be waiting until next year.
>AppMagic data also shows that Wuthering Waves has reached $39.2 million in IAP revenue (reduced by platform fees and inclusive taxes) on mobile since launch.
>June 6 was the game’s peak day by revenue, with $3.82 million.

>After release, Tower of Fantasy’s turnover reached 7 million USD on the first day and 30 million in the first week. Everbright securities estimated the final turnover for the first month would be 100-150 million USD at that time[1].

>However, according to Perfect World, the actual first month turnover of Tower of Fantasy was no more than 80 million USD[2]. In January 2022, the second month after release, the number dropped to 34 million USD.
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>twink man come home
I'm here to shill Wuwa
>which is the better tasting shit?

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