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Disney Speedstorm officially coming to mobile on July 11.
i wanted to try mario kart, but it does look outdated
this one looks fun
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New content coming for the next season.
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New Season soon
game hasn't even released yet
what's all this new season stuff?
Game's been out for a year iirc on PC and Consoles, they're just now announcing an official mobile release (you can download an apk of the game but no idea if you can play now).
btw you can still pre-register to get some goodies.
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code for free shit
>Disgust has Tattoos

Like she couldn't get any better
Official Launch Trailer
The only reason why I want to play this is Minnie and supposedly she is pretty bad. Enjoy the game I guess.
It is already on mobile in the uk. I’d recommend connecting a controller. I mainly just play on my iPad m1.
It will probably look like shite, unless you have an 8 gen 2 or the latest snapdragon chipsets or use a miseries iPad. They had a lot of problems with optimisation and decided to nuke the graphics early on on lower end phones. The performance on my snapdragon 865 phone on this game wasn’t good. A lot of phones have worse chips than this so the performance won’t be great. I wouldn’t be surprised if this game doesn’t run on most of your phones and it doesn’t show up in search.
It is available in certain regions. And has been for a while, they delayed the mobile launch by over a year. It is a bit funny considering asphalt 9 is incredibly optimised. I think that the whole effects and the fact that there are items etc and other stuff just leads to poor performance.

It will be funny seeing the response on Android. It is gonna be another cod Warzone mobile filled with seething.
Even on a spadragon 888 the performance wasn’t good and regularly dropped frames. The game is demanding. My phone was worse.


I’m just saying, don’t expect good performance and Mario kart looks outdated for a reason. It’s so then it runs easily on most phones.
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I think I'm gonna wait for next season, seems that the overall concensus for this season was very positive so if they keep improving I might play the game again.
guess i wont be downloading this then
mine is slightly more powerful than snapdragon 888, but i still dont want to bother
It's out.
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Kermit is gonna get a re-run eventually.
>The performance on my snapdragon 865 phone on this game wasn’t good.
My poco X5 pro is one year old and it has a snapdragon 778G, now I'm really curious to try out this game and see how bad it runs
Is it still greedy as fuck? I've seen people compare DSS to Multiversus, a crossover fighting game by WB that asks for way too much money for costumes and stuff.
They have 2 season passes that cost like $20 each iirc (you could previously buy it with blue tokens which you got by playing ranked and other things) and some events and season tour missions require you to have specific characters leveled up, if you dont have them or you need to level them up you either play Ranked to get their stuff (which takes a few days) or buy tokens to purchase characters fragments on the shop (if they're available) or roll for them on their gacha boxes.
There's also another vip pass for the tournament mode (you can play it to get characters from previous seasons), there's a free pass for it but you get far less rewards and iirc its limited in how many tries you can do per day.
So yeah even if they're giving free shit more often, it's still very greedy.
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and by eventually i mean now
Fucking shit, love The Muppets >>1512784, but not enough to even give these scummy devs the time of day.
I tried playing it agsin on my 865 phone, the graphics look a little better than before slightly better than switch and it is a mostly locked 30fps. There was like 1 drop. I used takostats to see the framerate.

Ut is actually sorta playable, though there are no graphical options.
The rates to get characters are too bad
When's Miss Piggy? I remember she being in one of the datamines
Pirate season next month, I reckon. But probably not available until Part 2 of it in September.
is the android version better optimized than the switch version? on switch there's this annoying thing where if you play online the other cars might start before you can even move.

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