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Happy birthday for Izanami, Buzenbo and Leviathan. S version any day now.
did the dev really need to put their birthday on the same day
It's Gaea scheduled security updates, please understand.
>hold 2 for kagu(female) drains his health
Man I fucking hate health management.
just have more rage when you hold 2? it build the meter faster and at higher level of charge 3 will heal more
Nyoo! Red dress Hera's underwear is black, I want red underwear.
How do you even peek them anyway?
she just flash them whenever she is twirling around while using her skills
That's why it's black, easier to notice than red underwear with red dress.

Yeah, play as her in battle and we can easily see it during her skills animation.

Go to her in-game model viewer and we can take a peek of it.

Place her in lobby and we can see it anytime she moves.
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3.2 PV plus teaser for summer stuff.
I guess it basically confirmed Selene and Artemis next patch with their swimsuit.
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Yes? They showed her swimsuit skin in 2nd anni stream months ago.
I missed that...
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It feels like they release Oneiros S just a few weeks ago. Also non red/gold heterochromia is gay.
It was just beta testing, they haven't released her officially yet.
Waaaaahh I want PC client NOW NOW NOW
A or S?
Should be S, they haven't added a skin for A mods since early 2.0 patches.
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Ebin. What a lame twist
Well it's basically a creepypasta monster that would spread across the internet and get more absurd as people added their own spin and to its power. Not a bad twist for a virtual world/matrix setting.
But god I wish they polish the translation a bit, I simply can't take the term "meme monster" seriously.
So why was this game banished to /vmg/ when PGR is able to maintain a general on /vg/?
Because unlike PGR this game can't maintain a general on /vg/
Why is that? It seems like this game would’ve been the more popular one
considering the state of /pgr/ after wuwa came out it's probably something of a blessing we're sequestered here
If Yostar were willing to give this game as much love as they did to AL, AK, and BA, maybe that would've been the case-but as it stands less people know this game exists than they do PGR. Maybe if Yongshi made their own Genshin clone, they could at least use it to draw attention to this game like Genshin to Honkai or WuWa to PGR
>Maybe if Yongshi made their own Genshin clone
you don't want that
I wouldn't want a Genshin clone period; the giant
open world isn't worth the limitations it brings
Because it has males, it's that simple.
So does PGR, the main difference is that PGR prides itself on its "hardcore" gameplay while AG is on the opposite end of the spectrum
And the muh difficulty part is the gayest aspect of that game. AG has hotter girls and also seems to be making more globally, so it’s confusing to me why it doesn’t really have much of a community on here
Not enough shilling from Yostar, also no PC client. People who don't know better just write it off as another generic action game, hell some probably even mistake it as PGR.
And no one really go around raiding other generals using AG as bait so you barely see it mentioned anywhere else.
Being PC clientlet does that. 4channel don't play mobile games on phone.
>muh emu
Laggy af
PGR didn't have a PC client for a long time either, was still more popular than this. It also runs worse, at least on my phone, despite looking uglier
PGR wasn't released yesterday. It's old enough to have a permanent general in /vg/ because it managed to built up its own dedicated playerbase. Newer games have much harder time to keep an active general in that place, it's simply too crowded with billions of generals over there. I would rather just have a comfy thread here over a general filled with doomposters and worthless bump posts/image dumps.
It was released on global on the covid's buff too, the thing that make Mihoyo a giant nowadays. It's enough to make some ground to hold it on PC's release. It's not like AG pushing the sex appeal until chinks patch too so it kinda fizzles out on release.
I personally passed on this game because males and it didn't seem fan service. Though I have been glancing at the game as people mention its ramping up the sex appeal. That in mind I opted to just play Snowbreak and Eversoul. Snowbreak in particular I had quit once they introduced a 300$ skin, but since then they've been golden and iirc the producer or something said he won't do that again and it was done in desperation, marking their shift into fan service to avoid EOS. Now I'm supporting them because they're dead set on coomer and you pandering
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Let's see Lummies guild boss clear
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da fock
How much longer until PC client?
now do that for chasm 6
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my best shot so far
>SPoseidon with the Shinou Ice duo
how invested is that Poseidon cause I was considering this comp
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she is omega.
but you generally want her at SSS so you can get pic rel warp levels, allowing S1 spam like in the video.
How do you handle energy costs? I've got her at SS and set up for 1 spam but always wind up sitting around basic attacking while waiting for regen at some point in a fight. Does she need to be omega so I can run two energy sigils?
Hey I also run the same comp except it's a discount version of yours. I only got them all at SS and with functors. Aside from SSS Possi do I need to have her functor at a certain level so I can spam S1 continously?
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picrel is what I run for sigil + enchant. max energy enchant with 1 sigil set. also yellow resource mimir.
Even with that she still sometimes runs out.

The functor is kind of confusing. Upgrading it gives damage and energy recovery.
I didn't notice that much difference in energy with R1+2 functor vs R5+2. I did notice I would clear bosses quite a bit faster though, so think it was more important for the damage.
What I don't like about this Festival event is being forced to use Kagutsuchi.

I know how to play him, I don't want to play him again after finishing story chapter.
Izanami hates seeing people dying, but the only way to save her was sacrificing hundred other people
As if the poor girl isn't traumatized enough.
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I was looking at Vanguard Sound's page and noticed they have the position of "Dialogue Director" for this game on top of being in charge of the music too. What does that mean?
Probably for voice acting directing.
>Laggy af
Worst part is that it worked flawlessly until like 10 patches ago when they fucked it up, now I just close the game if I accidentally click on the BP.
Yeah, the UI changes and dorm addition taxed emus even more. Not to mention all those particles from newer character.
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>So why was this game banished to /vmg/ when PGR is able to maintain a general on /vg/?
It all started just over a year ago. Lummies sent a scout to a certain region in the east, they never made it back. Lummies contacted SisterGame and they sent their own scout to find out what happened to the first scout. They never made it back either. That's when all the Guilds were informed on the situation. The Guild masters sents their top whales to the region in the east, that's when we all saw it.... THE DOOMED END!!!!
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>2 guild already disappear
Yeah I think it's over for aether...
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don't forget AEGIS
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new cryptics forecast just dropped
Join Sister today
Aether gazer will on EoS lines the moment Lummies slopping out.
Is there a place to see recommended teams for characters?
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this appears to be updated regularly
2nd tab, "opsi tim"
Thanks bwo
I've been looking at this game for a bit, but how well does it actually run on phones? If I use a pixel 7 for non-work will I lag to shit?
should be fine if you stay on mid spec ingame
Ty anon I tried it out and got S Shu, she any good? She's fun though.
She'll be later on when she got her synchro buff.
Later on like in game or in time? I just hope investing in her doesn't fuck me too hard.
In time. Tbf she's still works except for the last 1% content and that doesn't yield amazing reward so you're fine.
Alright nice. One last question, do ult chains matter? They're really cool but there doesn't seem to be much use to them if my units are all from different gens.
Depends on the ult chain, later on some powercreeped unit became amazing because she got newer ult chain. I.e S Shu.
I've seen a lot of people using Ooku in current CN content lately, did her synchro save her? Is she worth picking up nowadays? I'm sitting on gold tickets and could just get her right now, how good/bad of a decision is that?
pretty good support i guess, can be used with gengchen or ice team
>S oneiroi literally triples your dark carry at high sig dupe, also outdps majority of the cast if you want to main her (not izanami broken obviously)
>hades synchro instakill enemies at 25% hp or lower
the future is bright bros
Few days later and yeah, I'm tired of this event, I don't want to use Kagu anymore.
She jumped hard after her synchro buff. Worse Lingguang but she's one of the only few universal buffers nowadays after they switched to release elemental specific supporters.
alright you've convinced me, thanks for the advice
>didn't realize I was on 50/50 for standard banner
>another S Poseidon
...I'll think about it for later if they give out another selector
>S Posei
At least it's an acceptable result. If you think about it a T1 DPS standard mod without relying on chain ult is quite insane in current meta.
yeah it could've been worse, I was considering building her as some sort of ice-based support to the Izanami setup anyway but this just brought me to SS without any of the farmable shards from DV so I'm not sure where that would leave me but it's potentially useful? did S Poseidon have a synchro in CN or is she still waiting for that?
Got her synchro upgrade with 3.0 patch. Would need her functor if you consider using her seriously though.
Why won't Lummies and Sisters merge into one big Guild? The time is now
I think we got every element covered now with S-Oneiros though. Too bad some of them are tied to the gen-zone still.
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We'll need all three guilds when the game becomes immensely popular after the pc client release and the addition of sex mode.
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I hate event sigils so much
I've spent so much stamina getting entrance tickets to try and get a single slot 1 Wind sigil and I've gotten every single one aside from the one I actually need
I'm about to run out of excess stamina and be shit outta luck
these things fucking suck to farm
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It's been a month already. Are you not focusing on Wind sigil by stacking tickets for weekend where you can pick the sigil that you want? Even I got a couple for all necessary slot.
yeah that's what I did
and I burned through almost 200 of these things without a slot 1 drop
it's ass
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>only 4 active members remaining
Please comeback, Lummiesbros.
Don't worry I'm never abandoning this game. I'm here till EOS. In fact I would daresay that I might become the last Lummiefag standing in the end.
Is it too late to start?
I think I'm just going to wait for the PC client. I really don't like emulators.
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Why cannot Blue archive get nice bikini like this? Only ugly one pieced swimsuit and burka shirt.. no one realizes that BA is censored by feminists in 2023 sadly both in West and Japan. Korean censorship is even worse than Sweet baby inc... even SBI don't ban bikini like Korea.
Never too late to start any gacha games!
Great we got that bikini guy from /v/.
How did he find his way there anyway? It's not like there's a new gacha on the horizon to put aether gazer in comparison if there's any.
zenless zone zero is soon
So who's the 3rd slot for the Hades + S Oneroi team? Hera again?
Actually haven't seen anyone use Hera for the new dark team. Optimal pick seems to be Lingguang (again). Other options are Heimdall, Bastet or Hel.
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Does Bastet's shadow shred stack with Oneroi's? If so I think Bastet would be the best for me. Ling is stuck with her countrymen.
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Well I aren't even sure if debuff stacking even works in this game since the meta has been always about stacking buff rather than stacking debuff.
Mihoyoslop busy fighting WuWa for aether to matter. But I guess I somehow wipe my memories for Mihomoslop.
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Yeah. Mihoyo hates bikinis just like Korean gachas which ban bikinis. Spite China has no feminists nor LGBT...
Why is it taking them so long to make PC client
Literally small indie devs.
Aether has bikini while Wuwa and Mihoyo doesn't. How?
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Finally got all the rewards from Festival shop, now I don't need to play this event anymore.
it's rigged anyway, so you end up will have to clear the entire shops even if you just want the gems
pretty funny when my last 10 pulls are all gems
kek, was wondering if it was just me who got showered with stars randomly the other day
honestly didn't realize there was a set prize pool and was prepared to suffer for 2 more weeks
god this event is long, 11(?) more days before s buzenbo
Yeah, 7 weeks is so long. But I guess they kinda mash 2 events(anni and 1.5 half anni) into one. Pretty funny that they decide to give some stamina for exploration event, I guess there were many that still stuck.
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It's 2 full length patches combined into 1, so yeah it's almost 2 months long while we usually have 6 weeks long patches at most.
>S Buzenbo
>part 1
Who is in the part 2?
Huh? Sekhmet banner before Zhiming then.
What are the new modifiers they've announced after the dogshit s rank vert?
Patch is 7 weeks long. I know it includes part 2, but in CN each part was 3 weeks long. So we're getting a third update content or global is going to be slower than CN.
>third update content
Probably the left over of summer event with the water gun fight mode and Skadi rerun.That shit is too small to have a proper patch after all.
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s oneiros
>no new characters
>just 2 reskin B,A rank to S rank
EoS when?
I want more promotions to S rank so the characters I like can stop being held back by being born an A rank
S Zenkibo will save the game.
S Hodur will eos the game.
Good thing that she's never ever. Also who?
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Just let it die...
Not before I got Thoth sex
Rolling event coming soon™.
Better save everything for it.
Yes, skip S BZNB too
elaborate please?
This game is like another AL with all those shit minigame.
I take those shit minigame over endless battles with solo trial character you don't even care about.
3,0 has the same payback event like 2.0
So do you want to skip everything for another 4 months before rolling?
hmm you mean there could be a Selector Banner in 3.0 where I can roll S Buzenbo, and have that count towards the payback event?
I recall getting many T3 sigil modules for rolling Lingguang in 2.0, and that was great.
>another 4 months
Patch 3.0 is one of major update, so i think they will stall the update until 2025 for Chinese New Year which means 6 months away.
They don't have anything left to drag for another 6 months. After the next patch the only thing left from 2.0 is Luwu and Zhiming side story. It's more logical that they would drop 3.0 as 1.5 anniversary patch than trying to stretch it to match CNY.
S Buzenbo already down the bridge by the time rolling event coming in anyway. Might as well learn to play S Shu instead.
What if they're rushing 3.0 and it comes after next patch, so they can release PC client for global faster.
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>S Buzenbo
But Sekhmet is the one you want to roll from next patch.
Even if that's the case I'll still roll for S Buzenbo because why would I skip my most anticipated character? Besides I have a SSS Tsuku.
With this timeline, Sekhmet probably available on the rolling event. It's not like she's that special without Thoth too.
Yeah nothing guaranteed she will be included in the selector gacha later. Last one didn't have flame Tyr so their cutoff for selector gacha maybe one and half a patch before.
I think it's the last 2 banner. So eh, probably the chinks instead isn't available. Since I'm pretty sure It's not one and half a patch since Mitsuha and Tyr feels like separated patch.
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Need S Zenki now
Nothing they do will save this game since it's still mixed toilet at its core
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HZ 1st - 6s clear
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HZ 2nd - 5s clear
393415 --> join Sister today!
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You clearly haven't been paying attention.
They have been super rushing I'm expecting 3.0 by end of august if anything.
We will have our Snowbreak arc soon bros.
Keep the faith
aside of sekhmet all are skipable anyway
if you played from early days its just the same as months skipping banners between hera/hades and 2.0, it was super worth it
Might as well skip until EoS instead baka
I hate Sekhmet. She said my wife stink.
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Should've toned down the sexcapades Kuni. Sekhmet is smelling all of Gaea with just her standing near.
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I work for Yongshi and the game will be EoS after Zhiming banner.
Nyoo! I want Thoth!
My mom works for Yostar and said she'll add sex on Artemis release.
Thoth sex!?
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Selene, dark element, and has ult chain with Hades.
Compare to the old design, they stripped most of her clothes.
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>ult chain with Hades
What? S Oneroi powercrept already?
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They finally let you cum all over Izanami.
all is good. except we might not be getting them this summer
I don't care as long as we get Hades one
Dolljoints too hot
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They aren't going to skip 3+ patches and jump to version 3.3 to release them this summer for global anon.
>S Oneroi powercrept
Selene fills in the last slot for new Olympus dark team. Hard to tell which chain ult works better since they have their own unique mechanic.
Damn. Now I have to choose between the greeks and the miscellaneous tribes. I was planning on waiting for the latter's mods and skipping former.
>they didn't replace Hades with the new Dark, they just gave her an optimal 3rd party member
honestly kind of a best case scenario? at this rate Dark might shoot to the top of the charts if the numbers all line up
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Hades got the premium treatment.
Meanwhile here is the real victim of this charade. Honorable mention Anubis but not like anyone cares about him getting shafted.
she is forever tied to heimdall, they also gotten a skillchain if i remember
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New Artemis is too plain, they should at least keep her armored gauntlets.
considering what they did for Athena there's a good chance they'll make her old look as an event costume
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Has anyone here tried ZZZ?
Yes I hate swaps and it's just as if not more button mashy than this game with the added bonus of mihoyo designs. Not sure why I even bothered.
Yes, combat isn't bad. I enjoy it except the tv shit, it really annoying.
I can't even remember how her old custome looks like. Does she even appear on Hades event?
>retarded parry system
>m*les and f*rry are top tier
Miss me with that gay shit when Selenesex on the horizon.
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She appeared in Athena flash back story and that awful DV event during that patch.
>Asura key sync
Hell yeah.
>they actually brought it early
Legitimately couldn't be more thrilled, my girl is back on top
yeah, she showed up during the omorfies stuff
I got the wrong girl, sorry about that, yeah Artemis had a design back during the Hades arc too
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That snoozefest gave me renewed appreciation for this game
The combat is so dumbed down for phonefags you can beat stages just with an autoclicker.
For a mihoyo game I at least expected some decent character/word building but it's just made in China Persona 5 with furries.
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>first thought upon seeing her in the beta footage was "god she's attractive"
>but everyone else just thinks she's boring
am I weird? I dunno, I just see a classy lady and I'm into that
Not sure what other people expected from her. Pistol and blade cane are a nice weapon combination at least.
the rerun schedule is wack, flame tyr and tsuki banner reran so quickly
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>Athena - Cello
>Artemis - Violin
>Selene - Singer
They should have a a chain ult just for fun, even though it's probably useless gameplay wise.
How much do we have left?
I think she looks attractive on the original but on the skin she looks bland.
Maybe because her features look more defined on that artstyle and there is more contrast with the different eye color.
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PGR just goes full (You) pandering
>"There are some things I should've told you long ago. You don't have to answer me if you don't want to——Commandant... I love you."
Not thick enough thigh to accentuate it. Or too thick with how long her legs is.
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Now this is just disingenuous. Most of the stages that you can beat with just an autoclicker are the same kind of stages that you can beat while completely AFK in Aether Gazer. The kind of stages that actually require you to do proper rotations to clear in Aether Gazer aren't clearable with autoclicker/LMB spam in ZZZ.
I know Zhiming's flat but they didn't have to make her sound like a boy.
Does anyone still play this game after Wuwa and ZZZ?
People aren't suddenly all mass quitting the game they have been playing for a year just because 2 extremely mediocre games just got released anon.
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Now do this in AG
>purposely gimping yourself just to do some combo that will never be efficient nor effective as opposed to just filling the concerto as soon as possible and swap out
We all know you're not gonna do that with how the game works. Face it it's a genshin clone that will never leave it's shadow.
I tried both and I didn't like either. And even if I liked either I wouldn't have just up and stopped playing AG. That'd be silly.
So according to the latest CN tier list S Buzenbo is a brick? And requires SS Tsukuyomi + SS Kuni with their functors and synchro?
hades is back i guess
Tsukuyomi still need S Buzenbo to function. Just like S Shu need Thor to function
The main DPS in that team is Tsuku, not S Buzenbo, she's basically Thor for Tsuku team.
Can I wait until the next spending event for Buzenbo? You can select whoever you want on a banner right? Might be worth it for the freebies.
Ver/Hera is THE light elemental team in the latest patch correct? Might be worth investing in Ver to SS+ functor.
S Vert and her functor are free, the only thing you have to invest is rolling for one more copy to SS.
>functor is free
Now I know about Vert being free but didn't know that the functor also came with her. That makes it better then.
and it's about to get even better with Selene coming next patch, ready for the return of T0 Hades? she's been gone for a while but she's coming back with a vengeance
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I didn't realize that playing the stupid card game restored mood and now am short of actually getting everything. Feels bad. Though I have been severely slacking.
>Zhiming is T2
What's happen?
I just realized I forgot to try getting all the cards combination.
3.0 powercreep. She still has her value as the only capable water DPS until someone else show up.
Getting the 6 ones was insane, I gave up after what it felt hours of tries
The fire ones is rigged too. I think I got everything but 6 and the fire ones.
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>4.5 GB update for major patch
That's smaller than i expected.
You just got used to these games asking you to redownload the whole fucking game again and again whenever there's a major update.
>forgot to redeem the shop event again
AG tech stuff is on top.
They managed to port reliably QoL stuff way before their implementation patch in CN, which is something I've never ever seen before.
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>extended maintenance
I'm not even surprised at this point.
Would be weirder if they finished it in time.
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How long?
>still maintenance

Shit, I forgot to finish daily missions before maintenance.

And I hope I already did the guild stages before.
JP is up already so I assume around 12 UTC or 7 CST? Maybe 5 mins from now.
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>still maintenance
if you have noticed for the past few maints, there's basically just a single team handling the maints for both jp and global
global have extended maints just because they spent too much time working on the maint for jp
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still not up
The end of Aether Gazer...
it's buzen time
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I had to nuke my emulator, restarting and trying different settings did nothing.
Hopefully MuMu 12 works.
>clicking on BP or event banner doesn't stall your game for minute now.
Looks like they fixed something with this update.
LDplayer still works to this day for me.
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Right, almost forgot they also updated normal Buzenbo this patch.
Jesas bzb paizuri hole...
>60 rolls.
Well that went better than expected. Guess I should save the functors for the payback campaign later.
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Well as expected there is an uncensored version of Selene model, the same way as Hera red party dress.
Full 90 for the second time. Anchored scans just don't agree with my account I guess.
Sisters, save your stars
Mumu 12 works too
>dailies/weeklies now REQUIRE you to interact with the dorm system
fuck offffff I am never going to like this system
>left the game to download overnight
>somehow got to 5GBs out of the 4.5GBs it needed to download and got stuck
>some new downloaded popped up, finish that
>turns out it didn't even get to the voice download, which is another 5.5GBs
I guess I'm not playing today, I don't have that kinda time and that's gonna be the entire day with basically no connection
You don't even need to do any of them to get enough points to clear the dailies. It's literally the same as before but they added a bunch more tasks just because.
How much jims/rolls I need for the event? I forgor.
320 pulls for all rewards, 180 is a good stopping point though
What change did the daily/weekly quests undergo?
Better material reward (gold sigil skill items, warp materials) and a few more missions to gain points.
You can play the other tracks in the music mini-game but they don't garner any rewards. For me that is ok in fact I would say I'm happy that they did include them. Music in AG is one of the things I can say is one of the best.
Game has a nice amount of music with good variety, a shame that it's completely underappreciated.
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Should I use this on Buzenbwo or Shinri?
Shinri since she's the main damage dealer of the team. Buzenbo is the secondary DPS and Kuni is there for elemental shred and ult boost.
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Thanks bwo
>Kuni is there for elemental shred and ult boost
So is this still her best set of sigils for this team?
Yes. I got the same set of sigils as yours.

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