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The second week of the Princess Tour begins.
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Did you get her?
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The action count goals for this week's ranked
Reposting the bonus point multipliers in the new thread for easy access
6 1/5 for me. I forgot why I leveled her up then saw she was my best on Peach Cicruit RT.
You retards and everybody across the planet who still plays this needs to pick Luigi next tour and make him win so we can get an otherwise unobtainable badge.
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Yes. 2nd place; held Tier 99. Got passed by 20k on the last day by a Tier 99 sleeper in 20th place, and decided not to pursue.
Agreed; I'm in for Team Luigi.
Sorry but my token strategy requires picking gold mario on 50cc with the autoclicker to clear the shop during the first 2 days, I don't care about that nonexistent luigi badge
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Yes, gold mii carries yet again
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I first started playing MKT about a year ago during Princess season. That's how long it took me, but just a few days ago I finally managed to complete my Daisy collection. I'm glad I was able to do it before the actual end of service hit. Now all that remains for me to do is see how high I might level them, although I don't believe it's going to be possible to max out even half of them in whatever time this game has left. The only thing I missed out on entirely is the blue Daisy badge, which probably will never return, but I got the golden badge instead so it's not too much of a loss.
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oh yeah we got this Luigi anon!
If Mario fucking Run outlives Tour I'm gonna go nuts. I swear I know Mario Run actually costs money for the whole but it's a total rip off.
>barely any power ups
>gimmick controls
I understand the whole "it has to be able to be played in one hand" but at least tour still lets you use 2 but mario run is a total meme game. No man this sucks. Fucking Dr. Mario World is dead if Tour dies soon I'll go coo coo crazy.
Also, Tour allows you to play all of its tracks for free and has free online multiplayer, can’t say that about Run or Nintendo Switch Online
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The schedule
>Mario vs Luigi tour
Time to not get many tokens simply because I refuse to support Luigi.
How many tours have been rerun already? The game is getting desperate.
bro is clueless
the game ended last aniversary
Piranha Plant Pipeline is finally returning, out of all 21 Tour nitros why was it and only it left out of the Mario Kart 8 DLC anyway
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DK Gladiator has 6 of the 12 ranked tracks in the next 2 tours, though it's a tough road with unlocks if you haven't already invested in him:
Mario vs. Luigi Tour: DS Mario Circuit T, Wk 1 (vs. Gold Mii) and GCN Waluigi Stadium T, Wk 2 (with Lv 6 unlock, vs. Gold Chuck)
Night Tour: Rome Avanti, Wk 1 (vs. Toad Tourist & super DK); Rome Avanti 2R, Wk 1 (vs. Gold Knight Luigi); Rome Avanti 2T, Wk 2 (with Lv 8 unlock, vs. King Mario, Toad Tourist and Larry Mii); Rome Avanti R/T, Wk 2 (with Lv 3 unlock, vs. Chain Chomp Mii, Nabbit Mii, Yellow SGE).
Congrats! And thanks for reminding me that I need Daisy Yukata to complete my Daisy set.
I feel bad for those who invested into Pauline Cowgirl instead of him
I'm going for top 100 on the night tour, so I already have him at level 8 triple uncapped, feels good
I do like how the loop seems to be planned and how it lets the game continue on autopilot, but I really wish they had planned things so that tracks that people like and are actually fun to play like Waluigi Pinball, Shy Guy Bazaar and 3DS Rainbow Road were the tracks that appeared more often and in ranked instead of absolute garbage like Daisy Circuit, Peach Circuit and Peach Gardens in ranked until the end of time
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I plan to maybe take DK Gladiator up to Lv7 in the Mario vs. Luigi Tour for Waluigi Stadium T (no Gold Chuck), and then I need him at Lv 8 in Night Tour unless my Gold Wiggler (Lv8, 3c) gets the buff on Rome 2T. Enough tickets are saved (pic), but I also need driver help on GBA Luigi Circuit T in MvsL Wk2 [DK Mii Lv4 2c].
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Last day for a year to collect Daisy Yukata if you want her
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I enjoyed the princess tour what about you guys?
Worst track in the game is part of it, so I hated it.
Even worse than the Tour version of rainbow road wii?
Well all tracks in tour are worse than in other Mario Karts on the simple basis of worse controls.
But this track I full stop detest.
I first placed in the ranks and got this from the pipe, what did you guys get?
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Did you get it?
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Nope, forgot to hop in and grind out the tracks for better scores.
>blue shell perfectly timed to hit me the exact ottosecond a frenzy wears off
God I fucking hate this game with how blatant the cheating is.
I got the tropical truck to 6 2/5.

Ye. Double 2nd place this tour.
>try to ham out in a low place to actually get attack items for tokens
>just drown in mushrooms
>Team Luigi! let's-a go!
So the red & green standard 8s didnt come back either I take it?
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>>1487176 (me)
1st place; hold Tier 99.
Team Luigi let's go!
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A kart that I rarely use.
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Luigi will never win, NIGGER
Don’t forget to join Team Mario for the free win, gold mii being on this team helps too
yeah but team bowser won last rally
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Yes, Peach Circuit drags down scores though
1st place in my ranked had a level 8 light green mii suit and dude was capped out at 31k the whole week.
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Luigisisters, not like this
It makes sense people are grinding for the tokens, and gold mario plus gold mii suit make it easy. I raced online, and saw a bunch of them.
Nobody likes Luigi.
Not even Daisy being on his team can make me support him.
I should've known it's impossible. This whole thing is just too lopsided for Team Mario by every metric. But I really wanted to believe that enough people would come together for the never before awarded Luigi victory badge and now I'll pay the price.
>Not even Daisy fans want to be on team Luigi
More Weegee for me!
don't lose hope luigi chad the rally is just beginning
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Multiplayer for Team Luigi is brutal. 2-vs-6 and 1-vs-7 races to complete the challenge card.
I almost lost my S+9 rank yesterday.
that's why I never play on frenzy days
theres always more people on 2 item or 1 item only days
I picked Luigi because I thought people would want the badge and his team would have the higher number of player. But he's getting his shit pushed in and all my high level top shelf drivers are Mario so I'm not getting any tokens grinding the ranked tracks.
>Peach Circuit drags down scores though
I got 3 coin frenzies on Peach Circuit and ended up with a decent score compared to everyone else in my tier.
I hate being stuck in super mario hell
Aren't they a couple? You're being cucked by Luigi.
No, they're not.
Better bite the bullet and stick to team mario on multiplayer, it makes more interesting lobbies anyway, since lightning, red shells and blue shells don't work, since they're all on the same team, so the races are more skill based
>mario propaganda
sorry it's-a weegee time!
Wasn't this game supposed to end last year?
>he believed the rumors
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>>1491274 (me)
Good news: Got my 4th ACR badge for last tour.
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The shop for the rally tour
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based keep it up and keep racing bro
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Example of a CPU blatantly cheating in a race
Yeah, bots getting a speed boost whenever the player uses a mushroom has been a common complaint
I have seen that CPU cheat too. I call it "zoomy bots". Nothing fixes it other than grinding away and reloading to clear the badge bots. The game loves forcing users to grind-from-behind.
Another common CPU cheat happens with the user in second place. Shoot the first place bot with an item, and IMMEDIATELY another bot comes out of nowhere to retake first place.
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>>1491821 (me)
Down to S+8 in MP races as expected.
MP Battle is a lot more winnable though still difficult in Team Luigi underdog mode. Use characters with remote kill ability like shell, hammer, fire flower, or egg.
>price is right farting tuba
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Good news today: Level up to S+6 in MP Battles. Lots of 6-vs-2 and 7-vs-1 matches in favor of Team Luigi.
Anyone else notice this? Is the algorithm trying to even the odds?
I don't think Team Luigi will win, but I think it will get closer in Week 2.
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FYI: If you betray Team Luigi while grinding ranked, the Luigi Mafia will send a gang of wild coinboxers after you.
damn straight! you don't mess with team weegee
I noticed some tracks the CPU would rubberband like hell in (Like Daisy Circuit).It's weird because in others I could get 1st with my eyes closed.
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Did you get it?
heck yeah! and I got a white snow skimmer from the pipe. and I'm only 1200 tokens away from clearing the shop! what a great week! well except for the whole losing to team mario part
No. In fact, I didn't want to get it because I already have it. I was aiming to derank, trying to get that sweet spot where you still get the same 10 ruby reward as the guy one step ahead of you. But I accidentally overshot and maintained rank instead.
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>>1491274 (me)
1st place; hold Tier 99. Halfway to completing Extreme Challenges (15 of 30 wins achieved).
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>1v7 race
>someone switches to team luigi just to sandbag
>they still lose
This is like 6th time I've seen team mario do this kek!
Nope. Got pushed down to 3rd at the last inute.
>since lightning, red shells and blue shells don't work
that is not true? if it's a full lobby of the same team you will still get hit by red shells at least that's what I remember during the team peach vs bowser rally
It used to be like that during the first rallies tho, way before the loop. it's been a while since I played normal multiplayer during a rally so I didn't notice the change, I usually play a private lobby with no teams with a secondary account to get my multiplayer rewards easier and faster.
Sometimes being able to hurt your own team is off and sometimes it's on. I swear I'm not going insane because I've been hit by red shells from my own team-mates.
that's just online hit boxes being weird and glitchy same reason you'll see players get hit by your green shell thats bouncing off walls in the corner of the track on your screen
After grinding them again, between DS Mario and Wii Daisy Circuits which is worse? DS Mario has more engaging gameplay but the theming is nonexistent, Wii Daisy has better theming but nonexistent gameplay instead and both suck to combo Personally I think they’re both terrible
I have more problems on DS Mario because of the spitting fireballs.
I like Wii Daisy because of the shortcut, but I do agree that both tracks require burning item tickets to hold combo, even with a high rank coinboxer like Gold Mii.
Wii Daisy Circuit: https://youtu.be/WPMxTWVMCnQ
DS Mario Circuit: https://youtu.be/s6HNMRmxdGw
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>about to finish in first place
>get team hit by the douche bag playing bowser again
It has been like this all day bowser, dry bowser, bowser mii suit, stupid junior. If it's not people switching to team luigi to throw the race to make us lose it's bowser shellers team killing.
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If you played today with pic related rules, then that was your fault, 100cc is ass for multiplayer, like you said, it's full of bowser shell noobs that snipe you constantly, I always wait for the 150cc, one item slot rule to get my 30 wins
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Am I cooked this week
>gold Paris badge
>name is French Kiss
It depends on your load ups for this week.
the first track is good for giant/triple banana but bad for coinbox, due to the tight turns and ramps
the second track is awful for boomerang but perfect for coinbox, due to being flat with wide turns
the third track is excellent for boomerang and it's ok for coinbox due to the uneven surface, plus it has one of the highest action counts in the entire game
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I don’t want to upgrade Luigi beyond this because he has bad ranked coverage
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According to the DKR scoresheet, assuming you are level 400, you can improve on all three tracks, even though, the second has a higher potential of improvement, a level 4 driver there will probably be a pain in the ass to grind, so I would focus on the first one and the third one instead
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My toolbox tells me just as much, but I just haven’t had the time to grind since I’ve been holidaying in Tokyo and sharing some stuff in various other threads this week, I pre-grinded this week’s score in one night before I flew to Japan
oh so you're the sicko who posted this?
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Yes, unfortunately, here’s the alternate shot I took to prove it
But I just got home and I have one more night to grind if I have the energy, but I guess I should just take the L
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Did you get him?
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No because I didn’t want to waste tickets on leveling him just to get him
NTA but I was willing to waste tickets just to spite the team mario dick who was trying to get first. Might've lost the war but at least I won this battle.
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What a surprise, who could have predicted it
Would've taken at least another week for team luigi to win.
My DK gladiator is level 6, should I use him or max out super DK for Rome 1N instead?
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>>1495996 (me)
2nd place; hold Tier 99. I was never going to catch my Top 100 opponent who finished 1st.
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Look and see if you're using DK Gladiator on his 3 other top shelf ranked tracks (including the Lv8 unlock on Rome 2T).
If you can get multiple uses for Gladiator, then use him. Otherwise use super DK.
I am probably going with Gladiator (Lv7/3c) on 1N, even though I could just stick with super DK since he only needs a quad cap. I need Gladiator at Lv8 for 2T next week.
I need him for both Rome 2R and 1R/T, I can use a mii for 2T
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The shop for the night tour
Rome Avanti is just as boring and confusing as I remembered it being, kind of a lame slot for a city compared to Athens and Madrid
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What I remember from the Night Tour last year is how LONG so many of the tracks are, which made it hard to farm track exp for player level. Especially Rome, Vancouver, Singapore, and Moonview Hwy. Can't complain about Waluigi Stadium since it's a carryover from last tour.
The good news is that there is a ton of exp left on these tracks, and a good chance for me to push for Player Level 400 this tour, plus a long holiday weekend in the US for July 4.
I already hit 400 back in March after I started grinding every track’s exp starting from this same tour last year. I remember all the Romes being painfully boring to grind, and next tour’s PP Pipeline being even worse because it was so long
I wish PP Pipeline was in MK8, it was still fun to play despite that
Also another thing, Singapore and Vancouver are actually fun to both play and grind, Rome is not
How does shit like this happen?
Jesus it's the Farmer mafia!
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Exp grinders: Rome 1 and Rome 2 will not return until next year's Night Tour, along with 2 random New York tracks.
The rest of NY 1 and NY 2 returns in the Autumn Tour, along with Vancouver 1 and 2. Moonview Hwy will be back very soon in the Summer Tour (lowest priority if you have a lot to grind).
Singapore 1 and 2 return in the Winter Tour. Last chance for Waluigi Stadium until Mario vs. Luigi Tour next year.
Good riddance to Rome, also fun fact, Vancouver 1+2 are the most reoccurring cities in the loop being in 3 different tours, but are sadly in ranked in none of them (Vancouver 3, the worst one, is in ranked in both Autumn and Holiday, and this tour has ranked clogged up by mid Rome)
Another waste is Singapore 1+2 being here and Winter but not being in ranked in either tour leaving Winter as the only tour where Singapore is in ranked and only Singapore 3
These accounts must have been playing a hacked game with everything unlocked, like mankalor did one time accidentally and getting like 3 million points, then Nintendo must have banned them
Would you buy Aurora Rosalina just for her design even though her coverage is terrible?
I wouldn't because I only play competitively at tier 99 and I always end up using my rubies to get coins to buy tickets, the last item I've bought since the loop started has been the gay wings early this tour, since I'm going for top 100 and that glider is a must for this tour
sure I bought all kinds of stupid stuff just for the designs and haven't regretted anything yet
>Rome Avanti
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I am a Rosalina fan and enjoying Aurora's tracks a lot in this tour. But I will admit that she is not very useful despite the cute design. It's fun to use her with the Comet Tail kart, which has a matching design and good track overlap.
Lots of top shelf coverage in this tour for Rosa fans. (Aurora, Volendam, Cat, Tanooki, Fire, Chef, Swimwear). Halloween Rosa only has Twilight House.
Vancouver Velocity:
Rosalina Aurora / Comet Tail / Luma Parafoil
That's like being asked if I want to eat the giant pile of dogshit on the grass that's been rotting in the sun all day with flies circling it
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Did you get it?
cost me some tickets on gold luigi and the gay wings but yes
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Yes, feels good to win again after losing badly last week
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>>1500136 (me)
1st place; hold Tier 99. No Tier 99 opponents this week, so it was a low-effort easy win.
>>1500716 (me)
Completed EXP harvesting, thanks to a lot of 200cc racing. Now at Player Level 398. Should be able to reach 400 next tour.
Tip: Lakitu Party Time on Singapore Speedway to complete Week 2 challenge card. Need a driver wearing a tie with a wide variety of skills, and he's Lucky 7.
It has the most labyrinthe layout of all the cities and it’s the only one I get confused on, the version in 8 is routed weirdly on laps 1 and 2, it’s boring to play and the music makes you want to fall asleep, Singapore and Vancouver are much better
Vancouver is alright but I hate the blimp section in one of the Singapore tracks. If you don't take the jump right or get hit you waste so much time bouncing on the damn blimp. I guess the maze-like layout of Rome Avanti doesn't bother me since I grew up playing racing games with weird track layouts, and routes.
>racing games with weird track layouts, and routes
It’s only Rome that I really dislike, but looking online at the average opinion of the various cities would make you believe that every one is like that….
he's male
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W2 status: Spent a lot of tickets for an all-Lv8 lineup. Kept my promise (>>1500160) and took DK Gladiator to Lv8/4c. Black B Dasher Mk. 2 and Wicked Topaz also went from Lv7 to Lv8/3c.
My 2nd place competition is using all quad-capped Mii suits, so my 1st place may not hold. Both of my drivers are already quad-capped, and I'm short on glider cap tickets, so the next move would be quad capping karts.
That's been long retconned
yo mama male
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found a useful resource guide to coinboxers
What's with he games online being VERY persistent in getting me to race the ice bro and pauline cup tracks? I ain't touching that boring ass new york minute shit and it's like the game took that personally.
Honestly I don't think there's a single racing game depiction of new york that I've ever liked.
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This week looks difficult….
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New update is up, seems like they finally fixed that problem with the mario tour acr badge, if you're not an autist, I doubt you will care, but you still need to update it
I update the app on my iPhone, and had no problems.
It didn't affect me because I don't have that Mario badge.
>The update breaks MK Toolbox’s sync feature
Now why the fuck would they do that if they want people to keep playing, Toolbox sync was the most useful fanmade resource by far
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I finally discovered the hidden shortcut/sniper's nest in the New York battle track.
I feel like we're in actual EOS mode now, there isn't anyway they made this ridiculously huge update for a game most people dropped.
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Since Singapore Speedway leaves Tour tomorrow and I was in the area, here’s a pic of the area but at sunset, you can see the bridge where the starting line is and various landmarks that are near the start line in the track too
how did this require such a big update?
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the new update fixed some bugs, like the gyro controls not working properly, better performance and the mario tour acr badge correction. the reason why it was so big, it's because it updated unity so you had to redownload updated assets, but by doing so, it changed the api used for resources like the MKT toolbox sync feature, like this anon stated >>1508615, supposedly it's to improve the security, which is why others started speculating that even autoclickers wouldn't work anymore, but mine is still working normally, so does the video recorder widget, so it doesn't seem to affect floating apps
Also, I love how the update still doesn’t fix the Singapore Speedway 1 music glitch where driving into the infinity pool applies the underwater effect to all the track music permanently until you reset the game…

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