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Alien Sex and Swordmaster Buffs.

Feel free to talk about any other tangentially related DMM game like Aigis or other Kumasan games as well.
If you're still getting the region block.

open game page
get region block page
open browser's console with F12 or ctrl+shift+J
paste the following and press enter

document.cookie="ckcy_remedied_check=ec_mrnhbtk; expires=Sat, 24 May 2025 02:51:01 UTC; domain=.dmm.co.jp; path=/";

(change dmm.co.jp to dmm.com if on all-ages side)
close the region block page/tab (don't refresh with F5)
open game page again

Also, PC client can be MTL hooked since it's Unity.
Refer to the directions for il2cpp and download a bleeding edge Bepinex build to use it. Textboxes are limited by character size, but the log works fine with the MTL.
Not a fan of the lmaos, cow waiting room
Just realized it might be possible to grab an x costume thanks to the 10 yen pack. Points from the last DMM fest are about to expire, and if you can get enough paid 120s from those you might be able to get enough to buy an x costume from the upcoming one. If you end up a bit short, the gems might last long enough for partway through the one after.
If you can't get any extra paid gems from expiring points, you'll have to bet on getting the points from the next two fests, holding off on the 10 yen pack in hopes the extra time will let the gems last until the end of the second one.
They took away Reefer's HP buff. Now I have to spend 4000 medals on Behemoth if I want my Rogdanno to do the same damage she could do before. Sad!
Also the ayy banner is an easy skip for me. Pastebin anon says gooks are comparing the gunner to Ephtra, but I ain't seeing it. Ephtra is already in MMTD as an NPC anyway, so I'd rather save up gems for when they eventually make her playable.
>Now I have to spend 4000 medals on Behemoth if I want my Rogdanno to do the same damage she could do before
But you'll be doing more damage because she got an extra 2% attack and behemoth has 5% more hp? There's also maid vivi as a budget option with 25% hp.
Box gacha could use some UI improvements. No box size for the subsequent boxes in the preview screen. Usually they increase the number of trash items in later boxes. I could tally everything up, but that should be in the UI. After pulling, getting a list of stuff you pulled feels kind of bad to look at as well.
DMM festival started. Remember to log into your games and refresh the page once a day. Also the DMM app too apparently.
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>item limit is 999
i think i should level up some stuff
>no infinite boxes
>can only draw 10 at a time
Is this the worst box gacha event in any mobile game ever? I still have over a 1000 coins left and I only used natural stamina recovery, no refills.
Are the aliens just boobs vs flat? The green soldier was pretty small and the leader is hidden by her suit. Also I guess this possibly explains youkai Silva?

Did you hold off on pulling in hopes they'd let you do more at once in the 2nd half or add a 9th+ for excess coins? How could you hit the box limit during the first half and not think to hold back?
Stamina efficiency has always been better in the 2nd half during the point events so I held off on this one too, except when I was about to hit a rank up and stamina would cap long before gold EX became available, so I blindly dumped it on the event only to immediately think that probably wasn't a good idea. At least I haven't emptied the 8th box yet, but it does suck not having any real rewards from the remaining days of 5 free event quests.
thanks king
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I assume when the second part of this alien invasion side arc we will also be getting alien x/costumes for some of the girls?
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>the leader is hidden by her suit.
Could be the case or she is well endowed being an oppai loli type thing
>the giant shadow in the sky suddenly zooms away
>it is the green men's mothership and they have likely stopped hiding to do being known at this point
>the Grays advise defeating them here and now
>Suzu is excited to get to see a real alien spaceship and MC takes her along because she seems to have an idea of their opponents
>the spaceship has retreated to the desert with Mima, Peloros, and Fermi already there pondering what it is
>Fermi is particularly angry with it because it's blocking air space and interfering with her mail delivery
>the Grays wonder why it retreated to such a wide open space then suddenly it attacks
>seems it was a lure and ambush
>it was a brainwashing ray and nearly all the monmusu and other living creatures in the vicinity are hit including Mima, Peloros, and Fermi
>MC asks how they can return them to normal and according to the Grays analysis of prior cases, physical attacks
>basically knock the sense back into them
>Mima upon being brought back says it's a weird icky feeling like green squirming tentacles, no, actually antenna, swirling around in her head
>it seems to be an after effect of being linked to green men sensory nerves which are primarily concentrated in their antenna
>the grays' sensory nerves on the other hand are concentrated in their fingertips
>Suzu outright excitedly shouts about E.T. when hearing that
>MC notes that Suzu is unusually excited
>Vivi tells MC to let her to her weird fantasies and reports that the mothership has again retreated
>it seems in the direction of the dragon village
>the group moves on ahead while leaving the just brainwashed monmusu behind to recover
>wondering why they headed to the dragons' village, MC wonders if they may looking to find the chinpo in Soleia's treasure trove
>Purprope suggests they may instead be aiming for the power of the dragon race that lives here
>already, they spot Difora and Chifa looking blankly into the sky
>speaking to them it is quite apparent they've already been brainwashed
>before they can get to knocking them back to their senses, a figure emerges from the mothership
>It's Saura
>Suzu is however on high alarm as she has been visibly altered
>defeating the brainwashed monmusu, MC is worried for Sayra, but Purprope says she was only modified to boost her strength it looks like so he doesn't need to worry that much
>Piperi says that green men workmanship is also shoddy and inferior
>like if you insert a big tube of theirs it'd wilt in the middle
>that brings up the worry of being modified with shoddy parts, also Suzu again has complaints about the translations
>Vivi asks Suzu what she finds questionable about its expressions, but Suzu is perfectly aware Vivi is aware and messing with her and compares her to Kuromi
>Vivi goes yeah, you're right, it seems she's still testing stuff for her individuality and that was why she tried playing Kuromi for a bit
>Suzu says that's more character blurring than individuality
>Piperi shouts at the mothership for them to come out like the hikis they are which prompts Suzu to ask if they have the term hiki neet in space or if it's Gespenst language
>MC yells at her to not worry about that for now as the mothership is doing something as it unleashes a bright beam
>once the bright beam subsides, the little green men musume appear asking who are they calling snails
>the suited one is the captain/taichou
>she is rude and addresses MC as a shota and pet while calling his species inferior
>Purprope quips due to their barbarity they can't understand his loveliness
>the smaller green yells angrily, but it only comes out as gomus to Suzu who is again wondering if the translator is broken
>MC addresses the greens and states he is a human, not a pet
>the captain addresses him as human but still states they are an inferior species
>she demands the inferiors, him and the Grays surrender
>the smaller green seems to be stating the terms, but it's still all gomu and the captain tells her to talk properly
>with our base on this island we will protect this planet
>also its time to find the chinpo
>MC says he cannot give up this island and even if there were a treasure wouldn't it be better to cooperate
>the green men have a stance of no negotiation and if there is no surrender there is only one thing left for them to do
>the captain shouts and suddenly green men pour out from the ship in an all out attack
>the Grays call for a retreat, but MC refuses
>backing out here would be leaving them at the enemy's discretion
>we will confront them here and now and prove we are not an inferior species
>Piperi admires MC in a way that makes Suzu question the translator yet again, but she knows nows not the time for that and prepares to fight
>the green men's mothership falls
>the taichou laments that it had broken down and was repaired with scavenged parts from their island so it wasn't at full performance
>Piperi gloats again at their workmanship and also gives them the threatening choice of dying
>MC protests and wishes to have a peaceful discussion
>Purprope states the green men do not negotiate and if left unchecked will definitely do something
>the green men captain says that's correct and suddenly she releases something that zooms off into the sky
>a beacon
>soon after a message rings out throughout their heads and the rest of the galaxy
>it is the report of their failure to acquire the chinpo
>the green men gloat and beam out
>Purprope explains that the beacon is a special type for SOS meant to reach into the furthest reaches of space
>that message revealed the existence of the chinpo and Gespenst's location
>now, races from all over their side of space will be flooding in
>this island may become a battlefield
>Suzu has complaints about the world setting suddenly changing to science fiction/SF
>SF? Is that a new type of SM? Vivi asks
>Suzu yells at her to cut it out as she's having enough trouble being the only tsukkomi around right now
>MC and the Vivi at this point now have time to be curious about the things Suzu has been mentioning
>Purprope notes she seems to already be familiarwith some concepts
>so they ask her to let them modify MC as his brain capacity is only 10% of theirs
>he would no longer need primitive methods of understanding and will be able to instantly understand them
>Vivi asks they remember to give her subspace pockets
>Suzu objects, what if MC becomes a cyborg
>Vivi guesses that if he stops being human, then it might change the genre so he asks the Grays to follow the laws of the land
>you mean primitive communication?
>MC offers a handshake
>Purprope takes it and compares it to sex and MC yells it's just a handshake
>Suzu realizes they were making dirty jokes
Feels like it's been forever since we got new chapters for the main story. Looks like one is planned for this maintenance
Next Vivi scene is coming in at 777 days.
Think we'll get insertion?
oh shit, thought they abandoned them since we didn't get one at 730 days. 777, time to get lucky.
777 day scene is Vivi using a vibrator on MC. Disappointment.
Any chance for a share? I'm a year and a bit away from it.
>400k hp lizard as normal enemy in chapter 12
Time for another difficulty spike
Saving the promised day for day 1000, trust.
fitting since last spike was chapter 6
>to recap the protagonists are headed to Damstow's sealing place
>after quelling the great angel/demon war, the Genesis boy retired to a small strange island after getting tired of the power struggles
>since the monmusu adored him, they moved as well and it was said to be a paradise for them
>MC asks about the Genesis boy's death
>Vivi remarks she doesn't really know much and wonders what her twin sister Vivivange knows
>MC asks where Vivivange is
>Vivi gets angry because he pronounces her name perfectly
>getting over it, she says her sister went missing shortly after the Genesis boy's death
>Sarah's warning seems to hold a bit of weight due to these mysterious circumstances as they wonder if she was responsible
>about Damstow, she seems to be in an eternal prison, different from the Beast God seals they had been going around unsealing since she's not a Beast God
>MC feels sorry for her which touches Antimo
>Suzu ponders if she has already potentially lost her mind from being sealed for millenia
>anyways, the path to the prison is said to be full of extremely fierce and dangerous monsters so guards up
>Rin says if trouble arises she'll take MC into her womb to protect him
>MC refuses because he would probably be dissolved
>also monsters attack which Rin chastises MC for
>afterwards, Rin asks for praises which MC obliges while Antimo gets annoyed at their flirting for which MC apologizes
>heading toward the eternal prison, the atmosphere is dark, heavy, and deafingly silent
>to the point where even small scraping sounds cause the entire party to jerk in unison
>in the deepest depths they are drawn to an area covered by huge bars which the sounds seem to be from
>drawn towards it, they are met by giant eyes staring back
>Damstow, Antimo addresses
>she was running all over looking for her for quite some time before she finally learned she was here
>the protagonists, breaths bated, wait wondering how the great devil will respond
>I'm sorry for bothering you, Antimo!
>For someone like me...
>MC wonders if her heart had been broken for being sealed so long
>Vivi says no, Damstow's always been like this
>Confusion stirs the group
>Damstow even calls herself a hopeless timid shut-in
>Antimo says even thought she's called a great evil she's always been weak-willed
>and yet I get called super evil, people pick fights with me, and my life is targeted!
>she had been living in a small country as a hermit surrounded by manga and games, but then ended up becoming friends with a princess of that country
>one day she was asked if it were a game, how would you deal with this border dispute?
>when the king overheard their simulations, he put it into action and won
>so she was given a royal invitation
>on top of that, the princess had right of succession, but her siblings thought she was an idiot, so she wanted to stage a coup
>Damstow assisted the princess, but as soon as she took the throne, she became tyrannical
>the country was in turmoil and to make matters worse, the neighboring country attacked
>then when she thought she finally escaped all of it, an angel came down and the rest is history
>Kuromi likes the story
>Damstow doesn't, but she does get serious about telling it
>eventually a boy with a bunch of monmusu came and stopped the war
>but then the monmusu all started fighting for the boy and asking her for advice on winning him over
>MC asks if she got so fed up and sealed herself then?
>Vivi goes eh, ain't that what you asked?
>no, it's true she went to Vivi for advice and wanting to live a secret life, but in the middle of the conversation Vivi went got it, leave everything to me, and then sealed her in a prison
>though honestly, it worked out, she was still left with most of the treasure of the destroyed country and was free to mail order new manga, games, or whatever she wanted
>MC asks what a seal even is as Fermi arrives with a delivery of manga, manga, manga, and food
>Damstow in her self-demeaning manner asks what they have come down here for
>Antimo came her to ask about something she learned
>Oh, are you talking about how you and I have different fathers, sorry! I was thinking of telling you someday!
>This is the first time Antimo has heard about that
>Damstow continues her sorry spree, but Antimo smiles warmly telling her that's no big deal
>it's about the angels
>during the great war, it seemed they had another plan in the background and Antimo was wondering if Damstow had any idea what it could be
>Damstow postulates that there's a time looper who had planned to change history and they came to get information from her, but then she might get assassinated so the war never happens in the first place
>MC apologizes for not meeting her high expectations as they really just came to hear her story
>Damstow apologizes even harder trying to dogeza
>however, it's only half the story, or rather that time looper story never happened
>I keep saying confusing things, it's always been like this, I'll dig a hole and bury myself to apologize
>Vivi explains it's through such words and actions Damstow got known as somebody who leads people astray
>Antimo asks Damstow if she has any useful information to which she says no and hopes to reborn from a useless monmusu to a useful one
>Antimo says the angels are gathering an army with Myneeto at the center
>MC wonders if there's somebody pushing her from the background
>Antimo remarks if it's the end of the world, she won't be able to retire
>which makes Kuromi ask about monmusu becoming old don't they become monster old women
>Damstow is frightened by this world setting question
>choice to ask an expert or an old monster woman about it
>who would be an expert?
>Lauren Paisen?
>Selen says she'd beat Kuromi up for that
>she seems to have no aged much despite her age so maybe monmusu are just monmusu Kuromi theorizes
>Selen again repeats Kuromi would get beaten into the ground until she dies by Lauren if she heard that
>old monster woman brings up a delusion where Suzu imagines a grandma like conversation between herself and Kuromi which horrifies her with how little changes overall
>anyways, Antimo has heard all she has needed to and says it was good to talk with Damstow again who is apologizing for being a disappointment
>Antimo doesn't need an apology for that, she says Damstow can continue living her life as she goes farewell and flies off
>guess it's time for the group to return as well as Kuromi calls for returning to Gespenst
>but we're still on Gespenst! MC tsukkomis, his cute voice ringing down the halls and attracting monsters
>Damstow apologizes for having made a noise and attracting monsters
>MC asks her to calm down as her loud apologies are attracting even more as he calls for interception
>after the monsters are fended off, MC calls for an escape while apologizing to Damstow
>outside, they encounter Logica who says they need to defeat her, the guardian to proceed
>didn't we already do this?
>we won and you let us through
>that's that! As guardian, I can't let a blind eye to releasing a dangerous monmusu who has been sealed and taking her back to your home
>release and take home? Suzu asks and she then looks to where Logica is pointing
>Damstow had followed them
>apparently she didn't want to be alone
>what about the seal?
>oh, you can get prison keys online
>Suzu calls out the non-present Fermi though MC objects as Fermi wouldn't know what was in the packages
>anyways Logica vows to not let this evil escape as Damstow apologizes
>several peaceful days after their trip to the jungle, MC receives a letter
>it is thanking him for ending the civil war and saying a party will be held for him
>there will be 3 letters total and please bring everything with you
>there are some mysterious symbols near the end and it seems like there is a code spread across the 3 letters
>however the other 2 letters were scattered as Fermi was attacked during the delivery
>seems they need to look for them and investigate where the attack happened
>Kuromi asks why don't they just go and ask them what the codes were saying at the party
>they'd get angry at that
>aren't they the pain then?
>it seems Fermi was traversing the caves when it happened
>Lauren is here and says there have been some suspicious groups which are still nearby
>as Selen asks MC about his plans, Damstow says to go for it as suspicious people are no good
>it seems she is still following them and MC is starting to understand how she got her reputation
>Damstow apologizes, it's just when she gets the feeling of she can do it, she finds herself going for it
>their antics have alerted the suspicious group so Damstow apologizes again promising to move forward while curled into the corner
>Suzu asks if she's a pillbug
>dealing with the group and continuing on from that line, they were able to eventually collect all 3 letters
>also Damstow's wild accusations lead to them fighting several entirely unrelated groups
>she apologizes as halfway through she was having fun with the raiding
>they're really starting to understand why she was sealed
>anyways, the code seems to say that there are signs of unrest in Rochelle and we need your help
>signed jointly by Pope Hainuwere and Cardinal Reflex
>MC having been involved can't turn a blind eye, so he prepares himself for their return to Rochelle
>a very confused conversation about having one foot on the boat between Rin and Kuromi
>Damstow asks what are they talking about and Vivi says she has no idea either
>riding the boat, Damstow has again followed, apologizing saying she'll tie and hang herself from the stern
>despite her timidity, it seems she's still a power type in terms of actions
>arriving at Rochelle's port, they are accosted by angel military police asking what they're doing here
>MC responds truthfully that they were invited by the Pope and Cardinal
>however this raises the angels' suspicion as they're on edge after the fake pope incident
>Damstow notes the VIP appeal failing and remarks that's why she prefers going low profile
>the angels especially find Damstow suspicious as a demon for which she apologizes profusely
>MC says she is the sister of Antimo, Cardinal Reflex's assistant
>the angels have literally never heard about this, even more suspicious which makes Damstow cry about being unworthy for her sister
>Kuromi bids farewell to Damstow coldheartedly betraying her and Damstow calls out the tail cut
>Kuromi's appearance incites the angels even further and they plan to detain the both of them now shocking Kuromi
>Damstow is thankful they're getting caught together
>Kuromi is actually happy at that
>the rest of the group discuss what to actually do
>MC feels that this should be all be able to be properly sorted out so let's go peacefully
>the angels however declare it will be a summary trial and imprisonment, nothing more
>a random demon girl awakes from the shade of a nearby tree
>the angels are immediately suspicious of her as well despite the demon's calm demeanor, also wanting to imprison her
>annoyed, the demon decides it's best to just to beat them down and says she'll help the group
>it's the normal solution after all
>after the angel police are beaten, MC thanks the demon who introduces herself as Perpe, Belphegor Musume
>she says she was just wandering around and people watching and didn't expect to meet such a beautiful boy here
>it seems she does recognize who MC is though as well as Damstow
>the angels at this point recognize MC now as Lacionel, the hero who ended the recent uprising
>it seems when you hit people they come to their senses
>however, they're still suspicious of Damstow
>the sudden arrival of Perpe is also concerning
>MC asks for their leniency on the matter
>the angels send a message back to HQ for a response to the request
>it asks for a truth cat to confirm the claims of Damstow being Antimo's sister
>where do we find a truth cat
>we don't know, that's up to you guys
>also we'll be monitoring you guys so you don't run off
>MC wonders if it would be possible to get Antimo to clear this up, but it seems she's been focused on personal matters lately and is away
>is Myneeto available?
>she is currently working on a special matter and the one currently in charge is Archbishop Pandron who isn't somebody the group knows
>guess we have to find the truth cat
>Perpe says she'll be accompanying them already addressing MC as master
>Rin gets defensive, but Perpe manages to win her over by asking about her relationship with MC which MC asks her not to encourage
>skipping through a long part of the investigation and search, the protagonists learn the truth cat is located at the village of truth(Kazuma no Sato) which they are now approaching
>it is said to be full of all kinds of truths
>Rin ponders about her true love with MC being there which MC bluntly states there isn't
>this makes Damstow curious and ask about their love
>Rin is extremely affirmative while MC asks them to please not ask him about it
>Perpe gives a more philosophical answer stating the truth is something that is not a lie while authenticity is what is actually there
>love is difficult, huh, goes Damstow
while Perpe says monmusu love is distorted anyways
>also Perpe asks do you know her as she points out a mysterious girl following them
>her outfit is the same as that suspicious group in Gespenst behind the letter attack
>anyways, the mysterious girl announces change of plans as she calls for her group to attack
>their elite group defeated, revealed as Pandron's private army, the girl tries to call for a retreat, but Perpe catches her
>the girl recognizes Perpe as the major demon she is, but says she won't give in
>Perpe is excited and asks MC if she can have her
>MC is a bit concerned and they have the truth cat business to take care of, but Perpe assures him that it will just be some info gathering and she won't do anything rough so the rest of the group leave for the village of truth

>H-scene where the Pandron Private Army girl gets subjected to Super Convenient Toilet No. 66
>the truth cat located at the village of truth
>very straightforward when you think about it
>the village of truth also lives up to its namesake with stalls lined up selling things like truth manju and truth rice crackers
>it feels like everybody jumping on a bandwagon
>Rin spots a nearby sign advertising a truth animal series
>at the store is Eloise
>MC asks if he's seen her before to which Eloise responds that her life ended up going haywire and she ended up working part-time here
>Damstow apologizes with an amazing flying dogeza despite Eloise having no idea who she is
>MC asks about buying a truth cat, but Eloise is dodgy about it offering various other truth animals
>a truth cat doesn't seem to be a thing and Suzu ponders the nature of cat internet popularity
>anyways Eloise explains truth cats are the stuff of legends and the last they were heard of is during the great war
>MC at a loss decides the best they can do is ask about it in another store to Eloise's offense which MC apologizes for, but they really don't have any other possible leads
>there is a choice between two other original truth animal shops with extremely similar names
>the first one is manned by Maisie who immediately recognizes MC as Prince Lacionel again prompting MC to ask if they've met before
>she says it's fine he doesn't remember and MC apologizes for his amnesia
>anyways asking about the truth cat, Maisie says she's only a part-time worker and doesn't really know anything about this stuff either
>she says that there's a store with a more knowledgeable clerk over there directly pointing out Eloise's store
>the other store is predictably manned by Camilla who is startled by 7 people entering her shop at once
>when MC asks if they've met before she recommends the truth octopus, would you like truth potatoes as well
>she is in autopilot fright mode
>asking about the truth cat, she says it's not available as she lists more deals for the truth octopus including fries and bogo which Selen constantly refuses and gets increasingly angry towards
>please come again
>outside the shops, Damstow ends up realizing the village looks familiar due to the mountains nearby
>it used to be called cat town and things were much bigger then
>it seems there was something to their lead
>asking more, Damstow recalls a cat-worshipping cult that fattened up giant cats nearby
>let's go then!
>Damstow is having issues as there are none of the landmarks she remembers, but suddenly a nearby cat meows
>MC goes cute and Rin talks about her delusion now remembering a slime cat, but before she can get too far, a whole lot more cats show up
>after the sudden cat attack, Damstow finally recognizes the nearby moss-colored monument as the truth cat's grave and it was a tourist attraction
>so we're going grave robbing?
>Damstow remarks that the artist who made it claimed it wasn't a grave despite looking like one, but that it was a bishonen
>abstract art?
>well let's just consider it digging into a beautiful boy like Tantaru would
>MC is silent at this remark
>digging it up, they find a cat statue, but is it the truth cat?
>an old man shows up saying it is
>Archbishop Pandron
>oh, that's great, it's approved then and we can use this cat to prove Damstow's innocence!
>it's the opposite Pandron states
>a truth cat is not something to tell the truth, it's a special tool only the unscrupulous can find
>due to them finding the cat, Pandron accuses them as disturbing elements and orders the angel police to arrest them
>Perpe asks the now alarmed MC if he's feeling lazy while he panicks and says they have to escape
>she's here to report the group that attacked them was Pandron's subordinates, but upon seeing Pandron, it seems she's late
>Pandron orders the angel police to awaken the truth cat which Damstow remembers as being capable of turning the village into a burnt wasteland overnight
>bring down the hammer of judgement on those who are not chosen Pandron yells as the cat awakens
>barely fending the cat off, MC calls for a full retreat and says they have to leave the country as it is targeting them
>where to though?
>probably to the Barberito Empire for the protection of the princesses
>the angels report to Pandron the group has escaped
>while he chastises them, he got what he wanted, that being the truth cat
>it apparently has power from ancient times and can even amplify angels
>the angels watch curiously as he obsesses over it, but they recall at that moment the seeds of war were sown
>later historians would report it as one of the acts of Damstow
Wait why are alien girls limited units?
They just released 1 month after anniv.
Based Camilla, vendor of truth!
Seems like aliens are going to be a theme like youkai are, but sadly they didn't put the effort into a fancy new summoning animation or larger alien pool like they did with youkai. They might be meant to be hero equivalent in terms of power like Aigis, but they're not close to that power yet, but I guess you could pin them around the power of Aigis heroes when they first came out? If the skills costing DP remains a constant, then they'll be immediately be balanced by the fact you can't realistically field more than a couple at a time without also bending your party towards DP production.

Heck of a green text there. I enjoyed reading.
At least you found the cat, eh?
I didn't actually get it until today, I just got spoiled while browsing the wikuru.

Pre-scene is just Vivi taking MC on a date around Gespenst.
>Beach visit
>lake walk
>mountain sightseeing
She funnily has a comment about how you shouldn't pay attention to the events being 180 days apart, but this one is about 50 days late.
Is there another protag that isn't in an entirely gay game to get their anus stretched than shota-kun?
Midnight Girls is even more MC's ass heavy from what I hear. It's simply the fate of monstergirl games as femdom is somewhat inherent to the concept.
Not him but thanks, I'm also way behind.
You know what? I keep forgetting about Midnight Girls. I played at launch soon dropped it and even with that I still played it for two days during the collab with Lily Ange and still forgot about it.
Don't care about login scene rewards, but it's interesting to note I'm like a month behind or so. Maybe related to the game behind almost unplayable month one I think?
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There going to run 2 events at the same time?
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They are claiming this one is difficult and you must have at least cleared chapter 6 of the main story.
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Twinkle Star Knights is having their 1 year anniversary stream on the 6th of July
silva already? i dont have enough gems...
It's gonna be one of those crossword rewards, which is kinda lame, I wanted to roll for her
Well, it's better than being a paid unit and never getting her I guess
wait silva is welfare? guess my gems are safe but thats kinda disappointing because welfares usually are not very exciting
>welfare youkai silva
On the one hand, I get to save gems.
On the other hand, she will almost certainly be weak and useless since she's free. I hope her scenes are good at least.
>tfw when resorting to silly strats for low rarity clears
Very reliant on sleeping New Year's so this isn't satisfactory in the end though. Probably doable without it if I bring Anise and go all in goblin sacrifice memes.
Is it me or has this game stopped being as generous for quite some time? It feels like I haven't hit a pity limit in accumulated gems in very long time
I feel like they haven't given us much stuff since anni.
There was a one time accidental gem bonus that was deducted over login rewards for people that got it, but yeah the game has lowered the gibs a significant amount.
The game hasn't run the mini-events that let you exchange points for tickets as much and it hasn't hit rank 1 much as it got older.
The game's in a middling state where it's not booming, but also not doing so poorly it needs to grab/keep players. It's also a bit weird since it stands with Aigis and Oshiro which probably does impact event decisions.
I was planning on skipping through the stories and reading them in the story section they added to the encyclopedia, but it looks like there aren't any sections for story parts told during a battle lol. Why did they even bother adding this feature?
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Yokai banner
Also hate that they go these lengths for dumb ass censorship in these posts. Several other games are on Playstore and Apple Store and those aren't as retarded as MMTDs
Don't get so upset over the censored twitter posts because they're pretty much done as a joke.
It's mounting frustration with the game. I'm aware it's trivial and quite stupid to be upset
i always found the weird censor pretty funny
They started doing it because they got monmusu in the playstore and wanted to seem ok despite the rating it has now 16+. Think it was lower before.
NIKKE is 12+ so don't really understand play store ratings.
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I missed the tip before battle that describes the angels. what are they weak to? Elut is my only reliable way to kill them. I've tried gunners and sorceress and they dont do enough to bring them down.
Gems saved pig time Silva bros we won.
Twitter threaten japs most likely like they did with azur lane.
>Twitter threaten
literally why and how when twitter is infested with porn bots lol
A little miffed I'm 500 Vivi coins short for the yokai summon.
Youkai Silva is trash tier. She's a guardian with no range, no cleave outside skill, bad skill uptime, no status immunity, and with a bad race trait that has anti-synergy with the strongest damage subskills. She even gets steamrolled by the fodder enemies in her own event since they stun her.
Honestly, having two of my favorite characters (Airen and Silva) get unusably bad alts has been really demoralizing. If it happens again I'm just gonna quit.
Rolling Nanae 3 times is a bit concerning with her being kiyohime and all.
how bad is alt airen? i instantly rolled with my dick but never actually used her lol
Raid event.
>MC is in his bed when suddenly he feels a crushing feeling on his lower body
>bolting out of his dream which implies milking, he finds Mikuma, the bear oni in his bed who was investigating his tent
>she has come to take him for an issue on Youkai Island at the behest of Kokonoha
>just straight picks MC up and carries him off
>at youkai Island is Kokonoha and Vivi, Vivi being the one who gave advice on to search for the thick moist spot to wake MC up
>he's too defenseless lately
>asking about what Kokonoha needs, she points at a shabby shop billowing black smoke
>there is an "emperor" in this village resting incognito
>however they have been having nightmares and Kokonoha was asked to investigate
>the black smoke seems like the culprit, but even if she dispels it, it comes back
>MC asks how is he supposed to be able to help with this
>Vivi proposed that his shota power would be able to breakthrough the black smoke
>MC denies such a power existing
>Vivi insists and hands MC a bow and arrow and instructs him to shoot
>also it requires a special spell
>MC can only mumble it
>the arrow strikes true and the smoke starts to disappate
>Its true form is a Nue, time to take it down
>caught, Mikuma asks if she should break its neck and throw it in the river
>Kokonoha tells her to wait as something is odd about it
>black smoke swirling, it transforms into a confused girl who last she remembers was just singing
>it seems like another evil energy incident like Miyo
>the Nue girl is amicable and asks Kokonoha if she was causing issues
>not really, her and MC handled it
>the Nue notices MC and introduces her saying she is in his debt and offers her services
>though in her own style as she also adds to not mistake her for a subordinate
>MC says he doesn't really consider any monmusu like that as they are his friends and family which amuses Tobari
>so she says he can her mother, more specifically mama
>MC has issues, but also Vivi states that there are many MC competing for that position already and she has a long road ahead of her if she wishes to take it
>Tobari is up for the challenge
>Vivi wonders if they will end up holding an event to decide MC's mom
>Kokonoha says she would also like to run, but she is stuck here for now
>while Tobari has been subdued, the root of the issue, the evil energy still lies in this village
>the group resolves to thoroughly purify the evil energy before returning to Gespenst with MC giving a bright smile
>then the MC's mother competition will be held on Gespenst, but that is a story for another time
That Nue is pretty rough. I skilled early with Ilias and everyone got stunned during the AoE stun.
oh, forgot what Ilias' kit was apparently. No stun immunity for her. All the golems, poison Rin, and NY platina are the only stun immune units that I'm seeing.
>MC arrives at youkai Island by a beautiful tengu girl
>a quick, speedy, and proper arrival
>as the leader of the tengu like Kyou and Yanagi, she can't disappoint by being late
>Otagi, the Daitengu
>MC asks for why he was brought here, but that's not her purpose and will be left to the one who asked for him
>Vivi was also brought along and she says nothing to do but to go forward and meet them
>arriving at a village, they look around, but nobody's in sight
>looking around awkwardly, he is suddenly hit in the waist by a female brat asking how long he was going to make her wait and calling him a blind zako for not being able to see her
>Silva apologizes on MC's behalf
>Silva has evolved by the way due to the power of mysterious milk
>it seems she was invited here by the small girl who is also the one who had MC come
>she proceeds to call MC a pretty boy only good for his face and tells him to get off the island for having "eaten" all the youkai on the island and that she doesn't want it to be destroyed by him
>but didn't you invite us
>she simply heard rumors so called to get a look
>now leave, zako~
>Silva says she had been fixing her bangs and waiting with a determined look on her face, but was then ignored explaining her irritation with MC
>she proceeds to insult her own bangs, MC asks why he was called, and then she is in shock from having her bangs ignored, calling MC a cocky brat for going straight to the point
>finally getting to it, she needs him to defeat some nasty bird scum
>a shameless pheasant named Nakime who is responsible for theft and destruction of the island
>she's apparently weak to shota with a pretty face so she's hoping to have MC skewer her with this bow and arrow
>it is the ikeshota(ikemen+shota) beauty arrow
>if an ikeshota fires it, the arrow will be 1 out of 100
>by the way the birds can manipulate minds and use shikigami and are 1000x stronger than you, so take it seriously
>it seems she's also using this task as a trial to find out if the shota devouring the island's girls is somebody that can be trusted
>if you do well she might show you the inside of her skirt
>MC doesn't need to see it
>anyways details on these birds
>they're over there
>they're shameless and noisy so you can't really miss them
>cue bird noises and mind controlled samurai from that direction
>Silva gives an end of episode anime preview narration
>fending off the samurai, MC asks about the birds' motives
>Tengyaku just knows they're purposeless scum destroying the island and you should just fuck 'em up
>tracking the samurais' direction and the bird noises, they have a lead
>Tengyaku gives MC some bratty encouragement saying he might get a naughty reward
>MC reiterates he doesn't need it

It's another Lulu barrier, Done stun, or stealth check.
Ghost girl is the paid unit again. They sure love her
>arriving at a village to the east there's no Nakime in sight
>deciding to ask a passerby about the pheasants, they encounter a woman down on her luck who suddenly grabs MC surprised at them being alive
>Silva tells her she's mistaken
>regaining a bit of composure, she introduces herself as Tomomi the Bone Serpent and headsets MC in a motherly way that actually makes MC feel warm
>asking about the bird noise, Tomomi asks if it's about Nakime
>it is, so she then asks what you want from her and they reveal their mission from Tengyaku
>out pops out a mind controlled Silico and Hozuki ready to defend Nakime
>Tomomi assists MC in defeating them
>fending them off, Hozuki claims that even if you defeat them, there will be a 2nd, and then a 3rd as they run off
>Nakime's growing influence is alarming so Tomomi helps guide the group to her nest
>arriving at another village, it seems Nakime's nest is under a nearby willow tree
>she should probably be there as one of her most common activities is napping
>suddenly popping out is Yano excited to drink her homeland's booze again
>seems she snuck along when she heard MC was going
>not even Vivi noticed as Yano boasts about her alcoholic hide and seek skills
>also having snuck along is Amelie
>it seems she evolved from a ghost to a yuurei to better accommodate her espionage activities
>what's the difference?
>Amelie calls in to her network to ask, but it says it's secret and she'll get cursed so she can't answer
>she says standing under a willow tree, her horror power has gone up at least
>Yano noisily pipes up about steak with her sake
>then another Yano
>they argue about sake and food
>a shikigami
>as MC prepares to fight, Ichi also shows up while stating that MC is being the one deceived against the kind Nakime
>the Yano shikigami and Ichi are defeated
>Ichi before falling back repeats her claim and asks MC to see things with clear eyes
>MC notes that they were attacked though
>Vivi notes that Ichi isn't the type to lie though which makes MC ponder what he doesn't know
>Amelie reports in conflicting information from her network
>there are bad rumors like holding voice class and grading your plays and good rumors like sharing sake and playing sumo with them
>also it seems she has moved her nest to an old temple with a bell
>getting near the temple, they hear Nakime screaming suggestive things
>nearby they meet an aristocratic girl finding the pheasant noisy who says she doesn't recognize the group from around here
>upon seeing MC, she is immediately struck by his beauty comparing him to a masterpiece bell
>introducing themselves(Vivi as the supreme being), she is Nanae the Kiyohime
>on the topic of Nakime who is in Nanae's possession, it seems Nanae was feeding her and planning to eat the pheasant having it stuck in a chest
>a Hozuki shows up, a shikigami
>it seems the shikigami aren't actually from Nakime, but let's deal with them first
>shikigami fought off, the bird does not seem to have been doing anything
>wondering what's going on, Tengyaku bursts onto the scene asking why they haven't dealt with Nakime yet
>MC states that Nakime does not seem to be the culprit, but Tengyaku objects and tries to use her authority as a beast god to order him to shoot it with the Ikeshota beauty arrow
>Nanae actually obliges by tying up the bird and presenting it for shooting
>the tone changes as MC is goaded into shooting the bow by Tengyaku with Vivi and Silva giving trusting remarks
>MC shoots
>not hitting Nakime, but instead the rope setting the bird free as it flies away
>it seems Nanae intentionally tied the bird loosely
>Tengyaku is outraged, but MC states his intention to determine the true culprit
>it takes some convincing, but MC manages to get the distraught Tengyaku to abide by his effort to find a true culprit rather than kill Nakime
>how is he even going to do that anyways
>their lead is Nakime herself as they follow the bird south
>ominously, a female sword user keeps tabs on them from behind
Just noticed the R from the alien box gacha has a full awakening bonus. No other R has one, wonder if this means she got demoted from E or if they're going to give one to everyone else too.
They're forced to censor them by twitter team don't ask me why. They did it with azur lane one time too.
i really dont understand this considering what kind of shit there is on twitter
>Nips are being casuals again
Not even layering a normal event on top will prevent them from complaining about high difficulty content.

It's because Twitter can actually enforce rules against official accounts because they're trying to do business. If you target an artist or some popular personal account, they're more likely to be outright combative, actively argue, and rile up all their followers to complain too. There was a big stink about a horror game YouTube getting struck for something, Markiplier realizing the same rule would also apply to him, so he goaded YouTube into hitting him too which then resulted in YouTube getting so much shit they had to roll back both punishments.

More official business accounts can't get away with this shit, nor would their managers ever approve or help such tactics, so all they can do is comply.
My team has seen very little changes throughout the year. Okyu being in it since pre-launch but the only reason my team ever got to see changes is when they tried to make the game more challenging which is not often.
but what's the verdict on the new units
I would say they are justified in complaining. The base nue should be easier so everyone can easily get the sexo.
That's the thing, base Nue up to even rank 14 can be outright leaked so long as you don't take the reduced life option.
Overall, the new youkai are kind of middling. Nanae is the most notable for fire tile conversion. Youkai are hard to evaluate as a whole due to how dependent they are of Kokonoha. Nanae is viable for fire teams on top of youkai, so she has more party options, but she's not a must have as most of the time people don't really rely on tile bonuses in the first place.
She's a healer with no offensive or defensive buffs. Her niche is that she's bulky and has stun resistance, so if you desperately need healing but your other better healers are getting stunned, it will be her time to shine. I've only deployed her once since she released because even having just one of those two problems is already extremely uncommon.
Also, she has a tank token that's expensive to deploy, takes a deploy slot, has bad dps, and Airen can't even heal it, so you basically never use it unless you're memeing around.

Yeah Nanae seems pretty useful. She gives paid Igni's buff 100% uptime so that's neat. The E samurai is also kinda good for what class she's stuck in. I'm on the fence about grabbing paid Amelie, though. She looks a bit weak dps-wise, but perma stealth is almost a cheat code in games like this.
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Got 2 SSRs in 150 and I picked the snake whatever ice fire girl, but one of them was the raikiri
Only missing Yasome or whatever from the yokais
Chizane was pretty mediocre when released, but according to the JP wiki, Monk deploy effects were changed to be affected by damage multipliers at some point. If she stuns an enemy upon deploy and a Kokonoha youkai team is present, she can hit an enemy for huge amounts of damage. Seems she's fantastically better now.

This also makes First Move way better than Poison Bomb for Monk bombing now. Guess I'll need to replace every mention of poison bomb with it, though this is also huge for the Monks that can equip both.
>Monk deploy effects were changed to be affected by damage multipliers at some point
From the monk changes a week or so back, after the swordmaster ones. I forgot it even happened until you mentioned it because it wasn't noted in the pastebin like the swordmaster ones

Sucks how they wipe old news so quickly because I only glanced through the information at the time with the intention to look over it properly later but never did.
I only just realized because Chizane was posted so it made me look at her wiki page where a Nip talked about it. This is a huge buff for Monk bombing.
They can even crit now. Also it looks like Panatis also suffers from her drop animation being too long for Poison Bomb to benefit from her skill attack multiplier. An attack subskill if not using redeploy reduction works best.

On the topic of perma stealth, we already have Yasome and Yano for other perma stealth ninjas. I get the feeling stealth will be a frequent trait for ninjas, so I wouldn't worry about grabbing Amelie just for that. Best to grab her if you actually like her. Her first scene is laying MC out and covering him in food like a plate while giving him a blowjob and the second scene is front view of her being fucked from behind with an x-ray of her womb which is uncensored. It's a bit awkward as you can't see any movement from MC's penis going up her vagina during the scene and the cumshot goes straight up into it meaning it must've launched with explosive force. Probably done like this to keep the womb uncensored, but it gives the impression of a very long birth canal.
I'm looking at a stream that opens up the balance notice and it looks like you missed that entire update. For one, the pastebin still mentions Hedia being +2 targets during skill while she got updated to all blocked. Mauro also now loses HP on EX1 instead of self-stun.
Could you link it so I can look at it later? The balance changes just seem to be completely gone from the news in-game and they're not on the JP wiki which only has up to the update that buffed swordmasters.
Also, now that I'm looking around the JP wiki today, it seems the Goddess's name is pronounced Amanozakohime. That explains the zako brat personality.
This video goes over the changes, but doesn't show the entire notice given by the game.

If you prefer to see the actual notice then here, but comments are shown on stream which does cover some of the text.
Thanks, updated my pastebin with I think all the changes. The biggest highlight is Lapurum getting stealth.
is monk bombing only relevant with the paid skill?
Panatis and Rogdanno don't need it. Other monks do. Rogdanno's the best bomb by a lot regardless.
oh well, maybe ill get spooked by them one day.
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wtf I never saw those tickets in my inventory from the ayylmao event
too bad it's not noteuphtra but rare stuff's always great
Does Panatis need +1 or am I missing something?
She does, she has -initial skill cooldown in her bonuses.
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bought the youkai beast god since she is going to get a price increase to 4000 and she is also really good.
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well, guess I wait until tomorrow and try again with replacing rakion with the bakedanuki ninja.

3:56. What are those skills on the Epic Dark Elf. I can't seem to find them
Max Muscle(1.3x at max HP) and attack 4. EX Labyrinth subskills.
no clue how to deal with these map-wide nukes every like 5 seconds at rank 15. best I was able to manage was 280k life left. any suggestions?
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team I keep wiping with
Freezing works on the Nue, but stunning does not. Consider borrowing Tomomi, the new Old Snake-Bone woman whose single target DPS is very high in a youkai team and will freeze lock the Nue if you boost crit rate. Christmas Lupuche and Shikuru are the other sources of freezing if you have them.

Alternative solutions involve burst killing the Nue, but I'm guessing you don't have the roster for that. A combination of Rakion, Promestein, School Nigiryu, and other buffers can quick kill the Nue for example. To actually make her not frenzy at low HP, you need to destroy all the stones, but considering their HP total, may as well just kill the Nue at that point.
>I literally cannot build the skills because I don't have the premium dungeon unlcoked (number 3) and the normal ones refuse to drop

Thanks TD very cool
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thanks for the advice. went back and killed all the stones since nobody was lending tomomi. Died once to the double thunderbolt even with all stones destroyed.
not being able to place healers next to your defender was incredibly annoying as well as the dark flame enemies that turned placements to dark squares and stunned your units. Thank god for that person's rogdanno doing like 150k damage or something around there.
is there a guide somewhere to use bepinex for a web game like this? I only see guides for running these on local games (steam etc).
It's meant to be used on the PC client of the game. You can't use Bepinex on a game in browser.
ah I see now. and PC version isnt 18+?
Disregard, there are two versions, I messed up.
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there we go, I used a slightly older version of bepsis I had. Is the newer update a bit cleaner?
No matter what I tried fiddling with in the configuration file, nothing seemed to change, so unless you figure something out, quite a few things will just look jank. The textboxes are limited by their original character size, so you're going to have to open up the log to fully read what was said as it doesn't have the character linitation.
its a start. Thanks
>and will freeze lock the Nue
lol it really was easy mode after i borrowed her from someone
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Wish they did more hard stages more often, I like actually using my teams instead of steamrolling, then skipping for the rest of the logbo week
Yokai team in particular is very fun
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fellas i've been playing this game since practically the release (very on and off) and I didnt really give that much of a fuck for the gameplay, i'm only here for monster girls, I have a shitload of resources and girls.
This is the team I currently use, any idea on what to focus to get past the event? I've managed to make the boss go down to like 1% hp twice but hes always the only one that gets through.
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Here's all the max rarity girls that I have.
No idea what most of them do but they cute.
Update. Managed to find another guide and got the 12 Stars Completion

Man stealth is really overpowered
Which guide?

Relies on Low HP instead of Max Muscle
Sorry fucked up its this one

Swimsuit Okyu, Rakion, Promestein, and Ifijar.
its mildly annoying that the event shop doesnt have samurai swords
Swimsuit Okyu is good? Damn I had no idea
>as they follow Nakime, they ponder the true culprit behind destroying the island
>for now all they know is they can control shikigami
>the controlling minds point is suspect as in hindsight, the people they fought up until now were genuine
>Vivi says the group besides herself were caught up in their preconceptions
>if that was the case why didn't you say anything
>don't rely on God's wisdom needlessly, it was a test
>Nanae notices the main street they are traversing which is usually busy is unusually empty
>they decide to hurry along despite the eerie and suspicious atmosphere, but suddenly it turns dark despite it being noontime
>it is the dark energy used to power the shikigami
>suddenly a swordswoman jumps out and strikes out at them being narrowly blocked by Nanae with her bell who complains about it being damaged
>hired mercenaries come out swords drawn from the surrounding buildings
>the samurai clarifies they're not behind the night thing as their only weapons are their swords though it is probable they were hired by the one who is
>she's been watching and despite outnumbered the group, she is perfectly aware they shouldn't be underestimated
>so she retreats quickly when the tides turn while being tight-lipped about her employer
>Amelie gets a report about sad sounds coming from Nakime
>is Nakime sad or in danger?
>anyways we should hurry
>as they rush to Nakime whose cries are by the sea, Amelie takes a moment to start a discussion about the nature of Nakime's sad and longing message which might also be a double entendre
>Amelie asks Nanae to pretend to be Nakime, but she blushes and claims she has no idea about such shameless things
>Amelie pushes a bit more and Nanae asks her to not tease her in front of MC
>Silva is bemused by the girl's talk, but notices a small weird floating God thing and asks what it is
>MC panics and says even if you're left out you can't make fun of Vivigami carelessly
>no, I mean that thing over there
>It's an Onmyoji tag
>a tool for automatically attacking
>that along with the shikigami implies the Onmyoji are the culprits
>Vivi asks MC if he thinks of her as a small floating weirdo as he panickedly tries to redirect the conversation to battle
>as the shikigami fall and disappate, they end up making sad and longing cries like wanting to live a bit longer
>is Nakime being attacked by Shikigami as well?
>we should hurry to the seaside
>now that the battle and next step are decided, Vivi now brings the thinking she's a small weirdo talk back up to MC who can only keep dodging the topic by focusing on the Nakime situation
>at the sea they find Nakime trapped in a spell tag crying out
>Nanae is impressed by the expressiveness, but it's still lewd
>also, it's apparently rubbing off on the shikigami who are repeating what she's saying
>they're not as skilled though as Nanae and Silva wax on about the actual quality of the shikigami voices in comparison to Nakime's
>let's just rescue Nakime
>after rescuing Nakime they retreat to a nearby highway
>the bird jumps at MC excitedly wrapping her wings around him inciting the jealousy of Amelie and Nanae
>Tomomi says to calm down as a hug for their savior is only natural as Nakime garbledly screams lewdly about an ikeshota hug
>Tomomi notes she does understand human language so she asks Nakime outright if she's been using shikigami to do bad things on the island
>the bird cries no in a way that makes it clear the idea is ridiculous
>especially considering they just rescued her from shikigami
>MC states Nakime has done nothing wrong
>Amanozakohime flies in to still argue otherwise saying it's the culprit who was hugging a shota hard while yelling fuck
>as a Beast God I understand that damn bird is going to fuck you when you let your guard down
>MC protests it was just a hug and she's not the culprit, but Amanozako declares she's still the only suspect and throws the bow and arrows at MC who refuses them
>while they haven't yet found the real culprit, it's clear Nakime isn't it and multiple monmusu can vouch so he let's the bird free to fly away
>Amanozako berates him for trusting monmusu over her, a beast god, also relying on other people's opinions is stupid
>MC refutes Amanozako saying it was his decision as well because he understood just from touching Nakime as he understands from his time on Gespenst
>she's just a pervert and there's nothing wrong with that
>Vivi explains that as a paradise for Monmusu, MC has come to understand them in a way others can't being compared to Dr. Doolittle/Doohentai
>MC's reputation plummets yet again, but pushing through that, he tells Amanozako if the island is vandalized again, to call him and he will do whatever he can
>Amanozako stutters and when asked to speak up, she yells out that MC has passed
>it was all a test to see what MC would do and whether he would let others influence him or judge the matter on his own
>it also turns out she was the behind all the incidents along the way from people showing up to protect Nakime to the mercenaries/onmyoji capturing her
>but what if MC did shoot Nakime?
>then the island gets a bit quieter
>how dry...
>anyways you passed so I'm leaving this girl in your care
>out comes out some entirely new girl that Amanozako seems to want to dump on MC
>be this boy's power Amanozako quickly tells her as she runs off happy the island gets quieter
>despite the appointment, the girl, Meiyuen, is rebellious and says it's a 100 years to early for MC, but she's fine with him joining her which MC can only react at
>Otagi arrives to fly the group and Meiyuen to Gespenst immediately before they can discuss further
>the sudden arrival of Meiyuen bringing even more rumors of MC's mistresses on youkai Island
>in the rice paddies, Amanozako reports into the water and describes MC's abilities or rather the effect on herself and monmusu and being able to use their potential
>she tells whoever she is talking to she's cutting ties with them as she now seems intent to follow MC with the person she was conversing with left unknown as the water ripples fade
Hallo o/ how do I play this today? VPN? I like playing gacha on my pc
This is a Fanza game so you need a DMM account. After that it's possible to play in browser or with the DMM PC player.
Got14 points in challenge event letting the Lion pass since I can't kill him. Only challenge I didn't click is decreasing life points/mob escape
I can't believe I just read an entire store about an ohogoe pheasant.
hope the next banner has a healer so I can buy the last unlock for my poison rin.
>MC is reading in his room, but suddenly restrained and kidnapped
>brought into the tunnels somewhere he is taken to his kidnapper's queen
>MC wants to be freed and the queen is amicable about the situation having his restraints taken off
>she introduces herself as Ocevia, the queen of the Myrmidon musume
>her soldier behind MC is named Miden
>also there are like 20 more soldiers right behind MC to his surprise, also all girls
>Vivi pipes in to say the queen of the Myrmidon is famous for her children's numbers saying they number around 100
>MC is surprised this time at Vivi's sudden appearance
>it seems if he's taken anywhere it's only natural she ends up following
>she almost got lost though, the tunnels are vast as it seems Ocevia is developing an underground empire
>which also brings us to why she had MC brought here
>scrap materials for the expansion are being stolen and she wants MC to find the culprit
>MC tries to say shouldn't the soldiers be doing this, but Miden quickly pulls a sword on him saying they're busy with construction and asking if he's refusing their queen to which he quickly says he'll help
>asking about the criminal/leads they provide evidence left at the scene of the crime
>a vibe to MC's shock
>MC is a bit aghast, but also this doesn't really narrow anything down as a lot of monmusu have vibes
>however it starts vibrating and changing direction suddenly
>maybe it's pointing towards the culprit suggests Vivi
>MC goes how/why, but it's not like they have any other leads
>reluctantly following the vibe' they arrive at the beach
>it worked
>the materials are here as well as a big golem
>suddenly popping out to tell MC the vibe is called Hyper Bururun is a new monmusu
>Culf, the leader of the Dwerg musume, nice to meet you
>the Dwerg are skilled engineers and have produced many wonderful technologies, particularly Culf according to Vivi
>the Vibe has a loss prevention function which makes it indicates its owner explaining the tracking feature they just used
>which means Culf's the owner
>asking about the materials, it seemed she just grabbed them from the underground to which MC tells her it was the property of the Myrmidon and to please return it
>Culf finds it a bit unfortunate as the scrap was already used for the big Golem
>Vivi notes that it usually takes like 40 years for Culf's bigger projects but it seems she finished this one incredibly quickly
>MC recognizes it and it turns out to be the Golem they previously beat on the continent which Mauro ended up bringing back
>it seems she didn't want to give up on having an ancient weapon
>Culf tries to demonstrate the Golem as she worked fast on it as it was motivating, but upon activation it suddenly goes berserk

>the Golem is stopped, but it seems like it won't start up again
>maybe the scrap wasn't of good quality
>it goes to the topic of Mauro's original order which was a cool Golem, but Culf was thinking more about a Dutch Wife
>a cool Golem honestly doesn't interest her so staring at MC she decides she'll make him a big titted Dutch wife Golem for his exclusive use
>Vivi goes ain't that swell
>MC doesn't want it
>Miden arrives as the Queen was concerned
>observing that MC has found the culprit, she requests for the Golem and its constitute scrap be returned
>Culf however refuses and she has really resolved to make that Dutch wife Golem for MC
>Miden concludes that MC was in fact colluding with Culf and draws her sword which ends the story with MC being chased
Are the new Duergar's h-scenes good?
cleared the boss in the first three stages of the golem fight with just summer okyu, unbuffed. hope it doesn't turn into cancer on the MAX fight.
Like the previous ones, there's a lot of focus on MC rape machines.
Anyone else somehow auto clear the 100 quest mission?
>can't use yokai team because I've no lance UP generator
water it is again, the bees were annoying, but it was easy as always
the last stage was easier than bee hell, too, because it went by faster
>Vivi tells MC the next skill test is beginning as they arrive at the Volcano
>waiting there is Igni who is pumped up to get you sweating as well as Selen, Saura, and Cretta
>Selen chose to participate here to see MC sweaty for which Igni specifically turned up the volcanoes heat
>get skimpy with sweat, Igni yells
>Cretta says she would normally subdue monmusu who look at MC with evil eyes, but she's also on the MC sweat boat and starts her hug attack to heat him up even more
>MC tsukkomis and Vivi comments that even if he does that, his sweat is still flowing so they need to rush this before he becomes a sweaty mess
>upon victory, MC gets the customary compliment from Selen, but she then comments on his now sweat drenched status while Igni gets excited about seeing his nipples through his white shirt
>MC is embarrassed while Saura claims it is proof of their hard work
>Cretta wants to hug the sweaty MC and Selen wants to smell him
>Vivi comments the longer he stays here, the sweater he will get only making the monmusu here more excited so best make a quick leave
>in the forest, rainclouds are forming quickly with MC coughing heavily as he breaths a strange fog suddenly
>it turns out to be a spore cloud from Shijime who is enjoying the humid weather
>it seems it was intended to be a bit of a surprise attack as they were waiting a while with Franci particularly annoyed
>Melissa seems to have plans to bring MC back to her hive for a royal jelly party
>Franci was intending to take MC back to her nest for her web cocooning party though
>in any case Neal intends on using her poison on MC to make him stand for the festivities
>Shijime just outright says she wants to play with his naughty bits and have a mushroom party
>Vivi notes it being outright blunt rather than risqué with their remarks and warns MC that loss here will be a loss of freedom as he will be spored and cocooned
>he doesn't want any of that so he declares he will not lose
>upon victory are the customary compliments, but also the rain has made his clothes wet and see through like it was at the volcano
>he's worried about catching a cold so Franci offers to make him some clothes
>red sexy clothes
>seeing MC's dissatisfaction, Melissa tries to insist on a more fluttery purple dress instead, but MC doesn't want that either
>Vivi advises they leave as Franci and Melissa bicker about what to make MC wear
>It's the volcano again
>Osevia is here and MC is surprised to see her outside of her colony
>MC is a special occasion and she's very excited to participate
>Mauro and Chifa are here as well
>Mauro threatens to chop him up while Chifa says MC needs to take regular magma swims to grow which causes them to argue about which MC would prefer
>MC states his preferences for neither which causes Mauro to call him selfish since she was letting him choose and Chifa calls MC the biggest child
>Atheel tells him to not worry as whatever way he's attacked she'll heal him afterwards
>Puri also promises MC a new weapon if he wins which actually gets him visibly excited and the fight actually starts with MC being motivated for nice reasons instead of his own safety
>upon winning, Mauro and Chifa give overacted reactions to losing to MC while Puri is ready to present MC his new weapon
>Myrmidon arrive ready to attack MC as it seems they're angry he fought Osevia
>MC is in a panic, but Puri thinks it's a good time for the new weapon
>the "turn everything to charcoal cannon"
>MC finds that name concerning and Vivi notes if it's power matches the name, MC will forever be the Myrmidon's enemy if he uses it here
>MC says he won't use it to Puri's dismay who says it can even blow away the volcano itself
>left with nothing else to do against the Myrmidon, MC flees
I had to use like 15 dungeon keys to finish it
ignore the previous post, I just saw the new event mission and it was also cleared for me.
I didn't even realize there were bees in the second one and cleared it in one go. The last level kicked my ass and took multiple attempts since everything had so much hp.
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These don't look too good. My remaining crystals are looking cold
The giant and the upgraded chest ghost look ok I guess
cute creatures
holy boobba
I was beginning to believe we were rugpulled but I think we are so back
muh dick
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Looks like the Zombie will be the wellfare
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I'm so terribly disappointed they showed the giant's shadow only to make her the paid gacha
real dick move
rolling if the ghost gives paizuri, however
fan of the frost salamander girl, but I hate maggie so probably skipping. hope we get a yukionna or mauro alt one day.
mizugi kokonoha bingo?
Costume, but yeah. She's on pickup with the standard pool for anyone that doesn't have her, which is a bit of an odd choice since she's made for youkai teams.
This paid unit seems kinda ass. Does water even have a Fire Drake Igni-tier unit that really cares about having water tiles? Also her art sucks. The water bottle, cooler, and flowers shouldn't be proportional in size to her because she's a giant.
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Ok, how's the salamander lancer I've been using for rankichi water since the first version of it
Heard she freezes and it's strong, and I like using christmas lapuche and the new yokai, but I'd rather not commit
Kuromi sharing rate up with the other annis

I already have the other 3

Yeah no hard pass
Ultimately, both Fris and Maggie seem skippable. Fris hits okay enough without freezing, but her DPS without it is middling even with stacked water squad. Freezing is just ones of those things that are hard to evaluate due to the fact there's no guarantee things will be affected by it. King Slime for example is not freezable despite being liquid. Maggie is just in an overly stacked class. Great if you're lacking Monks, but not particularly impressive for one.

Swimsuit Naruke probably bumps out one of the squad buffers, but it's hard to justify buying her as setting up water tiles is her only real point. Heals for a decent amount, but Poison Rin is too unfair a competition to fare up against.
>Sugoroku now lets you multiticket
>however go first run as a single just to get a feel for it
>double land the bonus finish line which gives 132k per
>get 344k gold from first ticket
>do 5 tickets all at once today
>awful luck
>400k/80k per ticket
>hundreds of pointless skill crystals
Anyways, try to bring dice to the bonus lap so you can land the finish line. I assume 132k was a jackpot because I don't remember it giving nearly that much last time Sugoroku was around.
Ah, she's a monk, that's meh, shoulda been a lancer so I could boot out E Fris
Well, I'll enjoy the melons
At least until I feel like making a team with 12 monks
>a heat wave is striking Gespenst
>MC went to the beach in the slight hope it'd be cooler, but the sun has made the sand scorching hot to even walk on
>Rotona shows up chiding MC for acting depressed and letting down his guard since he doesn't know when she would betray him
>MC compliments her swimsuit, flustering her and breaking the adversarial tone Rotona was going for
>MC really does like her swimsuit though
>Rotona pushing through at this point reveals she was actually planning something for him and a group of swimsuit monmusu announce themselves in bombastic fashion
>It's a swimsuit festival
>also MC is forced into boomerang swimming trunks(warning, don't Google this)
>getting to the actual point, it's going to be a competition since if they heat up, they'll cool off by the end of it
>Vickine pops in to explain as well as report the oracle of a swimsuit gacha being fulfilled
>there are rare coins made of solid gold, use them at shops or give them to people you like, whoever has the most at the end is the winner
>the golden coins have Vickine's face on one side and MC's member on the other
>they have already been distributed across the island for the sake of the festival and Rotona hands MC his
>MC has immediate objections
>it seems Bertio was in charge of production
>anyways the festival has already started so the various monmusu run off to man their stands or performances while Rotona sticks with MC to chaperone
>poachers arrive greedy for the new golden coins
>MC, now being called Mister Boomerang to his chagrin is asked for his input as they have to deal with the muggers
>Rotona remarks she never expected poachers to interrupt the festival
>Vivi attributes it to using Vickine for the coin design
>if it had the blessing of a Great Beast God this would've never happened
>MC questions such a blessing's existence
>Rotona asks if Vivi wanted to be on a coin that much
>not the dick coin
>Rotona chooses to get back to the festival rather than dwell on this topic
>Rotona guides them to a stage where a swimsuit judgment competition is taking place
>Fris and Atheel are on stage who seem to be using their respective not weapons as part of their performances
>after some talk that seems suspiciously close to combat banter, their not weapons collide and the stage is destroyed
>Kokonoha and Mashuroa are judging as if this was entirely normal
>MC narrowly avoids a piece of stage shrapnel and asks isn't this just fighting
>Rotona naturally responds that strength is beauty which is one of the basics of a monmusu
>if you fight hard you will be loved
>also the prize for this particular competition is 10,000 rare coins
>Vivi advises MC keep his head low, but the battle seems to be nearing it's conclusion already
>as Fris and Atheel prepare their final move, Fris goes but first, launching an ice ball at a tree with poachers hiding behind it
>Vivi again attributes it to the cursed coin design with Rotona spitting out that she can be head of the next festival as she calls for management(MC) to help deal with the poachers
>after they're made into ice sculptures, MC comments rather than a swimsuit competition wouldn't the direct cooling approach work better
>Rotona chastises MC for saying that as the host with MC asking isn't Rotona the host
>Vivi advises MC go with the flow and take power which causes everybody involved to get nervous
Everybody being incredibly wary of Vivi decide to go get something to eat at the beach houses
>at the beach they find various monmusu hawking their selections
>MC is a bit divided on what to choose so Vivi suggests going with what seems most popular
>it turns out to be Okyu selling super spicy skewers
>MC is a bit hesitant on the spicy part, but soon after Narukepafune yells out about her Frost Giant water
>it seems like her water is working complementary to Okyu's spicy food and they think Naruke also has a strong sense of business spirit
>the bottles she sells are huge however being the size of 10 people which seems to be an issue
>it seems Naruke hadn't fully accounted for the size difference outside of value so she says she'll pour it over MC for him
>at that point its a bath, but he compliments the sense of service
>Naruke's happy still as it's her first time doing something like this
>a female monk poacher suddenly shows up demanding a refund despite Naruke not recalling ever selling any to her
>the poacher is belligerent and just wants to cause trouble it seems
>Rotona calls for security(MC)
>MC wonders when he was demoted
>being beaten to retreat, the monk apparently wanted the gold coins like the rest of the poachers
>Vivi tells her to think about her loss while Rotona poses it as a weird Vivi math problem when the monk yells she won't think
>Naruke's happy to continue her water selling now, also she's gotten 120 coins now
>Rotona asks about Maggie who Naruke says she saw a bit further down preparing her performance
>neither Rotona or MC are optimistic about her live performance
>in the distance they spot Maggie's stage with a crowd of poachers around it
>Maggie is earnestly performing her off-kilter raps
>she doesn't have much to show for it though with an audience of only poachers
>rather Rotona guesses the coins at her feet were given to her out of pity by other ghosts like Amelie
>even more worrying is that the poachers are probably only after the coins rather than caring about the performance
>Maggie calls them out for insulting her fans with the poachers acting the part as Rotona tells her to stop being so gullible
>as a person who thinks about betraying all the time, she knows a traitor when she sees one
>MC asks if she's fine saying that so proudly
>knowing the jig is up, the poachers attempt to mug Maggie for her coins
>upon being knocked out the poachers mutter out the fact Maggie's rapping was bad as their earnest feelings as she yells at them to wake back up for her performance
>Rotona asks her how many coins she earned to which she responds about 100 which Rotona doesn't push the veracity of
>off to the mid festival ranking
>Okyu is in the lead currently it seems
>Naruke doesn't seem to want to give up and is hoping to reach first place still
>MC offers some warm words of encouragement and says he'll praise her if she wins
>this is immediately overheard and construed as MC having a reward for the winner with Okyu already thinking about a hot night with MC
>due to the stage being broken it seems the swimsuit competition failed to properly conclude
>Vickine shows up to report the actual rankings
>due to the swimsuit competition being resultless, she will only report on the beach house side currently
>in 3rd place is Naruke at 200 coins
>in 2nd place is Okyu with 900 coins who can only think it is a lie
>Vivi even thinks it's strange
>Maggie is insanely optimistic
>however Vickine calls out the actual result
>Rotona in 1st place with a whopping 100 million coins
>Rotona softly laughs to herself as the rest of the venue is aghast
They're running a small bonus campaign with codes. Grab them as they come out over the week.
We're getting 5 L tickets? Neat.
It's much better to do the first map as you get way more dice and the bonus lap finish landing is all that matters.

Not anywhere close. It's been a single normal ticket and a bit of gold/milk. Dont expect much from a Twitter campaign. They made a poor choice of generic reward image.
wow, game runs extremely smooth all of a sudden on pc browser. not sure if it's from proton doing some sort of maintenance on their servers or they did something to the game. I noticed it stopped hanging when accepting rewards a few weeks ago, but this is incredibly fast now.
I tried doing the medium map and was able to get slightly more coins (almost 2 mil) but way more EXP (75 purple milks). Probably not worth it compared to the easy map though because I got the third start square landing on the very last roll, so if I had even slightly worse dice luck, I would have gotten way fewer coins.
Big L day one where I used 5 tickets and was about to clear the screen when I got -3 right before the end
Don't think it was gonna amount to much on the loop screen, anyways
just started the legeclo story and it's looking like a rehash of the sol story with the chuuni from halloween. hope i'm wrong.
posted in the wrong tab, my bad
I'm fairly certain most people who broke here also browse the /jp/ general. However, even there I'm not sure I've ever seen anybody actually trying to discuss Legeclo's event stories.
Yeah legeclo was my first game and I don't understand japanese so I just ff every event and see if a new character shows up and that's it, and all I understand is that nips want to sodomize Claudette and make her do nasty things in front of her nation
wow goblin king got another x costume
>as Rotona gloats, the other monmusu present demand to know how
>it turns out Rotona does run a store
>the MKL(probably referencing a real Japanese brand) shop, a legendary Phantom store on Gespenst that sells a vast array of popular goods, particularly MC goods including his underpants
>Maggie asks if they sell her CDs
>they don't, rather this is the first time Rotona is learning she has released them
>she hasn't, Maggie thought it's something the fans create
>Vivi asks if they have Vivigami goods
>Rotona makes the excuse that Vivigoods are already too plentiful which seems to ply her
>anyways the Phantom MKL store that pops up randomly is how she got her vast coin amount and the other competing monmusu seem convinced for now
>Vivi asks who's tending the shop if she's here
>uh, some strong zombie girls are working as clerks
>MC can feel the lukewarmness of her answers
>a soldier pops up having heard the whole story about the store and demands to know where it is so he can obtain the coins as well as buy a magic cooler as it's hot in his armor
>there is a large uptick of poachers hunting for coins on the island and it seems like their target is now Rotona's store so they ask her where it is
>uh, to the west...?
>MC again feels her answers are strangely non-commital
>she claims she really is the owner and that she'll show him around
>Naruke says she wants to come along to help protect MC, she can sell her water on the go since she has a cooler
>Fris and Maggie too as they're interested in working at the store even
>Rotona seems increasingly nervous as she promises to show them the store
>arriving at some random spot, Rotona claims this is where the MKL store is
>they don't see it or anybody else here though
>...this where she thought it was...
>the group is getting increasingly suspicious, but Rotona claims it's the nature of a Phantom shop as sometimes it's there and sometimes not
>Rotona also capitalizes on the fact poachers are nearby as they probably closed up to hide from them
>the poachers reveal themselves as they take her at face value, now knowing they must make a direct attack to learn more about the store's whereabouts
>Naruke is convinced entirely by what has just happened
>Rotona is also amazed causing MC's tsukkomi as he calls for interception
>the greedy swordswoman is annoyed at how difficult they're making stealing the rare coins
>the monmusu are surprised at how much the poachers want them
>maybe it's MC's image that makes them irresistible
>the swordswoman turns over the coin she has now noticing the dick engraving throwing it away in shock and running off
>this ends up getting construed as a sale to Naruke, but she didn't get to give her the water before she ran away
>Vivi notes that even though the poachers are gone, the MKL shop hasn't reappeared
>Rotona continues being fishy
>MC formally accuses the shop's non-existence and as if on cue the Oneeshota patrol arrive to apprehend Rotona claiming that there is no presence of the MKL store she claims exists
>they really freaking searched, beat up poachers until they vomit to interrogate, they actually wanted to buy MC's underpants
>she will be forced to explain herself at the venue
>MC will come along as a witness
>Rotona is strangely excited by all this or maybe not so strangely considering her tendencies
>due to accounting fraud, Rotona has been arrested, and is now forced to hold an apology press conference to the swimsuit festival participants
>Rotona makes a tearful apology as the monmusu berate her and demand punishment
>Rotona continues apologizing, but she also has heart pupils
>she collapses as she begs for forgiveness
>MC legitimately worried, also asks for forgiveness, but Vivi tries to point out her collapsing was due to other reasons
>Rotona also now reveals that the entire committee was in on it including Mashroa and Kokonoha
>Kokonoha frankly points out the masochist performance she's putting on
>also it seems the MKL store name was Mashroa, Kokonoha, and Lotona(turns out it was always Lotona instead of Rotona I guess)
>Mashroa used her goblins to spread word while Kokonoha made the phantasmal coins
>it was all to culminate in this apology press conference and satisfy her fetish!
>MC finds this reason worse than what he could have possibly expected
>Vivi blithely remarks Gespenst is operating normally despite the intense heat
>the participants asks what about the festival then
>Lotona nonchalantly flips a coin, and states battle Royale, last one standing wins
>the participants fire up as they prepare to go all out
>at the end of it all, the last one standing is Lotona who is amazingly strong
>rather than gloating about her victory, she asks if they all cooled down after the passionate fight
>remarks about their desires/passions as well as their disappointment in losing and desire to not lose again follow
>the festival seems to be ending on a good note
>Lotona however states she just had the strongest desire
>as they ask what it could be, she reveals it simply
>she passes the coin she won at the end of the festival to MC and promptly asks him to call her a traitor and berate her
>Mashroa calls her too honest with her greedy desires while Kokonoha likes this sort of honesty
>MC has no idea what to even say though
>Vivi had an inkling this might happen so she prepared a script for him
>he is handed a massive script and everybody around reading it are in shock at the content
>it is not just brutal, but well tempoed and sprinkled with subtle sarcasm and derision
>Vivi takes this all as a compliment to her writing
>in any case, MC accepts his role
>MC starts reading with full effort
>and Lotona immediately collapses from the first sentence
>it seems she couldn't withstand a MC that was really trying to deliver it
>she is passed out with a face seemingly indicating a life of no regrets
>anyways Mashroa and Kokonoha call for the finale of the event
>the removal of MC banana briefs
>MC tries to object, but the event ends with monmusu yelling the festival's slogan of let it out and get hot as they take off their swimsuits and jump him
>the last piece of clothing is taken off of MC and a nudist beach festival that continues for the rest of the heat wave lasting 10 days begins
Please someone upload the new goblina h-scene...
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Was a newer viewer ever made after the one on exhentai? Or is the whole thing dead?
The guy that made it hasn't updated it since like last December.

Wish it had the MGQ second collab.
I only asked one time about what happened one part of the isekai arc since I put it off too long and missed it. I usually don't post about them since they aren't too good most of the time. I think the first christmas event is still my favorite.
yea, unfortunate. I thought we were finally getting a fourth goblin.
that guy only updates angelic link now, pretty unfortunate.
>angelic link
It’s another Dmm.com game, the same guy made the viewer for both games along with several others.
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Looks like I'll be saving gems
But she's free
he probably meant that he was going to roll for her based on the leaks and her turning out to be a free unit means he won't have to roll, saving him gems
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I see
That makes sense
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hard was definitely the way to go on the board game. blue milks on the easy mode are way worse. there was also a legendary subskill on the hard mode.
I see. Same he abandoned this one
So Fris and Okyu aren't worth dropping 120 for, right? Already have plenty stacked teams that would hardly slot them in, but Okyuu used to be plenty comfy as a rental at least until I'd start renting the dual idols, ignis or the paid sorcerer yokai
The swimsuit banners aren't limited, so probably not worth it. Swimsuit Okyu is just great all around, but she's not super OP unlike some others.
how are the new fairies? im very tempted
Can't believe she got a better dick riding scene than what Vivi got.
>when the MC recalls these events, he remarks he was insane that day
>flashing back we see MC and Rin being chased
>they are in a complete panic and MC resolutely confesses to Rin and asks they elope and run away to horizon
>Rin is overjoyed, however their pursuers arrive
>Selen tells her to hand MC over while Vivi tells her to release him
>Kuromi cuts off their potential escape as well
>MC begs they let them be and that hhe has awoken to true love, but the group aren't buying it and tell Rin that somethings wrong with MC
>as MC rants about Rin's beauty, Vivi figures he's under a powerful love magic
>Selen is not happy as on top of this, Suzu is missing
>as they ponder what to do, a voice asks if they're trying to split two lovers apart
>Selen not seeing where it came from asks who are they and they present themselves as a vigilante who protects the forest and will punish them
>at the pixie's appearance, Vivi now has a decent idea of what's going on
>just as quickly as she figures out, a large fairy suddenly appears and chastises the pixie as the troublemaker responsible
>the pixie now identified as Puck runs away
>the large fairy left here apologizes and says the pixie's crimes fall under her responsibility as Lumivel the Oberon/King of fairies
>Vivi says it's rare for her to be away from the fairy world while Lumivel is nostalgic upon seeing Vivi apparently being from the time of Genesis
>Vivi asks if she has a cure for the love magic issue
>Selen asks if Rin drugged MC with a love potion, but Rin denies such a claim as the moment she woke him up this morning, he confessed his love to her
>Lumivel explains the potion makes one fall in love with the first person they see and it was likely given to him in his sleep
>Vivi remarks back in the day, Lumivel was responsible for all sorts of hijinks trying to get the Genesis boy to fall for her
>she tells Vivi to shush about that as she prepares to cast a spell to relieve the effects on MC who has been clinging to Rin the entire discussion
>Rin doesn't object as she was hoping for a true love rather than a fake one caused by a drug
>spell cast, MC snaps out of it confused
>immediately after a poacher shows up hoping to catch a high rarity monmusu to present to his "brother" as he proclaims his burning passion
>it seems MC wasn't the only one randomly drugged
>Lumivel warns against enemies under the adrenaline caused by the drug so she provides reviving pansies that detox it to help in the battle
>handling it quickly despite being deranged only moments before, Lumivel compliments him and goes as expected of the second coming of the Genesis Boy
>she formally introduces herself and explains that her tribe caused him trouble
>before she can talk about Puck and the love potion, Selen and Kuromi state they have a more pressing matter
>Suzu has been kidnapped, they tried to report this earlier, but MC was trying to elope with Rin
>MC is very confused
>Lumivel explains the love potion and also notes she's only able to suppress the effects temporarily
>they need to find a pixie to cure it
>Lumivel asks if Suzu is a Pegasus girl
>it turns out Opscalite was the one who took her
>Lumivel is currently hunting her and it was circumstance she ended up finding Puck
>she'll explain more on the way
>explained on the walk over, apparently due to a quarrel, Lumivel gave Opscalite the love potion and she ended up seeing Suzu
>she had regretted doing it and planning to cure her, but it was too late, so now she has to find a pixie, but she ran away
>she doesn't know about how or why MC was drugged
>they come across Anise and Dhijime who are surprised to see MC so deep in the forest
>as they try to ask them if they saw a pixie, Puck shows up and splashes her magic on the two
>Lumivel says that the Pixie's love medicine has a tainted effect on monmusu, rather they paint it in their own color
>not only in love with each other, Anise and Shijime are making comeons at each other as Anise appreciates Shijime's big mushroom head and Shijime wants to mess Anise up
>also some love potioned poachers appear
>it seems Puck has been doing this a lot
>one's sticking their butt out of a bush
>anyways we have to detoxify the effects and calm everybody down
>trying to apprehend Puck afterwards, she continues to run away
>Lumivel asks why she's doing these pranks to which Puck responds it's not pranking and she'll continue until Lumivel understands as she escapes
>Rin reports the poachers in the bushes have escaped somewhere
>we have to chase the pixie down before things escalate further
>Kuromi has a lead as her succubus crest lights up in response to a pink atmosphere
>Anise and Shijime are left with a suppression spell to calm down as the group continues their chase
>lead by Kuromi, we find Melissa and Franci coming onto each other
>Kuromi, extremely excited by this development to the point of making noises and curious about how it would go asks Selen if she'd like to come watch with her later tonight
>Selen yells at her to stop snorting and tsukkomi refuses
>Melissa and Franci are alerted by this and now extremely angry
>they are aghast MC would want to peep at their sublime love
>why me?!
>fighting them back, they still argue unreasonably about their love for each other which makes MC ask if he was like this to which they say yep pretty much
>he doesn't want to remember what happened then
>Lumivel calms them out of the love spell
>they don't really remember what just happened feeling as if they just had a bad dream
>asking about Puck, they don't recall her, but Franci saw Suzu
>she was shouting help me in the direction of the dragon village
>as Puck seems to have disappeared from the forest this is their only lead to follow currently
>Lumivel advises Melissa and Franci to stay put and calm as her spell only suppresses the effects
>Melissa tells MC to get the antidote quick before she does something drastic
>we cut to Suzu and Opscalite who is gingerly addressing Suzu by a different name(Robau, the donkey in Midsummer's Night Dream was a Nick though, so I'm not too sure on the reference here) and calling her a donkey
>Suzu tries to explain she is a Pegasus and called Suzu and that she should let her go back home, but Opscalite is having none of it and seems to want to imprison her
>Suzu can only plead for MC to rescue her
>cutting back to the group, we have Puck doing her magic on Ala and Saura
>Kuromi has high expectations for this pairing
>something seems off here
>it seems they fell in love with their own reflections in each other's eyes
>Oberon calls out to Puck who is surprised she found her again so quick, but before she can be apprehended, Suzu and Opscalite are spotted with Suzu yelling for help
>Opscalite is upset her little donkey is calling for a man when she's right there
>as Suzu tries to explain she was kidnapped, Lumivel explains the love potion, but troublingly, her calming magic isn't effective on Opscalite, so she really needs an antidote from Puck
>a sudden earthshaking roar occurs
>as they wonder what the hell was that
>Vivi asks Puck if she gave her potion to a dragon
>yes, so we can become friends
>if we were all friends, regardless of race or gender, there ould be no conflict!
>dragon mating season is dangerously ferocious
>Suzu convinces Titania should help fight to calm things down as it's very dangerous to which she agrees to keep her donkey, Robau, safe
>after the fight, it seems most of those affected split into duos and retreated into the caves...
>Opscalite as well asks Robau/Suzu for them to return to their love nest
>Suzu asks MC to help and upon trying, he is immediately talked back to coldly saying there's no use for a dick like him
>Lumivel asks Park for the antidote and tells Opscalite she's really going to regret saying all that to the second coming of the boy of Genesis
>Park says she has only the one and Lumivel takes it and forces it down Opscalite's mouth
>without missing a beat, Lumivel forces Opscalite to look at MC, presenting a beautiful boy that one can't help but love
>Opscalite is dazzled and it seems she's back to normal
>Opscalite sizing him up realizes he's not the boy from Genesis and asks if he's the new rumored master
>Lumivel reveals she said some choice words to him
>Opscalite claims wasn't that your fault due to the magic
>Lumivel says that's what you get for eating her flower seed snacks
>isn't that way overboard in response, she fell in love with a hairy beast!
>Suzu is shocked
>Kuromi says her coat is glossy while Selen remarks how unfortunate to be kidnapped and confessed to, but then get called a hairy beast
>the flower seeds only bloomed once every century she Lumivel feels it was fair
>Puck yells at them to stop fighting, but they both tell her to shut up
>Puck is distraught her good friends plan has ended in failure so she resorts to her last resort
>crying, she emits a blinding flashing light that engulfs them briefly and disappears
>as they ask MC if he's safe
>but MC isn't the one being talked to
>as they are confused about the new attributes who they think MC has grown, MC is perplexed and has no idea what to do as he watches from the sideline
>Want to get the new fairy tits
>Not a fan of (my own) ass licking
>Have shielders up the ass to the point I forgot I even had Seren, same with ranged units
While they're decent, they're in oversaturated classes with OP competition. The Oberon is an all-around strong Paladin, but Paladins are extremely interchangeable and she has a long skill cycle. The Titania is a strong Warlock who has a damage multiplier on skill, but she probably doesn't compete with the paid ones.

Puck is unironically an extremely strong welfare. She pretty much binds an enemy for her full skill duration and she gets 5 10-second AoE stun mushrooms which will lock down anything without stun resistance. Her one downside is she doesn't regenerate her tokens, so you need to redeploy her for more.
now that the new fairy duo sucked me dry i feel compelled to get the legend lancer fairy when given the chance to complete the set...
Anyone have the viewer? The download links on exh is dead
I have it but some of the videos are modified and would feel bad if that ended up being the version in circulation. If nobody responds with the original within a week I could upload it. you could also ask that thread where someone else is uploading scenes from other games, i'm sure someone there has the original.
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ok i know that i asked for it but thats a little too soon
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She's my go to rental for rankichi or whatever's called with this team, but I don't think I really need her to actually slot her into any teams
Haven't even added Maggie into this water formation, E Fris may be catching that boot
>some of the videos are modified
Really? How?
i mostly want her because i already liked her and fairy tribe now gave me another reason to go for it. maybe she will spook me before her next banner shows up, who knows. kinda surprising that they are not pushing for tribal teams more.
I ran a few videos through ffmpeg to downsize the video dimensions to fit what the viewer was displaying. The originals are some weird size where your processor has to convert every frame down to 1980x1080. I couldn't figure out how to make the viewer display the custom resolution, so I did that instead. The result was my processor not being maxed out anymore and no lagging, but there were black bars on the sides of the scene since I didn't realize I needed to crop the video first.
There's this, but I'm not sure if it's the latest version that was ever released.
>it seems everybody in the group besides MC and Vivi is perceiving everybody as MC despite being able to recognize physical features
>Lumivel and Obscurite are also unaffected explaining that this was caused by Puck's magic
>they ask her to make an antidote as it dependent on her as the one who caused the magic, but she says not until everybody on the island is friends
>suddenly, female archer B captures Puck and escapes just as quickly
>they need to chase after them, but MC asks what about the group that's enchanted
>can't you cast a magic to relieve the effects
>it takes an equally powerful magic and that enchantment was especially powerful so trying to relieve it might have side effects though Obscurite sleeps them instead
>chasing after them, it's apparent Puck's love magic hit the whole island as well as her hallucinate MC spell so poachers will end up falling love with monsters while monmusu will see everybody as MC
>Lumivel is resistant to Puck by nature as her superior while Obscurite just got an antidote for Puck magic so that's why they're fine
>MC hopes since the monmusu see people as him, nothing drastic will happen, but the fairies tell him love is heavy, especially a monstergirl's and conflicts will inevitably arise
>Vivi summarizes the situation, to dispel the chaos, we must find and rescue Puck then have her make the antidote
>MC also adds they actually have to listen to and talk to Puck as she has her own motives
>on her trail they continue
>they head to the dark forest wondering why the poacher would take Puck there, maybe love, maybe because they know she's responsible for the magic
>however shaking occurs and soon after they encounter Melon
>being lead by the shota brave who she asks for headsets from believing him to be MC
>as MC asks what's Melon is doing, she's confused by the appearance of a second MC
>the brave panickedly yells at Melon to cool it as he is very scared of being crushed and Melon is sad for angering him while MC tells him to not talk to her like that
>the brave orders Melon to defeat MC as he is the enemy
>afraid of scolding, she tearfully complies and while MC tries to convince her that's not him
>however, very nonchalantly, she tells MC she really loves MC, so sorry?
>MC is a bit pissed off
>Lumivel and Obscurite note the effect of the magic and MC resolves to break Melon out of it right now while the brave believes he is Invincible with a giant girl on his side
>after knocking him out and out of his delusion and explaining to Melon, she seems to get the gist of the situation about how everybody is enchanted to see others as MC despite being under the effect of the magic
>also, asking about Puck and the poacher, she did in fact see them going deeper into the forest
>Melon is asked to stay here and not do anything while they chase the poacher to try to fix things
>heading into the dark forest, Lumivel senses some sort of strong marriage magic
>we find Rupupu on the cusp of raping the old mage who is trying to save his virginity for Lucure's tentacles
>it seems the old mage understood the situation and was the one who ordered Puck's capture demanding the antidote from her though she still refuses especially since they kidnapped her
>female archer B actually wants some love medicine to improve her communication disorder though Puck is still refusing
>Rupupu is getting really handsy with the struggling old mage trying to protect his own butt
>upon MC and the fairies appearance, Puck calls for rescue while MC tries to tell Rupupu that that's not him
>while Rupupu can tell somethings a bit off, she doesn't care as this is heaven for her
>a harem of MCs
>even sharing with Tantaru, there's still spare change
>it is clear she just wants to fuck
>the old mage as well tries to tell her the real MC is right over there
>the fairy royalty get oddly upset about him trying to use MC as a scapegoat
Forgot I split the last stage into two chunks.

>knocking them out with old mage at least happy his purity is safe, they rescue Puck
>she's happy Lumivel and Obscurite came together to rescue her
>she just wants everyone on the island to be happy especially them
>MC asks if all of this was just to help those two mediate and it turns out it was
>her original goal was for Obscurite to fall in love with Lumivel
>but by accident Suzu became her target
>so she changed her plans to target indiscriminately hoping if everybody was happy that that would include them
>Lumivel calls Puck mischievous in a way that makes Puck worry she's very angry
>she wants to set the record straight, her and Obscurite are very good friends
>Obscurite acts tsundere and denies while Lumivel says she's just being shy and says she's a very reliable fairy queen in truth as Obscurite continues to deny things
>Lumivel asks Puck to apologize to MC for the trouble and she does so
>he hopes she can give everybody the antidote and she starts
>with him to his surprise as he forgot he was also under the effects which were just being suppressed by Lumivel's magic
>which at this moment wears off
>Puck not yet having given him the antidote, he immediately goes crazy for Rin and wants to dive deep into her slimy goodness right now
>before they can treat him, he runs off yelling for Rin
>when the MC recalls these events, he remarks he was insane that day
does puck use the love medicine on you in one of her scenes?
No. First scene is her punishing MC for telling her a bunch of things that incidentally became lies while the second is having MC punish her for trying to kidnap a monkey's baby as their own.
So there is no web gallery for this game except the outdated one on exhentai?
I'm afraid so
I don't get it. I use tunnel bear and other shitty japan vpn and I can login into Aigis just fine but I can't open the dmm app, it does the online thing but then slams me with "Fuck off Gaijin" what's up with that?

Since I need to download Monster Musume TD from the DMM player to login and when I try it in the pc the game enters but all I get is osapi.dmm.com did not respond
damn, that is a let down. maybe one day on an alt. thanks for answering.
>log in and see the oberon girl
>mood instantly improves
bros shes so cute
wonder when or if we are ever going to get a mauro alt.
>it is an abnormally tranquil day on Gespenst
>maybe due to the heat, but a lot of monmusu are out of commission
>Vivi notes it might have to do with them tiring themselves out engaging in flashy activities like sweaty oil wrestling
>anyways MC has more patrols on his plate due to this though he's also tired to be honest
>diving down the mountainside from out of nowhere to glomp MC, Gaumi has a suggestion
>mushroom hotpot
>mushrooms are a monstergirl's favorite food to re-energize
>Gaumi even has a book showcasing the delicious ones in case you're worried about poison
>the title gives the impression it was written by somebody like Kuromi
>Vivi states it was written by Kuromi
>however, the book is incredibly well written and full of proper mycological knowledge
>hard to believe, but also somehow not that surprising
>Gaumi calls for them to hunt the 5 Phantom mushrooms for their stew
>first, the Beast mushroom, off to the forest, as Gaumi guides MC along with her tail
>at the forest which is suspiciously noisy with disturbed wildlife, out pops out a new girl and Delboa who are being chased by monsters
>Delboa calls out for MC's help hoping he can do his super bazooka power cannon
>he doesn't have anything like that, also why are you being chased and who's this girl
>she politely introduces herself as Nutaba the Wereboar
>before MC can proceed further with introductions, the monsters swarm them so he has to command
>after the battle, MC is downright exhausted
>however Nutaba brings something to his nose and tells him to sniff it
>suddenly feeling more energetic and heated, it turns out to be the beast mushroom
>only growing in monster nests, turns out that was why Delboa and Nutaba were being chased
>they join their mushroom quest with Nutaba serving as their truffle hog
>leading them to delicious mushrooms, Nutaba takes them to a poacher's barbecue
>the pitch black sticky Kan mushroom
>while it doesn't look appetizing, apparently once you peel off the hard outer layer, inside is a creamy delicious texture which gives it a tsundere feeling according to Kuromi's book
>as a mushroom that grows around disgusting men like that one right there, Nutaba vouches for their deliciousness
>MC tells her to not provoke the poacher, but she continues noting the fact he is disgusting provoking him
>beating him down for his mushrooms, we acquire the magnificent and hard Kan mushroom which is toeing an innuendo to MC's dismay
>next up, the sea mushroom, Nutaba has no experience with it, but judging by the name they decide to head to the beach
>unbeknownst to them, they are being watched from behind by a mysterious figure
>at the coast, while Nutaba cam smell salt and mushrooms, not a trace of the sea mushroom can be found
>apparently they show up on the coast once every 100 years which makes MC wonder if they grow on the sea floor
>how sharp
>that they do as a new girl pops out of the water
>Hai Ri(Highly?), the Weredragon
>bringing out a mushroom from her bosom, she proposes they trade
>smelling like a Freshly washed shota's shirt, Nutaba confirms those are the sea mushrooms they're after
>Hai Ri requests an oil field as oil is essential to the underwater life
>there used to be an offshore one, but that is gone due to reasons she'd rather not talk about right now
>MC honestly has no clue about oil fields
>Vivi has an idea humans used it for energy, but doesn't know much either which causes Nutaba to be surprised at Vivi not knowing about something
>this stickles her, but before they can argue like children, Hai Ri asks if they have a deal somewhat desperately
>MC wants the mushrooms, but he really doesn't know where to get an oil field...
>out comes the female pirate who heard their conversation
>along with treasure she's also hunting oil
>it appears the pirates are the reason their current oil fields have been lost as it seems they attacked while the underwater monmusu were sleeping and took hostages
>Hai Ri can only call for MC's aid as she hopes to beat the pirates here and now
>driving them off, Hai Ri is impressed and asks if MC can become her disciple and pursue the path of martial arts under the sea
>he refuses quite quickly
>Vivi asks if she has any quick and easy training methods which prompts Hai Ri to chastise MC which he objects as he wasn't the one who asked for easy training
>which prompts her to ask easy training or hard training
>MC bluntly states easy training despite her loaded question
>before they can pursue this topic further, a strange noise is heard from the caves
>maybe someone else is being attacked by the pirates so let's hurry
>investigating the cave, they find a girl trapped an ice which Hai Ri quickly breaks out and she's thanks them for freeing her
>Vivi recognizes her as Epra the weremammoth and asks why was she frozen
>she was just sleeping for 100 years and before she knew it she was stuck
>also it seems someone else is here
>rushing in is a loli Faro Luce who is being chased by monsters while also shouting a preview implying Vivi dies next episode
>Vivi's not going to take this attempt to usurp her lying down, but before she can enact punishment, Faro Luce's chasers appear
>a manic Periri, a Suno who says she'll try to make it as painless as possible, and a Narukepafune babbling about blue mushrooms
>Epra says they probably ended up eating the hallucigenic mushrooms in this cave
>not much to do but knock em out
>Faro Luce thanks MC and he asks if they've met since he doesn't recognize her
>Vivi asks Faro Luce what the hell she's doing, but she denies being her and says she's Faloliet, the younger sister of a friend of a relative of Faro Luce and has nothing to do with Beast Gods
>is that so, then call me, the great beast god Vivigami with respect/sama, Vivi commands her
>Faro Luce balks and an ineffectual kiddy slap fight begins
>MC tries to stop them, but Hai Ri says it's a battle of their wills
>on the topic of the oil fields, Epra seems to have some knowledge
>she says there's a bunch of it deeper into the cave
>though there is a mushroom that grows in it which keeps her happy for 500 years she sometimes goes to collect
>the next mythical mushroom, the oil mushroom!
>it seems everyone's goals are overlapping and Epra is happy to lead them there as thanks for breaking her out of the ice
>Vivi and Faro finish their fight, as they bicker, Faro says Vivi doesn't even know about the pirates on the way which causes Hai Ri to ask why didn't she warn them
>MC decides they should just stop to avoid anymore arguments and they head deeper into the cave
loli faro luche paid unit...why?
nice, wedding elrut off the free 10 pull.
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I got this hoe, wonder if she's better than Petra and the Yokai Legend Bard
At least she isn't a limited so she is getting into the gacha next year. God I much prefer Aigis' system it takes a few months not an entire year for paid units to get in the gacha
I don't remember aigis ever releasing that katana wielding hero into the gacha, but I haven't played for a number of months.
She is good will fill gauge fast also support attack speed. Her ants are weak but put them in safe place.
I still didn't see it on gacha still need some time maybe. They just released new paid units so might be in soon.
Sanmoto might have a chance now that they released another paid hero. This one gives the team redeploy and is for people who don't have Zhuge Liang. She also has a reusable token that hits a small area for a bit less than 20k physical damage. Fantastic DPS, but short range, melee, and 0 block. Biggest issue is 39 DP cost.
>Biggest issue is 39 DP cost.
Not a big hurdle with Vidya.
It's only big deal in tower for results but mostly doesn't matter much I use normally summer alita and that black with cow to generate cost.
Newest update wont launch with bepinex it just crashes on startup, anyone else that uses it for translation having issues or find a fix?
Same. Looking for solution too.
i hate the new sound of exp ticking after the battle
Well after several hours of troubleshooting I can't get it to work so it looks like its either japanese or OCR translators until somebody smarter than me can figure something out, or the devs manage to fix it by pure luck.
I get the impression it might be an issue with unity updates to the ill2cpp game engine rather than specifically the game itself. It seems the unity translator is still actually being updated and worked on again though slowly at least.
Idk other Dmm games still work fine, but as soon as i take bepinex out of the game files it will successfully launch.
I mean in that the devs specifically updated their unity. When Unity pushes new updates to its engine, it's up to developers to actually update their projects to the newest version of unity. Monmusu had a longer than usual maintenance and other issues despite it being a middle of event patch where nothing was added besides the second half event stages so I'm guessing they tried updating something. If it starts breaking after random updates in other games then it's likely to be Unity version compatibility issues, but if not then I guess it's just something they changed about Monmusu's startup. If so then it's not likely a fix will be found unless another update randomly lets it start working again.
>heading deeper, Hairi states she must secure the oil for her friends
>Epra is surprised this black mud is so valuable as it's messy and hell to shower off
>Nutaba enjoys mudbaths though while Faloliette brings up mudpacks for skincare
>Faloliette thought they were getting mushrooms for Vivi's skin care in a not so subtle jab
>Hairi breaks them up before they can escalate again
>Faloliette's mad her have a lovey-dovey fated encounter with MC and become his sister plan is being interrupted by Vivi
>wasn't that due to you getting chased by monsters
>Epra suddenly pauses the group
>asking what's wrong, it seems she was holding herself back since being released from the ice, but MC's scent has been driving her mad and she can no longer help herself as she throws herself at MC
>conveniently pushing him out of the way from an arrow shot by a member of the pirates
>with their failed sneak attack, their only option is a full attack
>as Epra hungrily smells MC singing praises about his scent like a maniac, MC tells her to calm down to help fight off their and she can sing all she wants later which she agrees to
>afterwards, Faloli claims victory and proclaims it the power of her and MC's combination
>Hairi is surprisingly convinced as MC denies Faloli's ramblings
>Epra goes back to singing about MC's smell
>Vivi stops her and says she can sniff/sing to him directly after they get the oil mushroom
>Nutaba wants in on that deal too
>Vivi agrees trivially as MC watches as she pawns him off
>heading deeper into the cave, Epra warns she fell into a trap around this area so be careful
>Hairi wonders if she's the clumsy type since she was trapped in ice to which she objects
>this place is just home to a cunning monster
>so there's a monster here smarter than you
>Epra is feeling very humiliated right now
>Faloli takes this opportunity to gift her into an oneeshota seminar to solve all her problems from love to money to even gambling and always winning big
>even Nutaba falls for it
>Vivi tells Faloli to stop her solicitation and excessive advertising
>Hairi asks if they're arguing again as they've attracted monsters
>Faloli will use the power of oneeshota seminar to beat them
>after beating them, she proclaims it was the power of the oneeshota seminar, but Hairi rebukes her sincerely as it being the efforts of her training rather than some instant power
>Epra and Nutaba are both quickly convinced with MC calling them very simple
>Faloli bemoans the loss of her followers
>Vivi proclaims that all of Gespents island's monmusu are Vivitheists
>this is the first time MC has ever heard this term
>Epra tells MC they need to hurry
>Oil mushrooms become poisonous depending on the time of day so hurry they do
>in the deepest part of the cave they encounter the female pirate and her crew waiting for them in ambush
>it seems they actually want to deal and what them to join their company
>It's not just the female pirate, the vice guild master is here and she formally addresses Lacionel to join their oil export company
>oh, you're somebody that's targeted me before
>MC has clearly forgotten who she is
>Vivi reminds MC that this is a bit villain who repeatedly comes after them, gets punished, but comes back again not learning anything
>apparently bit villains also smell bad as Epra and Nutaba complain about her smell to which the VGM objects and compares them to wet dogs
>they actually both enjoy wet dog smell
>Faloli brings up wet bishonen smell
>as negotiations have clearly broken down, battle commences
>the female pirate complains about their loss despite joining up with that smelly guild master
>soon they begin bickering as Hairi notes the unity of villains is fragile
>they are however quite synced in fleeing as they both quickly skedaddle after a few parting words
>the oil field is secured now and Hairi is happy to share her sea mushrooms now
>Epra collects the oil mushroom before it goes poisonous as well
>it only contains 22% poison
>the group returns to Gaumi and Delboa who have been preparing the hotpot
>with the mythical mushrooms delivered they are quickly thrown in and the hotpot is announced ready
>MC asks shouldn't they simmer a bit first
>Delboa notes the heat is enough to instantly sterilize it while the rest of the group is already excited to eat, but MC still has qualms with not letting it simmer
>Gaumi quickly goes and acquires Kuromi, barely even salacious due to the heat and pours some soup down her throat
>she is immediately rejuvenated and ready to surrender her belongings and bodily fluids for more soup
>MC understands, but he still wants it to simmer a bit more
>Delboa thinks he's worried about eating poisonous mushrooms
>fighting against poison is also a form of training
>anyways ignoring his portion they hand out soup to the island's residents
>the whole process goes smoothly with Hairi transporting the pot without spilling it being decent training for her
>as MC goes good job, time to clean up, Gaumi states it isn't over yet
>to finish they have to eat the bishonen mushroom at the end
>MC stares back at the curiously staring at him monmusu confused
>as Kuromi asks what he thinks the bishonen mushroom is, MC actually takes this time to talk about his concerns on how this was probably going to play out and how it's vulgar to attach such things to eating
>Vivi is shocked, MC is taking initiative to defend himself
>as MC states how this was the only thing he could expect since the start of this whole thing, Kuromi deftly pulls the rug under him showing him a small white mushroom
>the bishonen mushroom is grown by cutting off small bits of a bishonen's clothes, soaking it in monmusu fluids and leaving to grow on a tree
>the taste changes depending on the handsomeness of the boy and the heat of the monmusu
>MC is as red as can be with embarrassment
>Kuromi notes how he must've been thinking about the mushroom to "mushroom" comparison the whole time
>Faloli takes this as an oneeshota opportunity and asks MC to explain to big sis what he was misunderstanding
>MC just wants them to finish the hotpot now
>he is however assaulted by monmusu who were in fact meaning that bishonen mushroom
>Hairi outside of the circle assaulting MC actually cooks the actual mushroom mushrooms
>the monmusu are now rejuvenated from the heat due to MC's precious sacrifice
Can confirm that melonloader crashes the game too.
Aliens in the next update
not interested in the ayy lmaos in the slightest
maybe only to try and nag the rifle one, but meh
yokai waiting room
rin/demon/angel/limiteds waiting room
Sovegura alt. waiting room
Fixed translator waiting room :/
When is the next TD fest? I hope they add more OP heroes from Aigis.
>starting from stage 7

>habing tracked it down since the end of the previous alien event, they're about to enter the little green men's mothership in the desert in an attempt to speak with them after their beacon to the cosmos, they are stopped by Logica and Rafuka who say they were requested to protect it and are presumably brainwashed
>except Purprope notes there is zero trace of brainwashing and they're really just doing it for their own reasons
>Rafuka is going to be awarded a legendary sphinx doll while Logica was apparently promised a device that can devise millions of riddles instantly for her to use
>despite being defeated, they're still motivated to continue trying for the promised rewards
>MC just wants to speak to the little green men peacefully
>Purprope says they can attack with their mothership and MC reiterates peacefully
>Nell arrives and has caught something
>It's the little green men's leader
>we segue to the inside of their mothership after a short summary and Logica and Rafuka giving up as it's clear they're not getting paid at this point
>for some reason the little green men's leader is shrunken to fit in the palm of one's hand
>finally waking up, she acts like this is the end of the road for her after having thrown herself into the war way back when
>MC just wants to know why she's shrunk while she's still wondering why the inferior species wants to talk
>Purprope is also amazed since due to her their planet is now the target of the entire universe
>what's done is done, MC is more concerned about getting as much info to deal with this new threat as possible
>MC makes a deduction, leader has no allies left, which is why she made a last ditch offer to Logica and Rafuka outside, and that something happened to their forces
>starting to actually talk, the leader says a different alien species did arrive, but they attacked her
>her subordinate, Pimpuchel Poporium Dadadadadan, which MC chooses to shorten to Pinda, went missing after trying to track down their attacker
>the attacker is also in possession of the size changing device so the leader is stuck like this until it's recovered
>MC offers a truce as he is concerned about this new type of alien
>Purprope chooses to trust MC's judgement and the leader actually agrees to it revealing Pinda' last known whereabouts with their tracking radar
>Nell brings up why she was here as she wanted to report a new type of slime which is put on the investigation agenda as well
>MC asks for the leader's name
>Hapuri#$#Puri#@&Dadadadadadandan, noble name an inferior species can't hope to understand
>MC chooses to shorten it to Puri Puri Da which she surprisingly likes and agrees to
>off to investigate now
>arriving at the cave where Pinda's signals are coming from, Purprope admires the ability of the little green's radar
>she wonders if they combine the Grey's technology, if the radar could detect the legendary Chin Po
>she surmises it would take the cooperation of many races as what little information there is is spread out among them all
>asking Puripurida about it, she says she agrees to share what they know at the end of this, but she has no intention of becoming friends
>getting back to the investigation, Nell is worried
>she also remarks on a saying that people lose a hair every time they sigh and asks if she's smooth
>MC tsukkoming and getting to the cave they immediately encounter a parasitic lifeform
>Purprope immediately advises MC run and stay away as Nell reveals these are the things she was worried about and points out various copyforms that are mimicking monmusu
>Puripurida is on point and advises to push forward as they have to get through them to get to the cave and MC calls the attack
>after defeating them, mC asks what they are
>Purprope notes what little she knows, parasitic lifeforms which are shrouded in mystery, they parasitize all other species to maintain their forms
>once you are engulfed by them, you are subsumed to their will and attack others indiscriminately
>Puripurida even reveals many friends, colonies, and lives have been entirely lost to them once their spread starts
>Purprope says when they appear, the only option is to simply retreat clutching whatever you still have
>Puripurida is curious if they're also hunting the Chin Po as they have no ego and were simply thought to float across space randomly
>Purprope again reiterates her advice to immediately run away if they are encountered again, but MC has goals
>in that case she advises her transformation kit to vastly boost the ability of monmusu which Nell takes an interest in
>time to get going and enter the cave, but suddenly MC steps on something
>Puripurida is berating MC and he can offer no rebuttal
>who was it that offered a truce?
>who was supposed to be a superior in an inferior species?
>it seems MC was hit by a shrink trap
>Nell and Purprope are gushing over him
>he is now the same size as Vivi who excitedly asks him how it's like to now be the same size as her
>no feelings, he just wants to fix this
>the parasitic life forms attack
>Nell has been boosted with the kit by the way
>defeating the parasites with her power up, MC is suspicious about something
>thinking about it, there has been an unknown agent in the mix since the start
>he wonders if he'll be able to talk to them when an unknown voice notes it could help with the translation analysis
>Nell makes the catch and subdues a hiding chupacabra
>a blood sucking race from a remote planet, Purprope is surprised she could get here so quickly
>she's sick of drinking monster blood
>she is immediately suspected of wanting MC's blood as Vivi reveals there is a ban on it due to the vampires' heavy desire for it
>however she denies that and says human blood tastes bad and she wants fresh baby goat blood
>they don't have a baby goat though
>she asks why are greys and little green men here seemingly oblivious to the larger situation
>are you here to meet her friend?
>a new voice reveals itself unknown until the event continues in a week
>oomphie has comically gigantic mammaries
they still super ugly
Well it's time to drop this. Girls are cute but gameplay hasn't been engaging for me for a while. Far too easy. Goodbye
Can someone help a green woman enjoyer by sharing the big green alien scenes, please?
I rolled all my gems and got Teruru and Danadilly, but no aliens...
Why did I login to most of this event's stages being completed already?
Do you mind uploading the viewer and share it? The gofile link of the viewer on sadpanda is dead and uploader won't reup it.

It's a direct continuation of the previous event. Seems they're making alien events one long contigious storyline.

Try asking around the /h/ gacha scenes thread. The monmusu viewer was reuploaded there, but then all the threads got wiped by that time all the threads on 4chan got wiped for no apparent reason.
Thanks a lot bro.
Bibi bless you.
>>he is now the same size as Vivi who excitedly asks him how it's like to now be the same size as her
>>no feelings, he just wants to fix this
How could they do this when we're still 2 months away from the next scene.
Vivi impregnation possible
That's been true since day 1. sexo + story is the main reason to play. I don't understand why people would stop playing rather than create their own challenge, like full starring an abyss floor while also doing the challenge requirements.
Not true there was a spike in chapter 6 but people complained that it suddenly got to hard and so it's been dumbed down in subsequent chapters.
Eh. I just tend to just use girls that I like and that's it. If I have to make an effort to get some fun out of a game that's gotten stale for me then I'd rather just use that time to play something else on my backlog.
I got lucky and wound up with the OP alien sniper. Now I wish I had the OP cost gen ant girl to fuel her.
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alien ticket
I don't even have room for more characters
got logica from the tickets. seems worse than the fairy cost generator.
Can anyone here post the Hild and Promestein scenes from the MGQ collab?
You still around/looking? I can probably record them later if you haven't found them.
Yes, that would be very much appreciated.
>Hild has been learning behaviors of affection from the local monmusu
>level 1 is hugging, level 2 is kissing, level 3 is molestation
>Luka orders the data to be deleted before learning what level 4 is
>Hild acquires a sense sharing machine
>testing it out, nothing much happens as there aren't any current sensations to share
>so Hild loads battle data forcing Luka into so much pain he screams and falls unconscious
>HEVC encode to get under 200 MB so won't play in browser
>Promestein finds a carnivorous plant in the forest so asks Luka to get eaten by it
>Semen extraction machine
>it turns out it was Lottie
>Nell doesn't quite remember her name calling her panty though Lottie definitely remembers Nell considering what Nell did to her
>Nell doesn't remember to Lottie's indignation
>Puripurida gets to the point and asks her where she's keeping Pinda
>Lottie says she'll release her in exchange for info on the great treasure
>it seems she is also after the Chinpo so the chupacabra is questioned
>the chupacabra says she has lived with Lottie as MABUDATI in some sort of comradeship term for fellows sharing spoils
>Puripurida infers that she has come here hunting other species searching for the chinpo
>no, she crashlanded here a long time ago and has been stranded since
>she ended up befriending Lottie as a fellow outcast
>also she's the one that's been hunting cows for their blood explaining that mystery
>Puripurida threatens Lottie, but she is unintimidated by her small size
>MC says they don't know where the chinpo is either and wants to resolve this amicably, but Lottie unleashes her machines
>defeated though expecting as much, Lottie uses her plan B
>the size changing device
>hitting Purprope with it, she starts growing to the point she might cause the cave to collapse while Lottie and the Chupacabra run off
>a mysterious third party is watching
>it seems everyone was hit with the device and now they're stuck crawling through the cave single file
>finding a more open area, they find Pinda who's wondering why they're all big and why they're with her captain
>MC quickly explains they have a truce and were searching for her
>Lottie shows up gloating at the fact they've been crawling and again asks for info on the Chinpo with Pinda as a hostage
>Pinda being a blabbermouth reveals that they could probably juryrig a detector for it with Puripurida's radar so it becomes Lottie's target
>MC asks why Lottie is doing this, orders from the kingdom?
>that fucking kingdom, Lottie reveals she has lost everything, stripped of her court magician position, and has been plotting revenge against it
>planning to capture a strong monstergirl to attack it with
>but failing to
>being hungry to the point of starvation
>but then Chupina shared her soup with her
>from her she learned there was a great secret treasure
>with it she will rise to a position higher than court magician and show them all
>Vivi summarizes it in 3 lines(actually 2)
>anyways time to fight, also some additional ancient weapons show up
>defeated, Lottie falls unconscious as Chupina begs her to tell her where the blood packs are
>Pinda is formally rescued and has her name shortened to Pinda
>as Purprope appreciates the happy reunion, the mysterious figure from early has caused a cave-in with an earthquake device wanting them all to get buried alive
>Pinda fires upon it to cliffhanger effect
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>the device ended up changing everybody's sizes again making them small
>Purprope is still big though as well as their assailant(a flatwoods monster)who was also caught in the blast and ended up big
>before they can question her, the parasitic life forms show up having parasitized the remains of Lottie's machines
>the flatwoods monster is almost entrapped while the group must fight the parasites
>asking if she's okay, the flatwoods girl is charmed by MC
>the size changing device is finally recovered and everybody is returned to normal
>Chupina and the unconscious Lottie are also still here and safe now
>the flatwoods monster is curious as to why they saved her and is still wary saying she's prepared to shoot
>however Puripurida frankly answered its because she called for help while being attacked by the parasitic life forms which become the main topic of the conversation
>talking a lot about their danger, MC attempts to call for them to all work together
>there are apprehensions
>Chupina's issue is we're still technically Lottie's enemies and she's not sure she can contribute much anyways
>the flatwoods monster was here to hunt for the chinpo
>Purprope explains all the various races have always viewed each other as enemies, but she supports MC's decisions and chooses to be friendly
>Pinda is grateful for being saved and with their recent experiences working together MC manages to win over Puripurida though only until the chinpo is found
>Purprope asks her to show her antenna as she puts forth her fingertips
>she explains that on this island people intertwine their private parts as a sign of friendship as MC tries to correct her on what a handshake is
>fingertips and antenna meeting, a historic moment is witnessed by the spectating flatwoods and chupacabra
Many thanks, anon! You're a godsend!
kind of a weird question, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. Does anyone know if the app version communicates across devices? I copied all of my apps from phone A to phone B, I'm wondering if I link my browser account to phone B if phone A would still be the phone account or if it would end up being the linked account. I could make a second dmm account and link the phone version to the new account just in case since it has 90k gems and a few units I don't have on my main account. it's probably very unlikely, but maybe someone has done this before.
Your DMM account's Monstermusume account is applied across all DMM versions(browser, DMM app, Fanza app, and PC client). A Playstore/Appstore version is the only way to get a non-DMM account version. These are entirely unconnected to your DMM account unless you link them in either direction, in which case it will ask you to overwrite your game's account if there already is one.

Assuming you don't delete account on phone B and simply link your DMM account, you should still have your Playstore/appstore account on phone A. I do not know what will happen if you link the account directly while logged in to your phone's account however. It might entirely overwrite your account in that case. If you 100% want to preserve your separate phone account, then just make another DMM account and link it to it(generate code from in-game on phone account to link to the DMM account).

Also, if you didn't know there is an R-18 app version which only uses DMM account that needs the DMM games appstore to download.
alright, that's what I figured, thanks for the quick reply. I don't see a dmm games app in the app store, so it's either an android exclusive or I searched wrong. searching for "dmm" in the jp app store gives their developer page and there are just social media/pachinko and other weird apps under them.
You have to directly download the DMM games app.
My game wont start when i try to play it with the auto translator am I doing something wrong?
After a game update from like a month ago, it stopped working. I think the same one that changed the coins sound.
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I shall now play your game
oof. what's her purple skill do? I assume it just applies curse since I don't see that anywhere else in the kit.
I updated my pastebin which you can ctrl+f somewhere in the thread.
The short of it is 20% max HP damage. The curse is unique to each puppeteer and hers does 1% max HP damage for 20 seconds.
>4th Ranchiki stage

>at the next battle location MC finds Roviris dragging along Hedia and Nidra, both being heavy hibernators who would've skipped otherwise
>Hedia was probably going to be asleep for another ten years while Nidra's eyes hurt having not been out in sunlight for who knows how long
>MC tells Roviris to be a bit less angry and says it's fine as long as he can test his skills, but Roviris doesn't like him talking as if it was someone else's problem
>it is someone else's problem
>Roviris gets more angry and says he was late too which forces a sorry out of him
>Maridura and Difora are excited at the prospect of lecturing him and the battle begins
>upon MC's victory, Roviris holds back on the preaching
>Difora would find MC perfect if he had a white beard to stroke
>Nidra is fine with the MC that looks as he does, but Difora proselytizes on the MC as a cool oji-san
>the group ends up deciding it will probably take 50 years for that which they plan on how to put MC through
>MC not wanting to spend 50 years of his life leaves quickly
complete retard noob here with a couple questions. giving this a try on my phone because the girls seem cute and i like tower defense, but i cant speak japanese so im just winging it

does anyone have a decent tier list?
are the worst L units better than all the E/R/C units? and can you upgrade these units to L somehow?
also have i collected every L girl that is free/welfare?
i have the water healer mermaid
the light mage
the rock snake teacher
the light harpy buffer
the water spirit buffer
does anything else give free L units or just these 5 from the old events?
oh sorry i didnt mean to reply to you
this is a bit out of date, but still kind of ok for good units - https://monmusu-td.wikiru.jp/?%E5%BA%8F%E7%9B%A4%E3%81%AE%E6%89%8B%E5%BC%95%E3%81%8D#character00
First is low rarity units, second table is token users, and third is high rarity units. Third table is the most out of date.
You can't upgrade units to L, but you can upgrade a weapon that gives stat bonuses to an older character. the weapon is visible on the top/middle all the way on the right on the individual character's screen. you have to do the missions with the red keys to get the materials to build them. not every unit has a weapon upgrade.
There are some very good E/R/C units.
There are still L free characters you are missing that aren't in the event archive. off the top of my head, there was granberia and the bunny from the two MGQ collabs.
you can sort units on the wiki by how they are obtainable
one more question, is there a way to go back and do old events? i realize i only have the girls from side stories not events. im only on world 5 so maybe i have to go further to unlock certain things. also there are girls from something called yokai gacha. is this not accessable right now because i dont see it in the gacha
actually sub stories/side stories and events might be in the same place. idk maybe ignore that one, but the yokai gacha one id like to know
side stories are the old events. old events get added to that section in batches. the yokai gacha is a semi-limited banner that comes around every so often. There is a separate pool of yokai units.
In regards to rarity, no, there are quite a few low rarity units which are fully comparable to L units and in some situations better to use. All units can be invested in to the highest level and class, so the higher rarity units are mainly different in that they're vastly more expensive to raise. There have been more welfare Ls released and they'll be available whenever their events archive. However the welfare Ls are actually a bit underwhelming compared to some of the more powerful/useful welfare epics. Thiel the dark elf warlock for example has a massively powerful weapon and permastealth with a dark tile. This doesn't mean the strongest Ls aren't fuckbroken compared to every other unit though, but a strong E easily feels more useful than a medicore L. There's also Vanilla who is E rarity, but she's a very special case all around. Due to the game being monster themed, race passives end up being extremely unique a lot of the time which can heavily elevate a lower rarity unit into being extremely useful.
Also here are a couple of JP tier lists. I have issues with both of them, but that's the nature of tierlists. The gamerch one is community based I believe.
I linked the wrong gamerch list. That's a fuck old link I copy pasted from the archive when searching for it and I didn't actually look at it. Actual gamerch tier list is here.
>fighting max squid boss
>can stabilize at both bases with one deploy slot left
>start dropping bomb units on the main boss
>he gets down to like 10% hp with over a minute left on the clock
>suddenly he starts healing up back to full
He respawns his tentacles after falling below a certain point of HP, so you essentially have to deal enough damage to kill him about 1.5 to 2 times on top of 4 tentacles.
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chisane or whatever just melted the tentacles when they spawned again
only "hard" part was realizing I could start the fight from the edges to start cleaning up the level at the start without getting any units one shot by the main body
every week i come to check this thread in the hope an english language version is in the works
every week im let down
and yes i know you can use translation software etc i just want a proper in house EN version
Hopefully never. Having sfw version is already bad enough.
so it could shutdown a year later like all the other english versions?
NTA but i think im on the sfw version, just got whatever the first apk i could find, is there nudity/sex scenes in the other version? or somewhere where i can see the comparisons between what the units look like?
You need a DMM account and possibly a VPN. From having a DMM account, you can then play the game on browser, PC client, or DMM games appstore app(there's both an SFW and NSFW version). These all run on the same DMM account. It sounds like you have the playstore version. You can link to DMM and vice versa if you want.

The game has an outdated sadpanda gallery(just search monstermusumetd). Very few unit arts are edited for the playstore/appstore versions.
just a couple noob questions
with wiwi, it says her skill ''When using the skill, attack enemies within range without healing.''
does this mean she will stop all healing and start attacking? or keep her normal healing but also attack enemies?

and for the sub skill Potential (Attack) Attack power increases according to HP loss (up to 40%)
does this mean when i heal a unit the attack bonus will disappear?

Stop healing and only attack. Wiwi is strangely ignored by the devs despite being one of the weakest units with a passive that is basically not one and no second skill or weapon implemented.

On the subskill, yeah the attack boost goes away at full health. That's why they're not considered useful generally as healing is fairly plentiful in this game. There are a few units that have immortality skills, but they're better used with the subskill that gives a 1.5x damage multiplier for being under 50% HP and self-damaging subskills. Also conditional stat boost subskills are only effective in battle and treated as a buff on base stats whereas conditionless subskills affects a unit's base stats before battle. Meaning further buffs are diluted with conditional subskills while multiplicative with conditionless subskills.
Next girl too furry, saving stones
The girl we actually get to see is the event welfare. Typically kemono girls end up being free/low rarity since they know they're not broadly marketable. Anyways more Wonderland characters and it looks like we're getting Humpty Dumpty, White Rabbit, and possibly March Hare/Rabbit of Caerbannog since that's a vorpal sword they're carrying. The rabbit girls look Elin coded.
Triple lolis + one of them is almost guaranteed paid only
Skip is probably my favorite 4 letters word
>skill instant deaths on critical hit against non-bosses
>Swordmasters have guaranteed crit
>very few things are actually considered bosses
>MC is facing a crisis
>hiding in the forest, he is being chased by Fontaine who thinks he is hiding Liddell
>she thinks she can feel his eyes on her as she feels a tingling on her butt
>Vivi lectures MC on voyeur and also about she's heard he's joined the oho voice dojo with Kuromi where they yell things into a bottomless pit
>you've lost your purity
>MC yells it's completely false immediately alerting Fontaine
>MC holds his breath and shrinks as much as possible into the brush as Fontaine comes to investigate
>a cat? Fontaine chooses to chase after it thinking it might be them
>the coast is now clear and MC is greeted by his sudden benefactor who tells him to look up
>he is immediately jumpscared by the sight of a severed head
>she apologizes and shows her full body introducing herself as the 1/1 full version Tiche the Cheshire Cat
>MC asks if she's not from Gespenst as he's never seen her around which is correct
>knowing they're concerned about her origins, she says if they want to know more they have to come to her world as she shoves MC into a hole
>they land in a completely new forest and the hole they fell through is nowhere to be seen
>Tiche remarks the first hurdle is cleared being getting MC here
>asking what she's after, she says a beautiful boy, MC, is the savior of their world
>Vivi doesn't doubt it
>Tiche suddenly pushes MC down due to a sudden monster attack
>an ambush or were the monsters attracted by the handsome Erosumer
>what's an Erosumer
>Vivi tells MC to focus on battle first before that
>please command me with a female face
>MC rejects the female face part
>afterwards Tiche finally explains what she brought them here for
>her friend is being held captive by a villain, the Cold Innovator
>Vivi remarks Amelie would be excited by that sort of name
>even if the name is goofy, they're violent and strong, so please help me with your ingenuity and female face
>all my friends are good and kind, please lend me your aid
>getting the gist of it besides the female face part, MC asks where her friend is
>however, feeling a sudden danger, MC twists his body narrowly dodging a blade now by his face
>why did you dodge, I just wanted to give your nape a nice lick
>are you the enemy?!
>Tiche tells the new girl, Lapinus, to calm down as she tries to explain MC is their savior
>MC immediately questions the all her friends are good and kind statement
>Lapinus says she just has a nape fetish and enjoys beheading
>MC is aghast
>Tiche asks if Lapinus found where Eschel is
>yeah, she was just about to tell her, but then there was a beautiful nape
>composing herself she asks MC to please not tempt her like that, it's an emergency situation
>It's my fault?!
>Tiche asks Lapinus who proceeds to, but asks the naughty shota to hold back
>MC is annoyed, but Vivi and Tiche tell him to calm down and try smiling more
>Okay, I'm the problem, fine, MC states fuming as they follow Lapinus
>elsewhere we see Eschel trying to negotiate not being eaten to a ravenous cold innovator threatening her
>she tries to offer a surprise egg which is immediately swiped
>negotiations clearly having failed and on the verge of being eaten, Lapinus shows up in the nick of time giving a bombastic introduction about decapitating
>Eschel is thrown into despair as she is now surrounded on both sides by dangerous entities
>Tiche tells her to calm down and that they're here to help and Eschel realizes it's her friends instead of a violent escaped criminal
>Lapinus has grievances with being called a criminal
>Eschel apparently has trouble remembering faces as eggs only have nondistinct appearances
>Lapinus in a bout of self-awareness comments she has a rather sharp/edgy appearance
>Eschel says they can discuss it, but Tiche remarks they have monsters to worry about right now as she waves in MC to help who takes the waving indignantly
>beating the monsters off, Eschel attributes it to her amazing argumentative ability
>also this shota seems to be as intelligent as I am
>Tiche tells Eschel, he's not just a shota, he's the chosen one and their master
>Eschel formally introduces herself now
>MC asks why was she captured
>they were probably targeting me due to my brain
>so nothing was stolen or anything?
>Eschel says there was, but nothing major
>turns out I gave it a big bang egg instead of a surprise egg
>a big bang egg causes a huge explosion that tears dimensions while looking like an ordinary chicken egg
>what the hell, what sort of dangerous stuff are you carrying
>hey there's no use crying about things that have already happened
>Lapinus asks Eschel about Tikka who should've been with her
>they split up in an attempt to lose them, but since she got caught, so did Tikka probably
>MC tells her to say so sooner as they have to go help her
>heading where Eschel believes Tikka ended up heading, she is quickly encountered
>running into MC and accidentally throttling him in a panic
>who is this beautiful boy
>your master and I am the great beast god Vivigami
>Eschel tells Tikka to calm down
>Tiche is glad her and MC are alive
>Tikka quickly concludes that MC is the savior which Tiche confirms
>MC asks about the monsters chasing her, did she defeat them
>Tikka goes yeah, but Lapinus is quick to point out the undefeated monsters over there
>Tikka thought she lost them properly
>Eschel tells her to not lie as both the liar and person lied to become stupider
>defeating the monsters everybody is now safe and gives their thanks to MC
>MC asks why they were being targeted
>Eschel really has no idea, but Tikka remembers being late to one of their tea parties?
>the Koino(shorthand for Cold Innovators) hold tea parties?
>apparently there was a cryptic statement about making cold tea hot, but Eschel didn't even realize it was an invitation
>MC apparently makes a breakthrough which is another statement about a lack of enthusiasm but that still doesn't explain why they were targeted
>Tiche now has more of an idea bringing up eschatology and the end
>you mean the apocalypse?
>yes, recently wormholes have been appearing and due to that eschatology has spread
>people are increasingly worried especially since some people have fallen through such holes and never came back
>Tikka says Tiche did though didn't she?
>she went through partially with only her face
>anyways, people are saying things like the world's service is ending and the monsters are becoming more and more ferocious due to it
>Vivi reassures MC their journey is never ending
>the rest of the group also gives encouraging words in a similar their story isn't ending vein
>also he still doesn't know why they were targeted
>There's a theory about merging their world with a stable one
>Eschel comments they'd need a wormhole leading to a stable world and a big bang egg
>ah, there is a hole to a stable world and the big bang egg is held by the cold Innovators
>Tiche says the hole she came through has closed already
>Tikka says there's another hole though, one with a hoarse voice coming through
>Vivi confirms that it's Kuromi
>Tikka now realizes the Koino were aiming for her watch for time telling in another world
>it seems the cold Innovators plan to change their world which explains the name
>all the mysteries are solved!
>MC is horribly alarmed and they need to go stop them
>off to the hole
>at the hole they find the cold Innovators on the cusp of their plan
>their words are still cryptic and mysterious, but we're in the way
>Tiche gallantly states the beautiful boy warrior shottermace will be their opponent
>stop giving me strange names
>still speaking extremely cryptically, the Cold Innovators call them Fool's as the world is ending and this is the only way to rescue it or something like that
>Eschel says don't call the ending prematurely, also there's no guarantee theirnplan will work as instead of fusing, shat may happen is the nothing endlessly spreading instead
>also the big bang egg is hers in the first place so she'll be taking it back
>however despite the group's efforts, the Cold Innovators manage to throw the egg into the hole
>a deafening explosion sounds and the existence shakes as if it were going to shatter
>Lapinus yells at MC to do something
>she hates grenades, but maybe he has one that makes things normal
>such a convenient thing does not exist
>what about the beast God, can't the power of God do something
>Vivi questions relying on God only when in trouble and tells them to decide their destiny with their own hands
>the hole is growing wider and Tikka is panicking
>Tiche tries to pull the it's a dream trick, but Vivi again pops up to deny the dream punchline and face reality
>Eschel wonders if repentance will save them and apologizes for not being able to get up while Lapinus does the same for staring at MC's nape
>Vivi calls them sinful people and there is no saving them, they will receive God's punishment
>Lapinus is finding this really bullshit
>Tiche concludes the only thing to do is run, but there's no nowhere left to run to
>finally, out of the hole a figure calls out to them to grab on
>more than one
>they call out to MC to hurry
>the group grab each other then into the hole
The thicc loli giving 2 seconds of cooldown reduction to allies every minute and a half made me laugh.

I almost grabbed her because insta-killing stuff sounds funny, but pastebin anon convinced me otherwise. The fact that death immune enemies are apparently already so common in difficult content is fucking lame, and it will probably just get worse.
Glad to see it helps people make informed decisions as I am pastebin anon. I was initially very hyped when I bought her and tested her immediately instakilling the red dragon then my hype deflated as I tested her out more. The real kicker is instant death immunity not even triggering the bonus damage. Turns out the most busted thing they released this update was Panier who is thankfully free. A beast God that buffs your own OP units. The new infinite battle pretty much got mulched.
does paniers formation skill reduce the time to use first skill by 25% for only supporters or all types?
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need more than 3 votes
wtf oberon is literally indestructible. the boss big attack doesnt even register as damage for her, while my other tank folds in one hit lol
wait what is this popularity contest for actually? airen didnt get anything for winning last time right? her valentine alt came out right after the vote so it couldnt be that
It explicitly states supporters, but it only works on bards which will probably be fixed later.

Arguably it was the Valentine's alt as they directly reference her winning in the event. Though yeah, there is no explicit prize besides having the honor of winning and being more likely to get alts in the future.
>JP wiki doesn't get Eschel/Escher is an MC Escher reference
Strange, they're usually quite on top of these sort of references.
Don't forget to get your vote in before maintenance, part 2 will start afterwards so you get to vote twice.
>MC pops out of the hole pulled up by Fontaine
>along with like 4 other monmusu holding onto him
>Fontaine misunderstands and the Cadre of monmusu say things that only contribute further to the misunderstanding
>Liddell tells Fontaine it's not the time for an adultery trial as the fusion of worlds is a more concerning issue
>Lapinus likes the look of Liddell's nape and asks if she can cut it, but is threatened off by Fontaine who is hunting her first
>Tikka understands it as yuri to Fontaine's embarassment/objections
>Liddell pondering the world fusion asks MC if he has any idea who the perpetrators might be, but before he can say anything, monsters interrupt
>after the battle, Liddell noticed the lizard beast from the other monsters
>her suspicion is confirmed from the otherworld natives, they're agents of the group, the Koino/Cold Innovators
>she regrets not holding back earlier as they could've let it go and followed
>Fontaine is getting a weird feeling due to all the spacetime issues
>in her butt
>...it feels good
>Vivi threatens Fontaine if she shows undignified behavior in front of MC right now
>apparently it's a weird sensing thing towards the Cold Innovators
>Liddell frankly states theh should use the butt radar and MC sheepishly asks the embarrassed Fontaine to guide them
>Fontaine's butt radar feels concerningly nice as they find their targets
>the Cold Innovators surprisingly recognize Fontaine and address her directly by name
>the tone they are speaking with has completely changed from villainy arrogance to dereference as they ask Fontaine if she'd like to have tea with them
>Fontaine simply refuses which actually panicks the Cold Innovators who are forced to resort to hypnosis magic
>the targets being Liddell and Fontaine
>however it appears it just made them feel really weird and the magic is considered a failure so the Koino resort to attacking at this point
>when Fontaine directly asks the Cold Innovator to their face what they want, they run away
>the otherworld group comments on the stalker Koino's brokenheartedness
>anyways butt radar time
>as they arrive at the Koino's lair, Liddell yells for the dragon to come out so they can settle this
>Titche tells them to go for the confession one more time and that there's still a chance
>Eschel estimates a 10% chance of success
>Lapinus wants to see them fail personally
>the Cold Innovator speaks wistfully
>they were happier when they were looking from a different world
>it seems their ideal was shattered when they truly met face to face
>the Cold Innovator plainly just wanted Fontaine's plump ass in their face
>basically they did all this for their ass fetish
>Fontaine demands they return the worlds to normal, but the Cold Innovator doesn't want such a dirty world to continue so time to take them out
>Fontaine punches the Cold Innovator's lights out
>Tikka asks if they're really defeated prompting Titche to tell her to not raise flags
>when they do actually go to check the body, it disappears in a bright light
>very soon after the cave starts shaking
>It's not actually the cave, it's the two worlds splitting apart
>everyone rushes out of the cave to escape arriving at the calm sight of Gespenst's Beach
>everyone's safe it looks like
>Fontaine reflects on the uncomfortable feeling of being chased so she decides to hold back on her Liddell hunting at least for today
>as MC asks the state of the world and Vivi confirms they're in Gespenst and it's stable, Suzu and Kuromi fly in concerned about the earthquake
>well Suzu was concerned, Kuromi's first words are something like a weird exclamation about MC's high-piston speed making the earth cum
>Lapinus is amazed and Suzu finally notices the new faces who politely introduces themselves
>Suzu makes a wistful look as she reflects on MC's luridness
>Vivi remarks that MC's smile has infected the minds of another world
>as Kuromi asks if it's like the being reincarnated unrivaled in another world like she heard from Suzu before, Tikka recognizes her as the voice that was yelling through the hole
>as Suzu tells them to ignore Kuromi and that they should prepare a welcome party, Titche says she plans on going back home for now
>however Eschel tells her they can't, Eschel has none of her spacetime stuff, they're stuck here
>Titche guesses she'll just have to be MC's mistress here then to which he says isn't necessary
>Titche however being the proactive type, tells him to not hold back as she pushes herself onto him and blows into his ear
>Lapinus decides to get in on this and take his nape
>Tikka decides to take the thigh
>Eschel decides to use her surprise eggs
>MC's body has become enveloped like an egg
>Suzu notes the welcome party has started and asks Vivi if they should stop it, but Vivi decides to be generous today
>so the event ends welcoming new friends from another world and receiving a lot of love in return
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G-Dekaio and Lukifer. Not excited as Lukifer is considered one of the most mediocre heroes in Aigis and her redeploy gimmick is absolutely meaningless in Monmusu.
castle+aigis rollables and probably paid unit difora? skip for me
They could have picked Horteus, Riven, Tram, Tuan, Morphesa, Sanmoto, Vidya or Imlau
Nah, we got the most literal who Hero yet
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It appears the big pack buying bonus this time is the illustration key visuals. However they also just have plain downloads for all the illustrations including the ones from previous festivals near the bottom of the site, so not very worthwhile. Also there's an animated trailer.
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was a bit worried about this game with them selling packs somewhat recently, but vivi tells us that there is nothing to worry about. gotta love the metahumor they use.
Get your final vote in before maintenance.
>MC is making preparations for the interdimensional Halloween party like having glowing moss powder spread on the ground for a sparkling effect
>Ranke and Difora are helping, but not too great at it with Ranke wondering if she should put a full skeleton cutout in the food and Difora making pickled skeleton
>everybody's already dressed for the party despite it not having started yet and Lagos has an outfit for MC that he does not want to wear
>a leotard with cat ears and tail
>Kuromi immediately asks if it's coming out the a**
>Suzu is working hard and it seems she and Kuromi plan to hold Halloween costume competition from last year again but with their otherworld friends too
>MC is concerned, but Kuromi really wants to show off MC
>an otonoko's panty shot from beneath the stage
>Vivi says it was MC's mistake making Kuromi the party executive and communications manager
>MC just wanted a party that would please Tono and the Prince...
>Kuromi also has plans for Mulamuland services
>absolutely not
>MC is worried the party will be ruined at this rate
>Rin senses something
>an otherworldly voice speaks out calling for help to all 3 of MC, Tono, and the Prince
>the voice is called T.O.W.E.R.
>Terminal of World's End Resistance
>just call her Tawa for short
>the hyperdimensional lifeform Hallowcrus is approaching
>such lifeforms prey on all things and will end all 3 of your worlds if unchecked
>you defeated the Pulrarcrus were also such lifeforms
>however the Hallowcrus is powerful and it is recommended to evacuate to another world
>MC believes with the help of Tono and the Prince they can fight so Tawa heeds their resolve and plans to assist
>it says it's expected at Oct. 23rd, 4 PM
>Kuromi panics at the party's prospects as executive so runs off to make a task force and be absent from the collab
>mutant boss intro

>Lentop is leading MC up the mountains
>apparently it's the right time for a bountiful harvest of seasonal quality ingredients like sweet potatoes
>sweet potatoes? Is that it?
>Vivi tells him these are some freaking good sweet potatoes
>rarely they are brought out to be grilled and sold and they sell out instantly
>even if she asks and cries, not even her divine authority gets anybody to yield them to her if she misses out
>MC being special is privy to Lentop's guidance on where to get them
>MC thanks her and says they'll need a shovel, right?
>Lentop looks at him in surprise
>MC thought you had to dig them out of the ground
>apparently that's not how sweet potatoes work here
>instead they grow on rocks
>aren't they supposed to be root vegetables?
>Vivi tells MC to not worry about such details
>Lentop says the salmon fish should also be plump and delicious around this time as well
>that's a quick topic change, well if it's fish, does that mean there's a river nearby?
>no, they swim through fallen leaves around this time of year, right?
>Vivi tells MC that this is common knowledge on the island
>MC thought he was becoming familiar with Gespenst, but it appears there are still many things he does not know
>Lentop brings up Mussels
>you can steam, bake them, or crush into a paste for desert
>It's tricky harvesting them though
>they have needled shells and will stab you if you try to pick them
>MC is concerned, but Lentop says she'll protect him
>also they're here, let's get picking
>suddenly there is a massive roar
>it seems to be a large alive mass covered in ingredients
>Cheer shows up reporting it ate all the ingredients
>all of them
>Vivi is in shock at missing out on the sweet potatoes again
>MC recognizes this thing
>It's the magic weapon from the lost city, but how did it get here
>who knows, but it's bigger now due to everything it ate
>Cheer and Lentop are already prepared to set the whole thing on fire for stealing all the food
>the weapon good and burned has also cooked the ingredients attached to it
>Cheer and Lentop dig in picking off ingredients one by one while horrific sounds occur that make MC lose his appetite
>still they're insistent and Vivi is already gorging herself
>the sweet potatoes are in fact amazingly fluffy and delicious
>Cheer and Lentop go ham on feeding MC, salmon, mushrooms, chestnuts
>his mouth is being filled beyond capacity
>as his belly grows bigger, the magic weapon shrinks
Rebellion Gilgamesh is garbage. Save us from KMS's reign of terror, Tenshoku Maou.
any tips for the MAX boss? feel like level 1-5 were insanely easy and then MAX just dumpsters me.
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>drop chizane a couple times and retire her as skill goes off to build stacks
>send the frontline which times out with freeze snake girl's skill
>drop chizane with her fullscreen AoE freak off to stop any and all of the boss' bullshit
>retire her
>send her in again when her timer's off
Tenshoku is beyond Erolabs jewery tier so you're out of luck.
>VIP level
>7 different battle passes
>ad watching for rewards
>scenes require dupes
The VS gameplay at least seemed functional. However stages literally lasted like 1-10 seconds.
>Tenshoku Maou released
>Emergency maintenance a few minutes afterwards
>it's fucking garbage

Looks like nothing good was released this year.
how long does it take to save up a spark in this game? so like 50k gems i guess
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guess I didn't need the tips. elrut hit a 35k crit with her skill. ranged elrut is also really good.
really as long as you can keep a sniper at the point her bridal version is, they'll be pretty safe
the rest's just all the stuff the boss deploys getting defused before it heals him or the parachutes land
Any of the DMM TD's worth starting right now?
this one.
any reroll recommendations?
roll on the banner with the fire giant girl and the harpy, both are top tier
3~4 months
Reminder for anybody who wasn't around for previous TD collabs that the prior events are in the archive currently if you want to grab previous welfares.
Sitting at 65k and I think my last spark was during the last yokai banner
we don't have any roll counter autists, but >>1595330
is about right.
New player here. Are those mutant bosses rerun? Since you know they have unique skills and all that?
They do rerun the mutant bosses. Might be misremembering, but the last time they reran all of them over the span of ~1 month on the weekends, a different boss each week.
I despise Aigis's gacha system from the very depths of my heart.
thats kinda gay, the only girl that i care about is a paid unit.
yeah, been rather consistent lately. I'd prefer they just put a $70 tag on the game and I get all the paid units.
couple noob questions
can you name the characters that have a long range aoe beam attack such as witch lulu and festival lagos? need to collect some more like this

also a translation question i guess, how do i do the bit in the event that gives free gacha pulls, ive cleared all 3 quests on the right 100/300/500 but my score in the top left corner of the event is 0, and i need a score somehow to get the free pulls
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Happy Halloween Matsuri TDgang!
There is also Miradora the collab ship girl. Maybe she'll rerun this time too.
The tickets are rewarded from global kills by all players and it updates at daily reset.
The story for this event is global progress based like usual.

>the Halloween venues in each world will end up being the battlefields for the invasion
>Tawa has managed to disrupt Hallowcrus's manifestation and split it across our worlds to best fight/manage it
>its partial manifestation appears in the sky across each world
>why does it look like a pumpkin
>Hallowcrus adapts it's body to the world it is invading taking in information to achieve the optimal form
>it is dressed for Halloween basically
>more seriously, rather than directly attacking, Hallowcrus superimposes itself on existing creatures overwriting them to invade
>that's actually extremely dire so they must fight it off
>in a cutaway, Hallowcrus notices the disruption so it starts with reconnaissance
>back to Vivi and MC, Vivi tells MC to tighten his pants more than usual
>he's annoyed at the implication she thinks he's not taking things seriously, but she reveals she said that because he's been complaining his pants have become loose due to monmusu grabbing at them
didnt really have an opportunity to see it before this event, but holy shit titania is absolutely destroying swarms of enemies
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she seems weird
>the enemies seem endless, Selen wonders if Rin can split up and outnumber them
>however Rin reveals she's limited by her mass and if she splits that much she'd be tiny
>thumb sized and capable of resting on MC's bosom
>hey don't slack off
>Suzu tells them to concentrate and also where's Kuromi
>possibly lost due to all the space time bullshit
>Difora ponders an endlessly lost Succubus girl and wonders if she'll be pickled by the end of it
>the Great Wall of China heard it was laid back around here, but wasn't expecting this amount of it
>MC apologizes to the reinforcing castles, but the Palace of Olympus is enjoying this

>Briny charges in shaking up MC
>turns out she was just smashing the enemy's now stopped attack
>with this her career advancement is all but assured and soon she'll rule this island
>Lukifer asks isn't she MC's friend/ally
>she just does as her ambitions guide which currently has serving MC as the best approach
>Lukifer asks what her ambition is
>well get promoted and gain status and honor
>and then?
>Briny breaks from this line of questioning as her want for advancement is just something she was born with
>MC asks Lukifer to hold back and Vivi says flexible thinking is important here
>(MC thinks she always says that)
>Lukifer is interested in the idea so wants to discuss flexible thinking after this over
>the enemies have stopped
>but it all seems uneasy like a calm before a storm
>this sort of atmosphere is good for pickling so Difora wonders if there's pickling tools around
>T.O.W.E.R.'s intuition was proven wrong
>she truthfully had no belief we could win
>rather the plan was for the world's residents to realize the fight was hopeless so they would choose to evacuate
>however right now, Hallowcrus's Vanguard is defeated
>she decides to believe in us and share the true way to defeat Hallowcrus as simply fighting off its invasion will just end in getting overwhelmed
>we need to combine all our forces and target Hallowcrus in the gap between time and space where he currently resides and cut the source all off at once
>as Briny mispronounces Hallowcrus's name, MC gathers his resolve and they venture off to bring the fight to Hallowcrus along with the forces from the other worlds
>Hallowcrus has observed the destruction of its recon force and is now in emergency mode noticing the approaching force and preparing to fight us off
>Difora gets the feeling Hallowcrus would make a good pickle

>T.O.W.E.R. observes our victory
>Hallowcrus is no more and signs of it have disappeared
>she is somewhat still in disbelief >congratulating the combined TD forces and telling them to enjoy their Halloween
>they ask her to come join them, but she declines as dealing with Hallowcrus was her only purpose
>pondering what will happen now that her duty is finished as she bids farewell
>maybe someday- and she cuts out
>well it's time to celebrate
>Rin plans to copy another monmusu for the costume competition
>Vivi says that doesn't seem like a winning strategy
>thinking about that, she gets the revelation to copy MC
>they can wear the same outfit and form a perfect pair duo
>so strip please
>MC says he doesn't have an outfit
>Selen is already waiting with the cat leotard prepared by Lagos
>MC protests and Selen suggests Rin melt his clothes
>Suzu at this point asks where the hell is Kuromi
>stage instantly ends if you kill the boss
That's very nice.
Didn't get the new characters from tickets so I went to roll, but I looked at the rates and it's collab only? There's no way to get standard L units from free gems right now and the paid banners where you can all have a pull limit.
Huh, didn't notice the game just completely forgot to have a normal standard banner. Yeah, it seems rolling standard Ls is not possible currently. Literally all only TDMatsuri units.

Explains why my rolls in Aigis kept fucking giving me Demon King Castle on the Airen banner.
which of the 3 td games in this festival is the most popular?
On release day, Aigis took first on Fanza, MonmusuTD second, while Castles was first on DMM. Aigis is simply too much of an old titan with ingrained whales to beat when it has a big release.
I don't see this stage anywhere, what is this from?
You have to go through the story episodes to unlock it. I think the super stages from previous similar events unlocked on reset with enough kills for the milestone to unlock the story, instead of needing to actually play the story for it.
ah, that would explain it, thanks.
dupe lupuche, dupe kazune, swimsuit okyu, xmas lupuche and fontaine. pretty good haul from event pulls.
Did I not get the 10 roll tickets because I logged in too late?
You have to participate in the event stages first. Then they'll get rewarded at next daily reset.
oh, I just had to log in again
>100 rolls 0 L
oh well.
this will never get picked up by westoids
I’d just like for bepinex/melon mod to work again to get the auto translator back.
>general Halloween enjoyment/chitchat
>Vivi trick or treats MC, but he doesn't have anything so Despia from Aigis gives them both sweets instead
>Kuromi was found
>turns out she was finalizing the services and plans of Mulamuland
>the services were successfully stopped thankfully
>Vivi says there appear to be some succubi at the party surprising MC
>but it was a lie to prank him a bit
>all in all it was a peaceful Halloween party

>in Oshiro only
>Kowloon Walled City outside the party attempts to isekai back home now that the barriers between worlds are weak due to all the interdimensional activity
>she manages only a small hole only her voice might get through
>a failure...
>huh, is that you, sis!
>I knew you weren't dead!
>a heartfelt conversation is had
>Kowloon Walled City says she is far away, but she says she will return to Hong Kong eventually
>after the small gap closes, she renews her vow to find a way home

I have absolutely zero knowledge of this Oshiro plot line, but I hope she makes it even though everything about how she's in a status quo online game means she won't.
>rolled for bird tits
>they are saying she's mid
24k well spent
didn't realize the half anniversary was so soon. surely it will be limited mauro this time, or maybe tantalum.
>first match of the day
>wondering who it is, MC walks into the sharp/poisonous words of Yura, Panatis, and Med
>he meekly apologizes and Vivi is surprised he's been defeated with just words
>Sovegura gives the sight a high rating of 1919/cumming
>Yura is feisty today saying she's going to blow it all over MC
>Miteras cheers her on immediately making her red and embarrassed
>as the banter continues, it becomes pertinent to actually start the match before the MC takes more verbal abuse
>upon winning, Miteras congratulates MC on growing strong like always
>Sovegura gives a rating of 5454 now and starts proselytizing for the church of Shota and to praise Shota
>Med and Panatis just continue their promises of violence and insulting respectively so MC makes his leave
>next match, MC realizes what to expect from the sheer cold
>arriving he asks them to cool it with the cooling, but it seems this is actually their gameplan and they're considering putting him to ice to keep for a surprisingly macabre fate
>Epra says she was fine for 100 years
>Tunila says they'll provide the best service while he's frozen and Perpe says it's something she would like herself but was refused so she's a bit jealous
>MC is very adamant in his refusal and battle starts
>upon their defeat, the ice Monmusu act outright rejected and despondent to make MC feel bad
>still, he doesn't want to get frozen despite Perpe offering to build a device that would let him communicate while frozen
>MC sneezes from the cold and that is the cue to leave before he actually gets frozen
>MC arrives to Otagi laying on the compliments to an enthralled Mashroa
>things seem to be going swimmingly between the goblins and tengu until Mashroa incidentally says she's number 1
>Otagi says she's beautiful, but disagrees
>this surprises the goblins who are taken back by the sudden turnaround, but then Otagi compliments Anise and Anisira too taking them off guards as she thinks all the goblin girls are beautiful
>her own subordinates as well who are dazzled
>Vivi is impressed and compares her to MC
>why are you involving me
>at this point Otagi starts laying it on thick on MC saying he has a special beauty
>this predictably makes Mashroa jealous and starts the battle
>afterwards, venting her frustration, Otagi reassures she didn't mean to put MC above her, just that he has a special beauty and that Mashroa is quite beautiful
>however her chair isn't and she asks if she can burn it
>Mashroa's chair being a former poacher
>it seems while Otagi likes beautiful things, her kindness can't be extended to those that aren't
>Mashroa doesn't care about the chairperson themselves, but would also be troubled without a chair
>her feet are quite weak and dainty
>Otagi begins to carry her with wind which Mashroa enjoys
>Otagi then offers to carry MC as well which triggers Mashroa again
>MC chooses to leave before he is forced into another battle
this event was either much easier than usual or i finally assembled a decent elemental team because this was the very first time when it was effortless for me
Livestream in a few hours.
Half anni units should have been wawa and either riko or the hekaton to celebrate early game ranged aids
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Wonder if it'd be best to just converge to the general DMM thread on /jp/.

Flatwoods Monster
Fire Rat
Wu Kong
Bai Suzhen or Orochi
very nice. kinda sucks that another girl that i like is in paid unit jail though.
well, lets see if this time i will have to spark again.
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bruh. guess i got what i asked for because i got franci four times before this. now i need a recommendation between petra and teruru because im only missing them and they both cute, so picking one is hard.
In terms of meta, Petra is completely superior, just being a universal statstick for the team though its not like that's particularly noteworthy or will make a difference for most things. Teruru's unfortunate, both having mediocre DPS and a weirdly deep attack woof. Try to find one to borrow to hear what I mean. Maybe you'll end up liking the sound though.
>not one but two units in paid jail
Jesus. I feel like this is working too well for them, for them to double down on it.
>nips are saying they suck
>kuromi rebalance sucks too
>terullum is still bad as well
It's nyover...
aren't they too worried about meta balancing? game is generally easy. I think the paid thing is way worse, really wish new asta wasn't paid.
Aliens are cool. Everything else is meh
Really low powerlevel update for a half Anni. Quick impressions.

Waemawa, but a Warlock now. Has much more AoE and hits decently hard, but actual DPS is poor and still has awful skill uptime which is compounded by the low attack speed of warlocks. Will wipe out tanky mob crowds, but isn't the most amazing choice for it due to poor skill uptime.
Is basically built around her new gimmick status. Spiderman cocooning enemies. Lasts like 10 seconds and will likely not be effective an anything actually threatening. Honestly her original version is more powerful at both CC and damage.
An assassin with 3 block and a lot of HP. Is as useful as much as you'd expect which is not at all. Skill DPS ain't bad, but she doesn't come close to actual DPS assassins.
6% squad attack buff, but laughably pointless curse and poison synergy. Poison is still not a thing.
Anyone willing to post Kinea's scenes? kinda weird for her to go directly into paid territory as a completely new character.
i got excited when i heard kuromi buffs then immediately disappointed because she feels bad to use because of her anemic range lol
I'm curious about where the game is at a meta level, how would you compare her to MGQ Alice? she's also a warlock with huge cooldown but strong skill.
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This was a nice dopamine hit, lol. Got faked out with the yellow vivi cut-in then she pulled out the rainbow rod.
nta but new waemawa is kinda like the old one except her bolts are aoe and do more damage. alice is more about single target so not really comparable i think.
What the other guy said. Waemawa's not a boss killer, but she is one of the strongest screen cleaners due to her massive range, it's just poor uptime that holds her back. She actually synergizes a lot with Alice due to Alice's full screen damage inflicting stun.
She's a permanent paid pack option. She's kind of replacing Platina now that I think about it. I'm personally holding back on buying her right now as she's permanent.
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(me) got a second waemawa at 31 and then franci after throwing the 10 yen pack gems at the other banners. waemawa actually helped a ton in the light only abyss floor. Floor 29 seems impossible with R or lower monsters, even with leaking enemies.
>preparations and invitations are being made for a monmusu care group
>a book appears to have fallen so MC tries to pick it up, but it turns out to be an ero book made by Asta
>he is promptly teased by the recently evolved Asta, Waemawa, and Franci
>Asta evolved to better catch prey, Franci to better capture the dignity of a princess, and Waemawa apparently just got struck by lightning a lot
>monmusu evolution methods vary quite a lot and there is no cancelation
>they end up picking up one of the invitations and ask about this monmusu care group thing
>apparently MC wants to give back to the monmusu, but hasn't yet decided on what he will actually be doing
>Asta suggests a free refill buffet where food is piled on a naked MC as monmusu have their fill
>MC refuses as he wants something wholesome
>Franci thinks the invitations are too plain and suggests they be changed
>MC isn't against the idea, but how so?
>how about flowers suggests somebody
>great idea, but where to find some?
>I saw some beautiful roses over there
>wait, who are you
>Waemawa recognizes her and seems glad to be able to get close to her, but Niisa seems to consider Waemawa her natural enemy and runs away
>before she can be pursued, they are on the hill with the flowers where poachers are waiting
>for MC
>the poacher wished he could meet shota again by the flowers so he waited patiently
>Franci jumps in disputing ownership while the poachers counterclaim
>MC says he doesn't belong to anyone as battle starts
>poachers driven off stating they need to remember their shota and flowers are here, the group is now free to pick the flowers with MC now asking about Niisa
>Waemawa explains Niddhog turned from Beast God to monmusu like that with a complete lack of explanation
>before she is discussed further, Franci notices somebody skulking
>they are already gone when the vicinity is checked
>a letter was left still floating down after being dropped
>I am going to mess up the meeting
>really fancy letter too, they seem to be completely better than MC at it
>anyways it seems like somebody will attack the meeting, but Asta, Waemawa, and Franci are not worried whatsoever
>well since it seems things will turn out fine with them around, MC attaches some roses to his invitations and hands out the first 3 to them as somebody stalks them from afar
>MC is collecting fruits to juice for the drinks at the event, but it's too slow going with just himself which makes him hope the others come back to help
>however the threat letter makes him worried so he decides to go check on the others
>Franci was helping send invitations in the mountains
>she is being chased by Dain who is uncharacteristically enraged
>Franci claims she just handed her an invitation as Dain shouts she won't forgive her
>Dain claims she interrupted her meal
>when she spoke to her, her vegetable salad got stuck in her throat and now it's all sore
>MC goes that's it? Which further enrages her as she thought she was going to die
>she decides to mete out her punishment on both Franci and MC so it's time to calm her down
>some sense beaten into her, she's no longer enraged
>MC asks if she doesn't want to come to the party, but she quickly denies such a thing as who would want to miss a party held by him
>she explains she just felt very angry after smelling a flower
>anyways she's off to finish her salad now as she rampages away, normally instead of angrily
>Franci is miffed as dspite her evolution she's not getting any treatment as a princess, but is quickly placated when MC starts referring to her as hime
>anyways time to check on the others
>they find Waemawa being accosted by the oneeshota police at the beach
>they demand her answer
>"Sister, I can't take it anymore" which Faloliette apparently spent nights coming up with
>or Teruru's "The Sweet Life of a Big Sister and her Dog-like Brother"
>Kena threatens to shoot her if she doesn't answer fast
>Torse says they'll make her into fried chicken
>Waemawa says please don't and that she tastes awful
>anyways same story, they got angry when she handed them the invitation
>she interrupted their Supreme oneeshota discussion and now that MC is here they'll force an answer straight out of him
>MC is caught on the spot to Vivi's disappointment and she says she'll force him to act out a script written by these people if he continues falafeling
>MC concerned about a script he is unaware of the contents of calls for interception
>beaten sense into, Teruru apologizes for the dogs while Faloliette realizes that there is no Supreme oneeshota as all oneeshota has its virtues
>Vivi asks why she's in that form again
>what form, I'm Faloliette, the one who lives next door to Falo Luce's friend's house
>didn't you say you were her parent's friend's sister the other day
>Faloliette is surprised Vivi is even trying to remember this crap and calls her an idiot
>MC decides to ignore those two and instead ask the dogs about the incident
>the main detail of them discussing oneeshota is right
>they weren't angry or overly passionate, it was a pleasant discussion
>It's just when they smelled the roses on the invitations, they became really heated, particularly Teruru and Falo Luce
>hey its Faloliette!
>they wanted to be vindicated in their oneeshota and would have punished Waemawa of theirs wasn't chosen
>anyways it seems the roses make monmusu angry
>Teruru and Falo interpret MC having put the roses on the invitation as him wanting them angry
>before MC can claim otherwise the Oneeshota group take this fetish as fact
>MC decides to go find Asta giving up on explaining himself
man franci is so hot but also so shit to use...
so far only rin is a real winner among all anni units for me.
>it seems MC did try a bit more in response to such things like "Your sister will scold you~", but then things went too far in the other direction when he said he'd prefer compliments so he chose to run
>Waemawa and Franci however are coming with him and still free to tease him with compliments
>let's just find and help Asta and help she does need
>she is being chased by Amirami and Yura demanding MC's underpants
>MC doesn't know what to tsukkomi here
>it seems Asta thought just handing out the invitations would be too boring so she shifted them to look like MC's underpants then reveal it was just an invitation
>they have every right to be angry
>anyways now that MC is here, his actual underpants are up for grabs
>after having thrown sense beaten into them they aplogize, but when bringing up their story and the underpants that turned into paper they momentarily hyper fixate again so MC yells at them
>anyways it's because the rose made you two angry
>Amirami and Yura immediately jump to the same conclusion as the Oneeshota police did
>as MC tries to explain, he says they didn't know as they were unaffected, which makes him pause and wonder why
>It's because they're evolved
>with their new power, there's no reason to be affected by such a thing with Waemawa taking a big whiff to show off
>and then promptly sneeze a lightning bolt
>watch where you're pointing that
>Waemawa unleashes another sneeze at a random rock
>gaaaaaaah yells the person behind it
>this is why I hate her
>It's Niisa
>it seems her stealth skills are quite high as nobody here had noticed her
>it seems this was all her doing as she wanted to see the effects of the Irachi Rose which are super irritating
>in fact she was the one who planted them, so you better be grateful
>she was also the one who sent the threat letter
>Vivi is very nonchalant about Niisa being the culprit as no real harm was meant or done
>she runs off blaming MC for why she did this while crying
>the monmusu just plainly accept MC is at fault and ask what he did
>MC hasn't the slightest idea why she would have a grudge, but Asta asks if he gave her an invite
>he didn't
>she left quickly and there wasn't a good moment to!
>it is not a convincing defense and even MC accepts he is at fault and must rush out to Niisa to apologize and give her an invite
>it seems her home is in the snowy mountains which is convenient as the invitations haven't been sent there yet either so they can hand them out as they go
>elsewhere, Niisa sadly plots further revenge to show MC
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Flubbed the 3 star due to not repositioning properly for the Dullahan's increased attack at low HP, but basically you need Hozuki to tank 3 Minotaurs and Suzu to DPS the spirits. Your low rarity units need to be CC4 for this. Hozuki with physical damage mitigation, the other tanks magic. The fodder spirits eventually do stop coming. This is a healing and tanking check as there is zero way to DPS with rare or lower. Do not get greedy at the end with DPsing the Dullahans as their attack at low HP spikes really high and can blow past you if you don't have enough healers up.
who are the five characters on the bottom left? I think fourth from the left is the youkai support based on the tokens, but I can't make out the other four.
Oxy, Hozuki, Itsutsu, Rin forma de normal, Lotona.
thanks for the help, I'll give this a try
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nice, got the sleepy rock golem girl from the L ticket. one of the few stun immune units.
I got the archangel
I want Oberon or whatever the one with the banana tits is
It turns out the Wisps and Medusas are vulnerable to Blow Away. Fermi is actual MVP for this challenge. Wisp blow away chance is surprisingly quite high. Medusa is more miniscule to the point where she might die naturally before Fermi manages it. However just blowing away the Wisps greatly reduces the pressure. If your tanks are built enough you can also survive Medusa petrifications. Spamming Kena also helps. Add in Nelly and another magic DPS in place of Fermi for when o ly the Minotaurs and Dullahans are left.
And here's a clear that tries to optimize for time and relies on Suzu for the Medusas instead of hoping for Fermi RNG. Thinking about it, I could've added Mutsu for a but more stats.

Strangely in this run, the last Dullahan bugs out when dying and causes a leak for no reason instead of transitioning to his burning phase.
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thanks a ton for this. Blowing away the wisps was a life saver. I was using the stealth dark elf to get rid of them, but that would cripple my tank when the dullahans stacked up on the second wisp.
Also was having trouble with the water dragon guy and decided to try out reducing it to minimum attack with my dogs. Pretty easy to whittle it down when it does no damage.
All archers just got a massive buff getting an Act that boosts crit chance.
>>1610338 (me)
oh yeah, forgot to mention my units just disappeared when the dullahans went into their enraged mode. No idea what was going on, didn't get a death animation or anything for my units. Then they just stood there until they died.
nice, free rakion buffs. personally like the rata buffs. what does the "magic bump" do for warlocks?
Nip board MTL said something like "extra range + incoming ranged immunity"
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Gamekee updated their rankings a bit after the buffs.
They put the snek at the upper tier of archers now.
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I should add snek to my non yokai party, then
Sure she'll be good friends with Argyos or whatever
I had no luck rolling for yokai. No snek.
btw why is the sniper dullahan so good
I only use her for ruins dark only clears
Extreme rapid fire multi hit shots that quickly destroy small stuff and near guaranteed stun of larger threats. Anything that isnt immune to stun gets a barrage and re-stunned when the first stun wears off
Disregard i was thinking wrong girl.
Sorry I am home now, I couldn't remember the skill names. She does obscene damage and melts tough enemies when built right, designed to fight when near dead and is a very low cost unit to deploy and then withdraw. She is kind of like a monk-nuke in that regard, only wider area and completely fucks up the enemy and lingers for a while drawing fire and debuffing or killing everything before withdrawing.

-During skill she cant die for 20 seconds so you put her in harms way, and she heals to full when skill wears off
-Attack speed increases the more hurt she is, and she is meant to operate far from healers and be near death on front line
-her machine gun arrow barrage lowers the attack power of enemies
-Active skill includes a provoke (draws all enemy fire for 20 seconds while she is unkillable)
-During active skill she shreds the enemy physical and magical defence stats, on top of wiping out their attack stat with each arrow hit
-2.2x attack power, 1.4x range, and 1 additional enemy hit per attack during skill

Raw damage buff:
>ascension vacation
No more normal attacks during skill cooldown, but 1.4x damage during skills
>A decisive blow
Damage buff 1.6x but take extra damage in return (which makes her hit faster when wounded and she is invulnerable anyway)

>Start Charger
This doesnt hit as hard but she gets to use her skill the instant she is deployed, making her an instant arrow nuke instead of waiting 9 seconds.

You basically deploy her as a frontline suicide barrage that can cause obscene damage very fast, and shred enemy stats for any that somehow survive. Because she draws all enemy attention they slow down to stop and shoot at her, so she is great for tanking enemy archer and mage units.
Shes a discount nuke that is good to trigger bosses AOE nukes which go off at specific hp thresholds. Eventually she will die or withdraw, but she cost so little to deploy.
>the group is at the snowy nountains to hurriedly apologize to Niisa and invite her
>MC has a weird feeling
>need to pee?
>no, it's just that there's nobody around, none of the monmusu who normally live here are around
>suddenly huge steps are heard
>It's Narukepafune who seems to be griping about her size and ability to flirt with MC who she is already aggroed against despite not being given an invitation yet
>Niisa reveals herself
>since the rose didn't work, she reveals the angry snake which when made angry causes the people nearby to also become angry
>now let the performance begin
>the snake is asleep
>it was awake just a moment ago!
>maybe it was affected by the cold and hibernated
>everybody kind of just wants to go home and cozy up seeing it
>more aggroed ice monmusu show up threatening violence so the snake did work at least
>Niisa asks MC if he's irritated by what she's done
>surprised and a bit in trouble, but no, not really
>before he can really talk with Niisa, he must fend off the ice monmusu
>after fending them off, Niisa immediately runs off plotting more against MC before he can apologize for the lack of inviting her
>Naruke, Ety, and Dris recover out of their anger quickly after being defeated and apologize for their actions
>Fris was apparently quite expressionless and cool about it which just made her seem extra dangerous
>Vivi notes Niisa's grudge appears to be especially deep which makes the ice monmusu ask what happened
>MC believing it due to the lack of invitation still explains it while handing them their invitations
>they wish him luck in making up as the group chases after Niisa again
>they manage to catch up to Niisa who is currently trying to wake the snake up
>MC actually manages to get out his apology for not inviting her
>Niisa was not at all concerned about being left out
>then why are you mad at MC
>It's because he won't show his serious face
>It's because you won't get angry
>I want to writhe in excitement and agony at MC's serious/angry face
>that's why I tried to sabotage the get together
>but no matter what, he wouldn't get angry!
>the other monmusu get it, but MC is confused
>anyways she throws a bunch of agitated monsters at MC in a last ditch effort to get him angry
>after fending them off, he still isn't to Niisa's chagrin
>Waemawa trues to get close and cheer her up, but is plainly rebuffed
>Waemawa feels unlucky
>Niisa says she's the unlucky one as MC won't get angry
>MC still doesn't really understand
>Niisa proudly declares it's her fetish to Vivi's disappointed demeanor
>anyways, MC's angry face is a rarity, so the monmusu sympathize
>whose side are you all on
>Niisa enjoys that a bit, but Niisa really wants serious anger
>she will never give up
>this is her last resort
>a tree is knocked over almost hitting MC
>Niisa had knocked down a large tree almost crushing MC
>that seems a bit much don't you think?
>it seems her actual intent was to rile up all the angry snakes who are now up and angry
>the anger power is so high all the evolved monmusu are being affected
>Asta really wants to be fed hot pot
>Franci wants to take MC back to her hot love nest
>Waemawa wants to fill him with luck(electricity)
>it seems even with their evolved resistance, the sheer amount of anger overpowers it
>Niisa is confused as to why isn't MC affected at all!
>MC is confused at Niisa!
>anyways Niisa sicks the monmusu at MC now hoping still to make him angry
>MC however manages to bring them back to their senses
>Niisa can only despair, shedding tears and stomping at the ground at MC's seeming refusal to get angry
>MC even still can only show concern for the crying Niisa
>Waemawa tries to offer her luck but is again denied
>Vivi tells MC that Niisa won't give up at this rate and to get serious
>even if you ask him to, it's not like he can just get angry
>if you don't, Niisa will keep crying and the party won't be able to be held at this rate
>MC decides to finally get into it then
>he is near immediately criticized by an unsatisfied Niisa
>MC unfortunately can't manage more and is stumped by Niisa's pickiness
>however Niisa reflects and hoping for MC's truly angry face decides she'll just follow him around from now on
>you gained another stalker
>MC asks her to promise to not mess with the get together anymore to which she obliges
>everything is all settled now
>no it isn't
>the food and refreshments still haven't been gathered nor the activities
>at this rate it won't be held at all
>it seems Niisa's interference was actually being an interference and Franci complains at her
>while Niisa wants to see MC's angry face, she doesn't particularly care for other monmusu scolding her
>she has an idea, what about the nearby hot spring
>the monmusu are all immediately placated by the prospect of seeing MC naked which they state outright
>while MC has a bad feeling, he accepts the idea
>Waemawa asks for a catcher name than Monmusu Care Society
>Niisa suggests Lucky Party to imply that good things will come
>the Lucky Party is quickly prepared at the hot springs and guests start arriving
>Niisa helps squeeze the juice which MC thanks her for, but Vivi is still critical as this should be serving as her punishment
>MC however tells her not to fight as he really wants the party to be lively
>there are so many guests, it seems they have to enter the hot springs on rotation
>the first group is the Oneeshota police and MC offers a toast and they drink the juice
>Niisa reveals she has secretly spiked it with the irritating rose
>the oneeshota police immediately start bickering over whether it is better for the shota to be entered in on in the hot spring or for him to be the one to enter in second
>MC asks for the evolved group to reign them in, but they too are affected as Waemawa thinks about filling the springs with her luck
>weren't they supposed to be immune
>it seems ingestion works better than smelling
>MC at this point is actually naked due to the hot spring and assaulted by the now hot and bothered monmusu
>the party is officially ruined and MC cries out in anger against Niisa as he is enveloped
>Niisa is beaming
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this took a really long time since they rarely release healers, and I didn't buy the unlock bags past the first 3 each time. will probably remain my only +5 limited for even longer.
>missing 75% of the Ls in the permapool
>griffo dupe
I don't speak Japanese, can anyone tell me what I need to do to unlock this level?
you need the octopus girl okyu. it is a dumb requirement.
You need to own Okyu. Probably the most maligned thing in the game is gold key dungeons requiring specific characters to access. It's so disliked some Nips openly said they were going to make complaints to whatever Japan's regulatory bureau is due to comp gacha law as some of the newer subskill crafting recipes actually require multiple gacha characters due to this.
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>hmm yes today I will create critical damage IV
I don't know why I play gacha, really, my luck is always like this.
>some Nips openly said they were going to make complaints to whatever Japan's regulatory bureau is due to comp gacha law
Good. I hope they actually do.
can someone tell me what's up with red healer criticals that just insta kills my own units?
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Can't believe I beat floor 25 with 3 stars using this dog team.
I have literally 0 clue what you're talking about.
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>leave reading kanji to me
water should be even easier anyways
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Yeah, anyways
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these 2 will be on the next banner
can they finally release something that will make me roll, thanks
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Huh, this one's oberon. I thought it was blue haired torpedo tits. Well, I guess it's TITania who I want.
Yokai banner waiting room.
>skill costs 5
>skill recovers 6
Upon seeing her kit, my desire maximized.
Desire sensor then fucked me raw and I got neither her or Flatwoods in a full spark.
This is clearly a fundamental mistake in game design, but I am having fun.
too bad i used all me gems on anniversary units. is ayy lmao gacha separete from main pool like youkais? chupacabra seems liek the glue that will make any dogshit work because of how busted this effect is
Yeah. Since the spark is shared amongst all aliens, it means you can always just grab her whenever new aliens come out provided you have gems, but you're not going to be spooked by her randomly. Well unless they do anything that gives out tickets during alien gachas like a subjugation.
I also read this and thought it had to be a mistake. Even without premium units, she can still use the -4s subskill for a skill every second.
I really really don't like the alien designs though, so I might still skip.
>all yokai get meme kits
>aliens get busted sets half the time
yeah, thanks
at least her being chupacabras is kino but these game's aliens aren't as hot
maybe if they had an X Files reference
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Aesthetically superior
>but these game's aliens aren't as hot
Wait, when compared to what?
i do not understand how the new event stage gimmick works. my units cant use their skills and deal reduced damage so i just lose.
The helicopter delays all skills while alive and takes reduced damage unless frozen. Use the crosshair token to freeze the helicopter and attack it until it dies. Refreeze when needed.
>alliance newly formed, the Greys and Greens are actually getting along over milk
>Puripurida had hoped to give a now fallen comrade some and is reassured by Purprope being told to drink their share for them
>they're all drunk besides Pinda who seems to be the only one who can hold her milk and is now a bit worried despite being the one to start the drinking party
>Vivi ponders where the conflict between races went
>It's nice, but it might be a bit too rowdy
>Rupupu is obscenely excited since she can't actually understand what they're talking about and is now imagining things
>her sudden appearance surprising MC
>apparently her cloaking broke during her excitement
>anyways she's here to report a flashy turtle headed guy fighting something shiny and silver in the forest
>Purprope recognizes flashy turtleheaded as meaning Flatwoods/Crypto
>and the silver must be the parasitic life forms so off to rush over and help
>Crypto is defending her spaceship in the forest
>the other aliens arriving to help, Crypto is immediately caught off guard and tells them they reek of milk(booze)
>before they can bicker much about it, Vivi calls for MC to command the operation to fight off the parasites
>fighting them off, Crypto is saved and she is grateful
>she promises to return the favor and help if they call her in the most sheepish manner possible as she is still crushing on MC
>she is encouraged by Purprope to have a handshake with him and they'll have a drinking party later
>extending her hand while blushing, before the handshake can actually occur, MC notices parasites on her spaceship
>the spaceship is parasitized and it quickly flies off
>this is bad
>Crypto's ship was equipped with gas drones that weaken living things
>if that ship is not stopped, the whole planet is at threat
>the aliens ask MC if he is aware of any useful weapons
>MC thinks of Kurikuri, leader of the Duerg
>Puripurida is doubtful of inferior species technology, but off to consult her
>story explained, Kurukuri does have something
>a ballista like cannon
>Puripurida scoffs and says she knew not to expect anything, but upon test run, the cannon blows off the top of the nearby mountain
>the aliens are amazed
>they never expected such sophisticated technology from such a barbaric race
>oi, are you praising or dissing me
>anyways, she made this in her free time, it's not actually up to her standards and she was planning to take it apart for scrap later
>It's too simple and lacks playfulness so she was going to convert it to lotion fireworks
>well we're glad we can borrow it before that
>the group is suddenly under attack
>the giant mountain blast alerted a spaceship drone
>quick, intercept it with the inferior barbarian cannon
>you guys are insulting me
>it is quickly defeated with the barbarian cannon
>Kurukuri deciding to just ignore it at this point, examines the downed drone
>Crypto tries to shoo her off as it's dangerous, but in just a moment she has already reverse engineered it and used its communication devices to make a radar to detect the other drones
>Puripurida is so amazed she starts taking back the inferior species remark and considers taking her back to her homeworld as a specimen
>Kurukuri tries to pin that as a compliment
>anyways how do we use it
>just press the button, there is a 1 in 3 chance it will spray out lotion instead
>in the end, an inferior species is an inferior species
>before Kurukuri can take even more offense, MC uses it
>using the radar, they come to an area, but don't immediately find anything
>Chupina arrives asking for help as she and Lottie were attacked by drones spraying a posionous gas
>Puripurida is standoffish as they were responsible for the Pinda kidnapping, but it seems the drones attacked her and Lottie and they're why they came in the first place
>Chupina is severely weakened while her MABUDATI is very hurt
>It's already been a couple of hours and it might be too late for her severely panicking Chupina
>the drone arrives and they need to take it down
>taken down, they proceed to disarm it, but also Chupina begs for help with Lottie
>MC goes to help her, so Purprope determines they need to split up regarding drone destruction and rescue
>while Lottie's chances are low, Purprope believes she has a treatment method
>she takes out a small bottle with a liquid shining in seven colors
>Piperi is both amazed and surprised
>that's the panacea, "Yokunar"
>are you really going to use it for an inhabitant of this planet when there's no guarantee it will work on a different species
>she doesn't know if it will, but it's her only realistic option
>Chupina is still begging desperately for Lottie's sake
>leaving it to Purprope and Piperi, they head off withto help Lottie following Chupina's blood trail while the rest resume hunting the drones and spaceship
>Vivi asks Chupina isn't she going to go with them, but she knows she can't do anything to help and resolves to help with the drones
>Pinda's prepared to work her to the bone
>Kurukuri's happy they're excited, but the Ballista can't take much more of this and is already clunking and rattling
>this worries Vivi as the spaceships/drones don't seem easy to handle without it, but Kurukuri says she can do repairs
>however suddenly a drone swoops down
>it gases MC
>in a moment, he has already collapsed
>the group around him already in a panic
Surely they don't "bugfix" the chupacabra.
are any of the other aliens worth getting? if not I might wait for stronger ones and roll a full pity on different banners in the future.
The loli is a super tank I reckon
Not Ephtra is exactly that: Not Ephtra
Don't know about the other two green ones
I may roll for Chupaculo if the next banner sucks
Piperi is the best of the rest having stealth and great range/clearing.
Flatwoods is also strong being a monk with both 50% redeploy from awakening and short enough initial cooldown for bombing, however I wouldn't really say the rest of her kit is remarkable.
Next best is Puripurida just being a decent ranged AoE Juggernaut.
Purprope is a very magic resistant tank, but frankly most tanks are interchangeable and your Lotona and Saura should be maxed for Labyrinth stuff anyways.
Pinda's just an awkward DPS without strong clearing or single target power. Has dual targeting from awakening, but that's her only notable trait and it didn't make a difference for her or Thunder Suzu.

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