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The wait continues
Manjuu needs to succeed
2024 Bilibili World attendance confirmed
News coming in July
yuriCHADS WIN hetcucks BTFO
sex with blumine
sex with blumine
sex with blumine
sex with blumine
sex with blumine
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sex with blumine?!
blumine with sex
sex with blumine
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sex with blumine
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sex with blumine
blumine is sex
I'm pretty anxious that this is the level of fan service we can expect from the game, with a larger audience in mind.
I predict this will happen in the first player test
>Everyone immediately moves the camera under the character only to be met with Genshin fade out censor
I doubt Manjuu can be as retarded as mihomo
snoy has been cracking down pretty hard on the anime pantsu, seems only troon pandering is allowed on their platform, baldurs gate and the troon of us gets sex and nudity
Cope incels, feMC will stay.
>We have male hater before the first beta
I can already see the death of AP if Manjuu doesn't erase female players and female MC.
>Female player
Anon. They're not female player. They're yurifag. It's funny that they've got btfo even in reddit.
>Cyber eunuch
If he's male then it's worse.
Funny. Perhaps people are finally waking up, Genshin players can just stick to Mihomo and Kuro games.
For me it's the dieselpunk Nazis. We'll get our own mech shark rigging and Hipper expy.
As long as it stays uncensored on every other platform there is srill no real loss for games that get cucked on faggotstation
go back
reddit website
it's joever...
your site stopped being a sekrit club when it started to share its userbase with reddit, twitter and discord
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Why do so many people keep saying sexy waifus don't sell and we need more playable males?
WW just dropped a banner with a girl and it hit #1 in both JP and KR rankings. Meanwhile their launch male banner always ranked worse than Gakuen idolm@ster and Uma musume.
It's mostly tourists who only play Homoverse shit
Heck, they've even get btfo'd here >>480778925
Man, they're really annoying. It's no wonder that everyone hate this troon.
Yep, 100%. Sadly the tourist number is almost the same(maybe even bigger) than old player, that's why their voices are really loud.
normalfags aren't complaining about waifus per se, they're complaining about games that ONLY has waifus
A world featuring only female characters isn't believable. A well-crafted story narrative needs male characters as well.
that pic just proves that omnipandering games sell.
Noone would complain about male NPC as long as the writer set aside his ntr fetish aside.
true I guess
>Noone would complain about male NPC as long as the writer set aside his ntr fetish aside.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about GF2 but that ex-writer Star is a woman and Daiyan is her self-insert so cuckbait is to be expected.
Hiring male writers is a safer bet, but if the devs want to keep up with DEI, they should just get some female writers who know how to write harems. There are plenty of them who are actually really good.
sex with blumine
Do anons here really think Blumine is hot, or is it just one dude spamming?
its all me
>sex with blumine
no, it was me
sex with blumine. now.
There isn't a single high quality male pandering gacha game in existence, not one. All it proves is that high quality AAA tier gacha games, with tons of advertising sell well. Azur Lane, Nikke and Snowbreak are low quality indie tier games. There is no basis of comparison, people compare AL to Genshin, the games aren't in the same league.
fuck off it's all me
sex with blumine!
The gender war made it obvious it's almost impossible to find a female employee who doesn't secretly hate men.

You do yours but I keep my "Got men, don't play".
"Got men, don't play" ≠ "Play if all female" btw
It's just a meme, she's a painfully generic character there is nothing about her that stands out.
No, blumine is hot
The JK girl is the sluttiest
kino archive and im@s proves this wrong with their writing quality.
>high quality AAA tier gacha games, with tons of advertising sell well.
high production trash is still trash
>it's almost impossible to find a female employee who doesn't secretly hate men.
Bullshit, just hire female authors with a track record of writing harem pandering works.
sex with blumine
Yeah good luck looking for one.
They should get Rico as guest artist to design some lolis
there's TW women who draw 3P+ doujins. nekopara was written and drawn by one from china.
the thing with "harem writing women" is that the good ones came from having been artists to moe vns, and thus actually understood what fans want from osmosis. the ones that haven't, like the ones writing romcoms or LNs, are conversely more prone to fucking up, though obviously not in ways we see in gacha today.

I don't think most women are doing it to be mean. I hate women, but you don't see me getting into shoujo just to make copious amounts of bait and switch for sadistic comeuppance. you still have the obsessed ones that are too old and cynical to bag a proper man, but in that case you also have yurifags who have been too guilty with their vices that exhibit the same form of cancer we're dealing with right now.
it's much more likely that they just don't understand men. the most obvious disconnect is emotional and phsycial loyalty, as an example. women writing for men can only ever guess at what they want, and what better way to guide them at that than the back and forth process of refining their depictions to best appeal to men.
obvious samefag is obvious
how's the story in idolmaster? the game itself
>how's the story in idolmaster? the game itself
The most for (you) pandering game.
news when? i want to sex blumine
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sex with blumine, manjuu, give blumine sex NOW
you are unhinged
thanks sis but news when?
>already a local schizo

all me btw
>>1488451 (Me)
>>1488438 (Me)
With Blumine
Hello my fellow (Me), how are (Me) feeling for more 'sex with blumine' today?
>>1488496 (Me)
More Blumine sex is always a good thing
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Imagine if Blumine is actually made the mmc's brother and there is cute Incest undertones.
I will now play your game
because newfaggots who only knew the existence of gacha because of genshin didn't know that gacha revenue is the majority because of male players spending to roll for waifus. This didn't change even with Mihomo bringing in omnipandering because female banners still top revenue by a mile
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you mean just like genshin?
>just like
more than genshin.
I don't blame them completely when gacha devs and investors try so hard to make it look like people want homos.
>gacha revenue is the majority because of male players spending to roll for waifus.
You act like female players don't spend big in fanservice gacha games.
In Nikke about 40% of the players in Korea and 30% in Japan are women. But because of that the game's getting less horny and they're reducing the male protagonist's role, new characters like Trony have yuribait in their bond stories instead of bonding with the male mc.
No they aren't. That 40% comes from a single Famitsu article that cherrypicks data and their "source" is Sensor Tower, not the devs themselves.
>slacking on bonding to cater to normie and plotfags
>revenue lowers in recent months
>last kingdom didn't even come close to the first modernia banner's earnings despite all the shilling
your point being?
Yeah I don't believe that number either
>slacking on bonding to cater to normie and plotfags
I don't get why they did this. People say the company is going public so they need to tone down the fanservice but that's just BS. The devs behind Snowbreak are also public but their stock price actually went up after they doubled down on fanservice.
It's ShiftUp getting filled with more and more women which kills any company that tries to cater to males. Snowbreak team is like 95% males so it doesn't have this problem.
Wonder if that's Tencent and co.'s doing or just Kim Hyung Tae being a naive faggot like Dawei.
>In Nikke about 40% of the players in Korea and 30% in Japan are women
this explains alot, now i know why in the survey they asked if sexualized characters stress you out, complete opposite to release when they asked in the survey if characters aren't sexy enough. Seriously though, why would someone play a game if stresses you out, imagine torturing yourself when the sexy women trigger you endlessly, normalfag mentality i guess.
>now i know why in the survey they asked if sexualized characters stress you out
pozzed game
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It's over
I knew I shouldn't have trusted that retarded gook
This really has been the ironic coomer game since day one with all the viral marketing
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Well boys it's been fun but I think it's time to hit the old dusty trail. Not interested in another game with granny bloomers and my character going invisible if I dare the game camera too close.
picked up
Old news. You can see in the gameplay trailers they're wearing black spats.
>Not interested in another game with granny bloomers and my character going invisible if I dare the game camera too close.
It depends on the devs. In Snowbreak they're replacing spats with panties and adding an option to turn off camera censorship by default.
>It depends on the devs. In Snowbreak they're replacing spats with panties and adding an option to turn off camera censorship by default.
We can only pray the ap devs get the memo, otherwise it's just going to be another genshit clone and I'm not going through that again.
>it's just going to be another genshit clone and I'm not going through that again.
You could also give ToF a shot as ap waiting room if you love open world. They haven't released any new male characters in years, the last ones were a trap and a patch 1.0 character. Now it's all half-naked females, their latest trailer is pretty much softcore porn.
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maybe I will give it another shot, seems like good improvements
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some don't have spats
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The way I see it, spats is a design choice for her. Though for Pammy, it's 50-50. I think white underwear with their animal logo (Nono-Rabbit, Paipai-Panda, Pengpeng-Red Panda) is more suitable than grandma panties.
>sonycucks won't get to see this
Will get censored on release just like gayshit.
Manjuu is looking for a Chief Planner
Is that answer in both the KR and JP surveys as well?
>Thinking this will get pass Sony-sama
Blumine sex...
They'll just censor the game for all platforms.
Sex Blumine
What do we think about chinkYuuka?
also the game is made in Unity so it wont be hard to decensor I guess
I love anime sluts
blumine? sex
Blue Lumine blumine
Modding is cope.
>wanted to decensor stuff
>"join this pisscord server for more!"
yeah nope.
>hes not in /apg/cord with his fellow coomers
i just use /trash/ threads for that
enjoy it then
>Still trying to push his narrative that this game will be censored
If a female character wears anything that covers more than a string bikini, it's censorship.
he is correct, the game won't be censored since it's clearly pre-censored already
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Look at ZZZ's Nicole
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>b-but goyoverse!
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i was getting worried they would all wear spats
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basedbwos... we're taking another L...
I don't have a good feeling about the game being on SoiStation
did sony and nintendo switch roles, i don't play consoles anymore but it used to be everything got censored on Wii U and 3DS but PS4 and Vita was anything goes
Nintendo still censors their 1st and 2nd party games and follows the advise of NoA/Treehouse but they allow third party games like >>1489820
to do whatever they want as long as the game is properly rated.
Yeah I'm sure they won't copy the most successful video game company in history.
Ah yes game with selectable MC gender and male banners being successful proves that AP should do neither.
Just look at all the female streamers drooling over Nikke girls. Or the fact that the biggest whale in Blue Archive is a woman obsessed with Mika.
Sony is now a Californian company and all console sales besides Nintendo are going down. Even in Asia PC is taking over.
this is good news for femc main. It’s reassuring to know that sony won't go overboard with coomer pandering and eliminate blumine.
More yurikino to filter self-insert cucks.
LMAO Mihoyo is nowhere close to what Blizzard used to be.

Even in China they can't even beat the new DNF mobile game.
>citation needed
100% of all 3d open world games have been censored. But surely the next one running on snoystation won't be haha r-right guys?
>He's still trying to push his narrative
Call me copium addict, but I am optimistic about this game in fan service department, though I don't have high hopes about how polished/smooth this game will be.
There'll be 3 scenarios:
1. Game doesn't get censored
2. Game get censored, but Chink or Global player angry. Game will be uncensored.
3. Game is mild(just like the current state), then manjuu release sexy bikini. It's getting popular, then it'll slowly but surely make the skin more spicy.
For the 3rd scenario, it happened in Azur lane where in 2-3 years ago Azur lane design become really tame. Then Yorktown II event happened and here we are, getting more crazy than before fan service.
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>2. Game get censored, but Chink or Global player angry. Game will be uncensored.
If the game gets too safe and censored to attract women, it'll end up competing directly with Hoyo's next big game.
Pic related
>Hoyoverse working on new Animal Crossing inspired game
>270+ leaked concept art
>Chink or Global player angry
Lol they didn't listen to angry chinks on femc why would they suddenly listen to those same chinks when it comes to censorship?
hoyobros we just can't stop winning
femc got removed from the latest promo art though
>femc got removed from the latest promo art though
I think we'll be fine
this game will be a SOVL comfy KINO kamige, not a coomer brain game, you can fuck off
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Yeah. They're really stupid if they think they have chance to attract tourist. Sadly Manjuu is stupid, but at least after they're doing this stupid shenanigan, they will know who to pander, just like in Azur lane.
>Thinking that it's not vocal minority that want to get rid of female MC. Majority just want to lock male MC as a cornerstone of story. Not even worth it to giving (you).
Again, I know you're a hoyotard, but I will say this for anyone else. The current Manjuu is not deaf like how they're 2-3 years ago. Before they're really arrogant like mihomo. But now they try to communicate with AL playerbase.
Only headcanon, but it does make sense. In the promotional art of AP in bilibili event(this pic) it's really weird that Protagonist isn't the one that ride the dragon.
What's bilibili event and where can I find more AP promo/ads arts?
You can think bilibili world event as a offline event where some company will showcase something. In this case there's Azur Promilia booth there so at very least they will show something about Azur Promilia and the best case scenario is they let you try to play their game. I expect CBT news though, they're really pushing it if they want to release before January 2025.
Bilibili is like Chinese twitch/youtube. They're having a convention-like event in July with many games/studios involved (Azur Promilia amongst them). There's a link at the top of this thread.
Bilibili World
>Majority just want to lock male MC as a cornerstone of story.
But when has that ever been an option? I would love the ability to play blumine during the gameplay but see my boy during cutscenes so I can get some tender loving from the girls. But do you really think they will do all that?
I wouldn't hold your breath.
Pls don't
What I mean is the story use male protagonist as base when they create it. For example: If there's father character asking you to marry his daughter to continue his bloodline. In this case it's obvious that the protagonist is a male because basic biology.
Yuritroon still can do what they're always does best, delusion, and invent head canon where lesbian can have child in that world. But again, Occam's razor makes it obvious that canon protagonist is a male.
Holy tranny. I thought you're just a troll, but it turns out that you're a yuritroon. Why are you afraid of seeing your male avatar?
shut up incel
>What I mean is the story use male protagonist as base when they create it
Yeah I understood you, I'm just saying I doubt they will care enough to do it that way. But I hope you are right and they do.
Male MC is the only option and he's your self-insert in the story, and is in charge of guarding the warehouse.

Female MC becomes a gacha character you get for free.

This is very simple and satisfies everyone. The only thing up for debate is if male MC should also be playable or not.
American really is fucked up that many of it's males more likely become tranny. Honestly getting called incel by tranny(super incel) is really funny. Incels still have confident in themselves, that's why they don't have problem with their own identity(gender). Meanwhile tranny can't even think that someone will accept them except if they're magically transform to other form.
What I'm feeling now is not anger. It's a pity.
based esl
On the contrary, this is usually the case. Like in HSR, the protagonist is canonically male. You can see it with the first scene where the one that almost give you CPR is Dan Heng(male), not March 7th(female). If there's someone that needs CPR, the priority should be Same gender that knows how to do it>Opposite gender that knows how to do it>Same gender that doesn't know how to do it>Opposite gender that doesn't know how to do it.
I agree with this. At the very least the other protagonist should be reused in the story.
sex with the real protagonist; blumine.
you keep the same shitty baits on every AP thread like some mentally ill, just neck yourself at this point retarded yuritroon
>AP will not be male-pandering
Shanghai is literally the California of China.
You shouldn't expect much from Manjuu.
>He hasn't give up
Yeah bro. Manjuu has gone woke. Look at Azur lane new skin. They've awoken my dick alright.
sex? blumine
blumine owes me sex
Is manjew gonna shoot themselves in the foot and let homoyo win again?
why are yuritroons obssessed with AP, go play lgbt simulators like HSR, Wuwa, Genshit, HI3 there is no shortage of gay pandering games
It's just one faggot that is just here to shitpost.
LoL no this won't satisfy everyone. If game lacks MC gender option it instantly becomes a coomer only game. And instead of making 100 million a month like Mihoyo it's 20 at the very maximum.
We need a gacha with a rapist protagonist like Rance
>manjuu actually going for another waifu pandering game instead of going just full normie on promilia and then using the money to improve their waifu pandering game, Azur Lane
Probably, homo always wins sadly.
mihoyo won!
Hows wuthering waves going?
"everyone" is going to stick to Oyohim games anyways due to clout and brand name.
No playable males already flitered a good chunk of the genshin crowd.
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I don't really understand Promiliafags' obsession with Genshin but I'll play Genshit & Sex Promilia both at the same time.
you are not allowed to do that
take a shower
>I don't really understand Promiliafags' obsession with Genshin
not just AP literally every open world gacha is obsessed with genshin.
Head over to wuwa thread on /vg/ and ctrl+f 'genshin', the result will surprise you.
I suppose they saw how much money Nikke is printing, and that is better to make something more different than WuWa and GI,
Flopped just like ToF did
no one asked
>talking like gayshit faggots don't go on other people generals to troll and shitpost, just like they are doing right now with AP
But that's exactly what this is. You're crazy if you think it's going to have softcore Azur Lane porn.
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not without femc
No one thinks about genshin, it's a dead franchise. But you mihomo drones can't accept that people are moving on so you shit up every other general with your stockholm syndrome coping. You need to go back.
AL in its first year didnt really have fanservice did it
AP could probably be the same (or the simply lock the coom stuffs behind skins)
She's not going anywhere regardless of your impotent seething.
Would actually differentiate it from homoschizo nonsense like Genshit.
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Are we really just not gonna get any news until Bilibili World?
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No news is good news
Youyou a cute
30 million download and counting. also wuwa just dethroned genshin in japan.
>did less money than ToF on release
>made even less money than Nikke on release
Wuwa flopped
Dude is cherry picking a IOS chart from JP
kek, it made less than the coomer game, it looks grim for kuro, why would anyone release their game with a homo banner, it's like they want to defy reality. inb4 genshit released with venti, they had the covid buff, and the game was the first of it's kind for gachas
but they follow it up with fomo inducing female banner right?
>dethroned genshin in japan.
Not hard to do Japan is their weakest market, Uma was beating it during covid and Fgo beats it when the devs get out of hibernation.
DNF is making more than Genshin now I think games should copy DNF instead.
self inserts are shit
just make game with no mc if self insert cucks can't handle woman existing because aieee yuri
>AL in its first year didnt really have fanservice did it
>AP could probably be the same
You're delusional, if (big if) the AP supposedly will be a huge success when it's super tame, why would they pivot to fanservice to alienate their existing audience? Also non-fanservice fans are easier to please. Just look at Nikke they're trying to reduce the fanservice fans and noone complains.
>Just look at Nikke they're trying to reduce the fanservice fans and noone complains.
The only delusional person here is you, nikke fags stopped pulling and their revenue dropped like crazy after they started reducing the fanservice, their collab was a big fucking flop also. You only wont see people complaining online because redditors like it and fags on 4chan have to much sunk cost to notice.
The Bilibli thing is today. Hoping they show something today instead of the next 2 days.
Are even sure is this month? The second comment in this thread say is july
>First place in China for 3 fucking weeks
Fucking absurd. Despite everything Mihomo really is the underdog vs. Tencent.
Yeah I misread that fuck it's gonna be a long month.
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WuWa is dead. No one is buying new accounts.
Just another omnipandering game defeating genshin. can't wait for incelpandering games like azur lane, nikke and snowbreak to beat them!
rance is a cuck game by a cuck publisher, you're just playing as the bull in this one instance
for better or worse, non-shippers don't bitch like a karen when games don't cater to them, either prior to or after the fact. they just drop your game and move on, leaving you with your dick in your hand wondering what happened.
I want to cuddle and hold hands with Mari.
Polygamy system is confirmed right?
Not a chance
Why not?
Daddy sony won't allow it
Daddy sony can suck my dick
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sure they will, manjuu just needs to add trannies
Is this the new cope whenever the game doesn't bend over to meet your absurd needs?
sex with blumine
sex with blumine indeed
What are the implications of me wanting to sex the blumine?
It's true omnipandering game though. Affinity system only allows heterosexual (characters must be opposite of your sex).
Gayshit is fake omnipandering.
>You get sex scene but only gay sex and gorilla sex are allowed
No thanks
'absurd needs' such as?
such as having sex with blumine
Isn't it about time we get some actual news? it's been months now
>it's suddenly ok for troons to get away with pandering now because they are the norm
it's about time we get some sex with blumine
Anyone else feels like the graphic and model of AP isnt as good as GI and WW
I think that AP's art style is much better, and art style matters more than graphics and models.
it's way better than GI but worse than wuwa
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AP going for the Genshin style is a mistake, it's already so outdated in 2024. They should have gone for a realistic body type like Azur Lane instead of the semi-chibi style like Genshin.
I'm fine with it desu. The most important thing here is that they must be high fidelity (good textures, shading, etc). If possible the characters should have their entire bodies modelled under their clothes.
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If AP devs want good models they should've just hired the GFL2 art team. Their models blow all the other gacha games out of the water.
especially the feet.
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especially the feet.
i'm no 3d modeler, but glf2 models looks like shit to me, they like straight out of mmd. on top of that they look way too cutesy compared to their 2d art in gfl1. AP, wuwa and genshin definitely look better in terms of models.
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kek, what's wrong with that arlecchino, seems cherrypicked
wtf that's a female?
>glf2 models looks like shit to me
Yeah you said you're not a 3D modeler. GFL2 has the most detailed anime-style models you can find, even outside the gacha scene. The attention to detail in the game's models is insane, if you zoom in you'll notice each character's leggings have unique patterns from each other. You won't see that in AP, genshin or wuwa.
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That's crazy but i'm not taking the words of a footfag.
based and i will never understand the fetish people have for fucking feet
censored edgy dyke, pls understand
Stop capping
it's an ironic fetish
I fucking wish GFL2 had fan service god damn. I'd whale so hard. Now I'm just funding Snowbreak lol
this is what will happen:
The game will be male MC only in CN while the rest of the world can still pick blumine
Nope, realism is fake and gay. Stylized cartoonish graphics take a lot longer to look outdated. AP looks great and blows genshit out of the water.
Am I blind? This shit looks the same, only AP crank the bloom and color to 200%
Looks like shit what the fuck
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WuWa is better. and AP is still better than this safe horny shit. This design doesn't feel alive or realistic and doesn't feel anime too, so it really feels lacking.
it has the unreal look to it like ryza does instead of the stylized rendering of most current 3d anime gachas, so no it's not better because it fails to illustrate the 2d form in 3d space.
Not wanting a female mc because shitposters would start yurifagging is so idiotic, even the harem games with no males except for the protagonist gets ntr shitposting.
go back to /gfl/ nigga
I dont want fem MC option because i dont want female and "female" players playing this game, yuri shitposters are the least of my concerns
You're trying to reason with people that are barely human
No, I want the game to pander to me.
not every game should pander to you
Exactly, that's why you should find one that does instead of this.
is this why you want this game to be yuri so desperately?
this game will pander to me
Don't know what anons are fighting over when it'll probably all just be shipbait with no commitment regardless if its straight or yuri. Faggot open world devs have no balls.
this is why you should fuck off and go back to your gayshit mihomo games
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>shipbait with no commitment regardless if its straight or yuri. Faggot open world devs have no balls.
You're wrong because Firefly x Caelus is canon BTW. If even Mihomo has the guts to give you a canon GF, Manjew has no excuse to not go all in.
>MMD commision
pot meets kettle
>You're wrong because Firefly x Caelus is canon BTW.
Does she join the Astral Express?
I really hope mihomofags don't jump onto this game
>"incels" want girls to be strong and successful with the power to change everything and be powerful and useful in gameplay
>"feminists" want girls to be weak and useless while boys take stage and have the strongest abilities while the girls can only cheerlead them if that
I don't want a female MC because they're double the work if you put in any interactions with characters that go beyond a simple hello. All for less than 20% of the userbase because people don't really care about yuri. Just turn her into the MC's childhood friend, I'd dolphin for her.
No, she disappears after you give them your money
Honestly this. I don't really have a problem whether they add female protagonist or male playable characters if they can add unique interaction between gender. But knowing Manjuu capital, what will happen is watered down interaction that feels platonic.
Deleting female protagonist and recycling her is really the best moves. But I don't really have much hope for that. I just hope they at least lock male protagonist and have dating mechanic.
rest assured, the majority is already filtered out because it doesn't have a homo char banner. Now, on the other hand, as long as it has a female MC, then those insufferable yuritards...
I hope they do get rid of female MC, because it doesn't stop real women (not troons) from playing. Manjuu will still get the fembux like Blue Archive, because women are attracted to cutesy art style, and they don't care for self insert. Troons and yurishitters will be forced to move on to the next mihomo game.
These posts get funnier every time
sex with blumine
There's nothing wrong with harem
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Little slut
it's yover
hope this game doesnt shit itself
Who am I kidding, they'll let hoyo get another free win ticket.
Retard, it'd be the other way around. I am not going to spend another cent on AL until I know for certain they won't cuck me with AP, and the anniversary was a bad sign. Awful enough that they use the Azur brand name while preparing to be an "omnipandering" (aka cuckshit) game.
>and the anniversary was a bad sign
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This is a defining moment in the gacha industry. The success of Firefly banner will be the litmus test for (you) pandering. Industry eyes are on mihoyo, if the banner breaks records, not only that mihoyo will do this more often but other gacha developers will also take note.
Even if you don't play Star Rail, make an account right now and get her E6, proof that harempags are not just all talk.
>and the anniversary was a bad sign
What are you talking about? Also isn't the anniversary for Azur lane in august?
the sex continues
same, i have no problem abandoning AL. I've spent well over $1.5k in skins since I started playing, if they make some omnipandering cuck game, there's no way i'm going to funding it through AL. Until I see more info on AP, my wallet is on hold for them.
trust the chinks anon
when will Mihomo make a new video shipping her with another girl?
A few patches later as always, literally only the most dumb retards trust in the Mihomo "pandering", they are already a meme in CN for that reason
she's always made for elio's big shotacock
i don't play HSR, please explain, why is she so special?
hoyo players never played any mobile game before genshin, never experienced getting pandered to in the 999 generic cashgrab mobile games that did it
so when they experience it for the first time they think hoyo somehow invented it and is gonna revolutionize the industry
>Firefly wasn't it
It's over
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>Firefly wasn't it
What the fuck are you talking about? Firefly is the only character to knock DNF out of first place in the appstore rankings. fyi tencent's dnf has been at the top for months and now a For (You) girl dethrones it. Just goes to show how much demand there is for waifu games among CN players.
So you mean Manjuu making an open world game where every girl sucks the male MC's cock will basically be printing money?
assuming we get another wave of the chink flu where everyone stays home and has either sex or plays game,yes.
Pffft hahahaha
Is she a new member of the train group?
LMAO. HSR fandom waking up from the threat of yuritard. They're dunking Mina Aoyama for her hypocrisy. They've realize that "If she's become waifu=no personality/bland" crowd is shipper.
Azur Pandering!
Sex with Blumine~
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We love firefly here
>They're dunking Mina Aoyama for her hypocrisy.
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For those who don't know Terara has spats in the Mobile version of the website but does not have any in the PC version of the website
it's the same thing in the trailers, the 1st trailer she has spats, but the 2nd trailer: the ps5 version of the trailer she doesn't have any
Please don't give me false hope. My heart can't take another disappointment.
Phantomfly has panties, the west is saved.
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sex with Terara
i will coom to her adult mods whatever happens regardless
>zero skirt and tit physics
They aren't going to make two seperate animations for the PS5 version and PC.
This game is also on PS5 too. >>1489368
>Implying they can't make it lewd
Retard. It's not whether they can or not. It's whether they will or not.
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Hmmm sony says no.
i don't care if it is pandering or whatnot, i already like AP for its looks
Same, really digging the character designs
>Still trying to push Sony will censor this game narrative
Caelus won
It's just stupid if they don't do pandering. It's better for them to just go mixed character route. In that way, they don't need to do pandering to waifufag like me and they'll still have huge female playerbase if they want to do friendship theme.
You have nothing to disprove it.
It seems like a reasonable concern given their track record.
I'm still waiting for more details on the pokemon. Anime girls alone won't get me to play open world slop.
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patiently waiting for this game to finish baking
>snoy has been cracking down pretty hard on the anime pantsu
Everything about this is very cringe. They should just make all female characters wear little shorties under their skirt and the issue would be permanently be solved. Apparently normies think this means it's not a pantyshot anymore. Meanwhile, I still get a semi when I see an upskirt where the girl wears small tight shorts underneath.
I think one main reason why spats are regarded as more censorious than they really are is that they are implemented lazily. Often they fail to detail the ass and general crotch area, because it's just a texture slapped on, rather than being modelled in Blender by a spats specialist with a hand under the desk.
Also, black is a controversial color. I also like it if they are white. Black is perhaps more a color for advanced aficionados because they are more dissimilar from white panties.
>Apparently normies think this means it's not a pantyshot anymore.
spats are objectively the modest kind of wear with the way they're implemented in family friendly media like precure and mihomo. there's a reason why normalfags screeched at the sight of a slight pantyshot back then because it only covers the bit that needs to be covered.
>they are implemented lazily
>no textures, no shading, no shadows
Yeah no shit people are going to hate them when they're supposed to be hot as fuck.
>spats are objectively the modest kind of wear with the way they're implemented
This is actually a hard-won victory by the spats militia, which we fought in part on account of our panty brethren (even though they understandably don't recognize the service, since from their perspective it's still a downgrade).
The actual family friendly undergarment are frilly bloomers and poofy underskirts/panniers (like those ballet dancers wear or something. I don't know how they're called). In about half the seasons, Precures wear this kind. It's only the other half that they use spats, like you say. Bloomers and underskirts just completely obscure everything and don't highlight the contours of the female body anymore. They are a scourge. Many JPop singers as well wear these completely unsexual undergarments for stage performances (although lately I am noticing that they are also switching to spats or shorts under skirts, like they use in KPop).
Spats being used over these is usually due to coomers in the right places being able to make a judgment call.

Both the panty and the spats faction need to work together to remain vigilant that bloomers and panniers don't become more common.
Azur Promilia waiting room...
I just hope they won't obscure it beyond necessary like the side bits of what could've been a panty, underwear that goes all the way to cover the navel, and overly dark shade for pantyhoses.
And of course fuck the low-angle blur.
it seems people care more about this than the other genshin clones coming out, at least on here
I wonder if its the same elsewhere
It's basically an open world Rune Factory, of course it can be very popular if devs play their cards right.
ds rune factory mind you
what else is there that actually looks credible besides wuwa?
wuwa itself leans heavily into Chinese influence and a world design I can only describe as muted.
Eh there's nothing for me to look forward to, everything new or upcoming are mostly just mixed toilet sludges, and considering this is from AL's dev I'd to fix my hopium tank too.
I think WuWa is cool overall, i liked it more than genshin
Arknights endfield? never played arknights so i really can't give a damn about it and the combat looks reeally slow
project mugen? appreciate vapor ware
DNA? the style doesn't sit on me and "warframe but gacha girls" doesn't give it any praises
ZZZ? i don't like the style that much either

So Promilia wins in style and by having charming and upbeat critters and characters.
apparently vapor ware*
>Both the panty and the spats faction need to work together to remain vigilant that bloomers and panniers don't become more common.
I don't want the damage slowed or stopped, I want it REVERSED.
I doubt you spatsfags came to pantiesfags' aid when it was their turn any more than you did for gratuitous cleavage. I doubt you fuckers will try to restore power to the panties (especially at the expense of your precious spats) even if we did win against the granny panties. Keep in mind spats would naturally have more normalfag support than panties, so what's to stop spatsfags from leveraging that power over panties to deny them their return to glory while preserving their own existence?
If you're not at least willing to kill off the stupid spats-under-skirt meta, then I don't care.
My problem with Wuthering waves is that it seems they heavily reduced the roles of the 3 main heroines including the main heroine Yangyang from the CBT story and introduced an unnecessary Paimon/Vee like mascot.
sex with blumine
Sex With Blumine
I don't need to disprove anything. They only have power in their platform. If you want to play AP in Playstation then I'm lmao-ing at you.
>He's still concern trolling.
How the fuck does that work when aniplex is literally sony?
>Um let me just help my competitor get more money while I lose out
I will never forgive them for abandoning (You)pandering after RF3. I knew even back then that halving the amount of available bachelorettes was a horrible fucking idea.
Nuspatsfags will never understand. I want skirt-and-panties OR spats, either lovingly detailed. Spats that are glorified censorship are the worst of all worlds.
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i gotchu senpai
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nah, fuck off censorshipfag, admit it, you're a fujo or tranny that wants censorship, there is a difference between lewd spats by design choice, and plain old censorship under the guise of spats, i'm not falling for the GFL2 bullshit.
That shit looks arbitrary. Spat didn't translate really well on 3D since the texture will be compressed and, just face it, they're still shit too look at.
>the acceptable one is just censored panties
At least gameplay-wise RF4 had some good improvements and more content than RF3. RF5 was the one that was a complete travesty.
Nta but i dropped rf4 while i raised every bachelorettes in rf3.
Also dropped rf2 the moment it switched to our child's perspective.
RF4 girls are worthless other than the Narcoleptic butler (why not a maid?!) when you were spoiled with 3 diverse array of unique marriageable, maybe I'm biased but I also loved Ocean and Frontier heroines.
Move the blue girl onto the other side.
Sex with blue girl
La blue girl?
what to expect for bilibili world
if they dont let people try the game there/announce beta test then I'd be pretty disappointed
Expect announcement for the first beta and a new trailer. We might also know if they removed female MC or not.
Nobody that lives in reality expects such a ridiculous thing to happen.
Not ridiculous at all
I will only accept Male MC only if there are incest undertones with Blumine
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Sex with dragon girls in this game
i expect them to pull another kuro
that being?
The game is buggy mess or they listened? I agree though, that it still can happen. Just ignore the shitposter that doesn't play AL.
>i expect them to pull another kuro
Isn't Wuwa failing in China because they piss off the waifufags?
Where the hell you've got your news from? Shitposter? There's a really big (you) pandering there and the only one they pissed off is female player by changing Scar design.
It has the mixed toilet stigma, so yeah.
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>Where the hell you've got your news from?
Anon there's literally a movement in CN called "Don’t play when there are men in the gacha," CN males are sick of being treated like shit by the devs (like an entire year of Genshin without a new limited female banner) so they’ve stopped supporting these "mixed-toilet" games (so-called because female players get preferential treatment) >>1497907. The biggest gacha forum on baidu tieba, which used to be the Genshin leak sub, turned into a Genshin hate sub and Azur Promilia waiting room overnight, their forum banner now says "Farewell Gayshit" with an AP girl avatar on it and if you check the tieba front page, the AP waiting room forum is always one of the most active forums there.
Now back to Wuwa. There are a lot of problems piling up like the the game starting with a male character banner, disrespect and hatred from the girls in CBT1, and issues with Lingyang. These all snowballed into a boycott for Wuwa, and in fact in CN, Linyin's banner revenue was worse than Jiyan's, even though she did much better in other countries >>1487801
Read this if you're a dramafag https://www.chuapp.com/article/289829.html, the article covers why CN started boycotting, how GFL2 got killed because of its cuckbait omnipandering writing and it mentions Wuwa too
>There's a really big (you) pandering there
That's also true, but unfortunately the game was released right when the drama was at its peak.
I know about that drama and everything about that movement. But it just wrong to said WuWa pissing off waifuchad. It just they don't care or at most disappointed that it's mixed toilet.
BTW are you Chinese? I thought that the genshin tieba just changed as a joke and it becomes normal again(Genshin discussion place).
>I thought that the genshin tieba just changed as a joke and it becomes normal again(Genshin discussion place).
NTA but you can check for yourself. Top posts literally talking about HSR and mihoyo 'desperate' attempt to grab male players and make due.
May I request the link of that tieba? It's really hard to find it, because I don't know the keyword to search in google.
BTW >>1497909
I've read the article and it's good article. It's really objective and doesn't mock anyone which is really rare from game journalist article. The content is inline with what I know.
Here just take your pick
Thanks. It really is a ACG battleground.
>Linyin's banner revenue was worse than Jiyan
I see now, you are a shitposter.
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a Chinese posted on Tieba that he was in the building where Manjuu is located, and that in Manjuu's office the lights were still on, late in the evening at the start of the weekend.
he also specified that the indication of the floor where Manjuu's offices are located was hidden at the entrance and in the elevator, Manjuu probably did not want to be disturbed.
Manjuu is probably in full crunch to cook AP for the Bilibili World
Learn to read anon, in china only.
gimme that ayanami statue
Poor bugmen. Hope they can rest a little once they show the new footage at Bilibili World (if it's positive).
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>Jiyan banner top 9
>Yinlin banner top 8
ok shitposter
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Don't use appmagic, most serious spiritual investors prefer appannie or sensortower, that gacharevenue site also uses sensortower too (you can also check out this supposed gacha insider guy https://space.bilibili.com/179948458/ his vids have estimated PC/PS revenue).
They showed Jihan's first-day revenue at $1.2M while Yinlin's was $700K.
>don't use your asspulled number
>use my asspulled number
lmao gachafags are something else
>second-tier gaming market.
>second game market.
If you use machine translation like DeepL, which is absolutely garbage when it comes to slang, you might wonder what these translations means. It's mangling of the chink phrase "2-Dimensional", i.e. "anime game".

I fucking love the chinks. Only they and perhaps the Koreans would pull something like this to steer things back on track. The Japs are too domesticated, while in the Chink veins still a little bit of that feral rural pig farmer blood courses.
It's one reason why I am optimistic about the future of waifu games being in their hands.
Yep. The global gaymer is really cuck. Gamer is derogatory term for me.
In the spat censorship fiasco, their response is "we need to accept this, we don't really have a choice".
Holy shit, how fucking weak are you.
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What's really important is how long the banner stays at the top of the App Store's grossing chart. Yinlin's banner dropped way faster than Jihan's which had a more stable ranking, so overall she did worse.
Now look at DFO on the chart that's what a top dog gacha game looks like, and ZZZ is about to compete with it.
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cute. I really like the girls in this game. I wish this game wasn't gacha. I would prefer to pay a subscription to play and have everything obtainable in game, but free to play is more profitable.
when's the bilibili thing, will we get news then?
>Japs are too domesticated
If american shit wasn't enough otaku there are also being literally groomed by vtubers into being cucks it's absolutely pathetic.
There are good chunk of otaku that hates vtubber but yeah they don't have the same fire and fury that they used to have back in the 00s.
ex-mmo player?

you know even most mmos have cash shops with microtransactions and shit, there isn't a single game that exists on subscriptions alone in the modern day, that i can think of
Makes me sad. Hopefully modest spending like a monthly pass will be enough.
I hate that you're right. Looking at their list of upcoming games and anime now there is nothing interesting to look forward to because they've stopped innovating for shit. The future of anime centric media is korean/chink now.
What happened to the JP Otaku?
defeated by normalfags
Nip normalfags I assume?
after firefly flopped despite all the shilling im kinda worried about AP too
maybe i should lower my expectation just in case manjew fucked it up like kuro...
Sam was ultimately a detriment if she was in a more feminine mech she would have did better or just ditched the /m/ shit.
what are you talking about
The web page is fucking SOVL, i love AP's aesthetic, its the polishing i wanted from genshin's style
pandering to waifufags only might not be profitable as we thought it would be
Never played genshin, but from what I've seen AP definitely looks better to me. Faces are nicer with cuter styled eyes and softer facial curves. Skin has the natural tints of red throughout the model instead of being a flat colour. Overall just better rendering.
Ignore hoyotroon. Firefly is a success.
The ranking of revenue from highest to lowest is: Waifu meta>waifu=husbando meta>husbando.
They can't accept that male banner is a flop compared to Firefly.
and you took that from Star Rail of all thing? fucking kek
second highest selling gachage right now? yea i think its fair
nah it isn't
Azur Promilia!
Kinda funny how a waifu banner made them seeth so much, but that's the tranny fanbase that Mihomo build
Jiyan was the release banner as such he had top up boosting his banner, Yinlin was the most popular character from the 1.0 beta cast so it makes sense that people would buy currency in prep for Yinlin doubly so given that Kuro rushed out her banner as only they would know if people were spending/rolling for Jiyan or hoarding their rolls.
>I am optimistic about the future of waifu games being in their hands
>I am optimistic about gacha being controlled by a totalitarian government that can literally, not figuratively murder any game developer at will that doesn't bend the knee and censor content and change the story to promote the CCP
>this censorship and story cuckoldry has already been deeply rooted in the chinese gacha industry where it is just assumed that all games will release pre censored now
I don't even have a reaction image to appropriately display my disappointment. Congratulations, you are the perfect product of the machine. Your social credit score has been maxed out.
Western globohomo came in and waved their dirty money around and everyone bowed down so they could get a slice of the pie.
Kick out globohomo and watch japan return to its glory days again.
The funniest shit was watching developers bending over for the investors, who ordered them to follow the trend of the biggest game (genshin), so every game developed from 2020 onwards had omnipandering. I'm really thankful for GLF2 sacrifice, so that now we can course correct, the past 4 years are best forgotten. Props to snowbreak that course corrected before and after release to great success.
I have to mention brown dust 2 case, the game doesn't even has a self insert and is a bunch of unrelated characters, but they are still going to try to implement an affection system to appeal to no one, fucking idiots.
>it makes sense that people would buy currency in prep for Yinlin
This still doesn't explain why Yinlin's banner sold worse than Jihan's in CN, because if you check the sales in JP Yinlin’s banner made at least twice as much as Jihan's.
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seggs with GOTE AND DRAGON GIRLS!!!!
Did you even read the news or at least this thread, there's a big happening over there, and I don't think chink bugmen is the type that had the memory of a goldfish and they can keep grudges very well.
patience we'll get coom when the time is right
I like bow CA gameplay but it doesnt seem like we will have any here
GFL2 do contribute, but I think the biggest contributor or MVP in this case is Genshin. Because of Sumere fuckup(they change direction of their playerbase to be more female), many Chinese felt betrayed and that's the biggest reason why "Men don't play" movement come about. This >>1497909 article highlight it better, because the main reason this happen is because no one wants to be excluded and like it better when they favored by business.
Honestly Genshin is really MVP, because they show everyone that high production gacha is profitable and because of them too(Sumeru fuckup), Azur Promilia become female only.
>the anti-male movement is real and keeps snowballing
The chinks homegrown vidya moment get a little too big and changs going oh no when the devs turned on the customers like western DEI. I don't see mihomo's success in gacha will be long lasting in games, especially in fucking gacha where players are the most volatile and temperamental. As you mentioned, their games are high production pieces. Who knows when the changs will drive a truck full of milk into hoyo HQ as protest and cause actual disruption.
we already knew the CCP doesn't give a fuck about games as much as mihoyo loves hiding behind that excuse, the same way stellar blade (nikke pivoting to females) did with the PS5 (who do censor, but only softcore porn like DoA, not skimpy clothing), and bad manga/LN behind editors, bad cartoons behind "executive meddling". but somehow western television and video games are correctly identified as having "woke developers".
keep drinking the koolaid retard. it can't just be that your favorite franchise and writer is a cuckold.
>if you don't suckle at the teet of xi you are a cuck
holy projection
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I'm going to play ap regardless of what happens with the mc
Congratulations on being mentally sound
I'm going to play AP even if the game has yuri undertones, because it will.
about the level of intelligence I expected from you
Here you go friend I know how much you want this (You).
AI response
AI personality
I get it now, you're a seething seanigger. no wonder you sound like such an npc; it's your low IQ
this. all i want is sex with blumine
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>3 more weeks until news
Oof, every reply just gets more off course. The desperation repeating the same tired insults when I didn't bow and scrape to father xi. Since we're trading racial insults I guess that would make you post the most yellow in this thread.
when is the bilibili event thingy
I'm curious, how does one even live with 70 iq?
sad, even the africans don't have chink mutt blood to go along with it at the very least.
>he doesn't know that africa has been colonized by the chinks for decades now
oh no no no xi isn't going to like this, you're supposed to be up to date on this stuff comrade.
Azur Promilia!
I want the tall big breasted water fox mommy to hug me and tell me she'll financially support me, so I don't have to have a job anymore.
It's nyover...
>still no news
yeah, i think this game is a scam
project mugen bwos...
just two more weeks, trust the plan, bilibili thing soon
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Your enthusiasm about political garbage is very laudable little Timmy, but how does the CCP being totalitarian gommies affect my experience of playing waifu games? If anything, due to their anti-LGBT decrees which at the very least mean character slots that otherwise would be wasted on ugly diversity tokens can be put to good use on attractive female characters instead (though preventing the gay agenda from seeping in has even far more deeper reaching beneficial effects regarding waifuism), the fact that China is led by an authoritarian and socially conservative government is a very beneficial.
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It's called "editing a post" and on this site doesn't quite work like you're used to from Reddit.
>still seething and sperging days later
Imagine how bad it will be when the game actually comes out.
I am not sperging, I am just killing time in a slow moving thread, because it's summer which means I have objectively absolutely nothing to do until the semester starts again.
Nothing to do except shamelessly shill for the CCP. Embarrassing.
that's not me. now that you've made me solve the captcha:
a complete non sequitur. I doubt this is pilpul either next to your other posts, you probably thought that was my actual point.
no sadder lifeform than an abbo granted just enough intelligence to get his petrol sniffing ass online and no more.
Bro your schizo othermind is confused, first I was a seanigger then an african now I am an abbo. Why do dark skinned men live rent free in your head?
I like anime sluts
When is the game launching?
news next month, but don't hold your breath, it could take years for the game actual release
5 days
When genshit dies
Be honest, how many brown men have explored your cave? It seems like the number must be high. You clearly have some deep-seated issues. Would you like to talk about it? 4chan is famous for its therapeutic discussions.
>you are who you hate
you came from reddit
Reply to the wrong post?
Is there a paimon in this game too?
I'm hyped
ZZZ looks amazing now, i really doubt a small company like Manjuu can weight the expectations to compete in the current market.
>ZZZ looks amazing now
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That game is too big of a chunk of the Chinese GDP for them to let it die, for the amount of money they get on that game they should have made a new and better game.
buy a ad Mihomo faggot, nobody cares about your furry game
Every thread I see about this game just ends up talking about furries. I don't want to pllay some gay furry game.
whatever little bit that game had going for it was ruined by censorship.
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It seems Wuthering Waves has stealth nerfed this character's boob sway for their 1.1 patch. Truly the blessing of unisex toilet games.
Played it at launch but the game is such a junk, the combat redeems it a lot but making their gacha odds similar to genshin was such a fuckery.
this is why i won't pick it up, happens to all mixed toilet, they put just enough bait to get men to fund the game, but then only listen to women for feedback. Mixed toilet players are the simps of gachas
Can you make a better webm so the character in the newer patch can walk on the same uneven surface?
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I don't play Wuthering Waves but this is her 1.0 jiggle. Anyone who has her and plays the game can compare.
Thanks. I don't play wuwa either. The 1.0 does jiggle more, and I wish they could keep the jiggling and improve the boob deformation. 1.1 jiggles too little, and 1.0 jiggled a little unnaturally.
sex with Blumine posters... gone!
SEX. WITH. BLUMINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>sex with Blumine posters
There's only one person here who wants to bang the female main character, anon.
Yeah, me.
Blumine? Sex? Yeah.
Sex with Blumine?
It's a human right.
Blumine Sex will be law
is that suppose to be a combination with lumine from genshin?
>chat is so dead not even hoyoshitposters bother shitting up the thread
I bet you think your actual bait is clever.
Not even going to give you a (You), retard.
Generating AI girls while I wait for this game ...
No, it's a corruption of "blow mine" -- so get crackin'
Ugly granny tits lmoa (at least they jiggles!)
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>it's real
hoyofaggots already ruining this
We don't know her real name afaik so people just called her blumine, it's nothing too deep.
well, ahotaru doesn't sound as cute
>can't stand a common knowledge
lurk moar.
ironic coming from an almost certain tourist
>nooo don't use genslop terms in a genslop clone thread
cry moar.
It’s a Palworld clone thoo
If you want to continue to out yourself as being a part of newest type of cancer, go ahead.
no need to backtrack buddy.
don't care, sex with blumine
so what is the actual release date?
this month?
Or is it just the cbt this month?
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>so what is the actual release date?
5 years? Damn....
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We will get news on the first CBT this month. Probably.

IIRC release has to come by January 2025 if they don't want to reapply for registration.
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New upcoming game has banned anything LGBT, cuckoldry, gender selection, male characters.
ching chong to you too
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thank god for google translate
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>no widow
reeeee i want sex with hags

>anti-humanity topics that contain LGBTQ
okay these guys are based considering lgbt shit anti-human

what game is this even for?
LOL why?
Im not clicking until you explain what it is
fucking based
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its just taptap
so, it's yet another azur lane clone?
Daily Sex with Blumine
Azur Promilia!
Sexu Bluminia!
Essex with Blumine!
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2 days
Blue Star: Travel Ballad Super Topic #藍色星原旅詩# #藍色星原旅詩BW2024# #BW2024#
◆《藍色星原:旅詩》BW2024 Exhibition Information◆
Giant rookie "takes charge" of the booth, the fantasy and fun paradise is about to open!

The midsummer invitation has been launched, are the star visitors ready to go~

※Venue information
Exhibition time: July 12-July 14, 2024
Exhibition hall address: Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center
Booth location: 2.1H Hall 2A26

※Booth information
Complete the game official website reservation and official social media platform follow-up tasks to receive the "Blue Star: Travel Ballad" BW2024 souvenirs!
Participate in booth activities and win peripheral gifts. Stay tuned for more exciting content~

※Topic event
From the start (July 12) to July 19, go to the Blue Star Original Travel Ballad super topic with the topic #藍色星原旅詩BW2024# to share original content related to the exhibition to participate in the event. We will randomly select 10 people from the Star Visitors who participate in this event to send "Rookie Plush Doll × 1".

◆"Blue Star Original: Travel Ballad" official website reservation address: web link
◆Repost for prizes◆
Follow @藍色星原旅詩 and forward this content, we will randomly select Star Visitors through the @微博彩票平台 and send the following prizes:
"Blue Star Original BW2024 Souvenir" × 1 (10 people)
Welcome all Star Visitors to participate! The event will end and the prize will be drawn on July 12, so please pay attention to the official news.
>news just when zzz is about to launch
Seems like they fixed it.
>caring about censored Oyohimslop
don't take the bait.
furry sisters, it's finally our turn
where's the bait? this is the worst moment to give AP news, everyone will be fixated on ZZZ by the time bilibili world airs
>only soulless fags fine with censorship and actual furries will be fixated on ZZZ!
furfags are desperate for attention prease understand.
You think it was originally plan to have male characters but halted due to backlash??
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MC still MiA
dude's fucking his sister
Blumine bwos...it's nyover...
10 more days...
I heard that mugen is coming out this year
We should be worried...
I know you are the concern trolling faggot and I usually don't give your (you). But this time I will give it, because you're stupid.
Holy shit, how can someone be this stupid...
>mixed toilet
go troll the zzz furries, that game looks like zzz and has nothing to do with AP
It is, they sent emails regarding promoting their rebranding to EN CC's. AP has a cult following in CN, this game has the least amount of things to be concerned about so far... as well as lower overlap with Mugen overall.
>AP cult is just genshit burnout
if you include people who tried it and left disappointed then yeah it's pretty common even among oldfags in gachage sphere.
will echo the anon above me and call you retarded
>I heard that mugen is coming out this year
>>wuwa cult is just genshit burnout
fixed, did you post in the wrong thread, pretty sure this thread is full of AL/pokemon/palworld/rune factory players
Amazing how WuWa and Genshin mindbroke a generation of gacha gamers.
>waaah why won't you go with my narrative???
the fuck? lol
9 days
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Kek, another game exposed for self-censoring
Shanghai Publication Bureau answered an email saying that they didn't ask Path to Nowhere to censor
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This is the one for Genshin
Only the biggest retards these days keep coping that every censorship is due to the CCP and not their dev team full of feminist and woke devs that simple just hate the average straight male gamer
path to nowhere at this point feels like the devs said fuck it we hate men, we'll just do what we want. For a short while we were getting some nice designs and skins, but now everything lately, and upcoming just looks like they're pandering to butch dykes.
Funny thing is the game was never meant for men to begin with but somehow they decide to fuck with both sides.
this one was obvious.
lmao imagine being some mid tier bureaucrat slash apparatchik and you sit down with your coffee on your desk to go over the new local factory regulations, and then you open your e-mails and you see you got another one of these by now monthly mails by some sweaty nerds asking whether you have removed the pantyshots from some mobile game
Straight males must love these gay mascot plushies
have you seen pokemon fanbase?
pretty sure it's well known femoids do this enmasse, we had azur lane censored an entire year, with zero bikinis or lewd skins because a bunch of arknights troons got the game censored, i wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of hoyotroons do the same when AP comes out
They didn't do it for WuWa for some reason
ZZZ is out and is smashing records
>ZZZ has MC selection but both still participate in the story and are brothers even
and you guys bitched over blumine...
who gives a shit about zzzzzzz
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>who gives a shit
oh mihomo slurpers, amazing!
Buy an ad mihomo furry faggot
>first picture is the ass of a giga gay furry
>mihomo slurpers still feels proud to come here and shill his gay fetish
>censored genshit clone
there's literally nothing to censor. hoyotroons will lose their shit once they see panties in AP. Read the thread, hoyotroons are already infesting it, they don't fear wuwa because it already failed.
/xivg/ bros, we're winning!
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>never meant for men to begin with
this is cope, game has always had yuri undertones, but they were clearly pandering to males too. They had sexy characters, and pretty decent skins that appeal to straight males, more recently they just gave up, now they will focus on troons, because I don't even think women would like the shit we get now.
I don't really see why I should trust these emails at all
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>I don't even think women would like the shit we get now
They're done for the moment they tried to regain yumes traction by adding a new male in a heavily skewed gender ratio.
You're not competing with anyone. Also go back.
If they wanted to appeal to woman they should this kind of characters
This is what the female gaze looks like.
Imagine comparing ZZZ combat to WuWa. Sure, wuwa is not DMC or monster hunter (they did just added a style system to the rogue like mode though), but ZZZ is somehow MORE childish than genshin.
from what i saw in the trailer, AP combat looks almost exactly the same like zzz
I dont want M1 mashing gameplay
if you take your time to fucking skim this thread you'll know that nobody cares about how their combat system will be.
Hoyonigs refuse to play games without rollable males.
>zzz crashing and burning
Things are looking up for us, hope they can capitalize on it and have a beta or launch announcement soon.
>zzz crashing and burning
how so? i mean i agree, looks gay, has furries and it's censored, but never underestimate the slop that hoyodrones will eat up. hoyo will make millions regardless of the trash they put out
nta but that doesn't stop Hoyofaggots going to other generals to shit the place with their troon behavior, just look what they are doing with this thread
that guy is just trolling, zzz is breaking every record possible right now.
>mihomo cope, the post
post proof then
Buy an ad mihomo tranny
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Yes, that guy is just trolling, zzz surpassed tiktok on china and is doing way better than wuwa release.
Thread? Try board. Look at the goddamn catalog.
ZZZ has incest vibes with selectable MCs
you should stop being so insecure
>zzz is breaking every record possible right now.
Even Genshin's?
buy an ad mihomo furrytranny
Azur Promilia!
You mean Genshin?
We can see that, no wonder why hoyofaggots are the most hated shitters everywhere
would be funny if our launch does worse than zzz
>This thread grows faster than ZZZ thread
No wonder ZZZ is underperforming. Even Mihoyo players spend more time on other game threads than ZZZ.
Who cares how the launch does, as long as the game is actually good instead of the usual cookiecutted gachaslop, these games go on for such a long time that regardless of how the launch went it has little to do with the outcome of if the game will be profitable or not in the long run.
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genshin is going back to its root after zzz flopped and ap is coming
wtf gura?
>Below Honor of Kings
Isn't that bad? People said HSR Seele's launch banner topped the ranking chart but I didn't see it here. Not once in the 1st rank. HSR Firefly (that ML character) can dethrone DnF for a day but zzz can't touch Honor of kings let alone DnF.
Also just checked the JP charts and it's below Monster Strike too.
Even with the safety spats in place how does this loli character manage to get past the self-censorship department at Hoyo?
mihomo stopped all the natlan leak to give zzz spotlight and new natlan teaser just overwhelmed it lol
no one cares hoyofag samefaggot
>they are going to /vmg/ in a thread of a unreleased game to shill some hoyo slop that already have some huge marketing campaign behind it
It's so funny how insecure Mihomo trannies are about other games, they always feels the need to come to other games threads to shit on the place. If that is not a prove that ZZZ, Gayshit and whatever other garbage mihomo drops is shit with no content, nothing is.
>If that is not a prove
pagpagbro, it's time for bed
Go back to /gig/ shitter, mihomo will not pay you to shill their dogshit in a unreleased game, dirty tranny
Bigger companies can and do spend money on their own games to prop up their store rankings so I wouldn't trust these ranks much.
Sex with notgura.
Hololive should sue
Blue Starfield!
so more femboys and gaybait?
don't forget shipping and using for (you) characters to cuck you some patches later
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sex with chiyo
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RIP. This game will never top D&F, this is what happens when you pander to casualfags and forget about the arpgfags.
Everyone's saying it was disappointing. Manjuu should be taking notes.
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heh furries btfo
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very cute, reminds me of Rin
I usually disregard the term style over substance but they really took it to a hundred.
Oversaturated market, AP won't survive.
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>Oversaturated market
>high quality 3D action harem game
pick one
pokemon, palworld, AP, what else?
ZZZ being so bad really hurt hoyofaggots
Mihomo's taken over by women and they don't know what good gameplay for men is like. Wait until they reveal their horrible Animal Crossing clone which will be way worse than ZZZ can be.
Hard to believe it they actually thought it was ok to release it in that state. Not even WuWa as broken as it was was that boring.
>they already censored it
We had a good run, well... Not really
it's nyover...
>Mihomo's taken over by women and they don't know what good gameplay for men is like
This is so much truth and not just for the gameplay aspect of it, their games is legit made for the lgbt fags, femcels and cucks in general, they ditched their straight male audience years ago
and people were already shitting on the game since the first beta, can't see a single non shill person not giving this game a 6 at best
What happened?
That and the "land of war" that was hyped up to hell turned out to be even more disneyfied than fontaine.
Broken thing can be fixed. But nothing can't fixed ZZZ boring combat. If they don't have any idea to improve it from CBT1, I doubt they can do anything about it. I think they will just double down in every aspect except combat.
Even if they have hard enemy, it won't fix it, because the combat is just that boring.
Nooo you don't understand! The side quest is where the meat is! There'll be...uuhhh...people dying!
>He still concern trolling and didn't know that Manjuu can be bullied to remove censorship
Ah, it's good to become APchad. I can't wait for CBT1 to happen and see how CN chad will raise their voice if AP is censored and isn't a harem game.
They better rage so hard it makes the Girl Frontline 2 drama look like a joke. Manjuu shouldn't have fucking used the "Azur" name if they wanted to pander to gays and women instead.
that dude is some hoyofag losing his mind because people are talking shit about his ZZZ being a flop dude, that's why he starts concern trolling every time someone starts shit talking about ZZZ or any mihomo game for that matter, it's full dmg control mode for Hoyofaggots slurpers
Honestly I won't worry to much about this. Manjuu has paint themselves into a corner by going all female character cast. It's harder to get wider audience with all female character cast after all. And if they go back on their word, then no kidding, but GFL2 part 2 will happen. The only way for them is to go all the way full male pandering (harem+fan service).
If not, then let's just see how they get wider audience from Hoyoverse games and keep them from going to the true monster taming game that will release (Roco Kingdom).
Heck, the worst scenario that will happen is they still tried to get wider audience and fail, then go back to pandering to male audience. Just like GFL2 and even current hoyoverse games including Genshin.
>Heck, the worst scenario that will happen is they still tried to get wider audience and fail, then go back to pandering to male audience. Just like GFL2 and even current hoyoverse games including Genshin.
And people forgive them for what they did, only for these companies to do it again.
>even current hoyoverse games including Genshin.
I wouldn't put much stock in genshit.
>zzz mediocre to the point not even CCs shill it
>genshit's new region looks like subway surfers instead of what early lore hinted at
Perfect time for Endfield and AP to sweep in and show off the goods. Lets hope for some good news soon.
That's not the point here you dimwit.
H*yo often hinted characters that are for (you) like noelle and nahida but later revealed that they admire other character just as much.
mihomo will never go back to pandering to straight males, they're a full blown LGBTXYZ+#&231 company now. Even clorinde was fail, and she's about the closest thing to straight male pandering, heck i think yuritroons coopted her and navia
>arktroons shit
no thanks fuck them, and their troon/furry fanbase, that got azur lane censored, they completely buckbroke manjuu that year
This is why humanity as a whole is a failure. It's just stupid expecting (you) pandering in hoyoverse games, but there's still waifu-player that play ZZZ. How foolish really. I don't like this kind of player because they're NPC and likely become obstacle. When they like a game, they become bootlicker and when they hate a game, they become full blown hater(like the current Genshin hater).
Genshin new 5* hydro girl is showing too much skin for Genshin standard. But it's more like desperate attempt to keep the current male player(lmao, imagine still playing Gayshit).
For HSR, Firefly pandering aside, their current limited banner per patch is female&female, female&male, then repeat.
For ZZZ, there are many upcoming female character but very small male character. It became worse because the new teaser shows more female.
This will still won't make me play homoverse game though.
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>that are for (you) like noelle and nahida
freshly stolen from /gig/ haha
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i'm pretty sure mihomo already shipped noel with mika in-game, there isn't a single semblance of (You) pandering in genshit
>heck i think yuritroons coopted her and navia
They did but the blame goes to hoyo due doing fuck all with Clorinde in the Archon quest along with her being released months later thus having her as an easy blank slate for shippers to latch onto and having Navia forgive and even befriending Clorinde in the first place.
Bait or not it's still an attempt to fish for internet drama for free advertising like...oh shit i did it again gotta commend their promo team who made this as the foundation of their popularity and yet keep getting away with it.
>confirmed censored
>b-but the people will complain!
people eat shit anon, it's over
>hoyocucks still mad and seething here
kek i guess ZZZ flopping hard and anons showing them getting cucked like this >>1507626
>>1507634 really hurt them
Y-you're right bros. It's over. Manjuu won't do something as simple as removing spats from the model.
There's no precedent where Manjuu follow player demand, like rewriting story, redrawing loading art, scrapping ship & her skin.
This hoyocuck don't know anything about Manjuu or Azur lane bro, makes their concern trolling even more obvious and retarded
There's even an ad by Hoyo themselves pairing Navia with Clorinde, with them dancing together.
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New rumors about Azur Promilia, treat it with a grain of salt.

>Game will only have a promotional video for Bilibili World and merchandise
>Due to salary and other problems, many people come and go at Manjuu
>There have been many conflicts between writers and artists in the company, so many of those have left Manjuu.
>After the drama with Azur Promilia's reveal Manjuu has gotten stricter on who they hire.
>All of Manjuu's future projects are now harems
>Bilibili speculates that due to the AP drama, some players have stopped spending in Azur Lane so their anniversary didn't do as well as they wanted it to.
Honestly, this is a good news if it's true(?).
Though if this is fake, then it's really dangerous. Because Manjuu want to pursue legal mean.
The last one is 50/50 though. It's between because the game is just that old=revenue won't increase and it's likely decrease. Honestly it's a sad thing that CN anniv(2x gems reset) and great skins(Alsace, St. Louis) resulting in lesser revenue than last year. There won't be more revenue than CN revenue, so you can say that's the peak of AL revenue.
The good thing is, Azur lane development won't need much money like how 3D gacha is. If GFL2 can survive with lower revenue, then so will Azur lane.
Revealing AP in such a raw state really bit them, if there was something (we) Azur Lane players wanted is (not) a Palworld + Genshin game.
>All their future projects will be harems
this is mega retarded
What's wrong with having multiple games for different audiences? They have separate dev teams and the profit promila brings in could improve Azure lane, too.
>this is mega retarded
cry about it tranny
>What's wrong with having multiple games for different audiences?
because they used Azur lane money to make something that their playerbase that they have build of the years would hate, all to make another genshin clone and not improving Azur lane. That would piss off any long term whale that supported this company for years and made them who they are now
>They have separate dev teams and the profit promila brings in could improve Azure lane, too.
This is fucking cope, Azur lane is already like 7 years old game or something that basically had no major improvements and even that text said their anni didn't do as well, chances are that they will lose all their players that they build to a 3D game like Snowbreak, that other game Nornium or whatever new harem game on the market
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Limiting your audience to only smelly incels is not a good idea. Whether you like it or not, omnipandering is the way to go if you want this game to succeed.
i want to fuck my sister
Azur Promilia!
Fuck off to your mixed toilet slop
>Hoyocuck still here seething
>omnipandering shill
>pic that only shows download and not the fact they uninstalled the game after they find out the game was so fucking trash
ZZZ flopped dirty furry
Lmao zzz is mihomos worst game yet, even the normalfags are turning on them. Your time is almost up tranny, enjoy it while it lasts no more faggots for you.
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sex owes me sex
>Limiting your audience to only smelly incels is not a good idea.
Retard, go to your dramafilled gacharevenue site and see how many recent omnipandering gacha games (besides mhy or AK) are doing well. Spoiler: none. Just off the top of my head, Alchemy Stars, PtN, and R1999, all omnipandering and all flopped in some way. PtN had to decensor/unremove the fanservice girl to get the male audience back, R1999 stopped making inanimate objects/animals/weird looking characters and switched to conventional waifus.
Now look at Love & Deepspace. It targets a tiny core yumejo audience and doesn’t even pander to fujoshis, in fact the game practically shits on fujoshis since the playable males never interact with each other. Yet a small subset of the female audience (yumejos) is enough to keep it in the top 5 gacha revenue, it doesn’t need to pander to all female player types to succeed. Actually if LDS tried to add fujobaiting now the company would pretty much get blacklisted by all CN yumejo femcels.
TL;DR LDS is a prime example, limiting your audience to only smelly incels is a good idea if it's done well.
Manjuu already has azur lane
I want more and better content for Azur Lane
I want Azur Lane to be better than the harem game competition
I don't want yet another harem game but with higher budget from the same developer.
They should have improved Azur Lane to better standards before showing that Genshit+Palworld shit.
>I don't want yet another harem game but with higher budget from the same developer. They should have improved Azur Lane to better standards before showing that Genshit+Palworld shit.
You can keep coping with this, Azur lane is too old and there is nothing they can do to revive the game other than making a new one that is hopefully AP. All that will happen is that Azur lane will lose players to new games like snowbreak and piss off their old player base to search that genshin clone bag, just see the backlash when people thought that this game would have fucking playable males in it, old fans would just destroy Manjuu
I get where you're coming from, but how much money does it take to add content to Azure lane? It's a 2D game and since it's gacha it's making millions. Manjuu is going to have excess money to spend on resources and investing it into a new game to target a different audience while also pleasing their current fans with Azure Lane makes sense. Would you be happy with a sequel to Azure Lane instead of promila?
I'm happy with both games being high quality harems for straight men.
>caring about a game's popularity
i would rather normies fuck off from AP, not every game needs to be for homosexuals like you. You have wuwa, genshit, hsr, and your furry simulator. AP will be exclusively for straight men, normies are already filtered because the lack playable dudes besides the MC. They already officially announced no rollable dudes, so fuck off tranny.
You have trannies living in your head rent free anon.
go join your 41% brethren in hell already
I don't know if the game will have marriage, but devs confirmed it will only have girls to summon. The gameplay might be appealing to wider audiences with large areas to explore, monster taming and farm sim, but I wouldn't call it omnipandering.
I hope you get the help you need.
*Not saying you did call it omnipandering I'm speaking in a broader sense and that wouldn't call it that.
*I wouldn't call it that
fucking based
this coincides with me, where normally every event, I usual buy 2-3 skins, I reluctantly bought the Alscace skin because it was too good, but held back on everything else I would normally buy. I'm not going to spend on AL until I see more info on AP. I'm not going to let manjuu cuck me into funding an omnipandering game, while we get the stagnant azur lane. If they cuck out, I will quit azur lane, I'll just take my money to snowbreak, and hopefully nornium will turn out to be good.
>azur lane is too old
and that's why manjuu should have innovated in it, it has old fan favorites
Again this is cope, they wont innovate shit for Azur lane since the game is too old and they would have to make a new game at this point, game that could easily be AP. Old fans would be just mad like this anon here >>1508055 if they end up getting cucked after years of supporting Manjuu
No, i wouldn't give a shit about an omnipandering game if Manjuu invested into at least making something new for the azur lane franchise, you clearly are a secondary to azur lane and it shows.
It's a company after all i wouldn't be mad if they wanted to expand themselves but at least re invest first into the game that many loyal fans spent their time and money into.
you don't play either, they are doing measly reinvestment, it's called 3d dorms, that's what we're getting, it's shit. We got OPS, and stupid TB mini game, it's shit. They aren't going to sink development into AL anymore, it's nothing but skins, stop pretending to be a player, it's obvious you're not.
You can keep coping as much as you want, they wont turn Azur Lane, a chibi 2d png collector, into a full 3D game like snowbreak after 7 years.
>It's a company after all i wouldn't be mad if they wanted to expand themselves
That's you, the majority of people would be fucking pissed off if they cucked people who invested in them to fund something that is completely opposite of what they have build of the years with their fanbase, don't pretend chinks wouldn't burn Manjuu to the ground, harder than any GFL2 drama if they pull out that shit, you already got a hint of that from the possibility of having playable males in the game.
fucking this
Gumi turned Phantom of the kill into Omnislop with Aster Tatariqus instead of making a 3d PotK and look where they are now and a damned shame too as I loved PotK.
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bro your NFT game?
AP truly makes some other gacha players feel threatened.
The endless FUD posts in all these threads on 4chan and other websites prove it without a doubt.
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>you don't play either
really? yet you are agreeing with me now, i am pissed manjuu is doing just the barely minimum on AL yet eager to jump to another IP and dump more money into it to the same thing than their already established one with popular characters in it.
If Azur Lane was improved to relative modern standards there wouldn't have been so much push back on AP by AL fans at the time of AP's reveal. We were waiting for years for improvements to the game and the new "3d content" feels like half baked apologies after they announced AP and it backfired on them.
I'm tired of the stupid non-AL players thinking like they have any say in this matter, AL fans are pissed FIRST because AL is still outdated as fuck and second because Manjuu decided that they would just sideline it for a genshin+palworld ripoff.
>Wah wah... improve Azur lane
Big baby is crying because his mother doesn't focus on him.
found the tourist
I want AP to succeed so bad it hurts. But I feel constant FUD because I've been burned so many times. I've been waiting since genshit to get on the 3d gacha train but every game so far has disappointed me in some way or not been to my tastes. This is the first one that looks promising but it's just so hard to have faith they will deliver in the end. Every day I wake up just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't want to lose that little bit of hope I have left in the industry.
>F-found the tourist
So what parts do you want it to be improved, big baby? The fact that you don't know about 3D dorm shows that you haven't keep up with Azur lane, ergo your opinion is worthless.
Manjuu isn't even addressing the boring autoplay that should be auto skip by now. the 3d dorm stuff will be another shit feature that will be added to the game and then forgotten, just like: opsi, guilds, challenge mode.
I agree with all of this but you have to see it from Manjuu's perspective. Any money they put into AL at this point is unlikely to return an equal benefit. I don't play AL currently but I did a long time ago when I was new to gacha. I liked it and I'm sorry you guys got left behind.
Hopefully AP isn't their only project and maybe they are working on AL2 behind the scenes.
>Any money they put into AL at this point is unlikely to return an equal benefit
i don't particularly agree with this, AL still gets respectable amounts of fanart and attention whenever hot skins are released but that's just on the secondary level, more fanart than other bigger revenue gacha, so interest in Azur Lane is up there but the game offers nothing interesting compared to the competition that got much fancier with less money as startup.
Maybe, but as an outsider I can pretty safely say I can't think of anything AL could do that would cause me to want to play it again. At a certain point it's almost impossible to attract new blood. There is just too much you have missed. Anyone interested in the AL franchise is going to be waiting for a new game to start with.
Don't bother with that guy. He'll just throw a tantrum. Nothing manjuu do will make him happy.
Full revamped to 3D? Nah, he'll just still auto it.
New game mode? It will be bothersome like OpSi.
New feature? He won't even touch it.
If you ask what he wants, he can't answer it. Even though he's crying and demand Azur lane need to be improved.
No, it's fucking not retard. Ever heard of Honkai Impact 3 part 2? Yeah, it's really a massive success, huh.
AL gets more fanart than HI3 for starters
>no you won't do X
let's see if you are actually arguing in good faith here, you tell me the problems that AL has that should be improved upon, you can't possibly tell me that AL is in some perfect state.
>but as an outsider I can pretty safely say I can't think of anything AL could do that would cause me to want to play it again
this is it, this is literally the problem right there
>Anyone interested in the AL franchise is going to be waiting for a new game to start with.
I feel like it is the same with other games like gbf and fgo were I saw jp players leave the latter due to feeling "out of date" in an era 3d gachas. Although I don't trust the bigwigs over at cygames with a gbf2 after they ruined gbf with angelslop and the surge of casual joke events tailored for the nomalfag nips who are obsessed with their talk shows. I would love to have a new game that was similar to old gbf and the FF feel it used to have.
I don't want to argue in good faith with a retard. Al is not perfect, but any improvement they make won't bring new player or old player back. In the end, what this anon >>1508256 said is 100% correct.
The downside of FOMO tactic in gacha is it make it hard for new player to join the game, because they feel like they're missing too much.
The only feature that have a chance to bring a new small amount of player is 3D dorm. And you think that it will be irrelevant feature, right? That's why I don't want to argue with a retard.
The only thing that will bring more player is just like >>1508256 said, AL2.
>i dont' want to
well, it's your time to prove you are not a secondary, are you?
>And you think that it will be irrelevant feature, right? That's why I don't want to argue with a retard.
Knowing manjuu's track record it will be an afterthought updated once or twice every year.
I don't see why not, but that requires extreme attention from manjuu to deliver it well something i think really is out of their competency, and if they are going to stick with the 1st game then they should address how fucking boring it has become and address the complaints of old players that leave as well as the criticism of players that like harem games but don't like AL for adjacent reasons, as i said interest in AL exists but the game is too flawed to really propel it.
>Honkai Impact 3 part 2
Nothing special, they had already ran the game into the ground long before the "sequel" came out which was just some no name randos they made up in a new place and expect anyone to care about. Honkai as a series died with moon halo. Anything after that is bad fanfiction.
>retard still believes that they can "improve" AL after 7 years instead on banking on Azur Promilia being their new waifu harem gacha
>fanart autism as if that shit brings any actual money to the game
>AL2 when they dump all Azur Lane money to make Azur Promilia instead
>still pretends he plays AL at all when he is acceptable about omnipandering trash when those devs got funded by the harem ML crowd
This is like some next level grifter who can't drop the bone and thinks his opinion will be validated here. Chinks will own people like you, just like they already got the company to kneel when they had to announce that it wont have any male gacha character in AP
flopped really hard, nobody went to play that trash
So you don't even play azur lane lol and you think your input matters here.
fanart irrefutably correlates to popularity by the way, pure denial to think it isn't.
>still pretends he plays AL at all when he is acceptable about omnipandering trash when those devs got funded by the harem ML crowd
show me your AL profile then retard, and yes AL players would have not been mad about another project have manjuu improved on AL first, see? you can't even name the problems AL has because you don't play it and thus think "noo AL players can't possibly be mad with Manjuu for doing nothing with AL for YEARS it is perfect as it is after all", fucking retard.
>retard he thinks that i will keep responding his grifting after he open admittedly that he would be okay with omnipandering trash
Didn't even read faggot, and your opinion matter less than dogshit. Chinks will turn Azur Promilia into a harem ML game even if they have to burn everything down like in GFL2 drama. You already lost any possibility of playable males, now Cope and seeth
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>He thinks AL2 is a good thing
This why I don't want to argue with a dimwit. The only one that happy with AL2 is new player or someone that stopped playing AL like you. I and anyone that still plaing AL don't want to restart my progress. And AL2 means AL1 will end.
>He thinks good gameplay will be always good
Another dimwit argument. No matter how amazing the gameplay of a game is, it will be boring if you played it every fucking day.
HI3 revamped their game. It still doesn't attract new player, EVEN THOUGH IT'S HOYOVERSE.
You still are responding to him by responding indirectly.
that retard isn't just a dimwit, but also a hoyocuck one.
>It still doesn't attract new player, EVEN THOUGH IT'S HOYOVERSE.
That's is the funniest part on hard their revamp flopped
i can assure that was the last time, i wont spend my time anymore with this mihomo grifter
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>stopped playing AL
>I and anyone that still plaing AL don't want to restart my progress.
This doesn't even have to be the case, i wouldn't be opposed to a sequel if manjuu actually went the extra mile to make a proper sequel where you keep the most important stuff from AL1 and still, you purposefully ignored the rest of that paragraph by the way, and the fact that you are all scared of a sequel is because you are already don't have faith in manjuu delivering for which i can't disagree because Manjuu doesn't go the extra mile with AL either
>No matter how amazing the gameplay of a game is, it will be boring if you played it every fucking day.
just like AL boring auto grind 12-4 or 13-4 every fucking day, retard
>open admittedly that he would be okay with omnipandering trash
i gave you the reason for that, why the fuck do we want another harem game in the market made by the same developer even, they will be burning money almost twice as fast for the same demographic of people
>signing off the conversation with no profile posted
so you are a secondary lmao get the fuck out of here worthless faggot
>convo between a bunch of proud sunk-cost fags going nowhere
Lmao the community's dead and mindraped before you know it
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no one wants AL2, because it already exists, and it was shit. Also Blue Oath was an attempt to make 3D azur lane and that also failed. If they are going to make an azur lane successor, it needs to be world of warships quality with waifus and a story, that's never going to happen because manjuu is working on Azur Promilia, which is going to be their next harem game, aka AL's successor.
Left is cutest
No one wants to play AL anyways, get fucked AL turd the faster your shit games in favor of AP the better
So, how do you gonna make the gameplay of AL2?
>World of Warship
Not going to happen. It's too autistic and boring for the average gachatard. 3D is also impossible considering the amount of girls in AL unless they want to sacrifice a large amount of fans who loves their own who-shipwaifu.
>reading comprehension
there should be a rule about letting ESLs on this site, minimum english comprehension required
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Doesn't mean your post has to be taken as the factual truth, retard.
learn english first before arguing, you didn't even understand what i wrote
>why the fuck do we want another harem game in the market made by the same developer even
Because the more the better, faggot.
based and fuck that cuck
He is right thoughever market saturation is a thing genshin is not making what it used to because it is old and other omnipandering games made by hoyo took the spotlight. In order for Azur Promilia to survive it will have to kill other harem games made before or after it
Wrong. There are no games like Azur Promilia out there.
>He is right thoughever
>pretending he is not the same guy
They can kill azur lame for all care not like what AL cucks say have any relevance at this point.
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>le samefagging!1!!
Pretty much this
>The Azur Lane player base spent their money just so the new game's "playerbase" trash talks them.
Azur Promilia will be Azur lane new spiritual successor, now keep crying about it faggot.
you both are incredibly retarded and should kys
so what is he upset about? that AP is new and not AL 2?
is that sentiment even accurate for /alg/ or even the rest of the AL community?
>nooo stop hurting my feelings, you should kys
fuck off faggot
Ask on /alg/ and find out~
Nah, alg is determined to only care about their dated game and dismiss manjuu as a whole.
I play AL as well, but seeing how their peers(except fgo) improving in the past 7 years and the receeding trend of waifuge, i believe it's normal to expect something from manjuu that isn't just bloating the base game.
>complains about saturation
>they should make an omnipandering game just like everyone else in the oversaturated omnipanering market!

assuming you're arguing in good faith, and you're not another hoyotard that wants the game to fail, this anon makes a great pointt >>1507937
Love & Deepspace found an untapped niche, now they're being paid in dividends. There is literally no high quality 3D open world harem game right now. Azur Promilia would literally be the first, the reason devs don't want to take the risk is obvious. There is a sentiment and stigma against straight males coming from the investor class, for (((obvious))) reasons. If you want to make game full of gays and shipshit, you can be given hundreds of millions of dollars, but if you want to pander to straight men, you'll get budget games like snowbreak and nornium. Going omnipandering will be manjuu's undoing with their current fanbase, they might get lucky like mihoyo did and get the normie fanbase, but looking at wuwa and ZZZ that's looking less likely.
>assuming you're arguing in good faith
he is clearly not
>and you're not another hoyotard that wants the game to fail
All this talk started when people started shitting on ZZZ and mentioned gayshit being cuckshit, he even shilled the flop that was HI3 revamp
ZZZ isn't a flop but it's not exactly killing it either, the launch patch didn’t hit #1 but it held onto 3rd place for a bit before dropping. Meanwhile Firefly banner could easily take the #1 spot for a while which shows there's definitely demand for the ML crowd.
There are 2 kind of AL player. Someone that care about WW2/history, then someone that only care about harem.
The former don't care about AP or angry, disappointed, and other negative feeling because manjuu didn't make Azur Welkin or AL2.
In addition, it will be just boring because the map will only be sea(with only different background) and sea with ice.
NTAs above. My suggestions on improving Azur Lane (AL):
>Short Term Solutions
1. Make the dock space much easier to expand.
The dock space is intimidating for new and most FTP players because AL has too many ships. Poeple don't want to feel stressed and be forced to manage which ship they should keep.
I suggest some solutions such as separate Bulin dock space, free dock space per commander level, or removing dock space limit of unduplicated ships.
2. Allow players to access the ships they like more easier.
Not having the ships throws cold water on people's wants of buying skins.
I suggest Manjuu allows players to directly pick a ship they like from time to time or when the ships have new skins.
3. Reduce the requirements of fully clearing a stage.
Why force the players to clear a stage they have cleared?
I suggest allowing auto-battle mode when a stage is cleared once, lowering the number of rounds for full clear of a stage, or implementing a skip function as a long term solution.
Get a ticket man you ain't reaching anyone here.
>Long Term Solutions
1. Make a skip function for casual and busy players.
AL's auto battle has taken to much time from players. New players won't like to go through all of it, and current players may not have time for it and feel tired.
I suggest implementing a skip function so that players can just spend oil and clear the stages they have cleared. This function can made by remembering fleets that once cleared the stage and recording the amount of oil the fleets spent.
2. More interaction with the ships.
The 3D dorm and town are trying to solve this problem. Being a PNG collector can help a game survive forever.
I suggest linking these features with skins for more incentive for players to buy skins.
3. New and engaging battle system.
This is a hard part that I don't have any useful suggestion right now.
I know. I will type here as a draft and revise and send it when there is a survey in-game.
>New and engaging battle system
There is no need. A skip function is already a god-send in the first place. AL was not a game known with its stellar gameplay, it's a collection game first and foremost, and gameplayfags are happy with equipment and skill autism already.
I don't think AL is dying soon, at least globally. It's always has stable income every month with little to no fluctuation. As an account seller myself, newbie AL accounts are always in demand especially when UR event is here.
*can't help a game survive forever.
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Why is Girls Frontline failing while Azur Lane is still going strong? GFL used to make more money than AL.
Are you living under a rock or something? Devs cucked the players with gfl2, caused a huge drama in CN and that made a bunch of people leave the game while the first game went full retarded with their reddit tier "muh deep and le dark story" over waifus and pandering, something that Azur lane still does best
former GFL1 player here
because of what this anon said >>1508408
>2 kind of AL player. Someone that care about WW2/history, then someone that only care about harem.
the WW2 fags don't care about skins, or waifus, they're the kind that go to carrier con and play world of warships, they don't spend when coomer skins drop, they just want to be part of the culture, look at alg threads, they rarely talk about coomer shit. Problem is those fags don't pay the bills, the coomers/harem guys do. GFL had the same, tactitards and waifu/coomerchads, but they overestimated the tactitards, and focused on pandering to them only. They don't pay, they don't care about waifus, they only care about /k/ shit, they're the only ones left still playing the game.
The /his/fags are a loud minority in both AL and in Fate.
Just look up mica team artist drama on google.
got this in the source language?
sex with blumine
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I think Girl's Frontline started collapsing when they added that SF capture system. It had terrible rates and players complained a lot about it, I think the game never recovered after that.

here, but I wouldn't trust it too much.
AL will be fine. The doomposting is retarded.
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I hope AP has
>oppai lolis
>thick thigh lolis
>small lolis (pic rel)
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Sadly it probably won't have any of those. You'll just get normalfag "loli's" aka teenagers. At least the pammies are small and cute.
You don't think the white haired dragon loli will be a playable character? The one that's always in the promotional art. She looks like she has a fully developed normal loli model. To be honest, I am also expecting her to be just a major NPC that serves as the canon main mount in the story.
Well there's the rouguelite-like mode they announced two years ago that we have no word of yet. These fuckers take forever to implement even the most basic functions, and then they abandon them wholesale, like the cattery or the submarine stages (that already got deleted). When was the last time siren op got a significant update? All they have done is reduce the grind a bit with automode and auto skip dialogue.
Oh honestly I had forgotten about her, you might be right but I think there's at least a chance she will be playable. Who knows, I'm just too jaded from being let down so many times. Maybe Manjuu will really deliver, I hope so.
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mating press
What will you do if she's just a TB equivalent?
destroy her cute pussy anyway
Holy actual WHAT, GF once made 5 times as much in Nippon as in fucking Chyna?
This actually recontextualizes the whole "China having become weeb central" thing. I originally thought it was almost completely just native weebery that propelled this development, but apparently it wasn't ONLY that but to a significant degree it was also that Japan "infected" them by constantly pumping money into China for their weeb games, almost making it a foregone conclusion.
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So is it true that Manjuu has been having trouble keeping some people? That's a lot of positions they're recruiting for.
man i hope it works out well for them and they release a good game
it's nyover bluminebros...
It's gonna be ok
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So, if the rumors are true the timeline is something like:
>Manjuu decides to chase after a slice of the omnipandering pie
>GFL2 incident, ignites movement against mixed toilet games
>Realize it would be a bad move when the only game you're known for has a male coomer focus
>All the while, there has probably been internal conflict between those who made the initial concept (omnipandering) vs those who want to stick to what they're known for (harem)
>Play it safe by releasing a trailer with only female characters, selectable mc gender only shown in a bilibili post
>Someone leaks male playable concepts from early dev, hype gets replaced with hate
>Make a post assuring players that its a female-only gacha, the male concepts were scrapped completely
>Have no idea what to do about MC gender, hide them from all future marketing
>The reaction to the male leak empowers the harem faction, omnipandering faction quits
>Manjuu gets stricter with hiring to ensure they only hire those aligned with the harem game mindset
>All the drama makes it impossible for them to have anything more than some merch and a video ready for Bilibili World
So the real question is what are they going to show at Bilibili World? Will they reveal that the MC is male only, and showcase a more harem-focused approach? Or will they only show more about the farming and monster collecting mechanics? Perhaps Manjuu believes if they wait long enough for the drama to fade, they can get away with at least having a selectable gender MC.
Either way, it'll be interesting to see what they have prepared.
Sounds like a fanfic
>omnipandering faction
Unless you're talking about some producer or director it wouldn't make sense. Artists and other employees just do whatever the higher ups tell them to do.
>selectable gender MC
what is even the point behind this, GFL2 did this, it just seems like more omnipandering to me, if you're gonna do that just add male characters too while you're at it. I hate when devs do lukewarm shit, just shows they have no direction. Go all the way or don't go at all, you just end up pissing off everyone. Looking at wuwa's numbers in china, looks like men are firmly against mixed toilet, so there will be backlash, and this is not going away any time soon.
Wasn't AP announced for Playstation? That's going to be hard to pull off if they want to fully lean into being a harem game.
Looks a lot fewer than Hypergryph, Kuro, Mihoyo, or some other companies. Mihoyo's website doesn't show grids of job openings, so I didn't include it in the screenshot. You can still check how many more jobs it posts.
Not in gacha companies, artists and writers there get a lot of power and often can put whatever the fuck they want in the game. Just look at Girl's Frontline 2 and how much stuff they had to rewrite because their writers fucked up. Hell, it took months for them to even fire their controversial "STAR" writer.
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Interesting comparison. In the website you can see Manjuu's urgently hiring a lead writer so I wonder if they plan to rewrite Azur Promilia.
Yeah. Hope Manjuu hires a good writer because so many gacha games got killed by bad writers especially feminist writers.
>Go all the way or don't go at all, you just end up pissing off everyone. Looking at wuwa's numbers in china, looks like men are firmly against mixed toilet, so there will be backlash, and this is not going away any time soon..
That's pretty much why wuwa flopped so hard in cn
idk what harem has to do with any of this, is not like the theme by itself is nsfw, but if you are talking about sexy girls censorship, playstation cucks has stellar blade as a temporary exclusive. Even if everything goes wrong, Manjuu can simply censor for playstation only, something that already happen with games where they would release a uncensored version for PC and fucking Nintendo of all things, but the PS was censored
tldr: Just don't be a playstation cuck
True about the Star writer, the fact that they took ages to remove her from the game was fucking retarded
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I trust Manjuu.
you can see eve's vulva in stellar blade on one of the skins, don't know if shiftup snuck it past sony, but we all know sony is incredibly inconsistent with their censorship. I think sony is smart enough to know money matters more than fake moral grandstanding
this site is better for tracking manjuu's openings
why the fuck are you posting a cherry picked image?
>why the fuck do we want another harem game in the market made by the same developer even
Most of the faggots here don't even play AL, i bet you 80% of the trannies here come from /snowg/.
This is a low effort shitpost thread to begin with
>I wonder if they plan to rewrite Azur Promilia.
Always a possibility, wuwa did that in their beta
>nooo more harem are le bad
>projecting others not playing AL when the game itself is a harem game
>they must be my boogieman from *insert game i don't like*
Stfu tranny
According to the rumors they're making the girls for (you) so I hope that will be shown in the writing. I wonder if camps/ bases will have life sim gameplay like Rune factory where you can interact with your girls. I'm having a hard time imagining what would have to change in the main quest. Either the writers quit on principal/ throwing a fit or the writing their changing is character interactions.
>According to the rumors they're making the girls for (you) so I hope that will be shown in the writing.
That i have no doubt, the shitstorm that CN would make if they didn't do that would be as huge as gfl2 drama
>I wonder if camps/ bases will have life sim gameplay like Rune factory where you can interact with your girls
Pretty much every new pandering game is doing that, shouldn't be hard for them do that either
>I'm having a hard time imagining what would have to change in the main quest. Either the writers quit on principal/ throwing a fit or the writing their changing is character interactions.
That is pretty much impossible for us to know, it could be that the rumors are true and they are just course correction before the game is out and after everything that is happening in CN.
wondering how many founding members left in their office
its funny seeing this thread went from super hyped -> hopeful -> cautious with each news dropped
i bet manjew wish they didnt show the PV this early
Considering their already existing fanbase from Azure lane basically boycotted their anniversary it's probably best to make changes now instead of later. They obviously weren't expecting the negative reaction and decided going for a broader audience wasn't worth losing already paying customers. I hope everything works out because it looks fun and the girls are beautiful.
manjew probably need another year to fix things up and you might forget/get to play another game at that point
>snowg out of nowhere
Nice try shay
>Considering their already existing fanbase from Azure lane basically boycotted their anniversary it's probably best to make changes now instead of later.
This, i rather they doing changes now than after the game release with some big drama around
1 year is more than fine, i was already not expecting this game to be release until late 2025 or maybe even 2026 anyway. As long is not some vaporware shit like Skillsong they will be fine
I think it’s funny that GFL remains to be the most influential gacha in China because of how bad the management is.
>low effort
>more posts than every other thread on the board by a wide margin
>gets pruned around 1k post, while other threads get pruned at 25 posts, then gets remade and hits 1k posts again

sorry things aren't going your way tranny, zzz that boring?
>i was already not expecting this game to be release until late 2025 or maybe even 2026 anyway.
Yeah, but they could have saved the PV until then. Now all of us are blueballed, suffering through the emotional rollercoaster with all this news.
>their already existing fanbase from Azure lane basically boycotted their anniversary
The first AP thread went 3k+ and was the one that brought those /v/ niggers into this board, retard. Are you there? I don't think so.
Later on one faggot just keep making threads eventhough there wasnt any news because he knew the thread will be filled with drama-hungry troglodytes like you.
Basically stopped paying until further notice and they'll keep doing it now that they know biliworld is nothingburger.
Unironically they should have waited longer and implemented all that 3d content into AL first to soften the blowback of AP's reveal, what a shitshow.
yea, I see no upside of releasing the PV when the game is nowhere ready to be released for at least 1 year
The fact that some retards here are calling the 3D dorm stuff a PR move for the backlash of AP it's all you need to know, that shit got announced long ago on weibo.
it was announced on weibo just after the AP drama
but it was clearly planned for a while, but the fact that they decided to spoil this announcement on weibo rather than wait until the anniversary for the reveal, showed that it was a way to calm the fans that AL was not abandoned, any other studio would have waited until the anniversary to announce it
>Doesn't know Anson shitshow and chink vtuber collab
I am led to believe 3D dorm is still very under cooked and going crunch, considering how fucking slow manjuu is to do anything even for AL.
These were quickly corrected at least.
Did they abandon the game?
Fucking this, that was clearly some dmg control move
AL, years ago, all skin purchases directly fund AP
it's Azur Over
no more blumine sex
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>no more blumine sex
we had a good run bwos...
Blumine is CANCELED
Blumine is my sister who I fuck daily
what the fuck this can't be real
Blumine dies tomorrow.
post the link
Unironically dropped
>Mihomo game is allowed to have incest bait but not an harem game
God, mihomo fags really are an annoying breed of animals
>If they cuck out, I will quit azur lane, I'll just take my money to snowbreak.
You realize the snowbreak developer is wasting money in a mecha pvp game with males?
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He's making shit up.
nta but
>look up game
>looks like a armored core 6 but pvp
>probably not even a gacha, but a full game with micro transactions
>snowbreak development is not affected at all and in fact the game is on it's highest peak after almost getting EOS
This would be like a nikkefag crying about Stellar Blade, a game that also has a male but no one cares since is a full game and not a gacha.
you are extremely insecure
looks really cool, like armored core, hope it does well. also, nice false equivalence
>my money is funding ac clone with pvp
time to cut my losses i guess
>Amazing Seasun, the developers of a chink sim city and some open world survival trash
Damn a niche harem waifu game like snowbreak really mindbroke this tranny huh
>not gachashit
>looks good on paper
>literally "here's your safe tacticool game" for the seething trannies
Money well spent tbqh family idk what your problem is.
Is it confirmed not gacha?
Nta but it doesn't seem to be gacha, neither i see any marketing of the game being one. Most likely is going to be a payed game + in game store like Exoprimal or old Overwatch. Being a gacha and PVP would also make the game balance really stupid for a mecha game and they most likely want to ride on the Armored core 6 hype
The devs are actually really into /m/, I think. No doubt they'll be taking inspiration from AC6, but I think this is something they always wanted to do.
Not a fan of mecha games myself, but i'm glad people are getting what they want with a full game and armored core 6 kinda reviving this niche
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I just checked it out, and it looks crap. It's sad that GFL flopped and paved the way for garbage like this to rise.
>Fate no content go
>talking shit about other games.
>gfl fag
I'm so glad you fags got cucked and your shitty game flopped, hopefully Mica dies next.
1 day
for what
EoS announcement
blumino sex...
Blumine is over...
I don't know if this thread is going to last another day. Someone start another one when the info drops.
uuuuugggghhhhh it's at its limit!!!
Blumine divorce and child support payments...
first day at /vmg/?
>this is what the snowcuck are funding
Yeah let's start another azur schizolia thread surely with enough praying the game will come out.
they can just go zensored zone zero route and give us playable blumine as your brocon sister....
>retard really believes people that mechafags will care about this
>while snowbreak just got one the biggest (you) pandering updates of all time for gachas with canon marriage
ZZZ flopping and gayshit losing popularity really hurt this faggot
>raymond changed his name
>copying a game that flopped hard and has furries
Sounds retarded
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There's a lot of snowcuck cultists around here. Is it that, beaten wife phenomenon or something?
Can't you blame them? There are no decent gacha games that pander to straight males, and they're tethering to the last lifeline available. Once AP hits, then you can jump ship.
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So glad this censored garbage flopped, first big loss to Hoyocucks and you can clearly see the amount of seething that caused, they are even samefagging in fucking /vmg/ for it
What's the problem with Snowbreak exactly?
Nothing, the fatenig is just mind broken after all of the cucked valentine servants they get every year.
It had a very bad start and this turned most people off to it. They haven't tried it since the revival and are just assuming its the same. The game has actually changed for the better in almost every way and is a pretty decent gacha now.
But for me personally it has way too much content, and since the gameplay is demanding I just can't keep up with it all. But if you want (you) pandering and lots chores to keep you busy it's pretty great.
None really, is just this one Hoyocuck that got mindbroken by it since the game is full (you) pandering, so Hoyocucks will instinctively hate it. They even hated their own company game HSR because they made Firefly for (YOU) as well
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I have a feeling that shitge is just a waiting room for a better game to come by. It's the worst fucking game I've played this year, and I wouldn't even force it on my enemies. Fenny is cute though.
Too much white. Unity asset flip tier. They can't even make reflection right. PvE multiplayer chore.
Is funny how fatecucks can act so highly when their game is legit cuckshit and still the same exact slop for years
Azur Promilia!
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>snowbreak, more like buckbreak
hoyotroons and GFLcucks are so used to LGBT pandering and cuckshit, seaslug's refusual to add gays and bulls is making them collectively lose their minds.
>They haven't tried it since the revival and are just assuming its the same.
Early game is still exactly the same with shit tier quality and presentation. Of course, everyone would just assume it's still the same
>inb4 it will be good later bro trust me bro just reach chapter 14 bro
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ZZZ is not a flop it just doesn't reach Dungeon Fighter revenue level. No gacha game can.
The news still is on 14 or what?
>devs legit tells tourists to fuck off
>tranny EN voice actors tries to throw a fit because there is too much pandering and fanservice
>audience tells those VA to fuck off
kek actually so fucking based
It unironically does get good at chapter 10 when they revamped the game. It also only takes a couple of hours to get there since the story and gameplay is extremely quick.
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Fatebros...how can we recover from this? Oh right, we still have a famous IP backing us up! Don't worry bros...we'll stay relevant
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it's ok bro, your money is being invested on this, please enjoy.
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Damn with that appearance the adjutant can't even compete
Story will get rewritten since it had the same trash writer from Wuwa cbt1, game story does get better in ch11 tho
>honeymon phase
>everyone already quitting the game and giving a low score
>after all mihomo marketing and paid shills
I would say this is the first mihomo flop, but then i remembered HI3 and their failed attempt of reviving the game
It is unfortunate that the game is front loaded with its weakest content. The devs are planning to revamp the first 10 chapters. I'm not sure if that only means rewriting the story or if they're also going to change levels and gameplay.
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>Mecha game for trannies and females
Fatecucks BTFO
Chapter 10 story is good it's just the gameplay doesn't get better until 11.
I don't remember troons being this insecure when stellar blade dropped
>Fatebros...how can we recover from this?
I think ignoring your waifufag audience and releasing another yaoi bait game should do the trick.
Its also when we get more environmental diversity. Really helped for me, personally.
He is just a little troll seething since there is nothing to shitpost about snowbreak. No one cares about Mechabreak other than mechafags and people who liked AC6, just like not a single Nikkefag cared about Stellar blade
Or just having mash cucking them again lmao
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Honestly, I didn't play gacha anymore. I sold all my accounts even BA. AP will be break or make it for me since I like AL. Tried Snowbreak but I don't like shooting at bloated dummies everyday, and like that fateanon said it wouldn't be so bad if there's no mandatory multiplayer and they last for like a month.
>he still needs to samefag his comment
KEK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXTfvqAKtlI
>is just a waiting room for a better game to come by.
No shit dude, if AP is at least decent then Snowbreak is done.
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>dropped BA
Did you at least play Vol F? Don't tell me you quit right before the kino.
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>trying to cause infighting between ap and snowbreak
yep the most obvious bait, waifu games usually don't fight each other anyway. A lot of people plays Nikke, BA, snowbreak and Azur lane at the same i have no clue where they get so much time for all those games tho
they did lose their shit, but more so in the normiesphere like twitter and kotaku, they're still butthurt over shiftup sneaking in uncensored outfits post release
You can just play one and follow each other's community in this interconnected era, it's fucking easy.
>Sneaking uncensored outfits post release
Not even normies, it was the same woke trannies fighting because the characters was too sexy
For me i need to at least had played the game once if i wanna keep up following the community
It's day 1 account so yeah I have like 20 limited students. I'm not the type invented in the stories. Gacha game is just for collecting. I Got frustrated with the recent sonic addition type, and just being burnt out all around. Do you know how free it is after being a gacha addict for almost a decade? I'm actually eating my backlog now.
>damage control
>holding tears
>waifu games usually don't fight each other anyway
Newfag spotted. You don't remember the general tribalism back in the day; i.e AL vs GFL, Kancolle, AK, etc.
so... it was a fucking /snowg/ troon after all.
they never cared about waifufags and didn't bother with that trash game made for cucks
legit troon game
This one i never played or cared about
I was mostly talking about today era with the games i mentioned, there is rarely any tribalism or even people talking about another game on those threads unless is some obvious troll trying to stir up some shitty drama
>snowbreak living rent free on this tranny head
that's fake btw
>AL vs GFL
You live in a shithole and it fucking shows. Stop embarrassing yourself.
What is this >>1508427
I'm talking about the rivalry back in the day when those two were the giant around here. Just stfu you fucking inbred nigger.
isn't the CEO of yostar a disgruntled ex-Mica employee, who still hates and shits on team mica till this day? i'm pretty sure there has always been rivalry between the two.
That's the rivalry between the companies, not the games.
AL is published by Bilibili in China, not Yostar, so chinese GFL and AL players don't have conflict very much.
Yostar CEO, however, is disliked by both GFL and AL players in China.
The AK announcement on AL's JP anniversary stream and AK cultists in China make the bond between GFL and AL players in China very tight.
Manjuu has nothing to do with that although their communities do ganged up on arknots.
Anyone who thinks 4chin shitposters are relevant is just a faggot who doesn't pay the bills.
>suddenly 60 new posts
what revived the hype?
Seething snowbreak cultists in denial
Seething hoyocucks and fatecucks in denial
where are the azur promilia fans...
>alfag calling anyone a cuck
lmao /alg/ is like the gacha general that talks the most about cuckshit and has the most shitposters constantly spamming cuckshit
you got xim
/alg/ loves ntr tho
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>The snowcuck keep seething over AL
Still no news?
sex bluminover
>snowbreak living so rent free on that cuck head that he needs to assume who is shitting on al for no reason
AP goes full snowbreak route.
I'll try to think like a woman for a second.
Ewww. Looks like this game will be game for incel. This design is really feel male-gazey.
Yay updates
I'm happy with the absence of overdesigned cloth.
Holy elf Sexo
sex with elf girl, looks great
Tomorrow, isn't it?
Are there conferences? Do you know schedules?
This and also no retarded looking pupils
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It's ogre...
i'd refrain to think of it as bloomers until i see the in-game model...
Nice hoyo bloomers we have here..
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I love news
it's joever, hoyo won.
Since this thread is basically gacha gender wars general, there's a funny new story coming from China - Snowbreak's one year anniversary started today, and one of the feminists that still works at that company and seethes at the incel pandering tried including a subtle reference to a long removed male character in the new patch to own the incels and bragged about it to her friends and word got out and she got fired for it. Really goes to show how petty and mentally ill everyone involved in this nonsense it.
>Overdesigned details
>Pointless earring on one side
>Medium sized boobs passed off as big
Mihoyo has ruined this generation of character designs
lmao mihomo won
manjew lost
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lmao i wish
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snowGODS please have mercy on us
What's with these cardboards? They're revealing new info on AP at a game show today? When is that, when will we get new info? Thanks.
what subtle reference
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the last one, apparently no cardboard for the MCs
It's there as an option for real and old school 100% girl likers who just wanted to play a games to stare at cute girls all the time and not stare at a guy whenever they play the story or do some actions that shift the active on field character to the protagonist.
Unlike male characters in the gacha pool or playing a big role in the story who cannot be avoided in mixed gacha games this is completely optional, anyone who doesn't want to look at a cute female protagonist can just choose to look at the gay twink instead.
you didnt have to delete your post...
I wish the mihomo troon started using a trip so I could just filter her, it gets so tiring having to scroll through the exact same NPC lines over and over again
remember to thank the retards at mica for making manjew rethink their decisions
its falseflagging and samefagging posts are obvious but still annoying
Seems like the manjew troon lost, this shit game it's gonna flop harder than zzz and wuwa.
Snowbreak won again baby.
kys shitler
both of you get out, it's news time.
manjew lost
chadler won
>CGDCT fan
You mean someone that hate their own gender and usually tranny?
I want a harem game, not CGDCT tranny shit. If you want that shit, just go play Atelier game. But oops, there's still male in that game, and you're afraid of it.
Just play yuri camp or something.
Snowbabs are so insufferable
Just go arguing here instead
i like that butterfly in the back. i hope we can have her as a pet.
both snowg and apg are for straight men
why are we fighting
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I like Nono''s clansman
>Azur Promilia
>For straight men
I'm playing Snowbreak and I'm cautiously optimistic about Azur Promilia, but if they keep the female MC option I'm going to be strictly F2P because I don't want my money going to games that pander to LGBT crowd.
I don't want options in my game, I don't want women or trannies to play and start pressuring devs to change things to cater to them. Rune Factory had MC option too and it completely went to shit after that and got taken over by gays. If you can't even handle having a male guarding the warehouse then go play Mihomo games.
>snobble out of nowhere
Nice try shay
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AP needs to reach this level of coomness
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Looks like we'll really only get a new trailer and that's it.
who is it for then
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>female anthro creature
Oh no
This all started because of sumeru actually
human men
>t. raymond
we need new thread
Modding will save us, The great thing about this game is the hard work is already done. Won't need to mod the outfits much just mod some nice pantsu and call it a day.
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Atelier Gacha also goes on full Fanservice, they started the game with character censorship with spats, and now we have semi-transparent swimsuits
it is the destiny of all gacha to return to fanservice, the Genshin model no longer works for new gacha
official ads btw
12 hours!
>Rune Factory had MC option too and it completely went to shit after that and got taken over by gays.
>the schizo manifesto
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I'm still mad.
what the fuck
Incredible how women tries to ruin everything
how much longer until the new trailer?
10 hours
bilibili event assuming they have anything to show
Fucking hell almost midnight, I hope the thread lasts that long. Don't want to start another one until we have something new to post.
I'm confident in-game won't be like this
If I had a nickle for every time I heard this I could put a down payment on a 5 guys combo.
Where else have you heard that?
literally falseflaggers, they are the same mihomodrones that have been shitting up the thread. I lurked wuwa threads before release, they did the same exact shit riling up the fanbase. As soon as wuwa released and it did poorly suddenly their shitposting ended and they fucked off here. I thought they would go away after ZZZ released, but i guess the game is shit, they'd rather be here than play the game. They feel incredibly threatened by AP, which is why they advocate for mixed toilet and censorship, they know the CN base would turn against manjuu, thus the game would fail like GFL2 did.
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>Another 1000 layers of fluttering kimonos and accessories
Give me skimpy euro armor you dumb nigger and leotard also
Wuwa doesn't seem to be doing that bad. In fact I'd call it a success. Kuro wanted to go for Mihoyo's playerbase and they achieved that.
AP opened a Xiaohongshu account
I looked into why the CNs are not happy with this, I learned that it is an application where the number of female users is 70%
it's already starting to shipost by saying that the feminists are winning
although there is still hope that this is not the case, because the account does not yet have the official seal and maybe it wasn't manjuu who opened the account
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I agree
sex with blumine
I don't know, I'll wait for new trailer before saying anything. Azur Lane does have a weibo account after all.
Their success is ironically carried by people who let mihomo live rent free in their head. I haven't seen anyone who genuinely like the game for what it is.
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Account has apparently been deleted. No idea what happened.
probably just a faker
>it is an application where the number of female users is 70%
so, something like twitter?
Sadly those people exist, my best friend loves it. He just likes open world shit. He acknowledges the chink shit is terrible but doesn't care because it has big boobed girls in 3d.
>doesn't care because it has big boobed girls in 3d
Sorry you will never get me to love or care about xiwinqudingdongpingpong or the struggles of the people living in xiaodinglong province or the cultivation journey of our reborn spiritual emperor.
Like a give a fuck?...3D ANIME TITTIES!!
For hoyotroons that love bloomers
the account wasn't deleted, they just deleted the information and locked the video section
the account was weird, because it was hidden until today, but the 1st video had the same date and hours as the 1st video from the official Bilibili account

some Chinese are in paranoia that Manjuu has created this hidden account because they knew that it would be controversial and unhide it today
but since the cn complained they deleted it
it's their conspiracy theory
they think because of the current gender war, if you want your game to target a wider audience, you hide it until the last moment, to not lose the male players along the way and think manjuu did that
It's amazing how much drama a game that isn't even in beta can create.
rather than the devs edging us, they should just tell us what their direction and intention is. If they plan to do a mihomo clone, that's fine, tell us, that way i can go do other stuff and forget this game ever existed.
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>Shipping is so cancerous that even mixed toilets are banning it
>if you want your game to target a wider audience, you hide it until the last moment, to not lose the male players along the way and think manjuu did that
That is probably the most retarded logic I've heard, if they actually did that shit, the only real accomplishment would be a huge drama in the release of the game. It would be like they didn't learn anything from GFL2 mistakes
I agree
Kek they say this, but will happily add shipbait in their game anyway
I mean that's the exact shit that Aether Gazer did, since they hid that the game had male characters until their last beta. Game's never recovered from it since then either.
>Game's never recovered from it since then either.
I was about to say that, that game is so fucking dead, but its their fault for actually doing that shit
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I ignored the game on lauch because i saw males and spats, but i recently started playing it out of curiosity, it's a shame because it's not half bad, funny thing is they recently started adding coomer stuff too lately, i'm like too little too late.
>i'm like too little too late.
exactly thoughts. It's like BD2 also thinking and planing about adding a self insert into the game, but its too fucking late for them
In my opinion, AG looked inferior to HI3 and PGR since the very start. They won't save the game by simply changing it from a weaker PGR to a weaker HI3.
i bet at least 80% of the people talking here are hapas
All they have to do if they wanna save the game is to delete the male playable characters. Dunno what's taking them so long.
They can't delete them because people spent money on them, but they can do the second best thing: remove them permanently from the gacha and make them unavailable. But these
toilet companies won't do that because ultimately they only want to milk male players so they can use their money to make more males characters later.
That too. Fucking retards, all women have brought to the game is censorship. I hope they're happy.
4 more hours
Starting to wonder if they are thinking about just removing the self insert characters altogether. We might not get a blugirl or bluboy.
Nah they need someone for the player to self-insert as
How would that even work storywise, every game requires a main character whether it's self insert or not. The lack of their presence in key art is quite telling though.
I want a self insert but that doesn't mean there has to be one you can have games without them. It's just strange that there has been no sight of them since the first info release and I'm wondering if they are thinking of doing something different.
This is Mecha Break gameplay. Seemed like a Battle Royale for /m/fags with little to no story. Honestly, I'm pretty hyped.
>game flops just like BD2 and now devs are crying wanting to add a Self insert very late into the game
Even Mihomo games are forced to have a self insert, even tho their self inserts are shit and devs pretty much they give a middle finger to them.
It doesn't work at all, just see BD2 situation where they keep moving from storyline to storyline and everyone thinks is a cuck game since no one the girls are for (you) and have romance with other males in the game. A game without a Self insert is like a repellent to waifufags
sexo blumina
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The account is back.
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>find page on bilibili for AP
>has a comment section
>translate the comments
>comments read exactly like this thread
>people fighting over male and female protags
probably explains why manjuu refuses to show them, they don't want a massive shitshow
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I don't know why people in this thread care so much about MC though. I feel like what's more important is no playable male characters besides a MC. THAT is an actual danger to how the game does update to update.
But that's been confirmed to not be the case.
Everyone is so cute
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Apparently there is only one official social media account and it's only their Weibo.
Since it seems they're only releasing a video, is this >>1507848 rumor confirmed to be true then? Does that mean Blumine is dead?
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Blumine still appears in the old PV they're showing.
doesn't look like they're releasing anything on youtube
Hello mihomo my old friend...
I always worried about this. I think there's a high chance we won't get simultaneous release. There's none social media account except for Chinese one.
>old pv
>nothing on youtube
Seems like they still afraid and has nothing new to show
>Bilibili event, keep talking about Youtube
You are trolling not retarded, right?
been a while since i posted here but iit seems something might be happening soon? im not lurking that much
bilibili counts as one too
posting some hq images from their account
my daughterwife terara
I don't think you need to be worried about a simultaneous release, after the male leak backlash and the mc fight in cn it seems that they just don't want to show anything. I don't think it has anything to do with just marketing to cn, since there nothing new being showed anyway yet
if you want to see oficial blogposts/news/feed whatever yo uwant to call it
user videos are being uploaded under this tag, gonna see if i can post the one already linked itt in hq form
Holy ESL
I'm not feeling so good bros, every bit of news we get makes it look worse. Starting to wonder if the game is still years away at this point.
I still believe the game is 1 or 2 years away, but they announced too early man
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>more spats
i sleep
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since quality is good im gonna split the video
future is looking bright
nice tits but
I hate this potato model so much, why can't they just make them normal?
oof, things aren't looking good, spats everywhere, reeks of we want the mihomo audience
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so many lolis, the game will gatekeep itself (total tectone death)
ba fans eating good
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Those are not even real lolis bro, those potato girl models are garbage and safe.
Claiming nono as my wife right now, no one else can have her.
im talking about the 3 others, pink bow, village chief and the mascot
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oh god i totally forgot about the unironic banigger
youre telling me ap threads survived wit shit like this?
I sure hope so, but I'm ready if it's not gonna release simultaneously.
Azur Bloomeria...
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still no characters from lebe
abby sex
terara sex
luruka sex
>Concern trolling is in overdrive
I guess i saw 2 of them, but i wish we could trade all those potato girls for literally any other type
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>measurements in pommy units
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mating press
Dragon lolis are my weakness
Btw is this all they showed today, a few characters poses? Can we expect anything more and some actual dev talking about the game or what?
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i like this one, its like an alt angle/interactive version of the first pv
yeah they seem so unnecessary
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and the last part(which would conenct to the start of the first part)
They always feels bad to play as well since their model is so short
eh maybe some short statement
Embarrassing, what happened to the new trailer they promised?
Fuck all this time just for this, i really fucking hope this don't become some vaporware like DokeV
they never promised anything
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It's ogre, no need for a new thread. See you guys in 2027.
its a 3 day event and it just started.... surely they will announce some things... right?
>3 day event
Like what, the old E3? If so they are not going to stand there for 3 days, they would just pick a day and a hour and show everything they need to give space for others games.
>Looking at tieba and i can't find a single positive comment
They really need to say something or show some actual content
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Unless manjuu has some sort of reserved room for their own presentations (I did a little bit of searching for timeslots and couldn't find anything like that) this was it.
You're better off hoping that they drop some surprise trailer online or something.
I like what I saw but I think anons are right about this being 12 months away at the absolute least or maybe the controversies delaying any announcements.
I'm pammysexual.
They usually censor stuff for these kind of events (azur lane does it a lot for marketing material, even in japan). When they release in game they are normal, who knows how the situation is going to be here. Fortunately with these kind of games you can just drop them if they are censored trash, not like you loose anything other than a couple of hours from your life.
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>I think anons are right about this being 12 months away at the absolute least
I really love femDanHeng
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Our water dragon
>ultra massive faggot design
and """""males""""" plays this shit
honkai didn't invent dragon people...
The main reason why I dropped WuWa was because the fucking story, they kept throwing at you random chinese words and names until you don't know what the hell is going on and also their inconsistent skip function, I lost it at the fucking sheep story narrated by that fag I wanted to kill myself the whole time I went and uninstalled the game right after that.
natlan PV will kill our hype...
the subway surfers knock off? lool
bwo we are literally pokemon/harvest moon knock off...
>Genshin's new PV will kill mihomos' hype...
>hoyoshitter is back
don't worry, after today's """reveal""", my hype has been severly reduced, i'm curbing my expectations, there's no way this is going to be released this year
By the time AP is out mihomo already finished copying all of our good features...
Yeah, The more I see from this game, the less hyped I am. I need to see more gameplay to decide whether to drop this or not.
manjew is supposed to polish their game right now instead of wasting time on the stupid MC war
I hate chink devs' incompetency so much
they're planning to add pet system in natlan, it's nyover for us...
>gayshit hoyocuck is already here
So much hype for a new region that he needs to shitpost in a dead thread on /vmg/ lol. Your brown cuck region will flop harder than your french cuck region genshitter
>pls come back to our dying game
>look at this pv for a region full of browns
but its full of tanned female?
This, the game looks barebones as fuck and they are caring about some stupid nothingburger.
>hoyocuck samefagging his comment since no one cares
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the combat feels just as boring as ZZZ
I sure hope they do something about it
Looks nice.
>tanned females
>none of them are for (you)
>will be shipped with random brown faggots as well
Must be sad being a gayshitter
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>brown faggots
where are they?
I'm bored
This is Genshin now?! Holy...
>ugly brown gura
people really think this is good?
come play genshin while waiting for AP
how would that make me any less bored
I already did my dailies.
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genshin is so fucking back...
cause you have cute female?
Azur Promilia!
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>not for (you)
They are all getting shipped with this fag here KEK
>cause you have cute female?
pic unrelated?
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wrong, that fag is for this fag
They look nice.
huh not bad
Floptaine flopped so hard that you need to keep bring genshin here? Genshin went downhill ever since they cuck everyone with Nahida and scara
>just proves that the name gayshit couldn't be more right
>the girls still not for (you)
>they still will get shipped with others characters
lmao even
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who are we rolling
who are we skipping
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Tell me about their banner availability first.
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yeah i'm thinking botes.
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>overlydesigned trash designs
hoyo really is cancer to the gacha industry and character designs of girls
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For me it's botes.
Top left are the cutest ones, the brown loli too.
why dont you like top right?
Not my cup of tea, i don't dislike her either.
>actual sexy girls with good designs
Keep up with the good work anon, maybe that way mihomo fags will learn what a good design is for a waifu
Homoverse and its fanboys will never learn
didn't a top brass there said he wanted to appeal to a wider audience so they started censoring things? I won't touch that shit with a feet pole
Yeah. You can clearly see tourist from Hoyoslop with how they think that AP design is generic.
mihomo always has good design for hebe models
>another covered up dyke
didn't they learn their lesson with arlecchino, the rest will be censored when they release, never trust their original designs, they've done it every region
And you shouldn't. Still it's funny to hear how shallow their words are
I guess that's true, their community is full of trannies
This, even the most safe design in AP still stomps any homoverse overlydesigned trash
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>dehya crotch shadows is fully censored while males have fully designed ass
Gayshitters will still defend this shit
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>>most safe design in AP still stomps
>already copied himoho's iconic spats
mihomo btfo
it kek'd me how the hoyocuck shilled ZZZ here, and ZZZ flopped
Kek indeed, they still running full damage control on /v/ as well pretending that their furry game didn't flop
yea would be funny if AP flopped harder than ZZZ
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Genxisters...why can't we have this?
They rather have more male ass in their mixed toilet garbage
HI3 has this and you can see how dead it is
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>yuritranny game
Ofc is fucking dead lmao
>HI3 has this
No it doesn't
ironic since /alg/ loves yuri tho
pura mierda
>they love so much that devs had had to apologize for the anime studio baiting yuritranny garbage
KEK try not lying next time fag
Mualani wins this one
Irrelevant, /alg/ loves yuri, still does tho.
Yeah, lmao. That is the most blatant shilling that I've ever seen.
At least there will be 2 ZZZ threads in /v/ last week. Looks like they've fulfill their contract now, because it's been 1 week already.
>he keeps lying
oh nonono desperate gayshitter
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They are still king of /vg/...
Damn six cuckshit characters and two males awesome!
>Looks like they've fulfill their contract now, because it's been 1 week already.
Bro those contracts are just for jewtuber shills that still gave ZZZ trash a 6 at best Mihomo shitters does it for free man, not even free fake currency they get
What? Did Manjuu really have nothing to show??? What the fuck is this the game is already dying
That's the hoyocuck special and mihomo fags favorite shit
dawei killed manjew...
its so over
>Xilonen and Chasca will be used for yuribait
>Kachina and Iansan will only think of Kinich as their big bro
>Mualani will either give the tiniest sliver of (you) pandering or be completely platonic
>Citalani will be shipped with Kinich
>Mavuika will either be shipped with Capitano or Natlan's dragon sovereign.
>Ororon will be fujobait or yumebait
Calling it all now.
That's a lot of words just to say none of them is for (you), but i get it
>Mualani will either give the tiniest sliver of (you) pandering
Even if they give that, devs will just cuck the players making the character cuckshit 1 patch later just like Nahida lmao
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you know genshin is back when the tourists are mad
>ever calling someone a tourist
lmao even
>new region already flopped and the tranny community that mihomo build hate it
Can't make this up, it's going to flop harder than ZZZ
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>it kek'd me how the hoyocuck shilled ZZZ here, and ZZZ flopped
It's not a flop you fucking shitposters, though I haven't played it yet because of the censorship.
Pic is just ios revenue.
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>it's not a flop pls believe me
cope furrytranny shill
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It pisses me off so fucking much that ZZZ has an aesthetic that I like for a 3d gacha game but the threads here are filled with unironic furfags and even the game itself panders to them far more than other gachas with furry characters.
Fuck what hoyo and omnipandering have done to gacha games, this shit could've been good if another company did it.
genshit is dying a slow death by 1000 self induced cuts

>alienated straight males
>alientated twitter trannies
>alienated combatfags who'd rather play wuwa
>alienated streamers
>few hoyodrones left would rather play HSR
>it's now cool to hate on genshin

they only have theirselves to blame for all the gay and shipbating, choose a lane and stick to it.
yet somehow manjew wanted to copy their strategy
Half of their dev team is female, ofc the game would be doomed to fail eventually and end up being cuckshit + fujo garbage
Azur Promilia!
In 2028!
im going to pull for my brown wife gura
So still no news? dead game?
yea natlan PV killed our hype
Any other competent company would make that game a Persona 5 with full (you) panderingfuck even persona 5 has more (you) pandering than the garbage that is ZZZ or any Hoyocuck game for that matter. But since this is a Mihomo game they need to fill ZZZ with furry gay characters + girls that are not for (you), that's the absolute state of omnipandering cuckge
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Thank you for your contributions, my people! 5 mora will be transferred to your account!
lmao those chink memes are always funny
i remember him being way fatter
top kek
same, i really like the nicole girl, but i won't touch it, knowing mihomo, she probably gets shipped with the bear or something
Manjew Could Never produce funny meme like this
>Manjuu cannot produce any gay memes mocking their games because their games is not filled with faggots like gayshit
Thank God for that
>hoyofaggots love gay meme
>Omnipandering trash game with hoyotroon bloomers.
Just play snowbreak bro...
>snowbreak out of nowhere
Hoyocuck falseflagger-kun really didn't had any out for the gayshit meme KEK
I'm I supposed to be impressed by this?
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cope and seethe manjuu cuck
Pls understand that hoyocucks have really low standards
Gawdbreak eats spatmilia anyways
With so many women on staff, they've lost the plot and don't know how to pander to men anymore. They copied Red Hood and split her into two lesbians, then copied Owari but made her look worse and furry, the last one is just your generic animu girl, this is supposed to save their game.
Kinda sad AL is funding an omnipandering trash game for hoyocucks.
>hoyocuck still trying to falseflag using snowbreak
>even pretends to be shay
lmao even
Spats will magically go away if the game flops just look at GFL2.
>one more year of spatmiliakeks coping
>/apg/ will have the nutcases ITT
>omnipandering trash game for hoyocucks.
They refuse to play games without playable males.
When /alg/ already is a dumpster fire, well...
I blame sony, chinks need to reroute their autism towards the Sony port.
It's so funny how mihomo fags are so easily triggered, they always goes on a spree of samefag and falseflag after people mock them. They are like a dog who never drops the bone too, reason why they are here on a unreleased game shilling their garbage homo game
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>Spats will magically go away if the game flops
Fucking manjew, chasing the gayshit/palworld money and cucking their loyal fanbase.
disenfranchised AL chad...i kneel
Your level seems a little low. What happened?
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/vmg/ is so slow and off the radar that it's piss easy to identify posters.
we have one or two dedicated shitposters and now they've latched onto putting spats and hoyoshit in the same sentence after the new images were posted.
It's just hoyoshitters doing that, even using other games to falseflag as well. They were here yesterday as well, but it got more obvious after they started posting and shilling the new brown region update that they will get
Is it worth playing AL again today? I dropped that game around March 2020 after i kinda got burned out with gacha.
Depends on what is your criteria for worth, i like the characters so i still play it.
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>March 2020
>He's missing all 16 UR
>Only 2 men
W for waifuchads. They finally learned their lesson after the disaster that is Sumeru
nah, it's just the same old chores, and same old ship collection, nothing has changed, unless you're in love with TB, they gave her a raising sim, i haven't touched it.
they will get major backlash from dude lovers who are very vocal, there is no way they are only adding 2. i think the ratio right now is 60/40 women to men.
>HSR is full of women since penacony
>ZZZ is full of women right off the start
>GI is keeping same women:men ratio since fontaine
hoyo is listening
>only 2 fags
>they will be the most strong and important characters in the region just like their french shit region
>They will be ship baited with every female in the region as well
>any small for (you) bait that they give will be followed with cuckshit as soon as their banner leaves
Amazing how that this is "waifu pandering" to mihomo shitters, i guess being a mix toilet player you need to cope with anything really
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i hate how they make dudes most relevant and powerful, even the archons cower before dudes in this game
I quit gayshit years ago and even i know that this tranny looking character is the biggest powercreep they ever had while being the most important character and even being shipbait as well, that's all genshitters shitposted about even in other gacha threads.
>muh lolis
>muh generic designs
>muh spats
>muh overdesigned
How to please no one lol
Yeah, being a waifu player in Genshin is literal hell
>almost every female character released is either an off field dps or support or utter dogshit (dehya)
>Male limited characters are almost always meta on field dps
Ganyu was a blessing but you can tell hoyo thought that was a mistake because it took literal years for them to release another female character that worked as well as her out of the box.
And of course none of them compare to the super cool and powerful dragon sovereign that totally wasn't just created as a reason for them to release stronger males after they fucked up in their initial planning and made the rest of the archons after the first two regions all women
Friendly reminder that vets are mostly sunk-cost fag with jaded opinion.
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Herro comrades, you won't get extra from shilling overtime but it's appreciated nevertheless.
Thank you!
dawei has more sovl than any other CEO
>br*tish food
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Chinese food is soooo much better
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>leddit post
>thinking that a gay chink like him has any soul
lmao only a faggot tranny like him would think that
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[sad news] chinese bros at NGA arent very happy with the shitty spats
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its so sad that HSR/wuwa/AP players are all angry and bitter ex genshit players
how so?
me on the bottom left wondering where it went wrong with my life
neither is tieba with the game overall
You don't need to be a ex-gayshit player to be annoyed by their annoying dogshit fanbase
>open HSR/wuwa stream
>open AP stream
I dont want these kind of people spreading toxicity everywhere
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Nah they know Manjuu well
This devs provide a workaround patch to avoid censorship
you talk like a faggot
you are exactly the kind of faggot i hate
post your cute little bussy
you're the faggot whining and crying about muh toxicity
maybe stop crying about genshit everywhere you go and move on first
>be the most annoying fanbase around
>go to 4chan and any other social media to shitpost using gayshit
>complain that people get annoyed by gayshit fanbase
>same people that get annoyed by it is now getting their payback
What a massive faggot you are
>stop making fun of my king!
No, I don't think I will.
>my king is so good thats why i need to spam about your king everywhere
that's why genshit is still on top of everyone
ah the Hoyofaggot reveals xir true colors
the mindbroken ex genshitter still sees everyone as his enemy
>Noooo stop shitting on my shitty homo game after my annoying fanbase attacked, shilled and made enemies across multiple gacha boards
KEK gayshitters are such a hypocrite.
Funny because you literally can't stop yourself from defending Mihomo, in fact you're trying even harder now.
in what exact post am i defending mihomo you fucking retard?
He is doing that in a dead /vmg/ board of a unreleased game, FOR 0 DOLLARS Btw. It's worse than being a janny
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Literally every single one lol
caught in 4k lmao
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why did you crop this out?
>AP thread, can't stop talking about mihoyo
It wouldn't change your stance that Mihomo is the best (your own words)
>AP thread
>can't stop shilling mihomo games for free
and that is wrong because?
or are you going to deny that genshit isnt the biggest gacha right now?
Xir boss probably told xir to damage control in every board.
kek and they just got an trailer for an update, looks like it was so shit that they have to shill on every other unrelated gacha board they still do it for free lmao
according to who? lol
Honor of Kings and DNF Online are bigger than Genshit
>biggest gacha
>loses to HSR every month
you lost
none of them is gacha you retard
sex with abby
Love how the narrative went from
>where am I defending Mihomo
>yeah Mihomo is the best :)
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this is cope, both wuwa and genshit have no workarounds because there are no panties under the spats, modders have to come in and remove the spats and add panty textures through blender
They feel this threatened when there isn't even a game. Imagine how bad it will be when the real thing comes.
Good thing we won't have to rely on trannycord modders.
i'd rather the game come with panties already, lolis and panties and a huge filter for hoyoshitters and women, otherwise your community ends up like the genschizo in this thread, and women always call for censorship, genshin gets censored when there is very little to censor already.
Azur Spatmilia!
Azur Bloomerilia!
sex with blumine
Sex with Bluminia!
Metsa owes me SEX
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It's over bros...
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I don't get it.
>hoyo threads on /vg/: infinite bait with random coomer posts
>hoyo threads on /v/: endless fight between gacha, non-gacha, chink, and the rest of the world
/vmg/ were the only place they could have a cozy thread for them, but these mihomos still manage to fuck up by shitposting in threads of other games.
>suddenly 200+ post after the ap event
what the fuck why are they raiding now
it's one pagpag samefagging
That's all mihomo faggots do, even in other gacha threads on /vg/ and then they start wondering why everyone single community out there hate their homo guts
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it's blumover
I still don't get why hotpants characters aren't more popular in waifu/coomer designs
It's like the safehorny choice
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idk this is my first post here and I WILL use "Azur Spatsmilia" now because it's funny and fun things are fun. I find the mental image of a poster that is so assblasted over spats that he gives the game such an epithet very funny, especially because I expect the game to not actually a lot of spats in the PC version

Expect to see my use it in the coming months in related threads
Spatmine bwos...
Spatsmilia but make them so tight the cameltoe shows.
Time to wait three more months for more Azur Promilia news...
By then I'll have forgotten all about it, someone DM me when there is news.
sent ;)
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it's afraid
Play the PC version. You can read >>1496185.
>I think Girl's Frontline started collapsing when they added that SF capture system
Accurate. I was there. It was the one-two punch of SF Capture being absurdly RNG (to the point you weren't even guaranteed the main SF unit at any point) in multiple ways on multiple layers and expensive and either horse pussy or priconne something coming out in Korea and providing an easy exit. They emergency buffed the EMP pulse generation a few days after it dropped and it still wasn't enough. I left after getting Destroyer since it was my only goal from back when I started.
Blood in the water.
Imagine they're going to pull the same thing they did with AL where the global gets all the good stuff while the chinese version gets the all the cucked censored crap
>Manjuu might actually come through
Holy shit.
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gosh she's so breedable
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I'm claiming her for myself.
>no spat
she's NPC isnt she
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mmm sex with abby
sex with abby?
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you know the one.
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My queen.
mating press
Sex with her
Blumine is unironically the pretiest Promilia.
Impregnate Blumine!
>>brown faggots
>where are they?
Apparently, Xqablance, or what ever his name was, is one, and is also a Dragon Sovereign. He's going to be a Neuvitlette 2.0, getting shilled the entire year, and having the Female Archon shafted from the story.
Azur Promilia!
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fake news, insider already confirmed theres no dragonslop anymore
Blue Starfield!
Azure Plains!
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Incels want to remove this from the game.
because she should go commando
i ain't reading all the shitposts, was there any new info in the bilibili thing or should i fuck off for a month again?


that's it.
thanks anon, i'll take a look.
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Mixed toilet Genshit is now switching to making mostly female characters. I wonder why?
yea that will become spat in release version
Azur Promilia!
Nice Azur Promilia discussion.
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Someone asked stuff to the Manjuu staff at Bilibili world and it went like you'd expect.
>we didn't want to create any more male characters last year. We couldn't recruit new ones and couldn't expand the game, so we decided to cut down the number of male characters and return to our original intention. We only left a few male characters, leaving some hopes and illusions to tie up the general/female-oriented players that we had previously expanded.
>That's it
Okay, let's be serious for a sec. Why?
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Let's be serious, will we have expys?
>unironically using the word "incel"
go back to /gig/ faggot
Yeah they know
>another one he said, she said leakertranny situation
There is still leakers saying Xbalanque will be out and has a boy model, and you know that they will make him Neuvitranny 2.0 being the most shilled and important character in the region, the strongest too. They will also make every female weak and useless in the story just like floptaine. This is what happens with mix toilets games full of women playing the game and in their dev team
It's not, they pretty made new costumes that are the equivalent of the uncensored costumes.
this is sad, my biggest fear is they know it's going to be mixed toilet, and they know the moment it that information comes out, azur lane dies instantly, so they are withhold that information until AP is near release, so they can pivot to the female audience, and let azur lane die. it was a good run i guess
They are not retarded to make the same mistake as gfl2, chinks would burn Manjuu and make them KyoAni 2.0 if so. Game is also already confirmed to not have any gacha male
I want them to try that just to see the subsequent explosion be so violent that it crashes the entire chinese gacha industry.
i agree with all that, but then ask why withhold such basic meaningless information? i wasn't around for genshit's advertising, but wuwa was showing off the rovers for longest time before release. We haven't seen protags in any key art lately, they won't even talk about it if you ask. That's a huge red flag for me.
If you wanna be hopeful it could just be that they're waiting to reveal them going male mc only with another trailer instead of some random volunteer answering the question at their booth.
It would reignite the hype + help drown out the seethe from female players
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>Q: I am very concerned about how you deal with the issue of male and female protagonists.
>A: We are currently unable to answer this question, please wait.
Well that's worrying. That's not something that needs an extensive comment. They can't be this far into development, comfortable enough to show off gameplay, and not know what they're doing with them.
Genshit showed the travelers as well. There are three theories why Manjuu is still quiet:

>They decided to still keep the two MCs, but because of the controversy will stay quiet about them until the game's first test where hopefully there'll be less complaints.

>They're still on the fence on what to do

>They switched to male MC only, but because the game's changed direction they will need to rewrite the game, and they don't know what to do with advertising material yet.
That is some random tieba comment that literally didn't say anything other than corpo talk bro. But if any of the leaks rumors are true, they already changed directions and is contracting a bunch of new people after those who wanted a mix toilet audience got fired/left Manjuu. Reason why the game is taking so long to show anything
They literally changed 90% of their story in their BETA test because people hated how shitty they treat the MC and how terrible was the story overall, if wuwa did that any game can.
>it's over
>>They switched to male MC only, but because the game's changed direction they will need to rewrite the game, and they don't know what to do with advertising material yet.

i'm going to inhale on this copium very hard, i really hope this is true
>if wuwa did that any game can.
Wuwa fucked that up though. That's not exactly a good sign for Promilia.
I mean if you go by what the insider guy said the game's now a harem. He got what Manjuu would have at Bilibili World right (a small video and merchandise) so it's likely the other stuff he said is correct as well.
The rumors this game had leads to believe that they are just rewriting and changing everything
damn, you're right, i forgot about this
>they fixed the story and fired the shitty writer before the game is out
I don't play or care about Wuwa, but what's the problem here?
>you know that they will make him Neuvitranny 2.0 being the most shilled and important character in the region, the strongest too. They will also make every female weak and useless in the story just like floptaine. This is what happens with mix toilets games full of women playing the game and in their dev team
Sounds like GBF.
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Yeah it's concerning. The way I would do things is have a male mc but also have the girl playable as his sister, kinda like a duo protagonist system where the boy is the main but the girl still has a role to play like in ZZZ if you choose to be Wise. Personally for me I'll definitely play AP but I'm only spending money if the game goes the ML route, I ain't spending cash on another self-censored "friendship route" game bullshit where there are other games that cater to me.
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They added this piece of shit for one.
I hear that about WuWa all the time but how bad it had to be to make a 6 hour infodump of chinese names and weird lore a better option?
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Hard to make a worser version when the original had you being killstolen by a fucking furry.
>the game's now a harem
That doesn't necessarily mean anything regarding MC status unless that guy specified. Could just mean they toned down on some of what would've been planned NPC relation focus. Not saying it would've been clear ship shit, but even friend groups or something. The type of stuff that gets twisted by some people.
It was dogshit >>1513706
It's not a real harem without a male mc only and that's the main thing chinks are complaining about. And if it was just a " toned down " on the story they wouldn't have people leaving and Manjuu searching for a new lead writer.
He said it would be a harem like Azur Lane so it would be male MC only. Even in japanese games I can't remember a harem that lets you choose your gender, hell almost all of them only have a male protagonist.
The problem is your quote is wrong.
>they went too far in reverse and fired the shitty writer
is more accurate. Even CN didn't like how sickeningly sweet everything was after the change and were making fun of it for it. The story was still terrible on release with a lot of jargon and uninteresting opening acts. The game was also already struggling with its localizations and translations and redoing the story made it worse in that aspect. They had to do a lot more work from scratch and it seems to have pulled resources from managing other areas of the translations/localizations/dev focuses.
>How does this matter for Azure Promilia?
I'm not sure if it does. AP hasn't even had a technical test so there's no need to swing their entire dev process towards that single aspect and not having shown any story the reception likely won't be as bad with the tweaks their making even if it isn't loved. There's not as much pressure. Their license expires next January or something, but there's nothing stopping them from reapplying. You can get a license like 3 times for the same project.
So you're like the second coming of Jesus and people treat you like shit all the while you must keep working for them and somehow you don't go to the side of the "bad boys" that are trying to recruit you? yea that sounds horrendous
>The story was still terrible on release with a lot of jargon and uninteresting opening acts
And it would be worse if they didn't do anything, i will take jargons and a uninteresting start over just dogshit.
>They had to do a lot more work from scratch and it seems to have pulled resources from managing other areas of the translations/localizations/dev focuses.
Sounds like they should have delayed the game and still development resources well spent to not have that terrible writer and story
>Azur Promilia
Game could be years away, giving them plenty of time unlike wuwa, and their license can be renewed.
Believe me i'm hoping for that to be the case and It'd be nice, but i'm keeping my expectations in check. I figure if it really was a Male MC harem he would've just said that. If not in that description then elsewhere. Being "harem focused" could mean they cranked up the explicit affection towards your MC. I play Azur Lane and "like Azur Lane" could mean more straight "I Love You" dialogue which every bote has. I could see an insider noting this as harem stuff regardless of MC. I don't think its malicious, but insider shit I try to focus on what's concrete.
It's still dogshit is what i'm saying. They didn't actually fix the story. They did a massive rewrite that didn't actually do anything to improve it instead of focusing on the story afterwards or any other area that impacted its release.
>Sounds like they should have delayed the game
Yes they should have. I'm not sure why they didn't. Maybe whatever funding source they had required they launch it in that window. They wouldn't have put it out that way if they had a choice.
>could be years a way
>license renewed
That's what I said. It's the saving grace. AP is entirely funded/controlled by Manjuu if i'm not mistaken so there's big reasons to be hopeful they can do it right unlike Wuwa.
> I figure if it really was a Male MC harem he would've just said that
they don't say anything because there is nothing to show until they rewrite shit in the first place.
>If not in that description then elsewhere. Being "harem focused" could mean they cranked up the explicit affection towards your MC. I play Azur Lane and "like Azur Lane" could mean more straight "I Love You" dialogue which every bote has. I could see an insider noting this as harem stuff regardless of MC
That wont work for chinks, wuwa is getting shit on CN because they are doing this and they are not falling for the bait, reason why Wuwa right now is getting carried by Global. Also the leaker wouldn't be saying it was like Azur Lane if it was something that Azur lane people would hate, that doesn't make any sense.
As I see it if Promilia were to release within 1 year it can become a big IP with big numbers but if they take like 2 years or more it won't be anything special in the saturated market of genshin-like games we're going to have by 2026
Yes, the story still bad, but it was much worse before and if they kept the first draft and the writer, the game would been doomed. The story went from radioactive waste to just normal poop.
Oh yeah, its much better to rush development of a game and make sure people will hate it, let's release it full of bugs like Wuwa or with a shitty gameplay loop like ZZZ as well. That logic is so retarded, if the game is good no one cares about clones of other games.
What? He doesn't need to show anything. I'm saying if it was a lock on the Male MC he would've just said it. That's what's got CN on the edge of their seats. This doesn't require them to have rewritten anything. Just to have made a choice.
>Also the leaker wouldn't be saying it was like Azur Lane if it was something that Azur lane people would hate, that doesn't make any sense.
That's a bold assumption. If all the leaker intended to say was that it'd have the same level of pandering lines as Azur Lane, something people would like, irrespective of MC he'd still have never lied and it'd be the playerbase running with it. Azur Lane itself rarely decides to make it clear you're a dude. Most recent example is Illustrious' new L2D skin with the penetrative sex sign finger-through-hole gesture. Apart from these instances they generally try to keep it "neutral" on MC gender mentions like most gacha. To be honest, the real drastic moves only come when they make massive missteps like the old yuri loading screens and shit.
You have to take what the leaker said in context. Male ML chinks have been raging against mixed toilets for a while and the Azur Lane fanbase in particular has fought hard against yuri and feminists trying to make the commander female. They use the day 1 line where Unicorn calls you brother as proof the commander is male and so feminists should fuck off, and they complain to Manjuu if they ever dare to imply otherwise. Under that context it's obvious that Manjuu making a harem like Azur Lane means there'd be only a male MC, doing otherwise would just infuriate their playerbase even more.
They are not saying anything because they fucking changed plans after seeing all the backlash from it and is now hidden until they actually have shit to show, idk how hard is for you to understand this shit.
>That's a bold assumption.
Bro you are the one who keeps makes assumptions and headcanons when the leaker says very clearly how type of Harem he is talking about, especially knowing this whole gender war situation the game is facing in CN after GFL2. Azur Lane self insert is clearly a fucking dude and only yuritrannies keep coping about a neutral sex, the fucking devs even apologized already for the anime studio, so not even them, baiting yuritranny content. Azur Lane has the classic 2D self insert like BA were they avoid showing anything about his face so people can self insert better, but still obvious is a fucking male before the BA anime that is. also this >>1513742
You need to go back gentroon.
It's not that complicated if you just use your brain. They are obviously retooling the game after the backlash and having to reedit all of the cutscenes to take out blumine or change her into a secondary role. They aren't showing anything because everything is in editing right now being reworked.
The yuri stuff is a bridge too far and they've had to go back on it once when they did it themselves and then the anime debacle, but they knew all of this going into the original plans. The Azur Lane playerbase was never who they were hoping to capture with their direction.
>and is now hidden until they actually have shit to show
Why would an insider leaking these plans without showing anything care about not saying this one thing until they've officially shown something? Why does that make sense to you? Why don't you understand this?
>very clearly
By doing all but actually confirming it when there's really no reason not to. Azur Lane still does this to this day. BA still does this to this day. Everybody knows they're a dude, but they avoid ever calling him one. They'll have obvious man-hands in Azur Lane and armor and Arona drawing a male sensei/RABBIT mortar loading, but they do not want to call either "him" and avoid it like the plague. They'll slip up once or twice and sometimes they'll go back and hotfix it if it's too big to ignore like Cheerleader Hibiki's chant. There's an illusion all these games try to keep of plausible deniability which Azure Promilia doesn't have the luxury of. They shouldn't have used Azure and avoided all of this.
This is like me talking to a wall, when you don't even understand how a 2d self insert works. Reminds me of Nikke discussions as well when some yuritrannies also used the same mental gymnastics to make commander looks like a girl/be neutral very early in the game.
>They shouldn't have used Azure and avoided all of this.
that wouldn't change shit, and it really shows how little you know about gender wars and how big they are in CN. Just for the fact they are using Azur lane money to make another GACHA that is not for Azur Lane people would make the game have a backlash from it. Actually, even without a backlash for not making a game with Azur Lane people in mind it would make the game flop like any other mix toilet trash like Aether gazer.
When is Nornium coming out I'm tired of waiting
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Bluemine at the exhibition
nyo self insert bros it's over...
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Blumine-sama i kneel.
idk it's on steam and still doesn't have any date on it, neither i heard about any news
This is the old pv btw, they refused to show anything concrete about the self insert >>1513563
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This cute girl scares self-insert fagots
I honestly believe they hurt Belfast's popularity with that stunt
The beta got pushed back to July 25-7.
Trying too hard gentroon, not going to be so happy after she gets demoted or deleted
Nah, the story is mediocre at best now, but before it was actively offensive, and I mean "riots in the streets and assassination attempts" offensive to the chinese.
Damn mihomo fags already woke up
it literally is the old pv you can watch on youtube, if they showed anything new, we would be discussing it
My sister is so cute... I want to fuck her so badly...
the story is dogshit for the entire part they had to rewrite, after that it becomes somewhat palatable or that's what I heard because I dropped it during the dogshit part.
Its the spree of samefag and trolling by hoyocucks again bro. Now the rumors are pretty much getting confirmed they are getting angry
Yeah, chapter 5 and 6 are good, Scar and Phrolova are fun and deranged, Aalto and Encore are super fun and entertaining, and Jiyan is pretty honorable (I like chinese media so that's like the best thing a character can be). The best part for me is that, unlike genshin, when they show a lot of characters in a cutscene, when it transitions to gameplay those same characters are in the field, so there are some instances of like 20 NPC per side going at it while going through the map. Also it's refreshing to see action cutscenes and then the gameplay is the same high octane action, instead of boring skill->ultimate->switch.
For now, it’s more believable that the male MC will be removed. Where is his gameplay?
Mihomo should have made Natlan characters to be actually blacks, maybe this way gentroons would be happy and not being here trolling. They really want that african king to be shipped with their waifus
>every rumor says otherwise
>Manjuu avoiding the female Mc like the plague now
I know that you are here just to troll, but i can't help to say COPE fag
If you homos actually cucked me out of a free blumine (sex) protagonist I'll be fucking pissed to be honest.
I remember them mentioning there'll be some kind of character customization.
>nooooo let me self insert as a woman
go play Genshit or Wuthering waves faggot.
>Manjuu avoiding the female Mc like the plague now
>Show her in PV at exhibition
NTA, but nice projection
Probably a mistranslation in all likelihood.

Homosexuality is a disease, kill yourselves.
I remember something about that, but i think it was fake/miss translation from bilibili
>Manjuu avoiding the female Mc like the plague now
They avoid it, but show it at the exhibition again? Why didn't they cut out her gameplay?

ywnbaw trannies
A fagot is someone who dreams of constantly looking at a man in cutscenes.
Play Genshin if you want to play as a twink that desperately.

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>his only self insert idea of a character is from a game made for gays, trannies and women lmao
It didn't take long for the trannies that hate their own sex to show up
Self insert is crap for juvenile morons. Normal men don't do this crap.
The self inserting trannies are calling other people trannies.
I played Stellar Blade. I chose female characters in The First Descendant. I love watching 2B's butt. You are a tranny if you think I'm a tranny.
Thanks for showing your hand.
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>tranny tranny tranny
All cope by homosexuals. Blumine WILL be the protagonist and no fairy can stop her.
>tranny cope
Sorry to know you hate your own sex and that you are going to be dead before your 30s
None of those are yurishit.
daring today are we
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sex with abby
>actually using tranny meme
>calls others homos
>plays gayshit
Why are hoyocucks like this?
It's funny that they are only proving the chink right in excluding the FeMc due to how FeMCniggers act.
It makes me wonder if people get psyopped into becoming trannies if they play female characters.
You have trannies calling you a tranny and chuds calling you a tranny, it probably mind fucked some people.
>The self inserting trannies are calling other people trannies.
I mean you're the one seething about a game appealing purely to straight white men
Lmao exactly like that, they are just extra fuel to the gender war in CN and then they start crying why this is happening to the gacha industry
I cut my dick and i want female MC. I hate self inserts and i don't wanna see man's butt!
I'm from thailand btw.
Forgot to say your favorite game is gayshit kek
You are both fucking insufferable though.
>trolls and shitpost first
>cries about both being bad after
kek every time
>random guy baits
>retard takes bait
>thread turns to shit
I get that you're slow but damn.
Playing other gachas like GBF it's typically FeMCniggers that always start shit.
>expects people to just let it go instead of dunking on those shitters
newfag-bro, i think you are the slow one for not understanding how 4chin works
>Shitpost and fling shit first
>loses argument
>I..I am actually neutral guys
If this was a faster thread you might have gotten away with this.
Never played the game, but i've watched the first season of the anime and even there i could see this happening
>dunking on those shitters
You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
but enough about you
Cygames plays into by giving Djeeta all of the whale shit along with giving her the SoL episodes with the gacha girls.
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>this is the face that killed 10000 homosexuals ITT
She's the true protagonist....
You lost.
Well, since i never played the game i found very weird that episode, i couldn't even understand wtf was happening
This so much.
Why won't they understand that some men just wanna wear cute outfit like women, play games as a cute girl, being called she/her, attract male gaze, without being accused as a gay?
This world is so cruel :((
lmao nice one
>loses argument

The argument:
>tranny tranny tranny
>homo homo homo
>tranny tranny tranny
You lost faggot.
hashtag transgender RIGHTS. We can't lose this battle, fellow eunuchs!
you lost tranny
Let me handle the homoshills bro, go and take care of the fag posting frogs on /alg/
>peak comfy game with only girls including the comfiest and cutest protagonist in any game
>homosexuals go into a tailspin because they want more twink ass
I can't stand you "people." You're probably all chinese bots but still
Go play heavens burn red thats getting a english port soon.
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>tranny that hates his own sex and can only self insert as a she/her or they/them
You lost
lol i thought i was the only one that noticed the vocabulary used
I was abused and molested by my uncle when i was a kid as well so i can understand your hatred anon. We should take HRT together sometimes.
you destroyed xir lol

Bot or samefag? Or are these the types of people that gacha games attract?
claiming this one
(not) sorry about your mental retardation
>it must be le samefag
cope tranny, straight males just hate you
I'm leaning towards bot.
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>yuritroons are incapable of understanding why feMC is a bad idea
we will never get scenarios like this, MC needs to be male only, let go of your troon delusions
It's really hard for trannies to understand that normal people just hate their guts and how they ruined the game industry
Not a coomer so I don't care.
>Not a coomer
No you're just a faggot
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>Not a coomer so I don't care
Nah I want LESS males actually.
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>fan service??? eeeughhh!!
>what? I'm not a faggot!
I don't mind if it's there but I wouldn't give up Blumine over it.
>hates his own gender
See man, only gay/dyke and furry sex is allowed dude. Everything else is made for dirty coomers
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My cute wife.
No trailer, no gameplay. Twinkbros why did we lose? I want to look at the beautiful ass of my femboy hero.
>resort to do the same trick
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>Hoyonigger got mindbroken
>tranny still trying
>after admitting hating on straight male fanservice
>can't stop coping after the rumors are proving themselves to be correct
KEK No wonder why every Mihomo game is censored full of cuckshit
>romantic scene
forgot to dilate this morning huh?
Are the actual straight males in this thread looking forward to playing as our real protagonist; Blumine?
For trannies anything made for straight males is like that
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Why do you hate this sweet girl? Are you gay?
He is indeed a one trick pony that can't stop coping lmao
I heard she has a zero tolerance policy on homosexuals.
We are
okay i just skimmed the rest of the thread. what the fuck is wrong with you people?
a single fag doesn't want the game appealing to straight men so he has dedicated the last 48 hours to shit the thread
I can't sleep so I'm just chatting to stave off the boredom
The samefag spree by the hoyocuck after being btfo is always funny, he really thinks people wont notice in a slow board like this lol. I guess that is his brain on /gig/ lmao
basically this >>1513906 >>1513908
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This is what the game looks like for trannies. How dare these fagots play for a female MC? It's time for them to take their hormones.
>mindbroken and obsessed
You got xim.
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Are you completely crazy?
Now look for hoyo, that guy is fucking insane.
I hope they're bots, I don't want to consider the alternative...
nice try again faggot, for you >>1513892
As a gay person, i am satisfied with GENSHIN IMPACT where males have long, beautiful hair and wear midriffs. Now THAT'S how you pander to real homosexuals. This game isn't for me, but i love being mindraped by hetCHADS so i'll stay in this thread.
Xe's going insane, holy shit.
lmao your post even makes the trannies use their neutral pronouns
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Why are you crying?
Xe's going insane, just ignore xim
Is it all the same guy?
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>newfag really thinks people don't know about inspect element
Sorry faggot, i'm not a tech illiterately like you
>Hoyoshitter status
let the thread die it's okay
bump limit was long ago, it will die regardless, /vmg/ is just slow
You lost
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Those fuckers are too lazy even mixed gender kusoge from jp can put a simple cg for kissing scene.
Okay, After I've seen this, no wonder Manjuu disappointed with their anniv revenue.
This is their revenue at anniv btw.
There's 2x gems reset in anniv, that's why normally the number will be really big.
It's just weird that their anniv revenue losing to December 2023 revenue.
How many ESLs ITT with us?
>every single genshin killers keep self destroying themselves
this is very sad to see
Not as sad as gayshit killing itself ever since wormeru and floptaine
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American bunny girls are just better than French sluts. Simple as.
Depends on how many genshitters we have here, most of them are from Sea
good analysis for the most part. we've only regressed since princess connect in this regard.
if this reddit looking image was made by the jakkers and not discord troons then they have truly fallen
where's the second n troon?
has killstealing become a symbol of cuckoldry in the mainland or something? not the first time we've seen it show up
which way western man?
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>oh wow 600+ new posts
>I wonder what news and pleasant discussion they were having.
SEA should be b& from this site.
right because the other two looks like vtubers
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All me btw
>still mindbroken hours after
Damn, you lost hard
Give me one reason to not absolutely flip out right now
sex with abby
lmao this game won't be out for another year at the earliest. if people itt are smart they would stop making thread after this one.
ride abby day and night
I can just go back to my general but think of the homeless /v/eddits man.
who the fuck is abby?
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The cunny dragon
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Still waiting for Azur Spatsmiglia
sex with abby
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>Yostar representative confirmed they just do whatever the fuck they want and devs don't have power
>Yostar Japanese branch is somehow independent from their CN headquarters, and Mahjong Souls collab decision came from them

So Yostar is confirmed to be a shitty company, no wonder Manjuu won't have anything to do with them for AP.
sex with abby
>samefag his own comment almost a day after
holy tranny mental illness
>So Yostar is confirmed to be a shitty company
Always has been, just see what they did with Aether Gazer. Good thing indeed they will have nothing to do with AP
What the fuck are these? This isn't from AP.
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That's from Eversoul. It's alright as an mobile idle-auto battler, it has plenty of (You)-pandering in the form of VN-style love stories for every unit. Except the nun, someone on the dev team hates her so she has like 4 bad endings.
>tranny samefags again
oh nononono
I might watch all those on Youtbe later. If i'd known about this when it started I might've played it. Assuming it isn't PvP shit. That one follow-up game by the Epic 7 devs I gave a shot, but all the characters were kind of lame and the gear grind was shit.
>Except the nun, someone on the dev team hates her so she has like 4 bad endings.
What kind of bad ending? Don't tell me another one of those porn VN games where always end up in rape and cuckshit
>whole recap is one minute long only showing cosplayers and the stage instead of the character video
But why?
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That's fair. It's a bit dated anyways and there are new games coming out, personally I hope millennium tour elf goes global at some point too. The devs of eversoul are really generous though so I have every unit nearly maxxed with decent gear without paying anything but I'm also a day one player so I had time.

Na'h, no cuckshit. Every unit gets three endings bad,normal, true. Bad endings usually are along the lines where "You never truly connected and never got together" Though some more evil girls actually fucking kill you (Like the more yandere girls, yes there is more than one). For the nun, it's more of her being just a nun where gossipnigger npcs keep commenting on how she must stay pure and single or w/e so for all of her endings their basically the same thing where you never get together. For her "fourth", there are alternative timeline girls as raid bosses who had "Bad endings" and became corrupted and invade your timeline, basically for the nun she felt so suppressed by her duty as a nun that when she unable to get together with you and protect you from danger that she went insane.
She sounds like a normal nun to me. Maybe the devs shouldn't have made her a character if they are going for realism lmao
>Na'h, no cuckshit.
that's good to hear
Hard pass
Azur Spatmilia!
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interesting pose
sex with luruka
jap voices got added a few weeks ago anon
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Blex with sexmine
slex with slutmine
mindbroken samefag
struck a nerve eh?
>he keeps samefagging his day old comment in this dead /vmg/ thread
Go back to /gig/ with your mental illness tranny
you could have just said yes mate
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You got xim.
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>this is your brain on /gig/
pure mental illness kek
lmao this is what troons believe
sex with abby
sex with bloomerine
Sex with gig refuge
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>3D graphics
>male protagonist
>no shipshit
>no gayshit
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>male power fantasy
>explicit hetero pandering
Yeah, that's snowPEAK, not this garbage
Even some fucking match-3 game knows how to do it, why gacha devs can't understand it?
>check tieba
>they are doomposting AP
uh oh, seems like BW was a failure for PR purpose
Maybe Manjuu should actually say something instead of just shutting the fuck up. There are even people quitting Azur Lane because of it and they're going to Snowbreak instead.
snowPEAK keeps on winning
i play both :)
I thought they were dead set on going full harem from last Q&A
why hesitate now
Seasun realizes they're in a service industry and answer players' doubts almost immediately instead of edging players on.
>want to make a pokemon game
>disgruntled chinese denizens insist its actually a harem
>too scared to deny it
game will flop because of some retarded reverse identity politics
is the game casual friendly, like 10 minutes dailies/easy sweep and such?
Chinese game approval policy
>The policy is quite lengthy and strict, named a few:
>Developer must submit at least a ten-minute-automatic demo (which looks like the first trailer PV)
>Developer must submit ALL scripts (dialogues, texts, storyboard, etc).
>Developer must submit ALL related packs (map, copyright, payment function, menu function, missing contents, character's personality, version name, subtitle, etc.)
>However, there is a small additional notice at the very end:
>"If the applicant fails to operate domestically within one year from the date of approval*, the applicant shall report to the Ministry of Culture for record and explain the reasons; if it decides to terminate the import,* the Ministry of Culture will revoke its import approval number."
it's so fucking over
It's a date at least
same, i didn't log in once last week, i don't plan to anytime soon. i was already contemplating quitting this year because how stagnant it's been, plus i play nikke and snowbreak to fill the void, but BW was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'm in doomium mode for AP till we get good info.
When was the last time the game got anything new other than units and skins? Like four years ago with siren op? I'm still waiting for the supposed rogue-like mode promised like 3 years ago, and the cattery rework. Instead, they removed the SOS missions.
As good as some of the latest skins have been, I stopped putting money into the game, it's clear that manjuu has not been investing even a little back into the game, I will even take a third balancing update to make older botes viable (yes, the game has had 2(two(duo)) in 7 years).
Are you a snowbreaker player or a mihomo in disguise?
>Developer must submit ALL scripts (dialogues, texts, storyboard, etc).
>Also all characters
If the leaks are true this fucking retards probably wanted to created their own Omnipandering Genshin slop and now they cant changed it unless they are gonna wait until 2026 to launch it, my biggest fear is that they are gonna pull another "Aether Gazer"
Huh, why wouldn't they be able to change it? Wuthering Waves rewrote their story and redesigned a character just fine.
The TB raising mode was the last thing they added to the game altought it doesn't have impact in the gameplay. Also they announced a 3D dormitory where you can interact with the shipgirls and a 3D chibi mode like animal crossing. To be honest when they announced these I thought we were going to get one of the two modes the following weeks but 2 months after the announcement and still nothing so I stopped playing too.
took them 2 years to give METAs their own dock, I wouldn't hold my breath. Heck i didn't even care about the dock slots, I still want to fully retire them, I hate keeping ships I don't use, or have skins for in my dock. The very least they could give us an option to use their alternate skins, like what they did with type II ships, and muse ships.
Game is super casual. I put in minimal effort all the time, there's no sweep/stamina because it's an idle game that gives you resources on a timer based on far you gotten through the main stage list, if you played Nikke it's similar to that. We got a thread on /vg/, /esg/ if you wanna look through our beginner guide rentry or ask some stuff there. Like all other gachas you barely spend anytime once you reach a certain point, most of the time if there's no new content I'm on for like 3-5 minutes and I'm out after I do the daily chores.
I went to Snowbreak at Cherno's patch, but I didn't drop Azur Lane for it. I dropped it once these new DR/PRs were shown and all of them were really fucking bland. Thought i'd last until we got that fucking meowficcer rework. That entire system is ass.
>Meowfficer rework
That's the lazy Comf-Forts they implemented.
You would be delusional if you expected something more revolutionary.
Ignoring the vocal minority is the way to go. Same retards are screaming that ZZZ flopped when it's going to slaughter Wuwa release numbers and every girl only game.
>>Developer must submit ALL scripts (dialogues, texts, storyboard, etc).
This is so heavy-handed HOLY SHIT. The Chink commissars just should trust in their snitch system and that most cute girls doing cute things anime games won't fucking start elaborating a plot to bring the downfall of the communist party.
Flopbreak didn't even make 3 million last month. It's a giga flop.
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Oh nonononono Azur Lane chinks are finding out about that collab Manjuu did. It's not looking good for them.
sex with abby
u mad yostar shill?
post the original link retard. your MTL shit sucks
It got deleted bro. Chink Azur Lane players are doing everything to supress the collab info now because players in the Master Love camp are using it to attack Manjuu.

Kinda funny how much of a serious business chink gachas are.
do you have the original text at least? what you've posted is unreadable
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He's just mad over the collab.
Azur Shit will be a flop manjuu shill.
>omnipander garbage
>12+ age rating
>AL is bleeding money
it's doa
your first two points are the same thing and Manjuu is known for censoring the game in china but giving an uncencensored version to the rest of the servers
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Azur Promilia is starting to get review bombed again. Will Manjuu say something?
>little boy with white silk stockings
They want to have sex with Blumine
>People shitting on manjew for not locking the male mc
>People calling the game blue genshin impact
>People mad for fmc and xxn
>People shitting manjew for no beta test
It's over manjew bros, time to play snowbreak i guess
I wonder if we'll see Snowbreak become bigger than even Hoyo games. Seems they keep absorbing ex-players from other games.
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rip manjuu
>Snowbreak become bigger than even Hoyo games
holy delusional kek
Nah. At best it'll get big enough that it could have a spectacular month when Genshin/HSR/ZZZ have a terrible one and show up higher in the monthly rankings.

A third person shooter just doesn't have the level of generic appeal to topple Hoyo
sex with abby
>shitjuu kill itself chasing the gayshit money
>other retarded small companies are doing the same
>angry incel zhangs reviewbombing on bilibili
not like it stops games from making billions from normalfag chinese
all they had to do was show substantive information about the game, like actualy gameplay, ingame systems, general story, etc don't even have to mention mc. no one would be complaining, they are self-sabotoging. it comes off as they are hiding MC's deliberately because they want to omnipander
It seems to me like they are still a good 2 years away from release, it's not uncommon for companies to show "gameplay" trailers that end up being just proof of concept without an actual game (like FFXV, MML3 or DS2).
So they don't want to lock details by showing game systems since they have nothing built other than a handful of characters and the pet system. Notice how they haven't shown anything about the characters outside the 5 ones they used in the trailer, we know nothing about the farming system, equipment system, leveling system, gacha, etc.

This is the reason other companies only show a cinematic trailer for the announcement, and the gameplay trailer is only released when near the CBT, FROMSOFT does this, it was like a year and a half between the announcement of sekiro or elden ring and the actual gameplay trailer. They shot themselves in the foot trying to get ahead of the release of ZZZ and WuWa, and to capture GLF2 players, and instead they got a lot of bad press and a lot of demands for Azur Lane (they had to implement the new UI and mail system in a rush to appease players).
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Now it has bitten them on the ass because everyone's now against Manjuu, and now the controversy's spread to Azur Lane.
These are what hoyofags keep doing:
>Shill their games and doompost other games in other games' threads.
>Call other people shitposters if people laugh at or disagree with them in other games' threads.
>Falseflag as other game players or spam shitposts to instigate a flamewar.
The embodiment of impudence and hypocrisy.
I'm fine with putting pressure on Manjuu but it seems they either announced it too early or are reworking some stuff. For now I'll just wait and see until they reveal more info officially.
I will continue to believe and ignore tourist and hoyofags.
Simple as.
believe in yellow chicken
Anon can you explain what is that image? When that shit happen?
It's from a collab that Azur Lane did with Gothic Magical Girls 6 years ago. Got dug up by chinks and being used as fuel against Manjuu and Yostar.
So wait... before i start doing my own conclusions and i go full schizo since i started playing AL in 2020, they are really shipping Kaga and Akagi with what i suppose is the protagonist of that game? you have more information anon?
Scrap the pokemon they dont fit with the harem themes
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The LOVE thing is a gameplay mechanic, not sure if that can be considered shipping but there is also an affection system and some voicelines. It's a good thing this collab was unkown until recently or it would have nuked Azur Lane from China like what happened with Blue Archive. Another reason to never trust Yostar.
Ohhhh yeah i found it if anyone is interested just search this "アズールレーン ゴシックは魔法乙女" in youtube, now im going to search the voicelines and bond lines to know if i drop AL, the reason i started playing that shitty kusoge is Akagi, i hope the chinks give Manjuu the MICA treatment
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Shikikan Status: Cucked
This case was more similar to the Blue Archive and Mahjong Soul collaboration, cuckoldry caused by the publisher, not the developer. It won't be as controversial as GFL2 because Manjuu didn't do what MICA did, cuckolding their players in their game as a developer.
Another day of getting silent treatment from manjuu...

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